Worthy Core

Chapter 148: New Concerns

Kahlia smiles at the distressed look on Xenia's face, and when she next speaks, her voice has returned to normal. "You seem a bit worried, my little reincarnator."

"Well, yeah! Your God Voice is scary as fuck, you know! I practically pissed myself when you started talking like that!" Xenia mock-shivers a bit at the memory, and Kahlia narrows her eyes.

"If you piss in my spring, I will smite you a second time."

"Joke! Joking! But...uh, it's not just that, either. You know that, um...dungeon monsters are infertile, right? I'm pretty sure I've been told that at some point, and unless you know something I don't..." Getting a bit nervous, Xenia begins to ramble. "Or is there a way to figure it out? I know the old dungeon was running all sorts of experiments, but I'm pretty sure the whole system got patched up to prevent that kind of freeplay shit, right? Like, I'm always up for a challenge, but I'm not sure if I even see a path here."

The Goddess' smile never fades, even as Xenia eventually trails off. "I am not a cruel god, I would not issue you such a challenge if I did not believe you were capable of it. Indeed, if this was about simply challenging you, I would perhaps let you flail around for a few years and perhaps discover the method ages down the line. However, I am actually interested in your success, so I will give you a more direct hint. I am aware you recently gained access to divine sprites."

The dungeon master's brow furrows. "...Yeah? I haven't made any yet, but D-tier sprites for earth and fire are basically just like, animated balls of magic. I, uh. I don't think those things are getting anyone pregnant anytime soon."

"Not as they are, certainly. But I've been investigating their impact in the dungeon system since you first acquired them, you know - to my knowledge, you are the only dungeon to have the ability to create divine-aspected dungeon monsters at will. Yet another Worthy Dungeon specialty, perhaps."

Xenia's head tilts. "Okay? If I was a more devout type that might be worth leaning into, though maybe some sort of...evil church theme for a floor? That could be a thing."

"You underestimate what it means to control a spark of divinity, reincarnator, and what that might be able to offer a dungeon monster. To be divine is to have the power to reshape reality itself. To create."

Xenia chews on that for a moment, and then her eyes grow wide. "You mean if I used them for monster crossbreeding - I might be able to make other monster types that, that...can knock someone up!?"

"It's never been done, but I believe it is possible, and this is my realm of expertise, after all. Of course, it could also go the other direction, but given your monsters are often slain you can probably understand why I didn't ask you to have a monster impregnated by a Challenger."

"That's...an idea, all right. That still leaves me the issue of actually getting a Challenger to, y'know, do the deed, but..." Xenia pauses, remembering the recent visit by Sable and Lilly. "Okay, maybe that would be the easy part. Probably going to take some time regardless."

"As will my end of the bargain. Worry not, however. In anticipation of your success I will begin my investigations, and hopefully have an answer for you by time you complete your challenge. Note, of course, that I cannot compel another god to speak to you if they do not wish to."

"Understandable." Xenia bows as much as she can without dipping her head into the water. "Thank you, this means a lot to me. You're definitely my favorite god!"

Kahlia gives her a gracious smile in return. "And you are my favorite dungeon. Get to breeding some more mortals for me, and let's see that you stay that way, hrmm?"



The pair spend another half hour enjoying the pool and the outdoor air before Xenia finally returns home, and the moment she does so the dungeon master immediately gets started with her monster crossbreeding system. "Let's see, let's see...divine sprite and...lagomorphs? Yeah, gotta be. If anything's gotta work, it's gotta be bunnies, right?"

Guy and Sincere exchange a glance of shared confusion, if perhaps a bit abstractly in Guy's case. "Ma'am, did Kahlia imply there was some sort of connection between rabbits and...contacting other gods and goddesses?"

"Nah, we've got a job to do." She looks at the pair, then does a quick bit of thinking. "Dungeon meeting time. We don't have any parties in here, yeah? Alright, let's have...you, Sincere, and Taly, Trush, and Lollyp. I got a big ask and I think it's gotta be one of you four."

Guy confirms the order before flickering out, and a few minutes later Taly, Trush, and Lollyp have made their way down via shortcut portals. Lollyp has an excited smile on her face, seeing Xenia's suddenly renewed energy. "Good news, Xen?"

"Yeah! Not an immediate solution, but a path. But, well...we've got a divine challenge ahead of us, and while it doesn't have to be done by one of you...I think it's gotta be done by one of you." Her floor bosses line up in front of her, and Xenia marches down the row like a military officer reviewing her cadets. Before anyone can ask the question, she turns to face them with a serious look. "I need one of the four of you to get a Challenger pregnant."

Her bosses give her a serious look in return...for about three seconds, before they begin to laugh. Taly's is the loudest of the bunch. "Boss...do I need to explain all the reasons why that ain't happening?"

Xenia raises a finger for silence. "It's not happening - yet. But it's potentially possible with a bit of work, and I have a challenge to get a mortal knocked up by a 'monster, guardian, or avatar'. I think that last bit was just tacked on for completeness, I don't currently got a solution to add that into my avatar, and that might not be doable. And...even if Kahlia's cool with the idea of a monster just hopping onto some Challenger lady and...yeah, we're not doing that. It's gotta be one of you, cause only you four fully understand what I'm asking, here. And again, I realize that this is all about helping me out with a personal problem, not a dungeon problem, so I will literally owe you the hugest of favors if anyone's willing to give it a try."

The bosses begin to take things a little more seriously after hearing that, and Sincere asks the next question. "So you don't have a solution for making this happen with an avatar - but you do have one for doing so with a dungeon monster?"

Xenia nods. "The trick is, apparently, crossbreeding with our divine sprite schema. I don't think that's an automatic solution, it sounds like divinity might just lead to like...reality-shifting or creation abilities in general, aside from probably the usual holy spell sets, but all we need is one monster type that it works with. Once we've got a monster type with a working dick, well...I'm gonna want a volunteer to maybe chat up a mortal, and well...ugh. This is manipulative as hell, ain't it? I don't want us to trick someone into getting knocked up, right? Our Floor Five shit is just, like...greasing the wheels for relationships that are already happening. I don't know if any of you have anyone out there you've ever considered starting a family with or anything, but if so...maybe it's a consideration that's back on the table."

The entire group begins to look around a little awkwardly, none of them entirely prepared for a conversation of this sort, but eventually Lollyp raises a hand and gives a smile. "Well...if you ever get that working for slimes, and we can get one in here...always felt bad that I never had any little drops of my own, you know?"

Xenia half-nods before halting. "How do slimes even make that work, anyhow?"

"Oh, I've been waiting for you to ask! Sit there, I've got diagrams back in my apartment I've been drawing up - "

"Nope, nevermind, I'm not that curious anymore. Anyhow!" Xenia quickly changes the topic. "This ain't a tomorrow thing, anyhow. It's gonna take time to work, I think. But this is gonna need some thought, so...think about it, yeah?"

Taly nods, with a bit of a smirk. "Will do. Suppose we'll have to start getting a little flirtier in the middle of boss fights from now on, eh? I did say I prefer men, but there's a few ladies out there that...whoof, though. It's not like I ever thought about being a dad before, and now that's especially...I mean. How would we make that work? I mean, not biologically, but...parentally?"

"I got no easy answers for you, Taly. Like I said, we gotta think about this a lot, if we're gonna do it right. We've got a lot of other long-term projects to deal with, too. Need to start planning for the next floor, and while the crossbreeding's not busy with divine stuff I'd still like to see what else we can get with those fairy types. Speaking of!" Xenia claps her hands and gives the group a smile. "Now that I've got you all here! ...Who wants to spend an hour or two smashing bees?"



That evening as Lyota Silverstar was sitting in her room, writing up a report on the outcome of the latest dungeon intrusion by the Miserables, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. When she opens it, she finds one of the tavern barmaids standing there with a letter. "Message for you, Soul Lasher!"

"Ah, thank you, Miss Thistledown. I'll take that." She trades the letter for a tip, and makes sure the door is securely shut again before even glancing at the paper in her hands. When she does begin to take a look, a voice coming from the direction of her bed asks a question.

"Guessin' it ain't personal correspondence. We got new orders?"

Lyota sniffs slightly at the tone. "I do have some friends, Hordecaller. ...But yes, this message appears to be official. I'll need a few minutes to decipher it."

The shirtless - and bottomless, although covered by the bedsheets - Wetears chuckles at the confirmation of the message type. "Not sure whether I'm hopin' it is or it ain't orders to spend more time in the dungeon. On one hand, I don't mind gettin' paid to drink and...enjoy the company...and not stirrin' up the dungeon's mood, but it could get a bit boring only doing a run every week or two."

As the demon finishes converting most of the letter, the confused look on her face tells the man it's something else entirely. "Something wrong, Silverstar?"

"Maybe. This is a warning, extremely light on useful details. But it's telling us to be on guard for other parties with intent to harm the dungeon." She shoots the goblin a worried glance. "We have intelligence that someone else out there is keeping an eye on Worthy Dungeon."



Not far away, another woman is questioned by her subordinate on matters of business, although in this case everyone is fully clothed. "Alizz, it's dark out! C'mon, it's time to close the office down for the night."

"It's autumn, it's normal for night to come earlier now, Kelsey. I just...need to finish this letter. Or two of them."

The kobold rolls his eyes as he approaches the Field Agent's desk. "What is it? You finally getting officially transferred to Administrator status? They're not giving you shit over your ties to Lollyp, right?"

"No...well, that is progressing, yes, and I believe it will be confirmed soon. But this is something else. I'm afraid our little district has finally become a victim of our own success."

Kelsey's eyes grow wide. "No. You don't mean..."

Aliiz meets his eyes and nods. "Indeed. The nobles have taken notice of Grassbrook."


Enjoy! This is the last normal chapter of the arc, but before we start off the next one, there will be a bit of smut waiting for you next time.

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