With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 240 Manor (3)

They had already forgotten how long they had been in this prison.

The one who had arrived first was their senior brother Ying.

Then one by one, they had been caught and brought to this manor by someone that they had thought was an ally.

That traitor, Han Fu Rong!

They had thought that they had found a safe haven, but it was nothing more than a trap!

Now they were all trapped like flies on fly paper in this prison…

During their time here, they hadn't been given any food or water. It was a good thing that they were powerful cultivators, or they definitely would have died from the lack of food and water.

However, the problem was that even though they were powerful cultivators, there was an array here that was suppressing their powers.

So even if they were all in the Qi Condensing Realm, they were as weak as mortals right now.

"Senior brother, junior sister Xi is getting weaker and weaker. What should we do?"

Senior brother Ying bit his lips as he looked at his junior sister.

Her face was getting more and more pale and it was clear that she wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. They had tried giving her as much of the bit of water that they could gather, but still she was getting weaker and weaker.

If this continued on, it was very likely that she would…

If it wasn't for this damn array, they wouldn't be in this situation.

As high grade cultivators, they naturally needed food and water less than mortals did. While they weren't completely independent of food and water yet, they would be able to hold on much longer than normal people.

However, with the array in place suppressing their cultivations, they lacked the spiritual energy to sustain themselves. So that made them more dependent on actual food and water for energy, but they didn't have any of that at all.

Senior brother Ying slammed his fist against the bar in front of him.

No matter what, he wouldn't allow anything to happen to his junior brothers and sisters. He was their senior, so he would keep them safe no matter what he would have to do.

As this thought passed through his mind, senior brother Ying couldn't help looking down at his left hand.

He was right handed, so he normally only used his right hand. Surely…he wouldn't miss his left hand if it was gone…

Then his eyes turned to look at the sharp stone that they had made to break the bars with, that was lying in the corner.

That should be sharp enough to do it…

Seeing where his eyes were looking, his junior sister Yu quickly stood in between him and that sharp piece of stone with her hands stretched out.

Seeing this, the other two junior brothers also quickly came forward and stood behind her.

Junior sister Yu said, "Senior brother, you can't decide that all by yourself." Then after a pause, she said, "We've already discussed this, if it really comes to that, we will discuss among ourselves who will make that sacrifice. We can't let you make that sacrifice all on your own."

The way she looked at him wasn't just the way that a junior looked at a senior, there was another emotion that was in her eyes as she looked at him.

The other two junior brothers also nodded along to this.

Senior brother Ying looked at the three of them, but before he could say anything, his junior sister Xi lying on the ground without any energy suddenly opened her eyes. She struggled to turn to him before saying, "Senior brother, you promised."

Seeing this, senior brother Ying immediately came over to her side and raised his hand to inject her with the bit of spiritual energy that he had to help her. As he did this, he said, "Yes, yes, I promise I don't do anything."

Seeing this, junior sister Yu couldn't help revealing a sad look, but she also quickly came over to her junior sister Xi's side and helped senior brother Ying inject spiritual energy into her. She also stroked her head and said, "Junior sister, don't worry, we'll make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid."

Junior sister Xi looked up at junior sister Yu with a smile and said, "I know. I can always count on senior sister."

Junior sister Yu revealed a helpless look but she still patted her head.

Before long, junior sister Xi fell asleep again, but at the very least her face looked a little better.

Once she fell asleep, the mood suddenly became heavy again as everyone looked at her with worried looks.

Even if her face looked better, it had already been a day since she last woke up…It was unknown how long she would sleep this time if they couldn't get out of here and get her some help…

Senior brother Ying stood up again and he started looking around the entire cell.

He was feeling very restless just sitting there, so even if he knew that it wouldn't help them at all, he just felt like he couldn't sit there and do nothing.

His two junior brothers also felt the same, so they stood up and started looking around the cell along with him.

Junior sister Yu saw them acting this way and gave a sigh. Then with a helpless shake of the head, she went over to the water catcher that they had set up.

In their first few days, they had noticed that there was a place in this cell that leaked water. As soon as they found this, they immediately used whatever they could to create a structure that would allow them to catch this water to drink.

This was the only thing that had sustained them during their time here.

They didn't know how long had passed, but between senior brother Ying being caught and junior sister Xi being caught, at least a month had passed. So while they didn't know how long they had been in here, they knew that it was longer than a month.

Seeing how much water they had collected, junior sister Yu couldn't help revealing a grim look.

It had been gradual, but they had been gathering less and less water.

In the first place, they didn't know what created this drip, so it wasn't strange that the water that flowed through it and into the cell would slowly decrease. After all, there were many different things that could have affected this and they wouldn't know since they were trapped in this cell.

In fact, they didn't even know where they were being held.

During their captivity here, they were knocked out whenever someone new was brought in and no one had ever come to see them. So they also didn't know who had captured them other than that traitor Han Fu Rong.

They were beginning to wonder if they had just been left here to die…

Perhaps that was the fate of their Love Sect after being destroyed like that…

The grim mood continued in the cell for a long time until they all ran out of energy from moving around the cell. The cell wasn't that big, but they were being restrained and they were starving, so it wasn't as if they had much energy to begin with.

Sitting down again, all of them had dark looks on their faces as they couldn't help wondering what would happen to them.

After a long time, senior brother Ying finally said, "Perhaps it's time we really have that dis…"

Before he could finish though, he suddenly noticed something.

It was just a black dot that he noticed, but he saw that there was a mosquito that had flown into their cell.

During their entire time here, that had never happened before. They hadn't seen anything living come into the vicinity of their cage.

Even tiny insects like worms and mosquitoes had been kept out as if there was something keeping them away.

But now there was this mosquito that had suddenly appeared near their cell.

While it was something that he didn't want to have to do, it was a matter of life and death. At the very least, they might be able to get some nutrition if they were able to catch that mosquito…

So with this thought in mind, he suddenly stood up before sitting down again, hiding his presence.

​ The others in the cell were all surprised by his actions and they looked at him with confused and somewhat worried looks. They were all worried that their senior brother Ying's mind had…broken from the stress of the situation.

If that was the case, it would be dangerous for them.

However, following the direction that he was looking in, they quickly saw what made him do this.

The moment that they saw the mosquito, their eyes lit up like their senior brother's had and then they quickly hid their presence just like he had done.

They silently waited for it to approach their cell before making their move.

But to their surprise, that mosquito didn't come closer to their cell at all which made them anxious. It was still flying too far away for them to reach through the bars of the cell to catch it.

Even if they could, they still weren't certain that they would be able to catch it with their restrained cultivations.

All of this made them unable to not reveal bitter smiles.

They were mighty cultivators and now they were worrying about how to catch a mosquito for food…This really was a heavy blow to them, but pride didn't matter when it came to life and death, so they endured.

They stayed still and waited for the mosquito to come closer.

But even then, the mosquito never came a single inch closer.

It just kept flying in the same formation again and again, as if there was something that had attracted its attention.

So even if they knew that they had to stay calm, they couldn't help worrying since every second that passed, their junior sister was getting weaker and weaker.

The two junior brothers even turned to look at the rocks that they had gathered, thinking that it might be a good idea to use them. But before they could do anything with the rocks, senior brother Ying suddenly raised his hand to stop them.

He had also found it strange that the mosquito never came closer, so he started closely observing its flying pattern. As he did, he noticed that the mosquito was actually flying in a pattern that seemed to be sending a message to them.

When he looked closely at it, he realized that it was flying in a diagram of their cell and it kept pointing out a certain spot in the cell wall…as if it was telling them to go and look there…

But why would this mosquito do something like this?

All of the others looked at their senior brother Ying with worried looks again as he suddenly moved over to the spot that the mosquito was pointing in, but he ignored this.

When he came over, he found that the wall there actually had a loose brick that he could remove.

"This is…"

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