Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 50 We bless Mexico!

Upon hearing Victor's order, Harrison's mouth suddenly opened half-open.

"Warden, this...this is too many people."

Victor turned his head sharply and stared at him, "No matter how many bastards there are, they are still bastards. He can't create more value. What we have to do now is sweep these disobedient garbage into the garbage heap."

"Those who make mistakes must be punished."

Victor's expression was very calm, and he leisurely took out a cigarette from the table and smoked it, "Things that all children know."

Harrison was under great pressure. Even if Victor was carrying him, the back of his head seemed to have a pair of eyes staring at him, and he swallowed.


It's better for them to die than for you to be unlucky.

Harrison picked up the walkie-talkie he carried and gave Victor's order.

When the prisoners were rioting below, there were already EDM (Mexican Lions) members on the surrounding high walls.

Victor is a "timid" person. After all, he has been living in prison, so he has to take some measures, for fear that some blind thief will come over at night.

So I made some "gadgets" around the high wall.

The Dongkaryunov SG43 machine gun is mounted on the frame. Although it is an old antique, it is a pioneer representative of "positional warfare".

The most important thing is that the gadgets from World War II are cheap. Even though they are old, World War II was only over 40 years ago.

No known human being can resist the 7.62mm caliber, right?

After receiving the order, the EDM members decisively pulled the trigger!

have you seen…

Cutting wheat?

The gang of prisoners who were clamoring instantly fell to the ground. The small leaders who had grabbed the weapons raised their guns to fight back. As soon as they raised them, they were beaten like sieves.

A stray bullet penetrated the eyeball of a prisoner and exploded a small hole in the back of his head. His brain sputtered out like tofu.

Don't think of drug dealers as cruel.

Their cruelty is only directed at weaker people!

As long as there is someone stronger than them, they are as weak as sheep.

"Run! Run!"

"Open the door and let me out!"

"I surrender! I surrender!"

Drug dealers cry...

They shouted at the top of their lungs, with tears and snot flowing from their noses.

Do they regret it?

No, they are just afraid of death.

After the gunfire stopped, no one was standing below. Even if there were screams, they were weak. The closed iron door of the prison was opened, and the TPz-1 "Fox" armored personnel carrier drove in.

He just ran over the drug lord who fell to the ground.

can you hear…

The sound of bones being rubbed together.

And those Kennedy Heisenberg led EDM members to roll call the surviving prisoners.

Harrison stood in front of Victor and watched this scene, even he felt a little queasy.

"The dead people will be taken out and cremated. When the vacated prison comes, contact Alejandro and ask him to bring in another group of people. The sewing machine cannot be stopped. Also, the bastards in the prison have been too full recently. The rest of them cut back on one meal a day and extended their working hours to 18 hours, only to think wildly when they have free time.”

Victor looked at him, "I remember that all the surveillance cameras in the prison were broken today, right?"

Casare ran in and shuddered when he heard this.

Is this the plan to destroy the body and eliminate all traces?

Of course, they have to be burned directly. So many people died. There haven’t been such horrific scenes in the world in recent years, right?

Although the other party is a drug dealer, although they deserve to die,...

Don’t forget that many so-called human rights organizations will jump out.

They go around saying, wow, the life of a criminal is not life?

Then things got bigger and bigger. The Mexican government was so weak and incompetent that it was impossible for it to wipe Victor's butt.

But if you take care of the body and subsequent processing, the worst case scenario is that there was a riot in the prison and all the prisoners who were not on the roster ran away.



Even if there are prison guards or prisoners who serve as so-called "eyewitnesses", if you don't catch this thing on the spot, it will be difficult for you to determine that I did it.

Do they have my fingerprints on their bodies?

You have the temper to make them stand up and say, who killed them.

There is always a saying in Mexico: a crime that is not witnessed with one's own eyes is not a crime, and one that is witnessed with one's own eyes...just kill the witnesses.

Casare heard what he said and replied quickly, "Yes, all the monitoring systems failed today, and the storage system was also destroyed."

"Then find someone to fix it."

Victor walked toward the door. "I received a call from the Prison Administration. He ordered us to dispatch elite soldiers to cooperate with the local military and police in Mexico City to maintain stability. When I come back, I hope this place will be clean."


When he reached the door, he suddenly turned around, startling Casare.

"Go and ask two priests to come and give them salvation."

Victor is still too kind.

The prison door opens.

The TPz-1 "Fox" armored personnel carrier took the lead, followed by the BTR-40 armored personnel carrier and four desert-colored Humvees.

There were many men standing on both sides of a red van at the prison gate.

In Mexico, such small groups can tell their true nature at a glance: they are either drug dealers or car thieves.

They stared dumbfounded at the armored vehicles coming out of the prison.

My mind is full of questions.

Has the Mexican government reached this level of arrogance?

They suddenly saw a gun muzzle on the medium-sized wheeled armored vehicle in front of them turning towards them, and an ominous premonition suddenly enveloped them, making their scalps numb.

"Corre! Corre! Corre! (Run! Run! Run!)"

Magnetic~Thud, tug, tug, tug, tug…

The Rh202 20mm cannon installed on the E-6 ring bracket on the roof is like diarrhea. The sound... sounds exciting!

Bullets rained down on the van.

The glass suddenly shattered all over the floor.

The car body was shaken to pieces, and finally it seemed that a stray bullet hit the fuel tank. With a "boom", it blew up into the sky.

The armored vehicle rolled over the pile of scrap metal.

Victor held the handle of the car tightly with his left hand, still wearing a body armor and holding a walkie-talkie.

"Guys, let's welcome our arrival in Mexico City! Kill those drug dealer bastards who are disrupting order!"

"What we have to do is three things, kill the drug dealers, kill the drug dealers, or kill the drug dealers!"

"God bless the world and we bless Mexico!"

The level of chaos in Mexico City at this time can be summed up in one sentence.

God has to wear a helmet on his butt.

The Mexican government sent Mexican military police to fight with drug traffickers on the streets!

Gunshots, screams, and cries were heard all the time.

Unexpectedly, the military and police were beaten to the point of retreat!

In the Michels neighborhood where the exchange of fire was particularly intense, even a military Santana 109 military light vehicle was burned on the roadside, and many uniformed police officers fell to the ground.

Drug lords wearing turbans rushed into the restaurants where they were hiding on the roadside.

It was an inhumane massacre against the pedestrians who were hiding inside.

Those military police are just trash!

The drug dealers stood wildly on the roof of the car, shooting around. One even took off his pants and took out his bird at the police who were hiding not far away.

"Trash!" the drug lord shouted, raising his middle finger.

But this group of military policemen was stunned that one person was bloody.

"Help me! Help me!" A sharp voice sounded, and two drug lords were seen dragging a man out of a nearby house to a leader, who shouted loudly.

A woman chased out from behind, hurriedly kneeling on the ground, speaking slang and begging for mercy.

The leader pulled the man's arm open, saw the Sinaloa pattern on it, pulled out a dagger and stabbed him in the neck.

The woman screamed and ran over madly, but was shot in the head by a drug dealer.

"Cut their heads off," the leader ordered.

The younger brother nodded. He suddenly felt a slight tremor under his feet. He raised his head in confusion and saw a gun barrel protruding from a corner, and then the entire armored body smashed into the wall and crossed over.

Cannon firing…

The confused drug dealers even spoke, and their entire upper bodies were blown apart!

Jaryunov SG43 machine gun!

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