Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 8 – Part 1 – Magnum Innominandum, and Organization [EXE]


Agares Territory

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"This place should be fine. Those traitors have been handed over to the alliance and will be interrogated as well," said Göndul.

Rose and Göndul stared at each other silently, but before they could speak to each other, a few children ran towards us.

"Sensei, is it true that you are leaving?"

"Won't you come to this school anymore?"

"Please teach me more about your magic, Sensei!"

"I want to be capable of using magic!"

Göndul patted their heads and said, "I will come here again. And Rossweisse-sensei will definitely come here one day as well."

The children smiled once they heard that from her. Göndul then addressed Rose directly.

"Rose, the path you have walked and the wisdom you have learned wasn't wrong even if it was different from our household. See for yourself."

The children were clueless as to what she meant but kept on smiling at the two of them.

"These children's smiles are the result of the path you took. This is something you were able to do because of the current you. Have more pride in yourself. Rose, you are my granddaughter and I'm proud of you."

After she heard that, Rose covered her mouth and tried desperately to hold back her emotions. Despite this, tears flowed from her eyes.

"…Yes, thank you very much."

Göndul turned to me and winked. "I expect grandchildren in the future, and so do Rose's parents, Jin. Please don't make us wait too long!"

"G-granny!" Rose shouted going beet red as the older woman laughed at her and left.

"Hey, hey, are you planning to kiss Rossweisse-sensei, Oppai Dragon?"

"He kissed someone else earlier too! And it wasn't the Switch Princess!"

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

The children said and started to chant 'kiss' towards us. Rose couldn't take the teasing anymore and ran away, and they all laughed.

"Jeez, don't bully your future teacher," I lightly scolded them.

Third Person Point of View

"Hello, Euclid," greeted Sirzechs.

Euclid Lucifuge was put in a prison cell with a powerful barrier, and it prevented the use of magic. Euclid was sitting on the ground, but when he heard that voice, he looked up to see Satan Lucifer.

He smirked, "How do you do, Sirzechs-sama? I never expected you to come see me."

With a pained face, Sirzechs looked at Euclid and said, "I have so many things to say to you, but I want to ask you just one thing… Why?"

Euclid scoffed at the man in front of him. "…At the beginning I thought my sister had eyes for you, but that wasn't true, so I was relieved, but for years I believed it… but then HE showed up and took her away from me. That's all there is to it… however, at least your future brother-in-law isn't as big of a failure like me, huh?"

Sirzechs smiled and said, "He was strong, right? He's a brother I can be proud of."


"Are you interested in the other worlds?" Sirzechs asked the man who had begun to look down at the ground.

"No, while they gave me a boost in strength, I did not travel to their universe. I simply joined the Khaos Order for my own goals and benefit, but I was stopped. Nothing more, nothing less," replied Euclid. "However, I want to ask you one thing… what is a devil to you? What is a hero to you?"

"The beings known as 'Devils' are a species that is known for both good and evil, just like what humans are," answered Sirzechs. "Heroes are chosen by the people. Just because you have the blood of a hero does not mean people will see you as such. That's why the supernatural world sees my brother as a hero, whether he likes it or not, and not like the previous Hero faction members."

"…Hah… you are too naïve," mumbled Euclid.

"Uhyahyahyahyah~! Thanks to your marvelous acting we were able to get the things we needed in the Floating City of Agares," said Rizevim as he held up a large crystal in his hand.

"…For 'Devils', the name of 'Lucifer' is absolute," replied the man.

Originally, the Khaos Order wanted to take the whole floating city. However, after a few breakthroughs by their scientists, the [Malebranche] helping them, as well as the original Satans and Lilith. They were able to acquire those things that they wanted.

"If there were smarter ones in our species, they would have figured out that there was an extra traitor, a devil, kuku. But it's really funny you know? To think the traitor among them was a popular player, 'Emperor' Belial," said Rizevim as he stared at Diehauser Belial.

"I simply wanted to fulfill my wishes," replied Diehauser.

"So? What is it that you hope to accomplish by using me, Mr. Champion?" asked Rizevim.

"…I want to investigate a certain incident that has been erased by the current government and Heaven."

"Hmm, I wonder what that is. Sounds interesting."

"That town under Rias Gremory's watch was previously my relative's territory. But that person had been erased after getting involved with a certain government. The ones suspected to be involved in it are several people related to the Church which were led by the father of Irina Shidou who is the Ace of the Angel's leader, Michael."

"Ah! That incident, uhyahyahyahyah~! We've been making slow preparations for that, actually. You've really had terrific timing, champion, but it'll take a while. We have others before it," replied Rizevim.

"I do not mind waiting," he said.

"Why do you keep obsessing over her?" asked a voice.

"Why do you keep obsessing over Queen Pumpkin?" the other snapped back.

"...Fuck you."

Two Irish gods spoke to one another. One was Aed, the god of the dead for the Irish mythology, the other was Manannán mac Lir the God of the Sea of the Irish mythology. He was slowly planning out a scheme to reunite with his beloved Áine a goddess from the Irish pantheon.

However, unknown to most people, Promestein had put the Water God through a series of experiments and had fused together three souls into one. Currently, Manannán mac Lir had two other souls within him, and they all were obsessed with a goddess called Áine…

Those souls were Ailill Aulom, and Gearóid FitzGerald. Two of her previous husbands, combined with the current Manannán mac Lir, their obsessiveness towards the goddess had reached new heights.

Ailill Aulom had been previously killed by Asia. However, Aaron failed to do at the time was destroy Ailill Aulom's soul. He had been caught up in the moment and with Asia obtaining her Balance Breaker at the time… the Khaos Order managed to gather his soul, but instead of resurrecting him—

Promestein experimented in fusing souls. She had also gathered another former husband of Áine, Gearóid FitzGerald, and with that she fused all three together. According to Manannán mac Lir it was unbearable at the start, however, once they all found out about their history with Áine, they got along very well after that.

"So, you're going after your not-so-former wife. You do know she's under that pesky Middleman's protection, right?" said Aed.

<It does not matter!>

<<For as long as we live, we will be together with her in the end!>>

"It's as they say, I—no, all three of us are destined to be with Áine… she will be by our side eventually, we can promise you that, little Aed," replied Manannán mac Lir. "Our histories are intertwined after all! No one is better suited than us!"



"Áine!!" shouted Manannán mac Lir. "However, let's see… that Danu is also not a bad woman, we will also take her too," he added.

"Whatever, weirdo. I'll still stick with Orla (Queen Halloween) and get Alice Kyteler too. I will have the help of Petronilla de Meath, after all," said Aed. 'Being burned alive and then resurrected years later… she holds a strong grudge against Alice…'

"<<<And you say we have an obsession, hah!>>>" all three voices said at the same time.

"That's just creepy…"

Universe – Crepuscule Phantasma

"It seems that Yanuyo has defected, or to be more specific, the Outer God did something to him, and he changed to their side," said Yve as she reported to her leader, Phumera. "The other incident was of the Outer God's doing too," she added.


Phumera was becoming nervous. It was the second time in her life that she felt nervous. The only other time was when she interacted with the Outer God, Magnum Tenebrosum. She knows how powerful they are and what they can do.

At first when she found out about Aaron being an Outer God, it confused her. His actions and motives did not make sense, it did not reflect that of an Outer God—beings made of chaos. But at the same time, she was relieved, but now…

'He must have been toying with us… that is the only logical conclusion. He conceals his affairs with the guise of 'justice' or 'peace,' but in the end, his opponents, and allies are mere puppets in his play.

"Have the other Eradicators been notified?" asked Phumera.

"Yes, Ecthrois, Raerea and Autemr were the first to be informed, after that the rest followed. Most are indifferent; however, they have the same question: who will fill his spot? Will we need to put a new one in, or will we move all their ranks up by one and leave the 16th spot open?" asked Yve.

Since the creation of the Eradicators no one has been killed in this type of way. The only time that the Eradicators 'lost' someone was due to someone challenging whatever rank they wanted to fight and killing them. However, the Eradicators losing was a rare case.

So the news of one of them defecting and siding with the enemy was quite shocking, but not a major loss for them.

The vacant spot will be opened, but they must have the ability to defeat both rank 8 and 9 in order to succeed in the rank. Make the announcement. Anyone is welcome to try to fill the spot, but they must satisfy those requirements, and also be approved by Elanor too," ordered Phumera.

"Very well I will make arrangements." Yve bowed and left the room.

Yve was a strange entity. She was not originally from the universe of the Crepuscule Phantasma. She was part of a universe that was conquered and destroyed by the Phantasma. However, that was during their 'golden age', and when Phumera was still quite new as a leader.

Just like Ecthrois, Yve was taken in by Magnum Tenebrosum, as the Outer God had taken an interest in other beings. So it decided on a whim to take Yve and have her work for Phumera as her right-hand. While Yve held a grudge for many years, it has since subsided and pledged loyalty to the Phantasma and Magnum Tenebrosum.

So she wishes for Magnum Tenebrosum reawakening more than anyone else. As she would love to conquer and destroy everything along with her savior and true master. While Yve is slightly weaker than Phumera, what separates the two are their experience and their abilities. Phumera had more experience and she was born with powerful abilities that were more or less considered 'cheat-like'.

[Soul Manipulation], [Gravity Manipulation], [Life Manipulation] (to a certain degree), [Darkness Manipulation], [Energy Manipulation], [Reality Manipulation (to a certain degree), and many others. She is also a master of [Dhavega], or what's known as 'Touki' in the Draconic Deus.

You could say she's as powerful or more than Regalzeva and Melvazoa from the Evie faction of the Evie Etoulde. As she would easily kill Great Red if Aaron hadn't helped her get stronger, the same with Ophis.

"Soon," muttered Yve as she walked down the long and spacious hallway of Aerilon Tower. "Soon we'll be reunited."

Rank 14 scoffed at Yanuyo's betrayal. In his mind, he was expecting it, but he thought it would be further in the future than right now.

"So he finally betrayed us, huh? Fine… I'll take it upon myself to kill him," he said to himself.

"Oh? Why do say that?" Elanor asked. She was here along with ranks 11 and 15. They were former followers of her, and she helped them get stronger and acquire those ranks in the Eradicators.

Their strength and power are the real deal, however, they still follow Elanor who they wish to be the next leader if and when Phumera was killed. However, they also knew that the power difference between Phumera and Elanor was like night and day.

"He became an Eradicator before I did. You could say we knew each other," he replied. "So it's up to me to kill him. He's always lived his life the way he desired, whether he had a boss or not. You could say he just did whatever he wanted. He didn't want to be an Eradicator, yet at the same time he did."

Elanor gave the man a questioning look and he explained further.

"He joined because of the chance of conquering planets, universes and solar systems. He wanted to fight and kill. That's all he ever wanted. But since his rank is quite high, he rarely had the opportunity to move after a certain point. So he must have been bored. But I didn't think he'd change sides that casually. I wonder if that Outer God did something to him," he marveled.

"There is a high chance of that god manipulating him or controlling him, so we have to keep an open mind. We know just how terrifying those outer gods are. With that said, are you sure about challenging him? What if the outer god stops you?" Elanor asked.

"Then we just kick his ass," replied rank 11.

Rank 11 is a female Eradicator and also a battle maniac, however, she can be level-minded if she wants to be. However, her emotions do tend to win most of her battles.

"Outer god + kick ass doesn't always mix, you know?" said Elanor.

"I don't care. Even though most of us hate him, he was still part of our group. It makes me bitter, but if he lost a fair and square fight, then it's different! But I doubt Outer gods fight fairly!" said rank 11 and stood up.

"Well, let's just wait and see the truth. And it's as you say, he may have lost in a fair fight, but at the same time he may have been mind controlled," said rank 15.

Rank 15 was also female. However, she also holds the same beliefs as Rank 2, Raerea. She doesn't like the destruction they cause. However, for her sake and her families' sake, she will do it so they won't die and have a place to live. And just like Rank 2, she keeps her true opinions and feelings to herself. She tries to be the voice of reason among her 'colleagues'.

"Fufu, I agree. But we should—"

Before Elanor could finish, the door opened and Yve came in. They all looked at her, surprised to see her here.

"Oh, Yve, why are you here?" asked rank 11.

"I had business prior to coming here, but I believe it was imperative to announce this. Rank 9 is helping the Monkai Association of the Khaos Order. Currently, he is bringing Black Alice to 'those' trials," she informed them.

The room fell silent as they stared at Yve.

"…What? Are they trying to kill themselves?" asked rank 14.

"No, Black Alice and the monsters and youkai she brought with her completed the other trials they took. I believe… they may be capable of using the powers if they pass them. They heavily resemble each other, including the DNA," said Yve.

"…Interesting. Ufufufu, the beings of the Draconic Deus keep on surprising us, don't they? Especially those exiled clan members. They too also passed their trials with few casualties. Perhaps it due to the Outer god's interference to their universe? He—who creates miracles, also creates them within his enemies. How peculiar," said Elanor.

She became even more interested in that universe, especially towards the Outer god who called it home.

"Well regardless, we need all 16 Eradicators to open it. It was sealed a long time ago, so you're all required to open it in around 8 hours as they will arrive by then," said Yve and she left.

"Maybe they're just stupid," added Rank 11.

However, no one else spoke. All of them had differing opinions.

'Outer god… Middleman and Dragon… I want to meet him, peace, my family wants it, I do and so does rank 2…' thought rank 15.

Universe – Draconic Deus

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"…I see, so that's what happened," I said after hearing both Ayelet and Yanuyo's story and information.

It had been a few days since the attack on Auros academy. We did another experience day and ended it there for now. In a few months there will be another one and we'll be helping out again. A few things have happened since then, but for now the two subordinates that were captured by us are being interrogated by Ajuka and his servants.

Apparently things have been going well for Asahi and Rohe too, but they won't be out of prison for a long time. Apart from that, I was told by Yanuyo more about the Phantasma.

Apparently an upcoming group is being formed just below the Eradicators that will be dubbed the 'Ueboros'. They will only have 12 members unlike the 16 for the Eradicators. Their hierarchy apparently went like this:

Magnum Tenebrosum (Outer God)>Phumera (Leader)>Yve (Right-hand)> Umbra> Eradicators> Ueboros> Everything else.

The Umbra are four individuals that are under Yve and do other jobs for her. Yve will make them do the dirty work; she will just report everything back to Phumera. Yanuyo doesn't know anything else about them apart from the group's name since he only heard of them in passing and never met any of them.

I also learned all the names and ranks of the Eradicators from him. They went like this:

Rank 1 – Ecthrois

Rank 2 – Raerea

Rank 3 – Autemr

Rank 4 – Virion Deamonne (Male)

Rank 5 – Thoza (Male)

Rank 6 – Ethinix (Female)

Rank 7 – Yanuyo (Male) (May be replaced)

Rank 8 – Aerendyl Liaris (Male)

Rank 9 – Abysnar (Male)

Rank 10 – Radelia Vaqirelle (Female)

Rank 11 – Scariosa (Female)

Rank 12 – Ciryindha (Female)

Rank 13 – Rainuye (Female)

Rank 14 – Asisvud (Male)

Rank 15 – Vehcocia (Female)

Rank 16 – Elanor

I'm more surprised that they had equal male and females there, unless the new rank 7 will break the 8-8 ratio. After them are the Ueboros, but Yanuyo doesn't know much about them since only the Eradicators or anyone that meets the requirements can join the group, and Yanuyo previously didn't care for any of that.

Additionally, according to Yanuyo they plus the Evie have conquered a total of 108 universes and around 2000+ planets. Some are still in the process of being conquered, but that's quite a lot… once I'm fully evolved, I'll reverse that. I also told Ayelet that I would do the same thing to her planet and also give her the opportunity to go back.

But she didn't give me an answer for that, and said that she'll wait and see, so I didn't push her on it. But she did tell us about her planet in her universe, Fadir Ferdora.

According to her, it's a universe diverse with life, much like this one, the Draconic Deus. It has planets of different races, instead of them being in just different realms and dimensions. However, there are still some on certain planets where there are other factions within that species.

Ayelet, or formerly known as Vamotl, was an ordinary human at some point in her lifetime. However, eventually she ascended into godhood and became known as the Goddess of Swords. She excelled at using most weaponry, but especially the two swords that I gave her, as she was a natural at dual-wielding.

But when I heard this, it made me wonder… where did that [Miko] from the Fadir Ferdora come from? I believe her name was Sefaira Seraselbes, just like the [The Wicked God] Seraselbes who was the younger sister of Regalzeva and Melvazoa. But when I asked Ayelet about her, she didn't know, so that means they hadn't met or even knew of each other.

Because according to Ayelet, there is a resistance that's formed in Fadir Ferdora and they've done enough to slow the invasion of the Evie faction. Just like us, they called their group 'Resistance [FxF]' and they consisted of many of their strongest fighters.

"We'll go there eventually… no, I'll add them to my plan. I originally planned on doing something about the Phantasma and Evie when I evolved. However, adding your universe won't be an awful idea," I said to Ayelet.

"Plan?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it, but it'll benefit the multiverse in the long run, after that I'll just… never mind, but trust me on this. Is there anything else?"

"The temporary base I have in the Phantasma, I would like to retrieve a few items from there, Aaron-sama," said Yanuyo.

The difference between his speaking style is like night and day. I don't think I'll get used to it this soon, but…

"Sure thing, but wait until Cao Cao and his team are ready. I'll send them to help you since I want them to take down as many beings in that world. I'll let them kill, capture or whatever else they want based on their own judgement."

'He should be nearly done, and after that he should…'

"There is one thing in my universe, Aaron-sama," said Ayelet. "I'm led to believe that the Evie Gods have it in their possession… but it's called the [Inreaos]. It's a gem that grants powers to the chosen few that ascend to godhood. I was granted divinity when it was used on me… so if they have it, I do not know what they will use it for, or if they already have."

[Inreaos]? The hell is that? A gem that can grant divinity seems pretty powerful, but…


Cúntóir: Answer: [Inreaos] contains the powers of [(In)finity], [D(rea)ms], and [Cha(os)] = [In-rea-os]. With the state of the universe called Fadir Ferdora, the Outer God governed this universe along with several others, and gave them something similar to the [Inreaos].

Cúntóir: Answer: Magnum Innominandum, Nyog'Sothep or The Nameless Mist. Much like Nyarlathotep of today or Magnum Tenebrosum of the past, they were 'bored' and 'curious'. Azathoth did not want to interfere with their creations back then, so Azathoth let them roam free.

Cúntóir: Answer: However, most of them went to sleep relatively quickly as many did not see a reason to interfere, but a few stayed awake for a few millennia before also going to sleep. The last three, Magnum Tenebrosum, Magnum Innominandum and Nyarlathotep did not, but they eventually did after Tenebrosum helped the Phantasma and Innominandum helped a few universes too.

I didn't think the outer gods messed with the universe that much. Hell, it was great that most of them went to sleep straight after being made. However, the original three that Azathoth created didn't sleep at the same time as the others they created. First Tenebrosum, next Innominandum, all that's left is Nyarlathotep… and I'll make her sleep for all of eternity.

'Hold up, what other gods govern it?'

Cúntóir: Answer: Gods created by Magnum Innominandum to help govern Fadir Fedora. He made 6, but only 2 remained. The other four were killed by the Evie gods. Unlike Nyarlathotep's 'children' the gods that Magnum Innominandum created were only 'Chief God-class' so around Middle-tier to the peak of God-class. And as you know, the Evie gods are beyond that.

Cúntóir: Answer: The ones that survived had unique powers that let them fight and escape with the Resistance [FxF]. However, just like the Etoulde faction they are slowly running out of time. If you send help their way now you can prolong their fight until you evolve.

'Velgrynd is out there in the multiverse searching on my behalf, as well as Ignia is looking for Lapis... I'll just make two new Electa then, and then give them two shadow soldiers…'

I suddenly stood up and told them what I knew and what I planned on doing right this very second. Ayelet seemed stunned but I ignored this and touched the ground. It's a lot less dramatic now as two circles appeared in front of me and out came a male and female. These two already have the same ranks as the rest of the Electa.

The male had short blonde hair, red eyes and elf ears. His entire outfit was mainly black with a few wine-red accents here and there. His weapon of choice were dual guns and a large futuristic-looking rifle.

Meanwhile, the female was the exact opposite. She had black bob-cut hair, and brown-gray eyes and wore an elegant white dress. She had a large and white oriental piece behind her body and carried a gold-black fan with a yellow gem near the cross guard.

I pointed at the male, "Ivonos," then at the female, "Sveiva." I then tapped my head and sent them the relevant information for their mission. It was basically to find the remaining gods, the 'Resistance [FxF]' and if possible, the [Inreaos]. I then looked at Ayelet and asked her if she could give them an item. This was to prove to them that these two were allies and would help them.

Ivonos turned to stare at Sveiva and waited for her to say something. It looked like Ivonos wasn't the type to take charge and had made Sveiva into the leader between the two. Sveiva looked at Ivonos briefly before she smiled.

"Ufufu, very well. I will be the leader of this mission. Aaron-sama, please give us both a range and close-combat shadow soldier," she requested.

I nodded and sent them both those soldiers.

"Thank you very much. We will try to make this quick, but if it takes a while, may I get a reward in advance?" she asked.

I tilted my head and she gestured for me to approach her, and I walked over and bent down to her level.

"Please add me to the G.o.B and Ivonos to the Guardians in the Dimensional Gap after our return. Also…" she then kissed me on the cheek.

I had made them the same way as I did with the other Electa in mind, I don't understa—never mind. "I'll make that happen; off you go then. Oh, and if you come across Lapis, Ghidorah or any other threat, kill or capture it and notify me."

"We will, until then~!" said Sveiva before they disappeared and I couldn't feel their auras here anymore, but I could feel them in the multiverse. They were pretty far away. I turned back to the two with me, "Let's continue with our day then."

Kuoh Academy

A day has passed since then and I along with everyone else were in Kuoh Academy high school division. It was any boring day like the other, but it was still quite early in the morning and I had come here by myself. I had sneaked up to the rooftop and was just relaxing there.

I will be going to Italy soon with Lavinia. Everyone understood why I wanted to go there, and didn't offer to go with us which confused Nia. One, I wanted to go there without an army so we could capture Avezza by surprise. Two, I wanted to go to Lavinia's parents' grave, Cúntóir had found it for me.

I know that they were resurrected and made into hybrids, but I wanted to at least visit their grave and ask for their blessing there. I didn't know if I should propose to Lavinia there, but I wanted to do it straight after I graduated. It feels like I've seen her look at me and silently asked me, 'When will you ask me?' or 'Why haven't you asked me the question yet?'.

Even though she was the first one I made immortal and made many promises with, I feel like I've stagnated a bit with her.

"Haaaaaaa…" I sighed again. I don't know how many times I've done that since I've been up here, but I should be around fifty, right?

"You really shouldn't be sighing that much you know, Aaron? There's a possibility that a fly could end up in your mouth if you do that!" said a familiar voice.

I turned to look to my side and saw Kanami there. She put her hand up and said a 'Yo' and then sat down beside me.

"Kanami… what in the world are you doing here? It's still quite early you know? Also, aren't you usually still asleep right now? Though Natsume does kick you out of bed if you have a mission," I said and chuckled.

"Natsu-natsu isn't being cute anymore! Who even kicks their older sister out of bed even if they have work?!" she complained beside me and started to wave her hands around and kept on complaining.

Natsu-natsu, she calls Natsume that from time to time when she's complaining about her, but their relationship and bonds as sisters is as strong or even stronger than in the past. I watched her as she kept on complaining until she stopped and looked back at me.

"Ah, right, here," she said and handed me a piece of paper. "They want help from you in Grigori. It's nothing to do with the interrogations, just a few minor things," she explained.

[Please make the library bigger, we're running out of space.]

[Please add a few other cells since we keep catching idiots and we're running out of space.]

[Please give me more money, what you gave us is running out -Azazel.]

[Visit your mother! -Shuri.]

[When's my date? -Penemue.]

[I have a personal request, if that's alright, Jin-san. -Shemhazai.]

[I need bro's opinion on stuff! -Kouki.]

[Father, they told me to write something here, but I need assistance with Mittelt. -Meruem.]

My eye twitched, although I thought the first two requests were valid, maybe Azazel's too, but the rest were just stupid... well, maybe not mom's, but still she could have contacted me via my smartphone.

When Kanami read it beside me, she immediately burst into laughter and clutched her stomach. I guess she hadn't read this, huh?

"Don't you have, a mission today?" I asked as I put away the piece of paper.

"I do, but I wanted to hand-deliver this to you… I had to beat Lavinia in a game of rock-paper-scissors. She was really upset too," she said and sheepishly chuckled. "Oh, by the way, you're traveling to Italy with her when the weekend comes, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's around 3 days away. Why do you ask?"

"I-I know I can't come, so don't worry! That's not why I asked…" she said and started to fidget. I gave her a strange look and she shook her head. "I'm here to make a declaration!" she suddenly shouted.

"Declaration?" I repeated, still confused.

Kanami suddenly and quickly leaned forward and pecked me on the lips, and then pulled away while blushing. "I know that Natsume is already immortal after your date, so I aim to be engaged before her! Aaron Toole! I declare that to you! …B-bye!" she again shouted and then turned back around. "O-oh and you have to meet our parents!" she added and finally left.

I was left there by myself again. I know Kanami and I have grown closer over the years since she started to come with us to the [Pocket Dimension]. However, I always wondered if she held herself back for the sake of Natsume. But I guess she wasn't. She may have been planning things on her own end.

After a few seconds, my phone buzzed and when I took it out—

|Aaron! Marry me!|

It was Natsume, she had proposed through text… what in the world…?

|No, me!|

What I failed to see was that it was the group chat that we all had, well, we had a few different ones. This chat that both Natsume and Kanami had sent messages to was the chat group where everyone in my household was in.

The other ones were 'Team [DxD]' and a few others, like 'Team Slash/Dog', 'Super Satans Fan club', 'Money Grub Grigori', and others.

|Me nya!|

|Let's just… talk about this when night comes, okay?| I sent back to them.

I put my phone away and sighed, so I had a small little trip to Grigori again, huh? After that, I was potentially going to Italy, unless something else happens…

Once I got back to the classroom, it was already pure chaos. The usual suspects were already screaming about something or other, but I made my way to my desk where Kouta and Najima were waiting. Surprisingly, they were very silent, but they were also quite smug.

However, both peerages and Ingvild were already there, so they gave me strange looks and pointed at their phones. I wearily smiled and shook my head and they didn't ask any further, well for now that's it.

"So, what are you two idiots so smug about?" I asked as I sat down.

"I k-k-kissed my d-date… S-Sakura-san…" Kouta said in a weird shy voice and was actually blushing.

"I-I h-held hands and ki-kissed wi-with Y-Yua-san too…" added Najima.

They had said this loudly enough to draw the attention of the class, and the Elite Virgin Squad or whatever the hell their name was became furious.

"You what?!" they screamed at both Najima and Kouta. Who in turn started to laugh and mock them all.

"Hahaha! We have girlfriends now, suck it virgins!" shouted Kouta.

"First, a kiss, then after…! Uhehehehehehe~!" giggled Najima in a strange way.

They shouted insults at each other for a few seconds, and Sona didn't do anything other than rest her hand on her head. She knew it was useless to try to break this stupidity up. But then both Najima and Kouta looked at me with massive grins.

"Can you beat that, Skyward-sama?" they both asked smugly and for some reason everyone was now looking at me.

I looked at them, then to the rest of the classroom. The devils were looking at me with curiosity. They must be curious about how I was going to respond, it's usually witty and to the point. Normally, I'd just say that I fucked my harem or something to shut them up…

But instead, I nodded and said, "Okay, give me a second."

"Heeeh? What are you planning to do? Bring out your phone and show us fake nudes? No thanks~!" said Kouta.

"Yeah, that threat gets old, Skyward-sama~"

I looked at them one more time, I hadn't moved yet, but I then glanced at Akeno and gestured for her to come over to me. She cutely tilted her head but came over to me. As everyone watched, I think Rias, Tsubaki, Sona and Ingvild caught on to what I was about to do.

I held Akeno's left hand that had her ring on and dispelled the illusion magic that was kept on it. Normally, the girls had some kind of illusion magic on the rings, I mean it would be very suspicious if the rest of the student body saw it, right?

We had a few people question us about it near the start, so I started putting illusion magic over them, and then finally the girls just did it when we went to school. This was the same case for Sona, Tsubaki, Ingvild and Rias.

Akeno also caught on to what I was doing and hugged my side. I then showed everyone her left hand and said very loudly, "I proposed to Akeno a few weeks ago, and she said yes."

They saw the ring on her hand and all of their eyes popped out of their heads. It remained silent for a few seconds, Akeno brightly smiling, Ingvild and Rias trying to hold in their laughter and the Sitri [King] and [Queen] just shook their heads at me.

This… this was my ultimate finishing move to these idiots I call my friends. They, of course, were looking at me in pure shock and silence, their mouths hung open.

"Ufufufu~~! I was so happy when Jin proposed to me, I even told him I'd have as many children with him as he wants~!" she declared to the class further adding fuel to the fire. This also caused Rias and Sona to facepalm. "I want a boy as our first child though~"

"What the fu—"

After the first guy shouted that, the classroom erupted into screaming and things being thrown. Even some other classes came over to ours to check what was happening, and once they found out they also freaked out.

[Well, Akeno is known as one of the 'Great Onee-sama's' of the school after all, for them to freak out this much is expected since 'Great Harem Douchebag' is dating her.]

'I thought you were back home teaching Yoru and Haru? Also, I'm not aware of that new nickname…'

[I took the day off. It's Albion's turn. You two did the [Diabolos Dragon God] form, right? I wanted to be here just in case… also, I just hear some of this when you're not listening to the gossip around you.]

'Hehe, jealous, are we?' I asked and got a 'hmph!' from the [Welsh Dragon].

"Man, you guys need to shut up, it's so early in the morning!" Azazel said as he walked into the room.

"Sensei! Azazel-sensei! Did you know Himejima-san and Jin are engaged?!" a student asked.

"Huh?" he asked and looked at me, before a shit-eating grin spread across his face. I knew when I saw that, that more chaos was coming. "Know? Did I know? Hell yes I knew! I'll confirm one thing for you all, that little brat actually has a harem! He's even dating Rias Gremory, Ingvild Kyrie and Sona Shitori!" he screamed.


The room fell silent once more and the students turned to look at Rias, Sona and Ingvild who just 'smiled' at Azazel. That man knew he had fucked up and ran out of the room. But…

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Not my Gremory honeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!" a male student screamed and slammed his head against his table.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuckkk Roooooooooooooooccck!! Not my Sonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!" a female student screamed too and looked at Sona who looked rather uneasy.

A lesbian?! Also, when did we get another American classmate…? She also screamed that out in a weird American accent…

"It's over… it's really over, my spring time of youth… my Himejima is gone…!" a guy said as he was on all fours and tears streamed down his face.

Ah… he was that guy from a few months ago… I'm sorry dude…! Not really… also, she's not dead, she's still right here.

Finally, Rose came into the classroom to scold us, but Azazel came back too and added—

"Ah, by the way, Rossweisse-sensei is also dating Jin... bye~!" he said that and ran away.

Rose obviously turned red and robotically walked out of the room, and then we heard a loud screech of Azazel's name from Rose, and a loud smacking sound down the hallway. The rest of the morning classes were filled with chaos as the normal teachers also found out about the fiasco that had happened in my classroom.

"Ara, ara~ to think you'd actually announce it to the school~," said Lisa as she hugged me from behind.

We were in the Occult Research Clubroom as we had our lunch. Everyone was here since we wanted to avoid the student body since most of them asked us a lot of questions. Every girl in the club were asked 'Are you also dating Jin-senpai?!' or something along those lines, but…

"Why… when did this happen…?" I asked as I looked at Kiba, or should I refer to 'her' as Yumi Kira? I mean he literally transformed himself into a girl again and doesn't want to go back…

Is this what he meant by 'I have my own plans?' from back then? Kiba, you're absolutely terrifying. Did you finally come to terms with your own feelings? Because I seriously don't know how to respond to them even if you take this extreme approach…

[So you'll reject him?]

'…If it were back a few months ago after the Kokabiel and Azrael incident then probably, but now… we've spent many years together and he's a close friend of mine. I'd feel like shit if I just threw him to the side like that, but I'll wait until we get Tosca and see how reacts. If he goes back to being a guy then great, if not… I'll need to rethink how to approach this.'


"Hmm? What do you mean, Aaron-senpai~?" asked Ki—Kira playfully. Kira then put a finger on her cheek and said, "I was also asked by many people if I was dating you. Do you know what I said?"

"…No?" I replied.

Hi—Her smile only got wider as she shook her head. She brought her necklace out and said, "He gave me a promise necklace, ufufu~"

I just sighed at him. I swear he takes these things a bit too far at times.

"Sona is also being hounded, you know? Even the girls in the Student Council were being asked as well. Well, save for Tomoe and Ruruko as it's clear they're dating Gasper and Saji, respectively," added Rias as she glared at a half-beaten Azazel in the corner.

The girls in the class (Rias, Sona, Ingvild and Tsubaki) as well as Rose, tracked him down a short while ago and beat the living daylights out of him. So now the Governor of the Fallen Angels was sulking in a corner.

"Tch! It's not like I'm lying! It's the truth!" he finally said.

"To us, and to the supernatural? Yes. It's the truth, for the humans? No. Please… you're the governor have more tact, aren't you older than us?" asked Rias tiredly.

"I was just going along with the student's energy; can you blame me?! Come on, act more you damn ages! Tch!" he fired back and went back to moping.

"Ah, right, Jin. I need you for tomorrow, so skip the day… well a lot of us do. But you are needed by the devils today," added Azazel.

"Yeah I know, I got the message from Kanami. Also, the devils?" I asked and looked at Rias who shook her head.

"Yeah, the Satans each require you for something. Expect them to be either serious or something dumb. They said that they didn't need your help yet since Euclid is being strangely cooperative. This is because Grayfia is the one interrogating him, and she's pretty cold and ruthless about it."

"Yeah, she did say that she would do that… but ALL of the Satans?" I repeated and he nodded. He then threw something at me and it seemed to have a magic circle on it.

"That's a teleportation circle to the Glasya-Labolas territory. You'll need to head there. You already know the ways to the Gremory, Sitri and Astaroth territory, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do, thanks. I do wonder what they want me for though… wait, I can count this as requests then?" I asked him.

"Uh… give me a second." Azazel summoned his phone and started to furiously text on it. He showed a wide variety of emotions in that short time. However, he finally looked back at us and said, "Yeah, yeah, you can consider this the Middleman's job."

That's fine then. We continued talking about the situation at school as well as speculate what the Satans needed me for.

"…Don't talk to me, Engage-sama!" said Kouta as he shuffled off still sulking.

"…We still have a long way to go, Skyward-sama. You beat us fair and square," added Kouta as he took his defeat gracefully.

It was after school and everyone had left the classroom, well except for the devils. The school was still abuzz since a lot of speculation was circulating around and that my 'harem' was real and a lot of people came to me asking about it, and how my 'foreign beauty girlfriend' thought about it. I gave them vague answers and just left it at that, but I suspect there will be more from now on.

"Please don't indulge my sister too much, otherwise she'll go overboard," said Sona as she came up and we shared a quick kiss.

"I'll try, but Serafall usually does whatever she wants after all," I replied. "Tsubaki, do you want to come with me?" I asked as she had been looking at me quite intensely.

Tsubaki looked at Sona and she agreed with it, so she walked over to my side. I don't know why she wants to go with me. I'm not going to Grigori today though, but I'll ask her again tomorrow if she wants to come.

"I'm busy with devil work tonight, so I can't come with you," said Akeno as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Onii-sama will definitely ask you to do something stupid, so try not to go overboard with it… but if it's something serious then…"

"Yeah, I'll slap it out of the park, or something," I said and she looked confused at me before kissing me and leaving with Akeno.

"Toole and Shinra, best buds heading to the Underworld. Are you ready?" I asked and looked at Tsubaki who looked coldly at me. "I tried to lighten the mood, but never mind…"

To my surprise, Tsubaki grabbed my right arm and hugged it. "I am ready, shall we?" she asked without looking at me, but I saw that she was blushing.



Sitri Territory

"…It's been a while since I've been here. The last time I was here was when I was brought by Sona and Serafall during our date to give their parents the food I cooked up."

"I heard from President Sona that you got their approval?"

"Approval? If you mean in cooking then yeah, I think?"

Tsubaki sighed and shook her head. Did she mean by dating them? If that's it then they probably gave me their blessings when I first took Ingvild and Sera to Kyoto… they did say 'take care of them' or something like that.

I walked towards the guards as they saluted me. It seems that I don't need to explain why I'm here anymore. I gave them some food and drinks. I don't know if it's appropriate, but it's better than going hungry or thirsty.

"Do you do that for all guards you meet in devils' territory?" she asked.

"I guess? I mean it's boring as hell since nine times out of ten you really don't do anything. And if you do, it's usually just greeting someone from the household."

We quickly arrived at the front door and when we rang the bell, we heard a loud scream and the door was swung opened so hard that it nearly flew off its hinges.

"My Aaron senses were tingling!" Serafall said and grabbed me and pulled me into the home.

"You heard the doorbell," I retorted.

"Details, my Aaron, details. Also welcome, Tsubaki-chan! Glad you could join us~"

"Good day to you, Serafall-sama," replied Tsubaki.

"So, what did you need me for, Sera?" I asked as we walked through the halls of the Sitri home. We were being led to a part that I hadn't been to before, however, it seemed Tsubaki knew where we were headed.

"Fufu, it will greatly benefit you, Aaron. I expect plenty of praise, kisses and to be spoiled afterward," she said and didn't elaborate on that.

We eventually arrived at a large door, and Sera pushed it open. Once inside it was…

"What the… what is all this?" I asked. Everywhere I looked were giant monitors and other tech related things. It was almost like the hidden part of Asahi's base. Each monitor/computer combo was a servant of hers. I'm pretty sure I saw them during the Supernatural Sports Festival we held a few months back.

"Remember when you told us that you wanted to track down a few individuals of the Khaos Order?" she asked and I nodded. "Well, I along with the help of Ajuka-chan, Sirzechs-chan and Falbium-chan had gathered a small force to help you. Of course, we did it in secret~!"

"Ajuka-chan provided the technology, Sirzechs also helped in his own way, the same with Falbium and I and some of my servants have been monitoring things. Each of these monitors connects to certain parts of the human world, and places where the supernatural are the most active."

"You mentioned a few places when we were 'there', right? So we set up some surveillance in the USA, Russia, Italy, North, South Korea, China and other places~! We've been spying on all of them, and we found some neat things~"

I was a bit shocked by this. I had my shadows already doing this, as well as the G.o.B, but I didn't think these guys would help out.

"So, what did you find out?" I asked.

"It's actually very good~ did you know that we've heard a few of their lackies talking about a certain scientist you've been meaning to capture go to Italy soon? Lavinia-chan told me you two are traveling to Italy soon, soooo~ here!" she pulled out something and gave it to me.


It basically said that Avezza was going to show up on the day that Lavinia and I were going to go to Italy. I had found this out too, but it also mentioned on what part that she was going to. It was in a place called Norcia, Umbria. It was a small town somewhere in Italy. According to this report, that's where 'someone important' to her was in. I'm led to believe that it's her past lover that died many years ago.

Meanwhile, Lavinia and I are traveling to a place called Pacentro, Abruzzo. That's where she apparently lived with her parents before their untimely passing, and again it was a small town too, and they had her parents buried in their now abandoned home.

With this new information, I quickly informed my shadow soldiers that were stationed near Norcia Umbria to be on the lookout even more. I also stationed some in Lavinia's room since we'd be spending time there, so we don't know how things would be.

'I won't let you go, Avezza… I'll finally have you. Cúntóir, have you been working on 'that'?' I asked her.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, if everything turns out well, we'll be able to use it on Avezza alone. She will definitely try to have some kind of device or spell to wipe her own memories. However, we have to be quick. We can't let her know that we know that she's there.

'Yeah, I know. I'll make it quick just like we did with Yanuyo. We have her new body ready after all.'

Avezza is smart, so she may even have her spell ready in her mind or soul to activate if she senses that we may try to read into it, so we aim to prevent that. Blitzing her first, then applying this new ability to her, then transferring her while modifying her from her very core.

Whether we meet Avezza first, or enjoy our time at Lavinia's home first, we'll have to see. However, in the end we'll win this small battle. If we do, they'll only have at least only 2 reliable scientists in the Khaos Order. Well, on the side of the Draconic Deus, as for the Evie or Phantasma, I don't know. However, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

I looked back at Serafall as she looked quite giddy and expectant. I smiled and brought her into a one-arm hug. "It's very useful, thank you. It should make things easier when we go there soon, thank you."

"Hehehehe~! Praise me more… no wait, fuck me instead!" she said happily making everyone in the room blush with the exception of me.

"…I'll think about it. Anyway, you really did help though, thanks."

"I'm serious!" she said and glared at me.

"Alright, alright, we'll do it tonight…" after I said that, she looked very triumphant.

"P-please keep your lewd talks to yourselves…" begged Tsubaki.

"Good point. Anyway, is there anything else you want from me, Sera?" I asked the Satan as she pouted slightly.

"Hmph! No! …But I do need to get back to work. I only have a few more documents left, so… I won't be too long. Where do you plan on heading after this?" she asked.

"After this, I will travel to the Gremory territory, then to Astaroth, and finally to Glasya-Labolas. Do you want to join us?"

"Yes! Alright, I'll go and finish up, now go! Shoo!" she started to push both of us out of the door and I stored the document she gave me in my [Inventory].

Serafall skipped away happily as we watched her. She eventually turned a corner and disappeared. Well, it's time to go—

"Ara? If it isn't Jin-kun and Tsubaki-chan," said the voice of Sona and Serafall's mother behind us.

"Ah, Isolde, hello," I greeted their mother.

"Isolde-sama, it's been a while," said Tsubaki as she bowed.

She walked over to us and poked both our cheeks. She then smiled and said, "I heard that you and Sona became a couple? Fufu, originally, she had said that only someone smarter than her and if they beat her in chess would be allowed to marry her."

She then put a hand on her cheek and sighed, "When her father, Lord Sitri—Cyril Sitri reminded her of that, she admitted that you already beat her in chess months ago. My, to think you would convince her entire peerage, and even Serafall to keep such a secret from us, you're a bad boy!"

She was being very playful. She wasn't like this last time, perhaps it's because they've softened up to me? Not just me dating both their daughters, but also the fact that they're also helping me with my restaurant and future empire…

"Sorry, but I didn't want to force her into a relationship with me if she didn't want to be in on it just because she lost in a chest match. Though I did lose to her quite a bit too, so it wasn't one-sided at all," I explained to her.

She smiled and started to pat me on the head. "Good boy, I expect you to treat them well, okay?" she said and then looked at Tsubaki. "The same with Tsubaki-chan," she added.

"Yes, I will. Leave it to me, with that said, we have to leave for the Gremory territory. I have to speak with all the Satans today."

"Fufu, very well. Come back again, okay? We'd love to have your food again, ah and make sure we get discounts when your store opens~!"

"Yeah, I'll make sure that happens," I replied and we finally left.

Gremory Territory



As soon as we arrived in the Gremory home entrance hallway, what I saw left me dumbfounded. In front of us was Zeoticus on all fours as Runeas was on his back riding him like some kind of horse.

Around them were other servants, as well as Venelana, Asteri, Chysis, Millicas and Sirzechs, who all had strained smiled on their faces.

"Oh? Ah, Jin! Have you come here to entertain me?" she asked which made everyone else look at us.


"Indeed, he has First Generation-sama, right, Jin-kun?" Sirzechs interrupted me and asked that.

I see, so he wanted me to entertain Runeas? I inwardly sighed and agreed, "Yes I am, Runeas…"

"Great! Is your companion coming along?" she asked and hopped off Zeoticus who seemed more than happy to comply with her whims.

"She is, if that's a problem then—"

"No, it's fine! Come, come!" she grabbed my hand and started to lead me away. Everyone else came with us too.

"So this is your castle, huh? It's pretty unique, I guess?" I commented as I looked around the room we were teleported into.

We were taken to a small room in an underground section of the main Gremory home. From there we stepped into an already drawn magic circle that teleported us to Runeas' previous castle that she had been sleeping in. It was in a far away location located in the Gremory territory. When I used my powers to look outside, you'd mistake it for an abandoned mansion.

However, it was still 'kept' up and cleaned by the servants of Gremory because Zeoticus apparently said that their progenitors' home needed to be maintained even if they were dead. But of course, he knew that she was still alive along with a select few.

The room we were in was quite spacious. It had extravagant and ludicrous decorations. Most of the decorations were gold, black, crimson and had some sort of camel design. However, we didn't get time to admire it as Runeas pulled us away. We walked through a few hallways that were insanely large. We passed by some rooms and what seemed to be the entrance hallway that was even larger than the main house of the current clan head.

"W-what the hell is that?" I asked and pointed at some kind of large flo—

"A floating camel," said Runeas.

"No, I can see that, but… why?"

"I like camels. Anyway, it's not here, come."

And so we kept on walking through her home until we came into a large room, where there were multiple facilities. I'm getting déjà vu here with Latia, but I don't think Runeas is the type to test my powers.

"I would like you to help me with something," she said and then snapped her fingers. Immediately after, a few servants appeared and handed Runeas a red button. She then pressed it.

The entire area started to shake, and from the end of the room, a small hole opened and it started to spread apart, what came out was… some kind of robot arm—

"…Is that a camel?" I asked.

"Correct! I wish to redesign this! To resemble your Scale Mail, of the Red Dragon Emperor. Seekvaira Agares is quite into that anime show is she not? She is currently in a collaboration with Grigori to make her own mechanized suits, and I wish to create my own prototype!" she explained passionately.

"…And you want the design to resemble a camel…?" I asked.


I didn't expect this, and in all honesty I was expecting this type of request to come from Seekvaira herself. However, when I looked back at Runeas she had stars in her eyes as she waited patiently for my answer.

"So, something similar to my Scale Mail, and… what do you expect from it? What I mean is ,what type of abilities do you want from the mecha suit? Do you also want it to be those giant ones, or one that is of your body size?"

"Hmm… I have these in mind," she said and took out some kind of paper with designs on it.

I took it and looked over it. I found that the design was poorly drawn, but I could understand what she desired. As well as the abilities she hoped for from it. Just like mine she wanted some thrusters on it. She also wanted backup wings in case she ran out of demonic energy. A few guns, turrets and canons on it that will use her own demonic energy as a power source.

She wanted the armor to be a mix of brown, silver and crimson. It said in writing (silver because of Jin! Important must have!), I found it amusing. It was quite basic but I could probably make it. I've been meaning to make armor like that.

"Ah, what I forgot to add, can you make it… how do I say this, adaptable to any body type?" she asked.

"I think I understand what you're asking… so if I use it, it will fit me, if you use the mecha it still will fit you and anyone else, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's what I meant! As expected of Jin!" she said and proudly puffed her enormous chest out.

'What should I base this one? Maybe the slime…?' I thought and then summoned some slime in my palm. Everyone looked at the slime and me with confusion, but I said nothing. I dropped the slime onto the floor and touched the ground and the slime began to glow. It started off small, but gradually became brighter until the room was fully illuminated.

After a few more seconds of this, it finally subsided and in front of them was a metallic crimson and brown armor. It looked like my [Boosted Gear] Scale Mail, but the helmet was… a camel's robotic head instead.

"This armor will function like a Sacred Gear. Your thoughts will turn into actions, so if you wear it, it and thought of bringing the wings out then they will come out, the same with the guns, turrets and canons," I explained and put my hand towards it.

The armor disappeared and turned into a ball of light. That light then floated towards my right hand and it turned into a small crimson-brown bracelet. "Here, it only requires your thoughts to activate, of course, you can use your own voice too…" I explained and handed the bracelet to Runeas.

She immediately put it on and shouted in excitement, "Crimson Break!" and was immediately consumed by a crimson and brown light. After the light faded, Runeas was now in the new armor that I made, and it also changed to fit her size and body shape.

Runeas began to giggle to herself as she summoned crimson-silver light wings behind her and then flew around with them. Suddenly a few target dummies appeared from the walls of the room we were in and Runeas summoned some of the turrets from her shoulders and using her demonic energy as a source fired powerful blasts of demonic bullets at the dummies.

"Depending on the amount of demonic energy you use, those bullets will become more powerful and increase in size. Of course, you can also control that too, the same for the other weapons on that thing," I explained.

After she heard that, the turrets disappeared and medium sized canons appeared on her shoulders and she fired a powerful blast of demonic energy at the wall. She must have held back because it didn't destroy it.

She played around with it for a few more seconds before flying back to us and exiting the armor. As jumped once which made her breasts jiggle and then stood in front of it.

"Umu! Good, very good! I like it, Jin! I have no problems using it! It's almost like I've used it my entire life, but with this… I can…" she stopped there and looked smugly at us.

"I take it's to your liking, First Generation-sama?" asked Zeoticus as the rest of the Gremory family joined us.

"Yes, it is. Jin, have you ever thought of creating more items like this to sell? It would certainly make you a lot of money," asked Runeas.

"No, the things I usually create end up usually used by myself or my lovers, and also I don't really trust people to not abuse them. However, since all of you are family, and this was requested by you, then I don't mind. If a random devil I didn't know asked for it, I may have declined or even made a very weak version of it. Ah, also, please don't try to replicate this. With most things I make, I have that as a failsafe, so it'll just explode…"

"You're quite paranoid about these things, Jin-kun," said Venelana as she put both her hands on my shoulder. She was behind me and I felt her breasts on the back of my head.

"Well, as long as the Khaos Order exists, I have to be," I replied.

Venelana hummed behind me and started massaging my shoulders. Millicas suddenly ran up to Runeas and looked quite excited.

"That was amazing, First Generation-sama! M-may I use it?" he asked.

"Umu!" answered Runeas as she handed the bracelet over to Millicas who also used the armor and tried it out.

However, since Millicas had the [Power of Destruction], he also used it as a power source and created even more destruction around the place. Once he was done, I repaired the damage he did. It seemed like he wanted one too, so I leaned over to Sirzechs—

"When's Millicas' birthday?" I asked, and when I looked at Sirzechs, he had tears streaming down his face for some reason. "Uh, are you okay?"

"I am Jin-kun! I am! His birthday is—"

Not too long after, Asteri smacked him on the head. But I did get the date of Millicas' birthday and I would gift him something similar, though I'd ask Asteri first to ask him for designs and other things he'd want on it.

"By the way, why is Sona-kun's [Queen] with you?" asked Sirzechs. After Sirzechs asked that they all looked at Tsubaki. They had glanced at her before, but now they finally addressed it.

"Hmm? Ah… we're on an after-school date while I do my job, I guess?"

When I glanced back at Tsubaki she had turned red. She tried to say something, but each and every time she tried to nothing came out, so she just decided not to say anything in the end.

"Fufu, his harem grows~ I wish—"


Asteri smacked Sirzechs again and he apologized. I feel like these two are some kind of skit duo whenever he mentions wanting a harem. Though I doubt he would have a problem getting one since he's quite popular.

"I still have two Satans to go to, so if this is all then we'll get moving, but if you want something else, you know how to get in contact with me," I said and turned around. Venelana gave me a sad smile before moving out of my way.

I don't know how to deal with her… she's married and that make things complicated. I inwardly sighed and left it at that.

"No, this is fine. I will contact you again, Jin. Thank you!" said Sirzechs and Runeas. I waved at them as we teleported away.

Astaroth Territory

"Hmm? Oh, Ajuka. I didn't think you'd be here," I said.

I had teleported us just outside of the gardens of Latia's home, and we found Ajuka, Latia and a few servants of Astaroth there.

"Ah, Jin-kun, welcome. Perfect timing, we were about to contact you. In honesty, we're here to ask for help with a few repairs and we'd also like you to construct some things since you're quite fast at it," explained Ajuka.

"Repairs and building, huh? Alright, though I'm surprised I missed some buildings when I repaired this place…" I said to them.

"You haven't been to this entire territory yet. You may have repaired the majority of the surface's damage, but there are some underground sections that suffered some damage due to the attack," explained Latia. "Uncle, I will take him with me. We will return when we are finished."

"Yes, that's fine," replied Ajuka and we walked away.

"Ah, yes, please don't get too promiscuous," he said with a chuckle.

Latia, who walked beside me turned red after she heard that. She didn't say anything, so I was a bit confused.

"Um, so you're expecti—"

"No! Why would you even ask?! Tsubaki's even here!" she snapped back.

"…So you're implying that if Tsubaki wasn't here, we'd be making out a lot?" I asked again.


"Be quiet, Aaron," she said in an angry tone.

"My apologies, madame," I replied and laughed.

Latia brought us to a part of the Astaroth territory I hadn't been in before, although I've only been here a handful of times, not including the time I arrived during the attack on Auros Academy.

"This is?" I asked.

"Uncle likes creating things. He's also a genius. These are his old 'toys' from the past. He may have used some of them during the civil war many years ago," she explained as we stepped into the room. "We will repair the first part, then proceed to the other sections. The homes of the devils that live in our territories were repaired first along with other essential shops and businesses."

"Of course, you had a hand in that, didn't you? So it didn't take us long to repair them fully. Now then, if you can." She then gestured to the room around us.

There were a few monitors around that were being produced by the crystals that Ajuka used from the Floating City of Agares. I began to repair the room when I asked Latia, "Did you find out what they took from the floating city?"

"According to Uncle, a sizeable chunk of the crystals that he uses to create the Evil Pieces were taken, and as well as a few rooms that he hasn't explored fully yet, it seems they were targeting certain things that we don't know the purpose of," replied Latia.

"Do you think they'll find a way to utilize them?" she asked worriedly. "If… the [King] piece is any indicator then…"

I had told all of them what the [King] piece did, and they also know how many were distributed. I even told them who utilized them, and Rias was both shocked and relieved to hear at least the Champion of the Rating Games didn't use it. But she was angry and disappointed by it, even Sona.

I did tell them to expect something to happen in the future, but who knows if it'll still go through? The floating city wasn't taken, but it seems that the champion was still quite annoyed when we met. But I did take some countermeasures. Too bad I couldn't get to a certain person on time. I think the Khaos Order has him already.

"I'm not sure, but if they create items that will increase their power further then… who knows what might happen? I mean, the original Satans are there too, and they have the [Malebranche] with them. Maybe they'll create a mix? Or just the [King] pieces but with a x100 multiplier instead of a 10-100."

I shook my head and added, "Speculating and bringing our mood down isn't worth it. Let's focus on the now and let's wait for any updates on my double agents. I'll have them inform me soon."

"We shouldn't worry too much, Latia, we're quite strong now and also, Aaron, didn't you say you'll bring us back there for an extra 100 years?" asked Tsubaki.

"Yeah, just in case. I want quite a lot of you to reach at least Omniversal, and then… I can stop worrying so much. Also, it'll make the future International Rating Game even more entertaining. I'll have fun watching all of you guys destroy each other," I said with a grin.

"Do you plan on participating?" both of them asked.


"Probably not," I replied.


Both of them seemed surprised, so I continued. "As much as I want to, I'm helping fund and organize it. Also… the prize for the winner, I'm the one granting it."

"Prize… what would that be?" asked Latia.

"Fufu, would you like to know?" asked Ajuka.

After turning around, we saw Satan walking into the room.

"You know, Uncle?" asked Latia.

"Indeed I do. I along with Sirzechs, Michael, Serafall, Falbium, Azazel and a few other organizers know of the prize," he said and looked around us. He then put a small barrier around the room and continue, "The prize is… anything that Jin can grant. Isn't that amazing? Of course, there are limits to it."


"We want?"

Both Tsubaki and Latia finished each other's sentences and looked at each other.

"What do you mean?" asked Tsubaki.

"It's as it sounds. I will grant the winning team whatever they want. Though, I can't grant them infinite power or anything like that. However, if they wish to have their potential to be increased to match the Dragon Gods, I can do that. If they want a lot of money, I can also do that. Anything, save for a few exceptions, I'll grant to them. But there is still one more thing," I explained.

"One more thing? And what's that?" asked Latia.

"The winners can participate in an exhibition match against my own team. I'll obviously be [King]. I have my team in mind already, so… I have an idea of a few who want to fight me in the end."

Team Vali, Team Rias, Team Sairaorg, probably Team Slash/Dog if Tobio comes back for it, and a few others… each of them has a reason to want to fight me again. Vali for obvious reasons, Rias and the Gremory peerage for a revenge match, the same with Sairaorg and Tobio.

Whoever reaches me in the end, I'll grant them a wish and fight them.

"Fight you…" muttered Tsubaki.

"It's enticing, right? A wish granted by the Middleman along with the opportunity to fight him. It's a two-in-one deal. I'd say many teams, regardless of who they are will definitely try their best," added Ajuka.

"And keep this a secret from the others, alright? I want it to be a surprise… also I think I'll have at least two teams that will 'compete' for me. Aurelia will participate with her own team, she'll surely be near the top, and Cao Cao's team will also be part of it. Maybe even Team Giichi Stars… but who knows? I'm still waiting for them to contact me."

"Aurelia, what would she want as a prize?" asked Latia.

I shrugged, "Who knows? She hasn't told me, and I doubt she will."

"W-wait, will Aurelia-san's team be composed of just your subordinates? T-they're at least Dragon god-class beings and I doubt—"

I stopped Tsubaki by holding my hand up. I knew she lied in front of Ajuka about the 'Dragon God-class' part, but...

"No, there are obviously rules to stop something like that from happening, but I believe her team will be quite powerful."

"Fufu, anyone that spends time with you gets a large boost in strength. This event will surely shock and scare the gods. I do look forward to seeing it, Jin," said Ajuka and then he left saying he still had things to finish.

"Who… who will be the [Queen] for you?" asked Latia.

"Who indeed… there are a lot of candi—"

"The fated ones? There are four of them, so they'll surely fight over it…" said Latia as she interrupted me. "Or are you still in the process of choosing? If so, can I participate in it?" she asked.

"Just because they're part of my 'Fated Ones' doesn't mean they'll automatically get it, Latia. But yes, there will be a process for it, in the end—whoever 'wins' will be the [Queen]. Of course, I'll have other spots you know? [Pawns], [Rooks], [Bishops] and [Knights]."

But I can understand why they want to be the [Queen]. The fight for it will be fierce…

"Anyway, let's finish this up. I still have one more place to get to."

After that, we finished our duties in mostly silence. I think they were thinking about what to do with all that they just learned.

"We're done," I said as we found Ajuka.

"Ah, good work. I'll wire the money to your account. That should be all for today, thank you, Jin," said Ajuka. "Actually, I'd like to speak to you once you're done with your request with Falbium."

"I don't mind, where do you want to speak at?" I asked.

"Meet me back here and I will bring us to a more secure place," he said.

"Sure thing."

He nodded and left.

"We'll get going then, Latia. We'll see you at home tonight," I said and she nodded.

"W-what?" she asked. "Are you expecting something? Go, you have a job," she said and glared at me.

"So heartless, my heart shattered~," I replied and grabbed Tsubaki and left. Latia rolled her eyes at me as we did.

Glasya-Labolas Territory

As we arrived in the Glasya-Labolas territory, it was like any other territory I had been to up until now. The same old-era type housing around the place, large decorative trees, fancy roads and pathways, large and tall buildings.

When I located Falbium's aura, we started walking towards it. At the same time I also felt another familiar aura. It was Iryuka Glasya-Labolas. I had only met her once, but it wasn't a bad experience. She was quite an interesting girl.

We arrived near a large castle's garden. The guards looked like they were going to stop us, but when they got a better look at me, they lowered their weapons and became a bit stiff.

"M-middleman-sama, h-how can we help you?" one of the asked.

"I'm here for a job. Falbium called for me," I replied. "Where is he?"

"A-ah, Asmodeus-sama is within the front garden, he should be east of here. Shall we call for a guide?" the other asked.

"No, it's fine. We'll go there ourselves, thanks," I said and gave them the usual and we walked past them.

The front garden of the castle was large, dare I say, larger than the Gremory's or even the one Roygun had. However, we quickly navigated our way through it, getting questioning and confused glances by the Glasya-Labolas servants.

"Mmm? Ah, Jin. Welcome to our home. I'm glad you could do this request for me," said Falbium without yawning.

Beside him were Iryuka Glasya-Labolas and Serafall. I had been wondering if she would make it or not, but it seemed like she was waiting here for us.

"Yeah, no problem. Hello, Iryuka and glad you could join us, Serafall. Anyway, what request is it?" I asked.

"I was held up with a few things, teehee~" she said and playfully hit her head.

"It's been a while, Jin-san. I'll be in your care for however long this takes," said Iryuka and she bowed.

"Hmm. To put it simply, Iryuka will transfer to Kuoh Academy starting next year, and I'd like her to have a small tour of the school. I had Serafall here contact her little sister, Sona Sitri so you should have permission already," he explained and took a bite out of a biscuit.

"I see. If that's the case I'll have Ravel tag along. You two were classmates until she moved, right? She should be able to help you a bit more," I said.

"Ravel, huh? I've missed her so I'd like that."

"Great, let's go then. It's after school and a few clubs should still be there, so if you're interested you can take a look at them. But since it's after school there shouldn't be too many, so it's good timing," I added and gestured for them to join me.

At the same time, I sent a text to Ravel explaining the situation and I got an immediate response.

|I will be at the front gate!| texted Ravel.

Once we arrived back at Kuoh Academy, Ravel like the attentive junior she is, was waiting there patiently. We left the spot we teleported to and joined her.

"Hey, Ravel," greeted Iryuka.

"It's been some time, Iryuka!" replied Ravel as the two of them high-fived and spoke to each other.

"Ravel, I'll leave it up to you to show her around and explain. We'll just follow along, oh and if you have anything to add, Tsubaki then feel free," I told them.

"Yes, leave it to me Aa—Jin-sama!" replied Ravel. "Then follow me, Iryuka. This place that Sona-sama and Rias-sama built up is a wonderful place."

Ravel started out with the clubs and outside facilities and explained them in great detail to Iryuka who looked at them with interest. I didn't think Ravel would research all of the clubs here or the outside facilities, so I was even surprised by that.

"Bullying here is punished quite severely, isn't it?" Ravel asked Tsubaki.

"Yes, it is. After a few incidents after we made the school co-ed, there was rampant bullying, and someone nearly took their life. The school has now made bullying punishable by expulsion," said Tsubaki.

Akeno did mention something about that, and her own stalker, that Chase guy… well at least they won't show up anymore. Even on the human side of things it got pretty tense for them. Hell, that teacher and student controversy didn't happen too long ago now that I think about it.

Our tour around the school lasted around an hour and thirty minutes. Ravel told Iryuka everything and anything she wanted, Tsubaki and I added in anything we thought was relevant. Serafall just used me as a walking body pillow the entire time, but I didn't mind.

We ended our tour at the front gate.

"So, what do you think, Iryuka?" I asked.

"It's… an interesting place. Ravel does text me from time to time about her experience here, and that's why I'm interested in transferring too. Even though you won't be here next year, Jin-san. I'd like to transfer here," she said.

"Hey, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, Akeno, Ingvild and I will be just at the College division, so we're just a few minutes' walk away. So we can just come back here if the need arises, or you can go over to us. So don't sweat it too much," I said.

"…Yes, that's true. Anyway, I will go back and explain how I feel to Falbium-jii-san. Thank you again for the tour, everyone," she said, bowed and left.

I patted Ravel on the head and said, "Good job on the tour. I didn't think you knew that much about the academy. In all honesty I learned a bit myself."

"I wanted to be knowledgeable about as many things as possible. I will be one of your secretaries in the future, so having information is key!" she explained enthusiastically.

"Is that so? I'll rely on you then, Ravel. Anyway, you and Tsubaki can leave now. I still have some business in the Underworld with Ajuka."

"Yes, I will excuse myself!" Ravel then left looking very happy.

"I will also join my peerage. Thank you for indulging me, Aaron."

"Don't sweat it. Oh, I'm heading to Grigori tomorrow. Care to join?" I asked.

Her eyes widened and she agreed to come. After that she left for the Student Council room. It was just Serafall and I left.

"So, I'm meeting with Ajuka. I don't know if you'll be allowed though…"

"I'm going, and he can fight this magical girl if he wants!"

I laughed, knowing that she wouldn't take any other answers.

We quickly arrived at the Astaroth territory and Ajuka was already there waiting. He saw us, gave me a look that asked 'Why is Serafall here?', in response I just shook my head. He understood and gestured for both of us to join him. Once we did, he teleported us to a different place.

The place he brought us was a different dimension, no… it was somewhere in the multiverse, a pocket dimension like mine, but built outside the boundaries of the Draconic Deus.

"I didn't think you would build this after I told the truth of the Omniverse, and multiverse, Ajuka," I commented and looked at our surroundings.

We were in an open area. Behind and above us was a large building. I could feel multiple devils here. They were probably his servants working on whatever project he had going on. In front of us was a large beach and an open ocean. It appeared to be the end of the 'day' here as there was a sunset going down on the horizon.

He gestured for both Serafall and I to sit down and we did. I didn't even see those chairs and table there… he clicked his fingers and some tea and cups appeared. He poured us some and then he started.

"I would like to start off with, I've spoken to all the current leaders of the alliance about this and they are in favor for this, Jin. To start, I will be establishing a secret intelligence bureau. Using an example from the human world, it would be similar to the American CIA, or the English MI6," explained Ajuka.

"I, and many others believe that you should be the main central focal point for it. The leader, or face of it. You're already known world-wide, aren't you? The famous Middleman, Dual Dragon Emperor and the Oppai and Ketsu Dragon. Not to mention the many more titles that started appearing for you."

This… this is happening a lot earlier than I expected. Though this did say that this was discussed during or after the attack on Auros Academy…

"I'm sure that there will be future trouble that will happen to our world that will probably include the multiverse, so we wanted to create this organization."

…Probably not since I'm closing of any world travel—but I may make exceptions for my allies. But apart from that, I don't want to deal with psychopaths that want to take over the multiverse or something like that.

"We plan to name this organization [EXE] (Eguze), and as I said, you will be the head of it—the leader. I along with the other gods will work behind the scenes to help provide for everyone in it."

"So, this is like the black ops or something? Team [DxD] is the one that the public knows, while the organization of the [EXE] helps in the background. I can assume that most that will be in this won't be the teams that are in Team [DxD]?" I asked.

"Most of it will be, but a lot of them will have better skills in espionage, assassination, and information gathering. Of course, the members will also be powerful. I originally had plans for Tobio Ikuse—Slash Dog to be one of the leaders. However, since he's retired from the front lines, and his current team is going through many changes, I thought I'd appoint you instead."

"If you have any ideas, can you tell me some members you already have planned?" I asked.

"Well, even though their team is going through changes, I would like Team Slash/Dog to be in it for starters. Penemue and my nephew Latia will also be in it. I believe these two will mostly help you. While Raiko and Rossweisse help you and the rest of Team [DxD]."

"However, I would like you to refrain from showing your face, for the time being, as well as using either of your Sacred Gears. As I said, I want this organization to be a secret for the time being," explained Ajuka.

"…That's fine, I have some new Sacred Gears that I classify as the [New Longinus] I wish to use anyway," I said. I brought out [Demon Armor: Incursio] and [Abyss Extinction] and explained them to Ajuka.

"First it was [Ashen Burst], now you evolved another common Sacred Gear into [Abyss Extinction] and created a new Sacred Gear? You certainly know how to keep things lively, Jin. If it's possible, could I see at least the Balance Breaker of [Abyss Extinction]?" he asked.

"I don't mind," I said and got up. [Abyss Extinction] looked like a small shadowy purple dagger. I dropped it into my shadow and muttered, "Balance Break."


I was covered in a large mass of shadows. The shadows quickly dispersed and I stepped forward. The armor I was in had glowing flame-like purple hair, glowing purple eyes, two curved black horns, and sharp claws. I also had a long smoky black cloak on my back.

[Abyss Extinction], also known as [Night Emperor of the Flawless Abyss].

"And which state of Balance Breaker is this? The regular crest side, subspecies? Abyss side? Or X side?" Ajuka asked as he looked at me in fascination.

I had modeled the Balance Breaker armor for this Sacred Gear as [Ashborn] from Solo leveling. I debated on Jin Woo's shadow armor or this, in the end I chose this.

"Abyss side. No chant required either, so that's a plus. Though if I give this to someone, they may evolve it further, but who knows?"

"I see, quite interesting. So these two are part of the [New Longinus] you say? Does Azazel know about this?" he asked.

"Not yet, but I am going to Grigori tomorrow so I'll tell him about these new classifications and other things. Did you know he wanted to make a fallen angel reincarnation system?"

"He has not, interesting… I wonder what changed his mind after all this time?" he asked himself.

I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to tell him, but Ajuka laughed at me quietly and shook his head. "You do not need to tell me; the governor will tell us when he is ready. However, I only wanted to inform you of that, Jin. We can speak more about it in the future when we have more leaders with us. With that you can go home, but feel free to come here as I am sometimes here to expand on my research of the multiverse."

"…Speaking of the multiverse, I have my own plans with it, so as a heads-up, universe traveling, the same as traveling to the past or future will be heavily restricted by me in the future, so keep that in mind. But since I consider you a good friend and a relative of Latia, I'll give you certain permissions," I told him.

He smiled and nodded. "I heard from Azazel, Mr. Creator and I appreciate it," he said and winked.

"Anyway, thanks… I'll see you soon, or whenever that is."

He nodded and me and Serafall finally left. She had been busy eating the snacks that Ajuka provided but nodded along with our conversation the entire time.

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