Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 5 – The End of The Wizards of Oz

Third Person Point of View

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Sairaorg and Balberith's battle had devolved into a one-sided and sluggish contest. Sairaorg stood unscathed, a picture of unwavering strength, while Balberith's body bore a multitude of bruises and a prominent indentation on his chest in a shape of a fist.

With another powerful punch from Sairaorg, Balberith was sent hurtling through the air, yet the Super Devil somehow managed to remain on his feet, defying the odds. He gasped for breath, his energy waning.

"Haaa...haa...Lion...King... please grant me one wish," Balberith implored between his labored breaths.

Sairaorg, resolute and unwavering, inquired, "What is it?" He could see that Balberith teetered on the brink of collapse, with a single push likely to send him sprawling.

"...I don't care what happens to Hades-sama... he deserves the consequences, but... please spare the Super Devil named Verrine. She's more or less... my older sister," Balberith stammered, glancing at Zeno, his king. The weight of his request hung heavily in the air.

The battles throughout Hawaii had reached their conclusions, with many members of the Khaos Order either eliminated or captured. The island, once a battlefield, now bore the scars of their conflict.

"The same goes for Zeno, the Grim Reaper," Balberith added, causing Zeno to blink in surprise. He was at a loss for words. "I may not fully comprehend the concept of family, but from what I learned from the show [Oppai Dragon], the connection I share with Verrine and Zeno could be something close to that."

<<Y-you fool! Why would you say something like that in a situation like this?>> Zeno questioned in bewildered confusion.

Balberith turned to look at Zeno, a weary but genuine smile gracing his face. "...You accompanied me to Kyoto and that show. I'm truly grateful for that," he admitted.

Zeno, already on his knees, sank further to the ground, his gaze fixed on the earth. <<Why... why would you say such a thing? Damn it all...>> he muttered bitterly under his breath.

Balberith and Zeno's relationship resembled that of a foster parent and child. From Zeno's reaction, it was clear that he held Balberith in the same regard. He had witnessed many of the Artificial Super Devils under Hades grow to a certain extent, but only a few had experienced significant growth. Balberith was one of those few. Tears welled up in Zeno's empty eye sockets as he grappled with the realization that their journey was nearing its end.

"Today, even if it means facing death, the mere fact that I got to meet [Oppai Dragon] and even purchase a figurine in Kyoto... even if it was a brief encounter, it was truly enjoyable," Balberith reflected with heartfelt sincerity.

Sairaorg fixed his gaze on Balberith, contemplating his options for a few moments. Then, a faint smile graced his lips. "I can't predict their fate, Balberith. Jin, the Oppai Dragon, has the power to aid them. I'll convey that to him."

Another surge of powerful touki burst forth from Sairaorg's body. "Come, Balberith! If you aspire to catch the Oppai Dragon, to become like him, you must fight with every ounce of strength, even to your last breath!"

"Haaaa!" Balberith let out a final, resolute scream, drawing upon the very last remnants of his power. This was a straightforward charge, devoid of tricks or special maneuvers. As Balberith closed in on Sairaorg, he threw his entire weight into a punch, and Sairaorg met it with equal force.

Their fists collided with a thunderous impact. Balberith winced as he felt the bones in his hand crack from the sheer force, but he pressed on. Blow after blow was exchanged between Sairaorg and Balberith, with the Super Devil steadily waning in strength. After being forcefully pushed back by Sairaorg's might, Balberith staggered, his resolve momentarily faltering.

Balberith's voice trembled with uncertainty as he posed a heartfelt question, "Can I truly become like Oppai Dragon? Can I genuinely stand beside him?"

Sairaorg, the indomitable devil, gazed at Balberith with a warm smile and reassurance. "What are you asking? You're already following in his footsteps. From giving that figure to that child in Kyoto to safeguarding your family, Zeno and Verrine, you're fighting for their sake, aren't you?"

Balberith beamed with the radiant joy of a child praised for his efforts. However, as he re-engaged Sairaorg in their exchange of fists and blows, the outcome became evident. With each punch, Balberith found himself faltering, his vision dimming, and consciousness slipping away.

Sairaorg, despite the disparity in their strength, shouted encouragingly, "If you were to master this new style, gain more experience, and grow in power, I would unquestionably lose to you." He punctuated his words with a final blow that sent Balberith crashing to the ground.

To the astonishment of many, Balberith managed to regain consciousness as he lay on the earth, his gaze fixated on the sky, a contented smile gracing his lips. Sairaorg exited his [Breakdown the Beast] and joined Balberith, sitting beside him.

"Bal-kun, you were his fan, right? Jin informed me of that. You sent him letters filled with admiration and praise, and he discovered that it was you," Sairaorg revealed, surprising Balberith. "We learned about your noble actions during the Kyoto incident from Sona Sitri, and he wanted to acknowledge your dedication."

Sairaorg summoned something and gently placed it on Balberith's chest. When the Super Devil beheld it, he was struck with shock—it was the coveted [Oppai Dragon Dororon Youkai Clear Version], the figurine he had longed for since the Kyoto incident.

"Jin...sends his regards. He recognizes your potential, your heart, and your strength to become an influential figure in the future," Sairaorg stated, his smile sincere and heartfelt.

Tears welled up in Balberith's eyes as he embraced the figurine, and the floodgates of emotion opened. In the distance, Zeno watched this touching scene unfold, tears streaming down his face, overwhelmed with relief that Balberith had not met a tragic end.

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"Hmph. The Minagawa sisters, huh? It's been a while, Natsume. I trust you're doing well?" Augusta inquired.

Presently, Natsume, Kanami, Le Fay, Arthur, and several members of the alliance confronted Augusta, the second in command of the Wizards of Oz. Alongside her were her subordinates, Verrine the Super Devil and Meredith Ordinton, who wielded [Alphecca Tyrant].

Natsume retorted with a hint of venom in her voice, "Augusta, you're alive? I didn't expect you to be stupid enough to come here."

Augusta cut a striking figure, donning a grand white hat adorned with a white feather and gold star. Her long, flowing white hair framed her pale blue eyes. She wore a black sleeveless dress that extended to her thighs, though it was concealed beneath a long white furry coat. In her hands, she wielded a substantial white staff.

"Your language remains as uncouth as ever, you impudent child," Augusta retorted. "But it's of little consequence. Meredith, Verrine I shall leave these weaklings to you. I will personally deal with Natsume."

"Roger that, you old hag!" Meredith shouted in response. She swiftly activated her magic circles, summoning a group of individuals under her command and sending them to engage in battle against Kanami, Le Fay, Arthur, and their allies.

Augusta wasted no time and unleashed a relentless storm of magical attacks upon Natsume. The young woman raised her hand and, with swift precision, sliced through the oncoming projectiles with razor-edged gusts of wind.

In a flash, Natsume augmented her speed, reappearing behind Augusta. Her outstretched hand, imbued with light energy, struck Augusta's back, generating a force that sent the witch hurtling through the air.

"That was surprisingly gentle, almost like... a cushion?" Natsume contemplated, examining her hand with curiosity. When her attention returned to Augusta, she was met with a surprising sight: the witch stood unscathed, her resilience unfazed.

"Your speed surpasses mine, yet you remain a brute," Augusta noted with a sigh, shaking her head. "Time has not changed people like you. However..." Augusta's grin radiated confidence as she continued, "are you surprised? I emerged from your attack unharmed."

A curious creature, primarily white and round with luminous green eyes, emerged from Augusta's back, catching Natsume off guard. Augusta's lips curled into a sly smile as she explained, "Thanks to this contracted entity from the Phantasma, I'll secure victory. Oz and I managed to acquire one before that pesky lizard cut off our communications with both the Phantasma and Evie."

Natsume's brows furrowed as she fixed her gaze on the enigmatic being. In response, she discreetly summoned her Sacred Gear, Griffon, and her contracted spirit, Sylph. She declared, "Your tricks won't matter. I'll defeat you once more and so the world won't have to deal with you again."

Augusta, undeterred, mused aloud, "My, I never thought I'd see the day when you formed a contract with a spirit, especially a powerful wind spirit. I suppose being one of the Middleman's whores does have its perks." Her words only succeeded in further aggravating Natsume.

For a moment, Natsume teetered on the edge of anger, but then a wicked grin spread across her lips. "Well," she began with a mischievous glint in her eye, "coming from a nearly sixty-year-old virgin who couldn't manage to get laid even once, I might just look like a whore in comparison, don't I?"

Augusta's brows twitched in annoyance, she didn't bother saying anything else as she began her attacks again, conjuring a myriad of magic circles and launching attacks at Natsume. Natsume with the help of Griffon and Sylph was able to destroyed all of Augusta's attacks with no trouble. However, what bothered her was the creature as she didn't know what it did. Then, a thought hit her.

Natsume brought up her ring and used [Appraisal] on the creature, showing her information about it.

— ○ ● ○ —

[Name]: None

[Age]: 50,000+

[Potential]: High-Tier God Class – EX

[Rank]: High-Tier God Class – EX

[Sex]: Female

[Race]: Aunos Calba

[Titles]: White Fluffy Thing (Oz and Augusta)

[Power]: Power Absorption, Pain Nullification, Magic Amplification (x20)

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"That's a bit concerning, and it seems to be practically stronger than Augusta," Natsume muttered. She had noticed that the Aunos Calba was two tiers above Augusta's, who was classified as Low-Tier God-class. While Natsume herself was individually more powerful than both combined, she remained intrigued by the intricacies of the Aunos Calba's abilities.

Natsume had a hunch that the magic amplification might solely affect the spells cast by Augusta, rather than her overall power. This meant that whenever Augusta employed magic, it would be bolstered beyond her standard capabilities.

Sylph, her ever-curious partner, inquired, "What should we do, Natsu-Natsu?"

Natsume glanced at Griffon, then back at Sylph, considering her options. "For now, let's proceed cautiously and observe the extent of that entity's abilities. If possible, I'd like to take it from her. It looks so depressed being with her."

The Aunos Calba, worn around Augusta's neck, projected an air of sadness. Its lifeless eyes and subdued movements painted a picture of neglect and maltreatment, reminiscent of an abused animal.

Sylph chimed in with a giggle, "You want to rescue it from the wicked witch?"

Natsume nodded in agreement. "Yes, with that in mind... Griffon, Balance Break!"

[Qiongqi Balance Breaker!] Griffon's thunderous proclamation reverberated through the area as he bathed in a radiant green light. Within seconds, he transformed into his True Form, embodying the upper body of a falcon and the lower body of a lion, akin to the legendary creature known as a Griffon.

"We've battled each other back when you were a novice, inexperienced years ago. It's quite nostalgic, but today, I'll be the victor, with this creature by my side," Augusta declared. She raised her staff, and the creature's eyes sparkled with magical energy.

"That might be the magic amplification. You guys, get ready!" Natsume warned her companions.

"Let me handle this. You two go after the witch!" Sylph chimed in. She twirled gracefully, conjuring enormous swirling spears of wind. "Hehe, this is for you, wicked witch!" Sylph's spiraling wind spears streaked toward Augusta's magical attacks, obliterating many of them.

Sylph had grown stronger alongside everyone else during their hundred years within Aaron's [Pocket Dimension]. This explained her ability to overpower Augusta's attacks, even when amplified twentyfold.

Natsume and Griffon surged forward, closing the gap between them and Augusta. With a swift motion, Augusta tapped her staff on the ground, conjuring a multitude of earth spikes that hurtled toward them.

Natsume swiftly drew her light gun and unleashed a volley of shots, shattering the spikes into oblivion. Griffon, not to be outdone, let out a piercing screech that summoned massive tornadoes, swirling menacingly around Augusta. These tempests rapidly converged upon her.

With her magical powers magnified, Augusta fought back by creating a miniature blizzard that encircled the tornadoes, slowing their relentless onslaught. Although they were slowed, they remained a formidable force, far from stopped.

In response to the escalating blizzard's power and speed, Griffon unleashed another ear-piercing screech, further augmenting the might of the tornadoes. They struck Augusta with a tremendous force, shredding some of her garments and inflicting significant damage.

As the attacks threatened to cause severe harm, Augusta swiftly teleported out of harm's way, reappearing atop a nearby building. Strangely, she appeared unfazed by her injuries. She nonchalantly tapped her staff on the ground once more, and her wounds vanished as if they had never existed.

A confident grin crossed her lips as she addressed Natsume, "I am invincible, Natsume. Whether it's minor or grave injuries, my staff will always mend them. It has been infused with a myriad of spells, techniques, and functions that bolster me. I'm nothing like the person I was five years ago!" Her proclamation echoed with undeniable confidence.

"Heh, we'll see about that!" Natsume exclaimed confidently.

She called upon her loyal companions, Sylph and Griffon, with a determined look in her eyes. But before they initiated their strategy, Natsume swiftly activated her [Spirit Assimilation: Spirit Dive] and turned her attention to her two companions as she began to chant.

"Beckon the tempest's embrace, O Wind's Champion!"

Griffon and Sylph radiated with a brilliant glow, and as the transformation progressed, Sylph metamorphosed into a massive, swirling sphere of vibrant green energy and wind.

"Summon the gales and zephyrs, a dance with the tempest's heart!"

Griffon, too, began to emanate an ethereal glow, his form expanding as he returned to Natsume. A brilliant green pillar of energy ascended toward the heavens, gradually merging with her body. The world's winds converged around the young woman, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

"With the essence of Fūjin, a tempest's grace, the wind's emissary!"

Sylph, now transformed into a colossal, emerald sphere, ascended into the sky. With a thunderous impact, it crashed down upon Natsume, giving rise to an immense, swirling sphere of vibrant green energy and howling winds. The very air crackled with the immense power of this otherworldly collision.

"O ye, succumb to the breath of gales, your folly revealed!"

"Fools, misguided by hubris, tremble before the tempest's might!"

As Natsume concluded her final stanza, the winds and emerald energy swirling around her combined and merged, culminating in a resplendent and colossal pillar of green power. It bore the form of a majestic fusion, resembling a colossal creature, where a Griffin and a knight's essence coalesced seamlessly.

Natsume remained composed, surrounded by swirling black and green winds. She donned an ornate green and gold mask, and her once brown hair had transformed into a shimmering silver shade, reminiscent of Aaron's own locks. Black and green energy-like wings gracefully extended from her back.

Her armor, predominantly black, featured striking golden and green accents adorning her breastplate, shoulder guards, and leg protectors. The air grew eerily silent as Augusta stood in shocked astonishment, her gaze locked onto the young woman's transformative visage.

"W-what is this?" Augusta stammered, her voice betraying a mix of awe and apprehension.

Natsume, her demeanor unperturbed, offered an explanation. "This is my X-side Balance Breaker. I've been honing this power alongside Griffon and Sylph, striving to create the ultimate form for myself. Originally, I had intended to unveil it during the tournament and across other universes. However, you really annoyed me, so I figured I might as well use it to prove a point," she disclosed with a mischievous giggle.

"Hmph, acquiring a new transformation changes nothing!" Augusta shouted defiantly.

She raised her arms high, commencing the conjuration of intricate magic circles that encircled their battleground. However, before she could complete her magical workings, Natsume, wielding a silvery-green scythe, swiftly closed the distance between them, emerging behind the astounded witch.

Augusta turned in surprise, but as she did, a shocking revelation dawned upon her. Both her arms had vanished, severed from her body. In a matter of moments, crimson blood gushed from the stumps, and she watched in horror as the remnants of her arms disintegrated into countless minuscule fragments, spiraling down toward the ground.

"Ugh…!?" Augusta grimaced, her gaze darting in all directions. "W-where is—!?"

"Looking for this?" Natsume inquired, a sly grin playing on her lips as she twirled Augusta's staff in her free hand. "I have to say, it's boring. In comparison to Lavinia's or even Rossweisse's wands, it does come across as, well, somewhat boring in design and powers."

"Give that back!" Augusta's voice quivered with desperation as she struggled to stem the bleeding. "You! Heal me. You possess other abilities, don't you!?" she implored the Aunos Calba.

The creature obliged, closing its eyes, and with a timid demeanor, it began to mend Augusta's wounds. A triumphant smirk crept across Augusta's face as her first arm was made whole once more. Natsume's brows knitted together in displeasure, and she swiftly crossed her arms, conjuring an immense, obsidian and emerald sphere that enveloped them.

"...This place is like my own microcosm; here, my every word is law. I learned it from Aaron during our training days," she divulged to Augusta. With a simple flick of her finger, Natsume turned her attention to Augusta's healed arm, and in that fleeting gesture, the mended limb shattered into a million fragments once again.

"Khh...! Heal it, damn it!" Augusta hissed at the creature coiled around her neck, urging it to mend her arm. The creature attempted to comply, but as her injured arm emitted a faint glow, no healing occurred. Augusta's frustration mounted. "Why... why isn't it working!?"

Natsume removed the mask covering her face, exhaling in exasperation. "Do you ever actually listen to what's said, or is selective deafness your thing? I just mentioned that I can manipulate this little sphere we're in, so I made sure you can't be healed," she explained to Augusta with an incredulous expression.

Shaking her head, Natsume shifted her attention to the creature clinging to Augusta's neck. "Hey there, why not join me? I'll treat you far better than Augusta does. You've seen my companions, right? They're content, not sad. I'm willing to bet she mistreats you, am I wrong?"

In response to Natsume's enticement, Augusta clutched the creature even tighter with her remaining arm and retorted, "These creatures are tools, just like Independent-type Sacred Gears. Treating them as if they're living beings is nothing short of bizarre, Natsume Minagawa!"

"I wasn't asking you, you armless bitch. Hey, you're an Aunos Calba, aren't you? I could probably return you to your home in the future if you come along with me," Natsume mentioned, her focus completely bypassing Augusta's seething rage.

The Aunos Calba perched around Augusta's neck turned its gaze toward Natsume, then back at Augusta. This unique creature possessed the ability to perceive the emotional essence and true nature of individuals in a tangible form. As it observed Natsume, it detected nothing but kindness and sincerity radiating from her. In contrast, Augusta exuded malice, jealousy, and pure hatred.

Harnessing its remarkable powers, the Aunos Calba maneuvered through Augusta's clenched grip and drifted toward Natsume. It wrapped itself tenderly around her neck. Natsume couldn't help but let out a slight squeal and a giggle. "You're quite fluffy. I'm sorry for my earlier actions."

The Aunos Calba gently shook its head and playfully nuzzled Natsume's cheek. Together, they turned their attention back to Augusta, who now found herself in a state of profound shock.

"When dealing with creatures like this, you should always handle them with care. If they possess enough intelligence, they might indeed choose a different side, Augusta," Natsume chided. She then delivered her final words with a measure of disdain. "Now that she's joined me, our meeting has reached its end. Can't say it was a pleasure seeing you again." Augusta stood bewildered as the situation unfolded before her.

Natsume raised her hand before her, fingers gradually closing in. Augusta experienced a strange sensation within her body, a growing unease that something was amiss. Visually, however, there were no immediate changes. The tension in the air heightened as Natsume's hand drew nearer to closure, and Augusta's discomfort intensified.

The moment Natsume's hand completed its closure, Augusta sighed in relief, believing the ordeal had ended. But her relief was short-lived.

She attempted to speak, but no words escaped her lips. She tried to move her body, only to find herself utterly immobile. When she mustered the strength to "look" around her, the gruesome reality came into view. Her own body lay in pieces, fragmented by the mysterious force of Natsume's attack.

Natsume's "attack" had initiated an internal disintegration, and by the time she had fully closed her hand, Augusta's body had been reduced to countless minuscule fragments. Her consciousness struggled to catch up with the abrupt and gruesome demise that had befallen her.

"May you never come back to life again," Natsume uttered. She conjured a colossal fireball infused with her magic and hurled it toward Augusta's scattered body parts, ensuring her opponent's complete annihilation. With a resolute expression, Natsume watched as the fire consumed the remnants.

Turning to her newfound companion, she suggested, "Now, let's go help the others. We can think of a name for you later, alright?"

Aunos Calba nodded in agreement as they departed from the area. Simultaneously, Natsume dispelled the sphere that had enclosed them.

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Le Fay and Meredith soared through the skies of London, their magical exchanges a dazzling display of power. Meredith, wielding her Sacred Gear known as [Alphecca Tyrant], added yet another layer to their relentless duel with the generation of colossal, nail-like constructs.

Amidst the chaos, Meredith's voice cut through, a gleeful note ringing clear. "It seems I'm flying solo now! The pawns I manipulated from the M16, well, they've proven to be quite the disappointment~! And as for that old witch, she's met her match~!"

Le Fay, her agile form gracefully dodging Meredith's relentless barrage, couldn't help but question, "Meredith, why are you doing this?"

Meredith's maniacal grin persisted as she responded, "My reasons are various, Le Fay. But among them is the burning desire to be seen, to have my birth acknowledged, to assert my existence for all to witness!" Her enthusiasm, matched only by the intensity of her attacks, was impossible to ignore.

Meredith Ordinton, a Magician whose lineage boasted connections to England's royal family, had grown up under the care of adoptive parents due to her innate magical gifts. Her father, a royal family-authorized individual, had conceived her with her mother, who had served as his Magician bodyguard.

Over time, her path had crossed with that of Le Fay Pendragon, a fellow Magician of similar age. However, the revelation of her lineage, coupled with the painful rejection by the royal family, had fueled her anger and resentment.

In seeking solace and empowerment, Meredith had turned to the Alliance of the Evil Gods. There, she had acquired the knowledge to harness the full potential of her Longinus, enabling her to dominate Sacred Gear users whose talents specialized in illusions and manipulations. With her newfound abilities, she had extended her grasp into England's business sector, swiftly consolidating control.

The Supernatural Specialized Force of MI6 had made attempts to subdue her, but their efforts had been ruthlessly thwarted, thanks in part to the assistance of Hades' Grim Reapers. As Meredith continued to amass power, her hold on those in possession of Sacred Gears tightened, sending shockwaves through the remaining M16.

"To be acknowledged...? If you mean by the Royal family, then that's probably an unlikely possibility. You're aware that even in ordinary families, illegitimate children are often neglected, right? With powerful and prominent families like those in England, it's probably even more challenging," Le Fay said, her words laced with an attempt at sensitivity.

Meredith laughed and pointed at Le Fay. "I aim to change that, starting with the Royal family! I'll unveil the supernatural to the world before the alliance can! And I'm doing it right now!" she proclaimed, unleashing a torrent of magic circles that spanned across England.

"What...? Are those...?!" Le Fay stammered.

"Exactly!" Meredith cheered. "I've placed numerous magic circles throughout England and in other regions worldwide where the supernatural is present. Now, let's get the show underway!"

With fervor, Meredith attempted to activate the magic circles, intending to broadcast live footage of the supernatural to the human world. However, a problem arose—they didn't respond as expected, leaving Meredith baffled and exasperated.

"W-why isn't it working? I've been setting up these stupid things around the world for months! Why aren't they working!?" Meredith vented her frustration in anger.

Le Fay regarded Meredith with a hint of sympathy and explained, "We were transported to a fake replica of our planet earlier. During that time, Aaron-sama created a barrier, rendering your magic ineffective within this space, effectively cutting off your connection to the outside. He likely detected the magical circles you created and promptly dismantled them. Even had we opted to remain in that realm, your efforts would have been in vain."

Meredith's response was a fiery blend of astonishment and frustration. She exclaimed, "What kind of bullshit is this!? God fucking dammit! That shitty lizard! It feels like nothing ever goes my way!" Without further ado, Meredith redirected her attention to Le Fay and unleashed an onslaught of sizable nails.

Quick to react, Le Fay summoned a variety of spears, each imbued with different elemental properties, to counter Meredith's offensive. When their respective attacks collided in the skies above London, they produced intense explosions, akin to a dazzling fireworks display.

Meredith's frustration grew, unable to comprehend how mere magic could thwart her nails, which had been hailed as a [New Longinus] by Aaron and the Grigori organization. In her eyes, Longinus stood above magic, and the sheer absurdity of this situation baffled her.

Determined to overcome this unexpected challenge, Meredith unleashed her own magic, conjuring thousands of spells and elemental attacks. Simultaneously, she continued to employ the powers of her nails in an effort to strike Le Fay. Yet, each of her attacks met a swift and adept counter from Le Fay.

As their intense duel raged on, they eventually landed within a nearby building. Frustration still boiling within her, Meredith stamped her foot onto the ground, causing a multitude of rusty nails to erupt from the ceiling, floor, and walls of the room.

They swarmed toward Le Fay, attempting to pierce and impale her. However, these relentless attacks found their demise at the hands of a barrier that manifested around Le Fay's body. This protective shield was a fusion of Le Fay's inherent magic and the unique function of the rings, which would conjure a barrier to safeguard their bearer.

Meredith's voice pierced the air with frustration. "Are you kidding me!?" she screeched. "What is this bullshit!?" Her accusatory finger pointed directly at the encasing barrier that held Le Fay captive. In her anger, Meredith manifested a rustic black sword, forged from one of the nearby nails, and clenched it tightly in her hands. She charged at Le Fay with fury in her eyes.

The first swing of her sword missed as Le Fay gracefully sidestepped the attack. Unrelenting, Meredith swiftly turned and swung the sword sideways, but once again, her target danced just out of reach. This peculiar dance continued for the following minute, with Meredith adding her magical abilities into the mix, using the nails to launch attacks at Le Fay from the walls, ceiling, and floor.

Yet, as the physical exertion took its toll, Meredith began to pant heavily. She had pushed herself to the brink, and her breathless words reflected her fatigue. "Why... why can't I land a hit... god dammit...!" Her voice was laced with exhaustion.

Le Fay's words held a certain straightforwardness. "I've grown accustomed to witnessing battles at such breathtaking speeds, ones I couldn't even follow in the past. Before that, it was my brother, Arthur, swinging his sword relentlessly, just like our father. To put it bluntly, your swordsmanship is far from impressive. We are both magicians at heart, so perhaps you should concentrate on that aspect," she suggested with unwavering clarity.

Meredith was left in a state of stunned surprise, her gaze locked onto Le Fay. It was then that the petite blonde conjured a sword crafted from mana, and in a matter of seconds, she materialized behind Meredith. The shock on Meredith's face was palpable as she turned to face Le Fay.

Le Fay continued, her tone unyielding. "However, I have been honing my skills in various ways. While my own swordsmanship may still be lacking, especially when compared to my brother, Aurelia-sama, and a few others, it surpasses yours by leaps and bounds." As Le Fay spoke, Meredith's sword shattered into pieces, along with her clothing, leaving her to hastily cover herself.

"Don't make fun of me, I'll—!" Le Fay charged at Meredith once more, but this time, an eerie aura enveloped her mana sword. With a single sweeping motion, she brought the blade down upon Meredith.

However, instead of cleaving the girl in two, an uncanny radiance emanated from her body, accompanied by a spine-chilling shriek. From her being, a dark figure emerged.

[Uuughhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!] it howled. This was one of the deities from Zoroastrianism, Aka Manah, the god responsible for manipulating Meredith, driving her thoughts into darkness and coercing her into committing wicked acts.

Meredith may have harbored such malevolent thoughts, but in reality, she would never act upon them. However, her desperate plea for aid from the Alliance of Evil Gods took a sinister turn. Once she learned how they could assist her, she wanted to retract her request, but it was too late, for Aka Manah had already seized control.

Aka Manah's anguished cry echoed through his being as searing pain coursed through him. [What did you do?!] he bellowed. Le Fay raised her "mana sword" for him to see, its glow vanishing, along with the mana that enveloped it. Staring at the sword's true form, he stammered, [T-that's...!]

The blade Le Fay held was an exact replica of the legendary [True Excalibur], once wielded by the original King Arthur Pendragon. Before the operation commenced, the responsibility of this powerful weapon had been entrusted to Le Fay. Aaron had foreseen that she might confront Meredith during the operation, and he believed the sword would prove invaluable.

Le Fay was well aware of the turmoil Meredith had sown, and she understood the emotions that had driven her actions. Memories of Meredith's sly remarks about her current and biological family, dating back years, still lingered in her mind.

Back when she was ignorant of her true lineage, Le Fay had received these comments from her friend. It wasn't until later, after departing from their shared past, that she discovered her actual family ties. With the truth unveiled, she yearned to reconnect with Meredith, but by that time, it seemed that Meredith Ordinton had vanished from her life.

[I have to flee…!] Aka Manah's desperate cry filled the air as he attempted to escape through the gaping hole, a remnant of the earlier clash between Le Fay and Meredith. However, Le Fay, with swift and precise magic, conjured ropes that ensnared the god, bringing his desperate flight to a sudden halt.

With determination in her eyes, Le Fay intensified the holy aura radiating from her sword, forcing Aka Manah to raise a protective barrier. The god found himself on the defensive, struggling to withstand the onslaught.

Simultaneously, she reached into a small ring on her finger, retrieving an object thoughtfully given to her by Aaron. Given Aka Manah's unique nature, touching him was near impossible for ordinary individuals. Hence, Aaron had designed a specialized jar capable of containing the god.

Le Fay aimed the jar at Aka Manah and activated it. With his strength already depleted, the god was defenseless and quickly drawn into the jar's confines.

Exhaling with relief, Le Fay returned her sword to her ring. She then knelt beside the slumbering Meredith, drawing her close. The sight of her friend in peaceful repose brought a smile to Le Fay's lips.

"You still sleep like a log, don't you? It's as if nothing's changed since then," Le Fay mused, a soft giggle escaping her as she reminisced about their shared past.

— ○ ● ○ —

Verrine, the Super Devil, found herself locked in a fierce battle, struggling against a multitude of opponents. Her opponents included none other than Arthur Pendragon and Kanami Minagawa. Although she possessed formidable resilience against light and holy powers, she couldn't escape their impact entirely.

Arthur and Kanami wielded powerful holy weapons, [Caliburn] and [True Longinus], which inflicted substantial damage upon her. Her body bore the evidence of their power, displaying multiple wounds that stubbornly refused to mend.

In the heat of the battle, Verrine couldn't help but express her frustration. "Why am I, someone so strong, losing to these guys!?" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with anger and defiance.

"Because you're a kid, and adults like us are stronger!" Kanami exclaimed, thrusting her spear toward Verrine. The Super Devil desperately tried to evade, but a few attacks found their mark, leaving more cuts on her body.

"I'm an adult too! Just look at this body!" Verrine screamed back at Kanami, her frustration mounting.

Kanami couldn't help but chuckle, a mischievous grin playing on her lips, further irking Verrine. "You may have the body of an adult, but your brain and head are still that of a child! What's 1x0!?" Kanami suddenly quizzed, throwing Verrine off balance.

"Um... it's 1, obviously," Verrine replied with uncertainty.

Kanami couldn't resist the opportunity to correct her, still engaging in their rooftop chase and exchange of magical and demonic attacks. "Wrong, it's 0! This is simple math, and you can't even get that right! So, you're still a child!" Kanami shouted with a triumphant grin, their battle continuing.

Arthur, who was accompanying them, ran with them in stunned silence. Kanami's crude and somewhat absurd way of asserting that Verrine still had a child's mindset left him lost for words.

Feeling embarrassment and a growing fury, Verrine unleashed a barrage of fiery, green, demonic attacks aimed at Kanami and Arthur. The two warriors swung their holy weapons, dispelling the incoming flames. Arthur, agile as ever, leaped from his rooftop, bringing his sword down in a swift arc toward Verrine. In response, Verrine conjured an emerald sword, a product of her demonic powers.

As the clash unfolded, it became apparent that her emerald blade was faltering. Cracks spread across its surface, unable to withstand the might of the legendary [Caliburn]. Recognizing the vulnerability of her weapon, Verrine forcefully stamped her foot onto the ground.

In an instant, the earth yielded emerald, glass-like spikes that shot toward Arthur, propelling him backward. Simultaneously, her demonic sword shattered into pieces, unable to withstand the pressure of their clash.

Kanami swiftly materialized behind Verrine, her spear slicing downward with remarkable speed. This unexpected attack caught Verrine off guard, leaving a gaping gash across her back. Blood began to flow, and a shrill cry of pain escaped her lips.

"It huuuuuuuuurts!!!" Verrine screamed, leaping away. But before she could regain her composure, Arthur was already in pursuit. He unleashed holy aura slashes that surged toward her. Tearfully, she turned, launching her own barrage of attacks, buying herself some precious time.

Taking refuge on a nearby building, she produced a stash of counterfeit Phenex Tears in an attempt to heal her wounds. However, to her dismay, they proved ineffective. Frustration welled up within her. "Why!? Ugh, this is stupid…!"

"Don't be distracted," Arthur's voice cut through her desperation. He delivered a swift kick to Verrine's face, sending her hurtling through the air. As she crashed to the ground, she hastily conjured emerald crystals, which she then launched at Arthur. With deft precision, he deflected and sliced apart each incoming crystal projectile.

Kanami, her Balance Breaker now active, swiftly reached Verrine from behind. With swiftness, she triggered her [First Commandment], casting a sizable protective sphere around them. In a resolute voice, she commanded, <Don't move!> Then, with a burst of speed, Kanami lunged at Verrine and severed both of her hands with her spear.

Verrine's screams of agony filled the air, and she crumpled to the ground. But to the surprise of both Arthur and Kanami, her anguish swiftly gave way to uncontrolled sobbing and a full-blown tantrum. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhaaaaaaaaa!! I don't wanna fight anymore!! It hurts! It hurts! My arms...! I don't like it!!! Make the pain go away!!!"

Arthur and Kanami exchanged uncertain glances, at a loss for how to handle the situation.

"I'll go inform Jin about what happened. Give me a moment," Arthur said as he stepped away, speaking into his transceiver.

Kanami knelt beside Verrine, who continued to wail, her heart torn between concern and confusion. She deactivated her Balance Breaker, keeping her spear within reach. "Why did you do this?" she inquired, her voice a mix of empathy and curiosity.

Verrine's sobs continued for a while, but gradually they subsided, and she fixed her teary gaze on Kanami, still sniffling intermittently. "B-because... Hades-sama... said so... I can't refuse him," she managed to respond, her words bearing the weight of her dilemma.

"Do you want to keep fighting for him?" Kanami asked gently, probing for the truth buried within Verrine's conflicted heart.

Several minutes passed before Verrine gave a hesitant shake of her head. "No... he's mean. He always shouts at me and Balberith, even when we don't do anything. I don't get it." Her voice carried the innocence of someone caught in the confusing clutches of obedience and fear.

Kanami nodded in agreement and began to say, "Okay, I'll do my best to—" but her words were abruptly interrupted.

"Please... don't hurt Balberith. He's like a little brother to me. I don't care what happens to me," Verrine pleaded, her voice quivering.

Kanami gazed at Verrine, her thoughts racing. In a fleeting moment, she saw herself standing in Verrine's shoes, contemplating how she would react and what she would say if she were facing the same situation. Her mind drifted to her own younger sister, Natsume, and a deep sigh escaped her lips.

"Leave it to me. I can't guarantee the influence I'll have with the alliance leaders, but I'll give it my best effort," Kanami assured Verrine, offering a reassuring smile. Just then, Arthur rejoined them.

"We...hmm, it appears her outburst has subsided. Nonetheless, we'll proceed toward the rest of the Slash Dog Team and join forces to confront the remaining members of the Wizards of Oz. Their individual battles may also be reaching their conclusions. Let's get moving. As for Verrine, the other alliance members will escort her to the teleportation site," Arthur explained.

"Please, be cooperative, alright? I assure you, I'll address this situation. If you follow along, there might be some benefits for you within the alliance," Kanami gently urged Verrine. Verrine responded with a timid nod as she observed their departure. Soon after, more alliance members arrived, administered a Slime Pill to her, and restrained her with anti-magic handcuffs.

— ○ ● ○ —

Tobio Ikuse and Sae Toujou, joined by their Sacred Gears Gin and Nattsu, engaged in a fierce battle against two formidable foes from the Wizards of Oz—the 1st Witch of the West, Mombi, and the 2nd Witch of the West, Ondri-Baba. Accompanying the witches were their apprentices, Jihalo and Ondryila.

Mombi, the 1st Witch of the West, addressed Tobio and Sae with a touch of nostalgia, remarking, "It's been a while since we last crossed paths, Ikuse Tobio, Toujou Sae. You two have grown even more powerful since our previous encounter."

Mombi, a striking figure with long gray hair and piercing purple eyes, donned a large black and purple witch's hat that added to her mystique. Her attire included black shoulder pads, a billowy white top accentuated by a brown corset, and a sweeping black skirt. Draped behind her was a regal black and purple cape, while her feet were clad in black boots. In her hands, she wielded an ancient wooden brown staff, and perched atop it was her loyal black crow familiar.

<<I can't say I'm excited to see you again,>> Tobio retorted, his [Night Celestial Slash Dogs] Balance Breaker activated.

On the other side of the battlefield, Sae Toujou was locked in her own Balance Breaker, engaged in a fierce duel with Ondri-Baba. Sae's gloves emitted an intense glow as she unleashed multiple streams of flames in Ondri-Baba's direction, but the witch moved with a grace that allowed her to elegantly evade every fiery attack.

Much like Mombi, Ondri-Baba sported a distinctive appearance. Her large hat, predominantly black, was adorned with purple stars and accented with gold. Cascading down to her feet, her long hair was a pristine white hue, and her light purple eyes exuded an otherworldly charm. She donned a flowing white dress that matched the length of her coat. This black coat, similarly embellished with gold stars, also extended to the floor. In her dainty hands, she clutched a golden candle stand, bearing three candles, each aflame with a different colored fire.

"I never expected the Middleman would transform the [Cowardly Leo] into a full-fledged Sacred Gear. I wonder if he could do the same to the other two," mused Ondri-Baba, her curiosity evident in her words.

Sae, while skillfully dodging the multiple flame attacks directed at her by Ondri-Baba, replied, "For you and your group? Probably not. But if Jin-san were to take them from their current wielders and make the change? Maybe."

A rare smile graced Ondri-Baba's face. Normally, she was too indolent for such expressions, but witnessing Sae's growth filled her with a sense of pride for the girl. "Is that so? Well, it's quite a surprise to see you like this, Toujou Sae. The last time I saw you, you were just a little girl who could barely hold her own in a fight. Now look at you—going toe-to-toe with me. I must admit, I'm somewhat proud of you."

Sae's response was blunt, "I don't really want your praise."

"Fufu, I know, I just wanted to tell you, that's all," Ondri-Baba replied. Their exchange was brief, and they returned to their intense battle. With her magical gloves, Sae propelled herself towards Ondri-Baba, aiming to close the distance. However, the cunning witch had prepared for this and summoned serpent-like creatures made of flames from her candles, each emitting flames of different colors. The fiery serpents launched scorching breath attacks at Sae.

Reacting swiftly, Sae conjured a protective cape, using it to shield herself from the fiery onslaught. Her unexpected defense surprised the witch. Seizing the opportunity, Sae unleashed her full speed, further fueled by her flames.

She closed the gap between them in an instant, appearing right behind Ondri-Baba. At point-blank range, she released a concentrated [X-Burner] attack, which not only sent the witch tumbling but also burned away the clothing on her back and seared her skin.

Ondri-Baba crashed into the ground, but she was not one to stay down for long. With the assistance of her vibrant flames, she rose to her feet and snapped her fingers. Dozens of magic circles materialized, each adorned with symbols from various pantheons. In unison, they released a barrage of magic attacks directed at Sae.

"Nattsu!" Sae cried out, her voice filled with urgency. Her Sacred Gear, Nattsu, a diminutive lion, materialized on her shoulder. "Please," she pleaded, and Nattsu responded with an affirmative nod. He cast a discerning gaze over the oncoming barrage of attacks, then released a resounding growl that had a petrifying effect, halting the attacks in their tracks.

"Incredible," Ondri-Baba exclaimed, her eyes lit with excitement. "It didn't possess such abilities previously. Is this a result of it evolving into a Sacred Gear and gaining new powers because of its connection with its wielder?"

Sae didn't offer a verbal response but instead closed the gap between herself and the witch. She conjured her own set of magic circles and unleashed a flurry of attacks aimed at her adversary. With each spell, Nattsu roared in unison, infusing Sae's magic with his unique powers.

Ondri-Baba attempted to shield herself by conjuring defensive magic circles, but they proved insufficient and shattered under the assault of Sae's empowered magic. In a final, desperate move, she harnessed her candle's flames to craft a multi-layered, multi-hued barrier before her.

However, this last-ditch effort ultimately proved ineffectual. Sae's magic, augmented by Nattsu, tore through the barrier, enveloping Ondri-Baba in searing flames. She fell to the ground, bearing scorched injuries. Surprisingly, anger was not her prevailing emotion; rather, she seemed to wear a contented smile.

Sae touched down on the ground, her determined gaze locked onto Ondri-Baba. She swiftly launched another magical attack, but to her surprise, the witch abruptly vanished from sight. Sae's instincts flared, and in the blink of an eye, she transformed Nattsu into a gauntlet, spun around, and conjured a colossal, condensed fireball that seared through the air in Ondri-Baba's direction.

Caught off guard, Ondri-Baba couldn't react in time. The blazing projectile struck her squarely in the chest, propelling her through the sky with a tremendous force. She crashed through several buildings, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. Sae released a relieved breath and watched the smoke and dust settle. Nattsu reverted to his usual form from the gauntlet.

"Thank you, Nattsu," Sae said, appreciating her Sacred Gear's support. "It's been a while since I was this active. Months away from the action can make you a bit rusty."

Nattsu responded with an affectionate nuzzle, rubbing his nose against Sae's cheek. After their brief connection, they soared over to Ondri-Baba, who lay motionless on the ground. The witch had flipped over, lying on her back, her gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky.

"I wonder where I took the wrong path in life," she mused, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "Well, it hardly matters now. Please, Toujou Sae, end it swiftly. I long to reunite with my parents. We were separated just last year, and we were cherishing our time together."

Ondri-Baba closed her eyes, bracing for the inevitable. In her heart, she carried memories of a contented childhood spent with her loving parents before the supernatural world intruded. Theirs was a tranquil life, much like any other, until the day when their existence intersected with the occult, a day that would forever alter their fates. Tragically, it marked the end of her parents' lives.

At a tender age of twelve, Ondri-Baba embarked on a journey of learning, immersing herself in the intricacies of magic. However, the supernatural was not finished with her. It was during this tumultuous period that Oz discovered her and extended an invitation to a different path. Driven by an all-consuming hatred for supernatural entities, Ondri-Baba wholeheartedly embraced the cause of eradicating them, aided by Oz. But their fervent quest met with a sudden halt, thwarted by the formidable Slash Dog Team five years ago.

After her demise, Ondri-Baba found herself in an unexpected place: Heaven. Her astonishment stemmed from her anticipation of a less favorable destination, considering her myriad misdeeds. In the afterlife, she was reunited with her beloved parents, and together they awaited the cycle of reincarnation. Yet, just last year, she received a summons back to the world of the living, and she begrudgingly rejoined her fellow revenants in the enactment of their plans.

In truth, Ondri-Baba yearned for her former existence. The return to life was an unwelcome burden, and she harbored no desire to continue her evil pursuits. Her actions were marked by a pervasive listlessness and aloofness, concealing the seething rage and hatred that smoldered beneath her impassive facade. This inadvertent apathy masked her true intentions and played to her advantage in the wake of her resurrection.

Sae knelt beside Ondri-Baba and gently laid her hand over the witch's heart. "May you find peace," she whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow. With a heavy heart, Sae brought an end to the witch's life, using her powers to char the heart and petrify the rest of Ondri-Baba's body, granting her a final, solemn rest.

— ○ ● ○ —

"You've become even more powerful, [Slash Dog]. Who would've expected that?" Mombi inquired, her gaze fixed on Tobio Ikuse. Her body bore the marks of their intense battle, covered in cuts and bruises from the relentless onslaught Tobio had unleashed upon her.

Tobio's response was an icy, unyielding stare directed at Mombi. He remained silent, choosing not to engage in conversation with the defeated witch.

"No words, huh?" Mombi taunted, a wry grin playing on her battered lips. "I can't blame you, really. After all, I did attempt to end Toujou Sae's life multiple times five years ago. I came quite close when I implanted 'that' inside the [Cowardly Leo]," she admitted, her tone tinged with dark amusement.

Tobio's eyes widened in surprise, and he questioned, <<What do you mean?>> He brought his scythe closer to her neck, a clear threat in his stance.

The battle between Tobio and Mombi had reached its conclusion. The witch was incapacitated, her magical reserves exhausted. Earlier, Tobio had "severed" her connection to magic, thanks to Aaron's [Blessing], granting him extraordinary abilities.

A malevolent smirk twisted Mombi's lips as she revealed the sinister truth. "It was Oz's idea, but with the assistance of Satanael, we made the [Cowardly Leo]'s body toxic enough to kill Sae Toujou. We were taken aback when she managed to cling to life for so long, but in the end, the Middleman had to intervene and save her."

"We did plan on doing the same thing to her again, but in a different way. Unfortunately, we could never get to Grigori. We even had plans on doing it to your daughter. She's quite a cute little girl, isn't she?" Mombi mused.

Tobio's silent rage erupted, and he swiftly seized the witch's throat, hoisting her into the air. His grip was vice-like, causing her to gasp for breath while blood trickled from her neck. In a desperate attempt to free herself, Mombi scratched at Tobio's hands and arms, but his darkness shielded him. Slowly but steadily, Tobio began to crush her windpipe.

<<It's one thing to threaten me. Honestly, I wouldn't care,>> he spoke through clenched teeth, further tightening his grip, depriving her of air. <<But threaten my family, and I'll throw away my morals to keep them safe.>>

Tobio Ikuse despised taking human life. He went to great lengths to avoid it, even when faced with humans who posed threats to humanity. Breaking that promise had become a regrettable part of his history, especially when his anger consumed him. Yet, he continued to strive to uphold that commitment, no matter how challenging it became.

Today, however, he could not keep that promise. With an audible and final "snap," Mombi, the First Witch of the West, met her demise once again.

Mombi was a terrible woman, a cruel streak that had run through her since childhood, only intensifying as she entered adulthood. Her sadistic nature drove her to use people for her own entertainment, and this behavior worsened when she became entangled in the supernatural world purely by chance.

Once immersed in the realm of the supernatural, Mombi's cruelty knew no bounds. She engaged in human experimentation and committed other horrendous acts as if they were everyday occurrences. Her affiliation with the Wizards of Oz, after being recruited by Oz himself, only amplified her wickedness, granting her access to more tools and resources for her malevolent pursuits.

One dark facet of Mombi's life was her deep-seated animosity toward Sae Toujou. This animosity sprang from a small crush she had on Tobio Ikuse, though not as extreme as the 3rd Witch of the East, Dorothy, who met her demise during the Halloween operation, bordering on obsession. Mombi's infatuation was far from healthy, and upon discovering Sae's presence, she sought to eliminate her.

In their subsequent encounters, Mombi persistently attempted to end Sae's life. It wasn't until a final confrontation when Kouki Samejima delivered the fatal blow, bringing an end to Mombi's dark existence. In a heart-wrenching moment, she confessed her love to Tobio, but he offered no reciprocation, only expressing his disgust and resentment. Even now, he couldn't find it in himself to forgive her. In fact, his loathing for her deepened upon uncovering the truth.

As he gently released her and turned away, Tobio discovered Sae standing just behind him. <<Sae...>> he murmured with a tinge of sadness, though further words proved unnecessary. Sae rushed toward Tobio, embracing him tightly, and they shared a wordless moment that extended for over a minute.

After their silent connection, Tobio dispelled his Balance Breaker and surveyed their surroundings. "...We have to deal with their apprentices. I trapped them in a small barrier earlier," he informed Sae, rising with her to his feet.

Approaching the barrier, they encountered a Shadow Soldier, who held a sign that read, "We've handled them, and both are en route to the teleportation site." Tobio and Sae exchanged glances, then turned their attention back to the Shadow Soldier, who offered them an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

"Thank you," Tobio expressed his gratitude, and the Shadow Soldier nodded before fading into obscurity. "I suppose that's taken care of. Let's rejoin the others."

"Mmm..." Sae replied, her agreement evident.

— ○ ● ○ —

Sonadia, the 1st Witch of the East, and Kalinya, the 2nd Witch of the South, stood on one side, facing off against their opponents, Kalawarna, Mittelt, Kouki, and Meruem.

With a mischievous grin, Sonadia broke the ice. "It's been a while, Kouki. Looks like you've moved on from your little women trouble, fufu."

Kouki, not keen on revisiting his past, replied curtly, "Shut up. Kalawarna is top-tier—hardworking, responsible, great figure, and exceptionally sk—"

Before he could finish, Kalawarna silenced him with a swift slap to his mouth. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she admonished him, "Stop oversharing, Kouki."

He nodded rapidly, acknowledging his mistake.

Sonadia couldn't help but tease Kouki further. "Fufu, it seems you're completely smitten by her, huh? The delinquent and rude Kouki Samejima is no more, isn't he?"

Meanwhile, Sonadia conjured several elemental avatars around her, each towering at least 10 meters in height.

"No point in delaying it; let's get started," she declared, signaling her elemental avatars to attack Kouki's group.

Sonadia was a striking figure, standing tall at 5'10". Her short black hair framed her face, and her red eyes gleamed with an air of authority. She donned a black witch hat adorned with intricate golden web designs. A long black dress draped her form elegantly, and her black heels featured golden accents. In her grasp, she held a trusted golden-brown staff, a potent tool of her magic.

Kouki swiftly commanded his Sacred Gear, Byakusa, to forge a spear in his arm, which he enveloped in crackling electricity. "Let's go, Meruem! Cover us!" he bellowed to his fallen angel comrades, and they readily complied.

With resolve, Kouki and Meruem charged toward both witches, while Sonadia's elemental avatars unleashed a barrage of attacks. Fire, water, wind, earth, ice, black, white, and fairy magic were what they used to attack the duo.

Kouki skillfully evaded some of the attacks and countered by obliterating others with his electric powers. Meanwhile, Meruem delivered powerful punches, demolishing the magical constructs. As they closed in on the two witches, Kalinya, the 2nd Witch of the South, flashed a wicked smile before conjuring blindingly intense light, compelling Kouki to shield his eyes from the dazzling radiance.

Meruem remained undaunted and pressed on. He closed the distance between him and Kalinya swiftly, aiming a powerful punch directly at her. Kalinya reacted swiftly, evading the attack. However, in the process, she lost a substantial chunk of her shoulder, causing her to wince in pain.

Kalinya possessed distinct features that set her apart. Her long, white hair framed her face, with uneven bangs adding a unique touch. Her piercing red eyes bore a captivating intensity. Her attire consisted of a white body suit coupled with a predominantly black dress adorned with striking red lines.

Her most distinctive accessory was a large black witch hat, which, to Meruem and Kouki's astonishment, bore a living mouth. Black wings adorned her back, and white roses served as a captivating embellishment. Perched atop her shoulder was her loyal black cat familiar, and she gracefully floated on a broom.

"Shouldn't underestimate a former leader, should I?" Kalinya muttered while trying to mend her wounds, only to discover her healing abilities were blocked. Frustrated, she halted her attempts. "Damn you and your powers," she hissed, though Meruem remained unperturbed.

With a quick tap of her hat, its eyes ignited, and moments later, a multitude of tentacles burst forth from behind it, lashing out at Meruem. He skillfully evaded and crushed the tentacles with his bare fists. Meanwhile, Kalinya's familiar emitted a melodic tune through her meows, and Meruem felt himself slowing down considerably.

A wicked grin crept across Kalinya's face as she summoned numerous magic circles behind her. With a flourish, she unleashed a relentless onslaught of magical attacks aimed at Meruem. In response, he calmly exhaled and enveloped his body in a purple touki, unleashing a series of purple touki bullets to counter Kalinya's magical onslaught.

Their attacks collided, resulting in several powerful explosions that sent Kouki, Sonadia, Kalawarna, and Mittelt flying. However, Meruem wasted no time and propelled himself toward Kalinya, his speed ignoring the cat familiar's abilities. He closed the gap in an instant and launched a rapid barrage of punches in her direction.

Reacting instinctively, Kalinya conjured defensive magic circles to shield herself from the onslaught. Yet, Meruem's sheer strength quickly shattered these protective barriers. Kalinya's familiar attempted to create a shield using its tail, while her hat extended its tentacles in a desperate attempt to block Meruem's fists. Unfortunately, all of these defenses crumbled in the face of his overwhelming power.

The cat familiar hissed in pain as its once-protective tail was now in tatters. Meanwhile, the hat continued to assail Meruem with its remaining tentacles, but his dense touki, a manifestation of his incredible inner strength, rendered these attacks futile, preventing them from even reaching him.

Kalinya swiftly teleported to a safe distance, her mind racing as she conjured a barrage of powerful light spears and white flames. With precision, she launched this dazzling array of projectiles at the charging Meruem.

The formidable foe, undeterred, pivoted gracefully and surged towards her. He harnessed his touki, channeling it into his right arm, before thrusting it forward, creating a colossal purple aura that took the form of an immense phoenix.

The purple phoenix, a manifestation of his inner energy, shredded through Kalinya's magic attacks. She had no choice but to teleport away once more, hoping to escape its relentless pursuit. Yet, her heart sank as she observed the phoenix change its course, accelerating with astonishing speed. In an instant, it materialized right in front of her.

"Fuc—" Kalinya's exclamation was abruptly cut short as the devastating impact of the purple phoenix engulfed her, unleashing an enormous explosion that sent shockwaves through the surrounding buildings.

Meruem didn't stop there; he raised both of his arms, conjuring a massive ball of purple touki, and flung it toward the precise location where Kalinya stood.

Mittelt, Meruem's girlfriend, couldn't help but express her exasperation at his choice. "Isn't that a bit of an overkill, Meruem?"

Meruem's response was laced with a hint of his upbringing. "Father once said, 'Kill them dead, until they are definitely dead.' Or something along those lines."

As the deafening explosion eventually faded, the grim aftermath revealed Kalinya's body parts floating away from each other. Her once-elegant hat had been reduced to ruins, mirroring the fate of her cat familiar. Kalinya's severed head turned to face Meruem, and despite the impending doom, a wry chuckle escaped her lips.

"Well, I suppose that settles it. Facing off against someone like Meruem was never going to end in my favor," she muttered with her last breath.

Kouki's battle neared its end as well. His body crackled with azure electricity, the most pronounced areas being his limbs—legs, feet, arms, and hands. Byakusa, on the other hand, had already transformed into his Balance Breaker and assumed his [True Form]. He now resembled an immense saber-toothed tiger, adorned with multiple tails and enveloped in a shroud of crackling electricity.

As for Sonadia, she bore visible wounds. One of her eyes was missing, and her body displayed the scars and bruises of a grueling battle. Her breaths came in ragged gasps.

"Hehe... Kouki-chan... you've certainly grown... even stronger," she remarked, her voice strained. She gestured toward his electrified armor. "And what's the story behind this form of yours?"

Kouki regarded Sonadia with a furrowed brow, pondering whether he should disclose this information to her. Ultimately, he saw no harm in doing so, especially considering her impending demise. Aaron hadn't seen fit to brief them on the capture and imprisonment of the Witches of the Wizards of Oz, nor had the other leaders made any inquiries. Consequently, they assumed they had the freedom to eliminate them.

"I trained with Byakusa and got some help from Bro, and that's how I made this," Kouki explained, gesturing to his new armor. He went on, "I opted for this rather than a full-body armor form. My defense might not be the strongest, but I prioritized increasing my speed and power."

Sonadia nodded in understanding. "I see. Well, I might as well make a grand exit. Oz is the only one remaining to carry out our 'second' plan if the rest of us fail," she remarked.

Kouki's curiosity was piqued. "Second plan?" he asked, seeking clarification.

Sonadia, however, playfully waved a finger at him and winked. "No, no... I won't spill the beans on that one. Naughty children don't get the privilege," she teased, punctuating her words with a soft chuckle. In spite of the dire circumstances, she maintained her sense of humor, and Kouki found himself respecting that, even if they were enemies.

Behind her, a legion of flaming pumpkin heads materialized, and Sonadia raised her staff high. With a graceful twirl, she conjured a horde of headless horsemen, and then, in a climactic display, she summoned a barrage of elemental attacks. This was the culmination of her powers, a final stand against her opponent.

She couldn't help but share one last cheeky wink with Kouki, a gesture that irked Kalawarna. With a burst of energy, Sonadia unleashed her devastating attacks, aiming them squarely at Kouki. Byakusa swiftly sprang into action, using his electric tails to intercept and neutralize many of the fiery projectiles launched by Sonadia. As for Kalawarna and Mittelt, they prepared to confront the remaining threats.

Meanwhile, Kouki closed the distance between him and Sonadia at lightning speed. Though his clothes suffered minor damage, he remained unscathed. With impeccable precision, he delivered a lightning-fast punch to her face, catching her off guard. Sonadia, lacking expertise in hand-to-hand combat, had no time to react to the sudden strike.

Sonadia's vision dimmed momentarily, but Kouki didn't cease his onslaught. He unleashed a relentless flurry of punches, each landing in a different spot on Sonadia's body. One struck her ribs, another targeted her chest, the next found her remaining eye, and the final blow landed on an already bruised area. The first punch jolted her back to reality, prompting a scream, but the subsequent strikes left her unable to defend herself.

As Kouki's assault came to an end, he swiftly spun around and delivered a powerful kick to Sonadia's face, sending her hurtling through several buildings. He then turned his attention to his partner, Byakusa, and noticed that he, along with Kalawarna and Mittelt, had managed to fend off the attacks Sonadia had launched at them. Kouki nodded in approval.

Byakusa joined him, and both of their bodies crackled with vibrant blue electricity. "Are you ready, partner!?" Kouki called out loudly. In response, Byakusa let out a resounding roar, and together, they charged toward the location where Sonadia had crashed.

Sonadia, still reeling from the effects of the brutal beating, struggled to regain her vision and spatial awareness. However, her efforts proved futile. What she saw was a colossal, transparent, blue electric tiger charging at her.

"Ah...the supernatural is truly marvelous," she muttered, her satisfaction evident, even in the face of her impending demise.

When Kouki and Byakusa clashed with Sonadia, a massive electric explosion echoed through the streets of London. The bolts of electricity swirled into a vortex before dissipating into the ether.

As they turned to face Sonadia again, they could see the grievous injuries they had inflicted upon her. Her stomach bore a substantial wound, and Kouki noticed that Byakusa's tails had pierced her head and heart, ensuring her demise.

Kouki affectionately patted Byakusa on the head, and the Sacred Gear obediently retracted its tails, allowing Sonadia's lifeless body to fall to the ground. Gazing at her still form, Kouki's thoughts drifted back to their first encounter, which had occurred during their fourth mission as members of the complete Slash Dog Team.

Sonadia had been an enigma, both stable and unstable in her demeanor. Among the witches, she had been the one who had made Kouki the most uncomfortable due to his past traumas related to women.

Overcoming these personal demons had required significant effort on his part, along with the support of the Slash Dog Team and Kalawarna. Through their combined efforts, he had emerged from his past trauma as a stronger individual.

In their initial meetings, Sonadia had recognized Kouki's unease around women and had exploited it, forcing them into battles where she emerged victorious each time due to his emotional struggles. However, during their final confrontation, with the assistance of Tobio and Natsume, Kouki had conquered some of his inner demons, and together they had vanquished Sonadia, relegating her to the past.

"This time... I managed to beat you on my own," Kouki declared as he collapsed to the ground and let out a sigh. "I'm still not entirely used to using that form. Sorry about that, Byakusa," he added. Byakusa transformed back into his usual form, a white cat, and leaped onto Kouki's shoulder, affectionately licking his cheek.

Kalawarna landed beside Kouki and crouched down next to him. "Good job, Kou. You did an excellent job."

Kouki chuckled. "It's a bit strange to hear you praise me, but I could get used to it." He half-expected a playful hit from her, but to his surprise, she planted a kiss on his cheek. "Wha—!?"

Kalawarna blushed and giggled at his reaction. "I can be affectionate in public if I want to be, Kou."

Kouki mumbled something under his breath but then shook his head. "Thanks, but we can't linger here. There are still more enemies to deal with. Let's go." He swiftly got back on his feet and took to the skies with Kalawarna, to join back with Mittelt and Meruem.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the shadow of the partially destroyed London Bridge, a fierce battle raged between the two witches of the north, Gayeltte and Locasta, and their opponents: Fusae, Shigune, and Ajamu of the Slash Dog Team. As the confrontation continued, the bridge had suffered severe damage, and the water below it had been transformed into billowing steam.

Shigune and Ajamu found themselves locked in combat with Locasta, who hovered in the air on her broom, hurling molten magma rocks and unleashing waves of scorching lava. Locasta possessed a natural-born talent for conjuring these fiery elements, which she had honed over the years, often employing them as tools of torment.

Ajamu struggled against the relentless onslaught, as the heat of the molten magma consumed his wooden constructs and plants. The one able to engage Locasta directly was Shigune, supported by her trusty Sacred Gear, the Three MuskaPohs. Together, they faced the formidable witch and her scorching powers head-on.

Poh, Pooh, and Pon dashed around, hungrily devouring anything Locasta hurled their way. This further infuriated the witch. Yet, the attacks they missed, Shigune herself swiftly dispatched, while Ajamu stood ready to obliterate any remnants.

Locasta sported a large black witch hat adorned with an "F" at its forefront. Her long, platinum-blonde hair cascaded down, and her crimson eyes blazed with intensity. She wore a dark dress with vibrant orange and red accents that contrasted sharply. Around her neck hung a necklace with a captivating red pendant, and she held a unique sky lantern created through her innate powers.

"Your... team has grown," Locasta muttered in her characteristic brevity. She was not one to engage in lengthy conversations.

"Yes, it has," replied Shigune while gracefully slicing apart molten rocks hurled at her with her trusty whip. "Although Lavinia-san left, we've gained many new members since then."

The Wizards of Oz had an array of members, each with their own motivations for joining. Some had their personal agendas, but they were willing to align with Oz to further their goals. Over the years, witches had come and gone, but they were often replaced. However, when the Slash Dog Team began pursuing them, they faced a challenge. The relentless pursuit gave them little time to replace their fallen members, and even when they attempted to do so, the newcomers were swiftly dealt with.

In this group, Locasta held the title of 2nd Generation Witch of the North, while Gayeltte was the 1st Generation. Their interactions were rather infrequent, with other witches having varying degrees of contact based on their personalities and objectives. Most of these witches only crossed paths when Oz or Augusta summoned them to assemble in the Emerald City.

Nevertheless, Locasta and Gayeltte, in their own words, "managed to get along," despite their inherently opposing abilities.

In a sudden burst of movement, Shigune leaped toward Locasta, her whip strikes raining down like a relentless storm. Locasta, skilled and agile, dodged some of the blows and retaliated with a barrage of magma rocks. However, Shigune's power surpassed her, easily dismantling the molten projectiles. In a surprising turn of events, Shigune materialized next to Locasta, taking her off guard.

With swiftness, Shigune's hands burst into brilliant golden flames, and she delivered a powerful blow to Locasta's face. The impact not only sent Locasta hurtling away but also wreaked havoc upon the surrounding structures, reducing several buildings to rubble. In the wake of this fiery attack, Shigune was joined by her companions: Poh, Pon, Pooh, and Ajamu. Ajamu, however, found himself trailing slightly behind the others as they pursued their foe.

Shigune and her companions touched down on top of a sturdy building, their eyes locked on Locasta as she emerged from the debris below. Locasta's arm dangled at an odd angle, but she shot a venomous glare at Shigune.

"Surrendering might be a wiser choice, Locasta-san," Shigune stated, her gaze icy as she peered down at the woman.

Locasta's response was a sardonic smile. "Not happening, unfortunately," she retorted before leaping onto her broom, hovering in the air. "The only end for us is death." With a swift motion, she conjured lava spears and unleashed a horde of fiery creatures, directing them at Shigune and her group.

Shigune barely had time to react when Ajamu sprang into action. "Ajamu-san!?" she exclaimed, taken aback by his sudden move.

Wordlessly, Ajamu wielded his sword, [Galatine], and infused it with the power of wind and lightning, stunning Shigune. As a member of the Kushihashi clan, even though he was considered an illegitimate child, Ajamu had access to wood and plant manipulation.

However, the next clan's head, Seiryuu Kushihashi, possessed a unique combination of powers, including wood/plant, wind, and lightning manipulation. The rest of the clan members were limited to wood and plant control.

Ajamu had always felt like the weakest link in the new Slash Dog Team, even before Mittelt and Kalawarna joined. He watched his comrades grow stronger with each passing day, but it seemed like he kept hitting a plateau in his own abilities. Frustrated, he turned to Aaron for guidance, just as Atsutarou Himejima had done. He requested that Aaron unlock his hidden potential.

And Aaron did just that. He granted Ajamu increased power and mastery over his clan's unique abilities while also bestowing upon him the gift of wind and lightning manipulation, akin to Seiryuu's capabilities.

Ajamu quickly swung his sword through the air, slicing the oncoming lava spears in half. The lightning energy on his blade crackled and leaped toward the remaining lava spears and the molten creatures conjured by Locasta, obliterating them. With his newfound control over wind manipulation, he propelled himself toward Locasta, who responded by summoning magic circles and unleashing another relentless volley of magical attacks in his direction.

Just as the magical attacks was about to reach Ajamu, Pon, the goat-like creature, launched himself into the path of the spells, devouring their destructive power. Locasta, annoyed by this interference, attempted to repeat her attacks, only to find that Poh and Pooh, the other goat-like creatures, once again intervened, consuming the incoming magical attacks.

Ajamu extended his hand, and a swirling vortex of wind began to form. A deafening roar echoed from above, and the massive vortex descended upon Locasta. She attempted to teleport away to safety, but Ajamu and Shigune coordinated their efforts. They unleashed their combined power, a storm of lightning and golden flames, stunning Locasta for a brief moment. Meanwhile, Shigune's fiery tendrils ensnared the witch's legs, effectively immobilizing her.

Exhausted, Locasta muttered, "...The end, huh?" just before the attacks struck her. A maelstrom of golden flames and wind swirled together, creating a mesmerizing yet eerie spectacle in the skies above London. However, as swiftly as it had appeared, the storm dissipated.

In a stark contrast to her fellow witches, Locasta wasn't sliced up by the attacks. Instead, she bore numerous injuries across her body and crashed back to the ground. As she lay there, gazing up at the sky, a sense of regret crept over her. Unlike her first death, where she had silently cursed the Slash Dog Team, this time around, she had time to reflect.

The truth was hard to deny—they were outmatched. She and the others had known this, but they were in denial, unwilling to accept the grim reality. So far, the only ones who had audibly acknowledged this were Locasta herself and Ondri-Baba.

Ajamu stood before Locasta, his sword poised at her throat, his vigilance evident in his eyes. Locasta, in her weakened state, couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"You don't need to be so hostile, wielder of [Galatine]," she muttered weakly. "I no longer have the energy to fight. In fact, I believe I'm dying, am I not?"

Ajamu continued to gaze at her for a few moments, uncertainty etched on his face, before finally sheathing his sword. Just then, Shigune arrived with the Three MuskaPohs, their expressions eager and their mouths watering, as if ready to devour the dying witch.

"Locasta-san," Shigune began, "I asked you a question five years ago, but you were too angry with us to answer. Will you now tell me why you chose to join Oz's cause?"

Locasta sighed weakly, her remaining strength fading. "The reason I aligned with Oz's cause?" she echoed Shigune's question. Shigune nodded in anticipation, waiting for the long-awaited answer.

"Because... I was forced to," Locasta said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Forced to?" Shigune inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Locasta continued, her voice heavy with the weight of her past. "I came from a normal home. We had no knowledge of the supernatural, at least until my powers manifested. As we sought help from different people, we eventually encountered Oz and Glenda. After they witnessed my powers, they promised my parents they could 'cure' me and took me into their care."

Ajamu interjected with empathy, "They deceived your parents, didn't they?"

Locasta smiled at his understanding. "Yes. A few days after my parents entrusted me to them, they killed my parents by setting our home ablaze. They sealed all exits with magic, leaving no way to escape. I only discovered the truth after my own death when I met my parents in limbo, and they revealed the horrifying reality."

Shigune pressed further, "If you knew the truth, why didn't you oppose the Wizards of Oz or the Khaos Order? Lilith-san managed to escape and join our side."

Locasta chuckled, her voice tinged with regret. "I often wonder the same. I believe I was brainwashed to an extent where my old and new body rejected the idea of rebellion. Even back then, I accepted the explanation they gave me—that fallen angels were responsible for my parents' deaths, and I harbored a deep hatred for them. It's possible that Oz was aware of this after my resurrection and deliberately fashioned a body for me to ensure my loyalty. Similar things have happened to others who were brought back to life."

A woman's voice pierced the tense atmosphere. All heads turned to find Morgan Le Fay, her face twisted into a cruel smile. She spoke with a cold determination, "Whether you regret your actions now or after your first death, it doesn't matter. Regardless of your reasons, you committed horrible acts, and that's punishable by death."

Morgan Le Fay advanced toward them, her staff piercing into Locasta's stomach, leaving Shigune and Ajamu in shock.

"W-what are you...!?" Shigune began to ask, but her words were cut short as Morgan Le Fay summoned a dagger and ruthlessly thrust it into Locasta's heart. The macabre process repeated itself, over and over, until the life in Locasta's eyes faded.

Shigune rushed to Locasta's side and checked for a pulse, but it was no use. The Witch of the North, Locasta, had once again met her demise. "Why...? We could have extracted more information from her, maybe even convinced her to change sides...!" Shigune lamented bitterly.

"It doesn't matter," Morgan Le Fay declared with a wicked smile. "I will do the same thing to the rest of the Wizards of Oz. Fortunately, your teammates have already taken care of the ones they faced so far. The only ones left are Gayeltte of the North, Evanora, the advisor of Oz, Oz herself, and Theodora, who was captured back during Halloween. I will eliminate them all, and I'll convince the alliance to hand Theodora over to me!" With that ominous proclamation, she vanished into thin air, leaving an unsettling aura behind.

Ajamu's voice was urgent as he spoke, "We need to go join Fusae. She might—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a massive pillar of blue and white energy erupted from the area where Fusae and Gayeltte were engaged in their battle.

— ○ ● ○ —

Fusae Hirawa floated gracefully in the air, her magic allowing her to levitate effortlessly. Just moments ago, she had wrought devastation upon London, leaving behind a vast, gaping chasm in its heart. Her opponent, the witch known as Gayeltte, stood ready to face her. Gayeltte was no ordinary witch; she held the title of the Witch of the North.

From the moment of her birth, Gayeltte had been marked as unique. Her skin bore a striking, pale-blue hue, setting her apart from her family of magicians. It was evident from an early age that she possessed an innate power—the ability to command and shape ice. While her family initially grappled with the peculiarity of her abilities, they ultimately embraced the gift and began to teach her how to harness it with mastery.

Gayeltte's appearance was equally distinctive. She boasted lustrous, light purple hair, eyes as deep and mesmerizing as the bluest of glaciers, and her attire was a testament to her affinity for ice. Adorning her head was a sizable white witch's hat, while her ears bore earrings that resembled glistening blue icicles. A shade of blue, akin to the frost-kissed depths of winter, adorned her lips. Her outfit comprised a pristine white top and pants, complemented by elegant heels. Draped around her shoulders was a flowing blue cape, and a delicate blue ring graced her left index finger.

From a young age, Gayeltte had made a solemn vow—to dedicate her existence to the realm of ice. She pledged to use her powers solely for the manipulation of ice, to wield ice magic, and to craft tools associated with this frozen element. This commitment, made in her youth, remained unwavering throughout her life.

"Nice attempt, Fusae Hirawa, but you've got a long journey ahead to bypass my ice abilities," declared Gayeltte. The attack Fusae had unleashed on the witch seemed ineffective, but Fusae, the magician of the Slash Dog Team, couldn't help but smile confidently.

"Are you certain, Gayeltte-san?" Fusae inquired, her voice carrying a hint of challenge as she pointed at the witch's shoulder. Gayeltte turned her gaze to her right shoulder and was taken aback by what she saw.

Her ice, known for its impenetrability among the wizards, witches, and magicians of the Wizards of Oz, had been breached, and her shoulder bled profusely. It was a surprising sight, and Gayeltte found herself momentarily at a loss for words.

Fusae continued to press her advantage, her tone taunting but undeniably confident. "The real [Ice Princess] or [Ice Queen], Lavinia Reni's ice isn't so easily destroyed, you know," she remarked with a grin, in an attempt to taunt the woman.

Frustration etched across Gayeltte's face, her teeth grinding together in irritation. She opted for silence, her actions speaking louder than words. With a swift motion, she encased her wound in ice, forming a protective barrier around it.

In an instant, a colossal ice dragon materialized at her command, a majestic manifestation of her powers. Concurrently, she summoned a multitude of magic circles, their numbers seeming endless. These magic attacks sprang to life, unleashing a volley of ice-based attacks upon her opponent.

Fusae raised her ring, whispering incantations into it, and within moments, a colossal silver lotus flower sprang forth from the ground beneath her. A warm smile graced her lips as her creation took form, and from the heart of the lotus, a myriad of figures emerged, ready to confront Gayeltte's relentless attacks.

These silver figures represented a small spell that Aaron and Fusae had meticulously developed during their visit to her family's home. Fusae had desired to infuse her ring with these spells, eliminating the need for intricate hand gestures to conjure her magic.

Her ring harbored a collection of abilities, each reminiscent of certain Sacred Gears. The figures she had summoned now mirrored the original Balance Breaker of the [Blade Blacksmith], known as [Blade Knight Mass].

The silver knights effortlessly sliced through the spells Gayeltte hurled at Fusae. Witnessing this, the witch conjured more ice creatures, directing them to attack Fusae alongside her knights.

Each of these icy entities lunged towards Fusae's knights, but much to Gayeltte's astonishment, the knights swiftly dispatched her creations. A single attack from each knight was all it took to shatter the ice creatures, leaving the witch completely taken aback.

"Surprising, isn't it?" Fusae's voice emerged from behind. Gayeltte turned, her shock evident as she hadn't detected Fusae's movements at all.

Before she could voice her query, Fusae enveloped her hand in a silvery-blue aura and delivered a resounding slap, sending Gayeltte hurtling through several buildings until she crashed into a park.

The witch swiftly regained her footing, though a touch disoriented, and scanned her surroundings. As her gaze swept the area, Fusae materialized before her once more. Gayeltte's lips parted, perhaps in preparation to shout, but before a sound could escape, Fusae's hands closed around her head.

"Frankly, I don't have any connections to any of you, Gayeltte-san," Fusae began, her grip unyielding. "However, since I'm part of [DxD], I seek a world of peace to further my magical pursuits without the nuisance of troublesome individuals like you, I support my lover's goals," she explained to the captive witch.

Gayeltte's initial response was to claw at Fusae's unyielding grasp, but a glance at the silvery-blue aura enveloping Fusae's arms signaled that any such attempt would prove futile. She ceased her futile struggle.

Fusae's voice, tinged with a touch of curiosity, broke the silence. "You were spoiled, weren't you?" No reply came from the captive witch. "Well... it doesn't matter. Aaron didn't instruct us to capture or kill you, and as far as I know, the rest of my team has ended the lives of the other witches. I shall do the same to you. Do you have any last words?"

"Do you consider yourselves the champions of righteousness who've liberated this universe?" Gayeltte's words dripped with venom. "Do you see yourselves as the 'heroes' who've bestowed peace upon us all? Well, I regret to shatter your illusions, but such notions are mere fantasies."

"The tranquil world you yearn for is a vision harbored solely by the Middleman, that lizard," she continued, a tinge of condescension in her voice. "In truth, many among us have no desire for such a world. The status quo suits them just fine, and our efforts are solely aimed at preserving it. It's you who aim to disrupt it. So, I pose this question: who are the real monsters in this tale?"

Fusae let out a weary sigh and added, "For every hundred who oppose it, there are a thousand who support it. When the opposition swells to a hundred thousand, a million stand in favor. Peace is a far more desirable state compared to the chaotic and uncertain landscape that currently plagues the supernatural world. Remember, before the alliance, the Three Great Powers teetered on the brink of war, a repeat of the Great War from years past. Can anyone genuinely desire a repeat of that catastrophe?"

She shook her head, her frustration evident. "Of course not. In times of war, there are no victors. The citizens of every faction, every pantheon, and every nation are the ones who suffer most, caught in the crossfire. Reflect on the war of the previous year. Two billion human lives were lost, and both populations dwindled to a mere 5 or 10% of their original numbers. How can anyone in their right mind support such a calamity?" Fusae's tone held a touch of anger, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

"Nothing is gained without sacrifice," Gayeltte declared, her expression unwavering in response to Fusae's words. "We are prepared to sacrifice those billions to preserve the status quo. Humans have proven their resilience, rebounding like rabbits after both wars. They can do it again."

Fusae's sigh carried the weight of resignation, knowing that continuing this conversation would lead to a fruitless cycle of argument. She cast one last glance at Gayeltte and spoke softly, "Peace is preferable. Enjoying carefree, lazy days without concerns is always better... goodbye."

With a deft movement, Fusae activated a gravity spell embedded in her ring, a relentless force that began to crush Gayeltte from within. She released her grip on the witch, who crumpled in on herself with a cacophony of bone cracks and the gruesome flow of blood. Eventually, Gayeltte succumbed to the unyielding pressure, leaving behind a gruesome display of mangled flesh, shattered bones, and spilled gore.

Fusae clasped her hands together, offering a respectful bow to the fallen witch. Then, she turned to find the rest of her team awaiting her.

"The only ones left are Oz, Evanora, and the two wielders of their [Three Demonic Beasts], Sae and I will go assist the alliance with those beasts. Can you guys go and help Lavinia? She should be confronting Oz and Evanora, if my assumption is correct," Tobio suggested.

His comrades swiftly agreed, departing to join the others in their respective tasks.

— ○ ● ○ —

In a different corner of London, Evanora, Oz's trusted advisor, found herself trapped within the icy grip of Lavinia Reni's chilling magic. She struggled in vain, frozen in place, unable to budge. Oz, for all her power, couldn't find a way to thaw the icy prison. After her initial, futile attempt, she decided it was best to cease her efforts.

Lavinia, her gaze fixed with unwavering intensity, broke the silence. "Oz... I've longed for this moment, to confront you once more after all these years. Since your resurrection, you've committed countless crimes. I shall return you to the grave from whence you came."

Oz responded with a disdainful tone, her words laden with condescension. "Hmph. Brave words from the Orphan Princess," she retorted, further fueling Lavinia's frigid demeanor.

Without hesitation, Lavinia harnessed her formidable powers, invoking one of her most potent summons while in her Balance Breaker state.

A colossal, ominous shadow cast its vast silhouette over the Earth. The creature she had summoned dwarfed the planet, a terrifying manifestation of her Sacred Gears abilities. Oz gazed upwards, her expression transformed into one of pure horror.

"W-what is that!?" she cried out in sheer terror.

— ○ ● ○ —

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