World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 228 Dorms

Van was in awe.

After leaving the station, and going through customs. Apparently even they were not exempt from a quick background check. They entered through the first wall of the city. A massive sixty-foot high and forty-foot thick monstrosity that was ONLY the first ring of the city. With each subsequent ring being larger than the last until you hit the final one in the center that might as well be a small mountain.

Upon walking through the gate and into the city proper. They were assailed by the noises and smells of the city. The architecture was far different here than in the west. For everything had a far more pragmatic look and seemed to double as a miniature fort in case of emergency, rather than the sharp but elegant features of buildings he was used to.

The guide would bark orders from the front to tell everyone to keep together and not fall behind. Explaining a few rules as she went about how they were to be treated while they were staying in the city. That they were not exempted from being simply kicked out should they be caught doing anything illegal, no matter who their family was.

Then, after a while of walking, they were going through the gates of their first mega dome… A massive structure that was completely enclosed to prevent the elements from entering.

“These things used to be far more prominent back a few centuries ago.” the guide began to explain. “Back then, we didn’t have the powerful mana barriers and shielding technology that we use now. So when a particularly powerful fogstorm came by. In order not to be trapped within our own homes for days on end, these massive structures were made to facilitate commerce indoors. Supposedly, there are still houses that have underground networks that still lead to them to this day. Though most of them were torn down to make room for underground tram systems that connect each dome to the other, as well as to the school and other parts of the city.”

“Speaking of which. When a powerful fog storm rolls in. unless the school says otherwise. You are still expected to come into class that day. Since the school is protected from most fogstorms and we have ways for you to get to class one way or another. When you enter your dorm, there will be a few books pertaining to your stay here, as well as a few maps that will help you navigate your way around. If I were you, I’d memorize them.”

The group entered the dome-like structure and were assailed once more by the sounds and smells that seemed to be amplified in this enclosed space. Van was reminded of old earth malls. With layers upon layers of floors and shopping centers and restaurants. Except this was even larger, with at least twenty floors that he could see just craning his head up. More importantly, there seemed to be living quarters as well for families and workers, meaning they never had to stray too far from work and food.

Each layer seemed about twenty feet tall, and there seemed to be twenty floors in total. On the first floor was a small park of sorts and many restaurants and grocery stores, plus a few furniture ones as well. The second to fifth floors had all the other retail stores that had things that you could more easily buy and carry up and down the stairs. There even seemed to be escalators and elevators!

The guide then took them to a set of stairs down to the basement level with what looked like a train sign leading downward. Soon they came upon the tram system.

She then turned to them. “This is the tram system. Though for some reason, people call it a subway… I have no idea where that word came from, but it caught on… anyway! A map of the tram system will also be in your room, make sure you memorize it or take it with you wherever you go. The trains here will take you all over the city, and to some classes, you might not be able to reach otherwise. Lucky for you, the school booked the entire day for you students so that we can get all of you into your dorms by nightfall. You will also be given a free yearly pass for the next five years, make sure you don’t lose it. I’ll explain how to use them.”

She then ordered all of them to come up and get their pass from her, handing them out one at a time. She then began to go over how the passes worked and how they were to be used. By passing them over the scanning feature that allowed a door to open through the fence that blocked the way towards the other half of the tram station.

One by one everyone followed, sometimes having to do it a few times before they got it. But eventually, everyone ended up on the proper side of things and were now waiting in front of the train before them.

After that, they were all ushered into the train. And not just them either, but many other similar groups up and down the station tracks. Entering once the voice over the intercom went off telling them to board and gave one final warning before departure.

As the train began to move, students crowded to the windows to see what they could see. Being disappointed when they just found more stone. The guide explained that most of the trams were underground, so don't expect anything special.

One of the students then asked where their aids and troops went. Wondering why they weren't with them.

“Your aids will be taken on a different train, as well as whatever troops you brought with you. I might as well tell you now if only to get it out of the way… but when you arrive at your dorms, you will find them unisex. More importantly, you will all be sharing the same room, in groups of ten to twelve, alongside any aids you brought with you, of which you can only bring one per person…”

That made a few people gasp, and even Van’s hair went on end at that. Were they really expecting them to share a room, ten to a person, maybe with or without a male?

“Your soldiers will not be far from you and will be sharing a barracks with whatever other troops the others in your group have brought. Meaning any fights between them will reflect upon you, and you will take responsibility for it. Once you have your rooms and your roommates, you all will choose one person as team leader. Your dorms will also have three other rooms that will be in the same circumstance as you will be. Out of the four, you will choose which person to be squad leader. They will be responsible for all forty of you. And leading all of you in mandatory group exercises. Your daily instructor will be there as well… make sure not to piss her off, otherwise, you might be worked till you throw up…” she gave a somewhat evil grin at that.

Van immediately had a flashback for some reason of a military boot camp. He had a bad feeling that this school took its military aspect perhaps a bit more seriously than he feared…

“Oh, and before I forget.” looking like it just occurred to her. Only one male per dorm, or group. We don’t want to have a problem where one group tries and dominates all the males at the expense of the other groups. Understand.”

That was a nerve-racking thought…

Luna, probably sensing Van’s distress, took his hand into her own and gave a gentle squeeze, hoping to help soothe some of his worries. They shared a quick but loving look between each other, and Van had to admit he did feel a little calmer, though still worried…

An hour later they were walking up the steps and into the open air. Taking a second to look around at the imposing school building in front of them. The school was massive! Looking like a small mountain, stretching to take up about three walls worth of the city, from the outermost one to near the center. It was broken up into layers, the bottom being the biggest and slowly shrinking until it reached the top. It looked like a megadome in its own right!

The guide, though, wasted no time and led them away, unimpressed by the school structure in front of her. Telling them that they will be able to explore it later in their own free time.

Another hour or so later, they entered the massive school structure, walking down halls big enough for a giant to stand tall, with several walking across easily. Students, workers, and general staff made way for them, watching the procession with mild interest, while most ignored them and went their own way. After a while, they finally arrived at a large building-like complex that seemed to be repeated ad nauseam at least a few hundred times down a long winding hallway that was on the lowest ring of the school and seemed to allow access to the outside school grounds. Upon arriving they found that their servants and maids were already there with all the stuff they brought with them. There was also another group similar to theirs talking over with their guide, probably the other twenty or so students that they will join in with.

Arkina was there with them, and upon seeing them, waved at them from her group.

Upon joining the group, Van scanned the large building built into the school structure in front of him. The guide led them inside the large double doors into a massive lobby area. In front of them was another set of double doors that led deeper into the building. On the right and left were two sets of doors that led to one dorm each for a total of four. With each one holding ten to twelve people each. With a quick explanation, she told them each dorm had its own shared bathroom and shower, with the bath being somewhere else and communal. She showed where the storage room was, as well as the pantry and kitchen in case they wanted to bring food from outside. There were also a few empty rooms where they could convert them into alchemy labs or smithies with a library holding a small assortment of books further down the hall.

She then explained how they can only each take one aid per person, and that they all will be sleeping together. They also had thirty minutes to form whatever groups they wished before they were sent off. And that once they decided on the groups, they had to sign in with her so she knew which person belonged to which group.

Once dismissed, everyone started muttering amongst each other, some friends already joining in with each other.

“Well… this sucks…” Van said to Seral. “I really wished we could have been in the same group… but it looks like there is only one other male… if there were just two more, we may have been able to stay together…” he complained.

Seral nodded, also looking a little disappointed. “Not much we can do about it… Just hope this doesn't mean the worst…”

Van knew what he was talking about, and could only nod and sigh inwardly.

“Van! Let's group up together!” Arkina said, quickly approaching him.

He thought about it. Technically since he sent three more Annas away, he only had three left… Perhaps Arkina can take the third one while Luna took the second?

“Do you mind Luna?” Van asked, if only as a formality.

“Sure! I don’t mind!” She said cheerfully. Perhaps taking his advice to make friends to heart.

After that, the group talked amongst themselves for a while, but eventually Seral had to leave and try and look for people he could maybe get along with. But the second he left he was swarmed by a bunch of the other students who wanted him for his looks. Like a pack of lionesses hunting for a lion mate…

Eventually, time went by and they found themselves with an odd mix of a group. Some girls obviously tried to get into their group because of Van’s own looks and hoped to dominate him once the group had been established. But Luna and Arkina both made it clear that he was taken and protected him like feral guard dogs. Sometimes glaring down some of the more hard-headed women until they got the hint.

In the end, groups formed, then broke apart when they found they couldn’t keep all their friends and acquaintances and left to make their own groups again, and formed and broke apart once more. Girls butted heads, while others tried to slink away to less serious or authoritarian leaders, joining ones they felt were more laid back or less controlling. But because so many people butted heads and left to form their own group, it forced the more introverted students to flee and join others once more. In the end, there were about eight groups and the two guides forced the dissolution of the four smallest into the four biggest ones.

Which was how Van’s group was made. Though not very large, they were lucky in that they were picked at random to be considered the fourth group.

Once that was done they forced each group to sign a piece of paper that showed where each group will be staying. Van and his group would be staying in room one. Seral in room two right next door. And the other two groups in room three and four.

“Alright then. Now that's done with. You all have two weeks to choose your group leader, and then your squad leader. Inside each room, you will find twelve beds, one for each person. You decide if your servants will sleep on the floor or not. On each bed will be a book on blood and shadow weaving for those who don’t know it yet. As well as a book on blood and shadow summoning.”

“My advice, read both thoroughly… especially blood and shadow summoning. As it will teach you how to store your troops within either yourself or your shadow. Making everything far more logistically easier on yourself and everyone. Tomorrow you will welcome your troops as they are still being processed right now. Again, make sure there is no fighting. And while the school will give you the basic necessities to take care of them, that’s only true for the first year. You’ll have to find work selling them out or taking on commission or other things in order to keep them fed and happy. They will receive free training until your third year, anything more will also be taken out of your own pocket.”

“Everything in this school is merit-based. You earn either merit points or contribution points by getting good grades, getting first place in tests and competitions, doing side jobs for the school, or doing commissions in your free time. These merit and contribution points can be used to get yourselves free classes, pay for your troops upkeep, access to rare books or better teaching material and more. Should you have no troops, those who have will share with those who don’t. Either that, or some of you soloists might have chosen on purpose to come without troops because you either don’t have the money or want to do everything yourself. Either way, it doesn't matter. As a group, you all must work together at least until your third year. Where all of you will be given your own rooms. But will be closer to the wall…”

“If you are happy with your grouping. You can stay together after you reach your third year if you apply for it. Any further questions can be found on your bed or the consultation office that you can find on your map. Dinner will be served in the cafeteria in two hours, or you can go into the city if you feel you have the money or time to waste. Make sure you apply for all the classes you are planning to take two days before the opening ceremony. You can send your form to the main office near the center of the school indoor campus.”

“Finally, there will be a final group joining you before the opening ceremony… make sure to treat them well… Though you all may meet them a lot sooner than that. That is all. Good luck…”

The two guides then left. Once they were gone the groups began to talk again once more. Some were excited, most were a little nervous… it was clear there was little hand-holding here and that they were expected to take care of themselves.

Van, Luna, and Arkina were the first ones to decide to check out their dorms. Walking over, they opened the door and took a look inside, then entered the room they will be staying the next two years in.

It was a surprisingly quaint room, with wooden flooring and six beds on each side. Each bed had a trunk in front of it, and a dresser on the side that also acted like a desk. There were dividing screens between each bed area, though they weren’t very tall and were very thin, and in the far back was what looked like the bathroom.

Walking up to the second bed from the door, Van took a look and found about five… no, six different books plus two maps and a small jem-like thing neatly placed onto the sheets. Taking the jem, he brought it towards his vespera bangle and watched as it connected, allowing him to access a new app. Checking the maps, one showed the school and its many floors and indoor buildings, while the other one showed the entire city. Finally, the books were as the guide said, or at least two of them were. Out of the remaining four books, one of them was a rule book, one was about the classes and history of the school, one was about how to take care of troops and where to go for advice and more, and the last one was just about miscellaneous stuff.

As Van and the others were looking around, the rest of the other girls that now made their group also decided to check their new home. One of which was the red-haired girl that got slapped earlier. After her was another five girls, making their group total nine all together, making it the smallest out of the four.

Upon looking at them, the self-important redhead demanded their attention. As well as telling the other girls that came in behind her.

Van shared a look with Luna but decided to come near to see what the girl had to say, wondering what it could be.

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