Worthy Core

Chapter 149: Rabbit Daddy – Explicit


Have a bit of a genderbender F/F scene for you tonight! Some discussion of dungeon progress on the Kahlia project, although if you're worried about the timeskip, know that there will be a fuller recap of events next time.


DAY 150


Although the one hundred and fiftieth day of the dungeon's existence didn't come with any special rewards, it was still a big day for Xenia personally as she called her council down to her core chamber. As it turned out, the crossbreeding part of her divine challenge was far more grueling than she'd expected - the crossbreeding system seemed to hate having to deal with divinely-aspected monsters, and every single attempt took at least ten times longer than a normal analysis to come up with a result. Fortunately at least divine sprites were their own category, allowing for more specific input on that end, but on the other side Xenia could only match it against lagomorphs in general, which resulted in a lot of useless monster types. Most of them were just rabbit monsters who could perform holy damage as a bonus type, which wasn't particularly interesting, and while it was possible some other monster types were potentially fertile...they were fully monstrous, and no one felt inclined to even try testing them out.

There had been two interesting additions to the Rabbit Champion subtypes, though. A Rabbit Paladin had been created, allowing for abilities much like Sable's, and after an unusually long processing period Xenia had gained the Rabbit Conjurer, a magic-using type who could apparently summon material of any schema Xenia herself had access to. Neither were fertile, unfortunately, but the dungeon master felt particularly excited about the latest model she had just summoned onto a table in her chamber. As Taly, Trush, Sincere and Lollyp gather around, they all take some time to examine the sleeping specimen clothed in simple peasant's garb. It had the same general humanoid form as the other Rabbit Champions, but seemed slightly larger than even Trush's boss Knight body, and there appeared to be something more abstractly...older, or more authoritative about the monster that the bosses couldn't quite put their fingers on.

Once everyone's arrived, Trush asks the question first. "Well, that's a hell of a specimen you got there, Worthy. This thing gonna make me obsolete?"

Taly smirks. "Guy sounded like you were pretty confident that this was 'the one'. Is this just cause you're into muscles?"

"Hey, we could put you into this, Trush, if you wanna give it a go, but I don't think it's actually as combat-focused as a Knight despite the size." Xenia grins back at Taly. "And no, it ain't the size that makes me confident, it's what the dungeon system called it." She lifts her hands, making a display of things. "Behold - the Rabbit Champion Patriarch!"

The group does seem moderately impressed by the name, and Sincere passes a comment on it. "That is an interesting title. Technically, it only usually refers to a male 'head', and not necessarily a literal 'father', but in practice those are indeed usually the same thing. You're feeling confident enough to proceed on to the second step of the testing?"

Xenia nods before looking at Lollyp. "You still got enough of those fertility testing materials we got from Elance the other week? If not, we're probably due for a visit soon, could trade em another batch of enchanted seeds for more."

"We're good for at least one more test, I think. After I figured out the process with the Paladin and Conjurer 'samples', I should be able to test if they've got the good stuff a lot more efficiently now." The slime woman gives a wide grin. "So all I'm lacking is a Patriarch sample. I assume we're here to get a volunteer?"

"You know it. Same routine, someone's gotta hop into the new body and - " Xenia doesn't get to finish her sentence before Taly interrupts.

"Dibs. I'm calling this one."

Xenia raises an eyebrow at her Banshee Queen. "Well, that was quick. Had something on your mind?"

The Rogue nods. "You know it! It's occurred to me that I'm now the only person in this room - Guy excluded, of course - who's never gotten to experience having a dick. Didn't care much at first, but after thinking about it the past couple weeks...I have to at least try it out!"

The dungeon master grins at the reasoning. "Well, I can't argue with that. They are pretty fun. Alright, looks like we got our volunteer, folks, everyone else - out!" The others make their exit, Lollyp in particular grumbling a bit about missing her chance at 'dibs', and soon enough the spirit and the banshee are left alone in the room. Xenia opens up the command menu which will allow her to insta-kill Taly's current body and transfer her to a new one, but pauses for a final statement.

"So, Lollyp and Trush got the last two rounds, but just to be on the same page - you just need to, you know, get yourself off into a cup and get Lollyp your sample, yeah? Not too much time pressure, so, uh...feel free to enjoy the moment, I guess."

Before she can initiate the transfer, Taly shakes her head and utters a single word. "No."

"What?" Xenia eyes her boss with some confusion. "You don't want to enjoy it? I thought that was why you volunteered?"

"Oh, I intend to enjoy myself, alright. I just don't intend to get a dick for the first time and then spend my time jacking off. Assuming, of course, that I had a willing and eager dungeon master willing to lend a hand. A dungeon master who owes us for doing all this to begin with, one might add..."

Xenia continues eyeing the banshee for a moment before slowly breaking into a grin. "I see, I see. Well, not to brag, but I do have more experience with the things than anyone else in the dungeon - from either side of it, for that matter. Suppose it'd only be right for me to give a newbie some proper guidance..."

She then ensures that she gets the last word in through the dungeon master trick of killing her boss on the spot, before she then initiates the soul transfer into the new body. Already having been fully prepared to contain a boss-level essence, the transfer doesn't take long, and a few moments later Taly reopens her eyes.

"Huh, that was fast. Barely even knew I was out." The rabbit lifts a pawlike hand, and Taly stares at it for a moment. "Huh...having a voice this deep is bizarre, and the way this arm feels..." She slowly sits up before turning, so that her new legs are dangling off the edge of the table. "Yeah, I never realized before how heavy a body could feel. This thing's gotta weigh at least three times more than I normally do."

She then hops off onto her feet, and does a few stretches and poses before turning back towards Xenia. "So! How do I look?"

Xenia can't stop herself from giggling. "God, but that's a little bizarre to watch. You look like a big hunk'a rabbit-man meat, but you still move around like a woman, you know?"

"I - huh? What do you mean?" Taly walks around the table experimentally, and realizes that she does have to manually adjust the way she holds her arms and hips, now that she's had it pointed out to her. "Well. Thanks. Now I'm gonna be self-conscious about the way I walk and stretch for the rest of eternity. Never realized people moved that differently before."

"Aha, don't worry about it, I've had to do the same thing a bunch of times. Course, we're not here today to figure out how you walk, now are we?"

"No. No we are not." Taly comes over and scoops Xenia up into her arms, delighting at her newfound physical strength, but the dungeon master teleports away before she can be carried over to the bed.

"Hold on, hold on, before we get carried away!" Xenia summons up a lid-covered cup, and sets it down on a bedside table. "We can have some fun, but don't forget that we need the sample first, alright!"

"I know, I know! Now hold still and let me have my way with you, already!" Taly once again scoops up her boss, who's far more compliant on the second attempt, but realizes something before she gets back to the bed. "...You know, I was with a guy who could do this once, for a couple minutes. But I've never thought about doing it myself before..."

"Do what? Ah!" Xenia is taken a bit by surprise as the muscular boss manhandles her, quickly undoing her pants and facing her away from Taly. The boss's own pants fall to the floor soon after...and Taly begins to lift Xenia up.

"Gods, it's like you weigh nothing at all! Am I that strong, or is your avatar this light!?" Before Xenia can answer she begins to stroke her way between Xenia's legs with one of her oversized hands, and the dungeon master is further distracted by the rising manhood beginning to prod her from below.

"Oh, I see what's going on here - ah, yeah, right...uhn. No need for beds, huh? Skipping the Initiate dick-haver lessons and skipping right into the Master classes, are we?"

Taly grins as one of her thick fingers begins to probe its way into the woman. "Hey, I'm just making use of what you gave me. You wanna do some of your 'dommy-mommy' roleplay or whatever you called it, give me one of those tiny Squire bodies later or something. But right now?" Taly leans her way towards Xenia's ear, and deepens her voice as much as she can. "Daddy's in charge."

Xenia tries to act unaffected, but that's a little difficult when she knows she just clamped down hard on Taly's index finger. "That...yeah, okay, that's good too. We can do that."

"Liked that, did you? Never done that before either, but since today's a day for trying new things..." Taly clears her throat, and when she speaks next she's entirely in roleplay mode. "You've been a good little dungeon master for daddy? You think you deserve a...special reward?"

Xenia has to swallow a bit of a laugh before she responds. While she'd be one of the first to admit that she can have a few submissive tendencies in the bedroom, this particular mode of play isn't a common one for her. But it could be interesting enough... "Yeah, daddy, Xen's been a good girl. Please, daddy, fill me up with your big...hard...ahhh!" Taly doesn't wait for Xenia to finish her sentence, instead swiftly replacing her finger with her cock. The dungeon master hadn't mentioned this part before, having clothed the monster before the others arrived, but there was another reason she felt confident that the monster's seed was...potent.

The boss's cock and balls were gigantic. Oh, sure, she could play around with the scale of things to some degree if she wished, but even at its default size, the Rabbit Patriarch was an easy foot-long sample of man meat. On top of that, Xenia may have...scaled things up an extra few inches, just as a personal surprise to whoever ended up driving the thing around. She hadn't expected to be the recipient of her own work, but now that she is, she can feel her avatar form doing some very rapid re-adjustments to handle the organ spreading her out.

Taly seems rather surprised, having not fully noticed herself just how large her new form was. "Holy hells, Xenia - what did you arm me with here!? I didn't just kill you, did I?" She's panicked enough to drop her roleplay already, and Xenia turns her head to give a comforting smile.

"Don't...don't worry. Lollyp and I stress-tested this baby a long time ago, you couldn't hurt me in this form if you tried. So...daddy. Want to finish giving me my...reward?"

"Ah, you got it. Alright, baby...here it comes. Daddy's got a special treat just for you..." Adjusting her grip to Xenia's thighs, Taly more carefully begins to lower Xenia down onto her cock the rest of the way, and both of the women groan as the organ pushes its way inside. "Wow, baby...you feel so good. So nice and wet..."

"Rabbit-Daddy feels good too. I'm so full..." Xenia runs a hand along her stomach, judging how far inside her it must have gone, but before she can finish Taly begins to lift her legs upwards. She doesn't go the full way, but a good six or seven inches of rabbit-dick expose themselves from her folds for a brief moment before Taly brings her back down, hilting herself inside the dungeon master once again. "Ah! Tal - Daddy!"

"You can call me by my name if you like, sweet. In fact, I like the way it sounds coming from you when you're like this. Let me hear it some more?" Even as she speaks she doesn't stop lifting Xenia up and down, and it takes a few more cycles for Xenia to recover her breath enough to respond - despite the fact that the dungeon master doesn't even need to breathe.

"Ah! Taly! God, I haven't taken such a big dick in - ah! Lifetimes! Taly!" After managing that, the only word that manages to escape Xenia's lips for the next several minutes continues to be 'Taly', and the expression on her face as she utters it somehow manages to make the Rogue swell with pride and lust a little more every time it happens. Eventually, feeling close to bursting, she adjusts her grip so that one muscular arm is wrapped around the woman's waist while the other grabs her by the neck, turning her head in Taly's direction. She takes her boss in a kiss then, which makes it difficult for Xenia to remind Taly of their purpose here.

With a muffled groan, Taly the Patriarch unloads into her master, balls clenching over and over as they pump the avatar full of possibly-potent seed. Eventually, Xenia manages to pull back and admonish the boss. "Taly! We - we need the sample!"

"Shit! Sorry, I got kind of, uh...caught up, there."

Xenia laughs. "No fuckin' kidding, I kind of noticed. Hold on though, I think I can salvage this." Patting Taly's arm to let Taly know to release her, she then hurries over to where she left the cup. The Rogue doesn't quite catch a look at what Xenia does, but when the dungeon master turns around she holds a cup almost overflowing with cum in her hands. "Hot damn! Almost tempted to have Guy rename you a Cum Monster!"

"Wow, that's...you actually got all that out?"

Xenia winks. "Avatar tricks, they come in handy sometimes. And now that we've gotten what we need...I'm getting the impression you're still up for another 'fun' round." She looks meaningfully at Taly's cock, still entirely erect.

"You said it. And I'd still like to try out one or two more tricks with these muscles of mine, so if you don't mind..."

Xenia sets the cup aside again and lifts her arms with a smile. "Manhandle away, Daddy."

"Haha, okay, maybe that one's getting old fast. But don't worry, I think I can keep your mouth busy either way..." Taly wastes no more time in coming over and scooping Xenia up once again, but this time she flips the woman around so that Xenia's eye-level with her massive rabbit-cock. Xenia gets the idea quickly, but even so, Taly still reaches down with a massive palm and grabs hold of Xenia's head, forcing her mouth directly onto Taly's dick. For almost any other woman, even a monster, such a move would certainly result in immediate choking and gagging or more, given that the organ is almost as thick as the woman's neck is.

Xenia however has already long since proven her lack of physical limits, and the beast slides down her throat without issue. She does still sputter and gag slightly, but Taly gets the impression it's largely for effect - not that she minds being fooled. Given the disparity in their current heights she's not quite able to return the favor, Xenia's still-wet pussy a bit far out of reach of her lips, but she does manage to finagle her other hand into position to give Xenia a good clit-stroking as she continues to facefuck the spirit.

It's Xenia who ends up climaxing first from that position, her cunt once again clamping down on furry intruding fingers, but the Patriarch's refractory period seems to be close to nil as well. Taly actually tries to hold herself back, but it doesn't last for long. Once Xenia starts using her own hands to fondle Taly's massive balls - so large she practically needs a hand for each one - she barely lasts a minute, and her dick begins to fire off into whatever passes for Xenia's stomach. After a long series of deep swallows Xenia taps to be set back down again, and after another stumble towards the table, there's soon a second sealed container sitting next to the first. Taly eyes the somewhat-sticky cup with some amusement.

"One not enough for Lollyp, you think?"

"Hey, can't hurt, and better than letting it go to waste, yeah?" Xenia grins, then raises an eyebrow as she eyes Taly again. "...Still at full mast, huh?"

"Well, you know, this is my first time with a dick, and there's still at least one thing I haven't experienced yet..." This time both of Xenia's eyebrows rise, and Taly gives a devious grin, only somewhat marred by her rabbit teeth. "Bend over the bed and spread 'em, missy."

"That's Dungeon Master Missy to you, rabbit boy." Regardless of her words, Xenia does exactly as asked, planting her face down onto the nearby mattress as both hands reach back to spread her buttcheeks. The now-tall Taly has to crouch slightly to line herself up, but she's well-motivated to make it work, and it's not long before her oversized organ is spreading the avatar's anus open wide. "Oh! Fuck! It doesn't hurt any, but it's still - Jesus Christ!"

"Just the sort of reaction I was hoping to hear." Taly grabs hold of Xenia's waist, her hands easily wrapping the whole way around, and as soon as she's - somehow - fully hilted inside the squirming woman she begins to pick her up and lift her back and forth. In a way, it entirely fails as an educational experience - on a real woman Taly would probably be penetrating her poor partner's lungs right about now - but it's certainly not an experience the Rogue has any intentions of complaining about. Certainly, the physical sensations of fucking her master's ass are incredible. Yet that still doesn't compare at all to the arousal that comes from the knowledge that she's fucking her master in the ass, and in a way that makes strap-ons pale in comparison.

Though it's not always the ideal afterlife, there are certainly moments that make Taly think she must have died and gone to one of the nicer gods' heavens.

Xenia continues to yelp, moan, and squirm for the next five minutes as her floor boss uses her like a fucktoy, and yet again she somehow manages to come first, her legs trembling as they attempt to wrap around Taly's waist. This time Taly makes no attempt to hold back on her end, having a feeling that her opportunity for pleasure isn't about to to come to a stop anytime soon, and she quickly follows Xenia up by pumping the woman's butt full of her third load of the evening.

Once again, Xenia crawls over and slams a third sealed cup down on the nearby table a moment later, treating it like some sort of trophy she'd just won. And going by the look on her face as she turns back towards Taly, it's clearly not the last she intends to 'win' tonight. "Alright...now it's time to really stress-test this model out..."



Early the next morning, a re-banshee'd Taly stops by Lollyp's apartment with a knock on the door. "Special delivery for Alchemist Lollyp!"

Lollyp laughs as she answers the door. "Haha, sure, just hand it - Taly, that's not a sample cup. That's a crate."

"Yeah? You want it or not?"

Giving Taly a bit of a look, Lollyp flips the crate open and leans over for a look inside. Without a word, she then closes the crate again and looks up at the Rogue.

"Tell Xenia I want to be the rabbit tonight."

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