Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 208 - Refinement

In the quiet study, except Will, there was only one green spirit.

That was Saizer ’s great-granddaughter, Pella Anderson.

Pera sat on the table, flipping through the ancient books, quiet and elegant, with pointed ears, pale green skin, and long hair braided on her shoulders, looking like a legendary elf.

Beautiful and attractive, not profane.

Will could not help but think of the shadow that had tortured him for three years, the one that killed Rep, suspected of being a spirit spirit.

There are so many dreams, beauty and danger.

“Lvjing is rumored to be a distant relative of the elf, and it still seems reasonable.”

It is rumored that the elf is a symbol of power and beauty, and can exist alongside the dragon. Unfortunately, in ancient times, it was extinct for unknown reasons.

The dragon did not know where to go.

Otherwise, which round of this world can be arrogant of other creatures?

Pera looked up at Will, her eyes calm as water.

After nodding, Pella ’s consciousness was once again immersed in the world of books.

“It’s really a green spirit who likes reading, but a pity …”

In this world, there is no knowledge, no power, there is no meaning.

“The wisdom that can’t bring strength, and can’t control your own destiny.”

There is no shortage of correct truths and ideas in this world.

Great thinkers and philosophers have always existed.

It is a pity that their thoughts and philosophies cannot turn a heavy wave in the world.

However, Will is embarrassed to say something about others’ hobbies.

After all, not everyone has a stronger capital.

Hobbies are not necessarily related to getting stronger.

Like his recent obsession with eating bamboo, what does it have to do with getting stronger?

Will took a divine relic from the bookshelf and sat down on the desk, away from Pera.

Start to look at the cultivation skills of the Lvjing clan.

The Lvjing family practiced a method called refining the gods, which strengthened the spiritual power.

This kind of exercise is very different from the idea of ​​meditation. After practicing the divine method, not only can you increase your mental strength, but also have the ability to control animals temporarily.

The book also writes about contract animals.

“If you don’t make a contract, control is only temporary, and you need to continue to consume mental energy and be easily repulsed.”

Will is constantly turning on the practice of divine refining, and much of the knowledge about refining divine refining is half-knowledge.

It can only be forcibly remembered by strong memory, and then studied slowly.

“There is a big difference between the practice of divine refining and the idea of ​​meditation!”

With a little understanding of the refining method, Will became more and more confused.

“It’s not as simple as the difference. In terms of basic principles, there are many contradictions in the basic principles of spiritual refining and meditation. They are incompatible, like water and fire.

Will has never doubted the accuracy of his thoughts.

Because meditation is one of the foundations of wizards, it is the wisdom of countless wizards for thousands of years.

Would the principle of meditation be wrong?


After contacting with the refining method, Will began to doubt.

“Isn’t the method of refining the gods the crystallization of wisdom from the green essence for thousands of years?”

So, who is right or who is wrong?

“Ming thought that spiritual power is the projection of the soul. The more powerful the soul, the greater the spiritual power. The dead object has no spiritual power because it has no soul.”

“And the spiritual refining method believes that everything in the world has spiritual power, and spiritual power and material are interdependent.”

“So, the practice of meditation is to open up spiritual space, where meditation can strengthen the rune of the soul, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening spiritual power.”


“The spiritual refining law is different. The spiritual refining method is to develop the mental power of the body, limbs, internal organs, blood vessels, bones … Every part of the body, every cell, has spiritual power. What we need is to develop and carry out strengthen.”

“Whether it is a meditative thought or a divine method, both of them can strengthen the spiritual power, so who is right?”

The practice of divine refining seems not difficult.

It’s just a little harder than breathing.

If you want to popularize the spiritual cultivation method, the spiritual cultivation method is definitely more useful than the meditative idea.

However, just like the breathing method, the existing method of refining the gods is tailor-made for the green essence, and other races except the green essence can’t practice at all.

If you want to practice, you need to make major changes to your cultivation skills.

“If it were me, I might be able to practice.”

He thought of the systemic method, which is a skill that can only be cultivated by the Itana race, but Will learned it, although the power was greatly reduced.

“try it?”

After hesitating, Will gave up.

“The principle of divine refining and the idea of ​​meditation is too far apart. What if the practice of meditation that affects me is practiced after the practice of divine refining?”

He can’t afford to bet.

“After I become a formal wizard, it’s not too late to study the method of refining the gods.”

Will was filled with emotion.

“There are still too many unknown things in this world. Humans, green spirits, orcs, murlocs, monsters … Countless races, each with their own cultivation methods, their principles and foundations, and their understanding of the world view are also great. Not the same, who is right? “

At one time, people thought the earth was the center of the world.

Later people thought that the sun was the center of the world.

Later, people found that the above two conclusions were wrong.

At first, some people felt that the planet’s turning trajectory was a circle, but later found it to be an ellipse.

At a certain period of time, people thought that they had discovered the truth of the world and felt that Newton’s law could solve all movements. As a result, Newton’s law only applied to the macro world.

On top of what you think is right, there may be something more correct.

What works is not necessarily correct, it may just be a coincidence.

There may be only one truth, but due to different perspectives, it may lead to different or even contradictory conclusions.

“There are still many things waiting to be discovered in this world.”

The vastness of this world is beyond Will’s imagination.

After reading a few more books, it was time to eat.

When he got up and left the study, when closing the door, he found Pera still immersed in the books.

“The Anderson family is in a mess. She still has a mind to read?” Shaking her head, closing the door.

Go to Saize’s bedroom.

Saizer’s body is extremely weak, and does not need Will to do it, and can’t live for a month.

Seeing Will’s arrival, Saizer’s eyes brightened and his face improved a lot.

Weir wondered, “I broke into your bedroom late at night, attacked you, threatened you, kidnapped you. How do you feel good about me? Bewildered, let me relax? Or do you like me? “

Will felt a chill in his heart when he thought of a man who still loved himself all the time.

Seze sat up from the bed, “Cough, Dulu, do you want to know? Cough cough …”

Will is also polite, sitting down next to Saizer, asking questions in his heart.

The questions he asked involved knowledge about divine refining, contract beasts, green spirit history, etc.

For Will’s question, Saizer answered one by one.

Saizer acted very sincerely, and there was no flaw in the words he answered, as if he wanted to solve Will’s doubts.

Because Saize is in poor health, he speaks slowly.

And every time it is said, the body will not be able to stand it and needs a period of rest.

So I just answered a few questions. The time has passed for most of the day, and the sky is starting to darken.


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