World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 470

470 Taffy (8)

Nautilus, the weapon of the greatest catastrophe and the decisive battle of magic.

Including mithril, which is called the metal of the gods, orichalcon and adamantium.... In addition to that, this ship made of rare alloys that have been treated with numerous magics clearly had outstanding performance and durability that was unmatched by others.

On top of that, the ship is engraved with numerous magic circuits created by the collaboration of dragons, who are called the masters of magic, and humans who have opened a new horizon of magic engineering, and have hundreds of thousands of all kinds of magic built-in.

However, because of its superior performance, the ship had a fatal and very serious flaw.

[It won't be able to start in less than 5 minutes at full power. Since everything is based on mana, if you use it properly, no existing mana stones can handle this guy's output.] Even

if you use the best mana stones, Nautilus eats up more mana than you can handle. That's why, except in very limited circumstances, it was like an object that couldn't utilize 100% of its original power. Of course, that fatal flaw completely disappeared the moment the Heart of Eternity was installed.


A nautilus tearing through the high sky and tearing through the air. With a huge white tail at the rear, the ship, flying eastward at an astounding speed of Mach 4.0, crossed the vast continent of Arcadia much faster than expected and arrived at the eastern end of the continent.

“I can’t believe it...”

“Ah... God...”

“Is this... the ship we’re going to ride...?”

“Is this... the power of magical engineering...?”

Unbelievable results even when you see it with your own two eyes.

However, the Black Pirates had no choice but to admit it as they looked down at the endless ocean that was rolling right in front of them. The fact that they had traveled thousands of kilometers in less than an hour. And that all of this is a dream, not a reality.

“Why are you standing there looking so bewildered? I told you I was fast.”

Jae-young talks as if it's not a big deal even in the midst of everyone standing in a daze because they can't accept the reality in front of them. And he murmured, licking his lips as if he was genuinely sorry.

“If the durability of the Astral Drive had been a little stronger, it could have been twice as fast as this one. That's a bit unfortunate.”



Jae-young, who casually makes remarks that go beyond common sense. At his words, everyone turned to ice and no one could open their mouths.

“Wow... I guessed roughly, but this is a real monster.”

“To be able to fly at such ridiculous speeds... Really...”

“Is it because it's my father's magic? I wonder if this makes sense.”

This is something that cannot be done in the basic world view of Arcadia. That's why even Tan and L, who were looking at this situation, laughed out loud with absurd expressions. However, Jae-young, who is completely different from those people, stepped out of the ship with a calm expression.


A cold wind blowing hundreds of meters in the sky. Jaeyoung, who was walking on the deck against the fierce wind that scratched his face, looked down at the endless sea from the end of the deck.

Originally, the blue light was beautiful.

However, since the final scenario was started by Asura, the sky had been horribly broken and the sea had been transformed into something emitting a dreary and hideous energy in the background of the emptiness emitting eerie energy.


Jaeyoung turned his head without saying anything and looked at the continent of Arcadia on the other side.

In front of him, there should have been numerous cities prosperous, harbors that many people were talking about, and ships that would have been busily sailing through the waves of the sea. .

“It's the world you guys made, and it's your gambling board, isn't it...?”

One day, the end of the final scenario suddenly started without warning.

A one-sided and tyrannical scenario that started without any discussion or agreement, just risking the survival of the entire game. And although he was faithfully fulfilling his role as a character on the stage they had created, at this moment, Jae-young started an unexpected action that no one expected.

-It's Dex!!!

-oh. Why did you turn on the broadcast again?

-What is it? What else is going on?

Jaeyoung just turned on the broadcast without saying anything. And soon after, a huge number of viewers started to come in, but no one was chatting in a promiscuous atmosphere unlike usual, probably because of the sincere warning given in the previous broadcast.

-Can someone explain what's going on.

-What the hell is that huge ship? How are you floating in the air?

-What is that..... Another accident this time.....

Jaeyoung standing with the high sky in the background. And the moment when everyone is pouring out questions full of doubt and ominousness while looking at the huge metal ship he is standing on.

“I want to confess one thing to all of you right now.”

Jaejoong was the first to open his mouth.

“When I first connected to Arcadia and enjoyed playing, I got a hidden class by chance. A very unique and shitty job called a wanderer in troubled times.”

Hidden Class Bard of Anarchy.

In this unexpected situation, Jae-young, who revealed his job name, which he had not revealed to anyone, started to flood the chat window like crazy, but he did not read a single chat and steadfastly continued to say what he had to say.

“I had a lot of doubts while playing this class. What kind of guy was thinking of creating a job like this that doesn't even have a level... It's like he took a lot of drugs... But now I know why.”

Developers who endowed them with the absurd fraudulent power of probability and forced them to commit crazy eccentricities in the name of all sorts of missions. And thanks to their presence, who blatantly appeared in this scenario called the final chapter, Jaeyoung was convinced.

“We were just toys for those fucking developers. In other words, I was no different from a clown who gave money as it was and was trembling in front of them.”

The key actors who create and operate this world. That these are the fucking bastards who should take responsibility for everything that happened in Arcadia and receive the wrath of the players.

“Just because they made this world and practically every system in virtual reality, do they have the right to make fun of all of us and mess with everything in this world like this? Infinite freedom and infinite possibilities? They say give it to the dog. What we want is order based on peace and stability, not this kind of indulgence full of disorder and chaos.”

“Even the executives and employees of Arcadia Co., Ltd. are pitiful victims and pitiful victims in the absurd incidents that take place in the game. Those who put them in front with meat shields and committed countless atrocities without taking any responsibility behind them. In particular, we must pour all our anger on the one called ‘Asura' in this Arcadia worldview.”

Jae-young clearly reminds everyone who the true enemy is. And without anyone saying anything, he proudly revealed his goal in a video that billions will see.

“So I'm going to do whatever I can to break their scenario of ruining this never-before-seen game for their personal self-interest. So that nothing more can disturb Arcadia.”

I will do everything in my power to clear this damn scenario.

“That is why I am proud to reveal everything I know in front of all of you. Don't get caught up in that Asura's scheme any longer. Arcadia is not our enemy. The goddamn developer behind it is the real root and crux of all these problems.”

[Please do your best in the future. Like I'm doing right now.]

The developer's whisper in Jaeyoung's ear at the moment she changed her job as a wanderer in the past.

Remembering that moment at that time, Jaeyoung gave a small smile at the irony that came over him strangely and soon shouted at everyone who was watching this video.

“From this moment today, we begin the fight to bring true freedom to this world of Arcadia! Because they are developers, wielding enormous authority and messing up the game, we will expel them from this world, wave the flag of revolution, adventurers and Arcadia Co., Ltd.... Furthermore, numerous NPCs living in Arcadia will create a truly happy world. With our own hands!”

revolution. Revolution. Coup d'etat.

He declared to everyone to fight to save this abnormally twisted world, but the reactions of those who heard his story were completely opposite.

-Black black black black black black!!!!!!!!!!

- Dex! Dex! Dex! Dex!

- It's a revolution! revolution!!!!

- I can't live! Let's turn it over!

Deck Fan Mu, who shouts only black out of ignorance, and idealists who are passionate about starting a new revolution in sympathy with Jae-young's words.

-No, how are you going to win by fighting the operators?

-lol. I know you're good at games, but what's wrong with your head?

-Does that sound realistic? How can a single user beat a developer?

-No, what on earth are the kids who are sympathetic to such absurd things? don't you have any idea?

Realists who analyze the situation more coolly than anyone else with common sense and face reality.

Jae-young, who was quietly looking at the noisy chat window with their completely different reactions.

But how long has it been?

He suddenly raised his hand and signaled something, and a huge vibrating sound began to be heard clearly in everyone's ears.

“For that revolution, right here and now, we will proudly destroy the last remaining catastrophe of this first apocalypse scenario. Through the Nautilus, the decisive battle weapon that Gael Federation's magical engineers reverse-engineered from the remains of Gestalt and created without sleeping.”

-??? Gestalt...? Why is it suddenly here?

-So..... You mean you remade the space battleship?

-lol. X feet. does that make sense?

Even at the moment when everyone is making a puzzled expression, the Nautilus continues to change its appearance. The stern of the huge fuselage began to split in half, and soon something huge, big, blue, and long came out.


-Wait, can that be...?

The strongest and worst weapon of this ship made of mithril made by shaking off the rarity of various dragons, including Kervenian.

Top-notch magic cannon.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and even before they started chatting, the top-notch mana stones loaded into the gun began to resonate with an ominous red light, and soon disappeared into the vast sea, emitting an intense beam of light.



The sea gushing with a huge roar.

Against the backdrop of an explosive and majestic scene, as if the sea and sky were reversed, Jaeyoung raised one finger in the middle and declared to the developers who would be watching this scene with a shocked face.

“From now on, I'm taking over this game, you damn developers.”

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