Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 174 CIA’s work?

When Jason Bourne returned to the office with a dark face, as soon as his hand was on the handle, he turned around and said, "Bring in everyone with stars on their shoulders!"

The staff outside quickly called the heads of other departments.

Seeing people with senior police titles walking into Jason Bourne's office, some people started to gossip.

"Hey, Minister, what are they doing?"

"It must be a big task!"

Jason Bourne smoked a cigarette and closed the curtains, "The boss just called me over and gave me a scolding. He asked us to go through Tijuana. If there is still an explosion, then you will be killed." He stripped naked and hung upside down from the tallest building in the city."

"Is this your special hobby, Minister?" George Smiley, who looked like a rock singer with a melancholic temperament, said.

"Ahem! Am I this kind of person?" Jason Bourne glared at him, "I tell you, the boss is very angry, and the consequences will be serious. You'd better be careful, otherwise you'll end up with Ethan Hen You are sent to be a duck, so I don't care about you."


Is it so exciting?

"Okay! Let's all take action. Divide them by region. Mobilize all your informants. Those who are suspicious will be arrested first. Anyway, there are no good people in Mexico."

"Yes, sir!"

After a group of people came out of the office, they were still chatting about Ethan Hunt, and they were all more interested in being ducks.

Jason Bourne exhaled and looked at the sunset in the distance.


It seems that justice is never welcome!

When the entire night covers Tijuana, some dirty places slowly begin to emerge again.

They dare not openly sell drugs, but there are definitely people doing it privately.

Even for a person as awesome as the Yankee, there are people all over the world who oppose him. As a policeman, Victor, you want the world to be truly crime-free, is that possible?

All he can do is curb evil.

At least there are more pedestrians in Tijuana at night, and ordinary people dare to go shopping. This is progress.

Many children had smiles on their faces.

Vendors push carts to make a living.

Isn’t that what maintaining law and order is all about?

In an alley…

Four or five figures were punching and kicking a man. The man looked very experienced and curled up to protect his vital parts.

"If you don't pay me anymore! Sell your daughter to a brothel!" A man wearing black short-sleeves, with tattoos visible on his arms and a hairband, cursed.

"So arrogant? Don't you know Tijuana doesn't allow girls to be forced into prostitution?"

Someone shouted at the entrance of the alley. Several thugs looked over and saw a ray of light coming over them. They couldn't help but shrink their heads in excitement.

"Hey! Where are you from?" The man with the hairband saw two figures.

"Haha, where are you from?"

The two people came over and turned off the flashlight, "My boss, Victor, where do you think I am from? The Mexican Drug Enforcement Agency (AMD)!"

"I...we didn't sell drugs. This man owes us money. You can't handle that."

"You have such a hard mouth. You must be on drugs. It hurts when your teeth are broken." One of them took out a gun.

The man with the hairband swallowed his saliva. He raised his hand quickly and said, "Sir, we are joking."

"Go outside and do ten push-ups each. Before you finish, I will give each of you a bullet. Get out of here."

Only in powerful areas like Baja California, the police dare to speak like this. In other places, there are already two more corpses.

After the thugs walked out of the alley, the policeman with his gun drawn kicked the man lying on the ground, "Alfaro, if you don't get up until I count to three, your informant fee for this month will be forfeited."

Hearing this, the man who was lying down and pretending to be dead jumped up and chuckled, "Mr. George Smiley, isn't it comfortable on the ground? When did you need to send this informant fee in person?"

Of course, an intelligence agency cannot only have regular employees. The CIA has hundreds of thousands of overseas agents, MI6 has many informants, and the Mexican International Information Department also has many peripheral members.

There are nearly 2,000 people in Tijuana alone!

There is no need to pay for insurance, and you will be paid according to the value of the clues every month.

"Let me ask you, have you seen any strange Guatemalans lately?"


The informant named Alfaro frowned and scratched his head, "There are a few people from Honduras, and they even went to the black market to buy some things."

The two intelligence officers looked at each other, "Where are the people?"

The informant smiled awkwardly, "At that time, I was picking up girls, so..."


The two of them almost laughed in anger. Just as they were about to continue asking, they heard a burst of screams outside the alley, accompanied by gunshots.

The two hurriedly ran out and saw a red off-road vehicle being pushed against the wall from the side by a police car. The back seat window of the off-road vehicle was open, and a man holding an AK47 fired at the glass.

Glass shattered all over the floor and the officer was apparently killed.

"That's it! Is there KY written on the inside of his arm?" The informant was brave enough to lie down in the corner of the alley and shout.

Now it doesn't matter whether the other party is the person they are looking for. If you are having a gunfight in this neighborhood, you fucking think we are easy to bully, right?

The two opened the trunk and found two Winchester M1887 shotguns inside. When going to work, you must bring a large caliber.

The boss said that men either have a thick wallet or a big gun, otherwise they can't even show off their skills.


A shotgun went over, scaring the other party. The man holding the AK looked over here and directly suppressed the fire with the muzzle of the gun.

The right hand patted the red SUV. The driver stepped on the accelerator and scraped off the wall. The side was covered with white paint. The man jumped into the car and ran away without hesitation.

"Call for support!"

"Lock them!"

George Smiley shouted, got into the car, put on an alarm with his backhand, and chased after the red SUV.

The colleague who was driving held the radio, "This is PC13174, internal communication number G7891, shooting occurred in the 11th block, the criminals are holding AK, the number of people is unknown, request air armed helicopter support!"

The beginning of G is the Mexican News Department.

PC13174 is the internal alarm number.

"The authorization application has been approved. Please be careful. The ground patrol team is rushing to the scene."


After hanging up the radio, the driver looked at George Smiley, "Boss, do you like speed and passion?"

The other party was startled and his face changed immediately.

The speed reached 140!

"NMD! Let me off the car!!"

At the same time, at 8 pm, at the press conference of the National Palace.

"This is a very, very bad and inhumane attack!"

Quaukmote looked very serious at the camera, "Mexico has listed the Guatemalan Salvation Trout Gang (Mara Salvatrucha) as a terrorist organization and will apply for a global wanted order."

"At any time, all kinds of criminal organizations are the greatest enemies of mankind."

He was scolding loudly, and the "new recruit" Giancarlos standing next to him looked around vigilantly, wearing a straight suit and sharp eyes.

Suddenly, he saw a woman below, looked around, and suddenly stood up.

"Be careful!"

Giancarlos stood in front of Quaukmot, pulled out his gun, turned on the safety, and fired six shots at the woman, steady and ruthless! He knocked her down directly.

The other guards were busy protecting the latter on both sides, protecting him as he walked down the stairs.

"Everyone squat!"

The press room was full of screams.


The door was knocked open, and two men in bright red ceremonial uniforms rushed in, holding AK47s, standing at the door and shooting.

Thump, thump, thump, thump...

Those reporters were like rows of straw, and were swept to the ground directly.

These two people had a strong purpose, they came for Quaukmot, but the guards protecting him were carefully selected by Victor. What do you want to do with just two people?

They were shot dead on the spot by the guards who rushed in from outside.

"Protect the gentleman and leave first, then call an ambulance." Guian Carlos said to his companion with a dark face. He looked down at the two guards who were shot dead, and looked at his colleagues around him, "Can anyone tell me what happened to these two?"

In addition to internal security, the Presidential Guard also protects the National Palace of Mexico. Most of them are military and police, and they also bear the responsibility of guards.

But why are there bullets in their weapons?

According to the requirements of the guards, they cannot carry bullets. If they need to carry them, they must report it, but this situation still occurs under such rules.

Then there must be...

A traitor!

"All personnel close the National Palace. Except for the guards, no one is allowed to approach Mr. Cuauhcmote. Keita, you take command. Give me the phone."

Guian Carlos took the phone from his colleague and called Victor's office directly.


"Sir, I have something to report to you."

"You mean, Cuaucmote was attacked? And you suspect that someone in the internal department has surrendered to the drug dealers?"

"Yes! But we don't know who it is."

Victor was silent. Some people thought it was difficult to kill themselves, so they planned to go after Cuaucmote. After all, on the surface, the other party was the boss of this country.

"Sir, I think maybe Mr. Cuaucmote can come to Tijuana." Gancarlos said softly.

When these words came out, Victor's eyebrows trembled. Why bring him here?

Holding the emperor to command the princes?


Are you all too eager to make progress?

What era is it, and you still play this trick.

"Mexico City is the symbol of Mexico and the pearl of Mexicans. If Mr. President doesn't stay there, where can he go?"

Victor made the decision directly, and then said, "However, many departments should be in the hands of people who love it. I will send people to help guide them."

Buzz buzz buzz~

The alarm in the building suddenly sounded.

The secretary ran in anxiously.

"Sir, 17 banks called the police, and there were 36 gun battles in the city, and the number is still rising."

Victor was stunned, but then he understood.

This is definitely a trap...

Attack important powerful figures in Mexico in two places?

And attack Mexico in the morning and Tijuana in the afternoon. There is no plan here. Victor is going to eat shit.

He smelled a deep conspiracy.

It seems...the style of the CIA!

Could the so-called Salvation Trout Gang (Mara Salvatrucha) be supported by the CIA?

I've been jumping too much recently, so why don't you put more pressure on yourself?

Victor frowned, always feeling that there was a key point in this that didn't make sense.

It seems that I have offended a lot of American departments recently, and each of them seems to have this ability.

"Order all members of EDM, EDN (Mexican Emergency Response Team) and NTMD (Mexican Drug Enforcement Agency Counter-Terrorism Team) to dispatch and wipe out these saboteurs in Tijuana!"

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