With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 207 Research Facility (2)

The reason why he was surprised was mainly because of these walls.

When he came to the main entrance of this research facility, he almost thought that he had returned to Earth because this place looked like one of the high tech research facilities from Earth.

This was an ancient cultivation world where construction technology was still simple. Even using bricks to build houses was considered luxurious and most of the common houses were still built with wood.

So where did they get the technology to learn how to build with metal?

The chimera technology and this research facility, no matter how he looked at it, it seemed like something was off.

It was almost as if they had received technology that they shouldn't own…

But if they did, where had they gotten it?

The more he thought about it, the more he became confused…So in the end, he decided to shake all of this out of his mind and focus on the task at hand.

After the guards arrived at the main entrance, they immediately took up their post again by the wall.

Lin Fan just ignored the two of them and started heading deeper into the research facility, but this place was just too big. Just the main entrance alone had several different ways for him to go.

He couldn't use his puppets here like he had done in the cave because if the puppets went too far away from him, he wouldn't be able to keep the illusion spell active on them. This place was very high tech, so he wasn't sure what kind of surveillance system was here.

He didn't worry about using the mosquitoes normally because most people wouldn't even notice them, but high tech surveillance systems would surely notice them.

Without knowing what was here, it was impossible for him to take this risk.

So he had no choice but to choose one direction and head in it.

He chose the most far right passage in the end.

The logic that he used was that he would start from the right and then slowly make his way through each of the passages until he had explored this entire place.

Now that he had broken through, he was able to keep the illusion spell going much longer, so he didn't need to worry about being caught.

As he headed down the hallway, he found that there were more things that were familiar to him.

The lights here, they weren't using torches or candles like normal buildings in this ancient cultivation world. Instead, they had electric lights that had covers over them, so he couldn't see exactly what the bulbs looked like, but he was certain that things like this shouldn't have existed in the cultivation world.

Where did they get electricity from?

There were also vents in the ceiling that he could feel wind coming from. It was clear that these were being used to ventilate the entire research facility, but at the same time, when he passed by them, he could also feel the warm breeze coming from them.

It seemed like they also had a heating system in place as well…

Just how many pieces of technology did they have that didn't belong to this era?

As he moved along in this hallway, he also saw many different doors that lined the hallway, but he didn't open a single one of them. He didn't know what was behind those doors and if he were to open them, there was a chance that he would reveal himself.

So the only choice that he had was to continue along until he found an open door or he found someone to open a door for him.

But one thing that surprised him was just how long this hallway was.

Even after continuing for around ten minutes, he still wasn't able to find an end to this hallway.

However, he also noticed one thing while he was heading deeper.

The hall that he was in seemed to be heading downwards at a sort of decline. It was as if it was heading deeper and deeper into the ground.

But it made sense when he thought about it.

When he followed the guards into the main entrance, he had also noticed that they were heading downwards.

As for why they were heading down and why this passage he was in was heading deeper down, it was because this base was an underground base.

This kind of large base would be too conspicuous above ground and even if they were to build it inside of the mountain, there wouldn't be enough space for them to hide it all. So the only option that they had was to dig underground, that would allow them to expand the base as much as they wanted.

That was a problem for Lin Fan though.

While he wasn't worried about his illusion spell running out, it wasn't as if he had all the time in the world.

Eventually, there would be people that could see through his illusion spell that would come to this research facility because this was an important place for them. So if he took too much time, it was only a matter of time before he was caught.

He had thought that he would be able to quickly go through this place and find what he was looking for, but now it seemed like he had completely underestimated the size of this place.

"Just what is going on here?" Lin Fan couldn't help muttering to himself.

He was in too deep to go back now, so he had no choice but to continue along this hallway.

After another ten minutes, he finally found a place that had an open door.

After peeking in from the side, he made sure that no one was inside of the room. Only then did he go into the room, but he was shocked the moment that he stepped in and saw clearly what was in this room.

There were many human sized glass jars in this room, but what was inside of the jars couldn't be called "human" anymore. The things that were floating inside of these glass jars were like the chimeras that he had seen before, but they weren't as developed as the ones that he saw before.

These were humans, but at the same time, they weren't humans.

They had the normal basic human shape, but all over their bodies were different parts of different beasts.

Unlike the chimeras that Lin Fan had met before which had a shape that was like the mix of beast and human, the things inside of these glass jars had various different parts sticking out of their human body. All of the parts weren't from the same beast, almost as if it hadn't been decided what kind of chimera they would turn into yet.


That was the only thing that Lin Fan could feel at this moment because there was no stronger emotion that he could feel.

It took him a while to recover from this disgust and then he started paying attention to jars that these people were contained in.

After all, these kinds of jars didn't actually exist on Earth.

So that meant that these people from this ancient cultivation world had actually gotten technology that surpassed the technology of Earth…

Just where had they gotten all of this from?

While Lin Fan was lost deep in thought, he suddenly heard a banging sound from in front of him that immediately pulled him out of his thoughts.

Even though he had the illusion spell protecting him, he still hid behind one of the jars and started looking for the source of this sound.

To his surprise, he found that this room wasn't as empty as he had thought it had been. In the distance, there was actually a young man who was pushing a cart that was currently stopped beside one of the jars.

As for the reason why he had stopped, it was because he had accidentally bumped the cart into one of the jars and knocked over some of the stuff on the jars. That was also the cause of the large sound that Lin Fan had heard.

As he moved closer, he could hear the young man talking to himself, "Shit, shit, I lost control of the cart for a second and it got away from me…What do I do? What do I do? The important sample was shattered…I'm so dead…"

Lin Fan might have felt sympathy for this kind of young man if he was anywhere else, but in a place like this, all he could feel was anger and disgust. He was angry that even such a young man was willing to work for a place like this. As for the disgust, it was the same disgust that he felt since he stepped into this place.

But he didn't do anything to this young man because he knew that he could use this young man.

This young man was clearly heading somewhere with this cart and once he finished cleaning up his mess here, he would be able to lead Lin Fan to a place that would either have important people or important documents.

That was better than wandering around looking for things on his own like a headless chicken.

It took the young man several minutes to clean up the mess that he had made and during this time, Lin Fan looked over the cart that he had.

The cart was covered in various different containers that held many different liquids, but Lin Fan was able to catch a glimpse of the labels that were on these containers. As he had expected, they were all samples from their experiments.

That meant that every single liquid here was collected from one of the chimeras that was made here.

This just made Lin Fan feel even more disgusted towards the young man that he would willingly transport something like this.

Once the young man had finished cleaning up the mess that he made, he put everything on the cart and headed to the opposite side of the room that Lin Fan came in. There was another door on this side that he headed out and he continued down the hallway outside of this door until he came to a large set of doors.

He took out a card from his lab coat jacket and tapped it on the sensor by the door which caused the doors to suddenly open.

Seeing this, Lin Fan knitted his brows again, but he continued forward without getting distracted.

For now, it was more important for him to focus on following the young man.

When he walked through those large doors, he was shocked to see what was behind it.

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