With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 241 Manor (4)

When they heard him speak, the others were all surprised and came over to look at what he had found.

When they saw what was in his hands, they were all just as surprised as he was.

That was because there was a piece of paper that had appeared out of nowhere.

Senior brother Ying had been in a daze from his surprise, but he quickly recovered from this and opened it up. The moment that he saw what was written in it, he couldn't help being surprised again.

"Wait for instructions. Rescue is coming soon."

It was just a simple seven words, but it shocked all four of them that had read it.

But of course, they also couldn't help being filled with skepticism…

This was a random note that they had found in the wall of their cage, so it certainly wasn't something that was credible. It might even be a trap that had been left by their captors to play with them…

However, why would they do that?

They were completely trapped here, so there was no need to torture them any more like this…That was unless they enjoyed this kind of thing, but they didn't think that they did or they would have done something a long time ago.

So after eliminating all the possibilities, it seemed like the only possibility left was that this was something that was real.

But how would the person that had sent this help them?

After a long period of silence, senior brother Ying said, "I think that this should be real. The only problem is…" He turned to look at junior sister Xi and said with a heavy tone, "Will junior sister Xi be able to last long enough for them to come and save us?"

All of them looked at junior sister Xi when this was said and they all revealed worried looks.

They really didn't know how long their junior sister would be able to hold on and there was no time given to them through the note. The note only said that "rescue is coming soon", but it didn't mention how soon that would be.

If it wasn't really soon, there might be one less person to save…

None of them were able to say a thing as if saying something meant that they were acknowledging the possible worst case scenario…

But then senior brother Ying suddenly stood up and turned to the mosquito that was flying there. He said in a soft voice, "I don't know if you can hear me, but our junior sister Xi is in a bad condition. If you're coming to help us, we need help as soon as possible."

He knew that doing this might be risky and there was no guarantee that the other side would even be able to hear them, but he had to take this risk. This was his junior sister's life, so even if it was a long shot, he needed to take this long shot.

There was only silence that met his words that made his hope diminish, but then the mosquito started moving in a certain pattern.

Senior brother Ying carefully observed it and recognized that it wrote out the word "understood". When he saw this, he let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the others.

They all had confused looks on their faces, but senior brother Ying didn't say anything other than, "Let's wait."

They were all still worried about their junior sister Xi, but since senior brother Ying said this, they could only wait.

It didn't take long before something happened.

After they had received the message, the mosquito had just remained there, floating in the same place as if it was monitoring them. It didn't move at all, it just floated there in place like it was a sentry.

But then an hour later, there was another mosquito that had arrived.

It wasn't just a single mosquito, but several other mosquitos that arrived.

The moment that these mosquitos arrived, the ones in the cell immediately noticed them since they had been staring at the mosquito the entire time, waiting for it to do anything. Now that more mosquitoes came, they immediately focused on them to see what they would do.

The mosquitoes started moving and taking another formation, but all that this formation did was point to the same spot as before.

They were confused why they would point to the same spot as before, but they went over to take a look.

When they removed the stone that they had replaced earlier, they found that there was something else behind it this time.

It looked quite simple, just a small rectangular jade token, but they knew that it wasn't that simple. They could see that there was an inscription on it and the aura that they felt from it…it was similar to the array that was suppressing their cultivation.

If they had to guess…

This was most likely the key to their cage, but they were skeptical about how it had come here.

Still, there was no other choice for them right now and their junior sister Xi was slowly getting worse and worse. At least if they took this opportunity, they would have a chance to escape.

It was certain death if they stayed, but it was only possible death if they tried to escape.

So when comparing the two options, naturally trying to escape was the better option.

After making up their minds, senior brother Ying immediately turned to the others and started giving orders, "Junior brother Gu, your cultivation technique is the best for searching for enemies, so you'll take the front. Junior brother Fan, you help support junior sister Yu and stay in the middle. If anything happens, use your defensive technique to protect us. I'll stay in the back with junior sister Xi and use my technique to attack any enemies that come at us."

All of them gave a nod in agreement, but junior sister Yu had a complicated look in her eyes again. She knew better than to say anything because this was a dire situation, so she suppressed her feelings in the end.

Their senior brother's formation really was the best formation that they could take considering their different cultivation techniques. However, even if they had a good formation, it wasn't as if they knew where to go.

That was until they noticed that the mosquitoes were making a formation again.

This time, they spelled out the words "follow closely".

All of them were surprised, but they didn't have time to waste, so they followed behind the mosquitoes leading them out of the room.

But as soon as they came out of the room, the mosquitoes suddenly stopped moving. They then took another formation that read out, "Watch closely."

While they were confused, they still watched as the mosquitoes spread out in a line and then flew forward to create a path in the garden of this residence. After forming this path, they flew back to write out the words, "Follow the path."

Then they quickly flew back to form the path again.

Senior brother Ying knitted his brows before releasing his spiritual sense.

Now that they were free from the restriction array, they had regained a bit of their power. He was the one with the highest level of cultivation, so he had recovered his ability the quickest.

​ With this spiritual sense, he was able to find that there were arrays that had been put down around them. These arrays were clearly set by the people that had captured them.

As for the paths that the mosquitoes were making, they were safe paths in between the arrays for them to go through.

He couldn't help being impressed by the person who was controlling these mosquitoes. Not only was he skilled at training pets to the point where he could even control mosquitoes so well, he was even skilled in arrays that he was able to find the safe path for them.

This person was clearly a person that was very talented, but there was a problem there…

As far as he could remember, he couldn't remember someone this talented being a part of their Love Sect. Someone this talented would certainly be famous in their Love Sect, but he had never heard of someone like this before…

So could it be that this really was a trap that had been set for them?

After a moment of thought, he shook his head and thought to himself, "It doesn't matter if it is a trap, this is our only way out. We die whether we go or not, but at least there's a chance of living if we go. Not to mention that our strength will slowly recover now that we're out of the prison."

He then turned to the others and said, "Follow the path that has been laid out. That is the safe path between the arrays placed in this yard."

When they heard this, all of them revealed looks of shock as they looked at the mosquitoes flying there. At the same time, there were traces of admiration that filled their hearts.

To do something like this, it was clear that this person was skilled not only in beast training, but also arrays. As members of a sect that had the chance to learn both of these, they knew how hard it was for someone to reach this level with both.

Junior brother Gu was the one that went first and he quickly made his way through the array without any trouble.

Then it was junior brother Fan and junior sister Yu who also quickly made it through. However, midway through, junior brother Fan almost tripped and fell into the array.

If it hadn't been for junior sister Yu grabbing him with the little bit of power that she had, then he would have fallen face first into the array.

As for senior brother Ying, he carefully carried junior sister Xi through.

The way that he did it made junior sister Yu reveal a pained look when she saw him like this. However, it only appeared on her face for an instant before she suppressed it.

There were more important things to worry about now, so she didn't have time to worry about these feelings.

Once they had all made it through, the mosquitoes led them through the manor, down many different paths until they finally reached the exit.

Seeing this, junior brother Gu was about to charge out, but senior brother Ying suddenly grabbed him. Junior brother Gu looked at his senior brother with a confused look, but the senior brother pointed at the mosquitoes flying above telling them to "wait".

So they just stood there for a few minutes, wondering what was happening. That was until the door opened in front of them and they were free to go out.

When senior brother Ying looked carefully at the door, he realized that there was one final array placed there. If they had charged out, they would have triggered it and been killed by it.

It was a good thing that there was someone helping them from the outside.

When they came out of the manor, they couldn't help taking a deep breath. They were already outside when they escaped the prison, but they didn't feel they were free until they left the manor.

This first breath of fresh air after being in captivity really was refreshing.

But when they were about to head out, they were suddenly stopped by the mosquitoes again.

They once again took another path that they wanted the Love Sect disciples to follow.

Seeing this, all of them realized that they weren't free yet. There were still arrays in the area surrounding the manor, so they still had to be careful.

It took them around half a day to finally leave the array around the manor.

When they came out, they finally realized that they were free because there were finally the sounds of living creatures around them. When they had been in the array, there hadn't been a single living creature since they had all been kept out by the array.

Now they could finally give a sigh of relief.

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