World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 253 Lunch with Avalyn

After that strange class, Van and Kira went their separate ways to their next destination. Van was somewhat lucky in that he didn’t have any classes right away, and so went to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat.

His thoughts went back to the things he learned from Devi. He was just asking her a few questions since he had nothing else better to do and was surprised to find that she was quite the font of knowledge. It seemed no matter what he asked, she was able to answer in a quick and concise manner with easy-to-explain examples on whatever he was asking about.

But when his questions started to turn to how the vampire knight suits worked, or how to create his own bone mold, she became a bit more evasive, saying things like it wasn’t really her place to say. Which he respected and stopped pestering her about it, instead asking her to go into details about how to optimize his rune carving to create more efficient designs.

Kira also joined in on the action, asking questions about why some things worked and others didn’t. She even showed her scarf, asking for Devi’s opinion on it, to which she praised Kira for, as something like that was rare to come by and was impressed by the skill it would take to create something like that.

Devi then suggested a few books in the library that talked about and gave examples on how to incorporate runecraft into clothing. This reminded Van about the book and runecraft tools that the lich from weaver’s rest gave him. He took it out of his soul realm and showed it to the girls, who then took keen interest in the book, Devi even exclaiming that what he had was a very old and rare copy that has since long gone out of print.

Van suggested that Kira borrow it, saying that she would probably make more use out of it then him at the moment since his interest lies elsewhere for the time being. She tried to refuse but he insisted and she gave in after some time.

Finally walking into the cafeteria, he looked around for an open table. The second he found one he would have to rush to get his food and then claim it for his own before anyone else. Tables here went by fast, and if you were a male all alone, some of the female students might box you in. So it was important that you got your food fast, your table fast, and ate your meal fast, before an awkward situation happened.

But as luck would have it, he saw Avalyn eating alone. Quickly making a line, he ordered the meat pie and lemonade and rushed to her table before she could decide to leave.

“Hey Avalyn. Hope you don’t mind me eating with you. There's no one else here and I don’t want to get surrounded by a bunch of strangers.” Van said as he sat down to eat.

Avalyn looked up, somewhat surprised by his sudden appearance. But realizing who he was, simply shrugged. “Yeah… Sure…” Going back to her food and limply picking at it without any appetite.

Van picked up that perhaps Avalyn wasn’t in a very good mood at the moment. “Is there something wrong? You don’t look so well. Did something happen?” He asked, simply showing some worry for a fellow roommate.

Avalyn immediately sat her back straight upon realizing that she allowed herself to show such a slovenly appearance. “I’m fine.” Now acting a little more like her old self with the self-restraint Van was used to seeing. “I just had a few things on my mind is all. Nothing that may concern you.”

Though Van knew she didn’t mean it offensively, he couldn’t help but realize that her tone of voice was a little tired and irritated, despite how well she was trying to control herself. He also had a feeling that it wasn’t because of him but something else that was causing her to have a bad day.

“Do you… Want to talk about it?” He asked kindly, waiting patiently for her reply.

Avalyn’s face went hard for a split second, perhaps out of embarrassment that a male was asking for her well-being, perhaps out of a little annoyance as well. She tried showing a strong front but sighed a little realizing that there was no point when it was just him. “I’m fine…” She said somewhat flatly.

“Are you sure?” He asked one last time.

“How do you do it?” Avalyn asked, deciding since Van wasn’t going to stop talking to her she might as well change the subject.

“Huh? How do I do what?” He blinked at the sudden change in conversation, wondering what she was talking about.

“How do you have all the sex?” Avalyn asked, her face going red with embarrassment but now a little determined to push the conversation in a direction that might make Van uncomfortable. Though in a petty way that was very much unlike her, this was her way of getting back at him for constantly asking if she was okay. She knew it wasn’t right of her, but she really wasn’t in a good mood, and already resolved to apologize later for her questioning. Though if she had to be honest, she genuinely was curious as well…

“I mean, I thought you were doing it because it was just a… Cultural difference between our two people. And then I thought it was because your wife was forcing you to do it. But then I realize you do it on your own, without any supervision, or permission and…” Her face became red as she realized this line of questioning was too embarrassing for her. “I mean… Aren't you embarrassed? That you know… You…” She couldn’t talk anymore because even she didn't know what she was asking anymore…

Van gave Avalyn’s question some thought before answering. “Hmm… Well, If I had to be honest… I do it because I enjoy it… It feels good, and makes my girls happy. I know I’m a bit different when it comes to other males when it comes to sex or stuff like that. But I not sure I can help it, it’s just who I am…” He then went and quickly explained how he was a soul awakened and how that affected his way of thinking and even what he enjoyed and disliked. It wasn’t like he was particularly hiding it, and she would have found out eventually like he suspected half of the girls in his dorm had. So he felt like there was no problem sharing this tidbit of information.

“Oh gods… I had no idea…” Avalyn said in shock and now feeling bad that she had asked such rude questions of him. “I am so sorry…”

Van shrugged. “It’s fine. I don’t really care about it anyway.” He then looked up at her. “So… What has you so down?”

She took a few moments to register his question before she gave up and gave in. With a great deep sigh she leaned back and let herself gaze up at the ceiling collecting her thoughts before finally speaking. “It's… All of this!” Motioning with her hand at everything around her.

“This school, the technology, the… Everything!” She shook her head. “I’ve always thought you vampires were bloodthirsty monsters. That you are old fashioned and stuck in your ways and can’t get with the times. But…” She heaved another sigh. “That is only partially true…”

“Yes, you guys are backwards in some places. But in everything else, you far exceed all my expectations! Just think about it! The army here alone would be enough to conquer all of Fandor! All these- these- Bonewalkers! The freaking suits for your vampire knights! The sheer force of numbers and skill! Not to mention your training grounds! I mean seriously! Your entire arena can change to any battle scape you can imagine, plus with any condition and enemy you can think of! Not even in Malor could you find such a thing!”

She tried to forcibly relax before she worked herself up anymore. “I just can’t get why…” She shook her head. “Is the petty political squabble between factions really all that is keeping Alcray from conquering the entire world?”

“That and the wastes.” Van interjected, slowly eating his meal as she went on her quick rant.

“Don’t even get me started on that…” Avalyn said, rolling her eyes. “I don’t even know what to think about that.” Poking at her food with disinterested eyes. “I just wish I knew why I’m here. What am I supposed to tell my advisers and generals when I return home? What will the war faction think when I report everything I’ve learned from here? Will they think I’ve been compromised? Or that I over-exaggerate the threat that Alcray poses? Or that the vampires may actually serve a purpose as a bulwark against the threat of an ever-growing desolation teeming with monsters?”

“I just don’t know what to do…” She finally admitted.

Van gave her words some time to sink in as he ate his meal. She probably wouldn’t have so easily spoken about this to him if it weren’t for the fact she probably didn’t take him seriously as a male. And the fact he was truthful and told her something personal about himself, opening up to her in a way. That and she was clearly on edge, what with all the responsibility she was probably feeling towards her people and everything she was learning while she was here.

“Perhaps you should look towards your friends.” He suggested. “They seem to be doing fine. If anything, they have taken what they have learned here and used that to further improve themselves harder than before. Lucia and Hilda for example both seem to be working themselves especially hard in their training and in learning whatever they can while they are here. Perhaps all you need to realize is that you too just have to do what you can as well, and take back what you learned to better improve whatever doctrine you have for dealing with Alcray. There's nothing stopping you from using what you learned here, Right?”

“I suppose you are right…” Avalyn lamented. “Here I am moping like a child about all the things I can’t do when I should follow my friend's example and try to do what I can do.” Her eyes looked like they got some of her old fire back. “I just need to make this trip worth it as much as possible. I’m the crown princess after all!”

She gave a genuine smile to Van. “Thanks for hearing me out. But uh… If possible… Could you…” Trying to figure out a good way to phrase what she was going to ask him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t speak a word about what we discussed with anyone.” Van said with a smile, just happy he was able to help someone out.

“Thanks.” Avalyn gave another appreciative smile. Then it looked like an idea came to her. “Oh, by the way. Are there any places for… You know… Relaxation and stress relief?”

Van raised a brow. “Well… There is the lover’s guild and me if you really need it.”

Avalyn’s face went beet red. “NO! Not like that!” She said perhaps a little louder than she meant, then gave a polite cough. “I meant like a garden area or music lounge, perhaps a massage parlor or two, maybe even a theater if you have one, or an art gallery. Something, anything, like that.” She said, her face still red.

“Ah~” Van realized his mistake. “Sorry, I”m just so used to women thinking only one thing when they talk about stress relief. You know, Kinda like with Astrid. Sorry, I actually don’t know much about what other places one could go to relax around here.” Feeling bad that he didn’t know.

“Ah well… It’s fine…” Avalyn said, then gave another polite cough. “So… Uh… How is Astrid doing…”

“Oh, she’s doing fine… Though I would think you would know more about that than me considering she’s your friend…” Van answered. “I’m not always one hundred percent sure where she goes, but she always returns to my bed when given enough time. It’s actually a bit annoying…”

“Sorry about that…” Avalyn apologized.

“It’s fine.” He shrugged. “Though it sounds more like you're interested in what we do together than actually worrying about her well-being…”

Avalyn blushed. Though Van couldn’t really fault her for it. It seemed Avalyn was a bit sheltered when it came to the joys of joining with a male or going on dates with them. So it made sense there would be some interest on her part.

“Anyway, It’s not my place to judge. Literally.” Van perked up as an idea came to him. “Actually, this might be your chance.” he said, gaining Avalyn’s attention when she realized he was now talking about something else.

“Perhaps you can snag yourself an important male vampire. Politics are everything here, maybe getting someone important on your side could help with the situation between Alcray and Fandor. Nothing like allies in the midst of your enemies.” He leaned in. “I even heard a few talks from the boys that they think you're kinda cute.” He teased.

Avalyn blushed. “Do- Do you think I’m cute?” She asked, not sure if she was entirely believing what he said.

“Damn straight I do!” Van said with a smile, making her face go redder. “Damn… She is so easy today…” He couldn’t help but think.

Avalyn shook her head after she calmed down. “It would never work.” She said sadly. “I’m afraid the prejudice against vampires is too strong. If anything, it might create a civil war…” She sighed. “It really would be so much easier if I could just marry a nice male and have all my problems disappear…” Looking now a little despondent.

Van was now really wondering what in the world happened today to get Avalyn acting like this. “It really isn’t like Avalyn to be acting like this… Perhaps she drank a weird potion? I do believe she had potion and alchemy classes before lunch…”

“Hey, you never know until you try. Until then, learn what you can, make what friends that you can, and if possible, find love where you can. You never know where the future will take you, try your best, okay?” Doing his best to make her feel better.

“Thanks Van… I’ll try…” Avalyn said lethargically.

“She really needs some help…” Van thought worriedly.

Thankfully lunchtime was over, and so he wished her a good day and got up to go to his next class. He wondered himself what he could do to resolve the situation between Alcray and Fandor, not wanting a constant war to be going on when they might get in the way of his dreams of adventure. He’ll have to think about it a bit more in the future. He also realized the only two people that were probably suitable for Avalyn to marry would probably be either him or Seral, which he hoped didn’t make things awkward between him and her.

More importantly, he was going to be late for his next class. So off he rushed to advanced mana manipulation, followed by advanced alchemy class.

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