Worst Stories Ever

Thirteen: Cuck Wars Part One.

"I-I CAAN'T --StAY AssONe1 Being_! i" C9AN'tt MOvEE-1Q!!? F*CK NOU J111MMITHE!!!! AAA-GAA!!!" The Colonel yelled as he started to change into a magical girl dress.

Little blocks of energy and data began to flow out of him, his form becoming looser and looser! 

Jimmithey looked straight at him, clenching his fist. This was his chance, so he collected all of his remaining energy, preparing to slam it into his face. 

But before he did, he knew he had to get the last word. He had to make this bastard’s last moment’s as miserable as possible!!!

“Before you die… I have one thing to say to you, Colonel Cosplay… FUCK YOU!!!” Jimmithey screamed, forcing his right fist straight into the Colonel’s face! 

The combination of Schizo energy and the chaotic transformation led to the Colonel's body shattering! He fell into thousands of pieces of dust, flying off with the incoming wind.

The Colonel Cosplay was defeated, once and for all! His threat was gone, and his dangerous cosplay power disappeared alongside him.

Jimmithey fell onto the ground, feeling fatigue and pain across his body. He had killed the Colonel, a man who looked exactly like him. A man with his same face.

He wasn’t concerned or saddened by the Colonel’s death. He hurt his friends, threatened to kill him and broke his body. He was an evil and disgusting degenerate, an irredeemable bastard!

But Jimmithey still was disturbed about himself. He was disturbed by the fact that HE was the one who killed him.

Jimmithey was a murderer now. He had killed a man. And he was not just any normal murderer, he was a strange one. He had stuck a magical dildo up another man’s ass in order to kill him. And he was happy to do it!

It was insane to him, something he never thought he could do. No good person would ever do that.

No normal person would ever do that… So Jimmithey’s conclusion was…

“I-I’m not normal… I’m the same as the Colonel… I’m a freak.” Jimmithey coughed out, falling onto the ground. He felt like crying and throwing up, but he was too weak to do this.

He wanted to fall asleep and to stop thinking. He couldn’t handle all of this nonsense anymore! Any of the pain, any of the confusion!

So he closed his eyes and laid on the rubble.

He did this until he heard some voices from nearby. He looked to the side and saw Jackie and Milly running towards them, both of them bandaged up.

“JimJim! Are you okay!? Oh my goodness…” Jackie called as she crouched down at him, seeing all of the blood coming out of him. 

His leg was twisted and broken, the bone pointing through. Blood and wounds were put all over his body. It was disturbing to her, but she still sat down near him to help him out.

“D-don’t call me that…” Jimmithey responded, seeing Jackie put her hands on his chest. 

He then saw a pink light coming from her hands, a healing energy covering his entire body. His body became warm, the pain and numbness going away.

“This is healing magic. I learned it from the wand that came with my uniform. It just told me!" She explained, the energy getting brighter in her hands.

"It won’t completely fix you up, since I’m not that good yet. But I think it’ll help!” Jackie said as she used her magical girl energy to heal Jimmithey. 

He felt his wounds go away and his bones became fixed together. It was painless and comfortable. After a minute, the majority of his body was healed back to normal. He still had light scars all over himself now, but he felt good physically again. 

Despite that, he still felt sick. It was something healing magic couldn’t fix. 

Milly turned back to Jimmithey and walked to his side, beginning to help him get up.

“Jackie’s powers aren't the strongest yet, but she was able to heal that hole I had in my stomach… But good job Jimmithey. You beat the Colonel!” Milly said, holding up Jimmithey by his back. 

Despite the praise, Jimmithey looked at Milly with a frown. He didn’t feel happy or accomplished at all. After all, he learned some disturbing things about himself from this fight.

“Milly… You were right. I’m not normal. I am a freak. And I’ll never be a normal person with these powers… I’m the exact same as the Colonel… A weird asshole.” Jimmithey muttered as he turned back to stare at his healing wounds. 

He then felt Milly bring him closer to her face. She had a serious stare, glaring at his face with a frown. 

“No Jimmithey… I was just saying that, well, because I was a bit pissed and was, I guess, projecting. I had the same fears as you did, that I was a monster myself. But now I understand. You aren’t normal, that’s true. Neither am I. These powers we have, it makes us different and weird. And that will never change." She explained, her face becoming more sorrowful. 

"But you’re not a freak, and you can live a normal and happy life. You’re doing the right thing, unlike the Colonel or the Führer. They only live for their own desires and try to force it upon others. They're selfish. But you, you're not." She continued, her face having a small grin on it. It was strange, because he hadn’t seen Milly genuinely smile.

"The fact that you have these dangerous abilities and still do what’s right… That makes you special. In like, a good way. And the truth is, if we want to get back to those days... The normal days, where we all lived mundane, peaceful lives... Then we need to beat the Cuck King.” Milly responded sternly.

“Yeah Jimmithey! I lost my cock and balls! And I went from a fat guy to a little magical girl. I’m probably the weirdest dude or chick alive right now. But, that doesn’t mean I’m a freak, because I’m fighting for justice! The same is for you also.” Jackie said as she began to heal Jimmithey’s ripped clothing, smiling at her best friend.

“Exactly. We’re all strange in a way. The thing that makes us different from the King Cuck and the others is that we have each other’s backs.” Milly finished, patting Jimmithey’s back gently. 

Jimmithey went silent after they finished speaking. He looked down at the ground, beginning to think.

Ever since he had met Myusel, he had been going through horrible experiences. They only got worse as time went on, the worst one being with the Colonel. Learning that he was everything he hated.

But, even if that were all true… At least he had people around him who cared. He didn’t have to carry the burden of fighting or being strange by himself. There were others who understood his struggle, and who promised to help him.

“I… I guess you’re right… Thank you guys.” Jimmithey answered, feeling his motivation come back. He grinned, looking at the two girls in front of him.

Despite his motivation coming back, he still didn’t want to bring up what the Colonel said. About his cuck energy or whatever. He didn’t believe it in the slightest, but it still made him uncomfortable to think about.

Jackie soon finished the healing, allowing for Jimmithey to stand back up. She had used most of her energy, so was pretty tired for the time being. 

“Well Milly. Now what?” Jimmithey asked, looking at the destruction around themselves. 

“Okay. So, we need to get back to the Furry Führer and get information out of him, about the other generals. And information about where the hell the King Cuck is.”

“Well, where is he?” Jackie asked, looking up at Milly from the floor.

“While I was leaving the mansion to fight the Colonel, I threw him out to the side so he wouldn’t be found by the Colonel. He should still be stuck, unable to regenerate. So, let’s go and torture that douchebag!!” Milly said as she pointed at the forest in front of them. 

Jimmithey and Jackie nodded, beginning to walk off. But as they went forward, Jackie tapped on his shoulder. He turned and looked at her seeing that she had a frown on her cute face.

"Hey Jimmithey. Do you think I'll ever become a guy again? I miss my cock and balls, dude." Jackie said as she pouted. 

Jimmithey was still shocked by the fact that a cute girl would say something as vulgar as that. But he then remembered it was still the same Jack Hammy on the inside.

“Yeah, well once this shit is over… Don’t worry though dude. But, I’ve noticed, you’ve been a lot more calm and cheery ever since you’ve become a magical girl.” Jimmithey commented. 

Jackie looked at him confused and began to rub her chin.

“Well, I assume it’s because of the magical girl spirit! But it could also be the fact that I’m a cute girl instead of a fat goober! It’s fun to have tits!” Jackie said as she danced around, skipping forward. 

“Maybe. Either way… You’re brave as hell Jack.” Jimmithey said, putting his thumbs up. Jackie then stopped skipping and turned to Jimmithey, grinning at him.

“Hehe. You’re way braver than me. But I have a question… How did you even beat the Colonel!?” Jackie asked, a frown appearing on his face.

“Shit. It’s a strange story. So listen up and follow me!” Jimmithey answered, walking forward as he sighed. She followed him, listening into the crazy story he explained.

It had been a hectic day so far for him, and he knew that it wasn’t over. He had blood on his hands now, having killed an actual man. 

But, he knew that it was for a good cause. It was to save everyone he cared for. The city and its residents. And even the world. 

And he also knew that, at least right at that moment, he was safe and could calm down.

Milly, on the other hand, was standing and looking at a note she pulled from her pocket.

It was dirty and nearly completely ripped apart but she could still read it. She had ripped it out of a magical girl notebook she found near the machine, and it seemed interesting to her.

“Call this number if you want to contact me, Myusel… The only magical girl left…” Milly read as she looked at Jimmithey and Jackie, considering what she had to do. 

She then heard Jackie calling for her name, getting back to the present. They had a furry to find, and not much time to do it!

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