Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 12 – Part 3 – Power within Experience and A Lunar Journey

Third Person Point of View

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"Welcome! That makes seven of us!" Xena exclaimed, her joy sounding entirely feigned.

The members of [Team Moon Rabbits] had all regained consciousness within their infirmary room. Most of them had promptly been administered Slime Pills, swiftly mending their injuries and replenishing their stamina, allowing them to continue watching the remainder of the match they had been forced out of earlier.

Tenidil, his voice tinged with remorse, muttered, "Haha, my bad, I couldn't best Yoshitsune. She was incredibly formidable," his gaze fixed on his disheveled bed sheets.

A nurse approached, offering a Slime Pill to Tenidil, who accepted it gratefully and swallowed it, feeling his injuries fade away and his vitality return.

"So it's the end of the road for us, huh? We did make it pretty far," Rindo remarked somberly.

In response, Xena seized her pillow and flung it at him playfully. "It ain't over until our King is out! As far as I'm concerned, Kurousagi is giving Hachiman a run for his money!"

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem like either of them has unleashed their full power yet, so we can't be certain about anything. And as for our [Queen]..." Teisetsu's voice trailed off as he stared intently at the screen.

Their [Queen], Vera, had been knocked out just moments ago. However, she had swiftly regained consciousness and now panted heavily, her gaze fixed on the opposing team's [Queen], Raijin.

"She'll win! She'll pull off some kind of crazy miracle!" declared Xena confidently.

She had always looked up to both Kurousagi and Vera, even before they became goddesses, but even more so after they did. Halzaham was a terror in their town and he had power, so none of them could ever fight against him. However, Vera was also quite powerful and was chosen by their gods, the same with Kurousagi—Halzaham was ignored because of his foul personality.

"Well…we can only hope. It seems Irre is also struggling in her match, she may join us soon," said Yasek.

"If she wins, it'll be a miracle too," said Eliora.

— ○ ● ○ —

Miyamoto Musashi launched an unrelenting assault on her opponent, wielding two katanas with masterful precision. Her swordsmanship was flawless, and she displayed the same deadly prowess whether wielding a single katana or dual-wielding.

Her adversary, Irre, the last remaining [Bishop] of [Team Moon Rabbits], found herself struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught. Irre's forte was primarily in support roles, and facing someone of Musashi's caliber put her at a distinct disadvantage. If she were up against an opponent of similar power, she might not have found herself in such dire straits. However, Musashi possessed years of combat experience that far exceeded her own. Although Irre excelled as a support, she was also considered a versatile combatant to some degree.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to fight back?" Musashi taunted as she continued her relentless swordplay.

"You're not exactly making it easy for me!" Irre retorted with frustration. Musashi chuckled before gracefully leaping away from her, pointing one of her katanas at Irre.

Behind Musashi, a multitude of Shinto-style magic circles materialized, and they began launching attacks toward her opponent. Irre responded in kind, summoning her own magic circles and unleashing her own barrage of magical attacks. As each attack met and exploded, Irre seized the opportunity to dash toward Musashi amid the billowing clouds of smoke.

Closing the gap, Irre found herself face to face with Musashi, her palm aimed squarely at her opponent. From her hand, an immense ball of green energy erupted and hurtled toward Musashi. Musashi, rather than dodging, opted to see what her opponent had in store. After sizing up the attack, she flashed a grin and blocked it with her katana, infused with touki.

Although the impact knocked Musashi away, her swords and touki remained unscathed. She clicked her tongue, and beneath her, an enormous katana materialized, upon which she began hovering in the sky. From her elevated vantage point, she gazed down at Irre.

"...I've read about something like that in Chinese cultivation novels! But aren't you Japanese?" Irre inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"It's not limited to nationality, damn it! I just liked the concept and decided to borrow it!" Musashi retorted, stomping her foot on her giant sword.

After her brief outburst, Musashi descended toward Irre, who promptly teleported to a different location. However, the determined samurai was hot on her heels. Musashi lunged forward and executed a cross slash aimed at Irre, who swiftly summoned a defensive magic circle. She wore a triumphant grin as her barrier blocked Musashi's attack. However, Musashi had other plans; she kicked off the magic circle and laughed, bewildering Irre.

"Forward!" Musashi shouted joyfully and landed right behind of Irre. Before the rabbit youkai could react, the flying sword upon which Musashi stood slammed into her stomach, taking her by surprise.

"It can hit me!?" Irre exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yes!" Musashi affirmed.

Without warning, Irre found herself hurtling toward Musashi, who had both her touki-infused katanas at the ready. Irre enveloped her body in flames and lightning, then focused the energies into her legs. In mid-air, she executed a swift maneuver, kicking both feet toward Musashi with unwavering determination.

Musashi held both her katanas aloft in front of her, seamlessly forming a cross with the blades. With focused intent, she channeled an even greater surge of touki into the cross, causing it to undergo a rapid transformation. The touki materialized into ethereal wings, their semi-transparent essence radiating an increasing brilliance as moments drifted by.

Her lips curled into a triumphant grin as she swept both katanas behind her, all the while maintaining the cross-shaped formation. "I witnessed Jin-san employ this very technique when he clashed with Kojiro-san!" Musashi declared with unwavering determination.

In a breathtaking display of swiftness, Musashi surged forward, hurtling toward Irre with an astonishing velocity that left onlookers in awe.

As the two combatants closed in on each other, Irre couldn't shake a looming sense of dread. It was as if her entire life had unfurled before her eyes—a phenomenon she had heard and read about, often associated with the impending end of one's existence.

In her case, this feeling of impending doom signaled not her imminent demise but rather the likely loss of this battle. She couldn't help but harbor a pang of anger toward herself, though it was intermingled with a strange sense of relief; at least she wouldn't have to fight any longer.

Initially, Irre had turned down Vera's invitation to join the team, primarily because she had no desire to engage in combat. She was fully aware that her abilities were better suited for a support role, but she also understood the high demand for support in the realm of Rating Games—she had extensively researched them once the tournament had been formally announced.

Supports were coveted by most teams, and yet they were also prime targets for opponents due to the immense utility of healing abilities and supportive talents. Irre possessed a healing ability of her own, but it paled in comparison to the likes of Phenex Tears, Slime Pills, or Sacred Gears such as [Twilight Healing].

Beyond her reluctance to confront others, Irre's personality was inherently non-confrontational. She found herself eight years senior to her fellow team members and often earned endearing nicknames like 'Mom' or 'Big Sister' due to her natural inclination to care for and look after them. Despite this nurturing side, she occasionally displayed childlike qualities herself, a consequence of sacrificing her youth to care for her 12 siblings—her parents, by contrast, were remarkably adventurous and unpredictable.

Growing up with a dozen siblings and parents who embarked on sporadic adventures, Irre shouldered tremendous responsibility from a very young age. Her parents' whimsical escapades often left her in charge for days or weeks at a time. Curiously, she harbored no resentment toward them; she admired their free-spirited nature. Nevertheless, her unique upbringing robbed her of a conventional childhood and teenage years.

She never had the luxury of a boyfriend or long-term friendships, as many of her peers moved on to embrace their youth. Her siblings always came first, and she sacrificed even her own needs for their sake. When her parents did return, it was only for fleeting months before they embarked on another escapade.

Even now, she knew they were likely watching this match from some remote corner of the human world. For the sake of participating in this competition, she had to entrust her younger siblings to daycare, a recurring necessity each time she entered a match, including the preliminary rounds.

Irre's kick came perilously close to Musashi's face, but with uncanny agility, the formidable warrior evaded it in the nick of time, causing Irre to miss her intended target. Musashi's lips curved into a satisfied smile as she silently mouthed, 'With this, it's over.' Swiftly, she swung her swords in diagonal arcs and suddenly reappeared behind Irre.

A delicate, light pink explosion erupted in the shape of two bird wings forming a cross. It grew exponentially, expanding to impressive proportions before vanishing in an instant, leaving behind a swirling flurry of ethereal pink feathers that danced gently through the air.

Musashi turned to face the aftermath, but to her astonishment, Irre had not been retired from the match. The woman stood shakily amidst the remnants of the magical spectacle. One of her rabbit ears was missing, a substantial chunk of her right thigh had been cleaved away, her tail teetered on the brink of falling, and she had lost an eye. Yet, against all odds, she endured.

[Oh my goodness! Player Irre has survived such a devastating attack! However, it appears she is on the verge of passing out! Will Player Miyamoto Musashi be able to finish it!?] the announcer exclaimed.

"You're one tough cookie, how did you manage that?" Musashi inquired, a mix of respect and curiosity in her tone.

Drawing a ragged breath, Irre replied, "Timing...and…luck..."

After missing her initial attack, Irre had expended every ounce of her power to shield her body with an array of protective magic circles and touki, even resorting to enhancement magic to lessen the impact. Despite her valiant efforts, the attack still inflicted significant damage, leaving her in her current state. Nonetheless, her strategy had prevented her from retiring, even if only for a few fleeting moments longer.

" fought admirably. Rest up," Musashi commended her before launching herself toward Irre once more. Irre made no attempt to evade the incoming attack. Musashi arrived in front of her, swiftly grabbed her by the face, and with decisive force, slammed her head into the ground.

"…That hurt," Irre mumbled as the light of retirement began to envelop her.

"Hehe, my bad," Musashi replied with a light and playful smack to Irre's head.

[1 [Bishop] of [Team Moon Rabbits] retires!!]

[Finally...! Finally, only two members remain in [Team Moon Rabbits], and they are the [King] and [Queen]!!!]

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"What's wrong, Vera? Even with that new power-up, you can't beat me?" Raijin taunted with a sinister grin.

"Give me...ten seconds...dammit...!" Vera panted in response. However, Raijin showed no mercy, continuously unleashing lightning strikes upon her. Vera desperately attempted to dodge the relentless assault, but the shockwaves generated by each strike proved formidable, repeatedly knocking her off balance. In a desperate move, she had to stomp her foot into the ground to anchor herself, preventing herself from being thrust into yet another zone of impending lightning.

The blessings Vera had received proved beneficial and effective, yet Raijin's relentless onslaught nearly led to her premature retirement from the match. Fortunately, she managed to endure the assault, only incapacitated for a brief moment. Now, she needed to find an opening to retaliate.

"Hora! Hora! Hora!" Raijin continued her barrage of attacks, relentless in her pursuit of victory.

Vera persisted in evading Raijin's strikes, whenever possible, aiming her still-intact wand at her foe and firing magic attacks. However, these attacks were swiftly countered by multiple lightning bolts, leaving Vera's magical prowess insufficient to breach Raijin's formidable defenses. Despite her struggle, Vera's magical assaults remained impressively formidable, a testament to her unwavering determination.

As this high-stakes duel raged on, Raijin was plagued by an unsettling feeling that began to creep over her. She cast anxious glances around her, searching for any signs of danger, but found nothing amiss. Despite her unease, she chose to dismiss the nagging sensation and pushed it to the recesses of her mind.

[It appears that the two [Queens] are locked in a deadlock! The one who manages to break free will gain the upper hand!] the announcer's voice declared, reflecting the audience's anticipation.

"And that shall be me!" Raijin proclaimed, her resolve unwavering.

Raising both her arms, she repeated the same motion as before, commanding her two floating swords to converge into an even grander weapon. An electrifying surge of purple lightning emanated from her enormous sword, piercing the very heavens of the game field and manifesting a towering pillar of energy that was visible from all corners of the battleground.

"This is—"

"—The end, isn't it?" Vera interjected, her voice calm and resolute.

Unexpectedly, small, translucent cubes materialized all around Raijin, leaving her momentarily stunned. Panic flashed in her eyes as she attempted to halt her devastating attack, but she had already initiated the motion of swinging the colossal sword, making it impossible to retract in time.

The cubes emitted brilliant white lines that adhered to Raijin's body, an unforeseen occurrence that abruptly arrested the motion of her attack.

"What in the world...!?" Raijin sputtered in bewilderment as her assault fizzled into nothingness. The majestic lightning pillar that had illuminated the night sky of the game field vanished, leaving only the black, moonlit expanse overhead. The once-crimson world had returned to its normal state, a few minutes after Amaterasu's [Akatsuki].

"This should be sufficient," Vera murmured, her eyes unwavering.

The cubes she had summoned were part of a technique she had methodically devised to counter gods and god-class beings in the tournament. In the wake of the war and her ascension to divinity, Vera had contemplated creating a technique capable of temporarily sealing an opponent's powers, granting her the crucial advantage needed to secure victory.

After attaining godhood, she sought counsel from Aaron, honing her skills in the creation and use of these cubes. While their creation was relatively straightforward, making them invisible and undetectable posed a greater challenge. Those stronger than Vera could still sense their presence, but for those of equal or lesser strength, detection grew increasingly difficult. In the heat of battle, opponents often disregarded the faint 'strange' or 'odd' sensations they experienced.

This unique advantage proved invaluable, especially against a god like Raijin, who thrived on combat. Vera had seized the opportunity to deploy the cubes discreetly, requiring careful and gradual execution to evade Raijin's notice. Once all pieces were in place, she set her plan into motion.

Raijin, struggling against the cubes' confinement, attempted to muster her divine aura and physical prowess but found her efforts futile. All she retained was her enhanced physical strength as a god, insufficient to break free from the cubes' ethereal bonds.

With her wand aimed squarely at Raijin, Vera conjured four colossal magic circles behind her. Dragon heads emerged from each circle, channeling energy to form sizable elemental spheres before them. Each sphere bore a distinct color and elemental nature: green for wind, black for darkness, blue for ice, and white for light.

After a few seconds of intense struggle on Raijin's part, Vera's dragon-headed constructs completed their charge. In tandem, Vera herself created an immense ball of flame, reminiscent of the sun itself, and directed it toward Raijin.

"Check...mate," Vera murmured resolutely as she released the combined onslaught of elemental attacks upon her formidable opponent.

A relentless onslaught of wind, darkness, ice, and light erupted from the dragon heads and surged toward Raijin, each element an unstoppable force of nature. Vera's own orb of elemental power followed swiftly behind, converging upon the beleaguered goddess. Raijin, ensnared and defenseless, seemed resigned to her impending fate, but her grim determination remained unshaken.

When the combined attacks struck Raijin, chaos ensued, creating a maelstrom of elements that radiated from the epicenter. The sheer force of the resulting shockwave sent Vera hurtling backward, and the other players on the field instinctively shielded themselves. Even the two [Kings] temporarily halted their fierce battle to protect themselves from the cataclysmic aftermath.

As a finishing touch, Vera's fiery sphere merged with the swirling elemental chaos, intensifying the already spectacular explosion.

[Oooooooh my gooooooood!!! What a powerful attack!! Surely, Raijin-sama won't survive that!?] exclaimed the announcer in awe.

However, to Vera's astonishment, there was no announcement proclaiming Raijin's retirement. She scanned the battlefield, searching for any sign of the weakened goddess, and finally spotted Raijin, now free from her imprisoning bonds but terribly weakened.

"Ha...ha...hahaha...that was amazing, Vera...I'll give you that," Raijin mumbled weakly. The onslaught had stripped her of her divine form, reverting her to her mortal guise. Raijin's injuries were apparent, with only her left arm remaining intact while the rest of her body bore numerous cuts and bruises. "My godly form served as a shield of sorts, absorbing much of the damage. Only Jin has ever surpassed it, and you came quite close."

With a flick of her hand, Raijin conjured her Musou Isshin sword, a sly grin on her face. Vera, realizing she was running low on magical power, created a few magic circles behind her, but her reserves were dwindling rapidly. She braced herself for hand-to-hand combat, an unusual situation for her.

Raijin closed in, launching a flurry of sword strikes at Vera. Although Vera managed to evade the majority of them, the final five blows found their mark, leaving her with deep cuts and bleeding wounds.

"Martial arts and close-quarters combat aren't your strong suit, are they? Well, this should be easy for me," Raijin taunted as she advanced. "Any last words?"

"Your defeat, Raijin."

"Bold words—I like it."

The outcome was all but sealed. Raijin pressed her attack, and Vera, with a wisp of touki enveloping her, evaded the initial strike. But Raijin's swift kick found its mark, sending Vera sprawling.

Vera fell to the ground, making a desperate attempt to regain her footing, but Raijin appeared above her and slammed her back to the earth. Raijin then restrained Vera with crackling lightning around her wrists and ankles, rendering her immobile.

" fought well, Vera...but...I'm the one who emerges victorious," Raijin gasped for breath. She conjured lightning restraints, ensuring Vera's inability to escape.

Stepping away, Raijin raised her sword. This attack mirrored her earlier godly technique, as purple lightning enveloped her blade, surging toward the heavens. Recognizing that excessive power was unnecessary, Raijin charged her attack briefly before unleashing it, obliterating everything in its path.

"...I failed...dammit..." Vera muttered bitterly as she was engulfed by the retirement light.

[1 [Queen] of [Team Moon Rabbits] retire!!!]

[The victor of the [Queens] battle is Goddess Raijin!! What an intense clash! I couldn't predict the outcome! It seemed as if Goddess Vera would secure victory with her cunning tactics!]

[Yes, but Raijin-sama had her own hidden strategies that spared her from defeat. Both goddesses demonstrated incredible prowess. Now, all that remains is...]

[The showdown of the [Kings]! Player Kurousagi versus Player Hachiman!]

— ○ ● ○ —

Kurousagi and Hachiman floated apart from one another, the battlefield echoing with the echoes of their fierce duel that had engulfed most of its expanse. They had skillfully navigated around the other combatants, yet there were moments when their clashes had nearly engulfed bystanders.

Kurousagi had already assumed her most potent form, one she had dubbed [End God Mode]. Her once-raven locks had turned as white as pristine snow, her eyes now a radiant shade of gold. In this form, she could tap into her divine aura and powers with unparalleled potency.

Hachiman, too, had donned a distinctive attire befitting his status as a god. He hadn't worn these garments for centuries, and the nostalgia thrilled him. His attire harked back to the ancient samurai generals who had led their troops into battle.

The silence between them was heavy with unspoken intent.

"It's just us now," Hachiman remarked.

"Yes, it's just us," Kurousagi replied.

"The decisive battle. Should you triumph, your team advances despite their losses. But if I emerge victorious..."

"You advance, and we're cast out."

Kurousagi was acutely aware that their chances rested heavily on her shoulders. Yet, she harbored concerns. Winning this battle would grant them a lifeline, but it also meant they'd likely face the same strategy in the next round—a duel between the [Kings]. She was uncertain if their next opponent would resort to the same tactics as [Team Shinto]. Hachiman desired a fair and solitary fight, shunning any interference or assistance.

This selfish request had been granted by their Chief God, and their teammates had wholeheartedly endorsed it. They accepted it despite knowing it would lead to their defeat and elimination if he lost. This was met with Hachiman's gratitude and appreciation.

No more words passed between them. Like phantoms, they silently soared towards each other, colliding with a force that set off a cascade of phenomena across the field. Rain began to pour, thunderheads gathered, and the atmosphere chilled as their divine auras swelled, creating enormous radiant circles that obliterated all in their path. The few remaining structures from earlier battles were also reduced to rubble, a testament to the magnitude of their clash.

[A clash of gods! Both unleashing their full power! Thanks to Jin-sama, this realm can withstand their might! Witnessing gods exert themselves in combat is a historic moment!]

After another surge of divine energy, they sent each other reeling and drew their weapons. Kurousagi wielded her spear, infusing it with her divine aura. Hachiman summoned his bow, creating arrows of divine energy.

Hachiman drew his bow and unleashed a volley of arrows toward Kurousagi. She evaded them deftly, but her instincts pricked at her. She spun around just in time to deflect the divine arrows that had followed her.

'They track me even after missing? This will be troublesome,' she thought, deflecting and dodging more arrows. With a swift motion, she twirled her spear, conjuring a wall of divine flames. The arrows homed in on her, but upon contact with the flames, they dissolved into nothingness, leaving Hachiman perplexed.

"Seriously?" he muttered in bewilderment. "Alright, let's try a different approach."

Hachiman raised his free hand, conjuring a swirling ball of wind that grew in size until it enveloped the entire sky. He then aimed a divine arrow at it and fired. The arrow pierced the swirling tempest and detonated within, causing a violent tremor that reverberated across the battlefield. The sky was illuminated by the brilliance of the divine arrow.

The two techniques intermingled, and the swirling wind took on the form of a colossal humanoid figure in divine armor. It had arms, legs, armored boots, a samurai's helmet, and a katana crafted from divine aura infused with wind. Its eyes glowed crimson, and it landed on the ground with a thunderous impact.

What Hachiman had conjured was a colossal samurai constructed from divine aura and wind, towering at an imposing 984 feet. Kurousagi and the onlookers gazed in awe at this sight. While many had witnessed the Khaos Order's ability to create monsters over the past year, seeing a god perform such a feat was an extraordinary spectacle.

"I'm still stronger than it, but dealing with both it and Hachiman-sama will be quite a challenge," Kurousagi mused, readying her spear.

"But that's not all," Hachiman declared, tossing different elemental spheres into the air and shooting arrows into them. Three more elemental constructs materialized—a lightning entity, one of water, and the last wreathed in flames. "Now, I'm ready to go again. Let's go, Kurousagi-chan!"

The Draconic Rabbit Goddess wore a frown as she readied her spear for the impending battle. Her flaming shield still enveloped her, though she doubted its utility in this particular confrontation, so she dispelled it with a wave of her hand. She swiftly maneuvered to evade a devastating strike from the Fire Samurai, who swung his colossal katana with such force that the resulting shockwave threatened to send her hurtling away. Kurousagi had to exert considerable effort to anchor herself firmly to the ground.

The speed of her adversaries caught her off guard. They moved with the agility and precision of seasoned swordsmen, and it reminded her of dueling an accomplished warrior of the human realm. The velocity of their attacks matched that of a regular-sized samurai with supernatural abilities.

Kurousagi refrained from underestimating her opponents for this very reason. As she pondered their capabilities, a deluge of thousands of arrows descended upon her, compelling her to evade once more. However, in the blink of an eye, the Lightning Samurai's blade materialized in her path, compelling her to instantaneously extend her spear to parry the incoming strike.

The collision of their weapons sent shockwaves through the air, propelling Kurousagi and her adversary in opposite directions. She had no time to lament her predicament as the earlier barrage of arrows now homed in on her with relentless intent.

Reacting swiftly, Kurousagi swung her spear sideways, conjuring small bolts of lightning that streaked toward the divine arrows. Although they were fewer in number, each lightning ball carried potent destructive power. Upon impact with the arrows, a chain reaction ensued, stunning and obliterating them one by one until not a single one remained.

Hachiman observed the unfolding spectacle with a sly smirk gracing his countenance. "She's certainly an intriguing one. I expected nothing less from your women, Jin," he remarked with a hint of amusement.

Suddenly, the rabbit goddess shifted her focus toward Hachiman and bolted toward him. In a blink, she materialized beside him, her right fist cloaked in a divine aura, and she delivered a resounding blow to his face. The God of War was caught off guard, and the force of the strike sent him hurtling toward the earth below.

[Dooooooooown! Kurousagi lands a clean hit on Hachiman-sama!! What an unexpected maneuver from the new goddess!!]

[One might have thought she'd continue evading the Giant Samurai's assaults and deal with them first, but she disregarded them completely and made a beeline for their leader. Although it's not unheard of to target the root of the problem and eliminate it to put an end to things.]

In a swift and mesmerizing display of skill and grace, all four Elemental Samurai turned their attention towards Kurousagi, their swords poised for a deadly strike. Unfazed, she summoned her divine aura, enveloping her body in a shimmering, otherworldly energy, while channeling the power of touki.

With remarkable precision and speed, she intercepted their attacks, her fists and feet becoming formidable barriers against their razor-sharp blades. Two of the Samurai were met with the forceful impact of her punches and kicks, sending them reeling back, their weapons rendered useless. The remaining two swords found themselves ensnared in her iron grip.

With a display of unparalleled strength, she effortlessly propelled the two unfortunate Samurai into the air, their bodies soaring like leaves caught in a powerful gust. Their swords, still trapped in her unyielding grasp, followed suit, adding to the breathtaking spectacle of her mastery over both martial prowess and the mystical arts.

Kurousagi deftly summoned her spear once more, then, with a single fluid motion, she launched herself towards the airborne samurais. Her spear found its mark, piercing their chests with an unerring precision, causing them to disintegrate in a whirlwind of their own elemental essence. Swiftly, she redirected her attention to the remaining adversaries she had previously sent flying. With even greater velocity, she dispatched them in a similar fashion, driving her weapon into the heads of the two-remaining samurai, swiftly and decisively extinguishing their fleeting lives.

There was no respite for her; without hesitation, she soared towards Hachiman, who had risen to his feet and unleashed a barrage of arrows in her direction. The God of War, while taken aback by her swift dismantling of his Elemental Samurai, wasted no time lamenting the loss. Instead, he remained resolute and carried on their intense battle.

Kurousagi unleashed a rapid barrage of thrusts with her gleaming spear, her movements a blur as they sliced through the air. Hachiman, the formidable God of War, displayed his unmatched agility, effortlessly evading every strike with graceful precision. In a single, fluid motion, he summoned a katana infused with the essence of multiple elements and swung it towards Kurousagi.

The collision of their divine weapons was a breathtaking spectacle. As steel clashed with elemental might, a colossal clash erupted, sending shockwaves that reverberated through the very fabric of the realm. The ground trembled beneath the ferocity of their duel, and even the heavens bore witness to their awe-inspiring contest.

Hachiman's elemental sword crackled with power, each swing unleashing a tempest of elemental fury. Flames roared, water surged, and lightning crackled through the air. Yet, Kurousagi, the agile rabbit goddess, gracefully danced through this elemental onslaught, evading each attack with seemingly effortless fluidity.

Their duel unfolded as a mesmerizing display of divine prowess, a masterful choreography blending offense and defense. With unmatched fervor, they clashed, and the world seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the dazzling spectacle of their battle.

Amid their relentless clash, the toll of battle became increasingly evident on both divine beings. A crimson line marred Kurousagi's cheek, a testament to Hachiman's precise strike. In response, Hachiman bore a deep gash along his arm, an indicator of Kurousagi's tenacity.

Their brutal exchange left them with pronounced injuries. Hachiman's elemental-infused katana delivered a devastating blow, severing one of Kurousagi's distinctive rabbit ears. Undeterred, the determined rabbit goddess lunged forward, her spear finding its mark in Hachiman's shoulder, its force tearing it asunder.

Their contest was not marked by grandiose techniques or ostentatious displays of power. Instead, it manifested as an unrelenting slugfest, a relentless brawl between two divine entities. Each strike and wound served as an expression of their unwavering resolve, etching the narrative of their battle upon their divine forms.

Despite the bloodshed and intensity, an eerie harmony prevailed. No words passed between the combatants, yet their actions resonated more profoundly than any spoken sentiment. A shared understanding flowed between them, a recognition of mutual respect as warriors. Their smiles, amidst the brutality, conveyed that unspoken connection.

A brief pause in their ferocious bout arrived when Hachiman initiated a lightning-fast spin, his foot connecting solidly with Kurousagi's face, propelling her away with thunderous force. This violent expulsion generated sonic booms that reverberated through the surrounding air, shaking the very foundation of the battleground.

However, Kurousagi refused to accept defeat. With remarkable agility, she adjusted her position mid-flight, countering the momentum of Hachiman's strike. Her indomitable spirit remained undiminished, and as their gazes locked once more, an unspoken understanding passed between them.

In that charged moment, as they hung suspended in the celestial expanse, the world seemed to hold its breath. The arena bore witness to their relentless combat, marked by scars etched into the very ground they fought upon. Their combat dance, a divine duet, painted an unforgettable portrait of power, determination, and camaraderie, all forged through the crucible of unyielding battle.

"I'm winning, Hachiman-sama," Kurousagi mumbled, her words a soft murmur in the charged air.

"No, I am," Hachiman calmly replied.

Once more, they hurled themselves towards each other, a collision of wills that transpired at the epicenter of the battlefield, their fists and divine energies clashing in a tempestuous display. This time, though, the exchange lacked the ferocity of their earlier encounters; both combatants teetered on the brink of exhaustion, their bodies bearing the weight of grievous injuries.

With determination etched upon his face, Hachiman landed a punishing blow to Kurousagi's countenance, causing the rabbit goddess to briefly succumb to unconsciousness. Swiftly capitalizing on this opportunity, Hachiman unleashed a volley of elemental bullets toward his incapacitated opponent. The projectiles found their mark, sending Kurousagi hurtling to the earth below.

[D-down! I-is this the end?] The announcer's voice quivered with anticipation.

Hachiman alighted on the ground near the fallen Kurousagi, his right palm outstretched, summoning a shimmering sphere of divine aura. "That was a commendable battle, Kurousagi," he remarked, his voice carrying a note of respect. "I look forward to facing you again someday."

As Hachiman readied to release his potent attack, Kurousagi sprang back to her feet with the agility and ferocity reserved for life-or-death situations. She thrust her spear at Hachiman, seeking to catch him off guard.

Yet, to her dismay, Hachiman met her maneuver with a knowing smile, effortlessly sidestepping her assault. In a deft motion, he seized the very spear meant to strike him and sighed in rueful recognition. "I've encountered that move countless times, Kurousagi. Many of our foes in the past, especially during my time aiding Japanese samurai in war, employed similar tactics. In essence, I anticipated this."

Kurousagi made a desperate attempt to strike with her free hand, but her movements proved sluggish, and Hachiman deftly neutralized her attack. With unwavering resolve, he unleashed his divine onslaught upon her. Kurousagi and her immediate surroundings were engulfed in a radiant burst of divine light as she vented her frustration.

'We... we lost...' she lamented internally, a single teardrop escaping her eye, as the light of retirement consumed her.

[1 [King] of [Team Moon Rabbits]... retires!!!] The announcer's voice echoed the somber announcement.

[T-t-the winner of the first game of the main stage tournament is...! [Team Shinto]!!!!! Hachiman-sama has emerged victorious in the battle of [Kings]!!] The commentator's jubilant declaration rang out.

A deafening roar of approval surged from the spectators, a harmonious chorus of celebration and approval that resonated throughout the arena.

Finally, Hachiman sank to the ground, gasping for breath, the aftermath of the most intense battle he had fought in centuries. His teammates quickly assembled around him, offering their well-deserved congratulations.

"Well done, Hachiman. I always believed in you. With this victory, [Team Shinto] advances to the next round," Amaterasu lauded, a radiant smile gracing her divine countenance.

"Hmm. Impressive performance. Watching you two engage in such a breathtaking battle was a true privilege," added Ryūjin.

Hachiman received words of praise and admiration from the rest of the team, while Ryūjin lent a hand to help him rise to his feet.

"Thank you all, but Kurousagi was formidable... By the way, where's my other arm?" Hachiman inquired, casting a glance around their immediate vicinity.

"I have it, Hachiman-dono," Yoshitsune chimed in, presenting his severed limb.

"Thank you," Hachiman replied as he took it from her and skillfully reattached it. "I suppose I'll require those Slime Pills to fully mend it," he mused, sharing a chuckle with himself.

Gradually, an ethereal light enveloped them all, signaling their imminent teleportation back to the sanctuary of their waiting room.

"I wonder who will prevail in the contest between Vali's team and Sun Wukong?" Yoichi mused aloud.

"I believe the newer generation will triumph. I'd attribute my victory more to luck and experience," Hachiman opined.

Yoichi nodded in agreement as they were whisked away from the partially ruined and desolate battlefield.

The total duration of the game stretched to 48 minutes, well within the allotted 3-hour time limit. Yet, for many, it felt much longer, given the awe-inspiring battles they had witnessed, particularly the climactic clash between the [Kings].

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

"That was quite the spectacle," I remarked, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room I shared with everyone else. The tension of the game's final moments had held them captive, rendering them speechless.

"Do you think we'll see more of these kinds of spectacles in the rest of the tournament?" Mom asked, her voice trembling slightly as she looked at me for reassurance.

"More or less. Every game will essentially be a battle, and we can expect to witness magical spectacles in each of them," I replied as I rose from my seat. "Anyway, I'm going to check on the two teams. They've endured a lot of injuries, and I'll personally attend to their healing."

"I'm coming with you!" Lavinia exclaimed, embracing me from behind.

The others, still lost in contemplation of the recent fight, responded with half-hearted nods or continued their silence. I couldn't blame them; what we had just witnessed was undeniably remarkable.

Hachiman and Kurousagi had given their all, and Vera and Raijin's confrontation hadn't disappointed either. I had expected Vera to emerge victorious, but I hadn't anticipated Raijin's godlike resilience. Perhaps I had underestimated her during our duel last year.

"Aaron?" Lavinia's voice brought me back to the present.


"What promise did you make to Vera and Kurousagi?" Lavinia inquired, now walking beside me and holding my hand.

"I promised to propose to them—well, Kurousagi asked me to propose to her, but I took it as a proposal for both of them—and to take them to the moon. I intended to include everyone else for a fun trip, but I'll do that after I propose to them up there. Oh, and..."

I shared with Lavinia the details of the proposal I had made and how Latia had gone to discuss it with Ajuka. I knew Ajuka would bring it up with the others, but I'd also mention it at our next meeting.

"A trip to the moon! That sounds exciting! Should I keep it a secret from everyone else for now?" Lavinia asked.

"Yes, that would be great, Lavinia. It's happening in a few days, so let's keep it under wraps for now, alright?" I said, gently squeezing her hand.

She giggled cutely and agreed. We quickly made our way to the waiting room of [Team Shinto]. Along the way, we encountered Yoichi, a now sober Benkei who appeared somewhat embarrassed, and Yoshitsune.

"Hey there. Great match, by the way. And it seems you're no longer inebriated, Benkei," I greeted them, smirking at Benkei.

Benkei covered her face with her hand, her cheeks flushed. "Please, don't remind me. I mean, I did perform decently, didn't I? I almost won!" she protested, attempting to salvage her pride.

"I'd agree, if you hadn't passed out before the finish," I teased. Turning to Yoichi and Yoshitsune, I added, "You both did splendidly. And as promised, Yoichi." I conjured a new bow for him and handed it over.

"Oh!" Yoichi exclaimed, accepting the bow with tears welling up in his eyes. "It's beautiful!"

The bow I presented to him had been meticulously crafted to meet his specific desires. However, judging by his reaction, it seemed I had exceeded his expectations, a fact that brought me immense satisfaction.

"Do you like it?" I inquired, a chuckle escaping my lips as I observed his response.

"Yes! It's everything I asked for and more! Thank you, Jin!" he exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the bow as if it were his own cherished offspring.

This time, I directed my attention to Yoshitsune, who appeared puzzled. "I know you didn't request anything, but consider this a congratulatory gift," I stated, conjuring a small instruction manual into my hand and offering it to her.

"What's this?" she asked, her gaze curious and focused on the book.

"It's a manual authored by you from a different world and universe. I've ensured that its contents are mostly new, so you'll have fresh techniques to master and incorporate into your swordsmanship," I explained, taking her completely by surprise.

Yoshitsune promptly opened the manual and began perusing its pages. With each passing moment, her eyes widened until it seemed they might pop out of their sockets. She eventually stopped reading, her face radiating excitement.

"Th-thank you, Jin-san! This is an incredible gift, and I'll make sure to make the most of it!" she exclaimed, brimming with enthusiasm.

Benkei turned her gaze from Yoichi and Yoshitsune to me, a quizzical expression on her face. "Where's mine?"

"Yours? But you lost your match," I remarked, flashing a smile in her direction. Her response was a visible blow to her pride, and she took a step back, sulking slightly. Sighing, I summoned some pills and handed them to her. "Here."

"Pills?" she asked, studying them with curiosity.

"They're for sobering up whenever you get too intoxicated," I explained.

She stared at me, unimpressed, but ultimately accepted the pills gracefully, without protest. Yoichi and Yoshitsune shared a chuckle at Benkei's expense. After bidding them farewell, we went our separate ways.

"Do you think Benkei-san could have defeated her opponent during the match?" Lavinia inquired.

"Yeah, Benkei is quite skilled, and she possessed a few techniques that could have secured her victory. But, as we witnessed, she passed out due to excessive drinking," I replied.

We swiftly made our way to their team's waiting room and pushed the door open. Inside, we were greeted by a few nurses, doctors, and the rest of the team, who turned to us and waved.

"Great match, and well done," I commended, and Musashi approached to high-five me.

"Yosh-Yosh texted me just now," she said, blinking her eyes rapidly at me, attempting to appear cute. "D-do I get a present~?" she inquired.

Yosh-Yosh...? Did she mean Yoshitsune? It was an unusual nickname, but I didn't mind if she referred to her as 'Yoshi,' although I had my reasons for that choice.

"A present, you say? Of course, here you go," I replied, presenting her with a box.

"A box?" she questioned, her curiosity piqued. She shrugged and opened it. "Huh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh?! It's too early for us to be engaged, Jin-kun!"

To her astonishment, it turned out to be not a ring, but a necklace. During my recent visit to the Shinto Pantheon, Miyamoto Musashi had stuck with us, guiding us to various shops within the realm. These establishments were now under the management and ownership of diverse races, including fallen angels, youkai, and members of other factions.

Among the shops we visited, there was one that specialized in jewelry. On that particular occasion, I hung back as the girls browsed the jewelry on display, and I purchased the items they desired from there. I extended the same offer to Musashi, but she politely declined, and we left the shop. However, that very night, when I paid a visit to Yoshitsune, I returned to the shop just before closing time and bought the necklace that had captured her attention.

"It's a necklace, the one that had your gaze during our earlier visit..." I informed her.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, a contemplative expression gracing her features as she retrieved it. A slight blush colored her cheeks, and a goofy smile appeared on her face. "U-um... could you assist me in putting it on?"

Before I could respond, Lavinia readily offered her help, and together, they fastened Musashi's necklace around her neck. It featured a pendant shaped like a Pegasus with a radiant ruby gem for its eyes. Musashi touched the pendant gently and then looked at me.

"W-what do you think?" she inquired, her usual confidence oddly replaced by a hint of nervousness.

I nodded approvingly. "Mmm. It suits you."

"Okay! Enough of your flirting, you two!" Hachiman interjected. "I could use some assistance here, if you don't mind!"

Musashi fumbled with the box briefly before nodding vigorously and dashing out of the room, leaving a few of us chuckling at her antics. I made my way over to Hachiman while Lavinia went to have a conversation with Amaterasu, who was positioned near Raijin's bed—Fūjin, too, cast occasional sidelong glances at me.

"Good fight, warrior-kun," I remarked as I fist-bumped with Hachiman.

"Well, Kurousagi was one tough opponent to crack. She gave me quite a beating during that short skirmish we had," he explained, gesturing towards his arm, which was still in the process of healing. I touched it and promptly reattached and healed it. "Thanks."

"Hmm. Well, she had more time to assimilate her divine powers compared to Vera, so it's logical that she had better control over them. Additionally, her transformation gave her an extra boost, further enhancing her abilities, unlike Vera," I elucidated.

"Hmm. By the way... who do you think will win in Group A and face us?" Hachiman inquired.

Between [Team Babel Belial] and [Team Rias Gremory], I would confidently choose...

"Rias's team. I say that with certainty," I informed him. "So, your next match will most likely be against them."

"The sister of Sirzechs? You're not just saying that because of your personal connections, are you?" he asked.

"Would you believe me if I said that I deliberately arranged for her to face the Champion of the Rating Games to fulfill one of her dreams?" I replied.

"Make her dreams come true...? You mean to fight Diehauser Belial? Interesting—he's a formidable opponent, so powerful that even some gods withdrew from the tournament after his debut. If he manages to render them [Worthless] with his ability, it's game over for them," he remarked, casting a concerned look my way.

"She's already aware of his ability, and it can only take him so far. While he's not inept in hand-to-hand combat, a true veteran and master in that discipline would probably defeat Diehauser. Devils or those overly reliant on their innate powers or Sacred Gears would be rendered ineffective against him. However, most physical fighters might stand a chance—provided they can get close to him."

Hachiman fixed his gaze upon me, then shifted it downward thoughtfully. "Could he render our physical forms utterly worthless if he harnessed his unique trait? Surely he comprehends that possibility, can't he?"

I considered his question carefully before responding. "Are all of our bodies truly identical? They may appear similar on the surface, but the inner workings of most supernatural beings vary to some extent. My body and yours, for instance, differ significantly."

I continued, "The bodies of gods, dragons, devils, angels, fallen angels, youkai, monsters, and others, they all exhibit disparities, whether major or minor. So even if he comprehends the intricacies of your body, he won't necessarily grasp someone else's, especially if they've undergone significant alterations."

Hachiman nodded in understanding. "I see your point. Anyway, thanks for the insight. I think I'll rest a bit before departing." With that, he reclined on his bed.

"Of course," I replied, stepping away from him to join the three goddesses and Lavinia. "Hey, I almost forgot to ask, where's Ryūjin and Oda Nobunaga?" I inquired.

Fūjin provided an explanation. "Ryūjin left earlier; apparently, something urgent cropped up in Dragon Mountain, and he wanted to address it promptly. I offered to accompany him, but he declined. As for Oda Nobunaga, he went to procure some drinks—alcohol."

"I see," I said, mulling over the information. "I'll send them some items later, then. So, what's going on? Raijin, are you gloating about something right now?" I grinned at her.

She chuckled and shook her head. "No, I can't really gloat when my opponent nearly defeated me. She obliterated my transformation, something you'd managed before. I only survived due to its peculiar functioning. I'm convinced she would have emerged victorious otherwise."

This display of humility from Raijin was unexpected. Perhaps the near-defeat had humbled her, or she had her own reasons. Regardless, I had a response ready.

"Nevertheless, you two had an impressive fight, deserving praise in its own right," I commented, and she smirked in response.

"Oh? In that case, I'd like to be your wife as a reward," she declared with a hint of haughtiness.

I chuckled and replied, "No, but let's continue to strengthen our friendship, Raijin."

"Turned down again? How would you prefer me to approach you romantically, then?"

"Consult Aurelia or Scathach for advice on that. They should have better insights—actually, I'm surprised you haven't already."

She pondered this for a moment before shrugging. "I've refrained from bringing it up because I meet them to enhance my strength and techniques. Although now that you mention it, I might seek their guidance in the future," she said wisely, nodding to herself.

Amaterasu interjected, "Will you be visiting [Team Moon Rabbits] after this, Jin?"

"Yeah, that was my plan. I'm also concerned about Kuro's severed ear, so I'll be tending to that soon," I explained. Amaterasu nodded, though her expression betrayed a touch of disappointment.

Fūjin, who had been hugging me from behind and inexplicably sniffing my back, chimed in, "Why don't we accompany him, if that's alright~?"

"I don't mind, but what's with the back-sniffing?" I asked the goddess.

"Don't... worry... about it... hehehehe~" she muttered between sniffs.

After a bit more conversation, I left with Lavinia, Fūjin, and Amaterasu.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon entering the waiting room of the illustrious Team Moon Rabbits, a group of valiant Knights, we were met with a rather vexed Xena. She stormed out of the room, clearly in a foul mood, her anger palpable as she cast a furious glance in our direction before making her hasty exit.

"W-wait, Xena!" Yasek exclaimed, hurrying after her with visible concern. Catching sight of our presence, he offered a quick nod of acknowledgment. "Ah, hello everyone. I apologize for Xena's outburst just now. I'll go find her; excuse me."

Without waiting for any response from us, Yasek dashed after the irate Xena. "Youthful impetuosity," I muttered under my breath.

"You're still quite young yourself," retorted Fūjin and Amaterasu simultaneously. Their playful jibe drew a chuckle from me, though I refrained from explaining that I was significantly older than my celestial companions. Instead, we proceeded to enter the room, greeted by a palpable air of discomfort.

Towards the back of the room sat Kurousagi, her rabbit ears drooping slightly. All the occupants appeared to be wearing expressions tainted with sorrow and disappointment, but it was Vera who seemed to bear the brunt of these emotions, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Exchanging silent glances with my companions, we intuitively agreed on our respective courses of action. I made my way toward Vera, while the others approached Kurousagi.

Vera sniffled and looked up at me with a sorrowful expression. "We lost... I'm sorry."

I gently patted her head and inquired, "Why are you apologizing, Vera?"

"Be-because we couldn't fulfill the promise," she replied, her voice heavy with sadness.

"Even if you couldn't, I still intend to keep it," I assured her, continuing to stroke her hair and then cupping her tear-stained cheek. "Although you'll need to wait a few days for me to do so, considering where we're going."

Vera continued to cry, but her entire face flushed as she gazed up at me, attempting to nod in agreement. Her efforts faltered, however, as she suddenly became aware of some subdued chuckling emanating from those around us, causing her cheeks to turn an even deeper shade of crimson.

In a wordless plea, Vera began to rapidly wave her hands at her sides, urging me to cease my teasing. It seemed that her initial disappointment at being eliminated from the tournament was slowly giving way to a different set of emotions.

Although my playful antics served as a brief distraction for her, it was clear that her mood was lifting. I disliked seeing those around me in a state of sadness, and it appeared that my light-hearted teasing had also managed to brighten the atmosphere for others.

However, as I began to withdraw my hand from her cheek, an impish impulse overcame me. With a flick of my wrist, I caused the curtains around us to close, taking Vera and everyone else by surprise. She regarded me with curiosity, tilting her head slightly in wonder.

Smiling mischievously, I traced my index finger along her cheek, then halted at her lips, playfully swirling it around them. Vera's face turned even redder as she blushed, clearly taken off guard by the unexpected turn of events.

"U-um..." Just as she opened her mouth to speak, I seized the opportunity to insert my index finger gently into her mouth. Vera froze, her expression shifting from surprise to shock.

Before she could react, I whispered, "Suck it." Initially, I had intended to pull away and burst into laughter, but I hesitated for a brief moment, waiting to see her response. To my astonishment, as I began to withdraw my hand and chuckle, I felt Vera's tongue encircle my finger, and she began to delicately suck on it.

"Wait a moment, Vera, I was merely joking," I stammered, desperately attempting to halt her actions. Nevertheless, Vera's rabbit-like ears began to quiver with excitement as she playfully moved her head up and down along my finger, her tongue gently caressing my finger.

This unexpected sensation sent a shiver down my spine, and I eventually withdrew my hand from her mouth, a thin trail of saliva connecting my finger to her lips. Vera gazed at me with misty, embarrassed eyes, her cheeks now even more flushed than before.

"Aaron, why did you close the curtains?" Lavinia inquired, poking her head into our cozy hideaway. "Huh? Vera, you're blushing even more now."

"Oh, I simply gave her a kiss as a small consolation prize. I knew she was too self-conscious to let others witness this at the moment," I explained to Lavinia, who responded with a giggle and a nod.

"Hehe, Vera's quite the bashful one."

Lavinia departed, leaving me sighing in relief. Vera appeared dazed but soon reclined on her bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. She remained silent. Well, it's probably alright. She already grasped the message I had intended to convey to her. Next on my list was Kurousagi.

Leaving Vera's bedside, I approached Kurousagi, who was engaged in conversation with Lavinia and Fūjin. Amaterasu was engrossed in a discussion with other members of [Team Moon Rabbits], evidently having an enjoyable time. I decided to leave them be for the moment.

"Hey there. Excellent battle, Kuro. It's a pity Hachiman anticipated your final move," I remarked as I patted her head and restored her missing ear.

"I should have seen it coming. He's a seasoned warrior and a god. Such a novice move must have been used against him countless times already. I should have planned ahead more," she lamented, her brow furrowing. "Oh, and thank you for healing my ear. I waited for you and declined the Slime Pills."

I frowned and pinched her recently healed rabbit ears. "Please, just accept the Slime Pills. While it's flattering, it's not the wisest choice. But...well, I can't scold you too much. But you don't seem too distraught about the loss."

"Would it be overly pessimistic of me to admit that I was expecting to lose? The odds were stacked against us, and as I heard my teammates fall one by one, including Vera herself, my nerves got the best of me, and I faltered," she confessed.

Considering the new powers and techniques I had bestowed upon the Shinto gods, I had to agree that they were on the path to defeat. Though that was never my intention. You could say I got swept up in the moment while visiting their realm. Many things transpired, including interactions between Roman and Shinto gods. It all became so chaotic that I simply went along with most of it, engaging in battles with individuals from both sides, sharing drinks with them and the girls accompanying me, and relishing our time there.

They even had the opportunity to experience my restaurant in Uwabami's new inn, which had incorporated my culinary skills. Uwabami was overjoyed when I brought them there, especially when I joined the kitchen staff to prepare the food—my companions also joined in. Although that occurred on the second night; on the first night, the girls insisted on handling it themselves.

"It would be. Nothing is set in stone, especially in this tournament. A comeback or a turnaround is possible if you keep fighting for it. Although you did give it your all, it just didn't work out this time; Hachiman was one step ahead of you," I reassured her, gently stroking her head.

"Will you consider canceling that request?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"No, I intend to proceed with it, but it will take a few days. Can you wait until then?" I inquired, and she vigorously nodded, satisfied with my response.

"Alright, that's settled. Now, please excuse us," Fūjin said.

"Huh?" I replied, puzzled.

"Shoo!" Fūjin exclaimed, gently ushering me away from Kuro's bedside. I glanced at her and Lavinia, both wearing apologetic smiles but offering no explanation for their request. Confused, I left the area and headed over to where Amaterasu was.

She and Teisetsu, one of the [Pawns] of [Team Moon Rabbits], had just finished a conversation and turned their attention to me.

"Good job," I commended them, shaking Teisetsu's hand.

"I wonder. Lady Amaterasu defeated me swiftly, so I'm not sure if my actions had any significant impact on the game," Teisetsu chuckled.

"You entertained me for quite some time, Teisetsu-kun. Your family and lover should be proud of you, but most importantly, you should be proud of yourself," Amaterasu said.

Teisetsu blushed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, if you put it that way, I guess I can't argue. Earlier, I did receive some messages from my parents and my lover, so you're right…"

Amaterasu giggled again before bidding them farewell. Teisetsu collapsed onto his pillow, still emotionally drained from the day's events. Despite recovering his stamina with Slime Pills and having his injuries healed, he remained exhausted in different ways.

We left their room and stood by the doorway, we saw the other team members had either gone back to sleep or were engrossed in their smartphones.

Amaterasu's hand gripped my arm as she looked up at me. "You mentioned that you plan to take Vera and Kurousagi somewhere. May I ask where?"

Glancing at the Chief God beside me, I couldn't help but draw comparisons between her and Suzaku, Akeno, and even Shuri and Kasumi to some extent. However, she reminded me most of Suzaku, with her gentle tone and expression.

Yet, during my recent visit, I had seen another side of Amaterasu that was more reminiscent of Akeno's, albeit slightly different. She was also a bit strict like Shuri but accommodating like Kasumi. She seemed to embody the qualities of the Himejima women I had encountered so far, which felt a bit unusual.

"We plan to visit the moon. They had originally wanted me to propose to both of them if they won the game, but since they lost, I've adjusted our plans. Now, we'll be heading to the moon in a few days, where I'll propose to both of them," I explained.

Amaterasu looked at me with a mix of curiosity and longing, her thoughts clearly visible. So, I asked, "Would you like to come with us?"

"Is that alright? Won't it be—"

"Amaterasu, I extended the invitation, and I'm the one organizing this trip. Besides, why would you think like that? I didn't expect the Chief God of the Shinto Pantheon to be like this," I teased. She blushed and began mumbling incoherent words.

Playfully poking her on the head, I added, "I'm just teasing you. But yes, I'll contact you when we're ready to depart so you can prepare. How does that sound?"

Amaterasu sighed with relief and nodded firmly. "Thank you, Aaron. But—"

"I want to go!" Fūjin cried out, launching herself towards Amaterasu and me. I instinctively opened my arms to catch her. "Can I join you!?"

The exchange between Amaterasu and me had occurred in hushed tones, our words scarcely more than whispers. Despite our best efforts to keep our conversation clandestine, it appeared that Fūjin, the deity of the wind, possessed an uncanny ability to eavesdrop. With lightning speed, she closed the distance between us, a testament to her mastery over the element of wind. I recalled Danu's previous mention that she could glean information from the very air itself, depending on her proficiency with the element.

If I were to accept this assessment of Fūjin's abilities, then she was far more formidable than I had initially assumed, despite her occasional displays of power in the preliminary stages of the tournament. At times, she assumed the roles of a [Queen], [Bishop], or [Pawn], showcasing a level of wind manipulation that even surpassed the feats exhibited by Hachiman and Raijin earlier today.

"You heard us?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued by her sudden appearance.

"Yes. So take me too," she demanded, her grip on me unyielding. I attempted to pry her fingers away, but she clung to me with a stubborn resolve that left me with no choice but to relent.

"Fine, fine. But can you release your hold on me already? Goodness, you're far more clingy than I remember, Fūjin," I remarked with a hint of exasperation.

Ignoring my comment, she fell into contemplation for a moment. "Should we also invite Tsukuyomi? After all, he is the Moon God," she inquired, turning her attention to Amaterasu.

The Chief God regarded Fūjin briefly and then shifted her gaze to me, a somewhat uncomfortable smile gracing her lips. Sighing, I spoke up again, "The more, the merrier, right?"

Fūjin responded with a smile of her own and suggested, "As a token of gratitude, I'll allow you to spank me~"

I raised an eyebrow and replied, "...I'll pass. Thanks for the offer, though."

However, it became apparent that Fūjin had other intentions as she seized my hands and coerced me into groping her ample derrière, emitting moans of pleasure. Amaterasu and those around us, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, turned away with flushed cheeks. This mischievous goddess had initiated similar antics during my recent visits, and I couldn't deny that I had indulged her whims to some extent.

"Hehehe~" Fūjin giggled as she showered kisses upon my chest, eliciting a sigh from me.

Gently, I withdrew one hand from behind her and playfully poked her forehead. "Don't push your luck, missy. Although I did say I'd take things slowly with you," I reminded her, prompting her to puff up her cheeks in protest.

"But you promised~~!" she complained, displaying a tantrum reminiscent of a child.

Occasionally, interacting with these almighty gods, who typically exuded an aura of solemnity and gravitas, felt stifling and exhausting. Despite my own age and experiences, there were moments when I yearned for a respite from their constant seriousness and weighty discussions. Thus, seeing Fūjin in this light offered a welcome breath of fresh air.

As she continued to sulk and throw her little tantrum, I decided to intervene, grasping her once more to halt her theatrics. Chuckling, I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, causing her to cease her protests. Her eyes widened in a mixture of shock, wonder, and amazement before her cheeks flushed crimson.

"T-t-that's not fair either! I-I want a do-over—this time, on the lips!" she squeaked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Smirking, I replied, "That's all you're getting." In response, she lightly bumped her head against my chest, continuing our playful exchange. This charming interlude persisted for a while longer before we departed for home.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that very day, I found myself in my restaurant. Given that my avatar was currently pursuing a college education, I decided to drop by the restaurant and offer my assistance. Fortunately, everything was running like a well-oiled machine, and my contributions were only needed in the culinary department. On this particular day, I was pleasantly surprised to find Hestia present, accompanied by Elsha and Amaris. Interestingly, the two former wielders of the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] seemed to have taken quite a liking to their new roles.

Garrette and Belzard were also part of my workforce, though with a twist. Since their earlier involvement, they had relocated to the Shinto Pantheon, where they now resided. I had purchased some land and constructed a house for them there. During a recent visit to their new abode, they extended a warm invitation for me and my companions to stay. We appreciated the offer but felt it might be intrusive, so we graciously declined, opting instead to lodge at Uwabami's Inn.

As I immersed myself in my book, the door leading to the rooftop swung open, revealing two familiar faces: Artemis and Rias. Rias gracefully approached the railing, while Artemis joined me on the couch strategically positioned near the crackling firepit.

"Good evening," I greeted them warmly. Rias acknowledged me with a wave without turning away from the view, while Artemis reciprocated my greeting.

"Good evening to you too. I'd like to discuss something," she began, placing her hand on my thigh. I set aside my book and, in response, entwined my fingers with hers, inviting her to continue.

"What's on your mind?" I inquired.

She hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well, it's more of a report, I suppose. The archery center, or club, as you may prefer to call it, is thriving. I'm seeing around 30 to 50 visitors daily, averaging between 210 to 350 people per week. Some might argue that these numbers aren't monumental, but for the modest town of Kuoh, it's a considerable achievement, don't you think?"

I nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, it's quite an accomplishment. Moreover, Kuoh is steadily expanding, and with my influence here and the support of the Sitri, Gremory, and Bael families, it might very well transform into Kuoh City in the future."

Artemis appeared taken aback by this revelation. "Kuoh City? Are you planning to extend the boundaries of Kuoh?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, there is still ample land surrounding us that we can utilize," I explained enthusiastically. "Of course, I intend to preserve some of it for things like hiking trails and other recreational areas within the lush forests. Some areas will remain untouched because the natural scenery around Kuoh is genuinely captivating. I've only discussed this with Zeoticus so far, and he's fully supportive of the idea. Soon, we'll engage with the Sitri and Bael heads to initiate the process."

Artemis gazed at me in silence, clearly astonished. I met her gaze and silently encouraged her to share her thoughts.

"I've heard from Suzaku and Lavinia that you may eventually move to a different residence," she began, her curiosity evident. "So, why the desire to expand Kuoh from a town into a city?"

I paused for a moment, reflecting on her question. "You're correct; I won't always reside here. However, in the year I've spent in this town, I've forged countless memories and friendships. I'm certainly going to retain this house, perhaps as a vacation home. After all, I've made substantial additions to it in just a year's time, so selling it would seem like a waste. And..."

Directing my gaze toward the night sky, I couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over me. The world seemed to be holding its breath, basking in the stillness of the moment. "You know," I began, "I'd like to create a world where my future children could live and experience the essence of our existence, however long that may be."

My companion, clearly taken aback, questioned, "You're already thinking about your future children?"

I nodded in response. "Yes, I believe it's worth considering. We ought to contemplate the future, even though I haven't completely vanquished my adversaries yet. My avatars and their allies are gradually dismantling their ranks as we speak," I explained, turning to face her.  "But is that all? Surely, you didn't join me here just for..."

Before I could finish my thought, Artemis leaned in unexpectedly, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss that left me momentarily stunned. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, and for a few brief seconds, we shared an intense connection. She eventually pulled away, her eyes filled with affection as she gazed at me.

"I had intended to spend the evening with you, but it seems Rias required your attention," she remarked. With that, she bid her farewell, giving me one more tender kiss and a warm embrace before departing from the rooftop. She paused at the doorway, casting a final smile my way, and gracefully descended the stairs.

Turning my focus back to Rias, I noticed she had remained silent during Artemis and my conversation. She stood by the railing, her gaze fixed on the serene night sky. Knowing that she had sought me out because of Artemis, I walked over and leaned against the railing beside her, patiently waiting for her to initiate the conversation.

She finally spoke, her voice filled with gratitude, "Thank you for persuading me to accompany you to the Shinto realm and for showing me the real tree, Aaron. I was quite stubborn, but you managed to convince me, and I truly enjoyed it."

I nodded, ready to respond, but she interrupted with a slightly petulant tone, "But did you really have to pit me against Diehauser-sama so soon?"

Caught off guard, I stammered, "Uh..."

She stepped away from the railing, coming closer to me while maintaining her pouty expression. "Well?" she pressed, attempting to appear stern but not quite succeeding. Her tone hinted at her reluctance, and I sensed that she wasn't entirely pleased with the situation.

A voice broke the tension, and we both turned to find Aurelia standing there. She had teleported to the rooftop, her arms crossed and a mischievous grin on her face. This was the very scenario I had hoped to avoid; if she revealed the truth to Rias, I couldn't predict how she would react.

"It's because of me," Aurelia declared, drawing our attention. Rias raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Because of you? What do you mean, Aurelia?" Rias asked, her curiosity piqued.

Aurelia glanced at me, her smile widening. "Well," she began, "from what I gathered, we were originally slated to face each other in Group A. However, it appears that Aaron-sama had a change of heart after glimpsing a particular future. So, he rearranged the teams in both groups, and instead of pitting my team against you and yours as the first match on the main stage, he placed us in Group B instead."

Rias found herself utterly taken aback by the startling revelation from Aurelia. Her gaze remained fixed on Aurelia, her eyes unwavering, before she eventually turned back to me and asked, "Aaron… is what she's saying true?"

"You don't need to inquire of him, Rias. To clarify, I had two potential outcomes in mind for our impending match," Aurelia replied, successfully regaining her attention. "Firstly, if I believed that you and the rest of your team, excluding Vasco Strada and Crom Cruach, had met a certain set of criteria, my team and I would intentionally lose to you. However, if you fell short of those standards, we would proceed to defeat your team and advance."

Rias furrowed her brows, her voice tinged with a hint of anger. "So, you were planning to lose on purpose?"

Aurelia clarified, "No, we wouldn't simply throw the match; we would fight to the best of our abilities. I would personally engage in combat with you, a true battle of [King] versus [King]. Nevertheless, I would simultaneously assess your performance during our duel. Should you fail to meet my criteria or requirements, I would then effortlessly secure victory."

"And if I did meet those criteria?" Rias inquired.

"I would continue the battle until its conclusion, intentionally prolonging it until just before the time limit expired, at which point I would concede, granting you the victory. I still seek an enjoyable fight, of course," Aurelia explained.

"I... I see. Thank you for being upfront about this," Rias replied, offering a respectful bow before turning her attention back to the railing.

I glanced at Aurelia, my amusement somewhat concealed, as it wasn't exactly the right moment for this revelation. However, she simply shrugged, showing no intention of stopping there.

"Considering I'll likely face Vali Lucifer in our second round—assuming he triumphs against [Team Journey to the West], I plan to follow a similar pattern. If he meets certain criteria, I will intentionally forfeit before the match's conclusion. However, if he falls short, I will proceed to defeat him and his team and advance. In all likelihood, it will come down to you and me in the finals, should events unfold as expected."

Rias, her face now ablaze with determination, turned to face Aurelia. "If that's the case, and by that time, I will be stronger than I am now. I won't need to meet your criteria. I will simply defeat you in combat."

Aurelia responded with a mischievous grin. "Hehe, if that's the spirit, then I eagerly anticipate our showdown, Rias Gremory." With that, Aurelia vanished from her spot.

Rias redirected her gaze to me, her expression tinged with a trace of indignation. "Is what she said true?"

With a sigh, I nodded in agreement. "Yes, pretty much. After foreseeing how it would all unfold and realizing your dissatisfaction with that future, I decided to change the brackets to make it more enjoyable for everyone. If the two of you do end up meeting in the finals, it should be a better experience, right?"

Rias sighed again, then suddenly flopped backward, forcing me to catch her. She looked up at me, her frown still evident. "I'm not thrilled about this, but I understand why you did it. However..." Her cheeks flushed, and she hesitated for a moment. "I-I... I'd like some compensation..."

I readily agreed. "It was my error to keep this from you, so I'm open to making amends. What did you have in mind, Rias?"

She leaned in, placing a finger to my lips, and whispered her request into my ear. My eyes widened in surprise as I pulled away from her.

"And when do you—?" I started to ask, but she cut me off by pressing a finger against my lips.

"Now. Let's go."

With a resigned sigh, I nodded in agreement. We left for my room, and we spent a few hours together. By the end of our intimate time, she seemed more content.

  — ○ ● ○ —

Several days had passed, and the day before our scheduled journey to the moon, I found myself in a meeting with Ajuka, along with Latia and Velgrynd. Our purpose was to discuss my ambitious plans for lunar colonization and the potential extension of these efforts to other celestial bodies, making them suitable for both humans and supernatural beings.

We had gathered in one of Ajuka's well-appointed meeting rooms, patiently awaiting his arrival. He had informed us, via one of his servants, that he would be running late due to other pressing matters.

Glancing around the room, I couldn't help but express my surprise, "I expected a more scientific atmosphere, well, everywhere, to be honest. The last time I visited one of his places with you, Latia, it didn't seem particularly research-focused either."

Latia offered some insight, "My uncle does have diverse interests, Aaron. While he does dedicate a substantial portion of his time to research, he also pursues other hobbies. However, he keeps most of the items related to those interests in his personal bedroom, which I've glimpsed a few times."

"That's interesting to know," I mused, realizing that it hadn't occurred to me that Ajuka would store his hobby-related items in his private space. My curiosity piqued about the nature of this mysterious hobby, but before I could delve further into my thoughts, the door swung open, and Ajuka entered the room accompanied by another individual.

Ajuka began, "I apologize for the delay. This is Mealeanis Purson, a devil hailing from one of the 32 remaining clans—or should we say 57? In any case, this young man here is Jin, also known as the Middleman. To his right is my niece, Latia, and on his other side, we have his dragon companion, Velgrynd."

Mealeanis, exuding an air of elegance and sophistication, possessed long, luxurious brown curls that gracefully cascaded down her back. Her attire was impeccably chosen for the occasion, featuring a stylish white crop-top that accentuated her slender waist, complemented by a flowing brown coat that draped her figure gracefully.

A matching brown wrap skirt and chic high heels completed her ensemble, adding to her aura of sophistication. Golden accessories adorned her, with delicate shimmering earrings, a gleaming necklace adorning her neck, and fashionable sunglasses perched atop her head. She radiated timeless fashion and confidence.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you, especially you, Middleman-kun," Mealeanis remarked warmly, waving her hand.

"I'm Jin, nice to meet you," I replied, waving my hand. I couldn't help but notice the comfortable rapport between Ajuka and Mealeanis, prompting me to exchange a knowing glance with him. He merely smiled in response, indicating that I should refrain from prying into their relationship. Latia, too, seemed to sense something and questioned her uncle with a curious look, but received no answers.

"Let's get to the matter at hand. Ajuka, I'm eager to hear your thoughts on my plan. I assume Mealeanis is privy to the details?" I inquired.

Both of them took their seats, and Ajuka nodded in confirmation. "Yes, she's well-informed and will be collaborating with us on the planning. The other leaders of DxD are in favor of this plan, Jin. All that remains is to discuss the finer details, and, as you might have guessed, we will be accompanying you to the moon tomorrow night," he explained.

"I more or less expected that, so it's fine. I've made some preparations for the trip, which will render it invisible to human observers, even with their telescopes," I revealed.

Their curiosity was piqued by my cryptic statement, but I shook my head, suggesting that it would be best to unveil the surprise at a later time. With that, we delved into a detailed discussion of our lunar colonization plans and the intricate preparations ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

A day had come and gone, and now it was the dead of night. The group heading to the moon had grown significantly larger, encompassing not only my entire household but also the Slash Dog Team, a handful of individuals from Team [DxD], along with the likes of Ajuka, Mealeanis, Azazel, Shiva, Fūjin, Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, and several other notable figures.

As I surveyed my entrance hallway, it was evident that they were all set to embark on this lunar journey. However, just to ensure everything was in order, I inquired, "Is everyone fully prepared?"

Impatient excitement bubbled up in Azazel, who blurted out, "Let's get going already! I can't wait to witness Earth from the moon!" Amongst the entire assembly, he exuded the most childlike enthusiasm for this lunar adventure.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his eagerness and shifted my gaze to the others, who all nodded in agreement. Satisfied that everyone was raring to go, we commenced our journey to the moon.

— ○ ● ○ —

Kanami's cry of surprise reverberated through the air the moment we reached our destination. The rest of the group shared in her astonishment, a reaction I had expected when I had planned a surprise for us before embarking on this journey.

What surrounded us was an enormous, crystalline dome that encased half of the moon. What left everyone utterly speechless was the fact that we could breathe here without depending on my powers or their own magic.

"We... can breathe here? Is it because of this dome-like structure?" Shiva inquired, shifting his focus toward me.

"Yes, I made preparations beforehand; even the most advanced human telescopes won't be able to detect this. The dome also employs illusion magic to conceal our presence, so rest assured they won't discover us. However, I've only covered half of the moon with this, and I've already initiated something on the other side. Unfortunately, you won't be able to access it until it's completed, which should be soon," I explained.

"Eeeeh? Why can't weeee?" Azazel whined like a child, earning himself a light smack on the head from Avezza.

"Think of it as a delightful surprise, all right? It's nothing overly extravagant, as I mentioned. It will be finished shortly, and I'll grant everyone permission to explore it. Oh, and if you attempt to check on it prematurely, you'll simply be teleported back here," I added, gesturing toward Earth. "You can also enjoy a breathtaking view of Earth from here, by the way. Anyway, explore to your heart's content! Just remember to be cautious of the altered gravity here!"

Their excitement erupted into cheers, and Natsume, being the first to leap into the air, began to scream like a banshee.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Wait, wait, wait! What's happening!? Heeelp!"

With a sigh, I leaped over to her and gently caught her, and we descended slowly to the ground. "You can adjust your weight using magic yourself; there's no need to panic, Natsume."

The mark of Ddraig appeared on my right hand, and he chimed in, [Yeah, Partner did the same thing and started screaming, but out of joy instead of fear, so I understand what you're going through, Natsume.]

Natsume's frown lessened, and she giggled at me. "I guess you still make mistakes, huh?"

"I'm far from perfect," I replied, briefly squinting at her and resisting the urge to make a crude innuendo. Once we landed on the ground, I set her down. "Alright, be a bit more cautious, alright? And don't forget to have fun."

"Mmm!" She pecked me on the lips before turning away. However, as she began to run off, she glanced back and asked, "Can we bring my parents and grandparents here in the future?"

"They already revealed that they know about me and the supernatural when we visited them, so why not? I'm sure they'll enjoy it. But let's do it once the construction for my little project is finished, alright?"

She happily nodded before sprinting away, using her magic to adjust her gravity and weight, allowing her to run and jump freely.

Once everyone had departed, the only individuals remaining were Kurousagi, Vera, and Amaterasu. The Chief God of the Shinto Pantheon engaged in conversation with Tsukuyomi, appearing quite delighted to be present. However, as I approached them, he sensed my approach and promptly excused himself from their company.

Upon my arrival, they were still gazing at Earth, and Amaterasu had turned her attention toward the sun.

"This view is truly astonishing, isn't it? It reminds us of just how minuscule we are in the grand tapestry of the universe," I murmured to myself.

"Fufu, you're an interesting one, Aaron! You can transform into a dragon that's even larger than our sun, so this sentiment doesn't quite apply to you!" Vera chimed in, turning to face me and letting out a giggle.

"Touché, but you grasp the essence of what I mean," I conceded, sharing a laugh with her. Glancing at Kurousagi, I noticed her evident apprehension and restlessness. I wasn't the only one to observe this, as Amaterasu's gaze shifted toward her, and she realized our collective attention.

With a sigh, I walked over to the two rabbit youkais. Amaterasu stepped aside to grant us some privacy. "Well, there's no time like the present, right? Both of you are already aware of my intentions, so let's not delay any further."

Upon hearing my words, both of their faces flushed crimson. They began to mutter incomprehensible words under their breath. I regarded them for a moment before nodding. Turning to Kurousagi first, I gently took both of her hands, causing her to startle slightly.

"Kuro, we initially got off on the wrong foot (rabbits), pun intended," I began, and she shot me an unamused but slightly amused glare. "But after a lot of hopping around, we managed to overcome it all."

Her lips quivered as she sighed. "Is your proposal going to be filled with rabbit puns?" she asked, barely suppressing a smile.

"Well, if you have any more complaints, I'm all ears," I replied, conjuring rabbit ears on my head and playfully wiggling them. "After all, I'm all for love stories with a hoppy (happy) ending."

Kurousagi's face contorted until she burst into laughter. Amalthea had previously mentioned that Kurousagi secretly enjoyed puns. I hadn't directly confirmed it before, but on a few occasions in her presence, I had cracked jokes that fell flat with others, yet I consistently noticed a faint smirk on her lips.

Amused by this, I glanced at Vera and Amaterasu. "I'm feeling hop-timistic (optimistic) about this."

"Stop!" Vera exclaimed, lightly tapping me on the head. "Enough with the puns! Seriously, I don't understand you two," she said, exasperated.

Sighing once more, I regained my composure and continued, "Anyway, let's cut to the chase. Will you har—marry me?"

"He tried to say 'hare-y me'! I knew it! Did you just attempt to propose with a pun!?" Vera shouted, pointing at me in disbelief. She then turned to Amaterasu, who was actually giggling, leaving her momentarily speechless. "I want absolutely no puns in my proposal, alright!"

Kuro and I mostly disregarded her outburst, as she stared at me, tears welling up in her eyes. "Mmm. I accept... I love you... I'm so... hoppy (happy) right now..."

I chuckled at her pun, eliciting laughter from her as well, much to Vera's chagrin.

"What is going on here!? Amaterasu-sama, would you be okay with a proposal like this?" Vera asked in astonishment.

"Well, um, I wouldn't necessarily object to it, especially if it were with Aaron," she responded bashfully, her words stumbling out.

"Eeeehhh...?" Vera questioned.

We shared a brief kiss, during which an unexpected transformation occurred in Kuro, triggering her [End God Mode], which took all of us by surprise. As we pulled away, she blushed even deeper, clearly not intending for this to happen.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" she exclaimed, hastily attempting to reverse the transformation but finding herself unable to. "U-um... I can't revert...?" confusion filled her golden eyes.

After observing her for a few moments, I confirmed my suspicions. "I understand now. It appears your transformation has become permanent; regrettably, you can't reverse it. You might say you 'evolved' after our kiss. If you'd like, I can—"

"N-no! I'll stay like this! Every time I assume this form, I feel even closer to you, so... m-maybe my body did it on instinct and now refuses to change back because we're, um, engaged?" she pondered, blushing at the thought.

Her rabbit ears twitched as she gave me another quick peck and turned me around. "Alright, it's Vera's turn now..."

Vera froze upon hearing that, standing there as if awaiting a command to salute or something.

"Okay, Ver-bear, let's get married, shall we?" I declared, throwing up some playful hand signs.

Vera was left utterly speechless, her mouth hanging open. "That's the strangest proposal I've ever heard!!" she exclaimed, clearly baffled by my unconventional approach. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill, and I quickly backtracked, pulling her into an embrace.

"Whoa, whoa, I was just joking! Most proposals are so serious, including my previous ones, so I wanted to make this a bit more lighthearted. I'm sorry if it came across as hurtful," I explained and pulled back to see that she had managed to hold back her tears, just sniffling a little.


I wiped away the tears that still threatened to escape her eyes and then kissed her, taking her by surprise, but she soon reciprocated, kissing me back. A few moments later, we broke apart, gazing into each other's eyes.

"When I first met you, I wasn't sure how to react. You were not at all what I expected. I had this image of a very muscular rabbit using hand-to-hand combat like Kuro in my mind when I first heard about you."

"...That's just rude," she pouted once again.

Gently bumping our noses together, I laughed and apologized once more. "But I can't deny that you're a very dear friend to Kuro, and you never gave up on your friendship, which I've always admired."

In response to this, Vera blushed even deeper, her eyes filled with anticipation. Finally, I spoke the words she had been waiting for, "Marry me. I don't want to lose someone like you."

Vera took a deep breath, turned around, puzzling all of us, and then shouted, "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!"

She turned back to all of us with a satisfied grin and lunged toward me, planting another passionate kiss on my lips.

"Goodness gracious, what an exuberant young lady," Amaterasu remarked, chuckling to herself.

Vera refused to let go of me, continuing to kiss me ardently, even attempting to slip her tongue into my mouth. Seeing this, Kurousagi stepped in and pulled her away. Vera struggled the whole time, extending her arms and legs towards me as if craving more.

"No! It's alright, isn't it!? We're engaged now! Let me kiss hiiiiiiiiim~!" she cried out, her pleas echoing across the moon.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Are you alright?" Amaterasu inquired as she extended her hand to help me up.

After some convincing, Vera finally managed to calm down, and she departed with Kurousagi, who also wished to explore the moon for a while. Amaterasu then joined me, and together we gazed at planet Earth.

"Thank you, and yes, I'm alright. So, Sun Goddess-sama, what are your thoughts on our journey so far?"

"I adore it. Tsukuyomi is quite enamored with this place as well. He believes that other gods and goddesses associated with the moon might consider relocating here if you continue with your plans of colonizing the moon in the future," she replied, her cheeks turning slightly red as her hand found mine.

Returning the squeeze of her hand, I concurred, "Yes, once my little project is completed, I'll invite a few others up here, and we can discuss our plans further. We can decide how many towns, cities, and other amenities we want to establish, or whether we should create one grand city to accommodate us all, with distinct districts. There are myriad possibilities."


Subsequently, we settled into a comfortable silence, during which Amaterasu rested her head on my shoulder.

"Will I have to wait long?" she inquired.

Chuckling, I asked, "We're skipping the dating phase and going straight to that, are we?"

"I've been alive for far too long... I'd prefer to marry right away."

Contemplating this for a moment, I fell silent. However, a few seconds later, I gently squeezed her hand again. "Give me a little time; I want to make it special."


As silence enveloped us once more, the screams of our friends and comrades drew nearer. When we turned to look, we were met with a sight that appeared otherworldly. Somehow, a ball of moon dust or sand had been formed and was currently chasing after a group of them, their cries echoing in the night.

"What on Earth? How did they manage that?" I asked, genuinely perplexed.

Amaterasu giggled beside me and suggested, "Let's join them, Aaron." She started pulling me away, and I allowed myself to be led along.

— ○ ● ○ —

I've written this chapter with the intention of improving my writing. Recently, I've been dedicating my free time to improve on my writing since to me, it felt a bit stale, hence why the longer wait times between uploads. However, after looking over this chapter multiple times, I've come to the realization that I might have gone a bit overboard with the prose. As a result, I've taken steps to dial it back a bit in Chapter 13. However, I'm open to maintaining such a style when I believe it complements the scene.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.