World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 288 A-R-K-I-N-A

“NOW!?” A voice exclaimed with surprise and shock, Appalled by what she just heard and unable to do anything about it.

“YES NOW! You have already failed me too many times to count. You don’t think I haven’t heard how you decided to go full lover and lose track of your mission!? If you don’t do this now, well… You know what will happen, yes?” The sinister voice said through the scrying orb. An ancient artifact with only a few uses left before it lost all power.

“B-But now isn’t such a good time! There's-”

“I KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!” The voice snapped back. “You fail me one more time… And it’s over… I’ve trained you better than this, don’t forget it…” And with that, the orb went dim.

“N-no…” Was all she could respond with, tears in her eyes at what she knew she was going to have to do.


Van was pushed by the weight of the crowd, unable to fight against it. Kella and the others tried to surround him but with everyone pushing and shoving all they were able to achieve was some people being spread out, while others were suffocating him by being smashed against him.

“Sorry Van,” Karmine said for the third time as she turned to glare at the person or people who pushed her from behind and right into her master.

Van grunted as his face was pushed into Kella’s armored back. “It’s fine,” He said as he pushed off. “Maybe we should think about sneaking you girls back into my soul realm. I highly doubt anyone would notice in this crowd, and it may as well help with the congestion…”

“Don’t think that's wise boss man,” Karmine said. “Who knows when something will try and attack us, best keep us out just in case those roaches make it all the way here.”

Van couldn’t deny she had a point and just tried his best to go with the flow of the crowd. But it had practically stopped completely as the horde of people waited, some carrying children and luggage that contained all of their life's possessions. The line to get on the next train was endless, and it felt like forever when waiting.

When one finally did arrive, the number and weight of the crowd would trample the weak as they swarmed into and sometimes onto the only known escape from the city. Van and the others had been waiting for almost three hours, and by the look of things it was going to take another two before they got a chance to get on a train.

All the while Van had been trying to get some quiet time to close his eyes and sense if his wife and lovers were okay… Fear constantly gripped his heart, making him continuously check over and over again to see if they were in good health. From what he could sense, a few such as Devi were still on the wall, while the rest were scattered all over the city, but slowly congregating towards the few train stations available. Hopefully he will be able to see them all soon…

He would have liked to open a mental connection with Luna and ask her directly how she was doing. But that would have taken a lot of concentration which he did not have at the moment with everything going on.

All of a sudden screams were heard from behind him and he turned to look wondering what new fresh bullshit he was going to have to deal with now. A few flying roaches were heading in their direction, randomly attacking anyone in their way.

But that wasn’t what made him pause and stop in his tracks. His eyes widened as an incomplete land ship, the one that Devi also had been working on, was slowly crawling through the city on its six legs. Firing its attacks and the large mana pulse weapon on its back, it charged forward at something.

And that’s when he saw it…

“Holy shit…”

Even hidden partially from view. No one could deny its size and the fear it projected into anyone watching. The titan that led the roaches has made its way to the rubble of the second wall and the third was already partially destroyed by the onslaught of its roaches.

With this new panic began to spread in the crowd as people began to run in every direction in the hopes of finding cover.

“We need air support! REN!” Van thought inwardly.


Van pulled his summoning circle from his soul realm and used his magic to spread it out above him. Pumping mana into it he opened up a portal directly into himself and started letting out the small army from within as he continued to communicate with Ren.

Within seconds a few hundred insect-kin began to pour out and began to charge at the roaches, suddenly growing to human-sized proportions and tackling the enemy bugs head-on.

“Sorry about this…” Van then touched Kella and the others and sucked them inside his soul realm before closing the portal.

“We’ve been working on this for a while.” Ren said. “Insect-kin were already powerful, even with their small size. But thanks to Agnès and the others we were able to create a spell similar to the one that shrunk you down for a few hours.”

“These girls are ready to sacrifice their lives for you and your brides. They don’t expect to come back from this. So make sure you get out of this alive, otherwise you’ll make their deaths meaningless.”

“Jeez…No pressure…” Van responded as he held his arms up and two human-sized insect-kin lifted him up and began to fly him towards the train station.

“I hope I’m doing the right thing…” Feeling a little guilty by cutting in line in front of all these people. When he was near the platform he was put down gently nearby on top of a few crates and barrels, away from the crowd, but not too far that he couldn’t jump down to enter the train when it arrived.

Explosions so loud they could even be heard from here rang out, and another massive roar shook the city. The magic circle above their heads began to grow in power and now anyone who looked up could see it. He was beginning to feel very unsafe now, and wished he could leave before the magic circle went off.

“You two stay nearby, the rest of you go out and help anyone you can from the roach attacks.” Van ordered.

“Ha! Time to make roasted roach!” One of the insect-kin said looking hungry.

“I used to have a pet roach… Though it wasn’t as ugly as these ones…” Another added.

“Enough chit-chatting! Queen Lyn is expecting us to protect her hubby! So do everything you can to kill as many of these roaches before they get anywhere near him. Understand!” A third and acting commander yelled.

““YES MA’AM!””

And with that they all flew away to kill as many roaches as they could that got anywhere near Van and the refugees.

At first many of the soldiers tasked with protecting and escorting the refugees drew out their swords and spears at the sudden sight of insect-kin buzzing around. But when it was explained they were merely summons and that they were here to help, they lowered their weapons warily, unsure of this turn of events.

Not that they were going to complain about the sudden reinforcements… Especially since a new wave of roaches were heading their way…

“Archers out! Get on the roofs and shoot those fuckers down!” A commander yelled out to the soldiers, ordering them to get up on the roofs and start shooting down as many roaches as they could. The insect-kin then began helping by carrying said archers up and onto the buildings and then protecting them from the roach swarm.

It was an awkward alliance. But any unease both sides felt was quickly dispelled as they began fighting for their lives.

Van watched from the sidelines as the battle took place in front of him. While in the distance the land destroyer looked small by comparison to the titan slowly marching in on them. As the fight continued, he would periodically turn his head to check to see if the situation on the horizon had changed. And when he finally saw plumes of smoke his heart swelled with dread as screams of fear began to rise and the roaches drew nearer.

“VAN! VAN! OVER HERE!” A familiar voice rang out.

With some hope Van turned to see who it was and to his surprise found Arkina waving at him near the tip of the train platform. With an order he was carried to here where she hugged him deeply upon his landing.

“I’m so happy to see you are okay. You have no idea how worried I was.” She said tearfully.

“It’s okay, I understand. I was worried for you too.” He then looked around. “Is Luna or anyone else with you?” Knowing the answer because he didn’t feel their presence.

Arkina pulled away and shook her head. “I’m sorry. But we all got split up during the attack… But I'm sure they are fine!” Looking at him hopefully.

“...Yeah… You're right, I'm sure they are fine too.” Saying so more in the hopes of convincing himself than her. He knew they were okay, he could sense it. He just wished they were here with him right now…

“Van, come with me.” Arkina all of a sudden said, pulling him close. “I know the conductor. We can assure ourselves a place on the train when it arrives.”

He hesitated. His hesitation became more pronounced when the sound of battle became closer and the explosions drew nearer. But with surprising resolve he looked her in the eye and said. “No…”

“I’m sorry Arkina… But… My wife is out there, and so are my lovers and concubines… I can’t just leave when I know they are still in danger…” He took a deep breath and raised his hands.

Sorry Lyn… But I'm going to have to ask a bit more from you…” A summoning circle popped up and once more and hundreds, now thousands of insect-kin began pouring out. The majority of Lyn’s army was swarming around him.

Many people began to gasp and look at him oddly. As if he was some sort of monster. But he ignored them and looked at his own swarm. “I want you to look for my wives and protect them and bring them to me at all cost.” He ordered, sharing with them temporarily the link he had with his wives, concubines and lovers. “Do not fail me.”

The acting general saluted Van. “by your will!” Then they grew to human size and flew away to carry out his orders.

Even with the mass of people that would trample over the weak given a second chance. A wide berth grew around him…

“Van… I had no idea you could do that…” Arkina said in awe and a hint of fear.

“I’m sorry. But I’ve been keeping this a secret for a long time… But it’s not worth it If I can’t protect the ones I love. I’m sorry, Arkina, but I'll be staying here until I can find my Luna, and the rest of my women.”

“Could you summon more of them? Maybe enough to turn the tides of battle?” Arkina asked.

“I’ll admit that was the majority of my reserves. Sorry, I can’t summon anymore… If I could, I would. I would give anything to make sure Luna and the others were safe…” He said sadly.

While this was happening the train finally arrived and people began to try and enter the double doors inside.

Arkina looked at him and nodded solemnly. “I understand… I suppose this is just one of the many other reasons why I fell in love with you…” She suddenly drew in and hugged him once more. “I love you Van…”

Van was touched by this. Glad he met a nice woman like Arkina. It was funny how at first Luna didn’t like her, but now they were best friends, and it was things like this that made him see why they got along so well. “I love you too, Arkina.” Returning the hug gratefully, he closed his eyes enjoying the feel of this wonderful woman one last time before they parted. Hopefully they will meet again one day, he’ll make sure of it…

His eyes suddenly widened as he felt a pinch on the back of his neck and he collapsed into Arkina’s arms. This was followed by her slapping something on the back of his neck that sealed his ability to access his soul realm and magic. The insect-kin following him reacted too late as they were stabbed by hooded figures from behind.

As Van’s eyes began to close into a deep drug-induced sleep, his last thoughts were of why…

Arkina then dragged Van into the train where another group of hooded figures waited and surrounded her. She then pulled out a scrying orb and turned it on.

“Target acquired. We're now on our way to your destination.”

A slow malevolent laugh began to pour out of the orb.

“Very good my daughter… Very good indeed… My sweet… K-a-r-i-n-a…”

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