Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 20 – Part 1 – Stories and Passions*

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Göndul whisked us away to a sprawling gate, surrounded by ancient remnants in the distance. In a matter of seconds, Amina, Edlion, Rossweisse, Lavinia, and the accompanying valkyries appeared alongside us.

"Let him go, Granny!" Rose exclaimed, tightly grasping my other arm.

Wearing a smile, Göndul retorted, "I'm merely escorting him to the designated area, Rose. This should be okay, don't you think?"

Their banter continued until we reached the dwelling, where the remaining members of [DxD] teleported in as well, creating an uncomfortably tight space. Shaking my head, I entered the abode, prompting Göndul to swiftly unveil a concealed staircase. We descended and found ourselves transported to an entirely different location.

Surveying the surroundings, an eerie atmosphere pervaded, casting an invisible orange hue in the surroundings. Despite the peculiar ambiance, the surroundings lay in a state of disrepair.

"Hmm, so this is the place?" I murmured.

"No," Amina corrected, "I believe it's just a fraction of it. We must delve deeper into the underground to unveil the remnants of the main city."

"I can assist with that," chimed in Cúntóir's voice as she teleported to our location.

"Uh, I've already located it," I responded, and Cúntóir playfully glared at me. I raised my hands in surrender. "Go ahead."

With a tap of her foot, Cúntóir transported us to another spot. Once there, she tapped her foot again, and a mesmerizing transformation ensued. Rectangular edifices began reconstructing themselves, pillars and peculiar structures emitting flames rejuvenated. Below us flowed a river of lava, while small lamp-like structures dotted the surroundings, casting a strange glow. Buildings and residences seamlessly integrated into the walls and ceilings, creating a captivating and harmonious cityscape.

"This is... the main city? It seems much smaller than I anticipated," I remarked.

"Because they were forced to conceal themselves underground," Cúntóir explained, drawing everyone's attention. "This part of history has been obscured by Magnum Tenebrosum, Phumera, and Yve. But, before these three altered the course of events, and prior to the emergence of Magnum Tenebrosum, as I mentioned earlier, this universe resembled any other—normal, free from oppression or enveloped in darkness."

"Allow me to elaborate," she continued. "A conflict erupted between the old civilization of Viriterra Remetura on this planet and a neighboring one. The victors were the inhabitants of Viriterra Remetura, and though the residents of this place were once part of that civilization, they sought refuge underground when the god and many of his generals turned tyrannical."

"The old Viriterra Remetura was governed by two gods in perfect harmony. However, as I mentioned, when circumstances took a turn, they sought refuge underground. The ancient god, in an effort to safeguard their sanctuary, sealed off the entrance—a powerful barrier that even the other god struggled to breach. The latter expended a substantial portion of their life force and powers in the attempt, leading to a significant decline in their strength."

"Despite this, the weakened god aided their people in constructing this subterranean realm. Eventually, the god passed away, a stark contrast to the immortality of gods in our universe. In our realm, with sufficient believers and power, a god or goddess can be resurrected. Nevertheless, at present, I sense that the god of this place still lingers, right, Aaron?" Cúntóir inquired, turning to me after her concise exposition.

Before I could respond, a voice interjected, "What happened to the other planet, Lady Cúntóir!?"

Cúntóir nodded solemnly and replied, "After the conflict, the more tyrannical god compelled the captured inhabitants of the other planet to return to their homeland. He also forced any survivors on that planet to stay there. Subsequently, he obliterated the other planet, extinguishing all life."

"Such wars and internal conflicts were commonplace during that tumultuous era in this universe. Although the turbulence eventually subsided, many inhabited planets were decimated. Some of their populations endured, while others perished—such was the harsh reality. Some consider that period the darkest chapter in this history—until Magnum Tenebrosum arrived, reshaping the narrative into the current state you now understand," Cúntóir elucidated.

Following the succinct explanation, I pivoted and emphatically stomped my foot, capturing everyone's attention. Simultaneously, I summoned forth the spirit of the deceased god. The apparition manifested as an elderly figure draped in tattered and weathered brown robes. He surveyed his surroundings before fixing his gaze upon me and the assembled group.

"...Time has passed," he murmured. His eyes then settled on Esina, who stood beside me, prompting a warm smile. "Little Esina has grown too... what a wonderful time to be brought back."

Perplexed, Esina inquired, "Um... do I know you?"

The elderly god shook his head. "No, but I saw you once when you were still in your youth. I discerned your potential, little did I know you would mature into such a powerful and beautiful being," he remarked, mustering a tired chuckle.

Esina responded with a bittersweet smile, sharing her recent resurrection and the events that transpired. The old man, Osthureuk, listened attentively, his expression reflecting a mixture of sadness and understanding.

"...I see, so that's what happened. It fills me with anger, yet simultaneously, there's a glimmer of hope," Osthureuk reflected. Turning to me, he addressed, "Young outer god, what do you intend to do with this place? It serves no purpose anymore. My descendants have long departed, and I lingered behind, hopeful that something positive might transpire. It seems, in a way, it has."

"I need to merge the planet with Esina's body to grant her new powers and enhance the old ones," I explained, and Osthureuk nodded in understanding. "So... I wanted to ask—"

"This old man will offer his remaining power to young Esina. You need not ask," Osthureuk interjected. "Take anything else in here too and incorporate it into her being; I believe it will be beneficial."

"I see, thank you," I acknowledged. "Is there anything else you'd like to express? I have the ability to bring you back to life as well, you know?"

He smiled warmly at me and shook his head. "Having lived in that era was fulfilling for me. Witnessing my people endure and thrive, with some even departing this place to explore beyond, was satisfaction enough. I desire to rest now."

"...Alright. Thank you again, Osthureuk. May you have a long and well-deserved rest," I expressed, before gently touching his spirit. He reciprocated with a serene smile. His form began to radiate light, and the remnants of his powers gracefully transferred to Esina. Once the transfer was complete, he vanished into the ephemeral embrace of the unknown.

"Are you planning to destroy this place, Sir Aaron?" someone inquired.

Facing them, I replied, "There are still certain spots on our planet that still has to be built or improved. We can designate a small area to mirror this place, so anyone interested in relocating can do so. I'll likely initiate that after our return."

He nodded, visibly enthused. It appeared he found the locale appealing enough to consider moving to a similar setting. Taking one last glance around, I added, "Feel free to explore for a bit before this world undergoes its inevitable transformation in a few minutes."

Following those instructions, everyone dispersed, fueled by curiosity about this mysterious place. Some ventured to explore the surface, guided by Cúntóir. Meanwhile, I found myself standing alongside Esina, with Lavinia, Suzaku, and Amina by my side.

The revelation that Osthureuk had observed Esina as a young child intrigued me. Typically, gods are created as adults and have the liberty to assume any form they desire. From that point, they begin the slow process of aging. There are exceptions for individuals who ascend to godhood or receive divinity, but I doubted that applied to Esina. My curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to use [Observe] on her.

Beyond her enchanted statistics and titles, it was her race that caught my attention—[Artificial God (Former Homunculus)]. The confirmation aligned with my suspicions.

"Are you curious?" Esina inquired with a smile directed at me.

"He's—" Lavinia began, but I interrupted her.

I then stated, "You're an Artificial God, aren't you?" The others present were taken aback, their gazes fixed on Esina.

"Hehe. Yes, I was an artificially created human—a homunculus. I never had parents, only scientists who cared for me, conducting experiments and various procedures to enhance my body beyond the capabilities of a normal person," Esina elucidated.

"Eventually, the planet we were on got raided by marauders, and I escaped on a ship with older children. After landing on a planet unknown to me, we went our separate ways. All I know is... only a few of them are still alive. Many perished within days, weeks, or months after our escape. Some met their end on planets conquered by Phumera and..."

"—One of them is part of her organization, I assume?" I interjected, and Esina nodded.

"Who is it?" inquired Lavinia, her curiosity piqued.

"...Rank 16, Elanor. She always seemed kind, but I guess things changed. I'm more intrigued by how she managed to live for so long, considering she hails from the ancient era," Esina shared, her tone tinged with sadness.

"She wasn't part of the Eradicators when the first iteration of the Resistance formed?" Amina queried in surprise.

Esina shook her head, responding, "No. We hardly knew their names back then, and even now, I'm uncertain about who was part of it. But what I do know is that one of them was known as Ecthrois. He emitted a profoundly unsettling aura. At the time, Elanor should have been far too young to join and lacked the power."

Rank 1, huh? He's been here since the ancient era? Then... yeah, it makes sense. He's really—before I could conclude my thoughts, a tremor shook the surroundings. As we turned our attention, we witnessed Kanami nervously laughing while attempting to repair something she had broken, with Natsume screaming at her.

"Esina, can you share how you became an artificial god?" Suzaku inquired, turning to face her.

Esina fell silent at this request, seemingly contemplating a suitable response. After a moment, she looked back at Suzaku and said, "I will... tell you once we're back on your ship. I believe that once I merge with the planet and my old body, I can show and explain how it happened. Is that acceptable?"

"That's acceptable, thank you," Suzaku responded, and we departed from the spot, joining the rest of the team in their exploration. This activity continued for approximately an hour, with various team members selecting items from the area and carrying them along with them back to the ship.

— ○ ● ○ —

With everything settled, the necessary items stowed away, and new members undergoing interrogation by Latia, including the prisoner Akeno brought, Helona, who was confined in our cells on the ship, Cúntóir was engaged in conversation with her.

In the cockpit, I found myself with Esina, Raiko, Grayfia, and Lavinia. All the members were consolidated onto one ship, while the other trailed behind us.

"Are you ready?" I asked Esina.

"Yes," she affirmed. I nodded and produced a small green crystal. I had transformed the crystal containing Esina's old body into this new form. Placing my hand toward the planet ahead of us, it rapidly shrank before disappearing. In an instant, it reappeared in my hand, now condensed to the size of the small green crystal.

"This won't hurt, but I'll need to put a barrier around you, alright?" I informed Esina, and she agreed. I established the protective barrier, ensuring everything was set. The green crystal and the downsized planet floated toward her and seamlessly entered her body.

In moments, a radiant golden and green aura emanated from Esina's form, enveloping the entire barrier, obscuring her from our view.

"I-is she okay?" Lavinia asked with concern, the slight disdain for Esina now replaced by worry.

"She'll be fine. She has an enchanted body and is a goddess; she can withstand this. I also took measures to eliminate any pain she might feel. At most, she'll experience a bit of discomfort," I reassured. As I finished speaking, the barrier and the aura around Esina underwent a transformation, gradually fading away.

Physically, Esina exhibited no discernible changes, but the three women accompanying me perceived a shift in her strength level. Esina had ascended to at least the Middle-Tier of Universal-class. I hadn't anticipated such a significant power increase, but the merging process seemed to have integrated seamlessly.

Approaching her, I inquired, "How do you feel?"

"Fine... no, I feel great. Thank you," she replied with a bow.

Having concluded the merging process, I informed the others present that Esina had completed the fusion and was prepared to recount her story of becoming an artificial god. Suzaku and Amina were on their way to the cockpit for this revelation. Before that could commence, I took my seat, initiating our journey back to the Resistance's planet.

As we began cruising through space with the other spaceship following behind us on autopilot, the doors to the cockpit opened and both Suzaku and Amina came in. Clicking my fingers, I turned my seat around and other chairs appeared along with a table with drinks and snacks.

I also did this for everyone else in the ship since they seemed tired, although the ones that had been here since an hour before were mostly well-rested and were in the ships various training rooms, getting some exercise in.

"Then, I'll start from when it happened," Esina began. She glanced at me briefly before shifting her gaze to the ground. Closing her eyes, she continued, "Two years after I escaped, I started working at a small restaurant to make ends meet. The owner, whom I believed to be a kind man, was secretly plotting against me after I shared my past with him. He allowed me to stay in the apartments he owned and provided me with food. But everything changed..."

"One day, men in black suits entered the apartment I called home. They bound and gagged me before taking me away, leaving a substantial sum of money for the restaurant owner. He regarded me with disdain, saying, 'Monsters like me shouldn't be allowed to roam freely.' After that, I was taken away."

"It shattered my heart, as I had begun to believe that's what having a parent felt like, but I suppose it was a lie. Later, I woke up in a mostly white room with other children, and a voice declared that we would be part of a project—a project to transform people into gods, something I didn't truly comprehend at the time," Esina shared.

Raiko moved closer to Esina, offering comfort by holding her hand as she recounted this painful tale. While Suzaku and I wanted to reassure her that she didn't have to continue, Esina insisted on telling her story, so we listened in respectful silence.

"They subjected us to even more painful experiments than what I had endured in my previous facility. I lost my innocence in that place because some of the people there were power-hungry psychopaths who took advantage of the young."

"Sometimes, they wouldn't feed us for days, and when they did, it was after an experiment that seemed to enhance our powers. They would place a few of us in a room, then slide in a tray of food. We would... fight it out to eat. More often than not, we ended up killing everyone else in there. That's how hungry we were," Esina revealed, painting a harrowing picture of the cruelty she and others endured.

It was conceivable that those experiments drained their vitality, intensifying their hunger to an extreme level. The fact that they were forced to resort to killing each other just to satiate their hunger was sickening. A wave of repulsion washed over me. As Esina continued her narrative, I couldn't help but wonder if those perpetrators were still alive. I made a mental note to check on that once Esina had completed recounting her painful story.

"In addition to those experiments, they also subjected us to puzzles and challenges meant to stimulate our brains, enhance our abilities, and force them to evolve. Some children transformed into strange creatures because their bodies couldn't adapt. Others resorted to suicide in what they called our bedrooms."

"Then, they made us fight each other. This was different from the usual struggles for food. They compelled us to fight, to kill, to prove who was stronger and possessed better powers. The winner would be treated slightly better, given superior provisions, and we could somewhat experience a semblance of normalcy. So, I won all of my battles. I had to kill children younger than me, some even slightly older, but all of us just wanted to survive," Esina explained, her voice tinged with the weight of suppressed tears.

"...One day, only two of us remained—me and another boy. We were placed in that room one last time and told to fight. The victor would become the new god," Esina recounted, her voice trembling with the memories. She paused for a few seconds before continuing, "It was brutal. I nearly lost an eye, and my arm was almost torn off. But, in the end, I emerged as the winner, and... I became the new Artificial Goddess they desired."

Suddenly, Esina turned around, exposing her back to us. A series of blood-red symbols adorned her skin. I attempted to identify the language, but it seemed non-existent. It became apparent that these symbols were crafted by the scientists who subjected her to this horrific transformation.

"The blood of a god and various creatures from across our universe were etched into my soul with some strange tool. Apparently, it would persist even if I acquired a new body or attempted to heal it. As long as it's engraved in my soul, these symbols will always resurface—a perpetual reminder that I am their experiment that succeeded."

"After I became their god, I killed them all. I obliterated that facility. When I confronted the one who led it, he disclosed one last sickening detail. The blood of the other children who were killed was used and transfused into my body. They had attempted to do the same with their souls, but only managed to succeed with a few. I felt sickened for many years after learning that," Esina disclosed, her voice carrying the weight of profound suffering.

"I didn't know how to cope with life burdened by this affliction. That's when I decided to assist a small community on a planet I had come across. It was an impulsive decision—I couldn't stand seeing people suffer, witnessing their oppression. The community had a tyrannical leader who I killed ruthlessly. After that, I healed many of the afflicted—ailments, broken bones, strange body disfigurations, anything at all," Esina recounted, her actions reflecting a compassionate response to her own torment.

"It felt good, and the praise I received... I really liked it. So, I continued with it until I left that place, and they hailed me as some kind of wandering goddess. Ever since then, I continued until I met him... that foolish doofus. He was naïve, silly, and only screamed about his desire for peace and uniting our universe to improve it. But... I also agreed with him—and that's how I met Lucius, the first leader of the Resistance," Esina narrated, concluding her tale with a content smile on her face.

I rose from my seat and positioned myself behind Esina. It struck me as peculiar that I hadn't noticed this earlier, but perhaps that explained the extraordinary potency of her healing abilities—it was a consequence of all the modifications imposed on her. "I can remove it," I declared, and she met my gaze. "Do you want me to?"

"Can you free those fused with my old body and soul too?" she asked, a tinge of sadness in her voice. "I don't want them to be stuck with me forever."

"Easily. We can do that now," I assured her, and she swiftly consented. "Just stay there." Placing my hand on her back, I was uncertain about the process, but a profound desire to alleviate Esina's suffering and liberate the souls of the children compelled me forward.

Driven by desire and my own inventive approach, I harnessed my powers, determined to carry out the removal. I worked on erasing the blood etched into Esina's soul and liberating the souls of the children forcibly bound to her. Similar to before, albeit different, black goo began to seep from Esina's new body, and a soft, light green glow emanated from her. Numerous souls of children departed from her, leaving only two behind, both gazing at her.

"Ah... ah...!" Esina attempted to speak, but no coherent words escaped her lips. I could only assume that these were the last two children she had been forced to fight and kill.

[It's okay. We were forced to do it. I never hated you,] the boy communicated before vanishing.

[I wish we could have gotten along better. I support what you do. Good luck,] the girl added, disappearing as well.

Following the departure of the souls and the emotional release for Esina, she broke into sobs. I began cleaning up the black goo, taking a moment to analyze it using [Observe]. The substance was identified as the blood that had been put into her. Over time, it had undergone a slow corruption.

According to my analysis, had Esina been allowed to live for all those years, the corruption would have extended to her as well. The tortured souls of the children could have influenced her enough to turn evil, or at the very least, perpetuate her rampage from when she became the new goddess.

I pivoted away and allowed Esina to regain her composure, letting her put her clothes back on while Raiko and the other girls offered their comforting presence. For some reason, it didn't feel like it was my place to provide solace, so I returned to my seat and turned around. Beneath the surface, a seething rage simmered within me. The realization that so much injustice pervaded the multiverse filled me with disgust.

Recollections of my old life surfaced, where even my own father perpetrated similar atrocities against those he disliked or who opposed him. My mother and I were not exempt from his cruelty. I raised my hand and scrutinized it, contemplating the weight of my own experiences.

I found myself contemplating the struggles faced by protagonists in various stories, understanding how the allure of power could tempt them toward selfishness and the path of a tyrannical leader. I acknowledged the internal struggle within me, fighting against the urge to succumb to the desire for vengeance and suffering.

A sudden touch on my shoulder brought my attention to Grayfia. Before I could articulate my thoughts, she spoke, "Don't stray from what you believe in, even after witnessing all this injustice. If you do, you'll let him, Nyarlathotep, and Lapis win." Her words served as a timely reminder, urging me to remain steadfast in my principles despite the harrowing injustices encountered.

"…Yeah, you're right. I won't let them win, I won't, but…" I clenched my fist, feeling the intensity of my emotions rise. Looking back up, my aura subtly shifted, <<I might need to change my approach to certain enemies or people in the future.>>

After calming down, I dispelled my aura and said, "But for now… let's just relax… oh, wait." I turned around to find everyone staring at me nervously. "Sorry about that, but… Esina, I have a question for you."

"Yes?" Esina responded, smiling at me, though a hint of sadness lingered in her expression.

"I'm going to go and rescue one of the two gods that are hiding in this universe. They're dying, and I was wondering if you could come with me. Since you're a fellow god from this universe, it might be easier for you to do. I had my own plans, but there might be a chance it fails, so…"

"Y-yes! I'll go with you!" Esina exclaimed, startling Raiko beside her.

"Great… let's go tomorrow with Lavinia, right?" I directed the question to the female magician, and she nodded happily.

"What if... someone can't go tomorrow?" questioned Raiko.

"Then I'll just have to ask someone else," I replied, and everyone exchanged glances before turning their attention to Lavinia, who tilted her head. A slight concern flickered within me, wondering if they harbored intentions of hindering her. However, I chose to trust in their sincerity... right?

— ○ ● ○ —

We found ourselves still two hours away from our home, and with the ship securely set on autopilot, I took a leisurely stroll. The rest of the team had already dispersed to engage with other team members scattered throughout the spaceship.

Rounding a corner, I encountered Vali, casually propped against the wall in a nonchalant stance, as if anticipating my arrival. Sensing my approach, he opened his eyes and locked onto mine. "Aniki, can we talk for a bit? It's serious," he inquired.

Approaching him, I replied, "What's on your mind?"

"Could you send me back to our universe? I'll be back there for a short period of time," he requested, catching me off guard. "I'll only be away for a few days; I need to have a discussion with Odin and a few other gods, if that's acceptable."

Pausing for a moment to contemplate his request, I decided to place my trust in Vali. "Sure, why not? When do you plan to make the journey back?"

"Tomorrow, if possible. I aim to keep it brief, and I'll return as soon as my business is done. My... necklace has the capability to contact you across universes, right?" he inquired, and I assured him that it did. "Then yes, tomorrow it is."

Amused, I playfully teased, "Missing Liina already? I always knew you were a bit of a mommy's boy, Vaa-kun."

He blushed and delivered a playful punch to my shoulder. "That's only part of the reason! Apparently... Mom mentioned that Helle and Rasmus miss me, so I'll go and visit them, maybe take them to the pantheons I plan on visiting."

A smile crept across my face as I observed Vali. He had undergone significant transformation. Although still a fervent battle maniac seeking powerful opponents, he now revealed a much softer side, particularly towards his family, the Slash Dog Team, and even towards me.

Playfully ruffling his hair, I chuckled, "Haha, sure, I'll throw in some souvenirs for them as well. Just tell them we picked them up together, and give them my regards, alright? Oh, and could you drop by my home too and hand this over to my mom?"

I handed Vali a neatly wrapped package, something I had prepared a few days prior to the operation. I had initially contemplated crafting a more elaborate souvenir but eventually settled on this choice. Vali agreed, expressing his gratitude, and left with a smile. As he turned a corner, Calantha appeared seemingly out of nowhere and spirited him away.

It left me wondering just how long she had been patiently waiting there.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching the cells within the confines of the spaceship, I discovered that Cúntóir was still present, alongside Rias and Akeno. The moment Akeno detected my arrival, she swiftly turned in my direction, leaping into my arms. Chuckling inwardly, I opened my arms, welcoming her embrace.

Moving towards Rias, who shook her head in frustration, she rested her head against my arm. "She's talking in circles and won't provide any concrete information. Cúntóir's being patient, playing along, but we're making no progress," Rias informed me.

"With individuals like her, there are ways to extract information, but let's observe a bit longer," I suggested, and Rias concurred. Glancing at Akeno, I noticed she had lost interest in the conversation, peacefully closing her eyes.

Cúntóir abruptly rose from her seat, emitting a sigh before departing. Curious, I inquired, "How did it go?"

"Nothing. I prefer to maintain civility, but I might have to resort to force. I'll take a short break, but if you wish to give it a try, go ahead," she replied, pecked my cheek, and made her exit.

Considering the situation, I proposed, "How about all of us enter together? I believe seeing Akeno might encourage her to be more cooperative." Both Rias and Akeno nodded in agreement. Upon entering, as soon as Helona laid eyes on Akeno, she visibly flinched.

"Hello, Helona. How about we have a conversation?" I suggested, taking a seat in front of her. Rias and Akeno positioned themselves beside me, casting stern glares at the woman.

"And what would you like to know, Sir Outer God~?" she purred, a remark that irked Akeno, causing lightning to crackle around her. The display of power made Helona flinch, clearly unsettled by the electrifying presence.

"Hmm, how about explaining why you decided to join Abysnar's group? What made you become his subordinate?" I inquired.

"He was a simpleton; he relied on his powers and generally didn't micromanage his subordinates. I saw that as something advantageous for myself, so I joined, along with Specion, and it turned out well for us, didn't it?" Helona replied, chuckling to herself.

"So, it's fair to say that your primary concern was the freedom he afforded you?" I probed.

"Yes. He had potential, but the way he conducted himself wouldn't allow him to reach it. I observed it, and Lady Phumera and Lady Yve probably saw it too, which is why he never ascended in the rankings," Helona explained.

Nodding in understanding, I prepared some tea for both of us and extended the offer. She eyed it suspiciously, and I reassured her, saying, "It's just tea. You must be quite thirsty, right? Feel free to have some." After a few seconds of contemplation, she took a sip, prompting an inward smile from me.

"How about your knowledge of the goddess on that planet?" I inquired, prompting a confused look from her. "Surely, you were aware of it? Specion and Abysnar seemed to be."

She smiled and shook her head. "I had my suspicions that they were up to something behind the scenes, but no concrete proof, especially since they were very secretive, especially Specion. However, I never realized Abysnar might have been involved. He definitely managed to deceive me."

As Helona adjusted herself, deliberately displaying her legs and panties in an attempt to entice me, Akeno, with a stoic expression, sent a small zap of lightning at Helona, causing her to jolt. "Try that again, and I'll make you pee yourself, fufu~" Akeno warned, prompting a gulp and a nod from Helona.

"Can you provide information about the planets where the Ueboros, Eradicators, and Umbra are located?" Rias interjected, fixing a stern gaze on Helona.

"Every single one? I may not be privy to all of them, but I do have knowledge about a few due to my personal connections," Helona began. "But I—"

A sudden surge of auras enveloped Akeno and Rias, their energies radiating intensely and causing the cell's walls, ceiling, and floor to tremble under the pressure. Helona visibly trembled in fear, prompting me to tap their shoulders, signaling them to ease up.

I mused inwardly, 'Guess I didn't even need to unleash my own powers. These two seem quite impatient with the slow progress.'

'Rias and Akeno would employ more forceful methods for interrogation. I'd say they're well-suited for it,' remarked Rudra with a hint of amusement.

"I'm acquainted with only four planets that host ranks 1, 2, 3, and 16," Helona remarked. "The others, well, they remain a mystery to me. Regarding Rank 1, it's notable that this mysterious figure doesn't linger long on the designated planets, but he is inexplicably drawn to one known as Mystara. Oddly enough, the residents there feel a sense of normalcy, as Rank 1 doesn't impose stringent rules and allows them a surprising degree of freedom."

"As for Rank 2, her habits are equally peculiar. She predominantly stays on her home planet, now transformed into the bustling city of Stolonium. Once a place resembling barren lands, she has metamorphosed it into a thriving hub, complete with extensive training areas. Her obsession with self-improvement is evident, driven by an insatiable desire to become stronger. Curiously, the motive behind this relentless pursuit of strength remains shrouded in mystery, with no clear connection to ascending the ranks."

"Rank 3, he's quite peculiar, presiding over the peculiar world of Lutraonia. Picture this: a colossal blend of desert and jungle, yet somehow he's erected thriving cities in both ecological extremes. The planet is essentially split in half, hosting a bustling desert city on one side and a vibrant jungle settlement on the other—a truly unconventional locale."

"Now, let's talk about Rank 16. She's a mastermind, surpassing even my cunning, and dons the mantle of a crucial figure among the Eradicators. Despite her somewhat unsavory moniker as a "garbage being," she efficiently governs over many, carrying half the Eradicators' burden. Her primary abode is on the planet known as Helicre Doiux. It's worth mentioning that her initial planetary conquest was on a rather eccentric celestial body, now rarely visited, called Hauillne Bataress. That's the extent of my knowledge," elucidated Helona.

Akeno and Rias turned their gaze towards me, seeking confirmation. A subtle nod from me affirmed that she had indeed been truthful—no fabrications or deceptions. Yet, this revelation sparked a glimmer of insight into potential future strategies.

It dawned on me that entrusting the day-to-day operations to others might be the way forward, freeing me up to handle the intricacies of dealing with these formidable individuals: Rank 1, 2, 3, and 16. The prospect of a visit to Fengyun Fudi also lingered in my thoughts, harboring the potential to sway Rank 4 to our cause.

Rising from my seat, I declared, "That concludes our discussion for now. Cúntóir will return shortly." With a snap of my fingers, the remnants of tea vanished, leaving the room with Rias and Akeno in tow.

As we strolled away from the spaceship's cells, Rias inquired, "Do you trust her?"

"Absolutely," I responded with a grin. "I slipped something into her tea that compelled her to spill the unvarnished truth. It should remaining during her conversation with Cúntóir as well, ensuring her words remain authentic."

Rias raised a valid point, inquiring about our course of action. I concurred with her suggestion to inform the other leaders.

"Yes," I responded, "my plan involves stepping back from the day-to-day operations for now. The reins of smaller undertakings will be in the capable hands of the rest of you. However, I do have a few personal ventures on the horizon in the coming weeks. First on the list is a visit to that dying god. Following that, my curiosity is piqued by Hauillne Bataress. I find myself intrigued by the mystery of why Elanor abandoned it," I shared with both Rias and Akeno.

Rias, wearing a thoughtful expression, chimed in, "Considering the information Helona provided and the accounts we've gathered from various sources within the Resistance, Elanor doesn't seem to be on the side of virtue—quite the opposite, in fact," she remarked with a furrowed brow.

Akeno raised a pertinent point, addressing the tangled web of relationships within our adversaries. "It wouldn't be our first encounter with such morally ambiguous characters. Taking down Elanor does seem like a strategic move, but, as you rightly mentioned before, she's romantically involved with Yve—a relationship that appears to be quite intense," Akeno's words trailed off, a hint of complexity in her expression.

Rias picked up the thread of the conversation, acknowledging the potential repercussions. "Confronting Elanor may indeed invite trouble from Yve. Yet, if we manage to incapacitate both of them, it would deal a significant blow to Phumera's organization," she astutely observed, earning a nod of agreement from Akeno.

Interjecting, I offered a measured perspective, "While it's a plausible outcome, we can't be certain about Yve's immediate reaction. Given Phumera's absence at 'that' location to awaken Magnum Tenebrosum, Yve might exercise restraint, suppressing her personal anger for the time being. It's a calculated risk, but one that could pay off in the long run."

As we arrived at the ship's main hall, our destination set on the cafeteria, hunger still lingered despite the earlier provision of snacks. The company of Grayfia and Raiko in this mission meant they were aboard the ship, possibly collaborating with Inaie to prepare a meal for the entire team. Fortunately, with the assistance of a cadre of androids, the task of preparing food shouldn't pose an overwhelming challenge.

Rias contemplated our next move as we navigated the ship's interior. "So, shall we set our sights on Elanor next?" she inquired.

"I'm skeptical she'll remain stationary for long. As Helona noted, she's a cunning woman. The moment she senses our pursuit, she's likely to vanish, seeking refuge on another planet to continue her preparations. Elanor doesn't strike me as one to engage directly unless victory is practically guaranteed," I responded, considering our strategic approach.

Akeno's inquiry hung in the air as we deliberated our next course of action. "Shall we turn our focus to Hanazora Eien or Fengyun Fudi?" she asked.

"My recommendation leans toward either, but should the leaders of the Resistance propose an alternative, we will align with their choice. At the moment, these two appear promising, especially Fengyun Fudi. There might be an opportunity to persuade the rank 4 figure to join our cause," I suggested, weighing the potential benefits.

Akeno raised a valid concern, recalling Raynare's disposition. "Raynare did mention his unwavering virtues, principles, and beliefs. Convincing him to align with our cause won't be a walk in the park. He shares similarities with Sairaorg, requiring a substantial push and compelling reason to consider joining our ranks," she elaborated, emphasizing the challenges we might face in recruiting him.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, chaos seemed to have taken hold, a surprise considering Grayfia's commanding aura. Its rapid resolution spoke to her efficiency, yet I found myself bewildered that it had escalated to such a state under her watchful eye. Nevertheless, our journey back to headquarters unfolded with a more serene atmosphere, punctuated only by sporadic fights in the training rooms.

— ○ ● ○ —

"So, unanimous decision?" Savina queried, and a unanimous nod resonated through the room.

"Agreed. Our target will be Taphelis, Rank 8 of the Ueboros, presently on Etoce Rhirlara. We've got approximately a month to prepare before the mission. It's worth noting that Aaron won't be accompanying us," Lysanvar declared, outlining the plan.

Etoce Rhirlara, an eccentric planet resembling a modern city, had an unusual cultural twist—everyone was purportedly enthralled by dancing. Departing from the conventional strategy of direct confrontation, the team opted for a more subtle approach. Two smaller groups would infiltrate the environment, aiming to outmaneuver and subdue Taphelis and her cohort. The impending mission demanded meticulous preparation and a keen understanding of the peculiarities of the target's surroundings.

While initially proposing the idea of targeting Fengyun Fudi or Hanazora Eien, the discussion shifted toward Taphelis due to concerns raised by a team that had previously been dispatched there. The lack of their return raised red flags, prompting us to divert our attention to this strange figure.

The intricacies of the upcoming operation were still in the early stages of development, with team compositions and strategies yet to be finalized. Zyra, a recent addition to our ranks and a double agent from Umbra, was slated to join this mission in a month.

To address the pressing demands of our current reality, I devised a temporal maneuver. In this realm, time's passage would be stretched, allowing a year here to equate to merely a month in the Draconic Deus. This temporal distortion afforded us the luxury of more time for preparations and actions without compromising our commitment to the impending tournament restart.

With the meeting adjourned, I rose from my seat, signaling the end of our strategic deliberations. The room emptied as everyone departed, yet Laeronia lingered, his unease palpable.

"Boss, can we talk?" he inquired, seeking a private conversation. I acquiesced, and he proceeded to express his concerns.

"I've heard from Akeno-sama and Rias-sama that you're headed to Hauillne Bataress," he stated, a hint of disquiet coloring his words.

"Yeah, that's the plan. What's on your mind?" I responded, puzzled by the tension in his demeanor.

Laeronia's gaze fixated on the ground as he cautiously spoke, "Please be careful. It's not about doubting your abilities or fearing failure, but it's more complicated than that. I've witnessed it before, and all I can say is that it's a desolate place with a lone mansion on the planet."

He lifted his eyes to meet mine, a plea evident in his words, "For your own sake, maintain your composure while you're there." With that cryptic advice, he walked away, leaving me perplexed.

[What was that about? It seemed kind of ominous,] Ddraig remarked.

{I would take his warning seriously, Aaron. Laeronia, like the [Electa] and your Shadow Soldiers, has developed his own personality. They all have your best interests at heart,} Albion cautioned, emphasizing the gravity of Laeronia's words.

"I'll certainly keep that in mind," I replied to both Ddraig and Albion, acknowledging the gravity of Laeronia's warning. Even Rudra seemed uneasy, though he chose to remain silent. With that, I exited the room, only to be intercepted just outside the door.

The unexpected hand that grabbed mine belonged to Ophis. Before I could utter a word, she candidly declared, "I want my reward—sex."

Her abrupt and forthright statement left me momentarily dumbfounded. Nevertheless, I allowed myself to be led away by her, realizing that I was about to fulfill the unusual reward she sought.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon Start

— ○ ● ○ —

Ophis threw me onto the bed with an assertiveness that hinted at her taking the lead—a scenario that amused me internally. Swiftly shedding her clothes, she was already in her "adult" form, a guise she exclusively adopted when not in the presence of Kunou. We had discussed transitioning away from her "loli" form once Kunou reached the high school division of Kuoh Academy.

Casually, I followed suit, clicking my fingers, and watched as my attire gracefully dispersed. Surprisingly, Ophis blushed, appearing uncertain about the next steps. Undeterred, I rose, approaching her in my naked state, and gently lifted her back onto the bed.

"You shouldn't do that if you're unsure about what comes next," I advised her.

"...Akeno and Kuroka told me to do it. Also, I saw some hentai doing it," Ophis explained, offering an unexpected insight into her sources of guidance.

I reached over, gently cupping her left breast, evoking a subtle yet audible response from Ophis. Amused by her reaction, I applied a delicate pressure to her nipple, prompting a soft yelp that heightened my own arousal. It became apparent that Ophis derived pleasure from teasing, especially given the newfound expressiveness she displayed.

Intriguingly, the scenario would have taken on a different dynamic if her expressions remained the same from last year. As I continued to caress her left breast and tease her nipple, I initiated a subtle shift, alternating my attention to her other nipple and began sucking on it. Ophis, in turn, responded with a gasp to the heightened stimuli.

Choosing to cease the current interaction, I left the crimson-faced Ophis in a state of bewilderment. However, I proceeded to reposition myself, straddling her chest, and introduced a new sensation by placing my erect member between her breasts. Playfully, I remarked on their size, asking a question that added a touch of intrigue, "These are quite big; did you have a specific inspiration for their size?"

Ophis elaborated, "I initially aimed for dimensions like Akeno and Suzaku, considering them the largest, but then Raiko surpassed them. However, I found her proportions to be too big, so I adjusted them to match Lavinia's size."

Acknowledging the familiarity, I redirected the conversation, playfully remarking, "No wonder they felt familiar. Now, indulge me, Ophis, give me a boobjob. Stick out your tongue and give the tip a lick as I thrust, also, keep your breasts close together with your hands," I instructed, to which she readily agreed.

Ophis took charge, gripping her own breasts and applying a satisfying pressure to my member nestled between them. As I initiated controlled movements, Ophis adeptly followed my instructions, and in a brief yet tantalizing moment, her tongue skillfully enhanced the pleasure.

Her concentration on the task at hand accentuated her endearing demeanor, showcasing her commitment to the act. It was a testament to the knowledge gleaned from our shared experiences, having spent a century together with Gabriel exploring the realms of adult content.

Unexpectedly, Ophis halted my rhythmic thrusts, asserting, "Let me take the lead." With a firm grip on her breasts, she orchestrated a tantalizing dance—moving them skillfully up and down and side to side. Simultaneously, she maintained a pleasurable suction on the tip of my member, skillfully blending varied licks further the pleasure for me.

Amidst the heightened pleasure, I couldn't help but inquire, "Let me guess, did Akeno or Kuroka impart these technique to you?" relishing the sensations.

Ceasing her movements for a moment, Ophis withdrew from my tip, responding with a subtle, "Mmm. They demonstrated the motions to me, and I've been refining my skills during your missions away, using my imagination," before seamlessly resuming her practiced movements, once again enveloping the tip with her mouth.

In perfect synchronization, Ophis continued her breast movements, aligning them with the rhythm of her licking and sucking, intensifying the sensations and propelling me closer to the brink of orgasm. Yet, she introduced a momentary pause, lightly nibbling on my tip, eliciting an unexpected sound from me.

Curiosity prompted my inquiry, "W-what's up, Ophis? Why did you stop?"

Ophis, with a hint of desire in her voice, revealed, "...I want to taste your semen in the future, but today, I want you to finish inside me. Also, given our discovery about what you did to Shigune, I want it up my butt too," surprising me with her candidness.

Agreeing to her desires, I disengaged from Ophis, repositioning myself between her legs. As my erect member teased her entrance, sweet moans escaped her lips, signaling her approval. With a nod from her, I aligned the tip against her eager vagina.

"Dragons lack a hymen, so you needn't worry about causing me any discomfort. Typically, we don't conceive in the traditional sense—Irene and I, that is. However, with you, I believe it's a possibility," Ophis clarified.

Acknowledging her explanation, I responded, "Well, I suppose..."

Expressing her desires, Ophis continued, "In the future, Aaron, I want to have a baby. But for now, let me experience in these human pleasures," she conveyed, prompting a nod of agreement from me.

Without much contemplation, I plunged into her depths in one decisive motion. The unexpected intensity evoked a distinctive sound from Ophis, a mix of pleasure and surprise, her eyes seemingly crossing in response. In hindsight, perhaps a more gradual approach would have been prudent, considering the abrupt full penetration.

Concerned for her well-being, I inquired, "Are you alright?"

Ophis refocused her gaze on me, sticking her tongue out in a provocative manner. "More...! Take me! Just the penetration felt incredible," she pleaded, catching me off guard. Reacting swiftly, I leaned down, engaging in a fervent kiss, our tongues intertwining passionately. Simultaneously, I resumed my rhythmic thrusts, prompting Ophis to moan into our heated exchange.

Being my first encounter with a dragon mate, the unique sensations within Ophis felt both unfamiliar and intriguing. While resembling a human's anatomy, there was a subtle difference—slightly tighter with small bumps inside, prompting the speculation that Ophis had delved into human biology through literature. The notion of attempting such intimate interactions in her dragon form or mine sparked curiosity, an experience to be contemplated in the distant future.

"I... I want to experience that as well—mating in our dragon forms," Ophis murmured, catching me off guard with her unexpected desire.

Considering the logistics, I smirked, replying, "Well, I'll certainly be bigger down there as a dragon."

Curious, Ophis inquired, "Can't you make yourself even larger as a human?"

While acknowledging the possibility, I shared my reservations, expressing, "True, but I wouldn't want to make things uncomfortable for the others." She tilted her head in contemplation, shrugged, and resumed our passionate exchange, intensifying the French kiss as I continued my rhythmic thrusts.

Suddenly, her vaginal walls tightened even more, and her body quivered in response. Undeterred, I maintained my movements, somehow navigating the increased constriction, determined to prolong the heightened pleasure for both of us.

"I just climaxed," Ophis announced, briefly breaking our kiss before resuming it with renewed intensity.

Reflecting on the moment, I realized that Ophis had experienced an orgasm. Pondering this, I mused whether she had encountered such sensations before. The notion of her self-exploration within my [Pocket Dimension] crossed my mind.

However, my musings were abruptly interrupted as I sensed a peculiar touch on my testicles. Glancing back, I discovered a tail emerging from Ophis' back, delicately caressing my balls. Though unconventional, the sensation added a unique layer to the experience, accelerating my own approach to climax. Embracing the unexpected, I allowed the unusual touch to contribute to the shared ecstasy, hastening the onset of my orgasm.

As my rhythmic motion persisted, Ophis synchronized her movements, delicately and sensually engaging my testicles with her tail. The unique sensation prompted a murmur from me, "Ophis..."

Abruptly, the touch of her tail vanished, and she secured her legs around my waist. With a commanding tone, she declared, "...In me, you're not allowed anywhere else unless I say so."

A chuckle escaped me in response to her assertiveness. Honoring her directive, I intensified my thrusts, driving deeper and faster into her, eliciting heightened moans from Ophis. The atmosphere resonated with a shared passion, as we embraced the pleasure of the moment.

Reaching the pinnacle of pleasure, I couldn't hold back any longer, announcing, "I'm cumming," as I thrust deeply into Ophis, colliding with her womb and releasing pent-up semen.

Ophis responded with a passionate moan, her nails digging into my back as she embraced me tighter with her arms and legs. The inner walls of her vagina constricted even more, signaling her own climax.

We lingered in that intimate embrace, caught in the throes of our orgasms. Ophis, determined to extract every drop, maintained a pulsating grip, attempting to wring out every last bit of semen out of me. As the waves of ecstasy subsided, we both relaxed, and I gazed at Ophis, who gently nudged me off, leaving me puzzled by the sudden change.

Positioning herself on all fours, Ophis provocatively stretched out her anus, a residue of my semen dripping from her vagina. In a seductive tone, she reminded me, "I told you, didn't I? I want both my holes taken by you today."

Gulping in response, I couldn't help but find her assertiveness incredibly alluring—a side of Ophis I wouldn't have imagined witnessing just a year ago. Succumbing to the allure, I hurriedly repositioned myself and, emulating our earlier encounter, thrust into her anus in a single, forceful motion.

Ophis, biting her lip to stifle a loud moan, managed to express, "...My ass...and stomach...feel strange," in labored breaths, indicating the unique sensations that accompanied this newfound connection.

Drawing closer to her once more, I seized her left breast, exerting a firm grip while whispering, "The night's far from over, Ophis. Two rounds won't be enough to satisfy me." With that, I initiated a vigorous thrusting rhythm into her anus.

Ophis, gasping and moaning in response, shared, "Nngh…! Khh…ughh…aah…aghnn…it feels weird...but...strangely good too," as I continued to pound her from behind. Similar to her vaginal control, it became apparent that Ophis wielded a level of mastery over her rear, tightening the grip around my member with precision and intent, enhancing the intensity of our intimate connection.

Despite our recent climaxes, heightened sensitivity enveloped both of us. Deciding to amplify the intensity, I utilized my powers, raising my hand to deliver a resounding slap to Ophis' ass, eliciting a moan from her.

The impact not only left a lingering sting but also elevated our sensitivities further. With the next thrust, Ophis began to shake violently, prompting me to embrace her from behind, determined to stave off my impending orgasm.

In a daze, Ophis questioned, "W-w-what…what happened?" Her disoriented state was evident, accompanied by a trail of drool.

Leaning in, I asked, "Do you enjoy it?" and lightly bit her ear, savoring the heightened sensations that lingered between us.

"More...give me more, Aaron...mate with me...mate with my ass..." Ophis moaned, her desire unabated. Responding to her plea, I resumed the forceful thrusts, and we rekindled a fervent French kiss, Ophis's eyes rolling back in ecstasy.

In a bold move, I withdrew my member only to thrust back in with even greater force. The intensified motion prompted Ophis to shake more violently, reaching a climax that manifested in her squirting onto the bed.

Teasingly, I whispered, "Look at you dirtying my bed, you naughty dragon," but she remained lost in her pleasure, aimlessly licking my lips before another passionate kiss ensued. Relentless in my efforts, I continued thrusting into Ophis until I neared my own limit.

Observing Ophis immersed in her world of pleasure, seemingly oblivious to my words, I pulled back once more. Deciding to push the boundaries, I increased her sensitivity by at least 1000 times and thrust back in, culminating in a final release as I climaxed inside her.

"Mmmmmmmmm?!?!??!" A harmonious symphony of pleasure reached its crescendo as Ophis let out a primal scream, both of us arching our backs in unison. Simultaneously releasing my semen inside her, I pulled her back, my left arm resting on her left breast and the other on her hip.

Ophis, overwhelmed by the intensity, squirted into the air, experiencing what seemed to be the pinnacle of ecstasy. As the waves of pleasure subsided, I released her, and Ophis lay on the bed, panting and visibly exhausted.

Positioned on my knees, I was soon captivated by another sensation. Glancing down, I discovered Ophis had taken my member into her mouth once again, renewing the intimate connection even after our shared climax.

"More...more...I want you...I want my mate to keep mating with me...all night long...!" Ophis demanded with an insatiable hunger, akin to a primal creature in pursuit of satisfaction.

A mischievous grin adorned my face as I contemplated the consequences of my actions. It seemed I had unleashed an unquenchable desire in Ophis, evident in the pure pleasure etched on her face. With my own desires still unfulfilled, we plunged into a marathon of sex, engaging in an unrelenting exchange that continued unabated for a full day within the confines of a protective barrier.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

Moments earlier, I took the initiative to tidy up and dispel the barrier enveloping us. Ophis lay beside me, utterly exhausted and seemingly knocked out. The constant sex throughout the day in the barrier had satiated her desires, but I couldn't help but ponder whether she would seek more in the future.

"...I'll cross that line when it comes. All the girls become a bit addicted to it after we do it, after all," I muttered to myself, reflecting on a familiar pattern. It seemed that none of the girls, including Scathach and Danu, were exempt from the allure that led them to desire additional rounds after our initial encounters.

As I cast a glance back at the peacefully slumbering Ophis, I couldn't resist the urge to gently stroke her head, evoking a serene smile even in her sleep. Leaving a note on a piece of paper, I placed it on the table beside my bed and proceeded to get dressed. Despite the intimate moments shared, the night was still young, and there were matters requiring my attention.

Exiting my room, I encountered Aoife seated against the wall, her arms wrapped around her legs. Calling out her name, she looked up, blushing, and promptly got up, embracing me. "Aoife? What's going on? How long have you been waiting there?" I inquired, curious about the circumstances that led her to linger outside my room.

Aoife, blushing and somewhat flustered, confessed, "...I was just looking for you, and, well, I saw you and Ophis. I tried to catch up, but, um, I saw you two...doing it. I stayed out here to wait."

Understanding the situation, I hugged her back and asked, "I see... So, what did you need me for?"

Her request came with a touch of vulnerability as Aoife expressed, "...I want to come with you to Hauillne Bataress. No one else has asked, right?" I shook my head in response, confirming that she was the first to express such a desire.

The news about the upcoming journey to Hauillne Bataress was still relatively fresh within Team [DxD], and I knew that with time, more members might decide to join. However, the clock was ticking, leaving only a day for others to express their interest and make the decision to accompany me on this venture.

Curious about her motivation, I inquired, "What prompted you to come and ask me?"

Aoife's response carried a hint of hesitancy, but she pushed forward, "The words that Azathoth told me compelled me to want to go with you to as many places as I can. I believe, because of that, I'll be able to experience that growth she was talking about. I feel like... I haven't grown that much since coming back to life," she admitted, a touch of sadness evident in her tone.

It struck me as unusual for Aoife, who had always exuded confidence and certainty in her decisions. Throughout our time together, both in the past and the present, she rarely displayed any self-doubt. However, the profound experiences in the Draconic Deus and the Crepuscule Phantasma seemed to have stirred something within her, leading her to question her own growth and purpose.

"...I'll help you then," I offered, expressing my willingness to be there for her.

However, Aoife, with determination in her gaze, responded, "No... I have to do this myself, but I don't mind someone to comfort me every now and again," acknowledging her own journey of self-discovery.

Smiling in agreement, I said, "Sure thing. You've done that a lot for me, so this time around, I'll pay you back."

"Thank you," she replied, resting her head on my chest. We remained in that comforting embrace for a while before deciding to embark on an impromptu evening date, creating a shared moment of solace and companionship.

— ○ ● ○ —

In Ivoryillum, the vibrant night sky painted with stars set the stage for a jubilant celebration, echoing the grandeur of our recent victory. The atmosphere rivaled the extravagance of our initial triumph against Zenosius and Ferrothos Prime. The air was filled with music, and the streets teemed with revelers, casting aside the shadows of recent battles.

Despite the early hour, a noticeable number of individuals had already succumbed to the effects of alcohol, stumbling through the festivities. Aoife and I, hand in hand, strolled through the lively scene, taking in the spirited ambiance. Amidst the revelry, our conversation drifted towards reminiscing about our past lives.

"...Speaking about our past, what about Ryan and Jennifer?" Aoife inquired, her gaze fixed on my face.

A thoughtful pause ensued before I responded, "Ryan doesn't want to join me in the Draconic Deus. He's not keen on a life of constant battles. As for Jennifer..." I trailed off, diverting my gaze to the night sky. "Let's just say karma was kind to both of them, and they're currently together."

"Wait, really!?" Aoife exclaimed with excitement. "Then... can we visit them at some point?" she eagerly proposed.

Smirking, I leaned in and whispered my plan to her, causing her eyes to sparkle. "Do it! Do it! I want them to see!" she replied enthusiastically, prompting laughter from both of us.

"Of course, of course. We'll do that. I can't wait to see their faces though," I responded, and our laughter continued.

Just then, Azazel stumbled over in a drunken state, accompanied by Avezza, who looked less than pleased. "Oooh? What's da luv birds talkin' 'bout?" Azazel slurred.

Taken aback by his inebriated condition, I inquired, "How much have you drank?" Avezza shot me a look that conveyed both annoyance and acceptance.

Azazel began uttering nonsensical words until I questioned, "Can you tell the time?" while gesturing towards my watch.

"Of course!" he exclaimed, casting a glance at my watch, pointing, and confidently asserting, "I am not drunk." This prompted me to facepalm, while Aoife snorted in response.

Seizing his arm, Avezza declared, "Alright, that's enough; it's time for you to retire to bed."

"Ehehehe Avvizy Avizzzzyyy~" Azazel mumbled, resting his head on her chest, causing her to blush as she began to drag him away.

Curious, Aoife inquired, "Why did he drink so much alcohol?"

"Who knows? Just Azazel being Azazel, I suppose," I replied, and we strolled away from the scene. Our respite, however, was short-lived as Valerie came rushing towards us, leaping into my arms, leaving me utterly bewildered.

"Valerie, what's going on?" I inquired.

"Help, they won't leave me alone, they haven't left me alone since that day!" she exclaimed. "I can't take it anymore, please do something. I tried being polite, assertive, and forceful, but nothing happens. Even Savina and the other leaders warning them won't help!"

"Ecilon?" I asked, to which she nodded, wearing a distressed expression, on the verge of tears.

"They're here, and he brought more people," Aoife interjected.

Ecilon and a group of individuals claiming to be "vampires" from this universe approached Valerie, but their advance halted as soon as they noticed me. Gasper, tied up and screaming, dangled from one of their arms. Whether he was playing along or genuinely captured remained uncertain, but there was a hint of absurdity in the situation.

"Do you mind explaining why you're hunting down Valerie? Also, what's the deal with Gasper?" I inquired, seeking clarification from the perplexing group.

"W-we... um... it's just a game, right guys?" Ecilon nervously questioned, prompting swift agreement from the rest.

"Then I'd appreciate it if you let Gasper go; I need to have a word with him," I instructed. The group quickly acquiesced, releasing Gasper and hastily making their exit.

"Aaron-nii! Thank you! I thought I was going to die!" Gasper exclaimed, gasping for breath.

"What happened?" I inquired, extending a helping hand to assist him in getting back on his feet.

"I was having a meal with Valerie, Tomoe, and Coriana when they just showed up. I'll admit, I didn't initially perceive them as a threat; I thought it was some sort of prank and played along. However, as time went on, the gravity of the situation became apparent, and I began to doubt if it was just a prank," Gasper explained.

Evidently, their intention was to escort Valerie and him to a specific structure within the underground base and attempt to persuade them to join their strange group—or, as it seemed, a cult. I had hoped to avoid such a scenario, but it appears inevitability had other plans.

Exhaling in frustration, I responded, "I'll address it tomorrow and ensure it's resolved." Turning to Valerie, I remarked, "You should have informed me sooner; I would have done something about it. I apologize for not noticing."

"...No, it's my fault too for not speaking up earlier. I'm sorry," replied Valerie. For the remainder of the party, Valerie remained close to me and Aoife, while we noticed Ecilon's group lingering in the distance, observing us.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that night, I found myself alone on the balcony of my bedroom. The girls who shared the night with me were already fast asleep on my bed, while I took in the serene nightlife of the underground city. A few lingering inebriated souls roamed the streets, but overall, tranquility prevailed.

"Aaron," Griselda's voice called out to me, and I turned to see her in her night attire.

"...Oh, did I disturb your sleep?" I inquired, to which she shook her head and approached me.

"No, I was getting some water and noticed you here," she replied. I conjured a glass of water and handed it to her. Silently, Griselda sipped the water, and I observed her, noticing a blush creeping onto her cheeks towards the end.

"...Please, try not to stare my lips as I drink water," she chided, casting me a less-than-amused glance at me.

"My apologies," I said, breaking the silence between us. We then lapsed into a contemplative quietude, both of us gazing out at the city.

After a while, Griselda's demeanor brightened, and she suggested, "May I join you on the visit to Hauillne Bataress? Dulio expressed interest in accompanying us, along with Jessica and Mirana."

"Sure thing, I don't see an issue. The duration is unknown, it might be just a brief visit or extend to a few hours. The people joining us include Lavinia, Suzaku, Velgrynd, Azathoth, Rossweisse, Aoife, you, Dulio, Jessica, and Mirana. Quite diverse team," I remarked.

She nodded in acknowledgment and inquired, "What do you know about it?"

"I haven't delved into the details; I prefer to keep it a surprise for myself. However, Laeronia did warn me to be cautious there, especially regarding my mental state," I explained. "I'm taking his warning seriously, so I'm mentally prepared. Before that, though, I'm heading to a planet called Lorveood Ceglave, and that's all I know at the moment, but that's where the god is."

"Esina-sama and Lavinia will be accompanying you, right?" she asked, and I affirmed with a nod. "Best of luck with it... let's return to our bed now. You only have a few hours left before your departure."

Agreeing with her suggestion, we promptly returned to our bed, drifting back into the realm of slumber.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day arrived, and our group gathered for the expedition to Lorveood Ceglave. Regarding the matter with Ecilon's cult, Laeronia would be handling it, and upon my return, I anticipated the issue would be resolved. If not, I would step in myself.

"Are you two ready?" I inquired of Esina and Lavinia, receiving nods in response. "Alright, let's get started on our little trip then." And so, with both Lavinia and I harboring a sense of excitement, we set out for Lorveood Ceglave.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our arrival at Lorveood Ceglave, I abruptly extended my arm, signaling Esina and Lavinia to halt. Initially perplexed, they soon sensed it too—a powerful aura enveloped the planet. Swiftly scanning the entire planet, I identified the source.

"...Rank 2 of the Eradicators, Raerea. I'm uncertain of her purpose here, but she's near the location where the god currently resides. We need to act quickly; otherwise, she might just kill him before we get to him, we can explore at our leisure after dealing with her," I informed them, leaving both Esina and Lavinia visibly astonished.

Casting a quick glance at our surroundings, I observed a peculiar landscape. Jellyfish-like lanterns adorned the area, accompanied by the same creatures floating about. It seemed like the god had crafted this environment during their stay, although the exact details remained a mystery.

Beneath us lay a peculiar ground, fashioned from crystal-like pavements with predominant shades of blue. Surrounding us were trees infused with luminescence, casting a gentle glow over the surroundings. Yet, what truly caught the eye was the ever-present purple fog that enshrouded the entire planet. During my earlier inspection, I noted the planet being entirely veiled in this intriguing mist, adding another layer of fascination to the enigma that was Lorveood Ceglave.

"Byplly, they pose no threat and possess rather weak regenerative abilities. I believe that's why the god chooses to stay here, as it contributes to his healing process," Esina remarked.

Silently, I extended my hands, and both of them clasped onto mine as we seamlessly shifted to a different location on the planet—closer to its core. In the heart of this new spot stood a colossal tree, its core hollowed out, cradling a luminous, levitating purple crystal.

Before us appeared a woman, Raerea. Her lengthy, cerulean tresses featured streaks of purple intertwined. Turquoise eyes gazed upon us. Draped in a lengthy white and turquoise coat, adorned with a blue and golden shoulder guard, her right arm clad in intricate blue and golden armor grasped a sword of striking red and blue hues, reminiscent of a tachi.

Silent determination etched on Raerea's face, she unsheathed her sword. Anticipating the impending confrontation, I braced myself and declared, "Lavinia, Esina, I entrust you both with the investigation of the strange purple crystal. Cúntóir, lend your assistance. Go."

Acknowledging the directive, they vanished into the unknown. However, Raerea, unyielding in her position, locked her gaze onto me. In an instant, she appeared just inches away, her sword thrusting towards me with swift precision.

Swiftly evading her strike, I narrowly avoided the ensuing shockwave that obliterated the planet beneath us, its destructive force extending into the cosmos, annihilating distant celestial bodies. A disapproving frown etched across my face as I remarked, "We had plans to explore this planet, you know? Now I have to repair what's left after our fight."

Yet, Raerea remained unresponsive, launching another assault without a word. Her sword sliced through the air, an intricate dance of lethal precision. To the untrained eye, it might appear as a singular swing, but in reality, she executed around 100,000 slashes in rapid succession.

Shielding myself with touki, I deftly repelled and redirected her relentless barrage. A subtle surprise flickered in her eyes, evidently unprepared for my counter. Despite the stalemate, I transitioned from defense to offense, seizing control of the battle.

Executing a lightning-fast jab, my strike grazed Raerea's cheek as she deftly evaded, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. The shock registered on her face, but our battle persisted undeterred. She retaliated with another swing of her blade, and this time, I countered with a forceful punch.

Her face remained stoic, yet a subtle hint of disbelief betrayed her thoughts. Unconventional as it may have seemed, my punch connected with her sword, sending it spiraling out of her grip, much to her surprise.

Capitalizing on the moment, I rendered her immobile and delivered a forceful blow to her abdomen, eliciting a spurt of saliva. Despite the initial impact failing to incapacitate her, I repeated the strike, targeting the same area, and subsequently directed a final blow to her face. Astonishingly resilient, she refused to succumb even with my restrained force, proving herself to be an exceptional combatant.

"Rest now. There are matters that require attention," I informed her, inducing a slumber that finally subdued her.

As Raerea fell, I caught her and let out a sigh of momentary relief. Retrieving her sword, I skillfully stowed it away in my [Inventory]. Taking preventative measures, I secured her with handcuffs designed to nullify her powers, complemented by an additional technique to seal her abilities. Temporarily diminishing her physical strength to that of a toddler's further ensured an extra layer of precaution.

In my perception, Raerea radiated formidable strength. Perhaps it was a personal observation, but individuals within the ranks of 1 to 3 held a distinct prowess, possibly extending to rank 4. This belief prompted me to exercise heightened vigilance. My intention wasn't solely to eliminate her, especially considering the potential for a shift in allegiance, as hinted at before. Moreover...

A mental image of a [Pawn] chess piece belonging to Rias flashed across my mind as I gazed upon the unconscious Raerea. It represented one of the myriad futures I had glimpsed, albeit subject to constant flux. Our present and future decisions held the power to shape and alter this trajectory.

"Aaron," Lavinia called out my name, prompting me to shift my gaze toward her.

Approaching them with Raerea in my grasp, I inquired, "What have you discovered?" Placing Raerea aside, I allowed her to hover beside us.

Emerging from the concealment behind the tree, Cúntóir revealed, "The crystal... is the god. He has undertaken drastic measures, assimilating himself into this form—linking this tree to the entire planet and gradually siphoning its energy."

Joining me at my side, Cúntóir added, "At best, once the process is complete, he will have prolonged his life by a mere year. Despite the planet's considerable size and power, it can only provide him with that limited extension. The mist or fog enveloping the planet is also an embodiment of his own power, concealing everything within it."

"Can we establish communication with the god?" I inquired.

[Heh, indeed you can, brat. I didn't anticipate another visitor.] A voice echoed.

"Are you the deity? What's your name?" I queried, fixing my gaze on the crystal.

[Ebacan. I used to be quite the powerful God, you know? Until Phumera and her gang of miscreants arrived, excluding Raerea there, she's a good soul,] he explained, causing a collective sense of confusion among us. [Her circumstances coerce her into such actions. We've had extensive conversations, you know? She even sparred with me and assisted in my transformation into this form.]

The revelation caught me off guard. Raerea, the second-ranked Eradicator, aiding this god? Why? For what purpose? It seemed perplexing to me. Nevertheless, reality often proved stranger than fiction. The historical revelations I uncovered in my previous life, even with minimal research, sounded more incredulous than the narratives portrayed in movies, TV shows, or fiction. Therefore, accepting such unexpected alliances was not entirely implausible.

"What kind of god were you, Ebacan?" Lavinia inquired.

[A good-looking one, lady. Still single, wanna—] Ebacan began.

"I'm sorry, I'm engaged, so no," Lavinia promptly interjected, cutting him off while offering a slight bow.

[Pahahaha! Just kidding. Anyway, I was one of many gods with control over time to a certain extent. My power, though deemed unique by some, was considered weak by others. Nevertheless, I used it to my advantage and proved to be quite the formidable combatant,] he boasted with a hint of smugness.

"Another god is still alive. We'll address that in the future. Do you know who it is?" I inquired, diverting attention from his self-praise.

[Hmm? Another one? Well, color me surprised because I had no idea. I believed I was the sole survivor, aside from that other one in front of me—Esina, right? I heard about her from the ancient era, well, before everything was decimated by Phumera,] Ebacan responded, expressing his lack of awareness regarding another surviving deity.

Exhaling in resignation, I chose to leave the topic for the time being. Cúntóir hadn't conveyed any imminent danger, so the matter could likely wait. Shifting my focus, I glanced at the still-unconscious Raerea before returning my attention to Ebacan. "What's your connection with Raerea? You mentioned she sparred with you."

Ebacan chuckled before explaining, [A year ago, she stumbled upon this location. I was still in my dying human form, and she intended to end my life. However, with enough desperate persuasion, she decided to spare me and even assisted in my transformation into this state, despite its meager extension of my life by a single year.]

[Regarding my connection with her? I suppose you could label us as friends. She visits here occasionally just to chat and vent a bit. That young lady has quite a load on her shoulders, being the second-ranked among the Eradicators, overseeing numerous planets, including her cherished home world, even if she doesn't display it openly. And mind you, she's still quite young, at least by my standards,] Ebacan elucidated.

[In any case, much like others in our universe, her life hasn't been a walk in the park. She's simply doing whatever it takes to survive. Ranks 1 to 5 hold residency on a specific planet, returning only for meetings, despite the appearances of more extended stays,] Ebacan added.

"…I'd prefer if you kept my life story to yourself," Raerea's voice interjected. We turned our attention to her, finding her awake and staring blankly at the surroundings. She shifted her gaze towards me and inquired, "So, what's your plan for me now, outer god?"

[Huh?! O-outer god?! Wait, is this the brat who recently joined the Resistance and is the rumored Outer God!? Holy—I didn't think it was true! Hey, free meeee pleeeeeease! I'll join you guys too!] Ebacan's desperate plea echoed.

"So much for maintaining a dignified attitude as a god. You seem to have cast that aside," I remarked, to which he responded with laughter.

[Outer gods are the pinnacle of existence, capable of nearly anything. I'd gladly bow my head and work for them! I was mostly on my own before I ended up in this sorry state, after all!] he exclaimed, expressing his willingness to align with the perceived superior authority of outer gods.

"Well, convincing you was the primary purpose of our visit. I even brought Esina along to assist with that, but I didn't expect that my mere title would be enough to sway you," I explained to him.

[Hmm? Well, if I hadn't known, you would have had to make your case. However, you seemed like an okay guy before I found out, so I would have at least considered the idea,] replied Ebacan.

Shifting my focus to Raerea, we locked eyes, maintaining a silent exchange for a full minute.

[…Is this love blossoming?] Ebacan humorously interjected, restraining his laughter.

"I'll be honest with you, Raerea. I want you to join the Resistance," I declared.

"I refuse. I see no reason to join, and there are no benefits—in fact, joining you all would pose more disadvantages, especially for the planets under my supervision, including my own," Raerea retorted with a defiant tone.

"I anticipated that response. Instead, let me propose this: you'll be held as our prisoner for the time being. However, my intention is to take you with me to Hauillne Bataress. You might possess valuable information related to it," I explained, causing confusion to ripple across her expression.

"…Hauillne Bataress? That's the first planet Elanor conquered before ascending to Eradicator status. Visiting there would be fruitless; it's a desolate wasteland, a mere time-waster," Raerea countered, dismissing the idea as inconsequential.

"Nevertheless, I'm eager to see what it's like. You won't dissuade me from checking it out," I asserted, then raised my right hand and snapped my fingers. The entire planet commenced a process of self-repair. Turning back to Ebacan, I asked, "I will also restore you back to your human form and heal you. You'll keep your word, right?"

[Obviously. I get to live life again; why would I say no to that?] Ebacan responded as if my question were self-evident.

Nodding, I extended my hand towards the tree and initiated the process of reversing his transformation. The crystal on the tree emitted a radiant glow before swiftly descending to the ground and reshaping itself into a human form.

"...You're nothing like I imagined," I commented to Ebacan, and he chuckled in response. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I dispelled whatever affliction plagued him and continued to mend his injuries.

With the transformation complete, Ebacan now sported short, neatly combed black hair, black shades, a mustache, and a beard. He was dressed in a white shirt beneath a black leather jacket, complemented by pants and shoes. Two watches adorned his wrists, and a necklace hung around his neck.

"The pinnacle of beauty, right!?" Ebacan declared with enthusiasm, pulling me into a tight hug and delivering a hearty pat on my back.

Ebacan directed his attention towards Raerea, a chuckle escaping him. "Back to my former glory, Raerea! Let's get along from now on... I'll do my best to take care of you while you're a prisoner at the Resistance's base. You did spare me, after all," he extended an amicable offer to her.

"…That's acceptable. I can arrange that for both of you," I replied, receiving an appreciative nod from Ebacan.

"What's our next move?" he inquired.

"…Well, I wanted to explore this planet before we leave. Can you enlighten us on what you did to this place? I also don't intend to add it to the list of Resistance planets," I informed him, seeking clarification on the modifications made to the planet.

"Fufu! Come along, and I'll give you a tour of my handiwork! I didn't alter much, considering I was still relatively weak at the time. Anyway, follow me," Ebacan exclaimed with a lively tone, prompting us to follow him.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Tada!" Ebacan exclaimed, spreading his arms wide.

"...What am I looking at?" I inquired. The surroundings featured small tables and chairs crafted from wood and stone, enveloped by vines and other greenery—or perhaps I should say, "purplery." However, the focal point was a massive circular portal.

Esina, Lavinia, and Cúntóir, who opted to accompany us, frowned at the portal, while Raerea and Ebacan regarded it as if it were a familiar sight.

"My masterpiece! Remember when I mentioned my powers over time?" Ebacan asked, and I nodded.

He grinned and continued, "My powers are unique, as I told you. I stored some of my 'time' in this and allowed it to grow, siphoning power from different versions of me across timelines. Not enough to render them severely weak, but sufficient to accumulate into this."

"All the energy you're seeing is concentrated in the middle. Once I reclaim it, I'll become even stronger than my prime—well, theoretically speaking," Ebacan explained. He took a step forward, but Cúntóir intervened, halting him and causing confusion.

"While it might seem clever in retrospect, have you considered the possibility that the other versions of you may be malevolent or corrupted? Such traits can easily manifest in an individual's powers, allowing it to take hold. Allow me to analyze it before granting you permission to touch it," Cúntóir suggested.

Ebacan turned to me, and I signaled my approval. "Alright, lady, since the boss is giving you the green light, go for it," he told Cúntóir, who then proceeded to approach the purple portal for analysis.

"That purple mist... that was also a part of your powers, correct?" I inquired of Ebacan.

"Yeah, I attempted to replicate the Nivalis Nebula, a nearly impenetrable mist in our universe. Though not as powerful, that purple mist effectively blocked anyone else from accessing this location," Ebacan confirmed.

"And how did you acquire knowledge about different timelines and universes while being on the run for such a long time?" I posed another question.

"From the ancient era. We possessed extensive knowledge about it during then, but you know what happened to it. While the multiverse's existence is common knowledge now, thanks to Phumera and her organization, many remain unaware of the infinite timelines and parallel universes. They can't capitalize on it. Of course, I was aware of the risks, but I preferred to live and take those chances rather than face death," Ebacan explained.

"Crazy bastard," I remarked to Ebacan, and he burst into laughter.

"Heh, me? You're the psychotic outer god seeking peace—that's unheard of, especially considering how Magnum Tenebrosum operated. If I compare you to him, your methods differ, but they're also not too different," he pointed out, capturing my interest.

"What do you mean by that?" I inquired, fixing my gaze on him. The curiosity in my question also drew the attention of everyone else present.

"I don't comprehend what Magnum Tenebrosum sought by conquering our universe and the rest of the multiverse, but you're essentially doing the same, just with 'freedom' as your primary argument. Is anyone genuinely free? Or is it all an illusion of freedom?" Ebacan queried.

"While your vision promises greater happiness for everyone in the long run, we're still adhering to your rules, even if they're remarkably reasonable. Ultimately, can we truly claim to be free? And what about those who oppose it? Couldn't one argue that they are the freest by going against the peace you're pursuing?" he further questioned.

"Even if I assert that I believe this pursuit is for the greater good, one could argue the same for Magnum Tenebrosum, or at least make that assumption. While I believe he merely desires to dominate everything, it's plausible that many outer gods harbor jealousy towards Azathoth's position, aspiring to become the ultimate ruler and be perceived as a 'true' sovereign rather than a 'fake.' I think that's how they perceive her," I responded.

"That's a valid point, but I've never encountered the others, so I can't state it definitively. Everyone is the protagonist of their own life—the hero of their story. From their perspective, they are doing what they believe to be right. Even my enemies from many years ago, in their eyes, they were pursuing what they deemed right. The same goes for me and my allies. So, in reality... is anyone truly 'right'?" Ebacan pondered.

"I believe it's as you said, a matter of perspective," interjected Lavinia. "In the eyes of everyone else, who do you think is doing more good, Aaron or Magnum Tenebrosum and Phumera? If we were granted the ability to observe everything unfold... who's the one doing 'good'?" Lavinia asked, contributing to the ongoing discussion.

"I personally lean towards Aaron. In my view, he is carrying Lucius' dream and will from many years ago. As one of their allies at that time, and having been brought back to life, I can confidently say that. This time, I genuinely want us to succeed," Esina expressed, sharing her perspective on the matter.

"Well, if you frame it in that way, I find it hard to counter. However, some individuals, as Raerea mentioned, have been so thoroughly indoctrinated that anything Phumera or anyone in their organization says is perceived as inherently good," he responded, directing his gaze towards me. "I'm sure you're accustomed to it, but brace yourself for the fact that not everyone will support your endeavors."

"Their entire existence has been intertwined with Phumera for an extensive period. Shifting allegiance and relying on someone new, especially an organization that has faced repeated failures for years, won't be an easy transition," Ebacan added, offering insights into the complexities of winning support from those deeply entrenched in the opposing ideology.

"I'm ready for that. My dream faced continuous ridicule and dismissal back in our universe. Only in the latter half of last year did they start taking me seriously. Even then, it wasn't wholehearted. Even if I can't persuade them verbally, I'll let my actions do the talking," I shared with Ebacan, flashing a smirk.

"Kah! Look at you trying to be cool. You nearly weakened my old bones there," he retorted, delivering a hearty smack to my back.

"…I wasn't trying to…" I responded, feeling a tad embarrassed by his comment.

Before we could resume our discussion, the portal before us abruptly erupted into an intense, radiant light, enveloping the entire area.

"It's done. I eliminated any evil versions of you and replaced them with others. Originally, it was 70% corrupted and evil to 30% good. If I had allowed you to regain your powers before checking, we might have been compelled to eliminate you, or at the very least, kill and revive," explained Cúntóir.

"Now, please come here, Ebacan," she ordered, and the man approached her with a hint of nervousness.

"70%? Well, I guess I won't be taking that gamble anymore. Screw becoming evil; I don't like the sound of that," replied Ebacan as he cautiously placed his hands on the glowing portal.

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