Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 18 – Part 1 – Orbits of Hope: The New Planets

Third Person Point of View

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In a concealed location, beyond the boundaries of the Phantasma universe, Phumera, Yve, and a multitude of researchers and scientists toiled relentlessly at a specific site. Their mission: to awaken the true master, the Outer God known as Magnum Tenebrosum or simply "Darkness" itself.

Amidst the focused activity, a scientist nervously approached Phumera with a report. "L-lady Phumera, we just received an alarming report," he stammered, catching her attention.

Phumera, her gaze fixed on the enormous shadowy figure of the Outer God, signaled for the scientist to continue. With trepidation, he relayed the unsettling news, "F-Ferrothos Prime has been destroyed by the Resistance. Anything resembling the planet has vanished, along with Zenosius, his subordinates, the ships, and reinforcements that were sent over there."

The weight of this revelation hung in the air, and Yve, who had been engrossed in her work nearby, halted her tasks. She swiftly moved toward the scientist, taking the holographic clipboard from him and scrutinizing its contents.

"Why weren't we notified of this sooner!?" Yve's voice resonated through the room, laced with frustration as she directed her anger at the scientist.

"I-I don't know, there were some interferences, apparently. E-each and every time they tried to contact us, something went wrong or something got in the way!" stammered the scientist, attempting to provide an explanation amidst the tense atmosphere.

Yve, visibly irritated, was on the verge of another outburst, but Phumera intervened, lifting her hand to signal restraint. "Those interferences may have come from the outer god... They have come to our universe, so our own 'war' has started," Phumera declared, her gaze shifting to Yve.

A hush fell over the room as various individuals ceased their work, turning their attention to Phumera, anticipating her next words.

"It's no wonder why something felt off for me... It matters not. As long as we wake up our master, we will win in the end. Alert the remaining Eradicators, Ueboros, Umbra, and other significant groups. Have them prepare for anything that the Resistance may do and target some of these planets for me," Phumera commanded, pointing at Yve's clipboard. New information promptly began to appear, detailing the strategic steps to be taken in response to the unfolding events.

"At once!" Yve responded with a bright smile and briskly darted away to attend to the assigned tasks. Her enthusiasm carried a palpable sense of dedication.

"Let us resume our own work, and let the rest delay [DxD] until we reawaken our master," Phumera directed, a commanding presence guiding her words. The workers surrounding her rekindled their activities, each movement a synchronized effort toward a shared goal. As they resumed their tasks, a serene smile graced Phumera's face as she gazed back at the imposing form of Magnum Tenebrosum.

"Soon... we'll be reunited soon," she murmured, the anticipation for the impending reunion reflecting in the gleam of her eyes.

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Haru's Soliloquy

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Several hours had drifted by since the operation, and as dinner time approached, I found myself tasked with rallying a few groups to head to the expansive dining area. It was more than a mere hall; Aaron had fashioned it as a large outdoor space reserved for special occasions.

Entering a particular room, I encountered some of Aaron's women, and I waddled over to them. "Hey, everyone, dinner's about to start, so we should make our way to that area soon," I informed them.

Lavinia-san glanced at me before gracefully rising and enveloping me in an embrace. With ease, she lifted me up and carried me over to her chair. It was a familiar routine, and I didn't mind. As she settled back into her seat, I noticed Shin accompanying her. True to habit, once she sat down, Shin leaped onto her lap, completing the cozy scene.

"Where have you been, Haru-chan~?" Lavinia-san inquired with a playful tone, breaking the air of conversation.

"I've just been going around telling [DxD] to go to the dining area. What have you all been talking about?" I asked, genuinely curious. However, as soon as the question left my lips, I noticed a peculiar change in most of their expressions. Faces turned red, and an awkward tension hung in the air. Did I accidentally say something weird?

Natsume Minagawa-san, among the women present, glanced at me and spoke hesitantly, "This is actually good timing, Haru. Since you're like a different party, we'd like your opinion... or is it an opinion? Well, whatever, just answer this honestly, okay?"

Perplexed but willing to participate, I nodded in agreement. Natsume-san's face reddened even further, and she hesitated before blurting out, "I know... we all agree that it may be Kuroka or even Akeno, but... h-has Aaron... um... sniffed your armpit lately?"

"S-sniff my a-armpit!? W-why would he do that...!?" I stammered, the sheer absurdity of the question shocked me that my mouth hung open. Natsume-san couldn't help but laugh at my shocked reaction.

"I guess not, huh?" she asked, seeking confirmation as I could only manage to shake my head in disbelief.

"N-no, I'm guessing he's done that to you... um, during your more... intimate moments together?" I ventured, the question hanging in the air. Their nods indicated the affirmative, leaving me perplexed.

I then tilted my head, trying to make sense of it, and said, "Is it really that strange?"

"What do you mean by that?" Suzaku-san inquired.

"...I mean, everyone here also sniffs Aaron a lot, don't you? Every time you hug him or do any couple-like thing, you usually end up putting your face on his chest or shoulder or any part of his body and taking a big whiff of him," I pointed out, addressing the unspoken yet familiar practice.

The room descended into a brief silence, a pregnant pause hanging in the air, before Kanami Minagawa-san broke it by nodding thoughtfully. "You know, she's right. We've always done that, haven't we?"

A murmur of acknowledgment rippled through the room, a realization settling in. Suzaku-san voiced a perplexed observation, "So you're saying Aaron is just... doing it back to us? But he did do it normally before. The fixation on our armpits so suddenly is a bit, well, sudden."

"Nya~ Hmm? Oh, you're all here." Kuroka-san strolled into the room, her feline grace evident in each step. "Grayfia said to come to the dining area already. She sent Haru to do it... Nya? Is something wrong, everyone?"

Natsume, wearing a serious expression, directed her inquiry toward Kuroka. "Kuroka, answer me honestly. Did you or Akeno make Aaron like sniffing our armpits?"

Kuroka-san paused, her gaze shifting between us before she burst into laughter. Laughter echoed through the room, a playful and carefree sound that filled the air.

After a few moments, the laughter subsided, and Kuroka-san composed herself enough to explain, "I came across Aaron when he was walking around, making sure everyone was okay. Spontaneously, I asked him to play rock-paper-scissors, and he agreed. We also made a bet that the loser would do whatever the winner wanted."

A mischievous grin adorned her face as she exclaimed, "I won, nya! After our six-hour sex session, I challenged him to sniff a few of your armpits as a punishment game, nyahahahaha! I didn't think he'd actually do it!"

Shigune-san tilted her head, a bemused expression on her face. "...Aaron has been doing that from time to time before today, though?"

"Well, yeah," Kuroka-san admitted with a snigger, "Akeno and I have been trying to get him to embrace a lot of weird fetishes since we started having regular sex with him." The admission was accompanied by a playful glint in her eyes, suggesting that she still had many things to make Aaron addicted to.

Suzaku-san rose swiftly, a fluid motion bringing her to stand directly in front of Kuroka-san. Acting before Kuroka could respond, Suzaku-san seized her cheeks, giving them a playful yet firm pinch, and stretched them out.

"Please don't force our fiancé to have weird fetishes," Suzaku-san calmly stated, though an unmistakable undertone of threat colored her voice.

Caught off guard, Kuroka-san began to sweat, nodding rapidly in agreement. "I-I promise I won't, nya! B-but you have to convince Akeno not to do that since she was the one who suggested it," she explained, desperation lacing her words.

A peculiar and ominous glint flickered in Suzaku-san's eyes before she vanished in a flash of flames, leaving the rest of us in the room to process the unexpected encounter.

After a moment of tense silence, Kuroka sighed, her voice softening. "...I'm sorry, Akeno, rest in peace nya," she murmured, folding her hands into a prayer.

"Please don't kill Akeno off before anything happens," Lavinia said, her words tinged with humor as she giggled. A collective curiosity prompted all of us to turn our attention toward her.

"I don't mind," she added casually, eliciting a puzzled reaction from Natsume-san.

"What do you mean you don't mind?" Natsume-san inquired, clearly taken aback by Lavinia's nonchalant statement.

With a gleeful expression, Lavinia clarified, "I don't mind what fetishes Aaron gets from interacting with all of us. As long as it's nothing too strange, then I'll accept it and indulge him." Her happiness radiated as she playfully engaged with Shin's paws, seeking a canine companion in her whimsy. Shin responded with a happy bark, further fueling Lavinia's amusement.

"At times, I can't take your words too seriously, Lavinia," Natsume-san remarked with a sigh. Lavinia-san turned her gaze toward Natsume-san, tilting her head inquisitively.

"You're too deeply in love with him to find some of his faults," Natsume-san pointed out.

"That's not true," Lavinia began, but faltered as she struggled to identify any faults. Even I, as an observer, could discern some imperfections. Lavinia's hesitation hinted at a complex interplay between love and perception, leaving the air tinged with unspoken sentiments.

"See? Sheesh, I love him too, but I wouldn't say it's as deep as yours," Natsume-san chimed in, nodding thoughtfully. Her remark, however, earned a snort from Kanami-san. "Do you have anything to say, Sis?" Natsume-san questioned, glaring at Kanami-san.

"That's a lie. While it's not at the level of Lavinia, you're pretty up there. I am too! Anyway, I saw it once," Kanami-san remarked with a smirk, a mischievous glint in her eyes that made Natsume-san visibly nervous. "Oh, but don't worry, little sister. I won't tell them that I saw you indulging Aaron in various strange things, including your own fetishes. Fufu—ahhh!!"

Suddenly, Natsume-san lunged at Kanami-san, attempting to strangle her, her face now even redder than before.

"Stop! Stop! You're seriously going to kill me!" Kanami-san pleaded, desperately trying to fend off Natsume-san's attempts to reach her neck. The playful banter escalated into a comical struggle, filled with laughter and a hint of embarrassment, creating a lively scene within the group.

The atmosphere in the room grew increasingly vulgar by the minute, prompting me to slowly make my exit. Surprisingly, Shigune-san seemed entirely unfazed, a demeanor I hadn't expected. I had anticipated her to be more shy or perhaps even a bit embarrassed, given the nature of the conversation, but she appeared perfectly comfortable.

Amidst the banter, I noticed that Shigune-san referred to Aaron as "Dear" more frequently than the others, a touch of endearment that didn't go unnoticed. Fusae-san was present as well, though she seemed preoccupied with a book, Liadonn-chan peacefully slumbering on her lap.

Despite her apparent focus on her reading, it became evident that Fusae-san was not immune to the conversation around her, occasional glints in her eyes and intermittent blushes betraying her awareness.

Stepping outside, I found myself in the vicinity of Team [DxD]'s quarters. As I looked up at the futuristic ceiling of the underground base, a sigh escaped me. "Where the heck are you, Yoru?" I muttered under my breath, closing my eyes.

Instinctively, I reached out to sense my sister's aura and was surprised to find it emanating from a different building. What caught me off guard was the presence of Aaron's aura alongside hers. Intrigued and puzzled, I set off in the direction of their combined energies, curious to uncover the reason for their shared location.

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Upon reaching the designated location, I couldn't help but notice that the building was exclusively dedicated to Aaron. It seemed like the ideal place for him to conduct his affairs during our downtime in the Phantasma's universe.

In stark contrast to the surrounding structures, this building stood out as more reserved and utilitarian, reflecting Aaron's pragmatic approach. It lacked the flamboyance of the other structures but struck a balance that somehow made it distinctive in its simplicity.

Shadow Soldiers, Aaron's loyal guards, stood vigilant at the entrance. As I approached, they acknowledged my presence with a nod and granted me access. The absence of a receptionist didn't hinder me; utilizing my powers, I selected the appropriate floor in the elevator and ascended swiftly, arriving at the pinnacle in no time.

The unembellished exterior belied the purposeful efficiency within, a testament to Aaron's preference for functionality over extravagance.

Standing before what I presumed to be his office door, I pushed it open, and my jaw practically hit the floor at the sight that unfolded before me.

The room sprawled out, relatively large, almost a mirror image of Aaron's office back in our universe. Yet, a subtle difference caught my eye—a coffee table surrounded by two couches. There, seated on one of them, was Aaron, and nestled on his lap was none other than my sister, Yoru.

Her demeanor was a peculiar blend of playfulness and intimacy. She intermittently pecked Aaron's cheeks while whispering something into his ear. It was an unusual sight, seeing Yoru in such a carefree moment, especially with her qipao draped loosely, revealing glimpses of her shoulders and thighs.

"Y-Y-Yoru?!" I couldn't help but exclaim, my surprise evident.

Aaron's attention shifted toward me, and he greeted me with a warm smile, lifting his free hand in acknowledgment. "Oh, hey, Haru. I'm assuming dinner is ready? I sent a clone over there to help out, and he was just dismissed a minute ago. Grayfia sent you, right?" he inquired, the casualness of his tone contrasting with the unexpected scene before me.

"Y-y-yeah, I came here to get you," I mumbled in response. However, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Yoru continued to focus solely on Aaron. Another peck to his cheek followed, and finally, her attention briefly shifted back to me, her cheeks now tinged with a rosy shade of embarrassment.

"Haru... I'll join you now," she softly uttered before gracefully rising from Aaron's lap. My confusion lingered, heightened when I noticed her retrieving her panties from the end of the couch they had shared. Embarrassment crept up my face, and a whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind. D-d-d-did they have sex!? Yoru's actions seemed unexpectedly daring.

Suddenly, Aaron chuckled, and I realized he was addressing my unspoken concerns. "I can see that your mind is racing, but nothing happened here. Yes, I was shocked when Yoru took her panties off, but we didn't do anything. I calmed her down, and she had just been a very sweet dragon for the last few minutes, giving me kisses on the cheek," he clarified, dispelling the lingering uncertainty.

"I-is that so? T-then, we'll get going..." I stammered, my hand grabbing Yoru's arm, and together we exited the room. Confusion marked my wide-eyed expression as I turned to her and demanded, "Explain! I need details, dammit! What the heck was that?"

Yoru's cheeks flushed crimson again as she whispered, "You're... behind me now, onee-chan, hehe." She met my gaze and added, "I might become an adult before you."

"Huh!? Like I'd let that happen!" I exclaimed, a mix of surprise and determination in my voice. We continued walking away, engaging in a conversation about the events that had unfolded in that room.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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The night stretched ahead, a canvas waiting to be painted with celebration. From my vantage point, I sensed that Branthar and Eliovan were now awake, adding to the anticipation of the future festivities.

Exiting what I fondly referred to as my "Business Building," a nickname bestowed upon it for reasons known only to me, I gazed up at the ceiling of the Underground base.

It had been a few hours since Savina, in a seemingly nonchalant manner, had handed over the building to me. Though she played it off casually, our earlier conversation lingered in my mind. The unexpected gesture struck a chord, and while I didn't dwell on it extensively, a sense of gratitude compelled me to thank her once again in my mind.

Another unexpected surprise unfolded as a familiar figure stood before me—a petite girl with twin tails, each resembling a neatly coiled drill.

"Aaron-sama, everyone is waiting. They're expecting you to give a speech," Ravel announced, her hands resting confidently on her hips.

I offered her a weary smile and nodded. "More speeches, huh? I'd rather not, honestly," I admitted, my fatigue evident. Nevertheless, I joined her, and as a gesture of unity, Ravel took my hand. Our fingers intertwined, and I continued, "So, I'm guessing it's about the recent victory and some of our future goals? Maybe I'll talk about the new planet too?"

"Yes, Latia-san and I spoke about it with Astrid-sama, Liember-sama, and Savina-sama, and we think you should address some of those points. But don't make it long-winded, just keep it straight to the point," she explained, providing further details that I absorbed attentively.

As she concluded, she asked, "Do you understand?" Her gaze locked onto my face.

"Yes, Mom," I replied promptly. A brief silence followed my response, prompting me to glance at Ravel. Puffing her cheeks in a display of displeasure, she elicited a chuckle from me. In a sudden playful gesture, I lifted her up, cradling her like a princess. "I'll seriously do it, okay? Don't be too upset, Ravel. I was just teasing you."

Our unconventional display garnered confused and curious looks from passersby, but I chose to disregard the attention. Ravel, her cheeks now tinted with a rosy hue, responded, "Yes... thank you very much." She nestled her head on my chest, drawing closer and closing her eyes in a moment of tranquility amid the bustling surroundings. The world around us faded away as we shared a brief respite from the busy night that lay ahead.

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Eventually, we reached the venue, situated above ground in one of the newly established cities near the cleared-out tree. To keep the monsters at bay, we utilized the same crystals from Tír na nÓg that protected the city, of course, I made them, but the surrounding areas remained frequented by these creatures.

At the heart of the venue stood a massive water fountain, its centerpiece bearing an unmistakable figure: Ddraig. Despite the organizers' desire for me to be part of the fountain's grandeur, I declined.

Instead, a democratic approach unfolded. Various individuals inscribed their names on pieces of paper, which were then deposited into a box. The moment of truth arrived when Savina drew a name from the box—Ddraig emerged as the chosen one.

Initially elated, Ddraig's joy took an unexpected turn when the water began spurting from his humanoid form, it came out of its small stony penis. Instantly, his enthusiasm dwindled, and it became evident that he was no longer thrilled about the situation. Anticipating this potential outcome, I had wisely opted out, sparing myself from the awkward spectacle at the time.

"Looks like a few people are already drunk," I remarked, scanning the lively surroundings of Ivoryillum. The city's name, a spontaneous creation by Inaie, had a charm that resonated with all of us, leading to unanimous approval.

Ravel responded with a touch of sternness, "Yes, there are, but they're not as rowdy as the ones back home, so they're more tolerable."

I couldn't resist a teasing tone, "Fufu, it seems like Ravel-sama has a very high standard, doesn't she?" Her unamused stare only fueled the playful banter. However, a subtle shift occurred in her demeanor as she gazed back at me, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

"U-um... before I go, may I request something?" she inquired, as she slightly squirmed in my arms.

"Go ahead," I encouraged, and she leaned in, whispering her request into my ear. A chuckle escaped me as I responded, "That's quite a request, Ravel, but I don't mind. I already did that with Rias before we got together."

She attempted to form a response, but before she could utter a word, I leaned down, closing the distance between us, and pressed my lips to hers.

A surge of warmth enveloped us as her eyes immediately shut, overwhelmed by a blend of embarrassment and shared intimacy. The kiss was met with a slightly clumsy response, a hint of uncertainty as she tentatively licked my lips, an endearing gesture that only fueled my amusement.

Breaking the kiss, I inquired, "Is that okay?"

"Mmm! Mmm...!" she enthusiastically replied, nodding her head vigorously in approval. "I can work hard with this!" she exclaimed before I gently set her down. "I'll go join Savina-sama then!" she shouted, summoning her fiery wings and gracefully ascending into the skies.

"Looks like you guys did it," Radelia's voice reached me as I began to walk away. Glancing back at her, she joined my side. "I didn't think it would only take you guys a couple of hours of fighting to take control of Ferrothos Prime and defeat Zenosius and everyone else there."

"Just another Friday for us, nothing too hard," I responded casually, meeting her gaze with ease. "But I do plan on bringing the new Ferrothos Prime into view for everyone starting tomorrow. Would you like to join us? Although it's going to be a lot of work since we need to focus on this planet, the one Sona's group liberated, and now Ferrothos Prime."

Radelia took a moment before responding, "I will once I get back. We received a notice for all Eradicators, Ueboros, Umbra, and other groups to go to the main planet to discuss your arrival and our own plans."

"So they've already sent out the alert, huh? I guess my delays on having that information reach Phumera worked, fufu," I mused, a sly smile playing on my lips as we arrived at a particular building where everyone else awaited us.

"You did something?" Radelia inquired, curiosity etching her features.

"Yeah, I just delayed the transmission of what was happening to them, and then created certain blockades that would slow it down even more. So after we left and arrived here, they probably finally got it," I explained, a hint of amusement coloring my tone, punctuated by a light laugh.

Radelia regarded me with a thoughtful expression and asked, "Do you perhaps like messing with your enemies?"

Another smile graced my lips as I reminisced about encounters with beings like Nyarlathotep, who had taken delight in "messing" with me for an entire year. I'm sorry, but I probably would want to do the same thing to them now if I could.

However, I'm not going to be petty by bringing them back to life just for that... Maybe by going to a different timeline or universe in the future and messing with them that way, but that's like... in a hundred to two hundred years down the line. I can hold grudges if needed.

"Maybe," I replied with a hint of mystery. "I'll tell you why during a different time. I'll go get ready, and you should too." Radelia nodded in agreement, swiftly leaving my side. I entered a small hallway, then proceeded into a room. "Sorry for the delay."

Inside the room, I found Latia and Savina donned in dresses that accentuated their elegance. Offering them both a thumbs up, Latia responded with a shake of her head, while Savina chuckled at my gesture. I gave my shoulder a light tap before changing into a tuxedo. With a snap of my fingers, my hairstyle shifted into a sleek, slicked-back look.

"Is this fine?" I questioned. Latia, wearing a slight frown, approached me and adjusted the black tie on my tuxedo. "Hmm. Even with my powers, they always come out crooked," I mused.

"Or... you do this on purpose, so we do this for you, am I right?" Latia queried, her gaze fixed on me, a small smile playing on her lips.

Tilting my head slightly, I replied, "Who knows?"

Latia's soft giggle resonated in the air before we shared a quick, affectionate kiss. As we lingered in that moment, Savina observed us, her curiosity evident. "Hmm... you really care for them, don't you?" she inquired, her gaze focused on our connection.

I resisted the urge to deliver a slightly unhinged response, opting for a more composed nod. "Of course, why wouldn't I? Anyway, we should get going; don't want to keep the drunkards waiting."

Both ladies concurred with my sentiment, and we began our journey back to the stage. Along the way, we encountered Branthar, who looked remarkably out of place in a suit, and Eliovan, who stuck to his usual attire. He justified his choice by stating it wasn't worth changing into stuffy clothes for just a few minutes of a speech.

In the back of my mind, I silently agreed with Eliovan. Formal attire could indeed feel excessive on certain occasions. However, I couldn't afford to project an image of laziness, as it might affect how some people perceived me.

A delicate balance had to be maintained to appease both my laid-back sensibilities and the expectations of those who cared about appearances. It was a nuanced dance, one I navigated with a mindful awareness of the impressions I left behind.

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It felt like hell, an inferno of wild revelry that defied my expectations. This universe's inhabitants, as it turned out, were far more unrestrained than I could have imagined. While our parties back home seemed extravagant, the scene before me unfolded into a chaotic celebration—some individuals dashed around in a state of undress, others engaged in unexpected, and frankly bizarre, activities such as humping trees or each other.

The speeches had lasted about four minutes. Savina initiated the address, flanked by the present leaders, including Eliovan. Initially, the crowd exhibited their rowdiness, but Eliovan's unexpected change in mannerisms shifted the atmosphere. His presence prompted a noticeable change, quelling the initial dissent within the first thirty seconds of his speech.

I, however, took the stage last. My address consisted of outlining a few key points, concluding on a high note that ignited excitement among the crowd. Little did I anticipate that the high note would crescendo into this chaotic mess that now enveloped the gathering.

However, among the celebrations, there were those who shed tears as I announced our success. A few approached me afterward, sharing stories of how they had lost their loved ones to the Phumera and her organization. This single, yet significant, victory provided a semblance of closure for some of them. It was heartening to see the impact our triumph had on the grieving hearts.

On the flip side, there were others who approached with a different sentiment, urging me to exterminate Phumera's organization entirely. I did my best to engage with each perspective, listening to their pain, empathizing with their loss, and finding common ground amidst the divergent opinions.

After attending to the emotional needs of others, I found a moment of solitude, settling on a table away from the crowd. The venue was bathed in the warm glow of magical lights, casting a serene ambiance. The tables, a sturdy blend of wood and stone, reflected the resilience of the gathering, standing as a testament to the shared struggles and victories that brought everyone together.

Several clones of mine were diligently serving the guests, primarily responsible for the catering aspect of the event. To add variety and adapt to the diverse crowd, I had altered their appearances, featuring both men and women in the mix. However, the festive atmosphere took a turn as the partygoers, fueled by alcohol, began to harass my clones.

Numerous complaints reached my ears, prompting me to take action. I forcefully sobered up the unruly individuals and issued a stern warning. The majority, around 99% of them, expressed sincere apologies and toned down their behavior while continuing to enjoy the festivities. As for the remaining 1%, I opted for a simpler solution and peacefully put them to sleep—I had no desire to deal with unnecessary disruptions.

Taking charge of this aspect were Grayfia and Raiko, both ensuring the smooth operation of the catering. Their organizational skills played a crucial role in managing the situation efficiently. However, in the midst of overseeing the proceedings, I reminded them to take a moment to relax. This night was, after all, meant for enjoyment and unwinding, even for those overseeing the festivities.

"So many people..." Valerie mumbled as she approached me, her arms outstretched in a silent request for assistance. Without hesitation, I clicked my fingers, and she reappeared on my lap, releasing a contented sigh.

"You didn't seem to mind larger crowds before, Valerie. Is there something wrong with this one in particular?" I inquired, curious about the source of her discomfort. She shook her head in response.

"No... it's just, the alcohol here smells strange. I don't know the specifics, but I don't like the smell. I think Gasper and Elmenhilde would agree if they were here, you know?" she explained, revealing the source of her unease. Understanding her discomfort, I gently poked her nose while simultaneously eliminating the offensive odor.

"Thank you..." she expressed her gratitude, the words carrying a sense of relief.

"Maybe we should send a sample to them while they're still on the ship with Rias and the rest," I suggested, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips.

Valerie, not amused by the idea, reached over and pinched my nose while softly glaring. "No. Bad Aaron. Teasing is fine, but this would be torture for those two!" she chided, and I relented, discarding the notion.

"Sure thing, Valerie-sama. Although... have you eaten anything yet? You said the alcohol made you feel sick," I inquired, genuine concern lacing my words. Valerie shook her head, indicating that she hadn't.

"No, I haven't. I'd like to get some, but..." Valerie began to explain, but before she could finish, one of my clones appeared in front of us, bearing a plate of food that I thought Valerie would enjoy. She blinked a few times, momentarily puzzled, but ultimately accepted the plate filled with an array of tempting dishes.

She regarded me with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, releasing a sigh as she shook her head. A tender peck on my cheek preceded her words, "You are so extra at times... but thank you, bon appétit." With that, she delved into her meal, savoring each bite.

Midway through her enjoyment, she halted, looking concerned. "What about you? Aren't you hungry?"

"I'm fine, I can last—" My protest was abruptly cut short as she promptly inserted a piece of "shrimp" into my mouth, leaving me with little choice but to partake. Her stern gaze met mine, silently insisting that I comply, and so I did. With a playful teasing tone, I remarked, "W~o~w, I didn't think my future wife would be this forceful."

While immersed in our meal, a few others joined us, including a member of a vampire-like race native to this universe and Dulio's team. I greeted them with a raised hand as they approached, creating an atmosphere of tranquility. Griselda swiftly claimed a spot by my free side, seamlessly integrating into our gathering.

"The food's great, Jin-kun," Dulio exclaimed between bites, his mouth full of eyeballs with chicken wings on the sides. "The way they looked seemed a bit strange at first, but after thinking it over, a lot of the dishes I've tried around our universe from different countries were like this too, so I just ate them."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it," I replied with a smile. I glanced around, observing the consensus of enjoyment among the assembled group. Dulio's team, each engrossed in their chosen dishes, added a diverse mix of flavors to our collective dining experience.

One of them, with a dish that bore an uncanny resemblance to a baboon's ass cheeks, brought a quirky yet amusing element to the eclectic feast.

As Dulio's team settled around us, the vampire-like figure among us cleared his throat discreetly, capturing our attention. Turning toward him, he took the initiative to introduce himself.

"Pardon my intrusion, I'm Ecilon," he said, his eyes briefly focusing on Valerie, who was still comfortably seated on my lap. "I've noticed you here for the last few weeks, and I was wondering if you were sing—"

Valerie, not missing a beat, swiftly displayed her ring, a silent response to his unspoken question. Without breaking the flow of her meal, she seamlessly grabbed my hand, exhibited my ring too, and continued eating, a gesture that spoke volumes without the need for words.

Curiosity surged within me. I had encountered numerous vampires in my life so far, each possessing a distinct personality and demeanor, with only a handful maintaining an air of superiority.

The prospect of encountering vampires in this particular universe intrigued me, and I couldn't help but wonder how they differed from those I had encountered before. Lost in my musings, I observed the vampire-like creature fixating its gaze on Valerie and me.

Unexpectedly, he burst into tears, his hands covering his face, and hastily fled the scene, exclaiming, "I'm sorry! It was a misunderstanding!"

A ripple of curiosity swept through the onlookers, prompting them to divert their attention towards us and then to Ecilon. However, their expressions shifted to bemusement, accompanied by smiles and gentle shakes of their heads, as they returned to their own conversations.

It became apparent that this bizarre display was a common occurrence with the peculiar vampire-like creature, leaving an amusing impression on those familiar with his antics.

"What was that about?" Nero inquired between bites of his meal.

"Misunderstanding?" Griselda reiterated, her gaze shifting toward Valerie.

Valerie paused in her eating, setting aside her utensils as she began to explain, "For the last few weeks, I've seen him around and spoke to him a few times, but he never left a big impression on me, so I didn't think much of it. I did notice that he was... something close to a vampire in this universe, so that's probably why he approached me."

A thoughtful expression crossed her face as she continued, "I don't know why he started to like me, though. Our conversations were few and far between. I was also quite obvious with wearing my ring, so I don't know how he didn't notice it." Having shed light on the situation, she resumed eating.

I playfully poked Valerie's cheek, and she responded by rubbing her face against my finger. "I heard some rumors that some people see it as a challenge to try to get together with someone who's married. Some see the ring and don't care, with some trying even harder, though I doubt that's the case for Ecilon," I remarked.

"That seems a bit scummy," Jessica chimed in tiredly, her head resting on the table rather than engaging with her meal.

Shrugging, I offered, "People are strange like that, and infidelity isn't anything new. Also, it's on both people, you know? They'll either have restraint or none at all."

Dulio, always one to dive into intriguing discussions, posed a question, "What about you, Jin-kun? You have or want a harem, how does that work for you? I know the girls around you only want to date you, but... in a way, you have the choice of adding more, don't you?" The unexpected turn of the conversation brought a collective pause as everyone turned their attention to me, awaiting my response.

To be completely honest, prior to my reincarnation here, I held a favorable opinion of many characters in DxD, much like many others. Yet, Akeno was the one who dominated my thoughts at the time, with perhaps Grayfia in the periphery. Though, I had assumed she was married to Sirzechs during that period.

As for everyone else, it all unfolded somewhat naturally. The connection with Kuroka arose from my desire to help clear her name, not with the intent of adding her to my harem. The same sentiment applied to the others. However, as time progressed, dynamics shifted, and I found myself developing affections for some of them and in turn wanted them in my harem.

"Well... it's not like I'm actively trying to get together with any more women, you could say. Things just happen, and we end up liking each other in the end. But..." My gaze shifted towards Griselda and Valerie before I continued, "there is some kind of unspoken rule."

"Unspoken rule?" echoed Diethelm Waldseemüller, prompting a nod from me.

"Yeah, a rule. Usually, it's just the girls having a bad feeling about a woman who's taken an interest in me, and if they do, I trust it and try to limit my time around them," I explained, delving into the unwritten dynamics that governed my interactions.

While never explicitly articulated, these unspoken sentiments manifested through the girls' actions. Memories of my avatar's time at Kuoh College served as a testament to this unspoken understanding. The pattern persisted even when I was physically present, with Kiyome, Rias, Akeno, Sona, Tsubaki, and Ingvild often guiding me away from individuals, particularly women, whom they didn't "like."

"Hmm... so, in a way, they approve and disapprove of certain women you can add to your harem? That's certainly interesting. Has this happened with women in the supernatural world, or is it limited to just humans?" Dulio inquired, probing deeper into the intricacies of this unspoken rule.

"It's both, I think," I responded, the notion of recalling every single interaction with everyone was not something I actively pursued, even though my powers granted me that capability.

"Are there any recent examples?" Mirana inquired, a touch of nervousness evident in her voice.

I took a moment to ponder, searching for recent instances. "Mmm... not that I can think of—well, if it counts, I guess, the goddess Freyja?" I replied, a hint of uncertainty accompanying my response.

A few days before our departure from our universe, Freyja paid us a visit, bearing food as a gesture of goodwill. The demands of the operation we had undergone and the aftermath had kept her occupied, primarily caring for Óðr.

Our gathered information indicated that Óðr found himself imprisoned, much like Loki and Hel. Despite Freyja's efforts to appeal for a reconsideration of his sentence, success remained elusive.

During her visit, Freyja's demeanor was noticeably different, less flirtatious with me. The girls, however, were quick to make their sentiments clear—they didn't want her associating with me. To her credit, Freyja handled the situation with grace, acknowledging the shift in dynamics. She shared that she intended to tone down her flirtatious tendencies since Óðr had reentered her life.

"Goddess Freyja? That's certainly interesting—for you to reject a goddess of love and fertility. Not many would expect that," Ryuu remarked as he finally joined the conversation.

I responded with a nonchalant shrug, a gesture attempting to encapsulate the complex web of circumstances and emotions that led me to this unusual decision. Various factors, including my own intuition, the relationships with the other girls, and the tumultuous events involving Óðr, contributed to this unexpected dynamic. However, it was essential to note that Freyja expressed a desire to be friends, and the other girls were amenable to this arrangement.

Following this particular discussion, the atmosphere shifted into a more casual and light-hearted one. The remainder of the night unfolded with a delightful chaos.

— ○ ● ○ —

The festivities gradually subsided, and the surroundings were littered with people who had succumbed to the partying, sprawled across chairs, tables, the ground, and even up in trees or on the Ddraig statue. Despite the waning energy, a handful of individuals persisted in their celebration.

Opting to witness the conclusion of the festivities, I chose to remain amidst the aftermath. Several [DxD] members retreated to the team's building for a night's rest. While a few girls lingered by my side, most succumbed to drowsiness.

Kuroka, in her cat form, perched on my head, alternating between moments of slumber and wakefulness. Lavinia and Gabriel, seemingly inseparable, lay nestled beside me in a shared slumber, while Suzaku made a valiant effort to stay awake on my other side.

Velgrynd and Azathoth departed earlier, seemingly losing interest in the festivities. Meanwhile, Danu, Grayfia, and Raiko retraced their steps to tidy up, and I dispatched several clones to assist them, easing their workload. Inaie, unfortunately, succumbed to fatigue earlier; the poor girl fought to stay awake but succumbed to the relentless drowsiness.

Dulio's team and Valerie opted for a night's rest, and I guided Valerie back to my room earlier since she was sharing it with me tonight.

Observing another party goer succumb to exhaustion, I muttered, "There goes another one."

Suzaku, barely keeping herself awake, whispered in agreement, "Yes... there they go," her body swaying slightly from side to side in an effort to remain alert.

I clasped Suzaku's arm firmly, drawing her closer to me. "Just rest, Suzaku. I'll bring everyone back to their rooms after sorting this out," I reassured her. She complied, shutting her eyes, surrendering to the embrace of sleep.

Evidently, Suzaku had appeared on Rias' ship earlier, engaging in a conversation with Akeno. The details eluded me, but it left Akeno in a state of shock and distress. She yearned to return, seeking solace from me. Attempting to discuss it with Suzaku proved futile; she insisted on Akeno explaining. Hence, I found myself in a state of anticipation, awaiting Akeno's account of the sudden encounter.

After a few more minutes, the rest of the inebriated individuals finally succumbed to slumber. Taking charge, I gently tapped each person around me, instantly teleporting them to their respective rooms or mine. Rising from my seat, I replicated the process for everyone else in the vicinity. Additionally, with a snap of my fingers, I effortlessly tidied up the entire place before heading to the kitchen to assist the trio.

Upon entering the spacious kitchen, I observed my clones diligently tackling most of the cleaning duties. Grayfia, Raiko, and Danu were focused on drying and stowing away the dishes and utensils.

The towering stack of plates and cutlery hinted at a prolonged task that might extend well into the morning. To their surprise, I intervened once more, employing another snap of my fingers. In an instant, all the items were not only cleaned but also dried and neatly stored away, leaving them astonished at the sudden efficiency.

My clones gave a respectful salute before vanishing, leaving me in the company of three women who seemed rather indifferent to their task.

Without delay, Grayfia reappeared right in front of me, seizing my cheeks and giving them a gentle pinch. "Aaron, I'd rather we do things conventionally than resort to magic. It fosters good habits and prevents you from relying on magic constantly."

"Yesh, ma'am," I responded dutifully. She let go of my cheeks, heaving a sigh of exasperation.

"We should call it a night; tomorrow awaits with a load of tasks and a meeting with the leaders to discuss our next move," I informed them, and they swiftly nodded in agreement.

As Raiko and Grayfia departed, Danu halted me by gently seizing my hand. When I turned to face her, she tugged me closer, her expression tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

"C-can we, um, share a night soon...?" she murmured, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue.

Her words caught me off guard, and she fidgeted nervously as I processed them. After a moment, I couldn't help but chuckle, wrapping her in an embrace. "It was a bit challenging for you to bring it up, huh? But I'd be delighted," I said, pausing for a moment before whispering in her ear, "You'd be the first goddess I 'eat,' now that I think about it, wouldn't you?"

As I pulled away, Danu's face turned a deep shade of crimson, rendering her temporarily speechless. Another round of laughter escaped me as I lifted her in a bridal embrace, joining the others, who seemed bewildered by my unexpected actions.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following morning dawned upon us, and the entire team was diligently engaged in their respective tasks. While various teams had already embarked on their assigned missions, I found myself confined to yet another meeting room. For the past two hours, we had been engrossed in discussions that were now drawing to a close.

Savina broke the concluding silence, proposing, "Shall we unveil Cosmosilica Terraflora?" The consensus among the group was unanimous, and we all rallied behind her suggestion.

What was once Ferrothos Prime had undergone a transformation and renamed as Cosmosilica Terraflora. The name was a collaborative effort between Echilys and Danu, and the collective decision was to embrace and adopt this new name.

Exiting the meeting room, we made our way to the surface. Eliovan broadcasted an announcement regarding a forthcoming connection to a new planet aligned with this one.

Those eager to witness the event were encouraged to head to the surface. However, entry remained restricted until I completed my thorough double or triple checks—a process anticipated to take only a few hours.

Upon breaching the surface, an increasing number of onlookers gathered, eager to catch a glimpse of the newfound planet. With a simple gesture—my hand raised, fingers clicking—a colossal portal materialized, unveiling a new planet. Its predominant hues were purple, white, and blue, mirroring the colors of its flora and wildlife. The crowd erupted in cheers at the awe-inspiring sight.

Notably, I had concealed this planet to evade detection by Phumera or anyone else. Satisfied with my covert actions, Eliovan proclaimed that access would be granted in a few hours. I, however, still had to conduct some meticulous final checks to ensure its safety and suitability for habitation.

After completing the task, Eliovan joined our group, accompanied by a few others. I then used my teleportation ability to transport all of us to the designated planet.

— ○ ● ○ —

Gabriel's excitement bubbled forth as she exclaimed, "This feels like a scene straight out of a movie!" Her eyes darted in every direction, and in her enthusiasm, her wings unfolded, unintentionally flapping with a rhythmic beat.

The rest of the group mirrored her surprise at the unconventional design I had chosen. Massive metallic structures formed large circles that loomed above the expansive bridge we stood on, emitting a mysterious glow. Below, the river painted a deep blue canvas, its surface adorned with the occasional jellyfish, their heads visible above the water.

On the horizon, towering office-like buildings dominated the landscape, while smaller shops added a quaint charm to our surroundings. The flora around us presented a burst of colors—purple, white, pink, and green flowers, bushes, and various plants creating a vibrant tapestry.

Android jellyfish gracefully floated in the air, their movements resembling that of lamps illuminating the spaces they traversed. Though, conventional lights also dotted our surroundings, ensuring we didn't solely rely on these artificial creatures for illumination.

With a pointed finger, I directed their attention, explaining, "The sizable building over there serves as our planetary headquarters. To its left, the slightly smaller structure houses the leader. On the right, you'll find [DxD]'s building. As for the smallest one in the front, it's a spacious apartment complex available for anyone seeking accommodation."

Although I initially referred to it as the smallest, the structure was surprisingly substantial, measuring only half the height of the tallest one. It had the potential to accommodate approximately 2000 families, if my estimate was correct.

"I've got a couple of spots I want to verify—this tour is brief, so stick close and avoid straying too far. I've set up boards with maps and marked locations all over the planet; if you find yourself lost, just follow them," I explained, leading the way northward toward a specific destination.

As we strolled, everyone took in their surroundings, some offering comments on what they observed.

"Hey, what's that?" Gabriel exclaimed, gripping my arm and pointing towards a sizable circular structure that bore a resemblance to a basketball.

"It's an indoor basketball facility, equipped with fifteen courts—five on the ground level, five on an elevated floor, and another five underground. The complex also features additional amenities such as canteens, showers, an entertainment area, and rooms available for short-term or extended stays," I explained.

"Considering the uncertainty about whether the Phantasma universe embraces this sport, I took the initiative to install a television within the facility. It broadcasts instructions and rules for playing basketball. While I may eventually hire someone to ensure everyone is informed, that sums up the setup," I continued. Gabriel expressed interest, prompting me to suggest, "If any of you are interested, we can visit later."

"Basketball seems intriguing," Branthar exclaimed, giving me an affirming pat on the back. "Count me in!"

"Sure thing. But let's first head to our initial destination," I proposed, and we increased our pace accordingly.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching our destination, a sense of confusion gripped a few, and a subtle wave of amusement resonated through others, evident in the soft snickers and eye rolls that followed.

Savina, her brow furrowed in puzzlement, voiced her inquiry, "What is this? A restaurant?"

I clarified, "Exactly. The Ryukororeacht Restaurant, my personal venture in our universe. Given its proximity to the planet's core, I decided to extend my culinary haven here as well. By the way, 'Ryukororeacht' translates to 'Dragon Heart Legacy' if you were curious." My explanation piqued their interest.

"Come in; we'll only be here for a few minutes," I urged, leading them into the establishment. The interior mirrored the exterior, and as I checked a few details, Lavinia's voice resonated from the stage, captivating everyone's attention.

Seated on chairs nearby, they absorbed the melodic performance, while I, maintaining a distance, continued my observational sweep of the surroundings. The harmonious ambiance of Lavinia's singing provided a backdrop to my thorough examination of the establishment.

As I neared the completion of my inspection, I couldn't help but notice that Lavinia's song, carefully chosen, coincided with the end of my task. Her thoughtful timing didn't go unnoticed, and I found myself deeply appreciating the gesture.

Stepping out from the kitchen, applause erupted, acknowledging her performance. In the midst of the cheers, Gabriel swiftly approached Lavinia, and they embraced warmly.

"Spectacular singing, Lavinia! Your voice is truly enchanting," exclaimed Savina, and the others chimed in with similar praises. The genuine admiration for her talent echoed in their words.

As we prepared to exit the venue, I signaled the completion of the inspection. However, Eliovan, breaking from the group, seized my shirt gently and expressed, "I'll refrain from pursuing their affections, but I have to say, you're luck to have Lavinia."

I returned his smile and said, "I'm grateful for all of them. Don't worry, Eliovan, you'll find someone one day. Take your time; you're still young."

"Thanks," he muttered, his cheeks turning pink as he hurried away.

Lavinia peeked out from the entrance, beaming at me before joining my side. "Looks like you've gained another sibling~!" she teased. I responded by playfully pinching her nose.

"I seem to be collecting siblings lately, not that I mind. Anyway, let's go," I said, and we walked away together, hand in hand.

— ○ ● ○ —

Latia voiced her surprise as she observed our new surroundings, "Is this... a military camp?"

The location I had transported us to lay to the south, and I had utilized teleportation to get us here. Drawing a comparison, it resembled the area near the South Pole, except for there was no snow. Instead, it sprawled with a vast expanse of land, dotted with buildings storing an array of items, vehicles, and several barracks.

"Essentially, yes. Those interested in joining the [DxD] team in this universe can come here for training. Although, down the line, I envision establishing schools that not only hone their skills but also educate. A blend, perhaps, or could it be considered a military school?" I clarified, offering insights into the purpose of this unique training ground.

Suzaku inquired, "What's the reason behind that decision, Aaron?"

I pondered for a moment before responding, "Well, Suzaku, someday I might retire as the leader of Team [DxD]. My plan is to establish schools similar to this one. If young individuals aspire to join the team in the future, they'll have the opportunity. [DxD] won't limit itself to safeguarding just one or two universes; we aim to extend our reach across the entire multiverse. I envision creating similar institutions in various universes to foster and nurture potential talents."

Though that distant future looms ahead, the idea of establishing something akin to it occupies my thoughts. Certainly, corruption poses a risk in managing such a vast organization, yet I envision expanding the ranks of Shadow Soldiers and [Electa] in the times to come. I intend to station them across the multiverse and within those various schools.

While this approach may increase the demands on my time, given the need to personally oversee these endeavors, it might lead to extended periods away from my family.

Despite this, I am determined to execute these tasks efficiently. I plan to employ my avatar or clones whenever possible, ensuring I can maintain proximity to my family even as I navigate the complexities of this ambitious venture.

As I prepared to speak again, a sudden explosion echoed in the distance. Our attention turned to Branthar, who was energetically swinging his sword at training dummies, reveling in the loud laughter that accompanied each powerful strike.

"These things are incredible! I can unleash my strongest attacks, and they don't get destroyed!" he exclaimed, prompting a dismissive shake of my head.

Eager to share the secret, we swiftly approached him. I elucidated, "That's their purpose, Bran. These dummies are designed to record your most powerful attacks, tracking your progress over time. They even remember who landed the blows. All you have to do is press that button next to them, and it'll display your improvement."

Beside the dummy, a small screen and control panel awaited attention. Branthar eagerly walked over and pressed the prominent red button. The control panel, with its minimal buttons, catered to even the least technologically literate individuals, ensuring a straightforward and user-friendly experience.

His name appeared on the screen, accompanied by a small image, and a handful of details—height, weight, the maximum power he'd wielded, and the minimum. The final piece of information revealed his potential and current power level, graded by my ranking system.

At present, Branthar held the status of a High-tier God-class, with his potential reaching the pinnacle of Dragon God-class. This standing echoed across all the leaders in the Resistance. Yet, there was an unsettling truth beneath the surface. Their strength fell short when compared to the Eradicators, Ueboros and Umbra, rendering them powerless against the likes of Phumera herself.

The Eradicators, predominantly beings of Dragon God-class and above, mirrored the might of the Ueboros. Some Ueboros even descended to the peak of God-class. It was crystal clear; for the Resistance to pose any threat, they had to match or surpass the might of the Eradicators.

"Hmm, so this is my statistics, huh? How about you give it a shot, Aaron?" Branthar suggested, but I promptly shook my head.

"I'll pass since I already know the results, but the rest of you can give it a go," I informed them. They proceeded to test their skills on the dummy, with Savina and Echilys excelling near the top, while Eliovan showcased his versatility, ranking a bit lower.

"Well, we can move on from here. If any of you have been inside something similar in the past, you'll have a good idea of how these look, as I modeled them after those," I explained, and we swiftly transitioned to a different area.

What I hadn't disclosed to them was the existence of an underground section housing operational mechas. If Seekvaira were aware of this, she'd probably faint. Though I plan to share this information with her and everyone else in the future, I had recently provided her with a personalized suit. However, just before we left, she did pester me about potential upgrades and modifications.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Wahahahahaha!!" Branthar roared with laughter as he steered the bumper car around the arena.

The amusement park we visited was expansive, a realm of joyous chaos. Having explored several amusement parks in the weeks leading up to our arrival in this universe, I drew inspiration from different ones, creating a unique blend of experiences for the people that will visit this in the future.

One such creation was an enhanced version of the haunted house that Raynare, Penemue, and I visited on one of our dates. The memory of that spooky adventure became a foundation for a new, thrilling haunted experience in this fantastical amusement park.

Unlike the haunted house, the bumper cars were a universal feature in most amusement parks we had visited. While I hadn't specifically modeled them after a particular park, they brought delight to those who hopped on, especially Eliovan. It was no surprise; after all, he was still in the bloom of youth, reveling in the simple joy of the bumper car experience.

The leaders hesitated at first, eyeing the bumper cars with uncertainty. However, as some from my group enthusiastically jumped in, their reservations melted away, and they appeared to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.

It struck me as odd; perhaps these leaders had never experienced simple joys like this in their own universe. Living amidst perpetual fear and stress, they seemed to savor these moments of carefree enjoyment.

Determined to sprinkle more of these lighthearted moments into their lives before we complete our task of liberating their universe, I resolved to make their journey as enjoyable as possible.

"Join us, Aaron, Velgrynd, Azathoth!" Savina exclaimed with unabashed joy. Her bumper car collided with Eliovan's, setting off a chain reaction as his car bumped into Echilys, and so on.

I smiled at Savina's invitation and responded, "It's okay; I'll keep an eye on you guys. Go ahead and have some fun." As I watched them revel in the simple pleasure of bumper cars, a warmth filled me, knowing that amidst the chaos of their responsibilities, they could still find moments of pure enjoyment.

"Hey, why don't you both join in?" I suggested to the dragon and god standing next to me. They gave me blank stares in response.

"That's too childish for me, Aaron," Velgrynd replied, though her eyes hinted at a different sentiment.

"I-I'm not sure how to use them. Could you teach me?" Azathoth asked after gazing at me for a moment longer.

Just as I was about to respond, a thought crossed my mind. Perhaps Azathoth was using this as an opportunity to bond with me and learn more about other things. Taking a moment, I took a deep breath and said, "Sure thing! Let's pick one that can fit two people, and we're bringing Vel along."

"Huh?! Wait, I—" Velgrynd began to protest, but I wasn't about to entertain any objections.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Take thiiiiiiis!!" Velgrynd bellowed, crashing her bumper car into Suzaku and Danu's with unbridled enthusiasm.

Ddraig mumbled, [She got way into that...]

Albion questioned, {Yeah, but I guess that's a good thing, right?}

'Well, Azathoth isn't exactly doing anything, and she was the one who requested help,' Rudra observed.

Velgrynd seized control of the bumper car, Azathoth sitting beside her seemingly shellshocked by the entire experience. Stiff as a board, Azathoth watched as Velgrynd embraced the chaotic joy, treating the bumper car escapade like a full-blown war.

"...Do you need to be this enthusiastic about it?" Azathoth asked in a hushed tone.

"This is war!!" Velgrynd declared, further astonishing Azathoth. Taking charge of her bumper car, Velgrynd gleefully went around bumping into everyone, infectious laughter accompanying each collision. However, the fun took an unexpected turn when they all decided to team up on her, slamming into Velgrynd simultaneously.

I couldn't help but question the safety of the situation, but considering we were all (mostly) adults with supernatural bodies, it should be fine.

Velgrynd, now surrounded by a cacophony of laughter and collisions, looked at me and exclaimed, "Ref! Isn't this illegal?"

Tilting my head, I responded, "Ref? I'm just here to watch over you guys, and it's not a competition, Vel..."

Velgrynd didn't seem thrilled by my response, but she continued maneuvering her bumper car. It became evident that everyone had made it their mission to target her. Eventually, Azathoth teleported away from the chaos, looking a bit worse for wear after enduring relentless bumps.

She reappeared next to me, reaching out to grab my arm for support. I turned to her, concern furrowing my brow. "Are you okay?"

"...I just need some rest. I'll be fine," she replied, closing her eyes in an attempt to recover. We lingered in the amusement park for approximately twenty more minutes, allowing the other leaders to enjoy a few additional rides. Afterward, we made our way to a different location.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I've never seen these kinds of fish before, Aaron. How did you manage to get them?" Natsume asked in awe.

The next destination wasn't too far from the amusement park; it was an aquarium. The aquatic life in the Phantasma inspired the diverse array of fish here, creatures unfamiliar to both Natsume and me. Yet, with Cúntóir's assistance, we successfully brought them into this captivating underwater world.

Cúntóir and I had a unique synergy, even across distances. After defeating Zenosius, I embarked on constructing these places, seeking Cúntóir's help to locate various animals.

"They mostly belong to this universe, and Cúntóir assisted in teleporting them here. Some are endangered, so we've set up specific sections to allow them to breed and repopulate. In the future, we plan to release some back into the wild," I explained.

The endeavor wasn't just about creating a spectacle but also contributing to the conservation of these remarkable species. The aquarium became a sanctuary where the wonders of the Phantasma's oceans could thrive and, in turn, educate visitors about the importance of preserving our aquatic friends.

I'm aware that Natsume has a deep love for animals; she showers affection on Shin, Griffon, the Three MuskaPohs, Gin, Nattsu, and any creature she crosses paths with. Judging by her expression, it seems like she appreciates this place and the efforts I'm making to preserve various species.

[With Natsume, you're earning some serious brownie points, huh? Kanami would be pointing that out if she were here,] remarked Ddraig.

'That wasn't my intention, but I suppose you're right,' I replied, glancing over to see Natsume looking at me for a moment before shyly turning away, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"Serpatral, Lumigegill, Nebimmer, Stegill, Vorlefin, Quawhisk, and many more. It's astonishing how you've managed to gather such diverse groups, Aaron," Eliovan exclaimed, mirroring Natsume's sense of wonder.

"It's a win-win situation for everyone. We secure this location, providing a haven for endangered species to thrive. I'll ensure there are guards stationed at their original habitats after we release them to safeguard against threats, be it from natural wildlife or poachers," I detailed.

As our group delved into exploring the surroundings, I found myself lingering behind the others. Perhaps it was turning into a habit, observing their reactions. This newfound tendency might be attributed to my current role as the "ruler," overseeing everyone's activities.

Or maybe it was just a personal quirk that had developed over the course of the year. The reasons remained elusive, and even if I were to consult Azathoth, I doubted she would offer a clear answer. Some mysteries are best left unsolved.

Amidst my contemplations, I was pleasantly surprised when I felt someone's hand gently take hold of mine, fingers intertwining. I turned to find Natsume by my side, her gaze fixed on the tanks to our left, a noticeable blush adorning her cheeks.

"Did you do this on purpose?" she inquired.

"Purpose? You mean the aquarium?" I responded.

She shook her head and said, "...No, I mean saving endangered species and helping them repopulate their species. The aquarium is just a nice bonus, I guess..."

"You could say it was on a whim by me. After finding out that there were many endangered species here, I decided to help them. It's the same with some animals in our universe, right? I might as well start that too when we get back," I shared, and Natsume squeezed my hand tighter, appreciating the sentiment.

I continued, "A bit off-topic, but... what do you want to do in the future, Natsume? Be a veterinarian? Do things like this by helping conserve endangered species? Or perhaps something else?"

I mulled over various career options—Conservation Biologist, Wildlife Conservationist, Ecologist, Zoologist, Wildlife Biologist, Field Conservationist, Environmental Educator, Conservation Geneticist. While these roles sparked my interest, I couldn't be certain if they aligned with Natsume's aspirations.

I had discussed this with Shigune as well, particularly during our visit to her parents. She expressed a different dream, one of opening something akin to a restaurant or bakery. Her passion lay in crafting sweets she loved and sharing the joy of her creations with others. I remembered her mentioning that she had been honing her baking skills even before our move here.

"Yeah, I'm passionate about working with endangered species and just being around animals in general. It's something I'm considering, but I'm not entirely sure yet. I mean, I'd need a lot of qualifications and other skills, right?" she inquired.

I nodded thoughtfully, understanding the vast requirements that such pursuits demanded. Pursuing a career dedicated to the well-being of our planet's endangered species or simply being immersed in the world of animals entails a multifaceted approach.

A foundational step typically involves obtaining a bachelor's degree in biology, ecology, zoology, environmental science, or a related field. This serves as the fundamental qualification for entry-level positions in the field. Yet, for those aiming for research-oriented or leadership roles, many professionals choose to pursue advanced degrees, such as master's or Ph.D. qualifications.

Beyond academic achievements, practical experience plays a pivotal role. Engaging in internships, volunteering, or securing entry-level positions provides individuals with valuable field experience. This may involve contributing to research projects, participating in wildlife monitoring initiatives, or assisting with conservation programs.

Possessing strong analytical and research skills is crucial for success in this field. The ability to analyze and interpret data becomes integral, contributing to informed decision-making and effective conservation strategies. As she contemplates her path, it's evident that a blend of academic knowledge, hands-on experience, and analytical acumen will shape her journey towards making a positive impact on the planet's endangered species.

Skills in the field, like tracking wildlife, assessing habitats, and identifying species, are frequently essential in various conservation roles.

Communication skills play a pivotal role, involving the ability to write detailed reports, deliver effective presentations, and collaborate with diverse stakeholders.

In certain positions, certifications such as Certified Wildlife Biologist (CWB) or other relevant credentials can be advantageous.

Establishing a professional network within the conservation community is crucial, offering not only opportunities but also valuable insights. Actively participating in conferences, workshops, and connecting with professionals in the field enhances one's standing.

Tailoring your expertise to the specific area of focus, be it marine conservation or conservation genetics, may demand specialized knowledge. Seeking continuous education or specialized training proves to be beneficial in staying updated.

Being familiar with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), statistical software, and other relevant technologies often provides a competitive edge in the conservation field.

And, perhaps most importantly, a genuine passion for the work and unwavering commitment can be the driving force behind a successful career in conservation.

Contemplating all of those thoughts triggered a headache, and considering Natsume's nature, she'd probably end up with an even more massive headache if I unloaded everything on her. Deciding to halt our steps, I gently placed a hand on her head.

"You've got the passion and work ethic, Natsume. I genuinely believe you can excel in any field you choose. If you ever need assistance with studying, I'm here for you. Moreover, I can tap into my connections to get you in touch with various experts."

Her cheeks tinted with a blush again as she silently nodded, expressing her gratitude through an affectionate hug. "T-then I'll try to do that when we get back—though, of course, it'll have to wait until after the tournament," she confessed.

"Fufu, then best of luck. And remember, if you ever need help with any of it, don't hesitate to come to me, alright?"

"Mmm..." she murmured in agreement, a subtle reassurance that she would indeed lean on the offered support.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a few hours, we had explored most of the places on my checklist, and now we were enjoying lunch in a serene park. I had prepared the food in advance, and Grayfia and Raiko graciously assisted in serving everyone.

Choosing a bench a bit removed from the group, I sat down with Inaie nestled in my lap. She had maintained an unusual silence throughout our time here, yet she seamlessly joined in whenever we reached specific locations.

Our journey had taken us to a museum, a tourist office, and various buildings boasting androids and robot workers. These mechanical marvels were busy crafting a myriad of items, from car parts for the planet's unique vehicles to components for buildings and other structures.

As I finished my meal, I turned to Inaie, noticing her unusual silence throughout the day. "Inaie, you've been quiet for most of the day. Is something wrong?" I inquired, concerned.

After she swallowed her food, she gazed at me for a moment before posing a question that caught me off guard, "Are we dating?" Her words hung in the air, and I tried to comprehend the sudden shift in our conversation. "I mean, we've been on a few dates already, especially before we came here. You've met my parents, and the way we act is like how you interact with your other partners, like Lavinia and Akeno. So... what are we?"

Taking a moment to process, I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in her observations. "Well, if you put it like that, I guess we did look like a couple to other people watching us," I admitted.

"Exactly!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "So, let's make it official already! Like what Astrid told you before, I'll give you some special Inaie lovin'!"

I couldn't dispute her reasoning. Inaie had been engrossed in her own life, and I sensed that she'd been yearning for a change in our relationship. As she gazed at me with anticipation, I found myself nodding in agreement once again.

"Alright, Inaie, let's make it official," I declared, and she ecstatically thrust her fist into the air, nearly causing her food to slip from her grasp.

"U-um, s-so..." she stammered, and I understood her unspoken request. Leaning in, I closed the distance between us and tenderly captured her lips. While it wasn't our inaugural kiss—we had shared intimate moments during our dates—for her, this marked the first kiss as an officially declared couple. The sweet, shared moment lingered, solidifying the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship.

Sensing a few people approaching us, I gently broke away from the kiss. However, Inaie, ever the playful spirit, teasingly licked my lips and winked at me, adding a mischievous flair to the moment.

"I would advise you not to lick him so openly, Inaie," Grayfia's voice came from behind Inaie, causing the poor girl to freeze in embarrassment.

After a few seconds of silent deliberation, Inaie turned around, her face breaking into a mischievous grin as she flashed a peace sign at Grayfia. "Since all three of us are kind of like maids, that means we can have foursomes with Aaron now!"

Those words didn't seem to have the desired effect, as Grayfia looked both embarrassed and horrified by Inaie's bold comment. Meanwhile, Raiko, standing nearby, seemed equally at a loss for words, her face turning crimson with embarrassment as she stared at Inaie.

Grayfia swiftly seized Inaie's head, applying pressure that prompted pained shouts from the latter. "Did I not teach you about proper manners and maid etiquette?" Grayfia questioned, her tone icy cold.

Inaie's cries filled the air, "Aaaaaaaaaah!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was just excited, I'm sorry Grayfia-sama!!" Grayfia eventually released her grip and sighed.

I stepped in, advocating for leniency, "Cut her some slack, Fia. As she said, she was just excited." Grayfia shook her head, dismissing the idea.

"If I did, Inaie would slack off more than she already does. However, I will commend her on improving a lot in just a year's time," Grayfia acknowledged. Despite the reprimand, there was a subtle hint of pride in Grayfia's admission of Inaie's progress, a testament to the growth observed over the past year.

"I agree with Aaron, Grayfia, even if it's just for today," Raiko said, placing a reassuring hand on Grayfia's shoulder.

Grayfia sighed, giving in. "Very well, just for today..."

With Grayfia's reluctant permission, Inaie expressed her joy by kissing me once again. Following our brief but lively lunch, we opened up the planet to the rest of the Resistance. Excitement filled the air as members eagerly explored the newfound world, embracing the sense of adventure that awaited them. The shared enthusiasm created a lively atmosphere, marking the day as a memorable one for the Resistance.

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Rias Gremory's Soliloquy

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A day had elapsed since our journey commenced towards Shadenvyre Machinara. Aaron's spaceship, a revelation in itself, had surprised us all. It had been off-limits to everyone but Aaron and Cúntóir.

Cúntóir, the de facto leader of our mission, possessed the knowledge to operate the peculiar vehicle. Earlier, she had dispatched Cao Cao's team to assist Aaron's group and retrieve a crucial item. They had since returned, providing us with a summary of the events that transpired.

At the moment, I found myself in one of the libraries that Aaron had installed in the spaceship. Engrossed in a light novel from another world titled "High School DxD," I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of familiarity. The narrative of the novel mirrored our own experiences, but this time, it unfolded from the perspective of someone named Issei Hyoudou.

He was the protagonist of that world, a tad childish yet utterly endearing. He reminded me a lot of Aaron, though their differences were just as prominent. I found myself engrossed in the third volume of the series when, out of nowhere, a holographic screen materialized before me.

Accompanying the screen was a message that read, [The new planet, Cosmosilica Terraflora, formerly known as Ferrothos Prime, has been opened to everyone else in the alliance. Here are some aerial footage we received from Aaron.]

"So this is it... incredible! I can't wait to go there. It seems like it was heavily inspired by a lot of the sci-fi shows humans made. Knowing Aaron, he probably incorporated elements from our world as well... Hmm? Is that... a giant basketball and a shoe?" I mused to myself.

With a quick clap of my hands, I employed magic to teleport the book back to its designated spot on the shelf. Observing the recorded footage, a multitude of buildings, structures, and even a military area were already present. It raised the question: was Aaron preparing the Resistance for an impending war?

Regardless of the answer, a conversation with him seemed imperative. As the footage played, I rose from my seat in the library, my steps echoing softly as I left the quiet confines of the room. My destination: Akeno's room.

That also brought to mind the fact that Suzaku had paid a visit yesterday. From what I gathered, she had a stern talk with Akeno—an unusual event that left Akeno genuinely surprised. The scolding from her beloved elder cousin was a rare occurrence, and it seemed to have a lasting impact on her.

Akeno hadn't expected such a rebuke from Suzaku, and since then, she's been somewhat downcast. In our conversations, she consistently concluded her sentences with an air of melancholy, expressing a desire for a swift resolution so she could return to Aaron.

It took me only a short while to reach Akeno's room. When I knocked, a faint groan reached my ears, granting me permission to enter. The room appeared ordinary upon stepping in, but Akeno lay sprawled on her bed, and the bedding was in disarray.

"Oh, Rias, did you need something?" she asked, accompanied by a sigh.

I shook my head and approached her. "Was it really that surprising to hear Suzaku-san scold you?" I inquired.

Akeno nodded, looking troubled. "Yes, it was shocking. She rarely scolded me, even when I was younger. Even during our times together in Aaron's dimensions, she never scolded me seriously. But when she came yesterday and scolded me seriously, I was too shocked to react. Did Suzaku-onee-san stop loving me?" she asked, sighing again, her voice laced with uncertainty and a hint of sadness.

She reached for a pillow, tossing and turning until she settled on her side. "I want Aaron to spoil me when we return. I'll also apologize for whatever I did. I wasn't really listening because of the shock," she explained, exhaling with a sigh.

"You know, she might get even angrier if you didn't listen to her scolding. If you're unsure why she was upset, it's best to find out and then apologize," I advised.

"...That's true. I feel like I'm not cut out to be a good wife. Will Aaron even consider making me one of his wives if he finds out why Suzaku-onee-san scolded me?" she questioned, a hint of sadness evident in her voice as she pondered her worthiness in a moment of introspection.

"Anyway, have you seen this?" I inquired, presenting the hologram and the footage Aaron had shared with us. Akeno shifted her attention, gazing at the hologram. Yet, a deeper sadness etched across her face, leaving me puzzled. "W-what's wrong now?"

Akeno pointed at the footage, freezing it at a specific moment. It revealed him with Lavinia and a few others, casually exploring the surroundings. The scene depicted them surrounded by various members of the Resistance, relishing in the moment.

"...What?" I echoed, still trying to grasp the situation.

"T-t-that should be me with them..." she mumbled, her words carrying a tinge of hurt, resembling a child expressing longing, causing a subtle twitch in my lips.

With a sigh escaping my lips, I placed a comforting hand on my head. "Akeno, I share your sentiment. I'd much prefer being back in our universe, enjoying our time and participating in the tournament. But we're here, and there's a mission we need to accomplish."

Gently, I pulled her up, ensuring she met my gaze. "Let's navigate through this challenge first, and afterward, we can return, taking a few days or even weeks to relax until the next significant mission comes our way. Pull yourself together, Himejima. You're recognized as the Priestess of Thunder and Light, for crying out loud. People view you as one of the closest individuals to Aaron. What impression would they have if they saw you in this state?"

Akeno gazed back at me, uncertainty flickering in her eyes, yet there was a hint of contemplation in her expression. Honestly, witnessing her in this state felt both unusual and reassuring.

Ever since I first encountered Akeno, she harbored a deep-seated mistrust of men. It took the efforts of my brother, father, and various others to earn her trust, and even then, she maintained a facade of tolerance around them.

Throughout our school days, she projected the "onee-sama" persona to everyone. However, observing her now was genuinely relieving. Meeting Aaron, falling in love, allowed her to shed the constraints, and she could finally reveal her true self, even if occasionally it seemed a bit overwhelming.

"Okay...but I still want to go back as soon as we can. I'm killing everything in my way after we get there!" she declared, swiftly changing from her pajamas and dashing out of the room, passionately proclaiming her intent to quickly kill her foes with her signature holy lightning and thunder.

I shook my head, trailing after her, only to discover she had vanished in the blink of an eye. Her ability to move swiftly when she's determined is quite impressive. It dawned on me that I might as well take a moment to check on everyone else, ensuring they're doing well and catching up with the happenings around us.

— ○ ● ○ —

As I entered one of the training rooms, I immediately noticed the dynamic training session between Yumi and Jeanne. Instead of engaging in sparring, they were in the midst of exchanging valuable tips and strategies, taking advantage of Yumi's access to [Blade Blacksmith]'s abilities within her [Blade Birth] Sacred Gear.

Captivated by their collaborative efforts, they spotted me and warmly waved me over. Eager to join the interaction, I approached, expressing, "I'm sorry for interrupting your training session. Good work, by the way."

Yumi quickly dismissed my concerns, saying, "It's fine, Rias-nee-san. We were about to take a break since it's nearing lunchtime," with a nod of agreement from Jeanne.

Intrigued by the deviation from their usual group training, I inquired, "It's not too rare to see you two training with Xenovia and Irina, but why just you two today?"

"In the upcoming mission, we plan on teaming up for it. Xenovia-san, Irina-san, and Asia-chan plan on working as a group during it. Nevertheless, during the mission, our paths may inevitably cross, leading to a collective effort in the end," Yumi explained.

"Really? Well, best of luck with that. Will Cao Cao and Isatha be partnering up for most of the mission?" I inquired.

Jeanne gave me a sly grin and affirmed with a nod. "Yes they will! Cao Cao might put on a façade of indifference with the rest of us, but behind closed doors, we've witnessed him and Isatha displaying affection for each other on numerous occasions. So, teaming up for this mission isn't out of the ordinary. In fact, Georg even encouraged it," she divulged.

"Are they an effective duo, then?" I probed, and she nodded.

"Yep! They're like two peas in a pod. Cao Cao excels in close combat, especially with his new spear that grants access to all the Sacred Gears currently in the Heaven system. However, he tends to lean more towards close quarters combat even with that. That's where Isatha comes in handy, being a proficient ranged support and fighter," Jeanne elaborated.

In the present, he continues to rely solely on his spear for close-quarters combat, doesn't he? His approach seems unchanged, even though he possesses the potential to unleash a multitude of combinations with his spear.

I ponder over the reason behind this. Could it be a lingering influence from his time wielding the [True Longinus] before parting with it? Indeed, old habits persist, proving that change comes slowly.

"Well, maybe he's become more adaptable with a fresh perspective on life," I shared with them. Jeanne nodded in agreement.

"That's true. He's been incorporating more different combos lately with his spear, but his fondness for close-quarters combat remains. I suppose he won't undergo significant change unless unforeseen events alter his course," she added, accompanied by a casual shrug.

We engaged in a casual conversation that extended for a while. As minutes passed, Jeanne and Yumi shared insights gained from their experiences, demonstrating techniques learned from one another.

They even experimented with techniques witnessed from fellow individuals, showcasing a level of proficiency that caught me off guard. It became apparent that they had received guidance not only from his Eminence Strada but also from Tobio Ikuse-san, contributing to the unexpected depth of their newfound skills.

— ○ ● ○ —

After wrapping up my conversation with those two, I headed towards the spaceship's cockpit. Along the way, I passed by a room where Xenovia, Asia, and Irina were engaged in a conversation spoken in hushed tones. As I walked by, Xenovia uttered something that elicited a blush from Irina. In response, Irina clutched her shoulders and began shaking her rather vigorously.

Intrigued by the unusual scene, I decided to step into the room. It turned out to be an ordinary space, adorned with bookshelves, chairs, tables, couches, and even a vending machine.

"Ah, Rias-nee-sama, how can we help you?" Asia inquired upon noticing my presence.

"Oh, former Prez, how can we be of service?" Xenovia chimed in, while Irina continued to nod rapidly in my direction, still evidently embarrassed by something.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just curious about Irina being embarrassed. And thank you again for joining us," I expressed my gratitude.

"It's no problem, Rias-san. I wanted to help rescue Aldrake-san's sister, so here I am," Irina replied, her cheeks still tinted with a blush.

Before Irina could elaborate on why she was blushing, Xenovia chimed in, "We plan on having a foursome with Aaron when we get back. That also means Irina and I will lose our virginities during it, so I'm pretty excited about it."

If Irina's face wasn't red before, it certainly was now. I hadn't anticipated them planning such intimate details as a group, but I suppose it wasn't that unusual, considering Akeno would occasionally invite me to spend time with Aaron too.

"I-is that so? W-well, good luck," I stammered, taking a step back. Irina swiftly caught hold of my arms, preventing my escape.

"Rias-san, you do those things with Aaron on a regular basis, right? Please spill the details. Asia has already spilled hers, and I need to be in the loop before we dive into this!" Irina exclaimed, her curiosity palpable.

I attempted to respond, but Irina interrupted me once more. "Asia has already messaged Aaron about it too, so spill the beans, please and thank you!" Irina added, leaving me further bewildered.

With some reluctance, I acquiesced and started sharing some of the more private moments Aaron and I shared during our free time. Expressing those details verbally was awkward, but I didn't want to escalate Irina's anxiety. Xenovia seemed to be diligently jotting down notes, adding an extra layer of awkwardness for me in the situation.

Was this truly the right course of action? The doubt lingered in my mind.

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