Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 51 Taking the blame! (Please read more!)

Chapter 51 Taking the blame!

Launchers on both sides of the TPz-1 armored vehicle emit smoke grenades.

Taking advantage of this moment, all team members got out of the car and automatically searched separately according to combat teams.

Well-trained DEMs are new to everyone.

Including those military police.

Many people poked their heads out and were a little confused when they saw the big guy weighing nearly 10 tons. The most important thing was that on the back of the armored vehicle was written: APM (Administración Penitenciaria de México), the abbreviation of the Mexican Prison Administration.

Damn it!

Those who watch the prisoners have armored vehicles?

"Does your police department still have armored vehicles?" A Mexican army officer with the rank of lieutenant looked at the police inspector next to him and his eyes widened.

The inspector was equally confused.

We are all still using revolvers, but you are driving an armored vehicle?

Are the security chiefs so selfish?

The TPz-1 armored vehicle is equipped with a shovel on the front, which can push away all cars blocking the road. There is also a loudspeaker on the roof that says in Spanish: "Put down your weapons and surrender!"

This armored vehicle is a complete dimensionality reduction attack for current drug dealers. Unless you have heavy weapons, it is basically impossible to break its armor.

The entire street was basically conquered. When the drug dealers saw that something was not going well, they quickly raised their hands and surrendered. They lay on the ground skillfully and were dragged to the street by the hair of the EDM people.

There were about a dozen drug dealers left, and they roughly tore off their headscarves, revealing their very obscene and confused faces.

They are afraid!

Also like a lamb awaiting judgment.

There was also an MG3 7.62mm machine gun on the armored vehicle. The machine gunner looked inside the vehicle, nodded, pointed the gun at the drug dealer, and opened fire directly.

Kill on the spot!

There was a drug dealer who stood up and tried to run away. He was shot in the knee. He lay on the ground wailing and wanted to move forward. The ground was covered in blood.

The beasts are also trying to survive.

The machine gunner took special care of him, and his butt was smashed.

Since crime has no cost, more and more people will be unscrupulous.

All Victor has to do is make these people understand.

You must admit when you have done something wrong, and you must stand upright when you are beaten!

Do you think this is a civilized world where you can just say sorry?

Mexican losers are destined to die!

"Go! Go to the next block!"

Victor directed EDM to sweep to the next fighting point. The tire ran over the drug dealer's body, and the thing exploded like a plastic bottle.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, the military police looked at each other.

Fierce...too ferocious.

"Are Mexican prison guards that capable of beating?" the army lieutenant choked out these words.

"Bureau of Prisons?"

"I know who he is, boss!"

A police sergeant standing behind the inspector suddenly shouted. The sound was a bit loud, and it irritated the former's eardrums.

"who is it?"

"Victor! He is Victor, Victor Carlos Vieri, nicknamed "The Tyrant"!" the police sergeant said quickly.

This name is so familiar.

Who doesn't know that there is a vicious man in Gaoyuan Prison who dares to give tough treatment to drug lords and superiors, and even dares to hang drug lords who offend him!

"It is said that he was responsible for what happened to the Pedro family two days ago, but it was tragic. The whole family died."

There are no secrets in Mexico.

Even if the security minister makes a fool of himself, the whole city will know about it tomorrow.

"Where did he get the money to buy an armored vehicle?" the army lieutenant couldn't help but ask.

This confused the police officers. The inspector held back his fart for a long time before he hesitated and said, "Maybe he robbed the drug dealer."

The TPz-1 armored vehicle is responsible for firepower wherever it goes.

Under his cover, the military and police launched a counterattack against the drug dealers.

In the face of absolute firepower, drug dealers? Even if you are a dog, I have to shoot you two bullets.

The drug dealer riot, known as the "11.8 Incident", gradually calmed down until about 7 p.m., and the main peripheral military began to provide support to the city.

The drug dealers had few people and had no choice but to run away first.

Although the Mexican military and police are said to be the most corrupt department, if the person in charge wants you to come and support them, why don't you come?

After all, Mexico is still a country!

It hasn't really become a scene of warlords fighting.

The riot spread to nearly 7 blocks, covering about 300,000 people, and almost all the roads were filled with corpses.

There were cries everywhere.

Victor was sitting in an armored vehicle and saw an elderly man kneeling on the ground crying until he lost his voice. There were seven corpses neatly placed in front of him.

Everyone in the family died except him.

Drug dealers broke into his house and raided it randomly.

Even Victor was a little sad to cry. This country is so corrupt, is it really necessary to save it?

"Kill him! Beat him to death!"

At this moment, a burst of noise drew his attention to another place again, and he saw a group of people surrounded by a drug dealer, filled with indignation. The drug dealer was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and the police around him were protecting him.

The drug dealer hid on the roof of the car, looked at the residents below who were gnashing their teeth at him, and actually grinned, "Long live the Michocana family!"

Victor squinted.

He pulled away from the driver, got into the armored vehicle, stepped on the accelerator, turned on the 235 kilowatts of power, and rushed towards the drug dealer, honking the horn vigorously.

The residents hurriedly dispersed, and even the police ran away when they saw the situation was bad.

The drug dealer jumped off the roof of the car in fear, ran as hard as he could, and looked back to see how his two legs could possibly run over the four wheels. He was knocked down directly. The car body ran over his legs, and he screamed. My head exploded.


Victor sighed, he just couldn't bear to see others being more arrogant than him!

"Boss, Director Alejandro's phone number." An EDM member handed the big brother over, and Victor took it and said, "Hello."

Alejandro on the other end sounded very serious.

"Victor, I think you need to be mentally prepared."

"What's the meaning?"

"The security department believes that you are the culprit of this riot, and 12 officials will conduct an internal interrogation on you tomorrow."

Oh shit!

Do you want to interrogate me?

Are you going to throw shit and piss on your own head?

You don't need to think about it to know that they need someone to take the blame to apologize to the TV cameras. As for politicians, it is the fastest to pass the blame.

"500,000 pesos! Alejandro!"

"This is not a problem that money can solve, Victor!"

"One million pesos!"

"Don't tell me that it can't be solved. Everyone is out to sell. Who doesn't have a price? I'll pay and you find someone. If I can't get out of the interrogation room tomorrow, the prisoners in Plateau Prison will definitely escape. That's for sure!"

He hung up the phone directly, threw it on his seat, and rubbed his hands together, which was a very nervous sign.

"Boss, should we..." Kennedy Heisenberg made a beheading motion.

"We are police, not gangsters!" Victor said angrily.

"Aren't they all the same?"

Victor was startled. It seemed that there was no difference between thieves and policemen in Mexico. Since someone wanted to use "white" means to get him, he could also act rogue.

He has a pair of eyes that can see through the criminal value of others.

He didn't believe that all 12 officials were clean.

When the time comes, we will reveal their old ways and see who will be embarrassed!

PS: Everyone, is it too late in the morning? I am wondering whether to adjust the time. The listing will definitely be adjusted.

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