Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 173 Victor, you won’t give us a way to survive!

The three naval guns in the Port of Peñasco ceased activity.

The ground troops of Obregon City, which was stuck in the traffic fortress, also continued to advance, but the counterattack of the drug dealers was indeed fierce.

Fortifications were built on a mountain range called "Kavorka" about 120 kilometers away from the capital Hermosi. Taking advantage of the dense vegetation, drug traffickers occupying the highlands can almost shoot down from above.

"MD! If you can't get around it, burn it!"

Kennedy seemed very direct.

The "Katyusha" rocket battalion was mobilized from behind and bombed the entire mountain range indiscriminately.

The entire mountain range was filled with smoke in an instant.

You want to use the terrain to fight, but they don't want to do what you want. They just set fire to the mountain. The drug dealer inside was choked and couldn't stand it anymore, so he dropped his gun and ran away.

The thick smoke was clearly visible to everyone in Hermosillo.

"What! All the positions in the "Kavorka" mountain range have been lost?"

In the corridor of a private hospital in Hermosillo, Chalmers, the deputy who temporarily replaced Governor Irvin Lozano, was so anxious that he was sweating.

Does he know anything about P's war?

Looking anxiously through the window of the ward, Irvin Lozano was alive and did not die on the spot, but the doctor said that his vocal cords, spinal cord, and nerve roots had suffered severe damage, which meant that he was disabled!

"Without Kavorka we have no barrier." A man in a white T-shirt was smoking a cigarette, looking worried, and suddenly asked, "Is that murderer sent by Victor?"

"Is this still important? All we have to do is how to resist Victor's army. We in Sinaloa must not be attacked by any artillery fire. This is the bottom line for Boss Guzman." Beltran Leiva, the eldest of the four brothers Alfredo frowned and asked. He was in charge of money laundering, but the other brothers had all gone to Colombia.

He could only bite the bullet and lead a team of drug dealers northward for support.

But perhaps they were frightened by Victor's firepower. Support forces from several states gathered in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora state, causing serious damage to local security.

If a bunch of shit stays together, of course it's shit.

Seeing Alfredo move out of Guzman, the heads of several people nearby shrank immediately, and the corridor felt a little dull for a while.

"Why don't we drag them to Hermosillo for a decisive battle!" Alfredo was also cruel. "Victor's police officers don't have many people in total, and there are 378 underground passages under this city. We can definitely fight with them." Street fighting consumes their vitality."

street fighting? !

This is indeed tragic.

The "Five Continents Alliance" has close to tens of thousands of drug dealers here, and their equipment has long been different. They have also obtained many elite weapons from the American black market.

"Place mines to make it difficult for their armored vehicles to move. As long as they don't have fire support, I don't believe that four or five of us drug dealers can't save the life of one of their police officers." The man in the white T-shirt also came up with an idea.

These drug traffickers have never considered the ordinary people. Maybe... they have lost their humanity a long time ago. If they do this, the entire Hermosillo will be buried with them.

War on drugs…

It really turned into a war.

If you don’t feel how cruel war is, you can play Battlefield 5. Iwo Jima is full of corpses.

"Alfredo! What did you say?"

Everyone's eyes were looking at Guzman's cousin, waiting for him to make the final decision. Alfredo's fleshy face flashed. If Victor's anti-drug force heading south was severely damaged here, he would never be able to go to Qiqi. Huava and Sinaloa.

Most of the interests of the drug cartel can be protected!

"Just do as you say."

The man in the T-shirt relaxed, "Don't worry, I promise to give those policemen a big gift!"

Alfredo clasped his hands and looked at the distant mountain fire through the corridor window.

Victor, it's you who didn't give us a way to survive.

It is impossible for drug dealers to be stupid enough to confront the anti-drug forces head-on.

If they can't beat you, they like to play dirty tricks.

for example…


An explosion occurred in a restaurant in a building on the entire east side of the National Palace Plaza in Mexico City, blowing out the diners inside.

Screams were accompanied by cries for life.

The whole street was in chaos.

The tattered diners who finally ran out supported each other. Before they had time to calm down, they parked in a van next to them. Four or five armed men with CZ 25 submachine guns got out and began to sweep at the crowd!

This is Constitution Street!

The military police who heard the gunshots quickly came over, but this group of armed men were well-trained and suppressed them.

Above the building where the shootout took place was the dormitory of an Italian media company. They risked their lives to capture the footage.

The Mexican military and police cowered behind the car in fear. There were people lying on the ground. The armed men seemed to be going shopping casually, shooting at the people who were not dead on the ground.

Finally, leave in style!

Kwaukmot, who was working in the National Palace next to him, heard the explosion and frowned.

The "new recruit" Giancarlos in charge of his security opened the door and came in to take him to evacuate. Quaukmot waved his hand and said calmly, "It's still a little far from here, don't worry."

"Mr President!"

Secretary Nunez trotted in with a solemn expression, "21 explosions just occurred in Mexico City, mainly targeting restaurants, shopping malls, and some foreign gathering places. The number of casualties is being counted."

Before he could finish speaking, another secretary came in hurriedly, "Sir, someone on TV announced that he was responsible for this matter."

Cuauquemot felt something bad, so he asked Nunez to turn on the TV. He saw a man wearing a black mask with a red cross engraved on his head standing in front of the camera. Behind him were more than a dozen people holding various elite weapons. of armed personnel.

"We are the Guatemalan Salvatrucha (Mara Salvatrucha). We are very dissatisfied with your actions to curb Mexican drug traffickers. We will take revenge. Starting today, we will choose 17 Mexican cities to bomb. The next location is Tijuana. !”

"Please remember us, we are the Salvation Trout Gang, we prefer an open world, open to drugs, open desires, open humanity..."

"We are neither the first nor the last. Are you ready for the game to begin?"

"Only when we stop suppressing drug dealers and release all imprisoned drug dealers will we stop our revenge. Otherwise, everyone will die!"

The militant on the other end of the TV made an extreme gesture.

Cuauquemot took a deep breath. He wanted to swear, but his reason told him that swearing was useless. He calmly issued the order to rescue the wounded, and then asked CISEN (Mexican intelligence agency) to pay attention to this rescue trout. Fish Gang.

"Inform Mr. Victor of this incident and ask him to pay attention to the safety of Tijuana."

“I’m going to give a televised speech!”

"Who the hell can tell me where this Mara Salvatrucha gang came from?"

Jason Bourne cursed at the heads of several departments of the Mexican International News Department, "George Smiley, can you tell me who they are?"

The person whose name he called was a middle-aged man with long hair who looked more like a rock singer.

"You know, the gangs in Guatemala can grow faster than the bacteria on my underwear. We have no way of keeping track of their real-time information."

"That's not the answer!"

Jason Bourne slapped the table angrily, "Will the boss listen to our nonsense? He will grab me by the neck and ask me, Hey, Jason, can you tell me where these bastards come from?"

"What do you want me to say? Do you want the boss to see my underwear?"

Everyone in the conference room lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Dong dong dong~

"Who!" Jason Bourne shouted impatiently when he heard the knock on the door.

It was quiet outside, "Jason, Director Victor asked you to go find him."

Jason Bourne took a deep breath, responded, and pointed at everyone, "I hope I will know who those guys are when I come back. Don't worry, if I am sent to Siberia to grow potatoes, I will take you with me." ”

He left the conference room with a dark face, slammed the door, went to the toilet to urinate, and then touched his forehead with cold water, and then trotted to Victor's office.

"Boss, call me."

"You're sweating a lot, Jason." Victor was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt today and had his beard specially shaved.

"Well, it's a lot of work."

"Really? Then let me ask you, do you know about Mara Salvatrucha?"

coming! Sure enough, it came!

Jason Bourne's face is bright red.

Victor glanced at him, "I don't blame you. After all, there are too many filth and extremists in this world. Maybe four dogs on the roadside can bark F4, but what I can't tolerate is that they are provoking me."

"Are they planning to target Tijuana next?"

"If we really succeed in letting them explode, do you think the people's sense of security towards us will increase?"

"I, Victor, wherever I sit is the safest!"

"Find their people and then..."

"Kill them!" Jason Bourne learned to answer.

Victor nodded, "They still don't know anything about my cruelty. Man, we have killed too many drug dealers, but they haven't felt afraid yet. This is a shame!"

Jason didn't know how to say this.

It is impossible to be afraid of adult thieves who have been in the criminal organization for a long time. What are they afraid of?

Afraid of losing excitement, afraid of losing benefits, afraid of losing motivation.

Death is feared only by those who have just entered into crime.

Therefore, whenever a person says he can change, he is just talking shit.

"I plan to open a pay channel on Baja California TV, allowing people to choose the method of death for drug dealers every day, and then we will execute them!"

"Aren't they afraid of executing drug dealers in front of everyone? I want them to cry and repent. If they don't cry, I will beat them until they cry!"

Victor kicked the table, "All the cats and dogs came over to threaten me. Didn't they ask us to let them go?"

"How about cutting it into sashimi and throwing it into the sea?"

Jason Bourne's skin ached when he heard these words.

It's great for you to be a gangster in Guatemala, but TMD must come next door to threaten you. Do you think the boss seems to be tough?

He could soften up the drug dealer and then... throw him down to feed the sharks.


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