Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 22 – Part 4 – The Vampires of the Resistance

Valerie Tepes' Soliloquy

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The unfolding events took an unexpected turn from our initial expectations. Based on our prior encounters with him and the bits of information we had gathered, the intention was for a modest gathering, one that Laeronia could easily handle. However, a report had been filed, and an air of uncertainty now hung in the atmosphere.

After the revelation, communication took place, involving not only myself but also Gasper and the hybrid Fandren. The gathering included select leaders and other notable figures. Though not a comprehensive assembly, Savina was of the belief that a swift resolution was within reach. Nevertheless, the gravity of the situation was unsettling, leaving both her and me taken aback.

As I observed Gasper, impatience manifested through the rhythmic tapping of his foot, arms tightly crossed, and a palpable sense of concern etched on his face. Addressing him, I inquired with genuine concern, "Gasper, are you alright?"

"H-huh?" Gasper responded, emerging from the depths of his contemplation. Meeting my gaze, he offered a wry smile. "I'm fine, Valerie, I just didn't think this was how those vampires in this universe operated. It's kind of...disgusting."

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips as I agreed with him, "Yeah, it's really, really strange. According to Laeronia, they took it a step further, right? He even mentioned there was no guarantee it would work for them, but it did. Although the increase in strength is so marginal..."

Ecilon, one of the few vampires aligned with the Resistance in this universe, can be described as somewhat delusional. Initially displaying kindness and respect, he and his group eventually transitioned into a state of stalking toward Gasper and me. Given our hybrid nature, we initially attributed their behavior to curiosity, which, to some extent, was accurate.

However, their true intention emerged as they sought to recruit us into their peculiar cult or faction. The mere thought of Elmenhilde, a pureblood vampire, being present fills me with dread. The situation reached a tipping point when Fandren arrived, his presence being a rarity due to the perpetual conflict between demons and vampires in this universe.

So, there was an attempt to kidnap him. One of the vampires possessed the ability to duplicate things and people they touched, so they attempted to create a duplicate of Fandren, only to consume the clone with the intention of using him as a source of power.

The outcome was disastrous for some, while others gained only marginal power. As I mentioned before, most met their demise due to the unusual nature of the vampires' powers. They had never fully comprehended the depths of their abilities and wrongly assumed that they functioned like other similar powers.

Now, the situation has escalated irreversibly. As a result, they have barricaded themselves in one of the large storage rooms underground, attempting to wait it out.

However, this might not be the wisest decision at this point. Instead of putting an end to it ourselves, Laeronia has opted to seek Aaron's input. Consequently, Savina has reached out to him, and now we are all waiting for his group to arrive.

"Laeronia, do you think we can resolve this quickly?" Gasper asked, focusing on the matter at hand.

Considering Gasper's question, Laeronia looked at him and then down, taking a moment to reflect. After a pause, he replied, "Several factors will come into play. Ideally, we can resolve it quickly. However, if the vampires continue to consume Fandren's clones, it could lead to mutations and the awakening of enhanced abilities, making the situation more challenging. But with Boss involved, a quick resolution is still possible."

Gasper sighed, showing a mix of concern and resignation. "Aaron-nii is going to try to negotiate with them, right?" Gasper shook his head. "I expected as much from him."

"True to his nature, he will ask questions and most likely deliver a strong message for making him come back here prematurely when he has unfinished business on the new planet," Laeronia replied, capturing Aaron's characteristic approach of using diplomacy with force when necessary.

"You make me sound like a brute," Aaron's voice interjected, causing all of us to turn towards him. Ravel, Raynare, and Xenovia stood by his side, the latter now exuding a newfound aura of feminine allure.

'It looks like she finally went through with it,' I mused to myself, studying Xenovia with a smile as she gave a nod in my direction, confirming my earlier suspicions. Her gesture prompted a giggle from me, solidifying the accuracy of my intuition.

"I chose not to rely on my abilities to figure out the situation. Can you give a detailed explanation?" Aaron inquired, joining us with his group, his demeanor a mix of curiosity and nonchalance.

Savina, accompanying us, approached Aaron and began to explain the complex details of the unfolding situation. Laeronia joined the conversation, adding a focused dynamic. The rest of us—Gasper, Fandren, Morwenna, Eliara, Astrid, and Eliovan—stood in anticipation, waiting for their discussion to conclude. When Savina finished, Aaron nodded and let out a sigh.

"People and power, I swear..." he muttered, expressing a mix of exasperation and resignation. Another sigh followed, emphasizing his sentiment. Aaron then casually rolled up his sleeves and announced, "Alright, let's do this. I'll get the answers out of them through a bit of persuasion." With a casual stride, he began walking away, prompting the rest of us to exchange glances before following suit.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Aaron's nonchalant demeanor struck a peculiar note, bordering on the casual. He seemed more annoyed by the inconvenience than really enthusiastic about addressing the issue, yet a strange feeling of curiosity lingered beneath the surface.

Aaron turned his attention to Fandren, his concern evident as he asked, "Are you okay? They didn't harm you too much, did they?"

"No, one of them just held onto my arm and created a bunch of duplicates of me. They didn't even seem alive, just like a lump of flesh that looked like me," Fandren explained, trying to reassure him.

Understanding Fandren's words, Aaron gently patted him on the head, offering comfort and support. Together, we made our way to an elevator, taking us down to the storage facility. The descent lasted about a minute, and when we arrived, I was surprised to see Azazel and a few others already there.

"Oh, you're finally here. We've been hearing strange noises from inside, and it sounds like bones being crushed and flesh being eaten. I guess they gained some powers? There are still ten of them left in total from what I can tell. What's our next move?" Azazel asked, turning to Aaron for an answer.

"I'll—" Aaron began, only to have his words cut off before he could express his course of action.

"I'll accompany you—" Morwenna and Eliara both chimed in at the same time, creating a moment of surprise and laughter from Azazel.

"They're not too strong, but go ahead. If anyone else wants to go, then feel free," Azazel remarked, giving his approval. A selected group of us, including Aaron, myself, Gasper, Fandren, Morwenna, Eliara, Xenovia, Raynare, Ravel, and Eliovan, entered the expansive storage facility.

As we entered, Xenovia couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my god... what is that smell?" She recoiled, covering her nose in horror.

"Rotting flesh and blood—a lot of it. It seems like they've been busy. I didn't think they'd turn this place into a weird and disgusting buffet," Aaron responded, providing a grim explanation for the unsettling olfactory experience.

A deafening scream suddenly pierced the air, capturing our attention as we watched a massive creature hurtling toward us. It was a terrifying combination of shadows and blackened bones, with a glowing purple center on its face and a protruding crystal of purple rock from its chest. Its menacing appearance was accentuated by razor-sharp claws adorned with purple tips, and it emitted growls as it soared toward us.

"Is that... a mutation?" Eliovan gasped in shock at the grotesque sight.

"Vapalito, that was one of the names of the vampires from Ecilon's group, right? My necklace is showing that name for this thing," Gasper revealed, leaving several of us astounded. "He certainly... changed into something weird."

Gasper extended his hand, his eyes glowing as he exerted control, causing the now monstrous Vapalito to freeze midair. He turned to Aaron, asking, "Kill or live? Do you want to revert them, Aaron-nii?" The decision hung in the air, awaiting Aaron's response.

Aaron fixed his gaze on the wailing creature, its screams echoing in the chamber, restrained by Gasper's Sacred Gear's time-stopping ability. In a decisive tone, Aaron declared, "Out of the remaining ten, only three will live. The rest can be killed. I checked each of their histories, ambitions, and multiple futures; it's grim for the seven, and only three of them will be allowed to live... kill him."

Gasper, with closed eyes, summoned a colossal hand crafted from darkness, ensnaring Vapalito and gradually crushing him to his death. His body disintegrated into a ghastly mixture of blood and bones, dissipating along with the shadows around him. The purple crystal, however, fell to the ground.

It floated towards Aaron's outstretched hand, where he stared at it. "It's his heart, it was exposed and crystallized. How peculiar, I want to meet that vampire with the strange ability to duplicate anything," he mused, and the crystal vanished from sight. The ominous verdict had been delivered, and the fate of the remaining vampires hung in the balance.

"Ecilon, Marilua, and Vewerlu, those three will survive; the rest can be disposed of. I will head towards Vewerlu, he's the one with the power. The rest is up to you," Aaron conveyed before disappearing into the shadows.

"Then let's go in groups of three. How shall we form them?" I suggested, and everyone turned their attention to me.

"We were already a trio, so we'll stay together," Raynare asserted, with Xenovia and Ravel nodding in agreement.

"Alright, the small guys trio it is. Gasper, Fandren, you two come with me," Eliovan proposed, eliciting a chuckle from Gasper at the name of their group.

"Then I'll go with Eliara and Morwenna. Let's get going," I declared, and we began our separate paths, each trio prepared to confront the designated vampires and carry out Aaron's decision.

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Third Person Point of View

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Navigating through the horrific scene, the trio of shorter individuals, led by Eliovan, made their way through a seemingly haphazard section of the underground storage facility. The surroundings were littered with dismembered body parts, viscera, and blood, emitting an overwhelming stench.

"Ugh...this heightened sense of smell is not doing me any favors right now," Gasper grimaced, trying to shield his nose from the repulsive odor.

"Agreed," Fandren nodded in discomfort, also covering his nose.

Although visibly disgusted, Eliovan didn't struggle with the same overwhelming scent as his companions. He shook his head and commented, "Yeah, it's disgusting, but having that ability would come in handy in other situations. You guys are like dogs."

"That's a bit rude, Elio..." Gasper replied, managing a chuckle in the middle of the unpleasant situation.

"Sorry, but—" Eliovan started to respond, but the trio suddenly froze, sensing three powerful auras. Eliovan gestured for silence, placing his finger in front of his lips, and the trio stealthily advanced toward the mysterious energies.

Behind a set of shelves, the trio stumbled upon three distinct beings. One had the appearance of a man, another that of a woman, and the third resembled a flying creature. Despite their previous knowledge that these were the former vampires, the extent of their transformations left them in awe.

Using the analytical capability of his necklace, Gasper examined the trio and confirmed, "The one on the left is Rugasliv, the woman in the middle is Barbarosa, and the flying creature…"

A brief pause built anticipation for an imposing name, but Gasper's revelation left Eliovan and Fandren in a state of disbelief.

"Kevin," Gasper announced, his expression almost devoid of emotion. The tension that had gripped Eliovan and Fandren dissipated, replaced by dumbfounded stares at Gasper.

"Kevin?" Eliovan echoed with disbelief. "How is that supposed to strike fear into anyone?" he questioned, shaking his head in disbelief.

Gasper shrugged, his own disbelief evident. "I can't say. Maybe that was their given names at birth, or so I assume... we can't simply change them at will," he responded, equally puzzled.

"Well... the specifics hardly matter. Since they're not Marilua or Ecilon, these individuals must meet their end, unfortunately. Farewell, mighty Kevin," Fandren lamented, his tone tinged with sorrow.

Suddenly, all three of them leaped away as the area they had occupied was obliterated by a swirling black wind that coalesced into a miniature tornado. They landed safely on the ground, a distance away from the three transformed vampires.

"Well, it appears we're going to fight them now," Eliovan remarked, readying gloves with nearly invisible strings attached to them, while his body became enveloped in touki. "I'm ready whenever you two are."

Fandren and Gasper nodded in agreement. "Very well, I'll confront... Kevin then," declared Eliovan confidently.

"I'll engage Rugasliv, and Fandren can handle Barbarosa," suggested Gasper, assigning roles swiftly.

"Wait, I'd like to suggest something first. What if we contact Aaron afterwards and request him to modify them so that I can consume them? Wouldn't that be more practical?" Fandren proposed timidly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Gasper and Eliovan exchanged surprised glances at the unexpected idea.

While hesitant at first, they couldn't deny the potential benefits of having their enemies modified for consumption. Gasper nodded, agreeing to the plan. "I'll contact him immediately and explain the situation," he affirmed before turning away momentarily. When he turned back, he nodded again. "It's possible. We only need to leave a small portion of them intact, and Aaron can modify them accordingly. That way, consuming that piece will grant you access to all their powers," Gasper explained, confirming the plan's viability.

After their discussion, the trio quickly vanished to face their foes. Eliovan wasted no time in beginning the battle, landing a powerful kick on the flying creature known as Kevin. Kevin's piercing screech filled the air as he was sent hurtling backward, crashing through shelves filled with various items.

Eliovan immediately pursued Kevin, standing firmly in front of the creature. Kevin, with his small frame adorned with six delicate wings and a long tail, had small protrusions on his head and a single piercing purple eye. Dark shadows emanated from his form as he rose back into the air, fixating a piercing glare upon Eliovan.

In response to Kevin's aggression, he unleashed a barrage of black wind blades and purple energy beams from his eye. Eliovan skillfully evaded the onslaught with minimal movements, skillfully dodging the attacks.

Undeterred, Kevin conjured miniature black tornadoes with the flapping of his wings, directing them towards Eliovan. With skill and precision, Eliovan raised his right hand, steadying it with his left, before unleashing a relentless torrent of large touki bullets aimed at the oncoming tornadoes.

In the middle of the clash between opposing forces, a sudden explosion erupted, engulfing the immediate area. Eliovan, skillfully evading the blast, leaped backward. To his surprise, Kevin, undeterred by the explosion, swiftly flew past it, seeking to bite into Eliovan's shoulder. Reacting with agility and resourcefulness, Eliovan used his strings to wrap around a nearby pillar, skillfully pulling himself out of harm's way, narrowly escaping the menacing bite.

Kevin, relentless in his pursuit, changed course to continue the attack. In a clever maneuver, Eliovan fired a compact touki bullet towards the overhead lights, shattering the supports and causing them to crash down upon Kevin. While the falling debris didn't cause significant damage, it successfully diverted Kevin's attention, allowing Eliovan to swiftly reposition himself, circling around a pillar and launching himself back at the airborne enemy.

Before Kevin could fully comprehend the situation, Eliovan's touki-infused foot connected forcefully with his face, propelling Kevin backward and crashing into the reinforced walls. Seizing the opportunity, Eliovan reshaped his strings into a makeshift dagger and closed the distance, driving the improvised weapon into one of Kevin's wings.

Kevin writhed in agony, his injured wing causing him immense pain. Furiously flapping his remaining wings, he created a powerful gust that sent Eliovan tumbling backward. Kevin hoped for his wing to heal, but to his dismay, it showed no signs of regeneration.

Little did he know, Eliovan's gloves and strings, crafted by Aaron, possessed unique properties that hindered healing and regeneration abilities. With these unconventional weapons, Eliovan had gained a formidable advantage against foes reliant on recuperative powers.

Fueled by frustration and anger, Kevin unleashed a furious scream, followed by a massive purple beam of energy emanating from his eye. Determined to evade the attack, Eliovan leaped away, trying to outmaneuver the relentless attack. Unyielding in his pursuit, Kevin redirected the beam with unerring accuracy, tracking Eliovan's movements.

Desperate for survival, Eliovan sprinted behind pillars and sought refuge among shelves in a bid to shield himself from the destructive force of the relentless energy beam. Despite his efforts, the sheer power of the attack proved overwhelming, obliterating obstacles in its path and leaving Eliovan with dwindling options for evasion.

"This won't go anywhere, I gotta finish it up," he muttered to himself. His gaze shifted to his gloves and strings, and he proceeded to infuse them with touki and his own energy. "They're already tough and strong enough, but this should make it an instant kill."

Eliovan discreetly attached strings near the location where Kevin had moved and readied his plan. He continued to maneuver around the area, almost tracing a circle, taking advantage of Kevin's rage, which had narrowed his focus solely on this task and prevented him from considering alternative methods to attack Eliovan.

The young blonde man discharged several touki bullets at the flying creature, aiming to lure it to a more advantageous position, and the tactic proved effective. Gradually and methodically, Eliovan guided Kevin to a spot where executing his plan would be more feasible than in their previous positions, carefully positioning himself for the end of this confrontation.

Reaching his strategic vantage point, Eliovan unleashed a relentless barrage of colossal touki bullets aimed at Kevin. In response, Kevin quickly redirected the vibrant beam of purple energy to obliterate the incoming attacks, resulting in explosions that draped the vicinity in a haze of swirling purple and white smoke.

Seizing the obscured surroundings to his advantage, Eliovan deftly fashioned a sword from the threads of his glove. Infusing the newly formed weapon with both touki and energy, he propelled himself forward with his strings and powerful thrust from his legs, hurtling towards Kevin with firm intent.

Arriving in close proximity to the airborne entity, Eliovan wasted no time and quickly darted past Kevin, cleaving him in twain with his makeshift sword. Kevin, momentarily suspended in a state of bewilderment, gradually comprehended the abruptness of Eliovan's actions.

As Eliovan pivoted to survey the aftermath, Kevin's body began to undergo a gruesome change, cleaved down the center as blood gushed forth from the gaping wound. Despite Kevin's futile attempts to vocalize his anguish, his existence was abruptly snuffed out, his life extinguished by Eliovan's decisive strike.

As Kevin's motionless body lay on the ground, Eliovan let out a tired sigh, his gaze fixed on his defeated opponent before approaching him with a mix of deep thought and regret. "This should suffice, right?" he muttered, recalling Gasper's instructions on the minimum requirement.

Staring into Kevin's empty and lifeless eyes, Eliovan couldn't help but question the morality of his actions. "Was it really justifiable to end their life?" he pondered aloud, wrestling with doubts despite his trust in Aaron's judgment. Yet, Aaron's firm assertion about the irredeemable nature of the other seven beings, even after careful consideration of countless potential outcomes, lingered in Eliovan's mind. "Maybe it was," he reluctantly admitted.

Thinking back to the day they first arrived on the planet, battered and scared, Eliovan felt a pang of guilt. While acknowledging their need for help and work at the time, he recognized their inability to adequately support them in the prevailing circumstances. Despite their sincere efforts, he couldn't shake the regret of seeing many of them slowly give in to despair despite their meager support.

Mindful of their reluctance to discuss their past before coming to the planet, Eliovan couldn't help but wonder about the hardships they must have endured in their society and species. However, seeing their varied states upon arrival—some haunted, some agitated, and others seemingly devoid of vitality—left him amazed by their apparent resilience.

Nonetheless, considering their current situation, he couldn't help but question the true extent of their "comeback," suspecting it may not have been as healthy as it seemed.

Considering his next steps, Eliovan decided to seek answers from Aaron about the mysterious circumstances surrounding their arrival and subsequent descent into despair. Pondering the possibility of questioning the remaining trio of survivors. "I'll ask Aaron or those three," he murmured to himself, reflecting on the unresolved mysteries that lingered after Kevin's death.

After offering a silent prayer for Kevin, Eliovan cast a final glance at his lifeless form before turning to investigate the whereabouts of Gasper and Fandren, leaving behind the battlefield and the weight of unanswered questions.

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Locked in combat with the solitary female vampire mutated within the group, Fandren grappled with a subtle unease brought on by past encounters with women of her kind, especially Morwenna and the like. However, unwavering in his resolve, he pushed aside any lingering fear, choosing instead to meet the confrontation head-on.

His opponent, adorned with serpentine black hair and piercing crimson eyes, exuded a foreboding presence, draped in a dark garment that emphasized her imposing figure, complete with razor-sharp claws ready for battle. Despite the apprehension eating away at him, Fandren steeled himself, drawing upon the strength he had regained through Aaron healing his body.

Taking a deep breath, Fandren embraced the encroaching darkness, enveloping his form in a mixture of obsidian shadows and a pulsating crimson aura, tinged with a hint of demonic energy. Locking his gaze on the female vampire with a firm resolve, he squared his shoulders, ready to face the imminent clash with the mutated woman.

A ruthless swarm of shadowy serpents, accompanied by a barrage of glowing crimson spheres, surged toward Fandren with menacing intent. Reacting quickly, he pounded his foot against the ground, sending a cascade of concrete hurtling towards the approaching threats in an attempt to disrupt their advance.

Despite the increased strength of the assailants' attacks, as evidenced by their ability to tear through the concrete barrier, Fandren remained undeterred. Using his own formidable powers, he intercepted the incoming onslaught with larger, more powerful crimson orbs, neutralizing the attacks before they could inflict harm.

Showing agile prowess, Fandren reappeared behind Barbarosa before she could fully react, delivering a devastating blow with his fist infused with darkness directly to her back, propelling her forcefully away.

Seizing the advantage, he unleashed a barrage of small demonic spears aimed at his flying enemy, some finding their mark while others were intercepted and devoured by the elongated, serpentine strands of her hair, which had extended to become annoying defensive appendages.

Undaunted by Barbarosa's regeneration and defiant smirk, Fandren quickly arrived beneath her as she touched down, taking her by surprise. With ruthless precision, he unleashed a devastating point-blank stream of crimson energy, directed at her vulnerable form.

The force of Fandren's attack ripped through Barbarosa, inflicting significant damage to her shoulder and abdomen. Despite the severity of the wounds, her regeneration promptly healed the injuries, her smirk widening in defiance as she countered with a large shadowy serpent, poised to strike.

In response, Fandren unfurled his vampiric and demonic wings, their imposing presence overshadowing his once unassuming demeanor. Emitting a menacing aura from his transformed visage, he unleashed a relentless barrage of crimson vampiric and dark demonic energy beams from the tips of his wings, aiming to obliterate the approaching shadowy serpent before it could strike.

Undeterred by Barbarosa's cunning tactics, Fandren boldly confronted the escalating attacks as two additional shadowy serpents, brimming with crimson energy, emerged from the depths of her shadows. Overhead, dark portals unleashed a barrage of blood-red ice, hurtling towards Fandren with deadly accuracy.

Continuing his unrelenting attack, Fandren's wings continued to emit a relentless stream of energy, skillfully deflecting the onslaught of blood icicles with precision. Adapting quickly to the increasing danger, he fashioned a saber from a fusion of his demonic energy and blood manipulation, preparing to engage the serpents in close combat.

Mindful of the fragile underground surroundings, Fandren held back from unleashing large-scale attacks that could risk triggering a catastrophic collapse. Despite considering the possibility of Aaron's intervention to prevent such a disaster, he hesitated to burden his ally with unnecessary complexities, aware of the implications of his true nature.

With increased speed and precision, Fandren quickly closed in on the remaining shadowy serpent, his blade cutting through its form until he reached its tail, severing it in a decisive strike that obliterated the creature. Quickly shifting his attention to the lingering threat posed by the still-active portal, Fandren skillfully dodged its ominous manifestations, recognizing the need to neutralize it before proceeding further.

Evading a barrage of incoming attacks, Fandren strategically retreated to address the lingering menace of the ice barrage and portal. Understanding the impracticality of dealing with both enemies simultaneously, especially with one already defeated, he resolved to eliminate the hindrance posed by the portal to ensure an unhindered engagement with the remaining serpent.

Hovering above the portals, Fandren pondered on the most effective means of neutralization. Choosing containment over destruction, he enveloped the portals in a thick veil of impenetrable darkness, effectively nullifying their menacing influence. With the immediate threat contained, Fandren redirected his focus towards the final serpent.

Gracefully maneuvering towards the final serpent, Fandren skillfully dodged Barbarosa's crimson projectiles, taking her by surprise as he zipped past the shadowy serpent and quickly nullified the remaining portals with a cloak of impenetrable darkness.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Barbarosa's momentary lapse in defense, Fandren delivered a punishing blow, driving his foot into her face, surrounded by swirling darkness, and sending her staggering backwards. Unyielding in his attack, he unleashed a barrage of crimson blades and relentless energy beams from his wings, bombarding Barbarosa from multiple angles with unrelenting ferocity.

In the middle of the onslaught, Fandren conjured a small orb of dark crimson energy between his palms, a potent fusion of demonic power and blood manipulation, ready to deliver a definitive blow to his vexed woman.

Barbarosa, back on the ground, paused to wipe the crimson fluid from her face, only to discover that her wound stubbornly refused to close—an anomaly that left her bewildered. This lack of healing prowess was a peculiarity she hadn't encountered before, especially given Fandren's lack of proficiency in anti-healing and regenerative arts.

Prior to their arrival, Aaron had entrusted Cúntóir with the task of safeguarding the group and providing assistance as needed. It was this responsibility that now seemed to hinder Barbarosa's innate ability to heal.

Meanwhile, Fandren remained oblivious to this development, absorbed in the task of conjuring a sphere of energy between his palms. With little time for contemplation, Barbarosa quickly shifted her focus to defending against Fandren's relentless attack, summoning a shield crafted from intertwining streams of blood and shadowy serpentine forms to ward off his attacks.

However, her efforts proved futile against the relentless onslaught, as the attacks continued to rain down upon her, quickly dismantling her feeble defenses. Despite her hair's attempt to absorb the onslaught, the sheer magnitude of the assault overwhelmed her, sending her hurtling away from her initial position.

Without delay, Fandren pursued Barbarosa, ceasing his barrage of attacks as he descended to the ground. Retrieving his weapon with practiced ease, he swiftly swung it forward as he passed her, the force of his strike cleaving through her flesh. As Fandren landed on the ground, Barbarosa remained suspended in the air for a fleeting moment before gravity took hold, her limbs severed from her body in a gruesome display.

As reality caught up with the shock of her mutilation, Barbarosa's agonized scream pierced the air. To Fandren's astonishment, he observed her own snake-like hair greedily devouring the severed appendages, a sight that left him momentarily stupefied.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Fandren's gaze lifted to the looming sphere he had conjured earlier, now hurtling downward with deadly intent towards Barbarosa. Despite her hair's valiant attempt to intercept the impending strike, it proved futile, as the sheer force of the impact caused one of the serpentine strands to detonate upon contact. The resulting explosion tore through a sizable portion of the underground storage facility, leaving destruction in its wake.

Unfazed by the chaos unfolding before him, Fandren observed with a sense of detachment as the facility's ceiling and walls miraculously withstood the force of his attack. It dawned upon him that Aaron, in his foresight, had engineered these structures to withstand such assaults—a realization that briefly puzzled him as to why similar precautions weren't extended to the rest of the facility. Nonetheless, he dismissed these thoughts with a casual shrug, choosing to focus instead on the immediate task at hand.

Fandren approached Barbarosa's lifeless body, taking in the scattered remnants of her once formidable presence. As he considered the potential utility in salvaging what remained, he contemplated the possibility of repurposing her remains for the immediate future.

His focus then turned to the portals and the shroud of darkness that had surrounded them, only to find them vanished in the aftermath of Barbarosa's death. "It seems like they vanish once she dies," he muttered to himself, grappling with the weight of his actions. Though unaware of her motives and intentions, conflicting emotions stirred within him, a mix of sadness and a tinge of remorse.

Along with the mayhem of conflicting feelings, Fandren ultimately chose to reconcile with the reality of the situation, shaking his head in resignation as he came to terms with the events that had transpired. With a sigh, he accepted the consequences of his actions, preparing to move forward with the knowledge gained from this encounter.

Fandren carefully stashed the unsettling souvenir, his attention captured by Eliovan's sudden appearance. "Already done?" he asked, casually tucking the piece of flesh into his necklace.

Eliovan looked at Fandren with a hint of disbelief. "You brought that with you?" he questioned incredulously.

"Of course. It might be useful," Fandren replied, matter-of-factly. "What about you?"

Eliovan hesitated briefly before nodding in agreement. "I guess I should have thought of that. Just give me a moment." But as he spoke, their conversation was abruptly cut short by a deafening explosion, followed by a suffocating darkness that engulfed their surroundings.

Fandren's composure faltered, a tremor running through him as he struggled to make sense of the sudden chaos unfolding around them. "This... this is..." he stuttered, his voice trailing off.

"Amplifica," Eliovan interjected, his expression hardening as he narrowed his eyes. "So Gasper really did create his own, after all. He mentioned it, but this seems much more refined than he let on."

Fandren nodded in agreement, quickly refocusing as Eliovan vanished briefly before reappearing with his own prize. "Got it. Let's go," he declared, urgency infusing his tone as they hurried toward Gasper's whereabouts.

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Gasper Vladi found himself locked in a fierce duel with Rugasliv, a foe of great complexity. Using his powerful tehcnique, the "Amplifica," Gasper trapped Rugasliv in the "Cușca Nopții Interzise și a Întunericului" (Cage of Forbidden Night and Darkness). But as the battle raged on, Gasper realized a disturbing truth: Rugasliv seemed to embody more than just one individual. Instead, it seemed like numerous entities had merged within him, a convergence that bewildered him.

Pondering on the nature of Rugasliv's existence, Gasper considered the possibility of an innate ability enabling such fusion. However, the harsh reality unveiled a blend of approximately fifteen distinct entities, giving rise to the mysterious entity known as Rugasliv.

Wrapped mostly in shadows and darkness, intertwined with Rugasliv's own pulsating purple energy, its form defied conventional understanding. Faces, mouths, and eyes adorned its massive frame, a grotesque mosaic of different beings. With rabbit-like ears, twin circular voids for eyes, and a jagged mouth, Rugasliv presented a visage both eerie and unsettling.

Rugasliv, unrelenting in its assault, unleashed a barrage of glitch-like attacks, weaving dark purple shadows and darkness into large projectiles aimed at Gasper. Yet, Gasper, fortified by the power of his Amplifica, wielded dominion over his surroundings. Countless tentacles of darkness and other appendages emerged from the earth, intercepting Rugasliv's onslaught before it could breach Gasper's defenses.

Empowered by the Amplifica, Gasper commanded his dimensional realm with unparalleled mastery. In this realm, he stood as an indomitable force, far surpassing the strength of Rugasliv, whose composite nature paled in comparison. Victory seemed assured for Gasper, his superiority evident in the clash. However, unbeknownst to Gasper, or perhaps overlooked in the heat of battle, lay Rugasliv's ability to harness the diverse talents of those merged within its being.

As the intense battle raged on, large, sharp, swirling circles formed around Gasper, accompanied by towering jet-black wooden entities resembling humanoid logs, all converging menacingly upon him. Alongside these formidable constructs, elements of fire, lightning, and blood coalesced into various weapons, propelled forth in a relentless attack.

Undeterred, Gasper maintained an indifferent expression, his gaze fixed upon the approaching onslaught. Within his personal dimensional, his defenses reacted with instinctive precision, as tendrils of darkness emerged from both earth and sky, intercepting and neutralizing each incoming threat.

In a display of frustration, Rugasliv emitted a primal roar before hurtling toward Gasper with renewed ferocity. Positioned squarely before Gasper, Rugasliv unleashed a potent manifestation of its power—a colossal, dark purple orb crackling with volatile energy. As the sphere pulsed with increasing intensity, it assimilated the disparate elemental attacks, swelling in size and potency with each passing moment.

After completing the quick process of charging its devastating attack, Rugasliv stood ready as Gasper remained steadfast, unmoving in the face of imminent danger. With a strange shriek, Rugasliv unleashed a cataclysmic wave of dark purple energy, infused with elemental forces, directly at Gasper. The powerful attack obliterated everything in its path, save for the sturdy confines of Gasper's personal dimensional—the walls, ceiling, ground, and a scattering of pillars stood resolute against the onslaught.

In the aftermath of the devastating attack, Rugasliv let out an exultant cry, believing victory was assured. Showing a strange semblance of joy, Rugasliv gyrated in a peculiar dance of satisfaction, thinking Gasper had died by its overwhelming might. Yet, the euphoria quickly gave way to bewilderment as the smoke dissipated, revealing Gasper standing unscathed in the wreckage, his expression unchanged.

Confusion and shock gripped Rugasliv, mirrored by the myriad faces, mouths, and eyes adorning its grotesque form. Frustration surged through Rugasliv, its bizarre physique contorting in agitation as it emitted a primal screech directed at Gasper, who remained stoically unfazed by the spectacle unfolding before him.

Gasper, with a sly maneuver, created a barrier of swirling darkness right in front of him, effectively deflecting Rugasliv's attack. With careful calculation, he dispelled the illusion of his own defeat, allowing Rugasliv to briefly revel in its false victory.

Watching Rugasliv's behavior, Gasper couldn't help but notice a regression, a descent into primal instincts without higher cognition. The combined creature seemed driven by basic impulses, lacking the refinement of rational thought.

Considering the mysterious nature of Rugasliv's existence, Gasper reflected on Aaron words, contemplating the potential strategies needed to overcome such a complex opponent. Recognizing Aaron's expertise, Gasper entrusted him with the task of unraveling Rugasliv's complexities. For now, Gasper focused solely on the immediate goal: defeating Rugasliv.

With a decisive move, tendrils of darkness emerged from the ground, ensnaring Rugasliv in a tight grip. As the shadowy extensions tightened around its form, Gasper prepared to capitalize on his advantage and bring the confrontation to a definite end.

"Can you articulate coherent words?" Gasper asked, moving closer to Rugasliv with a steady stride. In response, Rugasliv let out an unintelligible screech, its attempts at harming him blocked by the protective veil of darkness created by Gasper.

Letting out a sigh of resignation, Gasper considered an alternative approach. "Well, let's just use that new function in my necklace... Let me see your life," he murmured, harnessing the newfound abilities of his accessory.

Harnessing the time-stopping abilities bestowed by his Sacred Gear, Gasper immobilized Rugasliv, leaving it powerless to resist. With a deliberate touch, he made contact with the peculiar entity, delving into its memories and experiences.

Moments passed as Gasper absorbed the vivid impressions gleaned from Rugasliv's strange existence. After withdrawing his hand, he looked at Rugasliv and the remnants of the vampire group with a mix of empathy and disappointment. "And you resorted to this? Aaron-nii could have helped another way... You were aware of his capabilities, so why?" he questioned, his tone infused with compassion tinged with criticism.

Rugasliv continued its frenzied outbursts, struggling to form coherent responses due to its compromised ability to communicate. Undiscouraged, Gasper persisted in attempting to establish a dialogue, resorting to simpler forms of questioning.

"I suppose yes and no questions would be easier for you? Just nod or shake your head," Gasper suggested, but Rugasliv remained obstinate, emitting another cacophony of screams in defiance of Gasper's instructions.

Refusing to be discouraged by Rugasliv's resistance, Gasper released a resigned sigh before pressing on in his efforts to bridge the communication gap. "I'm a hybrid, you know? A vampire and human. They're called Dhampirs in my universe. Although you're already aware of that... So just try to communicate with me already," he urged, hoping to elicit some form of response from the strange being before him.

As Rugasliv persisted in its futile struggle, its screams echoed in the confines of its entrapment, Gasper remained steadfast, his gaze unwavering. With a heavy sigh of resignation, Gasper acknowledged the inevitable conclusion of their encounter.

"It's unfortunate, but I had hoped you would at least try," Gasper remarked, his voice tinged with regret as he closed his hand, commanding the appendage of darkness to constrict around Rugasliv, squeezing the life from its body.

Rugasliv's anguished cries intensified as the pressure increased, culminating in a violent explosion that crushed its form apart, extinguishing its existence. In the aftermath, the cacophony of voices emanating from the various faces, mouths, and eyes displayed a spectrum of emotions—relief, despair, and everything in between—a testament to the involuntary fusion forced upon them.

With a mixture of reluctance and revulsion, Gasper retrieved a small fragment of Rugasliv's remains, preserving it within his necklace. Despite his discomfort, he recognized the necessity of retaining evidence of their encounter, albeit with a heavy heart.

"Nice work. Did you manage to get a piece of it?" Eliovan asked as he and Fandren approached Gasper.

Gasper turned to face them, his expression remaining serious as he confirmed, "Yes, but I discovered the reason behind their actions. It's a bit concerning... Aaron-nii will probably brief everyone about it later. He's already dealing with a lot. I hope he'll be okay."

Eliovan offered reassurance, acknowledging Gasper's use of the necklace and assuring him of Aaron's strength. "You... oh, so you used the necklace, huh? I should have thought of that. It slipped my mind... But yeah, let's wait for Aaron to update us—and he'll be alright. He has all of us. He's not handling this alone. Anyway, let's go and regroup with the others. I think they'll be done with their battles soon," Eliovan suggested, prompting them to join their allies and wait for further instructions from Aaron.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron stood in the circular confines of the facility, facing a figure wrapped in mystery and concealed by darkness. His counterpart, Vewerlu, possessed an strange presence, marked by his predominantly black hair with a striking white fringe. Adorned in a white shirt and a grand robe of black, blue, and gold, Vewerlu exuded an aura of otherworldly authority, with dark blue pants and white gloves completing his formidable visage.

"So, you have come for me, Outer God?" Vewerlu remarked, his voice tinged with resignation. "I would have preferred you to simply kill me rather than coming here to confront me. I have nothing more to say. I acted under Ecilon's orders, but I am still willing to face punishment or death."

Acknowledging Vewerlu's admission with a solemn nod, Aaron maintained his unwavering composure. "At the very least, you can admit to this and not try to make strange justifications or logic," Aaron responded evenly. "Was the reason for kidnapping Fandren simply to duplicate him, to feed yourselves in hopes of gaining power or mutation?" he inquired, his tone carrying a hint of scrutiny.

"Yes, well, those were the orders he gave me and others. You can see the... result of that," Vewerlu admitted, his tone tinged with remorse. "I created enough duplicates of him for all of us to consume without needing him again, so we let him go. Although Laeronia did take him by force after we let him go. Many of us perished, but ten persisted. Now I feel only seven remain. What will you do now?" he inquired, his gaze fixed upon Aaron with a mixture of apprehension and resignation.

Nodding in understanding, Aaron acknowledged Vewerlu's account before posing his own question. "I know the reason for your group coming here and what's to come. But I want to hear it from your own mouth—tell me," he requested, prompting Vewerlu to contemplate his response.

For a moment, Vewerlu fell silent, his gaze locked with Aaron's before he eventually relented, his demeanor shifting as a chair appeared behind him. Taking a seat, Vewerlu met Aaron's gaze once more. "Where do you want me to begin?" he asked, his voice carrying a weight of introspection.

"The beginning would be preferable, but you can start wherever you see fit," Aaron replied, granting Vewerlu the opportunity to share his perspective on their past and how everything unfolded.


— ○ ● ○ —

As Valerie's group pushed forward through the underground landscape, they came across a grim sight of death and decay, with corpses scattered along their path. However, in the middle of the somber scene, they felt the presence of three distinct auras drawing near.

"Morwenna... Have you been put inside of that pseudo-Sacred Gear yet?" Valerie asked, her eyes fixed on the woman.

Morwenna's expression turned solemn as she replied, "Yes, I have. Along with Vei Vei and Fraisy. However, we have been given permission by Latia Astaroth to move freely. Of course, this is after consulting Aaron and Cúntóir, and they approved."

Eliara, walking alongside them, chimed in with a note of skepticism. "Most of the people in the Resistance still dislike you, though. So she and the other two haven't exactly been warmly welcomed. Some tolerate them since Aaron and Cúntóir gave approval, along with the leaders and, of course, Latia," she added, highlighting the lingering tensions within the group despite official approval.

Morwenna accepted the weight of her past actions, knowing that forgiveness would not come easily. Their conversation came to an abrupt halt as they came upon a chilling scene: three mutated vampires feasting on the remains of corpses.

Valerie quickly assessed the situation with her ring, identifying the three enemies in front of them. "From the left, we have Explodita, in the middle is Laryel, and on the right is Denden," she explained before giving her orders. "Then... as Aaron suggested, keep a small piece for Fandren," she instructed before disappearing with Denden.

Eliara locked eyes with Morwenna and vanished with Explodita, leaving Morwenna to face Laryel alone. Ready to confront the challenge ahead, Morwenna steeled herself, determined to fulfill her duty despite the burden of her past.

"Morwenna? Oh, that's rich! Captured, huh? Well, isn't that a laugh!" Laryel's words dripped with venom, catching Morwenna off guard. "What? Were you expecting us to be all silent and submissive? I may not be the toughest around, but I've got enough strength to keep my voice." Laryel's laughter echoed, tinged with mockery.

Laryel, a mutated vampire, boasted long, curly locks cascading down to the middle of her back. Her eyes, mostly red, were adorned with peculiar, thick protrusions on the sides of her head. Her mouth, wide and menacing, revealed rows of fangs and razor-sharp teeth. Her physique resembled a rigid, almost dress-like form, with two sturdy arms extending from her back, each adorned with three fingers. Additionally, smaller appendages protruded from behind her calves, adding to her eerie presence.

With a smirk aimed at Morwenna, Laryel's black and red wings unfurled from her back, adding to her menacing presence. She provocatively placed a finger to her lips, biting down on it. "I could put an end to you right now... You have no idea the pain you caused my father all those years ago," she taunted, her tone oozing with malice. "I've been waiting for this moment of retribution. Who would have thought the outer god would give me such a chance?" Her eyes began to emit an ominous glow.

Morwenna remained silent, her expression stoic, as various blue and purple crystals materialized beneath her feet. She met Laryel's gaze without flinching. In truth, she had no memory of this woman, but from the intensity of her words, she knew she had caused her pain. Yet, she doubted any apology would suffice now.

"Oh, you want to dance, huh? Fine by me. I've been longing to hear you scream!" Laryel's shout echoed as sharp appendages and shadow attacks surged toward Morwenna, poised for battle.

Morwenna, now the source of power for Latia's pseudo-Sacred Gear, discovered that she possessed new abilities similar to Vei Vei and Fraisy. In response to Laryel's aggression, Morwenna instinctively raised her arm and channeled her energy through a delicate crystal. With a subtle gesture, a translucent shield of azure hue appeared before her, providing a powerful barrier against the impending attacks.

Laryel's astonishment was clear as she witnessed Morwenna's effortless defense. Her initial surprise turned to frustration as she intensified her assault upon the shield, unleashing a barrage of attacks in a futile attempt to breach its protective barrier. However, the shield remained resolute, unyielding in the face of Laryel's attacks, much to her growing aggravation.

"Enough of this bullshit!" Laryel's voice echoed with venomous fury, her eyes ablaze with unrestrained anger. "You are but a thorn in my side, a mere obstacle to be eradicated!" With a primal scream, she launched herself towards Morwenna, her movements fueled by a desire for vengeance that bordered on madness.

Bypassing the shield with unnerving agility, Laryel unleashed a flurry of strikes, her sharpened nails and menacing appendages aimed with deadly precision, intent on delivering the final blow.

However, as her arm and appendage were approaching Morwenna, they were violently severed from her body, Laryel's eyes widened in shock at the sudden turn of events. Reacting swiftly, she leaped backward, narrowly evading the onslaught of large purple and blue crystals erupting from the ground, their jagged edges aiming to strike her. Though a few managed to graze her, she remained largely unscathed.

With a mixture of disbelief and frustration, Laryel observed her missing appendage, quickly regenerating it. However, when she attempted to do the same for her arm, she found herself unable to, prompting confusion to cloud her face. Glancing back at Morwenna, whose expression remained impassive, Laryel's anger flared even further.

"Don't delude yourself, you witch. If you think this feeble attempt is enough to defeat me, you're sorely mistaken!" Her words were abruptly cut off as she leaped away once more, narrowly dodging the sudden appearance of large purple and blue crystals in mid-air, their lethal intent clear as they sought to impale her.

The collision of crystals sent shards flying, but Laryel's smirk remained, seemingly undisturbed by the chaos. Yet, her confidence quickly faded as the smaller shards honed in on her, piercing her flesh and leaving her unable to move. Despite her initial boldness, Laryel found herself crashing to the ground, her body betraying her.

Confusion clouded Laryel's face as she desperately tried to command her limbs to obey, only to be met with complete paralysis. Panic gripped her as she realized the depth of her predicament, her voice trembling as she demanded an explanation from Morwenna.

"What have you done to me!?" Her desperate scream echoed through the chaos, seeking answers.

Morwenna paused, her gaze unwavering as she looked at Laryel with a mix of pity and disdain. "Did you ever consider the true nature of my crystals? Did you foolishly assume they were incapable of harming you beyond the physical realm?" Her words carried a weight of reproach, underscoring Laryel's underestimation of her power.

"You're incapable of fairness, aren't you?" Laryel's scream echoed in the air, her smirk fixed on Morwenna, who remained unmoved. "You thrive on lies, deceit, and manipulation. A despicable being like yourself will never find solace or redemption for the atrocities you've committed! You're condemned to a life of darkness and despair! Rot in hell, you vile piece of shit!"

Morwenna endured the onslaught of verbal abuse, acknowledging that she deserved every word of it. However, she chose not to react, letting Laryel unleash her fury for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Laryel's tirade came to an abrupt halt as she gasped for breath, wheezing heavily from the exertion.

"Fandren will consume a part of you to inherit your strength once this is over," Morwenna conveyed calmly, her words filled with solemnity. "A fragment of your essence will live on within him for eternity. This is farewell, Laryel. Though my words may hold no significance to you, I will spend eternity seeking redemption for my actions."

Laryel began to scream again but it came to an abrupt end as a massive crystal descended, crushing her head and bringing a sudden end to her life. Morwenna released a resigned sigh, acknowledging the grim necessity of her action. With a solemn expression, she plucked a small piece of flesh from the crushed remains, storing it within her own necklace as a somber memento.

Without a word, Morwenna turned away from Laryel's lifeless body, the weight of her actions heavy upon her shoulders. She walked away in silence, choosing not to dwell any longer on the sight before her, her heart heavy with the burden of what had transpired.

— ○ ● ○ —

Before Eliara stood Explodita, faced with the female mutated vampire whose figure was enveloped in a deep, ebony darkness and veiled in shadows. Her body was adorned with multiple crimson eyes, and a large red mouth was positioned near her stomach and lower regions.

"Hello there! I'm Explodita! Are you here to feed me?" Her tone was playful, contrasting with the ominous air of her presence.

Nodding to herself, Eliara made a notation on her holographic tablet. "She has the ability to communicate... Perhaps there are others like her." Lifting her gaze, she asked, "Among the remaining ten, who else retains the capacity to speak after undergoing mutation or evolution?"

Tilting her head reflectively, Explodita replied, "Everyone except for Kevin, Vapalito, and Rugasliv! They appeared to revert to wild animals after the transformation."

"Hmm," Eliara murmured, taking in the information with a pensive nod. "Our leader and the outer god may have ordered your demise, but don't be afraid. I am more fascinated by the opportunity to study and experiment on your unique anatomy, especially that... intriguing lower area," she commented, motioning towards the pulsating mouth on Explodita's body.

Disappointed by the revelation, Explodita's playful demeanor quickly shifted to aggression. "Oh, you're not here to offer yourself as a meal? What a pity! You look really tasty! But don't worry, lovely lady in a dress, I won't let that stop me!" With a sudden leap, Explodita propelled herself towards Eliara, propelled by a small crimson explosion behind her.

Eliara skillfully dodged the attack, effortlessly evading Explodita's lunge. As the mutated vampire landed on the ground, a web of shadows enveloped the area before exploding into a burst of crimson energy. Blood-red spikes appeared in the air before shattering into fragments.

"Fascinating," Eliara murmured, her scientific curiosity awakened by the display of Explodita's abilities.

Eliara continued to effortlessly sidestep as Explodita repeatedly lunged towards her, the dance of evasion unfolding with a sense of repetitive predictability. Despite her best efforts, Explodita's attacks failed to land, her lack of adaptability only worsening the situation. Frustrated by her inability to strike her target, Explodita voiced her grievances with the petulance of a child.

"This isn't fair! Stop dodging my attacks and let me eat you!" she whined, her frustration palpable.

Eliara remained composed, her demeanor unwavering in the face of Explodita's complaints. "Allowing myself to be harmed would defeat the purpose of this confrontation. I have no intention of being a mere meal for you," she replied calmly, her gaze steady upon the mutated vampire.

Enraged by Eliara's steadfast evasion, Explodita's temper flared, her frustration boiling over like a tantrum-prone child. "You've made me mad now!" she exclaimed, stomping her foot upon the ground in a fit of petulant rage.

Each impact from Explodita foot and tantrum unleashed bursts of crimson energy on the ground. Seconds later, Explodita vanished, momentarily catching Eliara off guard. But her instincts and rigorous combat training kicked in, propelling her to react with precision. With a seamless movement, she soared into the air, executing a graceful spin before delivering a forceful kick to Explodita's face, momentarily stunning her.

The child-like mutated vampire was thrust through the air, crashing into a nearby pillar before collapsing to the ground, utterly bewildered by the sudden turn of events. "Huh? W-what just happened?" she mumbled incoherently, struggling to make sense of the situation.

"I may not give off a combat vibe, but I've faced my fair share of battles over the years. I'm not as weak as you may believe," Eliara stated calmly as she elegantly landed on the ground, her holographic pen tapping against the tablet in her hand.

Eliara continued to work on the holographic tablet, her face filled with curiosity as she entered data about their interaction. Once she was satisfied, she put the tablet away and turned to face the now-standing Explodita.

"So, Explodita, is it?" Eliara's tone remained steady as she cracked her fingers, her gaze unwavering as she confronted the angered mutated vampire.

"If you choose to be hostile, then I will respond in kind," declared Explodita defiantly, her eyes fixed on Eliara.

"How threatening," Eliara responded calmly and slightly sarcastically, unaffected by Explodita's threat. "I am fully prepared for whatever you may unleash. Please, give it your all."

Crimson energy burst from Explodita's body, surrounding them as she prepared for her next move. With a smile, Eliara shifted her stance, balancing on one foot while raising the other towards her waist. Pointing upwards, she focused on one her arms towards the ceiling and the other at Eliara.

"Amplifica~! Exploding World of a Thousand Suns!" she exclaimed, unleashing her formidable technique.

As Eliara watched the bizarre transformation taking place around her, she couldn't help but be filled with a sense of confusion. Countless large orbs of darkness, each with playful bunny and cat ears and adorned with a variety of strange and comical expressions, materialized around her. The ground beneath her was covered in similar faces, constantly shifting and changing in a mesmerizing spectacle.

In front of her stood Explodita, standing on a platform with a microphone in hand, swaying her clenched fists in a rhythmic pattern. "Never gonna explode!" she sang out, her voice reverberating through the surreal landscape.

The peculiar orbs with their whimsical faces began to release darkness and crimson energy towards Eliara, causing her to leap away in an attempt to avoid the incoming attack. But her escape was brief as she felt a crimson hand wrap around her leg, its sinister laughter echoing in her ears.

"Boom!" the hand proclaimed before erupting in a fiery explosion, engulfing Eliara in a whirlwind of chaos and destruction.

As the explosion faded away, Eliara emerged mostly unharmed, except for a slight injury to her leg. It dawned on Explodita that the same blue energy powering Eliara's holographic equipment had reinforced her leg against Explodita's attack. Despite being taken aback by Explodita's increased power, she remained determined to see through her mission.

Eliara clicked her tongue in frustration as she removed the remnants of the crimson hand that had ensnared her leg. She landed on the ground with a wince, and carefully tended to her injured leg, watching the blue energy embrace the wound and initiate the healing process.

"An Amplifica... I underestimated her," Eliara whispered to herself, a tinge of introspection in her voice. "I should not have rushed to judge her. That was my mistake." Resolved to learn from her misjudgment, Eliara readied herself for the challenges that awaited, fully aware of the unpredictable nature of her adversary.

As Eliara pondered her options for countering Explodita's Amplifica technique, she quickly remembered that being more powerful than the user was a viable strategy, making their attacks less effective, although she was only slightly stronger than the current Explodita.

Another method involved using specific techniques to neutralize the effects from within, though it would be more challenging to execute. However, there was a third option—an unconventional one—that caught her attention: using her own Amplifica.

To Eliara's surprise, the stage that Explodita was one had once again shifted in front of her, with Explodita still gleefully shaking her fists side to side, clearly relishing the confrontation. "Hey! Hey! Dance! Explode!!" she shouted, her excitement palpable.

Without hesitation, countless small crimson balls materialized around Eliara, poised to detonate upon her. Reacting swiftly, she surrounded herself with her blue energy, weakening the force of the explosions. Sensing the imminent danger, Eliara leaped away just in time, avoiding the brunt of the onslaught. Despite her quick reflexes, the culmination of the explosions still wreaked havoc upon the area before it repaired itself, a testament to the destructive power of Explodita's own Amplifica.

"The third option it is, then. I haven't used it much though..." Eliara murmured to herself, her gaze fixed on Explodita with newfound resolve. A small smile graced her lips as she uttered the incantation, "Amplifica..."

With a resolute demeanor, Eliara crossed her arms over her chest, summoning blue, see-through gauntlets that enveloped her arms. As she channeled her energy, the current dimension began to shrink in size, making way for Eliara's own Amplifica to manifest—an unexpected turn of events that surprised Explodita.

"Eh?! You can use one too?! Cool! Amazing! You're great!" Explodita exclaimed in excitement, marveling at Eliara's ability to us Amplifica too. However, her delight quickly turned to confusion and horror as she realized her own Amplifica was shrinking before her eyes.

"W-wait, huh?! Why's mine shrinking!?" Explodita shouted in disbelief as her own Amplifica technique gradually faded, leaving her stranded in a new dimension—the manifestation of Eliara's Amplifica.

The stage beneath Explodita vanished and she fell to the floor, leaving her in a realm dominated by shades of gray and blue. Surrounding her were various machines of unfamiliar design, some gray and metallic, while others were translucent and tinged with blue hues.

"Colapsul Coloniei de Automationis (Automation Colony Collapse)," Eliara murmured, a sense of relief washing over her as she successfully activated her Amplifica, overwhelming Explodita's technique. They now stood within Eliara's domain, where she wielded control over the environment.

Surrounding herself with countless blue game-like screens, Eliara accessed a wealth of data, displaying Explodita's stats and weaknesses in numerical form. With a calm smile, she addressed Explodita, her tone exuding confidence.

"Everything in here... is designed to counter you, based on an instant scan. Let's see how this plays out, shall we?" she remarked, her gaze steady as she observed Explodita's reaction.

Overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation, Explodita took a step back in fear, the realization of her predicament sinking in. Like a frightened child, she turned on her heels and fled, terror etched upon her face as she hastily retreated from Eliara's formidable power.

"Hmm? Is she trying to escape?" murmured Eliara, surprised by Explodita's sudden flight. "What an unexpected turn of events..." Eliara observed the fleeing figure with a puzzled expression. "But she must know the futility of her efforts, lacking the necessary techniques to break free from this dimension..."

Lifting her gaze, Eliara skillfully manipulated her wrist, causing a cerulean, game-like interface to appear before her. Within its digital confines lay a plethora of data: the velocity of Explodita's retreat, the rhythm of her heart, her current psychological state, the effectiveness of her abilities in accordance with her overall well-being and many more.

Translucent, colossal tools and equipment appeared in the surrounding airspace, all aimed at Explodita. The mutated vampire, catching sight of this array, increased her pace, the rhythm of her breaths quickening. Fear filled her being, overriding all other emotions, compelling her to flee with desperation. Engaging in combat was the furthest thing from her mind; survival alone dictated her actions.

The instruments surged forward, propelled by unseen forces. Among them, a crackling rod surged towards her, aiming to impale her limb, yet she quickly evaded its grasp, propelled by the energy of her crimson orbs. However, her victory was short-lived as a sudden impact to her abdomen sent her reeling backward, her grin replaced by a grimace of pain.

Grimly, she turned her gaze forward to behold a colossal red boxing glove that had delivered the blow, its massive form serving as a harbinger of her impending defeat. Struggling to summon her powers in defense, she found herself hindered by an inexplicable sluggishness. The once swift manifestation of her crimson orbs now occurred at a lethargic pace, leaving her bewildered and frustrated.

"Why...!? Work, damn it...!" she muttered through gritted teeth, frustration coloring her words with an air of desperation.

In the distance, Eliara's expression held a lazy smirk, for this unfolding scenario played directly into her realm of control. Within her Amplifica, the mere impact of a single creation upon her enemies triggered a cascade of effects within their very beings.

Their ability to harness their powers underwent a drastic deceleration, operating at a fraction of their usual speed—diminished to as low as a quarter of their normal capacity. Their cognitive processing slowed to a crawl, hindering their perception and reaction times while impairing their own agility and nimbleness to similar degrees.

Yet, it was the final effect that proved most powerful: their vulnerabilities magnified threefold, rendering them exceedingly susceptible to exploitation. Thus, for the majority, a single strike sealed their fate, amplifying their weaknesses to such an extent that victory for Eliara was virtually assured with but a single blow.

As the electric rod struck Explodita, the intense shock induced a series of convulsions, causing her to lapse into unconsciousness repeatedly. Each time she awoke, she was met with excruciating pain and involuntary bodily functions, meaning, she peed herself several times over.

This brutal cycle continued, each shock bringing her closer to the brink of oblivion until, finally, the relentless assault of electricity left her motionless, sprawled upon the ground with froth spilling from her lips.

Eliara, unfazed by the gruesome sight before her, approached the fallen figure with calculated indifference. Retrieving a syringe with practiced precision, she plunged it into Explodita's skull, extracting a mixture of blood and cerebral fluid. The instant the needle pierced her cranium, death claimed Explodita, extinguishing her brief existence with chilling finality.

"Mmm, this should suffice, don't you think?" Eliara murmured to herself, her voice betraying a detached nonchalance. With a skillful movement, she severed a solitary finger from Explodita's lifeless form, preserving it for future use with clinical detachment.

With a dismissive sweep of her hand, Eliara dispelled her Amplifica, the dimension crumbling away like delicate parchment, leaving her once more within the confines of the underground storage facility. There, in the middle of the stark surroundings, she encountered Morwenna, the woman leaning against a towering pillar.

Morwenna acknowledged Eliara with a nod, her gaze shifting between her companion and the lifeless form of Explodita. "I assume that the fight went well? Did you get a body part?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of expectation.

"Reasonably well, all things considered," Eliara responded, her expression betraying a hint of satisfaction tinged with mild disdain. "Despite her attempts at resistance, she proved no match for my powers. It was almost... disappointing, really. And yes, I have a body part."

"Ah, but we need not concern ourselves with going into their histories or motives," Morwenna interjected, her tone laced with pragmatic resolve. "So long as they are not one of the three, our mission remains unchanged."

Eliara nodded in agreement, a glimmer of approval shining in her eyes. In their line of work, ignorance often proved to be a potent weapon, sparing them the burden of needless complications and moral quandaries.

Quietly, the pair moved toward Valerie, their current teammate grappling with the most powerful of the three mutated vampires they had come across so far.

— ○ ● ○ —

Throughout the halls, countless pitch-black portals appeared as Denden, the strange mutated vampire, unleashed a relentless barrage of viscous black orbs, each pulsating with ominous energy. Yet, despite the ferocity of his attacks, Valerie moved with an almost bizarre grace, effortlessly evading each projectile with fluid movements.

Denden, a stark figure in the middle of the room, bore a pale complexion devoid of features save for a gaping mouth of inky blackness where his face should have been. His unique ability, reminiscent of Kuisha Abandon's [Hole], allowed him to manipulate jet-black spatial distortions, redirecting attacks and even parts of his own body through the inky voids that surrounded him.

Though capable of speech, Denden remained mostly silent, his frustration and annoyance manifesting in guttural grunts and feral snarls as his attacks repeatedly failed in their attempts to ensnare Valerie. Each evasion by Valerie served only to stoke the flames of Denden's ire, his frustration mounting with each passing moment as he found himself increasingly outmaneuvered by his elusive enemy.

As the inky portals materialized around Valerie, each adorned with a sinister hand that launched a volley of dark projectiles, she continued to effortlessly evade their onslaught, her movements a testament to her agility and skill. With a deft leap, she narrowly avoided a particularly potent attack, the ominous sound of its impact reverberating through the room.

To her dismay, Valerie observed as the jet-black ink attempted to corrode the ground beneath her feet, its acidic properties gnawing hungrily at the stone. Yet, thanks to the sturdy construction of Aaron's handiwork, the foundation remained steadfast against the corrosiveness, frustrating Denden further with each futile attempt.

In a fit of primal fury, Denden unleashed another volley of projectiles, his frustration reaching a boiling point as he himself joined the assault, releasing a concentrated blast of dark energy from his gaping mouth. Sensing the imminent threat, Valerie retaliated in kind, her resolve hardened by the deafening silence that met her attempts at diplomacy earlier.

With practiced precision, Valerie wielded her formidable arsenal of magic. Flames burst from a swirling magic circle, casting an incandescent glow upon the chamber, while a spear made of crimson blood formed in her outstretched hand.

Maintaining her composure in the middle of the chaos, Valerie skillfully erected defensive barriers, conjuring protective magic circles that warded off the onslaught of darkness and projectiles that assailed her from all sides.

In a climactic clash of opposing forces, Valerie's blood spear and flames collided with Denden's dark energy, the resulting collision sending shockwaves rippling through the chamber. The ensuing explosion tore through the air, shattering shelves, boxes, and pillars alike.

As both combatants were propelled backward by the force of the blast, a legion of avian apparitions appeared from the billowing smoke, their forms made from coagulated blood. With eerie precision, they swooped down upon Denden, unleashing razor-sharp wind blades that sliced through the air with deadly accuracy.

Following in their wake, a pack of feral tigers appeared from the smoke, their primal instincts driving them to savage their target with ruthless efficiency. With snarls of ferocity, they lunged at Denden, jaws agape, intent on attack him with their claws and jaws.

Denden flawlessly maneuvered his inky circles, skillfully dodging the blood wind blades aimed at his head and diverting them with his black portals. His arms, thighs, and legs swiftly moved out of harm's way, guided by the precise control of his darkened portals. The tigers, poised to pounce on him, found themselves suddenly transported through the obsidian portals to another corner of the room.

A sly grin spread across his lone mouth as his cunning maneuver succeeded, thwarting his adversaries' attacks and filling him with a sense of triumph. But his moment of victory was short-lived as Valerie's shoe connected with his face, sending him reeling and shattering his concentration, causing his disparate body parts to reunite. Crashing through several shelves, Denden quickly regained his footing, determined to retaliate.

His gaze lifted just in time to witness the blood tigers once again closing in on him. With a swift gesture of his hands, he conjured a circular motion, summoning a black portal that redirected the charging beasts, whisking them away and depositing them beside Valerie, effectively neutralizing the immediate threat.

"You've certainly honed your skills with those portals," Valerie remarked, acknowledging Denden's prowess. "But..." Her sentence trailed off abruptly as a chilling sound pierced the air, followed by a searing pain that engulfed Denden's senses. Looking down, he beheld a blood-crafted sword impaling his abdomen, a grim realization washing over him.

The Valerie before him dissolved into a pool of blood, revealing the true Valerie standing behind him, brandishing a blade fashioned from blood. "You allowed your own cleverness to cloud your judgment," she chided, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade through flesh.

Swiftly, Valerie subdued Denden, employing anti-magic restraints and weaving tendrils of blood around him, binding him in place. Despite his frantic struggles, he found himself immobilized on the ground, his anguished cries echoing through the confines of the underground facility, a proof to his defeat.

"You chose to spare him?" Eliara asked, her interest sparked as she and Morwenna approached Valerie.

Valerie responded with a somber smile. "I... thought he might have potential for experimentation," she said, tearing off a small piece of Denden's flesh and offering it to Eliara. "His body is still mostly intact, after all."

In truth, Valerie's decision did not stem from a desire for scientific exploration, but rather from a reluctance to bear the weight of taking Denden's life. Having already been witness to numerous deaths during her time with [DxD] and Aaron's group, she hesitated at the thought of adding another to her conscience. Furthermore, she felt a sense of empathy for Denden and his companions, understanding that their rebellion likely arose from desperation, even if she remained unaware of its exact motivations.

Eliara nodded, though inwardly skeptical of Valerie's explanation, she accepted the offer graciously. "Very well. I'll take him off your hands, but we must consult Aaron first. His fate hangs in the balance," she explained, accepting the fragment of flesh from Valerie's outstretched hand.

" still conscious, despite your disregard," Denden's voice interjected, cutting through the silence that had settled over the room. Though his screams had ceased, his tone now held an air of dignity, a stark contrast to his previous distress.

Taken aback by his unexpected retort, the group turned to regard Denden with surprise. After a moment of stunned silence, Valerie spoke up, acknowledging the disparity between his appearance and his manner of speech. "You sound quite different than we anticipated," she remarked.

"Hmph. Your assumptions based on appearance betray your ignorance," Denden retorted, his tone dripping with condescension.

Valerie brushed off Denden's condescending tone and continued her inquiry. "What caused all of this, and why did you decide to create such chaos?" she asked, her tone both strong and curious.

"Ecilon holds the answers to our situation," Denden responded, his demeanor suddenly more cautious. "Vewerlu is also quite forthcoming, so he may share the details with anyone he encounters. However, I will remain silent, no matter what threats you may make," he asserted, the inky mouth on his face fading as a sign of his determination to keep things secret.

Eliara waved her hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter. I'll take him to where Aaron is. His aura pulses will lead us straight to him," she stated confidently. "And what about you two," she continued, looking at Morwenna and Valerie, "what are your plans?"

"I'll come with you," Morwenna offered, her expression determined as she voiced her decision.

Valerie nodded in agreement. "I'm with you," she declared, her resolve matching Morwenna's.

With the group's decisions made, Valerie reached up to touch the transceiver that was made from her ring. After a brief moment, she nodded in confirmation as it disappeared from sight. "Only Vewerlu and those with Raynare's group are left," she informed the others. "It'll all come to an end soon. I believe Vewerlu is telling their story to Aaron as we speak."

With unanimous agreement, the group put their plans into action. Eliara wasted no time in grabbing hold of the blood-formed rope ensnaring Denden, pulling him along despite his feeble protests. His pleas for mercy echoed in vain, drowned out by the group's chatter.

As they journeyed across the relatively smooth terrain, the remains of their recent battles scattered around them, it became clear that the area had been devastated by their conflicts. Debris littered the ground, evidence of the intense struggles that had taken place in their wake. Yet, undeterred by the destruction surrounding them, the group pushed forward, their focus fixed on Aaron's current location.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"I would like to start off with my own story, if you don't mind," began Vewerlu, his tone carrying a sense of introspection. "Among my lineage and a select few others, my prowess stands as a guiding light, revered within our community. This unique ability grants us unparalleled opportunities across our dominion, spanning not one, but three planets, with the primary one being the very world of my birth."

He paused, reflecting on the weight of his words before resuming, "The ability to replicate any object or substance bestows upon its wielder both blessings and curses. However, due to the influence of my familial heritage, one could argue that within my species, I am nearly invincible. Any dissenting voice or action is swiftly subdued in my presence. In hindsight, one might perceive my upbringing as one of indulgence and entitlement," he confessed, his remorse evident in his voice.

"Man child?" I asked, sensing a twinge of shame in his response.

With a nod, he admitted, "I suppose that's a fair characterization. I was living in a bubble of privilege, wrapped in entitlement, and yes, I'll admit, I wasn't the best person, to say the least."

His confession continued, each word filled with remorse, "I had everything handed to me on a silver platter, and people tried to win my favor, hoping for a moment of my approval. Anyone who disagreed with me faced my anger; I mistreated and took advantage of them without any guilt."

He spoke about his upbringing with a mix of regret and resignation, "My family reflected this behavior, if not made it worse. Their entitlement mirrored mine, creating an environment where this behavior was not just tolerated, but encouraged. And so, I continued this cycle, treating almost everyone with disrespect. Unfortunately, Ecilon was one of the people I hurt," he confessed, showing genuine remorse.

"Ecilon embodied pure goodness, tirelessly dedicated to ensuring the comfort and happiness of all, often neglecting his own well-being," Vewerlu pondered, a hint of admiration coloring his tone. "Regrettably, I took advantage of his kindness for my own selfish purposes."

He paused, his expression growing solemn as he delved into the darker facets of their society, "Ecilon stood as a rare example among us, a symbol of decency in a culture of entitlement and rudeness that extended even to my own family. It's a strange parallel to the stories I've heard of the 'vampires' from your world, reflecting our own self-indulgent ways."

Vewerlu's brow furrowed as he continued, "In our pursuit of luxury, we became selfish and unrestrained, acting without consideration for others. This was the era before Phumera's rise to power."

He hesitated, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "Moreover, our society was characterized by a ruthlessness bordering on the edge of madness. It's likely that your allies and friends witnessed this darker side, especially if any remnants succumbed to feral instincts. Though, I must confess, I have not encountered them since we parted," he acknowledged, his gaze distant as memories flooded back.

"You see the vampires in our world have experienced a similar transformation, brought on by turbulent events within their own community," I admitted, reflecting on the similarities. "Although some remnants of entitlement remain, many have begun a journey of personal growth and redemption. Perhaps one day, such a transformation could also reach your species."

Vewerlu's smile held a touch of sadness as he shook his head, his expression growing serious. "I'm afraid not," he replied solemnly. "The reason for our exodus, or rather, our forced displacement, stems from that very realization. Are you familiar with the theory of 'apocalypticism' or 'eschatology?" he asked, his tone heavy with significance.

"Indeed," I nodded, acknowledging the vastness of the concept. "Apocalypticism encompasses the belief in significant turmoil, often signaling the end of the world as we know it. It's a concept deeply rooted in various religious and cultural frameworks, intertwining ideas of divine judgment, cosmic cycles, or intervention from realms beyond our understanding."

Vewerlu's nod held a solemn weight as he continued, "Yes, and unfortunately, this belief is now appearing within my species. Even before the arrival of [DxD], a catastrophic event occurred, one of our three planets had already fallen to destruction, despite Lady Phumera's rule."

"What took place?" I inquired, though I was already well aware of the events. My intention was to prompt Vewerlu to be truthful, ensuring a thorough grasp of the situation.

"It was greed," Vewerlu admitted, his tone free of evasion. "Plain and simple. I hinted at Ecilon's uniqueness within our race, did I not? While others had similar traits, societal norms forced them to suppress those inclinations and conform to the traditional 'vampire' archetype. When Ecilon emerged and deviated from this norm, advocating for a different path, he attracted followers, forming what you might call a faction."

He went on, recounting the progression of events, "Over time, this faction grew, creating a division within our society. One faction clung to our customary ways, while the other embraced ideals of egalitarianism." He explained the concept, "Egalitarianism embodies a belief in equality and fairness, rejecting hierarchies based on social status. It stands in stark contrast to systems of nobility, where certain individuals or groups hold elevated status and power."

"I found myself standing with the faction advocating for no change, a stance that was in line with my existing beliefs and way of life. Ecilon, however, was among those on the opposing side," Vewerlu explained. "At first, their efforts were peaceful, with public demonstrations and discussions aimed at reforming our society. But the establishment and previous leadership saw these actions as a threat, which led to conflict."

"The fighting was contained to the planet that eventually met its end," Vewerlu continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "The powers that lead us saw it as a sacrifice in the grand scheme of our species' history, a grim acknowledgment of the severity of the situation. But as the casualties rose, unease spread rapidly, leading to a ceasefire and diplomatic summit."

I nodded in comprehension as Vewerlu recounted the events, adding, "You and Ecilon were both present at that critical meeting, right?" His affirmative nod confirmed my assumption.

"That's when everything changed," Vewerlu admitted, his gaze fixed on the ground between us, his expression weighed down with regret.

"To this very day, the identity of our attackers remains a mystery," Vewerlu confessed, bitterness tainting his voice. "Whether they were hired by those in power, acted on their own accord, or were manipulated by the Ueboros overseeing us for their own entertainment, I cannot say. The scars I carry serve as a constant reminder of that tragic day, a day marked by loss and devastation. Ecilon, too, emerged as one of the few survivors in the chaos."

He fell silent, his demeanor distant as he recollected the turmoil that followed, "After the attack, the planet was thrown into disarray. Faced with only two options—stay and become embroiled in the conflict or flee—the decision weighed heavily on us. However, returning to the safety of the other two planets was no longer viable, as they were heavily fortified with hundreds of thousands of spacecraft prepared to intercept ours. Thus, those seeking to avoid the impending conflict had no choice but to escape."

His words resounded with solemnity, conveying the weight of their dire situation.

"And so, your group found its way to the Resistance, didn't it?" I asked, needing clarification.

"Yes, that's right," Vewerlu confirmed with a heavy sigh. "After much deliberation during our difficult journey, we ultimately decided to seek refuge with the Resistance. It was a challenging trek, filled with loss and hardship, with some succumbing to their injuries or the cruel effects of starvation along the way. But despite everything, we finally made it to our destination."

"Why didn't you seek help for your mental and emotional well-being after going through such trauma?" I pressed, curious about their choice.

"Many of us felt it was a matter of pride," Vewerlu confessed, his tone tinged with resignation. "Even though we wanted to embrace the values of Egalitarianism, remnants of our former pride still held on. We chose to endure in silence, unwilling to acknowledge our vulnerabilities. However, the Resistance welcomed us with open arms, for which we'll always be deeply grateful," he explained, conveying a deep sense of gratitude in his words.

"Hmm," I pondered, taking in his explanation. "And why today, of all days, did you choose to start whatever this is?" I inquired further.

Vewerlu's response carried a heavy sense of sadness as he spoke of Ecilon's descent into madness. "Over time, Ecilon's mental and emotional state deteriorated until he reached a point of insanity," he revealed. "His fixation only grew stronger when he became infatuated with Valerie Tepes, the Dhampir, one of your lovers. He began to relentlessly stalk her, and you already know how that turned out as you put a stop to it."

"We tried to intervene, but his fixation consumed him," Vewerlu continued, his weariness evident. "He also, for some reason, became convinced that the Ueboros overseeing our planets would soon come for us, particularly within the next month. He felt compelled to prepare for their arrival, even suggesting a plan to return and eradicate them all—a notion that the old Ecilon would have vehemently opposed," he finished, his voice heavy with exhaustion.

"If possible, I beg of you not to take his life, but rather to restore him to his former self before he succumbed to madness. Deep down, he still holds onto his inherent goodness," pleaded Vewerlu, bowing his head humbly.

As I contemplated his past behavior and observed his current state, I couldn't help but find it curious—reminiscent of Riser, albeit for different reasons. Riser's arrogance had stemmed from his consistent victories in Rating Games and his extraordinary regenerative abilities. It seems that Vewerlu's experiences have led him to a sobering realization, bringing about this transformation.

At last, I spoke up, shattering the silence, "Out of the ten individuals here today, only three will live. However, it seems that one or two of them will be spared for experiments under the watchful eye of Eliara. I will allow her to conduct her tests before restoring them to their former selves, although they will likely face an extended period of confinement afterwards. Do you agree with this arrangement?"

"W-who will be the lucky three?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"You, Ecilon, and Marilua," I confirmed. "The other survivor is Denden. However, you know well that I have the power to revive the rest of them."

Vewerlu swallowed hard, his gaze fixed upon the ground before he nodded in acknowledgment. "May I inquire as to why you choose not to revive the remaining seven, and why you hesitate to spare Denden?" he queried.

"I have already utilized my foresight abilities," I began to elucidate. "I have glimpsed into numerous potential futures for those seven individuals, yet their paths remain unaltered across all outcomes. While I could continue to search for alternatives, the likelihood of any significant divergence occurring is minimal, perhaps only under highly specific circumstances," I clarified.

He fell into a deep silence, carefully considering my words for a full minute. As he pondered, the echoes of battle could be heard in the distance, mixed with the palpable surges of energies of those still engaged in combat. At last, he lifted his gaze to meet mine, his hand reaching up to remove his mask, revealing the scars and burns he had endured on that fateful day.

"I will accept your decision," he stated, his voice filled with solemnity. "As an outer god, and one who strives to lead others towards righteousness, I will abide by your judgment. However, I must humbly request that proper graves be provided for all those who perished today... for everyone," he earnestly begged.

I responded with a comforting smile and assured him, "Rest assured, they will find their final resting place alongside others in the graveyard section of the planet, Vewerlu."

"Thank you very much," he replied, bowing his head in gratitude.

"Would you like assistance in healing those scars?" I offered, but he declined with a shake of his head.

"They serve as reminders of the trials I've endured and the journey that shaped me into who I am today. I choose to keep them, but I appreciate your offer," he explained.

With that settled, our conversation continued. I expressed my interest in learning more about the planet, the Ueboros, and any other details he could provide, regardless of their significance. Thus, we spent several minutes engaged in dialogue, exchanging information and insights.

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