Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 4 – The Strongest Youths

Third Person Point of View

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Without hesitation, Irina conjured sparkling hoops of radiant light and flung them toward the Super Devil confronting her. In response, the devil before her unleashed a barrage of demonic bullets from his fingertips. The collision of these opposing forces produced an earth-shaking explosion that reverberated through the subterranean depths of London.

Irina couldn't help but grumble in disbelief when her attack was met with an equally potent counter from the devil confronting her. This unexpected turn of events, however, didn't deter her in the least.

With determination in her eyes, she propelled herself toward her enemy and unleashed a barrage of light attacks. The devil, grinning maliciously, couldn't contain his laughter as he, too, unleashed a flurry of demonic attacks in return.

"Hahaha! Are you surprised by my power!?" he taunted with a sinister glee. "Even though you might be stronger than me, I possess the unique trait to match your strength! It's an incredible ability I was born with!"

Irina remained silent, her resolve unshaken. She increased her speed even further, vanishing from sight. In a split second, she reappeared, now standing directly behind the Super Devil. Her fist crackled with intense light energy as she aimed a powerful blow at his back.

To her astonishment, a formidable barrier of dense, dark demonic aura materialized, weakening the force of her strike before sending the devil hurtling away.

The Super Devil landed away from her and laughed to himself. He had short spiky black hair, glowing yellow eyes, the pupils in them resembled goat horns. He was 6'1" in height, had a muscular physique as he wore a black hoodie with black pants and crimson shoes.

"Would you be interested in learning its name and understanding how it works?" he jeered at her.

Irina met his taunt with a scathing retort, her voice laced with disdain. "You won't share that with me, so keep quiet!" Her eyes remained fixed on the devil standing before her.

He chuckled in response, a wicked mirth dancing in his eyes. He tilted his head, considering a different topic. "How about I share something about myself?" he proposed. "I go by the name Valzethor, an Artificial Super Devil forged under the guidance of Hades-sama."

Irina's expression remained defiant as she answered, "No, I won't reveal my name to you."

Valzethor's laughter persisted, his demeanor showing an eerie indifference. He shook his head with a sinister smile. "Well, it doesn't matter, does it? Your fate is sealed, and soon, you'll be dead. I simply wanted the first angel I kill to remember my name!" With that proclamation, he sprinted towards Irina, moving at blinding speeds.

Irina found herself taken aback by the sudden move, yet her instincts kicked in, allowing her to track his swift approach. As he materialized on her left side, she reacted with an unexpected point-blank discharge of potent light energy. Valzethor, clearly surprised, managed to evade her attack with a nimble leap to the side, avoiding the scorching energy by a hair's breadth.

But Irina wasn't done. In a fluid motion, she summoned her prized [Hauteclere], its gleaming blade a beacon of holy power, and swung it towards her elusive opponent.

Valzethor's agility seemed to defy reality as he launched himself backward once more, narrowly escaping the oncoming blade. However, he soon realized that evading her strikes wouldn't be enough to claim victory in this duel.

With an angry expression, Irina summoned more power and unleashed holy aura slashes in rapid succession, sending waves of radiant slashes hurtling toward Valzethor. In response, he tapped into his own demonic power, forging a demonic sword from it, and retaliated with his own demonic aura slashes.

The two opposing forces clashed mid-air, creating a stunning explosion of holy and demonic power. As the shockwaves reverberated between them, the battleground crackled and they were blown away from each other.

Irina's mind raced with uncertainty as she grappled with the dilemma. 'Should I ask for some help here? I'm not exactly a genius, and trying to find out this man's power seems like a bothersome task,' she pondered. The last thing she wanted was to turn to Aaron, so she opted to reach out to someone else for aid.

'Cúntóir-san!! Can you hear me!?' she mentally called out, her inner voice echoing in the depths of her thoughts.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes?

'What kind of power does this Super Devil have?' Irina inquired, her voice filled with curiosity, even as she skillfully evaded Valzethor's relentless assaults. In the midst of her evasive maneuvers, she harnessed her own radiant abilities to retaliate against him with beams of light.

Cúntóir: Answer: [Adaptive Equinox]. Valzethor's unique trait enhances his strength to match that of his opponent. When confronted by multiple foes, he has the extraordinary capability to direct his focus on all of them simultaneously, combining their strengths to further fortify himself.

Cúntóir: Answer: The second facet of this remarkable ability bestows upon him resistances to an array of powers. However, to harness these resistances, he must first experience the impact of each power, allowing him to gradually "adapt" to them. This process is akin to Gressil's [Resistance] trait, yet even more potent, rendering Valzethor a formidable opponent.

'Hmm-hmm. So, how can I defeat him when he'll adapt to my light powers?' Irina questioned with a thoughtful frown. 'Do I simply strike him down in an instant? I mean, I have the ability, did mention he's on par with my power at this point.'

Irina's concern loomed in her words as she contemplated the challenge before her, seeking a solution to overcome an opponent whose strength mirrored her own.

Cúntóir: Answer: Similar to numerous other Artificial Super Devils, Valzethor is still in the early stages of his development, which presented an opportunity. What Valzethor remained unaware of, regarding his own capabilities, was that he could only sustain them for brief periods due to his lack of mastery.

Irina, her heart pounding, urgently asked, 'Wait, it's on a timer? He has to actively keep it going? Is there some kind of indication?'

Cúntóir: Answer: Do you see his pupils? When the goat horns are upright, that's when it's active. But if you flip them upside-down, it deactivates. His eyes even emit a subtle glow when it's in the active state.

"Roger!" Irina's scream pierced the air, catching Valzethor off guard. With newfound power, she closed the distance between them swiftly. Her speed surged as she unleashed a barrage of sword strikes, a flurry of thousands in the blink of an eye. The Super Devil, caught off balance, found his arms severed.

Valzethor, visibly taken aback, uttered in frustration, "What—!? Tch! I've already developed resistance against holy and light powers, but that blade's sharper than it appears!" His words were punctuated by a surge of demonic aura that erupted from his form, sending Irina hurtling away from the explosive force.

Valzethor, in the midst of conjuring fiery, demonic spears, found himself encircled by light whips that materialized out of nowhere, latching onto him. Despite his inherent resistance to light-based powers, a vexed expression overcame him.

"Hmph," he scoffed, his voice brimming with defiance. "Do you truly believe these weak restraints can keep me at bay? Don't get cocky, you weakling!" With that, he made a valiant effort to free himself from the unexpected bindings. To his astonishment, the whips refused to yield, confounding him.

"What the hell is happening!?" Valzethor exclaimed in frustration. "I can't break free from these stupid things!" The battle had taken an unexpected turn, leaving him grappling with the mysterious light whips that had him ensnared.

Irina sighed as she held her sword to her side. "I guess asking Cúntóir-san for that extra ability really helped, huh? But I'm surprised she agreed to it," she mumbled.

Cúntóir: Answer: You're one of Aaron's lovers, part of his harem. It goes without saying that I'll assist you. His happiness is intertwined with mine, and that's all that matters to me. Besides, your request isn't a major task. I actually wish more of the women in his life would seek my assistance for such things.

Irina had made a specific request to Cúntóir earlier, asking for an ability that could effectively neutralize Valzethor's unique trait, known as the [Adaptive Equinox]. With this ability rendered inert, facing Valzethor would become a far less daunting task for her.

Ordinarily, Irina possessed the strength to engage Valzethor in an all-out battle, making quick work of him. However, the situation was more complex than that. She was determined not to inflict damage on the fabricated city of London, even though she was well aware that it wasn't real. Her angelic nature demanded that she uphold goodness, and this commitment weighed heavily on her conscience.

Furthermore, her uncertainty regarding the full extent of Valzethor's [Adaptive Equinox] added another layer of caution. She had heard tales of other Super Devils swiftly adapting during combat, and she had no desire to provide Valzethor with an opportunity to master his ability further while they were in the midst of their confrontation. This complex web of considerations and concerns played on Irina's mind.

"You piece of shit! Get these fucking things off me! Why can't I fucking break these pieces of shit?" Valzethor's voice thundered through the underground base. His eyes widened in shock as realization struck. "Why can't I activate my ability? What the fuck did you do, bitch!?"

Desperation welled up within him, and he fought against his restraints, his struggles threatening to wreak havoc on the very ground beneath. Yet, Cúntóir, always several steps ahead, had already anticipated this and reinforced the bindings, rendering his efforts futile.

"Maybe it was underhanded, but let's face it, Valzethor-kun, do devils really play fair? I've encountered my share of them, some playing by the rules, and others not so much. I'm uncertain which category you fall into. But I'd rather not take any chances, so I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me," Irina declared, her tone a blend of resolve and regret.

Irina stretched her wings wide, an aura of radiance enveloping her form. Her sword gleamed with an intense, holy energy. Valzethor's body quivered as he witnessed this spectacle. If only he still possessed the powers that had enabled him to confront formidable foes like this earlier. But, alas, he didn't, and for the second time in his life, fear washed over him. The first instance had been during his encounter with Hades.

"W-wait," he stammered, hope tinging his voice, "maybe we can find a way to resolve this peacefully?"

His plea, however, fell upon deaf ears. Irina remained resolute, her determination unwavering.

"Cúntóir-san," she implored, "after I've dealt with him, please strip him of his trait and transfer it to my ring. He no longer serves any purpose for the alliance, does he?" Her question hung in the air, the destiny of a once-mighty figure now teetering on the edge of decision.

Cúntóir: Answer: No, he does not. Feel free to kill him.

Irina wore a faintly sorrowful smile as she lowered her sword, [Hauteclere], to her side. With determination, she sprinted toward Valzethor. In one swift, decisive motion, her blade ended his life. The severed head of the fallen devil lay upon the ground.

When Irina turned her gaze back to the lifeless form, her eyes drifted to the ring she wore. There, she discovered that Valzethor's unique trait had been transferred to the ring.

Irina pondered the possibilities, her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush. "Maybe Aaron could find a worthy recipient for this in the future. Or maybe one of our devil allies, or even his own children," she mused.

Irina let out a sigh and shook her head. "No, forget it. I'll ponder that another time. Right now, we still have more enemies to confront. Cúntóir-san, can I count on you even more?"

Cúntóir: Answer: Sure, go ahead. Aaron has become more self-sufficient with his newfound abilities, so I find myself feeling somewhat excluded lately.

"How about you appear in your human form and join me?" Irina suggested. "That way, you can interact with Aaron immediately after the operation. Wait, why don't you do it more often?"

A sudden burst of light surrounded Irina, and Cúntóir materialized beside her. "Well," she began, "it's because when I'm in my usual form, I feel the closest to Aaron. We have regular conversations when he's in his office or helping out in his restaurant, although those chats often get interrupted by Ddraig talking about memes."

"Memes?" Irina questioned, tilting her head in curiosity.

Cúntóir's eyes and lips twitched with a hint of annoyance. "It's probably better if you didn't know. Anyway, let's proceed. I'll provide more direct assistance from now on." With those words, they moved forward together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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"Hmm, looks like Aniki's instincts were spot on. Going straight here did lead us to you, Angra Mainyu," Vali remarked as he faced the formidable Evil God from Zoroastrianism.

Angra Mainyu, with a hint of amusement, responded, [I understand now. That's why the teleportation to London was blocked; it was the Middleman's doing. So, Vali Lucifer's team is the one we're up against? You're a bit too weak to handle us, boy.]

Before the operation commenced, Vali and his team had received detailed briefings about the various groups and gods they might encounter. After careful consideration, Vali had made the deliberate choice to confront Angra Mainyu and his group.

Despite being forewarned that it would be a difficult challenge, Vali remained undaunted. He held a few secret strategies close to his chest, and that gave him the confidence to proceed with the encounter.

Angra Mainyu manifested as a phantom, his form shrouded in a deep, obsidian hue. His physique exuded power, characterized by well-defined muscles. Glowing eyes, akin to flickering flames, burned with an intense, fiery light, and two menacing horns crowned his head. An air of pure chaos emanated from his very being, making his presence all the more ominous.

[I shall personally see to your demise, while my fellow gods attend to the remainder of your team. Once our task is accomplished, we shall depart this nation,] Angra Mainyu declared, his voice dripping with malevolence.

Angra Mainyu and his group had found themselves situated within Iran, where they had been diligently making final preparations in anticipation of their imminent teleportation to London. However, the interference caused by Aaron had disrupted their travel plans. To make matters worse, a mysterious barrier had encased the entire country, leaving them with no means of escape.

The conditions for their eventual departure mandated that they defeat a team from the alliance, and the fateful enemy they were now confronting happened to be none other than Vali's team. They were well-informed about Vali and his team's might, particularly since they had witnessed their recent victory over [Team Journey to the West] in the highly competitive World tournament. This impressive feat had firmly established Vali and his team as formidable enemies along with other achievements.

Dark, looming shadows suddenly cast their veil over Vali and Angra Mainyu. In the blink of an eye, the rest of Vali's team was whisked away, leaving only Gogmagog behind, unnoticed by the gods in Angra Mainyu's company, who saw no threat in the massive creature.

"Now, descendant of the Lucifer bloodline, let the battle commence!" Angra Mainyu's voice boomed, a declaration that marked the beginning of their clash. With a mighty roar, he unleashed a relentless barrage of elemental attacks aimed squarely at Vali.

Normally, the self-assured young Lucifer would have faced these attacks without so much as a flinch. However, something about them felt amiss, raising his suspicions. In a swift and agile maneuver, he soared away from the oncoming onslaught, conjuring his own intricate magic circles in the process to counter the elemental attacks.

In the midst of this perilous dance, a voice sounded within Vali's mind, that of Albion, his trusted companion and partner. {Vali, I sense something unique about those attacks, akin to the power of dragon-slaying. Angra Mainyu is no novice in the ways of magic, and it's no surprise he wields such formidable abilities. Stay vigilant and take care,} Albion cautioned, a note of concern in his words.

"I guessed as much," Vali grumbled with a mix of irritation and grudging admiration. He swiftly activated his Balance Breaker, followed by his [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive], preparing to confront the Evil God standing before him.

[Hmph. You underestimate me, heir of Lucifer. If you believe that weak form is sufficient to defeat me, you'll be the one to fall today,] declared Angra Mainyu, exuding unwavering confidence.

Vali retorted, determination in his voice. "We'll see about that." He unleashed a relentless storm of demonic attacks at Angra Mainyu, who, in response, met his challenge with a barrage of elemental attacks.

Their attacks clashed with explosive force, sending shockwaves through the nearby town. Buildings crumbled, and structures were torn apart in the wake of their fierce battle, leaving destruction in their wake.

Angra Mainyu wielded his dark magic, conjuring a myriad of shifting shapes behind him. Vali watched with a mix of confusion and heightened alertness. He didn't give Angra Mainyu the chance to complete his puzzling creations, launching a relentless assault of white demonic swords, a signature of his clan's power.

Sensing imminent danger, Angra Mainyu reacted swiftly, evading the oncoming blades. Yet, Vali displayed his mastery by materializing above the Evil God, preparing a colossal demonic sphere that he hurled with devastating force. It struck Angra Mainyu, sending him tumbling to the ground. Vali wasted no time, following up with a barrage of elemental demonic attacks that rent the earth beneath them.

Vali maintained his distance, his senses heightened as he observed the magic emanating from the place where Angra Mainyu had been. As the dust began to settle, Vali was disheartened to see that Angra Mainyu had suffered only minor scratches, nothing to seriously impede the god.

However, Angra Mainyu's response took Vali by surprise. A sinister smile played upon his lips as he snapped his fingers. In an instant, behind the Evil God manifested female humanoids, dressed in bikinis.

Vali couldn't help but express his bewilderment. "What on earth is this god up to?" he muttered.

[I've heard from various sources that you have a particular fondness for the female butt, Vali Lucifer,] Angra Mainyu taunted, catching Vali off guard. [So, I shall battle you with precisely that!]

The female humanoids swooped toward Vali, leaving him further perplexed. Nonetheless, he braced himself for whatever strange attack was about to unfold. But his bewilderment deepened as the humanoids turned around and aimed their butts in his direction.

{...This is absurd. It won't work—Vali!?} Albion, Vali's Sacred Gear, exclaimed in disbelief. He watched his wielder turn red in the face and flee from the bizarre scene. {Are you serious? Pull yourself together! We need to focus—oh.}

In that moment, Albion recalled that Vali had recently experienced an intimate encounter with his two lovers, Genbu and Calantha, following their victory against Sun Wukong. It had been a spontaneous and passionate moment, unplanned but deeply enjoyed by all. Although Vali didn't openly display his happiness, both Genbu and Calantha could sense his contentment.

{They did tease him with their butts quite a bit during it...did he genuinely become even more affected by them...?} Albion pondered, his tone tinged with resignation. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, leaving everyone, including Vali, grappling with the strangest of distractions.

Vali swiftly pivoted and prepared to unleash an attack at the humanoid figures, only to be left dumbfounded when they transformed into two familiar faces: Genbu and Calantha, his lovers. This sudden revelation stunned him, and before he could react, they closed the distance and began doting on him.

"Vali-kyuun," the faux Calantha purred, "do you love me?"

"V-Vali-san, please, touch me... my butt," the imitation Genbu implored with a sultry tone.

Vali's cheeks flushed even deeper, and his Sacred Gear, Albion, who resided within him, let out a sigh. With an effort, Albion assumed his dragon form and, thanks to a modification by Aaron, used his power to dismiss the humanoid figures. The modification allowed Vali's Albion to mirror Aaron's Albion's abilities.

{Vali, switch to your other form, and we'll confront him together,} Albion commanded, giving his wielder a pointed look.

Vali's embarrassment still lingered, but now annoyance seeped in. He swiftly agreed, ready to face the upcoming challenge alongside his faithful partner, Albion.

"The Pure White Dragon dwelling within me, rise up from your supremacy—"

{The Silvery-white Morning Star I possess within me, claim the Throne of Dawn—}

[The Jet-black God of Infinity—]

"The Mysterious and Unfathomable Father of Devils—"

"{We shall transcend the limits to accept the oath—}"

"{[[Thou shalt kneel down before our bright and glorious existence!]]}"


{Dragon Lucifer Drive!!!!!!!!}

Vali wasted no time, swiftly entering his [Diabolos Dragon Lucifer] form. With Albion by his side, they charged headlong towards Angra Mainyu, who greeted their approach with a sinister grin. Behind the Evil God, millions of intricate magic circles materialized, forming a mesmerizing and ominous spectacle.

Then, in a show of devastating power, Angra Mainyu unleashed a relentless barrage of magic spells. The onslaught was as varied as it was potent, featuring spells drawn from an array of mythologies, from fairy and black magic to the cursed magic and Norse and Greek magic circles.

Vali, unwavering in his determination, exulted with a triumphant shout. His wings began to shine brilliantly, a clear indication that he was employing his [Satan Compression Divider].


{[[Satan Compression Divider!!!!!!!!!!!!]]}

Vali's attack surged toward Angra Mainyu's magical onslaught, rapidly compressing it until all the magical assaults dissipated. Angra Mainyu stood there, utterly stunned by the display of power.

[So, this is what vanquished Aži Dahāka and countless others... truly remarkable. You are, without a doubt, the most powerful White Dragon Emperor in history,] he admitted in sheer amazement. [However, you should know I'm not one to be outdone,] he added with a sly grin.

Angra Mainyu responded by conjuring two massive, obsidian magic circles beside him. From these circles emerged doppelgangers of Albion and Vali, the copy of Vali was in his own [Diabolos Dragon Lucifer] form, a sight that left Vali and Albion shocked.

[Not too long ago, I created another Albion, although it can't replicate your unique abilities,] Angra Mainyu revealed. [But it should serve as a fine distraction in London. And about that form of yours, young Lucifer, you rely on it quite frequently. So much so that I've been able to replicate it in this manner,] he taunted, savoring the tension of the encounter.

With a sly chuckle, Angra Mainyu issued his command, and the doppelgangers of Vali and Albion surged forward, closing the distance between themselves and their originals. However, to the Evil God's astonishment, the original Albion wasted no time.

In the blink of an eye, he closed in on his own replica, gripping its head and slamming it to the ground. In a powerful display, he unleashed a colossal breath attack that rippled through the town.

Vali, equally swift and decisive, used his incredible speed to reach his own doppelganger. With precision, he delivered a point-blank shot that sent the imposter hurtling away. Before Vali pursued his replica, he harnessed his teleportation abilities to strategically position all his wyverns around Angra Mainyu.

The Evil God's reaction was swift, but even he struggled to cope with the onslaught that followed. Vali's wyverns, with their uncanny ability to utilize [Half Dimension], closed in on Angra Mainyu. They also launched attacks intermittently, forcing the Evil God into a defensive stance and keeping him pinned in place.

Angra Mainyu recognized the gravity of the situation. Underestimating these wyverns and their attacks could result in fatal injuries, especially given Vali's heightened power following his victory against Sun Wukong's team.

In Vali's eyes, Angra Mainyu was less durable than the Monkey King, even though the reality painted a different picture, with the Evil God possessing far greater resilience.

Vali swiftly left the Evil God behind and closed the distance to catch up with his doppelganger. The duplicate Vali wore an evil grin as he unleashed a barrage of demonic attacks toward the real Vali. But the real Vali reacted with lightning speed, deploying his [Divide] four times to nullify the incoming attacks, rendering them harmless.

The fake Vali, or F-Vali, soared toward him, initiating an aerial brawl. F-Vali aimed a punch at Vali's face, but the real Vali deftly shifted his head to the side, narrowly evading the blow. Vali responded by swiftly placing his hand near F-Vali's chest and releasing another point-blank demonic aura shot, propelling F-Vali backward once more.

In this contest, the original Vali held the upper hand because F-Vali lacked access to [Divine Dividing]'s abilities. However, it was worth noting that both F-Vali and F-Albion possessed remarkable regenerative capabilities, capable of regrowing lost limbs in a matter of seconds.

F-Vali hung suspended in the air, recovering from Vali's previous attack. He observed the gaping hole in his form, where Vali's blow had landed, only to watch it swiftly mend itself. With a confident smirk, F-Vali taunted, "You can't do much about this, can you?" He gestured at his remarkable regenerative ability.

Vali remained impassive, his gaze fixed unflinchingly on his doppelganger. In an instant, he vanished without a trace and generated a powerful sonic boom that took F-Vali by surprise. A mysterious hand touched the fake Vali's back, and before he could turn around, he felt a circular object pierce through him.

"You see," Vali began, his voice carrying a note of certainty, "Aniki is quite meticulous in certain matters, especially when it comes to his dream of peace. Today, that meticulousness works in my favor, and with this move, I claim victory in our brief 'fight.'" Vali declared his triumph, and seconds later, F-Vali was violently propelled away by a powerful kick. His stomach exploded upon impact, slicing him in two, sealing his fate in this fierce confrontation.

"Didn't I just tell you this power will heal me?" F-Vali retorted, his voice filled with frustration as he faced Vali. He expected his grievous wounds to rapidly mend, but to his horror, his lower half began to disintegrate. "W-what's going on!? Why isn't my ability working!?"

Vali let out a weary sigh, his gaze steady on F-Vali. "It appears you were created hastily. Even though you possess the power of a Heavenly Dragon, I've surpassed that level of strength. Moreover, Aniki has granted me access to an ability that nullifies all forms of healing." Vali gestured towards the disintegrating body of his duplicate.

F-Vali's anger flared, and he bellowed, "It's always that meddling lizard! Always interfering with people like us! Peace is an illusion because beings like us will always exist!"

A surprising response escaped Vali's lips, catching F-Vali off guard. "That's just fine," he declared, a look of anticipation in his eyes. "Aniki already understands that, and I'm looking forward to it. This way, I can continue battling powerful enemies, not just within our universe, but in different dimensions and worlds. As a part of [DxD], I can traverse various realms and face even more stronger opponents. It's a dream come true for battle enthusiasts like myself!" The prospect of boundless battles excited him, leaving F-Vali both bewildered and agitated.

"Damn you, Vali Lucifer!!!" Vali's doppelganger roared before finally crumbling away.

Vali scoffed and then turned to face Angra Mainyu who was still being suppressed by his wyverns. "Albion should finish up soon," he mumbled before flying back to the Evil God, Angra Mainyu.

In the distance, F-Albion bore the signs of battle, missing an arm and a leg. The true Albion loomed over his doppelganger, a fierce glint in his eyes.

{Did you truly believe a mere imitation could surpass the original?} Albion questioned his duplicate.

F-Albion, undeterred, retorted, {It matters not if you're the genuine article or a copy. Strength is the ultimate recognition of superiority.}

A sly grin adorned Albion's lips. {In that case, it appears I am the stronger one,} he declared. Leveraging the same power that Vali possessed, he prevented the fake from regenerating. With a resolute gesture, Albion crushed F-Albion's head, bringing an end to the doppelganger's existence.

After defeating his duplicate, Albion swiveled around to find Vali locked in combat with Angra Mainyu once more. The battle appeared evenly matched, with Vali enjoying a slight advantage. However, the Evil God proved to be a formidable adversary, giving Vali a challenging fight.

Without hesitation, Albion joined the fray, unleashing a fiery breath attack at Angra Mainyu. The Evil God, alert to the incoming attack, retaliated by launching a flurry of icicle spheres to intercept the fire breath. The collision between their two attacks resulted in a small but powerful explosion, the fierce clash of elements lighting up the battlefield.

Both White Dragon Emperors launched their attacks on Angra Mainyu with remarkable synchrony. It was as though they had an unspoken understanding, never impeding each other as fists and legs were hurled toward the Evil God.

Vali and Albion, however, found themselves taken aback. The Evil God managed to keep pace with them, even if he did suffer the occasional hit. His ability to dodge or deflect their attacks demonstrated his strength and mastery of his formidable powers.

[I'm not too shabby in hand-to-hand combat, am I?] Angra Mainyu lauded himself while admirably keeping up with the two White Dragon Emperors. The battle raged on, with both sides displaying their remarkable combat prowess.

Finally, Angra Mainyu heightened his powers, shrouding himself in an intensely malevolent aura that sent Albion and Vali tumbling backward. Countless dark tentacles emerged from his back, and an enveloping darkness and shadows swirled around him.

[Is this the best the Heavenly Dragons can muster?] he taunted, his voice dripping with scorn.

Vali and Albion exchanged a silent communication. {I'm ready,} Albion murmured.

Vali nodded. "Gogmagog! And Malacoda, lend me your strength. Azazel isn't available yet, but with you two, we should be more than capable," he declared, a sly grin playing on his lips. Albion transformed back into his compact form and rejoined Vali.

Gogmagog manifested behind Vali, and a subtle mark of the [Malebranche] appeared near him, accompanied by a tail that extended from Vali's back.

[I'm at your service, Vali Lucifer,] Malacoda affirmed.

These [Malebranche], including those captured during recent operations, had undergone alterations at the hands of Aaron, much like Avezza and Satanael. As a result, they now collaborated with the alliance, with no hesitation, as their loyalties had shifted.

Vali's aura grew even more intense, and a brilliant surge of silver-white and blue energy radiated from his core. Simultaneously, the Lucifer emblem manifested across his gems, and behind him, Gogmagog transformed into a colossal, radiant yellow form, fusing with Vali.

Numerous magic circles bearing the insignias of the [Malebranche] and the figure of Malacoda himself materialized around Vali. Their combined magic created a titanic aura, unleashing a powerful blast that sent Angra Mainyu hurtling backward. The display of power not only affected the Evil God but also obliterated the entire town in Iran and its surrounding areas.

As the two lights merged with Vali, his armor underwent a transformation. The immense shift in his power was felt by all members of the alliance and groups affiliated with the Khaos Order. Their attention turned toward the nation of Iran, where this awe-inspiring change in the balance of power had just taken place.

Vali's armor retained its predominantly silver hue, but now it sported captivating golden accents, as well as luminous, captivating blue highlights. His transformation extended further with the emergence of sharp, menacing protrusions on his arms, legs, shoulders, and helmet. The wings of light on his back took on a futuristic edge, crackling with vivid blue electricity. Notably, sixteen bat-like wings materialized behind him, a striking manifestation of his enhanced power and evolution.

[What in the world is that?!] Angra Mainyu exclaimed in sheer astonishment.

Vali responded, his tone laced with a touch of amusement, "Well, what do you think it is? Azazel has been working on enhancing Gogmagog recently, so this is its first test run. Consider yourself my guinea pig, Evil God Angra Mainyu." Vali chuckled wickedly as he spoke.

With blinding speed, Vali closed the gap between himself and the bewildered Evil God. Before Angra Mainyu could react, a powerful strike landed from behind, accompanied by orbs of white demonic aura crackling with blue electricity.

As the searing pain registered, Angra Mainyu let out a blood-curdling scream, sent hurtling through the air. Simultaneously, Vali's [Divide] ability activated, sapping the Evil God's formidable powers.

Vali's relentless assault continued unabated. He pursued Angra Mainyu, who turned to face him and unleashed a barrage of attacks. However, the young Lucifer met the Evil God's attack with a confident smirk. A tail, gleaming silver-white with black, adorned with gold and blue accents, emerged from Vali's form. It absorbed and nullified Angra Mainyu's attacks.

[What the fuck is that!? This is unfair! You can't just devour my attacks!] the Evil God protested.

Vali offered no verbal retort. Instead, he harnessed the excess energy absorbed by his tail, strengthening himself even further. With newfound power coursing through him, Vali darted around Angra Mainyu at a pace that the Evil God could no longer match.

Angra Mainyu attempted to strike or seize Vali's elusive form but found himself unable to keep up. In a final act of defiance, Vali grabbed hold of the Evil God's wings from behind and, before Angra Mainyu could react, tore them off, causing the Evil God to emit a tortured scream.


Vali's power surged even higher, causing his new armor to crackle with intensified energy. Much like Aaron's armor, two cannons emerged above his shoulders and below his armpits, while the original cannon in the center of his stomach glowed with impending might. Vali swiftly began charging a devastating attack, while the Evil God Angra Mainyu lay helpless on the ground, unable to escape.

Fear gripped Angra Mainyu as he realized the dire straits he was in. Thoughts raced through his mind, 'This can't be the end for me! I'm the leader of this group, and they'll mock my downfall if they discover it!' Panic gnawed at him.

As he attempted to move away, a familiar sight sent a shiver down his spine. The wyverns from before reappeared, their ominous presence causing his face to pale. With their [Half Dimension] ability, they manipulated gravity around Angra Mainyu, halting his escape entirely.

[No...! Nooooo...! Not like this...!!!] Angra Mainyu's voice echoed with despair, his cries of agony filling the air as he grappled with the inevitable.

Vali grinned and then remarked, "Well, I suppose you weren't too shabby, after all." With those words, he unleashed a devastating attack on Angra Mainyu.

{[[Satan Lucifer Smasher!!!!!!!!!!!!]]}

A colossal barrage of silvery-white and jet-black auras surged forth from the five cannons on his armor. The destructive energy hurtled toward Angra Mainyu, who found himself unable to mount a defense.

The power of this new attack was staggering. It annihilated Iran and several neighboring countries in its path, the silver-white and jet-black beams piercing through the Earth's surface, nearly reaching its very core. After the cataclysmic explosion subsided, there remained nothing beneath Vali, the heir of Lucifer, who floated there with a contented smile, having accomplished apart of his mission.

"Okay, let's head over and see if the others need assistance," Vali proposed, taking a deep breath. With that, he took to the skies and flew off, ready to offer aid or confront any remaining gods who posed a threat.

A Shadow Soldier who had been observing the intense battle flew over and landed beside the fallen Evil God. With a skillful touch, the Shadow Soldier applied a soothing enchantment that induced slumber and administered a modest measure of healing to the unconscious deity. Beru, the diligent soldier, let out a sigh of relief and carefully lifted the slumbering god.

"Lord Vali, it seems you overlooked bringing him to the designated relocation point," Beru murmured under his breath. "I won't bring this up with my liege to spare you from any teasing." That day, Vali found himself unexpectedly rescued by a loyal and discreet ally.

— ○ ● ○ —

Sairaorg Bael and his team found themselves in an unexpected place, Hawaii, where a unique group stood before them. Among this assembly were Zeno, Balberith, along with a multitude of Super Devils, Grim Reapers, and two apprentices of the Wizards of Oz.

Balberith was struck with a sudden stillness at the sight of Sairaorg Bael. He had watched the legendary match between Sairaorg and Aaron Toole over a hundred times, the very battle where Aaron unleashed his awe-inspiring [Queen] form. Each viewing of that match ignited Balberith's fighting spirit and brought tears to his eyes, though he couldn't quite explain why.

Before anyone could utter a word, Balberith's voice rang out, resolute and unwavering, "Sairaorg Bael! I challenge you to a one-on-one duel!"

The declaration left everyone in the vicinity dumbfounded, their surprise etched across their faces. The only one who fully comprehended Balberith's motivation was Zeno, their team's [King]. Sairaorg regarded the Super Devil before him in silence, then nodded his agreement. Without another word, the two warriors leaped away to engage in their showdown.

"Haha, who would've guessed that little Bal-Bal would pull something like that?" inquired the young female magician apprentice from the Wizards of Oz. She introduced herself with a cheerful smile, saying, "Oh, I'm Clayita, by the way. Super Orphan and Super Magician. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Clayita bowed gracefully.

Clayita was a young woman with short blonde hair and striking green eyes. She donned a white witch's robe, complete with a broom by her side. An air of mischievousness surrounded her, adding a touch of enigma to her presence.

"Clay, be cautious with your words," advised a young man. He sported a substantial black witch hat atop his head, donned circular glasses that framed his vibrant green eyes, and displayed striking blue hair. His figure remained concealed beneath a flowing brown robe.

"Oh, come on, Zed, we'll be just fine. We had everything set up before these folks arrived," she reassured with a confident grin. She pointed her broom at Sairaorg's team, and it transformed into a small green wand. "Let's get this started!" she exclaimed, and thousands of magic circles materialized around her. With a burst of energy, she released a deluge of magical attacks at her opponents.

Sairaorg's team remained composed as Kuisha harnessed her clan's unique trait, [Hole], and absorbed every incoming attack. Then, in a swift and surprising move, she redirected the collected power, sending it back toward Zeno's group.

"Wow!" Clayita exclaimed in genuine admiration, her applause resonating through the area. She conjured another set of magic circles and launched a barrage of counterattacks to meet the returning magic.

"Stay vigilant, everyone, and let's await Sairaorg-sama's return," Kuisha commanded, and the group readily complied. "Regulus, go and join him."

"At once," Regulus responded, having stayed behind. He vanished from their midst, following closely in their Master's wake.

— ○ ● ○ —

As Regulus neared the battleground, the clash of Balberith and Sairaorg was in full swing. Each time their fists met, the very foundations of Hawaii trembled under the immense force. It was evident that neither of them had unleashed their full power yet; instead, they seemed to be engaged in a preliminary skirmish, a dance of testing the waters to gauge each other's strength.

"Regulus, stay put until I call for you," Sairaorg ordered.

"Understood!" came the reply from the Sacred Gear.

Sairaorg faced his formidable opponent, Balberith, with a curious expression. "Balberith, was it? I've observed your battles, and you seem quite powerful. Can you tell me why you wanted to fight me?" He deftly dodged yet another straight punch from Balberith.

Without warning, Balberith shifted his stance, going down on his hands, and executed a swift spinning kick aimed at Sairaorg. The impact was substantial, prompting Sairaorg to employ his arms as a shield. The force of the attack sent him tumbling backward.

"Because I'm a fan of Oppai Dragon, and I saw you fighting him that day, the day he first unleashed his [Queen] form. I wanted to experience a battle with you at your best—I thought it might help me evolve and grow stronger! I... I aspire to be like Oppai Dragon!" Balberith's revelation left both Sairaorg and Regulus astonished.

The sincerity of this response caught them off guard. Sairaorg, quietly assessing his opponent's facial expression and the nuances of his life signature, detected no hint of deception in Balberith's words. This revelation brought a genuine smile to Sairaorg's face as he faced the Super Devil before him.

"Very well. Balberith, unleash your full power, and I'll meet you with all I've got!" Sairaorg declared.

A broad, eager grin stretched across Balberith's face. He nodded enthusiastically, reminiscent of a child about to embark on an adventure. In mere moments, an immense column of demonic aura erupted from Balberith's form. It was intense, potent, and so vast that it pierced through the clouds in the sky. The very Earth quivered under the weight of Balberith's overwhelming might.

Sairaorg's smile broadened as he observed this display of power. "I always suspected you were holding back during the tournament preliminaries," he admitted. "Alright, let's do this! Regulus!" Sairaorg shouted, prompting Regulus to transform into a golden sphere and merge with him. Together, they quickly donned his Balance Breaker armor and began their incantation, ready to face the impending challenge.

"This body, this soul, even if it falls into an endless ravine!"

[My Lord and I, we will exhaust this body and this soul to rise up the endless royal road!]

"Raze, triumph, play, and shine!"

[This is the body of a Demonic Beast!]

"Lodged on top of my fist, is the glorious imperial authority!"




"[Breakdown The Beast, Climb Over]!!"

A tremendous surge of power emanated from Sairaorg as he assumed his [Breakdown the Beast] form, altering his stance to confront Balberith. A hushed anticipation hung in the air, enveloping the surroundings as both warriors poised themselves for combat.

Then, with swiftness akin to a fleeting gust, both of them vanished from sight. In the epicenter of their confrontation, their fists collided, generating an enormous explosion that laid waste to the surface of Hawaii. 

The sheer force of Sairaorg and Balberith's intense clash sent shockwaves that propelled their teammates backward, leaving them in awe. However, not a single member of their group dared to intervene, for they understood that this battle was a personal duel, one that needed to be settled between the two powerhouses.

Their legs clashed, with Sairaorg enveloped in potent purple touki and Balberith's shrouded in a dense demonic aura. In a swift move, Balberith vanished from Sairaorg's sight and reappeared just below him, launching an uppercut at the Lion King. However, Sairaorg, determined not to be outdone, bent backward, causing the Super Devil's strike to miss its mark.

But Balberith wasn't finished. Utilizing his agility and flexible body, he spun around and directed a kick at Sairaorg. Once again, the Super Devil found himself surprised as the Lion King adeptly maneuvered mid-air, using Balberith's own leg as a propellant to elevate himself. Then, with a simple punch, Sairaorg released a condensed shockwave, aiming it squarely at Balberith.

Balberith managed to shield himself by crossing his arms, reducing the impact of the powerful punch but still feeling the stinging pain. The earth beneath him shattered from the force of the blow. As soon as the force ceased, the young Super Devil launched himself once more toward Sairaorg, his arm poised for a strike.

He arrived in front of the Lion King, launching a lightning-fast jab. To his astonishment, Sairaorg countered it with a swift headbutt. Without missing a beat, Sairaorg's touki-infused fist connected with Balberith's chest, propelling the Super Devil downward, where he crashed into the ground.

Balberith couldn't help but break into an enormous grin that spread across his face. Surprisingly, he didn't experience any despair or anger during this battle. Quite the opposite, he felt a surge of elation. The fight was turning into something he thoroughly enjoyed, even more so than his previous bout with Mahabali from [Team Asura].

"This is fun, Lion King, Sairaorg Bael!" Balberith exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident. With an even wilder gleam in his eyes, he leaped towards Sairaorg once more. Without much hesitation, he launched a barrage of wild haymakers and rapid kicks, attempting to overpower his opponent.

However, Sairaorg, the Lion King, remained unruffled. He moved with a graceful ease, effortlessly dodging Balberith's relentless attacks. Surprisingly, he wore the same satisfied smile that graced Balberith's face. The joy of the battle seemed to be mutual, creating an electric atmosphere in their clash.

In an instant, Sairaorg's fist clashed with Balberith's, creating a powerful shockwave that sent both of them tumbling away. They landed on the ground, locking eyes.

Sairaorg broke the silence. "Balberith," he began, "your movements, they don't feel like your usual self. It's like I've seen them somewhere before. So, let me ask you this: why are you imitating him?" Sairaorg's gaze was filled with curiosity.

Balberith stuttered in his response, "B-because I want to be like Oppai Dragon!" The young Super Devil had been emulating Aaron Toole's fighting style during their brief confrontation. This was one reason why Sairaorg found it easier to evade the blows. He had grown accustomed to them, and they paled in comparison to Aaron's lightning-quick movements.

Sairaorg crossed his arms and briefly closed his eyes, releasing a slightly weary sigh through his nose. When he opened his eyes, he fixed a stern gaze on Balberith. "It's perfectly fine to idolize Jin, to look up to him, and even aspire to be like him. But never settle for mere imitation."

He continued to explain, "Your unique style was a key factor in many of your victories. Your opponents couldn't predict your next move, giving you an advantage."

Balberith's brows furrowed in frustration. "...Are you telling me to give up on becoming like Oppai Dragon?"

Sairaorg shook his head, determination evident in his voice. "No, what I'm saying is..." Sairaorg pointed directly at Balberith, taking him aback for a moment. "Become your version of Oppai Dragon! Infuse your powers, style, and techniques into your fighting style, and become someone distinct from Jin while still carrying the same 'essence' as him! Don't be content watching from the sidelines. Get stronger and stand alongside him. Don't be just a fan; become his friend!" Sairaorg's words resonated with authority, enveloping the surroundings in a profound silence.

"Become... my own Oppai Dragon?" Balberith repeated, his voice tinged with astonishment at Sairaorg's words. "I-I can do that?"

"Absolutely, you can!" Sairaorg thundered with enthusiasm. "Don't just mimic him; take everything you've learned and create your unique style. Let's get started!"

A fresh surge of power coursed through Balberith's body as the young Super Devil readied himself to charge at Sairaorg once more. However, this time, Balberith employed a flurry of a hundred feints in just two seconds. He seemed to materialize at various points around Sairaorg, each of these "clones" launching powerful punches toward the Lion King.

Sairaorg, a confident smile gracing his lips, gracefully evaded the strikes aimed at him. In a swift motion, he delivered a powerful blow to Balberith's stomach, leaving the Super Devil even more astonished. The force of the strike sent Balberith hurtling, crashing into a pile of rubble.

"Hmm. That's what I'm talking about. Well done," Sairaorg commended, nodding in approval.

Balberith rose from the spot where Sairaorg's powerful punch had sent him crashing. The blow had inflicted significant damage on the Super Devil, but he got to his feet with the same unwavering grin.

"That's right! He always bounces back with a smile, so you better do the same!" Sairaorg proclaimed with an infectious laugh, his spirits undaunted.

Balberith, still grinning, declared, "I'll make my own path as another Oppai Dragon—my very own version of what a hero is!"

Sairaorg's enthusiasm surged as he encouraged his opponent, shouting, "Indeed, become your true self, Balberith!" With their determination renewed, both of them charged at each other, ready to continue their intense duel.

— ○ ● ○ —

[Hoho? Rias Gremory-kun, facing me? Well, should I be flattered?] Scarmiglione asked with a mocking tone.

Back with Rias' group above Japan, the ongoing battles against illusions of once-deceased foes still raged. Rias herself had chosen to confront the Malebranche, as she had informed the entire alliance of her strategy.

"Yes, it's me. I may not possess the same abilities as my brother, but for dealing with you, it should suffice," Rias replied with her customary smile.

Scarmiglione's expression soured, and he inquired, [Do you think I'm weak?]

Rias shook her head, her tone firm. "I never implied that, Scarmiglione. You're misinterpreting my words. Let's put an end to this charade before anyone gets hurt."

[Hmph. You'll regret this, little girl,] he retorted, his arrogance unshaken.

Scarmiglione wasted no time. He conjured thousands of magic circles and unleashed a barrage of attacks toward Rias. In addition, he harnessed his demonic powers to create several hovering whips, which he promptly directed to attack her. All the while, a self-assured smirk played upon his lips. He believed himself to be superior to Rias, largely due to his limited knowledge of her and her accomplishments over the past year.

Rias, however, remained composed. She observed the approaching attacks without a trace of panic. As the attacks drew nearer, she enveloped herself in her [Power of Destruction]. The moment these attacks made contact with her [Power of Destruction], they disintegrated, never even coming close to her body.

Scarmiglione couldn't help but express his annoyance with a click of his tongue. [The [Power of Destruction], how vexing. If it weren't for your mother, you wouldn't have that ability since it's a specialty of the Bael clan. You owe everything to it, Rias Gremory,] he hissed at her, his tone dripping with contempt.

From the beginning of the operation until now, the fact that Scarmiglione was confined to Japan had been a source of great frustration for him. He harbored grander designs, plans that involved wreaking havoc on multiple cities and pantheons, schemes that he yearned to execute.

True to his title as a troublemaker, Scarmiglione possessed a penchant for chaos and destruction that surpassed even the most notorious mischief-makers. However, there was one crucial detail that eluded many. When Aaron had transported all the remaining members of the Khaos Order to their current location, he had introduced a new rule to the realm. This rule was reminiscent of the way he had manipulated reality for them previously.

What most of the Khaos Order didn't realize was that they had been transferred to a replica of the planet. They firmly believed they were still on the genuine Earth, convinced that their actions held the power to influence humanity.

[Are you going to fight me, or will you continue to stand there acting like some self-important brat?] Scarmiglione snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Rias responded with a knowing smile, "If I chose to fight, our 'battle' would already be concluded. I'm offering you a chance to surrender, Scarmiglione."

The [Malebranche] scoffed incredulously, [Surrender? Me? Are you mentally sound? I always knew you were less clever than your older brother, but I didn't realize it was this bad.] He turned to one of his illusions and shouted, [Did you hear this? She wants me to surrender!]

In the distance, a devil's laughter rang out, "Uhyahyahyah," a mocking tone that went unnoticed by Rias as she maintained her confident gaze upon the [Malebranche] before her.

Scarmiglione turned towards Rias with a scornful expression. [If you won't make the move, I will!] he declared, his voice ringing out before he closed the gap between them in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, he summoned massive jack-in-the-boxes that surrounded them, their eerie screams resonating through the air. Each scream unleashed circular waves of aura attacks aimed at Rias.

Simultaneously, Scarmiglione made an attempt to touch her, his hands and arms enveloped in dense, powerful demonic aura. However, Rias' [Power of Destruction] acted as a formidable shield, thwarting his advances.

Upon contact with her power, his demonic aura disintegrated, compelling him to retreat. Moreover, the destructive forces emanating from Rias's [Power of Destruction] extended to her body, swiftly eliminating the earlier attacks launched by the jack-in-the-boxes.

Frustration welled up in Scarmiglione's eyes as he gazed at Rias. She was proving to be an unfavorable matchup for him, his usual bag of tricks utterly ineffective against her. Earlier, he had attempted to employ a potent illusion technique against the alliance, but it had been swiftly dispelled by several members, including Rias. This failure had discouraged him from trying that approach again.

In a bid to gain an emotional upper hand, he had even resorted to gaslighting her, but to his chagrin, his petty insults and manipulative tactics seemed to have no effect on her. He had expected her to succumb easily to such tactics, but he had been proven wrong.

It seemed that his only recourse was to engage her in a fair battle, yet that, too, was not going in his favor. His options dwindled, and Scarmiglione found himself trapped in an unexpectedly challenging situation.

"Is that really all you've got?" Rias inquired, her tone tinged with a hint of disappointment. She seemed unfazed by the persistent jack-in-the-boxes surrounding them, which continued to launch relentless attacks.

[Huh!? No way, I've got more tricks up my sleeve!] Scarmiglione shouted, his anger growing for various reasons. He snapped his fingers once more, igniting a series of fireworks that burst in a dazzling display high above, their fiery tendrils descending toward Rias.

At last, the Gremory heiress took action. She raised her hand and conjured thousands of small orbs made with the [Power of Destruction]. With a commanding gesture, she directed them toward the approaching fireworks and jack-in-the-boxes. Upon contact, the fiery explosions and the malicious toys were swiftly obliterated in a brilliant crimson-black blaze. Scarmiglione stood in stunned silence, his array of tricks dismantled before his eyes.

Without warning, Rias vanished and reappeared behind Scarmiglione, catching him off guard. In a split second, she unleashed a close-range demonic blast, sending him hurtling away with a significant injury to his back. Scarmiglione's pained cries filled the air, his frustration evident.

However, he quickly regained his composure while still in mid-air. He returned fire with his own attacks, but Rias countered them effortlessly, harnessing her [Power of Destruction] to disintegrate his incoming attacks.

Frustration mounted for Scarmiglione as he attempted to evade the relentless spheres of destruction that pursued him. Despite his best efforts, they closed in, refusing to be deterred. He pulled out all the stops, unleashing a barrage of techniques, from his jack-in-the-boxes to fireworks, elemental attacks, magic, and even touki. Yet, to his surprise, none of these tactics proved effective against the inexorable orbs of annihilation.

As Scarmiglione turned to face forward, a sense of surprise washed over him. Rias had somehow materialized right in front of him. Swiftly, Rias delivered a powerful uppercut to his chin, leaving him momentarily stunned.

His body was sent soaring higher into the sky, even as the cacophony of battles continued all around. In that suspended moment, he found himself reflecting on his own existence.

Created by the original Satans, they were promptly sealed away, a fact not widely known. What set them apart was their unceasing awareness of the world beyond their imprisonment. They remained in a state of suspension, their lives put on hold, awaiting the day they would be unsealed—a notion that Scarmiglione found utterly loathsome.

His very essence yearned for liberation, a desire to sow chaos, to revel in mischief, to stir up trouble, and to bask in the despair of others. Scarmiglione's animosity extended not only towards their captors but also towards their leader, Malacoda. While Malacoda did allow them considerable freedom, he ruled them with an iron grip when the need arose. Disobedience was met with consequences.

This newfound understanding only truly surfaced once they were unfrozen and unleashed into the current era. Yet, they had gleaned from Malacoda's aura during their shared imprisonment that he towered above them in power. However, when word reached them of Malacoda's defeat at the hands of the Middleman, Scarmiglione couldn't help but feel elation and newfound hope.

However, the hope that swirled within him was on the brink of being shattered. He knew he had to confront Rias Gremory again, and in his heart, he realized that defeating her was an insurmountable challenge after their brief encounter.

There was so much left undone, and he despised it all. So, he made a fateful decision—to unleash his full, unfettered power, regardless of the consequences that might follow.

Rias materialized near him, and with a swift, forceful motion, she brought her foot crashing into his face. The impact sent him hurtling downward, demolishing numerous buildings along the way. In a matter of seconds, Scarmiglione rose to his feet, his countenance dark and determined.

Then, a transformation began. His body was consumed by a jet-black crimson energy that radiated outward, expanding and enveloping the entire city they were in. His form underwent a radical alteration as he grew taller, more muscular, and more imposing.

Veins bulged from every inch of his body, his already crimson hair lengthened, and his eyes turned pitch-black. His hands transformed into formidable claws, and a total of sixteen wings sprouted from his back, signifying the manifestation of his true, unleashed power.

Upon the completion of his transformation, a series of events unfurled. Hundreds of jack-in-the-boxes materialized all over the city, springing to life and targeting anyone in their vicinity. A few members of the alliance fell victim to these mechanical onslaughts, sustaining injuries, but fortunately, most were not fatal. Asia, who stood with them, promptly activated her Balance Breaker, conjuring a sprawling green field that provided continuous healing to those in need.

In the skies above, a multitude of jesters appeared, each armed with bazookas that unleashed a volley of missiles. These projectiles possessed homing capabilities, making them exceedingly challenging to evade. If the missiles were destroyed, they erupted into a misty cloud that swiftly spread, enveloping the surrounding area and plunging anyone caught within into a deep slumber, rendering them vulnerable to further attacks.

[A group of clowns just showed up on the south side! Is this one of the Malebranche's tricks? Should we eliminate them?] a member of the alliance inquired, their voice laced with panic.

Rias, one of the leaders, swiftly responded, [Destroy them, but exercise caution. These may have hidden effects or abilities that could activate upon their defeat.] She received a resolute "roger that" in acknowledgment.

Scarmiglione bridged the distance between himself and Rias. Immediately, he unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks aimed at her. Simultaneously, a multitude of magic circles materialized behind him, relentlessly bombarding her with magic attacks. To complete this onslaught, a tail protruded from his back, launching a variety of elemental demonic attacks in her direction.

Rias saw no need to evade these incoming attacks. She enveloped herself once more in the [Power of Destruction]. As expected, Scarmiglione's hands and feet suffered instant annihilation upon contact with the aura of destruction surrounding her. The same fate befell the multitude of magical and demonic attacks directed at her.

However, she found herself taken aback when Scarmiglione's extremities regenerated instantly. Undeterred, he pressed on with his assault. Yet, his continued aggression was short-lived. Rias launched a punch, cloaked in her [Power of Destruction], squarely at his abdomen, sending him hurtling backward.

His stomach was obliterated by the attack, but once again, his remarkable regenerative abilities kicked in, rapidly mending the injury. Scarmiglione stood his ground, a grin spreading across his face as he taunted Rias. [What's the matter? Can't you finish me off?] he mockingly inquired.

"So... you won't surrender? I'll ask one more time," Rias stated firmly, her gaze locked onto Scarmiglione, who responded with a mocking laugh.

[The flames of hell would freeze over before I surrender to the likes of you. As long as I have my regeneration, I won't be defeated,] Scarmiglione declared confidently.

Rias sighed and shook her head, a sense of resolve in her eyes. "If that's your choice, then I will have to eliminate you for now," she declared. She initiated a telepathic conversation with Aaron, asking, 'Aaron, I'm going to eliminate Scarmiglione. Can you resurrect him later?'

'Sure thing,' came Aaron's reply.

With a determined nod, Rias turned her attention back to Scarmiglione, a smile on her lips. Then, something extraordinary began to unfold. The entire planet quivered, and her body was bathed in the formidable [Power of Destruction]. Her very being radiated with an intense glow, and her surroundings began to crumble and disintegrate.

"I planned to reveal this in my next match, but I suppose here will do since there are no tournament players left," she muttered. A sudden surge of the [Power of Destruction] emanated from Rias, creating a powerful shockwave that cleared everything and everyone from her vicinity.

Scarmiglione's eyes widened in shock as he stammered, [H-how do you have that? You shouldn't have this power! It's a unique ability, only your older brother, an anomaly among your kind, can wield it, as he's essentially a living mass of destruction in human form.]

Rias maintained her smile and replied, "I have a doting and protective fiancé. That's why I can do this."

[That infernal lizard again!?] Scarmiglione shouted in frustration.

Rias had undergone a remarkable transformation, assuming her own version of the [Aura of Destruction], much like Sirzechs' own. This incredible feat was made possible by Aaron's assistance, who had aided her in subtly altering her body.

In the past, during her Rating Game against Sairaorg, Rias had managed to create a semblance of this technique, which had bore a resemblance to Aaron's—or Issei's [Cardinal Crimson] armor.

However, over the course of a century spent within Aaron's [Pocket Dimension], Rias had made numerous adjustments and fine-tuned her ability. Now, as she floated there, a manifestation of the formidable [Power of Destruction], Scarmiglione began to feel a growing sense of dread.

'Shit, shit, shit! How the hell am I going to get out of this alive?' he thought, his panic escalating.

Scarmiglione attempted to take flight to escape, but before he could get far, a sphere of [Power of Destruction] enveloped both him and Rias, sealing off any means of getaway.

Rias, with deliberate composure, informed him, "If you attempt to break through that barrier, you'll meet your demise, and your boasted regenerative abilities won't save you."

Frustration welled up within him, and his anger erupted. He unleashed a relentless onslaught of attacks, employing a wide range of powers, from magic to demonic energy and touki. However, all of his efforts proved futile against Rias' impenetrable [Aura of Destruction].

"You claim I'm the boring one," Rias retorted with a smug air. Her words only served to further irk the [Malebranche] standing before her as he continued his relentless yet futile onslaught. Suddenly, Rias swiped her hand downward, unleashing invisible slashes crafted from the [Power of Destruction], severing Scarmiglione's arms.

[Aaaaaaaarggh?!] he howled in pain and desperately attempted to regenerate his lost limbs, but his powers failed him.

The [Power of Destruction] was known for its capacity to "destroy anything," and that encompassed even the effects of regenerative abilities. However, to bypass this protection, the wielder of the power had to surpass their opponent in terms of sheer strength. Occasionally, exceptions arose, especially when an individual's regenerative ability significantly outweighed the person it belonged to.

Such was the case for Scarmiglione. Yet, Rias' [Power of Destruction], enhanced by her mastery of the anti-healing and regeneration technique bestowed upon her by Aaron and to his harem, effectively nullified the Malebranche's healing abilities.

[We are the [Evil Claws], equivalent to the [Longinus] created by that old man! How can a mere devil like you hope to defeat me?] Scarmiglione vented his frustration.

Rias couldn't help but chuckle at his question. "Because Aaron altered your perception of reality," she calmly explained. Scarmiglione found himself taken aback by this revelation, but Rias pressed on, "A few months ago, he reshaped the perception of reality for many members of the Khaos Order, including you, the [Malebranche]. In reality, my power surpasses what the Dragon God had last year."

In truth, Rias possessed even greater strength, but attempting to convey the specifics using Aaron's ranking system would likely only confuse her opponent. Instead, she drew a parallel with Ophis' previous level of power.

Before Scarmiglione could react, Rias closed the gap between them in the blink of an eye, seizing his head in a vice-like grip. He struggled and attempted to employ his powers or scratch at her arm, but none of his efforts proved effective against her superior strength.

"I might have struggled against you if you had shown up a year earlier, before Aaron helped us become stronger. But I'm grateful you delayed your attack until now; it made things easier for all of us," Rias said with an unexpectedly warm tone in her voice.

She conjured a sphere of [Power of Destruction] from the hand gripping Scarmiglione's head. With a swift movement, she unleashed the deadly power, causing the Malebranche's head to instantly vaporize. Rias' destructive force continued, obliterating the rest of his chest. She ceased her powers when only the lower half of the man remained.

With Scarmiglione confirmed dead, Rias looked around. The illusions of past enemies they had been battling against vanished, leaving only the clones of the Evil Dragon.

[Why are the Evil Dragon Clones still here?] Rias inquired through the transceivers.

[It appears they were created in a similar manner to the mass-produced Evil Dragons from last year, except these clones are stronger—on par with the Heavenly Dragons,] a member of the Five Principal Clans responded.

[We just got word from Cúntóir-san a few minutes ago. It seems they fell under the enchantment of Scarmiglione's powers and the Khaos Order,] a member of the alliance reported.

[I understand. We'll handle them. If you can't join the fight, please find cover,] Rias instructed before turning her attention to one of the Evil Dragons, Yamata no Orochi.

The two cloned Yamata no Orochi were locked in intense battles against several members of [DxD], as the members slowly sapped its strength. Rias extended her fingers like a pistol, unleashing bullets of [Power of Destruction] at the two Evil Dragon clones. The destructive power instantly engulfed and vaporized them, bringing a swift end to the fierce conflict.

The only figures that remained in the field were the two clones of Crom Cruach, along with Apophis, Ladon, Aži Dahāka, Niðhöggr, Grendel, and Vritra. These Evil Dragons were engaged in combat with other members of [DxD].

In the distance, Crom Cruach battled against his own clones. It was evident to onlookers, including Rias, that the original Crom Cruach was vastly superior to his duplicates. With each passing moment, he dominated his clones, slowly but surely wearing them down.

In a stunning display of supremacy, Crom Cruach impaled one of his clones through the chest, extracted its heart, and obliterated the remainder of its body with a potent burst of draconic energy. He then turned his attention to the remaining clone, dispatching it with a single horizontal sweep of his hand and reduced its remnants to ashes with another mighty surge of energy.

The other Evil Dragons were gradually being dealt with. Xenovia and Vasco Strada joined forces, taking on the formidable Grendels, and they were on the verge of victory. Vasco Strada's [Holy Fist] obliterated one of the clones, while Xenovia unleashed a devastating [Cross Crisis] wielding both [Durandal] and [Excalibur].

Meanwhile, Yumi and Akeno confronted the two Aži Dahāka clones. Yumi had already destroyed two of the three heads on the clone she faced, leaving it severely weakened. Akeno, on the other hand, subjected the other clone to relentless torment. She unleashed Holy Lightning and various demonic elemental attacks, causing the clone to writhe in agony.

Gasper assumed responsibility for dealing with both Apophis clones. He devoured the darkness the Evil Dragon used, leaving the clones stunned and disoriented. Gasper's mastery over his Sacred Gear and the darkness within him continued to grow, and Balor, residing within him, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the young Dhampir's accomplishments.

Shirone and Asia faced off against the two clones of Ladon and Vritra, determined to overcome this challenge. Ahin, Asia's familiar, provided invaluable assistance as he joined Asia in battling the clone of Vritra, while Shirone took on the Ladon clones single-handedly.

Among the Evil Dragon Clones, Niðhöggr stood alone. Rias set her sights on them and prepared to fly in that direction, but before she could reach her target, Crom Cruach beat her to the punch. In a swift and merciless move, he seized one of the clone's heads, crushing it in his powerful grip. Then, Crom Cruach unleashed a fierce torrent of fire breath, reducing the clone to charred ashes.

Puzzled by Crom's sudden outburst, Rias couldn't help but ask, "Crom, what's gotten into you?" Her curiosity aside, she extended her palm toward the remaining Niðhöggr. In one powerful discharge of [Power of Destruction], she vanquished the last clone, bringing an end to the threat.

[I despised those clones when we were imprisoned,] Crom declared, his aura growing more intense as he glared at the other Evil Dragon clones, who were gradually succumbing to their opponents in the distance. [I vowed to eliminate any clones that reappeared in this world. But...]

His eyes focused on the distant figure of another Aži Dahāka clone in London. [There's one more Aži Dahāka clone in London, but I'll entrust it to Apophis, who's with Ddraig and Albion. They're facing their own clones over there.]

Rias, noticing his hesitation, inquired, "Do you wish to join them?" However, Crom shook his head, surprising her.

[As I mentioned, I'll let them handle it,] he responded, his determination firm. [But if by any chance they fail...] He briefly contemplated the scenario before shaking his head, dismissing the thought. [No, that's not possible. I will go help the others fight the dragons.] With that decision, Crom soared away, heading to assist in vanquishing the remaining Evil Dragons.

— ○ ● ○ —

[I didn't expect to see you here,] Ddraig remarked, genuinely surprised by the unexpected appearance of a familiar face.

Seekvaira Agares, with her pale greenish-blonde hair, responded calmly, "I'm still a part of [DxD], and it's worth noting that both I and Sairaorg Bael play pivotal roles behind the scenes in the Underworld. Rias has been steadily increasing her influence as well."

Seekvaira had reached out to Aaron a few days earlier with the desire to join the front lines. However, she had also requested a unique enhancement to aid her in the battles to come. Now, here she stood, fighting alongside Ddraig, Albion, and Apophis.

Her futuristic-looking armor bore a striking resemblance to the Scale Mail of the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing], but with distinct modifications. The armor boasted intricate, mechanical elements, adorned with visible gears intricately integrated into its design. Green dominated its color scheme, accented by occasional touches of gold and white.

Distinctive angelic wings graced her back, adding an air of elegance to the otherwise mechanical appearance. The upper section of her armor featured a hollow area that concealed a miniature cannon, a special customization made to cater to Seekvaira's unique combat style.

"So, who's my partner in this fight?" Seekvaira inquired. Ddraig, Albion, and Apophis exchanged glances as they weighed their options. Ultimately, Apophis let out a resigned sigh.

[Come with me. Those two aren't keen on the idea. This Aži Dahāka clone is still quite formidable, so stay alert,] Apophis cautioned.

"Roger!" Seekvaira replied with enthusiasm. She and Apophis took to the skies and vanished within a shroud of darkness.

[I was going to suggest she join me, but Appy told her to go with them,] Ddraig remarked with a smug grin.

{Liar, you'd have remained silent until either I or Apophis made the call. Cut the crap,} Albion retorted and Ddraig laughed at him.

[Enough chatter; it's time to battle!] Fake Ddraig shouted, charging at the real Ddraig, while Fake Albion did the same with the original Albion.

Ddraig and F-Ddraig clashed with tremendous force, their blows sending shockwaves through the heart of London as they plowed through several buildings. The two dragons exchanged grins before Ddraig swiftly kicked F-Ddraig away. Without hesitation, Ddraig unleashed a fiery breath attack.

F-Ddraig managed to regather himself, returning the favor with his own scorching breath attack. The two attacks collided, erupting into a blazing inferno that devoured yet more buildings in its path.

[Seems like we're evenly matched!] F-Ddraig exclaimed, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ddraig, however, shook his head. [No, we're not. I'm just having some fun here, but I know my Partner wants to wrap this up quickly.] In an instant, he appeared behind his duplicate, a sly grin on his face. [So let's finish it now.] Ddraig thrust his arm through the fake Heavenly Dragon's chest.

[What—!? We were told you were weakened!] the duplicate protested.

Ddraig couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the confusion. 'Weakened? What's he talking about?' he mused to himself, but then his smirk returned. 'Oh well, not that I care.' With that, he released a point-blank breath attack that annihilated everything in its path.

When his breath attack ceased, Ddraig gazed upon the sight of F-Ddraig, his upper half missing, and a smirk curled upon his lips. As Ddraig prepared to turn and fly away, he suddenly heard F-Ddraig's voice echoing.

[Where do you think you're going?] F-Ddraig inquired, a grin adorning his face. When Ddraig glanced back at F-Ddraig, he beheld a surprising sight—F-Ddraig's upper half had completely regenerated.

[Hmm. I see, that's how it is, huh? Regeneration, huh? Well, no matter, it's easy to deal with. I'll be finished in just another moment,] Ddraig declared nonchalantly, a chuckle escaping his lips.

[Easy to deal with? Please, our regeneration ability surpasses whatever you're thinking,] F-Ddraig retorted.

Ddraig said nothing more but simply offered F-Ddraig a knowing smile. Then, to F-Ddraig's surprise, he transformed into his human form, leaving his doppelganger stunned. [This form is more than sufficient to take you down. Come on, faker,] Ddraig taunted with a casual wave of his finger, further infuriating F-Ddraig.

[Don't underestimate me just because you're the original!] F-Ddraig roared, drawing in a deep breath and unleashing a colossal attack of his own against Ddraig.

Ddraig nonchalantly cleaned his ear, flicking some earwax aside, and glanced at the incoming attack. With a casual belch in its direction, he effortlessly dispersed it.

[What the hell?! Did you just burp and cancel that attack!?] F-Ddraig exclaimed in astonishment.

Ddraig smirked, muttering to himself, [What does it look like, you idiot?] He then materialized beside F-Ddraig. [Have I always been this big? I should shed some weight,] he grumbled before delivering a forceful blow to F-Ddraig's side.

The impact sent F-Ddraig tumbling through the air, but Ddraig wasted no time, pursuing him with a series of swift blows. Ddraig continued to strike F-Ddraig, as though he were playing an impromptu game of aerial juggling. To an outside observer, it might have appeared as if a giant were swinging F-Ddraig's tail in a wild and chaotic dance through the skies.

Finally, Ddraig descended to the ground after delivering a powerful punch that sent F-Ddraig hurtling toward the earth. With a swift motion, he drew back his arm and struck F-Ddraig, launching him back into the skies with immense force. The shockwave from the impact wreaked havoc on the surrounding buildings.

As F-Ddraig soared through the skies, Ddraig lowered his hands to his sides, a mischievous grin on his face. [Hehehehahaha! Ka!!!] he shouted. A small, radiant blue beam materialized in his hands, rapidly intensifying in brilliance. [Mehameha!!!!!!!] Ddraig bellowed, thrusting his hands toward F-Ddraig. The unleashed energy resembled one of Goku's signature attacks, the Kamehameha.

The massive blue beam streaked toward F-Ddraig, striking him with tremendous force and triggering a colossal explosion in the skies above London. The impact reverberated throughout the world, shrouding the globe in a bluish mist.

As the smoke from the explosions dissipated, Ddraig gazed upon the shattered form of F-Ddraig, watching as the fake Heavenly Dragon began to wither away.

[This is bullshit... How can I be defeated when I have such a powerful regeneration ability?] F-Ddraig voiced his frustration, still seething with anger.

Ddraig couldn't help but boast, [Well, that's because I'm amazing! And, I have the unique ability to nullify all kinds of healing powers!] He conveniently omitted the fact that it was Aaron who had granted him this ability.

[Screw you, you shitty Oppai Dragon,] F-Ddraig sneered at Ddraig, his words laced with bitterness.

Ddraig responded with a triumphant grin, [Suck it, loser! Another victory for the one and only Ddraig!] He couldn't contain his joy and began celebrating, swinging his arms around like an exuberant child.

After his doppelganger vanished, he turned his attention in Albion's direction. With a mischievous grin, he contemplated, [Shall I pay a little visit to the White One?]

— ○ ● ○ —

Albion's voice cut through the tension, addressing F-Albion's weakened state. {You lack my abilities, and this is the state you find yourself in. Quite disappointing, really,} he remarked.

F-Albion lay immobilized, poison coursing through his body, a grim reminder of his predicament. Frustration and anger welled up within him. {Didn't we agree that we'd rely solely on our body, claws, mouth, and flames after meeting the Red One?} he asked. {And how is it that my own poison now works against me?}

Albion responded with a hint of superiority, {You still think my abilities are on the same level as yours, and that they function the way they used to? I've evolved further, thanks to my bond with my wielder and partner, Aaron.}

Ddraig chimed in, landing beside Albion in his dragon form. [Yeah, what the grumpy guy said!]

Albion turned to Ddraig, inquiring, {Are you done dealing with your doppelganger?}

Ddraig nodded. [Of course, he was a pushover. I just used that anti-healing trick. By the way, you haven't finished off yours?] Ddraig glanced at F-Albion.

Albion explained with a hint of smugness, {My doppelganger boasted he could withstand my poison, so I put it on him. Now he can't move a muscle, except for his mouth.} The situation seemed to have shifted, leaving F-Albion at a distinct disadvantage.

Ddraig tilted his head, a perplexed expression on his face. He inquired, [But doesn't your poison affect gods and beyond now? Even Ophis has to be cautious of it. Our Partner altered it during our 10,000 years apart.]

Albion, wearing a smug grin, responded via their mental connection, {He isn't aware of that.}

Silent agreement passed between them as Ddraig and Albion lifted their arms, conjuring enormous balls of draconic energy overhead. Ddraig's energy glowed red, while Albion's radiated white. Albion mused, {Well, it wasn't a bad fight, fake me.}

F-Albion, the imposter, remained silent as he came to terms with his impending fate. The battle hadn't been lengthy, yet it left him with an unsatisfied longing for more, a yearning to explore the full extent of his newfound powers without the weight of the original's abilities.

Regrettably, this desire remained unfulfilled. Ddraig and Albion unleashed their combined attacks upon F-Albion, erasing him from existence with a powerful surge of energy.

[All that remains is Seekvaira and Apophis; they should be—]

Before Ddraig could complete his thought, a powerful explosion of dark and green energy disrupted their conversation. Both Heavenly Dragons swiftly shifted their attention towards the source.

{Let's head in that direction,} Albion concluded, and together, they rapidly soared toward the site of the explosion.

— ○ ● ○ —

The clash of darkness between Apophis and his fiery opponent, Aži Dahāka, raged on as they hurled immense waves of shadow at each other. Seekvaira, adorned in her newly acquired armor, stood beside Apophis, offering her support by creating a vibrant green ring that encircled him. This ring not only boosted Apophis' speed and heightened his awareness of the battlefield but also granted him a slight increase in strength.

[Feel free to join the fray, Seekvaira Agares,] Apophis invited, his voice echoing within their vicinity.

"Right," Seekvaira responded.

She wasn't entirely certain about the offensive capabilities of her armor. She had requested it on short notice, primarily focusing on utility and support features. Yet, as she observed the armor's design, it struck her that it bore a resemblance to those Scale Mail armors known for their diverse capabilities.

'It should have some offensive potential,' she mused, her uncertainty gradually giving way to some confidence. "Offensive mode?" she muttered aloud. Within seconds, boosters sprouted from her back and legs, while mini cannons and nuzzles materialized on her shoulders and arms. She also felt numerous other functions activate within her armor.

With her arms raised, she directed her missiles to lock onto Aži Dahāka, then unleashed them. A swarm of missiles emerged from her, each enveloped in her demonic power, enhancing their speed and destructive force. They raced toward Aži Dahāka, who swiftly realized the threat.

[Missiles? How amusing,] Aži Dahāka remarked as she summoned primordial black water to counter the incoming projectiles. However, to his astonishment, the missiles sliced through the black water and continued their trajectory toward him.

[What!?] he exclaimed, caught off guard. In a desperate move, he conjured multiple defensive magic circles to protect himself.

An abrupt explosion rocked the surroundings as Seekvaira's missiles found their mark on Aži Dahāka' defensive magic circles. The impact caused Aži Dahāka' shroud of darkness to falter, allowing Apophis to surge forward and envelop the area, his own darkness swallowing Aži Dahāka.

As the dissipating smoke revealed the aftermath, it was evident that Aži Dahāka had sustained considerable damage. A chunk of his arms and legs were missing, and his body bore numerous bruises.

[Those missiles had properties that can slay dragons...! Curse you, devil!] Aži Dahāka yelled, his voice strained as he struggled in the air.

"It did?!" Seekvaira exclaimed in surprise. "I need more time with this armor...and I have to consult Jin for further information. I didn't have the opportunity to thoroughly test it due to my other obligations," she muttered, her weariness evident in her voice.

[Well, it did work out in the end,] Apophis commented as he landed next to Seekvaira. He summoned a massive hand made of darkness, capturing Aži Dahāka. Using his primordial water, he conjured black water spears, swords, and swirling orbs around Aži Dahāka. [Let's finish him together, the heiress of Agares.]

Before Seekvaira could respond, both Albion and Ddraig descended, taking them by surprise.

[You two are finished?] Apophis inquired, and they both nodded in confirmation.

Ddraig then added, [My partner mentioned that there's a large cannon located in the center of your chest, much like Vali Lucifer's muzzle. Those cannons on your armor will also launch more than just missiles; use your demonic power as a source, and it will automatically infuse dragon-slaying properties into your attacks. Your armor will enhance your other attacks, including your demonic power, with this attribute.]

{Focus on your armor and use your powers or use voice commands; you're a big fan of...that show, right? Aaron designed this armor with that in mind,} Albion chimed in.

The show Albion alluded to was the equivalent of Gundam in this world, although it bore a different name. Seekvaira was an avid enthusiast of the entire franchise. She had amassed a collection of various model kits she had meticulously assembled over time, along with a hoard of DVDs, Blu-rays, and other show-related merchandise.

It was no secret that Seekvaira felt a twinge of envy toward Runeas Gremory. One day, she had paid an unannounced visit to the Gremory household, necessitating secrecy. During that visit, she encountered Runeas, who shared details about the armor Jin had gifted her.

However, by the visit's conclusion, Seekvaira had confessed that Runeas had arranged the gift as per her own request. Seekvaira had also learned about Runeas' true parentage, discovering that she was an illegitimate child of Zeoticus, a fact carefully concealed from her to maintain family secrecy.

This visit to the Gremory estate and the revelation about Runeas' armor had spurred Seekvaira to contact Jin, initiating the process of acquiring her own customized armor.

"Infinity Go!" Seekvaira's sudden cry took everyone by surprise, but the real astonishment came when a voice emanated from her armor.

[Target locked. Beginning cannon charge sequence. Opening muzzle,] the voice declared.

Seekvaira's armored suit had an array of cannons that locked onto the captured Aži Dahāka. Its central section slowly revealed a substantial muzzle. The cannons began to emit an eerie glow and peculiar sounds as they powered up for an imminent attack.

Ddraig, observing the scene, couldn't help but be intrigued. [That's interesting. Should we lend a hand?]

Albion, however, had a different perspective. {No, this is their battle,} he replied. Ddraig shrugged, settling down on the ground in his human form. Albion followed suit, and they patiently awaited the outcome of the confrontation.

"It appears you're almost ready," Apophis observed, his attention unwavering as he monitored Seekvaira's ongoing preparations for her charged attack. The energy crackled and surged, anticipation building with each passing moment.

Seekvaira, with a deep breath, responded, "It's taking slightly longer than my preference, but the power output should prove more than sufficient, especially when harmonized with your attack. Whenever you're prepared, Apophis-san, I'm ready to go."

Apophis nodded in understanding, his confidence in their strategy unshaken. Without any hesitation, he unleashed the full force of his formidable attack upon the beleaguered Aži Dahāka. The grotesque figure, locked in a futile struggle, could do nothing but bear the brunt of their combined might as his adversaries conversed.

Seekvaira, wrestling with a flurry of incantations, ultimately settled on a series of incomprehensible words. Her armor's cannons and muzzles unleashed torrents of jet-black and green energy beams. The coordinated attacks struck Aži Dahāka simultaneously, culminating in a cataclysmic explosion that reverberated through the London streets.

A swirling vortex of black water and interweaving green energy beams merged, shrouding the very spot where Aži Dahāka had stood moments before. The awe-inspiring display of power rapidly dissipated, leaving only Aži Dahāka's disintegrating remnants scattered across the area.

[We've met our defeat... how vexing,] Aži Dahāka grumbled, his frustration palpable.

[Vexing!] the right head chimed in.

[This is god damn bullshit!] the left head fumed. [That asshole Apophis silenced us with his magic during the battle. We couldn't even speak!]

Before the heads could utter another word, they began to wither and fade away, leaving behind a sense of eerie silence. Seekvaira heaved a sigh of relief and removed her helmet, turning to face the dragons who had resumed their conversation.

"I'll make my way to join the others, although I'm not sure how much help I'll be," she expressed her intentions to the dragons.

Ddraig responded with encouragement, [Yeah, we'll also go help the others. Good luck.] Albion and Apophis exchanged silent nods before Seekvaira took flight, heading towards the ongoing battle with determination in her heart.

— ○ ● ○ —

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