World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 224 On the Train

The scenery was beautiful, mesmerizing even, he was hard-pressed to figure out the words to describe what he saw. Just large tracts of land passing by at breakneck speed, a forever changing painting revealing wonders as far as the eye can see. Yet he sighed in boredom, still a little lethargic and tired from just waking up this morning.

Luna groaned and flipped herself over on the bed. “Come back~” she whined in a pitiful kind of voice. Reaching out to him with hands that had no energy, expending what little power she had left, then falling useless onto the covers.

Isa yawned and also flipped over, hugging Luna from behind, the two then dozed off once more.

“Van, I’ve prepared your clothes,” Anna said from behind him, a folded school uniform neatly carried in her hands. She had already changed and cleaned herself from last night's fun, and prepared everything in advance, as a good maid should.

He took the proffered school uniform, knowing that it would fit him perfectly, but still not looking forward to putting it on. There was just something about uniforms that stole away a person's individuality, even as he, in turn, enjoyed watching others wear them.

Quickly changing, he viewed himself in the nearby full-length mirror, provided to them for their cabin. It was a small narrow thing, fit for the somewhat cramped yet opulent room they were staying in, but it did its job and he was able to see that he might just look good in uniform…

After he was done checking himself out, he checked his wrist and the Vespera bangle told him the time. “Oof, getting that late already? Better hurry before breakfast ends and we have to wait for lunch…”


“I’ve already taken care of it, master. Samira and I have reserved a booth at the cantina. I was just about to wake you so we can go meet your friends.”

He was impressed. Anna had really been on the top of her game lately. “Thanks, Anna,” turning around to look at her properly. “I’m glad that I have someone like you to help me out.”

Anna gave her master an appreciative smile, happy that she made him happy, and taking the compliment, though with a caveat. “It wasn’t all me… I’ve actually been learning a lot from Samira. She’s been helping me out and guiding me in her free time.”

“Is that so? We should thank her. But, even if it’s all due to her… your efforts don’t go unnoticed…” Moving up to her and taking her by the waist. “Besides… I can’t reward her like I can you…”

Their lips locked and their tongues played a heated game with each other as Van’s hands moved down and cupped her ass roughly, making Anna moan. Since their time in Bright city, Anna has gotten a new maid uniform, one that looked a little more formal yet elegant, with a few more bells and whistles and a slightly shorter but frillier skirt, allowing him easier access to the nice warm flesh that lay underneath, only part of which was now covered in stockings…

“Good girl…” Giving her one last squeeze and parting ways. “I’ll go on ahead, can you stay and wake up the other two before it’s too late?”

“Of course, leave it to me,” Anna said with a smile, then tried to begin the close-to-futile task of trying to wake up Luna when she didn’t want to be woken up…

“Good luck~” Van joked and left the room. Walking down the next few cars to get to the cantina.

Once he arrived, he noticed that everyone was already there and that his spot was also still available. Taking his seat he gave a polite greeting to everyone, wishing them a good morning, and then going over the menu to see what options were for breakfast.

After choosing, he ordered for himself some food and on behalf of Luna as well. Knowing she would be very hungry by the time she woke up and found nothing to snack on in bed. Twenty minutes later, the food and Luna came. He wasn’t sure if Luna came because of the food, or if the food came because of Luna… one of life's mysteries…

She gave a cute little yawn as she approached the table, looking both still very drowsy and decidedly uncomfortable. “Morning guys… how'd you all sleep?” another yawn broke through and she shambled forward. “Man, I hate this uniform… it’s so… tight.” looking down at how her new attire hugged her body. “And I can’t get used to these stockings…” lifting up her skirt to reveal everything.

Chloe and Samira nodded.

“I know right? I’m glad I'm not going to school, I know it’s the rule, and it looks so cute, but is it worth it?” Chloe said. Surprisingly, in the mornings she talked normally, but as time went on and she became more awake, she would slowly fall back onto her usual languid way of speaking.

“Indeed, it makes me glad I'm a maid,” Samira added.

“Hmm…” Luna frowned, then looked to Van with an idea. “Hey Van, why don’t we break this in? That would help me get used to it quicker!”

“No.” Van said flatly. “Maybe some other time.” he quickly amended, knowing that completely shutting her down would only make her more interested in something.

She pouted, only for her face to brighten. “Alright~ you're the boss~” instead of taking her seat, sat down on his lap, looking very proud of herself and giving him a smug look.

He sighed a little inwardly, but couldn’t help thinking she looked a little cute in the way she acted. Not to mention she smelled really nice! Which was a surprise, she must have taken after Rosalyn in that regard.

Rosalyn had been teaching Luna some of her tips and tricks on maintaining her beauty. One was learning the cleaning cantrip herself, and the other was to wear nice smelling perfume. Meaning right now Luna smelled like soothing flowers… It really was kind of pointless because if Luna bothered to learn more of her succubi powers, makeup and perfumes would be unnecessary, but he wasn’t going to say that…

The group then began eating their meal together, talking about this and that when they were suddenly joined by someone else.

“Oh, hey guys, you're the people from yesterday right?” Arkina said, walking down the aisle. “Mind if I join you?” her eyes filled with sparkles as if there was not an ounce of ill intent in them. Just a genuine desire to make friends.

The group looked at each other, a few shrugging.

“Umm… sure… but we already had breakfast,” Van said.

“Oh, that’s no problem! I just wanted to ask you guys a few questions anyway.” sitting down on the seat that Luna would be on if she wasn’t already on Van, and giving everyone a beaming smile.

“Isn’t this exciting!” she said, once she sat down and gave the group a quick look around. “The East Branch of Bloodhaven is known for its martial arts courses! And have some serious hands-on classes on everything from building up an army, leading that army, the logistics of maintaining that army, and so much more!” looking overly enthusiastic.

“I know my mother and father were a bit worried about me going to such a rough school. But I insisted! They have so many courses on swordsmanship, with some of the best sword masters ever! And I always knew one day I would be side by side with the Vampire lord! That has always been my dream!”

“...Even though” she gave a more self-conscious and nervous smile now, poking the bridge of her glasses with her free hand. “I don’t really have the talent for the sword like my sister does…” now looking somewhat depressed. “But I would at least like to try!”

Van could see why. The sword she was carrying was far too large for her. It would make sense that she didn’t make any progress with a weapon like that. Nor did it seem like she could see very well in those glasses. At first it didn't really draw his attention, but now that he realized it, he wasn’t sure if this was the first time he saw a vampire with glasses… was it just an aesthetic choice? Or did she really need them? Nor could he get a read on what color of her eyes were…

“Anyway. Enough about me. What about you guys?” Arkina asked, looking at the group. “What classes are you all planning to take? Any clubs as well?”

“Oh, I’m not actually going to bloodhaven to learn, I’m just here to help my Chloe- I MEAN CHLOE! To uh… deliver uh… some… herbs…” Yassan said, going completely red in the face while Chloe blushed happily.

“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Arkina said, then turned to Seral who was looking amused at his friend's flub. “And you? What are you going to learn?”

“Hmm? Oh, I’m planning to learn swordsmanship, just like you. Who knows? Maybe we will be in the same class?”

Arkina looked happy at that. “That would be wonderful! It would be nice to have a friend in class.” Finally, she turned to Van and Luna. “And what about you two?”

“Hmm… I’ve never really given much thought about it…” Van admitted.

“MARTIAL ARTS!” Luna said proudly. “Nothing like giving a good ole pounding! Or receiving one!” giving a quick side leer to Van as a joke, making him roll his eyes.

“I still have to think about it.” Van said after that, trying to move on from that ‘joke’.

“Oh! If you want, I can give you a few ideas! You have several classes to choose from and have multiple classes and clubs a day. So long as you do the work and earn your points, the school doesn’t care.” Arkina said.

“Points? Like the ones in college? That’s worrisome… but at least I can choose my own classes when I arrive… I probably should think about what I want to do when I get there…” thinking about it.

“Alright. Can you give me a few examples?” Van asked since Arkina seemed willing to share.

She beamed. “Leave it to me!” and began to give a long list of classes and clubs he could take, as well as how many he can take at once and the prerequisites for more advanced classes.

He paid attention with keen interest as Arkina spoke, as Luna looked a little bored and snuggled up to him for a quick nap.

“And that’s all of them! Or at least all the ones I remember… what do you think?”

Van gave it some thought. The necromancy and golemancy classes sounded interesting. The alchemy classes though didn’t sound like much… There were also those classes about leadership and army logistics that sounded like they would be useful. The class about tactics and strategy also sounded like a must. And perhaps maybe one or two martial classes to help round everything up, plus that class on shadow arts and summoning.

“Hmm… I think maybe I will also take some classes on the sword. But I think I’ll major in army leading and maybe golemancy or necromancy, one of the two.”

“Those are some interesting choices! But did you know? In this school, there is a class on both of them called the art of false life. It teaches not only about those two classes, but also about creation, summoning, homunculi and more. Though it is an advanced class…”

Van looked pleasantly surprised. “Really? That sounds really interesting… any unifying classes for stuff like alchemy and runemancy?”

Arkina nodded. “You’ll want artificery for that, they teach both, though it is also an advanced class…”

“That’s fine. That just means that I have to work for it. I’m sure I'll get there eventually.”

“I’m sure you will!” Arkina said happily. “Hopefully when the time comes for the march, we are grouped together! Having someone who’s willing to practice artificery and false life would be very useful!”

“The march?”

Arkina nodded. “It happens every so often, usually once every one or two years.” Then leaned in and began to explain.

“The march is when all the fourth and fifth years are sent with their army out in the wastes! Guided of course by a few instructors, guides, and professional and veteran soldiers and knights who have gone into the wastes for centuries. They are tasked with fighting monsters non-stop for a few months, it’s practically a necessity if you want to graduate. Fourth years that become fifth years that experienced the march don’t have to go again but gain extra bonus for doing so if they want. Though not many want to since there's like… a fourteen percent student death rate… though some say that just the lower number… and some say it is as high as twenty-one percent!” Giving him a serious stare.

“I've heard about that.” Seral butted in. “Is it true that you go so deep into the waste you can’t see anything for miles but scorched earth? And that there's a single long road going down the middle of it?”

Arkina nodded. “I think I know what you're talking about. But there are actually two roads. One that runs the edges of the wastes and leads to a gap in the mountains straight into the old Verta empire, or demonlands, where most of the trade caravans come from. And the main one is the one we're talking about, the one that goes straight towards the center of the waste itself!”

“You see…” leaning in even further, her tone becoming excited. “Supposedly the building of this road has been going on for as long as, if not longer than the Vampire lord himself! Every time they go on a march, they bring tons of bricks and road material! Caravans full of the stuff! All to make forts along the way and to extend the road even further…”

Her voice then became a loud whisper. “Some say that it’s all in an effort to get to the capital city of the old Alcray empire… or should I say… Nilfan empire!”

Van and Seral now looked very interested in this. Even Luna seemed to have woken up to hear what was going on.

“You see… There are some conspiracy theories going on that, the reason for the march isn’t just to test the next generation of newbloods. But a secret excuse to extend the road network even further. And who is funding this? Why none other than Malon Taldor… and not only that… but supposedly, the capital city of the Nilfan has wondrous and ancient knowledge and precious resources. Perhaps even the secret… on how to become the vampire lord…”

Seral shook his head. “That’s just crazy. Why would anyone waste so many resources on building a road network in the middle of nowhere? And for so long? Even Malon Taldor doesn’t have that much money. Besides, you just have to get enough archdukes to accept you as your ruler. You don’t need a secret for that…” he hesitated. “Do you?”

“That’s the thing!” Arkina said excitedly. “Alcray became the first vampire lord. AND THEN, the archdukes were made! Not the other way around! That means there must be something more going on! And my proof is the time frame for the march!”

“The time frame?” Van asked.

Arkina nodded and took out a large piece of paper from her pack and unrolled it onto the table. The paper showed a strange graph with points.

“The earliest graph point I was able to find was about three centuries ago. And from there I was able to find others.” she pointed a finger at the paper. “This shows that about three hundred years ago, the march only took about two months to complete!”

Her finger moved to the other side. “But now the march can take as long as five months! And it just keeps taking longer!” She rolled up her paper. “There are even stories of students finding ancient ruins and relics on their march. Isn’t that just so exciting!” She gushed. “There are even whispers that instead of having the fourth and fifth years go on the march, the march is held at the end of the fifth year and will act as a graduation of sorts for when you return. That way when you leave, it won’t take up too much of your school year and will help cut down on the death rate. Isn’t that just so exciting!” she gushed again.

Van wasn’t so sure about that. He didn’t want to risk his life for someone else or put himself and his loved ones in so much danger for something that didn’t concern him.

“Is there a way to opt out of this march?” he asked.

Arkina looked surprised by the question but did her best to answer it after some thought. “Sorry… the only thing I can think of is if you were somehow disabled, either physically or mentally. Or if your house intervened and paid a hefty fee. I’m sure there must have also been a few other cases… though I don’t really know them all… sorry about that.” apologizing for not being more helpful.

“It’s okay. I’ll just worry about it later.” Van said.

After that, the group decided to talk about other things. Arkina went off on her other strange theories, sounding like she was some sort of detective, making him wonder why she would try to study swordsmanship when it clearly didn’t suit her.

But at least it was an interesting morning. Hopefully, he could have more like this before they arrive at school. He also wondered how Karmine, Ashina, and the others were doing in the back. Hopefully, they were comfortable…

He then listened to the joking and the interesting discussion on history and more of Arkina’s theories.

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