Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 8 – Part 2 – Azazel and Yashina

Third Person Point of View

In the vast multiverse, we follow a young man who was in pursuit of a certain individual. However, as this young man loved to fight powerful opponents, he would spend a certain amount of time in different universes and beat any opponent he came across.

"Come on, come one, come one!!" Ignia shouted at his opponents.

"Who the hell is this guy?!" shouted a man.

"Who cares?! Kill him! We can't afford for him to help the allies!" shouted another.

"Fire Dragon God's Iron fist!" Ignia shouted as an enormous number of flames hit his opponents in front of him.

Ignia had not been in this world before, after his run in with a group of pirates called the 'Straw Hats' in another world who were fighting some weirdo that used string, he had easily killed him and then challenged the world's strongest creature in that world and also killed him.

Ignia hated the fact that the person called 'Kaido' acted like a dragon, yet Ignia himself didn't see him as such. He called him a 'false' dragon and killed him using his real dragon form, greatly shocking many. After that, he killed other notable pirates and even killed the strongest swordsman in that world.

To Ignia, it was boring. He had promised his father that he would help him against the Khaos Order, but he did not promise anything about killing anyone else in the multiverse. He was a person who loved fighting, whether it be an honorable duel, or a death match—he would participate in any of them.

After Ignia left the world of pirates, he came to this world. If his father was with him, he would describe it as 'A typical fantasy world' and Ignia thought the same too. However, he had appeared during a time of strife—a large scale war was currently going on, and he had just joined in.

He didn't want to be on anyone's side, so he attacked both the 'bad' and 'good' guys on the battlefield. But both sides quickly figured this out and they started to attack him and each other.

"Come on! Make this more entertaining for meeeeeeeeeee!" Ignia screamed at them as he jumped high into the sky. "Fire Dragon God's Brilliant Flame!!" He screamed and threw a giant ball of flames towards the ground.

With his attack he decimated the land and killed hundreds of lives.

"You piece of shiiiiiiiiit!" a voice screamed at Ignia.

Ignia turned around and blocked the attack from the person who sent it towards him.

"Ah? Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"Ignia! From Fairy Tail! I don't know how you travelled to this world, but I will stop you! I reincarnated here after all! I won't let you—"

'Fairy what?' Ignia asked himself and looked at the man in confusion. Ignia rolled his eyes, appeared in front of the young man and punched him straight through his chest. He had aimed for his heart, and once he had it in his hands, he crushed it. The look of shock was evident on the Reincarnators face. He hadn't expected his life to end like this.

"…Eh? B-but I was… I'm the protagonist…! I can't die—"


Ignia ignited his fist with flames and eradicated the Reincarnator from existence. "Protagonist? Are you insane? God, I think mother gave us information about a few Reincarnators were still alive, but holy fuck they're weak. Didn't they have a 'system' or 'cheat' to help them? Are they really this weak?"

Ignia chuckled, "Nah, they just don't have plot armor to help 'em. What sorry excuses for humans."

"Tenji-kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!" another female voice screamed in the area.

Ignia turned to it and saw an angry female flying towards him, tears streaming down her face and her sword ready to attack him.

"The hell's her problem?" he asked himself. He aimed his finger at her and fired multiple shots of flames at her.

She managed to deflect a few, but was overwhelmed by the amount in the end. The female was weaker than the male he had killed, so when she couldn't defend herself against the attack anymore, she was pierced through multiple areas of her body, and also died.

"Does this world even have a 'hero'? If so, where the hell are they?" he asked himself.

However, suddenly a large pillar of light erupted to the western part of the land. Ignia saw it and grinned. "Are you calling for me, Hero-sama~?" he asked himself happily.

But to his surprise, a human male appeared in front of him, a blonde-haired green-eyed male with short hair and golden armor stood there.

"You bastard! You killed Tenji! He was my sworn rival, and the unofficial hero! How dare you!" the hero said.

"Huh?" Ignia was confused. "This is war, what the fuck are you talking about?" he asked and appeared in front of the hero.

"Take this!" the hero screamed and slashed at Ignia. "This is the legendary sword, Vrimononus! It can cut through anything and has holy properties!"

Again, Ignia sighed, and caught the sword—shocking the hero.

"Wha—?! Impossibl—Gah?!"

He didn't let the wannabe Hero finish as Ignia grabbed his other arm and ripped it off the hero! The hero screamed in agony and clutched his missing arm. The hero glared at Ignia with righteous fury and began to chant.

"O holy sword of mi—"

Don! Spshhhhhhhh!

"Sorry, father is probably the only one I'd let do his chant. You, however, I will not since it sounds lame as hell," explained Ignia.

Just like the Reincarnator called Tenji, he pierced the hero through his heart and crushed it. Ignia had no interest in this wannabe hero and simply killed him.

"This place is a disappointment. Is there anyone at least 'strong', and I'm really lowering my standards here… if those two were the 'heroes' who the fuck—"

"You bast—!"

Ignia didn't waste any time as he appeared beside the large monster that was screaming at him. He immediately kicked them in the face, and they crashed into the ground below.

"Hmm? Ah, it's a dragon. I was waiting for you to show up, good. Show me how dragons are like in this world," he said and took a fighting stance.

"I am Esilya, the Black Dragon! Tenji was… my sword friend and future lover. How dare you!"

"Uwaaa what kind of boring backstory is that?" asked Ignia.

"Back…story?! You dare?!"

"Yeah, I dare. I literally said it. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?" asked Ignia as he grinned at the dragon below him. "A weak hero and a shittier reincarnated idiot. My god this place is pathetic. Come on, at least show me you have some power!"

"Die!" shouted Esilya as she fired a powerful breath attack at Ignia.

However, Ignia simply sighed. "That's it? Even more disappointing then…" He muttered to himself. Ignia gathered a large volume of flames in his mouth and then fired it at Esilya. "Fire Dragon God's Roar!!!"


An even larger, thicker and powerful breath attack left Ignia's mouth. Even though he was still in his human form—his breath attack was larger than Esilya's

"…What is this…? A god? No, is he a dragon…? No—is he the rumored, the legendary—Dragon Go—"


Esilya couldn't finish those words as she was instantly killed once the flames hit her body. She was a normal dragon, slightly stronger than the ones in her world, as she gained the title of 'Black Dragon Queen', but in front of Ignia's power, she was nothing.

"…Boring. I'm leaving… fuck, where the hell are you, Lapis? I swear if you're heading towards Ghidorah then that would make things a bit more annoying for father before he evolves, you know? Ah, whatever. I'll leave this place. Nothing worth it here. I might as well hunt down other Reincarnators that are left too…"

Ignia pointed above him and created an enormous ball of fire. It was twice as big as this universe's planet and let it fall down on them. "This is my last gift to you all. Enjoy~ try your best to stop it," he said and left the universe.

Unfortunately for the inhabitants of this universe. They could not. Try as they might, they used their strongest spells, forced some retired adventurers who were quite powerful to try to stop it. They even had other dragons of the world help—even the demons of this world… yet they could not.

The gods of this universe could not help, as Ignia had killed them first when he entered this world beforehand. So humanity had already lost their last hope before they were even aware of it.

As the ball finally collided with this universes earth—it destroyed it—a large explosion that caused that galaxy to shake, even destroying a few nearby planets in the process.

Back in the base of the Khaos Order, certain individuals were preparing to go with a certain scientist of theirs to a certain country.

"I will be fine on my own, all of you are being way too paranoid," said Avezza. "I have my own to escape, and even memory wipe, and I also stored any relevant information in 'that' so if you need my knowledge, you can get it from there. I also don't feel comfortable sending a clone over there," she added.

"We will send some magicians with you, Avezza. At least with them, you will have enough time to escape if things go south. Also, someone else will accompany you… well, a clone of theirs. We also managed to replicate their Sacred Gear. It's supposedly on par with a Longinus, but still quite far from its destructive capabilities," explained Promestein.

"Ah, her, huh? [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract], was it? Quite a fascinating Sacred Gear that could probably develop into a new Longinus. She's also part of the Seekers of Truth, but…"

"She is very unstable. However, the Wizards of Oz wish to add her to their ranks. She's a very talented magician, and even Glenda compared her new Longinus-type Sacred Gear to her previous student, Lavinia Reni's [Absolute Demise]," said Promestein.

"As far as I can tell, they're almost identical, and it seems that she has more control over [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract]. Including that powerful Balance Breaker. [Mahāpadma], quite formidable, not many can move in it, even some gods are rendered useless. Is that why it's considered to be a potential Longinus?" asked Avezza.

"Indeed. However, I am confused as to why she named her Sacred Gear that."

"I asked her once about it, apparently it was due to her upbringing. She has used her Balance Breaker once, and it was to fight a powerful enemy and it rendered them useless. So according to her, it should be able to stand against the Gods, and if so… only a god is worthy of its name, hence why she calls it a (God). As she believes only those two beings can fight her in her fully power state," explained Avezza.

"Then what about the [Demon] in its name?"

"She did not tell me why; however, she may be paying homage to the two strongest devils of the Underworld, Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub. As they are rumored to be stronger than certain gods, hence the [Demon God] part of her Sacred Gears' name. But this is my own theory."

"She hails from Russia, does she not? From a secluded tribe of warriors that were aware of the supernatural," added Promestein as she opened a file on her wrist device that acted like a computer.

"Yes. Perhaps that's how her own unique Sacred Gear manifested? I heard that the tribe that she was in mostly stayed in the cold regions of Russia, where it snows. She has a resistance to cold, and maybe her Sacred Gear formed like that? She as a child was quite skilled and powerful after all."

"She only became stronger when she started learning the use of magic, her strongest elements are both water and ice. Her Sacred Gear is based on ice after all. Honestly, the more I talk about it, the more I believe it's just a better version of [Absolute Demise]. As she said its temperatures also reaches absolute zero," explained Avezza.

Promestein smirked and laughed. "Lavinia Reni also known as the [Ice Princess], and Yashina, also known without our organization as the [Tundra Queen]. Both have near identical Sacred Gears. I am interested in them meeting each other."

"Why?" asked Avezza. "Apart from those points you mentioned."

"She's also quite interested in the Middleman. While she thought of him as naïve at the start, she grew to become obsessed with him. Perhaps it's a fated rivalry? Or are women with ice-based abilities just destined to cross paths with the Dual Dragon Emperor?" asked Promestein. "She wishes to participate in the Halloween attack too, which should be interesting. I do wonder which of the two is stronger, fufu."

Avezza glanced at Promestein and shook her head. While she too was interested, she had other things to focus on. One of them was to go and visit her former lover's grave—this was a yearly ritual for her. Even after many years she is still deeply in love with him and still affected by his death.

She could never forgive Azazel for denying her the chance to be happy. She held on to that grudge for this long. Until she can kill that governor, she won't rest—and only then she can rest easy or die in peace.

The upcoming attack on Grigori, she will take part in that too and she hopes that it will come with huge losses for Azazel.

"Big sis Yashina! Are you going with Avezza to Italy?" asked a young woman.

"A clone of mine is going, Chloe. We have seen the amount of damage my future husband (Aaron) can do even with 1000 body doubles. It did a lot of damage to that devil Euclid. So, I decided to be a test dummy and use 10,000. It will be interesting."

"Huh? Are you expecting him to show up in Italy?" asked the young woman.

"If there is trouble, the Middleman will be alerted to it and appear there. While I do not believe that Avezza will cause unnecessary trouble for herself, it won't be a terrible idea to be prepared," replied Yashina.

Yashina, the current wielder of the [New Longinus] [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract]. As far as ability and potential are concerned, the Sacred Gear is almost identical to [Absolute Demise].

Yashina was a tall, beautiful and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a general's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest, which is the emblem of her Sacred Gear.

"Big sis, why do you call the Middleman your husband?" asked the young lady.

"Because he will be. No one else in this world is suited to be my husband. A man of his power—also an Outer God, no one else qualifies!" replied Yashina.

In layman terms, Yashina is every bit of the word 'Yandere' towards Aaron. It started out like any other interest to the woman. Like most people in the supernatural world, they became interested in the new generation Red Dragon Emperor.

He preached love, peace, harem, and co-existence. And like the rest, Yashina found it ludicrous. However, as time passed that dream of his slowly became a reality along with the things he had achieved. Yashina's interest in the man increased more and more, until it became an obsession for her. She herself doesn't know when she started referring to Aaron as her husband. However, she did not question it, nor did the people of the Khaos Order.

Yashina is among the few people in the world that have reached God-class combat status as a human or near it, to be able to fight against powerful beings of that class. Not many could do the same. The only few out there were Vasco Strada, Tobio Ikuse, Cao Cao (prior to being resurrected), Arthur Pendragon, and Mitsuya Kanzaki.

Potential humans that could reach it are Hirokazu Miller, Fusae Hirawa, Lisa Minci, and a few yet to be discovered by the supernatural world.

"Also, Lavinia Reni, the woman I am constantly compared to and is the wielder of the original 13 Longinus [Absolute Demise], Glenda had a lot of praise of the girl, however, said that she had a weak mind-set. If I do face her in the future, I would like to test myself," added Yashina.

A clash between the [Tundra Queen] and [Ice Princess] is inevitable in the future. However, Yashina is ready and is quite combat ready, as she's a master magician, a user of touki and has her [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract] Sacred Gear.

Universe – Evie Etoulde

"Chimune, I heard that you got into contact with the Outer God?" asked Resetoras.

"It was brief, but yes, I did. Siphaenien was also there too, but we only spoke for a few seconds. However, he has agreed to an alliance with my faction so far. However, if we explain in our next meeting then he will surely agree to an alliance with the Etoulde faction…" replied Chimune Chipotle.

"Would it be possible to send one of ours to meet with him?" asked Resetoras.

"It wouldn't be impossible, however, we do not have technology like the Evies, so it will take us a lot longer to reach the Draconic Deus. We also have that new organization to worry about, so it makes it even harder for us," said Chimune.

"…Hmm. Then I will leave it up to you, I will inform the rest of your minor success. Please explain everything to him, and perhaps he may be the one to come to us instead."

"I will, please leave it to me," replied Chimune.

"…So he accepted to take everyone in your faction?" asked Resetoras.

"H-he accepted before I had a chance to explain that part. H-he was convinced after I let him lay his head on my chest…" she said as she blushed.

Resetoras laughed at Chimune and shook his head. "As expected of the [Oppai Dragon], to think he would accept an alliance with your faction just because he got to use your breasts. Well, it works in our favor. I'll leave this matter to your hands then—or should I say to your breasts?" asked Resetoras as he laughed and walked away.

Chimune sighed and put a hand on her chest. 'No one has done that to me before. It was a bit surprising, but it wasn't unpleasant,' she thought before walking away.

Once Chimune Chipotle's faction found out about the alliance and the reason for it, most were fine with it, a few were uneasy or hesitant and a few were against it. They weren't against the alliance, but were against the reasoning for it. They did not want to give themselves up to a man of unknown origin, even if he is known as the [Oppai Dragon].

However, Chimune, along with Siphaenien will set out to play the famous [Oppai Dragon Song] for them and ease their worries. She did not want them to think of Aaron as a bad person, so with his [Song of Hope] in hand, she set out to play it for everyone in her faction, as well as show some of the deeds he had done for his universe.

Universe – Crepuscule Phantasma

Rank 8, Aerendyl Liaris and Rank 10, Radelia Vaqirelle were both elf creatures from the universe of the Phantasma. However, they belonged to different planets and tribes. Long ago both of their planets were at war. The Queen of Radelia's planet and the King of Aerendyl's planet were bitter towards each other for unknown reasons.

Much like the Romanian vampires of the Draconic Deus, the planet of Aerendyl, Seustea is male dominated and the planet of Radelia, Sienerth is female dominated. However, there are still females on Seustea and males on Sienerth.

Rank 8, Aerendyl Liaris lived a lavish yet strict life. He was the heir to his kind as his father (King) and mother (Queen) were two of the strongest of their race. However, once they were taken over by Phumera and Yve, their lives only improved.

They knew when they were outmatched and chose to serve Phumera and they flourished even more. Aerendyl was blessed with both magic and dhavega (touki), he was also a master at using any weaponry, and with the help of the Phantasma. Aerendyl was like any typical elf. He had blonde hair and green eyes, but he was quite arrogant because of his upbringing.

However, he quickly surpassed his parents and joined the ranks of the Eradicators after defeating rank 14, and then slowly challenging rank 10, 9 and finally 8. He has stayed in that seat for many years.

Rank 10, Radelia Vaqirelle was the opposite. She was born different from her fellow elves. Most elves on her planet had either blonde or ash colored hair. However, she had black hair and sharp yellow eyes. She was not born into a noble family or family of any noteworthy individuals. She was born as a common elf, yet because of her appearance they were shunned.

At an early age this caused her mother to abandon her, forcing her father to work harder to provide for her. Yet he did not leave her. It is thanks to her father that Radelia could flourish, and slowly grow in strength and knowledge. However, at the age of 13 her father died of exhaustion from work, leaving Radelia alone in this world.

When she went out to seek out her mother, she found out she had found a brand-new family and refused to accept her into it. So from that day onward she lived only for herself and worked hard for herself, and slowly she gained strength and notoriety.

As she grew, her temper rose and she became quite short with everyone. Anyone who challenged her was horribly injured leaving them crippled for life. Radelia didn't like taking life. That's a lesson her father instilled in her. However, when the Phantasma took over their planet and she slowly entered the ranks of the Eradicators she was forced to take life.

She did it as quickly and painlessly as possible. Because of this mindset, her fellow elf, Aerendyl detested her and thought of her as weak. Both of them would clash daily as they would insult each other and a few times, even get into physical brawls.

"As ugly and slutty looking as ever, Radelia. How many men have you slept with this week?" asked Aerendyl.

"None, and I'm a virgin, you fucking creep," snapped Radelia.

"Ah, of course, who in their right mind would sleep with you? A fake elf, only the insane would," he replied calmly. "Even wearing that 'Qipao' was it? My, you certainly are brazen. A commoners clothing from a different planet. No wonder you're shunned by your planet."

Radelia was preparing to attack Aerendyl until Rank 3 Autemr walked past them and added, "Keep your scuffles low this week. Yve and Phumera do not want to repair unnecessary damages."

Both of them froze and silently agreed. To the Eradicators, the top 3 are people they do not want to mess with. The power difference was too much. So both rank 8 and 10 parted ways. They didn't want to anger Autemr as that wouldn't be a good idea.

'I need to get stronger quickly, otherwise that asshole will keep being above me!' with those thoughts, Radelia ran off to train. That was a common thing for her.

Meanwhile, Aerendyl silently cursed out Autemr. He detests those who were born as commoners yet are higher rank than he is or more powerful than he is. To him, it did not make any sense. To him, only those who were gifted from birth were only allowed to stand at the top. Aerendyl had plans of challenging rank 3 soon, and will prove to everyone he is right.

Universe – Draconic Deus

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"You're pretty frisky today, Sera," I said as I watched her suck me off after eight hours of non-stop sex.

"I've been stressed! I also wanted a reward, so my darling provided~" she answered and stopped sucking my member. She cleaned her mouth and quickly joined my side.

"Grigori… do you plan on taking anyone with you? Raiko-chan is busy with training Medusa-chan tomorrow so she can't come, Rose-chan is also a teacher so she can't skip, but since Penemue-chan and Azazel-chan are a different case, they can and you'll meet them tomorrow, right?" she asked.

"I'm taking Tsubaki, though she has a legitimate reason for going. As for anyone else? I haven't really thought about it, but everyone knows so they can choose to travel with me or not. But knowing Lavinia she may just appear in Grigori to join me, unless they get a mission tomorrow," I replied.

"I can't join you~ being a Satan sometimes sucks… hmm, will our child in the future take my role?" she asked me.

"Uh, it'll depend on a lot of factors, Sera… also there's Ingvild who has the blood of the Leviathan, so depending on a couple of factors…"

"You have a point~~! Ah! I remembered that Sirzechs-chan, Ajuka-chan and Falbium-chan wants to create a new Satan's system. 7 of them—and Sirzechs-chan wants to make an 8th seat, a special one just for you~ the [Satan] seat, Jin Satan? Aaron Satan?"

"…No. I already have the Omniverse to look after in the future. I don't think I'll manage if I have to take up the seat of Satan, Sera," I replied and sighed. "Is it called the [Seven Great Satans System]?"

Lucifer, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Bael, Belial, Mammon, Belphegor and finally, Satan. If we go by candidates then… Vali Lucifer, Serafall or maybe Ingvild Leviathan, Ajuka or perhaps Latia for Beelzebub? Sairaorg Bael, Diehauser Belial, I don't know anyone for Mammon, Roygun Belphegor and for Satan… well, they suggested me, but I won't accept it.

"Yes, that's the proposed name, but… hmm~ how about an heir then?" asked Serafall. "I won't take the mantle of Leviathan since I want to focus on my show and supporting you, so… if we produce an heir, they may accept her or him as Satan?" she suggested.

"Did you just casually ask me to have kids with you…?" I asked stunned.

Serafall blinked at me a few times before blushing. "N-n-n-n-no! I mean yes! I want kids, but not now! …Ugh, Ajuka-chan said it's a suggestion for a faraway future, so by the time it comes, it may be for the next generation, you know?"

"Next generation, huh? I looked through that list of suggestions. Satan, Leviathan, and Belphegor may have my future children in them." I looked to the side, "Maybe… a future Crimson-haired Red Dragon Emperor or Empress with the seat of [Satan]. That doesn't sound bad…" I muttered.

"Hmm~ that sounds possible, and probably chaotic! I don't think people would mind having 3 of the Dual Dragon's children in those seats. However, hopefully by that time, the old boomer devils will accept it!" she said with a huff.

"Also, you're already adding Roygun-chan to your harem!?" she snapped and glared at me.

"Hmm. I did say that, didn't I?" I asked her back and laughed.

Serafall was a bit upset after that, and I had to spoil her a bit.

The next day came, and in the end Tsubaki was the only one who wanted to go with me. I had suggested to Akeno that she come with me. However, she got a text from Shuri telling her to stay in school since she wanted to see her daughter graduate from high school.

"Ready?" I asked Tsubaki.

"Yes," she replied



"Welcome you two~" said Penemue as she greeted us as soon as we arrived in the lobby.

"Penemue. I thought you said you had work?"

"I do, I've already completed some of them, so I'm here to guide Tsubaki-chan to the cells~"

"Ah, I see… well, off you go then, I'll come get you in a little bit," I said to Tsubaki and she nodded and left with Penemue.

I took out the piece of paper that Kanami gave me yesterday and took a look at the requests again.

[Please make the library more spacious, we're running out of space.]

[Please add a few additional cells since we keep catching idiots and we're running out of space.]

[Please give me more money, what you gave us is running out -Azazel.]

[Visit your mother! -Shuri.]

[When's my date? -Penemue.]

[I have a personal request, if that's alright, Jin-san. -Shemhazai.]

[I need the opinion of my bro on something! -Kouki.]

[Father, they told me to write something here, but I need assistance with Mittelt. -Meruem.]

"…I'll start with the library then." I then walked towards the library. As far as I can remember, their library was already quite spacious, how in the world did they run out of space?

Once I arrived in front of the door, it opened and I stepped in. To my surprise…

"Fusae? What are you doing here…?" I asked as she was helping gather books using her magic.

"Penemue-san asked me for some help today, so I agreed… I hadn't been to Grigori before so I thought it would be a worthwhile experience," she explained. "We're just waiting for you to make this place larger so we can start reorganizing everything."

"Ah, is that so? So… do you know any details or do they give me full rein on this?" I asked. The piece of paper only said 'make it bigger' and no other specifics. Logically I would go to Azazel first, but…

"Here, Azazel-san came by earlier and dropped this off," she said and handed me another piece of paper.

[12 levels up, and 12 levels down. Make it big, like dump truck thicc, or however the hell you young people say it. Anyway, I'm ready to give Penemue to you when you do this for me, thanks -Azazel.]

"…Does this mean Azazel-san wants to be hip?" asked Fusae. "Also, he has control of his executives like that?"

"I don't know, but at least I have a vague outline now, and I also doubt that he does," I replied. "Have all the books been moved?"

"Yes. These were the last ones, so you don't need to worry about damaging anything," said Fusae.

I nodded and got started. I first erased the current library, what was left was just a giant hole in the ground. After that, I started with the floor we were on and then the 12 above us. I modeled it after the 'Library of Congress' from the USA, but 4 times bigger. I also added a few other things, like an area for people to eat and drink since most of the time that isn't allowed in the libraries I've been to. Like the other sections of Grigori, you pay with magic or another type of energy/power.

This was the same for the 12 floors below. All in all it could store around four quadrillions of items, so they shouldn't run out of space in the near future. Once I was done, Fusae began to make several books fly towards certain bookshelves.

"Do you have a list or something? It looks like you know where to put these," I said and gestured to the large book piles around us.

"Here," she handed me several sheets of paper. "These give detailed instructions on where certain books are to be placed." She then clicked her fingers and countless more boxes appeared. "These have been labelled so just follow them."

Nodding my head, I began to help her by teleporting certain boxes of books to the appropriate locations and then checking with my own powers to see if they were neatly arranged on the shelves.

"Leave the rest to me. Could you go and check if those books are in their right place?" I asked and she agreed to do it. She quickly flew up to each level to check for me. Meanwhile, I started to do the same for the bottom section, but noticed that the bottom half would be emptier than the upper levels.

The door behind me suddenly opened and in came Dohnaseek. "Hello, Jin-san. I've brought a few more boxes over. These should be the last of them," he explained.

"Ah, thanks. Good work," I replied and teleported them away. "Any idea why the library was running out of space?" I asked him.

"Azazel-sama started to record more of his ideas and theories, and decided to store most of them in the library. That's why there's an AZ-Section on the lower levels," he said and gave me another sheet of paper.

I read through it and sighed, this guy has at least 68 books written on his own Sacred Gear research. "Thanks. Anyway, are you doing okay? How's life?" I asked him as I continued with teleporting books.

"Ah… w-well, it's been going well. I'm set up for a promotion soon, and Penemue-sama and Shemhazai-sama have said that I may become an executive in the future, a-and, well, I got into a relationship with another fallen angel," he said while stuttering.

I grinned at him, "Good on you, seems like genuine hard work pays off, huh? Keep it up, Dohnaseek."

"Ah, y-yes… thank you again Jin-sama, for this opportunity," he said and left. Shortly after Fusae returned.

"How was it?"

"Everything seems to be in their right place, how about the lower sections?" she asked.

"I should be done, let's go take a look," I said and she agreed. We went down the spiral staircase and arrived at the first floor of the underground section. For the next few minutes we checked on each level to see if anything was missing or misplaced.

Near the end and at the very last floor, was the place dedicated for Azazel's 68 books of Sacred Gear Research. Fusae and I walked through the large section with the few books. I took one and examined it.

"It looks like the crazy ramblings of an insane person," pointed out Fusae.

"Well, you have to be a bit insane to do the amount of research he does, even if he does enjoy it. I mean, what the hell does this even mean?" I asked and pointed to a section.

"I believe it says that Azazel thinks that if you fuse a soul with an inanimate object without adding certain conditions and powers, it wouldn't work or change into an Artificial Sacred Gear...… that makes me wonder, will you help him create an Artificial Longinus in the future? You've already created the [New Longinus] and evolved common and uncommon Sacred Gears into more powerful ones."

"I'm not sure, but I do plan on speaking to Azazel today about a few things. How about you? Were you just here for this?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm essentially finished. However… may I join you? I wanted to ask you last night, but Penemue asked me first to help with this. Lisa-senpai wanted to, but was busy as a teacher and wanted to do something with your library," she explained.

"Sure thing, but I plan on going to Shemhazai since he asked for a favor and seeing how much work he does and he has a pregnant wife, I wanted to check up on them."

She agreed and after doing one final check we left the library and tracked down Shemhazai. We arrived at the 'residential' section of the organization. It was more like a section of the place that looked like a regular underground neighborhood.

Azazel apparently made this because he knew some of the fallen angels here wanted to start their own families, and just giving them a larger room made more spacious with magic wasn't going to cut it. I also helped expand it a few months back. I'm led to believe that he wants a favor that will involve his family.

After finding the home that he and his wife and unborn child were in, we stepped up to the door and pressed the doorbell. It was quickly opened by his wife, Luneala. She was very pregnant now; I wouldn't be surprised if she gave birth in the next few weeks.

"Hello, Luneala. Is Shemhazai here?" I asked.

"Hello, Jin. Yes he is, please come in," she said and gestured for us to come in.

We entered their home and it was a medium-sized home that was quite cozy. Most of the home was made of wood and brick. It was also reinforced with magic. This entire section had a powerful barrier, so unless Lapis or her 'items' were used, no one would be able to break in.

We were quickly led to the living room and Shemhazai was there with a few documents as he read through them. He looked up to see us and waved his hand.

"Welcome, Jin. Thank you for coming, I'd like to get into it, and I'm sorry to say this but it's in a way, two requests. The first part is this…" He brought out a document and showed it to me.

"…I see, so you were the one who Azazel chose to have this fallen onto, huh?" I asked and he tiredly smiled at me.

The 'Please give us more money for research' was given to Shemhazai, and he did the budget for it, and now he was presenting it to me. I sighed and scratched my head. They need around 432 billion (currency) to do the first part of their research, and then a further 271 billion (currency) to finish it off.

[What the… do we even have enough?] Ddraig asked.

'I don't even know how many zeros I have, but this is basically pocket change for me,' I replied to the [Welsh Dragon].

[Make the crow sweat!]

I grinned since I already planned on doing that. "It's fine, Shemhazai, that's basically pocket change for me, but care to make your governor sweat a bit? A small 'prank' on him," I said. Although I cringed a bit when I heard the word 'prank' since it reminded me of a certain individual.

"You want to give him the money and scare him into a very large debt to pay in the future?" asked Shemhazai and I nodded. He sighed at me but smiled in the end. "For all the stress he gives me, a small joke like this isn't too bad, very well I will follow through with it."

"Great, thanks." I clicked my fingers and made hundreds of thousands of briefcases of money appear. I then stored them in a small device and told Shemhazai how it worked. "With that done, what's your own request?"

"A-ah, w-well it's nothing too serious. We were wondering if you could do the same thing to our child…? You did something to Sae Toujou's didn't you? W-we were wondering if you could…"

"Oh that? Sure thing, you look after Slash/Dog and a few others for me, so I don't mind," I replied and went over to Luneala. I asked for permission and she allowed me to touch her pregnant stomach.

Just like with Sae, I gave the unborn child protection, changed their potential, and also made them immune to any disease and let them be born healthy.

"That should do. How do you feel?" I asked and got up.

"I don't feel any different, is that good?" she asked.

"Perfectly normal. That should do it then. We'll get going then. I await his future reaction, Shemhazai," I said and laughed.

"Thank you and I will text you as soon as I find out, Jin-kun."

I waved to him as we left his home. Next stop was…

"3 out of the 8, so we have 5 left. I'll leave mom last and the cells second last, let's get the others done first… let's go with Kouki next if he's here…" I felt for his aura but he wasn't here, meaning Team Slash/Dog wasn't here. "Never mind, let's go to—"

A magic circle appeared beside me before I could finish my sentence. I looked at it and it was one of my secret channels I made not too long ago. It simply said… 'I am finished, I am coming to your location. -Cao Cao.'

"A quick detour it is then, Fusae, come with me," I said and walked away. She was a bit confused but followed me.

Once we got to a certain section of Grigori, I was a bit surprised to see a certain individual there with a collar around their neck.

"What?" he asked sounding annoyed to see me.

"I didn't think you'd be here of all places. I was sure you were in the Underworld," I replied.

The person in front of me was the kangaroo youkai that was originally from Asgard. He was busy cleaning the floor of this section. He had something around his collar. I had sealed his powers and made it impossible for him to use or gain any powers, and that thing around his neck was just another safety measure.

"Tch, mind your damn business," he replied and walked away.

"That was?" asked Fusae, so I explained my history to him and she looked at the guy. "It was a misunderstanding and you tried to make it up for him. It is entirely his fault that his life has become like this. It's stupidity on his part," Fusae concluded and shook her head.

"Well, I can't really do anything about it anymore. I let the other leaders choose what to do with him. Anyway, we should—"

On cue, a magic circle appeared in front of us and out came Cao Cao. He was wearing the same clothes as he did, but he had a few new scars on him, some on his face and many on his hands. He probably has more around his body.

"It's been a while, Cao Cao. The rest of your former team is here. What about the new ones?" I asked.

"I have gathered two others, but since you killed Connla I still need to find one more. However, I am still not done with my journey. I still have a few places to visit," he replied. He had already started kneeling in front of me.

Even though it was a strange feeling, I didn't say anything about it. Although I do want to give him a new weapon since he lost his [True Longinus]. I summoned the new spear in front of him. The spear had a gold aura around it with a unique shape. It had a ring near the tip and the shaft was silver.

"Its name is [Arredoval] also known as the [Spear of the Heavenly King]. I know how well you can use a spear, so I thought you'd like another one. You can treat this like a Sacred Gear if you want. It reacts to its wielders' will and desire, and will evolve along with its user and also get stronger. Perhaps you'll achieve a 'Balance Breaker' with it," I explained to him and he grabbed the spear.

As soon as he did, a small orange light covered his body and then quickly disappeared.

"It's bound to you now, just like with your last spear, it will appear and reappear as it's attached to your soul."

He tried it and it did what I said. He nodded and said, "I see. I will go and do a few things then, after, I will come back here and gather the rest of my team—the International Rating Game is coming… I will apply on your behalf, and also… I will go to that universe—the Crepuscule Phantasma."

"Slow down. I'll have you and the rest of your team trained first. If you go as you are, all of you will be slaughtered. So once you're done with whatever you need to do, contact me again and I'll have you trained in a different place to get stronger."

"I see. Very well," he replied and left.

"Wasn't he the former terrorist and leader of the Hero Faction of the Khaos Order?" asked Fusae.

"Yeah, but I got him pardoned and he's working under me now. I'm pretty sure Sakra will be mad about it. I'm curious as to how he'll act once I travel to Mt. Sumeru. That should be soon too," I said to her. "Anyway, now that's done, let's go to… Meruem, then to Penemue, Azazel, finally meet back up with Tsubaki and finish at mom's."

After walking around for a few minutes and asking around where Meruem was located, I found out where he was rather quickly. He was near the daycare center with Mittelt and probably Raynare and Heracles, so we made our way there, and once we arrived…

"Old guy, do that thing!" one of the kids asked.

"I'm not that old, I'm still in my twenties," replied Heracles and he flexed his muscles and ripped a bit of his shirt. This made the children laugh as Raynare, another fallen angel, Mittelt and Meruem watched them.

We walked over to them and they turned to us.

"Oppai Dragon!" shouted most.

"Raynare's husband!" a few shouted this.

"H-hey!" Raynare turned red and tried to correct them but she was ultimately ignored.

"Father, you're here," said Meruem.

"Yeah, I didn't think I'd find you here though," I replied as I stood beside him. "So what did you need me for? Help with her…?" I asked and subtly pointed at Mittelt.

"I have asked Penemue and Shuri, but all they did was giggle at me. What does it mean if someone, in this case, Mittelt starts offering to make me breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" he asked quite loudly.

Everyone there heard him and the kids cried 'ooooh!', Raynare, Heracles and the other fallen angel looked at Mittelt who had turned crimson red in the face.

"Heh, so you're also moving up in the world, huh, Mittelt?" asked Raynare with a smug grin.

"Ara, ara, everyone is falling in love, first Raynare, then Kalawarna, then Dohnaseek, and finally Mittelt. I'm growing old~," said the fallen angel.

"Hmm. Listen, everyone! If you want a proper romance in the future, be honest and upfront about it!" said Heracles to the kids.

"Yes, old guy!" they responded enthusiastically.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Mittelt screamed and ran away.

"Ah…" Meruem reached his hand out but I stopped him.

"Let her be, but for now, let's go over here," I said and led him away from everyone else. "So, tell me about your progress here, and how you are feeling about everything."

"My… feelings?" he asked, sounding confused.

"Well, ignoring that part for now. Just tell me everything you've been through here," I told him and he agreed. He fell silent for a few seconds and thought about it.

"…I like it here?" he said in more of a question than a statement. "I have already said this before, but it's peaceful, and very chaotic at times. The governor of the fallen angels is very entertaining when he is here, along with his other executives. Not a day goes by without 'fun' in this place."

"…Shuri Himejima has basically 'adopted' me too, and treats me like a 'son' as she calls it. I am not sure how to feel about this, but I accepted the gesture. Baraqiel is also kind to me. Most of the fallen angels here were terrified of me at the start, but now they accept me like I'm one of them."

"They sometimes ask me for help, and I do what I can. I also participate in on missions with Team Slash/Dog with Mittelt. While Mittelt's combat level is still low, she is learning and slowly getting stronger. However, I do not know how to deal with her. I am aware of the 'affection' she is showing me because Kouki Samejima told me as such."

"To quote him, 'Dude she's into you, just go for it, and she'll probably date you!' is what he said, and was smacked by the fallen angel Kalawarna. I still don't fully understand human emotions, but would it be okay to say that Mittelt is 'In love with me'? If so, how can I respond to those feelings?" he asked me.

I was vaguely aware of it, but I felt myself grinning at Meruem. It hadn't been that long, but I thought it was a good idea to put him here. Grigori is full of a lot of different individuals with strong personalities. Honestly, it could have gone either way, but I'm glad it went in this direction.

"Before I give you my answer, what do YOU think you should do?" I asked him. He stared at me in surprise and looked at the ground and started to think about it. He also started to mutter, 'What would I do?' over and over.

As he did that, Mittelt came back, but was still quite red. But Raynare teased her instantly, but to our surprise she didn't retaliate and just sat on the bench and sulked.

"I heard this from Gabriel before since Michael asked her this question, but—how would you feel if Mittelt was suddenly killed? Or even taken away from Grigori, or held hostage by the Khaos Order and tortured?" I asked.

The first part was apparently asked by Michael to Gabriel about me. The last two were my own suggestions to him, but I could see from his face it bothered him—no, he looked like he would kill everyone there.

I put a hand on his shoulder as his powers and emotions were starting to rise and I said, "It seems like you know the answer to that. Even if you don't have a definitive answer, tell her what's on your mind."

He calmed down, looked at me and nodded. Meruem turned around and walked back to Mittelt. I followed behind him. He kneeled down and gently grabbed both Mittelt's hand and said, "Stay by my side, and until I understand my own feelings… please make me food every day too."

I nearly laughed at that last part but stopped myself. Mittelt looked at Meruem confused and dumbstruck. She tried to say something, but kept on stuttering and stopping herself, so in the end she just nodded silently while blushing.

"Proposal?" asked one of the children.

"They got married!" a few of them cheered.

"Hmm. This in its own way, is a form of love," said Heracles and nodded sagely. The children then copied him and started chanting 'love!' and 'old guy said love!'.

Raynare was left speechless, but her face said it all. 'I was beaten!' and she didn't seem too fond of that. But I'm glad that I helped my 'son' on this. I think he'll start to truly change from here on out… hopefully.

Fusae walked over to me and smiled. "It seems like you were successful?" she asked.

"I didn't do much. I just helped him organize his thoughts and gave him a small push. He should be the one to figure the rest out, but if he needs more help I'm not against it," I replied to Fusae.

However, before we could continue our conversation Raynare stomped over to me, her face furious and she had something to say to me.



"Take me on a date soon," she demanded.

"I don't mind, but… I have a few others first, that includes—"

"Me~?" said a voice behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Penemue. It feels like all the people I need to speak to are slowly gathering here.

"Yeah, you," I said and pointed at Penemue.

"You heard him, Raynare-chan~ I'm first, then you… probably~?"

"Lisa, Griselda, Irina, Xenov—"

"I get it! Just get to me when you can!" she stopped me and looked a bit sad because of it.

I sighed and said, "I don't know if you're more than a handful now or when we were still enemies." I then pulled her to me and kissed her.

"Oppai Dragon kissed Raynare!" one of the kids shouted.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" they chanted.

"Oh, they're going to have babies!" added another child.

"Babies! Babies! Babies!"

It felt like we were in a cult or something. Raynare didn't struggle as much as I thought, but kissed me back instead. Finally, we separated and Penemue started to tease her.

"I… I won't run away anymore!" she declared to Penemue.

"Ara? Is this a challenge, Raynare-chan~?" asked Penemue who also looked quite serious.


Both fallen angels stared at each other, a strange tension in the air, but—

"Let's go, Aaron," said Fusae as she grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

""Eh?"" both sounded confused by this development, and so was I.

Penemue ran up and caught up with us.

"Ara, ara? Is Fusae-chan jealous?" asked Penemue.

"No, we still have quite a few places to go to. Your request was already fulfilled, so we didn't need to find you, so we're heading to the last few," explained Fusae.

In a way, she was right. Since Penemue came to us, and heard her answer, then we could just move on to our next one. However—

"Ara? I'm coming too then~! I'm mostly done with my job here~ I can spare a few hours before returning to Kuoh, or I can skip~"

"You're a horrible teacher… your students are waiting for you, you know?" said Fusae. Penemue hugged my other free arm as we left the people behind us. I felt Raynare fuming as we did.

"Fufu. So? Who's next, Toole-sama?"

"Azazel, then I'll expand the cells and then go to mom's house because she's asking for me, I think?" I replied and we quickly walked into his office.

However, once we arrived in front of the door and stepped in, he saw me, sighed and said, "I need to speak with Jin privately. It'll take a little bit, so can you two give us some space?"

"Hmm… alright, Fusae-chan since you're still unfamiliar with this place let me show you some other places. I'll contact Jin periodically to see if they're done," said Penemue as they left.

Azazel gestured for me to sit down and I did. "To start, let's lay out what we'll discuss. First, what we found out about Euclid and the exiled clan members, second Sacred Gears, third, the organization [EXE], and finally, Avezza and your plan for her," said Azazel.

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"About Euclid, you probably spoke with Ajuka recently, right? We didn't get much from him, in all honesty, he didn't involve himself too much with the Evie or Phantasma. He only had his own plans, and helped Rizevim with a few things. However, Rizevim also didn't tell him everything he had planned, nor did the Original Satans."

"But Euclid did say that the mother of all devils, Lilith was alive. He said that she acted strangely and was very interested in the Rating Games and you. I don't know why she is, but work that Jin-magic and make Lilith switch sides, so we can get even more information," he added and chuckled.

…Jin-magic? What the hell does that even mean…? I gave him a strange look and he just shrugged at me. "What did Euclid mean by 'acting strangely'?" I asked.

"Apart from looking at many Rating Games, she's following your every move and trying to find out a lot about you. Euclid said he didn't know why, or does anyone else, but they speculate that she wants to kill you or something. Alright, that part is done. Grayfia is apparently still interrogating him, but you already know that, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Okay, next… exiled clan members, the ones we captured. Gekshii Doumon, Kameko Doumon, Akishi Kushihashi, Seizu Shinra and Tesyula Shinra," he said and sighed. "We didn't get much, even with Tsubaki-chan helping today, they outright shut her out and had some choice words to say. Honestly, it was better that you weren't there, because I don't know how you would have reacted."

"I'm not a child, Azazel…"

"It's true that you aren't, but you clearly care about many people, including Tsubaki-chan. If you heard the things they said you'd probably beat them near to death, or kill and revive them over and over," he said.

I couldn't deny that. But I don't know what they said so I couldn't exactly say 'Oh no, I wouldn't do that!' or something along those lines.

"You already read most of their memories, right? We can rely on them, since they refuse to say anything. We've been trying for days, but we won't get anything. For now, we'll start torturing them, and try to get an answer that way. Though I suspect that the 'Connected Harmony' faction has long since abandoned them," speculated Azazel.

"Anyway, you should see Tsubaki-chan after this. She definitely needs you, but for now, I had her move to a different section. This will sound bad, but please add more cells before you go see her," he said awkwardly.

"Yeah, no problem," I replied. I wanted to leave now since I was worried, but I'll just get through this first.

"Next… I heard from Ajuka you want to start calling certain new Sacred Gears with the term… [New Longinus]?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I wanted to give these Sacred Gears that had the potential of being classified as [Longinus] another term, and I chose the simple term [New Longinus]," I explained.

"Which ones?" he asked, becoming even more interested.

I'll just tell him about the ones that I 'know' and that we both are aware of.

"The ones that I know are Ingvild's [Nereid Kyrie], Gasper's new [Aeon Balor], Xenovia's [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot], Kanami's [Ashen Burst], [Abyss Extinction] which I evolved from [Night Reflection], and finally a new Sacred Gear I made called [Demon Armor: Incursio]."

I sighed and sat back in my seat. "There are probably more out there, and I've heard reports from my shadow soldiers, but… we may see them participate during the International Rating Game, so I'll classify even more as the [New Longinus]."

"Do you have an idea of their names?" he asked. Azazel looked very excited about the thought and wrote these down on a notepad.

"Depending on a few factors… Kiba—er, Yumi's new Sacred Gear that she combined both [Blade Blacksmith] and [Sword Birth] into [Blade Birth], if she can achieve a new Balance Breaker then I'll also classify it, but the others that my shadow soldiers saw were called…"

"[Star Buster Star Blaster], [Alphecca Tyrant], and [Unknown Dictator]. However, I've seen Sacred Gears that may evolve from their normal state to something else. A future subordinate of mine. Did you hear about him from Mephisto? His name is Hirokazu Miller. He has a [Twice Critical] but it may change to something else. I look forward to seeing him again," I said and grinned.

When I went back to Heaven and did that miracle for the humans, I also changed a few things for the Sacred Gears. Every single Sacred Gear, whether it be normal, uncommon, rare or the original 13 Longinus, has a small chance of evolving if the wielder has the desire and power for it.

"Apart from that… the new spear I gave to Cao Cao can be considered a Sacred Gear type weapon, or we can just call it another 'Holy Spear', it's called [Arredoval]. We can also assume that the Khaos Order may also possess Sacred Gears that may equal the new [New Longinus] classification," I explained to him and he agreed.

"Cao Cao… does that mean he finally left that place?" asked Azazel. Azazel was also interested in the [Twice Critical] potentially changing into something else, but decided not to say anything.

"Yeah, just today. He actually came to Grigori earlier and we spoke. I also gifted him with the spear. Anyway, apart from Aurelia, Cao Cao and maybe Hirokazu, they may enter the International Rating Game on my behalf, but also want to fight me in the end."

"Ah, also that fan that was stolen from Shirayuki, we can also identify it as 'Sacred Gear-like' because of its destructive capabilities. She didn't tell me the name for it, but yeah, that's another one," I explained.

"Right, that fan of hers… when do you plan on going?" he asked.

"I've sent texts to Amaterasu about it and she said she'd ask on my and her behalf and we'll go from there, but so far King Enma hasn't responded."

"Well, getting those gods to answer is quite a hassle after all, there are more realms, pantheons, and factions that are easier to get into contact with than some others, Jin. So don't lose hope yet… let's see, that's all about Sacred Gears, right? If there's anything else you remember then just bring it up in the end."

Azazel then flipped through a couple of pages before he stopped. "Next topic is [EXE] (Eguze). I know Ajuka spoke to you about it. However, after we found out about the multiverse and omniverse, we decided to create this organization and have you, the 'creator' to be the leader of it. For the time being we want just the allies we have in it. However, in the future, we want to expand to have members across the multiverse if possible," he explained.

"Hmm… well, I have my own plans and—" I told Azazel about my plans for preventing world travel in the future since it would be annoying to deal with the constant enemies from different universes.

He nodded and added, "That makes sense. I mean, if I had that kind of power, I would probably do the same thing… actually why haven't you done so many things?" he asked.

"My body can't keep up with the power… so I'm waiting until I 'evolve' further, I guess?" I lied, or I told the truth, I wasn't sure.

"I see… so if you didn't have that limitation, you'd have eliminated the Khaos Order already?" he asked.

"Well, gotten rid entirely? Probably not… mess with them, and have every single of their plans implode on themselves before they could pull it off? Yeah, I mean that sounds a lot more fun in comparison to a 'I'll just snap my finger and be done' kind of thing, you know?"

"I have to say the same thing with the God of the Bible. Why didn't he just create more high-tier angels, go to the Underworld and eliminate the devils? He was definitely stronger than the old Satans before their power-up," I said and Azazel nodded.

"Point taken. The older geezer probably found it fun and amusing to let the devils play around before he got serious and killed them. If what you said was true then he only died because of the forbidden seals he used on Trihexa which made him weaker. If it weren't for that, then the devils would probably be dead by now," theorized Azazel.

I personally believe that the God of the Bible wasn't a fighter or a combat-oriented god. However, because he's a natural threat to the devils with his powerful light powers, then it makes sense that he was the biggest threat to them.

To me, the God of the Bible was an inventor and a master with seals and had powerful light powers. However, apart from that, he wasn't a fighter. Perhaps he would have been in the top ten strongest in the world, but who knows? Unless I meet him in a different timeline I go to in the future and make sure to go to the very far past… then I wouldn't know.

"Anyway, back to the topic. Ajuka said he'd tell me more about it at a later point, but with what you know, can you tell me?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and said, "First, Team Slash/Dog will heavily assist you. In all honesty, they have always done so, even when Tobio was the leader. Anyway, with Kanami, who's still quite inexperienced to being a leader... they'll do fine, they excel at this kind of thing after all. But…"

He looked unsure but pressed forward. "I know Lavinia might leave at some point. She's been telling me that, so if she does, we'll need to recruit someone new… any suggestions?" he asked.

"Fusae. Lavinia and Lisa praised her, and she's also a monster-genius in her own right. As of right now Fusae spends most of her days in the library reading, but she may be an appropriate replacement for Lavinia. She also gets along with everyone else in my home."

"Fusae, huh? Mephisto also had positive things to say about her, so I don't mind. I'll run it by Kanami then, and Tobio, though I doubt he'll return to the front lines anytime soon. Anyway, the other additions to the team are Meruem, Mittelt, and Kalawarna. Meruem is a powerhouse so he's an excellent addition. Both Mittelt and Kalawarna just need more experience and they should be good," said Azazel.

"Also, for the International Rating Game, it seems Kanami wants to rename the team just for that. I've told Tobio about it and he said he'll probably just watch along with Sae, hell, they might have their kid at that point. He said he may come back to duty once the child is at least 5 or 6 years old," he explained.

"I don't mind, it seems reasonable for Tobio. But what name will Kanami rebrand it to?" I asked. She and I aren't exactly known for coming up with imaginative names for things.

"Team Flaming Spear or Team Ashen Spear. Both are a bit questionable, but I won't stop her if she wants to do that. She already has the entire team planned out ahead of time. It's like this:"

King – Kanami Minagawa

Queen – Meruem

Knight – Kouki Samejima

Knight – Natsume Minagawa

Bishop – Mittelt

Bishop – Kalawarna

Rook – Ajamu

Rook – (Vacant)

Pawn (5) – Shigune Nanaderu

Pawn (3) – (Vacant)

"It's still pretty strong, right? Of course, you know the rules… anyway, if Fusae joins then Mittelt or Kalawarna will probably be pushed to a [Rook] or the other [Pawn] and she'll take the [Bishop] position."

"Anyway, back to the topic, the rest of the [EXE] will have the support of some others that are part of Team [DxD], but the rest should be people that excel at espionage, information gathering and assassination. The devil of the House of Mammon will also be part of it. She's quite skilled in those aspects. But for now… let's keep the rest a secret, but trust me, they're from all around the globe and mythologies."

He looks at me for a second before sighing. "Okay, how about this… Prithvi Mata from Mt. Meru is also known as the earth goddess. She's quite skilled at information gathering and espionage. She's also a big fan of Oppai Dragon, so you'll have someone on your side when you visit Mt. Meru you know?"

"Prithvi Mata… in the Vedas, her consort is Dyaus, the Sky god. Her Puranic equivalent is known as Bhumi, the consort of Varaha, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but that's what the humans wrote, and they're usually not right, but hey, they're at least entertaining to read. Anyway, she's a mother goddess, but hasn't exactly birthed anyone nor has been in a relationship, quite ironic, right?" he asked and snorted.

"Anyway, one last thing on this, but Nuwa, another mother goddess of the Chinese pantheon will also be joining your side. Look forward to it," he said with a grin.

Nuwa, also read as Nugua, is the mother goddess of Chinese mythology. She is credited with creating humanity and repairing the Pillar of Heaven. I can assume they're both fans of Oppai Dragon then? It seems like people like that tend to gather around me.

Azazel then let out a long and heavy sigh. "Okay, finally… Avezza. I don't really support what you want to do to her, but if it brings her back to our side, then… it can't be helped. Run it through me again," he asked.

"Actually, I got new information so—"

I told him about what Serafall found, and what I planned on doing when Lavinia and I go to Italy in a day or two. And what I would do to Avezza. Azazel already knew what I had done to Yanuyo, the former rank 7 of the Eradicators.

"Hmm… even if I still don't quite agree with it… it's for the betterment of our universe and a big blow for the Khaos Order, fine, go ahead with it," he said as he stared at me seriously.

I wanted to ask him several things about her, and how he felt. However, I don't think that would be a wise idea right now, so I won't.

"…So? What about the plans for your reincarnation system?" I asked.

"I'm still thinking about it. I was thinking of basing it on Shogi, or some other kind of game. However, I might just keep it simple and copy the devil's chess pieces. But I'm still not sure yet," he replied.

"Shogi… that's complicated as hell, Azazel. How would that even work?" I asked.

"I know! That's why I said I'd keep it simple… I tried to learn the rules and when I thought about it, and creating systems and special abilities for it, I just got a headache," he said and rubbed his head.

"Anyway! That's all we can talk about… so hurry up and get Tsubaki-chan, and she's in the infirmary since she wasn't feeling well. I'll contact Penemue and Fusae and tell them to go over there," he said and put away his notepad.

"Right. See you then," I said and left the room.

'Cúntóir, we're making changes and adjustments to Avezza's new body. Use this…' I said and sent her an image.

Cúntóir: Answer: Very well, I will start the changes and adjustments.

'Thanks,' I told her and quickly arrived at one of the infirmaries of Grigori. The first thing I saw when I stepped inside was Tsubaki. She was silently seated on a stool, and I didn't feel anyone else in this place, so when I stepped in she looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey," I called out to Tsubaki as I arrived in front of her. "Are you okay?" I asked. However, she simply stood up and quietly hugged me. We stayed like that for a few seconds before she spoke.

"I tried to reach out to them. We didn't have an enjoyable childhood nor agreed with many things back then. However, since we were from the same clan, I still wanted to get to know them. But my ability to speak to beings through a mirror appeared, and I was shunned. Eventually, I left the clan and became a devil under President Sona. I thought we were close but… I guess that was just my child-like mind being delusional."

"They told me that they hated me even back then, and even more now. They said that many of the clan elders and adults were relieved when I left, and that they had a celebration. I know anyone that has strange abilities or a Sacred Gear is usually shunned by the Five Principal Clans, but…"

"—But you hoped otherwise?" I finished for her and she nodded her head. "I don't want to know what insults they told you, but… I've already said this to Ingvild. A family is made, it's not just through blood. You obtained that through the Sitri peerage, right?"

She looked up at me and I continued.

"Hey, you also have me and everyone in my home. That's also another family, right? You already know my plans for Avezza. I would say that I'd offer it up to those two…"

Tsubaki shook her head, "It's fine. I want them to reflect more on their actions and how they've led their life since leaving the clan. However, they also suffered and not just me so…"

"And they say I'm kind and forgiving. You're also like that, Tsubaki," I said and chuckled. She looked at me with an unamused expression and I stopped.

"…Thank you for bringing me here today. Even if I didn't get through to them, I'm at least thankful to be able to speak to them again."

"Fufu~ look at them, Fusae-chan. Cute, right? So? Do you feel jealous yet?" asked Penemue from behind us.

"…Please don't go ruining the moment, Penemue…" muttered Fusae.

We turned around to see both Fusae and Penemue, and to my surprise, Raynare too. Penemue smirked at us. Fusae was already reading a book and Raynare looked annoyed.

"Oh hey, done with the short tour?" I asked as I hugged Tsubaki.

"Yes, I showed Fusae-chan a few of the notable places in Grigori~" answered Penemue. "And Raynare-chan joined us since Heracles-kun said he'd take over the rest of the load for her, so she could 'Spent time with her Husband-kun', fufu~"

Raynare said nothing, but squinted her eyes at Penemue and blushed.

"Is that so? Well we're about done here, and we're about to go to Shuri's home. Feel free to come with us," I said and left the room.

The only request I didn't get to do was Kouki's, but he was away on a mission so it's understandable. I'll just send him a text later and have him tell me what his request is and I'll see if I can do anything about it.

"By the way, what about the cells…?" asked Tsubaki.

"Ah—all of you go ahead to Shuri's home, I'll go and expand it!" I said and disappeared. I heard Penemue laughing at me as I left.

Once I arrived at the area again, I saw Kishku there. He saw me and kneeled. "Aaron-sama, are you here to…?"

"Yeah. I assume everything is proceeding well? Where's Ezeri by the way?" I asked.

"Yes there have been no problems, and everything is in order. Ezeri on the other hand went to the underground section of Grigori. He was asked by a high-ranking female fallen angel. I believe they are in a close relationship," he said with a small smirk on his face.

Ezeri and a fallen angel, huh? I'm not against them being in relationships, so good on him. "Is that so? I'll check on him before I go to Shuri's then. Anyway, good work." I then put my hand up and expanded the place with an extra 10,000 cells with the same functions. Once done, I quickly checked over them and left to check on Ezeri.

I didn't spot the two subordinates of Yanuyo, so I'm led to believe they're in the Underworld, or Heaven. I quickly located Ezeri's aura and arrived in the underground section and found that he was currently out on what seemed to be a date.

She had long straight white-gray hair, wine red eyes. She also had a red earring on one of her ears. She wore what seemed like a uniform of sorts. A white shirt, a black vest and a black skirt.

As if sensing my presence, Ezeri turned around in a panic and immediately kneeled. His date looked confused but looked at me and her eyes widened in surprise. I walked over to the two of them and started a conversation.

"Hello, Ezeri. I heard from Kishku. Good work by the way. Feel free to enjoy your day, don't let it be stopped by me," I said to him.

"Aa—Jin-sama, t-thank you for your kind words. T-this is Sofiel. She's a high-ranking fallen angel, a friend of mine," he explained.

"Greetings, Middleman. I'm Sofiel. Ezeri said he was free today so we came here to spend some time…"

"Nice to meet you, and yeah, he's free so you can stand up now, Ezeri. I just wanted to check up on you. It seems things are fine here, so I'll take my leave. Sorry for interrupting you two," I explained and then turned around and left. I heard a small thank you from Ezeri before I appeared in front of Shuri's home.

Before I could ring the doorbell, the door opened and Shuri brought me in. "You caught another two, didn't you? At this rate I'll have 100+ grandkids! Not that I'm complaining!" she said happily as she brought me to the dining room. "Eat," she said and pointed to the plates of food in front of me.

Raynare, Penemue, Tsubaki and Fusae were already eating, so I sat down and ate too.

"You may be a future chef and business owner, but you will eat the food I make you, do you understand?" she asked.

"Yes mom. I'd eat regardless of whether you told me to eat or not..." I replied to her and continued to eat.

"Just the answer I expected... Aaron. Who do you plan on marrying first? I know that you've proposed to several women so far, but… I was curious," asked Shuri.

"Who…? I haven't exactly thought of it that far," I replied.

"You would need an 'official' wife for public records, you know? Who would it be? My sweetheart Akeno? Suzaku? Lavinia? Asia?"

"Me?" added Penemue and giggled.

"You are too old for that, please be quiet," Shuri replied quickly, making Penemue stop and stare at her in shock. "Who?"

"I don't know yet, mom. I'll talk to the girls about it, but you know how competitive they can get…" I then told her about the upcoming International Rating Game, how it'll be an exhibition match and that the position for [Queen] will be one of the girls, but they'll have to fight for it.

"Fight for the legal wife seat…" muttered Shuri. "I'm rooting for all four of my girls~!" she announced happily.

"Not all of them can win," I replied.

"If I choose all four, then at least I'll win in the end."

[Pretty sound logic right there, if she roots for all of them, one of them is bound to win and she'll win regardless. Shuri is playing 6D chess.]

'We're skipping 4D and 5D, and going straight to 6D?' asked Rudra.

[Why not 12D?]


"It's this, though, mom…"

"But why not this?" she asked a bit frustrated.

"It's because it's in the recipe I wrote…"

She crossed her arms and huffed. Around two hours had passed since we came here and I was helping Shuri create one of the recipes I had added to my future menu. She was being stubborn and asking me why I chose a certain ingredient or spice, or anything really.

"Please go along with it," I begged and she relented. I turned to Fusae and said, "I didn't think you were a good cook."

"I had to live on my own, so I wouldn't involve my family in the supernatural, so I had to learn a lot of things to survive," replied Fusae.

"What about me, Aaron~?" asked Penemue as she hugged me from behind.

"It's dangerous to do that in the kitchen, Penemue."

"Jeez, you're not fun," she replied and also huffed. "Fufu, at least Raynare-chan is acting like a proper wife," she said.

Raynare was diligently following the recipe that I had given her. She was a competent cook, and if she followed any recipe, she usually recreated it perfectly, so I was fine with leaving her on her own. Penemue can cook, but decided not to for today.

Baraqiel, or dad wasn't here today, he was out for other work. But mom did send him pictures of dinner that he could look forward to, and he would try to get his work done as fast as possible.

The day carried on like this until Akeno and Asia also joined us as school had ended and they also finished their contracts quite early. Not too long after that Baraqiel arrived back too.

Sometime later after we had eaten dinner, Baraqiel said something quite strange to me, in front of everyone.

"Aaron. If I told you 'I won't hand over my daughter to you!' sometime in the future, how would you respond?" he asked me.

"Dad?" Akeno asked confused. Asia also tilted her head confused.

A frown crossed her face as Shuri asked, "What idiotic thing are you spewing now?"

"I think it's in line with—"

"Anime? Baraqiel please, even Azazel wouldn't say something so cliché," added Penemue. "Also, didn't you already accept him as your son-in-law?"


"Be quiet," ordered mom and dad fell silent.

Perhaps we just avoided a cliché event in the future?

"We'll get going then. Sorry for showing up like that."

"I requested it! So the Middleman must respond!" replied mom and hugged me. "Pick someone as your legal wife soon, otherwise you'll just get a headache!"

"I'll try, and thank you."

Legal wife… for Issei he chose Rias. But for me, who will I choose? Akeno? Kuroka? Lavinia? One of the four 'Fated Ones'? Someone else? I wasn't entirely sure who to pick. Taking into consideration all their feelings… I also don't know who the last 'Fated One' is, though Ddraig and the others said Astraea but I'm not convinced since Cúntóir didn't confirm it officially…

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