With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 208 Research Facility (3)

Right in the center of the room, there was a giant glass jar just like the ones that he had seen before, but this one was much bigger than the other jars.

This one was so big that it completely took up the center of the room.

Of course, just like the other jars, this one wasn't empty.

But unlike the other jars, the creature that was inside of this one was giant and complete. This was a creature that was over ten meters tall and had a complete body that was just a mix of a human and a beast, that wasn't an incomplete mixture of different beasts and a human.

In front of the jar, there were several people in lab coats that looked like researchers of this facility that were currently looking over some papers on a desk in front of the jar. There were also a few of them that were moving around the jar and saying something to the ones at the table, as if they were collecting data and relaying it back to them.

The young man slowly made his way over, almost as if he was scared to talk to them. However, in the end, he pushed the cart over and they noticed him.

As soon as they noticed him, a few of the researchers came over to the cart.

Without even talking to him, they just took the containers on the cart and carried them away to different parts of this room where there were stations set up around the giant jar in the middle.

But there were also those that didn't leave right away and looked over the cart a few times before finally turning their attention to the young man.

One of them asked, "Where's the sample that I asked for?"

The young man lowered his head a bit and just remained silent.

Seeing this, the one that had spoken before got annoyed and asked again, "Where is it?"

The young man had no choice but to speak up after being called out like this. He said in a hesitant voice, "I…I accidentally dropped it on the way here."

After saying this, he reached into a compartment in the cart and pulled out the broken container.

When the researcher saw this, he gave a cold snort and then grabbed it without saying a word. Instead, he walked over to one of the people that was a part of the main group of researchers and raised the container before saying a few things to him.

As they were talking, they looked back over at the young man from time to time, as if they were looking him over.

Finally, that researcher and the researcher from the main group came over. The researcher from the main group said, "Xiao Pu, this is the last time you've messed up. You're now on Organ Room duty for the next month."

When the young man heard this, his face immediately turned pale.

That was because out of all the punishments that he could have received, this was the strictest.

The Organ Room was a special room where they dissected the creatures from the experiments for their organs. The creatures that are normally sent there weren't always dead, so it was a place where one was very likely to get injured or even killed.

But the young man couldn't say anything since he knew that there was no talking his way out of this.

Lin Fan had seen all of this and he shook his head, but he didn't feel pity for the young man.

Instead, he turned his attention to the group of researchers that were right in front of the giant jar.

Before this, he had been watching what the researchers who had gotten samples from the cart were doing.

At the various stations all over the room, the researchers had different slots that they injected the samples in different orders. As the samples were injected into the slots, the liquids in the containers would be drawn out and mixed into smaller jars that were found all over this room that Lin Fan had missed earlier.

These smaller jars all had different chimera hybrids in them as well, but these were also much more complete compared to the ones from the previous room.

It seemed that this was the main research lab and the one from before was nothing more than a storage room.

When he looked closely at these creatures in the jar with his Appraisal Eyes, he had seen that each one of them were in the High Qi Gathering Realm.

Just with the chimeras in this room, they already had quite the powerful army.

The researchers in the middle didn't care about anything that was happening around them.

The person who was in the center who was clearly the head researcher based on how everyone treated him had been focused on the pieces of paper in front of him. He hadn't even looked up for a second as he kept muttering something to himself.

When Lin Fan came closer, he was able to hear some of the things that he was muttering.

"If we use that part, it should have that effect, but why isn't it working…There's also the problem with regeneration. How do we achieve the same effect as that one from before?"

Lin Fan didn't understand what he was saying, but he could tell that it wasn't anything good.

After all, these muttering were all about plans for more experiments involving real people.

He once again felt the urge to kill these people and clean up this research facility there and then, but before he could make a move, there was a voice that rang out.

"Head researcher, the guests are here."

At first the head researcher was still lost in his thoughts, but after being called a few times, he finally looked up and waved his hand with an annoyed look, "Alright, alright, I got it, I got it."

With one final unwilling look at his research, he followed the person that came with the message.

Lin Fan also hesitated a bit, but then after thinking about it, he decided to follow the head researcher.

With so many people here, even if he were to take something, they would notice immediately.

Not to mention that he would be able to get more information from the head researcher side. Those people would know more about this kind of stuff.

Plus there was the guest that had arrived.

A guest in a place like this definitely wasn't a normal person. They would certainly know more than these rank and file researchers.

So no matter how he looked at it, following the head researcher was the better choice.

The head researcher went through several corridors which led up instead of going down. It seemed that the main research room that they had been in before was the deepest part of this research facility, so now they were going back up closer to the ground.

They went up several corridors and to Lin Fan's surprise, they came to an elevator. This elevator led them all the way back up to the main entrance hall.

However, instead of going through the passage all the way on the right, this time they went into the passage all the way on the left.

This passage was actually very short and quickly led to a place that seemed like an administration zone. This was clearly a place that was filled with information that Lin Fan wanted…

As he followed behind them, Lin Fan's face couldn't help showing three black lines on his face.

If he had chosen to go left instead of right in the beginning, how much trouble would he have saved himself?

But after thinking about it, Lin Fan also shook his head to clear this thought out.

After all, if he hadn't taken the right path in the beginning, he wouldn't have found that main research room. Finding the main research room and the head researcher was much more useful to him than this administration place.

But then he saw that there was a map of the entire research facility that was placed on the wall beside him…

This place wasn't just an administration place, it was also where the researchers lived and where new hires were taught…

If he had come here in the first place, he would have been able to find much more about the research facility and would have been able to easily navigate it to find what he wanted.

He wouldn't have wasted all that time bumbling around looking for something…

Lin Fan felt a really strong blow to his heart when he saw all of this, but he forced himself to keep going. After all, there was no use crying over spilt milk now. The only thing that he could do was keep going.

But as they came closer and closer to their destination, Lin Fan couldn't help wondering who the special guest was.

For someone to visit this place, they had to have some kind of special identity…To have that special identity, they would also need power to back that up.

As he realized this, Lin Fan felt a sinking feeling fill him.

Could it be that there was a Foundation Realm Cultivator that was here?

If that was the case, then it would be dangerous for him.

He only assumed that his illusion spell would be enough for him to hide from a Foundation Realm Cultivator, but he hadn't been able to check that just yet.

So if there really was a Foundation Realm Cultivator that came to this place and he was exposed, he would be trapped in the middle of enemy territory alone…It would be almost impossible for him to escape at that point.

But it was already too late for him to think any further about that because they had arrived at the room set for the guests.

Lin Fan had no choice but to follow them in or he would be kept out since he couldn't just open the door himself.

To his relief though, no one seemed to notice him when he went into the room with the head researcher.

After giving a sigh of relief, Lin Fan hid himself in the corner as he started looking at the guests to see who they were. But after he saw who they were, he couldn't help revealing a shocked look.

After all, he was able to recognize these two.

One of them, the one that was sitting down on the couch waiting for the head researcher, was Master Feng who he had met before in the Clear Water Mountains.

As for the other one, it was the Foundation Realm guard that had almost killed him last time.

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