Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 86

86 Icy indifference

“it has started” Layton murmured to himself, the dragon itself didn’t notice because of its natural lack of a complete soul but its soul was gradually freezing as Layton psionic exerted its power, unknown to the dragons its soul was soon covered with frost and this reflected on its body as its thinking speed slowed down dramatically and its body movement becoming slower and slower as the psionic took effect.

Layton had not really understood the nature of the psionic power he found but he had summed up some things which he thought was correct and applied to his situation. According to his findings and what he had summed up psionic was basically the power hidden and unused present in each soul, in his thought process he believed everything that possessed a soul had psionic it was just in the state of being unused and untapped most of the time. Even normal humans without extraordinary powers like back on earth unconsciously used this power.

Layton felt a trace of psionic was used by normal humans due to some extreme emotional fluctuations could do amazing things like the stories of a woman lifting a truck to protect her child or a kid due to extreme fear bursting into great strength and agility allowing to move at speeds he could not have done normally and although science in both his previous world and this new one stated and affirmed the existence of adrenaline and various hormones secreted which fueled or was deemed to be the cause of these miraculous changes but Layton believed it was not just the hormones that made it possible for these feats to occur but it was also the existence of psionic inherent in the soul that caused this phenomenon, it was the soul exerting its inherent psionic power on the body making it secrete more than 50 times the normal amount the body was able to secrete at a time giving one the ability to achieve incredible feats in that short period of time, basically the psionic used by normal humans at that point of emotional stimulation modified the information that made up their bodies and because this was an unconscious action the psionic once achieving its effect as a self-defense mechanism erases the modified information turning it back to normal.

It was through this same theory that Layton had been able to use manipulate his body to turn to rubber, exert incredible strengths, superb agility, defence and healing power, since he could use the psionic actively he could modify his body’s information as he wished.

When Layton witnessed the creation of the ying long he had perceived the change of tang qi soul fragment a change which it had undertaken in order to adapt to the enormous water attributed qi and endow it with sentience and life, even the caster Tang qi probably did not understand the changes that occurred with his soul fragment in that short moment but Layton who was observing closely with his unique gaze although also unable to understand the changes as they were profound for him to understand at his level he managed to comprehend some fur from it which complemented his rudimentary application system of psionic energy.

He comprehended the conversion of soul information, emotions and memory to unique elemental energy that took effect from the soul level before being mirrored into reality.

The first emotion Layton comprehended was surprisingly not that of his negative emotions closely related to darkness but it was indifference, Layton guessed this was the influence of his past life, the first and most profound emotion Layton had ever felt in his last life was indifference, as an orphan who was never adopted, his previous life was not a happy one he had been exposed to the indifference of the society at a very young age and although he had tried to keep his optimistic nature he was quickly beaten down by the ruthlessness of society, if he wanted to succeed and be comfortable in life with his subpar conditions he needed to mind his own business and become like the rest of the world indifferent but putting on a mask of happiness and optimism, the only time when he never felt that emotion and felt truly alive was when he indulged in online literature and movies, the optimistic fantasies helped fill the void in his heart.

When he comprehended the changes he used the psionic on himself trying to find the specific emotions in the complex scape that made up his mind, he almost thought he could no longer find such emotion but when he looked deeper he found it hidden underneath the sea of complex emotions like an iceberg submerged stubbornly resisting the waves unable to fully melt away.

The icy indifference stimulated by his psionic caused his psionic energy to be filled with an icy effect and with every attack, Layton exerted the psionic energy created a short bridge between him and the dragon in which the icy psionic was imprinted stealthily on the soul of the dragon creating frost and ice, the ice which then caused the dragon to become numb becoming slower and slower until its soul became fragile and rigid, the close connection the dragon had with its soul and body made it easier for the psionic to create a bridge between them both without the dragon discovering anything amiss.


The psionic effect was like a new better version of the Magia Erebia spell that made use of psionic energy, except that this version started from the soul to find the information and then can exert an effect on the body or physical matter or soul while the normal Magia Erebia spell started from the information hidden in the body, genes or physical matter then exerts an effect on the soul and increases one energy.

Layton stared at the dragon who had stopped rushing to attack, it was obvious he could not continue to stealthily freeze its soul as it had finally slowly become aware that something was wrong, ‘it’s time to finish this quickly’ Layton thought to himself, although he was confident in his psionic and that the effects were not so easy to break but he didn’t dare to underestimate the creature in front of him after all it was a legendary life and who knew if it had kept some trump cards hidden that would be effective for its present state.

Layton took a step forward squeezed most of his psionic and punched forward, Layton eyes which were previously filled with indifference melted away as blazing fighting intent crept into his heart as he delivered this marvellous blow that made use of most of his strength, the surrounding winds was squeezed out by the force and speed in which the punch travelled, there was no sonic boom or any loud sound that occurred when the fist hit the dragon right in the space between its antlers, the punch was a condensed one all its force and energy was compressed and delivered perfectly to the dragon.

This time the psionic filled punch did not exert the freezing effect brought by his indifference but instead fueled by his fighting intent it created flames. The rapid change between heat and cold damaged the already fragile dragon’s soul.

The dragon was stunned unable to move and think since it was made by a combination of qi and soul, the soul damage brought by the blow exerted effects in reality as it severely weakened the dragon’s defences, moving his hand forward his arm with the little traces of what was left of his psionic energy Layton easily penetrated into the previous impervious scales like a hot knife through butter the arm traversed through different latitudes and came in direct contact with the broken soul.

“boom” the dragon suddenly exploded while Layton’s arm was still in it, Tang qi who had was engrossed with understanding his domain during the battle with Igor finally noticed the situation of the ying long, his attacker Igor seemed to have also noticed the bizarre situation there and had slowly reduced the intensity of his attacks giving Tang qi enough time to react to the changes of his dragon, with the connection between them both he noticed the situation of the ying long judged it to be unsalvageable in his current condition and without a second thought sent a command making it explode.

Tang qi was not exactly sure of what Layton had planned on doing but he knew he had to stop it regardless, whatever could make the wizard exert such energy at all cost in their present environment was probably important and could change the course of battle.

The space they were located for the final battle was abnormal although it seemed full of numerous energies no one present was able to absorb or manipulate them it was like there was a lock on them preventing them from having access to it, the whole battle had taken place without them being able to exert their full abilities without worry.

Igor was not able to exert his superpower to the best effects as a result of the empty wide expanse of space, apart from the cold hard ground that was still intact, virtually unbreakable and immune to his powers there was no object he could use to cause catastrophic damage except for the visible chaotic energies that made up the sky and even then it was not ideal because the amount of brainpower and energy it took to break up space and guide the energies down was immense and not ideal in his current state, because of this he was forced to only use his body in form of melee a feat he was not that adept in in order to minimize the consumption of his stamina, Tang qi was the same, he had only been able to use the qi he had saved up his dantian and limited water qi in the giants to complete his promotion, a promotion which had left him unable to exert its terrifying effects as he could not make use of outside energy, a feat which was necessary to keep his domain stable.

Everyone present was suffering an energy crisis even Layton, his psionic was not infinite, it was mined from his soul and the soul’s strength was not infinite, if he tried to squeeze more psionic from his soul it could lead to some obscure damage in his soul, his soul could only be kept in its perfect and strong state while using psionic by absorbing spirit particles or various brainwaves and thoughts that lingered around in a populated area, but in the current space there was no way to do that, although Tang qi did not know exactly what type of energy Layton needed but he could guess it had something to do with the soul, Igor could notice this too which was why he suddenly reduced the intensity of his attack giving Tang qi enough breathing space and allowing him to be able to blow up the dragon.

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