Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 116 The top-secret formula of the blind fishman

"Thank you for your understanding, Master!" After Richard's words, Fingart burst into tears of gratitude, feeling that he had followed the right master.

Originally, he thought that after he handed over a ray of soul origin, his future life would be dark, like a miner in a mine, and he would be squeezed day and night.

Who could have imagined that the master in front of him not only helped him ascend to the high position of tribal prophet he had always dreamed of, but also helped him consider the issue of the tribe's survival from his perspective, which made him extremely grateful.

At this time, Fingart felt a sigh in his heart. He was really blessed by the goddess of luck to meet a master like Richard!

"Next, we have to do these few things. Please arrange them carefully tomorrow." Richard continued, "First of all, it is my identity.

Usually, I will stay in your room and look through some of the notebooks left by your teacher. If I find a monster, I will accompany you to hunt the monster together.

When you introduce me to the outside world, just say that I am a wandering human wizard in the gray dwarf region, who was recruited by you.

Secondly, search for monsters as soon as possible, especially focusing on the four monsters: brain-eating beast, troll mantis, mutant crab demon and devil horned frog.

Finally, arrange for your tribe to collect golden fern fruits and waterroot grass.

By the way, help me clean up a room in your house on stilts, and move all the utensils from your teacher's alchemy room over here. "

Fingart listened carefully and nodded repeatedly.

However, when he heard Richard say the names of the four monsters, he immediately trembled and looked at Richard in surprise: "Master, do you want to make golden horned frog eggs?"

Richard nodded slightly and said with a smile: "That's right! I didn't expect that there would be such a rare pharmaceutical formula in your tribe. You know, this kind of pharmaceutical formula that can slightly improve a person's wizard qualifications is on the surface of the earth. It’s worth at least tens of thousands of magic stones.”

"Master, the golden horned frog eggs are our tribe's top-secret pharmaceutical formula. It is the result of the continuous attempts of generations of prophets of our blind fishman clan.

It's just that I have been busy improving my own strength, and I didn't have time to study pharmacy. Therefore, in terms of making potions, I. I may not be able to help you, Master. "Fingart rubbed his hands and said a little embarrassedly.

"As for the production of golden horned frog eggs, I will handle it myself. You just need to help me find the monsters." Richard waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Fingart couldn't help but be stunned and said in surprise: "Master, you. You are so young, are you already a master of pharmacy?"

No wonder Fingart was so surprised, because the difficulty of making a potion like golden horned frog eggs was extremely high. Even if his teacher came back from the dead and made it himself, the success rate would only be 30%.

And his teacher, the former fishman prophet, was the master of pharmacy.

Richard smiled mysteriously and did not answer Fingart's question.

Although he did not study potions, Richard had a general understanding of potions because his mentor Seles was a well-known potion master of the Ignis School.

The pharmacy of the Ignis School, it should be said that most colleges on the surface are similar. Most of its raw materials are various rare herbs, with a small amount of monster organs or blood essence, and even many pharmaceutical formulas, which are completely different. It requires monsters and only a few rare herbs to prepare it.

But the main raw materials for the two top-secret formulas in the mind of the blind fishman Dibu are mainly the organs of monsters, with a small amount of rare herbs.

In Richard's opinion, this phenomenon is quite interesting. The surface and the underdark are almost two independent pharmaceutical systems.

According to Richard's own judgment, this may be related to the environment in which the blind fishmen tribe lives. Monsters are rampant around them. Various monsters stimulate the creativity of the fishman pharmacists, thus creating this kind of and Yi. The different medicine routes of the Gurnis School.

As for the difficulty of refining, Richard is not worried, because when killing these monsters and collecting raw materials, he can obtain a large number of energy points.

With the inspiration panel and the experience of making alchemy bombs, as long as the raw materials can be collected, there will be no problem in successfully producing these two top-secret formulas for murlocs.

In the next few days, Richard summoned a skeleton guardian to guard him at all times. After that, he stayed comfortably in Fingart's house and watched Fingart busy.

He practiced meditation every day. After finishing it, he read the "Blind Clan Potion Making Manual" left by the former fishman prophet, as well as Jenna's previous experimental manuscript, and he felt quite enlightened.

At this moment, Fingart came in.

"Master, the warriors of our tribe have found a habitat for devil horned frogs, and it is also the mating season for horned frogs. There are many horned frogs that have successfully paired up at that habitat. I think we have found some. Devil's horned frog eggs are no problem."

Fingart reported respectfully at the door.

After hearing this, Li Cha's eyes lit up immediately. After waiting for several days, he finally got the good news.

"Well, gather the people and we will set off in half an hour. Remember, you are responsible for collecting the eggs of the devil horned frogs yourself. The corpses of ordinary devil horned frogs can be used as blood food for tribal sacrifices." Richard warned. .

Fingart looked happy, immediately agreed, slowly stepped back, and immediately began to organize people.

Half an hour later, dozens of murloc warriors opened the way ahead. Richard, wearing a hood, openly led four undead summons and followed Fingart.

Because Fingart had already introduced Richard's identity to the senior fishman warriors in the tribe. In addition, what Richard is doing now is to help the blind murloc tribe, so the other murloc warriors don't doubt him.

About two hours later, the group quickly arrived at the shore of Darkwater Lake.

Looking around, a layer of gauze-like mist floats on the lake, making it impossible to see the size of the dark water lake. According to Finlander, the oldest hunter of the blind fishman tribe has not explored all of it. The Dark Water Lake seems to have only explored a corner of the Dark Water Lake.

When Richard heard this, he murmured in his heart: "If this is really the case, then it is not a lake, it should be called a sea!"

On the bank of the dark water lake, there is a dense area of ​​aquatic plants. Plants that look like reeds and water hyacinths completely block this area. There are waves of ups and downs in the area, and the sound of devil horned frogs can be heard.

"Quack quack quack!"

The Devil's Horned Frog prefers to live alone, except during the mating and egg-laying periods. During the mating period, the male will emit loud frog calls to attract females.

As soon as Richard saw this scene, he knew that the information detected by the fish-men warriors was correct, and the Devil's Horned Frog eggs would definitely be found here.

"Let the ordinary murloc warriors come back. They will die if they go up there. Just let them take care of it." Richard said softly to Finlander who was standing aside.

After all, the current fish-men tribe is equivalent to his affiliated force. Too many casualties will reduce the strength of his side.

As for Richard, after giving his skeleton archer a dark element shield, he let it shoot arrows at a devil horned frog to lure it over.

Because devil horned frogs gather in groups during the mating season, if one is attacked, several, or even dozens, of them will immediately attack the enemy with the same hatred.

Moreover, the Demon Horned Frog is a monster. Although it is a small monster, it is about the size of a washbasin. It spits venom arrows. If it hits an ordinary fish-man warrior, it will basically be one arrow at a time. There is no ambiguity at all.

"Phew!" The shielded skeleton archer shot an arrow from a distance and accurately hit a courting devil horned frog.

"Quack~" The injured Devil Horned Frog immediately became furious, summoned four or five Devil Horned Frogs around him, and jumped towards the skeleton archer.

The devil horned frogs jumped nearly ten meters, and with a few moments of effort, they jumped not far from the skeleton archers, ready to spit venom arrows, but these devil horned frogs were separated from the large army.

At this time, Fingart waved his hand, and the senior and intermediate murloc warriors immediately cut off the retreat of these four or five devil horned frogs.

Richard possessed another skeleton archer and activated multiple secret arrow skills!

Fingart also immediately used water arrows!

Several Devil Horned Frogs noticed that something was wrong. There was only one enemy at first, but suddenly there were more enemies than them. He immediately wanted to turn around and run away, but the escape route had already been cut off. With the assistance of many fish-men warriors, Richard killed all four or five devil horned frogs in just a few seconds.

[Energy found to be absorbed, yes/no? 】


[Gain 113 points of energy. 】

Although the energy points contributed by each devil horned frog were only over a hundred, which was the fewest that Richard had ever encountered, it couldn't hold up to much. The continuous system boosting sounds made Richard couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Among the fish-men warriors, only two intermediate warriors were scratched by venom arrows, and they healed quickly under Fingart's hydrotherapy.

According to this killing rhythm, after half a day, Richard and the others killed nearly a hundred devil horned frogs and cleared a small area of ​​​​water reeds. Other devil horned frogs also began to escape to the center of the lake, which made it difficult to continue. Hunting the Devil's Horned Frog has become much more difficult.

Richard also successfully harvested 11,534 points of energy. However, the focus this time was not to kill the devil horned frog, but to collect raw materials.

Therefore, Fingart immediately followed Richard's instructions and personally checked the distribution of devil's horned frog eggs in the water reeds.

After some searching, we found several clutches of eggs that the devil's horned frogs had no time to transfer.

When Richard saw it, he was overjoyed. After a little counting, he found that there were roughly more than a thousand devil horned frog eggs here, which was basically enough.

Now that it was enough, everyone began to return. After all, devil horned frogs are too small in size. It would take hundreds of them to be as powerful as a large monster. Therefore, they are not the first choice for blood-eating sacrifices.

After returning to the fishman tribe camp, Richard couldn't wait to go to the alchemy room newly arranged for him by Fingart and start trying to make it.

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