World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 227 Akeldama

For the final time Van stood on the top of the train, hands on the railing, the roof crowded with like-minded students, all leaning forward to be the first to glimpse the school when the rails finally crested around the hill they were riding on.

And then it appeared.

The Akeldama, home of the east branch of the school of Bloodhaven…

The school that Van, Luna, and everyone else will be staying at for the next five years to learn to become proper vampires and use their abilities to the max. The school where they will be pushed to their limits and pass it to become one of the most powerful beings in the known world. The school will teach them to lead and raise hordes of undead and battle against monsters all the while leading troops to victory.

It was a massive fort city. Even somehow bigger than Bright city. With at least six rings of walls and turrets. Spires and castle battlements so high they towered over everything else like skyscrapers. The city was also taken in by large mega domes, and rings upon rings of mana barrier spikes surrounded the outer and inner city. This mega city bathed in a dark red glow, and its walls connected beyond its outermost ring to a series of other forts stretched out from north to south and beyond the horizon. On the other side of the series of walls and forts was a cracked earth with fissures burning red and lightning blue. A truly barren wasteland where there was nothing to see no matter how far you looked. The exception being a singular road that cut its way through the bloody red dirt, like a streak of flat civilization in the hilly dunes of a desert.

On one side of the massive walls stood hell. On the other… something that has been through hell but was still kicking… with gnarled trees and other small signs of life making itself known. Protected by the old walls that must have seen a millennium or more of blood and battle, and yet still stood strong…

“Akeldama…” Arkina said beside him. “The City of Akeldama… not only the place where the east branch of Bloodhaven is. But also technically the capital of the very east itself and the aggressive faction. Home to none other than the Malon Taldor of House Taldor, and his wife, Celine Foswer.”

“The two have ruled over this city for centuries and are the leaders of the aggressive faction that wishes for the return of the vampire lord and to go back to war and rule the world as they believe is their right.” Looking over the scenery in deep thought, absentmindedly pushing up the rim of her glasses.

“Malon… Taldor…? Do you mean a male is the leader of the aggressive faction? But I thought they were against males ruling over a house? Isn’t Celine the real ruler?” Van asked, turning to her a little yet still trying to keep the massive city in view as the train rumbled along.

“Yes and no…” Arkina said, trying to figure out the best way to put this. “While it is true they are far more conservative. They also believe might makes right, and Malon is far more powerful than most would give him credit for. Not only in strength and magic but his skills in politicking are not to be underestimated. And out of everyone in the aggressive faction, he is the most fanatical in trying to revive the vampire lord, or at least raise a new one…”

“Revive the vampire lord?” Van blinked.

“Or make a new one… whether that be him… or someone else… And he’s willing to do anything to make it happen. Even going so far as to accept a student exchange program with our longest rival, Fandor to our north.”

Van’s eyes widened. “But I thought they hated making connections with others from outside Alcray. Why in the world would they be willing to accept students from outside of Alcray to come and be a part of their school program! Wouldn’t that help teach our enemies everything we know about our magic and military training!?”

“Supposedly it was an agreement between him and Tethra Umbra. Though word is, he would have done it himself if she hadn’t offered. With this he could bring those students to his school and put all the blame of being strong-armed into accepting the enemy amongst them on her.” Arkina explained.

“Okay but… why would he want them anyway?”

Arkina turned her head a little towards him. “Remember what I said about building a road to the capital of Nilfan? And how its been taking longer and longer to get there and back? Well… word is… that at this point, Malon is willing to do anything to increase the rate of getting into that city, no matter the cost. Even if it means accepting some help from our technically enemies. Some people think it’s a way to learn some of the light magic that the Fandorians use. Others say that it is a way to prove the dangers of the wasteland and to show our military might in a way to cow the Fandorian students. So that they can bring word back to how great and important we are to them. After all… in a way… we are defending all of civilization from the ever-encroaching threat of the wasteland. If not for us, it would spread to engulf the whole world!”

“Seriously! I… I didn’t know that…” Van said, taken aback by this new information. “I have heard that… at least from what books I read. That when Alcraz went on his expedition to conquer the continent, he left a third of his forces behind. At the time I always wondered why… but if it was because the threat of the wasteland was too great to ignore…”

Arkina nodded. “The constant attacks from monsters and worse were the reason why Alcraz never used the full might of his army. Even the full might of the fog storm itself is largely contained thanks to the barriers that ride up and down the wall, you see before you. If Alcray falls… the world would soon follow… if it weren’t for that, that aggressive faction would have long ago left to go on a warpath. It is only their honor and duty that keeps them here… and their belief in the vampire lord…”

Van had to take a second to digest this new information. It was a lot to take in… after a moment of silence, he awkwardly asked about the new exchange students that were coming. Wondering why he hadn’t heard about them till now.

“Soo… these exchange students… What are they like? Who are they? And why hadn’t anyone mentioned them before?”

“From what I know…” Arkina began, leaning in, lowering her voice as if this was a big secret. “This is all to be kept hush-hush until the opening ceremony. Remember how Rosalyn tried to get you the first-class suite all the way in the very front of the train?”

“Ya… though I asked her not to…” he blushed remembering how Rosalyn tried to pull every string she could to set him up with the best cabin possible. “It was a bit too much…”

“Well… she had some trouble getting it for you because it was already taken by the exchange students.” She leaned in to whisper. “Supposedly… the princess of Fandor herself, and her entourage are coming personally as the students in the exchange.”

Van’s eyes almost bugged out. Even he wasn’t so much of a hermit not to know the princess of Fandor was the heir to not only Fandor but also Kittar. And Known to be a skillful archer and trained as a slayer and ranger since she was young. The fact someone as important as her was being sent meant that this wasn’t some sort of simple student exchange program. But something that had the reputation of both nations at stake!

“What in the world is someone like her doing here!” Van whispered loudly back.

Arkina shrugged. “Who knows how Fandorians think. All I know is she's also coming with a few members of the order of Lucius as well. There’s even a few people from TROA, and vampire slayers too.”

Van's jaw almost fell. Vampire slayers, members of the order of Lucius, and people from TROA!? What the hells was going on!? “How do you even know all this!?” he had to ask, doing his best not to speak too loudly lest someone overhears.

Arkina became sheepish. “Well… you know… I hear things… And I'm always one for trying to keep up to date with the latest information since I love studying so much… and so… I just put two and two together…”

Van didn’t know how to take that. And it seemed he wouldn’t have the time to properly digest all that information because already the person on the sound speaker was telling everyone to get back to their cabins and prepare to get off the train in four hours.

With no other recourse, he decided to save his questions for later and head down to his cabin alongside the other students.

“I still want to hear more about this later. Let’s meet up when everything is settled.” Van said to Arkina as the crowd of other students closed in around them.

Arkina seemed happy about that. “Sure! Let’s see each other again after everything is settled.”

Van went back to his cabin and started to prepare for departure. He didn’t have much to pack since he kept most of it all in his soul realm, and what little he did have was mostly for show. Waiting out the hour with his wife and Anna, he talked the time away by discussing what they will do once they get off the train. Where they had to go, and what they may have to prepare for.

Time flew by. The train gave its final whistle and the loudspeakers turned on once more to tell all passengers to remain in their cabins until their car number was called. One by one the numbers were called, and students alongside their chaperones and or servants left the train. Only to be met with stern looking teachers who would take a group, count if everyone was there by checking a list, and have their students follow them into the city.

About forty minutes later, their car was called and Van and the others left and followed the line leading out onto the station floor where they were divided up. Seral and him were luckily in the same group and the two greeted each other while they waited in line.

“Hey Van, Hey Seral.” Yassan called out, walking up to their group. “Just wanted to say a formal goodbye until next time. I have to leave with Chloe and make sure she delivers her goods. It was nice traveling with you two. I hope we can do it again some day.” stretching out his hand.

Van accepted the handshake. “You too. Wish we could have stayed together a bit longer. It was always fun talking about herbology with you. Not every day does someone understand the significance of plants in our everyday life.”

“Same here. I’ll miss our discussions.” Yassan said, then turned to Seral. “It was nice meeting you too Seral. I Wish we could have spent more time getting to know each other.” stretching out his hand to him as well.

“Same,” Seral said, also accepting the handshake. “If you're ever in Zanabrae, drop by and give a knock on my home. I’ll be glad to put you up.”

Yassan had an image of himself knocking on Zanacrae’s massive door and asking Tethra Umbra herself if it was okay if Seral came out to play. “Ya… I think we should just exchange contacts and I'll call you instead…”

“That’s… probably for the best…” Seral said after also giving it a few moments of thought.

The two then exchanged numbers and the three of them made sure that they were all connected properly. Just in time to, the guide was looking at them with a stern glare as if to say. Hurry it up!

They said their goodbyes and Van and Seral waved Yassan away. Then stood with the rest of the group as the guide started to call out names, making sure everyone was here. After she was done she stood in front of her group and began to explain how things were going to work. Looking and sounding more like a drill sergeant the more she spoke.

“Alright you larva’s. Some of you might have come from big houses. Some of you might have important connections. But none of that matters here!” she growled, her voice carrying far and wide.

“Here, your teacher's words are law. You will obey them as if they were the orders of a commanding officer. We have many rules here. But the most important ones are as follows.”

“One! Obey your instructors! Two! No fighting or dueling unless it’s approved by a teacher and on the training ground or Arena. Three! You will be housed with the other students, and with your troops in the same barracks complex, you will be responsible for each other and those who you have brought. Their actions are your actions, their well being is also completely up to you. We will only give you the basic necessities for their care, anything more will be on you. Corporal punishment is rare but real, as well as collective punishment, more on that will be explained later.”

There seemed to be some murmuring about that last one, some of the students looking like they would wish to protest such a thing. But the guide didn’t seem to care and continued her shouting.

“Four! You are not above capital punishment! If you do anything that threatens yourself, your fellow students, or your teachers. You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! Five! Depending on what classes you chose, you will be forced to go out in the wastes for your courses. That means putting yourself and your troops in danger. Six! Some of you will have dorms near the edge of the wall or be housed nearby. And in the cases if you become third years and above, you will be moved to special dorms and rooms right on the wall. While you are there, you are to not get in the way of any soldiers on duty and must actively help reinforce the wall should a monster attack come. Unless special exceptions are made.”

“This is how we will see which of you are little girls… and which of you are Women! While the death rate is not high, we do everything we can to mitigate what little there is of it. But some people do die, the relatively small death rate does exist and people have lost their lives. But this was what you agreed to by coming here. If you don’t like it. Get out of the group now and call your mommy to come pick you up. We don’t need those of weak will here, you have until you sign the school contract in two weeks to make your decision.”

Even more murmuring was heard. This time of true worry and fear. Even Van and Seral shared a look, unsure what exactly they just got into.

“You cannot be serious!” a self-important looking noble girl said with long red curly hair and fierce eyes, walking up to the front of the group to confront the guide. “What gives the school the right to put their students in danger like this and-”


Everyone looked shocked.

“I did not give you permission to speak. All questions you have will be allowed to be asked after I have finished giving out the rules. Return to the back of the group. Now.”

The noble girl in question looked the most surprised of all. Until that surprise was replaced with barely contained rage and her hands turned into fists. She gave the guide a massive glare and looked like she was about to say something else.

But when the guide simply raised her hand once more with an impassive expression on her face. The noble girl wisely stopped herself, turned, and stomped her way through the group towards the back with as much elegance she could muster. Her fellow students quickly moved out of her way.

Once the noble girl was in the back, the guide began her rule session once more. “If that was another teacher. You could have been forced to run a lap around the entire city…” then turned to address the rest of the students. “This school is just like any other. You can have fun… you can find love… make friends with students and teachers… you can learn all the skills necessary to follow your dreams and live the school life you always wished… but there are caveats to that… this entire city is always being attacked by something or another… and when even one section of the wall going down means thousands dead. Everyone must put their differences aside and work together to survive. Do I make myself clear…”

She glared at the crowd of students. None of them made a peep.

“Alrighty then… Seven! -” And the guide went on. Explaining how each dorm will have its own instructor. How they all have two weeks to choose their classes before the semester starts. How outside their courses they will be trained together. How they are to act and treat each other. What other rules they have to follow when out on the town and much more. Everything to when or how they can apply for food for themselves and their troops. To what spells they can and cannot use inside the school or city.

By the end of it. The crowd of students were on their legs for about two hours. And Luna looked like she wanted to lay down already. When they turned to follow the guide to the place where they will be staying for the next five years. They found that Anna and Samira already had their own guide, ordering them on how to retrieve their master's luggage. With a third guide seeming to handle the multitude of mercenaries and troops that the students have brought with them.

“Follow closely behind you larva's!” the guide yelled out. “I’ll only play tour guide for you this once. After that, you're on your own. Use the time you have to choose your classes wisely, for in two weeks time is the opening ceremony, and the day after that will be your first classes you’ve chosen. Don’t come crying to me if you get lost… even if it’s my job…” she muttered that last part.

Van, Seral, and Luna followed the guide. And into the city proper. Their eyes widening in awe at all the things they say around them.

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