World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 225 Dangers of the East

It was a wonder…

Standing on top of the roof of the train, hands gripping the railing as he gazed into the distance. The entire train had an extra floor above it, just as the entire car took two entire rail tracks. Above even that was a rooftop option for a few of them, to allow people like him to take the air and see unobstructed everything around them and enjoy the scenery.

Looking toward the front. There were at least another sixty cars, plus the massive monstrosity of an engine that pulled the whole thing forward. Looking the other way revealed a somewhat smaller engine a few cars down, then about another hundred cars, ending with a final engine at the end. At least as far as he could see…

Some of the cars each carried more than four hundred tons of food, materials, and other miscellaneous things for the growth and needs of the school they were headed. Just imagining the fact that this train had a round trip of about a month, and that this train was just one of dozens, boggled the mind of how much resources the school and the subsequent forts and personnel required just to keep the status quo of the wastes in check took. And this wasn’t even a one-of-a-kind train either, he had seen another double track of rails next to this one, and already another massive behemoth of a train had passed them late last night…

Of course, this wasn’t the only indication of the needs and hunger of the school and fort system that kept the wastes at bay. As they traveled at dizzying speeds, the landscape changed from one of open plains and large farm fields to more hilly ones with massive mining chains and networks, all connected to their own rail networks and snaking their way and converging far into the distance.

Manor and mansions gave way to castles and forts. Entire citadels of military might and aggression were built into these hills, woven into them, becoming a part of the landscape as if some sort of many armed and armored monster. Each one more deadly than the last, and each town, more heavily regulated and teaming with more soldiers the further they went east…

“You okay?” Seral asked, walking up and standing beside Van, taking a moment to also soak in the sight before them.

Van gave his friend a quick glance before returning to the ever-changing environment. A moment of silence passed before he could find the words to properly answer such a simple question.

“I’m fine… though… I admit… I’ve always heard how much different the eastern half of Alcray was… but I never thought it rings so true now that I'm seeing it… it’s not just the sights and scenery… it’s the air… the… feeling…” He hesitated. “Like we are heading towards somewhere… someplace… definitely not for the weak of heart… somewhere… unsafe…” trying to form the words that had a hard time getting out for some reason.

Seral nodded. “I get what you mean. This is the first time I’m heading towards the east myself.” his eyes filling with determination and his hands gripping the railing a bit tighter as he gazed into the landscape. “But that’s why I want to come… to see for myself why the eastern and western half of Alcray is so different. I always thought it was because those in the east were just stubborn, and didn’t see what could be. But now…”

A moment passed as the oppressive atmosphere of the place grew imperceptibly stronger the closer they got to their destination.

“Now perhaps it has more to do with where they grew up, what they have to deal with… and how that changes them…”

Van tilted his head in thought and gave a small nod. “It’s like these people always feel like they're under threat… and when you always feel fear towards some unknown force, it makes sense you rely on traditions and tried and true knowledge, rather than new ideas that could get you killed…”

“I… never thought about it that way…” Seral said, thinking it over. “Perhaps you're right… they need these traditions… no matter how old and outdated they are… to keep some form of unity and purpose…” he gave another nod to himself. “This is why I am here though… to figure these things out and try and find something that could help bridge our differences and help our people come together… before we do something foolish and destroy each other…”

Van gave his own nod. Seeing his friend now in a new light. The two then talked over a bit about the different nuances and traditions between the east and the west that grew and changed over the centuries. Despite the fact that vampires lived for so long, it seemed even they were not immune to change…

But as they were about to really get into the nitty-gritty of the core difference that they could see between the east and the west. Not just culturally but in the mindset of the very people who live there and their differences, whether that be economic or otherwise. An alarm bell began to ring, warning them of a fog storm approaching. The train began to slow down, and large shutters smashed themselves into place to protect the more vulnerable parts of the massive locomotive.

Van and Seral gave a quick look to each other and turned to flee down the stairs. While not quite running for their lives, their steps were quick, and after making sure that no one else was coming, they bolted the door shut, just as one of the train crew members came to do the same, making sure it was done properly.

Once the crew member checked the door, she turned to them and told them to go to their rooms and sit tight until the danger passed, then muttered something rudely about leaving young males unattended.

Van and Seral ignored that last part and did just what she asked, discussing as they went down another set of stairs how there was more and more fog storms the deeper east they went. Wondering if this was just a coincidence or a feature. Something that was more common over here as opposed to the west, quickly discussing what that could mean for the people who live here and had to deal with such a thing on a more constant basis.

Soon they went their separate ways and Van walked into his room where Luna, Anna, and a few of the other girls he let out from his soul realm, so they could stretch their legs while they waited for him.

Luna got up from where she was sitting on the bed and walked to him worriedly, giving him a quick once-over. “Are you okay? I heard you were up there when the fog storm arrived.” looking at him with concern and checking him up and down.

“I’m fine. Me and Seral went down the second we heard the alarm go off. We didn’t even see the fog storm for miles around. So we had plenty of time to get out of there.” Van replied, hoping that Luna wouldn’t worry too much.

She looked relieved, giving him a hug as she murmured complaints into his chest. “Why does it seem like there is a fog storm every other day!? Is this what we’ll be having to deal with while we are at the school?”

She gave an exasperated sigh. “I hope not…” as she leaned into him, just enjoying the hug to the fullest.

Van wanted to roll his eyes, but he kept himself from doing so, knowing full well that Luna just wanted an excuse to hug him genuinely because she enjoyed doing so, even if he kinda wanted to sit down right now… but he remained standing up, and instead used one of his arms to hug her tighter to him.

“Don’t worry Luna. I’m sure even if fog storms are more common in the east. It’s nothing we can’t handle. Besides, I’m sure the people living here have already taken into account the more frequent fog storms and have already done something to make life here more passable. We just have to wait and see how.”

Luna gave a small sigh. “I hope you're right,” she said, rubbing herself into him.

Van knew full well what she must be thinking of right now, and was wondering himself if they could get away with a quick romp in bed to help calm their nerves.

Just then the train rocked as it was hit by the fog storm. The group lost some of their balance if just for a moment. They heard something crash… followed by a small scream… thankfully from next door as all their stuff was firmly tied down. After a few moments of waiting, it seemed the people in the next compartment got things under control once more.

Then another wave hit the train, rocking it once more. From the inside of their rooms, they could see the swirling bluish fog and mist rushing past the large iron shutters that automatically covered their windows when the fog alarm went off. Lightning shot by, and many strange and large shadows rushed alongside it. Though they could barely see anything through the very small gaps in the screen of metal that protected them.

The lights dimmed as the train rocked thrice. Making Van brace his feet on the ground to get a firmer footing as he held onto Luna, doing his best to protect her and she him. Looking around he tried to find the quickest way back to the bed or at least next to a wall, just anything they can brace themselves on or hold to protect themselves with.

Even Luna realized that perhaps they had more important things to worry about as lights flickered on and off and the train rocked for a fourth time. A large wave of fog buffeted the shutters and things went dark for a split moment.

They then heard a knock come from their door.

“Hello? Anyone in there? I could use some help! Please!?” A fearful sounding voice said from the other side.

Van wasn’t sure if they should open the door. But as another wave hit the train and people began to panic, He decided that he might as well help who they can. But just in case, he prepared himself for a quick fight.

Slowly he disentangled himself from Luna. sending her towards Anna, who quickly made a grab for her and pulled her close to the edge of the wall alongside her.

He made his way to the door, then fell towards it as a massive wave hit the train rocking it to the point he swore that, despite the weight of the cars, had almost tipped over. He gave a quick turn around and waved his hand, sending back all the girls except Luna and a few Anna’s so as to have less people to worry about. He would have sent them as well, but it would be weird if he was all alone in the car by himself.

Opening the door, he was surprised to find Arkina on the other side. Grabbing onto the wall on the opposite side of the door for dear life with a bruise on the side of her head.

“Really sorry about this, but a little help!”

Van grabbed the handle of the door with one hand and boldly stepped out into the hallway, reaching out with his other hand.

Arkina took the chance and made a grab for it, pushing herself off the other side of the hallway and making a mad dash for Van with all her might. They collided, she into his arms as he hugged her close and pulled her into his room, shutting the door and locking it behind them.

“S-sorry about this… I was rushing to my room when I heard the alarm go off, but I wasn’t able to get there in time. Next thing I know, I fell and rolled into the wrong side of the car. Then… everything went wrong… I tried asking for help but…” tears began forming in her eyes. “But no one would answer… and then I heard crashing and screaming. “She shivered and hugged him tighter. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” her eyes closing tight as if hoping this was all some bad dream that would pass as she repeated herself a few more times.

Another wave hit the train. Arkina gave a small “kyaa!” while Anna did her best to hold herlselves and Luna down on the bed.

Van looked their way, and then waited for another wave to hit the train. Once it did, he picked up Arkina in a princess carry and made a mad dash towards the bed. Once there, Anna pulled the both of them into her embrace. She hit the emergency panel next to the bed and took out what appeared to be rubber-like handcuffs.

He then remembered being told that the bed was bolted down in case of emergencies. He figured it was just an excuse because women would ride their males so hard that the bed would move or break. Now he realized why there was a large metal beam on the side.

Anna then began to take out masks in case of a breach where they may need fresh air from the dangerous semi-toxic one of the fog storm. And then took out some vests with a short thin rope that also ended with a cuff of sorts. She had them put on the vests and cuffs, connecting them one at a time to the bed and handing out masks.

Thankfully there was just enough for everyone. He was glad he sent back a few more Anna’s this time.

Now they all huddled together. Luna on one side, Arkina on the other as their panicked faces looked to him for comfort. To which he did his best to provide a stoic and confident expression, hugging them close firmly and without fear, though his own heart may disagree with what he was trying to portray…

Finally, the train seemed to have given up all pretexts of trying to move in such a strong fog storm and firmly stopped in place. Large spike-like structures then slowly unlaced themselves from the side of the train and bolted themselves down into the dirt to brace the train for what may come next…

And what came next… was definitely something to brace for…

Van now knew why the train was so large. Anything lighter would have simply flown off the rails and to who knows where… the masks, the vests, the handcuffs, as well as the large metal spikes the train used to simply try and hold itself down. All indicated that the fog storms around here were far more powerful than the stuff they had to deal with back west…

It was no wonder then that the east was such a large importer of food. Only the hardiest of the plants could grow in such an environment if this was a common occurrence…

All of a sudden, a large cannon sounded off near the rear of the train. A loud monstrous shriek then was heard and the train shook as if something was trying to pull or tear the back half away.

His thoughts immediately went to Karmine and the others in the back holds. They were not given as nice accommodations as they were, and he feared for their safety, now becoming worried sick, hoping they would be alright…

More cannon fire was heard, and more unholy roars and shrieks pierced the darkening sky. Hours passed as the train rocked or was hit by something, as the wind whistled a deadly tune and the lightning flashed or struck close by, unleashing a deafening sound of thunder.

Just when they thought it was over, another wave of fog would roll in and more cannon fire would be heard. Voices over the intercom would tell everyone to remain calm and to stay inside their cabins at all times.

They had to deal with this all night long. No one getting a wink of sleep. The fog storm even continued throughout the morning… until it finally dispersed in the afternoon light… Despite that, the conductor still ordered everyone to remain within their cabins, promising food would be delivered to them, and to remain patient.

Voices were then heard from outside the cabin, people rushing from one end to the other. Though from what Van could sense, they were just the train crew, rushing people in stretchers back and forth between the cars…

Hours passed and finally, someone arrived to give out emergency rations. Despite their protest, Van pulled away from Luna and Arkina, and alongside two of the Anna’s, went to pick up the food.

As he opened the door to receive the supplies. He couldn't help but glance next door as a young woman was being carried out in a stretcher and another woman crying for the crew to do everything they could to help her friend. His heart went cold at the sight, as thoughts of how that could have been Luna or someone else he cared about being whisked away. Guilty feelings of how he could have reached out a helping hand crossed his mind.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the woman in the stretcher and her friend, telling the doctor looking her over that he had some skill in healing he could provide if necessary.

“Thank you for the kind offer sir, but we can handle it from here. Please remain in your cabin until further notice. Your safety is our priority.” the doctor kindly but firmly said.

The woman whose friend was being carried on the stretcher looked hopeful, only for that hope to be dashed when it turned out Van couldn’t help. Desperate for anyone or anything that could help her best friend who was in need.

Van felt like he just may have made things a little worse. But nodded with what the doctor said and left, handing out the ration boxes to Luna and Arkina once he was back in the room.

Hours passed, and it seemed like things had finally calmed down. The train began to move once more, though they were still ordered to remain where they were. And their travel towards the east began anew…

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