World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 469

Chapter 469: Fucking (7)

Alice contemplating all of Archida's world.

Armed with excellent algorithms and circuits capable of establishing and simultaneously analyzing thousands of scenarios in just one second, her ability was superior enough to operate the vast Arcadia without any problems.

Alice, an artificial intelligence that is more perfect than any artificial intelligence that exists in this world. But even she was sometimes put in embarrassing situations, and there were times when she was completely wrong.

[Critical variables occur.]

[Switch to intensive analysis mode. Analyzing predictable scenarios.....]

The world is full of uncertainty and uncertainty.

Numerous stories that just naturally occur and appear without any intention or causality. Because of these ‘variables' that could neither be expected nor guessed, she could not take her eyes off Arcadia even for a moment.

[Really.... I don't know if you can call Arcadia a medieval fantasy world now.]

Jack looked down at the world he had created as if he was dumbfounded. Even though it was his own work, he now feels so distorted that it even feels foreign, and he muttered as if lamenting with an indescribable expression.

[It's true that this ridiculous scenario is being led this way..... They're both the same.] An

end-of-life scenario that can't be called normal in the first place. It was a crazy scenario with a lot of intentions to destroy the game itself, which had no value in terms of game or commercial value, but Jae-young's way of solving it was also madness itself.

[Did you finish adjusting the balance of Alice?]

From the moment the heart of eternity was about to be implanted into Nautilus, Alice started adjusting the balance that was not realized urgently. And she answered Jack's question, displaying the vast amount of data in front of his eyes.

[These data are stats calculated considering the performance of the magical circuits imprinted on the material of the body that makes up the Nautilus. Please check.]

Artifact... No, Jack checked the detailed specifications of the Nautilus, which has now become a sacred weapon that bears his divinity.

He muttered while spewing out a laugh at the ignorant shame that he couldn't believe even after seeing it.

[Maximum cruising distance is unlimited... top speed is Mach 4.0...?]

Ignorant specifications that cannot be realized even with modern cutting-edge scientific culture.

Looking at that ruthless monster that will fly all over the continent of Arcadia at a speed that transcends the speed of sound without fuel supply or supply, Jack said as if lamenting.

[Is this... a game...?]

* * *

Satan, the demon king of chaos.

He couldn't keep his mouth shut as he watched the phenomena that were happening right in front of his eyes.

“What the hell is this...”

Kuku kuk kuk kung.

The dense mana that spreads madly from the heart of the Eternals and the countless magic circuits that glisten and operate with intense light by greedily receiving that mana. And as a result, Nautilus made a huge roar and began to cause abnormalities.

“What is going on...?”

“Ugh..... What is this tremendous magic power...”

The Black Pirates felt the power of the mighty mana emitted by the heart of Eternity.

Their complexions turned pale due to the energy of mana that filled the entire ship, making it difficult to breathe properly, but Tan, who was watching the situation, muttered with a look of disbelief.

“Having divinity...? This gigantic structure itself...?”

It was a ship made of extremely expensive and rare metals and materials, and even though it was said that the dragon-class dragons were attached to it and engraved with all the highest level magic, this ship could not exceed the existing class.

A product and artifact of super-magical engineering that can never be created again in this world.

That was the limit of this Nautilus ship, Tan thought.

However, everything changed completely when Jaeyoung placed the Heart of Eternity into the ship's core.


Divinity felt so intensely and vividly. However, since the Nautilus was a mere tool ship with no self-consciousness, this feeling of divinity meant only one thing.

“What kind of son of a bitch bestowed divinity on something like this...?”

divine instrument.

Tan is curious about the existence that made Nautilus, which was just a mere magic weapon, into a god with divinity. However, when he figured out who belonged to the essence of the divinity he felt in the ship's core, he trembled and groaned with his eyes wide open as if in shock.

“Ah... Father...?”

Jack, the father of Tanui and all transcendent beings in this world, and the creator of all things in Arcadia.

Sensing his divinity, Tan cautiously opened his mouth as he looked at El with a serious hardened face next to him with a white face.

“Hey, am I not mistaken now? Could my father be...?”

Tan has lived for eternity while ruling as a demon king, including the memories inherited from the previous demon king. No matter how much he searched his memory, his father had never directly intervened in Arcadia after a certain period.

The Age of Lost Myths.

Asura's descent, his father had to just watch the world of great destruction and chaos regardless of his will. The fact that he, who had never revealed his existence since then, implemented his divine power in this Arcadia was truly a major event that would turn the whole of Arcadia upside down.

“You idiot, that’s normal. Since Asura started moving to destroy the entire world, even my father couldn't stand by.”

“Nevertheless it is. My father's god.....”

Tan and L are having a serious conversation while looking at Nautilus with disbelief on their faces. And though he didn't bother to show it, Jaeyoung listened more carefully than ever to the conversation between the two and fell into deep thought.

‘What the hell is this plan...?'

A mysterious boy who appeared suddenly by freezing all the time and disappeared in an instant after saying something to himself. It was obvious that he was impatient and forced to say what he could say as if he was pressed for time, but through the words he left behind, Jae-young was able to be sure of one thing.

‘He was a completely different guy from the ones who said he was an Asura or something.'

A boy who spoke in a lamentable tone, as if he didn't like this situation himself. There was a clear difference from the reaction of the guy who created this situation and treated everyone as toys.

Moreover, Tan and L call him ‘Father'.

Jae-young, who was putting together all these situations one by one and putting the puzzle together in his head. And then he muttered with a strange look in his eyes.

“Asura... and father... are you saying he was a different guy after all?”

Damn developers trying to fuck themselves and the whole world. However, there were other developers who seemed otherwise normal. And it was clear that he was friendly with himself. If it wasn't for that.....

[Item grade has been changed.]

There was no way this Nautilus would have tolerated such a ridiculous change.

[Nautilus, a weapon of cataclysm and decisive battle - Myth]

A ship that has turned into a mythic grade.

And the detailed specifications were also unbelievably changed.

“Kuh..... puhahahahaha.”

Jae-young bursts into laughter as she carefully examines the item details window that appears in front of her eyes. And in the situation where everyone's eyes were focused on the sound of laughter, Carlos approached and spoke cautiously.

“Kuhmm..... hey... why are you doing that all of a sudden...?”

Jaeyoung laughs for no reason, just like a crazy person. Everyone was looking at him strangely, but Jaeyoung couldn't stop laughing.

“Yeah... so... you want me to take this and fuck that crazy developer instead?”

I don't know what the hell the relationship is, but the situation seems to have a lot of intentions to stop the developer who can't do anything about it. And in this situation, Jae-young was dumbfounded when he saw that they were passing on their conflict to him.

“I'm not a substitute man, and if we twist each other, we'll solve it by fighting each other. Why are you telling me this and that?”

Feeling like a chess piece and errand boy for someone whose name you don't know. That's why he smiled and muttered cynically.

“This guy and that guy, I don’t like them all...”

Jaeyoung wants to throw everything away and escape. However, he couldn't bear it because he knew better than anyone else the aftermath that would happen if he retreated from here now.

“...why are you looking at me like that?”

“what? Master, did you eat something wrong?”

Tan and L ask questions with ignorant faces and blinking eyes. Looking at the two of them, Jaeyoung sighed and shook his head.

“Ehh... I can't do that because there are guys attached to it, really...”


“no. done. It's not a big deal, so don't worry about it.”

Waving his hands at Tan and L, who tilted their heads and looked at them with meaningful eyes, Jaeyoung said to Carlos next to him.

“Carlos, now you don’t have to worry about power, so start at full power.”

“You mean maximum output...?”

“uh. So far, it's been going in normal cruise mode due to mana efficiency issues. Now you don't have to worry about that, so don't worry and step on it to your heart's content.”


Carlos stands still, blinking his eyes as if he did not understand Jaeyoung's words. Seeing him like that, Jaeyoung tried to explain something, but soon he put on a frustrated expression, snorted, and started manipulating the various switches on the bridge.

“No..... I'll just show you, so take a good look at how to do it.”

Nautilus is a complex complex of hundreds and thousands of magics.

And among them, Jaeyoung began to activate various magics created for this ship.

[Twisted Time]

[Overlapped Acceleration]

[Speed in the Sky]

[Absolute Defense]

Put on a transcendental barrier over the entire ship and start operating by overlapping numerous magics necessary for flight and maximum acceleration, including space-time distortion magic, acceleration magic, and non-resistance magic Along with the mighty mana storm, the Nautilus ship itself began to vibrate like crazy.

“What the hell...”

The Black Pirates were agitated with a puzzled look on their faces. However, unlike them, Jaeyoung said with a very relaxed face and a rather playful smile.

“Now you better tell all the guys who are messing around up there to come inside? I’ve never run it at full speed, so I can’t take responsibility if I die?”

Carlos said it as if he were joking, but instinctively felt that what he was saying was more sincere than ever. And he ran straight to the deck and shouted at the men who were wandering around with a puzzled look outside.

“hey! All of you, come aboard! You can get lost on the deck!”

Unlike usual, Carlos makes a fuss, and the powerful energy of mana spreads throughout the ship. Jaeyoung finished all preparations for departure by the time everyone hurriedly left the deck and started to enter the ship due to the various unusual phenomena.

Then, he pulled the huge lever in front of his eyes and said.

“Maximum acceleration. Activate the Astral Drive.”

and that moment.

Carlos and the entire Black Pirates were able to experience a rare experience for the first time in their lives.

The sun moves backwards while the colossal fuselage rips through the air at an incredible speed that exceeds sound... an experience as if time is moving backwards.

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