Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 209 - Night in mallorca city

“I’m going down first, you have a good rest.”

Will put Seze on the bed, covered it with a quilt, blew out the candle, and gently closed the door.

Saizer was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, coughing.

“For the family, I have to persevere.”

Saize’s body has come to an end and will die at any time.

He has long seen death.

He even longed for death and wanted to let go of everything and return to eternal darkness.

But for the family, he must insist.

The current status of the Anderson family can only be described in one word-decay!

He knew nothing about the family.

Sons, grandchildren, there is no reliable one, none of them can support the family beam.

He is alive and can deter Xiao Xiao.

As soon as he died, the whole family would collapse from the inside out, from top to bottom.

There are indeed many talented people in the great-grandson generation.

But he can’t wait.

After his death, the family in power now is willing to let go of his power and help his younger generations with potential?


The inferior root of Lü Jing could not be more clear.

It would be better if the family broke down and everyone would finish playing together, and it would be impossible for them to give up their rights.

The temptation of power is too great.

At this point, there is only one way to save the family-find a powerful green spirit to become the owner!

If you do n’t have one in your family, look for it from outside.

The problem is that he can’t find it with great fanfare, and that kind of green spirit is not easy to find.

Fortunately, Doru came to the door by himself.

Smart mind, calm mind, strong strength, decisive action, vigorous curiosity, smart mind, this is Dulu.

Dolu is simply his ideal heir.

Although the timing and place of the meeting were wrong, he believed it was God’s arrangement.

As long as he guides well, Doru will surely bring the Anderson family to glory.

“Unfortunately, it’s a little late.” It would be nice if he met Doru ten years earlier. “I can see that Doru has a bigger dream. The Anderson family will definitely not be his end point. He just took the Anderson family. Just as a springboard. “

But this is enough.

There is nothing perfect in the world.

As long as Doru can remember some old feelings later, the La Anderson family will be worth the effort.

It’s better than a future destined to perish.

Now he needs to think about how to help Doru get a foothold in the Anderson family.

“The turmoil is inevitable, but as long as it does not hurt the core of the family, it is not difficult to regain its rise if we have a good leader through our two hundred years of accumulation.”

“Let Doru and Pella get married first, and quietly transfer their property to their hometown. I gave up the city of Macaro after my death …”

Saizer has planned the future for the family, that is, the future is mainly based on Duru, supplemented by Pella.

Pera’s character and ability, he is very clear, Pera will certainly listen to him.

He believed that Doru would certainly agree.

Money, rights, and beauty are at your fingertips. Such a good thing that falls from the sky, no green spirit will refuse.

After leaving the room.

Will noticed several sights falling on him.

It was a sight full of jealousy, jokes, and warnings.

With excellent ear power, he could hear their evil whispers, and all the malicious plans they were discussing against him were heard by him.

Will does not intend to take action.

Before leaving, he didn’t want to make things big.

There is nothing to do, it is not too late to wait until the moment of leaving, anyway, it is only a few days.


Later, Will deliberately avoided the green spirit that was malicious to him.

Walk towards the underground chamber.

The bones of the body rattled and did not take a few steps. The body shape and appearance had undergone tremendous changes.

“Sir, we’ve delivered what you need.” Several green spirit servants said to Will in a humble voice.

Will’s current image is a high-weight green spirit in the Anderson family.

Using the appearance of this green spirit, Will secretly did a lot of things.

As for the original green essence?

I don’t know where he died.

Will walked towards the Chamber of Secrets, and there was less and less green spirit around him, until only his footsteps remained.

Coming to a room, there are three green spirits bound.

The three green spirits were lying on the ground, losing consciousness.

Looking at one of the green spirits, this green spirit is exceptionally strong in spirit and vitality.

“Huh? Is it the Beast Master?”

Picking up the green spirit suspected of beast master, he walked to another room.

After walking through several rooms, he came to a secret room again.

Taking out the thick key of his arm, he opened the heavy iron door, and a pungent, **** smell came out of the room.

In the small room, the walls, shelves, and tables are all the remains of green spirits.

Originally, this secret room was used by a perverted noble to play.

Will is now used to study the body of green essence.

The green spirits sent were all death row prisoners in the Anderson family cell.

Many of them have practiced divine practice, and some even reached the level of formal beast master.

Dragging the green spirit into the secret room, closing the heavy iron door to isolate the secret room from the outside.

Place the green essence on the anatomical table and tie it with binding props.

“Uh um … here is …”

The anesthetic effect disappeared, and the bound green essence woke up slowly.

At the moment when he opened his eyes, he looked at the wreckage of green spirits, which were arranged neatly in different categories.


There was a smell of urine between the legs.

Will wore a mask and a silver needle in his hand.

Yu said gently: “Relax, it’s okay, it won’t hurt.”

Will has no interest in torturing the enemy.

Even if it is a wicked sinner, he will use the simplest and fastest way to kill each other.

However, it seems that the other party does not accept his love.

Since waking up, he has been screaming, his body is constantly struggling, and he is trying to kill himself.

“You will affect my work very much like this.”

The silver needle fell and plunged into the head of green spirit.

Lu Jing’s movements slowed down suddenly.

As the next seventeen silver needles fell, the green essence was completely quiet, and only his eyes could turn.

“Don’t be afraid, I still have basic professional ethics.”

Will placed the polished knives one by one next to the operating table. Different parts require different knives. This is basic common sense.

Open the stomach, separate the muscles, pull out the blood vessels, analyze the eyeballs, study the head …

Three hours later, Will fell with a knife, ending the life of Lu Jing.

“Look, from the moment I moved the knife to your death, did you experience any pain?”

Put the knife and take off the gloves.

Sitting on the desk, began to write the findings of this experiment.

“Lvjing’s body is very different from human beings. It seems that there is still a long way to go to improve the practice of divine refining.”

Half an hour later, Will took the second green spirit into the chamber.


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