Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 18 – Part 2 – The Crucible of Love*

Third Person Point of View

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"Zenosius kicked the bucket? I already told Lady Phumera and Yve that he couldn't cut it in our rankings. I suppose biting the dust to some weakling from another world just confirms it," remarked one of the Eradicators.

"...Even if you put it that way, he went up against [DxD]'s leader and one of his lovers—it was a two-against-one situation," countered Caeda.

Presently, the Eradicators, Ueboros, Umbra, and various other factions convened for a meeting. The atmosphere remained under control, with Rank 1 Ecthrois of the Eradicators, Rank 1 Hladrifa of the Ueboros, and Infersos, the strongest of the Umbra, maintaining a semblance of order.

"Oh, by the way, you were there before officially 'joining' them. How strong is he?" inquired Abysnar, holding the ninth rank.

The remaining members shifted their attention to Caeda, who couldn't help but feel a slight nervousness creeping in. Despite the unease, she managed to compose herself. Scanning the room, she began, "I've had a few conversations with him, and he's casually mentioned that he has the power to obliterate and reshape the omniverse at will. On a whim, he's allowing all of us to continue existing, so the Resistance can revel in the illusion of contributing to their own liberation."

Caeda's words carried a mix of truth and fabrication. The sole factual detail Aaron had shared with her was his ability to destroy and recreate the omniverse, a feat he unintentionally accomplished before. The rest of her narrative, however, was a concoction designed to instill a sense of intimidation in her colleagues. Echilys, Radelia, and Sekudia, all double agents like Caeda, exchanged questioning glances but refrained from voicing their doubts.

Abysnar erupted into laughter, his hands tightly gripping his sides. "What an arrogant asshole! I love it. Can't wait to knock him down!" he exclaimed.

"Well, he is an outer god, so that level of arrogance is to be expected," Sekudia remarked.

Abysnar's laughter subsided, and he turned to Sekudia. "Oh, right, both you and Radelia managed to survive encounters with him too, right? So, what's your take on him?"

Abysnar, rank 9 among the Eradicators, had given aid to the Monkai Association in the past. He played a crucial role in assisting certain members of the faction to attain "divinity" when they ventured into the Phantasma. However, his involvement was abruptly terminated after being locked out of the Draconic Deus.

Without any prompting, Sekudia and Radelia simultaneously spoke, "He's strong."

Sekudia affirmed with a nod, delving into his experience, "I survived an encounter with him, seemingly at his whim. I was left barely clinging to life afterward. With that said, he's truly an enigma. There are no defined skills or abilities to anticipate. He uses whatever he desires, whenever he desires. In the midst of combat, he could effortlessly seal your abilities, leaving you powerless with no means of recovery."

"It could end just like that. Furthermore, he might even replicate your abilities, turning them against you in a mocking display of superiority. That, in my opinion based on our brief interaction, is the kind of person he is."

The room held its breath even after Radelia's explanation. Breaking the silence, she spoke again, "I saw him effortlessly taking down Aerendyl. Every attempt Aerendyl made was futile—it was like a child attempting to contend with a grown adult. He looked almost bored throughout the entire ordeal."

"Heeeeheh? Well, that just sparks my interest in fighting him even more," Abysnar declared with a grin directed at both Radelia and Sekudia.

"So, what we can ascertain is that we need to exercise caution around him. It seems the only way we can even come close to 'winning' against him is until we reawaken Master Magnum Tenebrosum," suggested Ecthrois.

"That appears to be the situation," replied Infersos. He glanced at his watch and remarked, "We've been in this meeting for approximately three hours. Let's conclude it here. We've covered everything we needed to discuss. If you happen to encounter him, well, I'd say I'll leave that situation in your hands. Whether you live or die is entirely up to you."

Without waiting for anyone's response, he vanished. Shortly after his proclamation, everyone began filing out of the room. Abysnar, brimming with enthusiasm, sprang to his feet and declared, "I hope he visits my planets so we can beat the fuck out of each other! I've been wanting one for a long time now!" With that, he teleported out of the room.

The Eradicators' ranks 1 to 3 remained seated, shrouded in silence for a few minutes. Radelia, Caeda, Sekudia, and Echilys also lingered, intending to have a conversation among themselves.

"I encountered some members of the Khaos Order from the Draconic Deus before he sealed off our means of traveling beyond our universe. They both feared and revered him," revealed rank 3 Autemr.

"A man who holds love for everyone, isn't that right?" inquired Ecthrois, and Autemr nodded in agreement.

"He judges everyone at first sight, determining whether they can be given a second chance at life. He's willing to offer everyone a second chance at life. However, should you squander that chance..."

"He will kill them, right?" inquired Raerea, holding the second rank.

Autemr nodded affirmatively. The trio focused their attention on the individuals who had encountered Aaron, and Autemr posed a question, "Is this accurate? Especially you, Caeda, considering you were essentially a double agent for us. Though that arrangement ceased when they entered this universe, as you can no longer locate the Resistance's planet."

Caeda acknowledged with a nod and explained, "I exploited his emotions to win him over. When he's offering you a second chance, you better take it and make good use of it. I'm certain he'll exact severe consequences if you betray that trust."

"Consequences?" inquired Raerea.

Caeda nonchalantly shrugged. "I'm not privy to all the details, but he did mention one thing, though I can't vouch for its certainty." She paused for a moment before adding, "He'll seemingly make it nearly impossible for you to reincarnate and might eliminate various versions of you across different timelines and alternate universes."

"He's quite petty, then. I expected more from him," remarked Ecthrois as he exited the room.

Autemr rose from his seat, expressing, "Love— that emotion in this universe is essentially dead. But a man of his caliber enforcing such a thing..." A subtle smile played on his lips. "I want to meet and talk to him."

His cryptic and perplexing words left the others bewildered as Autemr, too, departed from the room. Eventually, Raerea remained, her expression soured with a frown as she stood up. With a single word, she vocalized her sentiments before leaving.

"Stupid." In Raerea's eyes, the word encapsulated only grief, heartbreak, and broken promises. She had no desire to be entangled in it. While she yearned for change, she doubted it could be achieved through such a simplistic and foolish approach.

Radelia turned towards Caeda, her expression one of curiosity and concern. "What the hell was that about?" she inquired, seeking clarification.

In response, Echilys discreetly touched her ring, invoking a small barrier that enveloped the room, ensuring their conversation remained private. It was a shared ability among Radelia and the other female leaders of the Resistance, mirrored by the males who received functionally equivalent necklaces from Aaron.

Caeda, looking puzzled at Radelia's question, asked, "What was what?"

"Don't play dumb. I mean what you said earlier!" Radelia exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Caeda nonchalantly waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, that. I just made it up to spook them. We're well aware of the capabilities of outer gods—basically, they can do anything. So, planting those thoughts in their minds would serve us in the long run, right? It keeps them on their toes, making them more cautious, allowing us greater flexibility in our movements."

Sekudia disapproved with a shake of his head, and Echilys, feeling a pang of shame, quietly covered her face with her hand. Radelia, though slightly irritated, chose not to escalate the situation.

After confessing her commitment to Aaron, he offered some advice, saying, "Before you act in the future, take a step back and consider your words and actions. I prefer my subordinates to be level-headed."

Taking this counsel to heart, Radelia applied it in the current scenario. She nonchalantly remarked, "...Fine, but why did we all stay here? That's the only question I had for her."

"Before we head back, I have a suggestion," Sekudia interjected, capturing the attention of everyone present. An expectant silence followed as they waited for him to elaborate. "Let's target Rank 9 next. I've already informed Savina, and she's on board. With Ferrothos Prime out of the picture, we have the flexibility to move in any direction we choose."

"Why that guy?" Radelia inquired, her skepticism evident. She wasn't one to warm up to many individuals, and Abysnar happened to be one of those she held no fondness for.

Sekudia offered an explanation, "Well, he was the most outspoken during our three-hour meeting, and much like Scariosa (Eradicator, Rank 11), he shares Vali Lucifer's battle fervor. Moreover, he exhibits considerable potential and has room for growth, making him an ideal candidate for termination."

"Sekudia, Ardvoria Deferilds is quite a distance from our base. It would take at least a week of travel, unless Aaron decides to teleport the team directly there," added Echilys, introducing a practical consideration to the plan.

Radelia chimed in with a disdainful tone, "And that place is as barbaric as its leader."

Ardvoria Deferilds, Abysnar's home planet and the primary location where he oversees 15 other planets, also bears the responsibility of managing two universes claimed by the Phantasma. His governing principle is straightforward—be strong or face the consequences of death.

On his planet, survival is everything. The inhabitants are a rough and robust bunch, their daily existence centered around a single goal—getting stronger to endure yet another day. For many, this harsh reality isn't a burden; it's an opportunity. They aspire to catch the attention of Phumera and her organization, yearning for the chance to join one of their groups.

Amidst this striving mass, there are those motivated by simpler ambitions—just wanting to live or shield their loved ones and kin. It's a delicate equilibrium that Abysnar recognizes but chooses not to interfere with.

He allows them the autonomy to navigate their lives, with one unspoken rule: no rebellion. As long as they don't pose a threat to his rule, Abysnar watches from the shadows, indifferent.

"Is everyone on board with this plan? I'll make sure to loop in Aaron once we're back," Sekudia inquired. There was unanimous consent in the room, and he took it as a sign of agreement. "Alright then, let's head back individually. I'll be the last one out."

Sekudia stood up, coinciding with Echilys lifting the barrier, granting him the freedom to exit. One by one, each person departed, dispersing in various directions. The room gradually emptied as they went on their separate paths.

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"Hyahahah! Another one down, you're way too weak to join the Ueboros, kid," taunted a man, looming over a young boy.

The man hesitated in delivering the final blow, prompting one of his followers to question, "Why aren't you killing him?"

Squinting at the child, the man grinned. "He has a pretty unique ability, don't you think? How about we take it from him? Just killing him would be a waste," suggested the man, asserting himself as the presumed leader of the ragtag group.

Before a decision could be reached, the young child began to rise, blood dripping from his head, covering his face as he defiantly glared at the group before him.

"Look at him go! He's standing! That's expected on our planet's inhabitants though! Hyahahaha!" exclaimed the leader in joy.

"I'm…not going down…without a fight!" declared the young boy, assuming a determined stance, prepared to confront the leader and his group of followers.

The man's arms underwent a grotesque transformation, morphing into sharp spikes poised for attack. Just as he lunged towards the boy, he vanished, reappearing with a forceful punch. His fist, coated in a vibrant green liquid, struck the leader's chest, piercing through the heart and snuffing out his life in an instant.

The leader's followers, taken aback by this unexpected twist, hastily fortified themselves with their unique powers. Undeterred, the boy swiftly dealt with them. Pivoting with purpose, he charged at the nearest enemy, unleashing a torrent of the corrosive green liquid.

The acidic substance ate away at both the clothes and flesh of the targeted man, eliciting agonized screams as he writhed on the ground. Unrelenting, the boy pressed on, leaping towards the suffering man. With a decisive stomp on his head, coupled with the lethal potency of the green liquid, the man's life met a swift and gruesome end.

A sinister and knowing grin played on the boy's face. "Don't be fooled by such lousy acting. Did you genuinely believe I was a helpless little boy?" The boy taunted the bewildered followers who remained.

"Do you not understand how our world operates under Lord Abysnar's dominion? It's survival of the fittest!" he proclaimed before ruthlessly extinguishing the lives of the remaining members.

Once he completed the brutal act, he stood there, reveling in his triumph, and then erupted into laughter. "Weaklings! If that was the best you could muster, you stand no chance of surviving—"

Before the young boy could conclude his sentence, his head was severed, followed by the dismemberment of the rest of his body, putting an abrupt end to his arrogant tirade. The abrupt termination of his gloating echoed through the ominous silence that settled over the scene.

Behind the young boy stood a tall woman, reaching an impressive height of about 6 feet. Her lengthy hair cascaded in gray waves, framing golden eyes that held an otherworldly glint. Atop her head, golden horns added to her mysterious allure, and she sported a revealing outfit.

Four bat-like wings, adorned with shades of green and gold, unfurled behind her, creating an ethereal display. Beside her, a peculiar object hovered, adding to the enigma that surrounded her.

"My, oh my, you died quite effortlessly, even with your impressive display of powers. I had anticipated a bit more resilience from you, hehe~ Well, I suppose true talent is hard to come by," she remarked, a sardonic grin playing on her lips.

"Now, Virantha, let's not tease the departed. It's not polite. Instead, do this," chimed in another woman, her demeanor seemingly cheerful as she crushed the remaining fragments of the boy underfoot, her smile widening with each step.

"I eliminate my enemies and leave them be, Baxicara. You're just psychotic," retorted the woman known as Virantha.

Baxicara, adorned with a witch-like hat in deep black, embellished with gray leaves, glowing green eyes, and a mouth resembling a pumpkin, along with luminous green earphones, fixed her gaze on Virantha. She chuckled, reveling in the macabre spectacle as she twirled amidst the pooling blood of the now lifeless young boy.

"He's got a point, you know. Survival of the fittest! And we happen to be the strongest," declared Baxicara. "Those weaklings don't deserve the right to live!" Her laughter echoed, resonating with a chilling tone.

[Both of you come back now, Lord Abysnar has just returned,] a voice resonated in their ears.

"Fufufu, looks like Daddy Abysnar is back, time to go back~!" chuckled Baxicara, disappearing in a vibrant green flash.

Curiosity flickered in Virantha's eyes. "I wonder what he learned in that meeting," she pondered aloud. Casting a brief glance at the lifeless body of the young boy, she summoned golden flames that engulfed him, leaving nothing behind but ashes. With a swift teleportation, she vanished from the scene, leaving only the echoes of her actions behind.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"Will you cut it out?!" Natsume exclaimed, desperately trying to stave off the queasiness induced by her sister Kanami, who persistently feigned retching.

As Cosmosilica Terraflora opened its gates to the public, the influx of visitors surged, prompting me to enlist the creation of new Shadow Soldiers to assist in maintaining order. Surprisingly, everyone seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their time, making the effort worthwhile.

However, as the day drew to a close, the returning teams from their missions joined us. Among them was the chaotic arrival of the Slash Dog Team, led by none other than Kanami. The serene atmosphere was immediately disrupted, giving way to a whirlwind of disorder and mayhem.

"Well…I should go then. I have another planet to review, you know, the planet Sona and her team helped free from the Phumera's organization," I informed them. Latia, however, swiftly interrupted me, a sense of urgency in her actions.

She had been engrossed in her ring's communication system for the past few minutes, a detail that piqued my interest. Despite my curiosity, I refrained from inquiring about it, sensing its importance. "Is something wrong?" I asked instead.

Latia hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I'll go. May I take some people with me? Sona and her team will meet me there," she requested.

"Is that who you were talking to for the past few minutes?" I inquired, and she nodded in affirmation.

Taking a moment to consider her proposal, Latia reached for my hands and locked eyes with me, silently urging me to trust her. It wasn't that I lacked trust in her, but rather a lingering concern. In the end, I nodded, giving my agreement to her plan.

"Alright, Latia, go ahead, but I'm sending Igris with you guys," I informed her, prompting a smile from her and a sigh.

"We spent an extra 100 years in your dimension before coming here; a little trust would be in order, Aaron," she said, releasing my hands.

"I do trust you guys, but I'm just worried, although it's probably nothing. It should be mostly ready, but like what we did today, please check out certain buildings, alright?" I urged, summoning a small blue ball on my finger.

With a pointed gesture, I directed it at her ring, transmitting new data. "That's the list; once you're done with it, you can go to whatever you want afterward. But if you have anything to add or improve, please tell me or note it down."

Latia raised her ring to review the list, giving a nod of assurance. She planted a quick kiss on my lips before making her exit. Taking a moment to survey my surroundings, chaos still reigned, although now it was Kanami and Natsume engaged in a spirited skirmish.

"It reminds you of home, doesn't it?" Lavinia inquired, appearing at my side.

"Yeah, it does. I..." I hesitated, grappling with my thoughts. The Draconic Deus felt like my newfound home, yet, simultaneously, just being in the company of all of them constituted another kind of "home." I found myself entangled in a peculiar dilemma.

Lavinia noticed my contemplation. "Hehe, you seem deep in thought. You can share it with me, you know?" she suggested. After a moment of reflection, I opened up to her. In response, she wrapped her arms around mine and said, "Does it really matter? I feel the same way. As long as I'm with you and everyone else, that's home for me too."

A sigh escaped me as I admitted, "I guess you're right. As long as we're together, that's home." We lingered, observing everyone's playful antics until we eventually returned to the main planet. Determined to ensure an undisturbed atmosphere, we took measures to prevent anyone from intruding on this planet for the remainder of the day.

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Following dinner, a stretch of free time unfolded, granting everyone a few leisurely hours before bedtime, allowing them to pursue their individual interests.

In the midst of this relaxed atmosphere, the planet brimmed with enthusiastic young individuals. Unexpectedly, Ddraig, fueled by an unexplained passion for instructing the youth, took on the role of their teacher. Adding a quirky twist, he insisted they address him as "sensei."

Heading toward the newly established training arena, I discovered Ddraig immersed in energetic instruction, passionately guiding his students. A distinctive bandana adorned his head, boldly declaring, "Train Like Hell, So You Can Become Hell!" A somewhat perplexing choice of accessory, adding an intriguing layer to the scene.

[Keep going! Don't stop! I believe in you!] encouraged Ddraig.

Observing their actions, I concluded that he was in this state because Vermara, his self-proclaimed wife, wasn't around to trouble him. It seemed like he was relishing this rare moment of tranquility in her absence. Not wanting to intrude on their time, I located a nearby bench, settled down, and observed their activities from a distance.

A familiar presence caught my attention, and turning, I found Radelia beside me. For some inexplicable reason, she had been staring at me intently since I took a seat. Despite my attempts to ignore it, being the subject of such unwavering scrutiny felt weird.

"Can I help you?" I inquired, turning my attention to her. As I observed her fully, it became apparent that she had been hitting the gym, clad in a black and gold sports bra, black yoga pants, and sports shoes. The ensemble highlighted her cuteness; that was undeniable.

"Do you like it?" she questioned, sidestepping my initial inquiry.

"What?" I responded, a tad puzzled.

Radelia, undeterred, lifted her breast with her arm, leaning closer. "Do you like what I'm wearing? I noticed you checking me out, like most men around here."

I let out a sigh and shifted my gaze back to Ddraig and the kids. "I'm used to seeing you in your qipao, so this caught me off guard. I'll give it to you, you do look good in it. Maybe try different outfits more often; just my two cents, though it's your call."

Internally, I couldn't deny the seductive allure she exuded in that moment, though I refrained from vocalizing such thoughts.

"…I'll keep that in mind, thank you," she replied, and as I turned to look at her, a faint blush adorned her cheeks. Radelia rose suddenly from her seat, declaring, "Please, have a short sparring match with me."

It seemed almost inevitable, so I stood up and accepted the challenge. We swiftly moved to a different section of the training area, discovering a spot reminiscent of where I had faced Branthar upon our arrival. However, this area was far more aesthetically pleasing, lacking the wear and tear of the former. Stepping inside, we took our positions at opposite ends.

"What rules do you want to follow?" I inquired, preparing for the impending bout.

"Standard rules, no lethal attacks or abilities, just rely on our physical strength and hand-to-hand combat," declared Radelia, and I readily nodded in agreement. Swiftly, I assumed a combat stance. However, she threw in an unexpected twist, saying, "Whoever wins has to do whatever the winner says, is that fine with you?"

Intrigued by the proposition, I saw no reason to decline. If victorious, I could have her do something amusing or trivial. The thought of a swift resolution appealed to me, as I was eager to wrap up our skirmish and rendezvous with Danu, looking forward to sharing a night with her.

I snapped my fingers, initiating a brief countdown that dwindled from five to one, reaching zero just as Radelia vanished into thin air. In an instant, she reappeared, aiming a swift kick at my head.

Swiftly responding, I intercepted her kick with my arm and countered by pushing her away. Despite a momentary stumble, she quickly regained her footing. Her gaze lingered on me for a moment before she surged forward once more.

Similar to before, she unleashed another kick, but this time her velocity had significantly increased. In a blur, she vanished and reappeared all around me, launching a flurry of kicks in my direction. Oddly, she stuck to kicks and hadn't thrown a punch, adding a layer of confusion to the unfolding encounter. However, I brushed off the peculiarity, focusing on my current sparring match.

As our sparring session continued, Radelia remained dedicated to honing her kick techniques against me. A considerable crowd had gathered, watching our exchange unfold. Meanwhile, Ddraig, for reasons known only to him, was engaging in a bit of betting, perhaps hoping to make some extra coin. I shot him an incredulous look, but he responded with a thumbs up, silently urging me to emerge victorious.

'This guy is truly something else,' I mused, sidestepping another one of Radelia's attacks. However, this time, I noticed a punch coming my way.

Radelia's smile persisted as she unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches. I skillfully evaded and deflected her strikes, but what struck me was her unwavering determination. Despite me evading all her attacks, she pressed on with her relentless assault, showing no signs of wavering or irritation.

'Aaron, are you coming...?' Danu's voice suddenly broke through my thoughts.

'I'll be there soon. I got caught up in something,' I responded. 'Just get yourself ready for me.'

'…Mmm, I'll be waiting,' she replied, concluding our mental conversation.

A surge of excitement washed over me, and I cast a smile in Radelia's direction. The atmosphere around me shifted. Without uttering a single word, I effortlessly vanished and reappeared beside her. Radelia, reacting swiftly, aimed a punch at me, but I vanished once again, countering with a punch of my own.

She tried to anticipate my move, throwing a punch in response, but I eluded her, leaving only an afterimage. As their fists collided, the afterimage dissipated, leaving her visibly surprised. Seizing the moment, I followed up by slamming my foot onto her back, sending her flying.

Closely pursuing her, I executed a lightning-fast jab to her chin, momentarily stunning her. Then, in quick succession, I delivered an elbow to her stomach and a kick to her face, causing her to crumple to the ground, unconscious. The battle reached its conclusion swiftly, with me emerging as the victor.

The sudden shift in fortune caught everyone by surprise, and the jubilant cheers that had filled the air came to an abrupt halt. I knelt down, gently rousing Radelia by touching her neck. Startled, she sprang back to life, scanning our surroundings.

"...I lost?" she questioned, her gaze eventually settling on me.

"Yeah, I just woke you up. Anyway, I need to head somewhere else," I informed her, vanishing from the training area in an instant. However, to my surprise, Radelia quickly followed me.

"Wait...!" she called out, prompting me to turn back. "You know, the loser has to do whatever the winner wants."

I scrutinized her for a moment before responding, "I'll tell you tomorrow instead. Is that okay with you?" Fortunately, Radelia agreed without hesitation, and we sealed our agreement with a swift pinky promise to meet up the next day for whatever awaited the loser.

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Lemon Start

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Arriving quickly back to my room, I couldn't help but notice Danu clad in an adorable and alluring green lingerie. She sat there, blushing, and the sight triggered something within me.

Reflecting on the events earlier, I silently acknowledged that what Radelia did had a certain allure, sparking a bit of arousal in me. However, given our team dynamic, I restrained myself to mere compliments.

My intention had been to depart immediately, but Radelia enticed me into a sparring match, further delaying my exit. Amidst the intense bout, Danu reached out to me, heightening the sense of allure, and I hastened to conclude the match, eager to spend the night with her.

"U-um..." she stammered, opening her arms invitingly. As she did, her already perky nipples protruded through the fabric of her dress, adding to the charged atmosphere.

Without wasting another moment, I snapped my fingers, and in an instant, our clothes vanished. Danu's reaction was a frozen pause, her eyes widening as she took in my arousal. However, any semblance of sanity had deserted me, and I impulsively leaped at Danu, catching her off guard, and she looked at me with wide-eyed surprise.

But as the initial shock wore off, a playful giggle escaped Danu's lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we effortlessly shifted positions on my bed, with me now looming over her.

A warm smile graced Danu's face as she looked into my eyes. Without missing a beat, she leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. I reciprocated, delving deeper into the kiss, drawing closer to her. In the midst of our passionate exchange, my erection brushed against her thigh, prompting a swift response from Danu.

Her hand moved with purpose, reaching for and seizing my member, her touch both tender and reassuring. The soft strokes conveyed a sense of relief that, paradoxically, heightened the arousal pulsating between us, creating a warm atmosphere.

Breaking our kiss, Danu gazed into my eyes, her hand now moving faster along my member, the grip tightening subtly. Panting, she quickened her pace, and I couldn't help but emit a few groans. Sensing the rising intensity, I halted her actions, leaving her puzzled.

"Um...did it not feel good...?" she inquired, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"It did, but I'd rather finish inside of you than with your hand," I admitted, honesty coloring my words. Her cheeks flushed even deeper, and she nodded in understanding. Danu willingly parted her legs, and as my eyes fell upon her intimate area, I found myself momentarily captivated.

"...Is something wrong...?" she asked, a trace of concern in her voice.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking, genuinely surprised and impressed. "...You really have green pubes, huh? Like Rias had crimson ones..."

After that remark, Danu's cheeks flamed with embarrassment. "D-don't say that...! It's already embarrassing doing this... also... don't think of other women when it's my turn," she mumbled with a touch of sadness.

Feeling a pang of guilt, I leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. "Sorry about that. I'll only have you in mind for as long as we're together," I assured her before positioning myself, preparing to enter her.

I ran my member along the contours of her vagina and teased her slit, causing Danu to quiver and emit soft, adorable moans. Each sound heightened my arousal, creating a symphony of shared desire. "Danu," I called her name, a gentle plea in my voice, "I'm going in."

"Mmm..." she responded, bracing herself for the intimacy that awaited.

I gently eased myself into her, feeling the resistance as her folds parted with my advance. Danu let out strained groans, trying to relax despite the evident discomfort. Inside her, it was tight, warm, and wet, each movement stretching her further.

"Huu...haa..." Danu panted, making a conscious effort to stifle any sounds. After a few moments, I reached the end, and upon looking down, there was no trace of blood. It was clear that she had already broken her hymen before this moment.

Noticing my gaze, Danu spoke in a slight panic, "I-it broke when I first went with you to your [Pocket Dimension]!"

Seeing the panic on her face, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for my initial reaction. Quickly, I reassured her, "Oh, I had a hunch, Danu. I wasn't thinking anything bad; I was just curious. You're not the first person this has happened to, and, well..."

Leaning back in, I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, whispering, "Don't forget about Yasaka, Danu. I don't care about that kind of thing. Your past is your past. Don't let it define you or hold you back. Just move on with your life."

My words seemed to have the desired effect as Danu visibly relaxed, and her tight grip down there eased. She reached for my face, pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss. For the next few moments, we lost ourselves in the exchange, with Danu showcasing a bit of clumsiness, a departure from our usual, more reserved kisses.

Finally, she released my face, her words hanging in the air, "I'm okay now, please make love to me." It seemed like every part of her being agreed, a subtle response pulsing through her as I held her.

Drawing Danu close, I began to explore the depths of her. A rhythmic dance unfolded as I moved back and forth within her, eliciting a heated sigh from Danu who clung tightly to me. With the passage of time, I decided to escalate, increasing both the speed and strength of my movements as Danu adapted to the rhythm.

In a bid to heighten her pleasure, I sealed our connection by pressing my lips onto hers, synchronizing the movement of my hips. Danu embraced the gesture, reciprocating with a newfound intensity in her kisses. It was a satisfying sight, witnessing her break free from her usual reserved demeanor while having sex.

"Haaa...aaahhh...nngh...!" moaned Danu, her voice restrained, a delicate balance between pleasure and discretion.

"You don't need to worry about others hearing, Danu. I have the barrier around us," I reassured her, but she shook her head. Despite the protective barrier, I continued thrusting, prompting smaller, more subdued moans.

"It's not that... it's just... embarrassing... to hear myself like this," she admitted, her cheeks tinted with a subtle blush. I couldn't help but find her vulnerability endearing.

Pausing my movements, I pulled away and gently said, "You're adorable, Danu. I have to admit, this side of you should come out more." With those words hanging in the air, I leaned back down and captured her lips once again.

Our tongues danced passionately, a fervent exchange fueled by mutual desire. Yet, despite the intensity, Danu's bashfulness lingered, adding a layer of complexity to our connection. We drew each other in even closer, a sensation as if Danu and I were gradually merging into a single entity.

As I pulled back slightly from our embrace, I noticed tears streaming down Danu's face. Amidst the rhythmic movements, I couldn't help but voice my concern, "Why are you crying, Danu?"

She shook her head, a radiant smile breaking through her tears. "It's not what you think. I'm just... really happy. There's something I want to share with you after this. Will you please listen?"

Without hesitation, I agreed, my curiosity piqued. "Of course, Danu. I'll listen to anything you want to share," I assured her. This time, she gently brought me back down, engaging me in a passionate kiss that spoke volumes without the need for words.

"Khnnnh… engrave… our memories… into my body… over… aaah… and over… again…!" Danu moaned, her arms and legs wrapping around me with increased intensity.

Another kiss followed, and she playfully licked my lips, breaking into a giggle. "I don't think… I'd be the same person today… if I hadn't met you last year… I'm so happy right now," she confessed, tears streaming down her face. "I think… the other women in your life would share the same sentiment…"

As I continued the rhythmic movement, I found myself compelled to momentarily pause and gaze at her. A profound warmth emanated from within, and it resonated with the feelings she invoked. Reflecting on Azathoth's gift of opportunity, I couldn't help but wonder about the alternate paths my life might have taken in a different world or universe. Would I still recognize myself, or would I be an entirely different person?

A smile blossomed on my face, and I found myself in agreement with Danu's sentiments. "Yeah... I feel the same way, Danu. Without this chance, I can't fathom the person I would be today." With those words, I leaned back in, initiating another fervent kiss. Simultaneously, I heightened the intensity of my movements, allowing passion to envelop us both.

"Haaa...haaa...Aaron...something amazing is coming...!" Danu gasped, breaking our kiss.

"Yeah, I'm about to cum too, Danu...!" I responded, maintaining the rhythmic movements as her grip on me tightened.

"Together...!" she pleaded, and I silently agreed. With that unspoken promise, I accelerated my movements, aiming to bring us both to the peak of pleasure. As I did so, Danu's inhibitions vanished, and she openly moaned into my ear. "It's's coming...!" she moaned, lost in the sensations.

"Khhh...Danu, I'm cumming...!" I declared, executing one final thrust, burying myself as deeply as possible inside her.

"Mmh!? A-aaaaaahhhh!? Together...! Both of us...!" shouted Danu as she, too, reached her climax. "Hy-Hyaaaaaaaaaaa!! Aaaaaaannnhh!!"

We both trembled violently, as both of us reached our own orgasms. My body continued to release a white, gooey liquid into her as Danu's inner folds pulsed and squeezed it out of me. Though her legs around my waist slightly loosened, her arms around me only tightened, creating an intimate connection that lingered in the aftermath.

"Hehe... my belly's all full of semen... I'm completely filled up," she whispered tenderly into my ear. "...Thank you, Aaron..."

"Hmm?" I responded, intrigued.

"...Thank you for loving me."

A smile played on my lips as I reciprocated, "I should say the same to you." We shared another intimate kiss, our connection still unbroken.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

A few minutes elapsed, and we found ourselves nestled on my bed, engaging in some casual pillow talk. Danu lay with her head resting on my chest, and my arm encircled her in a comforting embrace. Our conversation had revolved around the ordinary, trivial details of life for a while. Eventually, I felt the need to broach a more serious topic.

"...Danu, what did you mean by what you said earlier?" I inquired, breaking the surface of our lighthearted discussion.

Danu's body tensed, but she snuggled deeper into my side, burying her face into my neck. In response, I planted a gentle kiss on the crown of her head, silently encouraging her to share.

She began to unfold a poignant narrative, "Many years ago, I took care of human children—a boy and a girl. As a goddess, a primordial being, I understood that I couldn't keep them with me, given my vastly extended lifespan. Despite my efforts to find them suitable homes, it proved to be an impossible task. In the end, they stayed with me."

This…I hadn't expected this. I knew that Danu took care of other gods and helped them grow as people, but I never expected her to be an adoptive mother to human children. I didn't say anything and kept quiet, letting her continue.

"They lived with me, and our days were filled with joy. However, some gods started suggesting that finding a husband or a man might make things easier for me. Initially, I dismissed their advice, firmly asserting that I had no difficulties in caring for my children or them, yet the idea lingered in my thoughts."

"As years passed, the children gradually grew older, and I decided it was time to share the truth with them. Surprisingly, they were incredibly understanding, and their affection for me remained unwavering. They, too, interacted with more gods and goddesses from our pantheon, and like the others, they expressed the same sentiment—a desire for me to find companionship. Still, I brushed aside their suggestions."

"All of this was disclosed to them when they were merely 9 years old. By the time they turned 12, I encountered... an intriguing human. It's important to note that all these events unfolded before my mysterious disappearance," she explained, her words carrying a weight of memories, and I nodded in agreement, absorbing the tale she unfolded.

"...I realized I was in love with him as we spent more time together, but like many, I had concerns—fears about the supernatural realm. I worried that involving him would force him to abandon his ordinary life. So, one day, I decided to tell him, and it didn't go well," she explained, her grip on my arm tightening.

"Initially, he brushed off my revelation, but I felt compelled to show him the extent of my abilities. I demonstrated control over the earth, wind, and the surrounding vegetation. Even my children displayed their magical prowess. However, instead of understanding, he panicked, labeling us as witches and devil worshipers. In his fear, he ran away. Aware of the impending danger from a town that abhorred any hint of witchcraft, we had no choice but to flee as well."

"We escaped to a different corner of Ireland, but rumors trailed us, forcing us to uproot once more. This cycle persisted for over a year until, somehow, he managed to get a letter to me through a traveling acquaintance. It felt like a twist of fate, and though I hesitated, I accepted and unfolded its contents. What I discovered within that letter shattered my heart, and from that point on, I closed myself off to such experiences."

"As my children grew, a subtle resentment settled between us. They became distant, their warmth replaced by a cool understanding of the circumstances. Unable to establish roots in one place, their academic and social lives suffered, and when I suggested a permanent move to the supernatural side, they vehemently opposed it."

"By the time they reached fifteen or sixteen, they had entered an age where society deemed them adults. It was a time when legally they could strike out on their own. Realizing this, they chose to leave, and at that juncture, they severed all contact with me. The ties that bound us unraveled, and I found myself alone, grappling with the consequences of choices made."

I anticipated tears from Danu, but when I glanced at her, I saw not sadness but a defeated expression—hollow eyes that bore a look of acceptance. It seemed she had embraced the outcome and moved forward in her life.

"I returned to the pantheon and attempted to maintain a semblance of normalcy, but they sensed something was amiss. Eventually, I had to confess, and, well, they suggested tracking them down. Yet, given my position at the time, I prevented them from doing so. We were gods, they were humans; it wouldn't be fair... that was my reasoning," she explained, letting out a sigh.

"After that, I chose isolation. The dreams started haunting me—visions of an ideal life with a man and a family. It was tormenting to wake up to emptiness. I realized these dreams emerged because the number of happy families around me was growing. Observing their joyous lives, I couldn't help but compare, and the contrast pained me deeply."

I broke into her words, asking, "Áine mentioned something about you waiting for someone in isolation. Does that mean...?"

She gave a solemn nod and admitted, "Partially. I fed her that lie to keep her from following me. I was simply drowning in my own misery, holding onto the hope that these dreams of mine would one day become reality. I disappeared. Though, I did emerge to support Áine during her first marriage, but... you're probably aware of how that turned out."

"I harbored such rage towards that man that I found myself considering actions I wouldn't normally entertain. Yet, I managed to rein in my emotions and let things be. And I regretted it. Witnessing the people I care about suffer due to the harshness of the world stirred a mix of sadness and anger within me. Each time I tried to aid Áine, she'd just vanish, leaving behind a trail of destruction."

"But also, when I think about Áine's situation, echoes of my own tragedy resound in my mind. It forces me to reflect—pondering how easily I could have ended up like Áine if fate had taken a different turn or if I hadn't been cautious enough," she expressed, her words lingering in the air before she fell into a thoughtful silence.

"...What happened to those two children you cared for? Did they try to reconnect with you as the years passed, or did they sever ties completely?" I inquired, wanting to delve into the intricacies of her past.

She took a moment before responding. "...No, they didn't but I kept a watchful eye on them. They managed to lead seemingly ordinary lives, though every now and then, they would use their magic to ease their way through challenges. Eventually, they... passed away. My son met an untimely end due to an accident when he was 52, while my daughter lived until she was 67 before departing. I know the place where they rest, and even after emerging from my isolation, I still visit their final resting place occasionally," she shared, her voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and solemnity.

I found myself at a loss for words as Danu shared her story. It seemed her life had once been on a promising path with someone, but he had rejected the idea of her being a goddess. The repercussions of this rejection echoed not only through her life but also affected her children, who, in turn, harbored resentment toward her.

Despite the hardships, Danu held no grudges against them. She, in fact, kept a watchful eye on them from a distance throughout their lives. The intricacies of her past were complex, leaving me momentarily speechless. Before I could articulate a response, Danu gently cupped my cheek, her touch a mix of comfort and reassurance.

"All of that is in the past, and forgiveness has found its place in my heart," she said, her eyes reflecting a profound sense of contentment. With those words, she shifted to lie on my chest, a gesture of intimacy that carried a weight of shared experiences. "I find happiness in my present, especially with you, Aaron," she continued, her voice carrying a blend of certainty and vulnerability. "Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but being one of your 'Fated Ones,' it makes me ponder otherwise."

"...There's not much I can say, Danu. But if you'd like, I can attempt to create an opportunity for you and your children to have another conversation," I offered.

"Thank you. I'll consider it. But, for now, can you just hold me?" she requested, and I complied. We remained in that embrace for several more hours until everyone else joined us in my room, following the dispelling of the barrier I had erected.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day dawned, and Danu exuded a vibrant energy that didn't go unnoticed by the others. The girls surrounding me offered their congratulations, causing Danu to blush and all of us to share a good-natured laugh.

Despite the lighthearted atmosphere, I had important tasks lined up for the day, starting with a revisit to the planet Latia and Sona's team had overseen the previous day. However, before delving into that, there was a scheduled meeting with Radelia for a necessary punishment, and I had a unique idea in mind.

Positioned in the hallways of the [DxD] building, just beyond the cafeteria, I took a moment to observe my surroundings. In addition to the expansive dining area in Ivoryillum and the array of restaurants, diners, towns, and cities scattered across the planet, [DxD] boasted its own quaint cafeteria within this building.

My clones—accompanied by Grayfia, Raikou, Inaie, and Echilys—had taken charge of preparing and serving breakfast for everyone. The offer extended to lunch as well, should anyone desire it. The scent of cooking wafted through the air, promising a fulfilling start to the day for the members of [DxD].

"Hmm? What brings you out here, Aaron-senpai?" Genshirou queried as he, along with Ruruko and Asbeel, approached the cafeteria.

"Oh, hey, Gen. Just contemplating some things. Feel free to head in; the food's all set, and if you fancy lunch, just give us a heads-up," I informed him. He tilted his head, absorbing the information, then nodded before making his way into the cafeteria.

In a brief moment, he popped his head back out. "Oh, by the way, the President planned on joining you today, so we're going on our mission solo." Raising an eyebrow in acknowledgment, I nodded, and he disappeared back into the bustling cafeteria.

'Sona's joining me and Latia later, huh? Well, it's unlikely to be just the three of us; I anticipate more company,' I contemplated, then finally stepped into the cafeteria to partake in breakfast.

— ○ ● ○ —

After an hour passed, I found myself stepping outside, ready to rendezvous with Radelia. We had coordinated our meeting in Ivoryillum, the starting point for our venture into... well, I planned to disclose the details to her later. It was all part of the "punishment" game I had in mind.

As I began my walk, Genshirou's voice echoed, calling my name once more. I turned around to face him, curiosity etched on my features. "Gen, what's up?" I inquired.

He hesitated, stammering slightly as he spoke. "I... please help me with something," Genshirou requested with a respectful bow.

I arched an eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

Maintaining his bow, Genshirou explained, "I'm graduating this year, and hopefully before our games commence. With that in mind, I want to propose to Ruruko-chan and Asbeel-san. I was wondering if you could assist me in obtaining rings for them. You gave them necklaces as a gesture of goodwill, functioning similarly to my necklace and the rings of your other lovers. But... I would like something similar to the rings, if you don't mind..."

"I don't mind, Gen, but I have to ask, what kind of gems do they like? Colors? Any details you can provide will help me craft something special for them," I inquired. Genshirou nodded, and a stream of information flowed as he explained the preferences in intricate detail. I listened attentively, absorbing it all.

"I see. Well, I can get that made, but I'll hand it to you once we're back in our universe, post the liberation of this universe and Evie Etoulde. How does that sound?" I proposed.

"It's perfectly fine! Thank you for agreeing to my request!" Genshirou expressed gratitude with a deeper bow.

"Stop bowing, man, it's a bit embarrassing. Anyway, you're my friend, and you've contributed a lot, so this is the least I could do. Oh, and I plan on picking up some souvenirs for your family before we head back. Keep it a secret when you talk to them, alright?" I added with a friendly smile.

"Y-yes, thank you again. A-anyway, I'll get going!" Genshirou exclaimed before making a swift exit.

Genshirou Saji had undergone noticeable changes, yet a sense of familiarity lingered in his demeanor. While some aspects of him remained consistent, it was strangely reassuring that he still exhibited behaviors I could anticipate. Contemplating these observations, I made my way towards Ivoryillum.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hey, sorry for the wait," I greeted Radelia, raising my hand, but my motion froze as I took in her outfit.

Her hairstyle had undergone a change, now fashioned into a short ponytail, and she sported an entirely different ensemble. A black denim jacket adorned her frame, paired with snug black jeans and eye-catching golden-black sports shoes. Fidgeting slightly as she waited for me, I couldn't help but notice the curious gazes from several onlookers.

Following my announcement, she turned her attention towards me and made her way over. "I've been waiting for too long. Why were you late?" she inquired, a hint of frustration evident in her tone.

"Things happened, so I'm sorry. Anyway, are you ready for your 'punishment'?" I asked, to which she hesitantly nodded her head.

"Great news, we've got two stops on our agenda today—Piualvan first, then Titancrest. I need to meet up with Latia, Ravel, and Sona over there," I informed her.

As breakfast wrapped up, as I had anticipated, a few others expressed interest in tagging along, and I welcomed them. Among them was Ravel, who sought to glean some knowledge from Latia, although she remained tight-lipped about the specifics. Despite the lack of details, I granted her permission to join our excursion.

"...Piualvan and Titancrest...? Titancrest I get, but why Piualvan? It's a town surrounded by lakes, rivers, huts, and wooden cottages," Radelia inquired, her confusion evident.

I flashed a grin in response. "Because today, your punishment is a date with me. You did say you'd be mine after I helped you, right? Might as well give it a trial run before officially sealing the deal in the future."

Radelia gazed at me for a moment before her face flushed crimson. "Huh?!" she exclaimed in surprised confusion.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our arrival in the charming riverside town, we received a warm welcome from a few locals who had chosen to make this tranquil place their home. Many of them expressed their desire to live by a river or lake, and this town turned out to be the ideal spot for them to settle.

Piualvan boasted a modest population of 28, and with our presence, it reached a total of 30 inhabitants. Despite the abundance of houses, the similarity to my home in the Draconic Deus was striking—houses that magically maintained cleanliness, along with small front and back gardens that required no manual upkeep, making maintenance a non-issue.

As we began walking through the quaint town, Radelia couldn't help but express her confusion. "I get the 'date' part, but... why choose this place?" she mumbled beside me.

"I thought it would suit you," I replied casually.

Her expression shifted to incredulity. "Does my demeanor really scream this type of scenery?" she questioned.

I offered her a smile and a nod. "My powers don't lie, Radelia, and neither do your truest nature and desires. Anyway, let's explore," I suggested, extending my hand to her.

She gazed at my extended hand, hesitated momentarily, then took it, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she turned her head away.

"With all the planets on our little trip today, I'm thinking of having a house in each of them. It should make future vacations more manageable," I shared with a grin.

"Now, help me choose a house here, Radelia. I've got one on Cosmosilica Terraflora, a place on Titancrest, and even one at the base. Yet, I want a residence somewhere else on this planet. This spot seems promising," I explained to her.

Once again, she averted her gaze, her voice slightly shaky as she questioned, "W-why me? Why not ask your h-harem of other women?"

"You'll be part of it in the future, so your opinion is as valid as theirs," I assured her. Before I could delve deeper into the conversation, a familiar voice interrupted us. Turning towards it, we discovered an unusual pair—Kuroka and Ophis.

"Aaron nya... hmm? A date nya?" Kuroka inquired, her curiosity evident.

"Yeah, more or less. What brings you two here?" I responded, intrigued by their unexpected appearance. Ophis approached me, presenting a skewer with some kind of fish, and I took a bite. "Not bad..."

"We heard about the local fish from some people at the base, so we decided to check it out. Ophis overheard and decided to tag along," Kuroka explained. Ophis nodded in agreement, her expression serene as she waved the fish stick in front of her.

"I see. By the way, how long have you been here?" I inquired.

"A few hours? Why?" Kuroka responded, tilting her head in curiosity. I took a moment to explain my earlier point, and she burst into laughter. "Then how about that place? I think the locals had it made in case you came here. They asked Cúntóir and your Shadow Soldiers to make it," she suggested, pointing towards a hill.

At its peak sat a sizable structure—more than just a house; it resembled a mansion. Its proportions surpassed any other building or residence in the vicinity. Perched on the hill, it offered a commanding view of the entire small town, presenting itself as a fitting abode for the hypothetical "mayor" of this community.

"Then let's head there, but we should grab some food first. I didn't prepare lunch, so I'll buy something to store in my ring for later when we arrive in Titancrest," I suggested to Radelia, and she nodded in agreement.

Out of the blue, Kuroka wrapped her arms around mine and exclaimed, "Well, since we're here, might as well join, right nya?"

Ophis, not one to be left out, came up from behind, leaping to wrap her arms around my neck. "Join," she murmured.

Glancing at Radelia, I saw her snort and shrug. "I can't control them, can I?" she asked me with a bemused expression.

Kuroka flashed a peace sign with her fingers and added, "No nya~"

"No nya," echoed Ophis, causing me to burst into laughter. Together, we proceeded towards the mansion a lightness in our steps.

— ○ ● ○ —

"So, are we heading over to Titancrest now, nya?" Kuroka inquired.

I responded with a nod. Several hours had elapsed since our arrival in Piualvan, and our time there had been delightful. In summary, we decided to acquire the mansion, implementing some changes in the town based on the locals' suggestions. Our aim was to enhance its efficiency for the existing population and any future inhabitants.

"I'm curious about what you did with it. As far as I recall, it was mostly barren, housing a few things but nothing too essential," remarked Radelia beside me.

"The thing is, I transformed it entirely. It's less like a planet now and more of... I guess, a giant structure? You'll understand when you see it," I explained, leaving them intrigued and slightly perplexed. "Anyway, let's go." With those words, we departed from the town and the planet, setting our course for Titancrest.

— ○ ● ○ —

"What the heck is this, nya?!" Kuroka exclaimed the moment we arrived at Titancrest. "I was expecting something intimidating and gloomy because of the name. This is exactly the opposite! Think of a different name, dammit, nya!"

Ophis, standing in front of me, gestured ahead and said, "Beach... river... lake...? A lot of water..."

"This feels more like a resort than anything, Aaron," commented Radelia. Her eyes widened as she asked, "Is that what you were aiming for?"

"Yeah, more or less. If you look behind it, you'll see more levels below. It's like an enormous space station floating in space but a holiday or tropical resort where you can buy homes and stuff... I guess it's like Hawaii in space?" I replied, a chuckle escaping me as I explained the concept. The vastness of Titancrest unfolded, revealing layers below, creating an image of a celestial haven rather than the foreboding atmosphere one might associate with its name.

I levitated all of us, guiding our movement over the edge. From this vantage point, more of Titancrest unfolded before us, stretching out at the same level as Earth but three times grander. What struck us most was its vertical expanse, dominating the landscape. Waterfalls cascaded from all sides of Titancrest, their streams disappearing into the vastness of space.

Returning to the platform, a breathtaking scene awaited us. Two extensive bridges stretched out before us, suspended over a colossal pool of water. Below the bridges lay pristine, white sandy beaches adorned with swaying coconut trees. In the distance, the central structure of this place stood tall—a collection of circular, white buildings with expansive windows. Surrounding them, an array of coconut trees added a touch of natural elegance to the architectural marvel.

"What else is around besides shops and houses? You mentioned it's like a resort, right, nya?" Kuroka inquired.

"Imagine the vacation spots in our world—picture all those popular places and blend them into this space. The Resistance should be celebrated as heroes, and I want this location and any neighboring planets to be linked to that reputation. Accessibility is key; I want everyone to be able to live in this place, irrespective of their income or overall wealth," I elaborated.

"Oh! So, there's tasty food here, nya?!" Kuroka's excitement bubbled in her question.

"Well, in the future, yes, but not at the moment," I informed her, and her enthusiasm instantly deflated. Just as we were about to resume our discussion, a magic circle materialized beside us, signaling the arrival of another group. Unsurprisingly, they mirrored Kuroka's disappointed reaction.

Now accompanied by this new group, we reached a consensus to head inside Titancrest and join the others.

— ○ ● ○ —

Akeno Himejima's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

[It looks like we're getting to the planet a few hours ahead of schedule. Please prepare as we'll be approaching the designated spot in five minutes,] Cúntóir's voice echoed through the ship.

I sat with Rias in a room, sipping tea and engaging in conversation when we caught wind of the announcement. Swiftly, Rias conjured a magic circle, notifying everyone to assemble in the ship's cockpit.

Judging by the hurried footsteps, it seemed Cao Cao had received the same message, with Leonardo-kun rushing past our room. Without hesitation, we joined the others in making our way to the cockpit.

Upon reaching the cockpit, we encircled the captain's seat. In front of us, Cúntóir displayed a live feed, presumably of the approaching planet.

"Is that... Shadenvyre Machinara?" Yumi queried, her expression revealing astonishment.

"Yes," Cúntóir confirmed.

A planet blending technology with the embrace of nature, where futuristic cities sprouted like mushrooms, towering over twice the height of our most colossal skyscrapers on Earth. Some of these city structures even defied gravity, seemingly suspended by an almost invisible force.

The structures below adhered to a more conventional design, yet their abundance formed a bustling mosaic of urban life. Amidst the cityscape, towering trees stood tall, weaving a natural scenery. Intersecting walkways crisscrossed the landscape, while both terrestrial and airborne vehicles navigated the intricate network.

Leonardo-kun, intrigued, pointed skyward and queried, "What's that above them?" His finger aimed at a colossal rock looming over the planet.

"That's their moon. Well, it used to be several moons, but they merged them into one and embedded an artificial core, giving it that almost black-red hue. It serves dual purposes—powering the planet and acting as a protective shield against various space elements," Cúntóir explained, unveiling the amazing engineering that shaped their world.

"Down there, there are so many people... What should we do with them?" Asia inquired anxiously.

Cúntóir turned around, delivering a straightforward response, "You eliminate them. After rescuing Aldrake's sister, you will obliterate this entire planet. See that mushroom-like structure with multiple floors, seemingly reaching their moon?" she pointed out, and we all nodded in acknowledgment.

"That's where the marriage ceremony is taking place, at the highest peak. However, instead of the typical ceremony, she's being coerced into taking an oath. You're all familiar with how those work, right?" Cúntóir sought confirmation, and we responded with synchronized nods.

In a nutshell, if you break the oath, you face death—whether you impose it upon yourself or if another does, violating the agreed-upon oath means that you will die. Breaking oaths isn't an easy thing to do; only the powerful, armed with the knowledge of how to dismantle these binding promises, can do so. The outliers in this equation are likely the outer gods, such as Azathoth and Aaron.

"So our priority is preventing that from occurring, right?" Georg sought clarification.

"Yes," confirmed Cúntóir. "Based on what I've gathered, our early arrival is fortunate. Sagriff, one of the Umbra, is growing increasingly impatient and desires to wed Aldrake sister soon. Once we make our presence known, he might expedite the process and then vanish. It's important to note that everyone in Phumera's organization is alerted that [DxD] is here, and we've aligned ourselves with the Resistance. So they're all expecting us at some point."

Asia raised her hand once again, voicing her concern, "Do we have to resort to killing them? Can't we attempt to save or spare some of them? Perhaps even consider capturing some as prisoners?"

Irina chimed in, "Aaron didn't give us specific instructions on that, did he?"

Avoiding a direct response to their inquiry, Cúntóir redirected the conversation, posing her own question, "Did he provide any information about the Umbra?"

"Aaron didn't disclose details directly, but I've heard some rumors," Cao Cao contributed, joining our discussion.

Isatha, standing beside him, added, "The Umbra handles the unsavory tasks for Phumera and the other factions. Simply put, they're more reprehensible than the Eradicators or Ueboros. While those groups are obligated to spare some individuals during the conquest of a planet, the Umbra operates without such constraints—there don't seem to be any rules for them, to be honest."

Cúntóir nodded in agreement. "Exactly. They're deplorable individuals, focusing solely on acquiring whatever item, spell, or knowledge they desire from a planet or species, only to wreak havoc and destruction upon the world. At times, they go so far as enslaving the inhabitants for their amusement or exploiting them for free labor."

She gestured towards the screen once again. "Those individuals you see were once slaves, or currently are. The brainwashing they've undergone is so severe that they've started to emulate the very people the Umbra desire—becoming just as despicable. Though there are only four of them, their actions are reprehensible."

"Can't the brainwashing be undone?" Asia asked with a sense of desperation.

"No," Cúntóir replied solemnly. "It's deeply ingrained into their souls. Even if we were to kill and revive them, the scars of their past experiences would persist, leading to violent outbursts. The only viable solution is to eliminate them and bring them back before the conquest of their planets or before they reach a point of irreversible 'breaking,'" she explained.

"So, essentially, we're wiping away everything they know. It does seem a bit inhumane," remarked Heracles, his brow furrowing as he observed the troubling scenes on the screen.

Cúntóir shifted her gaze to Asia and Irina, a solemn expression on her face. "I understand your desire to rescue as many people as possible, but sometimes the greater mercy is to end the suffering of those enslaved and grant them the peace and freedom they deserve. Moreover, the slaves constitute only 5% of the population; the majority are individuals much like the Umbra. So, taking decisive action against them should not weigh heavily on your conscience."

Turning away, she addressed the group, "Having said that, we're commencing the operation in two minutes. Get ready. I'll remain here to safeguard the spaceship and offer support as needed."

We all reached a consensus and departed with our respective teams. As we strolled away, Crom Cruach spoke up, [Rias, I'm going solo. Since the concern of avoiding casualties is null, I'll go on a rampage and seek out a worthy opponent.]

Rias sighed and responded, "That's acceptable, but please, if you come across Aldrake's sister, Citrina, snatch her and bring her back to the ship, alright?"

Crom Cruach nodded in agreement, and with that, he vanished from our group. I turned to his Eminence Strada and inquired, "You'll be accompanying me and Zhuge Liang, correct, your Eminence?"

"Mmm, I will. Everyone, good luck on the mission, and please ensure your safety," said Vasco Strada, his tone carrying a note of concern.

After we split into our respective groups, I noticed Rias standing alone. It appeared our leader, the [King], preferred some solo time too. However, her thoughtful expression suggested that she might be pondering something from our earlier conversation. I considered asking her about it but chose to postpone the inquiry for the time being.

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Third Person Point of View

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[Teleportation will start in ten seconds, and I'll disable any protective barriers afterward. Feel free to go all out, but remember, our top priority is rescuing Citrina,] Cúntóir briefed the team.

The short countdown commenced, and in a blink, all the teams found themselves teleported to different locations on the planet. Akeno Himejima's team consisted of Vasco Strada, Zhuge Liang, and herself. Before the teleportation and as they waited in their designated room, Akeno began charging up a powerful attack.

[I'm gearing up for an attack that'll cover the entire planet. Protect yourselves, and if any of you are close to Citrina, make sure to shield her too,] Akeno informed her teammates through their transceivers.

A sudden dark cloud enveloped the planet, leaving its inhabitants bewildered. Shadenvyre Machinara, known for its perpetually clear skies maintained by Sagriff's advanced technology, now faced an unexpected change. Even Sagriff himself, witnessing this anomaly, felt a surge of confusion and alarm.

"Sir, there's—!" began one of his subordinates.

"Take cover!" Sagriff commanded, vanishing from sight and grabbing Citrina, who found herself caught in the unexpected turn of events.

Within moments, a colossal thundering sound echoed across the entire planet. Massive craters replaced once-thriving parts of the landscape as Akeno unleashed a planetary-sized lightning attack. The devastating attack wiped out 50% of Sagriff's forces.

The unlucky ones succumbed to the attack instantly, while others remained paralyzed. A few managed to survive through quick thinking, protective measures, or sheer luck. The planet bore the scars of Akeno's unleashed power.

[I've located Citrina. She and Sagriff are progressing through the largest building for the ceremony. Sagriff is onto us and intends to make Citrina take the oath. Whoever is closest to them, stop them,] commanded Cúntóir.

Aldrake and the Church Trio found themselves closest to the targeted duo, prompting all four of them to hasten towards the building. However, their adversaries were now alerted to their presence, and a concerted effort to impede them unfolded.

"Intruders! Eliminate them!" a voice rang out. The multitude of foes ahead initiated a barrage of attacks, utilizing their inherent abilities and an array of weapons.

Beams, varying in color, size, element, and origin, hurtled towards our heroes. Elemental monsters materialized at the command of their enemies, charging forth in a relentless assault. A myriad of projectiles, each possessing its distinct danger, were unleashed, creating a formidable barrier between Aldrake and the Church Trio and their target.

"Avoid hesitation, Asia, as it could be harmful for us," Aldrake advised her before surging forward alongside Xenovia.

Aldrake extended his hand, conjuring a sword with a striking combination of golden and black hues, adorned with white feathers along its sides. Lifting the sword, he swung it down, unleashing an aura slash attack that cut through the barrage of attacks ahead, obliterating many in its wake.

Xenovia mirrored Aldrake's maneuver, wielding her formidable [Durandal] to deliver a powerful slash that tore through everything before her. The combined efforts of Aldrake and Xenovia dismantled the onslaught of attacks, reducing them to nothing. The destructive force didn't spare the buildings or any entities attempting to evade, as they too were blasted away and vanquished.

Irina faced a new enemy who appeared next to her, wielding a colossal hand crafted from light and white electricity. Reacting swiftly, she leaped to the side, narrowly evading the massive hand, and retaliated by unleashing a barrage of light bullets from her fingertips.

The assailant, undeterred, summoned a shield using a device on his wrist. However, Irina's potent light bullets effortlessly tore through the defensive barrier, riddling the man with fatal holes and bringing an abrupt end to his life.

Despite the onslaught, more enemies emerged, armed with an array of futuristic weapons. Undaunted, Irina skillfully dodged their attacks, countering with her mastered light powers, swiftly dispatching them.

A fleeting expression of concern flickered across her face, but she forcefully pushed aside any doubts. Mentally reinforcing her convictions, she repeated, 'These are bad people, these are bad people, we're doing the right things, just like what we did with the Khaos Order…!' The mantra echoed in her mind, a resolute affirmation in the face of the challenging circumstances.

On the opposite end, Asia grappled with a similar dilemma. Her body enveloped in touki, she relentlessly pounded her foes with her fists, deflecting their attacks, leaving them heavily injured but deliberately avoiding fatal blows. However, a slender beam of light descended from space, nearly imperceptible, penetrating the skulls of the enemies Asia refrained from killing.

Observing this development, Asia frowned, not particularly fond of the intervention. Yet, she understood that she had no control over it; the beam unmistakably originated from Cúntóir. With a determined grin, she braved through it, maintaining her offensive stance. In between her regular strikes, she incorporated demonic attacks, sending powerful surges that blasted her enemies away.

"A barrier's blocking our way, and the moon's making it even stronger. Any of you—"

"Leave it to me," Xenovia interjected, cutting off Aldrake. Without further delay, she lunged forward, summoning [Excalibur]. Raising both her swords, she formed a cross with them and took aim at the barrier. In a synchronized motion, she swung both blades down, uttering, "Cross Crisis!"

A massive surge of holy energy erupted from her swords, colliding with the barrier. Despite their efforts, a figure emerged from behind the barrier, reinforcing it. To their astonishment, the opposing force was overwhelmed, and the surrounding area erupted into a colossal holy pillar, claiming the lives of many unfortunate individuals caught in its path.

"Kahaha... seriously!?" reverberated a man's voice, booming in the aftermath of the holy eruption. As the combined attack by Xenovia settled, a tall figure emerged, grinning confidently at their group.

This man possessed striking features—long white hair, black horns adorning his head, and fierce red eyes. He donned a long white coat, matching pants, and shoes with golden tips. His dragon-like tail swayed behind him, a shoulder guard adorned his left side, and in his left hand, he wielded a metallic white grimoire.

"I can't let any of you move forward from here. Even if I have to meet my end, I'm determined to let Lord Sagriff marry that woman, you know?" he declared, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

Undeterred, Asia stepped forward unexpectedly, catching everyone off guard. "I'll stop him. Please, go ahead," she announced with a resolute determination.

The man in their path shook his head, ready to dismiss her plea. However, before he could start his sentence, Asia's hand clamped around his neck. In a swift and surprising move, she leaped away with him, creating a powerful gust that scattered everything in its vicinity, leaving the rest of her group astounded.

"Well, Asia's got this. Let's follow her lead and keep moving!" Xenovia declared, taking the initiative as she began to run ahead. Aldrake considered saying something but ultimately chose to stay silent.

In his thoughts, Aldrake mused, 'Asia might want to question him, but based on what Lady Cúntóir mentioned earlier, it's not going to end well for her. After all, they are, quite literally, insane.'

As they entered the building, Irina cast a worried glance in the direction Asia had taken. She offered a silent prayer, her concern evident on her face, before joining the others.

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Coming up just behind the building where Citrina was being held, Asia forcefully tossed down the man accompanying her, inadvertently causing more structures to crumble around. The unintended destruction furrowed her brows, and she silently offered apologies to anyone she might have harmed or inadvertently killed during the descent.

"Damn, you're a strong woman whose appearance doesn't match her strength," the man muttered as he picked himself up. "I don't mind it, though. Call me Spuzarth. And you are?"

"Asia Argento," responded Asia. "Please answer my question. Why are you doing this?"

"Doing... this? What do you mean?" Spuzarth replied, feigning innocence.

"Kidnapping Citrina and causing so much harm and misery in your universe! Isn't there a more peaceful approach?" Asia pressed, her concern evident in her inquiry.

Upon hearing her question, Spuzarth burst into laughter, shaking his head in amusement. "You know, not everyone in our ranks is as insane as the Resistance might have painted us. Once you're a direct subordinate of the Umbra, they cut you some slack. And one of those privileges is avoiding the whole brainwashing routine. Pretty nifty, huh?"

Asia frowned as she sought clarification, asking, "So, you're willingly involved in all this?"

"Exactly," Spuzarth affirmed. "Surviving in this vast universe requires strength and a dash of luck from the moment you're born. Otherwise, you'll just become another statistic, another life snuffed out. Initially, I resisted the path I found myself on, even tried to swim against the tide. But after enduring a near-death ordeal, I began to embrace it—and, surprisingly, discovered a certain enjoyment in it."

A white and purple aura enveloped Spuzarth, his grin widening as he directed his attention toward Asia. "Give it a shot sometime. The power to decide someone's fate, to hold their lives in your hands, it's a heady feeling. Savoring the moment as you slowly extinguish their existence—it's truly exhilarating...!" he declared, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"...Not insane? Anyone saying such things must be far from normal, Spuzarth-san," Asia corrected, her own form now shrouded in a demonic aura. "I won't partake in such cruelty. But, when it comes to eradicating individuals tainted like you by darkness, then I'll do what's necessary—no, I'll cleanse broken souls like yours. May God find it in His heart to forgive me."

A heavy silence settled over the surroundings, and then both combatants raised their hands, releasing a torrent of attacks toward each other. Asia conjured a variety of elemental demonic attacks, directing them at Spuzarth, while the man in opposition fired energetic shots in shades of white and purple.

The clash of their attacks resulted in a potent explosion that reverberated through the area, demolishing more structures in its wake. The tower holding Citrina, however, stood firm, providing a small sense of relief to Asia.

Emerging from the explosive chaos, Spuzarth swiftly closed the distance and appeared in front of Asia, a sly grin on his face. He unfurled expansive dark purple wings with striking white tips and launched a barrage of point-blank energy attacks.

Despite the proximity and intensity, Asia deftly dodged each attack, simultaneously narrowing the gap and delivering a powerful punch to Spuzarth's stomach. To her surprise, the attack was met with a formidable barrier, and Spuzarth grinned confidently.

"If you stick to such basic maneuvers, you'll never manage to hurt me—!" he declared.

Asia, undeterred, surged with even greater strength, generating sparks of golden electricity that tore through the barrier. Her fist collided with his stomach, causing him to cough up blood before being forcefully propelled away. The shockwave of Asia's punch wreaked havoc on the buildings ahead, disintegrating them in its wake as she swiftly pursued her opponent.

Spuzarth, now on the ground, clutched his stomach in confusion, trying to make sense of the sudden turn of events. "W-what is that woman...?" he muttered to himself, his hand instinctively moving to heal the internal damage. "Without this healing ability, I would have met a quick demise. I shouldn't underestimate her. She's likely one of the outer god's women, so her strength must be—"

Before he could finish his thought, Asia reappeared above him, executing a mid-air spin. Her foot descended towards the ground with force as she aimed for Spuzarth. Reacting on pure instinct, the man leaped away, narrowly avoiding a potentially fatal blow.

"I suppose I should start taking this seriously. It's my own fault for underestimating all of you," he muttered, covering his body with scales and releasing a draconic-like aura. "Now, I'm operating at 100% power. Let's see how you deal with this."

He gazed ahead as Asia flew over to him, noticing a trail of purple and white dots forming a path in front of him. A sly grin crept across his face, and he swiftly followed the marked trail. Simultaneously, his speed surged, increasing by fifty times as he rapidly closed the distance between him and Asia. Without hesitation, he threw a powerful fist towards her face.

'With this, I win—'

To his complete astonishment, Asia gracefully evaded his punch. In a surprising turn of events, she retaliated by delivering another touki-infused punch directly to his face, sending him hurtling backward once more. Spuzarth crashed through several buildings before finally coming to a halt on a particular one.

"How did she even see me...!? If I follow those dots, my speed keeps increasing until I'm essentially moving at light speed! Don't tell me she can still follow that?!" he asked in horror.

Asia materialized in front of him, hovering with her devil wings spread proudly behind her. A total of 16 wings adorned her form, a sight she showcased with silent confidence.

"What the hell are you!?" Spuzarth inquired cautiously. The source of his confusion deepened when Asia responded with a smile.

"I'm Asia Argento, a devil and a proud follower of the God of the Bible," she stated, bringing her hands together in prayer.

Spuzarth was left utterly dumfounded and bewildered. "What the hell does that even mean!?" he exclaimed.

Asia responded with a silent smile, a reaction that, for some reason, irked Spuzarth. His irritation manifested in a thunderous roar, shaking the planet and demolishing additional structures. As the cacophony echoed, Asia instinctively covered her ears. In that moment, Spuzarth seized the opportunity, propelled by his distinctive ability, and unleashed a powerful kick toward her.

However, Asia effortlessly evaded the attack, provoking further frustration in Spuzarth. Numerous dots materialized around Asia, and he swung his fists at them, intensifying his speed. Despite his efforts, he couldn't lay a finger on her.

Frustrated, he withdrew, launching white and purple attacks at the dots, enhancing their speed and potency. Yet again, Asia countered, infusing her body with golden touki and neutralizing Spuzarth's attacks with straightforward punches.

"Spuzarth-san, if you surrender now, we might find a way for you to start anew with the Resistance. Why not give it a try?" Asia suggested, effortlessly destroying his attacks.

"When it's impossible, it's impossible. No one can win against Phumera or Magnum Tenebrosum, so your question is utterly pointless!" Spuzarth exclaimed. "Why can't you grasp that? What you and the Resistance are doing is futile!"

"Nothing is futile when Aaron's involved. He has a way of influencing everyone around him and making miracles happen," Asia responded, appearing in front of Spuzarth with a persistent smile. "If that's not clear to you, then I'll have to make it clear."

"Eh?" Spuzarth muttered before being forcefully slammed back down to the ground. The impact robbed him of breath, and before he could regain his footing, Asia flew down and slammed both of her feet onto his chest, a motion that not only cracked his ribs but also shattered the ground beneath them.

They burst into a vast underground facility, revealing a maze of machinery, tubes, large metallic boxes, and assorted equipment that piqued Asia's curiosity.

[Asia, keep an eye out for anything resembling a cube like this,] instructed Cúntóir, displaying an image in front of her. [If you spot it, retrieve it, please.]

[Roger,] Asia acknowledged, scanning her surroundings. She soon identified a cluster of cube-like objects tucked away in a corner of the expansive facility.

With a resounding crash, Spuzarth landed on the facility's floor, causing a commotion among the scientists and researchers present. Upon seeing Asia hovering above them, instead of fleeing, they launched attacks using both technological and magical properties. Asia, taken aback by their unexpected reaction, casually deflected their attacks, leaving them bewildered and frightened.

"Excuse me," she spoke, and in an instant, she disappeared from her position. Reappearing next to each scientist and researcher, she skillfully incapacitated them with a swift punch. Redirecting her attention to Spuzarth, who managed to rise, she closed the distance between them, swiftly knocking him away once more.

Seizing the opportunity, she hurried to the area with the cubes, quickly storing them in her ring. Without wasting time, she followed Spuzarth. Glancing back at the unconscious scientists, Asia noticed that Cúntóir had efficiently taken care of them. She uttered a quick prayer before reappearing near Spuzarth.

The sight that unfolded before her was startling. It was another spacious room, but what caught her off guard were the metallic threads suspended from the ceiling, forming intricate cocoons, each cradling a person within.

"What is this...?" she muttered, her voice reflecting the bewilderment.

"...Shit, I didn't think you'd bring me here by accident," Spuzarth grumbled, weariness evident as he clutched his stomach.

Without waiting for a response, Asia soared into the air, extracting individuals from the metallic cocoons and carefully placing them on the ground. Spuzarth, too exhausted to intervene, merely chuckled at her efforts.

"What a pitiful sight," he remarked, settling back onto the ground. "Pulling them out of that is useless since it's already done; all they needed to do was wake up," he explained to her.

"What do you mean?" Asia inquired, her gaze shifting to the slumbering figures.

"Hmph. They're already changed—this is the process that Lord Sagriff chose. Once they awaken, their personalities and thought processes will transform to align with the rest of the planet's inhabitants. They will obey him and fear him. If they gain strength through this, then he'll restore a bit of their free will," Spuzarth elucidated, revealing the intricate details of the transformation process.

Asia's eyes widened in astonishment, and he responded with a sly grin. "Power is everything. Control is power. Having an army that's not only loyal but also powerful gives you a strategic advantage. If you believe sitting idly will bring you power and using the power of friendship will bring you strength then you'll remain naive forever, Asia Argento."

Spuzarth then uttered something under his breath, and his metallic grimoire emitted a radiant glow beside him. "And this... marks my final act. The only way to stop me is by ending my life," he proclaimed, and a white and purple brilliance enveloped everything around them.

A profound transformation had begun as Spuzarth initiated the process to morph into a full-fledged dragon.

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