Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 20 – Part 4 – Unexpected Growth

Third Person Point of View

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"Lady Elanor," the male android reported, "we've just received word that the Outer God is on Hauillne Bataress and is currently engaged in combat with Dixie's and Cenlor's teams."

This caught Elanor's attention as she looked up from her desk, a smirk playing upon her lips. "How curious," she mused, "Sir Outer God has chosen to visit that little planet. I wonder what could have drawn him there." Her eyes glinted strangely as she smiled.

"Additionally," the android continued, "we received another report stating that Cenlor believes the souls of the children have all vanished, along with the others from the planet. He's under the impression that the Outer God's group is responsible for it!"

"Hmm...well, it seems that employing that particular protocol will no longer be necessary," Elanor said thoughtfully, her gaze lingering on a bookshelf at the room's side, which caused her to smile. "In that case, I would like to utilize a recent project I've completed. Send DRAK-7719 to the planet and allow it to run amok."

"Excuse me? Are you absolutely certain?" the android inquired, its synthetic voice echoing in the chamber. "You have invested a substantial amount of time into that project…"

"Indeed, I am sure. Now that I have refined the process, we can easily reproduce it and eliminate any errors in future endeavors. DRAK-7719 may be flawed, but it possesses the firepower to annihilate entire solar systems. Proceed with its deployment," commanded Elanor.

"As you wish, Lady Elanor," the android replied, hastily exiting the room.

Elanor rose from her throne-like seat, and with a clap of her hands, she summoned a hidden window behind her. Gazing out at her city on the planet of Helicre Doiux, a subtle smile graced her lips. "You intrigue me every day, outer god. I eagerly anticipate the moment we finally meet. Perhaps your 'kindness' will compel you to rehabilitate me, granting me the opportunity to infiltrate the Resistance, hmm…"

Her face radiated with a colossal grin as she conjured forth a holographic clipboard. At the top, the file name read, "Project Lucius Benevolentia." Elanor brimmed with grand plans for the future, utilizing the technology and techniques they had received from the Evies prior to their connection being severed. She was determined to secure a significant ally in the imminent future.

"I wonder how Lady Phumera would react to this revelation? Even my dear Yve doesn't know, it will surely rattle some people," she said with a sly smirk, closing the window and leaning back in her seat to continue her preparations.

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"Sir Bartholomew, Lady Elanor has requested DRAK-7719 be deployed to Hauillne Bataress due to the ongoing conflict," the android announced upon entering a specific facility within Helicre Doiux.

"Are you certain about that?" Bartholomew questioned, exhibiting a shadow of doubt towards the android's statement. The android displayed a recording of the conversation he had just had with Elanor.

"Alright, let's get started. I'll power it up while you prepare the portal for its journey," Bartholomew instructed.

"How long do you think it will take, Sir Bartholomew?" the android inquired.

"Hmm? I don't know, probably ten minutes, why?" the young boy replied.

"Oh, no, I was just curious, that's all. It's just me, but I believe Lady Elanor would want it to be deployed faster," the android explained.

"Lady Elanor is aware of the start-up time for DRAK-7719, and that's one of the things she wishes to improve on in newer models in the future. I won't make the process faster unless you want it to blow up here," Bartholomew explained with slight annoyance.

"Understood," the android replied, swiftly departing to ready the portal.

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In the Draconic Deus, a particular leader of a group known as the Goddesses of Battle strolled through the corridors of Aaron Toole's abode in the Dimensional Gap. She was en route to a short conference involving Aaron's [Electa], Shadow Soldiers, and the remnants of [DxD] in this world.

Upon arriving at a designated meeting chamber, she was met with the sight of Antares, Kokushibo, Lianne Sandlot, Altaria, Daniel, Bellion, Tobio and Sae Ikuse, Vanbe, and finally, Róisín Toole with Cindy.

"Well, you've finally made it; it took you long enough," remarked Daniel, breaking the tension in the room.

"My sincerest apologies, I encountered some minor issues that required my attention; now, let's proceed with this meeting," replied Elyscia as she settled into her seat.

"To start, let's focus on what we have established," Antares declared, securing the attention of the group. "The leaders of the Abyssal Constellations are reminiscent of the ancient Khaos Order; they comprise Demigods, Fallen Angels, Angels, Devils, and potentially human magicians. Now, let us delve into the specifics."

Elyscia expounded, "The true leader is a demi-god, his name is Ochistide. He harnesses the lightning manipulation of Zeus and is a prodigy in the art of magic, having been born from a magician mother. Our intelligence gathering has revealed that he is the product of an inebriated Zeus' one-night encounter in the human realm. Hera, his official wife, is aware of this and has long since forgiven him, although it took time to uncover this information."

"I've managed to uncover some details," stated Tobio Ikuse. "There are two devils, as far as I'm aware: Helsea Dantalion, a demon from the initial 72 Pillars, and Rieluz Fleurety, a devil from the Extra Demons. Regrettably, that's all I could gather, but we can likely deduce that they have some family members within that organization."

"I too have some information," said Cindy, shocking most of them, including Róisín, who had been invited last-minute by Daniel, and the rest of the group was fine with it, as she was Aaron's mother. "There's a dog youkai hailing from the East Faction Youkai in Kyoto, with very little known about him, but he was comparable to Ultimate-class devils and Ananiel, a Fallen Angel, known as the 'Rain of God.' That's all I can share."

Antares nodded and inquired, "Anything else?" Yet, he received no reply from the others, so he went on, "From my own intelligence division, working in conjunction with Saint Nicolas, we determined that their base is situated in the dimension created by the Demi-Gods." He paused, then continued, "As for the individuals you mentioned, I don't believe they are the leaders, save for Ochistide."

"However, those are very high-ranking members. I don't think their group has as many members as, let's say, the Khaos Order. Nevertheless, what they lack in numbers, they make up for in quality over quantity, as well as their current strategies," Antares explained.

Vanbe asked, "Meaning?"

"Meaning, they may most likely target powerful or influential figures in our universe to assassinate, in order to cripple the alliance as well as those specific pantheons and factions. Think of the likes of Zeus himself, the Four Great Satans, Altaria along with the Four Great Seraphs, and even Yasaka from the East Youkai Faction, as well as Nurarihyon," Antares elucidated.

"Is it always the same, huh?" Daniel asked, munching on some snacks. "We just need to station guards at their pantheons and factions, perhaps utilize the Shadow Soldiers, too. Then we track down whatever they aim to use for the assassination, and after that, we'll go and beat the crap out of them. Easy peasy."

"If you put it that way, it sounds simple," Elyscia replied. "However, we'll collaborate with the other leaders to expedite the process. We don't want to burden Aaron-sama with our incompetence; it would be too shameful."

"Indeed," Kokushibo chimed in. "Meanwhile, the Nocturnes will also be mobilizing since we don't have much on our plate in the Dimensional Gap. Yet, we are missing Akaza, given he's with Aurelia's team."

"Our team will remain in Kuoh, as the town seems to attract more trouble than necessary. However, if you need our support, we will mobilize as soon as possible, just give us a heads-up," Lianne assured, and the rest of the team concurred.

"I will instruct the remaining forces we left behind to disperse and cover more ground, in order to prevent any potential attacks," Bellion said confidently, before suddenly halting and drawing everyone's attention.

"Did someone just get attacked?" Daniel inquired, setting aside his snacks.

"…Yes. I have received information that Russia was attacked by two people impersonating both an American spy and a Chinese spy. It appears the Abyssal Constellations are attempting to ignite another World War among the humans," Bellion said gravely.

"Hah! These guys are a right handful. They're not scared of messing with the supernatural and humans alike!" Daniel exclaimed with zeal. "Boss and the higher-ups will reveal our existence to the humans when they return. But I reckon they won't approve of this when they get back, so I'll take the responsibility of erasing everyone's memories. Let's get moving already!"

Daniel turned to Bellion and inquired, "No one was hurt, right?"

"No one was hurt, but the panic is spreading like wildfire. The shadow soldiers were seen protecting the humans. A few of the Russian mages are doing their best to destroy video evidence and wiping the memories of people, but it's proving to be a bit overwhelming for them at the moment," explained Bellion.

"Understood," replied Daniel as he stood up and prepared to teleport away.

"Lena will be joining you there, Daniel," informed Elyscia, and Daniel nodded in agreement before departing from the meeting room. "He should be able to manage on his own, shall we proceed?" inquired Elyscia, to which they continued their discussion.

While the meeting carried on, Róisín remained seated, silently pondering various matters. Noticing a change in Cindy since they had all received their gifts from Aaron, she was uncertain how to react, but she knew the transformation was for the better.

The conclusion Cindy had arrived at was also…a yes, in terms of accepting Aaron's less than perfect proposal.

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Daniel found himself in the quaint Russian town of Kirillov, where he discovered the situation was not as dire as he had initially feared. Despite some structural damage, the Shadow Soldiers had worked tirelessly to safeguard the townsfolk. An undercurrent of unease lingered in the air, but the townspeople recognized the soldiers' protective role, mitigating their fear.

As Daniel surveyed the area, he knew he had a daunting task ahead of him. He drew his sword and began his quest to find the attackers. Above the Sheksna River, he spotted two individuals: a man and a woman, both clad in sleek black suits. The man had short black hair and arresting blue eyes, while the woman, with her light blonde hair, seemed to exude an air of mystery, her piercing yellow eyes revealing little of her thoughts.

"Were you the two that attacked this cute town?" Daniel inquired, his curiosity tinged with disbelief. However, any opportunity for a polite discourse was rapidly shattered as the duo responded with immediate hostility.

Without hesitation, both enemies conjured magic circles before them, unleashing a torrent of magical projectiles at Daniel. Unfazed, Daniel adeptly cleaved through the barrage, obliterating each magical attack with exacting precision. Waste no time, he lunged forward, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on the pair.

To his astonishment, as he closed in, the peculiar nature of their movements became apparent. The man and woman, instead of resorting to conventional flight, propelled themselves through the air using the magic circles as makeshift stepping stones.

It struck Daniel as a curious choice, considering the simplicity of traditional flight. Yet, undeterred, he pressed on, unwavering in his determination to uncover the motives behind their destructive actions.

"Avoiding accountability isn't an option," Daniel murmured, a resolute determination in his voice as he appeared directly in their path. His movements were quick and calculated, sending both offenders hurtling towards the waters below with a kick. With practiced finesse, he raised his sword and unleashed a flurry of aura-infused slashes, each cut reverberating with force.

As the strikes met the water's surface, a minor detonation echoed, followed by a pained shriek. The dissipating mist unveiled the aftermath of Daniel's attack—the woman had sustained a grave injury, her arm severed. A victorious grin crept onto Daniel's lips as he locked eyes with his wounded assailant, her gaze conveying a blend of defiance and disdain.

In a hushed exchange between the two, a desperate bid for escape was orchestrated as the woman activated a teleportation circle. Unfazed, Daniel's smirk broadened, and with a quick snap of his fingers, he extinguished any chance of teleportation within the town's limits. The astonishment etched on their faces deepened, morphing into a smoldering loathing aimed directly at Daniel.

Lena's arrival at Daniel's side prompted a cheerful acknowledgment from him. "Oh, Len-Len, I was wondering when you'd get here. So, these two are the suspects, what shall we do with them?" he asked, tilting his head playfully.

Lena, however, adopted a more serious demeanor. "First things first, erase the townsfolks' memories. I just put them all to sleep and erased all the video evidence that was about to hit the internet," she instructed, her tone firm. Daniel submitted and raised his hands in a mock surrender.

"Yes, mother," he acquiesced, and with another nonchalant snap of his fingers, the memories of the town's inhabitants were promptly wiped clean. Simultaneously, he undertook the task of repairing the physical damages inflicted upon the town.

"Good boy. Now, let's see who these two are," Lena remarked, conjuring green, game-like screens in front of both of them. Engrossed in the virtual display, she obtained information about the enemies. "Hmm-hmm, goons for the Abyssal Constellations. They're nothing special, just sacrificial lambs. The man's Fredloid, and the woman's Hartlaya—such strange names."

Daniel locked his stern gaze onto the woman, unable to resist the temptation to use wordplay. "If you had the 'heart,' you wouldn't have attacked the townsfolk!" he quipped. To his surprise, the woman chuckled at the pun. However, Lena was in no mood for levity, and promptly smacked Daniel's head to silence his playful banter.

Regaining his composure, Lena issued a firm command. "Capture them. We can extract their memories once we return to the Dimensional Gap. We'll relay the information to the others afterward." Daniel, momentarily subdued, nodded in agreement, refocusing his attention on the task at hand.

"Roger that," Daniel replied swiftly, reappearing behind both Fredloid and Hartlaya in a blur of motion. With a feigned swipe, he knocked them unconscious. "And done. Do I win a prize?" he joked, receiving yet another irritated glare from Lena.

Scanning the vicinity with her holographic displays, Lena exhaled. "There's nothing extraordinary about this place, except for the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, which is just part of their... hmm. I'll have to dig deeper into it," she murmured in contemplation. "Maybe the Orthodox Church may have more information. I'll consult Altaria about it."

Shifting her focus back to the pressing matter, Lena ordered, "Daniel, carry them along. Let's thoroughly search the area and leave once we've finished." Daniel nodded in agreement, expertly placing the Abyssal Constellations members onto a levitating platform that followed him obediently.

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"So it failed this time, but don't worry. Another opportunity to infiltrate that place will come soon enough. Wait a few weeks before trying again, and during that time, we'll focus on other attacks and plans," the authoritative voice commanded.

"Understood, immediately," acknowledged another, and they promptly departed the room.

The man who had been seated rose from his chair, strolling towards the window. Peering out, he sighed. "So close to greatness, yet falling short. Fear not, for I have adopted your will to continue your legacy," he murmured with a self-assured smile directed at the world beyond the glass.

"We don't require outside assistance; all we need is our own might and cunning. Since the Middleman isn't here, it will be simple," he declared to himself, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.

As his thoughts wandered towards the future, he envisioned the next step in his grand design. "Our next objective... is the moon. I want that place for myself and won't allow the alliance to claim it," he mumbled to himself, resolutely vowing to seize the lunar domain as a strategic piece in his unfolding schemes. With that, he turned and left the room, leaving behind an aura of calculated grit.

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In the vast expanse of Phantasma's universe, on the far side of the planet, Dulio and his comrades found themselves caught up in their own conflicts. Dulio, in particular, faced a formidable foe in the form of an unusual android capable of mirroring his every move—an ability that proved more than just a minor nuisance.

"Bloody hell, he can even mimic my light manipulation?" Dulio grumbled under his breath, frustration evident in his voice. Each of his attacks met a perfect counterpart, resulting in explosive clashes that perpetuated an unyielding deadlock.

"I suppose I'll have to be a bit more unorthodox then," Dulio declared, a determined resolve coursing through him. With a sudden burst of speed, he reappeared directly behind of his android enemy, addressing his comrade Sairaorg with a confident declaration.

"Sairaorg-kun, I'll be copying this move with my own twist."

With a swift and practiced motion, Dulio drew his arm back, enveloping it in an intense aura of light. In a seamless continuation, he launched his arm towards the android's back, infusing the strike with a surge of lightning at the moment of impact.

Dulio caught the android off guard with his quick and unconventional attack, forcefully throwing it backward into the rugged terrain. Taking advantage of the android's vulnerable state, Dulio conjured ominous clouds that enveloped the battleground. With a sweeping motion, he unleashed a torrent of thunder and lightning, leaving no chance for the android's recovery.

Maintaining his upper hand, Dulio reappeared above the incapacitated android amidst the tempest, his arms aimed at the fallen enemy. Harnessing the storm's fury, he transformed the raindrops into razor-sharp icicles, launching them with deadly accuracy at the android's metallic exterior.

With poise and precision, Dulio descended, extending his arm once more, pulsating with the aura of touki. With a thunderous impact, he struck the android's chest, triggering an explosive eruption that rapidly engulfed and annihilated the mechanical enemy.

Settling onto the dampened ground, the [Joker] of Heaven exhaled a satisfied sigh. "That's for trying to taint the souls of the children on this planet," he stated with a determined conviction.

Dulio's respite was brief as two more enemies appeared before him: a mechanical sabre-tooth tiger, its menacing cannons bristling, and an oversized android crocodile with a jaw that defied its natural proportions. The sudden emergence and peculiar design of these foes left Dulio momentarily perplexed, but he didn't waste time questioning their origin.

"No rest for the weary, eh? But that's not a bad thing," Dulio muttered to himself, accepting the unending challenges that came with his role.

The android sabre-tooth tiger let out a thunderous roar, releasing a barrage of missiles in Dulio's direction. Simultaneously, the android crocodile lunged at him with a speed that defied its bulky form. Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, Dulio conjured several elemental orbs around him. With a skillful leap, he dodged the crocodile's snapping jaws and, in the same motion, unleashed balls of lightning towards the incoming missiles.

The clash of missiles and lightning-imbued orbs ignited a series of small explosions, transforming the battlefield into a sea of flames. With his wings unfurled, Dulio ascended towards the oncoming saber-toothed tiger android. As he neared, he hurled balls of wind at the mechanical enemy. Just before impact, Dulio manipulated the winds, splitting them into smaller orbs that splintered across the saber-toothed tiger, erupting into miniature tornadoes upon striking the ground.

Seizing the chance, Dulio escalated the attack by conjuring balls of fire. The blazes intertwined with the tornadoes, birthing a ferocious tempest that slammed against the saber-toothed beast's side, eliciting pained cries from the mechanical monster. However, it retaliated with a discharge of electricity, annihilating the flaming tornadoes in its wake.

Yet, Dulio remained undaunted, reappearing above the saber-toothed tiger, executing an axe-kick imbued with light energy, which smashed into its back, obliterating its cannons. Without pause, Dulio followed up with a barrage of lightning arrows, targeting the vulnerable points on the saber-toothed tiger's back until it finally succumbed to the relentless barrage.

Dulio shifted his attention to the uncanny humanoid android crocodile, now outfitted with a blade for a left arm and a chainsaw for a right arm, in addition to its oversized maw. The spectacle left Dulio pondering the extent of Elanor's experimentation in crafting such potent adversaries.

"What the... what kind of experiments has Elanor been conducting to create such monstrosities...?" Dulio mused, keeping a cautious distance as the crocodile android initiated its onslaught. A machine gun embedded in its torso sprang to life, discharging laser-like projectiles that forced Dulio into a series of evasive maneuvers. The sheer destructive potential of the bullets demanded his utmost precision in dodging them.

Observing the crocodile android with keen interest, Dulio clenched his right hand, causing minute raindrops to materialize around the mechanical foe. Rapidly, he froze the raindrops, encasing the crocodile in ice. Yet, to his astonishment, the machine gun continued to fire, now expelling flaming bullets that swiftly melted the icy prison.

Realizing the versatility of the machine gun as a formidable weapon, Dulio adjusted his approach. He set his sights on neutralizing the fiery projectiles.

With a grand flourish, Dulio extended his arm, conjuring an immense constellation of radiant light spears, their myriad numbers surpassing even the stars in the sky. Each weapon was imbued with random elements, amplifying their destructive potential. As he bellowed, "Let 'em rip!" the spears hurtled towards the towering crocodile android.

The sheer magnitude of the assault caught the mechanical foe off guard, unprepared for such a devastating barrage. Desperate to retaliate, the crocodile reverted to firing laser-like bullets from its chest-mounted machine gun. However, it became increasingly evident that its rate of attack was no match for the relentless torrent of spears unleashed by Dulio.

The torrent of element-infused light spears rained down upon the android crocodile with ruthless accuracy. One spear, imbued with spiraling ice, struck its chest-mounted machine gun, instantly freezing the weapon in place. Another spear, charged with lightning, coursed through the frozen machine gun, delivering a shocking blow not only to the weapon but also to the crocodile android.

In a momentary state of paralysis, the crocodile struggled to react quickly. Dulio seized the opportunity, directing the remaining light spears to its most vulnerable points on the metallic frame. The unrelenting onslaught tore through the android's defenses, inflicting severe damage. Its left arm, right leg, and sections of its stomach were torn asunder, leaving the mechanized enemy in a state of critical disrepair.

Channeling his Sacred Gear mastery, Dulio crafted an immense bubble filled with a chaotic fusion of flames, lightning, ice, water, wind, and the light energy he commanded. With adept precision, he launched this fearsome concoction down upon the battered crocodile android.

The ensuing impact released a catastrophic onslaught, giving birth to a violent and disordered cyclone that raged with devastating force. The sheer magnitude of the tempest reached into space, compelling Dulio to swiftly retreat to a secure distance.

Assessing the aftermath with a touch of unease, Dulio mumbled, "Maybe I went a little over the top there…"

The havoc wreaked by the elemental cyclone was indisputable, vaporizing everything in its path, including the lesser androids that had earlier attempted to attack him. As the dust began to settle, Dulio stood amidst the remains of his vanquished foes, the once-formidable crocodile android reduced to nothing. Heaving a sigh of relief, Dulio's triumphant yet watchful gaze scanned the scene, ensuring that the threat had been utterly eradicated.

"Right then, it's time to rejoin the others," Dulio muttered under his breath, his unwavering sense of duty leading his actions. Offering a swift prayer, he clasped his hands together in a moment of reverence before launching himself skyward, leaving behind the scattered remains of the defeated android enemies.

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Rossweisse and Velgrynd, the unlikely duo, found themselves cooperating to repel their foes. While Velgrynd maintained an expression of utter boredom, Rossweisse adopted a more contemplative approach, skillfully employing her powers to minimize collateral damage.

Acknowledging Velgrynd's sentiments, Rossweisse couldn't help but harbor a fleeting concern for their surroundings. After all, their recent ordeal should have instilled a heightened sense of environmental awareness within their ranks. However, considering that their daily skirmishes might have cultivated different habits, Rossweisse summoned the courage to broach the subject with her formidable teammate.

"Uh, Velgrynd-san?" Rossweisse hesitantly interjected, prompting the dragoness to divert her apathetic gaze towards her. "Uh, would it be too much trouble to ask you to not demolish the environment? B-because of, you know... the headstones and graves...?" Rossweisse's entreaty was imbued with a tender supplication, hoping to resonate with Velgrynd's empathy.

Velgrynd's eyes widened as realization struck her. In unison with Rossweisse's observation, Velgrynd had inadvertently lapsed into her customary boredom when faced with what appeared to be a simple mission.

Despite her seemingly aloof exterior, Velgrynd had forged connections, particularly with members of Aaron's immediate harem and others who harbored an interest in him. Although she might not feel a profound attachment to everyone, she comprehended Aaron's longing for the safety of their entire team and endeavored to safeguard them.

"…Right, my bad. I'll try to do that," Velgrynd responded sheepishly, extending her hand.

She promptly commenced rectifying the harm she had caused, now concentrating with deliberation on both their enemies and the conservation of the environment. The admission bore a subtle yet perceptible alteration, unveiling a degree of concern concealed beneath Velgrynd's habitual nonchalant facade. Spurred by Rossweisse's recollection, Velgrynd endeavored to be more conscientious of her actions and the repercussions they bore upon their surroundings.

Yet, their movements ceased abruptly as two mysterious figures manifested before them. Rossweisse and Velgrynd studied the newcomers with equal parts confusion and caution, perceiving them as potential enemies. The pair consisted of a male and a female, both appearing like youkais from their universe.

The man, a wolf youkai, boasted a striking appearance with his snowy hair and tail, contrasted by his piercing blue eyes. His attire comprised a pristine white suit adorned with a black shirt beneath, coupled with black gloves and matching white shoes. Notably, his gaze seemed fixated on Velgrynd, emanating a keen interest.

Conversely, the woman, petite in comparison to her male counterpart, embodied the essence of a scylla. Her white hair flowed gracefully, while her red eyes exuded an air of mystery. Though her tentacles hung loosely behind her, the presence of normal legs suggested a possible hybrid nature. Dressed in a refined white gown, she held a pristine white staff in her right hand, her gaze unwaveringly fixed on Velgrynd too.

"We get to play for a while, I'll leave the white-haired beauty to you, Zelsha," the male wolf youkai said before vanishing with Velgrynd, who hadn't taken her eyes off him.

Zelsha, the scylla now known by that name, gazed at Rossweisse, neither of them uttering a word. Yet, Zelsha raised her staff, summoning thousands of shimmering magic circles that left Rossweisse in awe. Rossweisse responded in kind, crafting her own intricate web of magic circles, and with a mutual nod, they unleashed their magical attacks upon each other, the air crackling as each sphere of energy collided and erupted upon impact.

However, Rossweisse swiftly sidestepped a covert attack from Zelsha, who had sneakily snaked one of her tentacle-like appendages around her, attempting to ensnare her. Rossweisse glanced at the appendage, then back at Zelsha, who promptly retracted it.

"It was... a prank," Zelsha intoned in a flat, dispassionate voice.

Rossweisse frowned, retorting, "I wouldn't classify attempting to harm people as a prank." The two locked eyes once more, a tense silence punctuating their exchange. Zelsha, unfazed, raised her staff anew, summoning several magic circles in the sky. Tentacles extended from these circles, reaching out toward Rossweisse in a calculated attempt to ensnare her.

Quickly reacting, Rossweisse leapt away, donning her battle armor and extending her hand to conjure a larger magic circle. A massive ball of fire materialized, hurtling towards the approaching appendages and setting them ablaze.

But the assault persisted as Zelsha's own tentacles surged forth once more. Rossweisse attempted to employ the same fiery attack, only to realize that the tentacles nonchalantly brushed aside the flames, revealing an unexpected immunity.

With an effortless grace that was unmatched, Rossweisse effortlessly tapped into her [True Ultra Instinct] as the tentacles lunged towards her. Displaying a masterful combination of finesse and agility, she skillfully evaded the intruding appendages while maintaining an unwavering gaze with Zelsha.

Once in this heightened state, Rossweisse, with an almost imperceptible shift, appeared behind Zelsha in the blink of an eye, delivering a forceful blow to her back that sent her reeling violently.

Relentless in her pursuit, Rossweisse continued her barrage of unyielding offensives. Two magic circles materialized in her hands, from which she conjured a lightning spear and a fire spear. The two magical projectiles merged together in seamless harmony, growing to a size nearly forty times larger than their original forms.

Wise to the potential collateral damage, Rossweisse ensured the impending explosion wouldn't harm the surrounding environment. The titanic spear soared through the air, striking Zelsha before exploding into a midair detonation that left the surrounding area untouched.

As the lingering smoke dissipated, Rossweisse observed that her adversary, Zelsha, had weathered the onslaught with surprisingly little damage. Yet, the cost was evident—Zelsha's once-majestic tentacles now hung in tattered ruin, weeping a viscous purple blood from their mangled extremities.

A mask of fury contorted Zelsha's features as she surveyed the wreckage of her once-mighty appendages, her gaze darkening as it fell upon Rossweisse, the architect of their doom. With great effort, Zelsha suppressed her rage, releasing a single guttural sigh before tapping her staff to the earth. In the blink of an eye, a colossal multitude of tentacles manifested around them, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, catching Rossweisse off-guard.

The tentacles surged toward her in an unyielding force. Although she nimbly evaded the approaching barrage, Rossweisse couldn't help but notice Zelsha's calculated attempts to wreak havoc on their surroundings. A swift glance backward revealed tentacles in the distance, causing mayhem even upon nearby structures, including the mansion, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

"Stop!" Rossweisse's urgent cry echoed through the air, but Zelsha merely smirked, well aware that her calculated chaos was taking its toll on the valkyrie.

With her anger rising, Rossweisse brandished her [Mistilteinn Wand]. In a swift motion, she conjured a myriad of magic circles that swarmed the tentacles. These enchanted circles birthed homing magic missiles that pursued the writhing appendages relentlessly.

Each missile found its mark, obliterating the tentacles in a single powerful blow. Yet, as the tentacles regenerated, the deluge of missiles persisted, maintaining an endless cycle of destruction and rapid restoration.

As the tentacles momentarily recoiled, Rossweisse shifted her focus to her enemy, who scowled in response. Raising her arms, she summoned another multitude of magical circles, only for them to vanish instantaneously. Zelsha, now perplexed and on high alert, found herself under assault from unseen forces. The invisible attacks impacted her body, some even puncturing through, leaving her disoriented amidst the invisible onslaught.

Grabbing the opportunity, Rossweisse appeared before Zelsha, delivering a touki-imbued punch aimed directly at her abdomen. Utilizing techniques reminiscent of Yumi's and Vasco Strada's swordplay, Rossweisse applied the same principles but with the force of her fist. Upon impact, she amplified the release of touki at that precise point, leading to a catastrophic shattering of the bones in Zelsha's chest and a disastrous impact on her internal organs.

The repercussions were immediate—Zelsha was launched backward, unconscious and bleeding profusely both externally and internally. To Rossweisse's amazement, she observed Zelsha's body emanating an ethereal glow, instigating an astonishing process of self-recovery. The unanticipated resilience of her opponent left Rossweisse momentarily stunned.

In the heart of the fierce conflict, Rossweisse's mind raced, pondering the mystery of Zelsha's extraordinary resilience. 'Aaron, after drawing out Viriterra Remetura and fusing it with Esina-sama, should have nullified the artificial healing items within those implanted, or rendered them non-functional. So... she must possess a natural healing ability,' mused Rossweisse, observing Zelsha regaining her balance. 'But... what about her tentacles? Why can't she repair those? Is it due to her hybrid nature?'

As Zelsha locked gazes with Rossweisse once more, she found a fist hovering threateningly directly in front of her face. For the second time, she was brutally knocked off her feet. Swiftly advancing, Rossweisse conjured small bolts of lightning in her hands, launching them towards Zelsha's thighs.

The electrifying impact jolted Zelsha, momentarily leaving her exposed and vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Rossweisse descended, delivering a powerful stomp onto Zelsha's still-healing chest, causing her bones to splinter and forcing her to the unyielding ground.

In a fleeting moment of uncertainty, a deep revelation enveloped Rossweisse: not everyone can change their path in life, a sentiment shared by numerous individuals, such as Aaron just that day. As she towered over the prostrate Zelsha, a touki orb materialized within Rossweisse's right palm, primed to unleash a determinate strike upon the seemingly unresponsive girl.

Contrary to the anticipated response, Zelsha made no effort to escape. No words were exchanged between the pair, yet a palpable aura of regret permeated Zelsha's gaze. During this critical crossroad, as Rossweisse prepared to terminate Zelsha's existence, the scylla found herself reflecting on her own life—a mosaic of triumphs and immeasurable depths of misfortune, much like the challenges faced by many.

Zelsha's birth was tainted by the ominous specter of sexual assault, a horrific event that occurred as neither of her parents desired her arrival. Abandoned by her mother in her early days, left to confront an untimely death, and with her father absent even before her conception, Zelsha found herself grappling with the unforgiving realities of life all on her own. Yet, defying the odds, she endured, surviving against all adversity.

Her destiny took an unexpected turn when Elanor came across the abandoned child. Zelsha harbored a complex mix of emotions towards this intervention, recognizing it as both a blessing and a curse.

On one hand, she gained a "parent" who imparted invaluable wisdom, but on the other, Elanor never concealed her intentions or objectives. Zelsha acquiesced to this arrangement, indifferent to being utilized as long as she had someone to steer her through the initial stages of her existence. In this reciprocal relationship, both Zelsha and Elanor found purpose in each other.

Yet, in the intricate structure of Zelsha's life, a single agonizing regret remained—her inability to reconnect with her mother. Through meticulous research, Zelsha traced her biological mother's movements across various planets, maintaining a discreet vigil over her life. Despite the abandonment, Zelsha held an unexpected empathy for her mother's actions, choosing not to dwell on resentment.

In numerous attempts to bridge the emotional chasm, Zelsha endeavored to approach her mother. However, a bittersweet revelation halted her progress. Learning that her biological mother had forged a new life, Zelsha couldn't bring herself to disrupt the newfound happiness. Instead of intruding upon her mother's serenity, she opted to observe from afar, accepting the reality that some connections, once severed, might never be fully restored.

As the final moments approached, the lingering hope of reconnecting with her biological mother slipped through Zelsha's grasp. As Rossweisse unleashed her decisive attack, Zelsha's life came to an end. The violent chaos of tentacles that had wrought havoc across the planet ceased to exist, vanishing into oblivion along with Rossweisse's magic missiles.

Yet, there was no time for reprieve. The stark realization dawned that more enemies loomed on the horizon, and Rossweisse remained ever vigilant, ready to confront the remaining enemies that lay ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the far-flung reaches of the world, not far from the site where Rossweisse waged her ferocious combat, Velgrynd faced off against the wolf youkai. Unfazed by the torrent of energy slashes hurled at her by her enemy, she stood her ground, casually deflecting them with her imposing [Dragon Spirit Haki].

In a tone of nonchalance, Velgrynd addressed her opponent, "And so? What fool came to fight with me?"

The wolf youkai, known as Gyanema, responded with a sly smirk, "Fufu, we were told that the outer god's allies were full of themselves, but who'd have guessed it was to this extent. I didn't think they'd have someone like you, though."

With her ring serving as a source of information, Velgrynd uncovered Gyanema's origin—Hanazora Eien. Though her curiosity about the planet swelled, Velgrynd held back from delving too deeply, skeptical that Gyanema would readily reveal substantial details in the midst of their battle.

"Well, let me at least make an attempt," Gyanema started, endeavoring to present a proposition from his mistress, Elanor.

Velgrynd quickly interrupted him, rejecting the offer with a firm, "No. I decline, get lost," accompanied by a disbelieving look and a palpable sigh.

Undeterred, Gyanema persevered, "But I haven't—"

"I have no inclination to switch sides, serve under someone weaker than me, or a woman like Elanor. Also, you reek of piss, so I don't give a damn and get away from me," Velgrynd declared, delivering a deliberate insult aimed at both Gyanema and Elanor, emphasizing her contempt.

Gyanema, visibly irked by Velgrynd's blunt retorts, briefly contemplated his options before conceding with a sigh. "Well, I gave it a shot, but we knew that stubborn lizards like you wouldn't yield to anyone that easily," he remarked, acknowledging the futility of his attempt at persuasion.

Assuming a new posture, Gyanema announced, "It seems I must resort to force, as I was instructed—"

Before he could finish, Velgrynd suddenly appeared before him, launching a forceful knee strike to his abdomen, sending him staggering backward. With unwavering swiftness, she extended her arm, pointing it toward the sky, and summoned an immense sun that bathed the entire planet in its radiant brilliance.

A measured yet resolute voice echoed through their transceivers as Aaron interjected, [Velgrynd, whatever you're doing, make sure it doesn't obliterate the planet.]

Velgrynd inhaled sharply before reducing the sun's size to that of a petite soccer ball. With a practiced gesture, she lobbed the diminutive celestial body toward Gyanema, the collision enveloping him in scorching flames.

"Even with that level of power, you almost died? What use are you if you can't withstand such weak attacks?" Velgrynd queried, her tone laced with disappointment as she beheld Gyanema's vulnerability to her overwhelming power.

Yet, Gyanema managed to extinguish the flames, his eyes locking onto Velgrynd with a gaze that belied his surprise at the abrupt, ferocious attack. Her unsuspected, brutal effort to end his life left him momentarily off balance. However, Gyanema possessed a unique ability known as [Parallel Lives], a cryptic power he acquired at birth. This singular aptitude, of obscure origin and not inherited through his lineage, conferred upon him an unmatched survival edge.

[Parallel Lives] remained enveloped in mystery, its origin sparking numerous theories. Some theorized it to be a divine blessing from the spirits of primordial gods, endowing Gyanema with a supernatural resilience that flouted conventional comprehension.

[Parallel Lives], a formidable ability in its own right, granted Gyanema the power of resurrection. Initially, the ability allowed him to revive every three minutes, presenting a defense against death, save for soul destruction. However, with the passage of time and under Elanor's guidance, the ability underwent a significant evolution.

Gyanema's [Parallel Lives] now possessed the capacity to stack up to ten lives simultaneously. This intricate enhancement allowed him to draw upon the "lives" of alternate versions of himself across various timelines and parallel worlds.

Should the initial ten lives be depleted, Gyanema could swiftly replenish them by tapping into the reserves of his other selves, effectively rendering him near-immortal. The concerted efforts of time, Elanor, and the enigmatic origins of [Parallel Lives] had transformed Gyanema into an entity capable of defying the very notion of mortality.

"I promise you this, I'll kill you by the end of today, you stupid lizard," Gyanema spat, lunging forward with a kick that propelled him towards Velgrynd.

Silently, Velgrynd watched Gyanema's advance. With practiced ease, he unleashed an energy wave after his initial kick, compelling Velgrynd to swiftly dodge by shifting her body to the side. However, Gyanema closed the gap with fluidity, reappearing beside her with his leg poised to strike.

With the speed that rivaled the speed of light, Velgrynd nimbly evaded Gyanema's onslaught. Seizing the opening, she launched a merciless attack, her blow aimed at Gyanema's most vulnerable spot, leaving it utterly annihilated. A moment of silence ensued before the agonizing pain finally registered, and Gyanema's anguished cries filled the air.

However, Velgrynd did not relent. Performing a mid-air pirouette, she then rained down a brutal kick upon Gyanema's neck, sending him plummeting back to the ground, his body now a crimson canvas. To heighten the damage, Velgrynd had employed anti-healing techniques gleaned from Aaron, anticipating the injuries to persist. But she was slightly taken aback when the wounds she inflicted on Gyanema miraculously vanished.

Witnessing Gyanema's mysterious ability, Velgrynd heaved a heavy sigh, disgruntled by the resilient nature of [Parallel Lives]. "Such an infuriating ability. I'll just strip it from you," she declared, casting Gyanema into a state of bewilderment and unease over the impending threat to his extraordinary power.

"Strip it away from me? Hah, don't joke around, you idiot. No one can strip this power from me, not even Lady Phumera, for it's bound to my very soul!" Gyanema boasted, grinning with unwavering confidence as he gazed upon Velgrynd.

"Then I shall simply destroy your soul—it's not as though it's a challenging task," Velgrynd retorted, her voice retaining its monotonous quality, her face devoid of any discernible emotion, leaving Gyanema bewildered once more.

"You're bluffing! No one can do that, apart from Master Magnum Tenebrosum and that outer god of yours!" Gyanema yelled, desperately trying to call Velgrynd's bluff.

"Oh, really?" Velgrynd responded, her smile sending an uneasy shiver down Gyanema's spine. Unbeknownst to Gyanema, Velgrynd communicated with her inner allies, 'Cúntóir, I'd like to use [Food Chain] and the ability Aaron uses to strip individuals of their powers.'

Cúntóir: Answer: You needn't have asked, dear Velgrynd; Aaron has seen fit to bestow its use upon you.

Velgrynd's smile remained as she put her hand towards Gyanema. The exchange was swift and unremarkable—a seemingly instantaneous event that left Gyanema in a state of astonishment. In Velgrynd's hand materialized a small, softly glowing object, taking the form of a human figure.

This was the physical manifestation of [Parallel Lives], the embodiment of Gyanema's once formidable powers. Velgrynd had accomplished what she set out to do, stripping Gyanema of his unique abilities, reminiscent of Aaron's intervention with Ares the previous year.

A peculiar sensation enveloped Gyanema as he patted his body, realizing that something fundamental had changed. Cold sweat formed around him as he turned back to Velgrynd, who grinned at him while deftly spinning the small object on her palm.

"Looking for something?" Velgrynd teased. "Cute ability, I won't lie." The wolf youkai stood powerless, robbed of the once invincible abilities that defined him.

Velgrynd, having successfully safeguarded [Parallel Lives] within her ring, looked at Gyanema with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as he seethed with fury. "Give it back!" he seethed.

"Not a chance," Velgrynd replied coolly, her voice steady. She added with a sly grin, "If you want it, come and get it." The challenge hung heavy in the air, urging Gyanema to act.

Despite losing his singular ability, Gyanema still held onto other powers. With a desperate lunge, he launched himself at Velgrynd, swiping his claws with reckless abandon. Velgrynd easily dodged the attack by gracefully floating to her side.

A shiver of cold sweat coursed down Gyanema's spine as the truth dawned upon him—he could no longer blindly rely on his once-invincible gift. Feeling Velgrynd's piercing gaze on the side of his face, he retreated hastily, acknowledging the newfound vulnerability that came with the loss of his formerly unbeatable powers.

With a smirk that seemed to widen by the second, Velgrynd taunted, "Something wrong? Feeling a bit exposed there?" Gyanema barely had time to process her words before an unseen force struck him across the face, sending him sprawling.

The relentless assault continued, Gyanema finding himself unable to track Velgrynd's movements, as if he were grappling with an elusive phantom. Blow after precise blow rained down upon him—his temple, jaw, chest, and ribs all taking their toll. His left leg was crushed under the weight of her invisible might, and his tail was cruelly ripped from his back. Finally, a brutal kick to the neck sent him crashing to the ground.

Dazed and battered, Gyanema struggled to his hands and knees, his gaze trained on the sky above, where Velgrynd had reappeared. Her glowing eyes bore down on him, challenging, "So, are you going to try and get your powers back?" Despite his dire state, Gyanema faced the daunting reality that reclaiming his lost abilities was no longer a viable option.

With a final defiant laugh, Gyanema captured Velgrynd's attention. Despite his battered state, he met her gaze with unyielding resolve and spat, "Go to hell, you wretched creature. You deserve nothing in this world, and whatever you're desperately seeking shall forever elude you. You are a hollow, self-absorbed monster that crushes others to bolster your own fragile ego."

Gyanema's words, though lacking any concrete foundation, were designed to provoke and cast a wide net of insults. However, this particular verbal attack incited Velgrynd's wrath to a fever pitch. Her eyes lost their lively glow as she reappeared before Gyanema, gripping his neck with inhuman strength.

"Do not dare to speak of matters you cannot comprehend," Velgrynd hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "Should you continue to spout such ignorance, you shall inevitably encounter those who will not tolerate your foolishness."

With a rapid, brutal motion, Velgrynd ended Gyanema's life by snapping his neck. Casting him aside with a dismissive wave of her hand, she conjured scorching flames to engulf his lifeless body, obliterating any evidence of his existence.

Velgrynd's tongue clicked in irritation as she turned her back on the ashy remnants of Gyanema. "Not a single word of use from him. All I managed to collect is that he wanted to recruit me for some strange reason. Were they just here as backup? Who the hell were they?" she mused aloud, shaking her head in vexation before making up her mind to leave the vicinity.

"...Aaron will know. I'll leave it to him," she murmured with a touch of resignation.

— ○ ● ○ —

On the far edge of the globe, Jessica Lagerkvist and Mirana Shatarova found themselves in a standoff against two mysterious colossal entities. These behemoths, resembling floating orbs, posed an extraterrestrial challenge—one with a monstrous mouth, and the other boasting a mammoth eye. Periodically, they would open to unleash attacks upon Jessica and Mirana.

Yet, any attempt to retaliate encountered an impenetrable barrier, thwarting their counterattack efforts. Aware of the potential repercussions of unrestrained power on the planet, in sync with Aaron's plans, the two angels hesitated to unleash their full might, leading to a tense standoff with the monsters.

"Any bright ideas?" Mirana inquired, seeking input from her fellow angel.

Wearing a fatigued expression from the day's emotionally demanding events, Jessica replied, "...Ask Aaron?" She finished her response with a sheepish smile, admitting their reliance on their leader for guidance in this peculiar predicament.

"Alright, never mind," Mirana replied with a resigned sigh, recognizing the absence of an immediate solution from her fellow angel. Unwavering, she shifted her focus to the gigantic monsters and unleashed a volley of light spears at the creature with the enormous mouth. As expected, a barrier manifested, deflecting her attack just as it had before.

"Scuse me!" Dulio's voice boomed as he tried to strike the two colossal monstrosities with a barrage of lightning bolts. Yet, the well-known barriers thwarted his attack once more.

"Dulio-san, have you finished on your side?" Mirana inquired, to which Dulio responded with a thumbs up.

Observing the ongoing struggle, Dulio declared, "Barriers... let me give it a try. Balance Break!" With a surge of power, Dulio activated his [Flagello di Colori del Arcobaleno, Speranza di Briscola] Balance Breaker, manifesting sixteen golden wings behind him and eight halos above his head—a proof to his increased strength.

Dulio vanished, and in his absence, the two entities found themselves ensnared within enormous bubbles. These mystical bubbles began to give out diverse forms of punishment—from swirling flames and violent hurricanes to freezing cold air and vicious torrents of lightning—raining down upon the trapped monsters, seeking to break through their formidable defenses.

Despite the barriers displaying signs of weakness under Dulio's intensified assault, Mirana, Jessica, and Dulio continued their relentless onslaught. The protective bubbles enveloping the unleashed elements safeguarded the environment from collateral damage, enabling the angels to concentrate solely on penetrating the monsters' defenses.

As the fortifications showed increasing vulnerability, Mirana and Jessica intensified their attack, unleashing a continuous barrage of light spears and balls aimed directly at the fragile barriers. After a minute of relentless assault, the barriers ultimately succumbed, seemingly marking a victory for the angels. However, their triumph was fleeting.

The monster with the massive mouth responded by opening wide and consuming the attacks within its immediate vicinity. Concurrently, the other entity, featuring the colossal eye, began to emit an overwhelmingly blinding glow. In response, the earth beneath their feet erupted, spawning ominous spikes that added a new layer of peril to the escalating battle.

As the menacing attacks zeroed in on the angels, Jessica swiftly erected several light shields, creating a protective barrier that shielded them from the impending danger. With the shields in place, Dulio and Mirana redirected their focus towards the colossal enemies before them.

The space around the two monstrous entities began to glow intensely, signaling the emergence of three massive and dense spears of light created by Mirana. Hurtling towards their targets, these radiant projectiles sought to impale the behemoths standing before them.

However, the giant creature with the solitary eye radiated a brilliant glow, slowing down the momentum of the light spears. Despite its efforts, one of the spears managed to pierce through the monstrosity with the enormous mouth.

Taking advantage of this vulnerability, Dulio appeared in an instant in front of the two monsters. With a resounding clap of his hands, he summoned swirling tornadoes infused with lightning and flames, crafting a symphony of elemental attacks that unexpectedly barraged the two monsters.

The final pair of immense light spears struck true, puncturing the flanks of the colossal beast with the gargantuan mouth, and inflicting additional torment. The angels, briefly believing they had gained the upper hand, were taken aback as the two titanic monstrosities unexpectedly merged. The resulting befuddlement was brief, giving way to a tremendous explosion that annihilated a substantial portion of the planet.

"Damn it!" Dulio exclaimed, reacting quickly as Jessica summoned another large and powerful barrier in front of them. The shield absorbed the majority of the explosion, shielding the angels from the catastrophic repercussions.

Once the explosion waned, the angels gazed upon a new, ominous form of the merged gargantuan monstrosities. With a pitch-black body, limbs, and a single glowing crimson eye at the center of its visage, the creature adopted a more menacing aspect.

Thousands of shadowy spikes erupted from the ground beneath them, incessantly assaulting the fortifications Jessica had erected. Despite the relentless onslaught, the barriers held strong, providing a staunch defense against the new merged enemy.

The eye of the grotesque creature fired a laser beam toward them, increasing the strain on Jessica's defensive barriers. Undeterred, Jessica maintained her calm demeanor, unwavering in the face of the unrelenting assaults targeting her.

Worried for her companion, Mirana hesitantly asked, "Jessica, are you alright?"

Casually, Jessica replied, "...Mmm. This is nothing; Aaron-san has been rougher on me." Her statement left both Dulio and Mirana gaping at her in astonishment. Jessica quickly understood the unintended implication and blushed, stuttering, "T-t-that's not what I-I-I meant! I meant during training!"

"W-we didn't say anything," Mirana stammered, trying to alleviate the awkwardness, while Dulio awkwardly chuckled. Seizing the opportunity to refocus on the battle, Mirana proposed, "Dulio-san, can you find out what that thing is called? Maybe we can learn its weakness or ask Aaron."

"Yeah, good idea," agreed Dulio as he activated the [Appraisal] ability on his necklace, seeking vital information about the mysterious monster.

Following his assessment of the creature, Dulio confirmed, "It's known as a Shadow Devil, a native species to this universe. They're scattered throughout the universe, so it's probable that Elanor-san or one of her minions captured one to use against us. Regardless, I believe the way to defeat it is—"

Before Dulio could conclude, Aaron's voice echoed through their transceivers, offering further guidance, [Target its eyes or entire body with light, holy, and flame-based attacks. Remember, you're angels; use your advantages.]

"Just like Jin-kun said!" Dulio exclaimed. "Let's finish this off then, Mirana-chan. Support me, okay?"

"Understood, Dulio-san," Mirana responded, her hands outstretched in preparation for the synchronized attack. Equipped with vital information and a strategic plan, the angels readied themselves to confront the fearsome Shadow Devil.

Still in his Balance Breaker state, Dulio charged at the ominous Shadow Devil. With nimble and precise gestures, he manifested a light sword, imbuing it with powerful flames that bore holy energy. The fusion of fire and holy energy transformed the blade into a weapon of unparalleled strength. Moving at a velocity beyond the Shadow Devil's capacity to counter, Dulio skillfully severed both of the monster's legs from its body.

Falling to the ground, the Shadow Devil vainly attempted to rise. Jessica capitalized on the opening, conjuring massive ropes of light that encircled the fallen creature, restraining it from regaining its footing. With the target effectively incapacitated, Dulio soared into the sky, momentarily remaining airborne before shifting his focus skyward. A gargantuan sword composed of light energy materialized from a magical circle, poised to deliver a catastrophic blow.

As Dulio floated poised to strike the final blow against the Shadow Devil, a glimmering shield of energy suddenly encircled them. Dulio's face lit up in gratitude as he acknowledged the timely intervention, "Thanks, leader-kun!" Without delay it any further, the colossal attack plummeted towards the creature with precision and force, causing a magnificent eruption of holy flames and brilliant light as it pierced the monster's eye.

Dulio wisely enveloped himself in a defensive magic circle, warding off the destructive aftermath of their attack on the Shadow Devil. The erected barrier also not only safeguarded them but also protected the rest of the world from potential disaster. As the radiant explosion dissipated, only fragments of the Shadow Devil and an odd object lingered, neutralizing the residual threats left by the creature.

Dulio descended beside the peculiar object, carefully retrieving it for a closer examination. "Is it the eye?" he inquired, scrutinizing it with the aid of his necklace.

"Dulio-san, please don't just pick up strange objects; we don't know what they might do. They could be dangerous to you," Mirana warned, her concern apparent.

With a chuckle, Dulio reassured her, "It's fine, it's just the eye. Right now, it's inactive. Apparently, it needs a source of energy to function. Perhaps we can ask Jin-kun to do something with it."

"Well, you could hand it over to me for starters," Aaron's voice chimed from behind them. Startled, Dulio's group turned to find Aaron accompanied by the rest of their team.

Dulio chuckled at their unexpected arrival, relinquishing the eye to Aaron. The leader of their group silently scrutinized the object, and after a brief period of examination, the eye began to emit a radiant glow, transforming into a distinct ring. With a nonchalant toss, Aaron returned the ring to Dulio, leaving the angel perplexed by the sudden transformation.

"I'm flattered, Jin-kun, but I'm straight," Dulio replied with a playful grin and a light chuckle.

Aaron sighed in response, stating, "You struck the decisive blow, so the prize is yours." He elaborated, "I've transformed it into a ring with a minor time manipulation ability. It can generate small earthen spikes and produce small, glowing orbs with glowing eyes that continuously unleash laser beams. The potency of these powers depends on your stamina, while the strength of the attacks is proportionate to your overall power." Dulio gratefully received both the ring and the detailed explanation from Aaron.

Dulio slid the ring onto his middle finger, eagerly putting its powers to the test. With a mere thought, he levitated a small stone, guiding it towards himself. Focusing on the ring, he skillfully decreased the rock's speed, demonstrating his newfound control. Forming spikes from the ground below, Dulio swiftly crushed the levitating stone to pieces. As a grand finale, he conjured up tiny spheres with eyeball decorations and commanded them to ascend into the sky, launching projectiles as they went.

Beaming with pride, Dulio exclaimed, "I could get used to this. But do you think they'll let us use it during the tournament games?"

Aaron, pondering the possible consequences, replied, "I'll speak with the other tournament organizers, but remember, it's a decision we all have to agree on. My influence alone won't determine the result."

Dulio, fully cognizant of the collaborative nature of decision-making, gave a solemn nod in acknowledgement. But before he could delve deeper into the discussion, a deafening explosion echoed in the distance, capturing their immediate attention. Simultaneously, countless arrows of ethereal light illuminated the sky, encircling Griselda, who floated within the mesmerizing display.

Accompanying her was another powerful figure, exuding power and sporting a triumphant grin in the face-off against Griselda. Sensing the urgency, Aaron promptly commanded, "Let's head there."

However, as Aaron uttered those words, an even more colossal explosion erupted, annihilating a significant portion of the planet's landscape.

— ○ ● ○ —

The enemy confronting Griselda manifested as a youthful boy, his short, light red hair and eyes brimming with resolve. He wore a brown hat, white shirt, brown bib overalls, and sturdy brown boots. Accompanying him was a rabbit, similarly clad in the same distinctive attire.

Unyielding, the young boy, named Cenlor, proclaimed, "Concede, woman. Such are the ways of Lady Elanor, picking her underlings. Resistance is pointless."

As the discourse between Griselda and Cenlor ensued, they both descended to the ground, their confrontations reaching a fleeting impasse. Yet, the consequence of Cenlor's assault left an indelible blight; a vast expanse of the planet was reduced to a barren wasteland of fractured rocks and wreckage.

"It's not right, you and the others have been brainwashed. If you join us, we can help free you from this," Griselda said, her voice filled with distress and desperation.

She had discovered that Elanor had a preference for recruiting young children and primarily women as her direct subordinates, as she favored them over anyone else. Thus, the majority of the subordinates and androids they had encountered were modeled after young girls and boys, a reflection of Elanor's... particular taste.

Griselda also discovered that Elanor committed unspeakable acts upon them even at such a tender age, which repulsed her. Her disdain for Elanor had already been established before she learned of this information, as she had also been deeply impacted by what she had witnessed earlier in the day. However, after acquiring this news from Cenlor, her fury towards the Eradicator intensified even further.

Cenlor let out a sly chuckle, causing Griselda's eyes to widen in bewilderment as she stared at the enigmatic figure before her. "Madam, while my body may appear that of a child, my intellect transcends my outward age. Indeed, I underwent an accelerated maturation process, transforming into an adult at an early stage, with the help of Lady Elanor. However, dwelling on the past is inconsequential now; it has shaped the individual I am today. Coincidentally, I apply similar principles when molding the new recruits," he disclosed, his tongue lightly grazing his lips at his implication.

Griselda Quarta recoiled in disgust at this unexpected confession, her eyes narrowing with repulsion as she focused her gaze upon Cenlor. The shocking truth of his actions, the ongoing perpetuation of such a cycle with fresh recruits, was difficult for her to comprehend. She struggled to come to terms with the revelation, grappling with the harsh reality that Cenlor was willing to perpetuate such practices.

"In essence, this is the reality we all share," pronounced Cenlor, his voice determined but tinged with a hint of resignation. "Our connection with Lady Elanor mirrors this symbiotic relationship; her influence over us is palpable, and we willingly submit to her whims. None of us possess the desire to disrupt this balance, and those who consider such ideas are nothing more than misguided fools."

With a decisive snap of his fingers, a portal materialized, releasing an endless torrent of rabbits. Their numbers swelled rapidly, some undergoing a peculiar transformation, merging together into monstrous conglomerations. These grotesque entities, overflowing with hunger, bared their sharp teeth menacingly, fixated on Griselda as their next prey.

Griselda called forth a bow forged from the very essence of light, its delicate glow casting a resolute expression upon her face. With unwavering precision, she aimed the radiant weapon at both Cenlor and the steadily advancing horde of rabbits.

As she drew the bowstring, a multitude of light arrows materialized in a breathtaking spectacle behind her, poised to be launched upon her enemies. Cenlor, a sly grin gracing his lips, remained unflustered, patiently awaiting Griselda's next move.

Unmoved by Cenlor's amusement, Griselda unleashed her volley of attacks. The light arrows streaked through the air, finding their marks with pinpoint accuracy, piercing the rabbits and raining down upon them in a dazzling display of destruction that left the once-pristine ground in shambles.

As the assault reached its conclusion and the dissipating smoke revealed the aftermath, Griselda stood in astonished silence. True to her aim, the rabbits lay defeated, yet to her dismay, they began to regenerate and multiply anew from their scattered remains.

This perplexing phenomenon persisted, affecting rabbits of all sizes, even the colossal mutated ones that had fused together in grotesque combinations. The battle seemed far from over.

— ○ ● ○ —

Raerea's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

We approached the battleground where Griselda, our fellow angelic being, was engaged in combat with the troublesome Cenlor. It was clear that Griselda was preparing for another round of attacks.

Yet, Aaron Toole, with an air of calm assurance, advanced toward her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, stopping her. The rest of us gathered around, our collective gaze cast down upon Cenlor, who lay prone on the ground some 200 feet below.

As Cenlor caught sight of our arrival, his expression changed, and a malicious grin crept across his lips. He greeted us with a mirthless chuckle, "Ah, the outer god deigns to grace us with their presence! How delightful! My master has a message for you," he announced with a sinister air of anticipation.

"Hmm? Lady Raerea is in attendance as well. Have you, by any chance, found yourself in captivity?" Cenlor inquired, his words dripping with a faux sense of concern. I couldn't help but feel a profound distaste for his insincere tone.

Cenlor, a truly repulsive character, exuded an air of deceit and sliminess. Individuals of his type, similar to Elanor, navigated through life with a cunning strategy, always scheming to gain an upper hand by manipulating others.

These crafty types were the very essence of my discontent. While I maintained a façade of friendliness, it wasn't an open secret that I harbored a deep-seated aversion to such personalities. Occasionally, they exploited this knowledge, attempting to provoke a reaction from me, a tactic that met with varying degrees of success but consistently left me on edge.

"Worry not, for today, I shall be your valiant rescuer and liberate you from any binds," Cenlor proclaimed, his voice filled with a sinister sense of delight. The way he spoke, it was clear that his intentions were not as noble as he made them out to be.

Cenlor extended a solitary finger, pointing directly at Aaron, as he proclaimed, "Lady Elanor extends an invitation to collaborate with you. Should you choose to accept, she pledges to grant you any desire that resides within your heart—be it planets, powers, armies, new companions, or even herself, should that be your heart's true longing. Quite the enticing proposition, don't you think?"

Aaron Toole remained resolute, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Cenlor. Undeterred by the silence, Cenlor continued, revealing, "In return for your acceptance, Lady Elanor will impart upon you a piece of invaluable knowledge. There exist numerous worlds, much like this one, left in a state of disarray and chaos. The pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds, and as a deity, Lady Elanor wishes to extend this invitation to you, to aid in a smoother journey towards acquiring such enlightenment."

Fundamentally, Elanor aimed to utilize Aaron Toole for her own objectives, a tactic in line with her established modus operandi. Her propensity for manipulating others was not unexpected; however, the direct and unambiguous invitation extended to Aaron was what threw me off balance. The idea of luring him with an assortment of alluring offers seemed a departure from her usual surreptitious setups.

Nonetheless, given the circumstances and my recent experiences with the Resistance, it seemed to be a case of pathetically ill-timed offers. Having spent a week absorbing the values and principles of the Resistance, Aaron was unlikely to succumb to such a proposition. It contradicted his inherent nature, and I doubted his moral compass would allow him to entertain such a repugnant deal.

"...And as I suspected, there are indeed more souls trapped within those dolls scattered across the cosmos," Aaron remarked to Cenlor, who nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. If you join us, I will guide you to them, granting you the power to manipulate them as you see fit," Cenlor responded, seemingly assuming that Aaron would be amenable to such an offer.

A brief moment of hush fell upon the scene, during which I could feel the heavy aura of disgust permeating from the group as they absorbed Cenlor's disturbing proposition. Aaron remained quiet, perhaps attuned to the collective revulsion, a sensation that appeared to only further stoke Cenlor's perverse satisfaction, relishing in the discomfort he inflicted upon those around him.

"I refuse," Aaron proclaimed with unwavering resolve. "I'd rather meet my end than entertain such abhorrent offers," he added, glaring at Cenlor, who merely shrugged and sighed in response.

"Ah, well. I gave it my best shot, but Lady Elanor did mention more forceful means should diplomacy prove ineffective," Cenlor remarked, punctuating the statement with a chuckle. Lifting his right arm, he barked a command to his legion of rabbits, "Attack! Kill the others and preserve the Outer God!"

Dulio Gesualdo clicked his tongue in disapproval, gathering his focus as he remarked, "A fight looks unavoidable, don't you think!?"

Just then, Aaron chimed in, gesturing for the others to stop their combat preparations. The approaching wave of rabbits swarmed ahead, gradually enveloping the entire cliff. Advancing with purpose, Aaron locked his cold gaze onto our foes. In that taut instant, he uttered a singular word that sent a shiver coursing down my spine.


A suffocating hush draped over the previously frenzied battlefield. The clamor of footsteps, tumbling boulders, and the gnashing teeth of Cenlor's rabbits abruptly ceased. And then, in a spine-chilling series of events, each and every one of the rabbits erupted in a volley of violent explosions that ricocheted across the desolate terrain.

The carnage began with a solitary rabbit, followed by two more, and then three, as the gruesome chain reaction unfolded. The once pristine white landscape, now adorned with the scattered fur of the rabbits, rapidly transformed into a sprawling expanse of crimson as the creatures met their repeated demise.

Cenlor's face contorted in shock as he watched his prized trophies, the rabbits, succumb to death one after another. Their remarkable regenerative abilities, a result of Cenlor's innate talents combined with Elanor's experiments, failed miserably in this instance. Aaron Toole's unwavering will and powers proved insurmountable, systematically severing the connection between Cenlor and his rabbits.

A nervous gulp escaped me as I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my cheek. Once again, the incomprehensible might of the outer gods became frighteningly clear. It was a power beyond the reach of mere mortals, a summit unattainable despite our unyielding training and untapped potential—a formidable mountain we were simply incapable of scaling or reaching.

Once silence overtook the landscape once more, blood, guts and body parts of the rabbits everywhere, Aaron Toole let out a single sigh, his gaze never wavering from Cenlor's. Cenlor on the other hand finally came out of his shock and began to try and revive his rabbits but to no avail, he tried to bring more in but the second they stepped onto the bloody ground here, they too exploded, so he stopped.

A cold, vengeful glare was cast upon Aaron, who swiftly disappeared from our view. With a sudden jolt of lightning coursing through the surroundings, Aaron's fist collided with Cenlor's abdomen. In a heartbeat, Cenlor erupted into a horrifying exhibition of blood and entrails. Yet, in an eerie turn of events, time seemed to rewind, and Cenlor rematerialized, restored to his former self.

Towering above the dumbfounded Cenlor, Aaron's actions left us in a state of bewilderment. Cenlor, evidently dazed, scrutinized his hands and ran them over his body in a state of befuddlement.

Dulio, breaking the thick silence, voiced our collective conundrum, "Did he just kill and revive him?"

"Yes, you are correct," answered Azathoth. Aoife Murphy and the rest of the "Fated Ones" regarded the bizarre spectacle with faces expressing a myriad of emotions.

Although witnessing Aaron Toole's command over life and death may not have been a novelty for them, the mechanical precision with which he carried it out appeared to weave an additional layer of mystery into the unfolding narrative.

<<What other planets?>> Aaron's voice carried an air of detachment, almost as if he wanted us to overhear their conversation. In reality, the distance was too far for our ears to catch their words, but I presumed Aaron's unique abilities were at play.

"I won't tell—" Cenlor began, but before he could finish, another forceful punch to the head caused it to explode. Once more, time reversed, and Cenlor was resurrected, his dumbfounded expression deepening.

Maintaining his cold demeanor, Aaron pressed on, <<How many children, in total, were killed?>>

"Like I said, I don't know!" roared Cenlor in frustration. He retaliated by covering his arm with energy and throwing a punch towards Aaron. However, Cenlor's arm suddenly erupted, disappearing into nonexistence, and blood spewed in all directions. He screamed in agonizing pain.

Aaron grasped Cenlor's head, pulling it nearer with an unnerving composure. <<...Tell me what you do know,>> he quietly snarled at Cenlor. Though Aaron possessed the ability to procure information on his own, his insistence on hearing it directly from their lips seemed purposeful.

Tears brimmed in Cenlor's eyes, mingling with a hateful scowl as he bellowed, "I told you, I don't know—!"

In the next instant, an even more gargantuan shockwave erupted before us, and Cenlor's entire form disintegrated into nonexistence, leaving not a single shred of evidence, not even a droplet of blood. We stood there, rendered mute and utterly aphasic, grappling to comprehend the horror of what we had just witnessed.

Aaron Toole appeared suddenly beside us, his presence immediately commanding our attention. His once-vibrant eyes now held a conspicuous emptiness, save for a lingering glimmer deep within. Raising his gaze skyward, he whispered, "...Something is on its way."

Before we could fully comprehend his cryptic words, a colossal portal materialized overhead, and from within it emerged a figure. "That's—" I began, recognizing the entity. I had heard the hushed rumors of Elanor's secretive project, but I hadn't expected its completion to be so imminent.

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Third Person Point of View

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Meanwhile, on the pristine side of the world, untouched by the catastrophe brought forth by Aaron's and Cenlor's attacks, Celrion and Qunela encountered a monstrous apparition—a manifestation of the child's tormented past.

This malevolent specter, fueled by insatiable avarice and an unyielding grudge, was trapped in the realm of the living, unable to move on. Over time, it pieced together a grotesque form far more morbid than its once-living counterpart.

Confronting this nightmarish creature, once known as the doctor of the estate, Celrion and Qunela stood undaunted. The entity presented a surreal fusion of body parts, featuring a colossal mouth lined with jagged teeth, accompanied by additional concealed mouths and teeth. Multiple eyes, warts, and tentacles adorned its repulsive form, creating a visage that seemed to defy the natural order.

As Qunela prepared to launch another attack, aiming to eradicate the monstrous apparition before them, Celrion intervened. In their species, acknowledging and acting upon feelings was traditionally forbidden, perceived as a manifestation of weakness. However, these siblings were unconventional in their adherence to these rules.

Breaking free from the constraints of their society, they harnessed the power of forbidden emotions, unlocking uncharted potential within their beings. While recognizing the potential drawbacks, the pair discovered that the benefits outweighed the risks, catapulting them to unprecedented levels of power.

Their courage to embrace these emotions set them apart, surpassing the limitations imposed by their own kind. This divergence led them on a path beyond their home planet, transforming them into fearsome mercenaries, fueled by an unyielding pursuit of power.

Yet, today signaled a deviation from the ordinary for Celrion and Qunela. After their resurrection by Aaron, their newfound master, and the imparting of renewed powers along with access to a variety of encounters, they commenced to undergo a metamorphosis, incrementally adopting a more "human" nature.

This metamorphosis was a new sensation for the siblings, uncharted waters that accompanied their evolving comprehension of the world and its complexities. Bearing witness to the anguish inflicted upon those children stirred within them an unfamiliar sentiment—a twinge that could only be approximated to the concept of sorrow.

A wave of sadness for the tormented spirits engulfed both Celrion and Qunela. The sudden eruption of these feelings caught them off guard, particularly given their customarily detached demeanor.

Yet, as they delved deeper into the narratives of the anguished children, particularly the betrayal by someone they deemed a father figure, Celrion found himself consumed by rage at the realization that it was all a deceitful charade.

Driven by the pursuit of justice and a personal need for closure, Celrion harbored a fierce determination to not only defeat but to annihilate the monstrous entity before them. He believed that obliterating this malevolent being would pave the way for him to find a semblance of peace.

The hideous apparition before them bellowed unintelligibly, its cries for more money intertwining with its frenzied attack. Lurching forward with tentacles aflutter, it sought to overpower Celrion and Qunela.

However, Celrion, emboldened by his newfound powers, shrouded himself in energy, deftly deflecting the incoming tentacles with calculated precision. Despite his efforts, the monster swiftly regenerated and multiplied its appendages, resuming its relentless assault.

Celrion propelled himself forward with unwavering resolve, unleashing a mighty punch aimed at the advancing mass of tentacles. This time, he used the subtle power of shockwave punches, disintegrating the tendrils from afar.

Agile and precise, he thwarted the beast's efforts to regenerate its limbs with his next move. Before it could retaliate, Celrion vanished and reappeared directly in front of the creature, delivering a bone-crushing blow to its midsection, causing it to tumble wildly.

Taking advantage of the situation, Celrion vaulted into the air, conjuring an enormous sphere of energy that morphed into a colossal 15-foot blade. With a resolute swing, he aimed to bring it crashing down upon the monstrous entity.

However, to his astonishment, Qunela materialized behind the creature, intercepting the shockwave from Celrion's attack to prevent it from annihilating the planet.

A wave of disbelief and mortification washed over Celrion as he touched down on the ground. In distress of his own actions and wrath, he had neglected to consider a critical aspect in his movements. Shifting his gaze towards his sister, Qunela smiled and nodded, silently conveying reassurance. Regaining his composure, Celrion refocused on the grotesque abomination before him.

His fleeting distraction, fueled by his emotional torment, proved to be an expensive mistake. Pausing his attack to avert catastrophic planetary devastation, the monstrous entity had regenerated from its injuries.

The gravity of his error hit Celrion like a physical blow; had he carried on with his attack, the fiend would have been vanquished along with the planet and he doubted his master would have liked that.

Gathering his composure, Celrion let out a sigh and concentrated on the abhorrent beast looming before him. Enveloping his arms in an aura of energy, he manifested massive and sharp blades hovering above them, readying himself for the approaching battle.

"Money! Give me money! Give me children to sell!" the monster roared, charging at Celrion while spewing acid from its maw and unleashing more tentacles from its twisted form.

Celrion remained unruffled, skillfully sidestepping the acid assault and charging at the monster with unwavering resolve. He effortlessly swung his right arm upward, severing the incoming tentacle.

He repeated the motion for each additional appendage, taking advantage of the anti-healing and anti-regeneration abilities granted to him by Aaron Toole. His relentless strikes left the monster incapable of regenerating its severed tentacles, effectively nullifying its once formidable regenerative capabilities against Celrion's meticulously planned attacks.

Quick and unbending, Celrion sprang into motion as the last of the beast's tentacles flailed towards him. With incomparable finesse, he extended both arms and spun in a blur, skillfully severing the remaining appendages.

Capitalizing on the momentum, Celrion commandeered one of the airborne limbs as a launchpad, catapulting himself towards the monster's cranium. Arriving at the creature's forehead, he deftly severed its head from its body, gracefully returning to the ground.

In a seamless continuation, Celrion swung the blade on his left arm in a single, decisive motion, cleaving through the remaining parts of the monster. Though it had been decapitated, the head, still animated, continued to spew out ghastly words of "Money," "Children," and "Fame," only serving to ignite Celrion's wrath.

In retaliation, he aimed the blade on his right arm at the monster's head, declaring, "Perish," before driving the weapon deep into its skull, definitively extinguishing its life.

The remnants of the monstrous apparition whispered its last, eerie chant of "" before fading into oblivion. Celrion, having dismissed his sword, surveyed the now empty space where the malevolent entity had once loomed.

A flurry of conflicting emotions swirled within him, leaving Celrion in a state of bewilderment. Though there was a smidgeon of relief, the desired "peace" he had sought remained elusive. He had harbored the belief that by defeating the fiend, he could finally free himself from the internal strife that had tormented him. However, the reality proved more complex, and Celrion found himself grappling with the unexpected tenacity of his inner demons.

"Celrion?" Qunela inquired, her eyes locked onto her brother.

"...It's nothing, I just don't—" Celrion started to reply, but before he could expand, a sensation washed over them. Their focus shifted as they witnessed a portal manifesting in the sky, and from it emerged a colossal monster.

Bearing an uncanny resemblance to an eastern dragon, the creature was sculpted entirely from metal. Its central body shimmered with a silver sheen, adorned with menacing red spikes and a sharply pointed tail. Mechanical crimson eyebrows framed its glowing orange eyes as it rapidly approached, making its way toward the planet and Aaron's group with alarming velocity.

The mechanical dragon, its monstrous frame barely fitting within the confines of the planet's orbit, unleashed a cataclysmic breath attack, intended to reduce the world to rubble. Yet, just as the annihilation seemed inevitable, a protective barrier appeared out of thin air, shielding the planet from certain doom.

"Let's return to our master," Qunela proposed, and Celrion concurred without hesitation. The insectoid siblings quickly extracted themselves from the area, embarking on their journey towards Aaron and the rest of their companions.

Upon arriving at their master's side and reuniting with the assembled group, they discovered Aaron gazing up at the sky, the mastermind behind the impenetrable shield. Below them, a mammoth crater filled with blood lay before them, a sight that momentarily baffled the pair. Despite the enigma that lay before them, the insectoids chose to remain silent, respecting their position as mere servants, dutifully following the lead of their newfound master.

As they observed the palpable tension hanging in the air, particularly centered around Aaron, Celrion and Qunela maintained their silence even more, their loyalty to their master unwavering in the face of adversity.

"Now what?" Dulio cut the tension with his question. "Actually, Jin-kun, what do you plan on doing with the planet?"

Aaron pondered briefly before meeting Dulio's gaze. "Originally, I had intended to destroy the planet, but..." He looked down at the ground, and with a flick of his wrist, the blood, guts, and any trace of Cenlor's existence vanished. "I will preserve it. Much like my [Lavender Box], I'll create a sanctuary for this world."

Suzaku inquired, gently gripping Aaron's arm as she sought to gauge his emotions. "And what about that thing?"

A solemn look adorned Aaron's face, but it swiftly changed into a friendly yet sad smile as he gazed upon Suzaku. "This prototype was designed by Elanor. It bears the name 'DRAK-7719.' As for how I intend to deal it... I believe it should be destroyed, as it holds no value for our cause. Additionally, upon our return, I have to assemble the other leaders for a meeting," he elucidated.

"Enough idle chatter, it's time to wrap up," Aaron announced, gesturing towards the mechanical wonder, DRAK-7719. The dragon's essence shimmered and solidified into a translucent sphere, only to be annihilated a moment later, leaving no trace of its existence.

With a quick flick of his fingers, Aaron teleported them back to the vicinity of their spaceship. "You all head inside; I'll see to the planet's restoration first," he instructed, but his companions remained.

Aaron sighed, yet held back from further insistence. Instead, he raised his right foot and forcefully slammed it down. As though it were a miraculous act, the once lifeless planet underwent a profound metamorphosis.

Ravaged areas repaired themselves, and the landscape gradually returned to its former splendor, a reflection of its prime from many years past. Barren wastelands now exploded with towering structures, buildings, and a plethora of landscapes, imbuing the previously desolate planet with a newfound vibrancy.

The dreary sky transformed with astonishing metamorphosis, evolving into a brilliant expanse of vivid, artificial blue. Aaron, with his creative genius, conjured an artificial sun just above, casting its radiant glow across the transfigured landscape. At his behest, a vast lake appeared beneath them. Aaron expertly levitated the spacecraft, ensuring it remained unperturbed by the watery surroundings.

The rest of the group stood in awestruck silence, marveling at the magnificent spectacle unfolding before their eyes. Yet, Aaron, the mastermind behind this grandeur, observed the scene with a subtle melancholy etched upon his face.

'Even as I ensured you all departed with the best possibilities for your next life, I sincerely hope you find true peace now,' Aaron mused, his introspective thoughts accompanied by a slight tightening of Suzaku's grip on his arm. Meeting her concerned gaze, he reassured, "I'm fine, Suzaku."

Suzaku Himejima harbored doubts about Aaron's reassurances, sensing an unresolved tension that would inevitably demand attention later. Opting for temporary acceptance, she decided to set her concerns aside for the time being. Abruptly, Aaron snapped his fingers, and they were transported, standing on an invisible platform above the revitalized planet. In the air, they gazed upon the transformed landscape.

"Whoa, it's way more beautiful than it used to be," Mirana remarked, her eyes scanning the altered terrain.

"Yep. It's as if we're seeing the planet evolve or something, haha," Dulio observed, his gaze lingering on the panoramic view.

"The Well," Aaron said, leaving them bewildered. Noticing their confusion, he decided to offer an explanation. "This planet once possessed its own 'fountain of youth' in the form of a well and its water. A civil war erupted, led by Elanor, who sought to seize control of it. However, she discovered that the planet's 'ruler' had long been harnessing its rejuvenating powers."

"She killed them all, commandeering the well for her own purposes, and it's probable that it now resides on her planet, Helicre Doiux. The decline of this planet into a barren wasteland can be attributed to the combined effects of the civil war and the extraction of its life-sustaining water. Deprived of its vital resource, the planet gradually succumbed to ruin," Aaron elucidated.

"However, I haven't exactly replaced it. Instead, I've reconfigured the planet to harness a different energy source. It will now persist in this revitalized state... indefinitely," he added, turning to his companions. "If any of you wish to visit in the future, just let me know. I'll..."

Aaron produced a snow globe-like object in his hand and continued, "I'll encase it in this and keep it in my room. While the absence of human inhabitants is assured, I intend to reintroduce wildlife to the ecosystem in the future, alright?"

The assembly wholeheartedly endorsed Aaron's proposition, and they proceeded towards the spaceship, stationed beside their invisible platform. As the rest of the group boarded the spaceship, Lavinia and Suzaku lingered beside Aaron, their gaze transfixed upon the mesmerizing panorama sprawling below.

Upon confirming everyone's presence on the spaceship, Aaron retrieved the vacant snow globe, holding it before him. A captivating dance of illumination ensued as both the globe and the planet emitted a radiant glow.

With each passing moment, the brilliance intensified, causing the tangible representation of the planet to dissolve beneath them. Gradually, the landscape re-emerged within the snow globe, signifying the immaculate accomplishment of the transition.

"It's adorable," Lavinia cooed, her eyes locked on the snow globe. "Oh, I can see some animals in there already. Did you add them?" she asked curiously.

"Just a couple of birds and deer for now. I'm planning to add more later, but I'll need to research first. For now, let's head back," Aaron replied, extending the globe to Lavinia. She took it with a smile, and the two began walking, examining the globe closely.

Aaron trailed behind, casting a quick look at the empty space they had left before boarding the spaceship. As the door closed, he prepared himself for the upcoming discussions with the rest of the group upon their return to the Resistance's planet.

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