World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 221 Wedding Day(nsfw)

Van had never felt more nervous in his entire life. He had experienced the wedding party with Luna, back when the two got married. But this was completely different. For one, the number of guests was astronomical, there must be near a thousand guests if not more. For another, literally, everyone wanted to meet and greet him, forcing him to put on a very stiff yet polite mask that felt like it would get stuck if he wasn’t too careful.

Right now he was crowded by at least a dozen or more women, asking him all sorts of questions. From who he was the heir of, to why he was marrying an Ingrid, with some questions clearly being mean-spirited in nature, with hidden meanings such as the fact he might have a small dick because of who he was marrying.

He was only saved when someone unexpected came to rescue him.

“Hello Van, so nice to meet you again.” A familiar voice said.

Heads turned and almost immediately people began to create distance between him and the voice.

“Do you ladies mind if I borrow him for a second?” Katherine asked kindly, making her way towards Van. None of the women moved to get in the way as she gently took his arm and guided him away to somewhere more private.

She walked him some distance away, to a corner near one of the balconies, a strange silence between them, though it seemed like she was aware of it, a gentle smile still on her face. After they got far enough they stopped and she turned to him with a genuine look of joy.

“Well well well… you’ve grown so much since last I’ve seen you, Van.” Eyeing him up and down as if he was some sort of eye candy, then landing on his blue eyes. “How have you been?”

“...fine… I’ve been fine…” he said awkwardly. Last he saw her, she was with Karen, and while he knew logically that she had nothing to do with what happened to him, that didn’t mean she still didn’t have a part to play in it, even if unintentionally. “How are you?” He asked lamely.

Katherine looked a little saddened by his reply and gently let go of him. “Van…” The two turned to look at each other properly. “I’m sorry.” giving him a small bow, making him stand straight and look around to see if anyone else was watching, if other people saw the heir of the Umbra household bowing to him, it would cause no end of headaches.

“What happened should have never have come to pass. Not to you, or to anyone. I just wanted to let you know, I am truly sorry for my part in what happened, and that I, and house Umbra, owe you a great debt…” continuing to bow her head towards him.

Van was taken aback. But more importantly, he was very worried about how this would look to any others that may be watching and quickly tried to get her to stand straight once more. “It’s fine… it’s all in the past. Please, no more.” looking nervously around him.

Katherine slowly got back up and they began to try some small talk. First about what had happened since they last saw each other. The agreements made to see him into the east branch of Bloodhaven. And explaining all the things they had done behind the scenes to help him and his family out, most of which opened Van’s eyes to the hidden world of politics that he only knew about on the surface level.

But nothing gave him more surprise, when Katherine mentioned that her brother was Seral.

“Wait, you two are related!?” Van asked in surprise.

Katherine looked amused. “Of course? Don’t you see the resemblance?”

“No.” he admitted flatly.

She grinned. “Probably because I’m so much prettier than him.” She joked.

Speaking of Seral, Van had invited him and Yassan to the party. If only so he could have a few male friends around. Both of them seemed a little reluctant to come, there being so many women around. But decided to come anyway to support their friend. Yassan bringing a plus one, that being Chloe, and Seral bringing his maid, Samira.

Van felt a little conflicted to know that Seral was the brother of Katherine. But after he came to terms with it, he slowly began to ease up and have a proper more comfortable conversation with her. Though inwardly he still kept some emotional distance between them.

After talking for a while, they parted ways on somewhat good terms, Van not missing the subtle hints that she was interested in him in more than just a business or platonic sort of way. It was clear she still had some plans for him, but that she also wanted what the other girls had. Making him feel conflicted and confused as to what she might really want. Perhaps just everything?

After leaving, he quickly made his way around searching for Seral and Yassan. But they were all the way across the room. Meaning it was practically impossible to get to them in any timely fashion considering the sheer amount of people in the way.

Giving a sigh of defeat, he walked over to the balcony since he wasn't that far from it. Deciding to take a quick breather for a few minutes when he was joined by someone else.

“Hello Van? Not enjoying the party?”

Van turned around, saw no one, then looked down, surprised to see Rosalyn there. The sound of people and music messed with his ears some. Making it difficult to place a voice at first hearing, the reason why Katherine, when they first met again, only sounded familiar.

“Weren’t you talking to some of your guests? Are you sure you should be wasting time with me?” He asked worriedly, not wanting to get in the way of what was effectively her job.

Rosalyn rolled her eyes and stood beside Van at the balcony. “You think I would waste my wedding talking business? Those bitches can entertain themselves for all I care. I’ve spent decades pampering them. I at least deserve one day for self-indulgence. And if that day isn’t my wedding day? Then when will I ever get my chance to just be me?”

Van glanced down to his side where Rosalyn now stood. She was wearing that beautiful wedding dress that he saw her wear in the store. It really made her look stunning, with some clear sexual undertones to it all that he had to admit got him a little hard.

Unexpectedly she turned to him, making him fear she read his mind, only to raise her arms up towards him. Getting the message, he picked her up like one would do with a child, and the two of them together gazed over the balcony at the stars above and the city below.

Rosalyn sighed in contentment, leaning on him as she watched the scenery before them.

“You know… ever since I was little… It had always been my dream to lower the height of the railings.” She began, her eyes looking wistful. “Not all of them. Just one. One balcony to myself that I could gaze over… but when I became duchess, I couldn’t allow such selfish dreams to come true… so in the end… I just avoided balconies… They always made me feel like a bird trapped in a cage, the sky open wide above, but the wings clipped… almost as if it was mocking me…”

She snuggled closer. “My father used to do this for me… back before he… you know… and now that he is back… I'm too old for someone to lift me up like this…” she sighed. “I must sound like a spoiled child…”

Van shook his head. “Not at all. Wanting something so simple, after everything you’ve done, is the least you deserve after all the sacrifices you’ve made. If all you want is someone to carry you after all that, I don’t see why you shouldn’t deserve it…”

“And just between you and me,” he said gently into her ear. “I can make a special balcony just for you in my soul realm. So that whenever you want to see the beautiful sky unobstructed, you can.”

Rosalyn turned to give him a loving smile, fully appreciating his words. “Thank you Van…”

Slowly, the two leaned in and their lips touched, then their tongues, and then deeper… Van felt his pulse quicken, but he held back, and the two separate, breathless and a little unsatisfied.

“Van…” Rosalyn swallowed, looking into his eyes with longing. “I’ve only known you for a few weeks.” She said teary-eyed. “But… I already feel like once you are gone, it would feel like the worst pain ever… is there anything I can say… that would make you stay here with me?”

He looked at her sadly, and turned his head away before giving it a slow shake. “I’m sorry Rosalyn, but I can not do that.”

Rosalyn gazed into him for a while before nodding her head. “It won’t be long now before the ceremony will begin… when it does… I will…” she hesitated, unsure as if she was still on the fence on this. But forced herself to go through it anyway and spoke what was on her heart instead of what was on her mind. “I will soul bond with you.” she said firmly, though with a hint of trepidation and fear in her voice.

“Rosalyn… you don-”

Rosalyn stopped him with a finger. “I want to… the fear of never being able to meet you again, to see you again… I just can’t handle it… when the time comes… I will swear myself to you… from the outside it would just sound like a regular oath of marriage… but to us, it will be so much more… I… please… please accept me…”

Van couldn’t help but notice how vulnerable she looked right now. And was reminded by how few friends she actually had… and considering how she must have grown up, with everyone looking down on her, literally, having people who she could put her trust in probably didn’t come by every day…

“Alright… I will… I will love you… forever…” he replied solemnly, firmly, with conviction and promise in his voice.

Rosalyn gave a sniffle, but controlled herself, giving a nod that could barely contain the happiness inside. “Thank you Van… now it is time that I go… I have to prepare… see you soon… my love…”

And with that, she gave him one last peck on the lips and dropped down, walking back into the party.

Van leaned back on the railing, trying to come to terms with everything that just happened. He took a deep breath and let it out, and turned back to the city below, then to the stars, hoping for some sort of distraction or answer.

The hours melted away, flowing past him a lot faster than he could perceive. Yet at the same time it still felt too slow. It was practically torture with how every minute seemed to drag on…

Then out of nowhere Luna came to him and pulled on his hand and yanked him out of the balcony with a smile on her face. “It’s time! The ceremony is about to begin! Come on! This is so exciting!”

It felt like Van’s heart stopped for a split second. It was too soon! Wasn’t it? He was dragged through the crowd, up the steps and in front of Rosalyn, Duvessa and Katalinya.

He wondered why he was so nervous. But then only had to look at the crowd of hundreds to know why… he had never had such a massive gathering for his weddings before… technically, he just soul bonded with them or swore an oath with them and that was it. The only other time he had a proper wedding was with Luna, and they didn’t have nearly as many people.

Venadetta was there in her formal clothes, getting herself ready to help oversee and proceed the ceremony between Van and Rosalyn, plus the two concubines.

The crowd went quiet, all eyes turned to them, and Venadetta began the marriage ceremony. It really wasn’t that different from when Van first married Luna. He nervously said his pieces, and when it came to the vows he spoke them as practiced.

Then came Rosalyn's vows…

“I, Rosalyn Belladonna Lanira, on behalf of house Darkrose, do swear to obey and protect my master, and husband. To have no other than him, to give mind, body, and soul, to his needs. To offer my life in exchange for his own. My heart in exchange for his happiness. So do I swear on my blood, so do swear on my soul. Now and forever, and in every life.”

Van felt the connection form between them. Felt a part of her enter him. And the bond between them grew in power and strength. But he kept quiet about it, acting as if it was just another bonding ritual.

Then came Duvessa and Katalinya. They also gave oaths of bonding, though not of the soul variety. Cole in the crowd bringing a handkerchief to his eyes seeing his sweet daughter all grown up and wearing such a beautiful dress. The skimpy belly dancer-like outfit that they chose in the tailor shop. The same with Duvessa with her more subdued clothes.

Once all the rituals were complete, everyone gave a loud cheer and the food from the kitchens began to pour out.

Van, Rosalyn, and the others stood where they were as a small line of people walked up to them to congratulate them on their marriage.

Duvessa and Kat didn’t get many people coming to them, which seemed to suit them just fine in all honesty. Van had to deal with quite a few, some hinting that they too would like to be made concubines. Rosalyn got the brunt of it, the line looking like it was over a mile long.

But they dealt with it to the best of their ability. They smiled, they waved, and Kiki and Nikki went around taking their pictures and of everything else, making sure they also got everything with their recording orb.

Finally, after exhausting themselves for the next few hours, they were able to flee from the ocean of people as the time for the dance came around. It was a bit awkward… considering the huge size difference and the fact that Van wasn’t that good of a dancer, though that might be also because of the number of people watching making him self-conscious.

After he danced with Rosalyn, Duvessa was next, followed by Kat, who really didn’t know what she was doing and tried her best just to follow. Then using the excuse that he was tired, he turned down the other girls who wanted to dance with him except Luna who he really couldn’t without breaking her heart.

Getting a quick bite to eat he called it a day, sneaking away after snacking on his meal before someone tried to stop him. He was soon followed by Duvessa and Kat, then Rosalyn who had a bit of a harder time disappearing.

The second she was able to vanish from the people's sight, she was gone, and Van had picked her up from the corner and fled with her alongside the others down the hall to their wedding room.


Van and everyone else was taking a quick breath in the wedding room made for them for their consummation. Taking some time to get their energy back after everything that happened.

“Those people were like vultures! I never want to do that again!” Kat exclaimed. Then remembered how happy she was to get married and corrected herself. “Well… maybe not with as many people…”

Rosalyn smiled, fully agreeing with her friend, very happy that Van snatched her up and fled with her away. Making her heart beat with excitement.

“Well…” Duvessa said. “Now that we have fled. I suppose it is time that I leave. Have fun you three.” Then turned away, looking like she was about to go back out the door.

“You’re leaving?” Kat asked, surprised.

“Duvessa. No. bad Duvessa. Stay here.” Rosalyn admonished.

Duvessa sighed and looked back towards her mistress. “With all due respect, mistress. I really don’t belong here.”

The two then suddenly got into a little argument, making Van and Kat shrink back a little by how fierce they were being. Until finally…

“Duvessa… off with your head…” Rosalyn said.

“Mistress… please…” Duvessa whined.

“Now…” Rosalyn said firmly with a stern gaze.

Duvessa sighed. Played with the choker around her neck. And popped off her head.

Van and Kat’s hearts stopped. Until they realized Duvessa was a dullahan. In which case some heads up would have been nice before they gave them a heart attack.

Almost immediately it was like Duvessa’s personality switched. Now she was a giggling mess who looked far too happy about where she was and what was going to happen next.

“Alright~!” she cheered. “Let's partaaaaay~!” She then rotated her shoulders, stretching them out. “You have no idea how stiff my neck and upper back can get with my head always on.” she said, carrying her head in her hands. A small blue wisp of smoke slowly flowing out of a metal cap on the stump of her neck.

Van and Kat shivered at the sight.

“Now…” Rosalyn said, looking into Van’s eyes from where he carried her. “We can begin with the fun…” then leaned in to give him a deep kiss.

---sex scene---

“But first… I want you to try something I think you’ll find… interesting…” Rosalyn mischievously said. She then motioned to be put down and then began to play with his pants until she freed his dragon.

She swallowed in delight, and so did Kat, Duvessa looking as if this was the first time she’s seen it. She then pushed Van against the bed, a bit awkward, but he played along until he could sit down on the edge. She then got to work, taking his cock in her soft hands and licking the tip seductively.

Kat bit her lower lip and began to look agitated, her hands slowly falling between her crotch, only to be forcibly back to her sides over and over again.

Once Van was nice and hard, she got up and walked over to Duvessa. “Head please.”

Duvessa obliged and handed it over to Rosalyn who was careful with all the hair, making sure she didn’t accidentally trip on it. Walking over to Van, she handed it over to him.

“Go ahead. Try. I think you’ll like it…”

Van… unsure… slowly reached out and delicately held Duvessa’s head.

“Hey hot stuff, want to use my mouth as a meat sleeve?” giving him a wink.

It kinda freaked him out a little about how different Duvessa was acting. He looked towards Rosalyn, who only gave him a confident look. Then at Kat who gave him a curious one.

He looked back down at Duvessa’s head, who was giving him many lewd looks, playing around and trying to reach his cock with her tongue. Deciding to test this out, he gave her what she wanted.

“Whoa-” Van’s eyes widened as Duvessa sucked him in. it was so much at once that he stood up again, but that only served to help her with gravity, allowing her to go down his shaft, making his eyes bug out and give a little gasp.

“Whoa-!” he said again in surprise. It was like nothing he ever felt before. There was no break or anything. The only difference was how amazingly soft and warm it was.

“Go ahead! Use her!” Rosalyn cheered.

Van paused. He looked down at the head that was trying to chug down his cock with all its might and gently held it between his hands. He then lifted up and pushed it back down. He shivered in pleasure. He then lifted it up, and put it back down, over and over, faster and faster. It seemed like there was no end to how far she could take him! All the way down to the base in fact! It felt like he was near the entrance to her stomach! And then!

A hot sticky white geyser flushed down the throat of Duvessa, filling her up fully. She moaned in pleasure. Her body-hugging herself in the distance, as if trying to hold up her stomach.

After he was done, he felt oddly satisfied, and already thoughts of how useful she could be to just carry around and use flooded his mind.

“Ah ah ah!” Rosalyn wagged her finger. “Now it’s Kat’s turn!” She turned to her friend. “Come on Kat! You're up.”

Kat blushed, she was already a dripping mess and didn’t want to say she had cummed from watching so steeled her nerves and walked up to Van a little shakily.

Van wasted no time. He drew her in and gave her a passionate kiss that she melted into, Duvessa still at work sucking him off and getting him hard. Throwing her onto the bed, he made her spread herself as he got to work licking her entrance. Once that was done he put her in the doggy style and freed his dick from Duvessa and lined himself up. There was something hot in the act of fucking someone in a belly dancer costume.

From what he remembered, Kat liked it rough. So when he entered her, he made sure to pull on her tail hard and give her ass a few slaps. It wasn’t long before she was reaching orgasm, a look of pure bliss on her face.

“Well… that was rather quick… but you still have me…” Rosalyn then was about to take off her wedding dress when she was stopped.

“No. Keep it on…” Van said firmly.

She was taken aback but then gave a lewd grin. “Whatever you wish…”

And he took her beside Kat. the two kissed passionately then fucked passionately. With how see-through the dress was, he could see his cock entering her small entrance and making a fucking mess of her insides. He tore the clothes a little, sucking on her breasts hard as he used her like a meat sleeve as she screamed out his name.

“Van! Yes! Fuck me harder Van! Harder!

She was so fucking soft! So tight! So perfect for his cock! He came inside her, filling her little womb up to the brim. Then did it again and again for good measure, until it looked like she was a little pregnant. Then he did the same to Duvessa’s body, her head screaming joy. Then Kat, panting like a beast in heat at the pleasure. Then Rosalyn again, drenching her insides once more, then her outsides once all the free real estate was gone in her womb.

They fucked well into the night. And Van had to admit… it was quite the wedding…

---end of sex scene---

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