Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 117 Production of Golden Horned Frog Eggs

Blind Murloc Tribe Camp.

In Fingart's stilt house, there is a newly configured alchemy room.

Richard was sitting next to a long table filled with utensils, playing with a bottle of transparent test tubes that emitted cold smoke.

Inside the test tube was a piece of cerebrospinal fluid from a brain-eating monster, provided by Fingart. It was said to be the last cerebrospinal fluid in the entire fish-man tribe. He found it while rummaging through the dead Dib's room.

Judging from the dosage, if nothing goes wrong, it should be enough for Richard to make the medicine this time.

Originally, he planned to learn how to learn fish-man pharmacy through a few days of research, but at present, it seems that it is unlikely.

Although Richard read the "Blind Clan Potion Making Manual" for several days in a row, this pharmacy book left behind by the former fishman prophet, it involves many difficult principles, and it may be difficult to get started in a short time.

But Richard thought of another method. He remembered that it was the same when he was learning how to make alchemy bombs. The whole alchemy was as complicated as the vast sea. To display the three characters of alchemy on the panel, it might be more difficult than practicing Rodri. The meditation method is still difficult.

I remember that at that time, I used a tricky approach and only focused on the steps to make the alchemy bomb formula of Fire Dance Star. After I got started, I quickly improved through the inspiration panel, thus achieving a high success rate.

Of course, what is displayed on the inspiration panel is only the control level of the alchemy bomb called Fire Dance Star, not the entire alchemy.

This time, Richard also followed this idea. In the fish-man pharmacy, he only needs to specialize in the production of one formula, just like the Dancing Fire Star and Silver Moon Dust in alchemy.

Of course, this method is not without its shortcomings. Even if Richard makes the Fire Dance Star well, he certainly cannot be called a master of alchemy.

Because Richard specializes in the production of these two alchemical bombs under the extremely complex system of alchemy. If he wants to make other alchemical products, he will not be much better than an ordinary novice.

This is a shortcut and opportunistic approach.

Moreover, others cannot learn this method even if they want to, mainly because others do not have so much raw materials to waste.

But Richard is different. He can consume energy points in the dream to generate massive inspiration, keep trying and making mistakes, and ultimately increase the success rate. The raw materials in the dream are almost unlimited supply for Richard.

Therefore, his goal this time is also very clear, which is to follow the steps in the formula and continue trial and error to improve the success rate.

It's OK not to understand the principle for a while, but he only needs to know how to operate it.

If you want to get started with the entire murloc pharmacy system, you may not be able to do it without investing half a year or a year of time and energy.

However, fortunately, pharmacy is a subject that pays great attention to practical operation and practice makes perfect.

This is like Richard's previous life, when he was a repairman in a certain car brand shop. He could skillfully repair the engine of his own brand car, but it is very likely that he had only a little knowledge of the principles and manufacturing of engines.

But he can fix it!

At this point, some professors majoring in automobile manufacturing at certain universities may have a theoretical level that is dozens of miles ahead of this mechanic, but if they are asked to repair the engine of a car on their own, they may be blind.

The rationale is the same.

The blind murloc's top-secret formula - Golden Horned Frog Eggs, its pharmaceutical principles are extremely complicated, and Richard couldn't understand it for a while, but he could understand the production steps.

that's enough!

If you understand the steps, you can get started with making them.

The [Skill] displayed on the panel: Golden Horned Frog Egg Production (1% entry level) is the best proof.

The production of golden horned frog eggs is relatively complicated and can be roughly divided into two major stages. The first major stage is to detoxify, which requires extracting the egg fluid from the devil's horned frog eggs and then injecting the juice of fresh waterroot into it.

The egg fluid of the devil's horned frog contains highly toxic substances, which is a biological protection mechanism for its young. Just imagine, if the eggs of the devil's horned frog were not poisonous, how many fish, shrimps, insects, and crabs in the lake would covet and steal them. Food.

However, this places high demands on the pharmacist, because the first step is to extract the highly toxic egg fluid from the Devil's Horned Frog eggs, and then inject another juice called waterroot.

If handled carelessly, the embryo inside the devil's horned frog will be damaged, and the golden horned frog eggs produced in this way will have greatly reduced medicinal properties.

The second major stage is awakening. You need to mix the brain-eating monster's cerebrospinal fluid with golden fern juice, mix it and apply it on the devil's horned frog eggs, and then recite a spell to awaken the vitality hidden in the devil's horned frog egg embryos, and quickly solidify it.

Of course, in each major stage, there are several detailed steps.

Richard is now ready to start the first big stage.

First, he took out a devil's horned frog egg the size of a red bean and squeezed it gently. The surface layer of the egg wall was soft and elastic, similar to the salmon egg in Richard's previous life. The egg liquid inside was clear and transparent. It doesn't look poisonous at all.

A small insect-like devil horned frog embryo was squirming slightly in the egg fluid.

Richard carefully inserted a slender needle into the egg wall and began to slowly extract the highly toxic egg fluid.

[It was discovered that the host was making the potion Golden Horned Frog Eggs. Did/do you consume energy and get the inspiration to make the potion Golden Horned Frog Eggs? 】

This time, looking at the numbers 1 and 11534 at both ends of the slide bar, Richard thought for a moment, then dragged the slide bar to 6534 and selected "Yes".

As for why he chose to spend so many energy points, firstly, Richard considered that the top-secret formula of the fishman is more difficult. According to his previous experience in making alchemy bombs, the more difficult the formula, the more energy it consumes when improving. The more.

The second reason is that Richard has zero foundation in pharmacies, and the murloc's pharmaceutics system is very different from that of the Ignis School. For this completely unfamiliar knowledge, additional energy points need to be consumed to achieve the same effect.

In an instant, Richard came to a dream space as if his soul was out of his body. This time, the space was also an alchemy room, and the items inside were exactly the same as when he was in the outside world.

Immediately, he also started the process of extracting egg fluid in his dream.

Unfortunately, when the needle was inserted for the first time, Richard accidentally rubbed a bit of the embryo's delicate body, causing it to start bleeding. This basically declared a failure.

Because the embryo of the devil's horned frog is the key to whether the medicine can be effective. If there is damage, the medicine's effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Obviously, it will not make much sense to proceed further.

The second time, it was not inserted when it was inserted, but during the extraction process, the flow of egg fluid caused the pressure to change, and the originally round egg wall became oval, eventually causing the needle to accidentally damage the embryo again.

The third time, Richard's egg fluid was not extracted completely, resulting in the finished product being highly toxic.

The fourth time. There was still a small amount of egg fluid remaining.

For the 401st time, Richard finally nodded with satisfaction and completed the step of extracting the egg fluid. The next step was to re-inject a kind of waterroot juice into it.

Before injecting, the first thing that needs to be completed is to grind, filter and purify the water root.

Immediately, Richard began to perform the above operations.

The first time. The particles were not fine enough and did not meet the standard.

The second time. There were impurities.

The tenth time. Purification failed.

After the 389th time, Richard shook the test tube in his hand, looked at the crystal clear light yellow liquid in the test tube, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Finally finished making the waterroot juice."

The next step is to re-inject the water root juice to replace the egg liquid.

After thousands of attempts.

The first big step has been successfully completed, and now the second big step needs to be carried out.

The second major step can be subdivided into four steps. The first is to purify and filter the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain-eating monster.

Next, add the golden fern fruit juice and mix again. At this time, the perfectly proportioned mixed liquid will show a beautiful golden color.

Then, the golden mixed liquid was carefully dripped onto the eggs of the Devil's Horned Frog, and was applied evenly one by one.

Finally, the mantra is recited to mobilize the life activity of the devil horned frog embryo and freeze it.

After thousands of attempts.

Richard finally reached the last step smoothly!

According to the requirements in the recipe, Richard recited a piece of Akkadian.

The low-pitched spell gradually aroused the surrounding dark elemental energy, and the tidal-like ups and downs of energy particles began to gradually penetrate into the egg and stimulate the life activity of the devil horned frog embryo.

In each transparent egg, one can see a small tadpole-like creature that was originally peaceful. At this moment, it is gradually beginning to twist vigorously. It seems that it has successfully stimulated the most primitive life energy.

"Freeze!" followed Richard's last words in Akkadian.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the Devil's Horned Frog eggs that were about to move suddenly stopped moving. Their strong life activity was maintained at the most vigorous moment, and it seemed that time had frozen.

Looking at the golden "fried beans" exuding a strange fragrance, Richard couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and murmured to himself: "Why are they so tempting in dreams! I can't help it anymore, let's try a few first. taste."

Just when Richard was about to taste a golden horned frog egg, the world began to spin, and Richard instantly returned to his true form.

"Tang! It's just a second away from tasting it!" Richard couldn't help but said angrily.

Bring up the panel and see, [Skill] Golden Horned Frog Egg Production (Proficiency 83%).

This immediately made Richard's face darken!

It took more than 6,000 energy points to only reach the mastery level. To be honest, Richard was not satisfied with this progress.

Originally, he thought he could at least be promoted to the master level.

As for the reason, Richard had actually guessed it. It should be that he had too little knowledge about fish-man pharmacies. As a result, even the production of this improved formula became more difficult and consumed more energy points in the later stages. It's huge, but the effect is very little.

Of course, part of the reason is that the formula itself is extremely difficult.

However, no matter what, the proficiency level of formula making, compared to the pharmacist level of a fishman, is only a senior pharmacist.

In other words, if Richard chooses to make golden horned frog eggs now, the success rate will only be about 15%.

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