Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 22 – Part 5 – Hot Springs Bananza

Third Person Point of View

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Ravel gracefully evaded yet another barrage of silver projectiles, skillfully dodging the attacks launched by a man with distinctive features—gray and black hair framing red eyes, his attire a testament to his eccentricity. The silver orbs transformed into bats mid-flight, unleashing beams of silver energy towards her.

Unfazed, Ravel remained calm as the attacks passed harmlessly through her body. With practiced precision, she retaliated, conjuring a searing fireball aimed directly at her assailant. Despite his agile evasion, the flames singed the air as he narrowly avoided their wrath.

A wicked grin spread across his features, his name resonating as Curaluca, one of the remaining trio of vampires yet to be defeated, excluding Vewerlu, who had already defected, choosing a path of silent allegiance. Perched atop a fallen pillar, Ravel fixed her gaze upon Curaluca, a silent curiosity burning in her eyes.

'Silver energy attacks, blood manipulation, and the typical darkness and shadow manipulation. What an intriguing individual,' pondered Ravel, her mind spinning with speculations. 'His appearance likely remained unchanged. Could this imply inherent strength prior to any mutation or evolution?'

Before Ravel could probe deeper into her thoughts, Curaluca launched himself at her once more, a grin spreading across his face as they engaged in their skirmish. He seemed to revel in combat, a true aficionado of battle. Indifferent to his opponent's identity or strength, all that mattered to him was the rush of adrenaline that came with a good fight.

For Curaluca, consuming the duplicates of Fandren served as just another means to an end—an opportunity to face ever-stronger enemies for his own enjoyment. Consequences mattered little to him as he unleashed a barrage of silver blades towards Ravel.

Ravel swiftly countered with her renowned clan's ability, the [Hell Fire], as the flames effortlessly tore through Curaluca's attacks, catching him off guard. Despite being fully capable of quickly ending the confrontation, she chose to prolong the engagement, seeking to understand her enemy's motives and mindset.

As the smoke dissipated, Ravel confronted Curaluca with a probing question, her tone measured yet curious. "Are your actions driven by a sense of altruism, or do you simply relish the thrill of battle? Your demeanor reminds me of others I've encountered, hence my question."

Curaluca's initial surprise melted into a characteristic grin, and his response was unapologetically candid. "Yeah, I kind of want to go and help Ecilon or whatever his previous plans were but now that he's just insane, I don't care, I'm just here for the fights!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Curaluca reappeared behind Ravel, his fist enveloped in shimmering silver energy as he launched a punch towards her. "And you, my dear little midget, prove to be quite the tough one!"

Ravel gave him an incredulous look as she easily avoided his punch before slamming her elbow into his chin, temporarily stunning him. She then followed it up with a palm strike to his face and unleashing a single ball of flames at him.

The force of the attack was undeniable, engulfing him in flames as his body careened through a labyrinth of pillars and shelves, crashing with resounding impacts. Ravel, observing the scene, couldn't help but emit a weary sigh, shaking her head in disappointment. "You're just like Vali-sama then, although he's a lot better now, but still a battle maniac at heart…"

Her initial hope, a flicker of optimism in the middle of the chaos, that Curaluca might defy her analysis lay shattered. Instead, his actions merely served to validate her speculations, leaving her with a sense of resignation. She sighed once more, the weight of disappointment heavy upon her, as she stared at Curaluca's body. He rose from the debris, his grin unfazed by the ordeal, his enthusiasm undiminished.

"You're the best! I knew this would be fun! You're the strongest among them, right!?" he exclaimed, the excitement palpable in his voice.

Ravel's response was a simple, yet deflating, "...No," delivered with a deadpan expression that contrasted sharply with his enthusiasm, leaving him bewildered and questioning.

"Do not lie to me! Besides the outer god, you are likely his most trusted ally! The most powerful!" he exclaimed, pointing his finger accusingly at Ravel.

As Curaluca passionately made his declaration, Ravel realized the futility of trying to reason with him. His unwavering focus allowed little room for her words to have an impact. With a resigned sigh, she shifted into a defensive stance and quickly vanished from her original position. In the blink of an eye, she reappeared below Curaluca, unleashing a torrent of [Hell Fire] flames upon him.

Expecting such a retaliation, Curaluca had already encased his body in a shield of shimmering silver energy. However, his defense was no match for Ravel's onslaught, as her flames effortlessly tore through his protective barrier, just as they had done before. Once again, Curaluca found himself engulfed in flames, his skin and hair catching fire in the searing heat.

Much to Ravel's astonishment, Curaluca stood firm, a nearly deranged smile spreading across his face as he made a grab for Ravel's arm. But she swiftly sidestepped, delivering a bone-crunching kick to his left leg and knee, forcing him to kneel on one leg.

Despite the intense agony, Curaluca maintained his grin, his demeanor resolute. With a sudden surge of defiance, he unleashed a silver energy beam from his mouth at Ravel. Reacting with lightning reflexes, Ravel deflected the attack with a quick slap, showcasing the vast difference in their strength. Instead of disappointment, Curaluca found amusement in her reaction, his laughter ringing out through the chamber.

"A slap? Seriously? That wasn't some weak attack, lady!" he exclaimed, his amusement coloring his voice as the residual energy from the deflected beam exploded against the wall, shaking the surrounding area and displaying its formidable power.

"Why do you insist on facing opponents who are stronger than you? Do you not value your own life? Is this all a game to you?" she inquired, a touch of concern coloring her words.

"Because it's exhilarating! It's just who I am! Sure, I can be serious when I need to, but I don't care about that at all, it's all inconsequential to me! As long as I can experience the thrill of the battle, that's all that matters to me!" he proclaimed before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

Ravel shook her head in frustration, struggling to comprehend the man's blatant disregard for his own well-being. It was perplexing to her that he would willingly put himself in harm's way by engaging in battles against opponents much more powerful than himself. She couldn't shake the notion that given the chance, he would eagerly confront even someone as powerful as Aaron, solely for the sheer excitement of it, without any regard for the potential consequences of his actions.

Ravel's hand made contact with Curaluca's face, leaving him in a state of shock. He looked up at her, speechless, only to receive another slap. She continued this pattern, each one coming in rapid succession, while he looked on, bewildered.

The force behind Ravel's slaps was lacking, more of a taunting gesture suggesting that she could do much worse, even fatally. At least, that's how Curaluca interpreted it.

"Put some effort into it! Come on!" he yelled, breaking the rhythm of Ravel's attack.

"Are you some kind of pervert?" she accused, to which he responded with laughter.

"Then call me that if you wish!" he exclaimed, laughing as Ravel continued her slaps. However, after two minutes, she stopped and let out a sigh, her frustration evident.

"This will be the last thing then. Do you not... have any regrets? Don't you miss your family? Don't you want to live?" asked Ravel in rapid succession, her gaze unwavering as she looked down at him.

Curaluca suddenly jumped back, wincing as he attempted to stand on his shattered leg and knee. Despite the pain, he maintained his grin, standing shakily but defiantly before Ravel. "No. You're already aware of how this universe is. There is only suffering for those who weren't born into a lucky planet, species, and home. I'm no different, but instead of letting it crush me, I embraced the madness—my love of battles stems from it!" he declared happily.

Ravel regarded him with pity, shaking her head slowly. She was already well aware of the harsh realities of their universe, but that didn't mean she had to accept or condone them.

With a hint of sympathy lacing her expression, she gazed at him and asked, "Do you have any final thoughts you'd like to share?"

Confidently, he responded with a grin, "Spare me the pity. I loved every twist my life has taken. Even along with the chaos that took place on my family, I don't care. They were arrogant, foolish, weak aristocrats. I was different, an anomaly. My very existence has been proof of that rebellion, to living life on my own terms. Even as I near the end of my journey, I hold no regrets."

His bold declaration caught her by surprise. She had suspected hidden regret within him, but as their eyes locked, she felt a firm zeal for his chosen path. He held no remorse, no second thoughts.

It was a life beyond her comprehension, yet she refrained from passing judgment. With a silent acknowledgment, she enveloped herself in the famous [Hell Fire] her clan was proud of, mirroring his resolve.

"Very well. I will bring an end to your life! Before I bring you down, tell me your name!" Ravel's voice echoed with determination, her eyes burning with intensity.

With a confident smile, Curaluca boldly replied to her, "I am Curaluca Varenorth, the embodiment of greatness! The greatest man to ever walk this multiverse!"

Embracing the darkness, he fused it with body, along with blood, and shimmering silver energy to mend his shattered leg. Long, claw-like appendages of blood extended from his arms, while wings of silver unfurled behind him, occasionally veiled in darkness. With a large grin on his face, he ascended into the air, preparing for a final attack against Ravel. Choosing to forgo ranged attacks, he propelled himself forward, his body pulsating with an array of energies.

As he soared, his form became a fusion of his various powers, manifesting a peculiar spear-like entity that surged toward Ravel with unstoppable force.

Ravel's [Hell Fire] went through a metamorphosis, resembling the divine flames wielded by Suzaku Himejima. The once fiery inferno turned pure white, nearly silver, giving off an ominous shimmer that hinted at a hidden warmth and comfort, a complexity not lost on Ravel. She understood that as Curaluca met his end, he would also encounter this strange blend of sensations.

With a controlled motion, Ravel reached out her hand, releasing a stream of pure white flames towards Curaluca. The man, showing no desire to avoid the attack, propelled himself towards the oncoming inferno. However, as he advanced halfway through the attack, his body started to disintegrate, quickly falling victim to the relentless embrace of the scorching flames. In an instant, he turned into ashes, his essence quickly consumed by the glowing blaze, leaving nothing but remnants behind.

After the flames had finally died down, leaving only a desolate emptiness behind, Ravel found herself standing in the aftermath, letting out a heavy sigh. "Curaluca Varenorth, your memory will not fade," she murmured softly, bending down to collect some of the ash scattered around her. "Will this be enough?" she wondered, unsure if the ashes would meet Fandren's demands.

Thinking back to Fandren's request to consume the other seven vampires to strengthen his power, Ravel questioned if the ashes would serve their purpose. Doubts lingered in her mind, compounded by the memory of her recent mistake.

The previous day's error weighed heavily on her conscience; she had unintentionally taken a life in the heat of battle, an action she now regretted despite having the individual revived by Aaron. The lingering embarrassment served as a reminder of her fallibility, a humbling lesson in the unpredictability of combat.

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"You truly are a strange enemy," Xenovia remarked with skillful grace as she dodged the unusual, phallic-shaped attacks from the mutated vampire.

The woman, draped in various shades of purple from head to toe, flaunted dark, glossy locks tinged with the same color, paired with horns protruding from her head and vibrant purple eyes. Her attire, though daring and revealing, barely covered certain parts of her body, leaving very little to the imagination. Despite her bold appearance, she exuded an aura of seduction, heightened by her playful demeanor and suggestive remarks.

"Go on, indulge yourself, and surrender to the pleasures that await," she urged, continuing to launch her unconventional attacks at Xenovia.

Undaunted, Xenovia effortlessly countered with a quick swing of her sword, dispersing the incoming onslaught. "No thank you," she replied cheerfully, her tone unwavering. "I am happily committed and content, so I will pass on your tempting offer."

She playfully winked at Xenovia and remarked, "Cheating is quite common, little girl, and many people engage in it." With a mischievous gesture, she blew a kiss in Xenovia's direction.

Know that Aaron had an unconventional harem, brimming with women, Xenovia furrowed her brow and chose to remain silent. She had long accepted the unorthodox nature of Aaron's arrangements and was resolute in not letting it affect her. Even if some labelled it as "cheating."

Breaking the tense moment, Xenovia retorted, "Enough talk! I can't end your life since Aaron needs you to remain alive for something!" With that, she swiftly vanished from her position, leaving an air of lingering tension behind.

"The outer god requires my presence? Well, perhaps fortune favors me after all," Marilua mused with a suggestive grin, running her tongue over her lips in a teasing manner.

In a flash, Xenovia reappeared beside her, delivering a swift and forceful blow to her side, sending her tumbling away. "That's not what I meant, and you're well aware of it!" Xenovia exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration.

Despite the impact, Marilua maintained a sly smile as she crashed to the ground. Though she appeared unharmed, her body throbbed with pain, a sensation she struggled to conceal from Xenovia.

"Well, I couldn't care less. If he's willing to keep me around, I might as well make an attempt at seducing him," Marilua remarked with a smirk, prompting a laugh from Xenovia.

"Aaron is skilled at deflecting romantic advances. He even rejected the affection of a goddess of love from our universe, you know? And as for a vampire like you trying? Well, let's just say that's highly unlikely," Xenovia replied, recalling the encounters between Aaron and Freyja before they ceased once her husband returned.

Marilua's expression shifted to a frown upon hearing this. Despite her confidence in her looks, charm and abilities, the revelation that even a goddess of love had failed gave her pause. She stared at Xenovia with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty.

Deciding to leave Marilua to grapple with her inner turmoil, Xenovia swiftly closed the gap between them once more. With a mighty strike, she drove her knee into Marilua's face, sending her soaring through the air once again. Despite Marilua's quick recovery mid-flight, Xenovia unleashed a flurry of holy aura slashes from her [Durandal EX], targeting her opponent with precision.

Marilua deftly maneuvered, utilizing her purple energy to evade the attacks, pushing herself out of harm's way. She fought back by summoning darkness in the form of tentacles, attempting to ensnare Xenovia, but her opponent proved too nimble, slashing away the menacing appendages.

In the blink of an eye, Xenovia pounced on Marilua, her sword swiftly severing both of her wings, eliciting a piercing scream of agony. Without hesitation, Xenovia turned on her heels, closing the remaining distance between them and delivering a powerful blow to Marilua's stomach, leaving her gasping for air, the wind knocked out of her.

"Good night," Xenovia declared as she raised her fist, ready to deliver the final blow.

"W-wait, I—" Marilua's plea was cut short as Xenovia's fist connected with her cheek, fracturing her skull slightly and sending her crashing to the ground, unconscious.

"I'm not interested. I'll ask about those details from Aaron later," Xenovia stated, casting a glance at her ring. "...Or maybe I can take a quick glimpse."

With a touch to Marilua's head, Xenovia delved into her memories, witnessing the trials and tribulations the woman had endured, along with the struggles of her planet and species. A sigh escaped her lips. "Damn it all," she muttered, turning her gaze back to the prone form of Marilua. "Are we going to that place then, Aaron...?"

Xenovia efficiently fastened anti-magic restraints onto the unconscious woman, then administered a Slime Pill to ensure she stayed incapacitated and healed her. With a resolute expression, she lifted Marilua's slack body and hoisted her over her shoulder, carrying her away.

"I only feel one more person engaged in battle... and they're with Raynare. They should be finishing up soon," she muttered to herself, setting off towards the location of the ongoing skirmish.

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Raynare stood still, watching the man in front of her as he frantically hurled various projectiles at her protective shield of light. She made no move to attack, simply holding her ground and analyzing his movements. This man, Ecilon, was the leader of the small group she had come across.

As the other auras in the underground facility faded away, leaving her alone with Ecilon, Raynare couldn't help but sigh as she realized she was facing the final challenge in this brief confrontation.

"It's just you and me now, huh, big guy?" she called out, her voice echoing through the chamber, only to receive incoherent grunts of rage and frustration in response.

Despite his mutated or evolved state, Ecilon still resembled an ordinary man. However, his current berserker-like behavior or perhaps his descent into madness created a stark contrast to his former self. Raynare kept her composure, watching him with a mix of caution and annoyance, ready for whatever obstacles lay ahead in this final "battle."

"Let just get this over with," Raynare announced, summoning a spear of light into her hand. "I may not be able to take your life, but I can certainly incapacitate you."

Ecilon, with his long lilac hair, deep purple eyes, and elegant attire showing signs of his current frenzied state, growled in response. He unleashed a barrage of attacks, using a combination of abilities. Spikes erupted from the ground due to his blood manipulation, while shadows and darkness swirled around him, accompanied by a relentless onslaught of balls of energy, including his distinctive lilac-colored attacks.

Raynare remained composed, deflecting and evading the onslaught with calculated precision. Despite Ecilon's relentless assault, it was evident that each attack took its toll on him, draining his stamina with each passing moment. Aware of his weakening state, Raynare bided her time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike and bring an end to the confrontation without causing permanent harm.

As Ecilon's relentless attack gradually faltered, Raynare saw her chance to strike. With a swift and precise movement, she twirled the spear of light in her hand before flinging it towards him. Caught off guard, Ecilon was unable to dodge as the spear pierced his shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain.

Before he could react, Raynare's shoe connected with his face, forcing him to the ground. The impact knocked him out cold, but Raynare had made sure it was enough to incapacitate him without causing permanent harm.

With Ecilon subdued, Raynare quickly bound him with cuffs and administered a Slime Pill to heal his injuries. As Ecilon began to regain consciousness, Raynare positioned him on his knees, waiting for him to fully come to.

"Are you feeling more composed now?" Raynare asked as Ecilon groggily took in his surroundings, still recovering from the battle's effects.

"W-what...?" Ecilon murmured, his voice filled with confusion as he slowly regained his cognitive ability.

Little did Ecilon know, Aaron had anticipated Raynare's encounter with him and, after the discussion with Vewerlu, had made adjustments to the Slime Pill that Raynare carried. One of the alterations ensured that it would alleviate the insanity and negative mental effects he was going through, bringing Ecilon back to his former self.

As memories flooded his mind, Ecilon's expression shifted to one of horror as he gazed at Raynare. Instead of succumbing to despair or erupting in anger, he stood there, visibly shell-shocked, and uttered a simple apology.

Raynare remained silent, processing the unexpected turn of events, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she was met with the sight of Aaron, accompanied by Vewerlu and several others.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"Raynare, good work. Our little operation is now done," I acknowledged. Raynare offered a silent nod before redirecting her attention to Ecilon. "I'll handle things from here; there are a few things I wish to speak to him about," I informed her, a hint of weariness permeating my tone.

Acknowledging my instruction with another nod, Raynare turned around and rejoined the group. I had instructed them earlier to go ahead us, as I wished to engage in a brief conversation with Ecilon. With a snap of my fingers, he was effortlessly lifted and settled onto a chair I had conjured for the occasion.

"Now then, let's have a little chat, shall we, Ecilon? Vewerlu and I have thoroughly discussed the circumstances leading up to this moment, but I have a few questions for you," I stated, my voice measured and composed. While I already possessed the truth through prior means, I sought confirmation from Ecilon's own account, prepared to discern any lies.

", how can I help you?" he asked, his voice tinged with timidity. Although I hadn't seen him spiral into madness firsthand, his newfound meekness was a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.

I nodded, acknowledging his question, and posed my own, "I'm curious, why were you so fixated on Valerie? You seem to be in a clear state of mind now, so I'd like to understand your reasoning."

There was a moment of silence before he replied, "Because she's a hybrid like Gasper. But unlike Gasper, Valerie is female. Hybrids, regardless of their other lineage, are always held in high esteem. I was aware of that, and as my sanity slipped, I likely fixated on those two aspects. Hybrids are often seen as superior to purebloods, which can breed envy and animosity."

"Hmm. Besides Valerie being a woman, is there any other factor at play here? Do female hybrids have more advantages or power or something similar?" I inquired, referencing his earlier mention of Valerie's gender and seeking further clarification. To my surprise, he nodded in agreement.

"Yes, although it's only a slight difference. In our species, females, especially hybrids, possess the strengths of both species, often resulting in their abilities being twice as powerful. The precise reasons behind this phenomenon remain uncertain, and we are unable to provide an explanation," he explained.

As I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth of his words, I contemplated the inherent advantages bestowed upon hybrids in this universe. Typically, they inherit the strengths of both vampires and their other lineage. However, there is a peculiar exception: offspring resulting from the union of a demon and a vampire in this universe tend to suffer from defects.

Furthermore, while vampires in this universe may successfully breed with other races without major issues, mating with demons results in a staggering 99% mortality rate among the offspring. The remaining 1% are considered special cases. One such extraordinary individual among Phumera's subordinates is the Rank 5 Eradicator, celebrated for his unmatched ferocity, despite being a demon and vampire hybrid.

Many believed that he was born and blessed with a natural advantage, able to wield the strengths of both species without the burden of their weaknesses. His unmatched strength only added fuel to the rumors swirling about his true origins. Phumera recognized his extraordinary potential early on and made sure to secure him for herself, unwilling to let such a valuable asset slip away.

"What was your next move if you had captured Valerie? We know about your dealings with Fandren. Were you only planning to replicate her and consume the duplicates, or did you have other intentions?" I asked, fixing a stern gaze on him.

Ecilon's eyes dropped to the ground, a look of shame crossing his face before he let out a heavy sigh. "I... at first, I pursued her for both reasons. I wanted her for her potential as a hybrid, but I also recognized her origins from a different universe, which could change things. However, considering her existing abilities, duplicating her seemed beneficial for all of us."

"Did you not think about the possible consequences of absorbing her power? Taking in something so powerful could lead to overload and might result in your death instead of helping you," I pushed further.

"I... I didn't even consider that aspect. At the time, I didn't care about the potential consequences. I was willing to take a risk in the hope of becoming stronger, driven by the perceived threat hanging over us. If we died in the process, so be it. But if we survived, we would come out much more powerful, capable of conquering any enemy. As for the other reason... well, in my delusional state, I acted on both instinct and an irrational longing. I wanted her for myself because, in my distorted perception, I had fallen in love with her," Ecilon admitted.

Exhaling heavily, I asked, "And how do you feel now?" I kept my eyes fixed on him, waiting for his response.

"The rational part of my mind has regained control. While I still admire Valerie and acknowledge her beauty, I no longer have any intentions of pursuing or possessing her. That's not who I am. As I mentioned, my actions during that deranged period were driven by primal instincts," he clarified.

After pondering his words for a moment, I gave a solemn nod, then turned my gaze back to him. "Four individuals remain. One will meet their end soon, while the other six, soon to be seven, will be fed to Fandren to give him more power. As a result of your actions, the remaining trio will likely face imprisonment or be coerced into labor by the Resistance. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?"

Upon hearing my declaration, Ecilon nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, I comprehend the potential repercussions. But why only three of us?" he inquired.

I proceeded to explain my reasoning, recounting the various outcomes I had envisioned for the seven involved parties. Unfortunately, none of the scenarios presented a favorable alteration or improvement. Ecilon fell into a contemplative silence, eventually nodding in understanding after a few moments.

"Very well," he responded with a hint of resignation, bowing his head. "I accept the consequences of my actions. We shall assume accountability for any disturbances caused today."

I nodded in agreement as we lingered there for a few extra minutes, engaging in a conversation that delved into various topics concerning his species and the overarching threat and mission he aimed to undertake. By the end of our conversation, he had divulged every detail within his knowledge, and not once did he lie to me.

In his clear state of mind, Ecilon revealed himself to be a fundamentally decent individual, only driven to madness and irrationality by his circumstances. I held onto hope that he would prove to be a valuable asset in the times ahead. Additionally, I found myself pondering how he and the remaining trio would navigate their interactions with the vampires of our universe—a prospect that intrigued me and one I hoped to explore further in the future.

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An hour passed, during which all matters were settled, and those involved were sent to their assigned labor camps—although the term may sound harsh, in reality, it meant dispersing them to various regions across the planet to work for their "redemption."

Turning my attention to Fandren, I asked, "How do you feel?" He had already absorbed the essence of six out of the seven vampires, leaving only Denden remaining. Despite my offer to speed up the process by taking a portion of Denden's flesh to feed Fandren, he chose to exercise patience until Denden met his demise after Eliara experimented on him.

"I feel... fine, though a bit strange with the surge in power and the acquirement of a mix of abilities," Fandren replied, his hands clenching into fists.

While Fandren's increase in raw power wasn't extraordinary, it still marked a significant rise. However, the most beneficial outcome was the fusion of various abilities innate to the vampires, resulting in the emergence of two new abilities that were a curious blend of their respective traits. So far, Fandren had refrained from experimenting with these newfound abilities.

"Very well, then. I shall entrust Gasper, Valerie, and a select few others to assist you in mastering your newfound abilities," I informed Fandren, to which he offered a nod of acknowledgment.

"Thank you again, Aaron," he expressed his gratitude as I departed, leaving him in the company of the individuals I had gathered to aid him.

As I left the room, I encountered the trio who had accompanied me, patiently waiting outside. "Ready to return, then? We still have plenty of time left in the day, although we should grab lunch before resuming our plans," I proposed.

"Hmm, food sounds good. My stomach has been voicing its protests for a while now. It's around midday, right?" Xenovia inquired.

"Indeed, more or less," I confirmed. "Let's head to the dining hall for lunch before making our way back to Kritānukūla," I suggested, leading the way as we set off for our meal.

— ○ ● ○ —

After dining for about forty-five minutes, making sure to have extra food for our journey back to Kritānukūla, specifically to a town I intended to transform into a hot springs destination similar to Izu, we finished our meal. The town's rejuvenating hot springs would be its main attraction, but not the only one.

"Ready?" I asked, looking at my companions once more. "I'll teleport us back to the main city first, in case Yasevi wants to come with us."

"Is that a good idea? Won't she be busy with her duties?" Raynare asked skeptically.

"Very likely, but as I said, we'll just check in on her before going to the town. I've already heard from some residents who are unhappy with the area's current state—simple, desolate, and boring. That's why I want to revitalize it into a lively hot springs town," I elaborated on my plan.

Ravel inquired, "You mentioned earlier that there might be some trouble over there, what did you mean by that, Aaron-sama?"

I replied, "Ah, that, well it's nothing serious. Just a few troublemakers causing a scene when we arrive, trying to delay my construction on the hot springs and other buildings in the town."

Ravel nodded in understanding and confidently declared, "Leave them to me and Xenovia-sama!"

Xenovia, who had been lost in thought, snapped back to attention at the mention of her name. "Me?" she questioned, pointing to herself in disbelief.

With a grin, I replied, "Indeed, Xenovia. If you assist Ravel, we can treat ourselves to a night at one of the luxurious hot springs buildings I plan to construct."

"I'm in!" Xenovia exclaimed, enthusiastically patting Ravel's shoulder, eliciting laughter from us all. With one final check, we set off for the town, ready to face any challenges that may arise.

— ○ ● ○ —

We made a short visit to the main urban hub, Kritānukūla, where we received word that Yasevi would meet us later since she was currently busy with her duties as queen. Armed with this information, we quickly made our way to the town I was excited to change into a hot spring metropolis.

— ○ ● ○ —

The town we arrived at appeared rather modest in size, characterized by a scattering of a couple of sizable structures accompanied by smaller to medium-sized buildings. Its unassuming nature lacked any distinguishing features, rendering it seemingly "ordinary," although this simplicity was not inherently negative. However, upon our arrival, I noticed that the townspeople had gathered outside the town, their curiosity piqued by our presence.

Approaching us, a figure whom I presumed to be the appointed town leader addressed me. "Lord Aaron, thank you for the advance notice. The Shadow Soldier mentioned that this town is to be transformed into a hot springs destination. Could you elaborate on your intentions?" he inquired.

I nodded, proceeding to explain my vision for the town. I outlined the concept of a hot springs resort and elaborated on the additional tourist attractions and amenities I intended to introduce to enhance the town's appeal and stimulate economic growth.

"I see... I don't mind, that sounds wonderful. I wish to experience these hot springs too," the town leader exclaimed enthusiastically. His sentiment was echoed by the nodding heads and excited murmurs of agreement from the gathered townsfolk, all eager to try out the hot springs once they were built.

Before I could continue, a man's voice interrupted with hostility, shouting, "Hold it, you jerk!" Despite the interruption, I chose to ignore the outburst and began walking towards the town. However, I felt a firm hand grip my shoulder, prompting me to turn around to face a young man of around twenty years old, his muscular build indicating his strength.

His expression was grim, and he spoke with determination, "I refuse your stupid plan!" His declaration was met with agreement from a few others in his group, evident by their grinning faces.

Unfazed by his opposition, I calmly replied, "I refuse your refusal," gently removing his hand from my shoulder before continuing on my path towards the town.

As the young man tried to grab my shoulder once again, a thud sounded behind me, followed by more shouting. Unfazed, I continued towards the town entrance. Despite its modest size, I decided to maintain the town's theme while slightly enlarging its scale and elevating the design of the hot spring buildings to a more extravagant level.

Extending my hand, I began the process of rebuilding the entire town, infusing it with new life and vitality. With each movement, structures began to transform and expand, while the atmosphere buzzed with the anticipation of the town's revitalization.

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Xenovia Quarta's Soliloquy

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"Ow, what the hell is wrong with you!?" cried the man I had pushed away. He gave me a fierce glare, stood up, and puffed out his chest. "You looking for trouble, you blue-haired skank?" he barked, clearly spoiling for a fight.

His group of friends quickly gathered around him, bringing their numbers to about six, with the supposed "leader" making it seven.

Trying to calm the escalating tension, the elderly gentleman who seemed to hold authority in the town stepped forward. "Let's all just take a breath, shall we?" he implored, his voice tinged with concern.

Ignoring the elder's plea, the agitated young man made a wild swing in his direction, fueled by his own adrenaline. Without hesitation, I intercepted the blow, causing the old man to recoil in shock at the reckless behavior unfolding before him.

"Assaulting elders is hardly the mark of a decent person," I chided him, fixing him with a stern gaze. All around us, the townsfolk murmured disapprovingly, clearly unsettled by the escalating confrontation and the disrespect shown toward their leader.

Undaunted by the disapproving whispers, the young man pressed on, his voice radiating unwavering confidence. "As I've said before, it's time for the older generation to step aside and let us take the reins. Their outdated beliefs and traditions are holding us back. Under our leadership, this town will thrive like never before!" he declared, exuding an air of absolute certainty in his ability to lead.

However, Ravel interjected with a dose of reality, my tone measured yet firm. "There are no guarantees that your leadership would lead to prosperity for this town. Effective leadership demands maturity, wisdom, and experience, qualities which you appear to lack. Running a town, especially one of this magnitude, requires a depth of knowledge and understanding that you have yet to demonstrate," Ravel countered, emphasizing the importance of sound leadership principles to the young man.

The young man's face reddened with anger as he advanced toward Ravel, his veins pulsing with fury. Despite my confidence in Ravel's ability to handle the situation, the tension in the air was undeniable, prompting Raynare to finally step in.

"Well, this certainly escalated quickly," Raynare remarked, giving a quick glance at Aaron and the bustling activity of the town, which was now in the process of rebuilding and expanding. "Honestly, it's rather pathetic. What's your hang-up with this place being revitalized? It's already undergone significant changes since the merger of the two planets. Besides, you've only been here for a day and a half; your fixation on it is really odd."

As more of his friends closed in around Raynare, swelling their ranks to at least three, a similar number encircled Ravel. Turning his anger toward us outsiders, the leader's hostility reached a boiling point. "You three newcomers talk too much. It's time you learned a lesson. This is our town, not yours, no matter who contributed to its creation," he spat, his words dripping with aggression and possessiveness.

As the young man advanced menacingly towards me, I met his gaze with a steely glare, refusing to back down. Turning to the elder and the town leader with grim determination, I reluctantly uttered, "We'll have to resort to physical force, my apologies for the necessity."

The leader's smile faded into a somber acknowledgment, his nod expressing understanding of the unfortunate turn of events. Meanwhile, the young man's smirk oozed with arrogance as he scoffed at the idea of me overpowering him.

But before he could finish his taunt, I swiftly grabbed his arm, lifting him into the air before forcefully bringing him down to the ground. A weird sound escaped his lips, followed by his eyes rolling back as he lost consciousness.

Blinking in mild surprise at the quick resolution of the altercation, I couldn't help but comment, "I didn't expect him to go down so easily..."

The onlookers, apart from Ravel and Raynare, stood frozen in shock at the sudden conclusion of our skirmish, uncertain of how to react to the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, might as well take care of these other idiots," Raynare remarked casually before swiftly incapacitating the three men encircling her with well-placed punches to their midsections, leaving them writhing in pain on the ground.

Meanwhile, the trio facing Ravel hesitated as they assessed the seemingly harmless appearance of the young girl before them. However, before they could react, Raynare sprang into action once more, swiftly dispatching them with a series of powerful strikes, rendering them unconscious.

"Thank you, Raynare-sama," Ravel expressed her gratitude with a respectful bow.

"Don't mention it. At least it's all sorted out now. Hopefully Aaron can set up some makeshift holding cells for them here. Their offenses weren't severe enough to warrant confinement in the main city's prisons or the Resistance's prisons," Raynare commented, her tone pragmatic as she considered the best course of action for the defeated aggressors.

"Excuse me, Elder-san, do you happen to know the name of this town?" Ravel politely inquired of the elderly gentleman.

"Hmm? No, it hadn't crossed our minds until now, but you're right. It's essential to decide on a name as it will define the town for years to come," he responded, his agreement evident in the nod of his head.

"In that case, how about Aushadhakund?" Aaron proposed, joining our conversation as he approached. As we glanced back toward the town entrance, we noticed another Aaron standing there. "I've tasked a clone with overseeing the construction," he explained, then directed his attention to the unconscious troublemakers from earlier.

"...Aushadhakund?" the elderly man echoed, his bewilderment clear.

"Aushadhakund comes from Sanskrit, where 'Aushadha' means 'medicine' or 'healing herb,' and 'Kund' usually refers to a 'pond' or 'reservoir.' So, 'Aushadhakund' can be understood as a 'Pond of Medicinal Herbs' or a 'Reservoir of Healing Plants,'" he clarified, providing insight.

He looked back at the assistant overseeing the construction and nodded thoughtfully. "I plan to incorporate various plants here, similar to the section in Cosmosilica Terraflora that houses a variety of healing items and herbs. This town will serve as both a hub for hot springs and healing items. Currently, I'm in the process of developing a new item, similar to my Slime Pill and the Phenex Tears, though they'll have different versions and effects. What do you think?" he asked.

Ravel's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded thoughtfully. "Expanding our offerings will not only increase traffic to this town but also provide a means for healing sicknesses, diseases, and injuries for those who visit. This will undoubtedly enhance the appeal of our seemingly unassuming town to both locals and visitors alike," she elucidated.

Raynare, always quick-witted, interjected with a sly smile, "The significance of the name is not lost either; it holds meaning beyond Aaron's typical horrible naming sense." Aaron blushed at the playful jab and chuckled in response.

"Why not?" I chimed in, feeling the energy of Ravel's vision. "By offering more avenues for healing, we make it possible for people to address their ailments without the need for constant presence here. In doing so, we bump up this town from merely a hub for hot springs to a place of greater importance on the entire planet, maybe even universe."

Glancing at Aaron and the elder, both nodded in agreement. Eventually, Aaron spoke up, "Hmm. That's exactly the vision I had in mind. With that said, it should be completed now." With that, he turned on his heel, and we followed suit.

Before us stood a sprawling townscape, reminiscent of a medieval style. Gone was the former lackluster ambiance; now, the town exuded style and vitality. In all honesty, its previous state felt like a blank canvas, as if Aaron had merely provided the basics, allowing the people of Yasevi to spread out and explore various locales rather than being confined solely to the main city, as was the case on their previous planet.

Directly ahead of us sprawled a vast open space, dotted with assorted buildings and forthcoming shops. Most structures boasted a blend of cement and wood, with minimal use of metal. It was a stark departure from the predominantly wooden architecture of the previous town, showcasing Aaron's commitment to innovation and progression.

The terrain beneath our feet was rough and uneven, yet it seemed to be a purposeful design choice. Various lamps adorned the area, ready to cast their warm light upon the town once darkness fell. In addition, patches of vegetation decorated the buildings, adding a natural ambiance to the surroundings. Scattered throughout were small trees, further strengthening the town's connection with nature.

As the small group took in the scene before them, collective "oooh's" of admiration filled the air.

"Feel free to explore the new town," Aaron encouraged. "The main attraction is near the center—I've named it Hotel Springs. Yes, I know, it's rather generic," he admitted with a chuckle, prompting laughter from some of us.

"The other point of interest is situated at the rear of the town," Aaron stated with a hint of excitement in his voice. "It's an impressive indoor garden housed in a warehouse, with a medical facility on the top floor. This will be the main healthcare center for the townspeople and any visitors in need of treatment." With a quick gesture, he summoned a Shadow Soldier, which promptly disappeared to relay the information to Yasevi.

As the announcements came to a close, the townspeople scattered, leaving only the leader behind. Turning to Aaron, the leader expressed gratitude, but before he could finish, Aaron anticipated his question. "The town hall is located next to the hot springs hotel, so you won't have to go far," he interjected, providing directions. "Join us—we're heading there next."

With that, we made our way towards the town hall, eager to discover the new developments in this ever-changing town.

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The crossroad plaza we arrived at buzzed with activity, presenting a picturesque scene. At the top left corner, the grand Town Hall Plaza stood tall, flanked by the impressive hot springs hotel. On the bottom left, a multi-purpose building housed a general goods store and a bustling market, while a stylish clothing store stood adjacent to it, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

Raynare's inquisitive nature surfaced as she pondered aloud, "Are any of these buildings residential, or is there a separate district for housing?"

Aaron nodded, acknowledging her curiosity. "None of these are residences, but I've made sure to have a nearby residential district to cater to the residents. They won't have to travel far to access the amenities here. And to add a touch of convenience, I've also included small shops within the residential areas for the future residents that will move here," he explained, his meticulous attention to detail evident in his approach to the town's development.

"I'm surprised to see so many people gathered here," I observed, taking in the bustling plaza around us. Despite Aaron's earlier assurance that residents could explore the entire city, it appeared that a large portion of the population had gathered in this spot.

One of the main attractions seemed to be the hot springs hotel, which had piqued the interest of many, as evidenced by the number of individuals entering its premises.

Aaron chimed in, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone. "I did mention that it's the central point of the town. In addition to the town hall, there's also the market, clothing store, and the hot springs I spoke about earlier. Right now, goods are being sold there, with androids providing service. Although they'll be replaced in the future. The same goes for the clinic and warehouse, but the rest of the buildings are currently vacant," he explained, giving an overview of the current state of affairs in the growing town.

With a sense of consideration, Aaron informed the elderly man, "I've made arrangements for you to reside in the town hall. Your living space is ready, along with your belongings, ensuring a smooth transition. There's no need for you to look for a new home here," he assured.

Expressing his gratitude, the elderly man replied, "Thank you, Lord Aaron. I am truly grateful for all that you've done. I shall proceed to explore the town hall. Thank you once again," before respectfully bowing and departing.

Returning his attention to us, Aaron suggested, "Shall we go have a look in the hot springs then? There should be enough rooms available, much like our home and the other spaces. I've expanded the interior significantly. You could even consider the hotel to be its own miniature town or city, given its size," his enthusiasm evident in his tone.

A unanimous decision led us straight into the hot springs hotel, where we were warmly welcomed by a male android. After booking a night's stay at the reception desk, Aaron took care of the payment and we were promptly shown to our room.

As we made our way through the expansive hallways, we couldn't help but be impressed by our luxurious surroundings. The floors, ceiling, and walls were all adorned with polished wood or marble, all shining with immaculate cleanliness. It almost seemed as if they were being meticulously cleaned every minute—a suspicion that didn't feel entirely far-fetched, especially considering the occasional surge of peculiar energy pulsating through the environment.

Climbing two flights of stairs, we arrived at the epitome of luxury—the top floor. The rooms here boasted unmatched extravagance, yet their price tags did not completely exclude all but the wealthiest of guests. Aaron explained that with adequate savings, anyone could afford to stay here, with rates starting at around 60,000 yen or approximately $400 per night. He also mentioned that the lowest-priced rooms started at a reasonable $30 or 4,000 yen per night, and he had previously shown us some of these rooms, which were undeniably luxurious in their own right.

Each room featured its own private hot spring, spacious enough for a couple or small group. Additional amenities included a fridge for storing drinks or food, a mini bar, ample space for two tables and multiple chairs, a large screen TV, Wi-Fi access, and a generously-sized bathroom complete with a bathtub and shower, among other comforts. It was clear that no expense had been spared in ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of the hotel's guests.

Upon entering our room, we were pleasantly surprised by its sheer size, which dwarfed even the generously appointed accommodations on the ground floors. I estimated it to be three or four times larger, with a slightly bigger TV and all the same amenities as the other rooms, plus a delightful balcony that offered panoramic views of the town below.

As we explored the spacious room, Aaron took a seat on the sizable bed. "This bed can be transformed into two or four additional beds, depending on the guests' needs. With the assistance of staff, it could even accommodate up to six guests comfortably," he elucidated. "And while the personal hot spring here is larger than the others, it's not quite as expansive as the main ones on the ground floor," he added, providing insights into the room's versatile layout and amenities.

Ravel asked, her voice filled with curiosity as she settled onto Aaron's lap. "Earlier, you mentioned wanting three types of hot springs, right?"

Aaron nodded, gently running his fingers through her hair as he replied, "Yes, that's right. We have separate baths for men, women, and a mixed-gender option. There are fifty of each, and they're all exceptionally spacious. Think of Yasaka's outdoor bath, but six times larger."

"Are there any specific rules governing their use, aside from the usual ones?" Ravel inquired, enjoying the attention as she lounged on his lap.

"Well, there is a rule about intimacy," Aaron explained, his tone thoughtful. "For the sake of maintaining a sense of decorum and respect, we discourage intimate behavior in the mixed-gender baths. However, we understand that such interactions may occur naturally. As for their personal hot springs in their rooms, they're free to indulge as they please. It makes cleaning much more manageable," he added, to which Ravel nodded in agreement, understanding the reasoning behind the regulations.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Shall we make our way to the mixed hot springs? We've come all this way; it would be a shame not to indulge and experience it," Raynare suggested, her eyes focused on Aaron, a blend of curiosity and uncertainty evident in her expression.

Aaron chuckled in agreement. "Absolutely. I've secured a spot in the mixed hot springs for us, so let's not dawdle. It's a bit of a hike from here, around fifteen minutes on foot. We could teleport or even run to speed things up, but..." He trailed off, glancing at both me and Ravel.

"You've hit the nail on the head! I'm very eager to explore this place. Given your track record, I wouldn't be surprised if there's more to discover than what you've mentioned," I interjected with a grin, echoing Ravel's sentiments.

"Xenovia-sama makes a valid point. Knowing your love for innovation and your track record of modifying buildings on the Resistance's planet and our own home in our universe, I wouldn't be surprised if you've added a cinema or something equally extravagant thing here," Ravel added with a laugh.

A hint of amusement played across Aaron's lips, his reaction ambiguous as he either acknowledged her speculation or was taken aback by our banter. After a final look around the room, we left our accommodations eager to explore further. Taking the elevator to the ground floor, we stepped out into the lobby.

"Well, look who's here," Yasevi greeted, waving her hand in our direction as we approached.

"Have you finished your tasks for the day, then?" Aaron asked casually as we joined her. Yasevi nodded in affirmation.

"They are indeed. I shall be in your company for the remainder of the day. Barakyu and my other advisors will handle things in my absence," Yasevi confirmed, her gaze shifting to her left where Tuhila stood, bowing respectfully.

"It has been some time, everyone. I will be accompanying Lady Yasevi from now on," Tuhila added, providing a brief explanation for her presence.

We nodded, somewhat surprised by the sudden change but accepting nonetheless. Yet, curiosity arose within me, and I couldn't help but tilt my head and asked, "So…six people in Aaron's room?"

Yasevi chuckled and shook her head. "No, I have made arrangements for my own accommodations and will be sharing a room with Tuhila. However, we will gladly join all of you in the mixed hot springs, if that is agreeable," she replied, sharing a knowing smile with Aaron.

"Of course. Considering it's a mixed hot spring, it's only fitting. Do you have any belongings with you? You might as well go and stow them in your room. We'll wait here for your return," Aaron suggested, and she agreed before departing with Tuhila.

"Hmm? What about our own items? Like towels and such..." Raynare murmured, casting a questioning glance at Aaron.

"I've brought towels and other essentials with me, so no need to worry about it. And if by chance you forgot something due to excitement, we can always summon the staff to fetch whatever we need," he reassured, his tone calm and reassuring.

Raynare nodded, visibly relieved, while I couldn't resist smirking at her, earning a glare of embarrassment in return. However, it was Ravel who appeared the most anxious, her gaze fixed on the ground as she seemed lost in thought.

Before I could ask about why Ravel was acting like that, Tuhila and Yasevi returned, urging us to leave as we headed towards the mixed hot spring. As we strolled through the hallways, we noticed several others gathered around just outside the hot spring rooms, engaged in conversation while waiting for their turns.

Small waiting areas were scattered around, each with vending machines offering a variety of snacks and beverages. Upon closer examination, we found that the prices were even lower than those in our own universe.

It became clear that Aaron was dedicated to making these types of amenities accessible and affordable for everyone, without sacrificing quality. It filled me with excitement as I considered how he would revolutionize the human world once we revealed ourselves. The vague plans he had hinted at in the past only added to the anticipation of what was to come.

A lively and unusual sight greeted us as we came upon a group of elderly individuals immersed in what seemed to be a game of "bear pong."

"Bear pong...?" Raynare murmured, clearly puzzled by the unfolding spectacle.

The game was accompanied by a rather elaborate setup, utilizing various advanced equipment to aid in the process. Upon closer observation, it became clear that the participants were simply using light wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee, or water, depending on who was tossing the small plastic ball.

I attempted to explain the situation, but my companions remained bewildered by the sight, except for Aaron, who appeared unfazed. With a chuckle, I couldn't help but comment, "Nothing seems to surprise you anymore, huh?"

He smiled in response, acknowledging, "Very few things manage to surprise me these days, Nova. However, this display was still quite interesting to see, even if I didn't show it as overtly as the rest of you." His laughter echoed as he observed the elderly participants in the game.

After the initial surprise had faded, we stayed a bit to watch the game for a few more minutes, with even Yasevi, Tuhila, and Ravel joining in on the fun. Laughter and joy filled the air as they immersed themselves in the game. I, however, resisted the urge to join, knowing that once I did, I'd likely be unable to tear myself away for the rest of the day.

Despite the lighthearted atmosphere, I reminded myself of my responsibilities as the student council president, even in this unfamiliar environment. While I may have indulged in more childlike behavior since our arrival, my duties remained, albeit temporarily sidelined.

Once we eventually moved on from the game, we encountered another section that elicited laughter from Ravel. "So, you did include one after all—a small cinema section, Aaron-sama?" she inquired, her smile directed at him.

He chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Yes, the mall from the other planet remains here, offering a larger and superior selection. I chose to add this cinema section for the convenience of our guests. The seats are cozy mini sofas with armchairs, providing a level of comfort that's hard to beat," he explained.

With a quick flick of his wrist, Aaron pulled out his phone, revealing images of the luxurious cinema he had mentioned. It resembled the type of upscale theaters where patrons would typically expect to pay a premium for such an experience. However, here, the prices were surprisingly reasonable, given the lavish amenities—evidence to Aaron's dedication to providing top-notch experiences at accessible rates.

"Is there anything else similar to this left, Aaron?" Yasevi asked, her tone brimming with genuine curiosity as we took in our surroundings.

To the left were countless doors, leading to the women-only hot springs marked our current location, showing our progression through the large hallway in the hotel. After this section, we could surmise that the mixed hot springs were next, our next destination as Aaron had mentioned earlier. On the right, an array of waiting areas and other interesting distractions caught our attention, including the cinema and the bear pong section we had come across earlier.

"I think there's one more attraction—a small and charming bowling alley. It even has a cozy little bar if anyone fancies a drink," Aaron replied with enthusiasm, his eagerness shining through as we moved closer to our goal. With quickened steps, we soon arrived at the designated area and eagerly stepped through the inviting doorway, eager to explore what lay beyond.

Upon entering the modestly-sized room, we were met with the sight of five bowling lanes, a welcoming bar, and a comfortable lounge area. A few individuals were already present, some receiving instructions from the androids Aaron had created to oversee the facility prior to hiring staff.

"Bowling... I've never come across the concept before. I'd be interested to try it, but perhaps we should make a stop at the hot springs first?" Yasevi proposed, her curiosity sparked but her longing for relaxation prevailing. We all agreed, choosing to prioritize our visit to the private mixed hot springs. With our decision made, we set off towards our destination, eager to unwind and bask in the soothing waters.

Approaching the generously sized door, which stood a bit taller than Aaron, he led the way as the rest of us followed inside. The communal changing room welcomed us, prompting us to begin the process of getting changed. Ravel blushed ever so slightly, a tinge of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, while Yasevi and Tuhila seemed taken aback, motionless in their surprise.

"Don't worry, this is customary for us, and it's a coed hot spring, so there's no need to feel self-conscious," Aaron reassured them, sensing their discomfort. "We'll go ahead and wait for you at the washing area."

With that, Aaron, Raynare, Ravel, and I swiftly wrapped towels around ourselves before following him through the adjacent door, leaving Yasevi and Tuhila to compose themselves before joining us.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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While we waited for their arrival, the trio of girls began their washing routine, helping each other out along the way. This familiar scene was a common sight when I joined them in the baths in our universe, and even here, although it didn't happen too often.

Sitting on a wooden stool, I let out a weary yawn. The past two days had been incredibly busy. What I had hoped would be a relaxed exploration and reconstruction effort turned out to be more demanding than I had anticipated, leaving me feeling drained—not physically, but mentally and emotionally, reminding me of recent events.

"Are you okay, Aaron-sama?" Ravel asked, causing me to look at her wearily before nodding in confirmation during yet another yawn.

"I'm fine, Ravel, just a bit exhausted from everything that's happened and the overwhelming amount of information, but I'll be okay. Do you need any help?" I asked, to which she nodded.

With a blush coloring her cheeks, she stuttered, "P-please help me wash up at the front..."

I obliged, soaping up before tending to her request. As I started washing her sides, she let out a small yelp, wriggling under my touch. When I reached a certain area, I couldn't resist teasing, "...It's blonde too, huh?" Her cheeks turned crimson, embarrassment evident on her face.

"I—it's—um..." she stuttered, struggling to find her words, so I responded with a playful smile.

"I was just kidding, Ravel. Just teasing you a bit," I reassured her, chuckling softly, though her resulting pout was unmistakable.

Building on our playful banter, I casually mentioned, "Looks like you're doing well down there." She simply nodded, leaving her speechless. As I continued washing her, I decided to give her buttocks a thorough cleanse, treating her to a luxurious, sensual massage. Despite her earlier request to focus on the front, Ravel made no objection. From where I stood, I could tell she was becoming increasingly flustered by the subtle changes in her breathing.

While this level of closeness wasn't completely unheard of for us, my boldness marked a change from our usual interactions. Perhaps I was feeling mischievous or the influence of the hot springs was at play; after all, similar moments had occurred during past experiences in outdoor baths and hot springs.

"You're pushing the teasing a little too far. She might just collapse from embarrassment before we even reach the hot springs," Raynare cautioned, interjecting with a hint of concern.

Upon receiving Raynare's warning, I chuckled in agreement, recognizing the need to tone down my playful teasing. Stopping the sensual massage, I turned my focus to washing Ravel's thighs.

"Your thighs are quite impressive, Ravel. Even without big breasts like the rest, your thighs, ass, and legs are quite something. Perhaps I should call you the 'Plump Princess?'" I joked, followed by another round of laughter from me.

Ravel remained silent, standing there and trembling slightly while stifling soft moans. It was no secret that Ravel had a significant sensitivity in certain areas, which seemed to be a common trait among the girls, especially in the current setting.

"By the way... is there a time limit for the hot springs? In the past, we usually had private bookings or the whole place to ourselves, so I'm curious if there's a specific time frame for each group here," Xenovia added, steering the conversation toward a more practical topic.

I shook my head in response, "No, there's no time limit here. This establishment boasts a total of one hundred and fifty hot springs. Given the current population of the town, there's little chance of shortages now or in the foreseeable future. Besides, as I mentioned earlier, the facilities can accommodate large groups quite comfortably. Just take a look around at the spaciousness of this place, including the hot springs themselves."

Xenovia and Raynare looked around the vast room, nodding in acknowledgment. As I had earlier noted, the dimensions rivaled those of Yasaka's outdoor bath but on a grander scale, offering ample room for all.

"We have fifty hot springs designated for males, fifty for females, and fifty mixed. With this distribution, we should have no issues," I explained, earning a nod of understanding from Xenovia.

"However, should the need arise in the future, I can easily expand the number of hot springs, maybe even doubling or tripling the current count," I added, prompting another nod of agreement from Xenovia.

Shifting my focus back to Ravel, I noticed that she was still trembling, the lingering effects of our earlier interactions. Continuing with the task at hand, I proceeded to wash her legs, after having previously focused on her thighs, which elicited subdued moans from her.

As I descended further, I felt the arrival of Yasevi and Tuhila, their auras blending seamlessly with ours. Glancing up, I observed both of them draped in towels, their cheeks adorned with a faint blush.

"Xenovia, Raynare, could you lend them a hand? I'll continue with Ravel," I requested, to which they readily agreed, guiding Yasevi and Tuhila to nearby stools.

"It's customary to cleanse oneself before entering the hot springs. We wouldn't want to compromise hygiene by diving in without proper washing," I explained to both of them, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness before indulging in the hot springs.

"I see...that makes sense, but... we need to undress?" Yasevi asked tentatively, to which I nodded in confirmation. "Ah, I-I see..."

"Don't worry, Yasevi. You'll get used to it. That's why this section is mixed, so both men and women can enjoy the hot springs together. Come on, no need to be shy!" Xenovia encouraged, prompting Yasevi and Tuhila to drop their towels, revealing their impressive bodies.

While I only took a quick glance, it was clear that both Yasevi and Tuhila had ample breasts and curves in all the right places. After briefly admiring their forms, my attention returned to Ravel, who was pouting in mild protest, drawing a chuckle from me.

"But... your complexion is quite flushed, isn't it? Is that common among your species, Tuhila?" I asked, looking back at her. I noticed that while her nipples were a light pink hue, the rest of her body exhibited various shades of red, with some areas lighter or darker than others.

"Yes, Lord Aaron. The vibrant red hue is a distinctive trait of my species' physiology. While I take pride in it, I also find myself feeling embarrassed at times, particularly during missions that require subtlety. In such cases, I must conceal my entire body to blend seamlessly with the surroundings," Tuhila explained, her cheeks deepening in color as she instinctively covered her breasts and averted her gaze.

Noticing the scene, I observed Yasevi mimicking Tuhila's actions, with Xenovia and Raynare offering their assistance in washing them both.

"It's not every day one encounters such unique features—well, at least not in our universe. Maybe it's more commonplace here. That raises an interesting question: do you face discrimination due to the color of your skin? Such prejudices are unfortunately prevalent in our universe, particularly among humans," I inquired, intrigued by the cultural implications of Tuhila's distinct physical attributes.

Tuhila took a moment to consider my question before shaking her head. "In our society, skin color isn't a big deal. Instead, people are more likely to be judged and looked down upon based on perceived weakness or lack of power. However, there are times when others try to insult me using my skin color if their usual tactics don't work," she explained.

"By people from different races, I assume?" Raynare asked as she continued to wash Tuhila's back, and Tuhila nodded in agreement.

"In our species, skin color doesn't matter much since we all have the same hue. Instead, we are categorized based on traits like strength and physical ability versus wisdom and intelligence, as you probably already know," Tuhila clarified, shedding light on the dynamics within her society.

Raynare's confusion led Tuhila to explain the distinctions within her species, emphasizing that she was considered "unique" among them. Unlike many of her kin, Tuhila clarified, she did not suffer from insanity or mental illness, traits often associated with heightened intelligence within her species.

This was a fabricated memory I had implanted within her after "changing" her. In this new reality, Tuhila was one of the rare individuals who remained "normal" despite possessing exceptional intelligence, a deviation from the usual path of her species where heightened intellect often led to insanity.

While some members of her species followed the path of intelligence at the expense of their mental stability, others embodied the opposite extreme, characterized by physical strength without the accompanying cognitive prowess. Given the choice, Tuhila indicated a preference for her current state, free from the burden of insanity that afflicted many of her kind who pursued intellectual dreams.

"So, it's either a choice between being brilliant but insane, or strong but stupid? You've really struck gold, Tuhila," Raynare said as she continued to wash Tuhila's back before moving on to her arms.

Although everyone knew the truth about Tuhila's condition, they all respectfully went along with the story she had shared with us. Tuhila seemed genuinely grateful for their acceptance and lack of judgment, with a smile gracing her face as her multiple eyes closed in contentment.

"Thank you, and yes, I consider myself quite fortunate in that regard. By this age, most of my peers would have already succumbed to their inner turmoil and likely committed regrettable actions," Tuhila elaborated, expressing gratitude for her comparatively stable state of mind.

We listened attentively as Tuhila continued to share her insights into the destinies of her peers, her words painting a solemn picture of the repercussions that often accompanied the pursuit of intelligence among her species.

"They would either relentlessly pursue their lifelong goals or dreams, leaving devastation in their wake, or sink into such depths of despair that they would either flee the planet or take their own lives. Those few who managed to regain a semblance of sanity would often isolate themselves, slowly wasting away due to starvation or dehydration," Tuhila recollected, her tone infused with a mix of sadness and acceptance.

Curiosity ignited in Xenovia's eyes as she asked about the fate of those who chose the path of physical strength over intellect.

"As for the other path—the ones characterized by brute strength and limited intelligence—their arrogance and ego would often lead them to embark on increasingly reckless missions, inevitably resulting in their death, one way or another. Alternatively, they might find themselves in conflicts with similarly dim-witted individuals, leading to their untimely demise in such confrontations," Tuhila clarified, providing a sobering glimpse into the harsh realities faced by her species.

Feeling the need to change the atmosphere, I stood up and suggested, "How about we head to the hot springs and change the conversation? Dwelling on this seems to be putting a damper on things, no offense intended, Tuhila."

As I spoke, I noticed their eyes wandering downwards, and I followed their gaze to realize that the water had accidentally removed the towel from my body, leaving me standing there completely exposed. Chuckling at the unexpected turn of events, I shook my head in amusement.

Gathering some water, I proceeded to clean everyone else before we slowly made our way to the hot springs. Stepping into the warm, restorative waters, we all let out sighs of contentment as the comforting embrace of the water surrounded our bodies, washing away the tension and allowing us to unwind.

"This feels surprisingly wonderful. Did you do something to the hot springs, Aaron?" Raynare asked, her expression reflecting a sense of relaxation and relief.

"I've infused the water with healing properties to help soothe and relax the body," I explained, enjoying the soothing effects of the hot springs myself.

"This is truly delightful. I could stay here forever," remarked Yasevi wearily, prompting a chuckle from me. "Aaron, would you be so kind as to install one connected to my bedroom?"

Teasingly, I responded, "Is this a royal decree from Queen Yasevi herself?"

"Yes, indeed it is. Please make arrangements, and thank you in advance," she replied promptly, her tone leaving no room for argument, which only served to elicit more laughter from me.

"Sure thing, Queen Yasevi, I will ensure everything is taken care of before our departure later," I reassured her while chuckling, and we settled back into the soothing embrace of the hot springs.

As we basked in the peaceful atmosphere, I couldn't help but notice Ravel slowly moving closer to me until she perched herself on my lap. To my surprise, Raynare and Xenovia followed suit, taking their places on either side of me.

Suddenly, Ravel embraced me, her body trembling slightly. Startled, I looked at her in confusion, only to notice a certain transparent liquid staining my lap, originating from her nether regions.

A mixture of shock and bewilderment washed over me as I pondered the cause. Had she used my lap for her own pleasure? Or perhaps she had been so overwhelmed earlier that she reached climax upon sitting on my lap? Whatever the case, I doubted she would reveal the truth in front of everyone, so I decided to ask privately later in the day.

"What are your plans after this?" Yasevi's question disrupted our tranquil moment in the hot springs, causing me to stop patting Ravel's head, much to her disappointment and redirect my focus to her.

After pondering her question for a moment, I replied, "Honestly, there are a few matters that I both want and need to address. However, I intend to proceed with some of the plans I've already put into motion."

Looking up at the ceiling, I let out a sigh before continuing, "Firstly, I'll be traveling to Stolonium to see what Elanor has in store for me. Raerea will accompany me, as it is her home planet. Following those events, I plan to journey to Fengyun Fudi and attempt to recruit Rank 4 Virion Deamonne of the Eradicators."

As I outlined my plans, a strong sense of calm settled over me, knowing that these ventures were essential steps towards achieving my goals as we'd take down five of the Eradicators. We had three defects and one captured.

"I'd like to say, Sona-sama, her team, and Kanami-sama with the Slash Dog Team are going on a mission to Etoce Rhirlara. Their objective is to rescue Resistance members and apprehend the Ueboros member, as well as Rank 8 Taphelis," confirmed Ravel.

"They'll be fine. They have Shadow Soldiers accompanying them, ready to lend assistance if necessary. Therefore, I won't be joining them," I reassured, confident in their abilities to handle the mission.

"It's not a full-blown assault but rather a covert operation. Their goal is to stealthily navigate their way, capture their targets, and rescue the others. It's similar to our mission in Zenoiria, but with the experience of the Slash Dog Team in covert operations, I anticipate a higher chance of success. Additionally, with Lavinia and Suzaku also joining the effort, their chances of success are even greater," I elaborated, expressing my confidence in the team's capabilities.

"…Artemis and Ravel have also brought up the potential retaliation from the valkyries of this universe after the killing of Rank 12 Eyhylde," confirmed Raynare, acknowledging the looming threat.

Adding her insights to the discussion, Yasevi remarked, "Based on what I know of their species, the Volgendurs, they are not exactly known for their peaceful disposition. Their focus is primarily on their own race and they only bring in males for procreation purposes. It was quite unexpected to come across the 'Volgendurs' of your universe, who seem to be more rational."

Upon reflecting on the situation, I gave a nod of agreement to Yasevi's assessment. "Yes, the valkyries and the Volgendurs. I plan to personally visit their planet and try to establish a line of communication with them. I hope we can find a peaceful resolution to any tensions. But if that's not possible, I may have to resort to more... decisive actions," I said with a sigh, understanding the seriousness of the situation.

"Rossweisse-sama and the other Valkyries are eager to join you, expressing a strong interest in the Volgendurs and the potential merger of their planet with Asgard in our universe," Ravel disclosed, catching me off guard with her revelation.

"So, the old geezer wants to come along?" I teased in response, surprised at the idea of Odin accompanying us on the visit.

"They want to have a word with him first, but they're confident he'll agree, especially once he learns that the Volgendurs are mostly female," Ravel confessed with a sigh, eliciting laughter from me.

"Odin?" Yasevi interjected, seeking clarification, prompting Ravel to explain Odin's significance as one of the Chief God in our universe's many pantheons and his infamous reputation for his unconventional behavior.

"That's both impressive and unsettling. A Chief God known for his open perverseness and eccentricities," Yasevi commented, expressing her mixed feelings about the prospect of encountering Odin.

I chuckled at Yasevi's observation and responded, "True enough, if all gods and goddesses behaved the same way, they'd be rather dull. It's the open and eccentric ones that give the pantheon its depth and character. But I do understand how tiring it can be to be around the serious and eccentric ones. That's why I always strive to maintain a balance and avoid becoming too rigid or aloof."

The thought of becoming a stuck-up or boring person filled me with dread. No matter how old I get, I've made a promise to myself to keep a youthful spirit and stay updated on current happenings. Even when I have children in the future, I plan to use my knowledge and wit to playfully tease them and their friends—a prospect that brought a mischievous grin to my face. After all, what's life without a bit of playful banter?

As our conversation continued, we explored a wide range of topics, from serious matters to lighthearted banter. With each passing moment, the atmosphere became increasingly relaxed and jovial, allowing us to unwind and enjoy each other's company.

Despite the shortness of our visit, the time spent together proved to be immensely enjoyable, offering a welcome break from the tumultuous events of the past two days.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Yasevi, is the room satisfactory?" I asked. The next day had arrived and as we made our way back to the castle in the bustling main city and after quickly arranging for the installation of the private hot springs connected to Yasevi's bedroom, I awaited her judgment.

"Yes, it's quite spacious. Thank you, Aaron," she replied, her eyes scanning the compact yet adequately roomy hot springs next to her room.

"What would you like as a reward for everything you did?"

When Yasevi mentioned a reward for my hard work, I couldn't help but feel taken aback. "A reward?" I repeated, surprised by the unexpected offer.

With a playful gesture, Yasevi lifted her arm underneath her breasts, teasingly offering them. "As the... Oppai Dragon, as you're sometimes called, would you like the opportunity to touch or even suckle on them?" she teased, momentarily stunning me even more with her boldness. Tuhila, who was present, looked on in bewilderment at Yasevi's suggestion.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll keep that in mind for another time," I replied, trying to brush off the proposal with a light-hearted tone. However, Yasevi's response caught me off guard.

"Very well. Anytime, anywhere, you're welcome to use them. Consider it a lifetime offer," she affirmed, nodding in agreement.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, seeking clarification, but Yasevi simply laughed and waved off my question. Feeling slightly flustered, I quickly changed the subject.

"Well, I suppose we should be on our way. Thank you for your hospitality and everything else. If you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to contact me," I offered, preparing to take my leave.

Yasevi smiled warmly and accepted my offer. "I'll be sure to remember that. Thank you again, Aaron," she said before surprising me with a kiss on the cheek, causing Tuhila to gasp in astonishment.

"Lady Yasevi!?" Tuhila gasped, taken aback by the surprising turn of events.

Yasevi offered Tuhila a comforting smile before redirecting her attention to me. "Do not worry, Tuhila. With the Resistance and Aaron's presence, this kingdom will be well taken care of," she reassured her.

Before I could reply, I felt a strong grip on my collar, and I was quickly whisked away to the outside of the castle. It was Raynare who had taken hold of me, her expression narrowed as she studied me intently.

"You've managed to charm the queen of a kingdom, haven't you?" she accused, her tone tinged with disbelief.

"If you're asking if it was intentional, then no," I replied with a chuckle as she released her hold on me, and I chuckled again to myself at the absurdity of the situation.

"Anyway," I said, stretching my arms. "Let's head back. I'll help out in preparing the teams for Etoce Rhirlara and make arrangements for my own team's journey to Stolonium."

"Have you decided who will accompany you to Stolonium, Aaron-sama?" Ravel inquired, but I shook my head in response.

"Not yet. However, Raerea herself will be joining us, and I'm hopeful that after our visit, she'll choose to align herself with our cause voluntarily," I explained.

Ravel glanced down thoughtfully before posing another question. "Do you anticipate something significant occurring there that would lead to her change of allegiance?"

I fell silent, diverting my gaze towards the cityscape before us. "You could say that," I replied cryptically. While I hadn't used my powers to foresee the future about Raerea, a strong intuition told me that events in Stolonium would be pivotal for her. I resisted the temptation to look deeper into those premonitions, but I had a hunch about Elanor's schemes and their potential impact on Raerea's decision.

Raynare suddenly punched my arm lightly, prompting me to turn my attention to her. "Stop trying to be mysterious and let's head back," she exclaimed with a laugh.

Chuckling in response, I feigned innocence. "Was I being mysterious? I didn't think I was..." I admitted, though truth be told, I had been lost in contemplation about Raerea's potential transformation. Despite her formidable strength as a member of the Eradicators, her capture had been relatively straightforward. However, there was something lingering in the back of my mind...

"Yeah, you're right. Let's get going," I agreed, and with that, we swiftly made our way back to the Resistance's planet.

— ○ ● ○ —

The day before Sona and Kanami's team, along with other members of the Resistance, departed for Etoce Rhirlara, I found myself overseeing their training. I had assigned some tasks to my clones and avatars on the planet so that I could focus on this important preparation.

[Something on your mind, Partner?] Ddraig asked, standing beside me as we observed the training session. Both Heavenly Dragons were present, monitoring the progress of the two teams.

As I scanned the field, I noticed various members of the team engrossed in their training. Some were strategizing for the mission, while others were engaged in physical exercises. Lavinia, on the other hand, was sharing her knowledge of magic with the group. However, my attention was drawn to Raerea, who was willingly instructing others in the art of swordsmanship. This sight sparked a twinge of curiosity within me.

The memory of my encounter with Raerea on Lorveood Ceglave lingered in my mind as I observed her training with the Resistance members. Reflecting on her hesitant demeanor during our confrontation, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her behavior than met the eye.

Was she truly there just to relax and converse with Ebacan, as her lack of enthusiasm for the fight suggested? Or was there another underlying reason for her reluctance to engage in battle that day?

As I continued to watch Raerea, the urge to go into her psyche and uncover the truth behind her actions grew stronger. However, before I could act on this impulse, Raerea turned to face me, her gaze questioning. Quickly averting my eyes, I looked at Ddraig, who grinned knowingly.

"Don't even think about it," I murmured, a hint of threat in my tone, knowing that delving into Raerea's mind without her consent would be a violation of her privacy and trust.

[My dear partner, I'm well aware of your reputation as the Oppai Dragon and your legendary harem, but openly staring at a Resistance prisoner? Isn't that a bit too much, wouldn't you say? Such intense desire~!] teased Ddraig in a playful manner.

I let out a sigh and playfully elbowed him in the ribs, which only elicited more laughter from him. Albion observed our interaction and asked, {What's on your mind, Aaron?}

I nodded thoughtfully and shared my thoughts about Raerea, expressing a desire to go into her mind and better understand her actions. There was a moment of silence as both Ddraig and Albion contemplated my words.

[Well... given the challenges everyone faces in this universe, perhaps going to that place was her only escape—a way to relax and find comfort. Maybe she envisioned the idea of being defeated by you as a way to cope, imagining how it might change her life. You know, lightening her burden and avoiding responsibility,] suggested Ddraig with a touch of insight.

"Avoiding her duties, huh?" I repeated, glancing back at Raerea. While not everyone had fully accepted her presence, many had gradually warmed up to her, especially since she had been stripped of her powers. Actively offering guidance and at times acting as a mentor, she had contributed to the improvement of many in their swordsmanship and combat skills.

"Well—" I started, but was interrupted by Ravel's urgent call.

"Aaron-sama!!" Ravel's voice cut through the air, grabbing the attention of all present. With everyone's gaze now fixed on her, she hurried toward us and came to a stop before me.

"What's wrong, Ravel?" I asked, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

With a subtle sense of foreboding etched on her face, she delivered the dire news, "Phumera has unleashed its devastation upon Zenoiria and all within it, along with the complete annihilation of the Phoshetoms' fleet of spaceships..."

A heavy silence draped over the area as her words resonated. While the result wasn't entirely unforeseen, the speed of its occurrence caught some by surprise. I had even speculated that such an event might transpire within a week of my initial announcement.

"The Phoshetoms have been completely and utterly eradicated from existence," she concluded, allowing the weighty silence to settle once more.

— ○ ● ○ —

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