Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 892 - The first impact (first)

Will in the speech stopped suddenly and looked up at the distant sky.

“what happened?”

Attention to Will’s movements, the crowd swelled instantly, and people’s eyes looked in the direction of Will’s gaze.

Even the first-level wizards such as Luna, Quinn, and Krige looked at the distant sky with frowns, not even aware of anything that would disturb Will in that direction.

“Come.” Will whispered.

In an instant, two streams of light tore the sky, and instantly crossed a distance of thousands of kilometers to a height of 10,000 meters above the Cairo Empire capital.

The unique atmosphere of the second-level strongman was released unscrupulously, as if the 10,000-meter high mountain had fallen mercilessly.

If the atmosphere of the second-level strongmen is ruthlessly ruined, the entire Wangdu people will instantly die 99%.

Fortunately, Will was already prepared. At the moment when the turbulent breath was about to fall, the whole king floated a faint white light, and the white light enveloped the area of ​​more than ten kilometers round like a mist-Will started the formation .

After the old Wu Zun nodded to Luo Lan in the upper air, a meteorite flew directly into the square where Will was located.

Lao Wuzun’s whole body of blood exploded, turning into a blood gas ball with a diameter of thousands of kilometers and swooping down at a hundred times the speed of sound.

When there are tens of thousands of meters away from the ground, even though the formation has been weakened by more than 99% of the damage, the people on the ground feel the same weight of multiple times of gravity. My heart seems to be pressed against a mountain.

If the meteorite that allowed Lao Wuzun to be incarnate drunk, the entire king would be turned into ruins.

But how can it be done?

The strength of the second-level strong is so powerful, so fast, let alone ordinary people, even the first-level wizard can’t respond.

It took only a few seconds for Will to stop his speech and Lao Wuzun to attack the king.

“The thinking of super-dimensional acceleration is connected.”

A thread of spirit stretched out of Will and did not enter the spiritual space of all the first-level wizards present.

The first-level wizards, who were extremely panicked, suddenly found that the time of the entire world was as if it was stagnation. The body of Lao Wuzun, who was swooping down at a speed of more than one hundred times, was frozen in the air.

And they were surprised to find that in addition to being able to think, their body movement speed was slowed by countless times, and thinking was also connected with other first-level and second-level wizards.

Faced with this kind of strangeness, they quickly calmed down and could do this kind of thing in the field. Who else can do besides the second-level wizard Will?

“Luna, you have merged four witch formations. With the help of the improved formation and wizard tower of the king capital, there is still some power to fight against the second-level strongman, and the old Wu Zun will be given to you.” Will commanded.

“Observe the order.” Luna was a little excited to be able to fight the second-level strongman.

“You are just barely able to fight it, the damage to the environment must be great, I don’t know how many people will die, so the Wanfa Rubik’s Cube also lends you.” Will reached out his hand, an apple-sized spherical magical dew Na flew away slowly.

In a world where thinking has accelerated tens of thousands of times, like time stagnation, Will still move?

Do not!

The wizards present were also able to move, but the speed was more than ten thousand times slower.

A hundred times the speed of sound, 10,000 times slower is 0.11 times the speed of sound, equivalent to 3.4 meters per second.

However, who can have a hundred times the speed of sound?

Only a few people can break ten times the speed of sound, or the kind that needs to activate witchcraft, witchcraft or witch array to reach ten times the speed of sound.

Under normal conditions, even the half-step second-level wizard Luna, which merged four witch arrays, could not break through ten times the speed of sound.

However, Will did it easily, and in time and space where his thinking accelerated 10,000 times, his behavior seemed to be no different from his usual behavior.

Doesn’t that show that hundreds of thousands of times the speed of sound is just a handy effort for Will?

Although it has long been known that Will is extremely powerful, when Will really shows his strength, everyone is still shocked.

auzw.com After the Wanfa Rubik’s Cube was integrated into Luna’s body, Will said: “After all these years, I have upgraded and improved the Wanfa Rubik’s Cube. You can use 6 witchcraft at the same time. With the help of magic cube, formation and wizard tower, you should be able to temporarily suppress the old Wu Zun. “

Then, Will told others: “You are responsible for protecting the masses, resisting the aftermath, maintaining the formation and the wizard tower.”

When all important matters were told to the crowd, Will relieved his thought acceleration.

Almost at the moment of lifting, Luna raised her twelve wings with her back, and flew away quickly in front of the falling Wu Zun.

Each pair of wings represents a witchcraft, a total of six witchcraft of twelve pairs of wings, as well as blessings of formation and wizard tower, Luna feels that her strength has soared more than a thousand times.

“Super acceleration.”

Under the blessing of the formation, Luna’s thinking suddenly accelerated thousands of times. Although it was not as fast as the tens of thousands of times that Will just released, it was enough.

“The music of time-six times the speed!”

Rumor has it that a beautiful rhythm of time rules surrounds Luna’s body, and Luna suddenly feels that the time around her has slowed down six times.

“Mirror turns doppelganger.”

A mirror image clone exactly like Luna came out. The mirror image clone also has a magic cube, but the magic cube is a castrated version. Only 36 witchcrafts have been burned and only 3 witchcrafts can be used.

“Jing Ting flashes.”

Only the Jingting space that she can perceive expands centered on her body, and within a kilometer diameter of the Jingting space, she can perform a short-distance space flashing of 30,000 times per second.

“Withered heart.”

After using this witchcraft, all her attacks will be accompanied by the withering power that can decay all materials and spirits.

“Magic body is fixed.”

For the duration of witchcraft, she will receive a magical reserve and magical power comparable to the legendary demon god.

Under the limit of the magic body, she felt that her own magic reserve surged more than a hundred times, and the speed of magic recovery surged a thousand times.

It seems so fast, and so slow.

In an instant, Luna had transformed into a 100-meter dragon with twelve wings and collided with Lao Wuzun.



As the sun explodes, the hot light and heat radiate around the center of the two.

The entire sky was torn apart, and clouds tens of kilometers away were blown away, and a torrent of energy that could destroy everything swept toward the ground.

Just attacking the aftermath is enough to destroy tens of kilometers of life.

Such things will have been expected by Will et al.

Luna’s mirror turned to intercept most of the aftermath of the attack, Wang Du’s formation and the first-level wizards intercepted the remaining aftermath.

In this collision, apart from the frightening appearance, none of Wang’s tens of millions were injured.

However, they only know that this is temporary, and no one knows what will happen next.

So the first-level wizards headed by Quinn quickly put the people in the king capital into the formation space after blocking the aftermath of the first attack.

In theory, as long as the formation is not broken, the people in the formation will not be injured.

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