Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 893 - Sanxi Linmen (second more)

Above the sky.

“Break me–“

Luna roared, her claws ripped open her defenses, and then shook her twelve wings to rush towards the enemy deity at a hundred times the speed of sound.

Lao Wuzun seems to be extremely aging, his hair is pale, his face is wrinkled, and his pupils have irrepressible tiredness. However, the energy contained in his body can be called ruinous, and his body is harder than steel. Times.

Facing Luna who came with killing intent, Lao Wuzun also roared.

I saw its muscles swelled up and its hair spurred, and in the blink of an eye it had turned into a 30-meter-tall giant tiger with pale hair.

One dragon and one tiger suddenly fought together.

The two turned into a stream of light constantly colliding with each other at a speed that ordinary people can’t see. Each collision is like a sun exploding, emitting endless light and heat.

If it weren’t for the mirror to turn around to block the aftermath, there were more than a dozen first-level wizards guarding the ground, and the tens of kilometers around had been razed to the ground.

“It’s an orc, and it has a good melee ability. Even if I have a ten thousand magic cube, I can only open it with me in melee combat.” Luna was surprised, “but the final victory is mine!”

The owner of Lao Wuzun at the time of his heyday was comparable to the combat power of the second-sense wizard, and it was definitely not comparable to that of Luna, a half-step second-level wizard.

But it was seriously injured in the battle with Will that year. After thirty years, it fell into the old, and its strength fell again and again. Now its combat power is only equivalent to that of a wizard.

The orc warrior system has many advantages over the human wizard system.

For example, the formation is fast, and the first-class strongmen in the twenties are everywhere.

For example, the combat effectiveness is strong. Generally, at the same level, the orcs’ combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of humans.

But the disadvantages are also obvious, such as the attack is too monotonous, and can not extend life.

Wu Di, a first-class strong, has the same lifespan as ordinary people? Can only live for a hundred years? Even most of the seventy or eighty years old died of various internal organ failure?

Wu Zun, who is a second-class strong, has a life span of only 150 years? Combat strength begins to decline after one hundred years of age?

Luna, who has witchcraft, formations, and wizard tower blessings, is also comparable in strength to a witch, but the attack methods are ever-changing and unpredictable, and she has more combat experience, tenacious vitality, and winning victory is only a matter of time.

However, if Lao Wuzun wanted to escape, Luna could not keep it.

To make matters worse, if Lao Wuzun did not fight Luna head-on, but went to various places in the Cairo Empire to destroy, then Luna would not be able to do so.

Fortunately, Lao Wuzun is not so shameless?

The body of Will who had been watching the battle suddenly disappeared, and the next moment appeared behind Lao Wuzun.

“Solve one first.”

Will wore his right fist with black and red dragon inflammation on the chest of Lao Wuzun.

Facing Will, whose realm is far higher than his own, and his hidden breath is attacking around the back at the speed of one tenth of the light, Lao Wuzun can’t perceive anything at all.

Both Luna and Lao Wuzun were fighting fiercely for themselves, not even knowing Will had intervened in the fight.

“It won’t let you succeed.” A cold voice suddenly sounded in Will’s ear, and Will felt his right hand caught.

“Well? I can keep up with one-tenth of my speed of light? No, I didn’t perceive the movement trajectory, did it move instantaneously? No, as a space wizard, I can’t sense the fluctuations in space.”

Between Will’s doubts, Luo Lan grabbed Will’s right hand and slammed hard, Will’s figure immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky.


“Strength is great.” This strength was so strong that Will couldn’t react at all. “But the battle is not a competition. Pure power is useless.”

When Will was thrown away for thousands of kilometers and his body just stopped, Luo Lan appeared silently under Will again.

It is not ordinary telling movement, nor space movement. It is similar to instant movement but not.


Luo Lan’s double fists turned into a phantom falling on Will’s body, and the power of each punch was enough to strike Will for thousands of kilometers.

“Booming …”

After hundreds of heavy beeping sounds, Will was struck high above hundreds of kilometers.

Will floats on the airless ionosphere and overlooks the earth. The mountains, rivers, and sea are all in his eyes. He stretched out his palm as if he could hold the whole planet in one hand.

“It’s a really interesting scenery.” Will looked so relaxed and relaxed, with no embarrassment on his face.

“Verdi, today is your death!”

Luo Lan and Will looked at each other thousands of meters apart.

Will’s pupils were as calm as water, and Luo Lan’s pupils were full of anger.

“The time you picked was quite good. When the ceremony of unifying the three countries was broadcast nationwide, the orcs attacked the scene of the ceremony, so that the Cairo people could see the ugly evil of the orcs, arouse public indignation, and then openly fight the orc empire . “

Will smiled, “After all, the three countries have just been unified, and there is still a lot of friction in thinking. If you can wage a national war, it will be very beneficial for rallying people’s hearts, enhancing national identity, and strengthening national prestige.”

“The unification of the country, the unification of the mind, and the destruction of the orcs are all in one. It is not an exaggeration to say that Sanxi is coming, right?”

Luo Lan clenched her fists, and the anger of the double pupils burned Will like real substance, “Every Will, this world is not always as you wish.”

“Are you worried that the orcs will kill the dead net? I might have paid attention to it before, but after we combined into a higher combat power, all of their struggles are meaningless.” Will said self.

“you sure?”

“Well …” Will thought about it and said, “I feel that the orc is a power system that purely enhances the frontal combat capabilities. I always feel that the strength will not be greatly improved. At least there is no green spirit power system for my strength. Ascension is great. “

“Do you want to see the peak power of the orc system?”


Luo Lan’s figure disappeared.

He instantly came to Will’s body, his fists turned into countless phantoms and enveloped towards Will.

Every blow he can easily smash a mountain, the aftermath is enough to move the area of ​​tens of kilometers in a square circle, the light and heat emitted by each punch are like tens of thousands of nuclear bombs blasting at the same time.

Even if people under the ground are hundreds of kilometers apart, if you look closely, you can still see the flashing glare.

This is why Will initially allowed Luo Lan to bring him here.

Their destructive power is too strong!

The battle between Luna and Lao Wuzun who is a strong player is already the limit that the ground can withstand. This is because they deliberately did not destroy the terrain.

It is useless to be cautious if the battle between strong men like Will and Luo Lan is too close to the ground.

The battle that you want to enjoy can only come to the universe space hundreds of kilometers away.


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