World Keeper

Chapter 516: Covering Traces

Chapter 516: Covering Traces

After fighting the group of five on the plains, I expected to be sent back to the Admin Room. However, that was not the case. Instead, I was sent back to my starting position, and a second ‘round’ of training began. It seemed that Accalia set up this training regime in order to simulate multiple fights in which the opponents were able to witness my strength from afar.

This proved to be true when I met the second group. As I had exposed my illusions to the first one, thinking that there would only be one round, the second group was able to witness it and came equipped with goggles that allowed them to see through illusions.

The team composition of the second group were entirely frontline fighters as well, which added more pressure on me. Each weapon had the power to deal damage to a divine body, and they wore accessories which added similar traits to their magic or ki. As such, even if they were only using third tier abilities, I still had to be careful.

For the second group, I had to overwhelm them with raw power. As soon as I used my ‘Battle Illusion’ on a target, the others would call out to them, and they would fade away. It seemed that ‘understanding’ that one was simply an illusion would allow one to break the technique.

After fighting the second round, I then went onto a third. This time, I was faced against a team of archers and mages fighting from a distance. Not only did they carry equipment to counteract my illusions, but they also wore items that defended against ki or stabilized the space around themselves.

The third and fourth rounds I fought by using my Mirror domain, or the Light domain I acquired from Tsubaki. Afterwards, each time they would come equipped with something to not only weaken the abilities I had used in the round previously, but every other round.

By the end of the fourth round, it was easy to tell that had I not dismissed my illusions so easily in the first round, I would be able to face the rest more easily. However, at the same time, the more of my abilities that they equipped themselves to counter, the less effective each counter was.

In the fifth round, I only fought a single enemy, a mortal god. It might be a bit bad to admit this, but… that was actually the easiest round of them all. I did not fall back on any of my previously used abilities, and immediately pulled out the tome and scepter that Tsubaki had given me. With a single spell, I was able to swiftly finish the round.

Thankfully, it seemed like five rounds was the limit, after which I was brought back out to the Admin Room. When I arrived, I saw that everyone was seated, with most people having… popcorn in their hands.

“That was pretty neat!” Aurivy praised. “The whole ‘you’re already dead’ attack, I mean!”

“Nani!?” Accalia responded in shock, though there was a wide grin on her face. “Anyways, I don’t think I need to point out where you’ve gotta improve on by this point?”

I shook my head towards the lycan goddess. “I have to make sure that my illusions remain a secret, even from my own people. If they know to expect it, they’ll be able to produce specialized equipment that will make my technique ineffective.”

Of course, that meant paying a visit to Tsubaki and Dana, making sure that they don’t update my public image with the domain of illusions. I knew that the two of them were aware of it at the very least, given that the divine registry displayed what domains a particular god had. There was also the technique that she had taught to Fafnir, which allowed him to identify the domains of a god.

In order to increase the success rate of my technique, I had to find a way around that ability. I wonder if it’s possible to create an illusion to cover my illusion domain? Now that would be a tricky solution.

To make that work, first I’d need to learn how to perform the identification technique myself, so that I would be able to understand what methods were needed in order to counter it. However, there were only fifty more days left before the invasion, in world time. Less in Standard time.

Accalia nodded approvingly at my self-evaluation. “Right. In a battle against a civilized opponent, the control of information is vital. In that respect, your new technique is both extremely effective and a liability. So long as they don’t know what you are doing, it is an extraordinary ability. However, once it is discovered, they will be able to easily create countermeasures.”

“That’s why I set the training regime up how I did, and why I didn’t tell you first. It was all about controlling information. In a real battle, you never know if someone is watching from afar with mysterious methods. Every secret technique has to be performed in such a way that an onlooker won’t discover the secret. As an example… how long can you maintain those illusions?”

I thought about that for a moment. “I’m not sure. It depends on the amount of divine energy I have. Though, my world host has started work on ‘internal production’ in that regard. If it’s just a small number, the cost shouldn’t outweigh my natural recovery.”

Accalia let out a relieved smile when she heard that. “Good, then you can use that to your advantage. There is a good chance that the enemy will equip their bases with items that penetrate illusions, so it is too dangerous to send them back to mingle with other invaders.”

“Instead, it would be more effective to have the living illusions ‘attacked’ en route back to their base after fighting you off. Make sure that the method you use doesn’t visibly correspond to one of your main powers. For example, they could be attacked by an ice-wielding warrior that manages to get the best of them. Or a mysterious toad that swallows them whole. As long as them taking steps to avoid a similar fate doesn’t result in them producing countermeasures against your own power.”

“A toad…” I stared at Accalia blankly for a moment. “Are you going to tell me that my world has a toad that is capable of swallowing people whole like that?”

She gave a somewhat wicked grin. “The Distortion Toad. A tiny little thing, looks like a normal toad you’d find in a swamp, just crawling along. It’s no more than three inches tall. But, when it opens its mouth, it can shoot out a tongue that is a meter thick, and up to fifty meters long. When its tongue catches you, and pulls you back in, you become trapped in a massive stomach made through similar methods as a storage space filled with acid.”

“…Note to self, avoid small toads.” My main focus has always been on the larger monsters, as they are typically the more terrifying ones, but I had to admit that there were a fair few small creatures that were every bit as frightening.

Either way, I shook my head. “I’ve got to go down to the world to finish my preparations. Terra, let me know if Sarah tries to get in touch with me.” I was still waiting to hear from her about the potential countermeasure for the elemental seed system, since there was a decent chance that Sanction would be using that against me.

After bidding my farewells, I once again descended to the planet below. Unless Sarah contacted me with information, there was a good chance that I wouldn’t be returning to the Admin Room before the invasion now.

Tsubaki, I’d like to talk for a moment. I messaged her with my thoughts, shifting my location to the Sky Citadel. When I arrived, there was a flash of light, and she appeared before me. As one might expect from her, she was already kneeling.

“How may I be of service to you, my Keeper?” She asked seriously, her eyes on the ground beneath her.

“Just to be certain, but you have not released the information about my second domain yet, have you?” This would be a very important factor for my upcoming plans, so I had to make sure my information was protected.

“I have not. It was my belief that you would make the information known yourself when you felt the time was right.”

I let out a sigh of relief at Tsubaki’s words. “Thank you, that’s good. I have no intention of releasing this information. I want my second domain to be an absolute secret. Furthermore, I would like you to teach me the method of detecting a target’s domain, so that I can develop a countermeasure for it.”

Tsubaki glanced up from the ground to look at me, thinking over my words. “I see. You wish for your illusions to become a trump card in battle. Very well, I will happily oblige, my Keeper. In truth, the technique is not incredibly difficult, though it requires a measure of mastery over divine energy.”

“By channeling divine energy through the eyes, focusing on insight, you will be able to see the nature of their divinity written within their aura.” Tsubaki’s tail swished back and forth as she spoke, clearly happy about being able to help me.

“…That’s it?” I had expected some complicated technique involving fourth tier magic control or powerful spiritual abilities. If it was simply channeling divinity into the eyes to ‘read’ the nature of an aura, that might be easier to disguise than I had initially expected.

Tsubaki nodded her head quickly. “Yes, that is it. I am training your dragon in this technique in order to help him master the control of his divine energy. I believe that he will soon be ready to begin ascension.”

I was going to have a dragon god as a pet… I wasn’t sure how I should feel about this. “Very well. Were you planning to assist him with the process?”

Tsubaki’s eyes went wide in shock, her head shaking back and forth rapidly. “Of course not, my Keeper. It is unbefitting for me to have your tamed monster as my subordinate god! I was hoping to ask you to perform the process yourself, such that he may become your own subordinate.”

A small smile tugged at my lips as I heard her panicked tone. “Tsubaki, I guess this hasn’t been discovered here yet… as a subordinate god yourself, anyone that you help to ascend won’t be your subordinate, but rather my own. The mark of my divinity left on you will be passed down to anyone you assist in that manner, and anyone that they assist.”

There was a faint gleam in her eyes as she thought about that. “I see… that is very good to know, my Keeper. I will make sure to remember that.”

I started to chuckle, imagining how she was likely wanting to help me acquire several new subordinates. However, as I thought about that, my eyes went wide at a sudden idea. Using the technique that Tsubaki had just taught me, I stared at the kitsune goddess herself. Within her aura, I could see the word ‘Light’ written over and over again.

Yet, there were two other words that existed. Near the left side of her chest, the two words ‘Mirror’ and ‘Illusion’ were faintly visible. “This is going to be more difficult than I expected.”

“My Keeper?” Tsubaki looked at me in confusion, not seeming to understand what I was talking about.

“When I helped you ascend, I formed a pact between our divinities. My domains are written within your aura as well. If I want to control the flow of information to prevent people from identifying my second domain, you will have to disguise it yourself as well.”

Her eyes seemed to shake at that, and she lowered her head. “I apologize for becoming a liability to your plans, my Keeper. I will strive to master this technique with the utmost haste so as to keep your secrets safe!”

Thankfully, as my subordinate god she was able to ‘request’ access to my domain. While I had to give permission, that would not be a problem. In fact… I closed my eyes, focusing on my divinity, and my connection with Tsubaki.

You have chosen to allow your Subordinate God Tsubaki obtain unrestricted access to your domain. This access may be revoked at any time. Please confirm.

Naturally, I confirmed. I didn’t want to be distracted by her constantly requesting access to my domain. If there was a single mortal that I felt could be trusted unconditionally with a part of my power, it would always be Tsubaki. Especially now that she knew that the goal of this connection was to hide my domain in the first place.

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