Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 17 – Part 4 – Dawning Hope

Lilith's Soliloquy

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Several weeks had passed since Aaron and Team [DxD] left. In their absence, a smaller group, also calling themselves [DxD], took up the mantle. Though their active members were fewer, they had already gained recognition. Daniel, one of Aaron's Avatars, assumed the leadership role, with Tobio Ikuse as the sub-leader.

Even with the diminished numbers, [EXE] operated in the shadows, providing crucial support to [DxD]. Aaron's directive for [EXE] members to concentrate on bolstering the smaller [DxD] team ensured a solid backing.

The supernatural realm took note of the shift, and some unruly groups emerged. However, a quick reminder put them in check—they couldn't act out of line, as the mentioned group was still around to thwart any misbehavior. The delicate balance of power remained intact in the world they operated in.

Our household, in the immediate sense, had an air of both normalcy and peculiarity. Presently, I found myself in the dining room, with Risette taking charge of dinner preparations. The culinary duo was assisted by Róisín Toole and Vivi (Buer) Toole. In recent weeks, Vivi had taken on the Toole surname, a decision that seemed to bring both happiness and a tinge of sadness to her demeanor.

Updates from Aaron and the other household members regularly lit up our group chat while they were away. It appeared they had been engrossed in numerous activities, and from what I gathered, Aaron had made substantial improvements to the planet that housed the Resistance—an outcome that wasn't entirely unexpected.

"Vivi, just be careful, okay? We don't want you getting hurt," Róisín advised as they worked on cooking together.

Vivi, ever confident in her abilities, replied, "I can heal it if I do get hurt, though!"

Róisín, maintaining a watchful eye, responded, "I know, but it's better not to hurt yourself, alright? I don't think Papa will be pleased if you end up with too many injuries." The familial concern echoed in her words, underlining the sense of care that permeated our peculiar yet harmonious household.

Vivi expressed a hint of uncertainty, seeking reassurance, "Okay, but Papa will be happy with my progress, right?"

Frida, alongside a few others gathered around the dining table, offered words of encouragement, "Absolutely! You've made a lot of progress, so be proud of it!"

Lately, Frida had been notably more upbeat, putting in diligent effort into her own training. It seemed she, too, wanted to showcase her advancements to Aaron. In a way, they both resembled eager puppies, enthusiastic about proving their growth.

Vivi giggled, responding, "Hehe, I hope so."

However, a shadow of concern crossed my face.

Glancing to my other side, I noticed Áine, who had been returning home earlier each day. Despite living with us, she usually arrived near day's end due to her commitments in her pantheon. Yet, something seemed amiss. She appeared less than well.

"Why couldn't I go?" Áine mumbled, a hint of disheartenment in her voice.

Cana, who had joined the conversation, responded, "We've explained, Áine. Not every god from [DxD] can go, only a chosen few. If all of us left, who would manage the pantheons and factions? Even Azazel and Avezza stayed behind for various projects here."

Áine let out a sigh, her frustration apparent. "I know, but still… Danu got to go," she countered, puffing her cheeks like a child having a small tantrum.

Cana offered an understanding explanation, "Well, she's stronger and has more combat experience. She'd likely be more useful there. They didn't go for a holiday or vacation, you know?" The reality of the situation was laid out, urging Áine to acknowledge the practicality behind the decision.

In moments when Aaron is absent, she becomes more candid about her feelings. She doesn't put on the typical "tsundere" act, as the Japanese would say. This change became noticeable a few days after their departure, catching many of us off guard. Some of the goddesses here, though, weren't entirely surprised; they agreed it was a natural shift.

"Well, a few more will join them soon, and count me in. They'll need an experienced blacksmith after all," Hephaestus exclaimed with evident excitement, her anticipation palpable.

Áine, however, shot her a bitter glare. Hephaestus chuckled in response, unperturbed. Meanwhile, the atmosphere among the other goddesses in the house had taken on a somewhat somber note.

The usual energy seemed to be missing. Artemis, for instance, spent most of her time in her new archery shop, and Kunou, Yasaka, and Sharon had become regular visitors, adding a touch of melancholy to the environment.

Just as we were gearing up to continue our conversation, a knocking sound echoed through the doorway of the dining room. Our attention shifted as we turned to discover the source of the interruption.

"Knock, knock, you depressing-looking people," Azazel declared, leading a group consisting of Avezza, Satanael, Michael, Altaria, Sirzechs, and Ajuka behind him.

"Sorry for the intrusion," Michael added, offering a friendly wave.

Curious, I inquired, "Hmm. What brought all of you here?" They made their way to the available seats around the dining room, settling in for a moment.

Azazel, taking the lead, explained, "We're here to give you guys an update on the things we've been busy with." He produced a device and placed it in the center of the table. With a clap of his hands, a magic circle materialized, revealing a live feed of a city. "This is the current progress on the Moon City. We're around 50% done, all thanks to everyone's efforts, especially Antares and Claudira-chan." The visual update sparked interest among us, and we eagerly listened to the developments they had to share.

Azazel explained their strategy, "We prioritized building essential structures like hospitals and schools. Once that was in place, we created districts for housing and some apartment complexes. Jin provided us with various documents outlining his ideas and the costs involved. After careful consideration, we decided it was a good plan. Essentially, he's tackling homelessness and generating jobs with his proposals," Azazel said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Sirzechs nodded in agreement. "We should have anticipated that," he commented, and the others joined in with acknowledging nods. "We've also worked out a plan for how and when we'll reveal ourselves to the world. It's set to happen a few weeks before the restart of the tournament games. Several gods will be making the announcements, with the cooperation of certain governments already aware of our existence and of course, Jin-kun. Negotiations with them have already begun," he added, outlining the thoughtful process behind their decisions.

Áine emerged from her subdued state, her expression turning serious as she inquired, "Are there any governments in favor yet?"

Azazel, looking equally serious, shared the current status, "Jin said to avoid using force or our powers. However, Team [DxD]'s success in England has garnered support. The Irish gods have persuaded Ireland, and the Shinto Gods have made headway with the Japanese governments. As for the others, it's still a work in progress, but we believe that most countries following Hinduism and Buddhism will eventually agree to it."

Processing this information, I realized it was more than I expected. It made sense, considering Aaron's significant involvement with Ireland and Japan. I was somewhat surprised by England's quick acceptance, but reflecting on their recent interactions with Team [DxD], it began to make sense. The intricate web of connections and alliances Aaron had woven seemed to be playing a crucial role in steering the nations toward a unified stance.

Curiosity sparked within me, prompting the question, "Are Indra, Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu the ones in talks with current governments to bring them onboard with the plan?"

Ajuka nodded in affirmation, explaining, "Yes, precisely. Indra and the Trimurti are overseeing the diplomatic efforts. They've also enlisted the help of others, like Prithvi Mata and a few more. Unfortunately, it's been a few days since we received any updates from them, which is a bit concerning."

Róisín, keen to gather more information, inquired about the situation reported by Daniel. "I heard there are unruly groups causing trouble in certain countries?" she asked, receiving a nod of confirmation from Ajuka.

He elaborated on the matter, saying, "Indeed, there are some unruly groups causing disturbances. While they may not be exceptionally powerful, the smaller [DxD] teams are currently on-site, efficiently handling the situation. They've been gradually subduing these groups, and as we speak, more and more prisoners are being apprehended. Their efficiency rivals that of the main team."

Azazel's group opted to stay for dinner, and the evening unfolded with discussions centering around our ongoing projects. Among them was Vali's upcoming upgrade, a significant venture that Azazel labeled as his final enhancement. This upgrade would amalgamate every aspect of Vali's powers, combining [Divine Dividing], his Lucifer blood, Gogmagog, Malacoda, and what Azazel cryptically referred to as the "final piece."

As we delved into the details, our curiosity was piqued, but Azazel remained elusive about whether this upgrade aimed to make Vali a true rival or simply equip him with a fighting chance against Aaron, particularly against his [Electa] or the Shadow Soldiers. Unspoken understanding circulated among some of us, implying that the answer to that question might be more evident than Azazel let on.

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Róisín Toole's Soliloquy

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Several hours had elapsed since Azazel's group had paid us a visit, providing a plethora of updates on various matters. The clock was inching towards eleven at night as I made my way back to Aaron's room after a refreshing shower.

Over time, Aaron's room had unintentionally become my primary sleeping space in their absence. The initial reason was different, but circumstances led me to find comfort in that room.

Approaching the door, I gently pushed it open and discovered Vivi peacefully asleep on the bed. It brought back memories of a few days after they had left when I found her sleeping there alone. When I asked about it, she explained that being in that room helped her feel closer to her Papa, and she wanted to stay there. It tugged at my heartstrings, and from that day onward, we decided to share that space for our sleep.

Approaching the bed, a subtle vibration in my ring drew my attention, prompting me to check and found it was coming from my smartphone. Retrieving it from my ring, I discovered a text from Aaron.

|Danu is in the middle of a fight with the leader. I thought I'd check in on you, Vivi, and everyone else.|

This casual update from my son left me somewhat flabbergasted. Considering the gravity of their mission on a planet called Ferrothos Prime, where they aimed to strike a significant blow to the Phumera's organization, the nonchalant text felt unexpectedly ordinary.

In response, I couldn't help but express my concern. |Are you sure about this? Shouldn't you be assisting Danu?| I typed back, the uncertainty about his choices lingering in my mind.

|It's fine, they're talking and fighting, you know, the typical thing,| he messaged back.

I pondered his words. Well, if it's coming from him, it should be okay, right? Despite this reassurance, a hint of unease lingered within me. Glancing back at Vivi, I noticed she had woken up.

"Mama?" she queried, her eyes still heavy with sleep. "Who are you talking to?"

I smiled, trying to reassure her. "Oh, um, it's just your Papa, sweetie. We'll be done soon; you should go back to sleep," I told her, and she agreed, rubbing her eyes before drifting back into sleep.

Continuing our conversation, I suddenly heard a loud explosion from his end, and he needed to end the call. A mixture of worry and calm settled within me. They'll be fine in the end—or at least, that's what I liked to believe. I swiftly joined Vivi on the bed, cuddling with her. Only two or three more months left, and then they'll be back. That's all we need to wait for.

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Third Person Point of View

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On top of a spire, Daniel, one of Aaron Toole's avatars, surveyed a town embroiled in chaos. Below him, a myriad of attacks crisscrossed the battleground, marking the intensity of the ongoing large-scale battle. His attention was focused on their current operation—a mission to quell a small but troublesome group causing havoc in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Tobio Ikuse, the current sub-leader of their smaller [DxD] team in this universe, voiced his concerns, "Are you sure this is fine?"

Daniel reassured him, "Yes. Not every member went with Aaron-sama, so the ones that stayed have pledged to pick up the slack here. The promise they made to Aaron and the rest of the team, coupled with the chance to shine in their own spotlight, serves as a strong motivation for them."

Tobio took a seat beside him, Gin perched on his head. "I guess that's true," he replied, and they both observed the chaos unfolding below.

Curiosity sparked in Daniel as he inquired, "How's Sae doing? I heard she's pregnant again."

Tobio offered a reassuring response, "She's fine. She's not that far into her second pregnancy, so she can still participate in some missions for a few months. Jin already gave her his blessings again, just like with Hana."

Daniel nodded thoughtfully, unsheathing his sword and swinging it before him. A massive attack in the shape of a donut approached, and Daniel's swift action sliced it into millions of pieces, obliterating the threat.

Casually, Daniel continued the conversation, "Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet? Or do you prefer not to know?"

Tobio shared a personal revelation with a smile, "The baby is going to be another girl. Truth be told, I wanted a boy so I could train him and have him protect our family with me, you know?"

Daniel considered the possibilities and offered a suggestion, "There's nothing stopping you from training Hana-chan or your soon-to-be-born daughter. Although, we have to assume Hana-chan is a big tomboy or prefers close-quarters combat rather than ranged combat."

"That's true but we'll only see in the future," replied Tobio before getting up. "Anyway, let's end this, it's been going on for a few days and their two leaders should show up to confront us."

Right on cue, two women appeared in shimmering lights, one radiating a purple hue and the other a warm brown. They hovered before Tobio and Daniel, their expressions clearly irritated.

"It seemed like [DxD] vanished for some reason, but it turns out there are still members lingering within it. And who would have thought that [Slash Dog] was part of it," remarked the woman on the left.

The leader between them was a petite girl standing at approximately 4 feet 10 inches. Her long green hair cascaded down in twin tails, framing her face. Light purple eyes gleamed with annoyance, and atop her head rested a black crown. She donned black gloves adorned with purple ribbons, complementing her black top and frilly gray pants. Her ensemble was completed with black and purple shoes. In her hands, she wielded a slender sword resembling a rapier.

Next to her stood her fellow leader, a tiger youkai with shoulder-length brown hair. She kept her head covered with a hoodie, and animal ears protruded through the holes cut for them. Her outfit bore an intriguing fusion of styles, appearing to be a blend of Indian or Egyptian influences, a distinction that eluded both Daniel and Tobio.

"Lady Verily, this one is the rumored Daniel, the one overseeing the smaller-sized [DxD] while the Middleman is away," the female tiger youkai, named Mehira, informed.

"It seems so, Mehira. However, I will take him on since I consider him weaker," Verily declared, and with those words, she and Daniel vanished from sight, leaving Tobio to contemplate the unfolding events.

"You're Mehira, right? Do you still want to fight? If you surrender now, we can—" Tobio's sentence was abruptly cut off as he deftly dodged a strike from Mehira. She thrust her hand towards him, covered in touki.

Tobio responded swiftly, spinning around and delivering a powerful kick towards Mehira. The impact connected with her other arm as she used it to defend herself. It sent her reeling, though not too far, and they found themselves locking eyes.

"I'll take that as a no. May I know why you're doing this?" Tobio inquired, hopeful for an explanation. This time, Mehira chose to respond.

"He never came to help me. I don't know about the reasons for others, but my village suffered at the hands of a small group that terrorized us for over a year, and he never came. Finally, I took action, killed them, and held a grudge against the Middleman since," Mehira explained, her voice carrying the weight of past grievances.

"Jin can't stop every single thing everywhere, you know that, right?" Tobio questioned.

Mehira's expression darkened as she responded, "He didn't make enough effort. My little sister can never walk again, and my grandparents are dead. Many more in my home have been left disabled or were killed, and for what reason? Just because they felt like it? Yet every time we asked for help, it never came."

Her voice dripped with contempt as she continued, "That's why we'll do as much harm and damage to everyone else in retaliation for the suffering he caused by not coming to help us." With those words, she covered her body in more touki.

Tobio shook his head, disagreeing, "You're just being unreasonable." He summoned a scythe of darkness, and beside him, Gin transformed into his matured state, holding a crimson blade in his mouth. The tension in the air thickened as opposing forces readied themselves for the impending clash.

"I'll ask once more, surrender now, and we might find a way to work together. The leaders of the alliance are forgiving if you decide to join forces with us," Tobio proposed.

Mehira remained resolute, replying with a firm, "I refuse."

Tobio let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Then so be it." In an instant, they vanished, meeting in the clash's center. Tobio's scythe and Mehira's touki collided, but it became evident that Tobio held the upper hand. Attempting to capitalize on this advantage, Tobio aimed a kick at Mehira. However, she swiftly dodged it. In that moment, Gin materialized beside her, unleashing a cross aura slash.

Mehira retaliated by firing several touki bullets at Gin's attacks, but they were effortlessly sliced apart. Forced to evade the onslaught, she found herself in a precarious position. Both Gin and Tobio reappeared at her sides, swinging their blades in a synchronized attack.

Mehira's body suddenly erupted in a spectacular display of brown and golden aura, creating a powerful gust that sent both Gin and Tobio flying. They landed on a nearby rooftop, their eyes fixed on Mehira as her newfound aura gradually solidified, forming a protective brown and golden armor around her.

With a sweeping motion, she extended her arm, summoning a bronzed-tipped spear. In her other hand, a bronze shield materialized. However, the transformation didn't conclude there. Two additional arms, comprised of the same brown and gold aura, manifested on her sides, each wielding a Talwar.

A Talwar is a curved-bladed long sword with a steel blade measuring approximately 16.5 inches by 1 inch in width. The blade is sharpened on the convex edge, or the "outside," of the curve, and it typically weighs between 2 to 4 pounds.

Mehira, fueled by rage, charged at Tobio and Gin without uttering another word. Her new weapons swung wildly, but Tobio and Gin, seasoned in combat, easily dodged and evaded her attacks. Despite her fervor, luck eluded Mehira in this skirmish.

In response, Tobio and Gin, aware of their superior experience, retaliated cautiously. Tobio swung his scythe, aiming for her, but Mehira skillfully blocked it with her shield. Simultaneously, Gin thrust his blade towards her, yet she adeptly intercepted it using her talwar. Both Tobio and Gin exercised restraint, knowing that there was still a chance for Mehira to change her mind. What she needed, perhaps, was a formidable enemy to contend with.

Mid-fight, Tobio, while dodging another attack, initiated a conversation. "Jin," he began, emphasizing his words over the clangor of their engagement. "He can heal your sister and probably bring back most of your village or home if you give him a chance!" Tobio shouted, evading another attack and countering with a more forceful swing of his scythe.

Mehira desperately attempted to defend herself, but the force was overpowering. Her shield crumbled, and one of her talwars shattered. Staring at Tobio in disbelief, she recognized the futility of fighting the renowned [Slash Dog]. Despite this, a determination flickered within her.

She knew continuing the battle might be a losing endeavor, but Mehira couldn't bring herself to care. Inaction had defined her for too long, and surrendering now felt like abandoning her family and her village to the persistent specters of hatred and suffering.

Yet, a realization struck her: these feelings were confined to her own mind. While her village did indeed suffer, they bore no blame toward Aaron. Their resentment was directed solely at the bandits plaguing them. In Mehira's perspective, however, she believed that a hidden grudge lingered toward Aaron, and she grappled with this internal conflict.

"Dammit!" she shouted in frustration, summoning her weapons once more and soaring towards Tobio. "Why?! Why didn't he come?! I don't believe your words!" she yelled at Tobio, fiercely swinging her spear and talwars.

"I'm sorry to say, but there might have been more pressing matters," Tobio replied with a grim undertone. He deftly evaded another attack and swiftly let go of his scythe, bewildering Mehira. In a sudden move, he slammed his fist into her face, setting it ablaze in black and crimson flames and forcefully propelling her away.

Quickly seizing his scythe once again, Tobio swung it toward Mehira, releasing a thick aura of darkness in her direction. Gin joined in, swinging his crimson sword down, and their two attacks merged, creating a larger, more potent slash attack that struck Mehira's chest, resulting in a powerful explosion that echoed through the city. The force of the explosion reverberated, leaving a lingering impact on the surroundings.

Tobio and Gin touched down near the center of the explosion. As the smoke dissipated, a significant gash in a diagonal line across Mehira's chest became visible. She lay there, not attempting to rise.

Tobio knelt beside her, producing a Slime Pill from his pocket. "Take this and heal up, but I'll have to arrest you immediately afterward. I can try to make a case for you, but given all the chaos your group caused in the last few days, they may not be too lenient. However, who knows? Anything can happen," Tobio explained, his tone carrying a mix of assurance and caution.

Mehira, looking up at him, asked hesitantly, "...Will he really heal her?"

"Definitely," Tobio affirmed. "You might be imprisoned for a while, but once I convey this to Jin, he'll undoubtedly help you. He's much more perceptive than he lets on. Daniel and I can make our way there too, as we have a method to heal people," he added, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty.

"Please..." she begged, and Tobio nodded in understanding. With a solemn expression, he administered the Slime Pill to Mehira. Almost instantly, the injuries that had marred her body began to heal, and she rose to her feet. She extended her hands, waiting for Tobio to cuff her, and together they stood up before he led her away.

As they walked, Tobio spoke, his voice carrying a hint of concern, "I don't know if Daniel can heal your sister's legs, but there's a possibility. I'll need to check with him."

Curiosity flickered in Mehira's eyes, and she couldn't help but ask, "Who's Daniel, by the way? He just... showed up one day."

Tobio's response held a revelation that caught Mehira off guard. "He's one of Jin's clones. Even though they don't share the same appearance, Daniel is essentially the 'Middleman,' even if the original body isn't here," he explained, leaving Mehira in stunned silence.

"That's all I can reveal to you for now. Let's go," Tobio stated, prompting Mehira to nod in agreement. As they moved, she entered a thoughtful silence, contemplating the information he had shared.

— ○ ● ○ —

Daniel and Verily's swords clashed in the air, creating brilliant sparks of electricity with each collision. The sheer force of their battle began to take a toll on the surrounding buildings, causing them to crumble under the intense power.

"Fufu, the Middleman isn't here with [DxD] anymore. How will you repair all these damages?" Verily questioned, a smugness evident in her tone.

Daniel, however, raised an eyebrow, an unspoken confidence in his demeanor. He gestured with his head, and in an unexpected turn of events, repaired all the damage they had just caused. Verily stood stunned, her earlier confidence fading.

"You know," Daniel began, fixing his gaze on Verily, "I'm just a clone (avatar) of Jin Skyward, so I possess all his abilities. It's better to treat it like he's still in our world."

Verily was left momentarily speechless by this revelation. Before she could react, Daniel swiftly moved, slamming his head into her face. The impact sent her hurtling away, crashing through several buildings.

Out of nowhere, she returned, and Daniel skillfully evaded another thrust attack from her sword. A potent look of fury adorned Verily's face, but Daniel remained steadfast. She persistently attempted to stab him with her sword, unleashing a rapid succession of attacks, while also trying to overwhelm him with a continuous barrage of magical assaults. Yet, Daniel swiftly nullified each magical attack that came his way.

Amid the exchange of blows, Daniel seized a moment to inquire, "Why... do you want to start attacking the supernatural world?" He evaded another flurry of Verily's attacks.

"Do I need a reason?!" Verily retorted, her body enveloped in an even more intense purple aura. With a fierce look on her face, she thrust her sword towards Daniel, who parried it skillfully. However, a significant section of the city behind him bore the brunt of Verily's attack, crumbling under the force.

Verily, wearing a triumphant smirk, declared, "I'm simply walking the same path as the Khaos Order—however, I will surpass them and achieve what they failed to: world domination!" Her words echoed in the aftermath of destruction, leaving an ominous weight in the air.

"Is there really no reason behind your desire to rule the world, only that you want to and felt like it?" Daniel inquired, and Verily confirmed with a laugh.

"Absolutely, that's it. Some in my group might have genuine motives for change, but for me, it's a simple desire to rule and shape the world as I see fit. I'm not concerned with anything profound," Verily stated casually, flicking her hair behind her.

Daniel sighed, shaking his head in response. "Aaron-sama probably won't appreciate that mindset," he said, eyeing her before delving into her history.

As he explored Verily's past, Daniel witnessed a narrative of pure chaos. From her birth through childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood, there was a consistent absence of remorse. Verily pursued her goals ruthlessly, utilizing others for her own gain and putting them down whenever she pleased.

Verily had originated from a seemingly ordinary supernatural household, treated well by her parents, and surrounded by childhood friends.

Despite this seemingly positive upbringing, her path deviated into one marked by ruthlessness. Daniel struggled to comprehend the transformation, but simultaneously, he found himself not wanting to delve deeper. To him, accepting that mystery was fine.

"Alright, I see…I understand now. If I kill you, the other leaders in the alliance won't mind, and I can show them your history," Daniel declared, lifting his sword to the sky, unleashing a golden pillar of aura.

Verily scoffed, her defiance evident. "Hah! Do you seriously think I'll just stand here and let you hit me? You're stupider than I thought, clone of the Middleman!" She attempted to move away but found herself inexplicably immobilized.

Panic crept into Verily's voice as she exclaimed, "What's happening?! Why can't I move?"

Daniel, with a hint of amusement, responded, "Well, I did something to you, duh," his attack gathering more power.

Annoyed, Verily snapped, "I know that, you asshole! I want more details!"

"...Nah," Daniel responded, swinging his sword down towards Verily. "See you around, Voldemort."

"That's not my name, you piece of shit!!!" Verily shouted in protest before being engulfed by a powerful and expansive pillar of golden light, obliterating the entirety of Uttar Pradesh.

As the aftermath of his attack settled, Daniel surveyed the now devastated landscape. "Oops... I didn't think that I used enough power to wipe out this place."

Tobio suddenly appeared beside him with Mehira beside him and visibly terrified at the scene. "What in the world did you do...?"

"I used a bit too much power," Daniel admitted, gesturing towards the wiped-out Uttar Pradesh.

Tobio, clearly incredulous, remarked, "I would like to think that as Jin's avatar, you could control your strength on the same level as him."

"...Well, she kind of annoyed me, so... my bad, I'll fix it," Daniel replied, putting his sword away and extending his hand. Instantaneously, the destroyed city of Uttar Pradesh was repaired. "And with that, we're done... I think? Are we forgetting something?" Daniel questioned, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Tobio considered for a moment before clarifying, "We still need to round up the remaining forces, but the rest of the team should be handling that. If we pitch in, it might speed up the process."

"Right, right, that. Let's do that then," replied Daniel, a readiness in his tone.

Tobio couldn't help but express his amazement, "How in the world did you manage to fool the Khaos Order as their leader with this attitude?"

Daniel chuckled, offering a candid explanation, "A lot of luck and... well, they kind of operated on their own. I just stayed in my room half the time, playing games, watching the tournament games, and occasionally talking to Aaron-sama. When I had to appear for them, they just talked amongst themselves, and I sometimes said something relevant or not."

This revelation left Tobio momentarily stunned, but he decided not to delve into it further. Instead, they all departed to complete the remaining tasks of their mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the vast expanse of the Crepuscule Phantasma universe, within the confines of space and aboard Aaron's formidable spaceship, Sona and Latia's team found themselves entangled in a fierce battle. Approximately ten spaceships emerged near them, a clear indication that Zenosius had summoned reinforcements.

Within one of these ships, Genshirou appeared through teleportation, swiftly initiating a campaign of destruction from within. His presence heralded chaos as he systematically dismantled the vessel and ruthlessly eliminated those unfortunate enough to be on board. Accompanying him was Vritra, summoned into the spaceship to contribute to the onslaught, while Genshirou himself activated his Balance Breaker.

"Oraaaaaaaa!" Genshirou's battle cry echoed as he threw a forceful punch ahead, unleashing a torrent of ominous black cursed flames that obliterated yet another section of the ship.

Simultaneously, at a distance within the same vessel, Vritra mirrored the destructive efforts. He unleashed breath attacks from his jaws, while additional lines emanating from his body nullified incoming attacks and siphoned the powers of their enemies.

Genshirou and Vritra finally entered a spacious room within the spaceship. "What is this, a hangar or something?" Genshirou inquired, surveying the area.

In the distance, smaller spaceships were scattered about, and a few figures lingered nearby. One individual, in particular, caught his attention—black and white hair, devoid of eyes, nose, or mouth, adorned with numerous wings on their back and sharp claws on their hands and feet.

The enigmatic figure emitted strange noises from an unknown source, flapping its wings as it soared toward Genshirou. Without hesitation, Genshirou dashed towards this unusual adversary, recognizing the need to eliminate the spaceships to safeguard their own.

[President, can I just wipe this place out in one move?!] Genshirou inquired urgently as he closed in on his foe.

Sona's response crackled through the communication link, [Not yet, please find that cube so we can collect it. It should be in the core of the ship. Aaron informed us beforehand; they use that cube as a powerful energy source on these ships.]

Genshirou clicked his tongue in frustration and responded, [Roger!] With swiftness, he reached his opponent and unleashed several lines toward it, successfully attaching them to the mysterious being.

The mysterious being felt its power and energy diminishing, a draining force eroding its once powerful strength. In a desperate attempt, it hurled wind blades towards Genshirou, but the reduction in its power rendered the attack as nothing more than a gentle breeze against him.

"Try again!" Genshirou bellowed, his determination unwavering. With a forceful fist, he struck his enemy, engulfing their face in cursed flames. The enemy crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain as the flames consumed them. Seizing the moment, Genshirou shifted his focus to the smaller aircraft in the vicinity.

Bounding into the air, he transitioned from his Balance Breaker to his [Vritra Promotion]. Now in this enhanced state, Genshirou, in tandem with Vritra, unleashed a torrent of breath attacks, tearing through everything in their path, including the other individuals in the room.

As the destruction unfolded, Genshirou muttered, "They might be just engineers and not fighters."

Vritra's stern voice echoed in his mind, [Do not falter, Genshirou. Even if they are merely engineers, do you not feel their strength? They are at least Ultimate-class to Satan-class—they could easily destroy large parts of our planet if given the opportunity.]

"I know, but still," Genshirou mumbled, his thoughts momentarily drifting. He internally shook his head, refocusing on the mission at hand. With determination, he unleashed more flames, turning the entire space into a chaotic display of black and purple destruction.

Vritra's voice cut through the fiery chaos, urging Genshirou, [Use your abilities to find the cube, Genshirou. It's an item exuding a lot of energy; it shouldn't be hard to locate.]

Genshirou reverted from his [Vritra Promotion] to his regular form, and Vritra transformed into a purple ball before returning him to Genshirou's Sacred Gear. "Right," Genshirou replied, ready to follow the guidance.

Surveying his surroundings one last time, Genshirou closed his eyes, attempting to sense the cube's presence. After a few seconds, a realization struck him. "Yeah, you and President were right. These things are like giant spots of energy. I don't even know how to describe it—maybe like ten nuclear bombs detonating at once? Or something close to Koneko-chan's 30% touki output?"

Vritra responded, urging urgency, [Regardless, hurry so you can move onto another ship.] Genshirou nodded, acknowledging the urgency, and set forth to locate and secure the cube.

— ○ ● ○ —

After dashing for three minutes towards the cube's reported location, Genshirou encountered numerous enemies along the way. Dispatching them effortlessly due to their inferior power, he swiftly moved through the lesser foes. However, upon reaching a room merely two doors away from the cube, he stumbled upon another peculiar figure.

"Booooy! You can't pass from this areaaaaaa!" the eccentric entity shouted. Its form was an odd amalgamation, resembling a mishmash of a dark bird with mechanical parts, though it seemed haphazardly assembled.

"I don't have time for this!" Genshirou exclaimed, his impatience evident. Closing the gap between them, he wrapped several lines around his right arm, delivering a powerful punch that sent the creature screaming.

The robotic bird creature was sent flying, crashing into the door situated in front of Genshirou. However, he didn't halt his attack there. Following the trajectory of the creature, he ignited his entire body in flames, descending upon it with a fiery kick. The bird's skull crumpled under the impact, the force not only crushing it but also blowing the door away in the process.

A startled cry pierced the air as a man shouted, "B-I-R-4000!" Genshirou glanced up, spotting a peculiar figure dressed in a woman's school bikini, brandishing an object resembling a greatsword—though its authenticity remained uncertain. "How dare you!" the man bellowed, charging towards Genshirou.

"This place is full of weirdos!" Genshirou exclaimed, deftly evading a barrage of sword attacks. After sidestepping another strike, he delivered a swift headbutt to the man's face, momentarily stunning him.

Capitalizing on the opening, Genshirou covered his right hand with touki before slamming it into the man's chest. Demonic flames erupted from his fist, engulfing the man's body and reducing him to ashes. With a forceful toss, Genshirou discarded the remains and swiftly dashed towards the next door.

"The cube is behind the next door, but I sense two more auras in there!" Genshirou announced.

Vritra's voice cut in with a question, […Did you realize those two were at least near the peak of God-class?]

"Huh? They were God-class? I didn't even notice. Well, it doesn't matter; we have more pressing matters to attend to!" Genshirou responded, leaping into the air. With a powerful punch, he struck the giant metallic door, sending it flying off its hinges.

Upon entering the room, Genshirou found himself under the scrutiny of two individuals. Positioned before them was a colossal cube, a structure rivaling the torch of the Statue of Liberty, stretching approximately 29 feet in length.

"The powerful intruder, kill him, Ziel," commanded the woman, her authority cutting through the air.

"Yes, Lady Lyaina," responded Ziel, a woman clad in complete black armor. Short pink hair peeked out from beneath her helmet, and her armor bore intricate details, featuring vines with thorns and tentacle-like protrusions on her back. In her hand, she wielded a sword adorned with rose flowers and thorns, an eerie weapon ready to attack Genshirou.

Lyaina, on the other hand, presented an enigmatic figure. Her head emitted a predominant, glowing white hue, adorned with white horns between which a small white ball floated mysteriously. Pale eyes gazed with an otherworldly intensity, and her attire consisted of a dress woven from darkness, casting an eerie ambiance that unsettled even Genshirou.

Caught in the heat of battle, Genshirou barely had time to think as Ziel approached, her sword swinging towards him, unleashing vines with thorns. Quick on his feet, Genshirou countered with several demonic attacks, the clash of forces creating a chaotic dance of power.

Unexpectedly, the vines entwined around Genshirou's demonic attacks, absorbing them and transforming into red petals that scattered towards him. Reacting swiftly, Genshirou summoned lines around him, siphoning the power from the petals, causing them to wither and fall.

Undeterred, Ziel closed in, unleashing a flurry of sword strikes in a single swing. Genshirou, with heightened perception, skillfully evaded the strikes. Leaping backward, he planted his foot on the ground, summoning lines beneath Ziel that snaked around her left leg.

"Gotcha!" Genshirou exclaimed triumphantly. However, before he could capitalize on the advantage, Ziel nonchalantly severed her own leg with her sword, only to regenerate a new one. Charging at Genshirou once again, she left him bewildered. "What the hell!?" he exclaimed, taken aback by Ziel's unexpected resilience and adaptability in the midst of combat.

[She's not normal, Genshirou. She seems even stronger than those two you killed earlier. She appears to be well-versed in combat, perhaps a veteran on the battlefield, much like you,] remarked Vritra, conveying a sense of caution.

Genshirou acknowledged the observation with a nod. "Yeah, I can see that," he replied. Frustration apparent in his tone, he declared, "Screw it, Balance Break!" Immediately, he entered his Perfected Balance Breaker and charged towards Ziel.

Genshirou enveloped his body in a blend of touki and demonic aura, launching a powerful punch at Ziel's sword. The collision generated a shockwave within the room, causing a small quake to ripple throughout the ship.

However, despite the intense clash, Genshirou's smile remained. Ziel's sword displayed a visible crack before ultimately shattering, prompting a surprised grunt from the armored woman. The outcome seemed to tilt in Genshirou's favor, making him smirk even more.

Ziel mumbled in disbelief, "How... that was a sword forged from a dead star." Genshirou, equally shocked, echoed her surprise.

"I can destroy dead stars now?!" Genshirou exclaimed, his eyes widening in amazement. "Nice!" he shouted again, enthusiasm apparent, before delivering another powerful punch with his other hand. The blow hit Ziel's armor, sending her flying.

Ziel landed beside Lyaina, who watched her intently. Ziel, clearly in pain, clutched her stomach and knelt down, coughing up blood. Lyaina, with a raised eyebrow, questioned Ziel's strength, "Is this the extent of your power, Ziel? Didn't you aim to become strong enough to join the Eradicators?"

With evident anger, Ziel stood back up, seemingly mending the injury to her stomach. She glared at Genshirou, and a surge of power erupted from her. An eerie screech emanated from her helmet, and she reappeared beside Genshirou. To his surprise, her hands had transformed into claws, and she swiped them at him with swift and unexpected precision.

He raised his right arm, enveloped in a mixture of touki and demonic aura, blocking her attacks effectively. The knuckles of his armor extended, forming lines that swiftly entangled Ziel. These lines, like leeches, drained her powers rapidly. Genshirou seized her neck and forcefully slammed her into the ground, creating a small crater upon impact.

Ziel, in a desperate attempt to resist, struggled against the restraint. However, Genshirou efficiently drained the last remnants of her powers while encasing her in his [Shadow Prison], leaving her completely immobilized. She persisted in her struggle, but her strength waned as Genshirou continued sapping her powers until she eventually ceased, her helmet shattering.

Her expressionless face, adorned with glowing pink eyes, gazed up at the ceiling in a subdued manner. "I was too weak," she muttered before an unexpected explosion occurred, scattering blood and entrails everywhere, leaving Genshirou in shock.

"Why did she explode!?" he exclaimed in horror, turning to Lyaina in search of answers. The room was left in a stunned silence as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

Lyaina spoke, her words carrying a weight of solemnity. "Because she was weak. She made an oath to herself. If she were to break it, she would die. Are you aware of our universe's 'oaths'?"

Genshirou nodded; the concept of oaths in the Phantasma was familiar to him. Aaron and the leaders had explained it before, though it was first introduced during a party. Unfortunately, most of them weren't paying much attention at the time.

Oaths in the Phantasma held profound significance. Breaking a self-imposed oath or one placed by another carried severe consequences. Aaron had emphasized this during the earlier explanation. In Ziel's case, the stakes were dire.

"If she were to break her oath of losing before joining the Eradicators rankings, she would die. It seems she chose to explode when that moment came," Lyaina explained, shedding light on the gravity of Ziel's commitment and the ultimate consequence she faced for its violation.

"Even still, that's too much!" Genshirou argued passionately, but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"Only the competent, strong, and complacent in our universe survive. Ziel chose the path of becoming strong but failed and died. Unlike your weak universe, where even the feeble have a chance to live, in ours, only the strong and complacent shall flourish," Lyaina asserted with a smirk, her convictions unwavering.

Genshirou couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm glad that we came then. Because we're here to change all that!" His determination fueled him as he charged towards Lyaina, realizing that speaking to her further would be futile.

"Show me your strength, strong one from another world," she mumbled, prepared for the imminent clash. Genshirou's barrage of punches and kicks ensued, and while Lyaina skillfully dodged some, others found their mark on her arms and thighs.

The ball nestled between her horns suddenly emanated a brighter glow, releasing beams of light aimed directly at Genshirou. Reacting swiftly, he leaped away, propelling himself midair with demonic fire to evade the luminous onslaught. Returning to the ground, the relentless assault from Lyaina persisted, but Genshirou exhibited remarkable agility, dodging each beam with precision.

Lyaina, undeterred, raised her arms, conjuring a multitude of shadow creatures that materialized around her. "Kill him," she commanded, and the creatures, emitting unholy shrieks, soared toward Genshirou. In response, he generated saucer-shaped demonic elemental attacks, hurling them at the approaching horde.

Some of the creatures adeptly avoided Genshirou's counterattacks, while others fell swiftly to his calculated strikes. The remaining entities skillfully avoided the demonic attacks, maintaining their trajectory toward Genshirou. Upon reaching him, some of the creatures sprouted sharp tentacles, aiming to stab him, while others lunged with razor-sharp teeth attempting to bite.

Genshirou, ever agile, evaded their attacks once again. This time, he shielded himself by enveloping his body in both demonic aura and touki simultaneously. As the creatures' teeth clashed with Genshirou's auras, they shattered upon impact. Swiftly, Genshirou dispatched the assailants, delivering precise punches that swiftly eliminated them.

He swiftly seized the tentacles from the others, drawing them toward himself. Once cradled in his arms, he deftly blocked the luminous attacks directed at him by Lyaina. Those radiant attacks inadvertently struck her own summoned creatures, causing them to vanish instantly.

"Best to avoid those," he mused, recognizing the potency of Lyaina's attacks. In a sudden surge of speed, he eradicated the remaining creatures in his path. Reappearing behind Lyaina, who hadn't yet grasped what had occurred, he unleashed a point-blank shot of his cursed black flames on her back, propelling her away.

But Genshirou wasn't done. Without hesitation, he leaped toward the spot where she had been thrown and conjured a substantial ball of demonic wind above him, intertwining it with flames. Swiftly amassing his formidable attack, he released it beneath him, obliterating everything in its path and causing the very floor beneath them to melt away.

Swiftly, Genshirou trailed after her, arriving in another hangar designed for smaller spaceships within this vast place. Lyaina stood apart from him, her spine exposed from the impact of his attack, a mix of fury and confusion etched on her face.

"Your weak attacks can affect and bypass my armor and flesh? How is that possible?" she demanded an explanation.

He nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Ask Aaron-senpai. He was the one who did something to us a week prior to starting this mission. I guess he 'changed' our bodies to be able to affect all kinds of people's bodies in the multiverse!"

Lyaina hissed at the mention of the Outer God, expressing her disdain. Unfazed, she resumed her offensive, unleashing light attacks at Genshirou. However, this time, a pair of wings, crafted from darkness, sprouted from her back, and she ascended into the air.

Positioning both her hands in front of her, Lyaina formed a cross with her index fingers. "Amplifica," she muttered, and suddenly, the environment around Genshirou transformed. The once-enclosed interior of the spaceship now gave way to a surreal black and white void, a manifestation of Lyaina's strange technique.

For a brief moment, Genshirou felt an unusual restraint, a force that seemed to limit his movements. However, with a subtle exertion of additional strength, he discovered the ability to break free. Yet, he chose not to, opting to see what Lyaina had in store for him.

The thought crossed his mind, 'Let's just trick her and go from there. If she approaches me, I'll just blast a hole through her chest.' With this plan in mind, Genshirou remained still, a patient observer awaiting his opponent's move.

Lyaina, meanwhile, took the opportunity to explain the unique dynamics of the space they found themselves in. "You're in my miniature space now. I can bend the rules here however I want, and you can't do anything about it. To create this space, we expand all our power and energy—you could say... this is a place where we have a 100% chance of killing or defeating our opponent once dragged in," she elucidated, her words carrying an air of confidence and authority.

Genshirou found himself a bit surprised as thoughts raced through his mind. 'Didn't Natsume-san do something similar during our operation in London? I recall seeing her attempt a technique akin to this during our 100 years in Aaron-senpai's [Training Facility]. Does Lyaina's technique function in the same manner? I believe Natsume gave it a name like 'Domain something or other.' I wasn't really paying attention.'

Lyaina, wearing an arrogant smirk, gracefully floated toward Genshirou, eager to share the intricacies of her technique. "I desire control over many things, and hopefully, someday, when I assume Zenosius' responsibilities on the planet, I will wield even greater control than him. This technique is my means to consume the entire planet."

Lyaina shared her insights, her explanation revealing, "Its actual ability just freezes everything in place. Zenosius heavily depends on his machines, and if they're destroyed, he'll be left powerless. So, I devised this technique where it will gradually rely on me." As she spoke, she eventually reached Genshirou and offered him a smile.

"I will extract your powers and use them for myself. They seem very interesting, boy. Rejoice since I've given you this much attention—or how about it? How about you become my next 'Ziel,' my next subordinate, and together we'll rule this planet," she proposed, her tone laced with a mix of allure and dominance.

Genshirou flashed a smile at her, only to shatter the illusion of being restrained, swiftly impaling her chest and seizing her heart in one decisive move. Lyaina, caught off guard, stared at him with a mixture of shock and confusion.

Casually, Genshirou delivered a straightforward message, "No thanks. I have two lovely girlfriends that I plan on proposing to after I graduate high school, so being under you would be very unpleasant. Also... you're not my type at all." With a firm grip, he crushed her heart, then headbutted her away.

The spatial distortion created by Lyaina collapsed, returning them to their original location. As Lyaina lay there, her life slipping away, silent tears welled up in her eyes. Genshirou, unmoved by her distress, concluded her existence by unleashing a colossal ball of demonic flames. The moment unfolded in a chilling silence, marking the end of Lyaina's life.

Genshirou leaped back up to the room where the mysterious cube was housed and cautiously approached it. "Um... do I just... grab it?" he questioned, uncertainty lacing his words.

[I don't see why not? They never specified on how to retrieve it,] replied Vritra.

Taking Vritra's advice to heart, Genshirou nodded and, without hesitation, reached for the cube. With a swift motion, he yanked it out of its designated place. The moment the cube was removed, the entire ship erupted into chaos. A plethora of lights began to flash in every direction, and a robotic voice blared, filling the air with urgent warnings.

[Danger, danger, cube has been removed. The ship will lose all power after one minute. Please put the cube back, replace it, or evacuate from the ship. I repeat, please—]

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Genshirou muttered to himself, "We have to leave." Swiftly, he placed the cube into his necklace and executed a teleportation, vanishing from the ship just as the countdown commenced.

— ○ ● ○ —

On the largest spaceship that sailed alongside the others, Sona, Latia, and Tsubaki moved with precision, methodically defeating every enemy that crossed their path. They meticulously retrieved anything deemed relevant, adhering to the information they had received before the mission commenced.

Latia spoke up, breaking the casual rhythm of their movements, "Only one room left to go to, and I feel three distinct auras in it."

Sona, considering the situation, responded, "Yes, but we intentionally saved it for last. One of Aaron's Shadow Soldiers has trapped them in that room, preventing any escape."

A thoughtful expression crossed Sona's face as she continued, "However... the cube is more powerful than I initially thought. After a quick analysis, it seems capable of powering an entire country for ten years without a break. Do you think Aaron will need to use it?"

Latia, considering the possibilities, shared her insights, "From what he mentioned casually, he doesn't plan on using it for our planet. He already has plans for using one of the Evie's rocks. However, he might have other uses in mind, perhaps powering small gadgets. Maybe even the smart gadgets, or something entirely different."

As they continued their casual conversation, the trio reached the room's entrance. Sona, taking the lead, pushed the door open, revealing three figures standing in the room. The expressions on their faces spoke of nervous anticipation. A single Shadow Soldier, stationed at a corner, swiftly materialized in front of them.

"Sona-sama, Latia-sama, Tsubaki-sama, I will take my leave now," announced the Shadow Soldier, its tone respectful. "I will keep my barrier here, however."

"Yes, good job, and thank you," Latia expressed her gratitude, and with that, the Shadow Soldier vanished, leaving them alone with the trio inside the room.

Facing them were three individuals—two men and one woman. The woman stood on the far left, dressed like a nun, and adorned with a few large centipedes around her body. Behind her, a tail resembling a centipede extended. White hair framed her face, and yellow eyes regarded Sona's group with evident unease.

In the center stood an individual with spiky white hair, striking blue eyes, and a peculiar left side of his body that appeared hardened, adorned with several imposing spikes. A glowing blue circle near his heart added to the mystique. The figure donned loose brown pants, complemented by sturdy black boots, and wielded a substantial ice-like sword.

Accompanying them was a being reminiscent of a tengu, yet with a distinctive and eerie twist. A skeletal head of a cow covered with vivid blue flames crowned the entity. Black feathered wings stretched behind them, and a bony skeletal frame, complete with an eye embedded in the center of their chest, added an otherworldly aura.

Amidst this strange assembly, Tsubaki voiced a strategic decision. "I don't think they're willing to negotiate, so I'll face the woman."

Sona, in acknowledgment of the inherent danger, concurred, "Yes, we were informed that they rarely do that and will usually try to eliminate their enemies. I will face the man with the ice sword."

Latia, stepping forward with a casual tone, declared, "Then I'm facing the tengu man."

"They think they can just casually declare that? And I thought I was arrogant," remarked the woman, her disbelief evident. Suddenly, she found herself whisked away by Tsubaki, a surprising and unexpected move that left her momentarily taken aback.

In a separate engagement, Sona materialized in front of the man wielding the ice blade. With a swift and calculated move, she repelled him away, delivering a precise palm strike to his chest. The forceful strike created a momentary disturbance, the impact resonating in the vast room.

Not to be left out, Latia, with a decisive gesture, pointed at the tengu-like creature. In an instant, both Latia and the creature vanished, reappearing in a different corner of the expansive space.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I'll ask you once, surrender, and you might live. Refuse, and you'll lose your life," Tsubaki declared, her gaze unwavering as she confronted the woman before her.

"Hahaha! Do you think someone as great as Cyenti will listen to a lowly creature like yourself? Please, don't joke with me, woman. I'd sooner die than cooperate with you," scoffed the centipede woman defiantly.

"Very well," Tsubaki responded calmly. She summoned her mirror from her Sacred Gear, [Mirror Alice], and spoke the words, "Balance Break."

With the invocation of her Balance Breaker, three demons materialized—Dormouse, March Rabbit, and Mad Hatter. Tsubaki pointed at Cyenti with a cold voice and said, "Please and thank you," signaling the beginning of the impending confrontation.

Dormouse sprang into action, leaping towards Cyenti while expelling gas from its mouth. What caught Cyenti off guard was the surprising speed of the small creature, making it a challenge for her to keep up. As Dormouse maneuvered around her, the gas it emitted gradually filled the surrounding area. A peculiar observation was that it seemed to confine itself to a specific region.

"Curious, aren't you?" Tsubaki remarked, crossing her arms. A sly smile played on her lips as she clicked her fingers, revealing a previously unnoticed barrier around them.

"W-what—when did you put that up!?" Cyenti exclaimed in shock. Reacting swiftly, she raised her arms and shouted, "Destroy it! This gas is dangerous!"

The centipedes encircling Cyenti responded promptly, shooting towards the barrier. They unleashed dark red toxic substances from their mouths in an attempt to breach it. However, to their surprise, the barrier remained unscathed, the toxic substances merely sliding off its surface.

Clicking her tongue in frustration, Cyenti turned to Tsubaki and issued a determined command, "Kill her then!"

Mad Hatter swiftly took action, positioning itself in front of Tsubaki as the centipedes advanced toward her. The creepy crawlies, upon encountering the Mad Hatter's unnerving gaze, began to squirm and emit high-pitched screeches, baffling Cyenti.

The Mad Hatter possessed the ability to induce intense hallucinations in anyone or anything caught in its gaze. Even the centipede creatures were not exempt from its hallucinatory influence.

Their menacing advance came to an abrupt halt, a momentary reprieve orchestrated by the peculiar character. Seizing the opportunity, March Rabbit leaped into action, creating ripples that emanated outward.

As these ripples touched the centipedes, their screeches intensified, and they were forcibly propelled backward toward Cyenti. Caught off guard, Cyenti attempted to regain control over her arthropod minions, but they seemed impervious to her commands. She swiftly leaped away as the centipedes crashed into the spot where she once stood, resulting in semi-large explosion.

It became evident that March Rabbit's ripples induced a frenzied state in anyone affected by them, a revelation that was slowly singing in for Cyenti.

"What the hell is wrong with those things!?" Cyenti exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Behind her, Tsubaki's voice cut through the chaos, "You shouldn't let your guard down." Before Cyenti could fully turn around, Tsubaki unleashed a point-blank ball of flames, sending her sprawling. Cyenti collided with a wall, a blaze of glory preceding her fall to the ground.

Tsubaki, undeterred, continued her assault. She conjured a rain of sharp water droplets, a technique she had observed in Aaron's [Megiddo]. Though her version wasn't an exact replica, it carried its own lethal efficiency. The water droplets descended upon Cyenti, creating small holes around her body, causing her to bleed profusely.

As Cyenti, horrified, witnessed the unfolding onslaught, she attempted to raise her centipede tail to retaliate. However, before she could, the water droplets ruthlessly severed it from her, adding a brutal physical blow to the already dire situation.

Cyenti attempted to move, but she encountered unexpected difficulty. This brutal defeat caught her off guard, as she hadn't anticipated such a powerful enemy to show up.

She had presumed that the woman declaring the fight would be weak, given the usual fragility of most "humans" in this universe. Survival seemed reserved for those of different species, at least in her perception.

However, as Tsubaki approached and loomed over her, a sense of fear gripped Cyenti. It was a fear reminiscent of the times she had knelt in front of Phumera, a haunting echo of vulnerability.

"Aaron told us that most, if not everyone part of Phumera's organization is evil, but when I look at you like this, I can only feel pity. I wonder why?" Tsubaki mused aloud, her contemplation adding an unexpected layer to the confrontation.

Cyenti struggled to open her mouth, and when she finally succeeded, only the sound of her own breath emerged. Tension filled the air as the unsettling silence lingered.

Tsubaki, thoughtful, spoke, "There are many more things we don't know about your universe, so we'll take our time to understand them. I can assume you have your own species on another planet somewhere. I just hope they're easier to approach, but I have my doubts. I'm sorry we met like this; perhaps in another life, we may have become comrades."

Seeing this was the end, Tsubaki extended her open palm towards the fallen enemy. In a swift motion, she unleashed a demonic attack, obliterating her foe and bringing a decisive end to her life.

— ○ ● ○ —

"It's quite foolish of you to confront me when I wield ice abilities," taunted the man with the ice sword.

Undeterred, Sona unleashed a barrage of demonic water bullets towards her enemy. However, as her attacks neared a certain proximity, they swiftly froze mid-air and descended to the ground, frozen.

Mocking her, the man sneered, "Are you sure you're smart?"

Sona remained silent, determined to observe and understand her opponent's reactions and abilities. Unbeknownst to her, the man perceived her silence as a sign of ignorance, dismissing her as a naive girl. Amused, he laughed derisively.

"I see, you're also deaf and unable to speak back. So be it!" he proclaimed, his voice echoing. With swiftness, he dashed towards Sona, creating an icy path beneath him. In a fluid motion, he swung his sword upwards, aiming to strike her.

"Sona" felt the impact of the sword, prompting a wider grin from the man. However, to his astonishment, "Sona" abruptly transformed into a colossal mass of water, splashing him, leaving him soaking wet.

"What the... some kind of illusion technique or a clone made of water?" the man mused aloud. "How did I fall for such a cheap trick?"

In a sudden turn of events, a massive fire bullet surged towards him. Forced to react swiftly, he raised his sword to block it, only to realize that the intense heat was causing his weapon to melt—a revelation that startled him. Adapting quickly, he shifted his sword to deflect the fiery attack, eyeing the source of the attack.

To his surprise, it was the real Sona standing there, unharmed and wearing the same composed expression on her face. This unexpected turn of events irritated him, as he interpreted her demeanor as condescension and mockery, fueling his frustration.

"I see," Sona remarked as she adjusted her glasses. "You're Snui, the self-proclaimed 'Ice King.' That name doesn't sound threatening." Her smile, following the utterance of his name, seemed to irk Snui further.

Before venturing into Phantasma, Sona had requested Aaron to integrate the [Appraisal] ability into her glasses. He gladly obliged, making her glasses not only have that ability, but also enhance her vision and also made it indestructible. While she appreciated these added capabilities, Sona found them somewhat excessive.

As Sona's words hung in the air, large ice pillars erupted around Snui, a manifestation of his growing fury. "Don't make fun of my name, you bitch! I wear this name proudly!" he exclaimed before vanishing and reappearing beside Sona. "Die!" his enraged shout echoed through the surroundings.

Sona effortlessly dodged Snui's initial attack, her eyes emanating a silvery glow. In response, Snui swiftly adjusted the trajectory of his sword, aiming it downward at Sona. Undeterred, Sona skillfully evaded once again and retaliated, aiming her palm at Snui and unleashing an invisible force that sent him sprawling backward.

Snui, using his ice abilities, managed to halt his momentum. However, a disconcerting realization struck him as he observed a crack in his ice. Attempting to heal it, he found his ability non-responsive, leaving him perplexed. Glancing back at Sona, he concluded that she had somehow affected him.

Frustration bubbled up within Snui, and he vented it with a shout, "You're all so damn annoying! You barge into our universe and pull this crap? Fuck off!" With determination, he dashed back toward Sona.

To gain an upper hand, Snui conjured ice clones around him, each poised to attack Sona with different techniques. One clone swung a giant icy slash, while another unleashed a barrage of icicles. A third created an icy whip, snapping it towards Sona, and the fourth transformed into an enormous ice elephant, attempting to stomp her into submission.

Sona sighed, and a few moments later, the onslaught of attacks and clones seemed to shatter abruptly, leaving Snui in stunned disbelief. The sudden change in his perspective added to the confusion, as he found himself facing the ceiling. It took a moment for him to process that he had been thrown into the air.

From below, Sona aimed her hand at him, unleashing a barrage of demonic fire. The intense flames engulfed Snui, inciting a pained shout from him. Quick on his feet, he utilized his ice abilities to both quench the flames and tend to his wounds.

Crashing back to the ground, Snui grunted as he regained his footing. Despite his efforts to cool down his injuries and attempt healing, a frustrating realization settled in—he remained unable to mend the wounds like earlier.

"What did you do to me...!?" Snui demanded, a sense of urgency in his voice as ice continued to encase his body, gradually transforming into armor. Despite the escalating situation, Sona maintained a stoic silence, offering no explanation.

The answer was simple. Sona had harnessed the anti-healing and anti-regeneration abilities at her disposal. A tacit agreement existed among her and her companions, refraining from using these potent capabilities during the ongoing tournament. This unspoken rule persisted until the tournament's conclusion. However, facing an enemy from another world, the rules shifted. There were no constraints binding Sona in this confrontation.

"Tell me what abilities Zenosius has," Sona finally spoke, breaking her silence and addressing her opponent directly.

Snui couldn't contain his laughter, even in his current condition. His amusement overwhelmed him to the point that he had to kneel back on the ground. Looking up at Sona, he managed to speak between bouts of laughter, "Like I know! He's powerful but also a coward! Why do you think he uses an entire planet as a giant defense system? He hates being hurt and lets his subordinates fight if he can help it!"

In a moment of candid revelation, Snui continued, "You really think we know what abilities he has apart from what we see from time to time? He's a powerful, secretive coward who doesn't rely on anyone but himself. But, I guess that's all of us in this universe!"

Snui's body became encased in a formidable ice armor, a shield against the powerful young lady in front of him. With an ice sword pointed at Sona, he declared, "Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you. It's not because I like him, it's because I'd rather die than tell our enemy anything."

In an instant, Snui vanished from his spot, leaving behind a trail of shimmering frost. Hundreds of ice spikes, spears, and blades erupted from the ground, hurtling towards Sona with a powerful force. In a calculated move, Snui reappeared behind her, swiftly swinging his sword and unleashing icy aura slashes.

Sona, undeterred, summoned her [Leviathans], colossal aquatic beings that materialized behind her. They absorbed the icy slashes with ease, surprising Snui. In response, the [Leviathans] soared towards him. Quick on his feet, Snui jumped away and conjured wings made of ice. However, the relentless [Leviathans] pursued him persistently.

The [Leviathans] unleashed a continuous barrage of water balls and bullets, creating a torrential assault. Snui, in an attempt to counter, tried to freeze the onslaught. While he was mostly successful, his injured state became evident as he struggled to keep up. The relentless rate of fire from the [Leviathans] overwhelmed him, pushing him to his limits.

On the ground, Sona skillfully conjured a demonic wall of fire, a blazing barrier that swiftly melted any ice attacks sent her way. Composed, she observed her [Leviathans] engaged in the attack against Snui. As the skirmish unfolded, Sona's attention shifted when she noticed Tsubaki calmly walking toward her.

"You're finished?" Sona inquired, to which Tsubaki nodded in confirmation.

"She wasn't that strong. I expected much more from her, although I believe she was taken off guard due to my demons in my Balance Breaker," Tsubaki remarked, her assessment of the battle apparent.

"Most don't anticipate those abilities from them since they look harmless and slightly cute," replied Sona. She then glanced behind Tsubaki, her curiosity piqued. "How about Latia?"

Tsubaki shared her insights, stating, "She's playing with her opponent, attempting to extract more information—mostly about their universe and how the ships and cubes work."

Tsubaki then looked at Snui and asked, "Do you need help? Although it doesn't seem like it."

"It's fine; my [Leviathans] will defeat him soon," Sona reassured, and they returned their attention to watching Snui's struggle against her formidable aquatic creatures.

Snui skillfully dodged another onslaught of water attacks from the [Leviathans], displaying an agile finesse. In response, he unleashed a flash freeze attack, aiming to immobilize the relentless beings. As the attack connected, the [Leviathans] froze in mid-air, but the victory was short-lived. Within seconds, the encasing ice shattered, leaving Snui visibly frustrated.

"So annoying..." Snui muttered under his breath, his irritation palpable. He continued to navigate through the air, evading and maneuvering to escape the relentless assault the [Leviathans] unleashed upon him.

Despite his efforts, some of their attacks found their mark, highlighting the evident strength disparity between Snui and the formidable aquatic entities. The struggle in the aerial battlefield persisted, with Snui attempting to outmaneuver the overwhelming might of the [Leviathans].

Suddenly, a large translucent dome materialized, causing confusion to wash over him. In the blink of an eye, one of the [Leviathans] positioned in front of him seamlessly traded places with Latia, adding another layer of bewilderment to the unfolding scene. Latia wasted no time and lunged toward him, executing a swift and precise downward motion with her sword that severed his right arm and left leg.

Caught off guard, he barely had a moment to register the attack. Latia, however, swiftly switched places with Sona's [Leviathan] again, and in perfect synchronization, the two creatures unleashed a combined attack. The collision resulted in a spectacular explosion in the air, leaving chaos in its aftermath.

"I didn't think Latia would suddenly do that," remarked Sona, her voice carrying a hint of surprise.

Tsubaki, considering the unfolding events, responded, "Yes, although I think it may have been an impromptu move on her part."

Snui crashed to the ground, yet contrary to expectations, he remained conscious and tenacious. Despite the injuries, he struggled to rise, revealing a resourcefulness that caught everyone off guard. Ice formed into a makeshift arm and leg, crafted through his manipulation of the freezing element, replacing the missing parts.

"I'm... not done... yet," he snarled defiantly, fixing a fierce glare on Tsubaki and Sona.

Tsubaki, maintaining a calm demeanor, spoke, "Surrendering would be the wise choice. You're severely injured, and if you surrender now, we can administer first aid. If you cooperate, we'll ensure you can live in relatively good conditions in our prisons."

The promise hung in the air, but Tsubaki couldn't be certain of its realization, especially in the unfamiliar terrain of the Phantasma's universe. She couldn't help but recall glimpses of the prison cells she had witnessed in the Resistance's underground base on the planet, casting doubt on the conditions she pledged.

"Go fuck yourself," he wheezed defiantly, launching himself towards Tsubaki and Sona.

The speed at which Snui charged at them was noticeably slower, his stamina and power had depleted because of the relentless attacks from Latia's and Sona's [Leviathans] earlier.

Despite his weakened state, Tsubaki and Sona effortlessly sidestepped his sword swings. When he unleashed several ice spikes from the ground towards Tsubaki, she countered by simply kicking them, effortlessly destroying the frozen projectiles.

Sona closed her eyes, a sense of finality in her voice as she declared, "Then this is the end. Goodbye." Raising her hand, water shackles emerged from the ground, swiftly attaching themselves to Snui's ankles.

In an instant, colossal axes made of water materialized above and beside Snui. With ruthless precision, they swung down, slicing through him and dividing him into four pieces, bringing an abrupt end to his life.

Tsubaki's gaze lingered on Snui's lifeless body, a contemplative expression on her face. "I wonder what kind of story he had before he became like this," she mused aloud.

Sona, standing beside her, responded with a somber reflection, "Everyone in life encounters certain choices. Whatever decisions you make during those times can either build you up or break you down. Some choose the 'right' path, while others, like Snui, make certain wrong choices at a critical juncture in their lives, leading to an ending like this."

Tsubaki, absorbing the weight of Snui's fate, spoke with a touch of sadness, "In a different timeline or universe, we might have been Aaron's enemies."

"Or perhaps merely allies," Sona added, his gaze fixed on Snui's lifeless form. "As Aaron mentioned, the multiverse is infinite, with countless universes and timelines. Anything can happen—maybe in another version, Snui would have accepted our offer."

With a final thoughtful glance at Snui's remains, Sona turned away. "All that's left now is Latia. Let's hope she gains something positive from her confrontation with her opponent."

— ○ ● ○ —

The robotic tengu monster spoke with unwavering loyalty, [We are not going to betray Lady Phumera. Under her reign, we have flourished. Before we joined her organization, our planet—my people were all slowly dying. The thought of betraying her sickens me.]

Latia, agile and composed, gracefully evaded the onslaught of blue flames and purple blades of wind sent her way by her opponent, Noletture.

Long ago, Noletture was a normal tengu-like creature from the moon planet around Hanazora Eien, named Hoshitori. However, much like Hanazora Eien, it fell under the control of one of Asisvud's subordinates and had been under their rule ever since.

"But don't you see that they're merely using you?" questioned Latia, her movements swift and strategic as she continued dodging another barrage of attacks from Noletture.

[We prefer that to being in poverty. We do not want to eat the dead corpses of our loved ones anymore. If living in prosperity under them means having to be their slave, we would prefer that existence,] replied Noletture, his response carrying the weight of a history marked by desperation and the grim choices faced by his people.

Latia took a thoughtful pause before articulating, "What if I told you that our group could usher in a superior era of prosperity for you? Picture having even better benefits, all without being tethered to external control."

Noletture responded not with words but with actions, launching another attack against Latia. This time, several mini cannons materialized from behind him, unleashing rockets aimed at her. These projectiles, enveloped in his signature blue flame and purple wind, intensified their destructive potential.

In a display of her prowess, Latia harnessed her [Territory] magic, conjuring portals to redirect Noletture's onslaught into the void of outer space. The redirected attacks found an unintended target, colliding with another spaceship nearby. Unfazed, Noletture persisted, summoning a mechanical sword from his arm and soaring toward Latia.

Reacting swiftly, Latia transformed her grimoire into a sword, meeting Noletture's blade in a clash of steel. A brief struggle ensued, during which Noletture questioned, [I find your words highly unlikely. Even if your group came here, what can you truly do?]

Latia smiled and posed a question, "Do you not see it from here?" Her head turned towards the expansive glass window on their right as she continued, "My friends and comrades have already taken care of a large majority of Zenosius' subordinates. In a few minutes from now, we, the Resistance, will achieve our biggest victory against Phumera's organization."

As if on cue, colossal tree roots emerged from the sides of the planet, crashing into Zenosius' building. The impact crushed a substantial part of the structure, eliciting a broader smile from Latia. "It's your choice to surrender now and join us, otherwise, I will be forced to end your life."

Without waiting for a response, Latia swiftly knocked Noletture away. Following this, she unleashed a barrage of demonic attacks in his direction. In a desperate defense, an electric shield deployed around him. However, the sheer force of Latia's attack proved overwhelming, causing the shield to falter. One of Noletture's mechanical arms and wings were blown off under the intensity of Latia's attack.

Noletture's expression turned grim as he addressed Latia, [Even if you manage to take over Ferrothos Prime... there's no guarantee you can maintain control. Lady Phumera knows its location.]

Latia, seemingly unfazed, replied in a nonchalant tone, "We'll just move it then. It's a simple task for my lover—or, as you know him, an Outer God."

Noletture stared back at Latia, shock evident in his expression. He stammered, [O-Outer God? What insanity are you speaking, woman!? Those beings have no feelings of remorse, pity, or, God forbid, love!]

Latia chuckled, a sly smile playing on her lips. With a flick of her finger, she swapped Noletture with a piece of debris, and then, using the blunt end of her sword, she knocked him to the ground. Latia gracefully descended and landed on the ground, crossing her arms.

"Not all Outer Gods are alike. We have two of them with us, actually. The ones you saw might be like that, but not Aaron. How about taking another chance and joining our side?" she proposed, her offer hanging in the air, inviting Noletture to reconsider his stance.

[No matter if you're speaking the truth, I can't make these decisions alone. Our former king and queen are firmly under their control. No one will willingly join you, as I explained earlier,] replied Noletture, his tone filled with resignation.

He steadied himself, standing up shakily, his gaze fixed on Latia. [The only way to truly liberate us is by force, both in Hanazora Eien and Hoshitori. The people are brainwashed, and that can't be undone easily. We rely on them too much,] he explained, the weight of the situation evident in his words.

"By force, huh? And why aren't you one of them?" Latia inquired, her curiosity piqued regarding Noletture's unique circumstances.

[I nearly died once, and Asisvud and Zenosius collaborated with other scientists and researchers. They brought me back from the brink of death in this form. I've been in their debt since and decided to work for Lady Phumera,] he revealed, offering a glimpse into his complex history and the reasons behind his current allegiance.

"Does that mean they did something specific to your body?" Latia inquired, her curiosity evident.

[They did. I cannot change allegiance, and once they detect it, I will die. So, I will have to fight you to the end,] Noletture admitted resolutely. He wasted no time, charging back at Latia and unleashing a barrage of attacks.

In response, Latia raised her hand, invoking her [Territory] magic. Bubbles formed, each imbued with the magic, trapping the attacks Noletture hurled at her. The attacks exploded within, and their bubbles shot towards Noletture, gradually hardening.

Noletture, undeterred, attempted to counter them using his distinctive purple wind. He shaped it into an enormous hand, striving to block the oncoming attacks, but the hardened bubbles tore through the purple wind. Panicked, he shifted to his blue flames, seeking to incinerate the encroaching threat. However, his efforts proved futile as the hardened bubbles resisted the flames and continued their relentless advance.

"Then... tell me more about this universe," Latia inquired, appearing in front of Noletture after quickly swapping places with a piece of debris.

[Ask any questions before I die,] responded Noletture, his voice carrying a weight of resignation. Despite the imminent threat, they continued their half-hearted duel, exchanging both blows and words.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a few minutes, Noletture's robotic body lay lifeless on the ground. Latia had delivered the final blow, targeting his heart and ultimately ending his life.

Latia, showing a sign of respect, bowed her head to the fallen enemy. "Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I'll make good use of it," she uttered with a sense of acknowledgment.

Sona and Tsubaki approached, and Sona inquired, "You're finished? We still have three spaceships left, so let's make our way there."

Latia nodded, signaling her readiness. With a casual flick of her hand, a cube materialized above her palm, and she securely grasped it. This cube, discovered earlier in the ships' "core," was a crucial component. They had chosen not to take it immediately, assigning Latia the task of retrieving it when the opportune moment arrived.

[Danger, danger, cube has been removed. The ship will lose all power after one minute. Please put the cube back, replace it, or evacuate from the ship. I repeat, please—]

The urgent warning filled the air, prompting all three of them to exchange glances and prepare to leave. However, their departure was momentarily halted by a distinctive shout that echoed through their transceivers.

[God dammit Vali, slow dooooooooooooown!]

Curiosity piqued, they turned their attention to the large glass window, revealing a surprising sight. Part of the Vali Team was soaring through space, with Vali himself donning his new armor. A few members clung to him for dear life, notably Bikou and Arthur, while Le Fay and Calantha perched on his back. Together, they unleashed magical attacks at smaller enemy spaceships in hot pursuit.

The unexpected spectacle left the three women momentarily speechless. Tsubaki eventually broke the silence, her curiosity evident. "Weren't they supposed to assist the team down in Ferrothos Prime?" The question lingered in the air as they processed the unforeseen turn of events.

"Yes... yes, they were. So why are some of them there?" Sona inquired, squinting her eyes as she sought clarity.

Latia considered the question before responding, "We can only speculate that it was Vali's decision or Aaron allowed him." A sigh escaped her lips. "Anyway, let's just leave before this place runs out of power."

The consensus was reached among the trio, and they hastened their departure from the ship. The countdown, a persistent reminder of urgency, grew louder as they exited, leaving the vessel and its dead occupants behind.

— ○ ● ○ —

Back on the planet of Ferrothos Prime, Eliovan found himself in an alliance with members from both Cao Cao's team and Sairaorg's team. Positioned behind a sizable piece of debris from a collapsed building, he took cover, initiating communication with Savina and other leaders of the Resistance. The confrontation was reaching a critical point as the team engaged one of the last two subordinates of Zenosius.

In a hushed voice, Eliovan checked in, [This is Eliovan, can you guys hear me?] The communication system crackled before Savina's voice responded.

[Eliovan? Is something wrong? Did the mission fail?] Savina inquired, concern evident in her tone.

Eliovan reassured her, [No, it's the exact opposite, actually. I couldn't help myself. Two of Zenosius' subordinates are left, and Zenosius himself is facing off against Aaron right now. The reinforcements are also being wiped out!] His excitement subtly seeped into his words as he relayed the unfolding events.

The line remained silent for a full minute before he broke the stillness with a query, [Are you guys there?]

Savina hesitated before responding, [I-I didn't think... how do I say this, it seems... surreal. What about the other tasks that we had asked them to do?]

[Everyone is doing their part, so they should have them, assuming everything else is still there and hadn't been moved a few days prior,] reassured Eliovan.

The distant echoes of explosions prompted Eliovan to shift to another spot for safety. After confirming, he continued, [This time for sure... we'll succeed. Aaron also plans on moving this planet to another part of our universe, so it won't be found by Phumera so easily, and he'll employ the same technique to hide it from them.]

[Meaning we'll have access to the things in them after he repairs them. Things will definitely turn after this. Hopefully, with this success, more people will join our cause,] Savina expressed, her voice carrying a mix of emotions. [That hope we wanted is finally here. If only Ramlar were still alive to see this,] she added, a wistful note in her tone.

Eliovan, affected by the moment, felt tears welling up in his eyes. [We just need to make sure we complete this before we celebrate. But I agree that hope is finally here. And I really hope we'll get more people to join us to take them down,] he articulated, his words resonating with a determination to see their mission through to its completion. The promise of a brighter future hung in the air, mingling with the bittersweet acknowledgment of those who couldn't witness the pivotal moment.

[I'll end my short update here, Savina. Please inform the others. I'm going to join them,] Eliovan communicated through their link.

[Yes, of course. Good luck and stay safe, Eliovan,] replied Savina before ending the communication.

Eliovan leaped out from his hiding spot, swiftly rejoining the rest of the group. In front of him stood Opbider, one of the last two subordinates of Zenosius.

"How's it going so far?" Eliovan inquired as he rejoined the ongoing battle.

Kuisha grimaced, "Not good. That thing is so annoying. It's using its comrades' corpses to fight us. It's really annoying to deal with."

Eliovan nodded, a deep understanding in his eyes. "Yeah, that's his ability. Those purple strings in its hands can take control of fallen enemies he faced and make them fight for him. He has around fifteen of them, right? Only a few of them are used for offensive, though," he explained, sharing crucial insights about the difficult opponent they were facing.

Opbider, a massive creature, lacked the ability to communicate through human speech. However, Zenosius had successfully tamed it, turning the formidable being into one of his subordinates. This creature was a rarity in their universe, shrouded in secrecy with no designated planet to call its own, making it an elusive and sought-after entity.

Its imposing figure was adorned with golden armor, and its skin took on a regal hue of purple. The creature possessed a unique ability emanating from its fingertips—the power to shoot out thousands of purple strings.

These threads could latch onto deceased beings or creatures, reanimating them into marionette-like dolls under Opbider's control. What made them particularly powerful was their retained ability to utilize their original powers, rendering them challenging opponents in battle.

In the current scenario, Opbider was encircled by around twelve fallen enemies, each armed with their distinct techniques. These reanimated adversaries stood as a protective barrier while the other three engaged in a fierce battle against Eliovan's group.

"We discussed some strategies before the mission began, so let's go with strategy G—plain and simple. Divide and conquer, everyone!" Eliovan commanded, and those present in the immediate vicinity unanimously agreed.

With a collective understanding, the group dispersed, each member heading toward their designated targets, eager to end this fight.

— ○ ● ○ —

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