Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 13 – Part 3 – The True Satans Faction and [Malebranche]

Third Person Point of View

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Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub, the son of the original Beelzebub, stood resolutely in the ethereal realm of First Heaven. He and his formidable army had been skillfully transported into this heavenly domain, a feat orchestrated through the enigmatic collaboration of Promestein and Zaorama. Their arrival, however, was made possible only because Aaron, with a strategic purpose in mind, had granted his consent. He intended to set the celestial forces into motion, urging them to subdue and apprehend these defiant devils.

"Michael, and the other Seraphs, I must admit, I didn't anticipate such a warm welcome in First Heaven. Truly, it's an honor," Bidleid remarked, his tone laden with mockery as a sardonic smirk graced his face. "It seems your heavenly ranks have seen some new additions, haven't they? The reincarnated angels, as well as Layla and Altaria."

"Ah, Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub, it's been quite some time, hasn't it? How have you been faring?" Michael inquired, displaying a congenial demeanor. Memories of their last encounter, which had transpired after the Great War, lingered in the recesses of his mind. "You bear no lingering grudges against us, I trust?"

Bidleid's lips twitched with irritation as he scrutinized Michael. He raised his arm, an unspoken signal to his legion of devoted devils, indicating they should hold their positions. "I am in good health, and I appreciate your inquiry. Yet, we both know the reason behind my presence here today, do we not?" he responded, his voice laced with a determined resolve.

Michael nodded gravely. "Indeed, we do. However, it would be in your best interest to consider surrendering. This confrontation will not end favorably for you. I implore you to reconsider," he urged, locking eyes with Bidleid.

"I shall decline your offer," Bidleid declared firmly, his gaze unwavering. "Even if we find ourselves outnumbered, we possess a strength that surpasses that of most angels gathered here. Formalities have run their course. Attack!"

With a commanding gesture, Bidleid thrust his arm forward, setting his legion of relentless devils into a frenzied charge against the celestial counterparts.

Michael, a radiant figure, raised his hand, and a brilliant blaze of light blossomed around him. Within seconds, hundreds of thousands of gleaming spears of light materialized, forming a formidable display of celestial power. Uriel and Raphael, following their brother's lead, replicated the feat, summoning thousands of spears to surround them.

Even the lower to higher-ranked angels, who had been preparing for the impending clash, found themselves momentarily frozen by the awe-inspiring spectacle unfolding above them. The sheer might of their leader left them gazing upward in reverent admiration.

Bidleid, however, wore a confident smirk as he raised his other hand, mirroring Michael's actions. Behind him, hundreds of thousands of malevolent, shadowy orbs materialized, echoing the Seraphs' surprise. Following his resurrection, Bidleid had experienced a substantial surge in power, now allowing him to stand on equal footing with god-like beings.

Without another word said between them, they unleashed their attacks at one another. As light and demonic attacks converged in the middle, the collision of attacks created a powerful explosion that blew away the weaker devils, while Layla created a barrier of light to prevent any harm from coming to the angels side.

Upon witnessing this remarkable display of power, Bidleid found himself taken aback. He had never anticipated that Michael could match him in sheer force. The fact that his own attacks were effortlessly obliterated alongside Michael's radiant assaults served as a resounding testament to the angel's growing might.

After Aaron had successfully altered the systems within Heaven, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and the ten Seraphs committed themselves to rigorous training once more. Their goal was to reach the same echelons of power as god-class entities, a concept humorously dubbed 'Super Angel' by Aaron, a subtle nod to the term 'Super Devil.'

The Four Great Seraphs, excluding Gabriel, who remained in a class of her own, underwent profound growth. They had advanced to a point where they could rival middle-tier god-class beings, bolstering their confidence in confronting adversaries they previously could not have challenged.

Their intentions were solely to safeguard themselves and their faction on a larger scale, yet this transformation only served to enrage Bidleid. He perceived it as a direct affront, a personal insult that fueled his anger.

"Hmph. It seems like you have gotten stronger since the Great War; there weren't any reports about this in our organization," Bidleid remarked, his gaze locked onto Michael.

Michael responded with a confident smile, "We decided to keep this a secret, although Jin-kun probably knew, he decided to stay silent for our part, and we're thankful for that. It's great that we took you by surprise, didn't we?"

Bidleid remained silent, his frown deepening as he continued to scrutinize the Seraph before him. Altaria, who stood behind the angels of Heaven, raised her hand, providing all the angels with a powerful boost. This technique had been inspired by her creator, Aaron Toole, who had bestowed his [Dragon Tattoo] upon them on various occasions.

Each angel in the army now bore a small, golden, angelic wing tattoo on their wrists. This mark not only increased their physical strength and durability but also created a light shield capable of repelling attacks from High- to Ultimate-class beings. Additionally, it enhanced their own light-based abilities and elevated their power by two ranks.

Low-class angels were promoted to High-class, Middle-class became Ultimate, and High-class angels were elevated to Satan-class. The surge in power was palpable, and a wave of exhilaration washed over the angels as they glanced at one another with newfound strength.

However, before they could express their amazement, Michael raised his arm, signaling for Layla to dispel her barrier. Without a word, the empowered angels charged forward, leaving the devil forces astounded and unprepared for the onslaught.

Bidleid, instead of panicking or growing anxious, simply smirked, as this was all part of his and another group's intricate plan. Yet, just as he was about to voice his thoughts on the situation, Altaria interjected.

"Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus' army won't make it past Sixth Heaven, Bidleid-san," Altaria stated confidently, surprising the devil in front of her.

"Hooo? And what makes you say that, fake angel?" Bidleid replied with a sneer.

"Because Gabiel will stop them with Resneas," Altaria responded matter-of-factly.

Bidleid chuckled, brimming with confidence. "Hmph. It doesn't matter who is with them. Damaidosu has several Satan-class devils with him, as well as two Super Devils who are on par with the late Rizevim Livan Lucifer. That below-par woman has no chance against them."

Altaria merely smiled and mused, "Fufu, I do wonder."

Before Bidleid and Damaidosu's army could reach Heaven, the leaders, with Altaria, Layla, and Resneas taking prominent roles as Electa, diligently set about enveloping the celestial structures with protective barriers.

Their goal was to minimize the potential damage that the impending conflict might inflict upon the realm. Aaron had already pledged to oversee the restoration efforts once this clash had concluded, but they were determined to ease the burden on him as much as possible.

Amid the cacophony of countless battles unfolding in their vicinity, the apparent advantage held by the angels became increasingly evident. This sight prompted a deepening frown on Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub's face as he observed the situation.

He made several attempts to launch attacks against the angels, only to witness each assault being swiftly dismantled by a lightning-fast spear of radiant energy.

The individual responsible for this formidable defense was none other than Altaria. Over the course of a full year spent living among the angels and collaborating with them, she had developed a profound sense of maternal affection for these celestial beings.

It didn't matter that most of them were chronologically older than her; she stood above them in terms of both authority and power. Altaria also held the role of their shadow leader, diligently upholding the systems and protective barriers that preserved Heaven's integrity.

Michael, on the other hand, was the public face of Heaven, serving as its ostensible leader, while Altaria worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure its continued stability and security.

"Pest," hissed Bidleid while Altaria smiled back at him.

Once again, he held his arm up and two devils with distinctive auras appeared beside him.

On the right side of Bidleid stood a male devil, his presence exuding an air of modern malevolence. His hair was an unconventional shade of short, vibrant blue, contrasting sharply with his piercing dark blue eyes that seemed to hold secrets untold.

His attire was a bold testament to extravagance; he donned a sleek black jacket adorned with golden streaks and embellishments, symbolizing his wicked affluence. Beneath the jacket, black pants were cinched at his waist by golden chains that glimmered malevolently, while black shoes bore intricate golden devil magic circles, signifying his demonic power.

To his left was a female devil of striking allure. Her medium-length, ethereal gray hair framed her face gracefully, drawing attention to her captivating cyan blue eyes, which held an enigmatic appeal of their own.

She wore a single, daring light purple dress that dared to ride high on her thighs, accentuating her devilish charm. Dark purple boots adorned her feet, complete with small, alluring purple feathers that whispered of her otherworldly charm. In her right hand, she clutched a purple bear doll, its menacing visage a stark contrast to her own beguiling demeanor, hinting at the deceptions that lay beneath her enchanting facade.

"Belladra, Thesius, your task is to eliminate the Great Seraphs," Bidleid commanded.

Both Belladra, a female devil, and Thesius, a male devil, nodded in agreement. They vanished from their original positions and reappeared before Michael and Uriel, ready to carry out their orders.

Michael swiftly generated a protective shield of radiant light, using it to fend off Thesius's advance. The male devil found himself repelled by the formidable barrier, unable to breach its defenses.

Meanwhile, Belladra materialized before Uriel, poised to strike. However, her attempt was thwarted by Layla, who intercepted her with a well-timed sword block.

In response to the clash, both Michael and Layla seized their respective opponents and initiated an instantaneous teleportation, whisking themselves and their foes away to a different location within the expanse of First Heaven.

With graceful poise and unwavering resolve, Altaria declared her intent, her melodious voice carrying through First Heaven like a solemn oath.

"I will face you myself, Bidleid-san. Prepare yourself," she proclaimed, descending gracefully from the elevated platform where she had stood, her magnificent wings unfurling in all their majestic glory.

Her descent was a testament to her regal presence, casting a momentary hush over the spectators as they beheld the angel known as Altaria taking her rightful place on the battlefield.

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Michael and Thesius materialized near a cluster of houses located to the east of their previous location. Without a moment's hesitation, they unleashed a barrage of both radiant and demonic attacks upon each other. Their intent was clear: they had no intention of prolonging this encounter any further. Each of them harbored distinct motivations for their actions.

Thesius, much like his comrades within the True Satans Faction, harbored deep discontent with the state of affairs in the Underworld. He held a strong aversion to the current rulers, the Satans who presided over the realm. After years of vocalizing his grievances, he finally made the momentous decision to defect to the Khaos Order.

Upon his defection, Thesius garnered recognition for his extraordinary, self-developed ability. This unique power of his underwent significant augmentation through a series of experiments. These procedures not only enhanced Thesius's inherent abilities but also propelled the evolution of his distinctive skill.

In a sudden and bewildering move, Thesius swung his arm upward in a diagonal arc directed at Michael, the Seraph. This maneuver took Michael by surprise, yet the radiant barrier, a result of the tattoo bestowed upon him by Altaria and the angels, promptly enveloped him. This protective shield prompted Michael to swiftly distance himself from Thesius, effectively evading the imperceptible attack crafted by his adversary.

The unseen slash forcefully collided with a building, which was fortified with a luminous barrier, before vanishing into obscurity. It became evident to Thesius at that moment that his attack lacked the potency required to breach the formidable defenses meticulously constructed by Layla and Altaria.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Michael's thoughts raced as he confronted Thesius, a formidable adversary. He couldn't help but admire the enemy's prowess.

'An invisible slash that can bypass the light shield produced by Altaria's tattoo. It's safe to assume that it's beyond High- and Ultimate-class attacks. He may be Satan-class or God-class. I must remain vigilant,' Michael thought, his gaze locked onto Thesius.

However, the unexpected took place yet again. Fifteen large, azure hands, each adorned with razor-sharp claws, materialized behind Thesius. They lunged at Michael with deadly intent, forcing the Seraph to react swiftly.

He summoned his own powers of light to counter the assault. To his surprise, the large azure hands not only intercepted his light attacks but also detonated upon impact. Even more astonishingly, they regenerated almost instantly, persistently pursuing Michael.

"These things can regenerate quickly. This will be quite the challenge," Michael pondered, his mind racing as he skillfully dodged the relentless attacks. Despite his agility, a few of the azure hands managed to graze him, ripping shreds from his clothing.

Thanks to the empowering tattoo bestowed upon him by Altaria, Michael had reached the pinnacle of the God-class, just as Thesius had. Yet, he hadn't fully unleashed his powers or employed both of his abilities—namely, the invisible slash and the formidable blue hands.

Resolute and determined to bring an end to the confrontation, Michael devised a plan. He conjured numerous tiny orbs of light, each condensed to contain an immense amount of power.

He drew inspiration from the formidable techniques he had witnessed from his allies, Sirzechs' [Ruin the Extinct] and Rias' [Extinguish the Star]. Although he hadn't given his newfound ability a name, he focused solely on mastering its use.

Channeling his light-infused energy, Michael propelled the radiant orbs toward Thesius. The luminous spheres streaked through the air with incredible speed, and Michael fortified them with a touch of wind magic.

As they closed in on their target, Thesius attempted to ward them off using his azure hands. However, the orbs effortlessly overwhelmed and shattered his defenses, creating an opening for the remaining projectiles to surge toward Thesius.

Thesius, recognizing the gravity of the situation, swung his arms down repeatedly, aiming to slice through the approaching orbs. Some were indeed severed, but others eluded his strikes, thanks to Michael's nimble maneuvers and quick thinking.

In a last-ditch effort to protect himself, Thesius enveloped his body in a formidable cloak of demonic aura while summoning additional azure hands, forming an intricate barrier of defense in an attempt to mitigate the impending onslaught.

Multiple light orbs struck Thesius in rapid succession, but instead of detonating upon impact, they clung to him, lingering for a few moments before rapidly expanding in size. The radiant glow emitted by these orbs intensified, causing Thesius, who found himself encased within this luminous prison, to feel the illumination's piercing intensity. But then, abruptly, it ceased, giving way to an altogether different assault.

The orbs transformed into razor-sharp spears, their gleaming tips piercing through everything within the defensive barrier Thesius had conjured. A painful, guttural cough resonated from deep within Thesius's defenses, followed by the gradual unraveling of his protective shell. Soon, his battered form tumbled from its now-ineffective sanctuary, plummeting to the ground below.

Thesius had indeed sustained severe injuries, yet he refused to concede defeat. Lying there with numerous punctures in his body, none of them grave enough to incapacitate him, he mustered every ounce of his resilience.

With a steely gaze filled with unyielding fury, Thesius lifted his eyes to meet Michael's. In that moment, he conjured more colossal azure hands, setting them into a frenzied flurry of swipes aimed at Michael. To Michael's sheer horror, the once-invisible slashes had become tangible, taking on the shape of expansive crescent moons.

A multitude of these deadly crescent slashes rained down upon Michael, compelling him to execute nimble evasions. Despite his agility, some of the devastating strikes found their mark, leaving gaping lacerations across his body.

Amid the frenetic combat, a troubling thought gripped Michael's mind: 'Can he unleash those slashes from his other hands!? If he can do that, what else is he capable of!?' he pondered silently as he landed atop a nearby rooftop. Blood flowed from his wounds as he fixated his gaze upon Thesius, who had momentarily halted his relentless onslaught.

Michael extended his hand once more, directing it towards Thesius, and a barrage of radiant orbs surged forth, hurtling towards the young devil. Thesius, in response, summoned his crescent moon slashes with his massive azure hands protruding from his back.

Their powers collided, creating an intense standoff as their attacks clashed in a violent display. The air crackled with energy as the two combatants engaged in a fierce exchange. The stakes were high, with the slightest misstep spelling either death or severe injury, rendering the loser unable to continue the battle.

For a full minute, the relentless assault continued, a relentless dance of destruction and defense. Then, in a critical lapse, Michael faltered for just a moment. In that fleeting instant, Thesius seized his chance, launching a perfectly timed slash that bypassed the luminous spheres Michael had conjured, ruthlessly severing one of the Seraph's arms.

Michael immediately recognized his mistake, initiating evasive maneuvers to avoid a fatal blow. However, the loss of his right arm disrupted his attack, granting Thesius a significant advantage in the ongoing duel.

Their intense battle, however, was abruptly interrupted when a formidable and colossal light spear pierced through the fray. Thesius, with mere seconds to react, hastily raised a defensive shield to protect himself from the impending onslaught. The searing light pierced through his arms, eliciting a searing pain.

In a prior encounter with light-based powers, Thesius had been saved by a specialized item implanted within him during a series of experiments. This item possessed the unique ability to nullify incoming attacks, a vital safeguard considering devils' inherent vulnerability to light and holy assaults. However, the item could only activate once, and after its use, it became permanently disabled.

Now, without the protection of that invaluable item, the excruciating agony caused by the recent light-based attack coursed through Thesius, leaving him reeling and vulnerable.

"Brother Michael!" Gabriel's voice reverberated throughout the area as she touched down beside her brother. Worry etched across her face, her eyes glistened with the threat of tears. From her ring, she produced a Slime Pill and promptly administered it to Michael, the mystical medicine swiftly mending his severed arm and tending to his injuries.

Michael, rising once more, bore a frustrated but grateful smile. "Gabriel... I didn't expect you to come here. Thank you, and I apologize, but what about the Sixth Heaven?" he inquired, his hand affectionately patting her on the head.

Gabriel returned his smile, her own tears finally spilling over. "Resneas said I could come here. She assured me she could handle everything on her own. I also managed to defeat another descendant of the Satans—his name was Aleric Asmodeus, I believe," Gabriel replied.

Michael had not previously encountered this particular devil, but he decided to trust his sister's assessment. Swiftly, Gabriel erected a radiant light barrier to shield them from another relentless barrage of attacks launched by Thesius. However, as they gazed at the young man, they noticed something concerning: his veins pulsed with a sickly green hue, and his face had grown alarmingly pale.

"It appears that your light-based attack is gradually sapping his life," Michael observed, his voice tinged with concern. "He must possess remarkable resilience to withstand it."

Gabriel nodded, her eyes locked on the young devil who teetered on the brink of death, perhaps mere minutes or even seconds away from his demise.

"Young devil, please reveal your name," Michael implored gently, extending an offer. "If you wish not to fade into obscurity in the annals of history, we can keep your memory alive within us."

Thesius hesitated for a few fleeting moments, his body growing colder, his heartbeat slowing, and the world around him dimming—clear signs that death was imminent.

"…Thesius Oriax," he finally murmured, his voice weak and fading. And with that utterance, he crumpled to the ground, his lifeless eyes bearing witness to the end of his journey.

Both Gabriel and Michael put there hands together to say a silent prayer for him. This lasted for a few seconds until they both got up.

"Let's go back to everyone," he said.


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The clang of Layla's sword against Belladra's reverberated through the air. Layla's weapon had been a gift bestowed upon her at the time of her creation, while Belladra, a Super Devil of great power, had conjured her sword using her innate demonic abilities. In contrast to her fellow devil, Thesius, who had recently passed away, Belladra lacked any unique trait or special ability.

All she possessed were her exceptional swordsmanship, her formidable demonic powers, and the rare ability known as touki. She was, however, also a member of the esteemed 72 Pillars clans, but had chosen to distance herself from her noble lineage due to being shunned by her family and other aristocratic devils.

Belladra had once attempted to reach out to devils like herself, seeking camaraderie and understanding. She had even made efforts to contact the Satans, the figures she had long admired, but her attempts had been met with silence and disregard. Frustration and disappointment had finally led her down the path of joining the Khaos Order.

Layla, who now clashed swords with her, continued to implore Belladra to reconsider her affiliation with the terrorist organization. "You can still come back, Belladra. Please don't give up on the Satans just yet. It's possible they were simply unavailable during those times you tried to reach them," she pleaded earnestly.

Belladra's response was filled with incredulity. "I tried over ten times. Are you suggesting that they were perpetually occupied every single time? These attempts spanned several years and varied moments. Are you telling me they never noticed? They hosted fundraisers and attended less important events during those periods, yet my letters went unanswered."

Layla had no suitable reply to Belladra's frustration, but she couldn't ignore the fact that the past year had been a tumultuous one in the Underworld—and, indeed, throughout the entire supernatural world. High-ranking figures from every faction and pantheon had likely been preoccupied with numerous crises and conflicts during that time, possibly explaining the lack of response.

"Even still!" Layla's voice resonated through the arena as she used her sword to push Belladra away. "You can try now! They're listening now!"

Belladra offered no response. Instead, she channeled more of her demonic power into her sword, enhancing its strength. With determination, she soared back toward Layla, executing a series of sword strikes in a relentless pursuit to land a hit on the angel.

Layla's brow furrowed, and she skillfully deflected each of Belladra's attacks. Although Belladra possessed formidable abilities, she remained at the pinnacle of the Ultimate-class tier, far from the heights achieved by her fellow devil Thesius, who resided leagues above her as a God-class being. Thesius held the esteemed title of one of the weaker Super Devils nurtured by the True Satans Faction.

Belladra hailed from the prestigious Uvall house of devils, a noble lineage with inherent High-class status in the Underworld. However, her birth endowed her with only Middle-class devilish powers and a limited demonic energy reservoir. This difference in power set her apart and subjected her to ridicule and ostracization, exacerbated by the absence of a particular demonic trait.

Within the Uvall house, the older generation upheld a tradition of harsh judgment when it came to power disparities or the presence of hybrid traits among their kind. Those who fell short of the high-class demonic standards faced the grim fate of exile. In Belladra's case, her exceptional swordsmanship exhibited at a tender age provided her with a slim chance for acceptance.

Regrettably, the elders did not intervene to halt the relentless bullying she endured. In some instances, they even participated in the torment, exacerbating her suffering. The younger devils, influenced by the elders' actions, saw this as tacit approval and, in some instances, ventured dangerously close to causing her severe harm.

Belladra couldn't help but bite the inside of her cheek, torn between two conflicting desires. In her heart, she yearned to say yes, to accept the salvation being offered to her. However, her mind held her captive in a bleak conviction that she had ventured too far down a path from which there was no return. As long as she continued on this dark trajectory, redemption seemed an elusive dream.

With a determined resolve, she unfurled her bat-like wings, shrouding her body in a potent aura of touki. Swiftly, she ascended into the air, her flight path taking her back towards Layla, the one extending the hand of deliverance.

As she drew closer to Layla, Belladra's desperation manifested in a flurry of action. She summoned numerous demonic magic circles, each one a conduit for devastating elemental attacks. These magical onslaughts were colossal, their size rivaling that of a double-decker bus. In addition to these mystical volleys, Belladra unleashed deadly demonic aura slashes, her sword imbued with malevolent power.

Layla, the angel who had witnessed countless acts of kindness and redemption performed by her master over the past year, faced a challenging dilemma. She understood that retaliating with her usual divine might would inevitably result in Belladra's immediate demise.

Despite her master's orders to eliminate anyone deemed unnecessary, Layla carried a desire deep within her. She yearned to extend her hand, to offer the chance of salvation to the tormented soul before her, for she was an angel, and her heart had been touched by the countless acts of compassion she had seen her master perform.

'I will help her!' Layla declared with unwavering resolve. She had made her choice, and there was nothing that would deter her from reaching out to the troubled young woman before her. With a graceful motion, she drew her blade from its dark blue scabbard, its gleaming steel reflecting the tension in the air. Layla raised the blade, pointing it at her opponent. In this moment, she intended to confront Belladra as a fellow swordswoman, rather than relying on her formidable light powers.

With a clear plan in her mind, Layla summoned her own barrage of aura slashes, sending them hurtling toward Belladra. She controlled the force behind her strikes, ensuring they were powerful enough to challenge the young devil but also crafted to make the confrontation an engaging experience for her opponent.

As their respective slashes collided and exploded with energy, Layla deftly maneuvered herself, appearing in front of Belladra in the blink of an eye. With a fluid motion, she swung her sword downward in a swift strike.

Belladra, to her credit, raised her guard in time to block Layla's attack. However, as their blades clashed, an unexpected sensation washed over her. A strange warmth enveloped her body, seeping into her very being, offering a sense of comfort she had never experienced before.

It was so unexpected and soothing that it brought a hint of moisture to her eyes, leaving her bewildered. After a moment of introspection, she managed to deduce the source of this warmth—Layla's powers.

However, Belladra was determined not to be swayed. She clenched her teeth, pushing back the conflicting emotions that tugged at her heart. Her resolve remained firm as she retorted, "You can't trick me! Whatever you're attempting, it won't work on me!"

"I'm not using any tricks; I'm simply showing you a future that can be yours," Layla replied calmly, her words serving only to further frustrate Belladra. Their blades continued to clash in the heat of battle, each strike stoking Belladra's emotions.

Although Belladra's past had been a journey laden with sadness, despair, and hardships, each time her blade met Layla's in combat, she felt something extraordinary welling up within her. It was a warmth that defied the chill of her tragic history. With each clash, she began to catch fleeting glimpses of a future, dancing like ephemeral specters in her mind's eye.

Layla, an [Electa], held the unique power of accessing Aaron's version of [Food Chain], and she was putting it to use in this moment. Through it, she revealed to Belladra the potential future she could grasp if she chose to accept the outstretched hand of assistance. A future where happiness was within her reach—a life filled with friends, comrades, and perhaps even a lover.

Unbeknownst to Belladra, hot tears began streaming down her face as the intense battle raged on. Her once-powerful strikes began to lose their vigor. Every attempt to muster more strength yielded nothing. It was as though her will to fight, to confront the angelic figure before her, was gradually eroding.

Belladra swung her sword one final time, and to her surprise, instead of the usual resounding clang, it was a soft, almost muted one. The realization of her weakened state dawned on her. She hadn't even noticed that they had descended to the ground moments ago. For several minutes, Belladra had been swinging her sword mechanically, her tears flowing freely.

Finally, Belladra's sword disappeared, a manifestation of her decision to cease tapping into her demonic power. Her touki, the energy that enveloped her, slowly dissipated as she dropped to the ground on all fours, her sobs the only sound breaking the silence.

"Why...? Why do you keep on showing me this?" she questioned Layla, her voice filled with the bitter tones of self-loathing. "I've caused harm to countless people since joining the Khaos Order. I was subjected to experiments that only increased my destructive power. I'm a wretched person, undeserving of whatever future you've presented before me," she muttered, her voice carrying the weight of defeat.

"Because I want to help you. I saw your past and you didn't deserve any of it. If you want to correct any more wrongdoings you did and may do, please accept my hand," Layla said, stretching her hand towards Belladra.

Belladra stretched her hand out and accepted Layla's gesture. She pulled her up and quickly hid her behind her as several demonic balls were aimed at them. Layla used a magic defense circle instead of her usual light-based ones.

"Hyahahaha! That was so mushy that it almost made me barf!" a male's voice resounded in the area. Both ladies looked up and saw a devil above them.

Every inch of his form blazed a fierce shade of crimson, as if he were sculpted from molten anger. Two menacing horns jutted from his forehead, curving upward with an intimidating elegance. His eyes, like shards of yellow topaz, radiated a piercing, predatory intelligence, locked onto his surroundings with an unwavering intensity.

A sinuous tail, reminiscent of a serpent's, trailed behind him, its movements fluid and hypnotic. He moved with a primal grace, unencumbered by clothing, his body exposed in its entirety. Yet, curiously, there was an absence of genitalia, as though his existence defied the conventional rules of anatomy.

"Cycore," Belladra mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's an Ultimate-class devil just like me, but he's more versatile. He wasn't meant to be here today; he was supposed to go with a different team."

"I'll kill her and then you, you dumb angel—" The devil's threat was cut short, his words turning to a horrified gurgle.

Without a hint of hesitation, Layla drew her sword, and with a swift motion, the blade unsheathed, cutting through the air with a resounding 'clack.' In an instant, the devil above them... was split in two.

"Eh?" Cycore was left dumbfounded, unable to comprehend what had just transpired. His severed body plummeted to the ground, the devil who had just appeared, now lifeless.

Layla turned around and, to Belladra's surprise, hugged her tightly. Confusion swirled within Belladra, but one thing was clear—this angel could have ended her life in an instant if she had wanted to. She felt a strange mix of relief and terror as she hesitantly hugged Layla back.

"Let's get back to everyone else then—" Layla began, but before she could finish her sentence, an enormous explosion of light, resembling a cross, erupted near the center of First Heaven. Layla instinctively shielded Belladora, knowing that the blinding radiance could have instantly snuffed out her life.

"It seems like she just ended her fight," Layla remarked, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and relief.

— ○ ● ○ —

High above the vast expanse of Russia, Aaron Toole found himself face to face with the formidable leader and deputy commander of the Malebranche. Positioned closely behind him was Zorya, whom Aaron had instinctively shielded, though this act left her with a mix of fluttering emotions and bewildering confusion.

Malacoda and Barbariccia, the respective leader and deputy leader of the Malebranche, stood before Aaron, their intentions shrouded in an aura of uncertainty. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Aaron inquired about their purpose.

"What brings Malacoda and Barbariccia, the leader and deputy leader of the Malebranche, to me?" Aaron's voice held a note of curiosity and readiness.

Malacoda responded cryptically, his words laden with the weight of an impending showdown. [Isn't it obvious, Dual Dragon? We are here for the fated battle. Prepare yourself!]

Without further explanation, Malacoda launched himself at Aaron, cloaking his arm in a dense shroud of demonic energy. Aaron, maintaining his composure, reached out to touch Zorya protectively, teleporting her to the safety of one of Russia's cities while providing her with clear instructions for her own well-being.

Simultaneously, Aaron contacted his younger brother Vali, who was also actively participating in the day's operation. Vali, the descendant of Lucifer, swiftly acknowledged the call, accepting the challenge of confronting the deputy commander of the Malebranche.

In an unexpected turn of events, Vali Lucifer materialized beside Barbariccia, in his mighty [Diabolos Dragon Lucifer] form lending him immense power. Vali's formidable strike caught the [Evil Claw] off guard, marking the beginning of a fierce confrontation.

In the midst of this chaos, Aaron activated his [Boosted Gear], assuming the powerful [Queen] form. Swift as lightning, he evaded Malacoda's incoming strike, his right arm transforming into the sturdy gauntlet of his [Rook]. In a decisive move, Aaron retaliated, delivering a powerful blow to Malacoda's abdomen, sending the [Malebranche] leader hurtling through the air.

Aaron's relentless pursuit of Malacoda knew no bounds. With unwavering determination, he unleashed a flurry of devastating combo attacks as he closed in on his adversary. With astonishing agility, he suddenly materialized above Malacoda, raining down a relentless barrage of punches like a torrential storm. Before his foe could react, Aaron reappeared beneath him, executing the same blistering assault once more, leaving Malacoda stunned and defenseless.

The relentless assault continued as Aaron, in a display of incredible speed and precision, materialized just beside his adversary. With every sinew of his body, he delivered a relentless onslaught of powerful kicks, each strike echoing through the air with tremendous force.

Malacoda, overwhelmed and bewildered, struggled to mount a defense in the face of Aaron's relentless assault. It all culminated in a climactic moment as Aaron joined both his hands, channeling his strength, and slammed them down with immense force onto Malacoda's chest. The impact sent shockwaves through the air, and Malacoda was propelled downward, crashing into one of Russia's serene lakes.

The Russian Lake stretched out as far as the eye could see, a picture of serenity that bordered on the otherworldly. Its surface mirrored the clear, azure sky, creating a flawless reflection that seemed to extend into eternity. Towering, emerald-green trees encircled the water's edge, their branches reaching skyward in silent reverence. A palpable air of mystery clung to this place, as if secrets whispered among the leaves and ripples held tales untold.

Amidst the hushed stillness, the sounds of wildlife had ceased, replaced by an eerie quietude. The shrill noise that had pierced the tranquility just moments ago had cast a spell of curiosity upon the animals that called this place home. They now stood frozen, their senses acutely tuned to detect the source of the disturbance, adding to the enigmatic aura that hung over the Russian lake.

Aaron descended gracefully, his feet finding purchase near the tranquil shores of the lake. His keen eyes tracked the powerful eruption that sent water and emotion splattering all around, as Malacoda burst forth from the depths. The demon's face was an unsettling amalgamation of fury, hatred, and exhilaration, framed by an unsettlingly wide grin. The silence between them hung heavy, pregnant with anticipation.

Malacoda couldn't contain his exuberance, his voice erupting into the open air. [You're every bit as remarkable as I imagined, Dual Dragon Emperor! Let's keep going!] he bellowed, the thrill of the confrontation coursing through him. His gaze shifted briefly to his dislocated arm, a mere inconvenience in the grand scheme of things. With unwavering resolve, he promptly rectified the injury, a testament to his relentless determination.

Malacoda wasted no time and materialized right in front of Aaron. Just as before, he launched a barrage of punches, each one faster and more powerful than the last. These ferocious strikes generated formidable shockwaves that rippled behind Aaron as he deftly evaded them.

The shockwaves emanating from the battle reached the cities and towns of Russia, wreaking havoc upon them. Some of these urban centers were entirely obliterated, their surroundings reduced to rubble. The once verdant forest that had adorned the landscape was now reduced to nothingness, replaced by a desolate expanse of shattered rocks and debris.

Suddenly, a massive appendage shot forth from Malacoda's back, hurtling toward Aaron with a swift and menacing intent. Aaron's reflexes kicked in, and he skillfully deflected the attack. What caught his attention, though, was the peculiar nature of this appendage. It was a large black and white tail, its tip sharpened to a deadly point. Strangely, it exuded an aura that piqued his curiosity.

As Malacoda wore a wicked grin, he unleashed another volley of attacks. This time, however, he incorporated his own tail into the assault, forcing Aaron to dance evasively to avoid getting struck.

A silent realization dawned upon Aaron amidst the chaos. "I see," he thought. "There's a potent spell imbued within that tail. Anyone unfortunate enough to be struck by it will experience a range of debilitating effects."

Ducking and weaving to evade more of Malacoda's relentless strikes, Aaron activated his boosters. With impeccable timing, he executed a powerful move, swinging his right foot like a battering ram directly into Malacoda's abdomen. The force of the impact sent Malacoda hurtling away once more.

Drawing forth the formidable cannons mounted on his back, Aaron rapidly charged them with energy. He whispered a concise incantation, "X Blaster."

[EX Blast Booster!] exclaimed Ddraig, the announcer of his abilities. In response, a raging torrent of draconic energy erupted from the nozzle of his cannons. Aaron had refined the energy blast, condensing its size while preserving its devastating power.

In the expansive skies of Russia, a sudden and fierce explosion ruptured the tranquility. Its devastating shockwave rippled outwards, unleashing its deadly force upon the unfortunate devils caught in its path. Vali and Barbariccia, positioned on the opposite side of the country, were not spared from the powerful aftershock. Even at that distance, the shockwave's impact was unmistakable.

As the dissipating smoke revealed itself, a battered figure emerged amidst the chaos. Malacoda, though missing an arm and a leg due to the explosion's fury, let out a hearty laugh that echoed through the battlefield. His demonic regeneration quickly worked its magic, restoring his lost limbs.

[You'll need to put in more effort than that, Dragon,] Malacoda taunted, a mischievous grin dancing upon his lips as he directed his challenge towards Aaron.

Aaron's response was one of indifference. Activating his boosters once more, he executed a swift maneuver, disappearing from Malacoda's line of sight in an instant. With unparalleled speed, he materialized at Malacoda's side.

Upon recognizing Aaron's vanishing act, the leader of the Malebranche took immediate defensive action. He cloaked his body in a shroud of demonic energy, using his tail as an additional protective barrier. But Aaron, undeterred and determined to break through, readied himself for a powerful strike. With his [Penetrate] ability enhancing his punch, he unleashed his fist towards Malacoda's side, bypassing the demon's defenses and delivering a devastating blow that fractured several of his ribs.

Once more, Malacoda was sent hurtling towards the earth's surface, a path of destruction in his wake. The force of their battle had led them to crash through several buildings upon their descent, leaving a trail of shattered structures as a testament to their relentless clash.

"Hey, are you taking me seriously at all? If not, I'll just kill you now and get it over with," Aaron asked, his voice retaining its usual detachment, seemingly unaffected by the gravity of the situation.

Out of thin air, a group of devils suddenly materialized and flew toward him. Some unleashed their demonic attacks in his direction. Aaron cast a fleeting glance at their approaching menace, his expression unwavering. He summoned a small, pulsating draconic ball of energy, and without hesitation, thrust a punch at it. The energy ball exploded into a searing [Dragon Shot] that tore through everything in its path, reducing the once-enthusiastic devils to nothingness.

Aaron then turned his gaze back to Malacoda, who sported a condescending smirk. [I would say the same, Dual Dragon. You may outmatch me in speed, but your punches are as light as a feather. I hardly feel a thing from them,] Malacoda taunted.

"Initially, I wanted to minimize collateral damage, but since I've failed at that, I might as well give it my all," replied Aaron, his stance shifting as he cloaked himself in a radiant draconic aura. "Let's take this up a notch."

Malacoda's grin widened, signifying his agreement. Their powers surged further, and both combatants vanished from their original location. The city they had arrived in suddenly erupted into chaos. Buildings, structures, and the very ground itself were obliterated by the cataclysmic forces unleashed during their duel.

The aftermath left nothing but devastation in its wake, with a colossal crater at its epicenter. Aaron and Malacoda repeatedly blinked in and out of existence at various points across the now-ruined city.

With each clash of their fists, shockwaves radiated outward, further decimating their surroundings. The air itself seemed to ripple around them, and even the fabric of space tore apart in their titanic struggle. Through it all, Malacoda's unwavering grin remained, his eyes alive with exhilaration.

This battle had been the stuff of his fantasies for hundreds of years, and now, finally, it was becoming a reality. Every minute of this long-awaited encounter was something he intended to savor.

Aaron, being the understanding man he was, granted him a brief moment to revel in this long-anticipated fight. At the same time, he wanted his younger sibling to finish his battle before he concluded his own as he knows that both Malacoda and Vali were battle maniacs.

With determined purpose, he harbored plans to capture and convert all of the [Malebranche]. This would serve as a valuable power boost for his devil comrades, given that the [Evil Claws] represented the equivalent of the Longinus.

Following yet another intense clash, the two combatants allowed themselves to be propelled backward, putting some much-needed distance between them. Breathing heavily, they took a moment to collect themselves.

As the tension in the air crackled, one of them broke the silence, a wry smile on his face. [Alright... I've had my fun. Now, let's see how the almighty Dual Dragon Emperor deals with this,] Malacoda mused aloud, his voice laced with a touch of challenge. With unwavering resolve, he channeled his power, pushing it to its absolute limits, ready for the next stage of their fierce battle.

Malacoda's transformation was a spectacle of otherworldly proportions. As he stood there, his very form seemed to undergo a metamorphosis. His body, once of a modest size, began to expand, muscles bulging with newfound might. His tail, which had been singular, now split into two, and an additional, sinuous appendage emerged, totaling three menacing tails.

His limbs underwent a similar transformation, becoming more muscular and powerful. His legs seemed to thicken with raw strength, while his arms rippled with newfound power. And then, there were his eyes. Four additional orbs of perception emerged, granting him an eerie, panoramic vision.

But perhaps the most striking change was the emergence of wings. Black and white, they unfurled from his back like the wings of a cosmic angel. Razor-sharp protrusions jutted from his arms, turning them into lethal weapons.

As this profound transformation reached its zenith, a swirling aura, alternating between black and white, erupted from his body. It coalesced into a formidable pillar of power, shaking the very foundation of the world, a harbinger of Malacoda's newfound might.

[Should I call this the equivalent to a 'Balance Break?'] he mused aloud, the grin on his face stretching even wider, as if it were on the brink of tearing his mouth apart. [Well? Go ahead, face me with your god form.]

Aaron heaved a deep sigh, his breath escaping slowly, as he began to chant.

"The Outer Dragon God dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance—"

[The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar—]

[The Jet-Black God of Infinity—]

[The Glorious God of Dreams—]

"[[Watch over the true forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries—]]"

"[[Thou shall dance within our perfected radiant inferno!]]"

"[[D ∞ D!! D ∞ D D ∞ D!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!!!!!!"]]

[[D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]

[Dragon ∞ Full Drive!!!!!]

He promptly adorned his [Diabolos Dragon God] armor, and with the completion of his transformation, both he and Malacoda vanished without a sound. In the heart of this ravaged city, their fists collided, unleashing a cataclysmic force that erased the entirety of Russia from the Earth's surface.

Nonetheless, the outcome of this titanic clash was readily apparent—Aaron emerged as the victor, while Malacoda was propelled backward by the sheer force of their collision. Although Malacoda's arm lay shattered in the aftermath of their encounter, he exhibited a rapid regeneration of the injured limb. Regaining his balance, Malacoda's wings shimmered, continuously launching spheres of demonic white and black energy toward Aaron.

In response, Aaron adopted a nonchalant approach, steadily advancing towards Malacoda without bothering to evade, deflect, or raise any defenses against his attacks. This tactic left Malacoda bewildered and uncertain. As the attacks drew perilously close to Aaron's body, a resounding announcement pierced the air.

[Revoke! Revoke! Revoke!]

To Malacoda's astonishment, the onslaught of attacks he had unleashed abruptly dissipated into thin air, leaving Aaron to continue his leisurely saunter toward his perplexed opponent.

[If ranged attacks prove futile, I think it's time to return to close quarters combat, don't you think!?] bellowed Malacoda. He surged toward Aaron, his arm blades gleaming menacingly as he prepared to strike.

"Ascalon," Aaron murmured.


In an instant, the sword known as [Ascalon] emerged from his left arm, and he charged at Malacoda, bringing the blade down in a swift, powerful arc that clashed with Malacoda's arm blades, creating a resounding clash that echoed through the desolate surroundings.

[You use a sword as well? Then let's use them to kill each other!] exclaimed Malacoda with excitement.

The leader of the Malebranche unleashed a flurry of attacks, wielding both of his arm blades relentlessly against Aaron. However, Aaron skillfully evaded and deflected each strike, using the sword that extended from one of his hands.

"Ascalon II!" Aaron exclaimed, his voice echoing through the battleground.

[Blade Two!] The response was swift.

To the astonishment of Malacoda, another Ascalon materialized in Aaron's free hand. He had taken up dual-wielding, and the two combatants wasted no time in engaging each other. Their swords clashed in a frenzied exchange, but the outcome of this power struggle was unmistakable—The Middleman held the upper hand.

Then, in a breathtaking display of agility, Aaron leaped into the air and executed a graceful spin, conjuring a mechanical tail behind him. And at its tip? Another Ascalon! With a swift motion, he struck at Malacoda, catching the demon off guard as the blade made contact with his chest.

"Ghh! You had a third one!?" Malacoda exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Unlimited Blade Works, baby," Aaron retorted, his response bewildering the [Evil Claw] confronting him. Seizing the moment, he engaged his boosters, propelling himself forward with great force. His metallic knee met Malacoda's face in a forceful collision, sending the demon tumbling backward.

Over the course of countless years spent within his personal realm known as the [Pocket Dimension], Aaron had meticulously forged a staggering array of blades. These weapons bore witness to his collaborative efforts with friends spanning a century and his enduring solitude that stretched to an astonishing 10,000 years. Yet, when the time came to confront the formidable adversary, Malacoda, he made a deliberate choice.

Aaron opted to wield the replicas of the legendary [Ascalon] instead, as the other swords he had crafted proved to be excessively formidable. One such example was Ea, a blade drawn from the depths of the Nasuverse. However, Aaron had augmented its capabilities far beyond conventional limits, granting it the power to obliterate the entire multiverse with a single, devastating stroke of its blade.

Malacoda halted himself by forcefully embedding his tail into the ground, then aimed his gaping maw directly at Aaron, unleashing a barrage of demonic energy beams. Yet, rather than relying on his [Revoke] ability, Aaron deftly extended his right arm and cleaved the attack into two, all the while advancing toward Malacoda, who persisted in his relentless beam onslaught. Aaron continued to elegantly dissect the demonic energy projectiles until he stood mere paces away from the demonic entity.

Among the six menacing eyes adorning Malacoda, four of them suddenly illuminated, initiating various demonic effects in Aaron's immediate vicinity. Firstly, a multitude of sinewy appendages sprang forth from the ground, attempting to ensnare his legs, but Aaron effortlessly severed them with his swift swordsmanship. Secondly, the gravitational force surrounding him surged, although Aaron remained unfazed, his body acclimated to such conditions.

Thirdly, Malacoda's sinister eyes sought to lull Aaron into slumber or drowsiness, yet these efforts proved fruitless, for he possessed immunity to such spells and techniques. Lastly, a futile attempt was made to temporarily seal some of Aaron's formidable abilities, only to have it promptly negated.

This represented one of the most potent capabilities of his ocular manifestation in this form, as it could incapacitate most opponents by depriving them of their primary means of combat—be it their demonic powers, magic, or any other supernatural abilities. The exception being Sacred Gears, which remained unaffected.

However, Malacoda remained hesitant to unleash the powers residing within his tails. Having witnessed Aaron easily shrug off the powerful abilities of his eyes, he harbored reservations about employing them, foreseeing their potential ineffectiveness against the indomitable figure standing before him.

As Malacoda contemplated various strategies to defeat Aaron, a mere blink of an eye brought about a startling transformation. In that split second, Aaron, who had stood before him, vanished from sight. Then, in the very next moment, an agonizing sensation surged through Malacoda's body as he felt both of his arms wrench away from his torso.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and made a futile attempt to reattach his severed limbs. To his bewilderment, none of his regenerative or healing abilities seemed to work. Every endeavor to reunite his severed arms with their stumps ended in failure.

[Did you seal my healing abilities?] inquired Malacoda with an air of calm.

"Clearly," replied Aaron without turning around. With a sudden burst of speed, Aaron propelled himself back toward Malacoda, delivering a forceful knee to his adversary's face, forcing the malevolent [Evil Claw] to recoil. Aaron extended his hand, and an invisible force captured Malacoda, ensnaring him within its grasp.

The demonic man struggled relentlessly against the imperceptible restraints, but his efforts proved futile. Those unseen hands gradually sapped his powers, rendering him weaker with each passing moment.

Aaron readied himself for another attack, but before he could strike, two figures descended behind him. One of them was the goddess who had been by his side earlier, Zorya, and the other was Lada, the Goddess of Love from the Slavic Pantheon.

"This is quite the battle, Jin. You've left our country in ruins, a mere shell of its former self," remarked Lada.

"It was a regrettable necessity. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me," replied Aaron, his gaze fixed firmly on Malacoda. "But I'm on the verge of putting an end to this, and with any luck, Vali will do the same. Oh, by the way, would you two be willing to assist me?" he inquired.

"If I can be of help, then I am more than willing," replied Lada. Beside her, Zorya nodded enthusiastically.

"Thank you," Aaron said, still maintaining his intense focus on Malacoda. The demonic entity grinned in response.

Summoning all four of his cannons, Aaron deviated from his usual [∞ Blaster] technique. Instead, he generated a mechanical line that shot forth from his cannons, directing it toward Lada and Zorya.

Both goddesses were perplexed by this unexpected turn of events. Their confusion deepened when the ends of these lines transformed into attachments that snugly fit their chests.

"I will definitely need an explanation for this later," Lada remarked, her cheeks flushed. Zorya, although blushing as well, did not seem particularly bothered by it.

"I promise I'll explain everything," Aaron said, still fixed on Malacoda. "But for now...were you satisfied with our encounter, or would you like to continue our fight?" he asked the [Evil Claw].

[Even if I had continued, I began to realize that it would have been a fruitless endeavor. The chasm in our power was undeniable, and the outcome would have been the same. But yes, I suppose I am satisfied,] replied Malacoda. [I do not mind meeting my end in this manner.]

With a silent nod, Aaron began to charge his cannons, harnessing the power derived from both Zorya and Lada's bosoms.

"[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!!>>]"

[[D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]

"Goodbye, Malacoda," Aaron said, his tone devoid of emotion. "Nyuutron Beam Cannon + ∞ Blaster!"

A dazzling amalgamation of silvery-white and pink draconic energy emanated from all four of his nozzles. The resulting beam was a colossal spectacle, a fusion of two formidable attacks. Zorya boasted a bust size of 92, while Lada's was a close 89, combining to give Aaron an astonishing power level of 181. Triple-digit figures typically heralded an incredibly potent Nyuutron Beam Cannon.

The awe-inspiring beam tore mercilessly through the remaining expanse of Russian landscape, annihilating everything in its path. It was an unrelenting force of nature, and it struck Malacoda with unyielding ferocity. As the torrent of energy engulfed him, he couldn't help but laugh. This brief yet intense battle had filled him with a profound sense of vitality and exhilaration, reminding him of what it truly meant to be alive.

When the ferocious attack finally ceased, the lifeless form of Malacoda crumpled to the ground. Aaron wasted no time, hastening his steps towards the fallen foe, discovering that Malacoda lay in a peculiar state—not entirely deceased, yet far from the vivaciousness of life.

Aaron had deliberately tempered his attack, withholding the full brunt of his power to avoid obliterating the ominous relic known as the [Evil Claw]. He reached out, lightly tapping Malacoda's head, casting a sleeping spell upon him, and then discreetly stashed the incapacitated opponent within his ever-convenient [Inventory].

Lada, her patience evidently frayed by Aaron's audacious use of her chest as a makeshift display surface, requested an explanation from him with an air of disapproval. Aaron dutifully removed his helmet and proceeded to elucidate the intricacies of the technique, resulting in a resigned sigh from Lada. "To have my chest size unveiled in such a manner," she lamented.

Zorya, the inquisitive goddess, couldn't help but query further. "Lada, what exactly do you mean by that?"

Lada's response held no profound revelation, leaving Zorya mildly puzzled. "There is no profound intent behind my words. Did you expect a more eloquent phrasing?" Lada retorted, her gaze fixed firmly upon Zorya, who simply shook her head in response.

"Anyhow, I'll go and—"

The trio abruptly halted their conversation as the sound of applause emanated from behind them. They turned their attention to the source, where a certain distance away stood a devil adorned in a pristine three-piece white suit. His slick platinum blonde hair and piercing green eyes, coupled with a pocket watch nestled in his breast pocket, painted a picture of devilish elegance.

"Zaorama Nebiros…how did you manage to find us here?" Aaron inquired, his tone laden with hostility.

"Fufu, Dual Dragon Emperor, you should never underestimate my talents," Zaorama Nebiros replied calmly. "I possess my own methods of slipping away unnoticed, leaving no trace behind. But rest assured, the team you dispatched to apprehend me is currently locked in a fierce struggle with my elite forces. They remain unharmed."

Turning his attention to the Slavic goddesses, Zaorama Nebiros extended his greetings with a slight bow. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Zaorama Nebiros, a denizen of the Underworld and a member of the Extra Demons. It is indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintance, goddesses of the Slavic realm."

"Shall we engage in a brief discussion, what say you?" Zaorama inquired.

Without uttering a word, Aaron erected a protective barrier encompassing the entirety of Russia. This was to ensure that Zaorama's perception remained obscured, thus preventing any possibility of him using teleportation abilities. Having taken this precaution, Aaron consented to the devil's proposition. "Very well, Zaorama. What subject would you like to broach?"

A wicked grin crept across the devil's countenance. "Excellent! Let's consider discussing the [Dreamer], shall we? I'm interested in learning more about her."

— ○ ● ○ —

[This seems to be a deadlock,] Barbariccia remarked.

"Even in this formidable armor, it appears the [Malebranche] are formidable enemies," Vali commented, his enthusiasm remaining unabated.

Vali Lucifer donned his formidable [Diabolos Dragon Lucifer] armor, while Barbariccia assumed an enchanted form, similar to Malacoda's during his confrontation with Aaron Toole earlier.

Barbariccia, an imposing figure of formidable stature, bore a head that was predominantly bald, save for a striking shock of white hair that traced a precise path down the center, culminating in a lengthy ponytail cascading behind him. His gaze was a deep, almost molten gold, holding the intensity of a man who had seen battles beyond count.

A snow-white beard flowed gracefully from his chin, a testament to age and experience. His physique was a marvel of raw power, every sinew and muscle etched with tales of strength and endurance. Countless black tattoos adorned his skin, each mark telling a story of victories and trials endured.

His attire exuded an aura of warrior-like grandeur. A chain-like belt encircled his waist, clinking softly with each movement. Metallic gauntlets adorned both arms, gleaming like armor. He donned a metallic hangerock, and chains adorned his legs, jingling with each deliberate step.

Completing his ensemble were sturdy brown sandals, the practical choice of a man who lived a life steeped in battles. Barbariccia stood as a living testament to the indomitable spirit of a seasoned warrior.

He appeared less like a demon and more like a human. Even Vali found himself thinking so, especially after witnessing his transformation earlier.

"Well... I suppose it's time to take things up a notch, don't you agree?" Vali inquired with a wide grin on his face.

Barbariccia observed Vali in silence as he distanced himself and produced something rather unexpected. The deputy of the [Evil Claws] was taken aback by the item's presence.

"We do seem to make a good match, but I don't intend to rely on him for the long haul. Nevertheless, it should suffice for today, don't you think?" Vali said, hoisting the item aloft.

Resting in his hands were a pair of crimson-red gloves. These were Rubicante's [Weapon Form] when he assumed the role of an [Evil Claw]. Anyone wielding them gained the power to manipulate flames, control lava, and exert limited control over gravity.

Vali had contemplated using Rubicante for the tournament but had been somewhat hesitant. However, today was the day he'd finally put them to the test in actual combat. He had dedicated several months to honing his skills with them, and he had grown quite proficient in their use.

As he made the fusion, the crimson gloves seamlessly integrated into the silvery-white expanse of his formidable armor. The transformation was nothing short of mesmerizing. His armor's hands and arms, once a pristine shade of silver, now blazed with a vivid crimson hue, as if a fiery heart beat within them.

Among his otherworldly features, his light wings, previously adorned in a serene blend of blue and white, also succumbed to this fiery metamorphosis. Portions of the wings now radiated a passionate crimson, a striking contrast to their former celestial palette. Two of the once-blue gems embedded within his armor gleamed with newfound crimson intensity.

This fusion of crimson into his armor signaled a momentous shift in his powers. His flame manipulation roared hotter, his control over lava surged with molten intensity, and his grasp of gravity manipulation became an irresistible force. With this enhancement, he became an unstoppable force of nature, a living embodiment of fire, power, and might.

[That's where Rubicante went; he truly betrayed us,] mumbled Barbariccia.

Before he could react, a sudden burst of speed emanated from Vali, and his fist crashed into Barbariccia's face, sending him reeling.

The deputy commander of the Malebranche was taken aback by this unexpected burst of speed, but he managed to adjust himself mid-air. However, a torrent of large molten rocks was unleashed in his direction, compelling him to evade, resulting in a nick on his arm that seared with pain.

Barbariccia concentrated his demonic aura, causing his arms to radiate a golden glow. In a swift motion, he reappeared behind Vali. To his astonishment, Vali's wings began to vibrate intensely, altering the gravitational forces around Barbariccia by a staggering factor of 1000, forcing the Evil Claw to plummet to the ground.

Barbariccia couldn't help but be astounded by the level of control and mastery that Vali Lucifer exhibited over Rubicante's formidable abilities. 'Incredible,' he thought to himself, 'as expected of the heir of the illustrious Lucifer bloodline.'


Vali's power surged even further as he unleashed a torrent of silvery-white demonic bullets, fiery orbs, and molten spears at the descending Barbariccia. However, Barbariccia, not to be outdone, intensified his own energy, dispelling gravity's grip on him. At the very last moment, he sprang into the air, skillfully evading the devastating barrage aimed squarely at him.

With both arms locked onto Vali, Barbariccia unleashed swift and potent golden beams towards the youthful Lucifer. Vali, quick on his feet, attempted to employ his [Reflect] ability to fend off the beams. To his astonishment, his defensive move failed, and the beams slammed into his outstretched hands.

The force of the impact sent Vali hurtling backward. Yet, with the aid of his own thrusters and the fiery vortex blazing behind him, he managed to arrest his momentum and redirect the unleashed energy into the heavens. It soared upwards, culminating in a spectacular explosion that bathed the entire Russian sky in a shimmering golden hue.

{Are you alright, Vali?} Albion inquired with concern.

[Don't underestimate Barbariccia's abilities, Vali,] Rubicante cautioned his wielder. [He's the deputy commander for a reason. Keep in mind that he possesses the mindset and heart of a warrior. He'll engage you fairly, without resorting to dirty tricks.]

"I'm fine," Vali responded, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I just didn't expect him to bypass Reflect of all abilities. Besides, Aniki instructed us to capture them because we'll need their assistance for our journey to the Phantasma, along with Evie." He continued to gaze at Barbariccia, who had yet to make a move.


Vali's power surged, reaching new heights as he descended upon Barbariccia with unwavering determination. He drew his arm back, channeling his energy into a focused strike. As he closed in on the menacing Evil Claw, he unleashed his punch. A brilliant golden aura enveloped Barbariccia's form, a testament to the sheer force of their confrontation.

The collision of their punches birthed an awe-inspiring spectacle in the sky. Silvery-white and golden streaks of lightning erupted, tearing through the once tranquil clouds and setting the heavens ablaze. Beneath them, the ocean churned and rose in response, giving birth to colossal waves that dwarfed any before them.

The hapless devils who had ventured too close to this cataclysmic clash paid the ultimate price. The shockwave and titanic surge of power proved overwhelming, their bodies incapable of withstanding the immense forces at play. In an instant, they were extinguished, their existence snuffed out by the cataclysmic forces of Vali and Barbariccia's confrontation.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, every time their attacks collided, both combatants felt indescribable pain course through their body. However, neither wanted to back down from their opponent.

Vali's fists shimmered with silvery-white aura and fiery flames and molten lava—each time his fist and Barbariccia's fists met, the deputy commander was unperturbed, a stoic look on his face, as if he didn't feel the burning sensation on his flesh.

Young Lucifer couldn't help but develop a profound sense of admiration for the human standing before him. Despite being fully aware that the path he was about to embark upon would undoubtedly bring him great pain, he steadfastly maintained a stoic countenance. In recognition of this commitment, he resolved to further augment his power.


He dispatched his wyverns toward Barbariccia, instructing them to employ [Half Dimension] continuously. Additionally, he vibrated his wings, intensifying the gravitational force around Barbariccia even further. This onslaught proved to be even more relentless than the previous one, compelling the bald demonic figure in front of him to descend to the ground once more.

Vali elevated both of his arms, summoning a substantial quantity of demonic energy. Above him, a radiant, silvery-white sphere of aura materialized. He proceeded to infuse the sphere with some of the flames and molten fury borrowed from Rubicante's abilities, thereby amplifying its power to an astonishing degree.

Finally, Vali unleashed the formidable mass of demonic energy, sending it hurtling toward Barbariccia with devastating force. Upon impact, it struck the demon with explosive intensity, scattering an array of diverse elements and colors into the surrounding area, further decimating their already ravaged surroundings.

The very sky and earth quaked as if lamenting the sheer power of the collision, causing the ground beneath their feet to disintegrate, ultimately leaving behind a vast crater in the wake of the ferocious attack.

Vali couldn't help but let out a chuckle; he had anticipated this outcome, yet the reality of it still left him somewhat astonished. After the dissipation of his attack, he glanced down at the deputy commander below, who appeared heavily injured. Chunks of flesh were conspicuously absent from his shoulder and thigh, yet the rest of his body seemed relatively unharmed.

The deputy commander's arms had been thrust forward, a testament to his successful defense against Vali's ferocious assault. Barbariccia released a sigh, his gaze lifting to meet Vali's, a faint smile gracing his features.

[Did he become stronger?] Rubicante pondered aloud. [I'm 99% certain he would have perished had I last seen him a year ago.]

"Regardless—" Vali began, but his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sight of a dazzling beam of silvery-white and pink, slicing through the Russian skies. This spectacle left them momentarily stunned.

Vali's smirk reappeared. "Heh, that's unmistakably Aniki. I suppose he's completed his part; we might as well finish ours."


Vali intensified his strength further, summoning an even greater number of wyverns. He directed them toward Barbariccia, and they circled around the adversary without taking any immediate action.

"Rubicante, Albion, I'll entrust both of you with controlling the gravity manipulation and employing [Half Dimension] on at least half of these wyverns. I have other plans for the remaining half. Just ensure that he doesn't manage to escape."

{[Roger that,]} they both acknowledged in unison.

[Half Dimension! Half Dimension!]

Out of the twelve wyverns under Vali's command, half of them initiated the [Half Dimension] technique on Barbariccia. Simultaneously, the radiant wings behind Vali began to vibrate even more intensely than before, thanks to Rubicante's expert application of gravity manipulation, which compelled the deputy commander to kneel once more.

This time, the effect was markedly more potent, as Barbariccia was considerably more injured. He struggled to regain his footing, grappling with the overwhelming pressure that surpassed his expectations.

'Malacoda was defeated... I had anticipated as much, given his confrontation with the Middleman. I had proposed that we face him together, but Vali Lucifer suddenly intervened, driving me away. I clearly underestimated him, and now, here I am,' Barbariccia reflected.

Vali issued orders to the remaining wyverns to encircle Barbariccia. Once they had taken their positions, he then conjured a silvery-white, demonic energy sphere, taking a deep breath before releasing it. "I'll be borrowing this from you," he declared, letting go of the energy sphere and delivering a powerful punch to propel it toward his wyverns.

[Reflect! Reflect! Reflect! Reflect! Reflect! Reflect!] the wyverns echoed in unison.

Vali's wyverns began to deflect the attack, sending it spiraling around and growing progressively more potent with each reflection. Concurrently, Vali gradually augmented his own strength, preparing to unleash a devastating [Satan Compression Divider] in conjunction with his earlier attack.

'Rubicante, can you create a massive ball of flames above Barbariccia and then drop it on him?' Vali communicated telepathically.

[Easily!] Rubicante responded. An enormous sphere of flames materialized above Barbariccia and hung ominously in the air, poised for action.

Not wanting this to be his end, Barbariccia used the last of his power to push himself up and stand defiantly against Vali Lucifer. He didn't not want to go down without fighting until the end, so conjuring the golden aura around him, he brought his hands to the side and amassed a small golden ball.

After a few seconds of silence, both of them were ready. Vali's demonic ball was reflected back to him and he punched it again, this time, it exploded into a silvery-white stream that quickly flew towards Barbariccia. At the same time, Vali signaled for Rubicante to drop his attack, and the fiery ball of destruction that had floated above Barbariccia began to fall down.

At the same time, Barbariccia unleashed his attack, a torrent of golden demonic brilliance flew towards Vali's attack. Both attacks collided in the middle, creating a small explosion and vacuum that attempted to suck everything into it.

However, to both of the surprise, Barbariccia with one final shout, let his golden aura surge and it stopped the fiery ball from hitting him, it hit his aura instead, surprising everyone there.

[Holy shit!] exclaimed Rubicante.

"{He's quite persistent,}" Albion and Vali said in union.

"But…we're not done yet," Vali added, smirking.


Pointing his arm unwaveringly at Barbariccia, Vali unfurled the ultimate torrent of demonic radiance. Streams of silvery-white and jet-black light intertwined seamlessly, surging with incredible velocity toward the sinister force known as the [Evil Claw]. These luminous strands of power coalesced with Vali's previous attack, merging together and compressing Barbariccia's demonic aura ceaselessly until it was no more.

Not only did Vali's onslaught dismantle Barbariccia's formidable aura, but it also cleared the way for all of Vali's attacks to reach their intended target. The culmination of this overpowering force resulted in a colossal explosion that reverberated through the very fabric of the world. A towering pillar, adorned with hues of crimson, silvery-white, and jet-black, ascended into the atmosphere, parting the veils of the heavens above.

As the dust and smoke gradually dissipated, Barbariccia's prone form lay sprawled upon the ground, his body rendered unconscious and immobile—a testament to Vali Lucifer's triumph. Vali descended to the earth, his breath coming slightly labored, yet his determination unwavering, allowing him to remain ready for further combat.

With deliberate precision, he conjured anti-magic restraints and secured them around the still form of Barbariccia. Vali yearned to continue the battle, but he understood the necessity of transporting his defeated foe to their designated location—a prison cell awaited Barbariccia. Exhaling a resigned sigh, he turned his gaze in the direction of his brother.

"Yet another devil's signature. I wonder, who could it be?" Vali mused aloud. "Should I stay to witness their battle?"

Albion, his ever-present and sagacious partner, offered counsel. {It would be more prudent to remove this opponent promptly. Afterward, you can proceed in your quest to find more of the [Malebranche]. Only two have met defeat thus far; there may be other Longinus wielders in dire straits. Should they require aid, you can step in on their behalf.}

Vali nodded in agreement. "Very well. This won't take much time. We'll maintain this form, as I can sustain it for a continuous two-year span. Let's god."

With that decision, Vali took flight, departing from the scene, his mission clear: to ensure the safe incarceration of Barbariccia and to remain vigilant for any other battles that required his intervention.

— ○ ● ○ —

High in the Irish skies, above Dublin, a dedicated group of individuals stood vigilant, guarding their homeland. They did so because the powerful barrier, initially created by the Millstein family and Aaron (before his transformation), had been temporarily deactivated at the gods' request.

At this very moment, Ireland faced a dire threat. Two formidable Super Devils from Zaorama Nebiros had launched an assault, joined by two descendants of the Satanic bloodlines. The situation was dire, and tensions ran high.

Amongst the invaders, a Super Devil named Zephiron, a male with a burning spirit, couldn't contain his excitement. He eagerly exclaimed, "Khhh! I have the chance to take on Lugh! What an unexpected delight!" This battle in the Irish skies held the fate of their land in the balance, a critical moment in their history.

His appearance was quite distinctive, defined by a unique mane of vibrant green hair that framed his face. Adding to this striking look was a crimson bandana featuring an intricate white checkered pattern, worn with an effortless sense of style.

His overall visage carried an enigmatic quality, notably due to his mismatched eyes. One eye shone in a deep shade of azure, while the other held a mesmerizing regal purple hue.

When it came to his choice of clothing, he opted for an outfit that perfectly balanced simplicity and sharpness. A crisp white shirt covered his upper body, its immaculate simplicity providing an intriguing contrast to his more colorful features. Below, he wore sleek black pants that complemented his lean and agile physique. These pants were paired with meticulously polished black boots, a choice that reflected his sense of style and purpose.

Adorning his right arm was a small yet captivating tattoo, featuring his personal demonic magic circle. This symbol served as both a testament to the formidable demonic powers he possessed and a mark of his distinct identity.

Lugh found himself locked in a relentless battle with the formidable Super Devil before him, and a sigh of frustration escaped his lips. He marveled at how this untamed and spirited challenger managed to keep up with his own strength, even though he restrained himself, wielding just 80% of his full might.

In response, Zephiron, the relentless challenger, unleashed a torrent of viridescent demonic aura attacks, hurling them relentlessly towards Lugh. However, the valiant defender of Ireland, wielding the Spear of Assal, deftly sliced through the onslaught with practiced ease. This did not surprise Zephiron, for he anticipated that gods should possess the power to engage him on an equal footing.

Yet, much like Lugh, Zephiron held back some of his own strength, utilizing only 90% of his formidable power. Furthermore, he had yet to employ his unique innate trait, a gift bestowed upon him at birth. Both combatants remained cautious, testing the limits of each other's capabilities and reserving a substantial reservoir of untapped potential. It was a tense dance of power, as they gauged and probed, eager to discover the true extent of their opponent's might.

Out of nowhere, glowing spears of light suddenly materialized in their vicinity. These radiant weapons swiftly closed in on Zephiron, prompting him to react with agility, dodging their oncoming thrusts. However, as he skillfully evaded the luminous onslaught, a realization dawned upon him—he possessed an overwhelming strength that far surpassed the power of these attacks.

With newfound confidence, Zephiron decided to change tactics. He ceased his evasive maneuvers and, instead, met the oncoming barrage head-on. With a single, resounding punch, he shattered the luminous spears, their ethereal forms crumbling and dissipating into the ether. Zephiron's formidable might had triumphed over the unexpected assault, leaving him unscathed and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Who made these?" He sneered, a hint of contempt in his voice. "Some weakling, I guess? Why even bother when they know the big difference in our strength? Tch, how stupid," he muttered, irritation evident as he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Lugh, the steadfast god, was not alone. Behind him, two stalwart members of the Millstein family emerged—Emma and Anastasia. Accompanying them was Emma's faithful companion, Celine. Both witches stood poised, their staffs held firmly, ready to lend their support to Lugh.

With an air of haughtiness, the arrogant devil received a stern rebuke from Lugh himself. "They are not weaklings; they form the very backbone of this country and deserve respect, young one."

Undeterred, the devil named Zephiron declared, "Whatever. I'll kill them first so we can resume our battle!" In a blur of movement, he utilized his incredible speed to materialize behind the Millstein duo, conjuring four colossal crescent-shaped wind blades poised to strike.

"Die!" he snarled with a wicked grin, releasing the razor-sharp wind blades towards the two women before him.

A resolute female voice thundered with authority, a clear cry of defiance that filled the air. The power of her determination manifested as aura slashes, imbued with a chilling ice and an eerie, ghostly radiance. These ethereal forces found their mark, striking Zephiron and his attacks with unerring precision. The impact was devastating, obliterating his vicious attacks and sending the Super Devil hurtling away, vanquished by the combined might of the otherworldly strikes.

The savior responsible for this miraculous intervention approached Emma and Anastasia with a warm, friendly smile. It was Aoife Murphy, a dear friend, sensing a change in the emotions of her companions, she had swiftly come to their aid.

"Are you both alright?" Aoife inquired, genuine concern in her voice, as she stood by her two friends.

"We're perfectly fine, thank you," replied Anastasia, her daughter Emma nodding in agreement beside her.

Celine, their faithful companion, expressed her exasperation with a tired sigh. "Honestly, what a rude devil. Who would resort to attacking others simply because they are weaker?" she questioned, her frustration evident.

However, before their discussion could progress any further, a sudden burst of vibrant green aura reverberated through the picturesque landscapes of Ireland. This potent energy surge shook the very foundations of the country, causing numerous buildings in the vicinity of Dublin to crumble and collapse under the sheer force of this unleashed power. And at the heart of this chaotic spectacle stood none other than Zephiron, a malicious grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Another bitch to fight, huh!?" He roared, a lecherous grin playing across his face. "She's not half bad looking, but whatever. Let's have some fun then!" With those words, he let out a hearty bellow, and an unusual phenomenon began to unfold. The tattoo etched on his arm began to emit an eerie, radiant glow that rapidly enveloped his entire body. Concurrently, his power surged to new, astonishing heights, leaving everyone astounded, except for Aoife.

Amidst the unfolding spectacle, Aoife found herself hovering there, grappling with a single, pressing question: should she intervene, disrupting this transformation, or allow it to proceed, so she could witness its full extent firsthand?

Her curiosity about the extent of his power urged her to let it unfold. In the midst of her contemplation, another seismic tremor rippled through the land, sending shockwaves across most of Europe. It signified that Zephiron had successfully completed his transformation, and the outcome of this encounter was about to take an even more formidable turn.

Zephiron levitated gracefully, his head adorned with a crown of radiant green thorns. Two elegant, spiraling green horns extended from his forehead, framing his face, while his ears had elongated into sharp, pointy tips.

Although his attire remained unaltered, a conspicuous change had taken place. A resplendent red tail now trailed behind him, casting a striking contrast to his existing appearance. His eyes, previously unremarkable, had transformed into menacing orbs, radiating an unsettling glow as they bore into his opponents.

"With this," Zephiron boldly declared, his voice resonating with confidence, "I am now at the full apex of my power! Behold, for I, the mighty Zephiron, shall bring ruin upon your homeland!" He punctuated his proclamation with a release of his overwhelming power, allowing it to surge and fill the air, an ominous aura that sent shivers down his fellow devil's spines.

In response, the two Millsteins and Lugh were forcibly pushed backward, struggling against the sheer force that Zephiron unleashed. Meanwhile, Aoife floated serenely, seemingly unperturbed by the display of power before her.

In that moment, a pivotal question played upon her thoughts: Should she swiftly put an end to this confrontation, or should she take a measured approach to understand the extent of Zephiron's abilities? While she harbored a curiosity about the latter, practicality prevailed as she realized that three other powerful opponents awaited their challenge.

Amidst the unfolding drama, another Super Devil engaged Róisín and Cindy, watched over by a contingent of vigilant Shadow Soldiers, ensuring that no harm befell them. This was because Aaron was concerned for his mother, so kept a close watch over the proceedings using them.

"I will—!" Zephiron began to exclaim, ready to assert his dominance.

"Eh, I might as well conclude this," Aoife declared, causing a bewildered hush to fall upon the onlookers.

"Huh? End it? You? Please, I am the pinnac—"

In an astonishing display of speed that only Lugh could barely perceive, Aoife executed a graceful maneuver. With unparalleled speed, she glided towards Zephiron, leaving everyone else baffled by her velocity.

In one seamless motion, she manifested a gleaming blade crafted from ice, imbued with her formidable aura. Without hesitation, she cleaved through Zephiron, instantly terminating what might have been an epic battle.

An all-encompassing silence seemed to blanket the battlefield, as if everyone required a few moments to process the astonishing turn of events. In the blink of an eye, Aoife transitioned from being at her allies' side to standing behind Zephiron, a blade of ice drenched in his blood, as the echoes of a solitary 'shing' reverberated through the air.

Zephiron's words were left unfinished, his body cleaved in twain. He couldn't fathom the ease with which his life had been extinguished, a devil who had wielded the power of gods, brought to a humbling and abrupt end.

Aoife turned around, her usual cheerfulness shining through as she remarked, "Now that he's gone, how about we join the others? I sense that those three devils are pretty powerful. I'll head over to meet up with Vita since she's facing one of them alongside Cana."

With boundless energy, she took off without waiting for their response, leaving them in a state of bewilderment over what had just occurred.

"I had no idea Aoife possessed such power... I mean, I watched her play in the tournament games, but to take down someone of that strength with a single blow is a bit... well, it feels almost surreal," mused Emma, her mother nodding in agreement by her side.

"Regardless," Lugh inquired, "what will you two do?"

"We'll accompany you, Lord Lugh," replied Anastasia, with Emma concurring.

"Very well, then. Let's embark on our journey," Lugh declared, and together, they set off to find another foe.

— ○ ● ○ —

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