Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 20 – Part 2 – Proposal and Hauillne Bataress

Third Person Point of View

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On the distant planet of Helicre Doiux, Elanor toiled away in her subterranean laboratory, tirelessly assembling an army of androids in anticipation of the impending conflict with the Resistance.

"Lady Elanor, the boxes have been relocated as per your instructions. What shall we do with the others?" inquired Bartholomew, one of Elanor's dutiful subordinates and creations.

Elanor, engrossed in her experiments, briefly diverted her attention. "Place them in the fifth storage room for now," she directed before immersing herself once again in her work.

As Bartholomew left the room, Elanor's gaze fixated on a specific spot, and she questioned, "Is there something you require from me?"

From the shadows emerged Ecthrois, the first-ranked Eradicator. Nonchalantly leaning against the wall, he issued a caution, "The situation is growing increasingly precarious. Ignoring 'that' spot will lead to its imminent destruction. Phumera is unlikely to appreciate the consequences, as it could trigger a breakout."

"...Ah, yes, that particular matter has eluded my attention for some time," Elanor conceded, pausing her project to address Ecthrois directly. "I intend to dispatch two of my subordinates to address the issue promptly. I trust that aligns with your expectations?" She offered a warm smile in his direction.

Ecthrois opened his eyes and while maintaining his intense gaze, responded sternly, "My intent is solely to apprise you of the situation. Its proximity to other overseen planets makes its resolution imperative—correct the issue."

Amused by Ecthrois' assertiveness, Elanor chuckled, "Quite assertive, but worry not, Ecthrois. I'll handle it." Rising from her work station, she approached him, placing her hand on his chest. With a mischievous grin, she added, "Perhaps, as a gesture of reconciliation, you'd care to spend a night with me to make up for it?"

Ecthrois remained unaffected by Elanor's attempts at persuasion. "Your charms hold no sway over me, Elanor. I'm leaving," he declared, vanishing from sight.

Elanor, visibly disappointed, muttered, "How dull. Most, if not all, would have welcomed the proposition." Turning her attention back to her ongoing project, she contemplated, "Well, I might as well dispatch some alternative experiments to that location. It did prove instrumental in the end—quite useful, indeed, fufu."

The entrance to her chamber creaked open once more, revealing another subordinate. "Lady Elanor, Dixie and Cenlor have returned. Would you like to see them now?" inquired Umona, a diminutive android girl.

Elanor's smile broadened at the news. "Excellent, I require both Dixie and Cenlor for a specific task. Lead the way, Umona," she declared, and the two of them exited the room, heading to reunite with Elanor's other creations.

Umona's face lit up with excitement as she eagerly nodded, guiding Elanor through the labyrinthine passages to the awaiting subordinates. Little did they know, a brief yet unforeseen upheaval loomed on the horizon—a shift that would reverberate through the fabric of this universe, unsettling a particular individual.

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In the expansive universe of Draconic Deus, Vali Lucifer, having just returned, brought his family along. Their first destination was the Toole Household in Kuoh Town. As Vali pressed the doorbell, the family patiently awaited outside.

Promptly, Yuri Alpha swung the door open. "Welcome, Vali Lucifer-sama. Please, come in. Róisín-sama will join you shortly. Allow me to guide you to the living room," she announced, ushering them through the threshold.

As they traversed the house, Vali's biological mother, Liina Metsik, reflected, "It's eerily quiet here. A big reminder that all those familiar faces from our universe are no longer part of this reality, isn't it?"

Yuri Alpha's expression bore a touch of sorrow as she acknowledged, "Indeed, the solitude may make upkeep more manageable, but it brings a palpable sense of loneliness without everyone around."

Aivar Metsik, Vali's stepfather, inquired, "Do you miss your master?"

"Yes, we all do," Yuri Alpha admitted, her voice resonating with a tinge of melancholy. As she concluded, the remaining occupants of the household entered the living room. Róisín, cradling Vivi in her arms, offered a warm wave to Vali and his family. Lisa and Cindy followed suit.

"We won't overstay our welcome, Róisín. Aniki sent us, and I was just going to—" Liina swiftly covered Vali's mouth, preventing him from revealing more.

"We'll stay for lunch, Róisín. I wanted to talk to you for a bit. Right, Vaa?" Liina posed the question, and Vali readily agreed, prompting a snicker from his stepfather.

Vali, feeling a tad awkward, cleared his throat and retrieved a small box from his possession. "Aniki sent this. He mentioned opening it when you have a moment alone, and..." Vali then produced a few more packages, distributing them among the gathered company. "These are for everyone else. This one's for Vivi, this for Cindy, and Lisa, and the rest are for those who are staying behind."

"Thank you, Vali. I truly appreciate you taking care of this for us," Róisín expressed her gratitude, offering a warm smile that made Vali shift uncomfortably.

The Metsik family lingered in the Toole Household until two in the afternoon, enjoying each other's company. When the time came to bid farewell, they utilized one of Aaron's magic circles, promptly departing for Asgard.

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Róisín Toole's Soliloquy

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With Vali and his family's departure, the Toole Household returned to its quiet solitude. Lisa and Cindy, along with the Pleiades and Stahlritter who had returned for lunch, found themselves surrounded by unopened packages. A palpable sense of curiosity lingered in the air, each wondering about the contents of the mysterious gifts Aaron had prepared.

Vivi, unable to contain her excitement, swiftly tore open the box Vali had given her. Inside, three items were revealed: a necklace, a teddy bear, and a grimoire. While the combination seemed unconventional, it made sense in the context of their involvement in the supernatural.

Observing Vivi's newly acquired necklace, I offered assistance. "Would you like help putting on the necklace, Vivi?" She eagerly accepted, and as I fastened it for her, I discovered that it functioned similarly to my own ring. Excitedly, I shared this revelation with Vivi, who promptly tested it by placing her teddy bear inside and then retrieving it.

Meanwhile, Cindy examined the grimoire that came with her package. "This is a grimoire, and there's a small piece of paper with it," she remarked, reading the contents. "It seems it grows with its wielder. As Vivi becomes stronger and gains more control over her powers, the grimoire will adapt accordingly. Master Aaron apparently fashioned it after an item from the Phantasma."

"Papa..." Vivi whispered tenderly to herself as she embraced her teddy bear. After a brief moment, she stored it in her ring and directed her attention to the grimoire Cindy held. Handing it over to Vivi, the grimoire suddenly enveloped her in a cascade of blue text and screens. Vivi's eyes glowed with the same azure hue, and after a few moments, the spectacle subsided.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, yet a resolute expression took hold of Vivi's face. She gazed at me briefly, then turned her attention to the entrance, where Lilith and Frida stood. "I-I want to train more!"

Lilith, wearing a smirk, beckoned with her finger, signaling for Vivi to follow. Without hesitation, Vivi leaped off her chair and trailed after them.

A collective smile adorned the faces of those left behind as we witnessed Vivi's departure for further training. Lilith's praise echoed in our minds, emphasizing Vivi's natural talent and rapid progress—a true prodigy in the making, driven by the desire for recognition from Aaron upon his return.

However, the joyful atmosphere shifted abruptly when a gasp and a clatter caught our attention. Turning toward the source, we found Cindy, her eyes wide with disbelief, standing beside the fallen box.

Concern etched on my face, I approached her, inquiring, "Cindy, what's wrong?" Peering into the box, I saw what had left her utterly perplexed.

"U-um… What—how—should I say yes…?" Cindy stammered, struggling to find the right words. I, too, felt a mix of emotions, unsure of how to react.

It slowly dawned on us that my son had just proposed to Cindy through this mysterious gift, and the weight of the moment hung in the air, leaving us all momentarily stunned.

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As we tidied up and retreated to Cindy's room, the shell-shocked expression on her face persisted. Yet, upon re-inspecting the contents of the box, we discovered that it held something far more profound than mere words.

In the weeks leading up to their departure, Aaron had orchestrated a series of meaningful experiences for his partners, Cindy and I included. He spared no effort in creating lasting memories through various dates and quality time spent together. The contents of the box attested to these moments, serving as a tangible reminder of the love and care he had showered upon Cindy.

Nestled within the box was a new ring, designed to seamlessly merge with her current one. Accompanying it were mementos from their dates, along with relics from our past lives—each item a testament to the depth of Aaron's affection and the shared experiences that bound them together.

Cindy, still in a state of uncertainty, turned to me with a pleading expression. "U-um... Lady Róisín, what should I do?" she asked, her confusion drawing a laugh from me, deepening her perplexity.

Chuckling, I responded, "What do you mean, 'What should you do?' Follow your own feelings, silly. You went on those dates with Aaron, too, didn't you?" I questioned, puzzled by her reaction.

Cindy seemed to pause, grappling with the meaning of my words. Eventually, her face flushed crimson as she stared at me, dumbfounded. Stuttering, she asked, "C-c-c-can I d-d-d-date M-m-m-master Aaron...!?"

I couldn't help but smile at her innocence. "I think you're beyond dating at this point if my son is asking you to marry him, Cindy," I replied, attempting to mask my amusement with a strained smile.

Cindy, still overwhelmed, covered her face and requested, "I-I would like some time to think about this! P-please, Lady Róisín, c-can I have some time to myself?"

Chuckling softly, I agreed, "Fufu, of course. Take all the time you need. I'll leave you to your thoughts." With that, I exited her room, leaving her in solitude.

Making my way to my own room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. I, too, had a gift from Aaron that awaited unveiling—a private moment of reflection and connection that I was eager to explore.

Seated on my bed, I eagerly opened the box, unveiling a collection of items that stirred a profound emotional response. The first to catch my eye was a drawing—Aaron's artistic creation from his younger days, accompanied by a simple yet heartfelt note that read, "Thank you."

Next, I discovered a letter within the box. It recounted their experiences in the Phantasma, detailing the diverse array of people Aaron encountered, the planets he visited, and even the surprising conquering of planets. Initially alarmed, my anxiety was swiftly replaced by relief as I delved deeper into the letter, discovering the true nature of these endeavors.

"...He really needs to work on his choice of words, doesn't he?" I muttered to myself, unable to suppress a quiet chuckle at Aaron's unconventional expressions of gratitude.

The final item left me frozen, my world momentarily suspended. Uncertain of how to process it, the contents revealed themselves: a box, matching the size of a ring, and a small piece of paper bearing a heartfelt message. [Thank you for everything, mom. I know you said you'd make it up to me for the rest of my existence in our new life, and I mulled that over for a long time. So, I decided to go in this direction. Stay by my side until I say that you did enough. For now, will that be enough?]

A flush of warmth crept up my face, leaving me perplexed. Could this be? Was my own son proposing to me? The notion seemed surreal, especially considering Aaron's talent for strangely worded sentences. While he had a history of saying things that could be misleading, a proposal was an entirely different matter. I found myself questioning the intention behind his words, even as I opened the box and discovered, like Cindy, a new ring nestled within.

Typically, one might expect a necklace in such a situation. The unconventional choice of a ring added an extra layer of mystery to the situation. I made a mental note to discuss this with Aaron when he returned—seeking clarity on the significance behind this unexpected gift.

As I placed the new ring beside the one, I already had, they seamlessly merged, eliciting a peculiar sensation.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding the nature of Aaron's gift, a genuine smile graced my lips. The present served as a heart-breaking reminder of our shared history that shaped our relationship. Reflecting on the past, my thoughts lingered on the countless birthdays where I found myself unable to offer a single present, all due to the interference of a man who vehemently opposed any gesture of kindness.

Recollections of those moments stirred a mix of emotions. This man had consistently stopped my attempts to show kindness to Aaron, destroying any presents I tried to give. Apologies became a recurring theme in my relationship with Aaron, yet he always responded with reassurance—insisting that the thought behind the gesture was what mattered most.

As I contemplated these memories, a wave of gratitude and sorrow washed over me. The weight of perceived inadequacy and the struggles of motherhood had, at times, left me feeling helpless. Even during the darkest period, when I sought to escape my own life, Aaron's forgiving nature and unconditional love served as a lifeline, reminding me that, despite the challenges, I was not a useless mother in his eyes.

Despite returning at the end of his first life, I couldn't shake the lingering feeling that my efforts were insufficient in atoning for past mistakes. This new lease on life, one where I was given immortality was what motivated me to strive for redemption. Ironically, however, it seemed that Aaron was the one showering me with care and attention, intensifying the undercurrent of guilt that pulsed within me.

Lost in the depths of my self-loathing, a sudden interruption shattered the oppressive thoughts.

[Hmm…hmmm? Is this working? Are you sure?] Aaron's voice resonated.

[It's working, you dummy. Just speak already!] Cúntóir's voice chimed in.

[Alright, okay, I'll start, I'll start, sheesh,] he uttered, clearing his throat into what seemed to be his hand. [Hello, Mom. I've got a little gift for you as a token of my appreciation for all you've done for me throughout our intertwined lives. I'm well aware that, after laying eyes on it, you might dive into a reflective journey, wondering if your efforts were enough. Please, resist that impulse. I genuinely value what you've done, recognizing the restrictions you were given. Don't fall prey to self-doubt; you did admirably given the circumstances.]

[So, let's steer clear of that kind of thinking. I believe you did your best under our particular circumstances. A-anyway what I'm trying to say is, thank you. Once we come back, I plan to make it up to those we left behind, so rest assured. Additionally, I'm looking forward to reuniting with you, Cindy, and Vivi, I really miss you guys. Anyhow, I have to get going, I love you!]

"Idiot," I grumbled, tears tracing a path down my face. Whether he genuinely anticipated my reaction or used his powers to find out, it was inconsequential. What mattered now was that I needed to pull myself together.

With a resolute swipe, I cleared my face of tears, tidied my room, encased the heartfelt drawing within a picture frame, and secured it to my wall. The accompanying letter found a haven in one of my drawers. Gathering my resolve, I headed to the Training Facility to join with Vivi.

Upon arrival, their puzzled glances met me, but I disregarded the silent queries and approached them with a newfound determination. "I... I could use some help too, if you don't mind," I admitted, my vulnerability laid bare.

"I'm familiar with the intricacies of human magic but having a true master in the field could significantly enhance your efficiency," Lilith remarked.

"No worries," I reassured her, "my abilities are like Aaron's, allowing me to use the magic of this world and any other. However, our magic is more attuned to the realms of imagination, akin to the devil's demonic powers."

Understanding my stance, Lilith nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, I'll guide you through the process. Although you've only been a bystander when you joined us, you did occasionally join in, but I'll be ramping up the intensity from now on, alright? Additionally, I'll enlist Lisa's expertise, considering her prodigious skill in our world's magic," she declared, and I enthusiastically concurred.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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As Ebacan laid his hands upon the radiant energy, an instantaneous reversal commenced, drawing the bright essence back into him. Surprisingly, rather than emitting cries of anguish, he erupted into screams of delight, his vocal expressions conveying exhilaration rather than suffering. Beside him, Cúntóir appeared visibly uneasy, perturbed by Ebacan's exuberant display.

"Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Come back to me, babyyyyyyyy!!" Ebacan joyously exclaimed, accompanying his proclamation with rhythmic pelvic movements that bore a resemblance to him humping someone. This spectacle prompted Cúntóir to discreetly distance himself from the animated scene, choosing to walk away as Ebacan continued reveling in the return of his power.

"He appears to be rather... happy about the situation," I remarked, observing the unfolding scene. My comment lingered in the air, met with an awkward silence. Glancing around, I noted the discomfort etched across the faces of the onlookers; some averted their gaze, while others wore expressions of bewilderment and mild repulsion. The exception was Raerea, who maintained an unwavering focus on Ebacan.

"...It's normal. Once you grasp his nature, occurrences like this become rather routine," explained Raerea, offering a rationalization for the peculiar display.

My curiosity piqued, I tilted my head and inquired further, "Before he transformed into the crystal, did you witness him engaging in such behavior?"

"...He was weak and slow, but yes... I did witness it on a few occasions," responded Raerea, her face betraying a lack of emotion.

"I can see you've had your share of challenges," I deadpanned in response, mirroring Raerea's stoic expression.

"Yes," Raerea affirmed, her demeanor remaining impassive. Strangely enough, there was an unspoken understanding between us, as if a shared experience had forged an unexpected connection. I contemplated the possibility that her integration into our group might be smoother than anticipated.

Amidst these contemplations, a radiant burst of light illuminated the space before us, only to abruptly dissipate. Ebacan, now facing us with a triumphant grin, extended his arms wide and declared, "Ha-ha-ha! Witness my magnificence! For I am whole once more!"

"Alright, alright, enough with the theatrics. Let's keep moving," I interjected, striding toward him with a dismissive tone.

"Hmm? Where to?" Ebacan inquired, still reveling in the aftermath of his power surge.

"...Back to the Resistance's planet. I guarantee you'll be in for a surprise," I revealed with a smirk, prompting a reciprocal grin from Ebacan.

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Upon teleporting us back to the Resistance's planet, both Raerea and Ebacan found themselves utterly astonished by the transformed surroundings. Ebacan's shock manifested overtly, his gaping mouth an undeniable testament to his disbelief, while Raerea's widened eyes betrayed a sense of marvel.

"What—what the fuck is this!? I was expecting some sort of run-down shithole! This is... like some kind of regal establishment or something! What did you do to this place!?" Ebacan exclaimed, scanning the surroundings with rapid curiosity.

"Well, you've hit the nail on the head with one thing. This place used to be desolate and lifeless, but since Team [DxD] and I arrived, we've implemented some changes. Anyway, we're convening a brief meeting to fill everyone in. Come along with me. Esina, you're invited too. Lavinia, catch up with you later," I directed, Lavinia blushing and agreeing before hastening away.

The reason for her blush eluded me, but I brushed it aside, assuming it might be tied to some form of compensation—a matter I was willing to address later.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Adding another god to our ranks, eh? Perhaps we should brace ourselves for some remarkable developments post your visit to Hauillne Bataress?" Lysanvar mused, a chuckle escaping him.

"Who can say? The visit is scheduled for a week from now, giving me ample time to ponder the possibilities. Now, what are your thoughts on my proposal regarding Raerea and Ebacan?" I queried, prompting a thoughtful hush to settle among the present leaders and the others I had invited.

"In all honesty," commenced Ravel, one of the invitees, "Raerea-sama currently poses no threat to us, given the measures Aaron-sama has taken. Even if we were to remove the cuffs on her hands, she'd be incapacitated, with no means of retaliation. The hangars housing the spaceships are under tight surveillance by guards and Aaron-sama's security magic, leaving her with no avenue for escape. However..."

Ravel shifted her gaze to Ebacan, locking eyes with him. "The concern lies in our inability to ascertain whether Ebacan-sama might aid Raerea-sama in escaping our planet, returning to Phumera, and divulging our location. Hence, I propose assigning a trustworthy individual to accompany them at all times."

"Easy there, little miss, I ain't that bad!" Ebacan retorted, a hint of offense lacing his tone.

"Your claim of forming a bond with her is precisely the concern. We lack knowledge about your personalities, habits, or those of Raerea-sama. There's a possibility that your sentimentality might lead you to assist her, given the bond you claim to share. That's the rationale behind my suggestion," Ravel explained, prompting Ebacan to fall silent, seemingly acknowledging the validity of her argument.

"I concur," added Latia. "Ravel's point holds merit. As for the assignment, I propose Laeronia for evident reasons."

Laeronia nodded in agreement and volunteered, "I don't mind taking on the role. Given my involvement in overseeing the development of various towns, cities, and villages across the planet, it might be beneficial for them to witness it all."

I entrusted Laeronia with the responsibility. Much like myself, he was a versatile individual, proficient in numerous domains. Within the Resistance, Laeronia had earned a reputation as a dependable figure due to his months spent here and the successful completion of prior missions. Despite his relatively minor role at the moment, he commanded high regard and respect from many within the Resistance.

"Any objections?" I queried, scanning the room. Unexpectedly, Zyra, one of our recent additions, raised her hand. "What's on your mind, Zyra?" I inquired, inviting her to express her concerns.

"Laeronia's reliability is acknowledged, but what if a situation arises where he's pulled away from them before we can fully entrust them with independence? How do we address that?" Zyra questioned, raising a valid concern.

"It's taken care of. I can assign additional support," I replied, snapping my fingers to summon two more individuals, both of whom were my Shadow Soldiers.

On the left stood Naiad, the Arachnymph defeated during the [Malebranche] attack. In her current form, she had transformed into a more human appearance for ease of mobility. Sporting medium-length white hair and red eyes, she surprised me with the presence of two horns on the sides of her head. Clad in an elegantly dark blue dress adorned with peculiar trinkets and blue gems, she emanated an air of mystery.

To the right stood Greed, who had parted ways with Medusa as she grew even more powerful and adept as a fighter. I was almost certain she was currently on a solo mission somewhere in the world, given her penchant for such endeavors. Nevertheless, just as a precaution, I had mage Shadow Soldiers positioned in her shadow in case she encountered any difficulties.

"These are Naiad and Greed. I'll assign them to keep an eye on Raerea and Ebacan. Is that acceptable?" I inquired, noting a subtle unease in the expressions of those unfamiliar with Naiad and Greed. Those who were already acquainted with them, however, appeared largely unfazed by their presence.

"Is that an Arachnymph? How did you manage to acquire one?" Savina inquired, her tone carrying a hint of unease.

"Well..." I proceeded to share the details of our encounter and the individual responsible for securing Naiad. The revelation seemed to elicit more annoyance than surprise from the group.

"It's always the same. How bothersome," Savina muttered, displaying clear discontent. "Very well, they appear powerful, so I have no objections."

As I glanced around the room, I noticed a look of shock on Raerea's face as she gazed at the two Shadow Soldiers. Intrigued, I directed my question to her, "Why the surprised expression, Raerea?"

"...I understand that you're an outer god, but isn't casually creating such powerful life a bit reckless? What if they go rogue or become disloyal? Won't this disrupt the balance of the world?" Raerea voiced her genuine concern, sounding genuinely worried.

It was a valid question, yet...

I met Raerea's gaze and, adopting the most impassive expression I could muster, replied, "I've long since destroyed the balance of power in my world. At this point, I don't really care. Besides, you needn't worry about their loyalty; it will never waver. Is that acceptable?"

This seemed to unsettle Raerea even further, but she silently nodded in acceptance, refraining from further discussion. As the brief meeting concluded, and just before everyone dispersed, I felt compelled to share one more piece of information with her.

"Raerea," I called out her name, and she turned her gaze towards me. "The balance of every universe inevitably shifts over time. If you're one who constantly seeks to maintain the status quo, you're essentially inviting annihilation. Change is an integral part of a universe's history; you might as well take charge of it yourself. Otherwise, you're merely waiting for other influential figures to impose their changes. That's all I wanted to convey; this meeting is concluded."

With those parting words, the room emptied as everyone left. A few individuals lingered, staying with me as I leaned back in my chair and released a sigh. Striving to be a fair and just leader proved to be an exhausting endeavor, and I realized I had a long journey ahead. Did I come across as too stern with Raerea? The uncertainty lingered.

"In a week's time, I'll be heading to Hauillne Bataress. If you need anything from me before then, don't hesitate to ask," I informed those who remained.

"Th-then, could you please accompany me, Aaron-sama?" Ravel requested, and I shifted my position in the chair to face her.

"Hmm? What do you mean, Ravel? To where?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

"T-two places. The prisons and... to Piualvan! I've discussed with Latia-sama and Cúntóir-sama about further renovations!" she exclaimed.

"Ah, I see. That's what you meant. Sure, then," I replied wearily, acknowledging her request.

— ○ ● ○ —

Traversing the prison cells on the Resistance's planet felt unfamiliar to me. Having spent relatively little time here before, this experience held an element of novelty. The hallway was expansive, predominantly black, with matching walls, ceiling, and floors. Despite the dark aesthetic, the facility was well-maintained. I was adamant about not letting our prisons gain a reputation for neglect.

Guarding these cells fell primarily to volunteers from the Resistance, who served as both guards and, interestingly, interrogators. Among them was an adept interrogator, though it seemed she still had her differences with Lavinia, despite spending time together.

"Is she present right now?" I inquired of Ravel. Accompanying us were Latia and Raiko, and Ravel affirmed by nodding.

"Yes, she is. However, one of our recent recruits is also here. He's taken on both roles, serving as an interrogator and a frontline warrior," Ravel explained.

"I didn't think you would be so cold to me after our years together, Aaron~" purred a feminine voice.

Exasperation escaped me in a sigh as I directed my gaze towards a corner where Yashina was stationed. Gesturing for her to join us, she did so with a smirk on her lips. "Have you been interrogating them?" I inquired, seeking information.

Instead of a response, she merely gestured with her finger, a gesture that left me disapproving, and Latia visibly disgusted. Shaking my head at her antics, I extended my hand, giving her breast a squeeze and extracting a moan from her.

"I haven't been interrogating anyone. However, Pohyaku, the new recruit, is currently handling that duty," Yashina responded, providing an update on the ongoing interrogations.

This peculiar interaction between us had its origins during the invitation of everyone to the [Training Facility] for the 100 years training session. What began as an odd request from her had transformed into this unusual arrangement.

Yashina refrained from action or speech unless I literally gave her breasts or ass a squeeze, depending on her mood. It seemed to be a source of irritation for Lavinia, likely the sole reason Yashina persisted in this behavior.

"Who's he interrogating at the moment?" Latia inquired. Yashina stared at her in silence, seemingly irritating Latia. In response, I gave Yashina's ass a quick squeeze, prompting a stifled moan.

"He's currently interrogating Yoko. Kurotsume is with him as well, and the process appears to be progressing smoothly. Edlion is next in line, but after Pohyaku learned about the insignia, he only plans on asking her a few questions. The same goes for Amina tomorrow," Yashina explained.

Addressing Ravel, I questioned, "Is this the reason you brought me here?"

"Yes. I wish for you to witness some of the interrogations, and Pohyaku expressed a desire to meet you. Additionally, I thought it would be beneficial for you to assess the state of the prisons. Does that meet your approval?" Ravel inquired.

"Well, I suppose that's acceptable," I responded, and we were promptly led to one of the interrogation rooms where Pohyaku was currently questioning Yoko. However, upon our arrival, it became evident that Pohyaku himself was the one experiencing irritation.

"I've already told you everything I know! And that stubborn Kuro won't back me up just because she's a childish fool! I should have spanked you more when you were little!" a somewhat young youkai, resembling a wolf or cat, shouted at both Pohyaku and Kurotsume.

Both interrogators appeared visibly annoyed by her incessant complaints, and ice and darkness ominously emanated from their bodies as Yoko continued her tirade, showing no signs of cooperation.

"I don't think this follows standard protocol," I remarked, eliciting a snort from Yashina.

"Little miss," muttered Pohyaku as the room became enveloped in ice. "I know our interactions were limited during our service, but I expect you to answer my questions seriously right now," he declared, his tone carrying a threatening edge.

"And like I said, I've already told you everything! Are you stupid, old man!?" Yoko retorted with a scream.

In response, Pohyaku forcefully punched the table in front of him and abruptly left the room, leaving Kurotsume and Yoko behind. As he exited, he caught sight of us and approached.

"I apologize for the unseemly scene you witnessed, Lady Ravel. Also..." Pohyaku shifted his attention to me, then proceeded to kneel and place his right arm in front of his chest. "I wish to extend my greetings to my lord. Thank you for saving my family and affording me this opportunity."

"Please rise. It's no problem, Pohyaku. But could you share what you discovered from Yoko?" I inquired, granting him permission.

In essence, the information gleaned from Yoko was rather meager. She appeared to be relatively uninformed, having joined the group on a whim and out of survival instincts, fearing for her life. Following her alleged separation from Kurotsume, Yoko became a solo mercenary, traversing the galaxy until she found herself on a planet undergoing conquest by one of the Eradicators.

Coincidentally, she attended a meeting held by this Eradicator member and was essentially compelled to align with Abysnar's forces under the threat of death. As a result, she was assigned to the Abstion Purgers due to her proficiency with poisons, and the subsequent events unfolded as part of history.

Observing Yoko through the glass, I personally delved into her history using my powers. From the brief inspection, it appeared she was indeed telling the truth. Her knowledge and intelligence seemed to be on par with Kuroka—not in a derogatory sense, as I had an affection for Kuroka and found her endearing.

"Presently, I utilized my powers, and she hasn't lied about what she shared. She genuinely lacks insight into the inner workings of the Phantasma, much like yourself," I informed Pohyaku, slightly startling him. "While she may come across as deceptive, the truth is... she's simply incredibly stupid."

He stared at me for a moment before bursting into laughter, smacking his sides. "I had my suspicions, but I didn't want it to be true. I never thought someone could be that dim. Even that woman, Kuroka, is more intelligent than her, and that's saying something."

I could have been annoyed by that comment, but there was an element of truth to it. Choosing to remain silent, I tapped on the glass, prompting Kurotsume to exit, leaving Yoko behind with crossed arms in frustration.

"It's all right, Kurotsume. Yoko should be relatively free from now on, but can I assign you to keep an eye on her for the time being?" I inquired.

"H-huh!? Why me!? I'd genuinely prefer being controlled by Abyss Puppeteers than being roommates with her!" Kurotsume exclaimed, expressing clear disgust at the prospect.

"Please, Kuro, we would really appreciate it," I implored her.

Her lips twitched as our gazes bore into her. After a moment of contemplation, she crossed her arms and turned away in a huff. "I guess I can do it for the sake of the universe. But don't get it wrong! I'm not doing it for you!"

Yashina leaned toward us and remarked, "She's what's called a tsundere, right?" I couldn't help but smirk, while the others shook their heads at her, except for Pohyaku, who seemed unfamiliar with the term.

"Thank you. You can take Yoko with you now," I informed Kurotsume, who returned to the room.

After a brief exchange, Kurotsume escorted Yoko out, and as they departed, Yoko shouted, "Thanks, big outty god! I'll let you touch my tail later!!" Her playful and confusing remark left me perplexed and irritated Kurotsume even more.

"At least she lives life in her own way, right?" I questioned, seeking validation from everyone, but met with a collective silence. "Anyway, when do you plan on interrogating to Edlion?"

"Interrogating is a strong word. I just want to talk to her about a few things since I've met her once before. She's infamous in her own way, but it should be after dinner since I'm done for the time being," Pohyaku replied, lighting up a cigarette.

While a part of me wanted to highlight the health risks, I refrained, as every smoker was already aware of that. "Is that so? Then I'll leave you to it. We'll take our leave. I'll see you in the future," I informed him, patting his back before heading out.

As we started to walk away, Pohyaku shouted, "Ah, my wife said to come by for dinner in the future, Lord Aaron!"

Raising my hand in acknowledgment, I replied, "I'll be sure to inform you beforehand. Thank you." With that, we departed for Piualvan.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I feel like we've been here a lot. Is this spot becoming popular or something?" I inquired as I teleported us to our manor overlooking the lakeside town.

"It's just minor changes, Aaron-sama. Please watch from here. I will get started inside! Latia-sama, please come with me," Ravel responded, and the two departed, leaving me and Raiko alone.

"U-um..." Raiko stammered as soon as they left. Yashina had stayed behind due to ongoing work, so it was just Raiko and me. She nervously reached out, hugging my arm while looking up at me in a rather adorable manner, causing my heart to beat faster.

"What's up, Raiko?" I asked.

"...I tend not to be too demanding, but um... may I have some of your time in the future?" she asked nervously.


"Danu-sama has graduated, but I haven't. I would also like more time with you. The last time was a few weeks prior to coming here, and I'm feeling rather neglected. Y-you even spent time with Grayfia and Inaie recently," she explained in a sad tone. However, she quickly added, "I-I know you're busy, and with all the things we're doing, s-so I'm not rushing you!"

With the size of my harem and its expected growth in the future, occurrences like this would become somewhat normal. That's what I'd like to say, but it's precisely what I wanted to avoid as much as possible—especially once everything stabilized and threats were neutralized.

"...No, you're right. I'll try to meet those needs you girls want in the future, so... yeah, I'll do that. I have a plan," I assured her, causing Raiko to tilt her head in confusion. "No, you'll find out in the future. With that said, once I'm back from Hauillne Bataress, I'll spend time with you."

Grateful and with a beaming smile, Raiko expressed her appreciation, saying, "Thank you very much."

Kuroka, suddenly interrupting our moment, playfully remarked, "Wow, you're openly flirting like this, nya." She, accompanied by Shirone, had sneaked up on us unnoticed.

Addressing the unexpected visitors, I quipped, "Oh hey, Kuroka, Shirone, did the fish bring you here?" There was a light-hearted atmosphere as we exchanged banter.

Kuroka, with enthusiasm, shared, "Yep, nya. It's a delicacy now, and because of my constant boasting, this place is gaining recognition. Many people are considering moving here. I honestly see myself living here in the future or perhaps making it our primary residence if we turn it into a vacation home."

Acknowledging her efforts, I commented, "You've been quite busy in your own way, huh?" She responded with a proud nod, reveling in her accomplishments.

As I began sharing details about the manor, an unexpected transformation overtook the building before me. With no specific design in mind, I entrusted Ravel with the task, given that the mansion had previously been a vast wooden structure.

Under Ravel's creative touch, a separate space akin to the [Training Facility] found its place in the basement, offering everyone the opportunity to engage in enjoyable training sessions. Additionally, through the infusion of magical enhancements, the interior expanded with extra floors, rendering it significantly more spacious.

The mansion underwent a radical transformation, resembling something akin to the Phenex mansion in the Underworld. In all honesty, the extravagant outcome caught me off guard. I couldn't help but ponder what thoughts went on Ravel's mind during this creative process. I mean, Latia was there alongside her, and I couldn't help but wonder if she gave her seal of approval to this lavishly extravagant endeavor.

"Nyaa... doesn't this stand out a bit too much?" Kuroka queried, her finger gesturing toward the new extravagant structure. "I mean, a giant flaming phoenix in a serene town filled with lakes, rivers, ponds, and bodies of water... seems kind of out of place."

Acknowledging the validity of her observation, I couldn't help but agree that the new addition appeared rather conspicuous in the tranquil surroundings. If the townspeople voiced complaints, adjustments might be necessary. The challenge lay in finding a solution without hurting Ravel's feelings, though that seemed increasingly inevitable.

Scratching the back of my head, I began, "Well, you're right about that, but..."

Interrupting our deliberation, Shirone chimed in, "Mini friend chicken is coming out," signaling the arrival of Ravel. The excitement on her face was palpable, contrasting with the different expression worn by Latia, who trailed behind her.

I surmised that Latia might not have been entirely on board with the plan, likely aware of the mismatch in aesthetics. Despite her reservations, she probably found it difficult to deny Ravel's request, considering the growing closeness between the two over the years.

"W-what do you think, Aaron-sama!?" Ravel inquired eagerly, anticipation evident in her eyes. Her enthusiasm made it challenging to consider shooting down her creative endeavor.

However, before I could respond, Kuroka bluntly interjected, "Horrible. Take it down. Ravel-chin, look around you, did you even take into account the aesthetics of this place?"

Ravel's expression swiftly shifted, her once-upbeat face taking a downturn as she gazed first at Kuroka and then at the town below and the natural beauty surrounding us. Her eyes then darted between the grandeur of the mansion she had constructed—complete with fire, flames, phoenix motifs, and even lava-spewing fountains—and the serene landscape that embraced it. The tranquility of our surroundings seemed to bounce back, almost like a harsh slap in the face.

With a sudden realization, Ravel dropped to her hands and knees, a profound look of horror etched across her face. "What have I done...!? I completely forgot about that...!" she muttered, visibly mortified by her oversight.

It appeared my assumption about Ravel being heartbroken was off the mark; her predominant emotion seemed to be mortification at her oversight. Shirone, sensing Ravel's distress, approached her, crouching down and offering a comforting hand on her back.

"I guess... Ravel can't be perfect all the time, huh?" she remarked with an evil grin spreading across her face.

Ravel, flustered by the comment, vehemently protested, "W-w-w-what do you mean by that!? I can rectify this! Watch me!" With that declaration, she dashed back towards the mansion, presumably ready to address the aesthetic misstep.

As Shirone rejoined us, she gave me a thumbs up, maintaining a smug grin on her face. While her approach might have been a tad ruthless, I understood that she intended to help both Ravel and me. Despite the teasing, there was a subtle sense of camaraderie in her actions, and I couldn't help but appreciate the gesture.

Curious about our companions' whereabouts, I turned to Kuroka while we patiently awaited Ravel's attempt to rectify her architectural mishap.

"By the way, was it only you two here?" I inquired.

Kuroka shook her head and replied, "No nya, Asia, Xenovia, and Irina came with us nya. They're probably by that lake fishing... or doing something weird, you know them."

The mention of the Church Trio and their affinity for eccentric activities brought a wry smile to my face. It seemed that, over time, the terms "Church Trio" and "weird" had become somewhat synonymous. It was a peculiar association, but one that had grown familiar. For the time being, I decided to focus on Ravel's attempt to address the current situation before joining or retrieving them.

The mansion underwent a transformation once again, this time adopting a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The fiery phoenix motif, lava fountains, and extravagant elements were replaced with a serene atmosphere. In place of the previous flamboyance, a normal water fountain and statues of deer and birds adorned the surroundings. The mansion itself reverted to a large wooden cabin, while retaining the additional magical rooms and spaces.

Ravel returned, breathless from her efforts, and inquired, "H-how is this? I-it's much better, right?"

Gently patting Ravel's head, I commended her efforts, saying, "Yeah, it looks great. It's much more aesthetically pleasing. Good job, Ravel. Although, you could consider using the other design for a home in the Underworld or another place in this universe, especially if we find one that's, well, mostly flames..."

Ravel blushed at the praise but readily agreed. "Anyway, let's check the inside again, and then we can go retrieve the Church Trio," I suggested. With that, we swiftly entered the transformed home to inspect the changes.

— ○ ● ○ —

As we explored the mostly normal spaces within the home, one particular room caught my attention—the office that Latia and Ravel had meticulously arranged for me. While having an office wasn't peculiar, it boasted a standout feature: a comprehensive surveillance system covering the entire planet, both above and below ground. While I possessed the ability to accomplish this using my own powers, the pre-established surveillance was an oddly convenient addition, especially if I intended to spend an extended period on this planet.

Curious about the origin of this feature, I turned to Ravel and inquired, "How did you get this done?"

Ravel explained, "I asked Laeronia-sama for some help, and he got it done in around thirty minutes."

A realization dawned upon me—I had given him a standing order from the moment they were created to fulfill any reasonable requests made by my friends or lovers. It seemed Laeronia-sama had promptly taken care of this particular task.

Ravel elaborated on the thoughtful gesture, saying, "You mentioned the possibility of not joining us on some future missions, suggesting you could simply teleport to us if direct help was needed. So, Latia-sama and I, along with a few others, took the initiative to create this for you. Given your affinity for Piualvan, we thought it fitting to incorporate it into this space."

Latia chimed in, "Piualvan is inherently inconspicuous. To the average person, a vacation home for you wouldn't be suspected to be equipped with such capabilities. Well, at least not by normal standards. Hence, we decided to integrate it into this location."

Appreciating the heartfelt gesture, I couldn't help but smile in gratitude and nodded. "I see, thank you then. I'll make sure to repay you guys back."

Ravel quickly dismissed the idea, asserting, "We don't need it. Can't we just do this for you without you repaying us? You do things like this for us without expecting to be repaid, so we want to do it too. Isn't that what you told Suzaku-sama and Lavinia-sama in the past?"

Her words resonated with a certain truth. Standing there, I realized that they were likely informed by Suzaku and Lavinia about a conversation we had years ago, most likely during our initial 100-year stint together. While I hadn't anticipated Suzaku and Lavinia keeping it to themselves, the sentiment of mutual support seemed to echo through the years.

In my previous life, I stumbled upon some seemingly trivial piece of wisdom. At the time, I didn't delve too deeply into its meaning. However, as I observed my mom's interactions with my biological father, its significance began to dawn on me. Then, not exactly recently, but in the weeks before our transition to this universe, during a period of relaxation, it struck me with a hint of truth.

Love and marriage, it occurred to me, were endeavors that required substantial effort. While the initial spark and flame of passion may be present at the beginning, settling into a rhythm brings about changes, and people become comfortable. To maintain that initial passion and love, one must put in the hard work to nurture and sustain it.

While some might perceive it as going over the top, my philosophy is simple: keeping my loved ones happy, without expecting anything in return, is what truly matters to me. The wisdom I encountered also emphasized that spouses often recognize and appreciate the effort put in without expecting reciprocity.

According to the source, this insight stemmed from someone who had been married for over 30 years. Facing the fading of their initial flame, they decided to take proactive steps. Engaging in various acts of kindness, such as working out, cooking for their partner, and offering daily compliments, they dedicated a full year to selflessly serving their spouse.

The result was intriguing—after a year of such dedicated efforts, their wife began reciprocating, rekindling the spark in their relationship. It seems that, to sustain everlasting love, one must continuously fan the flames; otherwise, it risks fading away or being replaced by a new and potentially more intense passion that doesn't involve you.

Sighing, I conceded, "You're right, my bad. I'll accept it gracefully then, Ravel, Latia, and anyone else involved. Thank you," I expressed my gratitude before pulling them both into a warm hug.

Ddraig couldn't resist chiming in, [You're gonna make a football (soccer) team in the future for a family, partner, not just one though, multiple!] His unexpected remark interrupted the moment.

Albion promptly intervened, {Shut the fuck up, you're ruining it,} he chided Ddraig, successfully silencing the dragon.

The embrace continued as Latia, Ravel, and I shared the moment. However, the intimate scene took an unexpected turn as Kuroka leaped onto my back, joining the hug, followed by Shirone and a somewhat reluctant Raiko. The unexpected gathering transformed the moment into a lively and somewhat chaotic family embrace.

— ○ ● ○ —

Within the peaceful scene by the lake, a sudden shriek disrupted the tranquility. Irina's scream pierced the air as she found herself entangled in the clutches of a giant octopus monster, its tentacles waving her around like a ragdoll.

Curious about the commotion, we had arrived at the same lake where I had encountered Akeno before, back when she was avoiding me about Suzaku. While I had noticed something unusual in the lake on that occasion, I didn't address it at the time. It seemed that the mystery was now unraveling before us.

Noticing our arrival, Asia, accompanied by Ahin, waved us over. Upon reaching them, I inquired, "What's happening?"

"We heard about a new local legend, so we decided to investigate. Turns out, there's a large creature in the lake, and, well, it's true! Irina-san and Xenovia-san initially wanted to fight it but then changed their minds, deciding to tame it instead. Unfortunately, their attempts haven't gone very well," Asia explained with a mixture of excitement and concern.

"Fido, stop!" Xenovia's shout joined Irina's cries as both were swung around by the monstrous creature.

With a decisive pat on Asia's head, I apologized, "Sorry, that's not happening." I had my reasons, some of which were related to a particular genre of porn I didn't like. With a snap of my fingers, the monster promptly disintegrated, causing both Xenovia and Irina to fall into the lake. Another snap, and they reappeared on the shore, beside Asia, albeit soaking wet.

Attempting to explain themselves, Irina began, "We—"

"No," I interrupted.

"But—" Xenovia tried to interject.

"No," I repeated, fixing them with a stern gaze. They dropped their heads, acknowledging my disapproval. "What in god's name went through your heads wanting a pet like that? I could get you any kind that's more... normal, or at least on the same level as Ahin. He's a good boy."

Upon hearing the compliment, Ahin proudly puffed his chest, eliciting a giggle from Asia.

Observing Shirone standing in front of me, I inquired, "So, why did you come here in the first place? Were you that curious about Kuroka and Shirone coming here?" As I spoke, I began to stroke Shirone's chin, earning a content purr from her.

"W-well, yeah, that was the initial reason, and the fish here, along with other food, tasted great! We also went to the house, but found out Ravel and Latia were coming to change it, so we decided to explore it later, but..." Irina began explaining.

Xenovia continued, "We then heard rumors about a monster in the lake, so we came here to investigate. We were hoping it was a new species or animal not from our universe, but it turned out to be like the kraken, which was disappointing. However, we thought, why not make it a pet? So we tried taming it!" The optimism in her voice betrayed the less-than-ideal outcome of their attempt.

I found myself at a loss for an immediate response. While their impulsive and adventurous nature was inherent and somewhat comforting, it also sparked a tinge of worry. Yet, seeing them enjoy themselves in their own way brought a sense of contentment.

"For now, let's go and explore the home, alright? Ravel just finished her remodeling of it, and it's quite amazing. We just came away from it, but there were some rooms we didn't get to visit. How about it?" I suggested. The two eagerly agreed, seemingly forgetting about their recent escapade with the lake monster. Their quick shift in focus elicited a chuckle from me, and we set off to explore the transformed home.

— ○ ● ○ —

Several hours had elapsed, and the company surrounding me dissipated, leaving only Lavinia at my side. Prior to our current venture, I found myself in the position of having to extend my apologies to her for a tardy rendezvous, but the situation amicably resolved itself, albeit with a request for compensation from Lavinia. Presently, Lavinia exuded contentment, sporting a radiant smile as we embarked on a meeting with an individual I had long intended to encounter.

"Are you sure this will go well, Aaron?" inquired Lavinia, her voice tinged with a subtle undertone of concern.

"Rest assured, it will be fine. Kaihra vouched for BoomBoom's reliability, despite his somewhat eccentric nature," I reassured. Yes, indeed, the upcoming rendezvous involved meeting BoomBoom, a character introduced to me by Kaihra, the female scientist encountered in the subterranean research facility. Hence, on this day, Lavinia and I were en route to meet him.

Kaihra had diligently passed on BoomBoom of our impending visit, dispelling any concerns he might have had about our unannounced entrance into his abode. Adding to the convenience, Kaihra had also disclosed the location of his residence, situated conveniently within Ivoryillum, thereby simplifying our journey as we traversed towards our destination.

As we navigated around a corner, veering left onto a specific street, a desolate path unfolded before us, culminating in a lone house at its end. The building bore the unmistakable signs of meticulous upkeep, courtesy of the array of spells and androids I had deployed throughout the city. This proactive approach ensured that no area within this locale could deteriorate into what one might deem "slums."

"Could that be his residence?" inquired Lavinia, seeking confirmation, to which I responded with a nod.

"Yeah, it looks like it. And look, there he is, outside," I affirmed, directing our attention forward. A gentleman stood in front of the building, absentmindedly scratching his head. Thanks to our enhanced, enchanted vision, both Lavinia and I could discern his features with clarity, even from our current distance.

Sporting a disheveled yet stylishly spiky mane of white hair, the man before us possessed matching white eyes. He donned a lab coat accented with a red tie, a black shirt underneath, complemented by black pants and shoes. His facial features included glasses perched atop a somewhat elongated nose.

As we approached, he promptly turned in our direction. In response, I conjured a small sign bearing the inscription "Kaihra," eliciting a nod from him. Without much ado, he headed towards the entrance of his abode, swung the door open, and ventured inside, leaving the portal ajar.

Lavinia and I exchanged glances, quickening our pace to join him. Stepping across the threshold, we closed the door behind us. Once inside, the state of the interior caught our attention—it bore a disarray that seemed impervious to the spells I had installed for tidying domestic spaces. Evidently, he had opted to forgo such enchantments.

Rumors circulated about eccentric scientists like him finding solace in their chaotic surroundings. The room bore witness to the accuracy of such claims, with scattered bottles, papers, and a wide-ranging assortment of animal specimens—some familiar, others entirely alien to our prior encounters.

Seated in a corner, our host directed his attention towards a peculiar cube, a distinct artifact commonly discovered during our interplanetary excursions, particularly associated with the Phantasma. However, a discerning eye could determine that this particular cube did not belong to our collection; rather, it appeared as though he had stumbled upon it during his independent ventures.

"What brings you to my humble abode, lad?" BoomBoom inquired abruptly. "Kaihra vouched for you, treated me decently. So, what's your agenda here?"

Initially, my intent was to delve into his research on the diverse creatures inhabiting this universe. However, after using my [Observe] ability, my curiosity pivoted towards the broader question of why he chose to be present in this particular location. BoomBoom, or perhaps I should address him as—

"Hensworth Lebyorn, hailing from the planet of Quasar Regalisles, under the watchful eye of Thoza, the esteemed fifth-ranked Eradicator, am I correct?" I queried, eliciting a widening of his eyes in surprise. However, he swiftly regained composure.

"And what if I am, boy? Is your purpose here to wield threats against a man bereft of everything?" he retorted, a hint of scorn accompanying his words.

"No, my intention was initially to delve into the intricacies of the creatures populating this universe. Yet, I've become increasingly captivated by the mystery of why you find yourself in this place rather than by Thoza's side. Did you escape? Choose to depart? Then adopted the guise of an eccentric, cantankerous mad scientist?" I pressed, prompting him to fixate his gaze upon me in contemplation.

Setting the cube aside, a somber expression etched itself across his face as he sighed. Drifting towards a refrigerator, he extracted what appeared to be an alcoholic beverage, commencing a contemplative sip. "I fled. I proved to be a coward. Before that bastard seized control of our planet, I enjoyed widespread respect as one of the foremost scientists. Yet, as everything crumbled, I abandoned ship without a second thought. Such is the depth of my cowardice," he confessed, punctuating his revelation with another swallow of his beverage.

Curious, Lavinia probed, "And what about your friends or family?" Her scrutinizing gaze prompted a rueful chuckle from him.

"...What about them? They're either dead, captured, or coerced into servitude by him. Anyone tied to me, whether by blood or friendship, undoubtedly bears the repercussions of my departure. They're likely cursing my name from their resting places if they're dead," Hensworth disclosed with a touch of bitterness.

"All my life's achievements were entrenched in that planet, yet I had to go on a fresh start upon finding refuge with the Resistance. It was tolerable, but recently, thanks to you and your team, it has taken a turn for the better. We now stand a fighting chance. However, what does it matter if I return to a planet of nothingness?" he pondered aloud, punctuating his reflection with another sip of his beverage.

"So, you're just going to throw in the towel?" I questioned, striding towards him as Lavinia released her grip on my arm.

"Yes," he admitted, his resignation evident. "They're gone, and—" His sentence was abruptly cut short as my fist connected with his face, propelling him against the wall of his home.

Rendered unconscious, I roused him from his slumber. Without allowing him the chance to retaliate, I harnessed my abilities to reveal the plight unfolding on the planet. Yes, suffering permeated the populace under Thoza's tyrannical rule, but crucially, his family and friends endured, clinging to the hope that he would return to liberate them.

Seizing him by the collar and hoisting him upright, I asserted, "They clung to hope, never once abandoning the belief that you'd return to free them. Didn't you yourself speak of joining the Resistance to liberate them from the clutches of the Phantasma in the past? Have you conveniently forgotten that promise? Your friends and family continue to believe, continue to hope, but you already surrendered? How can you call yourself a man with such a weak will!?"

"Aaron..." Lavinia interjected, her touch resting on my shoulder.

"My own mood in this place is dropping. I'm leaving. If you choose to abandon them without a semblance of effort then we shall undertake their liberation ourselves, and you will play no part in it," I declared, pivoting on my heel and striding away from the place.

"Hold on, you impudent brat," Hensworth uttered, struggling to regain his composure as he rose unsteadily. "I... damn it, you're right. But what can a weakling like me accomplish...!? Even if they're still alive—what can I possibly contribute? I can't be on the frontlines!"

"Use your knowledge and devise a plan. Think of mechanisms, contraptions, or even tap into the diverse creatures of this universe. Find a way for us to harness their potential before we venture to your homeworld and liberate them, you're the genius scientist, aren't you? Think of something," I instructed him before making my exit, with Lavinia in tow.

As she once again grasped my arm, she queried, "Are you sure that was the right course of action?"

Grinning at her, I reassured, "Yeah. I was irritated, but not excessively furious. Hensworth harbors a spirit that's yet to fully realize its potential. That somewhat 'staged' emotional outburst should prod him into earnestly contemplating his choices now. All that's left is to allow him the autonomy to decide his course of action. Hopefully, he'll find his place among the others in the research facilities."

Lavinia regarded me with a hint of bewilderment before playfully smacking my head and puffing her cheeks. "Bad! Your performance was surprisingly convincing!"

"Well, as I mentioned, it wasn't all an act. I did harbor some genuine frustration toward him. Every word and image I conveyed to him was authentic. We just need him to extricate himself from the self-imposed stagnation," I clarified to her, and we exited the premises.

I harbored a strong belief that Hensworth would soon evolve into a dependable ally for the Resistance.

— ○ ● ○ —

With merely two days remaining before my team embarked on the mission to Hauillne Bataress, today unfolded on a different note. Courtesy of the Slash Dog Team, I found myself accompanied by two new [Electa], Celrion and Qunela. These insectoid entities, prevalent in this universe, possessed inherent vulnerabilities, yet their potential was undeniable.

After thorough deliberation with the team, I opted to bring Celrion and Qunela along for the mission to Hauillne Bataress. This decision stemmed from the belief that exposing them to enemies on this mission would allow them to test their newfound bodies and abilities, gaining invaluable combat experience in the process.

For the majority of the day, I engaged in intensive training sessions with them. As the mission drew nearer, I entrusted the final days of their preparation to Aurelia and a select few others. My own focus remained dedicated to Piualvan, where I meticulously monitored all developments within our home.

Today, I desired a firsthand assessment. Dodging another punch from Celrion and a kick from Qunela, I executed a quick spin, delivering a forceful kick that, despite their attempts to block, sent both of them staggering backward.

Quickly enveloping their forms in touki, they surged back at me, launching a relentless assault of punches and kicks. Our focus for the day was hand-to-hand combat, steer clear of long-range attacks, although the shockwaves emanating from our blows were permitted.

Engrossed in this sparring session for about an hour, an unintentional audience had amassed. While my initial intention was to have Ddraig provide an impromptu extra class for the planet's residents, the attention shifted to my impromptu sparring match with Celrion and Qunela—inevitably drawing a decent crowd.

In a sudden blur, Celrion and Qunela vanished, spawning myriad clones that encircled me, launching a synchronized assault. Simultaneously, the true originals appeared above me, unleashing a coordinated barrage of punches and kicks. Swiftly reacting and relying on my [Ultra Instinct], I effortlessly evaded the attacks, catching both the original attacks while simultaneously countering the onslaught of clones, destroying them in the process.

With a decisive throw, I dispatched the originals in opposite directions, causing a resounding crash as they collided with the ground. Just as we prepared to resume, a piercing whistle interrupted the spectacle, prompting our attention to the source. To our confusion, the one wielding the whistle was none other than Latia, a revelation that left us thoroughly bewildered.

Latia tapped her watch and wordlessly mouthed, "Time to get going." The cryptic message left me further perplexed, as I hadn't scheduled any activities for the day. Intrigued and desiring clarification, I turned to Celrion and Qunela, stating, "Let's wrap it up for today. You can either continue your training independently or seek assistance from Aurelia or Scathach."

With nods of acknowledgment, I hurried over to Latia, only to have her seize my wrist and propel me along with her. "Uh, care to enlighten me on what's happening?" I inquired, seeking clarification.

"Didn't you mention yesterday that you would show us the spaceship you'll use for this small trip?" Latia inquired.

"Oh, right, I did mention that, didn't I? My bad, it slipped my mind in all the events from last night," I responded, offering a self-amused chuckle.

Latia's cheeks tinged with a rosy hue at my words, acknowledging the underlying context. After a brief walk, we reached the Resistance's hangars. Inside, the familiar smaller spacecrafts, ranging in size from one to three modules, were present, along with Vali's ship designed to combine with his armor for his "final" form. Additionally, the latest addition to the fleet, a spaceship crafted by me the day prior, awaited inspection.

Capable of accommodating a total of sixteen individuals, the spaceship boasted the same velocity as its predecessors. It mirrored all the essential features of the previous models but on a slightly reduced scale and in lesser quantity, maintaining a level of comfort deemed satisfactory.

Twelve individuals, excluding Cúntóir, Ddraig, Albion, Rudra, and Apophis—constant companions—were slated to join me on this particular journey. The spaceship itself exuded an unconventional aesthetic, predominantly bathed in gold with subtle black accents.

The addition of more visible boosters imparted a peculiar yet functional design that seemed to defy convention, a testament to its effectiveness. I harbored the suspicion that Cúntóir had lent a hand in rectifying any design flaws I might have inadvertently introduced during the crafting process.

Approaching the spacecraft, I noticed it had already garnered considerable attention, with several members slated to join me on the trip in two days already present.

"Is this the ship we'll be using, Jin-kun?" Dulio inquired with evident excitement.

"Yeah, it is. It can accommodate sixteen people, and with our twelve—"

My explanation was abruptly halted by a message that materialized in my vision. While its contents confused me momentarily, I chose to dismiss it for the time being. "I mean thirteen, I forgot we're bringing Raerea along. But yeah, it's relatively modest compared to the ones you've used before," I informed, attempting to redirect the conversation.

[Are you going to address it?] Ddraig inquired.

'Later. For now, I'll handle it,' I replied inwardly, refocusing on the present situation.

I meticulously inspected the spaceship, providing explanations to those who sought additional details. Unlike the others in the hangar, this particular craft could be considered my personal vessel, distinct from the ones at the disposal of the Resistance. The latter were accessible for anyone affiliated with the cause to utilize freely, though I had implemented failsafes to mitigate the risk of misuse.

Concluding my inspection, I bid farewell to those present, accompanied by Latia, who appeared somewhat bewildered. "Is something wrong?" I inquired as we stepped outside the hangar.

"Something is happening in our universe; I just received a notification from my home," Latia disclosed.

"I've got one too. Vali just sent me a message earlier. I'm entrusting the current [DxD] team there, with Vali offering his assistance. Although, he'll be missing one upgrade to his armor since Gogmagog isn't with him," I responded, acknowledging the synchronized events transpiring across our respective spheres of influence.

"Are you planning to intervene?" Latia inquired as we strolled away.

"Daniel functions as my avatar; he'll manage alongside the others, especially with Vali on-site. The [Electa] are also present, so we don't need to worry too much. If I receive any notifications of critical issues, I'll head there personally," I assured, emphasizing my trust in the designated team and avatar handling the situation in my absence.

— ○ ● ○ —

On the day of our journey to Hauillne Bataress, everyone assembled, ready to leave on the spaceship I had crafted. Lavinia, Suzaku, Velgrynd, Azathoth, Rossweisse, Aoife, Griselda, Dulio, Jessica, Mirana, Raerea, Qunela, and Celrion comprised the sizable group joining me on this excursion. It was indeed a substantial gathering, but I deemed it manageable.

I had extended an invitation to Danu, but she declined, choosing to oversee the tree's well-being after its fusion with the sapling and seed retrieved by Göndul's team. Given her role as a Primordial God of Nature, Wind and Earth, she proved the most adept at such guardianship. Esina and Ebacan accompanied her, and I entrusted the trio of deities with the responsibility of monitoring the tree's condition. Although no concerning alterations had manifested thus far, it had been four days since the merger, and for the planet's sake, we opted for the gods watch over the presumably evolving tree.

In the cockpit, we all squeezed in snugly as we lifted off, heading toward Hauillne Bataress. Dulio, for some mysterious reason, appeared unusually thrilled about the journey.

"Why are you so enthusiastic, Dulio?" I inquired, prompting the others to turn their attention to him.

"Well, you see, it's been quite some time since we've hung out like this, leader-kun! It elevates my excitement, you know?" he exclaimed. "Plus, there's the prospect of delicious food!"

Ah, yes, the food. His remark drew a chuckle from me as I concurred, "Well, perhaps we should plan a boys' night in the future, where we can act to a more primitive state."

"Mmm, I'm on board with that! Food, music, games, and, well, I'd say ladies, but most, if not all, of the guys I have in mind are in relationships—except for me, haha~!" Dulio added, scratching the back of his head.

"Being in a relationship isn't the sole source of happiness for everyone," Velgrynd remarked, crossing her arms. "Although, I've noticed you've been spending more time with that woman on your team—Anstella, wasn't it?"

Dulio turned beet red in embarrassment, and his reaction only fueled the amusement. Despite appearing as complete opposites, there's a saying that opposites attract, suggesting that they might just click.

"What's preventing him from assembling a harem?" I queried. "There's no heavenly decree stating that angels can't have one, unless Michael established some rule without informing either me or Altaria."

"Harem!? Th-that's a bit overwhelming for me! I'll stick with one girlfriend or wife, haha..." Dulio responded nervously.

"Perhaps two wives then? That seems manageable for Dulio," Griselda teased in a playful manner.

"G-Griselda-nee-san, please don't tease me like that. I don't think I can handle it like Jin-kun. He's what I'd call 'Ultra Human,' while I'm just a 'Super Human,' and that makes a significant difference," Dulio replied, a hint of self-awareness in his tone.

"Aaron, how long will this take?" Rose inquired, attempting to shift the conversation, clearly concerned about Dulio.

"At the current speed? Probably eight hours in total, and we're moving faster than we did with the other spaceships. I don't want this to drag on for an entire day unless the planet holds something intriguing for us to explore," I explained.

"That's not exactly quick. Why didn't we just teleport there?" Velgrynd asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"That was my initial plan, but..." I glanced at Lavinia, Suzaku, then Dulio, all of whom visibly flinched. Velgrynd shook her head in understanding.

"...Haaa... I see, so it's those three? Whatever. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when we get there," Velgrynd declared as she left the room, followed by Azathoth, who had been staring at me all day, creating a subtle sense of unease.

Once those two left, the rest stayed behind to speak to me for a bit more before leaving too. Celrion and Qunela went to the training room in the ship for some extra training followed by Dulio as he wanted to fight them too. Griselda and Lavinia went with them while also dragging along Raerea since they took it upon themselves to keep an eye on her. The rest did their own thing, mostly relaxing, leaving me with Suzaku in the cockpit.

"Eight hours..." Suzaku murmured, standing by my side. "That's... long, isn't it?"

Sighing, I replied, "If you want to sit, go ahead. Both you and Lavinia insisted on this approach."

Suzaku blushed but chose to sit on my lap. "I... I didn't beg; I simply asked you to take a more scenic route..."

I gazed at Suzaku, fully aware that she desired to spend this time being pampered by me, considering we hadn't had much quality time together in the last few weeks. My silence only intensified her embarrassment as she buried her face into my shoulder.

"...By the way, why did you look at Dulio earlier when you mentioned Lavinia and me?" Suzaku inquired.

"Dulio's reason was explained earlier. When I mentioned preparing food for the trip, he suggested taking us there by spaceship—probably so he could indulge and eat to his heart's content. I've already shared most of the recipes for the dishes I plan to serve all of you for lunch to him, so I don't get where this is coming from," I informed her.

"He's just a fan of your cooking at this point. But... you did take those children to various places before we arrived here, didn't you?" Suzaku asked, finally lifting her face and resting it on my chest.

"I did; we even managed to find some of them families that adopted them. I made sure they wouldn't be subjected to abuse, conducting thorough background checks along with a comprehensive mental health assessment covering past, present, and even future considerations," I explained, leaving Suzaku staring at me in astonishment.

"Not all of them have been adopted yet, but after I assisted in resolving their disabilities because of their Sacred Gears, they can function more or less like normal kids. Most, if not all, have chosen to remain connected to the supernatural. Many found homes with families having ties—big or small—to the supernatural realm. Some were even adopted by magicians. So, they all seem to have bright futures ahead," I added.

"I see... that's a relief," Suzaku replied, reaching out to touch my cheek and planting a kiss on my lips. Our intimate moment, however, was abruptly interrupted as the door swung open, revealing Aoife with a tray of snacks.

"Care for some?" she asked, prompting laughter from both of us. We gladly accepted the snacks, transitioning into a more relaxed time together. Despite the chaos that unfolded in the following hours on the ship, these moments of camaraderie brought a sense of ease to the journey.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching the planet, as we hovered in the skies, the desolation became apparent to everyone. Despite the barren landscape, the sheer size of the planet was striking, roughly four times that of Earth.

Identifying a sizable clearing, I landed the spaceship, and we swiftly disembarked. I activated the automatic defense mode, ensuring that any perceived threats would be dealt with decisively—eliminated if possible, or met with an impenetrable shield if not.

"Phew, what a lengthy eight-hour trip! But..." Dulio exclaimed, surveying the surroundings. "This place... it's really dull, rocky, and... feels a bit eerie, don't you think?" he asked, glancing in my direction.

Quickly extending my senses across the entire planet, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but an unsettling feeling lingered. "Just be prepared. This place was once Elanor's first planet she owned, so there might be traps and security systems she set up. I'll disable as many as I can, but we might encounter some that are unaccounted for," I cautioned, urging everyone to stay vigilant.

Turning around, I directed my attention to Raerea and inquired, "Do you know the way? If not, I'll simply rely on my powers."

She shook her head in response. "All I know is that she owned this place. I didn't even know its location until today, nor did I have any idea about its appearance," Raerea explained.

Nodding, I began walking, with everyone following suit. Lavinia jogged up to join me, accompanied by Rose and Suzaku, while the rest of the group trailed behind us.

Continuing our journey, the already gray and slightly dim sky progressively darkened as we approached the planet's center. An unsettling feeling crept over me, as if unseen eyes were watching. I wasn't alone in sensing this; the tension among the group was palpable, with Lavinia subtly clutching my sleeve, wearing a concerned frown.

Celrion and Qunela abruptly dashed past us, presumably choosing to scout the path ahead. However, within moments, an explosion echoed in the distance. Reacting quickly, we hurried towards the source of the commotion. As we arrived, our surprise grew at the sight of a colossal doll engulfed in eerie, pale flames.

"Hehehehehe~ play with us!" the colossal doll shouted, swinging its massive fist toward Celrion. Swiftly, he intercepted the attack, countering with a powerful punch to the doll's face, sending it reeling.

However, the surroundings gave birth to more dolls of various sizes, draped in flames and darkness. Sinister laughter emanated from them, their plastic teeth clattering, intensifying the growing sense of unease.

"...Engage in battle, but don't... destroy their bodies," I ordered, my hesitance evident. The group glanced at me with confusion, but they complied with the unusual tactic.

Qunela leaped into the sky, unleashing a barrage of aura blasts from her body. To her surprise, the doll absorbed the impact and hurled it back at her. Quick on her feet, Qunela redirected the attacks, sending the doll flying before it exploded.

She looked at me with a mix of horror and readiness to apologize, but I raised my hand. "They won't be easy to defeat... this entire place is acting like a healing zone. No... the entire planet seems covered in some kind of healing or repairing technique that will keep fixing these dolls unless we destroy the source, wherever it may be," I explained to the group.

"The core?" Dulio inquired, deflecting a doll with his light attacks effortlessly.

"...No, it's positioned near the planetary surface's center. Let me—" I surveyed the area ahead and spotted a structure, resembling a mansion reminiscent of those featured in cliché vampire movies. "There's a building near the heart of this planet; I sense the origin of the healing technique there, along with something else... Let's head in that direction."

Upon hearing my suggestion, everyone agreed, and thus, we methodically defeated our enemies without resorting to lethal measures as we progressed toward the planet's center.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

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Back in the universe of the Draconic Deus after Vali had nearly concluded his adventure and family trip, an unforeseen event unfolded. A new and secret alliance had quietly assembled powerful allies and individuals, aiming to replace the Khaos Order's presence.

Distinguished from other groups, this faction boasted somewhat competent leaders, alongside twelve powerful individuals dubbed the "Twelve Night Guardians." While the title may have elicited a few scoffs, their focus was on the human world.

Shockingly, they orchestrated the sinking of a significant portion of Hawaii, compelling the supernatural entities in the area to react and prompting global governments to conceal the incident as a seemingly natural freak disaster.

Emerging under the name "The Abyssal Constellations," the origins of this mysterious new group remained shrouded in mystery. The DxD Alliance, however, speculated that the leaders comprised of Demi-Gods, offspring of past divine liaisons, while the remaining members included unidentified fallen angels and some of the original 72 pillars who had covertly aligned themselves with this new force.

In the Draconic Deus, the current [DxD] Team convened for a meeting with the alliance. Daniel, seeking to pool information, inquired, "That's the extent of what [Slash Dog] uncovered. What intel have you gathered on your end?"

Ajuka's expression tightened, and he remarked with a frown, "Our findings align with your suspicions. We lean towards the belief that these leaders indeed have demi-god origins. While some gods have hinted at potential involvement due to their past connections with humans, there's an air of uncertainty surrounding the assertions."

Kishku, representing Grigori in Azazel's absence, added, "Shemhazai, the current interim leader of Grigori, concurs with this perspective. He speculates that some fallen angels missing since the Great War might be connected to the Abyssal Constellations. When the fallen angel faction of the Khaos Order was apprehended, not everyone on the list was accounted for. Most were marked as either MIA or unconfirmed, introducing an element of uncertainty into our understanding of this situation."

Michael continued, his gaze shifting to Sirzechs, who nodded in agreement. "Last year, there were instances where angels fell, and a significant number of them haven't reappeared. We suspect that some of them might have aligned with The Abyssal Constellations. Additionally—"

Sirzechs added with a furrowed brow, "We've received confirmation from Caim devils that some of the supposedly extinct members of the 72 pillars were present during the Hawaii attack."

The gravity of the situation hung in the air as the [DxD] Team and the alliance absorbed the troubling information. Sirzechs hesitated before continuing, "Furthermore..."

Amidst the tension, Falbium, usually reserved and wearied, broke his silence. "Zekram Bael, along with his followers, supporters, and fanatics, not to mention some family members, has vanished. This has led us to entertain the possibility that they may have thrown in their lot with the new group. Although, Daniel, you encountered Zekram Bael not too long ago, correct?"

Daniel nodded somberly. "Yes, he was in a sorry state, half-dead when I found him. It appears they subjected him to a severe beating, likely due to lingering grudges. Moreover, Lord Bael, Sairaorg's parents, have seemingly aligned with the Abyssal Constellations. Fortunately, their powers and influence is insufficient to release those imprisoned, sparing us from a more significant predicament."

Daniel injected a note of levity, saying, "Boss has assured us he'll return to assist in handling this if it takes a turn for the worse, but he's also putting his trust in the current [DxD] Team and Alliance to come out on top, so... you know, let's not mess up." The tension in the room fractured, and a few chuckles resonated at the candid statement.

"I can almost hear Jin-kun uttering those words," remarked Sirzechs, with nods of agreement from others.

"Well, we can't afford to make a spectacle of ourselves, can we? We leaned heavily on him and Team [DxD] for an entire year—no, even two. With this condensed version of [DxD] still in play, we'll commence our independent moves while maintaining collaboration," declared Shiva, rising from his chair.

Odin chimed in, a playful tone in his voice, "Looks like this old man has to start stretching his legs a bit more, eh?"

Having not heard a word from Aaron yet, Daniel anticipated that Aaron's sentiments would likely align with the sentiments he just expressed and sensing the tension escalating in the room, Daniel took the initiative and verbalized a statement akin to what he expected from Aaron.

Surprisingly, it proved effective, breaking the ice and prompting the gods to engage in more extensive discussions about strategies in a more relaxed manner.

Once the meeting concluded, Daniel exited the room, where he was joined by Tobio and Sae after turning a corner. Tobio inquired, "How did it go?" as they began walking. Accompanying them was Hana Ikuse, making it a complete family gathering.

"It went well, but [DxD] needs to elevate our efforts. Boss won't return with reinforcements unless there's a major development," Daniel responded.

Vali's voice resonated from behind, causing the trio to halt and turn. "Daniel, I'll be relaying this information to everyone back in the Phantasma," Vali announced.

Curious, Daniel inquired, "Are you heading back now?"

Vali nodded. "No, but I've lingered long enough, although I won't depart just yet. Mom insisted that I stay for dinner at least," he replied with a hint of a smile, adding a touch of familial warmth to the intense circumstances.

"If that's your plan, Vali, we won't stop you. Also, convey our regards to them when you're back. And assure Boss that we've got things under control here without his direct involvement," Daniel conveyed, and Vali nodded before vanishing through a teleportation circle.

Sae, engaged in play with Hana, posed a question, "Will we need to assemble everyone for our own discussion?"

Daniel considered the logistics. "Yes, we should. I'll send out a notice for it to happen tomorrow. Given the abruptness of the attack, some are still with their families. Besides, I don't think Boss will be pleased with the loss of lives there."

Tobio, adopting a grim tone, inquired about the casualties. "Around 100,000 dead, right?"

Daniel affirmed, "Yeah, but those assholes claimed they had the capacity to wipe out the entire country. If they had, the [Electa] would already be in motion."

Tobio pressed further, "They're not on the move yet?"

"No, not at the moment. Elyscia hasn't issued any orders, but I'm certain they're aware of the situation and their hideout. I'm working on finding it, and I've got a solid lead," Daniel explained, a confident grin crossing his face.

Suggesting a more direct approach, Tobio proposed, "Why don't we launch an attack then? It would be quicker, and we could alleviate the anxiety people are feeling right now."

Daniel, however, cautioned against impulsive actions. "They're not fools. I'm convinced they have places and maybe people rigged to explode if we make any move out of line. Our first step is locating and disarming those traps, and only then can we pursue them. I'm sure Elyscia is coordinating with the other factions in the Grigori Order to handle this delicate situation," he explained, emphasizing the need for a strategic and cautious approach.

Tobio conceded with a rueful smile, "Yeah, you're right. I guess my 'dad' brain is getting the best of me. My bad." He cast a glance at his family, a reminder of the stakes involved.

Daniel reassured him, "No worries. Boss would've probably voiced the same impulsive idea. Anyway, let's get moving and prepare ourselves." With that, they swiftly departed the area, gearing up for the challenges that lay ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aoife Murphy's Soliloquy

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After an arduous journey, we reached the planet's center, only to find it encircled by a toxic lake. A solitary bridge, constructed of stone, led to an elevated castle. As we approached this place, the spectral dolls diminished in number, replaced by a persistent chorus of voices echoing, "Play with us," repeatedly. The haunting repetition revealed a melancholic truth—the voices belonged to children.

"We're here. So, are we heading in?" Velgrynd inquired, prompting us all to turn to Aaron, whose expression betrayed a tale I could decipher.

Concerned, Suzaku placed a comforting hand on Aaron's shoulder, prompting him to respond, "Yeah, let's head up to it." Despite his calm words, a palpable tension lingered in his voice, and a fleeting look of despair clouded his face. The mixture of sadness and stress was unmistakable, painting a poignant picture of the emotional burden he carried which I didn't understand yet.

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