Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 12 – Part 2 – Team Shinto vs Team Moon Rabbits

Vera's Soliloquy

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The evening before our pivotal game, Kurousagi and I made our way to Aaron's residence. Despite Kurousagi being one of the inhabitants, her duties as an active goddess often led her to alternate between her three homes, unlike Hephaestus-sama, who was a more permanent resident. On the other hand, I only had two places to shuttle between since I didn't live here.

As usual, we found Aaron engrossed in his office, meticulously sifting through a stack of documents—a task duly reported to us by Grayfia.

"Knock, knock," I chimed in, lightly rapping on his office door.

We could hear his chuckles from within, giving us the green light to enter.

Upon stepping inside, we were greeted by a surprising sight: all the Fated Ones were gathered there, alongside Azathoth and Latia. Velgrynd and Suzaku were locked in a game of chess by the couch and table, while Danu entertained Liadonn, and Lavinia had Shin in her company.

"Welcome back, Kuro, and hello, Vera. How can I assist you two?" Aaron inquired, setting aside his work to focus on us.

I glanced at Aaron, then at the Fated Ones, and back at Kuro, whose expression had shifted to one of utter mortification. "You know," I began, raising my voice slightly, "this might not be the best timing, given the company, but Kuro and I have something to discuss—a personal request or favor, most likely."

"Judging by Kurousagi's crimson hue, it's safe to assume it's of a personal nature," Latia remarked, her eyes locked onto us.

"W-well—" Kuro attempted to clarify, but I swiftly covered her mouth, cutting her off.

Pointing an accusatory finger at Aaron, I declared, "Kuro wants to go to the moon. Although we're not sure if this is something we should bring up in case we win or not."

"The moon, you say?" Aaron repeated, his smile widening. "So, [Team Moon Rabbits] and the two rabbit youkai goddesses wish to journey to the moon? I'm all for it; I've had an inkling to go there myself. Why not establish a supernatural city on the moon first, with the prospect of expanding it to accommodate humans in the future?" he pondered aloud, turning his gaze to Latia.

"Can you even fathom the magnitude of such an undertaking?" she questioned, her disbelief evident.

"Well, the workload wouldn't be too daunting if I were to oversee the initial stages, right?" he replied.

Latia remained unswayed, sighing, "Let me... consider it. By all means, grant their request to visit the moon. But as for the latter proposition, I'll need to consult with my uncle. Give me some time," she said before exiting. She returned briefly, pecked Aaron on the cheek, and left once more.

He smiled warmly at us, asking, "So, what conditions do you two have in mind? Or would you prefer to proceed without any conditions?"

I was about to enthusiastically voice something when Kuro smacked me on the head. By the time I turned toward her, she had already approached Aaron and whispered something in his ear. Her own ears twitched nervously, and he regarded her for a few moments before granting his approval.

"If you can make it happen, Kuro, then consider it done," he affirmed, sealing the agreement with a kiss.

Kuro nodded rapidly before seizing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

"Wait, what!? At least clue me in—"

"I-it'll be to our advantage. Well, mainly for me, but he said he wouldn't mind including you as well..."

"Wouldn't mind? Tell me something, for crying out loud!" I demanded, bringing our impromptu march to a halt.

Kuro's blush intensified as she stammered, "I asked him too..."

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Third Person Point of View

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Vera couldn't shake the memory of Kurousagi's candid revelation from the previous night, and a rosy blush crept across her cheeks. She let out a sigh before finally speaking up, "I... I want two children."

"What?" Raijin's voice cut through Vera's thoughts. She had materialized in front of Raijin, who had been eagerly awaiting her next opponent. To Raijin, the fight was all about creating a memorable and enjoyable clash, regardless of who stood across from her.

"I want two children with Aaron!" Vera declared once more, momentarily stunning Raijin before the latter burst into laughter.

"He certainly has a knack for attracting peculiar women... well, I suppose I'm one of them. But why not? Two children, huh? I'd love to have a daughter, someone I can train in the same martial arts, techniques, and power, alongside him," Raijin mused, her voice laced with a sly smirk.

"But he's rejected your advances thus far," Vera pointed out, making Raijin flinch back. "Every time you visit his home, you attempt to seduce him, and it never seems to work. I'm not convinced you've made any progress."

"H-he came back to our pantheon recently, and we had a splendid time together! I won't divulge the details, but he did say he'd consider it!" Raijin blurted out before summoning a sword and appearing right in front of Vera.

[What an unusual conversation between two goddesses! And it revolves around having children with the Middleman!]

[So, would you—]

[We're both men; we can't have children with him!]

The commentators engaged in an equally bizarre conversation, but it was quickly cut short as the audience had no interest in hearing it.

Raijin swung her sword upwards, attempting to strike Vera, but Vera utilized her magic to propel herself backward while simultaneously unleashing a barrage of ice and fire spells toward her fellow goddess.

Raijin wore a confident grin as she thrust her hand toward the oncoming magical onslaught. Her arm became enveloped in purple lightning as she expertly dispelled most of the spells, though not without suffering burns and cuts from the fire and ice magic. Her clothing was slightly scorched, but she remained undeterred, quickly closing the distance between them once again.

With a swift motion, she raised her arm, conjuring swirling tornadoes around Vera while shrouding them in crackling lightning and deafening thunder. She directed the tempestuous onslaught toward Vera, and the formidable forces surged forth. Without hesitation, Vera produced a wand, grasped it firmly with her right hand, pointed it skyward, and spun it in a circle.

Eight tiers of intricate magic circles materialized in the sky, followed by numerous magical orbs, each adorned with multiple elemental rings signifying different forces. These orbs collided with the advancing tornadoes, generating a spectacle of elemental clashes that reverberated throughout the entire area. Winds, flames, lightning, ice, and arcane forces fused within the tempest, culminating in a cataclysmic explosion that obliterated the surrounding environment, leaving nothing but a level, transparent terrain in its wake.

"Raijin-sama, we from Aaron's household witnessed your match against him. Please don't underestimate me and resort to that form," Vera cautioned, her wand trained on Raijin.

Raijin smirked, then chuckled. "Fufu, very well, Vera. Even though you're a new goddess, I'll give you everything I've got."

Her body swiftly became enveloped in a dense, potent sphere of purple lightning, its expansion spreading to cover at least half of the battlefield. Other participants were forced to retreat to avoid being caught in the devastating attack and subsequently forced into retirement.

In the past few months, Raijin had undergone rigorous training. Having lost to Aaron Toole on three separate occasions, she craved another chance at a rematch. Aaron had agreed to a rematch during his visit to the Shinto Pantheon, albeit in a somewhat rushed manner due to his busy schedule that day.

It had taken just a single punch to incapacitate Raijin. When she came to, she was shocked to learn what had transpired, and she realized that Aaron had been holding back even more than she initially believed.

This revelation stirred conflicting emotions within her. She felt a brief surge of anger, but at the same time, she couldn't contain her excitement. She resembled a child who had uncovered a secret candy jar or a prematurely discovered Christmas gift. With Aaron as her new goal, she resolved to give her all, body and soul, to catch up to him.

Like many other gods, Raijin understood that Aaron was an Outer God. While he had spoken of their immense power, she yearned for tangible proof, and on that day, she had received it in the most straightforward manner possible.

Once the lightning sphere erupted, it revealed a transformed Raijin. Behind her loomed a colossal, purple, hand-shaped cloud, her attire now a snug, light purple bodysuit. Behind the seven purple orbs floated two massive hands adorned with twin Musou Isshins.

"Well then, Vera. Shall we commence the next round?" Raijin inquired, grinning confidently at her opponent.

Vera took a deep breath and surrounded herself with touki energy. She raised her wand, causing millions of magic circles to materialize all across the battlefield.

"In victory or defeat, I'll make sure to leave a mark on your teammates, Raijin-sama. This competition thrives on teamwork, and I won't abandon my comrades easily," Vera declared.

"Let's put that determination to the test!"

Raijin materialized behind Vera in a bolt of lightning, but the rabbit youkai had anticipated this move. She had already unleashed a barrage of magical attacks in various directions, not knowing exactly where Raijin would appear but ready for any possibility.

"Hmph!" Raijin commanded her enormous hands to intercept and disperse Vera's attacks. Those she couldn't reach, she targeted with her glowing purple orbs, neutralizing Vera's offensive. "You'll need to do better than that—"

"I already have." Vera appeared behind Raijin as her counterattack unfolded. Her wand glowed brightly, infused with touki, and she launched a point-blank strike at the Goddess of Lightning, Thunder, and Storms!


"Tch." Vera clicked her tongue as Raijin thwarted her attack. The floating orbs and giant hands formed a barrier, blocking and absorbing her assault. She tried to distance herself but was surprised to find Raijin behind her.

"These things aren't glued to me, you know?" Raijin remarked before delivering a swift kick to the back of Vera's head, sending her crashing to the ground.

Vera swiftly rose from her fall, conjuring multiple layers of defensive magic circles as Raijin's lightning attacks rained down relentlessly. Each magic circle crumbled as Raijin's strikes inched closer.

Raijin raised her hands, and her massive hands behind her followed suit. When her hands reached their zenith, the two small Musou Isshin swords combined to form a mighty lightning pillar that pierced the sky. With a grin, Raijin brought her arms down.

Desperately, Vera intensified her magic's power to counter the impending strike. Raijin's slash cut through all the defensive magic circles, resulting in a powerful purple explosion.

[A devastating attack from Raijin-sama obliterates everything in its path!! Has Player Vera survived!? Her retirement announcement hasn't been made yet!]

When the smoke dissipated, all eyes turned to Vera's fate. She had lost an arm but was otherwise mostly intact, and she wore a defiant grin directed at Raijin, who grinned back.

[She's still alive!! Missing an arm, but alive! Player and [Queen] Vera faced that slash as if it were nothing!]

Vera pointed her wand at her missing arm, conjuring a temporary replacement. However, maintaining this technique drained her magic and stamina further, on top of what she was already expending for Sanura.

"Let's keep going, Raijin-sama!"

"Hehe, a cheeky new goddess, indeed. Not many would press on after enduring an attack like that!"

Raijin advanced toward Vera. As she did, an immense surge of energy emanated from Vera and exploded outward, much like Raijin's earlier display. The energy pillar expanded rapidly before vanishing suddenly.

Vera's white hair had turned silver, and her red eyes now bore a deep shade of gold. Raijin was taken aback by the power radiating from Vera.

"...This sensation—it's like... Ryūjin's...a dragon?" Raijin wondered, staring at Vera.

"Well, you could say I have the blessings of two individuals," Vera replied, her grin widening.

[Scorch's Affection] and the [Blessing of the Imak-Rotaerc]. A few hours after Kurousagi had taken Vera away, she returned to the Toole household and asked Aaron if there was a way to enhance her strength for the game.

Initially reluctant, Aaron's conversation with Velgrynd led to the idea of granting Vera a unique blessing, tailored to Aaron's distinct powers, separate from the realms of DxD and the Cardinal World/Central World in her universe.

With both their permissions, Vera received Aaron's blessing, and in addition, Velgrynd bestowed upon her the [Blessing of the Imak-Rotaerc] and [Scorch's Affection].

Aaron's original idea, the [Blessing of the Jinny Jin-Jin] was swiftly vetoed for sounding less than ideal. He ultimately settled on the current name.

Vera and Tobio received different blessings from Aaron. While both provided a power boost when activated, Vera's version granted access to abilities spanning the omniverse, whereas Tobio's blessing amplified his darkness, shadow, and flame-based abilities.

In the blink of an eye, Vera materialized beside Raijin, who took a moment to register her presence. Wrapped in a silver, gold, and orange aura, Vera delivered a palm strike to the Shinto goddess, landing it squarely on her face.

This time, it was Raijin who was sent hurtling backward. But before she could recover, Vera appeared above her, launching an enormous ball of scorching flames. Raijin's floating hands instinctively blocked the attack, but Vera followed up with a continuous stream of magic attacks, overwhelming the defenses.

"I'm not finished! Explosion!" Vera screamed as a colossal mushroom cloud engulfed their battlefield.

[What!? What incredible power! That explosion obliterated half the field!]

Vera had pushed her explosion magic to the limit, obliterating half of the battlefield. Few structures remained, and most vehicle replicas were destroyed. Despite the mighty attack, Vera still had half her magical reserves, ready to continue the fight.

Others caught within the blast radius were shielded by their [Kings]' defensive magic circles or barriers, sparing them from harm. However, it disrupted many ongoing battles.

[Vera! Are you okay?] Irre, one of [Team Moon Rabbits]' [Bishop], called out in panic.

[I'm fine, but... I guess defeating Raijin won't be that easy,] Vera replied.

When the smoke cleared, Raijin stood on the ground, panting, her right arm and a substantial portion of her left thigh and right cheek missing. Nevertheless, she grinned up at Vera.

"I heard you used a similar attack in the Greek Pantheon a few months ago; this was close to that level. But I'm still in the game, heh," she said, regenerating her orbs and hands.

Raijin had survived Vera's assault by shielding herself within the giant floating hands, layered lightning barriers from the orbs, and her own barrier. While Vera's amplified powers still broke through, they were significantly diminished by the time they reached Raijin, leaving her with these injuries.

"Well, I gave it my all this time, but you're still standing," Vera remarked, and silence enveloped the area as the two goddesses locked eyes. After a brief pause, both emitted a dense aura.

"I'm advancing further in the tournament, Goddess Vera!" Raijin declared, leaping toward the rabbit goddess.

"I want my prize!" Vera roared, flying toward Raijin with wand in hand.

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In the arena of divine confrontation, the two [Pawns] from [Team Moon Rabbits] assumed their positions, confronting the formidable [Bishop] and [Rook] of [Team Shinto]. Here, the stage was set for a duel of extraordinary beings, as Teisetsu and Rindo squared off against two godlike entities—[Bishop] Amaterasu, the Chief God of the Shinto Pantheon, and Ryūjin, the formidable [Rook] of [Team Shinto].

"Rindo," spoke Teisetsu, his voice resonating with determination.

"Very well," replied Rindo, his resolve unwavering. "Ryūjin-sama, may I have the honor of facing you?" he asked, and Ryūjin, in silent acknowledgment, joined him as they left the center stage.

"Amaterasu-sama, I entrust myself to your guidance," declared Teisetsu, his demeanor shifting as he assumed a combat stance, enfolding his form in the potent embrace of touki.

"Of course," responded Amaterasu, her gaze fixated on the enigmatic young youkai. Her tone bore a touch of intrigue as she continued, "[Pawn]-kun, though you appear unconventional."

"...I must confess, I'm not a pure-blooded rabbit youkai; I'm a hybrid," Teisetsu explained, his voice tinged with humility, before launching himself toward Amaterasu. Yet, she stood her ground, her expression a serene smile that belied her incredible power. 'She not moving? Chief Gods must harbor immense confidence and power then...!'

Teisetsu, in the midst of his charge, ascended to the status of [Queen]. As he closed the distance, his attack took the form of a touki-infused uppercut aimed at Amaterasu. With fluid grace, she evaded his strike, stepping back, but Teisetsu pressed on.

He unleashed a flurry of touki-enhanced punches and kicks upon Amaterasu, seamlessly interspersing them with standard blows. However, Amaterasu, with her unwavering smile, effortlessly sidestepped every assault. Teisetsu sensed no mockery in her actions, curiously leaving him neither incensed nor vexed, but rather bemused by her reactions.

"You possess remarkable skill, [Pawn]-kun," Amaterasu commended.

"I appreciate your praise, though my name is Teisetsu," he replied.

"Hehe," she chuckled, her apology carrying a gentle tone. "My apologies, Teisetsu-kun. Shall we continue? Oh, but before that, do you possess a Sacred Gear?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"While I am a hybrid, my human lineage stems from another youkai, not a human," he clarified before launching another assault on Amaterasu. Their intricate dance repeated, yet Teisetsu noticed an inexplicable phenomenon—warm spots appeared across his body each time he delivered a punch or kick toward Amaterasu.

Teisetsu, almost as if by a twist of fate, vanished from view, reappearing behind Amaterasu to land a punch, only to find his blow thwarted by a fiery shield that materialized behind her. A sense of astonishment washed over the young rabbit hybrid, compelling him to retreat while tending to his briefly singed hand, a result of contact with her fiery defense.

Nodding to himself, Teisetsu enshrouded both arms and hands with protective ice guards and gloves. He surged forth once more toward Amaterasu. But just as he neared her, he vanished into thin air. Teisetsu reappeared to Amaterasu's right, throwing a punch at her, yet again, it met a flaming shield, though this time, he emerged unscathed.

Swiftly, he withdrew, once more shifting his strategy. He covered his legs, shins, and feet in an intricate ice armor and charged towards Amaterasu anew. This time, a vivid streak of azure lightning enveloped the battlefield. Before Amaterasu could react, one of her shields came under a relentless assault. She turned to see Teisetsu disappear yet again.

Her smile broadened as Teisetsu multiplied, appearing in rapid succession all around her. Each incarnation delivered punch after punch and kick after kick to her fiery shields, yet none could muster enough force to breach them. Weary but resolute, Teisetsu finally retreated, releasing a tired sigh.

"It seems my current approach won't suffice. Are those shields automatic, Amaterasu-sama?" he inquired, his gaze locked on his slowly melting ice armor.

"They are indeed, though initially, I created them manually. Aaro—Jin was the one who recommended this method, demonstrating one of his [Electa]'s defensive systems to me," she explained, her hand delicately resting on her cheek.

"I see," Teisetsu remarked. He transitioned into another stance, a peculiar ice armor now enshrouding his entire body.

"Hmmm," Amaterasu pondered, clapping her hands together. "I see, you're a part Yukki-Onna, aren't you? The convergence of a rabbit youkai and yuki-onna, a rare union—more so, considering your male lineage."

Teisetsu offered a wry smile and nodded. "As expected of a Japanese god, your keen insight is most impressive. Indeed, I am a miraculous child born of those two species, blessed with innate ice-based abilities in conjunction with my rabbit youkai attributes and touki. I consider myself truly fortunate, and my parents watch over me today..."

In the complex web of power dynamics, Teisetsu was the solitary Satan-class rabbit youkai on their team, a stark contrast to his comrades, who boasted Ultimate-class and High-class standings. The one currently confronting Ryūjin held Ultimate-class status, teetering on the precipice of a breakthrough. The team shared a tacit understanding that their chances of victory hinged on Kurousagi and Vera prevailing in their respective matchups against Hachiman and Raijin.

"I sense it."

"Pardon me?" Teisetsu inquired, his confusion apparent as Amaterasu delivered her unexpected proclamation. "Sense what?"

"You, [Pawn]-kun, embody what Jin refers to as 'Satan-class.' However, forgive me if my confidence appears audacious, but this alone will not suffice to overcome me," Amaterasu declared, her smile unwavering.

"What lends you such confidence in your own abilities?" Teisetsu queried, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

"The power of Chief Gods within various pantheons varies considerably. I must confess that I wasn't always this formidable, and while I might have engaged Ultimate-class opponents competently, encounters with Satan-class and God-class beings often yielded uncertain outcomes," she admitted.

"But perhaps," she added with a subtle shift in her demeanor, "after Jin's most recent visit to our pantheon, things have taken a different turn." With that, she appeared directly in front of Teisetsu, her hand gently touching his chest, as she softly murmured, "Akatsuki (Crimson Moon)."

In an ephemeral flash, the entire game field was cast in a resplendent hue of crimson, a sight that left everyone astounded and agog, their bewilderment magnified by the ensuing announcement.

[1 [Pawn] of [Team Moon Rabbits] retire!]

The words reverberated through the arena, leaving spectators and participants alike utterly confounded.

[What in the world just happened!? Player Teisetsu was defeated before he could even react!] The astonishment in the commentator's voice mirrored the collective shock of the audience.

[Amazing! Amaterasu-sama has unleashed her overwhelming might! A solitary technique, a singular strike, and the formidable Player Teisetsu, known for triumphing over numerous Ultimate-class opponents in the tournament, has been defeated! Is this the indomitable power of the Chief God of the Shinto Pantheon?] The announcer's voice carried a tone of awe, heralding the godly prowess displayed.

Amaterasu, her hand delicately poised before her lips, could not contain her amusement. "I've done it, Aaron, though I must admit I struggled to control the output a few times in the past..."

The technique in question was none other than Akatsuki, known as the Crimson Moon. Aaron had employed this very technique to vanquish Rubicante the previous year, leaving an indelible impression on Amaterasu. As the Goddess of the Sun, she possessed a formidable repertoire of techniques, abilities, and attacks. However, she had approached Aaron with a casual request—a "surefire method" to dispatch her adversaries.

In response, Aaron had introduced her to the Akatsuki, or Crimson Moon, technique. Among the various techniques he had shared, this one held particular appeal for her. Its elegance lay in its simplicity—it demanded nothing more than the user's capacity to unleash an immensely potent fireball at point-blank range, capable of transmuting the surroundings into a vibrant crimson.

With a subtle turn of her gaze toward Ryūjin, Amaterasu murmured softly, "I shall oversee your contest then. Hachiman expressed his desire for me to abstain from intervening in his duel against their fellow [King]. Regardless of today's outcome... let there be no lingering resentment among us."

— ○ ● ○ —

"Seriously!? I knew Amaterasu-sama was powerful, but to dispatch Teisetsu that swiftly...! Damn it!" Rindo's expletive burst forth, his frustration palpable.

"Amaterasu-sama doesn't often engage in combat, but her power is undeniable. She holds the position of our Chief God for good reason," Ryūjin commented with a note of respect in his voice.

Rindo's grin flashed. "I never intended to underestimate her. I just hoped our 'Super Pawn' could put up more of a fight, maybe even emerge victorious."

"That would have been a near-impossible feat. Even I, at my full strength, cannot surpass her anymore."

"Why's that?" Rindo inquired, curiosity etching his features.

"Since Jin's recent visit, Inari, Fūjin, and Amaterasu have seen a substantial increase in their powers. Raijin, however, declined this boost, opting to attain her power through her own efforts," Ryūjin elucidated.

With a sigh, Ryūjin cloaked himself in a divine aura. "Enough pleasantries. Let us begin," he declared, fixing his gaze on Rindo.

"To one hybrid to another, let's do this!" Rindo's voice reverberated as he drew forth a katana, enveloping it in touki.

"Much like Inaie," Amaterasu mused quietly to herself, her divine eyes observing their confrontation from a distance. Rindo, a hybrid of human and rabbit youkai, displayed no signs of possessing a Sacred Gear, but his innate abilities intrigued her.

Without a word more exchanged, Rindo vanished from his initial spot, bringing his katana down upon Ryūjin. The dragon god met his advance with a calm demeanor, intercepting the blade. Yet, a sly grin played on Rindo's lips as multiple slashes seemingly materialized from all directions, targeting Ryūjin.

Ryūjin deftly pushed Rindo aside and countered the attacks unleashed against him.

"Are ya curious?" Rindo inquired, his smile unyielding as he faced Ryūjin.

Ryūjin brushed a shoulder and sighed. "Not particularly."

"You're pretty boring. Oh well," Rindo muttered to himself before launching back at Ryūjin. His katana traced sparks along the ground, touki discharging from it. His speed doubled, and he closed in on Ryūjin, calling out, "Up!" as he swung his sword upwards.

Ryūjin retreated briefly but swiftly returned to block a strike from behind him. He employed his divine aura to counter a subsequent cut. Perplexed by the enigmatic workings of Rindo's powers, Ryūjin opted to observe for the time being.

"Oh, right, I can't play around forever; let's go all out," Rindo murmured to himself before grinning. His body underwent a remarkable transformation.

Black hair gave way to white patches of fur on his hybrid physique, while thicker, denser touki enveloped him. Two additional arms materialized beneath his existing ones, and two more katanas manifested, grasped firmly by the extra hands.

"I was already a bit peculiar as a hybrid, and my rabbit side was somewhat of an anomaly. My father was taken aback by it, but he didn't criticize me. In fact, he trained me in it—while my mother honed my magical abilities," Rindo recounted. "Let's go, Ryūjin-san!"

Harnessing his superior leg strength, Rindo instantaneously appeared above Ryūjin, wielding all three swords as he descended.

"Three Sword Style: Equinox!" Rindo proclaimed. His touki enshrouded all three katanas, propelling them swiftly toward Ryūjin.

Ryūjin caught the blades yet again with impeccable precision. Although a fraction of Rindo's assault found its mark, merely grazing him, it was an accomplishment of significance for the challenger, and he acknowledged it with a smile.

"If you continue your training, you will undoubtedly grow stronger. However, this is as far as you go," Ryūjin declared before thrusting his hand forward, obliterating Rindo's katanas and striking him squarely in the chest. The force sent Rindo hurtling through the air.

Coughing up blood as he soared, Rindo's thoughts turned introspective. 'My best isn't enough, huh? I took pride in being Ultimate-class, believing I could keep pace with Teisetsu. But perhaps we are merely significant figures in a confined arena...'

However, just as Rindo began to contemplate yielding, a resounding voice surged from the crowd.

[Don't give up, Rin!!]

[Rindo, if you give up now, I won't let you hear the end of it about that vacation!!]

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment at their words, even as they filled him with renewed determination. Landing back on the ground with a crash, legs trembling, Rindo forced himself upright.

"It might be wise to yield now," Ryūjin advised, taking his position before Rindo.

"Even if the difference in our abilities resembles night and day, I won't give up so easily. I want to appear cool, maybe find a girlfriend!" Rindo exclaimed, a touch of self-deprecating laughter in his tone. "And I have that vacation to look forward to!"

The vacation, a cherished plan conceived months ago, was set to precede the tournament. Rindo had eagerly accepted an invitation to join their team, unaware of the rigorous training and the formidable opponents they would encounter along the way.

Initially, Rindo and his team had been considered dead weight, heavily reliant on the prowess of Kurousagi and Vera. However, with time and rigorous training, they gradually closed the gap, allowing them to keep pace with their formidable comrades and adversaries alike. Victory in individual battles became a regular occurrence.

Among his teammates, latent powers began to stir, rendering them even more formidable opponents. Some demonstrated the capability to take on Ultimate-class adversaries solo and emerged victorious, while others fought to draws or ascended to that very echelon of power. The tournament, a blessing for many, acted as a crucible, forging their strengths even if they didn't secure numerous victories or qualify for the main event. Simply participating, facing stronger foes, and learning from those clashes kindled the flames of their potential.

Aaron had foreseen these transformative effects and planned for them, to a certain extent. He knew that their strength would burgeon, but the exact extent remained uncertain. His aspiration was for most participants to attain High-class or even surpass it during this crucible of a tournament.

Ryūjin regarded the young rabbit youkai before him with a smile. "Boy, state your name once more."

Rindo tightened his grip on his primary katana, positioning it forward, while his two additional katanas formed an 'X' behind the first. He inhaled deeply, releasing a surge of touki and power.

"I am Rindo! The eccentric hybrid who will etch his name in history by challenging you!" he declared, offering a spirited smile to Ryūjin.

Ryūjin chuckled, shaping a colossal blade composed of his divine and draconic aura, a massive blue and white cross-shaped weapon taking form in his hand. "Ryūjin—Dragon (God) of the Seas. I acknowledge your spirit, young youkai. You remind me of my younger self and my daughters," he mused, retracting his immense blade.

Without further exchange, Rindo charged towards Ryūjin, the two extra katanas whirling in his supplementary hands.

Rindo possessed two distinct abilities. The current transformation and a touch of spatial manipulation were inherited from his mother, a practitioner of spatial magic. Her specialization revolved around storing objects in different dimensions and spaces, but with Rindo's birth, it evolved into an innate ability. Hailing from Japan, his name reflected his heritage. His father, another rabbit youkai, exhibited slight anomalies, with a bulkier build and strength surpassing most, albeit weak leg strength. Rindo appeared ordinary at birth but harbored this inherent mutation.

He honed this mutation into a transformation technique, utilizing it as a trump card. With his natural leg strength, additional arms, and innate spatial manipulation, he crafted a unique fighting style. The slashes he'd unleashed upon Ryūjin earlier had been transported to his customized space, ready to emerge through portals. Over time, he had mastered the technique to multiply the stored slashes, granting him a significant advantage against opponents. Through relentless effort and unwavering determination, Rindo had overcome one challenge after another to reach this point.

"Show me your full power!" Rindo cried out, perplexing Ryūjin. He accelerated once more, appearing behind Ryūjin, who swung his blade downward.

Rindo's two extra arms and katanas were cleaved into pieces; his original arms bore several cuts, and his primary katana lay severed. "Damn, you gods are truly something. I stood no chance," he muttered, turning around. "I'd rather take the hit head-on."

"I may not be a swordsman, but I admire your spirit," Ryūjin replied. Dispelling his blade, he conjured an immense spear of water in the sky, infused with his divine and draconic aura. "Well-fought, Rindo."

Bringing down the colossal watery spear upon Rindo, it gave rise to a gargantuan aquatic explosion that swiftly transformed into a vortex. Sharks and other aquatic creatures materialized through his water manipulation, swimming within the vortex before detonating from within.

As the immense watery vortex dissipated, the announcement resounded.

[1 [Pawn] of [Team Moon Rabbits] retire!!]

[The second [Pawn] of [Team Moon Rabbits] has been taken out!! He also put up a fight against one of the gods of the Shinto team but fell short! Right now, [Team Shinto] is unstoppable. Does this mean they'll win this game!?]

[The two people responsible for fighting and delaying the two other gods of [Team Shinto] were knocked out minutes after the game started. What will [Team Moon Rabbits do now?!]

— ○ ● ○ —

"It seems like your two aces are down. It was inevitable if they faced Amaterasu-sama and Ryūjin-sama," remarked Oda Nobunaga.

At present, he was embroiled in combat against both [Knights] of [Team Moon Rabbits], Yasek and Xena. The news of Teisetsu's earlier retirement had already rattled them, but the announcement of Rindo's defeat further fueled their frustration.

"You don't get to decide that, geezer!" Xena's fiery temperament flared. She unleashed a relentless flurry of sword slashes at Nobunaga, who deftly parried each strike.

"In situations like these, maintaining composure is crucial. Turbulent emotions can impede one's performance," Nobunaga advised, retracting his arm before launching his own barrage of aura slashes at Xena and Yasek.

"Fuck!" Xena exclaimed as she sustained multiple cuts while attempting to deflect and counter Nobunaga's onslaught.

Yasek, the more composed of the two, managed to deflect most of the strikes but still bore a few wounds. He sighed deeply.

"Xena, calm down. We won't be able to defeat someone like him if you keep on like this. And he's right," Yasek reasoned.

"Screw you and your philosophy!" Xena's anger continued to blaze as she stomped her foot. Afterward, she charged back at Nobunaga, her frustration apparent.

Xena had always possessed a short fuse, leading to frequent clashes with her peers and older rabbit youkai. She was part of the crowd that Halzaham bullied, but instead of cowering, she embraced a combative spirit, fiercely defending her friends against any form of harassment or bullying.

Even after Halzaham's demise, her new personality persisted. Nevertheless, she retained close friendships because of her unwavering loyalty. She would confront and confront anyone who dared to threaten or mistreat her friends.

Prior to Kurousagi and Aaron's return to their Pantheon, Xena had already harbored intentions of avenging Halzaham, and if she had succeeded, both she and those involved would likely have met their demise, as they were significantly weaker than Halzaham.

"Flow like a river—"

"Fuck you!" Xena screamed again, enveloping herself in touki before manifesting numerous clones and charging at Nobunaga.

The countless clones swarmed Nobunaga, each wielding the same level of power as the original Xena. Anyone insufficiently skilled or prepared would quickly fall before them. However, Oda Nobunaga was no ordinary opponent; in reality, he surpassed Xena and Yasek's combined might.

"What the—?" Xena was taken aback as she witnessed her clones being effortlessly dispatched by Nobunaga. It appeared as if he hadn't moved, yet her clones were vanquished with a single strike.

"He's distracted; I can catch him off guard!" Xena thought, grinning, as she accelerated to reach Nobunaga. She raised her arm, preparing to strike, when Nobunaga abruptly turned and swung his sword in an arc.


Before Xena could react, excruciating pain surged through her abdomen, launching her backward. She also felt intense pain in her sword hand, and upon examination, she discovered her hand was missing, sending her into a panic.

'No, no, no, no, no! What the fuck!?' she screamed inwardly, flipping herself around and halting her descent with both feet planted firmly on the ground.

Yasek rushed to his comrade's side, gripping her shoulder. "You're bleeding; I'll stop it," he said, quickly cauterizing the wound. "I told you, Xena, Oda Nobunaga is an exceptional warrior; you can't approach this half-heartedly. Let's—"

"I won't give you a chance to regroup!" interrupted the older man, suddenly appearing before them and thrusting his sword toward them.

Yasek's pupils gleamed, accompanied by mechanical noises. In an instant, he and Xena disappeared, reappearing a few feet away. To Nobunaga's surprise, Xena's severed arm had been restored.

"Phew, I made it in time," Yasek exhaled in relief.

"Do it sooner, you asshole!" Xena retorted before pushing herself away from Yasek. She moved her restored arm, flexing her fingers with a grin. "You're quite handy; I wouldn't mind having you as a husband."

"Enough with the flattery; focus on Nobunaga, Xena!" Yasek chided.

"What an intriguing ability," remarked Nobunaga as he observed Yasek. "You can...reverse time by a certain interval and repair any injuries inflicted on you. Have you been targeted by any unsavory groups since the tournament began?"

"Fortunately, no, but I appreciate your concern!" Yasek replied before leaping toward the seasoned warrior, who offered a knowing smile. Yasek's eyes emitted a translucent glow, and this time, transparent clones of himself materialized and soared toward Nobunaga.

"An interesting trend, both [Knights] on your team seem fond of employing cloning techniques," Nobunaga mused.

He then swung his sword horizontally, and a colossal aura slash surged forth, slicing through both Xena and Yasek. However, he also snapped his fingers, conjuring thousands of magic circles behind him. Countless magical attacks were launched toward the two [Knights].

"Don't lag behind!" Xena shouted, dashing forward to shield Yasek. He sighed and followed her lead.

Both warriors enveloped their bodies and blades in touki, deflecting and slicing through the magical assaults hurled by Nobunaga. They recognized that confronting the legendary warrior's aura slash would be futile, so they leaped over it, attempting to maintain their momentum. However, Yasek sensed something amiss and halted abruptly. Just as he tried to warn Xena, he fell to his knees.

"What...what's happening? X...Xena, w-wait!" he tried to shout, but in reality, it came out as a whispered plea.

Nobunaga had concealed an illusion atop the slash attack he unleashed, causing it to appear larger both in height and width. This slash possessed an insidious property—it drained the stamina and magic of those it struck by at least 50%. Currently, Yasek had seen his magical reserves and stamina reduced by half, but Xena remained unaffected, as Nobunaga had chosen to spare her from this debilitating effect.

He knew he had to deal with Xena's recklessness first before contending with Yasek, as the latter's ability posed a more significant challenge. Xena thrust her sword toward Nobunaga, but he swiftly evaded her attack. She continued her assault, incorporating feints and aura slashes, but Nobunaga effortlessly discerned her intentions and began to counter.

"What fuels your anger, young one?" he inquired, receiving no response. Instead, Xena unleashed a flurry of wild sword swings. 'One has to wonder how she made it this far in the tournament.'

Nobunaga opted to carefully observe her, drawing his own conclusions, knowing that extracting any meaningful information from Xena was futile. Every thrust, slash, and magical assault she launched was infused with raw emotion, leaving an impression on Nobunaga.

As Xena summoned an elemental sword from the ground in an attempt to strike him, he leaped away, and she followed, executing a mid-air spin before descending with a foot strike. Nobunaga blocked her attack with his sword, allowing himself to be blown away. He landed gracefully on the ground, maintaining his watchful stance.

Xena continued her assault, swinging her sword rapidly and generating a star-shaped aura slash. She added lightning attacks to the mix and stomped the ground, creating a miniature earthwave that disrupted Nobunaga's footing.

To her astonishment, Nobunaga remained rooted to his position, calmly observing her attacks. He aimed his hand at the ground, levitating himself upward, then drew his sword back and, in a single thrust, dispelled the magic attacks Xena had aimed at him.

Next were her star-shaped aura slashes. Nobunaga coated his blade with his own touki, then swung it downward, launching a singular aura slash to counter hers.

"Pfft—hah! Do you seriously think—!" Xena began to retort but was cut short as her aura slashes were obliterated. Before her thoughts and words could catch up with her, Nobunaga appeared in front of her, launching an attack.

"Xena!" Yasek cried out, attempting to move but arriving too late. Xena was struck by Nobunaga's blade. The force of the blow sent her tumbling backward, but Yasek caught her.

Struggling to breathe, she glanced at Yasek and managed a grin. "Well, that was an uncool way to go out, huh? Sorry, stuff happened last night, and it clouded my judgment for today."

"But aren't you always hot-tempered?" Yasek commented, looking at his teammate with a puzzled expression.

Xena sneered in response. "Screw you."

[1 [Knight] from [Team Moon Rabbits] retire!!]

"At least don't curse at me, you idiot," Nobunaga chuckled as he witnessed Xena's departure. Yasek stood up and faced Nobunaga. "I'll be in your care, Nobunaga-sama."

"Hmm. I'm intrigued by your ability. Your friend carries a lot of baggage, but... with you by her side, I believe—no, I know she'll be fine," Nobunaga reassured him, eliciting a blush from Yasek.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but we can discuss it when this is over!" Yasek declared before charging at the former shogun.

To Nobunaga's surprise, it appeared as if Yasek was blinking around, teleporting from place to place. However, he didn't let it perturb him, keeping a close watch on Yasek until he blinked to a specific location and swung his sword downward preemptively, forcing Yasek to block the attack.

"What the—? You're one terrifying old man!" Yasek exclaimed, stunned by Nobunaga's instincts.

"It comes with experience, young man!" Nobunaga shouted before landing at the spot where Yasek had been moments ago. The young rabbit youkai had moved aside, but after Nobunaga landed, a massive crater marked the spot.

'What's with the absurd strength too...!?' Yasek pondered, taking a step back as he surmised that Nobunaga's leg strength exceeded his.

"Are you frightened?" the former shogun inquired. He advanced a step, and Yasek retreated one. "You are, aren't you?"

"N-no, why would I be?" Yasek replied, his unease palpable. He took a deep breath and composed himself, pointing his sword toward Nobunaga. "My body might think so, but my mind and spirit disagree."

Nobunaga smiled at Yasek's words before charging at him and vanishing. Yasek immediately went on high alert, but before he could react, a powerful kick struck him in the back, sending him flying. When he turned around, he saw no one. However, another kick landed on his head from behind, and yet again, there was no assailant to be found.

This sequence repeated several times until Yasek decided to utilize his innate ability, [Rewind], which allowed his body to revert to its state from ten seconds earlier and return to its previous location. However, to his horror, Nobunaga was already there, impaling his shoulder with his sword.

"What—!? How did you...!?" Yasek stammered.

A smile graced Nobunaga's face. "It doesn't take a genius to figure out your ability. The only thing I needed to discover was the cutoff time for your ability to rewind. So I attacked you repeatedly until you were compelled to go back, and I began a small mental timer."

"Ten seconds. That's the maximum duration you can rewind, and my speed surpasses yours. Whether you go back one, two, three, or nine seconds, I can catch up and strike you," he declared with a smile.

"You're truly insane," Yasek muttered as he attempted to activate his [Rewind] ability again. However, his other shoulder was pierced by Nobunaga's blade, causing him to groan in pain.

"I suggest you surrender."

"I refuse."

Yasek tried to remove the blade from his shoulder but failed. Nobunaga twisted it, intensifying the pain. Yasek eventually resorted to using both legs to kick Nobunaga off him, but he missed as Nobunaga leaped away. Yasek made another attempt to [Rewind], but this time, his right leg was severed by Nobunaga's sword.

"Aaargghh!!" Yasek screamed, collapsing. He continued to use his [Rewind] ability, but it was abruptly halted when Nobunaga impaled his torso with his blade.

"This is... checkmate, young man," the former shogun declared.

Yasek's body was gradually consumed by the retirement light, and he sighed. "Damn it, were we outmatched from the start...!?" Yasek exclaimed in frustration.

"You fought valiantly. However, even if you win this match, you'll only face tougher games ahead. The main stage is for well-rounded teams within a certain power range, as unfortunate as that may sound."

Yasek clenched his teeth and fists. He didn't want to admit it, but deep down, he knew what Nobunaga said was true. Their only chance of victory hinged on their [King] winning her match against the opposing [King], Hachiman, in a fair one-on-one duel, free from interference or assistance. That was their only logical path to victory. However, their previous games rarely unfolded as planned. Yes, they won, but more often than not, they relied on their [King], [Queen], and [Pawns] to secure the victory.

"...Maybe we've come this far due to luck?" Yasek mused.

"Your team's skills and abilities are genuine. However, the true challenges await in the main stage. You're meant to grow and evolve during the preliminaries, but if you don't progress sufficiently, you'll be the first to be eliminated from the main stage," Nobunaga explained.

"I see..." Yasek finally faded from the field, feeling frustrated with himself.

[1 [Knight] from [Team Moon Rabbits] retire!!]

"Well done, Oda Nobunaga," Amaterasu commended, landing beside him with Ryūjin.

Nobunaga turned his attention to his Chief God and nodded. "It seems both [Knights] of [Team Moon Rabbits] have their own challenges to face. I'd like to speak with them after this match."

"I see no issue with that. This is a game, and we should not hold grudges afterward. However, it would be wise to consult with Aaron first," Amaterasu advised.

Nobunaga nodded and turned his gaze in a specific direction. "It appears another battle is nearing its conclusion."


— ○ ● ○ —

Benkei Musashibou was plagued by a persistent case of hiccups, and to make matters worse, she was thoroughly intoxicated. The hiccups had started before the game commenced, and they persisted as the match unfolded. Not only had Benkei begun drinking prior to the game, but she continued to imbibe throughout the contest. Her opponent, Eliora, the [Rook] of [Team Moon Rabbits], seethed with frustration.

"How on earth am I losing to a drunkard with hiccups!?" Eliora erupted.

Typically level-headed and astute, Eliora found it challenging to maintain her composure in the face of Benkei's exceedingly relaxed and nonchalant demeanor. The fact that she was being bested by a drunken, hiccupping warrior only compounded her vexation.


"S…!? S-what!?" Eliora snapped in irritation.

"S-skill issue…ehehehehahahahaha~~!" Benkei cackled, sending Eliora into a further fit of anger.

"What's wrong with this lunatic!?" Eliora demanded, but her question went unanswered.

Eliora had commissioned custom armor for the Rating Games, primarily covering her lower body, including her legs, feet, and thighs. Her inspiration had been Ruruko Nimura's Counter Balance, a technique she had witnessed during the tournament. Eliora had sought to replicate a similar effect to enhance her leg strength and jumping ability.

She propelled herself toward Benkei, unleashing a flurry of kicks, but the intoxicated warrior effortlessly evaded all her strikes, leaving Eliora baffled.

"Do you get stronger the drunker you get!?" Eliora bellowed in frustration.

"Bweeeeeeeh?" Benkei responded in an incomprehensible manner, further infuriating Eliora.

Drawing her right leg back, Eliora unleashed an aura blade from it, sending it hurtling toward Benkei. The drunken warrior, who was shakily standing her ground, finally noticed the incoming attack. Just before it could reach her, she produced her staff and forcefully intercepted the assault.

"What—!? She blocked it!?" Eliora exclaimed.

In her drunken stupor, Benkei applied even more force and shattered the attack. Eliora quickly overcame her shock and charged toward Benkei once more. She had performed admirably in the tournament so far, facing various formidable opponents, including Ultimate-class, Satan-class, and even God-class beings. She had never shied away from a challenge and always gave her best effort, even in defeat. However, today was proving to be an exception.

The woman standing before her was not someone Eliora interacted with regularly. Her teammate, Xena, was another individual Eliora didn't particularly want to associate with, but their team membership required them to collaborate. While Eliora acknowledged Xena's strength and advantages, she struggled to form a personal connection.

During training and meetings, Eliora maintained a friendly facade with Xena, but once they parted ways, she largely kept her distance or refrained from engaging with her. Xena had noticed this behavior and confronted Eliora about it, prompting Eliora to explain her reasons. Though Xena understood, she didn't necessarily like it but ultimately accepted Eliora's choice, thanking her for "tolerating" her.

Benkei, on the other hand, presented an entirely different challenge for Eliora. She was an enigma that Eliora found herself unable to contend with during the match.

Benkei stood still, hiccupping a few times before wobbling her gaze toward Eliora. Then, she abruptly vanished, taking Eliora by surprise. Before the young female rabbit youkai could react, she felt the impact of a staff against her back, sending her sprawling.

Recovering in mid-air, Eliora glanced behind her but saw nothing. However, she was once again struck on the head by Benkei's staff, slamming her to the ground. The drunken warrior swiftly followed, attempting another staff strike, but Eliora rolled out of harm's way.

Eliora couldn't fathom how Benkei's staff inflicted such significant damage despite her wearing armor. It defied logic unless Benkei's staff possessed special qualities they hadn't considered.

Eliora concentrated an intense amount of touki around her arms, forming transparent gauntlets. Similar to her armor, she had borrowed this technique from Genshirou Saji, who she had observed using it in both his Balance Breaker and normal state.

"Here I come, drunkard!" Eliora shouted, utilizing her superior leg strength to propel herself with a single bound toward Benkei.

With a clenched fist, she hurled it toward Benkei, who reacted swiftly, dodging her assault. Yet, Eliora's other arm followed suit, aimed straight at her opponent. Seeing this, Benkei, already evading another punch, used her free hand to graze the translucent gauntlet. She propelled herself out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding both attacks.

"What!? What the hell!?" Benkei exclaimed in disbelief.

"Heheeee~ I'm amazing, riiiiiight?" Eliora taunted with a cocky grin.

Adding salt to the wound, Benkei conjured Shinto-style magic circles and unleashed fireflies, each the size of hand grenades, toward Eliora. Quick on her feet, Eliora activated her gauntlets just in time to block the attacks. However, the ensuing explosion sent her sprawling.

Once they both landed on the ground, they locked eyes. Eliora inspected her arms, relieved to find no injuries but disheartened to see her gauntlets significantly damaged.

"Y-you...hiic...lookin'...f-fiine…si-sister…" mumbled Benkei, before slumping to the ground in a deep sleep.

"Huh?" Eliora stood perplexed, struggling to grasp the situation. "Did she just fall asleep? How does this even work...?"

[It seems like [Pawn] Benkei has fallen asleep! This should be an easy termination for Player Eliora!]

Eliora didn't relish the idea, but she understood it might be the only way to defeat her slumbering foe. She swiftly approached Benkei, enveloping more of her body in a dense touki. She readied her right fist for the decisive blow when she was abruptly forced to leap away from her opponent.

"Tch. I should have been faster…!" Eliora muttered in frustration, landing at a safe distance. A man with gray hair touched down beside Benkei.

"Oi! You okay!?" her teammate Sanura inquired as she joined them.

"Sanura, I'm fine. I was about to retire her when he arrived. But... are YOU okay!?" Eliora asked, eyeing Sanura.

Sanura bore numerous small-sized holes on her body, each oozing blood. She scratched her head, laughing it off. "I lost an arm earlier to him and ended up going head-to-head, only for him to add more holes, hahaha~!"

Sanura, with her short green hair, fur, and red eyes, displayed a robust, athletic build. Eliora, with her long, wavy hair, white fur, and red eyes, possessed a slender frame. Both sported their team's tournament uniform and focused their attention on Yoichi, who was chastising the sleeping Benkei.

"Oi, wake up, you stupid drunk. I'm not covering for both of us," Yoichi grumbled, annoyed.

"Nyhahah, nyuuuu, nyoooo…fuuu…no…I can't drink any more…" Benkei muttered in her slumber.

Yoichi scratched his head in exasperation. "Dammit, she's in THAT kind of sleep, huh? She won't wake up anytime soon." He tapped his transceiver thoughtfully. [She won't wake up; should I do it?]

After a brief conversation on the device, Yoichi nodded and knelt beside Benkei, tapping her forehead. She began to glow.

[1 [Pawn] of [Team Shinto] retire!]

[E-eh!? Did they just forcefully retire Player Benkei!? What a strange turn of events!]

"Well, she'd be practically useless, so why bother keeping her around? She could have at least taken someone out before falling asleep," Yoichi muttered in frustration.

Summoning his bow again, it emitted a purple glow. He fixed his gaze on both women before vanishing and reappearing beneath them, releasing a flurry of arrows. Sanura reacted in time, creating a defensive magic circle that blocked some of the projectiles, but a few pierced through, forcing them to leap away.

"He's fast. He's already been promoted to [Queen], so watch out. Also, think of him as an all-rounder; he can fight with his fists, use touki, and wields a sword. Those arrows can pierce through anything I've used, so assume they'll penetrate your gauntlets and armor," Sanura cautioned.

Yoichi sighed, forming armor around his shoulders, arms, hands, legs, and shoes. A visor materialized around his face as he focused on the two women before him.

"Two... Yoshitsune said Jin-san would give me a new bow if we won this as a gift; I can't afford to lose today," Yoichi muttered to himself. His excitement was palpable. "Operation: VV start."

[Operation VV is a go.]

[Estimated time of charge completion: 1 minute.]

[Current output: 100%.]

A female voice echoed through his visor, accompanied by a lock-on user interface targeting Eliora and Sanura. Yoichi grinned and nodded to himself. "Just one minute, huh? That's fine with me."

Yoichi Nasuno hardly needed this. The [Operation System] he had developed alongside Azazel and Grigori stemmed from his chuunibyou syndrome. The attack he intended to unleash on the two women before him was well within his capabilities without the system. Nevertheless, Yoichi reveled in the theatrics; it made him appear cool, and he was perfectly content with that.

With a grin, he leaped back, drew his bow, and unleashed an even greater volley of arrows than before. Eliora and Sanura dodged, but these arrows possessed tracking capabilities, relentlessly pursuing them.

"His arrows can do different things, so be cautious! Some are more potent than others, while others are merely inconvenient!" Sanura warned.

One of Yoichi's arrows blinked rapidly as it closed in on Eliora, who eyed it warily. However, before Sanura could warn her, it detonated in a blinding burst of white light.

"Dammit! Eliora! Can you hear me!?" Sanura shouted in desperation. "Dammit, she can't! I managed to break free, but can she?"

Within the luminous explosion, Eliora succumbed to an illusion. All around her stood a variety of naked men, each possessing a certain degree of handsomeness. They encircled her, lavishing her with compliments and indulging her with seductive gestures.

"Eh? Eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?! What the hell is this!?" Eliora screamed, covering her face. "Get away! I don't want men's penises near me yet! You can't do that until marriage!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!"

Eliora attempted to flee but collided with a towering man, his chiseled physique standing at 6'5" tall, and a prominent bulge on display.

"Eeeeek!? Noo!! Get away!"

[Come on, baby~!] the man purred, swaying his hips provocatively.

In the midst of the tumultuous battleground, the haunting echoes of Eliora's desperate scream pierced the chaos as she unleashed a point-blank magical attack upon her adversary, dispelling him like a wisp of smoke. A torrent of emotions welled within her as she realized the potency of her newfound abilities. Her actions became a mesmerizing dance of spellcasting, the force of her gauntlet-enhanced punches, and the grace of her well-aimed kicks. The illusions surrounding her wilted like fragile flowers in a storm, leaving her as the sole figure standing amidst the fading mirages.

But in the aftermath of her victory, a disquieting question lingered, haunting her thoughts like a shadow. "…Why am I not getting out?" she muttered, her voice a fragile echo in the enigmatic void.

Then, an unexpected presence materialized before her, shattering her concentration and casting a veil of surprise upon her. The figure that manifested was one she knew all too well, yet its presence here defied logic and reason. "T-Teisetsu…?" she stammered, her voice trembling with disbelief. "B-but—no, you were eliminated from the game! You have to be an illusion!"

Driven by doubt and confusion, she launched her attack once more upon the illusion of Teisetsu, only to find her strikes effortlessly parried. Her wrist was ensnared by the illusion, and she was forcefully pressed against a wall that materialized out of thin air. The voice of her teammate, or so it seemed, pierced the surreal silence. "I'm the real Teisetsu, Eli. Did you forget?" he inquired, his words a haunting refrain.

Caught in the tangled web of illusion and desire, Eliora's face flushed with crimson, her eyes closing involuntarily as the illusion's visage drew nearer. Inwardly, she battled the turmoil that raged within her, the clash between her rational mind and her aching heart. 'Dammit! What's wrong with me!? Get a grip—' she admonished herself, but her inner turmoil continued to swell.

Just as she was about to launch another attack against the illusion, a sudden, searing pain erupted in her abdomen. Her gaze dropped to her stomach, where an arrow had found its mark. "Arrow…dammit, I was too slow," she whispered, her voice tinged with despair. The illusion surrounding her fragmented, and she crumpled to the ground, clutching her bleeding wound. The ominous aura of retirement enveloped her, its cold light a cruel harbinger of her fate. "Dammit all…" she uttered in her final moments.

Meanwhile, Yoichi, an observer of the unfolding drama, allowed a sardonic smile to grace his lips. 'Seems like she couldn't break out of the illusion on time, although dealing with her teammate took a little bit since she was persistent.'

[1 [Rook] of [Team Moon Rabbits] retires!]

As Eliora's presence faded from the battlefield, her unspoken emotions and unfulfilled desires lingered like an echo in the wind. She had harbored romantic feelings for Teisetsu, her steadfast teammate, but the cold truth was that he harbored no reciprocal interest. Her queries about his sexual orientation had yielded no response, leaving her to wonder if he held any sentiments for her at all.

Yet, unbeknownst to her, Teisetsu had his own secret, one that weighed heavily on his heart. He was already engaged to another rabbit youkai in their town, a bond he had meticulously kept separate from his life on the battlefield. Aware of Eliora's affections, he planned to disclose the truth to her, driven by a sense of responsibility and empathy for her unrequited love.

The battlefield reverberated with shouts and cries, and Sanura, witnessing Eliora's departure, could not contain her frustration. "That's cheap!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with annoyance at Yoichi's tactics.

Unfazed by her outburst, Yoichi calmly defended his actions, his eyes reflecting the icy determination that fueled his every move. "Illusion magic was not against the rules, so using it was perfectly legal," he retorted, deftly sidestepping her punches and kicks.

In the heat of battle, Yoichi's deflection of one of Sanura's punches was followed by a lightning-fast jab to her throat, an attack that left her reeling. His subsequent kick to her stomach sent her sprawling across the battlefield, where she tumbled and rolled before regaining her footing.

She clutched her throat, feeling the residual pain and impact, but relief washed over her as she realized her injuries were not life-threatening. Nevertheless, her gaze bore into Yoichi with an undeniable sense of irritation. "Aiming for the throat too? Do you actually play fair?" she demanded, her voice laden with disdain.

Yoichi met her accusations with a stark admission, his voice devoid of emotion. "In a real fight like the war, anything goes—complaining about things like that will only get you killed. I only wanted to get you away from me, not kill you. If I really wanted, I could have used more strength, and I could have crushed your throat a few seconds ago," he conceded, his indifference a testament to the ruthless nature of the battlefield. "Well…it doesn't really matter now."

With "Operation VV" successfully executed, Yoichi allowed himself a small smile, a fleeting moment of respite in the midst of the tumultuous battle. "Lock on and begin the countdown," he instructed, his arrow aimed unswervingly at Sanura. Magic circles materialized around him, forming a protective barrier in anticipation of her potential retaliation.

Perplexed by Yoichi's sudden change in strategy, Sanura questioned his motives. "Are you insane? I can easily dodge you! Why do such a simple move now?" she inquired, her confusion evident.

Yoichi remained silent, his steely resolve unwavering. In a swift, decisive motion, Sanura leaped toward him, her leg poised to strike. However, before her attack could land, a multitude of defensive magic circles materialized, forming an impenetrable shield that blocked her assault. To further compound her predicament, a barrage of magic circles enveloped Yoichi, unleashing torrents of raw magic that forced her into a desperate evasive dance.

Despite the odds stacked against her, Sanura refused to yield, drawing upon her unique skills and unwavering determination. As a High-class fighter, she was acutely aware of her limitations in comparison to the formidable opponents and gods that surrounded her. Nevertheless, she pressed forward with an indomitable spirit, embodying the very essence of resilience and courage.

The countdown neared its climax, and Yoichi's countenance remained unshaken as he whispered, "This is my own finishing move: Vericent Victorious Shot!" With these words, a colossal surge of energy surged from his bow, a breathtaking spectacle of vibrant purple and vivid green that enveloped the entire expanse of the battlefield. Sanura's expression contorted into one of pure panic as she desperately attempted to flee the impending cataclysm, her every instinct urging her to escape the inexorable maw of destruction.

The formidable attack hurtled relentlessly toward Sanura, closing the gap between them with frightening speed. Its destructive power was indiscriminate, threatening not only her but everything and everyone within its ominous path. Yoichi, the orchestrator of this relentless attack, spoke with calculated resolve. "You have two options: be hit or keep on running and accidentally take the rest of your team out," he declared coolly. "My team already knows about this attack and knows how to avoid it."

Sanura bristled, on the cusp of retorting, but Yoichi had preempted her, leaving her with an irritated click of her tongue. She weighed her choices carefully, cognizant of the potential consequences of her actions. Dragging her teammates into the path of this devastating attack was not an option she was willing to entertain. Though her [King] and [Queen] were formidable in their own right, she had no desire to burden them further, especially amidst the chaotic frenzy of battle that raged all around.

With a resolute leap forward followed by a swift pivot, Sanura made her decision known. "Fine then! I'll take it head-on!" she proclaimed, her determination radiating from her very core. She summoned her inner strength, enveloping her form in a brilliant pillar of white aura—the manifestation of her touki.

In the midst of this critical moment, memories of her journey in the tournament flickered through her mind, illuminating her resolve. She had faced adversaries of diverse backgrounds and races, forging bonds of friendship that would endure beyond the confines of the battlefield. Regrets were a distant notion to her; every step in this tournament had been a testament to her courage and conviction.

Charging headlong toward the oncoming energy beam, her right leg extended like a lance, she clashed with Yoichi's relentless assault. The clash was a spectacle of raw power and determination, but the disparity in their energies became increasingly evident. Fatigue and exhaustion gripped Sanura, her touki waning rapidly. Meanwhile, Yoichi had not fully tapped into his reservoir of energy, preserving his strength for this crucial showdown.

The force of Yoichi's attack pushed her inexorably backward, drops of sweat beading on her determined visage. Yet, even in the face of this seemingly insurmountable challenge, she refused to yield. With one final, defiant cry, she channeled the last vestiges of her energy and touki, forming a tenuous barrier of resistance.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!" Her voice resonated with determination as she expended the very last of her strength. The touki aura, once radiant, dissipated, leaving her drained but unbroken. Her grin, though tinged with resignation, spoke volumes of her unyielding spirit. "Dammit…"

Yoichi's relentless energy beam cleaved through the sky, cutting through Sanura and tearing a violent path toward the barrier at the edge of the battlefield. The ensuing explosion reverberated through the game field, a testament to the sheer power of the confrontation.

[1 [Rook] of [Team Moon Rabbits] retire!!]

[Down! [Team Moon Rabbits] is down another player!! Only four members of their team remain on the field, while [Team Shinto] only lost one because…s-she was too drunk! Both [Bishops], [Queen], and [King] remain for the rabbit-centered team!!]

Amidst the chaos and aftermath, Yoichi allowed himself another sigh, his smile tinged with satisfaction. "I took two down; now all we need to do is beat the rest. Hachiman-sama can definitely win, right?" His confidence in their remaining team members was unwavering, a beacon of hope amid the tumultuous battlefield.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the fierce battleground, the duo representing [Team Moon Rabbits] faced an unfavorable challenge, squaring off against the formidable duo from [Team Shinto]: the legendary samurais of Japan, Miyamoto Musashi and Yoshitsune Minamoto.

Irre and Tenidil, the valiant combatants from [Team Moon Rabbits], possessed unique strengths that complemented each other's abilities. Although not overwhelmingly powerful individually, their synergy was undeniable.

Tenidil had demonstrated his versatility throughout the tournament, taking on roles ranging from [Pawn] to [Knight]. He was, in essence, the team's adaptable wildcard. Irre, on the other hand, excelled as a support, and they had joined forces for this pivotal battle, hoping to bolster Tenidil's chances. But the last few minutes had proven to be an uphill struggle against the two iconic figures of Japan.

Yoshitsune, swift and graceful as the wind, made a lightning-quick advance toward Tenidil, her katana gleaming with deadly intent. With impeccable timing, the male rabbit youkai blocked her strike using a remarkable shield bestowed upon him by his King, a gift originally passed down from Grigori.

As a child, he had been captivated by a certain American superhero who wielded a shield with unmatched skill, sparking a desire to emulate such heroics. Yet, as a rabbit youkai, his true prowess lay in the use of his legs and associated techniques. Ingeniously, he incorporated this unique style into his newly acquired shield.

Rather than gripping it conventionally, Tenidil's shield adhered to magical binds on the sides of his legs, creating a distinctive signature move exclusive to him. Crafted with the aid of Aaron, it possessed a mystical bond, ensuring that even if wrested from his grasp, it would eventually return to him after a certain passage of time. Tenidil had also developed a repertoire of distinctive attacks and techniques based on the innovative use of his shield, rendering him a formidable adversary.

Intrigued by the shield's durability, Yoshitsune inquired, "That is quite a resilient shield, Tenidil-dono. May I ask from whence it was obtained?"

"Grigori—well, my [King] received it from there, so I assume it was the handiwork of numerous fallen angels and other supernatural beings," Tenidil replied casually before deftly repelling Yoshitsune's assault. The acrobatic warrior executed a mid-air backflip, landing gracefully at a safe distance.

"I see," Yoshitsune acknowledged, her body enveloped in touki. Without uttering another word, she charged once more, her movements now too swift for Tenidil's eyes to follow. Relying on his innate instincts, Tenidil attuned himself to the subtle shifts in the environment. In a fraction of a second, he detected a change and responded by executing a swift kick in that direction, propelling his shield away from him. A shiver coursed through his entire body.

"You possess remarkable instincts and a natural aptitude for combat," Yoshitsune commended from behind him. She swiftly thrust her blade through his chest and then, with a fluid motion, drew it upwards, cleaving through his upper torso and shoulder.

"Tenidil!" Irre's anguished cry pierced the air as she witnessed her fellow Bishop fall to his knees, grievously wounded. With a burst of wind magic, she repelled Miyamoto Musashi and teleported beside Tenidil, immediately initiating the healing process.

"Well, that was quite brutal, Yoshitsune," remarked Musashi as she joined her fellow Knight. "But sending Bishops against us, even if they're versatile, seems rather reckless, don't you think?"

"I simply sought to retire him. It appears that Amaterasu-sama wishes to conclude this contest," Yoshitsune replied resolutely. "I shall carry on."

"Wait what!?" Musashi exclaimed, aghast, as Yoshitsune charged toward the two remaining Moon Rabbits. Tenidil's recovery was far from complete, and Yoshitsune summoned a series of Shinto-style magic circles, unleashing a barrage of fiery magic attacks upon the two rabbit youkai.

Irre's frustration was palpable as she clicked her tongue in irritation. Swiftly, she erected a protective barrier between them, warding off the majority of Yoshitsune's relentless magical onslaught. However, the relentless barrage of spells seemed determined to melt through her defenses. Her [Bishop] position bestowed upon her a potent amplification of her magical abilities, yet the sheer intensity of Yoshitsune's assault threatened to overwhelm her barrier.

With another exasperated click of her tongue, Irre took hold of Tenidil's shoulder and executed a teleportation spell, whisking them away from the perilous spot. As they vanished, her magical barrier shattered, and the area they had just occupied was engulfed in a blaze of fiery magic.

'These two enemies are relentless. How can we possibly keep up...?' Irre pondered.

"I'm alright, Irre," Tenidil reassured her as he rose to his feet. "I can continue the fight. Thanks for patching me up."

Tenidil's shield, once hurled in Yoshitsune's presumed direction, finally returned to him unscathed. He inspected it briefly before turning his attention back to Irre.

"You may be exasperating, but retreating isn't an option. This is our final stand. If we falter, we'll have no choice but to rely on Kurousagi and Vera once more," she declared, taking her place beside him.

"You're right, we can't make that a habit. Besides, the [Kings] and [Queens] they're confronting are formidable gods in their own right. It's anyone's guess who will emerge victorious," Tenidil replied.

"Very well, best of luck," Irre said, subtly nodding toward Musashi, who reciprocated the gesture. With coordinated precision, they leaped away to face each other.

"No offense, Yoshitsune-san, but I'm surprised you didn't just attack us together," Tenidil remarked, his curiosity piqued.

Yoshitsune had observed them in silence after their hasty teleportation. She briefly closed her eyes, reopening them with an unspoken determination. "I may seek a swift victory, but I still cherish my honor as a warrior. Amaterasu-sama and our fellow gods on this team understand that."

With a decisive shake of her head, she leveled her blade at Tenidil, enveloping both her body and weapon in touki. "Enough chatter; let our duels reach their conclusion, Tenidil-dono."

Yoshitsune Minamoto relied solely on her innate attributes—her touki, her magic, her swordsmanship, and her experience. Aaron had offered to grant her additional power during his recent visit to their pantheon, but she had declined. She wished to rely solely on her own abilities, without external influences or assistance.

The others had accepted this choice as something rare and admirable. Although she refused new powers, she embraced the potential for personal growth, pushing herself beyond her limits.

As they readied themselves for their impending clash, Yoshitsune couldn't help but recall a brief exchange between herself and Aaron, a memory that brought a faint smile to her lips.

— ○ ● ○ —

Under the veil of night, within the sacred confines of their pantheon, Yoshitsune Minamoto was entrenched in rigorous training. She knew that a mere day separated them from their final preliminary match, even though their place in the tournament was already secured thanks to their accumulated points. Still, they hungered for one more challenge to cement their dominance.

Tonight was no exception. Yoshitsune found herself in her usual spot near her dwelling, tirelessly honing her skills. Her blade sliced through the air with unwavering determination, sweat streaming down her face and body as she repeated her precise strikes.

A male voice pierced the tranquility of her practice. Yoshitsune's senses instantly sharpened, and she turned to face the source—Aaron Toole.

"Jin-san—or would you prefer Aaron-san?" she inquired, finally lowering her sword to acknowledge his presence.

"Whichever you're comfortable with, Yoshitsune," Aaron replied, rising from his spot and approaching her. He surveyed their surroundings with a contented nod. "Nice home you have here. Do you share it with Yoichi and Benkei?"

"Yes, but they're currently out shopping for groceries. After we met, things just clicked, and we decided to live together right away. It was a bit awkward at first, but within a few days, we all harmonized. Ah, I'll be cooking after this. Would you care to join us?" Yoshitsune offered.

"Nah, I'm good. I simply stepped out for a while. Fūjin has been pestering me all day, and Suzaku, Akeno, and Rias want to prepare dinner for me tonight, so I'll keep my stomach empty," he explained with a warm smile.

"You hold them in high regard, don't you?" Yoshitsune remarked, noting the affection in his words.

"Yep. Sometimes, I feel they pamper me excessively, but I have various individuals within me who advise otherwise. So, I graciously accept their gestures and strive to reciprocate. By the way, are you certain about declining my earlier offer? Most of your team and the gods have accepted," Aaron inquired.

Yoshitsune bowed her head and gently shook it. "I appreciate the offer, but I must decline once more. I wish to confront my opponents in the tournament solely with my own strength."

Aaron nodded and fixed his gaze on her as he prepared to speak. However, another figure arrived, prompting Yoshitsune to bow her head once more.

"Amaterasu-sama, welcome to my humble abode. How may I assist you?" she greeted.

"Fufu, there's no need for formality, Yoshitsune. Raise your head," Amaterasu replied, her hand gently resting on Aaron's arm.

"Hmm? Do you need me for something?" Aaron pointed at himself, slightly bemused.

"Yes, you. I visited the Inn where you were staying—it has gained quite the reputation since its renovation, thanks to your restaurant. So, I've decided to join you for dinner...if that's agreeable with you," Amaterasu stammered, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

Yoshitsune silently observed the exchange between the two, a knowing smile playing on her lips. 'Amaterasu-sama, your expression mirrors that of Suzaku-dono and Akeno-dono when they look at Jin-san. It's clear that you hold affection for him, unless you've already confessed...'

"Is that so? I don't mind. Well, one of the girls sent you to fetch me, didn't they?" Aaron inquired, though Amaterasu shook her head.

"No, I... I came to get you on my own. I saw that their meal was nearing completion, so I decided... by myself..." she admitted, her voice wavering slightly.

"I see. Thank you, Amaterasu," Aaron said, patting her head. Amaterasu blushed but accepted the affectionate gesture. Aaron then turned back to Yoshitsune. "How about this, then? I'll enhance your potential."

"My... potential?" Yoshitsune repeated, her curiosity piqued.

Aaron nodded, providing an explanation that spanned from his unique ranking system to the concept of inherent potential at birth. He explained that everyone possessed a predetermined potential that could be surpassed but typically required great effort. He further informed Yoshitsune that she had already reached her limit and that aligning her potential with that of others in [DxD] could unlock even greater strength.

Yoshitsune pondered the proposition, weighing the advantages and drawbacks. Ultimately, she saw more benefits than downsides in accepting the offer. As she was about to consent, her Chief God interjected.

"May I recommend that you accept, Yoshitsune? Earlier, Aaron adjusted our potentials, and we all sensed newfound possibilities, unlike the usual uncertainty that has plagued countless gods over the years. Hachiman, too, embraced this change with enthusiasm; he's now eager to resume training, displaying a childlike excitement akin to receiving a gift," Amaterasu explained.

"Even Hachiman-sama...?" Yoshitsune inquired, and Amaterasu nodded in affirmation.

With conviction, Yoshitsune agreed, saying, "In that case, please alter my potential, Jin-san. I will forever be indebted to you!"

"Great to hear!" Aaron exclaimed, approaching her and placing a hand on her shoulder as Amaterasu kept her hand on him. With a simple touch, he initiated the alterations. "And it's done!"

"...T-that's it? I thought—" Yoshitsune began to speak, but her expression shifted to one of astonishment. She examined her hands and clenched them open and closed. "I... I feel as though I can now grow stronger, and it's not as vague as before. Normally—"

She delved into her thoughts on the matter, describing the perpetual uncertainty she had grappled with. In her early days as a warrior, the sensation of growth had been palpable, evolving day by day, week by week, and month by month. As the years passed, it had dwindled to an annual occurrence, eventually ceasing altogether.

However, Yoshitsune still retained the ability to refine her techniques and master her swordsmanship, providing her with a sense of progression. But even that had plateaued once she ascended to godhood.

"Ah, I apologize for rambling!" she exclaimed, offering a quick bow. "Thank you immensely for this opportunity!"

"Don't mention it. In any case, goodnight and best of luck!" Aaron said, turning away with Amaterasu at his side.

She watched them depart, Amaterasu drawing closer and embracing Aaron's arm. Aaron chuckled and, with his free hand, playfully squeezed Amaterasu's cheek.

"They act like they're already a couple, jeez. I should also—"

"Yoshitsune! We're back!" Benkei's voice resounded through the area.

"Ah, y-yes! I'll be right there!" Yoshitsune called out. She wiped away her sweat, sheathed her sword, and began her journey back to her home. A soft smile graced her lips as she whispered to herself, "Perhaps... some other time..."

— ○ ● ○ —

With a swiftness that left her opponent stunned, Yoshitsune closed the distance to Tenidil, her blade leaving a trail of vicious cuts across his body.

"Ugh?!" he groaned, managing to deflect the more lethal strikes that aimed for his joints and throat.

Since the war, Yoshitsune had embraced more lethal combat techniques, a stark contrast to her previous fighting style that favored prolonged battles when defending her realm and people. However, in the confines of this Rating Game, the need for fatal blows had dissipated, allowing her to ease her intensity.

Without hesitation, Yoshitsune pivoted and unleashed a torrent of thrusting attacks at Tenidil. He responded swiftly, employing his shield to parry her strikes. Yet, to his astonishment, a single thrust punctured his formidable defense.

'W-what?! Weren't these shields designed to withstand God-class attacks? T-then why did—!' His thoughts were abruptly cut short as Yoshitsune sent him tumbling backward with a powerful kick to his shield.

"I simply needed to calibrate my strength to pierce through your defenses," she remarked, watching as the young youkai gazed at his now-inadequate shield in confusion. "Or perhaps he possesses the ability to infuse it with touki, necessitating further adjustments on my part."

Undeterred, Yoshitsune charged once more, sword poised for another assault. Yet, this time, Tenidil grounded himself by planting his right foot firmly, shield positioned at his side.

"Shield Prison!" he bellowed, conjuring five identical shields that surrounded Yoshitsune.

They closed in swiftly, and she attempted to fend them off by swinging her sword in a defensive arc around her. However, much to her surprise, her attacks proved futile. Even her magic was rendered powerless, and her attempts to evade the relentless shields were thwarted as they tracked her every movement, ensnaring her within their barrier.

"Capture...complete. Now, I simply need to keep her confined until Irre defeats the other [Knight]," he muttered, a hint of apprehension creeping in. "If she fails, then I'm in trouble..."

Trapped within the confines of the shield prison, Yoshitsune fervently attempted to break free. However, her attacks were either deflected back at her or absorbed by the unyielding walls. While the prison had expanded enough to allow her some mobility, it remained more akin to a storage closet than a spacious room.

"Hmm. This ability must be tethered to him in some way. There must be drawbacks; it can't be an ability without them," she pondered to herself as she settled into a seated position. "Perhaps it's linked to his stamina or magic. If that's the case, this may take some time. I might need to rely on Miyamoto to aid in my escape."

As she contemplated her predicament, Yoshitsune weighed her options. She could meditate, biding her time and conserving her energy, or brainstorm strategies for escaping this confounding prison.

In the heart of her metallic confinement, Yoshitsune embarked on a journey of the mind. She settled into a meditative state, allowing her thoughts to ebb and flow like a serene river. While meditation was her anchor, her mind's relentless pursuit of solutions remained unabated.

Within this ethereal sanctuary, myriad conversations on diverse subjects echoed through her consciousness. They were like faint whispers from distant realms, snippets of wisdom, and fragments of knowledge, each a potential thread that could weave the fabric of her escape plan. These whispers, like ghosts of forgotten voices, whispered hints of hope.

Time passed in this mental labyrinth, where thoughts and ideas danced in harmony with her unwavering determination. Yoshitsune's mind was a wellspring of creativity, and she sought to harness that creative force to overcome her predicament.

As the echoes of thought reverberated through her mind, a sense of clarity emerged, and she knew it was time to act. Rising from her meditative stance, she cast her gaze upon the metallic walls that held her captive. They were foreboding, seemingly impervious to her desperate plight, but she would not be deterred.

With graceful purpose, Yoshitsune reached out and placed her hand upon the cold, unyielding surface of her prison. Her fingers traced the lines and contours of the metal, seeking any imperfection, any chink in the armor of her confinement. Yet, the walls remained resolute, offering no hint of weakness.

Determination burned in her eyes as she shifted her approach. She would not be defeated by mere walls. She needed to test the limits of this imprisoning shield. Her katana, an extension of her very being, was her instrument of choice.

"I shall test your mettle," she declared to her unseen adversary. Her voice, filled with resolve, was a testament to her unyielding spirit. Gripping her katana tightly, she readied herself for the imminent clash.

Yoshitsune's next action was a testament to her years of discipline and refinement. She summoned her touki, a wellspring of inner strength, and let it envelop her. It was as if the very air around her crackled with energy. But she did not stop there.

Enhancement magic surged through her, further empowering her physical and mental faculties. Her form shimmered with newfound strength, and her senses sharpened to a razor's edge. Every fiber of her being resonated with purpose.

With a flicker of movement, her blade sliced through the air. A singular, swift strike was unleashed upon the metallic walls that held her captive. The katana, an extension of her will, met the barrier with unwavering resolve.

As anticipated, the attack was deflected by the invisible shield, its energy repelled like water against an unyielding dam. But Yoshitsune was not deterred. Her true plan was unfolding, like a meticulously choreographed dance.

A protective circle of touki, a technique born from years of training, manifested around her. It was not a mystical enchantment, but a physical manifestation of her incredible speed and precision. This circle was her sentinel, her warning system against impending danger.

She repeated the process, each strike met with the same resolute defiance from the shield. Attack after attack, the dance continued, her katana cleaving through the air only to be rebuffed by the invisible barrier. But Yoshitsune's resolve did not waver.

Time and again, she sent her strikes towards the shield, like waves crashing against a mighty cliff. Each strike met with the same outcome, but Yoshitsune knew this was a battle of attrition, a test of endurance and limits.

A triumphant smile graced her lips as she beheld the revelation. The walls, initially resistant to her onslaught, began to absorb her attacks. The once impenetrable shield had shown its vulnerability, its finite capacity to withstand her relentless assault.

Eyes aflame with determination, she concluded, "You can only reflect my attacks back at me ten times before absorbing them."

The realization spurred her into action once more. Her excitement was palpable as she unleashed a torrent of slashes in all directions. Her katana danced through the air, an extension of her will, each strike a testament to her indomitable spirit.

With unyielding resolve, Yoshitsune deflected her own attacks repeatedly, forcing the shield to reflect them back before compelling it to absorb the onslaught. The dance continued, a relentless barrage that tested the limits of the shield's endurance.

Inside her metallic prison, Tenidil's panicked voice shattered the stillness. "Hmm? W-what the—!? What is she doing in there?"

But Yoshitsune paid no heed to his confusion. Her focus was unwavering, her determination unshakable. She pushed herself beyond the limits, unleashing attack after attack, relentlessly testing the shield's capacity.

Then, in a burst of brilliance, the shield's resistance crumbled. It could withstand no more. Yoshitsune had pushed it to its breaking point.

"Impossible!" Tenidil exclaimed, his voice tinged with horror.

With the shield shattered, Yoshitsune wasted no time. Like a tempest, she dashed towards her foe. Her katana, an extension of her will, cleaved through the air with devastating precision. Thousands of slashes adorned Tenidil's body, and the telltale light of retirement soon enveloped him.

"Dammit! I shouldn't have relaxed at all!" Tenidil's voice echoed in defeat.

Yoshitsune, victorious but humble, turned to face her fallen adversary. Her bow was a gesture of respect, her smile a sign of admiration. "Your tactics held merit, Tenidil-dono. As you wisely said, one should never relax until victory is certain. I thank you for our battle."

Tenidil, weariness etched upon his features, returned her smile with a sigh. "Yes... and to you as well..."

[Another [Bishop] from [Team Moon Rabbits] retires!]

[The momentum remains firmly with [Team Shinto]! Only one [Bishop] remains, and soon it will be down to the [Queen] and [King] of [Team Moon Rabbits]! This Rating Game has showcased the dominance and prowess of [Team Shinto]!]

Yoshitsune's attention shifted toward Musashi's location, but a powerful shockwave rippled through the game field, compelling her to shift her focus once more.

[Oh my goodness!!! [Queen] and Goddess Vera is doooooooooooown too!!! What in the world is happening!? Is this the end for [Team Moon Rabbits]!?]

— ○ ● ○ —

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