Worst Stories Ever

Twelve: The Schizo Vs. The Colonel.

“Now bring your ass here Jimmithey! You owe me your damn body, ya fucking CUCK!!!” Colonel Cosplay shouted as he pounced straight towards Jimmithey’s body, blood spewing from his head!

He slammed into him, both of them falling onto the ground. Jimmithey tried to get back up with his newfound strength, but faltered with the revelation from the Colonel. 

His mind was still catching up with what the Colonel said, questions forming in his head. So, the Colonel used this as his chance to attack. 

He slammed his fists straight into Jimmithey’s bleeding head, causing him to cry out in pain. He now had the chance, continuing to slam his fists into Jimmithey’s wounds.

“AHAHA! You’re fucked now, Jimmy boy! Before I fuckin’ kill you, I’ll make you my little cuck slave! You’re gonna watch me fuck a ton of hot chicks in your cosplay, as you sit and jack off! How fucking fun does that seem, huh, you little CUCK!” The Colonel screamed as he elbowed Jimmithey’s nose, sputtering even more blood.

“K-kkkA-.... F-fuck… You!” Jimmithey coughed out, trying to speak another word. 

In response to the disrespect, the Colonel picked him and held his hair like a baseball. He then threw Jimmithey with full force, slamming him straight into the mountain that held up the magical girl mansion! 


It began to collapse, causing the mansion’s ruins to fall downwards and onto Jimmithey’s body! A massive explosion went off, rubble and dust flying everywhere. 

A minute passed, the dust clearing off. At that same time, Jimmithey’s consciousness returned. His head was pounding, his body wounded beyond belief. Yet he was alive.

Jimmithey was laying next to a ton of machinery and rubble, seeing the dust settle off himself.

He looked to the side, blood spilling onto his eyes. He then noticed the machine Jack had sat in, leading to his magical girl transformation. It was broken apart, rubble and wiring pointing out everywhere. 

But within the rubble, Jimmithey could see a large dildo with a faint aura coming off of it. It was sitting right next to him, still intact.

The dildo that transformed a normal person into a beautiful magical girl, no matter their gender or what they looked like. In Jimmithey’s mumbled thoughts, the connection between this and the Colonel came up.

The machine reminded him of Colonel and his transformation suits, leading to an idea entering his head. An idea that he had to use soon, with the Colonel Cosplay coming up towards him!

“Bullseye, bitch! You aren’t dead, right Jimmy! I know you’re STRONGER than that, you cuck!” The Colonel laughed out, instantly running towards the spot in the rubble where Jimmithey laid.

He began to walk around, noticing Jimmithey laying down in a pile of rubble. His right arm was half covered in rubble, seeming to have been crushed by it.

“Fantastic! I knew you’d be alive, Jimmy boy! Do you now understand what happens when you act like a dumb bitch?” The Colonel said as he was preparing to grab Jimmithey’s arm.

But as he did this, Jimmithey gripped onto the Colonel’s arm as hard as he could!

“Oi fucker! What the hell are you doing?! Off of me, CUCK!” The Colonel yelled as tried to pull his arm out. But despite that, Jimmithey used all of his energy to hang onto him, not letting go.

“Fuck that! You’re not going anywhere! YOU’RE GOING TO DIE HERE!” Jimmithey screamed as he pulled his right arm out, revealing that he was holding a piece of the magical girl transmogrifier machine.

It was the magical dildo that was used to transform a person into a magical girl! The same dildo Jimmithey found near him earlier.

“A dildo? Hehehe! You gonna stick that up your ass and beg for forgiveness?! I like that idea, cuck slut!” The Colonel laughed out as he kept pulling his arm. 

Jimmithey strangely began to laugh in response, looking up at the Colonel with a crazy look. His eyes were spiraling around, insanity and malice oozing off.

“Not exactly. This isn’t going up MY ass!” Jimmithey replied as he pulled the Colonel down, nearly causing him to fall down. He slammed onto his knees and hands, momentarily stunned.

Jimmithey used this as a chance to kick off the ground, using his strength and energy to get behind the Colonel.

“Huh?! Come back here, little bitch!” The Colonel screamed, trying to stand back up. 

But as he did this, Jimmithey pivoted his broken leg and aimed his arm straight at the Colonel’s ass!

“TAKE THIS!!!” Jimmithey screamed as he pushed the magical dildo into the Colonel’s ass! 

The dildo stuck into him, ripping through his pants. It began digging deeper on its own, pushing straight into the Colonel’s asshole!

The Colonel was frozen and began to transform out of his Jimmithey cosplay! Light spewed from his body as his cosplay began to break apart.

“A-AAA!!! J-JIMMIHTEY Y-YYYYOU BASTARD!!! W-WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DOOO TO ME!?” The Colonel cried out as the dildo began to force deeper into his anus, forcing him in and out of even more different suits!

He transformed into different forms, shaping into a magical girl suit, but also shifting into another form. 

He became different shapes, animals, elements, forms and random people. He became young, old, small, tall, strong, weak, handsome, ugly, fat, short. All of those things at once, yet at different times.

But throughout all of his changes, he was still into a uniform being! That was until he began glitching in and out of reality. 

His very being couldn’t function, becoming confused. His cosplay energy and powers contended and joined with the strength of the magical girl transformation dildo! This was too much for his own body to contain!

"I-I CAAN'T --StAY AssONe1 Being_! i" C9AN'tt MOvEE-1Q!!? F*CK NOU J111MMITHE!!!! AAA-GAA!!!" The Colonel yelled as he started to change into a magical girl dress.

Little blocks of energy and data began to flow out of him, his form becoming looser and looser! 

Jimmithey looked straight at him, clenching his fist. This was his chance, so he collected all of his remaining energy, preparing to slam it into his face. 

But before he did, he knew he had to get the last word. He had to make this bastard’s last moment’s as miserable as possible!!!

“Before you die… I have one thing to say to you, Colonel Cosplay… FUCK YOU!!!” Jimmithey screamed, forcing his right fist straight into the Colonel’s face! 

The combination of Schizo energy and the chaotic transformation led to the Colonel's body shattering! He fell into thousands of pieces of dust, flying off with the incoming wind.

The Colonel Cosplay was defeated, once and for all! His threat was gone, and his dangerous cosplay power disappeared alongside him.

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