World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 220 Family Reunion

Days passed and Van was happily walking out of the alchemist guild with a new five star wood badge. He absently wondered why the same ranking system was used for everything across all guilds, but he was sure there was a good reason for that.

More importantly, using his connections and drawing out the resources he needed from his own soul realm, he quickly rose through the ranks, gaining many points by completing task after task in quick succession, which he in turn used to promote himself. This of course, earned him some jealousy and awe from his fellow alchemist, but they couldn’t refute his obvious skill that he proved he had time and again.

Not only did Van now have a few interesting potions he made while he was there, but he also bought himself some nice books and equipment using the points he earned. Nothing too amazing considering what he had access to, but it gave him a nice warm feeling inside to know he was able to get these things using his own effort.

The only thing that he was worried about, was if he would be able to rank up to stone before he left for school. Time was quickly passing away, and he found that the more it slipped, the more he felt anxious about what little he had left.

More importantly, it was time for him to go to the Weaver’s Rest. Luna and Rosalyn are going to be there, alongside Duvessa and Katalinya. They were all going to get fitted for their wedding, and so wanted to be all there together when it came time to decide what they were going to wear.

Just like the wedding Luna and him had so many years ago, it didn’t really matter the dress or color, but it was still important to look good. Not to mention the wedding was right around the corner, next day in fact. And he was only allowed to go to the alchemist guild because he promised to meet them on time, and left early to help make up the difference.

So rushing down the street, purchasing a sweet or two when he felt he could afford the time. He quickly made it to his destination before the time was up.

“Where were you?” Luna complained the second he walked into the store.

Van looked up at the clock as he entered, checking the time. “What? I came on time.”

“That was before. Now we found so many more clothes for you to wear!” She said seriously, as if this was extremely important. Her eyes full of the desire to see him wearing an assortment of things.

He flinched inwardly, already not looking forward to what was going to happen next, but walked further in, prepared for his fate. “I’m not going to wear everything you want me to Luna.” putting his foot down before it was too late. “We're here for a reason, not to play dress up.”

“Come on, please!” Luna begged with wide puppy eyes.

Van sighed, if only to prevent her from begging forever he would agree to some concession. “Fine, maybe one or two, no more.”

Luna gave him a beaming smile. “Thanks Van!” then quickly turned to a pile of clothes next to her, already trying to plan out what she wanted him to try and dress up as.

He ignored her and turned his attention to the other girls.

Duvessa surprisingly was wearing something a bit softer than what she usually wore. It was more of an actual dress than the uniform-like attire she usually went around with. More importantly, it wasn’t in dark tones or colors, but more in-between with grays and whites. It looked actually quite good on her…

Katalinya was once again, subject to the wiles of Rosalyn, wearing a dress so frilly that it practically covered her head to toe. She was more frill and bow than cat girl at this point, and from what little Van could see of her eyes, she looked miserable and dead inside, while Rosa’s eyes shined with delight and joy.

“Oh! You look so cute!” Rosalyn gushed, wearing a surprisingly beautiful dress that was leagues ahead of what everyone else was wearing. More importantly, even though it was simple in design, it was clear what it was meant to be, making Van think that Luna must have told her something.

For what Rosalyn wore was an actual wedding dress. With some vampire gothic aesthetics and some black and red ascent to help make it pop out as well as some lace and beautiful gold and silver stitching to really make it all come together. Her wavy golden hair was even more so, and had little ribbons and jewels in it, which also covered her dress in some places, making it really stand out.

She looked absolutely stunning. And Van worried that he might completely fall for her if she was full size. It didn’t hurt either that some parts of the dress were clearly see-through, allowing it to reveal that she wore no underwear, plus a garter belt of sorts, and some sort of strap to help raise her breasts. And the way the dress hugged her body was not fair, tightening itself over her every curve.

He could understand why now so many women were jealous of Ingrids. Their only flaw was how short they were… though some might consider that a plus…

Van swallowed. “Wow…” He shook his head. “I mean, wow! You all look very beautiful!”

Rosalyn smiled knowingly, but accepted the compliment without complaint.

“Really? I feel like a doll… you can barely even see me!” Kat complained, thinking the compliment was meant for her.

Duvessa didn’t miss the play by play between Van and Rosalyn, but decided to ignore it and instead agreed with Kat on this one. “Indeed, I look like a… what did they call it? A simp?” she shook her head. “I look far too weak in this attire.”

Van wanted to retort that she didn’t look weak enough, but wisely kept that opinion to himself and instead tried to help Kat out. “Well… perhaps you're right… Rosalyn… don’t you think this is more dress then it is Kat? Perhaps something more comfortable would be more appropriate?”

Rosalyn pouted but sighed in defeat. “Alright, let’s look for something else.” then her mood came back. “There were a few other things I wanted to try out…” an evil grin showing on her face.

The next half hour was filled with poor Kat wearing many different clothing, about a dozen or more, with great reluctance. In the end, it landed on what Van could only describe as some sort of belly dancer costume, mixed with a wedding theme.

“Oh~! I like this one!” Kat said cheerfully. “It is so easy to move around in, and it feels really nice on my skin.” spinning around like a dancer, her hair that was now in a ponytail swishing about. “Kinda reminds me of the few Istranian priestesses I once saw dancing in the moonlight during one of their religious practices back home, cept without the ponytail. I really like this!”

After the girls finished gushing about the new dress… or lack thereof… It was finally Van’s turn to try a few clothes on…

Which was followed by what Van could only surmise as pure torture… even Duvessa seemed to have began enjoying the process alongside the other girls at one point, even offering a few of her own comments and suggestions here and there.

For the next two to three hours, Van was subjugated to a series of embarrassing or very awkward and strange clothing. Some that looked eastern, a few that looked like from period dramas, a few that made him look like a barbarian, a nurse, a butler, and a bunch of other things that he swore he was going to take to his grave. Until finally he couldn’t take it anymore and put his foot down.

“No more! Just give me something I can wear that wouldn’t make me want to hang myself before I even step foot on the carpet that leads to our wedding!” giving the girls a somewhat livid glare.

The girls looked at each other and sighed disappointedly. The next thing they had him wear was far more acceptable by his standards. At least compared to the other gaudy things they forced him to wear. It was a rather plain dress suit for men, with a few badges of his house's symbols on it, including Rosalyn's and Luna’s. It had golden stitching and a dark mantle very stylishly designed.

All in all, Van was very happy about this one and said as much. “I think this one is the one we're going to go with.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to try anymore?” Luna asked.

“No.” Van said flatly, making her pout.

After that they paid for the clothes they would wear for the wedding, deciding to go their separate ways for the rest of the day.

Rosalyn went to the castle, to prepare for the wedding planning, Luna went back to the arena to watch a few more fights, and Van went back to the guild to see if he could squeeze a few more things in and maybe rank up from wood to stone.

As day turned into night and Van made his way back to the castle, now a full-fledged stone ranker of the alchemist guild. He couldn’t help but walk with pride in every one of his steps, the feeling of some sort of accomplishment giving him a high he didn’t quite expect. After all, he was clearly above and more experienced and skillful than the other newbies to the guild, though it was still nice to be acknowledged for even this small step forward.

But as he entered the castle proper, he couldn’t help but notice a few familiar carriages along the way. His suspicions were confirmed when he went up the stone steps towards the entrance and heard someone scream his name. The next thing he knew, he was hug tackled by a familiar presence.

“AH~! VAN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED AGAIN! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Thea squealed, squeezing the life force out of him out of sheer joy.

“Can’t… breathe…” Van gasped, though he didn't fully mean it.

“Oh! Sorry…” Thea said, putting him down, though the smile she gave didn’t show an ounce of remorse.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, once his feet were back firmly on the ground. “Is dad and mom also here?”

His question was quickly answered when Alv walked into view from behind the carriage, followed by Lillia. “Dad? Mom?” looking between them in surprise, confused a little as to what was going on.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for them to explain…

Rosalyn had spared no expenses in trying to get his parents available for the wedding. Something she could have only pulled off if she had made her preparations from before he actually agreed to marry her… which brought up the question how far had she planned things out… and what kind of strategic genius was he marrying… or what would this still have happened if he actually said no…

But that was all in the past at the moment, Van was just glad to see his parents again before he left for good to school.

“So you're all here for the wedding?” Van asked after everything was explained.

“That's right!” Thea said happily. “And Rosalyn helped make sure we got here quickly and as safely as possible! All so that we can see you once more…” She sniffed a little. “Getting married…” she sniffed again. “I’m sorry, I just… reminds me too much of the time you and Luna first got married! I just-!” She got so emotional that she couldn’t finish her sentence.

Lillia helped her sister by holding her.

Alv turned away from that and back to Van, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Van, I’m very proud of you. What you have done has helped the Vransolis name in ways you couldn’t even begin imagine… The house of Darkrose has always been long-time allies with the Vranater’s, now we can tie our bloodlines together. And it’s all thanks to you…”

Van felt a little put on the spot by that. But gave his father a firm nod in understanding.

Alv gave Van’s shoulder a squeeze of affection before letting go. “Shall we go inside? Perhaps we can also visit your soul realm while we are at it.” he hesitated. “Does she know-?”

Van nodded once more. “She knows, and she accepted it quite quickly too.”

“Ah, that’s good to hear…” Alv said. “but… does she-” his voice trailed off once more.

And Van nodded again. “Yes, she knows I'm soul bonded with Luna… though… she hasn’t really made a decision on whether she wants to join in on something like that or not… so…”

Alv nodded. “Van, you probably already know this by now but… even if she does want to soul bond with you… which I suspect she might if she already knows. You have the right to turn down every one or anyone you want. It’s your soul, your choice, I hope you understand.” giving Van a concerned look, mixed with fatherly love.

“...thanks dad, I know…” Van replied. Though he didn wonder why his father would suspect that Rosalyn would want to soul bond with him, after some thought, it actually made sense.

If it was true that soul bonding with him gave a sort of immortality, then who wouldn’t want to do it? But more importantly, was why… Rosalyn was a staunch rival and opponent of Karmila. Meaning after this wedding, when Rosalyn’s power will grow, that would mean that the cold war they had been going on for the past few decades would definitely ramp up. More importantly, Rosalyn deeply cared for her father, and Van had the only access to the person who might help her father should he go through another episode. That would be another reason to soul bond.

At the same time, Van had no reason to refuse such a bond. Rosalyn was smart, geniusly so. And by bonding her to him, he could make sure she would never betray him in any way… the only issue was… space…

During his last visit, Ren had brought aside Van to tell him that there was a limit to how many people he could soul bond with at the moment. That number being eight. If he bonded with Rosalyn, that would bring it up to seventh. Meaning only one more slot left. There were ways to increase that amount, but nothing at the moment.

But that wasn’t important right now, right now his family was here and he should help show them around. “Come on, I'll show you all around,” he said, leading the way.

After the little tour, he allowed them into his soul realm for a bit so that they could meet some friends… when they coincidentally met up with his little imps… Who began to spill everything that had happened so far, and perhaps told a bit more about themselves than what Van was comfortable telling himself.

“Van… are these my grandchildren?” Thea asked, her eyes alight as she picked up a few things the imps were chattering away about.

Van hesitated. “Technically?” he said unsure, for he also made many children with the goblins he had in his soul realm. And as far as he knew, they weren’t technically his children…

“Grandma?” Scarlet said all doe-eyed.

“My baby!” Thea hugged the imp all at once.

“Umm… but we’re technically also not related?” Van said, confused.

“Just let her have this,” Alv said.

While Sini rolled her eyes and Leaf looked a little jealous.

It was a fun night after that, especially when Luna and the others joined in. After a few hours though, everyone left for their own rooms. Alv delivered a few letters, one to Agnès from her mother, said their goodbyes, and went to bed.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day after all…

The day of the wedding…

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