World Keeper

Chapter 517: Deific Property

Chapter 517: Deific Property

Thankfully, I discovered that it was not too hard to create an illusion which obscured my domain from the technique Tsubaki taught me. If there was a more advanced version of the technique, or they used it while also using something that penetrated deific illusions… well, I could only consider myself unlucky at that point.

With that in mind, there was only really one thing that was left for me to actually prepare before the invasion. Something that would benefit not only myself, but every other ascended mortals as well. Tubrock, need a word with you for a moment.

There was a moment’s pause after I sent that message, while I stood alone on the same grassy plain where I trained my previous illusion techniques. However, he did reply soon enough. Aye? What is it, lad.

I need to know how to create a godly artifact. Doesn’t have to be at your level of craftsmanship, just the general knowledge. It’ll be useful for the upcoming battle if the gods down here are able to each create their own relics.

Having a godly artifact would be able to help me in a number of ways. If I can pre-set abilities from my domain into it, then it would allow me to more easily influence the flow of battle, or use my powers in ways that I otherwise would find difficult. I could even gift the items to others if I needed to.

Hmm, I suppose ye got a point, there. In truth, it’s nothin’ hard, really. Not to get the normal level of artifacts, at least. All ye gotta do is condense yer divinity into a little shard, and then merge it with the item ye want to make yer artifact. When ye do that, ye’ll have to focus on what ye want it to do durin’ the merge, because once it’s done it’s fixed.

If ye wanted somethin’ a bit more advanced, ye could merge the shard with a material, and then forge it manually. Bit more freedom like that, but requires more skill.

I gave a small nod when I heard that. It had been so long since I actually forged something myself, I knew that I didn’t have the skill to do so at a level that could surpass modern masters. And there was definitely no way that I could manually forge a weapon that was capable of killing a god.

If I wanted to, I could ask Tubrock to create an item for me to use as my relic, like my old chakram. Speaking of… I focused, retrieving my chakram from my storage space. This had been created for me a long time ago by Tubrock, but it was still a useful weapon. I think he called it… the circle of life and death.

Unfortunately, it was created back before I had even become a first ranked Keeper. While it would be good for battling normal monsters, it wouldn’t be enough to fight a ‘boss’ battle of my current standard. I could only shake my head and return it to my storage space. Afterwards, I focused and left the grassy plains, returning to the citadel.

Although I didn’t announce my arrival beforehand, Tsubaki still appeared with barely any delay. In fact, there was a look of excitement on her face that she tried to hide by quickly lowering her head. “My Keeper, welcome back.”

“Something has you in a good mood.” I chuckled, and her tails stood completely straight for a moment in shock at being called out. “What happened?”

“Ah, uhm… actually, I have something to present to you.” She told me with a flushed expression, before producing a silver card in her hand. “Our efforts have borne fruit, and we have at last created a proper storage space befitting you. Inside is a wide array of items that you can retrieve by simply focusing, or you can place the card against any surface to enter the space yourself.”

“Oh?” I knew that they were creating this for me, but I had not expected that they would have finished it while I was training. However, it did make sense since I had spent roughly a month and a half doing so. “Thank you, Tsubaki. This will actually help me a lot.”

Her tails began swaying back and forth in excitement as I praised her. “In fact, I was just coming here to request a pair of weapons to turn into my holy relics. Perhaps there will be something suitable in there…”

Tsubaki’s head lifted in alarm, eyes wide as she looked at me. “You mustn’t, my Keeper!” It took her a moment to realize that she had raised her voice at me, after which she lowered her head again. “Forgive my outburst. However, while the weapons in there are indeed the best that could be purchased from normal stores, they are incredibly lacking when compared to the standard of a holy relic befitting you.”

“With your permission, I would like to find a master craftsman to personally forge the best weapon, while Dana and myself enchant it. Only then would it be worthy of becoming a holy relic.”

I gave a soft smile as I heard her recommendation. Her little ‘outburst’ may have surprised me, but it did not truly bother me. In fact, I was pleased to see that she was expressing herself more. “Do you believe that a pair of weapons can be completed like that within a month’s time?”

Tsubaki closed her eyes in focus. “It would depend on the complexity of the enchantment, my Keeper. If Dana and myself are able to create it within that time frame, the weapons will naturally be ready for you.”

“The enchantment that I want is ‘simple’. I want the weapons to be capable of battling a god. As for special effects, I will add that in as part of the process to make it my relic.”

When she heard that, relief spread over Tsubaki. “Understood, my Keeper. Then, I shall prepare at once. If that is your wish, we can finish the weapons promptly. A ‘godslayer’ enchantment is already prepared in your tome, so that will be an easy addition.”

Okay, that surprised me a bit. I didn’t think that they would make such a powerful enchantment so readily available. But then again, they likely never intended for the tome to be used outside of the three of us. Having the ability to impart weapons upon others with the power to battle gods could prove useful in a number of situations.

“Then, the weapon that I would like is a pair of chakrams. It is very important that they have the same dimensions.” After I said that, I saw a light flash from Tsubaki, an avatar racing out of the room faster than I could track. “While you are waiting for them to be forged… I’ll explain to you how to create your own relic. Before the upcoming battle, I would like each of the ascended to possess one.”

“Thanks for your business.” A burly, dark-skinned ursa called out as he saw off a pair of customers. There was a pleasant smile on his face as he watched his work being carried away. “Let’s see… next up was the sword order, right?”

As he said that, he leaned down, pulling out his booklet and flipping through it. “Part the seas and sever mountains… people these days.” He rolled his eyes playfully at the request from his customer. “Well, adding a ki-based cutting enhancement should be enough there. If he can’t ‘sever mountains’, it’ll just be because he doesn’t have enough ki.”

“Kiria Sorin.” A female voice called out within the supposedly empty shop, causing the ursa to lift his head in surprise. Standing opposite his counter was a kitsune he knew very well, though never expected to see again.

A respectful smile flashed across his face as he nodded towards her. “Lady Tsubaki. I don’t think I’ve done anything to warrant your attention of late. Can I assume you’re here for business, then?”

There was a sharp nod of the kitsune’s head, her face utterly calm. “I have a commission for you from the Keeper himself. He wishes for you to forge his personal weapons.”

The smile faded from Kiria’s face when he heard that, instantly becoming serious. “I see… what does he want?”

“A pair of chakram, both identical in dimensions. You will be responsible for their forging, while we have someone else handling the enchantment. I trust that I can leave this task to you?”

Kiria nodded his head. “I can get it done. How should I let you know when they’re finished?”

Tsubaki considered that for a moment, before producing a small wooden token. “When you are ready to contact me, break this. I’ll rush over right away.”

Kiria gave another nod. “Got it. Well, then… guess I better get to work.” As he said that, he turned around, walking to the forge in the back of his shop. This was a specially constructed space he had made with various enchantments, proving to be far larger on the inside.

There was a reason that he was chosen, and he knew it. A single reason why he was better than any dwarven smith. His eyes began to glow gold as he summoned his hammer, stirring his divinity. “Let’s get to work.”

If he wanted to become the God of Crafts, this would be his true test. A weapon forged for the highest authority, something that had the power to become a legend in its own right. Even if he was only handling the physical form, it was enough to make him a part of that legend.

Using my world sight, I watched as Tsubaki selected the craftsman for my weapon. After which, she visited another to discuss the creation of her own relic. Whereas mine was an ursa half-god focusing on a crafting domain, the one she chose for her own was a dwarven master. Most likely, they were ranked first and second among the craftsmen she knew, though the half-god would have a clear advantage.

After she discussed the details of her own weapon, which appeared to be a… gun of all things, she moved to contact Jonas, Bella, and Blank. As Tower was nowhere to be found, still in the middle of creating his ‘godly planet’, those three were the only ones she could contact to inform.

Naturally, each of them had their own methods of securing craftsmen. Jonas had a number of master smiths within his community, while Blank could simply reach out to someone over the internet. As for Bella, she surprisingly went to a normal carpenter, asking for him to make her a staff.

Well, that didn’t bother me. Bella was the most non-combat oriented of any of my gods. Most likely, her staff would be imbued with a healing power when she made it her relic, or a shield of some sort.

With that taken care of, everyone would be capable of creating their own divine artifacts. This was the last preparation that I could personally help with for the invasion. After this, all that was left was for me to train myself to improve my fighting style and incorporate my new weapons into it.

“He showed up, huh?” Dana asked with a small grin, looking towards Tsubaki. The kitsune was happily waving her tails back and forth ever since she returned. “I told you that he’d be back soon enough, didn’t I?”

“Well, yes, but still… he seemed really pleased with your gift.” While Tsubaki had been praised for presenting the storage space to Dale, she knew that it was Dana that had truly created it.

“Our gift.” The elven girl corrected. “I might have created it, but it was your idea, wasn’t it? Don’t push all the credit onto me. Besides, I could tell how happy it made you when he thanked you.”

Tsubaki’s cheeks flushed red at that, and she lowered her head. It was rare for her to even be able to see the Keeper, so she valued that time all the more when she could. To be able to receive praise for a job well done… it was something that every Servant wanted. Even if she had become more emotionally developed than when she first met him, she was still a Servant at her core.

She would die for the Keeper. She had died for the Keeper in order to attain the Perfect Self. She would do everything within her power to help him achieve his goals. That fact had never changed since the first time they met.

“How are your final preparations going?” Tsubaki looked towards Dana, who let out a whining groan at the question.

“It feels wrong going back there so much. I get that it’s for his sake, so I’ll do it anyways. But that was a really bad place for me…” As Dana said that, Tsubaki recalled where she had first found Dana. The endless mists of the deepest, darkest corner of the Underworld. She was the Tyrant Soul, the Queen of Hell, so naturally she had her own ways that she could prepare.

The Queen of Hell was a special title, and like all special titles it had hidden functions that could be unlocked. Thinking of that, Dana nodded. “I convinced those kids to come when I call for them. The ‘Army of Hell’ has gathered.”

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