Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 17 – Part 5 – Thresholds of Radiant or Somber Tomorrows

Third Person Point of View

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[Kuisha-dono, those two by his right arm can absorb attacks and redirect them. The other can create barriers, absorb attacks too, but they can also convert that absorbed attack into something more powerful for itself or others. Please be careful,] explained Zhuge Liang, one of Cao Cao's [Bishops], providing crucial information.

[She's right. With that said, Perseus, the one you're heading towards can restrain its opponents with those four tentacles and drain their energy. Be careful not to get caught. Also, the Opbider can bring back the destroyed corpses twice, so you'll need to destroy them a total of three times!] warned Eliovan, emphasizing the intricacies of the upcoming battle.

[Roger!] responded Kuisha and Perseus in unison. With a shared understanding, the duo swiftly dashed towards their designated targets, ready to engage in a short but intense battle.

Kuisha soared toward the designated targets, swiftly closing the distance before unleashing a barrage of demonic attacks. As Zhuge Liang had forewarned, the two lifeless entities absorbed her attacks. In response, one of them retaliated with an intensified energy sphere, while the other glowed, transferring the absorbed power to bolster the attack.

Undeterred, Kuisha maintained her composure. Employing her [Hole] ability, she absorbed the incoming attacks, storing them within the ethereal void. "These types of abilities always have a limit. Let's see how much you can take before reaching that limit," she murmured to herself. Opening numerous [Holes] around the corpses, she released a multitude of the same attacks, redirecting the absorbed power back at the lifeless enemies.

Through rigorous training, Kuisha had managed to evolve her [Hole] ability. Now, she could not only absorb attacks but multiply or duplicate them by at least twenty times. This advancement allowed her to unleash a powerful counterattack on her opponents. Normally, [Hole] would absorb a single attack and return a single attack, but Kuisha, with Aaron's assistance during their training, had pushed the boundaries to achieve this level of mastery.

The lifeless bodies continued to absorb the onslaught of attacks as if impervious to harm, retaliating with equal force against Kuisha. It turned into a relentless exchange, a constant back-and-forth of destructive energy.

Kuisha, undeterred, utilized her [Hole] ability, absorbing around a thousand attacks simultaneously. She then multiplied the absorbed energy by twenty, sending it back towards the corpses.

However, this time, a deviation occurred. The corpses, attempting to absorb the intensified attack, faced an unexpected failure. Overloaded with the excessive energy they had absorbed, they met their demise in explosive bursts.

Kuisha, analyzing the outcome, mused, "So that's the limit, huh? It exceeded my expectations, but that's fine. I just need to repeat this process two more times, and I can—"

Her train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a sudden blue laser that shot past her, compelling her to shift her attention to the unknown assailant.

As she turned her head, Kuisha discovered another lifeless body, this one adorned with multiple arms tightly clutching guns. Suddenly, it sprang to life, unleashing a barrage of blue lasers in her direction. Swiftly, she evaded the oncoming beams, taking to the air as a defensive measure. Determined, she flew towards the armed corpse.

Responding in kind, Kuisha launched elemental arrows at the reanimated foe. The corpse retaliated by firing its laser, creating a clash of destructive energy. The collision resulted in both attacks neutralizing each other in a spectacular explosion.

Exploiting the moment, Kuisha closed the distance, delivering a powerful kick to the head of the now vulnerable foe, destroying it. "This one is easier to deal with," she declared triumphantly. However, her attention quickly shifted as she observed the other two corpses coming back to life. Without hesitation, she teleported back to their vicinity, unleashing a barrage of demonic attacks.

This time, Kuisha skillfully absorbed both the redirected attacks from the two corpses and the lasers fired at her by the other who also came back to life, this scenario was what she wanted so she could confront them simultaneously.

After reabsorbing their attacks multiple times, she harnessed their own energy and unleashed it back at them, utilizing her [Hole]. The retaliatory strikes hit their targets, causing the two corpses and the gun-wielding corpse to wither away.

[Three down!] Eliovan's triumphant shout echoed, signaling a small victory. [Twelve to go!!]

On the opposite side of the battleground, Perseus soared toward his enemies, relying on his magical abilities. Facing him were bizarre creatures, each with distinct features. One creature resembled a giraffe walking on two hind legs, flinging spinning blue flaming turtle shells at Perseus.

Another creature, even stranger, boasted two heads and four faces. It began launching words at Perseus, each uttered phrase transforming into a physical entity. To counter these peculiar attacks, Perseus employed his magic, weaving a defense against the attacks.

"These things are weird as hell, man!" he exclaimed, a mix of bewilderment and amusement coloring his voice.

As he successfully thwarted the incoming attacks, Perseus accelerated, aiming to sever the neck of the giraffe-like creature. Much to his surprise, his blade failed to pierce it.

"I didn't put enough power into it? This thing's neck is like hitting a hundred Mount Everests at once!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident. With a blink, he distanced himself from the creature.

[What's a Mount Everest?] Eliovan's voice inquired through the transceiver, prompting a laugh from Perseus.

[Don't worry about it, Chibi-kun!] replied Perseus. Focusing his energy, he gathered touki into his sword, unleashing a series of touki aura slashes towards the giraffe monster, this time imbuing even more power into his strikes.

However, the giraffe corpse, sensing the imminent threat, countered Perseus's attacks with its flaming turtle shells. To its surprise, Perseus's attacks cut through the shells, and flew towards it, slicing the creature's neck into several pieces. Yet, in a matter of seconds, the corpse reassembled itself, revived, and resumed its attack on Perseus.

"Ain't that a bit unfair?" Perseus queried, a hint of skepticism in his tone. He then casually shrugged and turned to his side, swiftly swinging his sword down to cut through the incoming word "Dance" aimed at him. Observing the peculiar four-faced creature before him, he mused aloud, "I wonder what happens if those words hit me."

Shrugging once more, Perseus drew upon his Sacred Gear, [Aegis Mineralization], aiming it at the two petrified corpses. "Get 'em!" he exclaimed, and beams shot out from the shield, turning the corpses into stone. "This'll be easy," he declared before dashing towards the petrified bodies, slicing them into pieces. "Only one more time for giraffe-kun and two for weird face-kun."

A laugh escaped Perseus as he marveled at his own ease in handling the situation. However, as the corpses revived and attacked once more, he adeptly avoided their strikes, petrifying them again with his shield, and swiftly dispatching them. Once the giraffe monster met its permanent demise, an unexpected twist unfolded.

The four-faced monster began to cry, launching the words "Sad" rapidly towards Perseus. Unfazed, he skillfully sliced the words apart. Yet, driven by curiosity, he allowed one of the words to make contact, and immediately, an overwhelming wave of sorrow engulfed him, prompting uncontrollable sobs.

Perseus couldn't believe the unfolding situation, and in the midst of his sobs, he exclaimed, "So this is what happens!?"

His group collectively responded through their transceivers, [You're an idiot,] a blend of scolding and humor that elicited a laugh and more tears from Perseus.

Despite the emotional rollercoaster, he managed to declare, "Well, at least now I know!"

Reinvigorated by this newfound understanding, Perseus continued his attacks, slicing through more words that surged toward him. Among them, there was one word he particularly didn't want to be hit by— "Die." Swiftly, he petrified the creature associated with the threatening word and decisively ended its existence.

With excitement in the air, Eliovan's voice echoed through the transceivers, [Two more down, ten to go. Keep it up, guys!] Encouragement filled the communication channel, spurring the group to persist in their efforts against the remaining enemies.

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Coriana Andrealphus and Jeanne joined forces, facing the animated corpse that belonged to the "attacking" team. The creature, a humanoid wolf, relentlessly hurled star-shaped attacks and blades of darkness their way.

Jeanne, adeptly dodging an incoming attack, remarked, "This thing reminds me of Tobio Ikuse-san, but... well, weaker." She paused, assessing the situation. "Its only saving grace seems to be its annoying ability to bypass our attacks, unless..." Jeanne trailed off, covering her sword with a holy aura before swinging it towards the creature, prompting it to jump away to avoid the strike.

Coriana chimed in, "It doesn't like light or holy attacks, much like us devils." Her expression turned thoughtful. "Although, some of us don't have that weakness anymore. Anyway, did you notice its darkness starts to waver when in close proximity to light or holy attacks?" She directed the question to her friend, seeking insights that could aid them in the ongoing battle.

Jeanne nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "Yeah, we can probably take advantage of that. Can you try using your ability, the one you and Gasper-kun did?"

"Sure thing, fight darkness with darkness, I guess, huh?" Coriana mused, embracing her newfound form that she and Gasper had crafted together. With a swift transformation, she activated her time-stopping ability, causing the creature to freeze in its tracks. Coriana then signaled to Jeanne, who saluted in acknowledgment.

Gathering a surge of holy aura on her sword, Jeanne dashed toward their frozen adversary. With a forceful swing, her blade cut through the darkness shrouding the creature, revealing the body of an old man. However, like the other corpses, it swiftly revived, launching an immediate attack on Jeanne. Yet, before it could strike, Coriana intervened, halting the creature's movements with her time-stopping powers.

After two more rounds of the intense battle, the group finally emerged victorious, and Coriana reverted to her normal form from her other, more powerful state. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she pulled out her phone and sent Gasper a text, including a selfie, a move that left Jeanne watching in disbelief.

"A-are you sure about doing that...?" Jeanne questioned, still trying to make sense of Coriana's unexpected actions.

"I'm going to be away from Gasper, the same with Tomoe, so we do our best to keep up to date with him about anything," Coriana explained as she continued typing. Pausing for a moment, she looked up and asked, "Should I send him a selfie with me in my underwear after our mission? We'll be done before they come back, after all."

Jeanne stood there, momentarily speechless. After a moment, she shook her head and responded, "How would I know!? Ask Tomoe-san or someone who's in a relationship!"

Coriana regarded Jeanne with a perplexed expression and remarked, "I heard from Lavinia-san that most of his harem and women interested in him do lewd things with him all the time. Didn't you kiss him back in Kyoto? Why don't you expose your body to him and get it over with?"

Jeanne, taken aback, stared at Coriana in shock. Her face flushed crimson as she stammered, "Wha—!? I-I have my own plans! I don't want to rush it! Anyway, let's go help the rest, jeez!" With that, Jeanne hurriedly ran off, leaving Coriana behind.

Coriana sighed, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "And that's the problem with virgins; they really need to put themselves out there more." Putting her phone away, she quickly followed after Jeanne.

Coriana's head tilted slightly as she voiced her confusion, "Wait, weren't they supposed to be on Rias' ship? Why are they here, Jeanne? Wait, I have another question!"

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In the heat of battle, Liban Crocell, Sairaorg's [Knight], and Heracles, a [Rook] from Cao Cao's team, joined forces against an attacker from Opbider. The creature bore a striking resemblance to the titans of Greek mythology, harking back to the Draconic Deus. Their collaborative efforts seemed promising, yet in an unexpected turn, the creature met its demise with a single attack, obliterating the surrounding area and leaving everyone in awe.

The ones who had crash landed were none other than Cao Cao and Sairaorg Bael. Concerned for the well-being of those nearby, Sairaorg called out, "Is everyone okay?"

Cao Cao, who put a hand on his face, couldn't help but chide, "I told you we didn't need to do that," to which Sairaorg responded with laughter.

The unexpected heroes of the moment emerged—the [Kings] and leaders of both teams. Heracles, in evident excitement, questioned the whereabouts of Sairaorg Bael and Cao Cao.

"We—" Cao Cao began to explain, only to be interrupted by the sudden crash of an enormous giant butterfly beside them. "Brought that," Cao Cao declared, pointing towards the monstrous creature that had crash-landed near them.

Eliovan swiftly leaped over to them, a look of surprise on his face. "Slyker?! You brought her here too? Have you defeated her yet? Wait a minute, Cao Cao? I thought you were supposed to be—"

Cao Cao's lips curled into a wry smile as he spoke, "Cúntóir was the one responsible for teleporting my team back to this location. Once your mission is complete, we will be transported back to Aldrake and Rias Gremory's ship." Eliovan, still perplexed, nodded in acceptance of the explanation.

Sairaorg glanced at Eliovan and shook his head. "No, Jin instructed us to take down both of them simultaneously, so we brought her along. We came across her at the same time and decided to team up, although she's quite weak," he explained, nodding sagely. "Although I was also surprised to see Cao Cao here."

As Sairaorg shared this information, the new opponent, though seemingly defeated, rose back to her feet. She flapped her wings, creating a potent gust in the vicinity. Casting a momentary glare at everyone, she then flew over to Opbider, whispering something to it.

The remaining corpses under Opbider's control—about six out of the fifteen—swiftly retracted to him. Opbider began the process of merging them together. The surroundings trembled and shook as the remaining corpses expanded in size, eventually matching Opbider's formidable stature.

Slyker, wearing a sly grin, flew over to Opbider's head, wrapping its body around it and merging with the monstrosity. The unexpected fusion left everyone bewildered.

"What... they can do that?" Eliovan asked in sheer shock, his astonishment echoing the sentiments of the entire group.

"You didn't know they could do that?" Cao Cao inquired, a furrow forming on his brow. Eliovan responded with a slight shake of his head.

"As I mentioned earlier, Opbiders are a rare species in our universe and quite reclusive. Slyker, specifically, is known for birthing only females within its species. They don't require males for reproduction. Instead, all they need to do is grab any inanimate object and 'procreate' with it, and then they become pregnant," Eliovan explained, shedding light on the peculiar reproductive nature of the Slyker's species.

A sense of astonishment crossed Cao Cao's face as he absorbed this newfound knowledge. Eliovan continued, his voice tinged with unease, "The fact that these two are working together like this makes me wonder what Zenosius did to make them obey him so easily. It kind of makes me shudder," he added, a shiver coursing through him as he contemplated the unsettling dynamics at play.

"Regardless," Sairaorg asserted, his tone resolute, "we must defeat them now and continue with the other part of our mission." Swiftly, he entered his Balance Breaker state, and charged towards the newly merged enemy.

As Sairaorg confronted the creature, it unleashed a barrage of countless purple lines. In a display of agility, he skillfully bobbed and weaved through the onslaught, evading each attack with precision. Yet, the assault didn't cease; a white powder began to emanate from the creature's body.

Reacting swiftly, Sairaorg covered himself with touki, a protective energy, and slammed his fist into the creature. To his surprise, the impact only pushed the opponent back a few feet, its strange body absorbing the force with an unsettling ripple, resembling the fluid motion of gelatin. Recognizing the potential danger, Sairaorg leaped backward, avoiding whatever effect the peculiar powder might have.

As he landed beside his teammates, a visual spectacle unfolded. The area around the monster exploded into a vibrant array of pink and purple, rocking the area even more.

"It might be able to absorb impacts like mine, so perhaps weapons may be more effective against it? Kuisha, Coriana, use your demonic powers on it," ordered Sairaorg. "Let's see how it deals with demonic and magical attacks first then we'll use our weapons after."

Cao Cao interjected, offering a straightforward solution, "You're overcomplicating things. Let's just teleport it to space and get rid of it that way."

Eliovan, however, countered, "That's not going to do anything. Opbiders can survive in space and fly from planet to planet. As I said, they're reclusive and elusive, so it has to do this regularly. Putting that strange merge of two species into space won't do anything but agitate it even further."

Cao Cao furrowed his brows, expressing his dissatisfaction. "You guys never mentioned these things to us when we were here."

Eliovan offered an explanation, "It never came up in conversation. At that time, your focus was primarily on liberating various groups and small planets. While Savina and the others trusted you, she didn't want to accidentally put you in harm's way by sending you to face some of the stronger enemies."

Cao Cao grunted in response and made his way towards the looming threat. "I'll give it a shot then. Balance Break: True Longinus."

With that declaration, his spear activated the Balance Breaker of the [True Longinus], unveiling the [Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin]. Cao Cao leapt into the sky, aiming the spear's tip towards the monstrous enemy. Channeling his power, he unleashed his [Parinayakaratana].

An enormous beam of white light surged from the spear's tip, tearing through the sky with incredible force. It slammed into the colossal creature before him, propelling it backward. The impact resulted in a massive explosion, creating a spectacular white cross-shaped burst that painted the planet's skies.

After the explosion subsided, the group witnessed a colossal hole torn through the creature. However, their amazement turned to shock as they watched the creature promptly regenerate that part, rendering their efforts seemingly futile.

"Okay, so we just need to add the anti-healing ability, no big deal," Heracles commented, a smirk playing on his lips as he eyed the regenerating creature. "Looks like ranged attacks have more effect against it. Let's just blow it up then," he declared, activating his Balance Breaker in readiness.

"That seems to be the most effective strategy. Let's do that. Everyone with access to the anti-healing and anti-regeneration ability Jin gave them, use it on all your attacks. Perseus-dono, I trust you to petrify that thing whenever it tries to block our attacks!" Sairaorg ordered.

Perseus responded with a salute, exclaiming, "Righty-yo!"

A hint of concern crossed Sairaorg's face as he questioned, "Where's Georg and Leonardo-dono? Those two's Sacred Gears would be very useful right now."

"They're with Rias and Aldrake's group, according to Jin they would be useful for their raid in Sagriff's planet," replied Cao Cao. "Anyway, enough with that, let's take this thing down and get one with our day."

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"Do you really believe that?" Danu questioned, her giant roots attempting to crush Zenosius in their vice-like grip.

Zenosius smiled wryly, his colossal, red and white metallic hands intervening to halt Danu's impending attack. "Of course, the chosen ones are the only ones allowed to live. Those not chosen by the omniverse don't deserve to breathe the air we breathe."

With a display of power, Zenosius pushed back the giant roots that Danu had unleashed upon him. He continued, "That's why I believe we should keep advancing the world until all greenery, wood, and unnecessary things like that are eradicated. Can't you see this perfect planet? I have control of everything in it, and it boasts the best defense across our universe."

The gravity of Zenosius' beliefs echoed in the vast space between them, a stark contrast to Danu's connection with nature.

Danu's frustration grew by the second as she responded, "Do you think the chosen ones are solely connected to technological advancements? Without nature and the things it provides, none of your technological progress would have occurred."

Zenosius scoffed dismissively, countering, "Yes, nature played a role in the past, but we've moved beyond that. Haven't you noticed that some homes are beginning to lack wood and similar materials? Most are constructed from metals, not because of tradition, but because they are more reliable, cost-effective, and sturdy."

A broader grin spread across Zenosius' face. "I can see that you're an entity, perhaps a god connected to nature? If so, then I understand why you're so angered by me, fufu. But my words hold only truth. Eventually, even you will fade away, forgotten by your world's people."

"That's not happening," Aaron calmly asserted from behind Danu, his gaze fixed on Zenosius, who, in turn, took a step back, well aware of the underlying tension. The air hung heavy with the unspoken weight of the last sentence Zenosius had directed at Danu.

"Aaron, let me," Danu intervened, and with a swift motion, an invisible blade of wind shot towards Zenosius' arm, slicing it off cleanly. Despite the abrupt loss, Zenosius displayed remarkable composure. He leaped away, swiftly reattaching the severed limb, crashing through a building wall in the process and descending.

Without hesitation, Danu and Aaron pursued, leaping out of the building to join the descent. As Zenosius fell, a grin played on his lips. "A world of technology—a world where I can become a nigh-omnipotent god with it. It's a perfect world for a coward like me. Even in my life so far, I have barely seen greenery, so such stupid things don't matter to me," he proclaimed to his enemies before mysteriously vanishing from sight.

Danu's surprise rippled through her as Aaron swiftly grabbed her waist, and in an instant, they teleported to the top of Zenosius' building.

"What's happening?" Danu questioned, seeking clarification.

"He merged himself with the planet itself," Aaron informed her, dropping a revelation that left her stunned. Aaron, not wasting any time, tapped his transceiver and conveyed to the groups within the planet, [Attention to the groups within the planet, Zenosius has merged himself with the planet. I'll forcefully teleport everyone back to our ship and get the remaining items we need from the planet as well.]

Eliovan's disbelief echoed through the communication channel, [He can do that?!]

Aaron affirmed, [Yes. Anyway, I'll teleport everyone back now,] he declared, taking charge of the situation. As the plan unfolded, Danu, her hand firmly gripping Aaron's arm, looked at him with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"It's fine. You can stay with me," he reassured her, offering a moment of comfort amid the unfolding chaos.

Following the teleportation, a colossal upper half of a figure surfaced from the planet's debris, a creation forged from the shattered technology and random fragments. This imposing entity, known as Zenosius, grinned down at Aaron and Danu.

"Do you not see the brilliance that I am? No one can truly ever take this place from me or Lady Phumera because I am the planet itself. This was once a small sun in this part of the galaxy, you know? I simply turned it into something useful—and in a twist of fate, it turned into my final trump card," Zenosius explained, his voice echoing through the remnants of the planet.

"Hmm? Oh, you two are still alive," Zenosius expressed genuine surprise as a peculiar amalgamation of two creatures ascended from the ground, reaching eye level with him. A grin crept across his face as he pointed at Aaron and Danu. "Kill that man for me, will you?"

The merged forms of Opbider and Slyker acknowledged the command and swiftly soared toward Aaron. Observing the approaching threat, Aaron turned to Danu, stating, "I'll leave him to you for a while. If I see you struggling, I'll step in. Oh, and here." With a gentle poke to Danu's forehead, he added, "This should let you summon the things you need without it being here. It's a bit vague, but you'll understand when you start using your powers."

Focusing on Zenosius, Aaron issued a warning, "Don't underestimate my goddess, you brat. She's a lot more powerful than she lets on to be." He sealed his sentiment with a kiss on Danu's forehead. Before Danu could respond, Aaron vanished, leaving a sonic boom in his wake. Opbider and Slyker also disappeared, leaving Zenosius to confront the goddess alone.

"Hmph, who does he think he is to say that to me—" Zenosius began, but his words were abruptly cut off by an immense gust of wind slamming into his chest, forcefully knocking him backward. Following this, a substantial piece of earth emerged from the ground beneath them, piercing a hole through his mechanical chest.

The assault continued as enormous roots shot out from behind Danu, taking on the form of hands that grabbed Zenosius' head, crushing it and slamming it to the ground. Danu, hovering above, wore a satisfied smile as she declared, "Please take me seriously, Mr. Zenosius. I would like to prove that Mother Nature is still very much alive in your universe."

Despite being relentlessly attacked like that, Zenosius swiftly initiated the process of reconstructing himself. Still, a smirk played on his lips as he retorted, "Interesting. Even though this planet is 99% metal, cement, and other materials from our universe, you can still create wood? It makes me want to see what's up with your body."

Pushing himself up, Zenosius faced Danu again, a massive grin on his face. "Let me dissect you and explore the body of a deity."

"I refuse," came Danu's firm reply, her own righteous fury evident in her gaze.

— ○ ● ○ —

Facing the amalgamation of Opbider and Slyker, Aaron couldn't help but express his thoughts, "You know, I've come across a lot of creatures and monsters in my life so far, and all of them have been unique. Some of them are ugly as hell, and some aren't bad looking, but you... you just look creepy as hell."

As he confronted the hybrid creature, Aaron's automatic defenses kicked in, swiftly dealing with the mechanical appendages attacking him from behind. Zenosius, orchestrating the sneaky attack, ensured it wouldn't be a fair encounter for Aaron.

Glancing behind him, Aaron sighed. Returning his focus to the front, he noticed multiple purple lines being shot at him. "You were supposed to be destroyed by both Sairaorg and Cao Cao's team, but the future changed again, and this happened. I swear everything's changing way too often now," he mumbled as the purple lines collided with his [Infinity].

A venomous breath emanated from the creature's mouth, enveloping Aaron. Simultaneously, a swarm of flying worms, their teeth razor-sharp, collided with his [Infinity], relentlessly attempting to destroy it. An array of other abilities surged toward him, but none managed to breach his defenses.

Observing the chaos around him, Aaron contemplated, "Let's see... there are a few subordinates with unique abilities, akin to the corpses you have, but they're not that unique. I won't bother with them. I would also like to turn some of the fallen into Shadow Soldiers, but at the same time, it doesn't feel right. So, for now, I'll store them in my [Inventory]," he mused aloud.

In a decisive move, Aaron extended his right arm to the side and unleashed a large red ball. Within seconds, it appeared to vanish. Tilting his head, he muttered, "That should be fine. It won't reach them but will wipe out this part of the planet, giving an advantage for Danu in the long run..."

Redirecting his attention to the monstrous entity before him, he pointed and declared, "I'll grant you one minute and the ability to have human speech. Talk to me."

From Aaron's outstretched finger, a small white ball shot forth, embedding itself into the creature standing before him.

Instantly, the once-silent entity erupted into a cacophony of screams. "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Eat! Eat! Eat! Eat! Flee! Flee! Flee Fleeeeeeee!!" The piercing roars reverberated, shaking the remaining structures in the vicinity.

Aaron observed the creature's limited vocabulary and couldn't help but muse, "Even with speech, that's all you're going to say, huh? I was honestly expecting more, but... well, you did just acquire this ability." Before he could proceed, a new voice interrupted the moment.

"Even for a lower lifeform, you're quite arrogant," asserted a feminine voice, catching Aaron's attention.

He rubbed his chin in contemplation and acknowledged, "Ah, you're Slyker, the entity attached to Opbider's head. I'm glad you can speak coherently. Can you answer my questions?"

Slyker responded with a scoff, dismissing the idea. "Why should I answer a lower lifeform's questions?" Despite her reluctance, butterfly wings emerged from behind Opbider's head, swiftly vibrating. The wings emitted minuscule dust particles that rapidly approached Aaron. However, much like previous attacks, they were thwarted by the impenetrable barrier of his [Infinity].

Aaron responded with a light-hearted jest, "Asking me out on a date first would be more appropriate, you know? But I don't dislike this direct approach." A playful smile graced his features as he addressed the creature before him.

In irritation, Slyker retorted, "Tch, that stupid barrier of yours is the only thing saving you from complete annihilation. Fight us like a man!"

Aaron's laughter echoed, and he replied, "I didn't think I'd hear that phrase in this universe, but I guess anything can happen anywhere, huh? Sure thing, lady, I'll fight you like a 'man.'" A smirk played on his lips as he prepared for the impending confrontation.

With thirty seconds left until the climax, Aaron effortlessly destroyed the attacks headed his way with a mere flick of his head. He then disabled his [Infinity] and soared towards the creature in front of him. However, before he could reach them, he vanished from sight, and the creature's left arm and right leg were ruthlessly ripped off. Yet, to Aaron's surprise, they swiftly regenerated.

"We have instant regeneration! Even if you remove any part of our body, we will regenerate it!" Slyker declared, arrogance evident in her tone.

"Yes, yes, I'm aware of that," he replied with a nod, applying his anti-healing and anti-regeneration abilities to his strikes. The appendages of the creature were obliterated once again. This time, however, when the creature attempted to regenerate its limbs, the process failed.

"W-what is this!? Why aren't we healing!?" she exclaimed, surprise evident in her voice.

In response, Aaron swiftly teleported away, effortlessly destroying the mechanical appendages that lunged toward him with a mere flick of his arm. His gaze locked onto the creature in front of him, and he explained, "Well... I can simply disable that ability of yours. It's unfair, isn't it? I can already feel your frustration from here..."

Infuriated, the monster, emitting a roar amalgamating the sounds of Opbider and Slyker, unleashed a torrent of balls of darkness, purple lines, and various other attacks in Aaron's direction.

"Well, that's enough fun from me," he declared, casually blowing air toward the incoming attacks, effortlessly obliterating them. With a nonchalant air, he raised his left arm skyward, forming a gesture with his middle and index fingers, while his other hand made the "okay" sign in front of him.

From the tips of his left hand's fingers, a brilliant blue ball shot forth, soaring higher into the sky. The monstrous enemy gazed upward, its eyes widening in sheer horror at the impending spectacle.

"What is this...?" Slyker questioned, his disbelief evident.

Aaron, with a tinge of weariness in his voice, closed his eyes and posed a rhetorical question, "When you mix the colors of blue and red, what do you get?"

Ascending to the sky's apex, the once modest blue ball underwent a dramatic transformation, expanding to match half the size of the planet. In an unexpected turn, another ball, this time red, materialized beside it, colliding forcefully. The red ball, which had disappeared earlier, reappeared, initiating a collision that saw the two attacks intertwining and merging into a new entity—the fusion of blue and red.

Aaron, having closed his eyes during this spectacle, reopened them, revealing a tired yet satisfied smile to Opbider and Slyker. However, what Slyker focused on was the piercing silver eyes staring into her soul. "That's right... it's purple."

A moment of suspense followed, and then an enormous explosion erupted. The color purple surged, consuming half of the planet in a mesmerizing display. In a glorious pillar of purple destruction, that part of the planet met its end, leaving a profound impact on the cosmic canvas.

— ○ ● ○ —

Within the confines of the spaceship that had transported the Resistance to this location, a stunned silence enveloped the witnesses. The members of the Resistance, their eyes wide, were left grappling with the spectacle that unfolded before them.

"What the... is Aaron responsible for that?" Eliovan voiced a mixture of horror and awe, his gaze fixated on the unfolding cataclysm.

Vali, seemingly nonchalant, responded with a smirk, "Just another Tuesday for Aniki, don't worry about it."

Eliovan and a few others turned their attention toward Vali, disbelief etched on their faces. Eliovan couldn't help but voice his incredulity, "Your 'brother' wiping out half a planet is just another Tuesday for you...?"

Vali casually shrugged, replying, "Yeah, something like that. When you get used to the things he does, you become numb to it."

The members of the Resistance redirected their gaze to the fading remnants of the purple pillar, now dissolving into nothingness. Eliovan muttered, "I don't think I'll ever get used to things of this nature."

Eliovan pivoted slowly to direct his gaze at Cao Cao, curiosity etched across his features. His inquiry broke the hushed stillness that enveloped them, "So, why did Cúntóir bring you guys here?"

— ○ ● ○ —

Back on the planet's surface, Aaron sighed, surveying the aftermath of his actions. "That should be fine, and this should weaken Zenosius by a bit... hopefully, unless he can just—"

Before Aaron could complete his thought, various debris from the obliterated spaceships and rocks in space began to whirl past him. These remnants coalesced with the remaining half of the planet, taking on a peculiar form. The swirling elements shaped a lower half of a human body, while the rest of the planet materialized into an even larger upper half, complete with a head and arms.

"I just had to jinx it, didn't I?" Aaron mumbled to himself, shaking his head in mild frustration. Swiftly, he teleported Danu beside him, poking her and bestowing upon her the ability to survive in space.

"Aaron, what did you do...? We were in the middle of a fight, and then half the planet blew up, and now the entire planet is transforming into a giant Zenosius..." Danu questioned, her confusion evident.

"I... went a bit overboard with beating that monster I brought away, sorry," Aaron admitted, a tinge of remorse in his tone.

Danu, with an adorable pout, softly smacked his head. "There's a time and place for using your absurd powers, and while I agree that this was one of them, I believe you used too much of it!" she chided.

Aaron, not entirely remorseful, grinned at her. "My apologies, God Queen Danu. How can I ever make it up to you?"

"Take me seriously!" she scolded, delivering another soft smack to his head.

"To have such a casual conversation when you're about to meet your end, even I am quite taken aback by that, you know?" Zenosius remarked, completing his transformation into a colossal entity that now loomed before them.

His form, now at least fifty times larger than Earth, cast an imposing figure as he gazed down at Danu and Aaron, a wicked grin playing on his immense face.

In the face of this overwhelming presence, Aaron maintained his calm demeanor and responded, "Well, just watching you transform in the quietness of space would be boring, so we made some small talk."

Zenosius scoffed, his disdain evident, and promptly launched a kick towards Aaron and Danu. However, Aaron's [Infinity] skill intercepted the attack, surprising Zenosius and leaving a flicker of shock on his face. Undeterred, Zenosius brought his leg down, crossing both hands together to strike, but once again, Aaron's invisible barrier thwarted the attempt.

Not one to be easily discouraged, Zenosius made another effort. This time, enormous laser cannons emerged from his shoulders, and he directed them at Aaron and Danu. The lasers fired, but the outcome mirrored his previous attempts. His attacks couldn't breach the seemingly impenetrable barrier, leaving him visibly frustrated.

"An impenetrable invisible barrier, how vexing," Zenosius remarked, his tone carrying a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "But that just means we're in a standstill, does it not? Can you even move from your spot? Most beings can't move or breathe in space, and you're not from our universe. I've heard reports that most, if not all the species in your universe can't even survive in space," he continued, probing the limits of Aaron's abilities.

"Why do you think that? I could simply do this," Aaron remarked as he lifted his right arm, directing his middle and index fingers at Zenosius, mimicking the shape of a gun. "Boom," he said and sudden burst of bright red light emanated from his fingertips, propelling Zenosius away from his original position.

Without missing a beat, Aaron swiftly moved to Danu, taking hold of her waist. In an instant, they teleported to where Zenosius had been flung. As they arrived, Aaron touched his transceivers, communicating, [I'll restore the planet soon; go ahead and look through the things we were meant to retrieve. I just teleported them to the ship.] With a snap of his fingers, he effortlessly transported the remaining items from his [Inventory] to the waiting ship.

In a different corner of the vast galaxy, Zenosius found himself taken aback by their unexpected arrival. "This is... what the—is that V-X871-Triobon? We haven't even bothered changing that planet yet," he muttered to himself, his surprise evident.

Aaron, accompanied by Danu, greeted Zenosius with a casual "Yo, sorry for the wait." They appeared in front of Zenosius, who couldn't hide his newfound nervousness. "Hmm? Why are you nervous?" Aaron questioned, genuine curiosity in his voice.

Nervously, Zenosius responded, "There were rumors and suggestions that you were an Outer God. I'm starting to believe that." He floated backward, his caution palpable.

Aaron tilted his head, a chuckle escaping him. "There's no need to be nervous," he reassured, closing his eyes. The atmosphere underwent a rapid transformation, making Zenosius shiver. When Aaron reopened his eyes, their sharpness bore into Zenosius. <<I am one. Does that frighten you?>> he asked, his words carrying an otherworldly weight.

"I didn't want to believe such outlandish rumors, but I guess I should have," he admitted, a sense of regret coloring his words. He instinctively tried to flee, only to discover that he couldn't move beyond a certain point.

It wasn't an invisible barrier that impeded his progress. Instead, he felt as if an unseen force physically held him within the confines of their current location. It resembled the way vengeful spirits are confined to specific spots after death or, in certain video games, how certain areas would teleport characters back, preventing them from straying off the designated path.

"Answer me this, where are the rest of the Eradicators, Ueboros, or Umbra?" Aaron demanded, his inquiry laced with a certain intensity. Though he already knew the answer, he wanted to see if Zenosius would divulge information about his people under the weight of immense pressure.

"I don't know," Zenosius began to respond, but before he could finish, his right arm was violently blown away. Shock registered on his face, and he attempted to repair himself. However, to his horror, none of the severed parts reattached, leaving him confused and even more horrified.

Aaron, undeterred, pressed on with his questioning. "Do you know any specific powers they have? Their personalities? How about habits? Surely you've met some of them before. You should have some idea about them, right?"

"I don't know!" Zenosius' response was cut short again as his left leg was blown away this time. The terror on his face intensified, and panic started to take hold. Desperate to escape, he tried to move, but the missing limb hindered him.

"I don't know! I really don't know! I'm a coward. I don't bother talking to them unless they talk to me first or if Lady Phumera orders me to! I just sit there quietly and listen!" Zenosius confessed, his fear evident in his voice.

"Then what do you know?" Aaron inquired, poking Danu's side to direct her attention toward the planet. With a subtle gesture of his lips, he indicated the view before them—an entire planet adorned with lush greenery, a stark contrast to the desolate Ferrothos Prime.

Zenosius, desperate to provide valuable information, stammered, "T-that... uh... I know that Sagriff, one of the Umbra, plans on marrying some slave he captured soon! I got this information from a reliable source! Seriously, believe me!"

Aaron scrutinized him, and just as Zenosius prepared to elaborate, the remainder of his body became entangled in expansive vines and tree roots. Confusion and shock played across Zenosius' face as the unexpected turn of events unfolded, leaving him enveloped in the natural embrace of the alien vegetation.

"What the hell is this?!" he exclaimed, a mix of shock and frustration evident in his voice. Hastily, he turned around, fixing his gaze on the planet in close proximity. Regret tainted his words, "...Shit, I knew we should have started the process of changing this damn planet!"

Danu, with her divine abilities, harnessed the natural resources of the planet to ensnare Zenosius. Fueled by the amplified strength granted by Aaron and her status as a goddess, she exerted control over vines and roots that extended from the planet all the way into space. The sheer size of the planet, five times larger than Earth, and the potent nature dwelling within it made this feat surprisingly easier for her.

Danu parted ways with Aaron and soared towards Zenosius, fixating on his face. Meanwhile, Aaron maintained a vigilant watch, ensuring the sealing of Zenosius' abilities to prevent any potential retaliation.

Perplexed by Danu's approach, Zenosius voiced his confusion, "The hell do you want?"

In response, Danu questioned, "Why are you so against Mother Nature and its wonders, choosing to push technology to its limits?"

Zenosius met Danu's gaze, and a silence lingered for a moment before he scoffed dismissively. "What's it to you? My sappy backstory won't matter to you—and before you ask, no, I'm never switching sides. I know the kind of world you want, and I don't want any part of it."

A peculiar expression crossed Zenosius' face, and with a newfound confidence, he declared, "Kill me. My loyalty is towards Lady Phumera, her organization, and Magnum Tenebrosum. I will never waver."

"Core," Aaron suddenly spoke, leaving Danu momentarily perplexed. He continued, "He has a core in the middle of his chest, next to his 'heart.' Destroy them both at the same time to kill him." The instruction was clear, and Danu nodded in acknowledgment.

Behind Zenosius, two colossal roots emerged, piercing Zenosius' metallic body with precision. Swiftly, they navigated through the intricate structure, homing in on both the supposed core and heart.

This new body of Zenosius had its core originating from the planet of Ferrothos Prime, a potent source of power crafted from three dwarf stars within their universe. As for his heart, it was a fusion of technology and organic components, crafted with their world's advanced technology, resulting in an 80% machine and 20% organic composition.

As Danu's roots methodically enveloped the core and heart, she posed a question laden with significance, "Are you sure?"

A smirk graced Zenosius' face as he responded with conviction, "Kill me."

In response, Danu closed her eyes and commenced the process of crushing his core and heart. However, to Zenosius' bewilderment, she abruptly halted. His confusion deepened as he observed Danu looking back at Aaron, their exchanged glances carrying a silent conversation that piqued his curiosity.

Aaron, sensing the unspoken dialogue, sought clarification, "With my help, it's possible, but... why do you want to do that?" His inquiry held a hint of perplexity, as he grappled with the motivations behind Danu's unexpected request.

"Perhaps we can merge them to create something new," Danu suggested, her eyes briefly meeting Zenosius', "to prove to him that we can live in harmony."

Aaron, feeling the weight of the decision, sighed and joined Danu. Standing beside her, he gently placed a hand on her head. "Alright, go ahead. I'll help you, and since the other planet is already here, it'll make it easier. We may as well move it back with us once we're done," he said, a sense of resolve in his voice. Danu smiled back at him, reassured by his support.

Instead of opting for destruction, Danu's roots delicately pierced the core and Zenosius' heart. They began the process of draining the energy from them, transferring the essence into the planet V-X871-Triobon. This unconventional act unfolded before Zenosius' eyes, leaving him in a state of horrified shock.

"Stop! What are you doing?" he demanded, his voice filled with a mix of fear and anger.

Danu's words lingered in the air, "You will forever be part of this planet, you will become one of the reasons it evolves. Please be proud of this, Zenosius." As her words settled, Zenosius' face lost color, his features reflecting the weight of the revelation.

In the wake of Danu's statement, Zenosius found himself inundated with a torrent of memories from his childhood, each recollection adding depth to the new reality taking shape around him.

In the early days of Zenosius' childhood, life on his planet mirrored that of any ordinary world—a delicate balance between nature and advancing technology. It was a harmonious blend until a schism emerged.

On one side stood Zenosius' people, embracing progress and technological growth. On the other side resided creatures resembling plant like monsters and animal hybrids, steadfast in their desire to preserve the equilibrium between technology and wildlife.

A critical juncture arrived when Zenosius' people proposed a plan that would tip the balance in their favor, an 80:20 split in favor of technological advancements. The inhabitants resembling plant like monsters and animal hybrids rebelled against this proposition, sparking a small-scale civil war that unfolded on their planet.

In the days of Zenosius' youth, fate unfolded in an unexpected manner as he inadvertently became entangled in the throes of war. As a mere child, he found himself swept into the conflict that raged around him. His parents, preoccupied with commitments that kept them from the direct involvement in the civil war, entrusted him with a mundane task—to fetch groceries for the family.

On that fateful day, however, Zenosius crossed paths with one of the colossal, planet-like monsters. Driven by rage, the monstrous entity seized him and transported him to its base.

Unfortunately for the young Zenosius, the humanoid plant species that held him captive exhibited a disturbing inclination, and on that day, he underwent an experience that forcibly ushered him into the realm of adulthood, stripping away his innocence.

It took a harrowing week for his parents and the community to locate and rescue him, but by then, Zenosius had undergone a profound transformation.

Instead of succumbing to the haunting trauma in the expected way, he emerged with a resolute determination. Rather than dwelling on the past, Zenosius redirected his energy toward advocating for technological advancement—a path that set him on a unique journey, fueled by a desire to shape the future.

Following the harrowing events of his traumatic experience and subsequent rescue, his inherent talent and remarkable intellect blossomed. He stood among the select few who led their species to victory in the civil war.

In the aftermath, his planet underwent a transformative period, rapidly advancing and amassing significant wealth in their universe. It was during this prosperous era that Phumera took notice and extended an invitation.

Under the influence of Zenosius, he successfully persuaded his planet to willingly join Phumera's dominion, assuring them of continued prosperity under her control. The agreement endured through the years, shaping the present.

However, his pivotal role in these events marked him as a potential member for Phumera's future Eradicators or Ueboros positions. In due course, he assumed one of these roles, setting the stage for the current circumstances.

The trials of his past and the consequences of his encounters with "nature" and its associated forces molded him into the person he is today. A man diametrically opposed to Mother Nature, harboring a profound aversion to flowers, grass, and wildlife. His singular focus lies in the relentless pursuit of technological advancement and growth.

Zenosius found himself engulfed in a torrent of past traumas, a haunting deluge that overwhelmed him. Despite his desperate screams and wild struggles, the constraints binding him and Aaron's suppression of his powers rendered his efforts futile. It was a stark realization that his attempts were in vain, offering no reprieve from his current predicament.

"Let me out! Let me out! Don't touch me! Nooooo! Noooooooo!!!" Zenosius bellowed, his cries echoing through the space. Uncontrollable sobs wracked his form as he grappled with the demons of his past.

Danu, observing this visceral reaction, felt a mix of confusion and concern. Desiring understanding, she attempted to communicate with Zenosius, yet her words fell upon deaf ears. Seeking clarification, she turned to Aaron for insight.

"It's just his childhood trauma rearing its ugly head—something to do with him hating Mother Nature. It's a deep-seated thing; you can't dispel it in a few words, Danu," Aaron explained, his tone tinged with a hint of solemnity.

"It's better to hurry up this process than let him suffer if you don't want to see him like this," Aaron explained, his words carrying a weight of concern. Danu, in acknowledgment, nodded with a subtle hint of sadness etched on her face.

Without hesitation, Danu hastened the process, drawing the energy from Zenosius' core and the life force from his heart toward the planet. As she channeled these combined energies, the very planet in front of them quivered. The planet, V-X871-Triobon, responded in a cascade of effects—trees sprouted and grew at an accelerated pace, and various transformations unfolded across the surface.

Sensing Zenosius nearing the end, Aaron added his own power and energy to the mix. The shimmering spectacle intensified, reaching a brightness that could be mistaken for a star's final moments. Swiftly, Aaron enveloped Danu within his [Infinity], shielding them from the overwhelming energy and heat emitted by the planet's metamorphosis.

Simultaneously, Aaron initiated the intricate process of merging Zenosius, who had previously been amalgamated with Ferrothos Prime, and V-X871-Triobon. A transformative dance unfolded, culminating in the birth of a new, amalgamated planet.

At last, another explosion erupted, and Zenosius' form was forcibly drawn away from their presence, consumed by the surging energy of the emerging planet. Though the thunderous explosions and the cacophony of the mass of energy in front of them drowned out any audible cues, the horror etched on Zenosius' face and the tears streaming down spoke volumes about the anguish he endured in his final moments.

As he vanished into the swirling mass of energy, another explosion echoed through that section of the galaxy, the reverberations carrying the weight of a significant cosmic event. The birth of the new planet, marked by destructive forces and the sacrifice of Zenosius, left an indelible impact on the cosmic canvas, forever altering the celestial landscape.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon the completion of the new planet's birth, I encased it in a shimmering barrier, prompting a quizzical expression from Danu.

"Aaron... why did you do that?" she inquired, her confusion evident in her gaze fixed upon me.

I offered an explanation, "The construction is still ongoing, but it's quickly finishing up. Let's head back to the ship. I'll teleport the planet near the Resistance's planet so we can have it in close proximity. Alternatively, we can teleport it to another section, still near enough for us to use a teleportation pad to reach it. We're going to have a lot of tasks in the coming weeks and months, managing the three planets we need to take care of."

Danu fixed her gaze on me for a brief moment before a nod signaled her understanding. Her attention shifted back to the newly formed planet, and with a solemn gesture, she clasped her hands together in a manner reminiscent of prayer. When she turned her gaze back to me, she enveloped me in a comforting embrace and uttered, "Let's go back."

"Yeah," I concurred, my determination firm. With a subtle act of concealing the planet from the prying eyes of others, especially Phumera and the rest, I ensured it remained undetected.

In an instant, I triggered my teleportation ability, whisking both of us back to the sanctuary of our spaceship. The mission had taken its own toll, and the respite within the familiar confines of the spacecraft promised a much-needed period of rest and recovery.

— ○ ● ○ —

"And that's that, huh?" Astrid mused, her voice carrying a hint of reflection as we gathered around a round table in the meeting room of the spaceship. The journey homeward had commenced, and the ambiance was one of relaxation during the one-hour transit.

Eliovan, delving into strategic considerations, proposed, "Yes, and what do you think of changing the plans of keeping the new Ferrothos Prime near our planet? It would be easier to go to it, regardless of our mode of transportation."

The meeting room, equipped for such discussions, acted as a hub for leaders. Via magic circles created by me, the other leaders were virtually present, contributing to the conversation. Over the past few minutes, we had engaged in deliberations, exploring ideas to implement on the newly acquired Ferrothos Prime.

The topics spanned from plans for the planet to our recent victory over Zenosius and the dismantling of the main weapons and armor manufacturer affiliated with Phumera's organization. The atmosphere in the meeting room was one of collective contemplation, strategizing for the future as the spaceship smoothly navigated through the cosmic expanse on our way home.

"Right now," stated Lysanvar, "you should take the one-hour trip to relax. Once back on the planet, you guys can continue this conversation. There's no rush, and also, Cao Cao and his team have returned to us too. But we're still a few days away from our own destination. Lady Cúntóir will inform you if we need help."

It turned out that Cao Cao and his team had been teleported to Ferrothos Prime to assist with an unforeseen matter. I had been preoccupied with my own concerns and hadn't noticed their arrival. After using my powers to investigate why they had come there, I learned that Cúntóir had directed them to retrieve an item from the depths of Ferrothos Prime for their upcoming mission.

It came to light that Zenosius harbored a certain level of disdain towards Sagriff, leading him to devise a scheme involving the implementation of a subtle bug on Sagriff's planet. The objective was clear—a gradual takeover under the radar. Similar to Ferrothos Prime, Sagriff's planet boasted an impressive array of embedded technology, rendering it remarkably advanced.

Cúntóir, recognizing that our team was engrossed in a mission of our own, made the strategic decision to dispatch a significant portion of the team to assist us temporarily.

Their support aimed to expedite our mission before they were efficiently teleported back to their own ship, allowing us to proceed with our objectives.

The thought lingered in my mind—why didn't Cúntóir utilize her own powers to create the same bug? Various possibilities surfaced, but I refrained from speculating, acknowledging that she might have her reasons. Perhaps she deemed it too unfamiliar or had her unique considerations. Regardless, I decided to reserve my questions for her return.

"Yes, that makes sense. We'll continue this discussion when we return," Eliovan declared, bringing the meeting to a close. Branthar, who had been present with us, succumbed to fatigue and had fallen asleep during the deliberations.

In the room, it was only Eliovan, the leaders of the Resistance, and myself. The rest of my team was attending to their respective tasks. As the magic circle was dismissed, Astrid, suddenly energized, stood up. She grabbed the still-sleeping Branthar's head and enveloped Eliovan in her arms, rocking them back and forth in sheer excitement.

"We did it!! We finally got a win against those assholes!! A big one, I mean!" she screamed with unbridled elation, her joy reverberating through the room.

Branthar remained in a blissful slumber, seemingly undisturbed, while Eliovan attempted to extricate himself from her clutches. However, his escape was short-lived as she redirected her attention toward me.

Eliovan was released, and Branthar was left undisturbed as she leaped in my direction. I attempted to catch her, but to my surprise, she wrapped her legs around my face, pulling me into an unexpected bear hug.

"It's thanks to [DxD], of course! If it weren't for you guys, we'd still be losing! Thanks, you're amazing! Do you want some lovin'?" she exclaimed, all while attempting to suffocate me in her enthusiastic embrace.

"Do you want some lovin'?" I couldn't help but wonder who taught her that peculiar phrase. Was it Shizuna, who had accompanied us along with a few members of the Chinese Pantheon? The phrase felt oddly familiar, with only a handful of people coming to mind who would use such expressions.

I gently pulled Astrid away from me, extending my arms to hold her at a distance. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but no, I don't need some loving right now. Thanks, though," I said with a slight smile. "Anyway, I'm going to go and rest up for a while. I also want to check up on everyone else too."

As I got up, Astrid couldn't resist a playful shout, "Oh, okay, I'll ask your harem instead!" I chuckled at her remark as I left the room. Half-heartedly waving to them, I pondered the meaning behind Astrid's words.

— ○ ● ○ —

Navigating through another section of the spaceship, I came across a sizable gathering and decided to join them. As I reached the focal point, I discovered everyone fixated on a TV I had installed, seamlessly connected to the Draconic Deus.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I inquired, "What's everyone looking at?"

One of the members took a moment to explain, "Ah, Jin-san, it's actually about the situation back at home. It seems like many smaller groups are starting to cause trouble for people in various pantheons and factions, some even reaching the human world. But it appears that the remaining [DxD] members there are taking care of it."

I contemplated the information, gazing at the TV screen that displayed one of my avatars, Daniel with Tobio, and a few others diligently handling the challenges back home.

A warm smile formed on my face as I observed, "It's reassuring that they're taking care of things back there." The visual confirmation of their efforts brought a sense of relief, knowing that the [DxD] members were actively addressing the burgeoning issues in my absence.

The TV's display swiftly transitioned into live footage, showcasing various members engaged in battles across the globe. The sheer number of groups caught me off guard—it was more than I had anticipated. Despite their abundance, they seemed relatively weak, mostly falling within the Low-class to Middle-class range.

As the scenes unfolded, some leaders emerged, their power levels reaching the High-class, with occasional glimpses of Ultimate-class and very rare sightings of Satan-class entities. The screen shifted once more, presenting a devil and an angel engaged in conversation before zeroing in on Daniel, immersed in combat against a colossal titan rooted in Greek mythology.

"What the hell...?" I couldn't help but mumble, my genuine surprise drawing the attention of a few onlookers. In the background, a distance away from Daniel, I noticed Mom, Vivi, Cindy, and Ingvild.

[Oh? It looks like Vivi-chan's using magic!] Ddraig exclaimed in excitement.

As I've mentioned earlier, numerous members opted to stay behind in our universe. Ingvild, being quite renowned, decided it was essential to remain, contributing to the furtherance of her career.

Tsubaki, whom I initially wanted to stay, persuaded me otherwise, asserting that she could continue working on her new book even from our current location with just a bit of downtime and a laptop. Consequently, she joined us on our journey.

A protective barrier seemed to form around Vivi, with Mom and Cindy standing beside her, slightly in front, as if shielding her. Ingvild positioned herself behind Vivi, softly singing to enhance the collective strength of their protective stance.

Meanwhile, Daniel, though not facing any immediate difficulty, was still receiving healing from Vivi. His body emitted a faint glow, mirroring the aura surrounding Vivi.

Observing this scene, Albion remarked, {It seems like they're hard at work there too, especially Vivi.}

'Vivi is most likely working hard to receive some praise from you, Aaron. It would be wise to stay silent about seeing this scene,' remarked Rudra.

'Yeah, I had the same thought,' I replied, opting to keep my observations to myself. I continued watching the scene unfold for a few more minutes. Even the 8 Divas showed up since they had stayed behind, except for Shizuna. Eventually, I decided to leave the room.

Wandering through the spaceship, I explored various rooms and encountered different people. I greeted them, engaged in brief conversations, provided healing where needed, and then moved on. This routine repeated several times until I was confident that everyone was doing well. Finally, I made my way back to my room, the quiet hum of the spaceship accompanying my journey.

Upon arriving, my gaze fell upon Danu and Aoife peacefully asleep on my bed. It wasn't an unusual sight, but I had anticipated finding them with the rest of the group, engaged in activities rather than catching some rest. However, a peculiar air surrounded Aoife, giving me pause.

Shrugging off the curiosity, I proceeded to change into more suitable attire. Afterward, I slipped into the space between Danu and Aoife, surrendering to the allure of sleep that beckoned.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hmm? It's been a while since I came to a place like this... but it looks pretty weird," I mumbled to myself, examining the surreal surroundings. Raising my hand, I gave it a gentle squeeze. "I can still use my powers here, and from the feeling of this place, it's someone else's dream and not mine."

The predominant color of the scenery was white, but in the distance, a different hue caught my attention. Intrigued, I decided to walk towards it, gradually recognizing the unfolding scene as I approached. In the midst of this dreamlike landscape, two figures stood, observing the spectacle.

Upon reaching their side, I greeted them, "Danu, Aoife. I didn't expect to share Aoife's dream with you guys, or would this be more appropriately called a 'recollection?'" I posed the question, eager to hear their perspective on the unusual experience we found ourselves in. I awaited a response, curious about the nature of this shared or recalled dreamscape.

An immediate response eluded me, and as I stood there, the scene unfolding before my eyes transported me to a past I would rather forget. It was a haunting recollection, one etched in the fabric of my memories when Lavinia was thrown towards me when she was defeated by Azrael, marking the first time I lost control of my emotions.

The memory, a bitter and unwelcome one, was a stark reminder of the vulnerability and fragility of those I cared about. It was a moment I loathed, and ever since, my mission had been clear—to shield everyone I held dear by increasing their strength.

The delicate balance of our world and omniverse paled in comparison to my singular focus on their safety. Titles like "ruler," "leader," or "observer" mattered little if I couldn't ensure the well-being of those under my care.

I find myself in a difficult position, torn between a strong desire to prioritize the safety of everyone else and the awareness that they wouldn't endorse my chosen course of action. Despite the potential disapproval, I remain resolute in my decision, acknowledging that they may need to come to terms with it, as my stance on the matter remains unwavering.

The scene shifted, transitioning from the harrowing confrontation with Kokabiel and Azrael to the moment I first encountered Nyarlathotep. Soon after, it transported me to my initial days in the Greek Pantheon.

Observing myself from a third-person perspective felt peculiar, and I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in my demeanor. In those moments of reflection, it became evident how much I had evolved, both in appearance and demeanor, from the naïve child I was to who I am now.

"Can I do that?" Aoife interjected abruptly, capturing the attention of both myself and Danu.

"Do... that? What do you mean by that?" I inquired, curious about Aoife's sudden remark.

"Azathoth said I still had room to grow, and after thinking about it, I died pretty young, didn't I? I mean, both of us did, but... you had that full year of growing alongside everyone. You've stayed the same but also changed a lot, Aaron. At times, it scares me how much you've changed from who you once were," Aoife explained, her expression carrying a tinge of sadness.

I nodded in understanding and began, "I see... I think I know where you're coming from. But, Aoife, you must remember, it wasn't just a year for me. I spent several more within my [Pocket Dimension] with everyone, providing me with years and years to reflect on numerous aspects of my existence. Also..."

Leaning over to her, I placed my hand on her head, gently stroking it. "You can't force change or your own growth; it has to happen naturally. There were multiple times I attempted to do so during my time in the [Pocket Dimension], especially before my fight with Sairaorg. However, I gradually came to accept certain things over time, forgave myself, and moved on. Sairaorg became the final catalyst, but it was everyone else who played crucial roles along the way." The reassurance in my words sought to convey the significance of time and personal evolution in the journey towards self-acceptance and growth.

Danu placed a comforting hand on Aoife's head, echoing Aaron's sentiments. "Aaron's right. I've been alive for a long time, and before my own isolation, I saw my people, gods included, try to force their own change, and it usually didn't end well. Just let it happen naturally, Aoife."

As scenes from my journey unfolded before us, I found a moment to pause and pose a question, "I know you were brought back by Azathoth at some point, so did you watch everything unfold?"

Aoife nodded in response, but before she could articulate her thoughts, I injected a playful remark, "Including the lewd parts?" A visible blush painted her face, and though I meant it to lighten the mood, it seemed to have the opposite effect, as both of them blushed in embarrassment.

"W-why would you ask that?" Aoife mumbled shyly.

"Y-yes, why would you?" Danu chimed in, her expression a cute glare directed my way.

I chuckled, replying, "I was just curious, that's all," as I looked away with a mischievous grin, attempting to dispel the tension with a light-hearted comment.

The melancholic scenes on the screen gradually transformed into more uplifting ones, and we all stood in silence, absorbing the changing emotions portrayed. As the memories concluded, Aoife broke the silence with a question.

"Azathoth said I had to change, to be less forgiving and empathetic toward our enemies who aren't going to change. I try, but that seems pretty hard to do. How do you do it, Aaron? I know you never had the exact mindset as me, so I wanted to hear your thoughts on it," Aoife inquired.

The query touched on a personal aspect I hadn't openly discussed with anyone. Revealing my perspective could potentially elicit varied reactions, but with Aoife and Danu, one of the Fated Ones, I felt a sense of trust that encouraged me to share.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding, "It's a delicate balance, Aoife. Understanding the complexities of our enemies, recognizing when change is possible, and when it's not, requires a discerning perspective. For me, it's not about being less forgiving but about understanding when forgiveness can lead to growth and when it's an exercise in futility. It's about embracing the wisdom to discern the right path in each situation."

I offered this insight, hoping that it would provide Aoife with a perspective to contemplate. The weight of such discussions lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of introspection and mutual understanding.

After sharing my initial thoughts, their expectant gazes lingered, waiting for my additional response. In the realm of her dreams, where we found ourselves, eavesdropping was a rarity, limited to a select few exceptions like Irene, Ophis, Cúntóir, Velgrynd, and Azathoth. A handful more possessed the potential, but I doubted they would attempt to pry into our conversation at this moment.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I began to express my perspective on such matters. I delved into the hypothetical scenario where, if faced with a choice between them and sacrificing everyone else, I would choose to sacrifice the rest in order to save or protect them.

Although the likelihood of such a situation arising had diminished, I believed it was essential for them to be aware of my sentiments from this point onward.

As I finished, their pensive expressions revealed that my words had prompted contemplation. The atmosphere hung with a weighty silence, and I decided to settle on the mostly white ground, patiently awaiting their response.

Two minutes ticked by in quiet reflection, during which I occupied myself by twiddling my thumbs. Eventually, Danu broke the silence, settling down beside me, her hand finding mine, and she snuggled in.

"I don't care," she declared, leaving me momentarily confused. "Even after being away for many years and only returning last year, discovering many changes, the world, or should I say the multiverse, has mostly descended into chaos."

"I believe that what you're doing, even if it involves sacrificing a lot of people, would ultimately benefit everyone. 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained,' right? That's a famous proverb used by humans. I think it aligns with your opinion," she explained, intertwining her perspective with a touch of human wisdom.

Gratitude washed over me as Danu accepted my stance. I hugged her tighter as we sat together, finding solace in her understanding. However, Aoife, taking another minute, wrestled with her own thoughts before arriving at her conclusion. She turned her gaze towards us, contemplating for a few seconds before finally voicing her perspective.

"I don't know if I could sacrifice everyone else to protect the loved ones around me. I want to find a middle ground, where I can save them all, and we can all live happily ever after," she expressed, a tinge of emotional distress evident in her words.

"It was a hypothetical, Aoife. I also want to do that, and it's very much possible for me now, but before I evolved, I probably did need to think of things like that, and that's the conclusion I came to," I reassured her, acknowledging the complexity of her emotions and the nuances in the choices we faced.

Danu and I rose from our positions and approached her. "You'll just need to go through with your own journey then. We still have most of the Phantasma to liberate and then the Evie Etoulde. Perhaps you'll find your answers there, similar to how I found mine during my year in the Draconic Deus," I suggested, offering a sense of encouragement.

"Anyway," I continued, turning my gaze towards the distance, "It seems like we're going to wake up since a few rowdier friends of ours are closing in on the room."

Unexpectedly, Danu kissed me, her words following, "I'll leave first. I want to speak to Azathoth and cook with her too. Ah, and leave it to us since we still have time before we arrive back on the Resistance's planet."

With those words, Danu disappeared from the place. As I prepared to follow suit, Aoife seized my arm, drawing my attention back to her.

"Please be by my side when those changes happen," she murmured softly, the vulnerability in her words echoing in the quiet space.

Moved by her plea, I reached out, gently taking hold of her arm, and drew her into a comforting embrace. "Of course. Just like how everyone else was there for me, they'll be there for you, and so will I. Don't worry about it, Aoife."

"Thank you," she whispered in response. We lingered in that embrace, a moment of shared solace, until both of us gradually faded away from her dream world.

— ○ ● ○ —

The moment my eyes fluttered open, the first sight that greeted me was Lavinia and Gabriel, practically lunging toward me. A swift glance to my side revealed that Danu had departed, leaving an absence in her wake. On my other side, Aoife clung tightly to my arm, a reassuring presence.

Lavinia and Gabriel wasted no time, bombarding me with a rapid barrage of words. The rest of the group swiftly joined in, as expected. Chaos ensued in the aftermath of my awakening, but truth be told, I wouldn't have had it any other way. The frenetic energy, the overlapping voices, and the palpable sense of urgency were all familiar elements in the aftermath of such moments. It was a reassuring chaos, a testament to the bonds that connected us all.

— ○ ● ○ —

An hour drifted by with relative ease, and our spacecraft eventually touched down on the Resistance's home planet. The disembarkation was swift, with everyone dispersing to attend to their respective tasks.

Latia and Astrid remained at my side, accompanying me to the meeting room where discussions awaited. Branthar, still in a state of somnolence, and Eliovan, who remained deep in slumber, were each transported back to their designated locations, the former to his room and the latter stayed on the ship where he could continue his rest.

Despite his youthful demeanor and occasional defiance, Eliovan's demeanor had shifted during the mission. The usual resistance and attempts at charming the women had waned, replaced by a newfound respect. The transformation was subtle but noticeable, marking a positive development in our interactions.

Turning my attention to Latia, who had been engrossed in studying the cubes throughout the journey, I inquired, "You've been fiddling and looking at those things for the entire one-hour journey back to the base. Did you find anything about them?"

"No... but they're being powered by some strange obsidian crystal, and I don't know what it is, so please explain it to me when we get to the meeting room or I hope the leaders know what it is," she responded, her voice carrying a hint of urgency. I nodded in understanding.

"Sure thing," I replied, and together, we swiftly made our way to the designated meeting room. Just outside, Grayfia and Raiko stood waiting for us. I raised my hand in greeting before we entered the room, where Savina and the others awaited.

"We wouldn't have minded waiting until tomorrow, Aaron. Your mission must have been quite taxing, right?" Savina inquired as we arrived.

"It's fine. It won't take too long, and afterward, or tomorrow, depending on our decision, I'll move the new Ferrothos Prime here. Oh, and keep in mind to think of a new name for it since it is a different planet now," I responded, taking a seat alongside the rest.

After seating ourselves, Latia rose from her seat, presenting the cubes to our companions. With a direct question, she inquired, "Do you mind telling me about the obedient crystals that power these things? Anything relevant to them would be great."

Upon Latia's inquiry, the countenances of the two leaders accompanying us grew somber as they directed their gaze at the cubes. Sensing the weight behind their expressions, Latia pressed further, "I assume they have a grim story to them?"

Savina, with a tinge of sorrow, responded, "Yes, they do." She extended her hand to grasp one of the cubes, her gaze filled with melancholy. "These are the corrupted souls of the people of our universe. Not just one, though, maybe hundreds to thousands of them."

Echilys interjected, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative, "We're not sure that these souls purely come from our universe now, Savina. As you know, Phumera has gone to different universes to conquer, and these could well be from there as well."

Savina, acknowledging the possibility, replied, "Ah, yes... you're right. That is a possibility." Her gaze remained fixed on the cubes, the weight of the revelation evident in her sad expression.

I took hold of one of the cubes, scrutinizing it with a discerning eye. As my gaze shifted between the cube and the crystal, a realization dawned upon me—they were right. These particular cubes harbored the essence of around 100 corrupted souls, each one fueled by pure darkness.

This darkness bore an uncanny connection to Magnum Tenebrosum, or those who had received his blessings, perhaps even those who willingly exposed themselves to him, becoming entwined with the malevolent force.

The intricate web of corruption was evident, and I mused on the irreversible nature of their transformation. These souls, trapped within the cubes, had succumbed to a darkness so profound that it defied easy redemption. It became clear that only I possessed the specific capability to reverse this process; no one else could enact this change.

The potential exception lay with beings of incomprehensible power, like Azathoth and the other Outer Gods, yet, for now, the responsibility to undo these dark bonds rested solely on our shoulders.

"We speculate that they're produced at a secret location close to where Magnum Tenebrosum is. Unless we uncover that elusive place, which seems improbable, putting a halt to the production of these cubes remains a challenge. Initially, we believed Ferrothos Prime to be the site, but Eliovan's report contradicted that assumption. He mentioned before drifting off to sleep that there was no sign of anything like them there. Is that correct, Aaron?" Savina inquired, seeking confirmation.

"Yeah, they weren't there," I responded, affirming Savina's question.

Savina, her expression laden with concern, posed a crucial question, "As one of those gods, can you reverse it?"

I nodded, affirming, "Easily. However, I'd need to utilize my other powers to bring them back to a specific point in time, eradicating the trauma they endured during their transformation. Even if I restore them to their usual form, the memories persist. Some experiences leave an indelible mark; the body retains the recollection even if the mind attempts to erase it."

Latia interjected, her tone reflecting the weight of the situation, "I'm assuming some of your members were captured, and..." Her words trailed off, met with a solemn nod from Savina.

Latia continued, "Can you sense any of them among these cubes, Aaron?" With a purposeful gesture, she arranged the cubes we possessed in front of me.

I shook my head regretfully and explained, "Unfortunately, none of the members you're seeking are present here. They might still be within the facility, confined in prisons, or worst-case scenario, no longer alive."

"Having addressed that, let's shift our focus to the topic of the planet," I proposed to them, aiming to redirect the conversation and infuse a lighter atmosphere into the room.

— ○ ● ○ —

After the meeting concluded, Grayfia and Raiko departed to lend their hands to Danu and the others, preparing a feast for the entire planet in celebration of our significant victory over Phumera.

The anticipation of the upcoming celebration lingered in the air. Following the meeting, Savina approached me and suggested we meet at the hill where Laeronia had first brought us. Intrigued, I made my way there.

As I arrived, Savina stood overlooking the new town just below us. We had strategically designated various parts of the planet, complete with teleportation pads for swift access to different cities. For those who preferred a more leisurely approach, traditional roads were also available, accommodating floating cars that I had contributed to designing.

Cúntóir took the lead in designing these vehicles, drawing inspiration from shows of the past that I saw. Their creativity and craftsmanship were evident in the floating cars, seamlessly blending futuristic efficiency with a touch of nostalgia.

As I stood with Savina, surveying the bustling town below, a sense of accomplishment and pride settled over me, knowing that we had not only secured victory but also laid the foundations for a thriving and interconnected community.

"I come here often just to see how much this place has progressed. It was just a desolate and dead planet before you and your team arrived, and in just a few weeks... it had transformed into this. I can't thank you enough, Aaron," she expressed with gratitude in her voice.

Rather than responding, I chose to remain silent, allowing her to continue. Then, unexpectedly, she dropped a bombshell.

"Once upon a time, a long time ago... Phumera and I used to be friends," she revealed, her eyes seeking a reaction from me. However, I maintained a stoic demeanor, meeting her gaze without betraying any emotion. She chuckled at my response and redirected her attention back to the view before us.

"It may sound peculiar, but it's the truth," she began. "Someone who's perceived as a ruthless tyrant was once a semi-normal woman with some peculiar quirks. However, over a certain period, she underwent a transformation. Initially, I thought it was just her usual strange self, but it escalated until we eventually clashed. In that confrontation, she nearly took my life. Yet, because we 'used' to be 'friends,' she spared me that day," she recounted.

Intrigued by the complexity of her story, I couldn't help but inquire further, "What caused the change, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm not entirely sure," she began, a sense of uncertainty lingering in her words. "One day, she began mumbling to herself, which, in itself, wasn't unusual. However, then... I heard her say 'Tenebrosum' under her breath. Intrigued, I inquired about it, but she swiftly reverted to her usual demeanor, dismissing it as unimportant. I decided to let it go at the time, but now, well, as you can see, it was indeed something crucial. If only I had the power back then, maybe I could have intervened," she confessed, a hint of guilt and sadness tinting her tone.

The weight of responsibility bore down on Savina, evident in the subtle nuances of her expressions and the heaviness in her words. There was a palpable sense that she partially or perhaps entirely held herself accountable for the state of her universe, now under the control of Phumera and her group.

A sense of regret seemed to shroud her, as if she believed that, had she possessed the power back then, she could have altered the course of events by taking decisive action against her friend.

"Hindsight is only 20/20, Savina," I offered in an attempt to console her. "You couldn't possibly have predicted the trajectory of Phumera's life. Moreover, you didn't know what was wrong with her back then."

Her gaze intensified as she questioned, "But I could have... What do you think happened?" The intensity of her stare sought answers, an understanding that eluded her grasp.

Rather than immediately addressing her inquiry, I chose to pose a question of my own. "Did you know that Cúntóir is a small part of Azathoth, having gained her own self-awareness and personality after merging with my soul?" Her expression shifted into one of bewilderment, prompting me to continue.

"Much like Cúntóir's emergence from Azathoth, Magnum Tenebrosum has executed a similar transformation in someone within this universe. This individual has acquired their own personality, thoughts, freedoms, and a distinct sense of self. In the future, when I confront them, I intend to ask an important question. Depending on their response, I will either spare their life or end it," I explained, revealing a glimpse into a complex and nuanced situation.

Turning my gaze toward her, I supplemented my previous statement, "And no, it's not Phumera. Once she discovered where he was sleeping, she frequented it, and over time, many of his thoughts and his darkness gradually consumed her sanity. Right now, you could say Phumera is also corrupted."

Her eyes widened with a mix of concern and desperation. "T-then there's a chance—a hope of her reverting back?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a plea for reassurance.

I nodded, acknowledging the possibility. "There is, but the real question is, will this universe and the multitude of worlds and other universes she invaded forgive her?" I posed the question, leaving Savina enveloped in stunned silence.

"...With everything she has done, I doubt it," Savina responded thoughtfully. "But... Grayfia and Raikou have told me about what you did with Avezza and Satanael, and would that be possible for her?"

"Yes, it's possible, but that doesn't change anything about the others they've affected. With those two, they're researchers and are rarely seen in public by others, and even then, the public doesn't even know their name or how they look like, so I got away with it. Even then, I still question myself if it was the right call doing that," I explained to her.

A conflict brewed within me—part of me acknowledged the positive outcomes and the potential rectification of the wrongs through their contributions, but doubts lingered. The truth remained that the impact of their actions wasn't entirely erased.

Those two, Avezza and Satanael, operated in the shadows, rarely visible to the public eye. The general populace only knew them as faceless "scientists" and "researchers" affiliated with the Khaos Order, all of whom were believed to be either imprisoned or eliminated.

The ethical nuances of my decisions weighed heavily, a reminder that even actions with seemingly positive outcomes could leave lingering questions and moral quandaries.

"Can't you... make them all forget?" Savina inquired, her tone laced with guilt, and her expression mirroring the sentiment.

I considered her request before responding, "I could." Then, fixing my gaze on her, I continued, "But think about those who will remember, especially us in [DxD] and the Resistance. Some may find it in their hearts to forgive and forget, but what about those who can't? Would you force them to forgive her? How do you think they'll feel seeing the 'new' Phumera acting like nothing is wrong? Will that sit right with them?"

"Savina," I continued, my tone earnest, "Don't get me wrong. I'm all for people making amends, seeking retribution and such, but I draw the line at those I believe can never right their wrongs. At some point, Phumera lost that chance. Even if I alter things for her, those who remember may never forgive her." As I shared this perspective, Savina's gaze fell to the ground, absorbing the weight of the reality I presented.

Turning away, I began to walk, each step a deliberate move away from the conversation at hand. But then, I paused, my words hanging in the air. "I can see that you still care for her, even after all that she did. But at some point, you'll need to face some realities." Another pause, and my gaze shifted to the sky, the fading light casting a somber hue. "But ultimately, when we finally face off with her, I'll bring you along, and I'll advise everyone that you can choose how it ends. But keep in mind... you'll have to face those consequences for the decision you'll make that day for the rest of your life."

With those parting words, I continued to walk, leaving Savina to contemplate the weight of the decision looming between her and Phumera. The future hung in the balance, and for now, she had to grapple with the choices ahead. As for me, there was a party to prepare for, and tomorrow marked the beginning of integrating the new Ferrothos Prime into this planet and its connected counterpart.

— ○ ● ○ —

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