World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 254 Refined Luna & Gym

After another long day, Van came home to finally relax after everything that happened. He passed by his fellow roommates, who were also looking just as busy as ever with their studying and researching.

Entering his room, he was not surprised to see Luna taking further lessons from Cerina and the others on how to be a proper lady. How one should conduct themselves, how to walk, how to speak, and a few other things.

Since the Magnolia incident, Luna had decided to change her ways and ask others for help. Now she was becoming a prim and proper girl, back straight, voice measured, and gaze level.

He was really beginning to miss his old Luna… The old Luna was quirky and funny. It somewhat broke his heart to see her try and act all self-restrained. Though It also made life a little easier on him without some of her antics blowing up in her face. Making him feel somewhat conflicted.

One part of him wished for the fresh breath of air and life she seemed to instill in everything. The other was a little happy about how she was now not always causing trouble. But if he had to get really down to it, he was missing their love-making sessions…

Luna was always raring to go. But now she was trying to stop herself from any and all sexual acts. It actually was getting a little annoying. Especially since he was now open with himself that he wanted sex and enjoyed it.

But for now, he was going to let things play out and see where things led. He didn’t want to interfere, so he just walked by and flopped onto the bed and closed his eyes as he heard Kira and Cernia drone on about this thing or that while Luna just stood there and listened.

“A Crava for your thoughts?” Magnolia said, walking up and standing close by.

Van opened up one eye and patted an area nearby on the bed.

Getting his intentions, she sat down next to where he layed. Looking somewhat uncomfortable and giving a quick glance over to Luna to see how she would react. When she didn't, Magnolia relaxed a little, but not completely.

“Hey Magnolia…” Van whispered all tuckered out. “I’m just tired… How are you doing?”

Magnolia tried to get comfortable on the bed, but failed and instead responded. “I’m doing fine…”

An awkward silence fell between the two.

Over the past month, Van and Magnolia, through the help of Anna, started to get along fairly well. There were still a few issues between them, but when he started sharing stories of his life, he found she took a keen interest and listened intently. His life story seemed to pull her in and bridge the gap between them. It was then he realized that she in general seemed to enjoy stories, as she was always reading a book alone when not doing anything else.

When he found that out, he started telling her not just stories of his life and everything he had been through, but stories of his past lives as well. As he told her more and more stories, she became more and more invested in those stories. He began to ask her for small favors in exchange.

Such as stories about her own life. Or a lap pillow. Or other mundane or silly things. He slowly worked his way to get her more used to him. With varying levels of success. Until now where she was comfortable enough to approach him, even with other girls nearby.

But now Van was just resting, not really doing anything, nor really wanting to talk about anything. Now he wanted a story and asked it of her.

“I think it’s your turn to tell me a story," he said, eyes already full of sleep. He then moved his head until it was on her lap and closed his eyes once more.

Magnolia froze and looked toward Luna. Who noticed but turned away looking back trying to listen to everything that was being said to her.

Slowly, when she realized she wasn’t going to get in trouble or called out for being in such a situation, she relaxed a little and began to gently stroke Van’s head. Trying to think of what story she could tell that would please him.

In the end, she just settled on a nursery rhythm that put him right to sleep. Something about her voice was very soothing to Van’s ears, and he honestly couldn’t get enough of it.

Once Van was put to rest. Luna had finally finished her discussion with Cerina and Kira. saying their goodbyes, the girls left, leaving Luna to slowly make her way to her bed where Van and Magnolia were.

“Hello Magnolia…” Luna said, a little nervously, but trying to school her expression like she had been taught. “Thank you for taking care of Van for me. Is there anything I can do to repay you?”

Magnolia looked at Luna awkwardly. She was beginning to wonder if she preferred this Luna, or the one that was more honest and upfront with her feelings. She always despised those who always hide their thoughts and intentions. So in an odd twist of fate, Luna’s previous way of doing things was a breath of fresh air to her. But now because of the incident, she was acting like every other noble she hated. Or at least was trying to act like them…

“It’s fine… I don’t need anything thanks…” She looked like she wanted to say something else, but stopped herself and sighed. “As Van says… What are friends for…” Hesitating on those last few words since she wasn’t sure how the current Luna would take them.

Luna was filled with a wave of emotion. Unable to think of anything original, she lamely repeated what Magnolia said. “...Yes… What are friends for…”

The two awkwardly stared at each other for a while before Luna got the idea to join Magnolia and sat down next to her.

Magnolia for her part was a little apprehensive, wondering what Luna was up to. But instead, Luna just started giving pointers about what was the best way to stroke Van’s head.

“If you move your hands like this, following the curvature here, yes like that, you see. He really enjoyed that…” Luna said with a gentle smile, enjoying being able to help.

Magnolia felt a little weird about this, but she didn’t hate it. It felt odd, but also nice…

The two then tried to start a conversation. Awkward at first, but they seemed to have found some common ground when it came to singing of all things.

“Van says he really likes my voice. I overheard a while ago that he also likes yours. I have to say I agree.” Luna smiled. “You really do have a nice voice.”

Magnolia blushed. “Thanks… I’ve heard you singing… A few weeks ago… It was… Beautiful…” She admitted.

The two awkwardly talked like this for the next hour.


The next day, Van walked to the gym with Aldina. It had become something of a habit during this past month. Just because he wanted to go to more intellectual classes, didn’t mean he didn’t want to keep himself in shape.

The problem was who could he go with. Seral was already taking several martial classes. Which meant he was a bit too tired to go back to the gym after all his lessons. Luna, when not going to her martial classes, instead used her free time to learn etiquette from Cerina and Kira, plus a few others. Meaning there weren't many people left for him to ask to go to the gym with him. He tried going it alone, hoping that there might be enough teachers or instructors to prevent any sexual harassment. But unfortunately, there weren’t that many, meaning it was a risk to even step foot into the large adjoining building connected to the coliseum where they took their physical tests.

That’s when he was found by none other than Aldina. Though they have shared their contacts with each other. They haven’t talked much since then. Surprisingly, even after all the work she puts into her classes, she was still willing to put even more effort to continue her growth and reach her dreams of getting to the top and one day becoming a vampire knight.

This led to this moment where he was essentially being escorted in by Aldina to prevent some of the other girls from getting any ideas. At first, he was a bit annoyed, especially when he was usually dropped off near the corner of the room where most males congregate when they wanted to train themselves. But he had good reason to be.

Most of the tools for males were, at least by Van’s standards, pathetic… there were barely any dumbbells that went past a fifty, and most of the guys just helped each other stretch and junk. And there weren't really any training machines to push yourself with, or instructors to help make sure you were exercising right. Yet with the rest of the gym, the girls were lifting small boulders, competing in races, and socking each other in the face in a no holds barred ring in the center of the gym while the coaches yelled out suggestions on how to do better.

“Well, here you are Van. Should I pick you up in two hours? Or three?” Aldina asked kindly.

Van sighed, not knowing where to look. Apparently, while most of the males were fully clothed, the women just wore something akin to bloomers, and sometimes just skirts. And just that… Meaning they wore nothing else…

That was because, for women, it really wasn’t a shame or embarrassing to go bare-chested. So most girls went without unless it was a sports bra to help hold their breasts up.

Aldina was in the same shape as all the other gym-goers. But he found himself quickly getting used to it. After all, it wasn’t anything he hadn't seen before.

He sighed again. “Sorry, Aldina… I’m just not sure it’s even worth coming here anymore…”

“What do you mean? Is there something wrong with the equipment?” Looking at the very spare amount of training gear on the male corner of the gym.

“Back at home, I would practice by beating my fists against a boulder until my fingers bled or the boulder broke. I would wear bracelets and anklets of gravity weighing hundreds of pounds. I would fight monsters constantly in the nearby forest, such as death wolves and barkskin snakes, and more. This…” He shook his head. “This just isn’t doing it for me…”

“...How the hell…” Aldina said, but then stopped herself. “Well… I don’t know how much I can help but… Maybe you can come train with me?”

Van thought about that. “You don’t mind?” He asked.

Aldina shook her head. “Not at all. I would actually be glad to have someone on my level to train with.” Giving him a welcoming smile.

“Well… Okay then! Let’s go do some serious exercising!” Van said happily.

The two then went to a section of the gym where there were heavier dumbbells and women lying on their backs trying to lift small boulders worth of weight with a spotter nearby. Upon passing they got a few odd looks, but for the most part they were ignored.

“So, which one do you want to start with? The fifty-pound one? The seventy-pound one?” Aldina asked as she stood beside the row of weights.

Van wasn’t sure if she was insulting him or giving him the benefit of the doubt that despite being a male, he was strong enough to lift such weights. Ignoring her, he went straight for the hundred-pound bells and lifted them, testing their balance.

“Are you sure?” Aldina asked, not worried but a little concerned. “If they become too much for you, you can always switch them out later.” She said helpfully.

Van ignored her and went to the hundred and fifty-pound bells. He lifted them with ease and began to check their balance by doing a few quick exercises.

“Van?” Aldina questioned.

Van, when happy with the weight and balance, threw them up in the air.

“Van!” Aldina panicked, trying to rush forward.

But Van had already caught the dumbbells and twirled them in his hands and went back to lifting them up and down normally.

“Yup, these are pretty good for a warm-up.” Giving Aldina a smirk.

Aldina just stared for a moment before sighing with relief and giving him a slight glare. “Don’t scare me like that.”

Van couldn’t help but let his smirk continue. But upon noticing that her shout had drawn the attention of the other girls, let it fade from his lips. “Sorry about that…”

Aldina gave him one last hard look before she too gave a small smile. “Well… If you can handle those kinds of weights, then we can really take our training to the next level.” She then turned and got her own hundred-and-fifty-pound bells. “Let's see how long you can last.” playfully challenging him.

Van smiled. “You're on.”

The two went at it for the next hour, working hard doing their sets and reps. The other girls began to notice, sometimes watching from the sidelines before moving on to their next task.

By the end of it all. The two were pretty sweaty, and Van had the strangest feeling he had somehow won some respect from his fellow gymgoers. At least from the ones that weren’t just ogling him and were clearly impressed by his workout ethic.

“Same time next week?” Aldina said, a little out of breath but looking happy.

“Definitely,” Van said, giving a smile and a nod.

He really enjoyed the feeling of a good hard workout.

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