Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 13 – Part 4 – The Partial Fall of the Malebranche

Third Person Point of View

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It felt like she had been wandering through a foggy world for an eternity. Her life had led her down this desolate path, but then a hand reached out to her, a hand she had never expected to see again. Beside it was another hand, one she had only heard of in the past year. With both hands extended to help her, she chose to grasp them, and they pulled her out of the fog that had enveloped her for so long.

With her newfound strength, she made a resolute decision. She had witnessed the unspeakable acts that had been done to her, and the memories haunted her for weeks. Even then, she pressed on, dedicating herself to relentless training, striving to grow stronger. Her determination burned bright, fueled by the desire to end that dark chapter of her life, and she knew she wouldn't have to face it alone, for her sister stood by her side.

Together, they pledged to exact revenge on those who had inflicted such pain upon her—a revenge measured not in kind, but a hundredfold.

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Scathach and Aífe had successfully located their intended targets. Aaron understood that both sisters had specific individuals in their sights for today's mission. Thus, he refrained from assigning them to any particular group or location, fully aware that they were on a personal quest to hunt down the two devils they sought to eliminate.

A voice broke through the tense silence, a devil's voice dripping with sarcasm and malevolence. "Hmm? Oh, what an unexpected delight," the devil remarked with a sinister chuckle. "Two goddesses, part of the revered Irish Pantheon, have graced us with their presence... hmm? Haha... hahahaha! And to add to the amusement, one of them is the very same deity we once held captive, quite some time ago. Isn't it intriguing? Have you returned to us, my dear? Did you long for the familiar sensation?"

Another devil chimed in, his tone equally laced with cruelty and dark humor. "...One might have assumed that the tormented soul would steer clear of her abductors, but I suppose we've woven a twisted web in her mind, one that led her back to our doorstep. Truly, the world works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?"

Neither of the sisters responded, but an unmistakable animosity simmered within them, directed squarely at the two devils—these were none other than the original Lucifer and Beelzebub. Their sinister intent had led them to launch an audacious attack on the Vatican, only to be thwarted just as they stood on the cusp of infiltrating the city's confines.

"Come now, I will—" The original Lucifer's attempt to communicate was abruptly interrupted, his voice silenced by a foot that brutally crushed his throat. He was sent hurtling through the air, and the assailant swiftly followed suit.

In response to this alarming turn of events, the remaining figure, the original Beelzebub, readied himself for what was to come. However, he too fell victim to a surprise attack, as a powerful fist struck him squarely in the stomach, expelling the very breath from his lungs. His trajectory through the air differed from his companion's, and both devils found themselves utterly defenseless, caught unawares by the sudden attacks.

Aífe, the one who had dealt a decisive blow to the original Lucifer, had a deep-seated desire to personally vanquish and put an end to his existence. On the other hand, it was Scathach who had delivered a powerful strike to Beelzebub.

Aaron had already informed both Aífe and Scathach that they possessed the temporary ability to resurrect their adversaries, granting them the liberty to engage in repeated confrontations with their foes. He was well aware that they might exploit this newfound power to vent their pent-up anger, a course of action he wholeheartedly endorsed.

In the heat of the battle, Aífe launched her spear towards Lucifer, who hastily conjured a powerful, demonic defensive barrier in a desperate bid to protect himself. To his dismay, the spear effortlessly pierced through the demonic shield and found its mark, impaling Lucifer's outstretched hand and eliciting a sharp cry of pain.

Mocking words dripped like venom from Aífe's lips as she taunted her adversary, "Is this the extent of the mighty Lucifer's power? Your descendant displays far greater strength than you, a pitiable weakling."

In response, Lucifer snapped back, his voice laced with a sinister grin, "Do not belittle me, girl! I was the one who provided you with 'pleasure' for months on end during your time as our captive!"

Aífe's visage contorted with fury, but a calming voice resonated in her mind, urging restraint and resilience against Lucifer's cruel taunts. 'Whatever he says, do not let his words sway you. He will attempt to exploit the fact that you endured prolonged suffering at their hands to provoke hasty decisions fueled by emotion.'

Aífe drew in a quick, deep breath and let it out slowly. "Your taunts," she declared, her voice unwavering, "won't sway me." With that resolute statement, she summoned a legion of Celtic-style magic circles, an intricate tapestry of ancient symbols unfurling behind her, and set loose a barrage of magical attacks directed at Lucifer.

Lucifer, still skewered by her spear, retaliated with his own demonic magic circles, sending forth malevolent demonic attacks to counter hers. The two formidable masses of magical force clashed violently, resulting in an explosive display of power. Lucifer, grimacing, managed to extract the spear from his impaled hand, but he soon discovered that it resisted his attempts to break it. With a resigned shrug, he casually tossed the weapon aside.

Undaunted, Aífe exhibited her mastery over the mystical weapon. With a mere wave of her hand, she beckoned her spear back to her grasp, and without hesitation, she dashed toward Lucifer once more, launching a relentless flurry of thrusts in his direction.

However, the original Lucifer displayed his own prowess. He summoned a radiant sword, composed of ethereal light, wielding it deftly in response to her onslaught. It was a manifestation of his clan's distinctive trait—the [Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light]. His impeccable swordsmanship caught Aífe by surprise, albeit momentarily.

In a fit of maniacal rage, Lucifer's voice rang out, twisted and unhinged, as he bellowed, "Hehehahaha! Did you honestly believe I would sit idly by after my humiliating defeat at the hands of that gargantuan lizard last year!? Think again, you wretch!" His words dripped with venom, a madman's derisive laughter echoing through the battlefield.

"Amateur swordsmanship means nothing," she retorted with conviction. In a single, swift upward swing of her spear, she shattered the luminous sword created by Lucifer, leaving him astounded and perplexed.

"What—how is this possible!? How can my trait—ugh!" Lucifer's words were cut short as Aífe unleashed a point-blank blast with her touki, aimed squarely at his face, sending him hurtling away.

She had no desire to hear any more of his words. Lucifer crashed through several trees, but his resilience proved evident as he quickly rose to his feet. His face bore the evidence of the encounter, marred by bleeding wounds, and his frown deepened.

With a heavy sigh, he covered his injured face with his left hand as Aífe landed gracefully in front of him. "It appears you've grown significantly stronger since our last encounter," Lucifer admitted begrudgingly. He recalled how Aífe had stood by Scathach's side during the tournament, a clear indicator of her newfound prowess. "Very well, I shall take you seriously," he muttered to himself.

A palpable transformation swept over Lucifer, as a different aura, one reminiscent of his [Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light], enveloped his form. His countenance grew more severe, and he regarded Aífe with a cold, unyielding gaze.

"I shall demonstrate why I once led the original Satans," he declared, a sly smirk playing upon his lips. "With my newfound powers, I shall not merely kill you—no, I shall bring you back under my control," he continued, phrasing it in a way that implied a return to the dark and sinister deeds of their shared past.

Without waiting for Lucifer to fully power up, Aífe charged forward. She deftly spun her spear in her hands, imbued it with touki, and conjured a small, draconic figure reminiscent of Aaron's dragon form. With a deft leap, she hurled it towards Lucifer, whose grin remained unyielding.

A devastating explosion engulfed the area as the two forces collided. A faint visage of a dragon soared briefly into the sky before vanishing. The sheer force of the attack sent Aífe reeling backward. Summoning her spear back to her hands, she landed some distance away from the epicenter. In its wake, the once-wooded landscape lay in ruin, obliterated by the ferocity of her attack.

Aífe's gaze remained locked on the very spot where Lucifer had been standing mere moments ago. Her instincts flared with a dire warning, urging her to move swiftly, and so she heedlessly leaped away, narrowly evading the onslaught that followed. What had once been her location now lay in ruins, obliterated by a relentless deluge of ethereal light and malevolent, demonic swords.

Gracefully touching down once more, Aífe found herself confronted by an unexpected menace. Enormous serpentine creatures, comprised of radiant light yet imbued with sinister, demonic aura, emerged from the very earth itself. With their cavernous maws agape, they unleashed potent elemental attacks aimed directly at her.

Quick thinking was her ally in this dire moment. She deftly swung her trusty spear, successfully parrying some of the incoming assaults. On the opposing front, she wove her magical prowess into a defensive barrier, erecting a protective circle that deflected the remainder of the attacks.

Nevertheless, the relentless assault of the luminous, demonic serpents left her with no choice but to slam her foot forcefully into the ground. This decisive action brought forth a cascade of elemental blades, which sprang forth from the earth, cleaving through the encroaching enemies with deadly precision.

Yet, the battle raged on unabated. Once more, Aífe found herself compelled to take evasive action, her nimble form soaring through the air to escape the relentless onslaught. Gazing skyward, she was greeted by a truly harrowing sight.

Millions upon millions of demonic magic circles had materialized in the heavens above, a formidable display orchestrated by none other than Lucifer himself. His condescending grin was unmistakable, an ominous harbinger of the impending chaos, as he nonchalantly gestured for the full brunt of his devastating arsenal to be unleashed upon Aífe.

Faced with seemingly no escape, Aífe charged ahead, summoning her own magic circles behind her and launching them toward Lucifer's menacing attack. She poured every ounce of her magical prowess into destroying each and every magical attack directed at her, using her spear and magic, tirelessly slicing them apart. Her ultimate objective: Lucifer himself, who remained rooted in place, an inscrutable smirk gracing his features.

Aífe's relentless barrage of magic attacks relentlessly tore through the attacks, slicing apart anything that dared stand in her path. Despite enduring a barrage of injuries along the way, she inched ever closer to Lucifer, whose grin had expanded even further than before.

"Impressive, but victory is mine," Lucifer murmured, nonchalantly pointing his finger and arm skyward. Above them materialized a colossal sword of radiant light, a creation of his [Demonic Brilliance of Evil Light] ability. "Fear not, for we of the Khaos Order possess our own means of resurrection, and we shall mold your very essence to serve our cause," he declared, his grin never wavering.

With a swift motion, Lucifer aimed his arm downward, directing a colossal attack toward Aífe.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaarrggggghhhh!" Aífe unleashed a thunderous roar, drawing upon her deepest reservoirs of power. She aimed her spear toward the titanic lance of light hurtling toward her. "Sis... I'm going to borrow this move from you... Gae Bolg...!"

The spear shot forward, intercepting Lucifer's mighty assault. The clash between their attacks produced a shockwave of such immense force that it obliterated the remnants of their previous magical attacks and sent them both hurtling through the air.

Aífe hit the ground with a resounding thud but quickly rose to her feet. Determination etched across her face, she extended her hand toward her trusty spear, seeking to infuse it with more power. However, Lucifer wasted no time, soaring toward her and conjuring his sword once more.

"Tch! You're so damn persistent!" Aífe exclaimed, growing increasingly irritated by her current opponent.

"I desire your very being, my dear. Reclaiming my plaything is only natural!" Lucifer retorted, his perverse grin persisting, a sight that only fueled Aífe's disgust.

Aífe shrouded her form in the potent essence of touki, her determination palpable, as she thrust her clenched fist towards Lucifer's formidable sword. The convergence of their forces sent forth a modest shockwave, though what astonished Lucifer was the sight before him—a goddess, visibly injured, yet resolute in her defiance.

'How? How can she persist in resisting me? She surrendered to despair so readily all those years ago!' A seething fury ignited within Lucifer as he grappled with the enigma of Aífe's indomitable spirit. "Fall! Why won't you yield!?" he demanded, his rage laid bare.

A subtle, self-assured smirk danced upon Aífe's lips as she elegantly sidestepped a menacing swipe from Lucifer. In a graceful, swift maneuver, she retaliated by delivering a deft punch to his chin, momentarily stunning the devil. Her arm ascended once more, channeling her inner power into her spear, which erupted in a dazzling burst of divine energy.

"Why?" she echoed, her smile undaunted as she met Lucifer's fiery gaze. "Because I've encountered individuals younger than myself, possessing a will that could move mountains. They've endured lifetimes of hardships, yet the ember of hope in their hearts never wavered. If I were to falter now, to succumb to despair, I would become less than them! A a devil devoid of demonic power, another overshadowed by a remarkable dragon senior! Yet, they've persevered."

In her mind's eye, a procession of youthful devils flickered, their faces etched with resilience. Her thoughts drifted to her own sister, Scathach, who had secluded herself in the Land of Shadows, dedicating countless eons to self-improvement and penance. The notion of losing her sister was a burden too heavy to bear.

And then there was Aaron Toole, the catalyst of this transformative journey. Aífe's relationship with him was amicable, marked by profound respect, especially after uncovering the depths of his past. She had once found it perplexing how he maintained his unwavering resolve, but she eventually realized that the young man possessed an unparalleled resilience.

He had a deep-rooted desire, a burning passion within him. He didn't want anyone else to endure the pain he had experienced. He couldn't bear the thought of anyone feeling the same anguish that had consumed him. Therefore, he devoted all his strength and determination to one noble goal: to bring happiness to people's lives, to craft a world where every face could break into a genuine smile.

Lucifer, unable to fathom the sentiment behind Aífe's words, scowled deeply. "What kind of drivel is this!? It's a facade! You are my inferior in power—!" His protest was abruptly silenced by an explosion overhead, propelling them apart. "What in the...?"

Both combatants regained their footing, their eyes drawn upwards. A grin crept across Aífe's face as she observed the detonation of the two powerful attacks above, resulting in a perfect stalemate. With a swift calculation, she seized the opportunity and launched herself towards Lucifer, who struggled to react in time.

Her fist found its mark, striking Lucifer's chest with an earth-shattering boom that reverberated across the land. Coughing up blood, Lucifer's ribs crumbled under the immense force of the blow, sending him hurtling away. Aífe, her breath audible, knelt briefly before mustering the strength to rise, trembling slightly.

In mockingly triumphant jest, she gestured with her fingers at the reeling Lucifer. "What's the matter, Lucifer? Can't keep going?"

Lucifer's furious roar echoed through the air, his aura growing darker and more foreboding than Aífe had ever witnessed before. In a stealthy move, he closed the distance between them with the grace of an assassin, catching the goddess off guard. "Die," he hissed, wielding a sword now tainted with a sinister shade of dark purple as he thrust it toward her chest.

Aífe, frozen in that moment, resigned herself to what seemed an inevitable demise. Her original intent had been to confront Lucifer, but she had not anticipated the sheer extent of his power.

Just as she braced herself for the fatal blow, a powerful, earth-shaking explosion erupted right before her, sending Lucifer hurtling away. The impact had left his right side numb and dispelled the malevolent aura that had enveloped him.

Aífe's eyes fluttered open, and upon seeing a familiar face, a tired smile graced her lips. "Aaron," she whispered softly, before her strength gave way, causing her to slump forward. With swift reflexes, Aaron caught her, a warm smile playing on his lips.

"Excellent work. Leave the rest to me, although I'll need to enhance your power further in the future," he remarked, eliciting a quiet chuckle from Aífe. He promptly healed her before turning his attention back to the furious Lucifer.

With newfound strength and stamina, Aífe rose unsteadily to her feet beside him. "Wait, I know you said to leave it to you, but I'm not ready to stop fighting," she declared, her expression thoughtful. "And what about your opponents in Russia?"

Aaron briefly glanced at Aífe, then redirected his gaze toward the still-scowling Lucifer. "Oh, the two Nekoshou sisters are handling it, aided by Lada, a goddess from the Slavic Pantheon," he responded calmly. "Zorya accompanied me here and is now providing assistance to Scathach."

"Will they be okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Yeah, Zorya's got some real power, even without training, and Scathach, she's even stronger. When you stack them up against the original Beelzebub and his current strength, the Satan doesn't stand a chance," he answered, his confidence unwavering.

Then, Aaron extended his hand toward Aífe, inviting her with a purpose. "You want to give him a good beating, don't you? I can tap into that future power you've got, and we can take him on together," he offered.

Aífe smiled in response, her determination evident. Without hesitation, she took his hand, and Aaron channeled her future power, temporarily elevating her abilities to an astounding level, an [Outer God – Ex]. Aífe felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through her as this newfound strength coursed through her veins.

With a release of her hand, Aaron pointed forward, encouraging her, "Go and beat the shit out of him!" He then summoned her spear once more, infusing it with an even more potent energy before placing it in her hands.

She spun her spear with grace, then swiftly charged toward Lucifer. The two of them were taken aback when Aífe seemingly teleported behind him. Before Lucifer could even react, Aífe unleashed a powerful kick to the side of his head, sending him hurtling away. Clutching her spear tightly, she aimed it at him and let it fly.

The sheer force behind the throw was so immense that it demolished everything in its path, even surprising Aífe herself. "I didn't use that much strength... Is this the power that Cindy and the [Electa] possess?" she pondered aloud, astounded by her newfound capabilities.

The spear found its mark, causing excruciating pain to surge through Lucifer as it pierced his most sensitive area, his genitals. Even Aaron couldn't help but wince at the sight.

"Oof, that's gotta hurt," Aaron muttered, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he witnessed Lucifer's agony.

Lucifer, however, was not one to stay silent. "You... you... bitch!" he bellowed, his futile attempts to remove the spear only amplifying his suffering.

Aífe, reveling in Lucifer's torment, pulled the spear away from him, and the act unleashed another torrent of anguished screams from him. Swiftly, she closed the distance between them, launching a relentless series of thrusts towards Lucifer. He attempted to shield himself using his demonic magic circles, but they crumbled under Aífe's attack, leaving his body punctured repeatedly.

A vicious spin-kick sent Lucifer plummeting toward the ground, creating a formidable shockwave upon impact. Aífe, her spear poised for the final blow, descended upon Lucifer, her aim precise, the spear's tip stopping just inches from his heart. Lucifer, struggling to speak amid the blood filling his throat, gurgled incomprehensible words.

With grim determination, Aífe unleashed a barrage of point-blank touki shots at the weakened Lucifer. His feeble resistance lasted only moments before his body succumbed to limpness.

Surveying her handiwork, Aífe considered the question posed by Aaron, who had landed behind her. "Are you going to end it?"

A sinister glint danced in Aífe's eyes as she conjured shackles, binding Lucifer's hands, arms, legs, and ankles. "Yes," she replied darkly. "But... I can bring him back endlessly... so I intend to savor this for a while."

Aaron sighed and patted her head before turning to leave. "I'll go check on Scathach and Zorya. Take your time."

With a nod, Aífe thrust her spear into Lucifer's heart, extinguishing his life in an instant. Then, invoking her resurrection ability, she restored him to life. Lucifer, his eyes wide with shock, stared at her in disbelief.

"...One death out of a thousand," Aífe hissed, her voice dripping with malevolence. "Let's continue, shall we? I can't wait to feed you your own balls, Satan Lucifer."

Lucifer's face contorted in terror as a guttural scream tore through the air, marking the start of his dire situation.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Looks like my sister managed to take down the mighty Lucifer," Scathach remarked, her foot firmly planted on Beelzebub's chest. By her side stood Zorya, her gun aimed at the fallen Satan. "But you, you were quite underwhelming, weren't you?"

Beelzebub could do nothing but scowl at the two women looming over him. Their attention shifted abruptly as applause filled the air. Turning towards the source, they laid eyes on Aaron Toole.

"Nice work, Sca-Sca. Didn't expect you to wrap it up so quickly," Aaron chuckled to himself.

Scathach raised an eyebrow, her amusement evident. "Lord, I'd prefer you call me by my name or a more fitting pet name than 'Sca-Sca.' Can you come up with something better?"

Curiosity filled Aaron as he inquired, "Are you planning to subject him to the same kind of torture that Aífe is inflicting upon Lucifer right now?"

Scathach pondered for a moment before turning to Zorya. "Well, Zorya, can you shoot him in the head?" she asked.

Zorya hesitated before responding, "Are you sure?"

"Mmm. I can revive him. I've been granted that ability just for today by Aaron," Scathach explained with a sly smile.

With a nod, Zorya pulled the trigger of her magical gun, and the enchanted bullet ended Beelzebub's life. However, in an instant, Scathach tapped the ground with her spear, and the fallen Satan was brought back to life.

"Did my sister mention any particular methods of torture for Lucifer?" Scathach inquired of Aaron.

"Hmm... something about making him eat his own... well, you know, balls," Aaron replied, his words causing Beelzebub's face to turn pale.

Scathach nodded with a knowing look before taking swift action, delivering a painful strike to Beelzebub's nether regions. The unfortunate man beneath them let out a howl of agony as he began to bleed. Using her magical prowess, Scathach caused the severed parts to levitate, and with Aaron's assistance in keeping Beelzebub's mouth open, she shoved them into him and compelled him to chew on the grotesque morsels before forcing him to swallow.

The original Beelzebub couldn't bear the humiliation, and he retched uncontrollably, unable to come to terms with what he had just endured and he lost consciousness.

Aaron, observing the bizarre scene, couldn't help but offer a somewhat sympathetic comment. "I almost pity him. Well, I'll be on my way to check on the others. Take your time with"

With a wicked grin, Scathach responded, "That was my original plan, after all." Another malevolent smirk played upon her lips as she turned her attention to Zorya, who was visibly horrified by the gruesome spectacle. "Will you stay, or will you go with Aaron?"

Zorya vigorously shook her head, her eyes filled with warmth and urgency, and she hurried over to Aaron, wrapping him in a tight embrace. Her affectionate display drew a light chuckle from Scathach, who watched with amusement.

With Zorya and Aaron leaving the scene, Scathach's attention returned to the unconscious Beelzebub. She wasted no time, her boot delivering a firm kick to rouse him from his slumber.

"Now, let's see... how about we repeat this delightful process two thousand times?" she mused with a twisted smile. Overwhelmed by shock, Beelzebub lost consciousness again, leading Scathach to comment, "My, what a feeble-willed devil."

— ○ ● ○ —

<<I didn't anticipate that [The True Dog God] and [Hound Slasher] would prove to be this weak,>> Tobio remarked with a hint of disappointment in his voice. <<Both of you are taking me on simultaneously, and yet, your lack of teamwork is painfully evident. It's rather disheartening to witness, you know.>>

Tobio stood there, resolute and unyielding, encased in his formidable Balance Breaker, confronting a pair of [Malebranche] opponents who had ventured into Japan. These two infernal beings, Cagnazzo, known as The True Dog God, and Graffiacane, bearing the ominous title of Hound Slasher, shared a common objective—to vanquish the formidable [Slash Dog].

However, much like the majority of their fellow [Malebranche], the concept of cooperation seemed to elude them entirely. Their deficiency in coordination was palpable. The only semblance of unity they exhibited occurred under the strict command of their leader, Malacoda. Yet, what they remained blissfully unaware of was that Malacoda had met his defeat and capture, a revelation hidden from the rest of the [Malebranche].

[Don't become overconfident, human,] Cagnazzo warned with a stern gaze fixed on Tobio, his sword held firmly in his hand. The blade emitted an eerie, crimson glow that matched the intensity in his eyes.

He continued, [I've been restraining myself all this time, thanks to this fool.] Cagnazzo's words carried a weight of frustration as he prepared for what lay ahead.

In stark contrast to his fellow Malebranche, Cagnazzo was a striking figure, resembling a humanoid dog swathed in a suit of jet-black armor. His helmet, a menacing visage, bore an intriguing feature—an opening that contorted into the semblance of a snarling mouth, with an eerie, crimson glow that mirrored the intensity of his piercing red eyes. His long, cascading white hair flowed gracefully down his back, a striking contrast to the darkness of his armored form.

A crimson scarf draped elegantly around his neck, a vibrant splash of color amid the monochrome of his attire. The rest of his armor was formidable and unyielding, a testament to his formidable presence. Some sections of this inky-black armor bore an otherworldly luminescence, further enhancing the enigmatic aura that surrounded him.

[You've got some skills, I'll admit,] Graffiacane roared, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and begrudging respect. As the Hound Slasher, he bore a striking resemblance to Tobio, especially in his Balance Breaker form.

Graffiacane was a creature shrouded in darkness. His entire form was enveloped in inky black fur, a shadowy cloak that seemed to absorb the very light around him. Yet, amidst this abyss-like exterior, there were eerie hints of crimson. His veins, hidden beneath the obsidian surface, pulsed with a vivid red life force, a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness.

His mouth, perpetually agape, emitted an unsettling crimson glow that would occasionally intensify, casting an eerie, blood-red light upon his surroundings. From time to time, drops of crimson saliva would escape his gaping maw, like droplets of liquid rubies falling into the void.

Graffiacane's eyes were a relentless crimson, twin orbs of unsettling intensity that pierced through the darkness. His ears, pointed and wolf-like, added to the otherworldly aura that clung to him. And his nails, as sharp as razors, were a silent testament to the danger he embodied, a darkness veiled in crimson and black.

Without exchanging another word, all three of them vanished from sight. Tobio found himself in his usual Crest-side Balance Breaker form, and he handled the two [Malebranche] opponents with relative ease. However, he understood that as the battle intensified, he might need to transition into his more formidable Abyss-side to contend with their heightened power.

Gin materialized at Tobio's side with a swift, silent grace before he sprinted towards Graffiacane, carrying his gleaming crimson blade clenched firmly in his teeth. With an agile and fluid motion, Gin weaved through the streets, launching a series of expert strikes upon the Malebranche demon.

Graffiacane, for all his agility, managed to evade the majority of Gin's onslaught, but he couldn't escape unscathed. The jet-black dog occasionally landed razor-sharp slashes on the nimble demon, much to Graffiacane's chagrin. It was an unexpected turn of events that left him simmering with frustration, as he found himself bested by what he perceived as a mere mutt.

Overwhelmed by his mounting frustration, a primal howl erupted from him, echoing through the air. In a fiery burst of anger, searing crimson blades sprang forth from his body, shooting out in all directions with reckless abandon. Graffiacane cared little for the collateral damage, whether it was friend or foe in his path; his sole desire was to inflict pain or perhaps even take the life of Gin.

Meanwhile, Gin displayed remarkable agility, vaulting and darting through the urban streets with grace. He expertly deflected or sliced apart the deadly blades hurtling toward him, displaying a nimbleness born of necessity.

Simultaneously, Tobio and Cagnazzo found themselves forced into evasive maneuvers, narrowly dodging the perilous onslaught unleashed by Graffiacane. This unanticipated turn of events wrought a sense of disquiet in Cagnazzo.

[You fool! You can't just unleash such an attack in this environment!] Cagnazzo admonished his fellow [Malebranche], his voice filled with exasperation.

Graffiacane, consumed by rage, shot back defiantly, [To hell with your warnings! I do as I please!] His fury continued to intensify, fueling his reckless actions even further.

Tobio and Gin exchanged glances, their thoughts aligning as they both recognized an unusual opportunity. Without words, they silently concurred to leverage their mutual dislike for each other to their advantage.

In an unexpected move, Tobio launched a swift kick towards Cagnazzo, who swiftly defended himself with his sword. However, the sheer force behind Tobio's attack propelled Cagnazzo through the air, hurtling in the direction of Graffiacane. As Cagnazzo drew near, Graffiacane reacted swiftly, delivering a well-timed kick that diverted his comrade's trajectory.

The result was a thunderous collision as Cagnazzo crashed into a nearby building, causing it to crumble under the impact of his formidable form. Despite the destruction, Cagnazzo wasted no time, promptly getting back on his feet and charging towards Graffiacane. Their exchange continued as Cagnazzo aimed a kick squarely at Graffiacane's face, forcing Graffiacane to retaliate in kind.

Tobio and Gin exchanged yet another knowing look, reaffirming their unspoken agreement to exploit this unusual but effective strategy.

[Don't get in my way!] Cagnazzo's voice thundered as he swung his sword ferociously toward Graffiacane. Their clash resulted in Graffiacane deflecting the attack, but not without a series of searing cuts appearing on his arm.

Graffiacane shot back a fiery retort, [You're the one disrupting my battle! Keep out of my way!] With that, he unleashed a powerful punch aimed at Cagnazzo, who agilely leaped out of harm's reach.

Locked in a tense standoff, the two [Malebranche] exchanged heated glares before ultimately turning their attention back to their respective foes. Their shared animosity only fueled their determination as they raced back towards Tobio and Gin.

Cagnazzo, his sword crackling with fiery energy, executed a sweeping strike aimed squarely at Tobio. In response, Tobio agilely leaped away to avoid the impending danger. However, he was taken aback as a burst of flames transformed into a spectral hand, reaching out to ensnare him.

Tobio manifested two menacing scythes, forged from the darkest shadows, and deftly twirled them in his hands. With a calculated motion, he flung one of these sinister weapons toward the fiery hand, causing it to spin and gain velocity as it soared. Upon reaching the blazing appendage, it cleaved through the flames, extinguishing them with its inky darkness. Yet, it did not halt its course; instead, it continued its trajectory, now set on a collision course with Cagnazzo.

Reacting swiftly, Cagnazzo conjured yet another sword, wielding two formidable blades as he swung them in a rapid counterattack aimed at the oncoming scythe. What he did not anticipate was the surprising turn of events that unfolded. As their weapons clashed, it did not result in a mere stalemate. To his astonishment, the scythe began to exert a relentless force, gradually overpowering Cagnazzo and driving him backward. This unexpected development left him in a state of incredulity.

Tobio Ikuse gracefully touched down on the solid ground, determination in his eyes as he closed the distance to Cagnazzo, who remained absorbed in his scythe's intricate movements. Tobio reared back, wielding his own scythe, and executed a swift, fluid swing that sliced through the air with precision. He surged past Cagnazzo, leaving a stillness in the atmosphere before a solitary, gaping wound manifested on Cagnazzo's abdomen, from which an ominous darkness spewed forth.

Caught off guard, Cagnazzo emitted a gruff exclamation, [Ugh!?] and instinctively leaped into the air to evade Tobio's other scythe, which continued to whirl relentlessly. In a deft maneuver, the scythe eventually returned to Tobio's grasp, who skillfully caught it and then dispelled it into thin air.

In the wake of this astonishing display of mastery over his Sacred Gear, Cagnazzo couldn't help but ponder Tobio's remarkable skill. His thoughts swirled with awe, acknowledging the rumors that had circulated about Tobio's status as one of the initial individuals to completely harness the power of his Longinus. However, he had never anticipated that Tobio's proficiency would reach such astonishing heights.

Tobio initiated the exchange, leaving Cagnazzo puzzled by his words. <<Don't tell me,>> Tobio began, his tone hinting at a sense of disbelief, <<That's all you've got?>>

These seemingly innocuous words acted as a trigger, shattering something within Cagnazzo. His very aura erupted with an intensity that transformed the once serene cityscape around them into a chaotic maelstrom of fire and darkness.

Tobio, taken aback by the sudden outburst, instinctively jumped backward, his earlier taunt now ringing in his mind with a touch of regret. Even Tobio's fellow [Malebranche], Graffiacane, couldn't hide his unease as he watched the spectacle unfold.

Graffiacane couldn't help but question Cagnazzo's decision. [Are you seriously going to let that human provoke you like that?] he inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

However, a sharp, disdainful glare from Cagnazzo was all it took to silence him. Graffiacane, his eyes rolling in exasperation, turned his attention back to his own opponent, Gin, choosing to remain silent and focused on the battle at hand.

Jet-black dogs, their forms seemingly forged from molten lava and flames, erupted from the shadowy depths of Cagnazzo. With a blazing fury, they charged towards Tobio. In response, Cagnazzo's own aura surged, his power growing exponentially, propelling him forward as he sprinted towards Tobio.

With a swift and determined motion, Tobio slammed his foot into the ground. In that instant, a myriad of twisted, shadowy blades materialized before him, an ominous barrier of darkness that raced toward Cagnazzo and his fiery hounds.

As the blades of darkness surged forward, some found their mark, piercing through Cagnazzo's canine minions, while others narrowly evaded their fiery wrath. Yet, Cagnazzo himself proved to be a formidable opponent. With an effortless swing of his sword, he deflected and dismantled the onslaught, showcasing his formidable prowess.

Tobio dashed towards Cagnazzo, determined to take down the formidable foe. Swiftly and with a fierce resolve, he dispatched the remaining hounds that had accompanied Cagnazzo. As the two them clashed once more, it became abundantly clear that Cagnazzo had gained the upper hand. A sinister grin adorned his face as he executed a surprising headbutt, sending Tobio reeling and bypassing his defenses with ease.

Tobio's mind raced with the realization that his adversaries must be of an incredibly high caliber—likely True Satan-class or even God-class beings. This stark revelation prompted Tobio to elevate his seriousness and commitment to the battle.

He recognized the urgent need to assist Gin, who remained in a tense standoff with another formidable member of the Malebranche. Having the [Hounds] as backup could be the key to turning the tide in their favor.

With a strategic leap, Tobio distanced himself from Cagnazzo and conjured a barrage of dark and distorted blades to confound his opponent. Landing at a safe distance, he began the intricate chant necessary to unlock his Abyss-side Balance Breaker, gearing up for a crucial transformation that could potentially tip the scales in his favor.

<<—Behowlest the slaying of principles and tens of thousands of goblins>>

An ominous transformation unfolded. The surroundings around Tobio and Gin were gradually consumed by darkness, an inky shroud that extended its reach, veiling the entire area in its shadowy grasp.

<<We are the imitation of the Polar Night in the farthest abyss>>

The enigmatic words echoed, as the ground, the city's once vibrant sky, and every visible facet of the landscape succumbed to this encroaching void. Not a single ray of light could penetrate its depths.

<<We are the Blade God. The Evil Beast. We will become the revolting blade of the endless night in the limits of the dim and distant>>

As the darkness enshrouded them, unsettling black beasts, eerily reminiscent of Gin, materialized in close proximity to Tobio and Gin themselves. These nightmarish creatures manifested one after the other, their numbers multiplying until they formed a formidable assembly. Moreover, a countless horde of shadowy Gin emerged from the ground, converging with the engulfing Darkness.

[So, you've unleashed your Abyss-side Balance Breaker, eh?] Cagnazzo declared with a sinister grin. [Good... good! Let the battle continue!]

Tobio remained stoically silent, his eyes shifting toward his loyal Hounds. Without hesitation, they rallied around Gin, a few opting to remain faithfully at Tobio's side. In a silent yet eerie dash, Tobio materialized beside Cagnazzo, who was left momentarily stunned by the sheer speed of his opponent.

Cagnazzo swung his formidable sword toward Tobio, but the young warrior's darkness surged forth, forming an impenetrable barrier that deftly blocked the attack. With swiftness and precision, Tobio executed a swift uppercut that sent Cagnazzo hurtling into the sky, much to the demon's astonishment.

Tobio's thoughts raced as he considered his strategy. 'Jin can resurrect them, so if I eliminate them now, it should be manageable.' With a decisive gesture, he conjured a massive scythe forged from the very essence of darkness.

To add to its ominous allure, the weapon ignited with silvery-white flames, a direct manifestation of Aaron's blessing, which had recently been bestowed upon Tobio. This blessing not only augmented his overall power but also granted him mastery over these formidable flames, surpassing any he had wielded before.

In a fluid and powerful arc, Tobio swung the blazing scythe toward Cagnazzo, who, despite his formidable defenses, desperately attempted to block the impending strike. Yet, much to his abject horror, his swords didn't merely shatter; they were reduced to countless minuscule fragments, and the protective armor encasing him crumbled away. In an instant, Cagnazzo's body was mercilessly cleaved in twain, and even the very space around him seemed to fissure and fracture.

In a singular, decisive blow, Tobio had emerged victorious over his formidable enemy, the battle's outcome resounding with finality.

Tobio shifted his attention towards Gin, the [Hounds], and Graffiacane, taking note that they all seemed to be holding their own quite admirably. Yet, it was equally evident that the [Malebranche] they faced was no pushover; he guarded himself well, minimizing openings for them to exploit.

Returning to his defeated opponent, Tobio veiled the fallen adversary in darkness, serving as a marker for retrieval at a later time.

In a matter of mere seconds, Tobio executed a seamless, soundless leap into the obsidian void, emerging stealthily behind Graffiacane. With swift precision, he swung his scythe, the blade slicing cleanly through the demon's left arm. Graffiacane's astonishment was palpable as he swiftly recoiled, launching a barrage of colossal fireballs in their direction. To his frustration, the fiery onslaught harmlessly sailed past them.

<<Do you have any final words?>> Tobio inquired, his voice calm.

[Heh,] Graffiacane retorted defiantly, his anger evident. [That fool didn't use his other form, but I will!]

The surroundings quaked, and a chaotic fusion of darkness and fire erupted around Graffiacane. Tobio sighed and exchanged a nod with his partner, Gin. In the blink of an eye, Gin, along with all the [Hounds], and Tobio himself, converged around Graffiacane. Their synchronized assault ensued, with swift slices, dices, and precise cuts dismembering the demon piece by piece.

[Ghhh! Aren't you supposed to let me transform? Isn't that a rule or something!?] Graffiacane protested in growing frustration. However, before he could articulate all his grievances, Tobio's scythe severed his head from his body.

With a nonchalant demeanor, Tobio turned away, his gaze settling on the now lifeless, shocked expression of Graffiacane. <<Are you stupid? This isn't an anime. Why would I wait for you to transform? Maybe in a Rating Game for the sake of entertainment, but...>> Tobio trailed off, his sigh expressing his disinclination to engage in a discourse with the deceased. <<Never mind.>>

He reached up, dispelling the shadowy veil shrouding his face, then shifted his gaze toward another path. "So, the teleportation circle is in that direction, huh?" He mused aloud, directing his words to his trusty companion, Gin. The canine responded with enthusiasm, his tail wagging merrily as he let out an approving bark in response to his owner's decision. With a shared understanding, they set out together towards their destination, after gathering their defeated opponents.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the vibrant land of Mexico, an encounter was unfolding. Libicocco, who also carried the moniker of the Libyan Hothead, found himself facing a formidable duo. It was none other than Aaron who had skillfully employed his powers of mind control, coupled with a touch of persuasive charm, to secure their assistance for this crucial operation. These two individuals were proud members of an organization known as XxX, recognized by its full title, Cross Times Kiss.

Mitsuya Kanzaki and Shizuka Kirino were fully immersed in their battle against Libicocco. It was abundantly clear that the scales were tipped in their favor, as they skillfully engaged with the powerful demon, demonstrating their dominance in this gripping confrontation.

[You two know I'm still not taking you seriously, right?] asked Libicocco with a tired tone.

"…And you know we've been treating you like a child? Much like your height," retorted Mitsuya with a hint of animosity.

Libicocco's lips twitched in annoyance. He hated his own height but he had to live with it and anytime anyone brought it up for any reason, he would generally lose his temper…and so he did.

Libicocco, a figure of unassuming stature at 5'1", possessed a distinct aura that belied his modest height. His short, tousled black hair framed a face that bore the weight of experience, with a pair of pale blue eyes that seemed to hide untold stories within their depths.

Clad entirely in black, he exuded an air of enigmatic rage. His coat, adorned with intricate chains that clinked whenever he took a step, flowed around him like a shadowy cloak. Black pants, gloves, and shoes completed the ensemble, emphasizing his penchant for darkness and mystery.

Strapped to his waist, a baton gleamed ominously. It was more than a mere accessory; it was his chosen instrument of power, a symbol of his readiness for whatever challenges the world might throw his way. With every aspect of his appearance carefully chosen, Libicocco projected an air of quiet, calculated intensity that demanded attention and respect.

[Disappear,] he mumbled under his breath, and with a swift motion, he materialized just below Mitsuya, raising his baton to deliver a powerful upward strike aimed at the XxX member. However, much to his astonishment, his attack missed its mark as Mitsuya had taken a slight step backward.

Undeterred, he swung his baton once more, this time in a sideways arc. To his surprise, however, multiple chunks of rubble, which had been lying on the ground for the past few minutes, suddenly hurtled toward him, compelling him to block the unexpected projectiles.

Libicocco quickly discerned that they were infused with magic, and had he allowed them to make contact, he would have suffered more than just minor inconvenience; he would have sustained injuries of some significance.

Mitsuya clicked his fingers and the entire city of Mexico was covered in a barrier, forcing them into an ideal world of Mitsuya's choosing. This was the power of [Innovate Clear].

[Innovate Clear] possesses a unique and remarkable power. It can craft an ideal world within another dimension, much like [Dimension Lost]. Yet, it holds an additional power: the skill to conjure nearly flawless replicas of living creatures, akin to [Annihilation Maker].

This exceptional ability has earned it the epithet of the Sacred Gear that lets one impersonate God. However, it's crucial to note that anything formed within the world of Innovate Clear can only exist within that particular realm.

Furthermore, [Innovate Clear] extends its influence to encompass control over other barrier spaces, making it a truly versatile and formidable asset in the hands of its wielder.

[...So, this is [Innovate Clear], huh?] Libicocco began to say, his curiosity piqued. However, before he could continue, a sudden onslaught of fiery projectiles descended upon him. Swiftly, he raised his baton, channeling his demonic energy to create a protective barrier.

To his astonishment, when the flames cleared, he beheld colossal dragons, each measuring roughly 20 meters in height and formidable in size.

The skies darkened with thunderous clouds that encircled the scene, their rumbling presence growing more menacing by the second. Lightning bolts streaked from above, crashing down upon their target. Simultaneously, colossal waves materialized seemingly out of thin air, propelled with great force toward their intended victim. Yet, rather than fear, a sly grin played upon the lips of their intended target.

As the assault bore down upon him, the crimson-black shadows surged forth from within him, wrapping his entire form. These shadows coalesced into a formidable shield, shielding him from the impending onslaught. It was a moment of fleeting vulnerability, seized upon by Libicocco, who attempted to voice his thoughts.

[Just because—] Libicocco began to speak, but his words were abruptly cut short. A small breach manifested in his defenses, permitting several lightning strikes to penetrate and strike his body. Confusion and disbelief danced across his features as he uttered, [Wha—!? How did you...!?]

Mitsuya Kanzaki, his expression stoic and unwavering, stood before the startled [Malebranche]. A small whirlwind materialized behind Libicocco, heralding the arrival of a new presence.

"Fufu, Libi-chan, never let your guard down," a female voice chimed in. She revealed herself, striking a decisive blow that severed Libicocco's head from his body, decisively concluding their confrontation.

With Libicocco's defeat, the protective barriers surrounding the [Malebranche] dissipated, allowing them to regain their freedom. The one who had struck the final blow stood up and offered a casual wave to Mitsuya.

"Shizuka... I'll ask you once more," Mitsuya inquired, deactivating his [Innovate Clears] ability. "Why did you agree to cooperate with him?"

Shizuka Kirino sheathed her sword, her finger tapping thoughtfully on her cheek as she tilted her head in contemplation. "Because I trust Jin-san," she replied. "I've already explained, Mitsuya-kun. I'm cooperating with him to safeguard our timeline. I mentioned this to you months ago, and now that he's finally reached out to us, I couldn't refuse."

"Whatever…" replied Mitsuya. Before they could continue an army of devils appeared on the horizon. "Let's just defend this country…" he said, entering his [Transcendental Arrival], a technique that would allow Mitsuya to artificially awaken both Sacred Gear's Balance Breakers.

Mitsuya's figure was enveloped in a sleek, futuristic suit of armor that gleamed with a brilliant combination of silver and cobalt blue. The centerpiece of this high-tech ensemble was an eye-catching, luminescent cross emblazoned prominently upon his chest, radiating an ethereal, otherworldly glow.

His visage was obscured behind a visor-like glass that concealed his eyes, while a matching helmet sat atop his head, its contours as sharp and streamlined as the rest of his armor. Jutting out from the sides of his helmet were pointed protrusions that added an air of enigmatic elegance to his appearance.

Trailing behind him, a once-pristine white cape now bore the scars of battles past, its tattered edges fluttering like a ghostly echo of valor. By his hip, a striking blue sword crackled with electrical energy, casting an azure aura that danced with power. The sword's energy discharge illuminated the area around him, marking Mitsuya as a formidable force from a futuristic world.

Shizuka couldn't help but express her concern as she questioned Mitsuya's choice, "Are you sure about using that? Seems a tad excessive, doesn't it?" However, Mitsuya remained stoic, saying nothing as he raised his sword, preparing to charge towards the oncoming army.

A heavy sigh escaped Shizuka's lips, a mixture of hope and uncertainty lingering in her words, "I just hope, Jin-san, that in the end, you'll come to our aid." Her voice carried a hint of sadness as she watched Mitsuya's determined advance.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I can't stand that he just up and left, without a word!" Kanami's voice rang out, seething with anger. Her frustration was palpable. Mere moments ago, Zaorama Nebiros had deftly slipped away from their midst, leaving his Super Devils to confront the Slash Dog Team.

Natsume, her composure intact, responded, "Well, that's water under the bridge. Let's focus on apprehending these guys and regrouping with the others."

Meanwhile, in the picturesque backdrop of Italy, the Slash Dog Team squared off against the remaining members of Zaorama Nebiros' formidable Super Devil squadron. Amongst the adversaries standing before the two sisters, there were two female devils who shared a unique bond of sisterhood.

On the right stood one of the sisters, she had long ebony hair pulled into a tidy ponytail that cascaded down her back. What immediately caught one's gaze, however, were her striking pink eyes, adorned with peculiar cross-shaped pupils, a reflection of her unearthly nature. Atop her head perched a vibrant pink hat, crowned with an elegant rose that added a whimsical touch to her ensemble.

Her attire was a harmonious blend of darkness and vibrant color, as she wore a frilly black and pink dress adorned with numerous ribbons cascading gracefully from her hip. White stockings enveloped her legs, contrasting with her rose-patterned black heels that elevated her stature.

On the left, her devilish counterpart exhibited a stark contrast. Her hair, a pristine shade of white, was meticulously styled into twin tails that framed her delicate face. Her eyes, a piercing shade of blue, bore star-shaped pupils, a glimmer of celestial intrigue within her gaze.

Her attire exuded professionalism, with a well-fitted suit consisting of a regal purple top and sleek black, purple-trimmed pants that accentuated her refined silhouette. Black shoes completed her polished look. Yet, it was the enigmatic number '666' on her right cheek that hinted at a deeper, mysterious aspect of her character. Together, these two devil sisters embodied a captivating duality of light and darkness.

"Nee-sama, nee-sama, aren't they quite peculiar?" the pink-haired devil inquired of her sister.

"Yes, Chrome, they most certainly are," replied the white-haired devil.

Chrome, the pink-haired devil, summoned a sizeable staff, directing it towards Natsume with pointed intent. From the staff's tip, pink clouds, each the size of regular cars, hurtled with remarkable speed towards their target. Natsume reacted swiftly, harnessing Sylph's wind to shield herself. Yet, to her surprise, the pink cloud detonated upon contact, catching her off guard.

'Be careful, Natsu-Natsu, those things explode upon impact,' Sylph cautioned her, the spirit friend's voice filled with concern.

Determined to expedite matters, Natsume declared, "Let's wrap this up quickly, Sis. I'll handle the pink one!" With unwavering resolve, she delivered a powerful knee strike to Chrome's visage, sending her hurtling through the air. Without hesitation, Natsume pursued her adversary.

Meanwhile, the white-haired female devil was taken aback by Natsume's incredible speed and attempted to apprehend her. However, her pursuit was abruptly interrupted when a spear's tip pierced her hand. The unexpected intrusion not only garnered her attention but also fueled her growing annoyance. In a matter of seconds, her hand disintegrated, leaving her in a state of shock and bewilderment.

"Curse you, wielder of the Holy Spear!" the white-haired devil declared, her frustration evident.

Observing these developments with a mixture of surprise and fascination, Kanami couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow! So many Super Devils showing resistance against my Holy Spear's one-shot ability. You guys are incredibly resilient, huh?"

Kanami acted swiftly, extending her ring finger toward the Super Devil standing before her. With a deft motion, she activated her [Appraisal] ability, uncovering the name "Marzena." However, before Kanami could complete her appraisal, Marzena, the devil, wasted no time. She enveloped herself in a shroud of white demonic aura, launching herself aggressively toward the spear-wielding girl.

In a display of agility and skill, Kanami expertly evaded Marzena's oncoming attack. She then executed a fluid maneuver, angling her hips to collide with Marzena's form, propelling her enemy with force. The result was a dramatic spectacle as Marzena hurtled through the air, crashing violently into the ground below, causing a cascade of destruction that sent buildings and trees toppling.

A flustered Kanami couldn't contain her embarrassment. She realized that throughout the entire encounter, a catchy tune had been looping in her head, and her body had involuntarily started to dance, swaying and shaking her hips. This inadvertent movement had inadvertently led to her surprising counterattack.

"Ah! I didn't mean to do that!" Kanami exclaimed, her cheeks burning with a deep blush. Meanwhile, Marzena couldn't help but marvel at what she believed to be Kanami's unparalleled reflexes and instinctive reaction. Little did she know that the truth behind this unexpected turn of events would leave her feeling far more than just surprised.

Out of nowhere, Marzena conjured a hoverboard, and with swift grace, she soared toward Kanami on her newfound ride.

"Whoa!! What's that? Is it one of those floating skateboards from those sci-fi shows?" Marzena's excitement was palpable as she marveled at the hoverboard. "I definitely need one of those! I should ask Aaron about it! Wait, didn't Bikou have one?" Her thoughts raced as she deftly dodged yet another attack from the befuddled Super Devil, who was taken aback by Kanami's unexpected response.

[Kanami…] Fusae's voice resounded clearly through their communication device, sending shivers down Kanami's spine as she listened.

[I-I'll take care of it, Fusae. You don't need to worry!] Kanami responded, her voice quivering slightly.

In an unspoken and unofficial capacity, Fusae Hirawa had assumed the role of the Slash Dog Team's third "leader." While Fusae didn't mind Kanami's cheerful and energetic nature, she believed that a degree of seriousness was crucial when it came to their missions. As a result, she occasionally adopted a more authoritative tone to keep her leader grounded in reality.

This transformation in Fusae's demeanor had taken root after she entered into a relationship with Aaron. Spending more time with him, whether it was sorting through documents in his office or accompanying him on official business during his rare moments of leisure, had a subtle impact on her personality. Gradually, Fusae began to cultivate a more serious and focused side of herself, especially when she was by Aaron's side.

This newfound seriousness also extended to her interactions with the rest of her team. In instances when Kanami was inclined to goof off, Fusae would step in as a temporary leader, a role she fulfilled with ease.

As the team's prized magician, on par with the renowned Lavinia Reni, Fusae used her extensive knowledge to impart valuable insights on a wide range of subjects to her fellow team members, solidifying her position as a reliable and knowledgeable presence within the group.

"Fusae's really scary in that state, so it's time to bring this to an end!" declared Kanami resolutely. She wasted no time, immediately activating her Balance Breaker and invoking her First Commandment, encasing the entirety of Italy within a protective white barrier.

Marzena watched with a mix of awe and apprehension as the supernatural barrier formed around them. She began to channel radiant white halos around her own body, and behind her, a series of white talismans materialized, poised for action. But before she could make her next move, Kanami swiftly intervened, abruptly quashing Marzena's retaliation.

<Vanish!> Kanami commanded, her voice imbued with unwavering authority. Marzena's menacing attacks dissolved into nothingness, leaving the Super Devil utterly stunned. A sly grin played on Kanami's lips as she enjoyed her moment of triumph.

However, amidst the chaos of battle, an unexpected voice chimed in through the transceivers. It was Natsume, her voice filled with shock and confusion as she exclaimed, [Sis! W-why did my panties just disappear!?]

Kanami blinked several times, thoroughly bewildered by Natsume's unexpected outburst. "Eh? But I—"

Before Kanami could offer any explanation or reassurance, Fusae's voice, colder and more imposing than ever, cut through the communication. [Kanami-san, please take this seriously. It would be better for all of us if we concluded this operation as quickly as possible.]

Terrified and chastened, Kanami's response came swiftly, almost bordering on a scream, as she stammered, [Y-y-yes!! Fusae-sama!! I'm sorry!!] Marzena, on the other hand, remained utterly confounded by the bizarre turn of events, wondering how they had gone from a fierce battle to a discussion about disappearing panties.

"Enough! Take me seriously, bearer of the Holy Spear—" With a speed that left Marzena utterly befuddled, Kanami materialized right before her, thrusting the spear's tip directly through Marzena's skull, a fatal blow that claimed her life in an instant.

For a brief moment, the Super Devil could only gaze upon Kanami, her own existence slipping away as she plummeted to the ground below, landing with a resounding thud.

With the mission successfully concluded on her end, Kanami surveyed her surroundings, her sharp eyes scanning the landscape. In different parts of the country, she witnessed various and potent explosions erupting, clear indicators that her allies were faring admirably.

Kanami reached out through their telepathic connection, inquiring, [How's it going on your side?]

Fusae, her voice resonating in Kanami's mind, promptly issued instructions, [Please gather the fallen bodies, as Aaron or the alliance may have need of them.]

Kanami couldn't help but interject, [Roger! But wait, I'm the leader here, right?]

Fusae, calm and composed as ever, replied, [Indeed, you are the leader. If you wish to issue commands, by all means, feel free...]

Kanami couldn't suppress a sigh of frustration, muttering, [...Ugh, I'll definitely ask for some guidance from Aurelia after this mission is over!]

— ○ ● ○ —

"Khhh... Where are my panties...?" Natsume mumbled, her face turning a deep shade of crimson. The devil she had inadvertently struck looked at her with a perplexed expression.

Chrome, the inquisitive devil, couldn't help but ask, "Do you enjoy being unclothed?"

Natsume's response was immediate and indignant. "Absolutely not!" she exclaimed, her embarrassment evident. However, she hesitated for a brief moment, seemingly lost in thought, before shaking her head to dismiss whatever idea had crossed her mind.

Amidst this amusing exchange, Sylph chimed in with a playful tone, 'Fufu, just be sure you don't expose yourself like that, Natsu-Natsu. You wouldn't want to make Aaron jealous~' Her mischievous giggles punctuated the remark.

Natsume was having none of it. 'Who cares about that right now!? I don't want anyone seeing it, period!' She was determined to preserve her modesty, regardless of any potential jealousy.

Chrome, her staff once again directed at Natsume, conjured a series of pink clouds, each adorned with peculiar two-legged rabbits. These fluffy creatures were no ordinary ones, though. One strummed a tiny guitar, another rhythmically drummed away, while a third held a miniature microphone. It was as if an entire band had sprung forth from these ethereal clouds, leaving Natsume understandably baffled.

"Play..." Chrome murmured, and the whimsical cloud-bound critters obeyed, their instruments chiming into a peculiar and enchanting melody. Simultaneously, Chrome herself began to emit a soft pink glow, enveloping her in a shroud of demonic energy.

Watching the spectacle unfold, Natsume couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Are these adorable little beings amplifying her powers? If so, I have to take them down first."

In swift response, Natsume initiated her [Spirit Dive], her hand reaching skyward. The ground trembled softly as a colossal, spiraling vortex of verdant wind materialized above her. All eyes turned upward as the majestic force surged toward Natsume's location.

[W-waaaaaaaaait, Natsu!] Kanami's panicked voice cried out, but alas, it was too late. Natsume's unleashed power struck the heart of Italy, and with a deafening roar, pierced through the very fabric of the world, creating an enormous hole that stretched from one end of the globe to the other.

Suddenly, Aaron materialized by her side, delivering a gentle yet effective karate chop to her head. "That might have been a tad excessive. Allow me to fix it for you," he assured her, tapping her forehead before vanishing. Miraculously, the colossal rift that Natsume Minagawa had inadvertently forged through the Earth was swiftly mended, prompting a sigh of relief from the apologetic wielder.

"Phew, I was afraid I'd messed up there, haha~," Natsume chuckled, her hand scratching the back of her head as she reflected on her unintended mayhem. But her attention soon shifted back to Chrome, who had been spared by her cataclysmic attack. The girl, however, trembled violently, her terror palpable.

In an attempt to assert herself, Natsume pointed at Chrome and declared, "If you wish to avoid the fate that befell your comrades and sister, surrender!"

"I-I-I-I surrender!" Chrome cried out, quickly descending to the ground and assuming a submissive posture.

Chrome, it seemed, was not as brave as her sister, Marzena. Throughout their short existence, she had often sought refuge in her sister's protective shadow. Labelled as a potent support, Chrome typically trained alongside Marzena and their sisterly bond defined much of their interaction.

The other Super Devils in Zaorama's group rarely paid Chrome much mind, often regarding her as a mere annoyance. However, Yuvlunea made an effort to engage with her, even though it usually resulted in Chrome seeking refuge behind Marzena.

Natsume, on the other hand, descended and positioned herself in front of Chrome, swiftly securing her in anti-cuffs and compelling her to stand. Chrome, however, found it challenging to meet Natsume's gaze, her eyes instead fixed firmly on the ground. This peculiar behavior piqued Natsume's curiosity.

"Why won't you look at me?" Natsume inquired gently. "I promise I won't bite."

In a barely audible voice, Chrome replied, "I can't do anything without my sister, so... I don't want to speak."

Natsume studied Chrome for a moment, her expression thoughtful, before eventually shrugging her shoulders. "Hmm," she mused, "well, we'll have plenty of time to chat once we get you to the alliance's holding cells."

— ○ ● ○ —

"Shigune, Ajamu-kun, I'll enhance your powers, so let's make this quick," Fusae declared, raising her wand high into the air to bestow a surge of power upon her comrades. "Natsume and Kanami have wrapped up their tasks."

"Absolutely!" Shigune responded with determination.

"Affirmative," Ajamu added.

"Poh! Pon! Poon! Charge!" Shigune commanded, and without hesitation, the trio of diminutive MuskaPohs surged forward. These mini goat-like creatures raced ahead, seamlessly fusing into a single entity. Poh's transformation was nothing short of astonishing.

His once diminutive form had now expanded into a larger, more imposing figure, with a striking black-and-white fur pattern and pronounced horns. The veil still concealed his face, but now, he moved with astonishing speed and grace.

The Super Devil in front of them was already heavily injured. Their name was Lucivar.

Lucivar possessed a distinctive and striking appearance. His short, tousled white hair gave him an air of effortless cool, a stark contrast to his intense blue eyes that seemed to hold a world of stories within them. He was clad in a black biker top, which hugged his frame snugly, exuding an aura of rebellion, while his sleek, shiny black pants added an edgy elegance to his ensemble.

The pièce de résistance was undoubtedly his golden boots, which gleamed with a lustrous sheen, catching the light as he moved, making every step a statement. An intriguing touch of uniqueness was found just under his left eye—a subtle, star-shaped birthmark. It was like a secret symbol, a celestial adornment on his rugged canvas. Lucivar's appearance was a fusion of style and individuality, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who crossed his path.

Lucivar strained to evade Poh's incoming attack, his movements hampered by the pain from his injury. In one swift, lightning-fast motion, Poh struck with merciless precision, severing Lucivar's right arm and leg, eliciting a sharp cry of agony.

Taking immediate advantage of the situation, Ajamu harnessed the power of lightning, channeling it through his arms to deliver a stunning shock to the beleaguered Super Devil. With his opponent momentarily incapacitated, Ajamu tapped into his other innate ability, causing multiple massive roots to surge forth from the earth below. These sinewy appendages coiled around Lucivar, effectively sealing him in their grasp, rendering any escape attempts futile.

All at once, a relentless barrage of circular demonic rings hurtled toward Fusae. She wasted no time, conjuring a protective magic circle to shield herself from the incoming onslaught. The Super Devil responsible for this relentless attack went by the name of Zephar.

Zephar had lustrous, emerald-green locks cascaded gracefully down to his very shoes, a verdant waterfall of hair that seemed to defy gravity. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of green that mirrored the deepest forests, and their pupils, rather unusually, were shaped like the stinger of a bee, a perplexing touch that added an air of intrigue to his gaze.

But it wasn't just his hair and eyes that caught one's attention. Zephar sported a marvelous mustache that curled elegantly at its ends, lending him an aura of old-world charm. His attire was a nod to the wild west, with a cowboy's rugged elegance.

A wide-brimmed hat perched atop his head, casting a shadow over his enigmatic eyes, and he wore a weathered leather vest, boots, and a belt adorned with an ornate buckle. Zephar was a figure of captivating contradiction, blending nature's green beauty with the rugged spirit of the frontier.

"Just let me kill you, you bitch!" he growled, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

Fusae, her expression filled with both concern and bewilderment, responded firmly, "No..."

In his seething rage, Zephar summoned his pistol once more, unleashing a volley of emerald-hued demonic bullets at Fusae. Simultaneously, he directed his free hand towards her, generating a multitude of circular demonic sigils. These sigils merged with the bullets, causing them to swell in size and increase in velocity. Meanwhile, the circles continued to envelop the bullets, emitting a pulsating green energy that enhanced their destructive potential.

Fusae raised her hand, poised to unleash her magical abilities upon her assailants. However, just before she could activate her powers, a mysterious figure sprang forth from her own shadow, boldly confronting the impending attacks.

The figure was small in stature but emitted a resounding roar that not only reached Fusae's ears but resonated throughout all of Italy. This mysterious savior was none other than Liadonn, the most recent creation of a Sacred Gear.

Liadonn's thunderous roar had an astonishing effect on the demonic bullets hurtling towards them—they turned to stone in an instant, plummeting to the ground as lifeless sculptures. With wings conjured from the depths of darkness, Liadonn soared gracefully back to Fusae's side, transforming into a more compact form as he perched on her shoulder.

[I'll protect Mama-Fusae,] Liadonn declared, nuzzling affectionately against her.

Fusae responded with a warm smile, reciprocating the gesture by gently rubbing her cheek against Liadonn's. "Thank you, Liadonn. Will you stay by my side a little longer?"

With boundless enthusiasm, Liadonn replied, [Yes!]

Once Liadonn became an integral part of Aaron's abode, he, like numerous other Independent Avatar-type Sacred Gears, gained the freedom to traverse the dwelling at his own leisure. Initially, Lavinia and the other Fated Ones held a special place in his affections.

However, everything changed when he first laid eyes on Fusae Hirawa. There was an inexplicable magnetic pull towards her, and he began to favor her even more than the Fated Ones themselves. He endearingly dubbed her 'Mama-Fusae,' a shift in allegiance that hit Lavinia hard and left her feeling a tad disheartened for a brief period.

Nevertheless, Lavinia eventually came to terms with this shift in Liadonn's favor, as the Sacred Gear continued to exhibit a warm affection for her, as well as for Shin. So, her initial distress gradually faded away.

Fusae's sorcery brought forth a multitude of magic circles, each crackling with latent energy. From these ethereal portals, shadows burst forth, quickly morphing into menacing spears poised to strike. Zephar, the Super Devil, responded to this display with a derisive chuckle.

"Is that all you've got? You were wielding much stronger magic earlier. What's with this pathetic attempt?" he jeered, his disbelief evident.

However, Fusae's response was a knowing smile. Just as Liadonn unleashed another deafening roar, a profound transformation overcame her conjured magic spears. They swelled in size, evolving into colossal entities, their might and velocity amplified exponentially. This sudden surge of power sent shockwaves of terror through Zephar.

Desperately attempting to evade this impending onslaught, Zephar encountered an unexpected impediment. As he glanced downward, more dread washed over him. He found himself ensnared by tendrils of inky darkness, these sinister appendages tightly gripping his ankles, ruthlessly hindering any escape.

Struggling against his unforeseen entrapment, Zephar could only muster a single word, "Fu—"

In that instant, the multiple spears of darkness struck. The devastating impact obliterated half of Zephar's face, leaving nothing but a gruesome void. His right arm and left leg were severed, and substantial portions of his abdomen were torn apart. The Super Devil, gravely wounded and teetering on the brink of existence, plummeted back to Earth, his survival hanging by the thinnest of threads.

Fusae and Liadonn descended to the ground, setting foot on the earth once more. Their attention was drawn to Zephar, who lay there, his strength ebbing away. Fusae approached him, contemplating her next move. After a few moments of deliberation, she arrived at a solution.

With a decisive action, Fusae administered a Slime Pill to Zephar. The miraculous pill worked swiftly, healing his injuries. As Zephar attempted to rise, Fusae intervened with a swift kick to his head, while Liadonn leaped from her shoulder and delivered a headbutt to a particularly sensitive area, rendering him unconscious once more.

Fusae then lowered herself, securing handcuffs around the now incapacitated devil. She proclaimed, "I've completed my part," before touching her transceiver and adding, "I'm done on my end; how's everyone else doing?"

However, before her team could respond, another explosion resonated through the air, this time in another part of Italy. The source of the explosion appeared to be near Meruem, Mittelt, Kouki, and Kalawarna.

— ○ ● ○ —

"They're nearly dead-dead!" Kouki exclaimed with fervor.

Meruem, seemingly unfazed by the dire situation, responded with a contemplative, "Hmm. 'Dead-dead.' duly noted."

Mittelt, concerned for her boyfriend's state of mind, couldn't help but chime in, urging Meruem, "Don't listen to that idiot, Meruem. We don't want you to start acting or speaking like him; that would be rather strange. How do you think Jin-san would feel?"

Kalawarna, on the same wavelength as Mittelt, offered her support, stating, "You should disregard that idiots' words, Meruem-san. It would benefit your mental health."

Kouki, the second male in the group, found himself taken aback by their unexpectedly harsh words, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Meruem, in contemplation, directed his gaze at the two female fallen angels and ultimately concurred with their perspective. "Very well, it would be best to heed your advice."

Feeling somewhat slighted, Kouki couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "At least have my back, Meruem! What the hell!?" he exclaimed as he emerged from his state of shock.

A faint smile graced Meruem's lips as he addressed Kouki. "I was just pulling your leg, Kouki. But we should wrap things up here because Fusae is starting to get impatient," he remarked, motioning toward the scene ahead.

In a parallel confrontation, Meruem and Kouki's group found themselves pitted against two formidable Super Devils. Similar to Marzena and Chrome, these two male Super Devils appeared to share a close bond. However, unlike the sibling dynamic of Marzena and Chrome, these two acknowledged their shared traits, even if they didn't officially consider themselves siblings.

On the right was Thascor. Thascor, an intriguing figure, defied expectations with his distinctive appearance. His bald pate gleamed brilliantly under the unrelenting sun, a stark contrast to the usual head of hair one might expect. But the most arresting feature was his eyes, like twin orbs of purest white, devoid of any discernible pupils. These ghostly ocular windows seemed to peer into realms beyond mortal comprehension.

Adding to the enigma was his choice of attire: the austere garb of a monk, a puzzling juxtaposition for one bearing the label of a devil. The flowing robes, a canvas of muted earthy tones, adorned his frame in stark contrast to the typical sinister imagery associated with his kind.

To the left was Nykalion. Nykalion possessed a crown of obsidian tresses that cascaded gracefully down to the very curve of his waist. Amidst the ashen complexions of his fellow devils, he stood as a resplendent anomaly with his bronzed skin, radiating an otherworldly allure and his eyes, a deep and enchanting gold.

His attire was regal and majestic, a tapestry of gold and black that draped upon him with an air of princely elegance. It flowed like a living shadow. On his wrist, a dragon-shaped bracelet coiled, an emblem of his power.

Yet, it was around his neck where his true magic lay. There, intricate demonic magic circles, each a web of strange patterns, hung as a testament to his formidable power.

However, it was important to note that both Thascor and Nykalion had already sustained extensive injuries due to their prolonged battles with Meruem's group. Thascor bore the scars of battle with a missing eye, and his left arm had been grievously severed.

Nykalion, too, had his share of battle wounds, having lost a leg and a substantial portion of his left arm. Their reserves of demonic power were dwindling rapidly, primarily because Meruem had devised a novel technique that sapped the energy of others. It was a formidable technique, but Meruem could only employ it thrice.

"We've done our part, haven't we?" Nykalion inquired, his breath coming in uneven, ragged gasps.

"Of course... I reckon Zaorama-sama is probably with the Middleman by now, so whether we make it out alive or not shouldn't make much difference," Thascor replied, his tone resigned.

Shrouding themselves in a sinister, demonic aura, they propelled themselves forward, charging headlong towards Meruem's group. Nykalion's bracelet emitted a radiant glow, conjuring an aura resembling that of a majestic golden dragon above him. Determination surged through him as he soared toward Meruem, his heart set on vengeance.

Mittelt, not to be outdone, reached out and made contact with Meruem's back. From the heavens above, she summoned a formidable lightning strike that streaked toward Nykalion and his golden dragon.

The dragon, a manifestation of his power, dissipated in the face of this electrifying assault. Meruem swiftly materialized beside him, catching him off guard. Before he could react, a ferocious punch connected with his head, rendering him unconscious and sending him hurtling toward the unforgiving ground.

On the opposite side of the battleground, Kouki Samejima and Thascor found themselves engaged in a mid-air brawl, their fists swinging wildly amidst the open skies. Nearby, Kalawarna observed their scuffle, her expression a mix of weariness and exasperation.

"Kouki, didn't we just agree to put an end to this?" Kalawarna interjected, her voice tinged with frustration.

A contemplative look crossed Kouki's face as he considered her words. After a brief moment, he nodded in acknowledgment. "Hmm, yeah, you're right. We did, didn't we?" With a hint of remorse, he turned his attention back to Thascor and offered a casual, "Sorry, man." Then, in a surprising twist, he swiftly brought his head crashing against Thascor's nose, leaving the Super Devil momentarily stunned.

With Byakusa perched on his shoulders, Kouki conjured an electric spear that materialized around his arm. In a lightning-quick motion, he drove the weapon through Thascor's chest, mere inches away from his heart.

Despite Thascor's formidable demonic aura, it proved powerless against Kouki's relentless attack. The Super Devil coughed up blood, and Kouki withdrew his arm, creating some distance between them, leaving the devil thoroughly bewildered.

As if orchestrated by some divine force, a multitude of radiant spears rained down upon Thascor's body, the one responsible for this was Kalawarna.

A brief look of shock flickered across his face before he let out a rueful chuckle. "Dammit," he muttered, his voice carrying a note of resignation, just before he began to disintegrate into nothingness.

[This is Kalawarna, we've finished up in our area,] she communicated through their transceivers.

[I understand. So, we've wrapped up everything. Let's regroup in the specified area, deposit the defeated foes, and reunite with the rest,] Fusae directed.

[Yeah, what she said! Let's get this done, team!] Kanami chimed in enthusiastically.

A collective chuckle emanated from the group as they commenced their journey toward the assigned location to transport their defeated enemies.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Fufu, the fact that I was tricked like this is amusing, but I shall still emerge victorious thanks to my contingency plans," Zaorama Nebiros declared with an air of confidence.

He stood before Kuroka Toujou, Shirone Toujou, and Lada. Aaron had employed a clever ruse, luring Zaorama into revealing his grand scheme before nullifying his resurrection strategy. Moreover, Aaron had effectively blocked any attempts at teleportation, whether through magic or any other means, and transported the two Nekoshou sisters to this very spot, positioning them to confront their adversary once more.

"Shut up! I've been waiting for this moment to give you a good punch, so you'd better be grateful for it!" Kuroka bellowed, her voice filled with determination, capturing Zaorama's full attention.

"Hmm... Ah, I see. You're the little kitten from those years past. The Naberius, was it? The one I collaborated with? Yes, yes... You've certainly matured," he remarked with a lecherous glance at Kuroka's entire form, causing her to shudder with repulsion.

With no prior indication of her intentions, Shirone materialized right next to Zaorama and swiftly directed a punch aimed squarely at his face. However, her surprise was palpable when, in a blink of an eye, a small circular barrier manifested beside him, expertly intercepting her attack.

A derisive grin crept across Zaorama's visage. "I had a hunch I might be outmatched in this operation," he began, his tone oozing with self-assuredness. "Nonetheless, I've equipped myself with a slew of ingenious devices designed to ensure my survival for a considerable duration, even in the face of God-class beings, my dear little white kitten," he explained, his smug satisfaction evident in his smile.

Shirone didn't stop after her initial attack; she followed it up with a swift roundhouse kick. Though the shield managed to block her kick once again, the sheer force behind her strike caught Zaorama off guard, sending him staggering backward. With a graceful landing, Shirone quickly bounded back to join her sister, Lada, preparing for their next move.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to pack such a punch, little white kitten," Zaorama remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Your mother was quite the force as well—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a flurry of touki bullets were unleashed in his direction, disrupting his words. This unexpected interruption brought a chuckle from Zaorama.

"I didn't think you cared about that woman," he continued, a sly grin forming on his face. "She put you through quite a lot, didn't she? Though I must admit, I played my part as well," he confessed, leaving the sisters somewhat bewildered by his cryptic remarks.

"What do you mean by that?" Kuroka hissed, her voice laced with an unmistakable demand for answers from the devil before her.

"Have you ever pondered why and how your father's obsession spiraled out of control?" he inquired, his grin stretching wider. "It's because of me. I orchestrated it all. I issued the orders, commanding them to persist in their relentless pursuit of Artificial Super Devils. Naturally, the Naberius clan was under my sway, and they had no choice but to comply."

"I simply never fathomed that a mere human like your father would take such a task with such gravity. Consequently, it made your existence a tad more challenging, didn't it, my dear little kittens?" he continued, his tone dripping with condescension.

Kuroka's fury was on the brink of erupting like a volcano, but the divine touch of the goddess behind her halted her impending outburst. A sense of tranquility flowed through her veins, and her seething anger gradually ebbed away.

"Kuroka, if you unleash your emotions like that, it could put you in a vulnerable position. Keep in mind what Jin advised you before his departure. Having said that, I believe I may understand the root of your anger. Rest assured, I'll do my utmost to stand by both of you in this endeavor," Lada conveyed with an assuring tone.

Kuroka drew in a deep breath, and as she exhaled, a remarkable transformation unfolded. Her long, ebony tresses gradually morphed from black to a pristine white, while her eyes underwent a striking change, their vibrant hue shifting to a mesmerizing shade of crimson. An undeniable aura enveloped her, but unlike its usual fiery and unrestrained nature, it exuded an eerie tranquility, although the intensity of her anger still smoldered in her gaze.

With composure in her voice, Kuroka addressed Lada, saying, "Nyahaha, I'll certainly keep that in mind. But right now, I—no, we're going to take him down."

Beside her, Shirone nodded in agreement. She, too, entered her [Shirone Mode], her body enshrouded in a protective layer of touki. Both sisters stood prepared to confront the devil before them, who continued to wear a grin that refused to wane.

Lada bestowed a smile upon them and gently touched their backs, infusing a trace of her own divine aura into their beings. A potent surge of purple energy emanated from their bodies, merging seamlessly with the auras of Kuroka and Shirone.

"Even if this power boost may seem inconsequential, I want you to have it. Give it your all, and I'll provide assistance from here," the goddess assured them. Both sisters acknowledged her with resolute nods before embarking on a determined charge towards Zaorama.

"The power of love and friendship, how repulsive," Zaorama commented. However, both sisters swiftly closed in, flanking him with their incredible speed.

Zaorama, instead of remaining passive, channeled his demonic energy to manifest two ethereal demonic swords beside him.

These blades took on a life of their own, darting erratically toward the Nekoshou sisters. Yet, to his astonishment, neither of the sisters displayed even a hint of concern. They simply thrust their fists toward the oncoming swords, shattering them into oblivion.

Zaorama couldn't help but scoff in response. "Those lizard-women defy logic at every turn. It's exasperating," he muttered, conjuring more demonic swords forged from his malevolent aura. He commanded them to assail the sisters.

This pattern persisted for several seconds, with the two sisters systematically dismantling each sword Zaorama summoned, until at last, they broke through his defenses and charged him. Shirone, one of the sisters, unleashed white flames imbued with the power of kasha toward Zaorama.

He reacted swiftly, leaping away to evade the fiery onslaught. However, a fraction of the flames brushed against his protective shields, causing them to disintegrate instantly. This unforeseen outcome left the devil visibly displeased, a frown forming on his face.

"Wrong move, nya~," Kuroka purred, materializing behind him. As he turned to face the other Kuroka, it suddenly burst into a cloud of smoke, leaving him bewildered.

'A clone!?' he thought just before a punch, infused with touki, crashed into his cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground.

But Kuroka didn't cease her onslaught. She descended from the air and drove both her feet forcefully into his stomach, shattering his defensive barriers. The sheer agony overwhelmed Zaorama, making him cough up a stream of blood. Kuroka released him from her grasp and then snatched him by the throat, lifting him off the ground.

"Ending your life now wouldn't be satisfying... so let's make this interesting, shall we? Struggle for us, okay, nya~?" she declared in an icy tone. With a casual flick, she flung him away at breakneck speed, hurtling him across the vast expanse of Russia until he collided with one end of the barrier.

The two sisters and the goddess teleported to his location and approached him as Zaorama Nebiros laboriously clambered to his feet. He was in dire straits, and he knew it all too well. A rapid scan of his battered body revealed several fractured ribs, internal bleeding in his stomach, and an array of painful bruises all over.

Shakily, Zaorama raised his right arm and said, "I'm not done yet, cat." Eight large demonic magic circles appeared above them, and from each of them an enormous limb emerged from it. "I received this from the Phantasma, a small gift from them before we were cutoff from each other," he explained, grinning as blood trickled down his mouth.

All the magic circles shattered above them as the creature fully manifested and stood behind Zaorama. Sensing danger, Shirone grabbed Lada to get her out of there while Kuroka jumped back and created numerous defensive barriers and magic circles in front of them.

The creature that emerged before them bore a nightmarish fusion of arachnid and human features, a grotesque hybrid that sent shivers down their spines. Eight elongated and sinister legs extended from its abdomen, providing both stability and an eerie, spider-like grace to its form. These legs, though macabre, allowed it to move with an unsettling agility.

Its upper half, however, was unmistakably that of a human female, a stark and unsettling contrast. Long, obsidian tresses cascaded down its back, framing its unsettling visage. Pointed ebony horns jutted from the sides of its head, adding a sinister aura to its appearance. Clad in a skintight bodysuit that clung to its unnaturally lithe frame, it exposed most of its chest, where a crimson crescent moon was etched upon its pallid flesh.

Its eyes, the color of burning embers, glowed with an otherworldly intensity, fixated on some unfathomable point in the distance. In the presence of this enigmatic and eerie being, an aura of unease hung heavy in the air, leaving those who gazed upon it with an indelible sense of dread.

"Nee-sama, Lada-sama... what should we do? I believe we have the capability to defeat it, but..." Shirone's voice trailed off, filled with uncertainty.

"Do you think Aaron might want it, nya?" Kuroka inquired, to which Shirone simply nodded in response.

Lada weighed the options, her expression reflecting her concerns. "I'll entrust the decision to both of you. That entity originated from another universe, correct? Its power is substantial. Between the two of you, you possess the strength to overcome it, which I do not. I may need to make a tactical withdrawal, as my presence might hinder rather than help."

"We don't mind, Lada-sama. Leave it to us. But could you attempt to contact Aaron, nya?" Kuroka pressed further.

"...I've been meaning to ask, who's Aaron? Could it be Jin?" Lada inquired, her head tilting in curiosity.

"Yes, we refer to Jin as Aaron; it's his original Irish name. So, can you reach out to him?" Kuroka reiterated.

"Of course, leave it to me," replied the goddess. A smile graced Kuroka's lips as she touched Lada, causing her to vanish. She had teleported her beyond the barrier, leaving her standing outside.

Lada let out a sigh and began crafting a communication magic circle. "Hello? Jin? It's me, Lada. So..."

— ○ ● ○ —

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