Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 20 – Part 5 – Tears and Change

Third Person Point of View

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Back on the planet of Helicre Doiux, word rapidly arrived at Elanor's ears regarding the escalating events on Hauillne Bataress. The dispatch of DRAK-7719 and the subsequent occurrences involving her underlings were relayed to her by an android courier.

"And that concludes the report, Lady Elanor," the android informed her.

Amused by the narrative, Elanor let out a chuckle and commented, "Most of them were killed, with Dixie being captured. Well, it's of little significance; she wasn't of much use to us anyway, so her absence holds no sway."

"Um, but what about the information she possesses about us...?" the android hesitantly inquired.

"I am not one to harbor many secrets, but what few I keep, I protect with vigilance. As for Dixie's knowledge, it's quite limited, presenting no real threat to us in any manner," Elanor explained, maintaining her amusement in the face of the unfolding events.

"And what measures shall we take concerning the other planets?" the android inquired.

Elanor pondered for a moment before answering, "The outer god will surely turn his attention to them. Establish some basic defenses, but don't invest too much effort. Initiate the rapid transfer of valuable items from those planets to here and the other secure locations where I haven't conducted those experiments," she commanded, tossing a clipboard in the direction of the android. "Make it quick; I won't abide any losses of those items."

"As you wish, Lady Elanor," acknowledged the android as it exited the room.

Elanor tapped the air in front of her, summoning several holographic displays. Manipulating them with precision, the images of various individuals spanning years materialized. Each figure represented someone who had captured Elanor's interest over the passage of time.

A wicked grin graced Elanor's face as she displayed an image of Aaron, captured by both Cenlor and DRAK-7719. "Preparing to visit those planets, are you?" she questioned with a sinister undertone. "How noble of you. Perhaps I can arrange a little trap and snare you, my dear outer god," she mused, her eyes gleaming with wicked intent.

She then turned her attention to another display, revealing images of a captive Dixie and Raerea.

"Who would have expected your capture, Raerea?" Elanor murmured to herself, her lips curving into a cruel smile. "Fufu, it promises to be quite entertaining."

She shifted her gaze to yet another display, her self-satisfied smile only widening as the holographic projection depicted a younger Raerea. "It was I who disrupted your life and orchestrated your joining us, after all."

Elanor carried the immense burden of responsibility for enlisting several members of the Eradicator and Ueboros, skillfully manipulating their destinies with the subtlest of her influence. Among these ill-fated individuals, Raerea stood as a striking example. Elanor had meticulously uprooted the promising life the young girl once had, discerning within her extraordinary potential.

In the vast expanse of this universe, Raerea garnered renown as the most formidable swordswoman. Yet, her encounter with Aaron Toole culminated in an uncharacteristic defeat. In a setting where she was typically at ease, Raerea had let her guard down.

Their confrontation, despite lacking the fervor of a serious battle, unveiled the latent power each possessed. Though their encounter was casual in nature, Raerea's error led to her capture, a consequence of a careless oversight in a moment of gauging the waters between them.

The melancholic tale of Raerea's life unfurled under Elanor's malicious influence. Elanor masterfully orchestrated the desertion and eventual death of Raerea's parents, casting a dark cloud over her younger years.

Furthermore, Elanor played a critical role in what seemed to be the "death" of Raerea's mentor. In their universe, where techniques and powers could induce a state of seeming death while the individual remained in a state of life, this aspect of Raerea's history remained shrouded in uncertainty.

In an unexpected turn of events, the mentor who imparted the art of swordsmanship to Raerea was someone personally acquainted with Elanor. The mentor willingly played the designated role for a few years before disappearing from Raerea's life, his apparent demise merely a facet of the elaborate scheme orchestrated by Elanor. The convoluted threads of Raerea's existence were intricately created by Elanor's grand plan.

Elanor heaved a sigh, her eyes darting between the holographic images of Aaron Toole and Raerea. "Decisions, decisions," she murmured, pondering whether to savor her potential new plaything or endeavor to reclaim the previous one. A smirk played on her lips as she chuckled softly, relishing in the intricacies of the choices before her.

As an artificial god, akin to Esina, Elanor couldn't help but regard beings beneath her with a certain disdain. The only entities she begrudgingly afforded a measure of "respect" were the outer gods, along with Yve, Ecthrois, and Phumera.

Her contemplations were interrupted by an incoming call, prompting Elanor to answer and open a new display. Yve's voice emerged from the holographic screen, inquiring about the reports of her original planet's destruction.

Elanor, ever the instigator, teased, "Fufu, are you concerned for me?" Her taunt, however, only elicited an unamused glare from Yve.

"I hadn't been on the planet when it happened. From the accounts I've managed to gather, the outer god inexplicably went there. Furthermore, the dolls I had stationed on the planet are now destroyed, thus rendering my initial strategy null. To exacerbate the issue, the planet itself seems to have vanished," Elanor expounded, her eyes transfixed on another display portraying the void of space where the planet should have been situated.

Elanor's mischievous grin widened as she turned her gaze back to Yve. "And how's the awakening plan coming along with Lady Phumera?" she inquired playfully.

Yve's response carried a hint of excitement. "It's progressing nicely. We're anticipating to awaken him in about a month. If you can continue to stall them a bit longer, we might just tip the scales in our favor within a month," Yve explained.

Elanor's amusement heightened. "So, you think you can pull it off, huh? In that case, I'll unleash my other plans. It should be more entertaining that way. However, if you fail to make it back on time, I might as well consider myself dead. With that said, this might be our last conversation, Yve. Bye~" she teased before abruptly severing the communication, leaving Yve with a disgruntled expression.

Elanor rose gracefully from her seat, her leisurely stretch accompanied by a renewed smile upon her face. "It appears I must arrange a meeting. I doubt the Resistance will cease their efforts; if anything, they're likely to escalate their attempts to destroy us. Oh well," she mused before exiting her room.

Outside, she encountered another android, this one exuding a feminine appearance. "Lady Elanor, I have received some information from Lady Taphelis concerning the Resistance's planet," the android reported.

Intrigued, Elanor inquired, "Oh? Do tell."

"Unfortunately, it's not favorable news. It appears the outer god has implemented a failsafe in the memories of all the members, rendering it impossible to ascertain the planet's whereabouts. However, we believe it's situated near this region of the universe, as one of them inadvertently revealed details about a nearby planet in that section," the android explained.

A cryptic gleam flickered across Elanor's eyes, her grin broadening at the thought. "So, dispatch scouts to inspect those sites. Inform me of anything dubious immediately," she ordered, inciting the obedient android to hastily depart.

"Fufu, I didn't foresee receiving such a fortuitous opportunity today. Perhaps we can tilt the scales in our favor soon?" Elanor mused aloud as she sauntered away. She pondered bestowing commendations upon Taphelis for securing this invaluable information, savoring the prospect of wresting the upper hand in the ongoing conflict.

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"Hey, how are things going here?" Daniel inquired as he, Lena, and Elyscia visited the moon city in the Draconic Deus. Before them stood Ajuka Beelzebub, the Satan, surrounded by various individuals and servants.

Ajuka turned around, offering a smile to the trio and questioning, "What brings you here, Daniel? I didn't expect you to bring Lena and Elyscia along."

"We uncovered some information, and we thought it best to come here and investigate it firsthand," Daniel replied casually. Before he could delve further into his explanation, his attention was captivated by something in the distance. Without a word, he hastily darted away, leaving Ajuka puzzled.

Lena sighed, taking up the task of elucidation. "We suspect the Abyssal Constellations might attempt to seize control of the moon. Our purpose today is to scrutinize any potential weak points in defenses, identify possible turncoats, and address any vulnerabilities we uncover."

Ajuka understood their objective and suggested, "I can give you a quick tour of the facilities. Although not everything is completely up and running just yet, we've reached a point where one could consider our operations to be somewhat functional. Do you have any particular areas you'd like to inspect first?"

Before they could answer, Daniel was dragged back to the group by Mealeanis, who was nonchalantly munching on a snack. "I was curious as to why Daniel was here, but it appears the two of you are here as well. Would you care to enlighten us as to your purpose?" Mealeanis inquired.

Ajuka nodded, expounding on their mission. Amused by their intention, Mealeanis proposed, "How about the towers? We're planning to establish them at various strategic points throughout this vast city. In due time, they'll serve as entry points. It might be wise to double-check those locations."

"Shall we proceed from there?" Elyscia proposed, her tone implying urgency. "However, please inform us of any notable landmarks we might encounter on our journey," she requested, her words followed by a unanimous agreement from both devils.

As Daniel was freed, Lena forcefully gripped his ear, sternly warning him, "I shall mention your insolence to Aaron-sama. You should either work on improving your behavior or seriously consider leaving."

Daniel surreptitiously cast a furtive glance at Lena and murmured, "Consider this: if our enemies observe me in this seemingly carefree state, they may well deem me a nonchalant, happy-go-lucky simpleton. They'll assume that I'm taking nothing seriously, and thus am invariably off-guard. As a result, they might let their own defenses down, growing more careless by the day. It's a tactical move, looking ahead for the future, you know?"

Lena, taken aback, gazed at Daniel in sheer astonishment, struggling to formulate a response. She hadn't anticipated that Daniel would approach the situation with such foresight. In truth, she had assumed his behavior derived from a certain listlessness, reminiscent of the time he had served as the fake leader of the Khaos Order.

Flashing a smug grin at Lena, Daniel declared, "Seems like I managed to score a point against Lena-chan-sama, wouldn't you say? A win for me." He then raised his hand in a victorious gesture, only to be met with a swift smack from Lena. "Goodness, why do the women around me always have a taste for resorting to violence?"

As they ventured through the large city, Ajuka and Mealeanis offered a condensed tour, sharing valuable information about significant structures and landmarks. Among the wealth of details, only two points caught the attention of Elyscia and Lena, causing them to mentally mark those for exploration following their visit to the towers.

Daniel gestured towards the moon city's most noteworthy structure, asking, "What is that?"

Ajuka enlightened, "While Jin left the exact location of his residence undisclosed, we decided to erect it as the highest structure within the city. This makes it easily accessible for any residents or workers seeking him for any concerns. Moreover, it proves advantageous in identifying potential enemies, as they're likely to target it for various reasons."

"That makes sense. It'll provide for some ample space for Boss and his colossal harem as well." Daniel said, eyeing the interior of the structure. "Did you use space manipulation magic to expand the interiors?"

Ajuka replied, "Not yet. We're holding off on that decision until the end, as Jin might want to personalize the interiors to his liking. However, for the lower floors, we'll take the lead on the design since they'll mostly serve as office space. The building is meant to function as both an office building and, on the upper levels, as Jin's residence."

Ajuka gestured with an inviting hand and said, "Let's proceed, we will lead you to the first of the towers. Though I am pleased with the architecture, I welcome any recommendations for improving it."

With one last look at the colossal edifice, Daniel rushed to join both groups and Ajuka, eagerly anticipating their venture into the inaugural tower.

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Upon arriving at the tower, its imposing height loomed before them, stretching to approximately three hundred and fifty meters tall. Encompassing the area was the beginnings of a substantial wall, destined to encompass the sprawling city. After a moment's contemplation, numerous questions arose, with Daniel being the first to voice them.

"Just to clarify, this is about three hundred meters tall, isn't it?" he began, his eyes never leaving the towering structure before them. "Will the walls reach this same height? Apart from Boss' barriers, which will probably be supplemented by other security measures, what other defensive precautions are being planned for this place?" Daniel inquired, his gaze unyielding.

Ajuka elucidated, "Verily, the towers shall ascend to a height of three hundred and fifty meters, while the encircling walls shall stand at three hundred meters tall. In terms of security, we plan to implement a diverse array of spells sourced from various pantheons and factions, alongside the inclusion of magic surveillance cameras."

Mealeanis supplemented the explanation, "Furthermore, these towers are strategically designed to resemble the prospective residence of Jin. To draw a comparison, the central structure near the city's core shall reach a staggering height of six hundred meters, surpassing these towers. Similar to that structure, the midsection of the tower shall house the personal quarters of the guards, with the lower floors serving as a reception area, followed by storage for various weapons and items, living quarters, and culminating in the uppermost section where they shall conduct their duties."

Daniel posed yet another question, "So, are you implying that the guards assigned to these structures will be residing in them around the clock? Will their families have the option to visit or even live with them? And what about vacations and similar allowances?"

Ajuka responded, "While we have not yet finalized all the particulars of the position, guards are indeed entitled to vacations throughout the year. However, during their absence, they must arrange for a temporary replacement, as the role, though often mundane, can become perilous in the event of attempts by nefarious groups to breach security. That being said, if guards opt for it, they can have their families live with them. Similar to our plans for Jin's residence, we intend to expand the interiors using spatial magic."

Mealeanis interjected, "Furthermore, guards shall be permitted to receive visits from their family and friends at any given time. However, the stringent security clearance needed for their entry will necessitate prior notification, discouraging spontaneous visits."

Daniel, expressing his sentiment, remarked, "A bit of a hassle, don't you think?"

Elyscia chimed in, providing a broader perspective, "It's quite understandable. This marks the first establishment of a city beyond Earth, a groundbreaking venture for many humans—no, everyone. Ensuring top-notch security is an imperative measure. As they mentioned, it does come with its fair share of risks and benefits."

Lena, who had been silently analyzing the building since their arrival, posed a question, "Have the interiors been furnished yet?"

Ajuka responded, "Indeed. The first tower has been fully furnished and is ready for habitation, much like a few other structures in the city. However, not all of them, as we mentioned earlier. Follow us, and we'll give you a tour."

Opening the tower door, Ajuka placed his hand on a scanner, injecting his powers into it. He explained, "Currently, you'll need magic—whether it's normal human magic or demonic power—to activate the sensors for entry. This ensures that only those capable of active combat can access the towers. We can't afford to assign the job to someone without powers; it would be a critical vulnerability if an infiltration were to occur."

Daniel added, "I'd be concerned if someone without powers got the job. We'd be in a tight spot if there was an infiltration in their section." Ajuka chuckled, silently affirming Daniel's sentiment.

Daniel persisted with another query, "What about the families that opt to stay with the employee?"

Mealeanis elucidated, "As we've mentioned, not every detail has been firmed up, but when the time comes, we intend to issue keycards for them. These keycards will permit them to move freely in and out. For heightened security, we might even request Jin to create them, possibly linking them to their souls if feasible."

Daniel, expressing his admiration, remarked, "Alright, that's kind of hardcore, gotta admit. Keycards tied to your soul? Sounds pretty impressive."

The interior and ground floor of the building boasted an impressive spaciousness, a testament to the evident use of spatial magic to expand it beyond its standard dimensions. The ceilings soared above the norm, creating ample room for various interior adornments such as couches, sofas, tables, and chairs, accompanied by statues and scattered decorative items.

The expansive layout even accommodated diverse features like vending machines and a strategically placed toilet for added convenience. An additional door beckoned towards a spare bedroom, offering increased flexibility.

Ajuka led them, saying, "Over there is the reception area, and you're familiar with how that functions. Let's proceed to explore the other sections," prompting them to swiftly move away from the ground floor.

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Upon an hour's worth of ascending the tower, they eventually reached its zenith, bestowing upon them a captivating, all-encompassing view of the moon's radiant horizon. With this newfound vantage point, they stood in awe, captivated by the sight of the sun and Earth.

Positioned on the platform designated for the infrequent patrols of guards, Lena, Elyscia, and Daniel observed their surroundings with keen attention, while Ajuka and Mealeanis carefully noted the valuable suggestions they had received earlier.

Ajuka concluded, "I believe we have thoroughly explored this tower for the time being. If you require our assistance, we'll be at the same location as before, finishing up some tasks. Your insightful suggestions have been greatly appreciated. Until our next meeting." With these words, Ajuka and Mealeanis vanished through a teleportation circle, leaving the trio to continue marveling at the awe-inspiring lunar vista before them.

Interrupting the hush around them, Elyscia asked, "Did you two see it earlier?"

Lena replied, "Naturally. That building appeared dubious, as did the other one. They might deceive the others, or maybe Ajuka is just playing it cool. However, to us, they're quite obvious about it."

"I'll look into the other building, and you two can inspect the other one. Agreed?" Daniel proposed, and the two nodded. "But, man, I like this view. I think Boss will appreciate it too."

Elyscia smiled and remarked, "I believe Ajuka and the others took this into consideration when placing the first tower here, considering its magnificent view."

Lena added, "Right, Aaron-sama does have a fondness for breathtaking vistas. But we can savor this later; let's get to work," she declared, prompting them to promptly exit the area.

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Lena and Elyscia discovered themselves within an expansive, transient tent-like structure. From the outside, it became apparent that this served as a communal area for the laborers, a space where they could partake in their midday meal or even steal a brief respite during their engagement in this momentous project.

As Ajuka had previously elucidated, these structures combined comfort with functionality, effectively housing numerous amenities within a confined yet roomy area. Similar to the tower's interior, spatial magic augmented the tent's interior, providing each worker with a personalized and enlarged compartment, equipped with a private bathroom, toilet, and kitchen.

One could argue that such accommodations were luxurious, and the contentment of the laborers was palpable. Their gratification was not solely attributable to the facilities, but also the reassurance of adequate rest, which rendered the workload more bearable. They could always secure the intended quantity of slumber within their well-appointed quarters.

Elyscia, her eyes fixed upon the imposing edifice, posed her inquiry, "How many?"

Lena paused for a moment, then replied, "I'd estimate around four in total. The rest are mere workers, thus take care not to harm them." Elyscia nodded in assent.

The duo promptly entered the structure, finding themselves in a vast, open expanse that bore a striking resemblance to a colossal tavern. A cluster of workers was in the middle of partying. As soon as Lena and Elyscia made their entrance, they attracted the immediate attention of the crowd.

Lena brandished a translucent green card high above her head. It emitted lines that converged upon four specific individuals scattered across the room. Instantaneously, those four leapt to their feet and charged towards Lena and Elyscia, leaving the unsuspecting civilian workers bewildered and aghast.

Two of the assailants focused their attention on Lena. One swung a wooden staff, while the other brandished two small wands. As the staff-wielding foe lunged forward, Lena nimbly sidestepped, deftly tripping him, sending him tumbling to the ground, where he faceplanted. Seizing the opportunity, Lena cast a sleeping spell, instantly inducing unconsciousness.

Her second enemy unleashed a torrent of six magical attacks, each representing a different element. Lena remained unfazed, a serene smile gracing her lips. She conjured a green card, skillfully flicking it at the barrage. The card split apart, slicing through the magical onslaught with ease.

In a stunning twist, the green card separated into two more cards, severing the wands the man held. Before he could react, Lena appeared directly in front of him, swiftly delivering a knee strike to his face. The blow rendered him unconscious, his body falling limp to the ground.

On the far side of the room, Elyscia faced the remaining duo of enemies. Opting not to entrust her fate to her sword, deeming it a dangerous gamble, she instead placed her trust in her unarmed combat skills. The two foes, however, conjured blades, seemingly unperturbed by her choice.

The first antagonist hastily closed the gap, lunging his sword towards Elyscia's neck. Exhibiting remarkable agility, she deflected the sword with a lightning-quick strike of her left hand. The impact sent shockwaves reverberating through the blade, momentarily dazing her enemy.

Capitalizing on the brief reprieve, Elyscia launched a swift, unexpected maneuver—she delivered a kick squarely between the man's legs. Stunned gasps of shock echoed throughout the room as the man collapsed to the ground. Elyscia quickly followed up with another kick to the man's head, rendering him unconscious.

As the lone survivor watched his comrades fall, fear gripped him, and he cried out in anguish. He ignited his sword with blazing flames, vowing to immolate their enemies. "I'll turn this entire place into a sea of flames! Get the fuck away from me!!" he roared, his voice echoing through the air.

Yet, just as he readied to unleash his fiery attack, the inferno encompassing his sword was abruptly quenched, encased within a sheath of frigid ice. In the very next moment, his grip on the sword was severed, as a brilliantly glimmering green card zipped past him. Elyscia nimbly caught the flying card.

"W-wait—" he stammered, trying to plead for mercy, but Elyscia moved with lightning-fast precision. She seized his head, and with a forceful impact, he was slammed into the ground, creating a small fissure in the surface. His body lay lifeless, knocked unconscious.

The once-tense room lapsed into a brief hush before bursting into applause. The workers, still confused, were soon enlightened as Lena turned around, bowed, and elucidated the situation. The workers, now comprehending the events, frowned and cast disapproving glances towards their now unconscious former colleagues.

"We thought they were like us, but I guess they're part of that annoying new group?" inquired a bearded man with disdain.

Lena responded, "Regrettably, they are. Nevertheless, we're bringing them in for interrogation, so don't worry. Resume your work after this. We'll see to it that some of Jin-sama's Shadow Soldiers will aid in replacing the missing people until new ones are hired."

"That's fine, and thank you," acknowledged the bearded man, with the rest of the workers expressing their agreement and gratitude. The reassurance granted a sense of security, enabling the workers to resume their tasks with renewed confidence.

Lena and Elyscia emerged from the building, each carrying an unconscious foe in their grasp. They thanked the workers for maintaining their composure when the two unexpectedly burst in and engaged in a scuffle.

Worried about Daniel's safety, Lena posed the question, "Do you think Daniel's alright?"

Elyscia sought to calm her friend's nerves, "He's dependable, even if he does have his lazy moments. After all, he's still Aaron-sama's avatar, even if he has developed his own unique personality." They continued their trek towards another nearby structure, confident in Daniel's ability to win his own battles.

— ○ ● ○ —

Daniel climbed to the building's second floor, a part of the swarm of structures nearing completion in the lunar city, and enjoying certain early benefits. Similar to the structure Lena and Elyscia had observed earlier, this one exuded an eerie aura, piquing Daniel's discerning attention.

Stealthily navigating the first two floors, he now found himself on the second level, armed with a baseball bat, moving with an air of nonchalance. With only one more floor to ascend, he turned a corner and came upon a group of individuals. Instantly, he activated his invisibility, seamlessly blending into his surroundings as he approached the gathering.

Instead of launching an immediate attack, Daniel chose to eavesdrop on their conversation, leaning against a nearby wall.

"Quite unexpectedly, arriving at this place proved to be a stroll in the park, disproving the rumors circulating about the middleman. It seems he's not as careful as they claim," commented a man dressed in a black suit.

"Correct. However, I've heard that the building here began after he mysteriously vanished with a notable portion of [DxD], so that might have played a part. Regardless, it works to our advantage. Lord Ochistide has an interest in this location for some undisclosed reason, and even though we're in the dark about the specifics, it could prove advantageous for us, particularly in our dealings with the humans," interjected another gentleman in a matching black suit.

"Right. Not many, including gods, can make their way here without a significant use of their powers. And even if they manage to do so, the question remains—can they survive in the vacuum of space? There are conflicting accounts, and frankly, who knows?" replied the man. "Anyway, how much longer do we have to pretend be workers here? It's becoming suffocating and downright aggravating."

The second man let out a resigned sigh, replying, "We're stuck with this façade until at least 75% of the entire construction is complete, and that's going to take a couple more months."

"I'd rather not have to wait that long," grumbled the other man.

Out of invisibility, Daniel interjected, "You don't have to." With a flurry of movement, he closed the gap between them, delivering a swift double strike to their heads, effectively knocking them out. After verifying their continued well-being, Daniel couldn't help but voice his frustration, saying, "You people really need more fulfilling hobbies. Why do your types always want world domination?"

Utilizing his abilities to assess the remaining occupants of the floor, Daniel swiftly identified that only six more individuals remained. Acting decisively, he concealed the unconscious men and cast a gentle sleep spell to ensure they wouldn't suddenly rouse.

Finishing his interaction with the two sleeping figures, Daniel skillfully departed the immediate area, once more turning himself invisible to methodically purge the remaining sections of the level.

Within mere moments, he completed the task, surreptitiously catching snippets of various chats as he moved. Though the amassed intel did not reveal anything earth-shattering, a distinct pattern surfaced.

From his scrutiny, it appeared their leader, Ochistide, was propelled by a blend of the insatiable "greed" innate to deities, coupled with the more familiar human avarice. It was not a groundbreaking discovery, but it led Daniel to a simple deduction—the man leading the Abyssal Constellations was merely propelled by his intrinsic nature.

As for the elusive motive behind their quest for global dominance, that continued to be shrouded in enigma. Daniel, however, remained undaunted and resolved to unearth the answers at the opportune moment.

Upon ascending to the final floor of the structure, Daniel encountered an empty floor, with only two distinct and powerful auras lingering in the floor. Their intensity signaled at least Ultimate-class and Satan-class, a realization that sparked Daniel's curiosity.

Pondering the origins of such power, he couldn't help but attribute it to the pervasive influence of Aaron, who, with his extraordinary abilities, had covertly augmented the strength of individuals across the globe.

Moving cautiously, Daniel approached the chamber harboring the potent auras. Hoping to avoid notice, he opted to phase through the wall instead of opening the door, guaranteeing a discreet entry into the space.

In the room, Daniel's eyes were met with a commanding duo, and their demeanor suggested a clear hierarchy favoring the woman.

She boasted a striking appearance, with a cropped black hair asymmetrically cut around her face, accentuated by intense black eyes and glasses perched on her nose. Attired in a black and white military-style uniform, complete with a skirt and black shoes, she radiated an air of authority. Draped behind her was a long black coat with a checkered interior, and in her left hand, she gripped a small cane.

Opposite her poised presence, the man exuded a rougher aura with a laid-back posture. His short white hair framed a face featuring piercing blue eyes. A white jacket embellished his figure, layered over a navy-blue shirt, paired with blue pants and brown shoes. Notable accessories included a golden chain attached to his pants, two golden belts, and knuckledusters adorning both hands, signifying a readiness for physical confrontation.

"...We have an intruder. They believed they could sneak in here, but I detected our allies succumbing to slumber, one by one. Furthermore, communication with those four in the tents has been severed," confided the woman.

"Huh? So they caught on already? Took them a hot minute, but I'm up for a fight," countered the man. "I'll be the one to strike first, Lusbeta."

With a heavy, resigned sigh, Lusbeta replied, "Do as you please, Fego. It won't change matters for me. As long as we maintain our secret, it won't matter who you face in battle."

A mischievous grin graced Fego's face, but their attention was suddenly diverted as Daniel chose that moment to dispel his invisibility. The woman, Lusbeta, hesitated in her speech, "It's the temporary leader of [DxD], Daniel, isn't it? This may be more difficult than I anticipated—"

"Who cares? Let's fight!" Fego interjected, cutting off Lusbeta, and without further ado, he charged toward Daniel, who stood poised with his baseball bat at the ready.

Fego unleashed a straight right-hand blow aimed at Daniel, anticipating a direct hit. To his astonishment, Daniel skillfully deflected the punch with his ever-reliable bat. Sensing an opening, Fego attempted an uppercut with his other fist, only to be caught off guard as Daniel nimbly sidestepped the strike.

Capitalizing on the opportunity, Daniel swiftly swung his bat at Fego, who swiftly ducked, convinced he had evaded the attack. To his surprise, Daniel's knee suddenly closed the gap, striking Fego's face and sending him staggering, momentarily disoriented.

Seizing the upper hand, Daniel pressed his advantage, charging towards the dazed Fego. As he swung his bat horizontally, aiming for Fego's head, a swift tap of Lusbeta's cane on the ground conjured a dense, black cloud mere inches away from Fego's head. The unexpected intervention blocked the incoming attack, granting Fego a brief respite.

To the amazement of both Lusbeta and Fego, ghostly baseball bats materialized around Fego, relentlessly striking him from all sides. The incessant barrage left Fego wincing, and a sudden, unexpected blow to his backside elicited an involuntary, primal scream. In a burst of frustration, Fego retaliated with a spin attack, arms flailing in Daniel's direction, only to find his foe agilely evading the assault.

With an untroubled smile, Daniel remarked, "I call that the [Bonk Max 500 Special]. Do you like it?"

"Go to hell, you freak!" Fego hissed with disdain. Enveloping his body in touki and amplifying his physical abilities with enhancement magic, Fego surged back towards Daniel with renewed vigor, determined to turn the tide in his favor.

Fego unleashed a frenzy of quick punches upon Daniel, who nimbly sidestepped each strike, smirking derisively as he taunted Fego. Peering over their shoulders, Lusbeta observed the spectacle unfold, her eyes scouring for a chink in Daniel's defenses but finding none, a cold shiver running up her spine.

Driven by rage, Fego pressed on, integrating his lower body into the barrage, leaping and striking at Daniel with a knee. With lightning speed, Daniel parried the blow with his bat, deftly redirecting the force. Undeterred, Fego spun and launched his other leg in a ferocious kick. Daniel's body coiled and contorted in response, leaning back to evade the attack, eliciting a guttural snarl from Fego.

In a sudden and unprecedented maneuver, Daniel swung his bat between Fego's legs, dropping him instantly into a state of unconsciousness and eliciting a boisterous laugh from Daniel. Fego collapsed to the ground, immobilized and foaming at the mouth. Without skipping a beat, Lusbeta tapped her cane against the ground once more, teleporting the helpless Fego to her side.

Locking eyes with Daniel, Lusbeta remarked, "That was hardly fair of you."

Casually resting his bat on his shoulder, Daniel retorted, "In a fight, there are no rules. You do whatever it takes to win, and targeting a man in that vulnerable spot always ensures me victory."

Daniel did not possess the noble spirit or adherence to a warrior's code in his approach to combat. Paralleling Aaron Toole's pragmatic outlook on fighting, Daniel was prepared to use any means necessary to secure victory, even if it meant resorting to tactics some might deem "cheap shots."

"So, are we doing this? Because I'm not letting you leave this place," Daniel stated, brandishing his baseball bat at Lusbeta.

Lusbeta tapped her cane against the ground once more, but this time, nothing occurred, eliciting a sigh from her. "I can't teleport away... This leaves me no choice then. Very well, let us fight. Although I'll warn you, I won't have any useful information. As far as our organization is concerned, we're expendable."

Daniel shrugged, his indifference apparent. "I don't care. As long as we stop and capture members of the Abyssal Constellations, the people of our world will calm down. It's better than nothing."

"Such a narrow-minded perspective, how did you become the leader of [DxD]?" Lusbeta questioned, appearing somewhat surprised by Daniel's pragmatic outlook.

"Cause I'm smokin' hot!" Daniel exclaimed with a mischievous grin as he sprinted towards Lusbeta. Frowning, Lusbeta brandished her cane and began firing magic bullets from it.

To her astonishment, Daniel casually marched through the barrage, snorting in response. Lusbeta found herself once again caught off guard. The bullets bounced harmlessly off Daniel's body, a sight she thought would happen with regular bullets but never with magic bullets. She had assumed that at the very least, they would force him to dodge.

Reacting with haste, Lusbeta swung her right arm to the side, conjuring a maelstrom of black clouds that unleashed a torrent of lightning bolts towards Daniel. Still, he continued his unstoppable advance, seemingly unfazed by the magical tempest, leaving Lusbeta in a state of bewilderment and growing unease.

With a lightning-fast swing of his baseball bat, Daniel lunged toward Lusbeta. Reacting with lightning speed, she conjured another black cloud beside her, anticipating it to safeguard her from the impending strike, much like it had with Fego earlier. To her utter dismay, however, the cloud shattered upon contact, leaving her utterly exposed. The sheer impact of Daniel's bat connected with her side, propelling her through several walls in her wake.

Capitalizing on the breach, Daniel immediately cast another sleeping spell on Fego, ensuring his continued state of unconsciousness. Without skipping a beat, he darted off in pursuit of Lusbeta, rapidly closing the gap between them.

Upon catching up to her, he unleashed a devastating foot strike directly into her stomach, sending her careening even further than before.

In a quick, fluid motion, Daniel raised his baseball bat high above him, his eyes locked on Lusbeta. With a forceful swing, he unleashed a large aura slash that hurtled towards her. Undeterred by the pain in her stomach, Lusbeta managed to land on her feet, immediately readying her defensive measures.

She conjured several black clouds, interweaving them with intricate defensive magic circles. Lusbeta hoped these barriers would prove effective against Daniel's relentless onslaught. However, her hopes were quickly dashed as the aura attack continued to charge forward, refusing to be slowed or halted by her meticulous defenses.

In a last-ditch attempt to evade the incoming strike, Lusbeta leaped away from the aura attack. But it was too late. The aura slash connected with her, sending her careening away once more. In its wake, it left a gaping, bloodied gash from her shoulder all the way down to her chest.

Standing before the immobilized Lusbeta, Daniel announced, "I advise you to surrender now, or I'll be compelled to use more deadly measures."

"More deadly...? Isn't this deadly enough?" Lusbeta questioned in bewilderment, her body unmoving as Daniel stood prepared to strike her down. Resigned, she added, "...Very well. But, as I mentioned earlier, you won't obtain any valuable information from me. We are restricted in our knowledge as foot soldiers."

"Oh, you needn't trouble yourself about that," Daniel replied as he efficiently restrained her and proceeded to heal her injuries. "Everything is merely a formality. We are already aware of the location of your base, fufu."

The revelation left Lusbeta visibly shocked, prompting her to assert, "You're bluffing. You don't know where it is."

"It's in a different dimension created by the demi-gods of your organization. It's also—" Daniel began.

"Stop! Fine!" Lusbeta shouted, cutting him off and bringing a smirk to Daniel's face.

"It's over?" Elyscia questioned, her gaze shifting to the wreckage. Both Daniel and Lusbeta turned to observe the scene, where Elyscia and Lena stood.

"As you can see," Daniel responded, pointing towards the captive Lusbeta. He then snapped his fingers, teleporting the still-unconscious Fego beside him. "This should be the start. Let's look for the rest and update Ajuka on our progress," he added.

"Not necessary," announced Ajuka, appearing from behind Elyscia and Lena, accompanied by Mealeanis. "We've been keeping tabs on their movements for the past few weeks, but they didn't appear to be planning any action soon. So, we decided to let it be. However, it seems like you three had a different plan in mind."

Viewing the aftermath, Mealeanis commented, "Of course, we would have preferred less destruction, but I suppose it could have been worse."

"Believe me, I tried to keep the damage to a minimum," Daniel retorted, "I even snuck in earlier, all stealthy-like. Just this floor got hit. I'd say I did a good job of not wrecking too much!" He attempted to defend his actions, managing to elicit a smile from Mealeanis.

"I was just teasing you, Daniel," she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. "You did a good job at minimizing the damage. Thanks for that."

Daniel sighed in resignation at Mealeanis' teasing.

"So, let's go and contact the rest of the alliance, then. We need to give them the heads-up on the situation. We can request more Shadow Soldiers to be on guard here and maybe even around the globe, considering the recent escalations. We got intel earlier that more of them got caught trying to cause chaos." Ajuka explained.

"Hold on, what?" Daniel's brows furrowed in confusion.

Ajuka conjured a magic circle before Daniel, revealing around fifteen people, their status comparable to Fego and Lusbeta, all restrained within the boundaries of Germany. The Hound Unit of the nation's supernatural police force escorted them.

"We still haven't identified their present objective there, as they're currently being interrogated," Ajuka added, a subtle smile gracing his lips as he stared at Lusbeta. "But we should include them in our plans. Even if one of them claimed not to have any useful information, perhaps a different interrogation method could be employed to extract valuable details."

"Is there a new interrogator now that Yashina has left for the Phantasma to join Boss?" enquired Daniel.

"Yes, there is. They're from the same [EXE] group as Yashina, but they remained behind since not all of them went to the Phantasma with Azazel's earlier group. They're quite dependable, and dare I say just as merciless as Yashina," Ajuka explained.

"As merciless? I find that hard to believe, but I'll believe it when I see it. So, let's go," said Daniel, taking hold of Lusbeta and guiding her towards the others.

The rest of the group concurred, and they swiftly departed for the prisons and cells of the alliance. The forthcoming events promised to unveil more about the Abyssal Constellations and their sinister plans.

— ○ ● ○ —

Suzaku Himejima's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

An hour had passed since we left Hauillne Bataress, and a lingering sadness permeated the air between all of us. The unforeseen circumstances had cast a somber pall over our day, forcing us to confront the harsh realities life occasionally throws our way.

Aaron and Aoife seemed to be the most affected, their demeanor reflecting a newfound gravity. As our ship traveled through space on autopilot, I made my way to Aaron's room. The journey back to the Resistance's planet still had a few hours left, providing ample time for reflection.

The impact of our recent encounter extended beyond just Aaron and Aoife. The unsettling experience left its mark on all of us, prompting contemplation about what lay ahead, especially when facing unsettling enemies like Elanor. While I had already made my own decisions, the uncertain path awaiting the rest of the group raised questions about the future and how each member would navigate it.

As I drew near to Aaron's chambers, I chanced upon Aoife, her mind wandering, gazing out the window with an absent look on her face. Concerned for her well-being, I strode up to her and gently inquired, "Aoife, are you all right?"

"I long to save everyone, Suzaku, but I know it's not feasible. I don't want anyone to die. I wish I possessed more power to change things. Still, even as I say that, Aaron once told me that if he wielded his powers in the manner I proposed, would anything people do be 'real?' Would anything matter then if everything is set to be 'good?'" Her voice trembled as she voiced her inner turmoil.

"...So, are you talking about those stories where fate plays a central role?" I inquired, attempting to ascertain the precise nature of Aoife's query. Aoife nodded in affirmation.

"Exactly. In those narratives, everything is orchestrated by an unseen hand of fate. If that's the case, do those individuals have any real choice? If their destiny is predetermined, regardless of how hard one struggles or tries to direct their life, they will inevitably end up in the preordained situation or position. If that's the case, what's the point of it all?" Aoife delved into the philosophical conundrum of predestined fate and its implications on free will and purpose.

To Aoife, I must admit that I lack a definitive answer myself. Looking back, it seems that destiny had set me on a particular course. I was bestowed with the Sacred Beast, the Zhuque, and consequently became one of the most skillful wielders of flames among my fellow clansmen. Moreover, I received guidance and training from my great uncle, Suou Himejima, a formidable presence in our clan.

The paradox of fate versus choice intrigued me. Although my life had been predetermined in various ways, I chose to lead my clan differently, despite facing considerable resistance. Yet, I was acutely aware that I could not have achieved this on my own. The delicate dance between destiny and personal choice wove a complex narrative, and navigating it required both self-determination and external support.

Tobio and the Slash Dog Team had once lent me a hand, but it was insufficient. That is, until Aaron showed up with a slightly different approach which truly did astound me, even making me wonder why I hadn't thought of it earlier. Of course, I attributed this to the fact that I was preoccupied with my own life, as well as the chaos that was unfolding with the Wizards of Oz.

"...I can't dictate how you should live your life, Aoife. Just like Aaron and I, you have to find your own way and come to your own conclusions. Whether or not they're the 'right' ones is entirely up to you. But rest assured, we'll be here to support you, and I'm certain Aaron would say the same," I assured her.

"Moreover," I added, "you, too, left your previous world prematurely. In a sense, you still have the mind of a teenager in need of more life experiences. Yet, that's why you ought not to let whatever you witnessed today weigh you down. Instead, consider it a lesson and grow from it. For you weren't the sole one to experience a shift of heart today, remember."

"...You're referring to Aaron, aren't you? It's true, I hadn't seen him that... cold and savage before. But his usual demeanor returns when he's around us," she said, her voice reflecting uncertainty about the transformation we bore witness to in Aaron earlier.

"That's true, but I believe Aaron has always had 'that' aspect to him. It seemed to surface when Lavinia nearly died once, and resurfaced when a significant portion of both humans and the supernatural were killed by Lapis. Today merely served as a reminder that, even under his new regime, he cannot dictate everyone's actions nor compel them to live as he wishes, desiring everyone to be free," I expounded to her.

Aoife continued to gaze out the window, her silence eventually broken by, "Thank you, Suzaku. Might I request some time alone?"

"Certainly, you can always come to me if you need to vent," I reassured her, embracing her in a comforting hug before proceeding towards Aaron's chamber.

— ○ ● ○ —

As I drew near to Aaron's room, I saw Lavinia outside, fluttering her arms in a frenzied manner, resembling a flustered chicken. She paced back and forth, seemingly ensnared in a dilemma regarding whether to venture within the room or maintain her position outside. Upon sighting me, she rushed over and enveloped me in a warm embrace.

"What's troubling you, Lavinia? Why were you pacing outside of Aaron's room?" I queried, intrigued by her peculiar behavior.

"I wasn't sure if I should go in his room," she said, her words sowing seeds of confusion within me.

"What do you mean?" I pressed for further elucidation, my curiosity piqued by the enigma of her hesitation.

"Aaron's... sleeping. But he looked so exhausted earlier, and I'm worried I'll disturb him if I burst in there now," Lavinia murmured, her uncertainty palpable.

"You're overthinking this, let's go," I encouraged her, and we ventured into his room. As soon as we entered, Aaron's eyes flickered open, and he straightened, gazing at us.

"Hmm? Suzaku and Lavinia... did you need something?" he asked, his voice tinged with fatigue. The dark circles beneath his eyes bore testament to his weariness. It made me wonder about the burdens that had weighed on his mind during all of today's events. Even earlier, as we prepared to leave, Aaron stayed largely quiet, his thoughts lost in deep contemplation.

In a sudden panic, Lavinia hastily tugged at her dress, inadvertently revealing her chest and bra to Aaron, who appeared thoroughly bewildered.

"B-boobies...?" Lavinia stammered, her own confusion evident in her voice. After a moment, Aaron let out a soft chuckle and patted the bed, inviting us to join him. I obliged, and Lavinia promptly adjusted her clothing.

"For now, let's just rest. I'm feeling quite exhausted," he said, and we both readily concurred, snuggling up beside him on the bed.

I pondered to myself, I'll broach the subject later; there's still time... hopefully. The upcoming operation should be some time away, so we can take our time with everything. The brief interlude of tranquility provided a temporary reprieve from the intricate complexities and daunting challenges we faced, allowing us to share a moment of serene calm together.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Only an hour remained until our return to the Resistance's base. Due to the imminent events, I had already made the spaceship invisible and even added a protective layer in that part of the universe, ensuring that no one could trace our base's location.

Now, I found myself in my personal quarters with Lavinia and Suzaku. We had awoken earlier, after our brief few hours of sleep. Lavinia lay on my lap, gazing at the snow globe-like item that contained Hauillne Bataress, while Suzaku hugged my arm and rested her face against my shoulder.

We spent a tranquil hour together; the atmosphere was mostly serene, punctuated by Lavinia's occasional questions about the globe. The door to my room then slid open, revealing the figure of Aoife.

With furrows of concern etched across my face, I hesitantly inquired, "Aoife, is everything alright?" Her visibly distressed demeanor betrayed the turmoil within her, as she hastily shed her shoes, climbing onto my bed and seeking solace by burying her face into my chest. Upon sensing her distress, Lavinia set aside the globe, joining in the embrace, followed by Suzaku.

A momentary hint of awkwardness lingered amidst the gathering, but this was soon set aside, as I reciprocated their comforting gestures. A silence enveloped us, an unspoken understanding that words were not immediately necessary.

It seemed apparent that Aoife simply needed this moment of solace, and I allowed the shared embrace to persist. My worry for her intensified, recognizing that Aoife still carried the same mindset from our youth.

Even after facing death and enduring great change, Aoife remained unwavering in her deeply ingrained beliefs. The arduous journey she had undergone certainly presented considerable obstacles to altering her viewpoint. Still, a resolute resolve arose among us to provide the constant support she required during this tumultuous time.

As the journey back to the Resistance's base unfurled, our concerted effort to alleviate the prevailing tension and unease took precedence. We plunged into light-hearted banter, shared jokes, and reminisced about our past tales, choosing these means to dispel the lingering disquiet born from the day's intense experiences.

Although my list of tasks remained considerable, adopting a demeanor of normalcy, clinging to my usual self, emerged as an essential tactic to soothe the strained nerves of those in our presence. Recognizing the therapeutic value of preserving a semblance of normalcy, I resolved to maintain this approach for the collective benefit of our group's well-being.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Well, that's the plan, and I'm prepared to set it in motion tomorrow. I'll be sharing the rest of the intel with [DxD], and anyone who wants to come along is welcome. Any pressing questions?" I spoke to the gathered leaders during our unplanned meeting.

An hour had quickly elapsed since our return to the Resistance's planet, and I wasted no time in rallying the essential figures and anyone eager to join the cause. Specifically, I called upon my own group, as their firsthand experiences could add credence to our earlier visit.

Lysanvar, expressing genuine concern, voiced his apprehensions. "Taking on the liberation of at least eighteen planets within just three days is no small undertaking. Are you absolutely certain you'll be up for the task?"

"Your worry is noted, Lysanvar, but have don't worry, for I am designed for such endeavors. I am capable of going without sleep, food, or any other essential necessities indefinitely, so do not worry on my account," I reassured him. "Let's now refocus our attention onto the details of the soon-to-be mission, targeting Etoce Rhirlara."

Lysanvar nodded in agreement, and our discourse flowed seamlessly back into the meeting, addressing the specifics of the imminent mission. Despite a few lingering glances of concern directed my way, I reciprocated with a tranquil smile, silently communicating my conviction that all would be well.

The initial strategy involved deploying duplicates to handle the liberation of the eighteen planets, permitting me to concentrate on the more crucial ones. However, a nagging sensation of disquiet stirred me to reconsider my stance.

I resolved to undertake the task myself, driven by an unyielding urgency to liberate the souls residing on those planets. The mere thought of their prolonged torment compelled me to act quickly and personally.

— ○ ● ○ —

After yet another hour had elapsed, I found myself seated by the serene lake in Piualvan. Seeking solace in the tranquility of this place, I welcomed the opportunity to relax and contemplate the multitude of complexities that lay before me. Despite a few individuals approaching me earlier, expressing concern, I had reassured them that all was well.

However, was it truly so? Beneath the veil of composure, the weight of rulership pressed heavily upon my shoulders. The incessant duty of making decisions that not only served my interests but also benefited the greater populace, coupled with the inevitable sacrifices, took a toll on my weary soul.

As I reflected on the challenges I faced, a newfound appreciation blossomed for those leaders who navigated similar responsibilities. The laborious task of governing, especially for those who genuinely cared for their people, now resonated more deeply with me.

A sudden shockwave shook the serene landscape beside me, disturbing the peaceful surface of the lake. The distinct laughter of "Fuahahaha!" resounded, and as I turned to investigate, I found Sairaorg accompanied by Silveteela and Esina.

"Welcome back, Sairaorg. How was your mission with your team?" I asked, acknowledging his return.

He nodded affirmatively before taking a seat beside me, Silveteela settling down next to him, and Esina wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"I've heard about your plans, Aaron, and I've also gotten wind of the events today," he began, his fist clenching in response. "I won't forgive that witch! No matter the challenges life throws at you, there's always a choice. I believe Elanor was not born evil, but rather, she was created that way. Meanwhile, Esina-sama here was fashioned from kindness." Sairaorg's declaration echoed with a determination to stand against the forces of evil in this universe.

Sairaorg's unwavering response elicited a smile from me, but before I could express my gratitude, he continued, "I won't be able to accompany you on those endeavors, but I'll have Kuisha tag along. Furthermore, I've been selected for the mission to Etoce Rhirlara, though I'm doubtful about their decision."

Intrigued, I inquired, "Why the hesitation? You're more than capable of managing that mission."

Sairaorg shook his head, providing a reason, "I suspect it involves elements of stealth, disguise, and subtlety. Do I give off the impression of someone skilled in those areas?"

Amused by Sairaorg's perplexed expression, I chuckled and shook my head. "No, you're right, you don't strike me as the stealthy type. However, with your newfound magic abilities, you can use illusion or transformation magic to alter your appearance. So, it's not entirely out of the question."

Silveteela chimed in with a giggle, watching Sairaorg's bemused reaction. "You're right," he conceded, a realization dawning on him. "I tend to forget about the versatility of magic in that regard. My usual go-to involves enhancement magic or straightforward spells to take down my opponents." With a nod of wisdom, he acknowledged the broader spectrum of magical capabilities at his disposal.

Rising to full height, Sairaorg and I both stood, a fresh wave of jubilance washing over the atmosphere. He extended his fist towards me, and we exchanged a friendly fist bump. "We'll catch up later, Aaron. I'll touch base with you again tomorrow before you set out," he declared.

"Yeah, thanks, Sairaorg," I replied, eliciting a hearty laugh from him.

"For what?" he challenged. "I just came to chat with a friend and rival." With another burst of laughter, he ambled away.

His effort to uplift my mood did not escape my notice, even if our conversation had been relatively mundane. Swiveling around, I caught Esina smiling at me. Intrigued, I asked, "What can I do for you, Esina? Is the tree doing okay? I'll check on it shortly."

"Just dropping by to see how you were doing, and, as promised, the tree is thriving," Esina began. She held my head in her hands, placing it gently on her chest and running her fingers through my hair.

A wave of calm washed over me, and I found myself unexpectedly at ease. Choosing to savor the moment instead of overthinking it, I surrendered to the soothing embrace.

Our peaceful interlude was abruptly interrupted by Lavinia's outburst. Esina turned around, still holding me close, and our eyes met. Lavinia, her arm outstretched, pointed at us. "I want to—!" she exclaimed, hastening over to us and pulling me towards her. She pressed my face against her chest. "Do that," she declared.

Esina responded in her usual composed manner, "We all can, Lavinia. No need to compete over it." Her calm demeanor hinted at a willingness to share the comforting gesture among us.

"How about we go to the tree? I'm eager to see what's happening over there," I proposed, hoping to dissipate any potential fight between Esina and Lavinia. Thankfully, they both agreed, but the friendly competition continued as they both tried to capture my attention. Each of them took turns pulling me in their direction while we journeyed toward the tree.

— ○ ● ○ —

Utilizing my teleportation powers, I transported us near to the tree's top, where the core resided. At a provisional wooden table near us, Ebacan dined with gusto, whilst Danu stood beside the core, lost in thought. Upon detecting our arrival, they both waved in welcome.

I, intrigued by what I was seeing in front of me, posed the query, "How are things going? Esina mentioned there were some changes."

"All is well. Indeed, I saw that a change may be imminent. Nevertheless, the precise nature of the transformation remains a mystery. It could undergo a total metamorphosis, necessitating adjustments to the interconnected lines, or we might need to refashion Ivoryillum nearby. The specifics are still slightly ambiguous at present," Danu elucidated, providing insights into the evolving state of the tree's core.

"Intriguing," I murmured, drawing nearer to the core with Lavinia as we joined Danu in studying it. To our astonishment, the sapling and seed we had introduced earlier had vanished, seemingly absorbed by the core.

Recalling the initial absorption, wherein the items remained within the core without any noticeable changes, it was clear that something had shifted. The interior now displayed alterations, prompting curiosity about the nature of these changes.

"As you can see, the inside has transformed. Whether you consider this a boon or a bane is subjective, but as a goddess of nature, I interpret it as a favorable development. However, I would advise expanding the surrounding area of the tree," Danu suggested, offering her perspective on the matter.

"It'll turn into a bigger tree?" I inquired.

"Yes," Danu replied with a mischievous giggle, "it may grow to be more immense than any tree you've ever laid eyes upon, even the Yggdrasil of Norse lore," she added. "And another may, in time, produce edible fruits and plants around it as it evolves. This is merely a hypothesis from me, though it's the feeling I'm getting," she said, piquing my curiosity.

Lavinia regarded me with an expression I'd seen countless times before, causing me to chuckle. "You're correct, Nia," I said, "I can hardly wait to taste the food you make from this tree."

Lavinia jolted at my words, staring at me for a few moments before nodding her head vigorously. "Mmm. I-I'll do my best to create something delicious with it!" she answered with unbridled enthusiasm.

"I'd like to contribute a speculative thought as well," Ebacan interjected as he joined our gathering. We turned our attention to him, and he continued, "This is pure speculation, so take it with a grain of salt. I believe you might need to reinforce the lines connected to those wells. With an influx of more power, they might struggle to contain the discharge when the tree undergoes further transformations."

Nodding in acknowledgment of his insight, I reached out to touch the core, conducting my own assessment. What I discovered wasn't entirely surprising, and a sense of amusement played across my face. "There's no need for concern," I assured them, prompting puzzled looks. "A new 'guardian' will emerge from it, tasked with managing the influx of power. However, it will require a 'master' to guide it, so..." I trailed off, hinting at the potential need for someone to take on this role.

"You should take on the role," Ebacan insisted, joining the discussion. "Given that it was your idea to obtain it from Viriterra Remetura and integrate it with this tree, you'll have more sway and command over it. I recognize Danu's power, but I think you're the one who should be in charge."

"I must humbly disagree," I countered. "Danu is better suited to be the 'master' of it. As a primordial goddess of nature, earth, and wind, it aligns more with her dominion. Moreover, I already have my hands full. However, if she declines, I wouldn't be against the responsibility of doing it," I added, acknowledging the potential burden but expressing a readiness to undertake the role if necessary.

All eyes fell upon Danu as she pondered the proposition. With a moment's hesitation, she gave a slight nod of agreement. "Alright... but wouldn't that mean I'll have to stay on the planet permanently?" she asked, her expression tinged with a hint of melancholy.

In an attempt to soothe her concerns, I gently placed a comforting hand on her head. "Don't worry, Danu. I'll be spending significantly more time on the planet, so I can come visit you often and help with raising the guardian."

Lavinia furrowed her brows, her head tilting slightly as she voiced her suspicion. "The way you're implying... it's almost as if this guardian would be like a child between the two of you..." she observed, her eyes narrowing at me suspiciously.

I responded with a reminiscent smile, recalling past experiences. "Well, it's not entirely dissimilar. It's not the first time, though," I said, thinking back to Vivi and the various other children who had shared a similar bond with me—Millicas, Kunou, and Oppai Dragon children fans.

"And when will this commence?" Ebacan queried, his eagerness apparent in his tone.

I looked towards the core, mulling over the question for a moment or two before answering, "At earliest, tomorrow's early hours. At latest, towards the end of tomorrow's day. The process could speed up, considering the current conditions." I then placed my hand back on the core, sharing a bit of my energy with it.

"For now, this should suffice. I'll leave the two of you to it," I declared, bidding them a farewell before pressing a tender kiss on Danu's forehead and then heading off. Esina opted to stay behind, leaving Lavinia and me to leave the scene together.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lavinia and I teleported to one of the newly constructed settlements on the planet. Though devoid of an official title, it drew upon the architectural style of Osthureuk's birthplace, imparting an Egyptian-inspired atmosphere. Perched near the equator, the town boasted buildings with comparable design elements, culminating in a harmonious aesthetic.

As we arrived, we found ourselves adjacent to one of the town's gardens, which prominently featured a colossal statue of Osthureuk. His statue graced numerous locations throughout the town, serving as a constant homage to the inspiration behind its conception.

Already teeming with life, the townsfolk greeted us with open arms before resuming their daily routines. For Lavinia, it represented her inaugural visit, and she perused the surroundings with rapt attention. Conversely, this visit signified my sixth or so, as overseeing the construction of this place had been part and parcel of my duties.

"Why are we here?" Lavinia asked, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"Before we left for Hauillne Bataress, I released a subtle 'invitation' to Osthureuk's descendants and those who abandoned Viriterra Remetura. If they're interested, they'll reach out to Edlion, currently journeying across the cosmos, moonlighting as a mercenary and operative for our cause. So..."

"Does that mean they might consider settling here? Will there be a vetting process? It could be dangerous if a spy from Phumera's organization tried to infiltrate," Lavinia voiced her apprehensions.

"You're right. Even if someone manage to set foot on this planet or any under our governance, I'd be able to locate them within an instant. As of now, we've not detected any spies. But earlier, an incident did occur," I disclosed, stoking her curiosity.

"What's happened?" she asked, her grip on my arm growing tighter as we ambled away. Climbing two flights of stairs, we walked past numerous buildings and columns decorated with banners and flags, bidding adieu to the garden and entering the vibrant streets of the town. Despite the absence of vehicles, the area buzzed with life as people engaged in their daily routines, some jogging and others leisurely strolling.

In the distance, street food vendors and small shops emerged into view, some still open and others closing shop as the day approached its twilight. Amid this bustling backdrop, I unfolded the events that had transpired.

"A team that ventured into Etoce Rhirlara inadvertently leaked information about the base—specifically, a certain section of it. Elanor has dispatched scouts across this sector of the universe to try and locate it, but rest assured, I've already dealt with the situation," I reassured Lavinia.

Upon arriving at a street vendor, we delighted in some delectable delicacies, and I generously tipped the vendor, brightening their mood before we continued our journey. Finding a vacant bench near a park, we settled down. The area remained abuzz with activity, a testament to the lively nature of the town.

From my knowledge, only a handful of the residents were descendants of Osthureuk. Their arrival prior to the recent events was a fortunate coincidence, and they seemed content with their newfound home.

"Nothing too bad, just a little precautionary measure on my part. I erected a barrier encompassing a sizable perimeter in this sector of the universe. Those who enter will perceive different surroundings and conveniently forget certain details upon leaving. When they report back to Elanor, all they'll recall is 'nothing,' so there's no need for concern. I'm the sole individual capable of detecting it; not even Cúntóir and Azathoth are privy to its existence," I elucidated to Lavinia.

Cúntóir: Answer: That accounts for the peculiar sensation I experienced earlier. I assumed you were merely engaging in some finger-snapping whimsy.

I replied with a barely perceptible smirk, electing to keep my retort unsaid as I sensed her leaving my soul and joining us on the bench.

Engrossed in conversation, our focus shifted when a distant commotion disrupted the serene atmosphere. Exchanging glances, we rose from our seats and ventured towards the source of the disturbance.

Upon arriving at the scene, we discovered an individual sprawled on the ground, his mouth frothing. Rapidly approaching, I examined him and, fortunately, found him mostly unharmed—a victim of a knockout rather than a serious affliction. To my left, a burly figure seethed with anger.

"What happened here?" I inquired, directing my gaze between the angry man and the surrounding crowd.

"He dared to insult Lord Osthureuk, not only that, but he also mocked his accomplishments. Lord Osthureuk has been a cornerstone for our people, and the sheer audacity of this scoundrel to label him a failure was something I couldn't abide!" thundered the enraged man, jabbing an accusatory finger at the still-recovering individual.

Observing the situation, I nodded in understanding of the man's anger and began to heal the fallen one, coaxing him back to consciousness. As his eyes flickered open, he shot to his feet, shouting, "He just assaulted me! Why isn't he being arrested!?"

A heavy silence befell the onlookers, their eyes collectively trained on the man. Undaunted, he launched into a frenzied dance, adopting a menacing stance. Frankly, I had no inclination to wade into the escalating situation, so I sighed and stood up.

Scanning the crowd, I observed the hastily assembled "police" force of the town. Normally, my Shadow Soldiers were tasked with preserving order in various settlements across this world. But as this particular area was still under development, I had yet to establish a significant presence here.

From what I could see, the few guards stationed had been diligently following my directives, focusing on monitoring the periphery and crucial locations. As a result, their response to the ongoing disruption had been somewhat delayed.

With a gesture, I signaled for the police to come closer. They promptly marched over, the one in charge adopting a more serious disposition. He quickly apprehended the man responsible for the disturbance, while the other officers efficiently restrained the burly individual. Both parties were then cuffed, completing the arrest.

"This issue can be quickly resolved. If it persists, do not hesitate to reach out to me," I instructed the officer, receiving a nod of acknowledgment before he departed with the two detained individuals. With their exit, the dispersing crowd signaled a return to tranquility, or so it seemed.

However, an unexpected outburst interrupted the dissipating tension. "Damn that god! Curse the outer god, a useless piece of shit! Their era is over!" the man vehemently shouted as he was being dragged away.

Intrigued, I turned my attention back to the agitated individual and used my [Observe] ability. To my surprise, I discovered his name was Hasirian, a direct blood descendant of Osthureuk. The revelation left me perplexed—why would he insult someone essentially akin to his progenitor?

Disregarding the chaotic scene, I guided Cúntóir and Lavinia away, retracing our steps to the bench. Upon settling, Lavinia voiced her worry, "Will you look into it?"

"…I have quite a bit on my plate at the moment, but possibly. There's an inexplicable agitation within him. Though he isn't a spy, something about this place deeply annoys him," I replied thoughtfully. "I'll assign a Shadow Soldier to observe him and proceed from there. Regardless, let's head home and get some rest. The next three days are bound to be demanding."

Eager to contribute, Lavinia grasped my arm and declared, "I can help with the planets and children!"

"You don't have to, but I appreciate the offer," I responded as we quickly departed, Cúntóir also expressing her willingness to help. While the invitation was open to anyone, the task of freeing the souls of children across eighteen planets was undeniably mentally and emotionally draining.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the sun crested the horizon, I found myself engrossed in the liberation mission, having already liberated two planets. The third awaited, and I ventured forth solo, as each team was reassigned for various objectives. Lavinia and Cúntóir, too, were rerouted for separate responsibilities, leaving me to confront the challenges ahead alone.

The current celestial body, marred by expansive swamps, teemed with eerie vestiges of lost souls—the lifeless forms of children and discarded dolls, submerged in the murky waters. The initial confrontation with the desolate scene was emotionally disquieting, but I quickly compartmentalized my own feelings to concentrate on the task at hand.

Stepping foot on the planet, I gravitated toward a conspicuous dwelling, emanating the most concentrated energy. Upon crossing the threshold, I was immediately met with a barrage of attacks from the possessed dolls within.

Pondering my unharmed body, one of the dolls voiced its bewilderment, "Huh? He's not hurt, why is that?"

"Maybe he's strong? What should we do?" inquired another doll.

Smiling at the curious gathering, I evoked the small silvery-white sphere once more, declaring, <<Let's play for a bit.>> The radiant orb expanded, enveloping the entire house and the desolate planet within its divine glow.

Today was definitely going to be an exhausting one, yet the emotional and mental fatigue were a minimal price to pay for the fruition of the mission. To me, each drop of effort invested was undeniably worthwhile.

— ○ ● ○ —

Having set free the children's souls, I sat atop the colossal branches of a tree on the reborn world. The landscape now brimmed with a vibrant scene of majestic trees, thriving flora, and teeming wildlife.

The scene before me was reminiscent of Earth's Amazon Rainforest, only expanded to encompass an entire planet. As I began to navigate this newly discovered paradise, I found that its Earth-like scale made traversing it a manageable endeavor.

"Now then…" I mused, rising from my perch. "Let's add this one to the collection." This time, instead of summoning a globe as I did with Hauillne Bataress, I conjured a necklace with my hand. My intention was to imbue these liberated eighteen worlds with a sense of unity and immortality, binding them together in a truly unique and unforgettable manner.

The celestial orb below me shimmered briefly, then vanished, absorbed into the delicate pendant. Peering into the locket, I inspected the enclosed world, relieved to see it unscathed, untouched by the transfer process. Satisfied with the outcome, I tucked the pendant away in my [Inventory] and prepared to teleport to the next planet in need of liberation.

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Natsume Minagawa's Soliloquy

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"Do you have to eat like that?" I queried my sister, Kanami, as she started devouring her meal with a fervor that bordered on manic.

She glanced at me, cocked her head, and attempted to respond, but her words were indecipherable to me. I merely sighed and shook my head, resigning myself to her weird habits. She shrugged her shoulders in response and carried on eating in her unorthodox manner.

Earlier that day, Suzaku and Lavinia had joined us for a mission that called for their unique skills. The ease with which Lavinia and Fusae collaborated was a godsend, yet the sheer magnitude of the area we had to cover prolonged our progress significantly. By the time we finally finished and returned, it was nearly nightfall.

Upon our return, Lavinia, Suzaku, and the rest of us inquired about Aaron's whereabouts, but it became apparent that he had not returned. Unfazed, we resumed our daily routine, diligently contributing our efforts to alleviate the multitude of tasks that required attention across the planet.

As the day unraveled, there was still no sign of Aaron. Nevertheless, we were attuned to his distinct aura, and we knew that when he returned, we would be promptly informed. In the interim, I found myself dining with the Slash Dog Team, Lavinia and Suzaku having departed earlier to attend to their respective duties.

"I'll head back first; I'm a bit tired," I told my team, receiving warm wishes as I parted ways. As I approached the vicinity of my room, I couldn't help but notice the illuminated hallway near Aaron's quarters. My curiosity piqued, I decided to investigate.

Upon nearing, I observed that not only was the hall light on, but Aaron's door was slightly ajar. Peering inside, I discovered him seated, an evident weariness etched across his face. Startled, he looked up and offered a wave, to which I reciprocated before entering his room.

"Aaron? When did you get back?" I asked, perplexed by his sudden appearance. His return to the planet had gone unnoticed, prompting me to consider the possibility that he intentionally concealed his presence, seeking some alone time.

Aaron suddenly bolted upright, startling me, before pulling me into an embrace. I stammered, hesitantly responding, unsure of how to handle the unexpected situation.

"Let' for a bit," he murmured, his face pressed against my chest.

We both agreed, making our way back to his bed and settling down. As I looked at him lying on my chest, it was clear that whatever he had experienced that day had taken a heavy toll on him. While he had previously been somewhat detached after his 10,000 years in isolation, the majority of that time had been spent in training, with the company of Ddraig, Albion, and a few others. Today was different; he had been alone, even his usual companions had departed.

Reflecting on his interactions with Rudra, I couldn't fully comprehend the depth of their relationship, but it seemed to be a positive one. Aaron often spoke of Rudra with a sense of admiration, portraying him as someone akin to an older brother.

With a gentle touch, I caressed Aaron's head, feeling his breaths soften into a steady rhythm. Lost in contemplation, I wondered when the last time we had shared such a serene moment was. Although it seemed like a far-off memory, I suspected it was merely the previous week, excluding our habitual exchanges and more "personal" encounters.

In this ever-bustling universe of ceaseless motion, such moments of relaxation were rare treasures. As the moments passed, I found myself absentmindedly twirling a lock of his hair, provoking a groan from him, which in turn elicited a giggle from me. Meeting his weary gaze as he looked up, I sensed a silent inquiry about the reason behind my actions.

Gazing down at him, I queried, "Do you want to discuss it? How many planets did you succeed in freeing?"

We reclined, and I leaned against the frame of his bed as he sank his head even further into my chest, inhaling profoundly. The act left me slightly flushed, and my thoughts momentarily drifted back to the earlier discussion with our friends about Aaron's peculiar fetishes.

Promptly banishing those thoughts, I reasoned that he was merely immersing himself in my scent, a practice not uncommon among our group. It was a slightly unorthodox but seemingly ordinary method of expressing affection for one another.

"In total, six planets. I was doing all right at first, though what I saw and encountered was harrowing, I tried not to let it affect me. However, the fifth and sixth planets pushed me to my limits. The horrors those children endured were... too much to bear. Elanor is undoubtedly a monster, a complete sociopath with no remorse," Aaron recounted, his gaze locked onto mine.

The intensity of his stare pierced deep, causing a shiver to ripple through me. "Regardless of what we may uncover about Elanor in the future, I will end her. If anyone dares to obstruct me, I'll be compelled to put them to sleep so I can reach her—no, she won't have an easy death," he declared, determination etched into every word.

Aaron's gaze bore into me, the intensity causing my body to involuntarily shake. Sensing the effect of his stare, he abruptly ceased, revealing a remorseful expression. I nestled my head into his chest as he embraced me, his fingers tenderly stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he apologized, his voice laden with regret. "But I meant what I said. There will be millions of children killed by Elanor for her own pleasure and experiments. I'll let her run free, allowing her to believe she's untouchable. Yet, when I finally corner her or if she believes she's escaped once more, I'll capture her and make her feel everything those kids experienced," he vowed with a cold tone of voice.

"Natsume?" he called out my name.

"Yeah?" I responded, mirroring his earlier action by leaning in to smell his chest, a gesture that made me inwardly berate myself.

"Would you accompany me to a few of those planets? I can arrange a replacement for you if your team has a mission," he requested, tightening his embrace.

For some inexplicable reason, my heart raced at this proposal—a mix of eagerness to spend time with Aaron and anticipation for what we might encounter on those planets. Without hesitation, I looked up at him, almost unintentionally bumping my head against his chin.

"I'll go! No, I want to go, please let me!" I exclaimed. Aaron stared at me and chuckled.

"Thank you," he replied, and we lapsed back into silence. After a few seconds, he inquired, "How did you know I was here? I'm pretty sure I killed my entire aura and presence."

"Um...well, I attempted to go to bed after dinner, but then I saw the hallway light on, and your door was ajar. Curiosity got the better of me, so I took a peek inside," I confessed with a slight blush before he let out a hearty laugh.

"I see," he said, and then... I felt his hand on my ass, he then squeezed it which caused me to stifle a moan. "Natsume…" he murmured into my ear, deepening my blush.

He tenderly laid me back down on the bed as I stretched my arms out, murmuring, "Mmm...come, Aaron…"

It seemed that Aaron wasn't too exhausted to engage in something more intimate. Not opposed to the idea, we shared the next few hours together, wrapped up in the cozy confines of his room.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Upon our descent to the tenth planet, both Natsume and Kuisha, who had accompanied me on this perilous journey, bore the evident strain of the horrors they had witnessed. Initially, they tried to maintain their stoicism, but by the time we reached the second planet, their emotional fortitude began to falter, and tears were shed for the hapless, suffering children. It was then that I perceived that even these two resilient souls had developed an intense animosity toward Elanor.

As for the present planet, it presented a bewildering oddity. A profusion of "glitches" disrupted the customary flow of reality, as if certain elements of existence had ceased to function. Periodically, whirling whirlpools of energy would emit discharges of purple, orange, and blue electricity from these "glitched" areas, creating an atmosphere that was both unsettling and surreal.

"I don't like this place," Natsume whispered, clutching my sleeve. "You said earlier that you felt something odd about it, didn't you? Do you think... it's not just those dolls here?" she asked.

I shook my head, replying, "I don't think so. I can sense a strange energy coming from ahead. Something has either changed on this planet or there's a third party involved. In any case, both of you need to stay on guard, alright?"

Natsume and Kuisha nodded in agreement. As we stepped into a clearing, we were met with an uncanny sight—an enormous statue standing in the center of a large circular space. Surrounding the statue, the familiar "glitches" flickered in and out of existence. What truly caught our attention, however, were the figures in dark robes scattered around the statue, creating an eerie scene.

"What the...what is this?" Kuisha's voice trembled in bewilderment as we stood before the unsettling scene.

"A cult? It can't be..." Natsume's voice trailed off, a hint of anger in her tone.

"Sure looks like it. I can hear them chanting Elanor's name from here..." I clenched my fists, rage boiling within me as we watched the cultists make their horrifying sacrifice. The dolls were consumed by the statue, releasing the souls of the children, which lingered, appearing even more distressed.

"They're sacrificing them..." Kuisha muttered, disdain heavy in his voice. Natsume's face paled as the full horror of the scene sank in.

"...You two, leave three of them alive. Kill the rest, leave those three alive." I pointed to three robed figures. They quickly agreed, their eyes filled with anger, and then vanished, ready to carry out their gruesome task.

[Partner,] Ddraig whispered my name.

"I know. I'm calm, Ddraig," I reassured him as I vanished from the spot. Reappearing above the clearing, I summoned the [Boosted Gear], conjuring a ball of draconic energy in front of me.


After receiving a single boost, I drew back my left arm and punched the energy ball, releasing a powerful torrent of draconic energy that shattered the statue below. The leader, a man among the robed figures, looked up at me in shock, but I vanished once more, reappearing beside him.

"He—" he tried to shout, but I quickly jabbed my elbow into his gut, stealing his breath. Capitalizing on the moment, I delivered a bone-crushing knee to his chin, leaving him unconscious.

In our battle, the few remaining robed figures hastily summoned unique attacks, their malicious intentions aimed squarely at me. However, with a precise and quick motion of my arm, I dispelled their attacks with ease, leaving them dumbfounded and trembling in fear. Not allowing them a moment to gather their wits, a maelstrom of demonic attacks rained down upon them, swiftly extinguishing their lives, curtsy of Kuisha.

In the wake of this fierce onslaught, countless wind blades materialized, slicing through the air with a deadly precision, leaving our enemies in halves or pieces. During the brief span of our "mission," Natsume and Kuisha had taken on a far more ruthless demeanor towards any opposition that came our way, fueled by the haunting specters of innocent children's plight.

Even in our encounters with seemingly wildlife on those alien planets, their actions proved surprisingly unsparing. Their ferocious handling of these creatures, a stark departure from their usual character, seemed driven by the lingering distress and anger over the actions of Elanor.

Upon diminishing their numbers to a meager trio, we methodically restrained and subdued them, as I artfully expropriated their powers, leaving them temporarily debilitated. To thwart any desperate acts, I sternly warned them against self-harm before administering an electrical shock to rouse them from their stupor.

As their awareness gradually returned, their befuddled gazes scanned their surroundings. Seizing the opportunity, I queried sternly, "State your identities and disclose the purpose that has led you here."

The apparent leader, under the influence of my powers and of the circumstances, reluctantly revealed, "We are the Magnum Sproes Cult, dedicated followers of Magnum Tenebrosum and Lady Elanor. Our devotion impels us to appease the wrath of the Outer God and seek the benevolence of Lady Elanor at any cost."

"Why subject innocent children to such torment?" Natsume's question hung in the air, her gaze piercing the cultists with a mix of anger and disdain.

The cult leader responded with a malevolent grin, proclaiming, "For the sacrifice to Master Magnum Tenebrosum and to pacify Lady Elanor! These children are the flawed outcomes of her experiments, hindering her enlightenment. Hence, they shall be offered to our other deity, Unagor!"

"Unagor?" Natsume echoed, her confusion evident. However, before any clarification could be sought, a palpable presence approached, and within moments, the cultists met their demise, their bodies withering away. Their life essence surged past us, and as we turned, a formidable figure appeared before us.

"It's Unagor," I muttered, fixing a stern gaze on the imposing entity. Natsume and Kuisha, too, wore expressions of displeasure at the unexpected confrontation with this cult god. Our day had taken an unforeseen turn, entangling us in a battle against forces we hadn't anticipated.

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